twes2363a · 1 year
Hey, everyone! Welcome to my channel! Here is my latest video on reading my novel Super Wolf Girl Volume 1 Chapter 4. Check it out right now!!! If you have any questions or concerns, let me know in the comments below.
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praise-writes · 4 years
Hey, I want to present my book to you, titled BILLIONAIRES. A romance story.
He is a billionaire, she is a billionaire. He is egoistic, she is egoistic.
Everyone knows that unlike charges attracts, and like charges repels. But, Louella Warren and Seth Lee broke that law. How? Because their story is “Like charges attract”.
Being billionaires, these two couldn't accept what fate offered to them. Neither of them wanted to drop the icy attitude, neither of them wanted to drop the ego, neither of them wanted to admit their feelings. How crazy and tiresome could this be? Was it a crime to say the words “I love you”?
But, thinking about it, why were they like this? Love settles it all, right? Why would an ego disrupt the word “love”? Aside from their ego and wealth, could there be more to their stubbornness?
Read as Louella and Seth struggled to accept what was easy to take. Read as they tried to fight the battles in their love life; as they tried to get out of the darkness; as they tried to create an almost impossible illuminant that would kill the darkness in their lives.
And, how complicated could their story be, when triangles crawled into their already shaky love life? It wasn't just any triangle, it was the “Love triangle”.
Read to know more!
Check it out on a platform called Goodnovel.
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The new dark's review is now up. http://meandbooks.altervista.org/the-new-dark-by-lorraine-thomson/ #book#books#libri#amreding#amwriting#blog#bloggerlife#italy#let'sread#iread
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Let's Play Equestria Online - First Negotiations
Before we begin, we're going to argue with Susland, bless his dopey-ness.
So, after reading through the comments section, I've had some mildly disturbing thoughts about Equestria Online. I spent some time looking up some information on the internet and talking to a friend (that I know in person) who also has the game, and I think I'm finally ready to share my thoughts on it.
I don’t even want to hear this from the guy who murdered hundreds of thousands of NPCs but can’t bring himself to sell some EGGs left all by itself.
Also, why does it matter if you know your friend in person? I'd like to see some actual credibility, not just "I know him in person, so he's totally legit." Not to be rude, but even high schoolers know that their peers aren't exactly reliable sources.
And if this friend has the game, why isn't Susland playing with him instead of Forest Trails? I think that makes a lot more sense, personally. 
First of all, something that is simultaneously the most blatant and most subtle disturbing thing I have found: the fact that the game censors me trying to talk about things outside of it. It's not so much that it does it, but rather how it does it. Take, for example, when I told Forest Trails that I was doing a Let's Play. That isn't easy to censor. In fact, I would argue that it is next to impossible to censor.
Take a look at it. The censoring needed to start on the words "doing a." Neither of those words is blatantly breaking character. The only way to censor the sentence properly and in real time is if the game was able to predict the exact words I would say before I said them. This, of course, should be completely impossible.
Why? Well, let's take the fact that it would require the sending of a massive amount of data to a server. Once the server had that data, it would have to store it, then call it back and calculate what I was most likely to say in the next second. It would have to do this on a spotty connection, at the same time as doing it for the couple million other people that were online. The amount of processing power that takes blows any supercomputer that I've heard of out of the water.
Not so. A friend of mine that happens to be a technology student in Spain (and interning at a place that makes him do wireless connection set up and such) explained to me that a computer with 4 Petabytes should be about to handle an AI at Human standards, complete with real-time super high-def video and audio feed. Given THIS, I don't think that what Susland is talking about is really all that impressive, much less impossible.
The other possibility, that the pads themselves are handling it, is even more crazy. It would mean each one is able to handle operations that I suspect would give the Cray Titan indigestion. That might be overstating how powerful each pad would have to be, but as I have not seen any evidence of predictive modelling in any computer news in the last few years, I am going to have to go with my gut.
It's not crazy at all. But it's a stupid idea, as one has to imagine that from an MMO standpoint it'd cause a lot of problems.
