#Kaiju Tournament
multiversius · 2 years
Kaiju Tournament
So, let us introduce our competitors!
The King of the Monsters: Godzilla
The First Enemy Space Monster: Bemular
The Queen of the Monsters: Mothra
The Prince of the Monsters: Gomora
The Venomous Spider Monster: Kumonga
The Armored Ravager: Anguirus
The Ultimate Destroyer: Mechagodzilla
The Fire Demon: Rodan
The Guardian Of The Universe: Gamera
The Transcendent Space Dinosaur: Zetton
The Evil God Ryuseicho: Iris
The Super Flying Dragon: Megaguirus
The Symbiotic Queen: Legion
The Supersonic Genetic Monster: Hyper-Gyaos
The Composite Space Monster: Orga
The Anti-G Superweapon: Supermechagodzilla
The Skull Monster: Red King
The Cyborg Monster Zero: Mecha-King Ghidorah
The Destroyer of All Living Beings: Destoroyah
The Bodyguard Monster: Black King
The Giant Evil Monster: Guiron
The Twin-Headed Monster: Pandon
The Super-Mobile Combining Weapon: MOGUERA
The Chilling Monster: Barugon
The Demon Sea Monster: Dagahra
The Aquatic Freezing Monster: Lagoras
The Super Combined Monster: Super Grand-King
The Space Pedanium Robot: King Joe
The Guardian of the Seatopians: Megalon
The Civil Judgementer: Galactron
The Earth's Conquering Weapon: Mechagodzilla 2
The Cybernetic Terror: Gigan
The Empire Machine Soldier: Legionoid
The Super Space Monster: Monster X
The Subterranean Fierce King: Baragon
The Inferno-Demon Monster: Fire Golza
The Guardian Beast: Mothra Leo
The Unparalleled Iron God: Inpelaizer
The Space Dicharge Monster: Eleking
The Combat Creature from Space: Spacegodzilla
The Destructive Monster: Mons-Ahgar
The Regeneration Monster: Saramandora
The Dark Subterranean Monster: Telesdon
The Growing Creature: Zedus
The Horror of The Deep: Ebirah
The Dual Blade Mantis Monster: Kamacuras
The Electronic Robot: Jet Jaguar
The King Of Skull Island: King Kong
The Living Extiction Machine Monster: King Ghidorah
The Space Vampire Monster: Gymaira
The Ancient Parasite Queen: Muto 3 (Barb)
The Frozen Titan: Scylla
The Life Creating Monster: Behemoth
The Continent Monster: Methuselah
The Guardian of Okinawa: King Caesar
The Missile Terrible Monster: Verokron
The Moth Terrible Monster: Doragory
The Single-Horned Terrible Monster: Vakishim
The Hitman Terrible Monster: Baraba
The Giant Ant Terrible Monster: Aribunta
The Full Moon Terrible Monster: Lunaticks
The Poisonous Demon Beast: Jiger
The X from Outer Space: Guilala
The Deep Sea Space Monster: Zigra
The Space Divided Monster: Viras
The Magnetic Ancient Monster: Antlar
The Combat Beast of Destruction: Battra
The Despot Monster from the Vengeful Undead Monsters: Tyrant
The Ultra-Ancient Dragon: Melba
The Super Space Combat Beast: Super C.O.V
The Comet Monster: Dorako
The Hatred Fish Monster: Zoa Muruchi
The Super Synthetic Monster: Neo Darambia
The Absorber Space Monster: Bemstar
The Planet Eater Mega Lord Monster: Maga-Orochi
The Multipurpose Fight System Type-3: Kiryu
The Giant Sea Dragon Monster: Manda
The Invisible Monster: Neronga
The Legendary Monster: Yonggary
The TDG Combined Monster: Five King
The Bio-Beast: Biollante
The Subterranean Predator: Gudon
The Super Space Demon Beast: Desghidorah
The Cosmos Eater: Leugocyte
The Ultimate Terrible Monster: U-Killersaurus
The Freezerburn Space Sea Monster: Reicubas
The One-Eye Strange Creature: Gan-Q
The Huge Sea Turtle: Kamoebas
The Subterranean Ferocious Monster: Pagos
The Transformation Monster: Gazort
The Amphibious Dinosaur: Titanosaurus
The Wild Fierce Monster: Horoboros
The Molten Iron Monster: Demaaga
The Petrification Evil Monster: Gargorgon
The Ferocious Space Shark: Genegarg
The Destructive Fierce Dragon: Deathdrago
The Winged Membrane Dragon: Varan
The Primeval Fierce Dragon: Gorosaurus
The Ultimate Disaster Monster: Hellberus
The Dark Lord of the Monsters: Bagan
You can Choose 2-5 Monsters to fight the Others
Do NOT take only too much OP Monster, make a BALANCED TEAM not to make the others mad
May The Games Start
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Propaganda under the cut
Donkey/Dragon - Shrek
A donkey fucks a dragon and they have mutant babies together. It’s one of the best love stories out there.
Godzilla/Mothra - Godzilla (all media types)
No submitted propaganda
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ROUND 1: PETER RABBIT (the tale of peter rabbit) GODZILLA (godzilla)
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Submitted by @theneonghosts
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Round 1b, Match 13: Kaiju vs. Virtual World vs. Synchro Dragon
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Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju // Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen // Crystal Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
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thehollyraven · 1 month
Fitaphilim, may I boop you?
Also- has Holly introduced you to your Other Fandom Big Siblings, Tenrō, Eikthynir, and Nijirah yet?
fitaphim: I don’t know… they sound familiar, though! Maybe I’ve read about them in a book… they sound cool!
Also, um… who’s Holly?
(had to redo this one booooooooo)
(bonus doodle under the cut!)
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bracketsoffear · 2 months
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Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters (ed. Tim Marquitz and Nickolas Sharps) "From the forward: "Enter Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters. This collection of Kaiju shorts continues the traditions begun by Kaiju pioneers, bringing tales of destruction, hope and morality in the form of giant, city destroying monsters. Even better, the project was funded by Kickstarter, which means you, Dear Reader, made this book possible. And that is a beautiful thing. It means Kaiju, in pop-fiction, are not only alive and well, they’re stomping their way back into the spotlight, where they belong. Featuring amazing artwork, stories from some of the best monster writers around and a publishing team that has impressed me from the beginning, Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters is a welcome addition to the Kaiju genre and an anthology of epic proportions. My inner nine-year-old is shouting at me to shut-up and let you get to the Kaiju. So, without further delay, let’s all enjoy us some Kaiju Rising."
Notable for the fact the majority of the stories within are downer-ending horror short-stories versus more upbeat monster-fighting ones. Several also tackle concepts of an unstoppable, implacable force, themes of religious horror, and other Vast-aligned concepts."
The Kraken (Alfred, Lord Tennyson) "Link to the poem
Vivid imagery of deep-sea colossi and the enormous weight of the ocean and eternity."
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wanthre · 11 months
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crusaderguy · 7 months
Last one was a tie so I chose the version of Godzilla that I think would win.
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jcticecream · 1 year
Kaiju Paradise Tournament!
Let’s see which gootraxian is Tumblr’s favorite!
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theshadychamp · 2 months
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What’s a tournament without a kaiju fight?
Day 27 of Dragon Ball Madness!
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bestfurryhusband · 4 months
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myfaveisfuckable · 3 months
Wei WuXian:
Every bitch in the universe wants his pussy so bad it's embarrassing. Male and female. Nobody can stop thinking about him for 20 years. The most celibate man in the world became obsessed with him, psychologically and sexually. His pussy knows no bounds.
* canon in my heart* no pussy but he be serving cunt ngl* I know bc I ate him behind a defunct dennys
Hua Cheng:
Ghost king baby! He rules a city entirely for the undead and is very good at it, his sword is sentient and also made of his eye, he's been in love with a fallen god for 800 years and is the biggest simp in history. He built the god a temple and 1000 statues, one big enough to fight the main villain kaiju-style in the final battle. Hua Cheng is commonly headcanoned as trans since his birth name is unknown & he literally built himself a whole new body after his undeath. At first he's afraid to show his bf his true form out of fear of being judged, which is very trans coded as well. Hua Cheng has been serving absolute cunt for 8 centuries and doesn't intend to stop.
* canon in my heart* no pussy but he be serving cunt ngl
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cryptidanathema · 3 months
Why I like them: Yeah he's hot, extremely entertaining and has great fashion sense but at the end of the day what I adore the most is that he's so stubbornly and unapologetically himself despite The Horrors. 
Why I don’t: They took my man's vocal chords 😔 Also I wish we got to see more of Spikemuth than just his alleyway and stage 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): He was in like one episode of any of the animes so that one I guess? Good ole Mournful Piers... 
Favorite season/movie: See above. 