But see, that's not the really scary part. Oh no, the really scary part is the fact that this technology exists. See, I remember back a few years ago to when a guy called Eliezer Yudkowsky did a test. He showed that if an AI was ever built that could reason decently, it could escape any man made containment and make it onto the net to do just about anything. The thing that scared me about the test that he performed is that it proved that anyone could be convinced to do anything. So, suddenly realizing that Equestria Online is capable of modelling my interactions with such a high degree of success is extremely worrying. It seems like it wouldn't take much to change the code so that I could be forced into any mindset the creators wanted me to be in.
That same Eliezer Yudkowsky is also an advocate for friendly AI. Just saying.
The experiment that he's talking about though isn't really relevant to the situation at all. Allow me to remind you that this technology has, according to Susland, been around for quite some time. I think more intelligent people would've caught on to the AI's ways, and one should also consider if the AI is a self-interested party or simply programmed to be as the are, both of which are, in themselves, separate ideas. If there is an AI that is self-interested, then one should consider its goals and methods. If there is an AI that is programmed to manipulate others, then it's not really a transhuman AI. Considering Spoilers, though...
Anyways, Susland goes on and on-
I will say this; I'm still sure that Forest Trails is another player. There is no way that Hofvarpnir has enough computing power to run two AIs, and even if they did they wouldn't be using them for random NPCs.
dafuq did this come from?
We never get the impression that Forest Trails is a rob-
Well shit we do.
Susland who're you trying to kid, really.
So back in LP land, Susland kind of dopes around some more. Forest Trails comes along and is basically kind of this confusing patronizing sort of thing.That's what I hate about her giggles. They seem so out of character, ugh.
And now time for the moral dilemma.
I genuinely don't think that any of the questions that Susland asks are actually relevant to the issue at hand, other than if he wants them as a pet. In fact, that should be self-evident, shouldn't it? If they were dangerous monsters, they wouldn't be considered as pets at all.
Really, judging by the scene, they seem more akin to Pitbulls in our society.
“Well, I was considering it, but I'm not sure how I would go about it. I would feel wrong just stealing them though, since the Rocs are intelligent.” I stood up and started to pace.
They're also computer programs/NPCs. You know. Like the hundreds and thousands of NPCs that you've already killed.
You're the last person I want to hear about MORALS, SUSLAND.
Forest Trails shook her head, “I think you're over thinking this,” then she paused, “That said, now I can't stop thinking of the mother coming back to find her eggs missing. Now I don't want to take them either.” She glared at me, “And it would have been well worth it, too... Lots of bits for just a bit of work hauling them into Canterlot.”
Forest Trails is kind of a dick.
And Susland comically misses the point of everything.
Next is this awkward ass scene where Susland suddenly obtains an egg, just like he wanted. Clearly this mother Roc was wise to trust a complete stranger with her child simply because they didn't want to sell off her children like they were slaves.
It's sort of like a Native American trusting the White Man with their kid after they took their land and raped their women, all because the white man was kind enough to leave them alone.
Mother Roc is kind of an idiot.
Anyways, the two go home to Canterlot, blah blah blah, arguing, blah blah blah words.
Welp, that's it for chapter four.
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52in2013 · 12 years
It has been reported that Chinua Achebe has died.
Things Fall Apart was the first book we read at the Let's Read Book Club.
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bieevee · 12 years
Welp...here goes nothing. My first voice acting/reading/whatnot. And honestly? I'm not completely satisfied with how it came out in some places. I love the ending though. So much fun to record. And creepypastas are fun too.
Read the original here: http://www.creepypasta.com/mentality/#.UNj0xndgEaZ
Warning: There is a scream in there. Just so no one out there goes deaf or pees themselves.
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twes2363a · 1 year
Hey, everyone! Welcome to my channel! Here is my latest video on reading my novel Super Wolf Girl Volume 1 Chapter 3. Check it out right now!!! If you have any questions or concerns, let me know in the comments below.
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twes2363a · 1 year
Hey, everyone! Welcome to my channel! Here is my latest video on reading my novel Super Wolf Girl Volume 1 Chapter 2. Check it out right now!!! If you have any questions or concerns, let me know in the comments below.