Favorite line: Is "all of them" too much of a copout...? Guy's one snarky beautiful bastard through and through. Even when his dialogue's not particularly notable it's still an excuse to stare at him 
Favorite outfit: As cringe as Gacha games and the way they exploit FOMO to get all your dollars are you REALLY can't go wrong with Sygna Piers. His painted nails.... 
OTP: Piers/Raihan and Piers/Raihan/Leon all the way, sorry for being basic 😔 Something about thier whole dynamic is just, incredibly and profoundly pleasing, especially after the Star Tournament got added. Piers and Rai TOTALLY NOT FLIRTING when facing each other, Piers kind of taking Leons little bro under his wing...even in the base game Raihan shoots his shot *in the middle of a Kaiju rampage* and Piers sure does have somewhere to be quickly once all that nonsense is resolved...
Brotp: Several. Leon in the timelines Leon's not part of the polycule. Prehaps more controversially, a poster exists that implies he and Opal get along better than thier Galarian Star Tournament dialogue makes it seem so I think it might be fun if Bede wasn't the only feisty queer moron she's mentored. And also an..."interesting" fic I read once had he and Nessa be besties and as much as that fic was An Experience they were kinda cute together in it 
Head Canon: Many, but my main one is that his season was the same one as Leon and Raihan's and they hung out several times much like Marnie does with Gloria and Hop. Little 11 year old Raihan in particular had a fairly restrictive and shitty home life where he was subjected to immense and stifling pressure so of course he thought this scrawny little punk kid from Spikemuth was THE COOLEST and was kind of starstruck whenever thier paths crossed. No I don't have an ulterior motive for headcanoning this why do you ask /j
Unpopular opinion: "Greasy chaos demon that would knife anyone for 5 quid" memes are fun but aren't  really reflective of what we get in canon. Guy's soul is a latte /ref 
A wish: He shows up in a future game (and we finally get to hear him sing). Hopefully he's happier if it's a timeskip, guy deserves to rest and do things for himself for once. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: He shows up in a future Legends game. 
5 words to best describe them: Uh, "tired as fuck special guy?"
My nickname for them: oies, the rodent
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kaijuposting · 10 months
Average Pacific Rim Imagines: The World Keeps Moving
Robots built for small robot tournaments often resemble jaegers, if they aren't just designed to look like miniature versions of famous jaegers.
In the US, midwestern cities swell in size as people leave coastal areas. Of course, these are just the ones who can afford to move. Many poorer residents remain stuck. Also, poorer residents of midwestern towns are evicted as landlords prepare to welcome wealthier residents.
You watch a kaiju scientist you follow on social media grow increasingly frustrated as they find themselves explaining repeatedly that kaiju are not reptiles because they're aliens and therefore not part of the class reptilia.
You know how there's tornado chasers? There are kaiju chasers. They follow kaiju around from a hopefully safe distance and make videos, take observations, etc.
Coastal cities pass ordinances prohibiting the construction of tall buildings near the coast. Not that anyone wants to build them anyway; the insurance rates are excruciating and few people want to live or run their business there.
You know of a guy on social media who has successfully predicted every kaiju arrival. The PPDC has seemingly taken no notice of him. He's also not a kaiju spiritualist; in fact, he seems like a pretty normal guy.
Controversy exists over whether to recycle the iron in old jaeger hulls into new buildings (such as housing, perhaps), new jaegers, or to leave the jaegers intact as historical relics.
Due to kaiju attack risk and the corrosive effects of kaiju blue on cargo ships, the cost of international shipping goes up. Any product that is or was shipped across the Pacific drastically raises in price. Many products you took for granted skyrocket out of your price range.
As the jaeger program fails, an arrogant billionaire claims that if it was privatized under his company, he could make it work. He describes his plans to optimize the jaeger program. They would never work.
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bracketsoffear · 2 months
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Vast Leitner Tournament Round 1
Kaiju Rising vs. The Kraken
Horton Hears a Who! vs. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Clickers vs. Moby Dick
The Gravity Keeper vs. George's Secret Key to the Universe
Kaleidoscope vs. Thang
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea vs. Gulliver's Travels
Piranesi vs. The Nothing Equation
From Below vs. Deeplight
Nightfall vs. Night Watch
The Song of the Stormy Petrel vs. Of the City of the Saved...
El Aleph vs. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Long Earth vs. The Jaunt
Maelstrom II vs. A Descent into the Maelström
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner vs. The Forbidden World
The Terror vs. Underland
El Eternauta vs. Dagon
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