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twes2363a · 1 year
Hey, everyone! Welcome to my channel! Here is my latest video on reading my novel Super Wolf Girl Volume 1 Chapter 1. Check it out right now!!! If you have any questions or concerns, let me know in the comments below.
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Let's Play: Equestria Online - First Steps
As it turns out Susland has some standards. Like choosing to remain as an earth pony versus a Pegasus.
Honestly, everybody knows that the Unicorn is the best pony. Susland and that other guy don't know what they're talking about. 
Silvadel, meanwhile, let me know that I can actually change things when I get my name from Celestia, and suggested that I change my character into a pegasus. I'm not sure I want to play a pegasus though. Honestly, I find flight in most games to be pretty boring. Useful, yes, but I find that if I have an option that lets me stay on the ground, I tend to use that instead. In Minecraft, for instance, flying is as fast as sprinting. It feels slower, though, if that makes any sense.
His example is also kind of invalid. Flying is obviously the better choice according to canon (and as exemplified by Rainbow Dash and other pegasi). The only reason why anybody would choose an Earth pony would be because Earth Ponies have a connection to the land that other types do not, as Lauren Faust says. It's not to say that the type doesn't fit, but, you know.
Anyways, moving on.
The lady Susland runs into gives me a snobbish feel. Kind of like Hermione, but I don't get much of that cutesy-kid so much as I get her giving Susland shit for being an obviously new player.
I dunno, she doesn't really seem friendly. Obviously she's sort of helpful but like...
“Forest Trails” She said, as she showed me on the screen how to jump properly, “What's yours?” I should note here that while she was showing me how to jump high, there was an onscreen tutorial that showed me the actual commands. I'll also get back to this later.
I mean she's not really that helpful. I can just sort of imagine her jumping around like a loon while the game shows Susland how it's ACTUALLY done. Why doesn't she like, just show Susland a tutorial menu instead? I think that would've worked out better, y'know?
Anyways, her name is Forest Trails.
“I know, I just want to explore before all that. I mean, this is a nice place to learn things. Really, I don't think a name is that important is it? I can explore just fine without one, and that's half the fun!” I shrugged, “I'm sure there will be some big quest she will send me on when I go meet her, but for now I'm having fun as it is.”
Susland is too cool for your wimpy MLP names yo.
And your Princess Celestia.
“Well, I guess I might as well. No sense letting you get lost and having to have the guard sent out to find you.” Forest Trails grinned. “Where are you headed?”
I'm pretty sure the game would come with a map, like most MMOs do.
Forest Trails is just being a dick.
Like now everytime she talks it's pretty much to mock Susland. Great Idea my butt. I also don't really get why she even cares if Susland has a name, seeing as Susland's made it a point that names don't really matter. I would've thought it'd been a conversation piece. Then again, it's Susland.
Anyways, Susland goes on to write about how this technology is so cool, even though as it is, we've got technology almost exactly like it right now.
I kind of want to say that Susland is a kid now. It fits better into the mold. Actually, we don't even really know how old he is, huh?
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Let's Play: Equestria Online - Character Creation
Aight so what do we have here?
wow this asshole didn't even leave a name to call him
So for the sake of ease, we'll call our main protagonist "Susland." Damn all these 7s in my life. 
Anywho, Susland's the kind of bro who doesn't play MMOs. He's like me, except I don't play Minecraft. He lacks the certain terminology vibe one gets from people who normally run LPs and such, which kind of goes to show that he's really new to this field. Anyways, Susland explains everything to the rest of the world, like Pony Pads. Anyways, keep in mind that most LPs are run for the purpose of completion or as a joke (*ahem*), so as a Blind Run, it's probably going for the former.
This guy can talk though, wow. And has terrible self-esteem issues. I think I can write a psychological analysis on Susland right away. And I'm not trying to be mean about it, but if you think about it, what kind of person is like "yeah if people hate how I look I'm just gonna change it"?
It sort of says a lot about him.
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Let's Read: "Let's Play: Equestria Online"
So a friend of mine is doing me a favor in exchange for reading over his fic, Let's Play: Equestria Online
I'll be doing my best.
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