#lets go be sad together kidz
ginjones · 2 years
A playlist from Dream's perspective with all the wrought emotions that brings.
They are sleepy songs, songs about dreams and songs that are themetically melancholic and otherworldly. It's a playlist about descending, not necessarily on your own volition, to experience what you need to learn. There are spoken word samples, discordant loops and the feeling of being underwater, in caves and in coal pits.
It's a vain attempt to share the music and artists I love but also share feelings and all The Feels (with a capital F).
Daydream: Radiohead
"Dreamers, they never learn. Beyond the the point, of no return"
Formation 1: Field Works, Stuart Hyatt
Spoken word sample-descending into a cave
Death Dream-Frightened Rabbit (TW: mentions of Suicide)
This is a very person choice for me as Scott Hutichison was an incredible Scottish lyricist who is deeply missed by the Scottish indie community and I want to encourage anyone who doesn't know Frightened Rabbit to give them a further listen.
Could never be Heaven-Brand New
"Can you speak my secret name and fix me?" The 2nd verse and bridge are a wonderfully conceptualised ode to dreams
The Pit-Public Service Broadcasting
I like to imagine this song as a nightmare about coalpits and confinement....plus the song slaps so...
Song to the Siren-This Mortal Coil
eighties goth at its finest and most thrilling
"I'm a foolish, fragile spine. I want all that is not mine. I want him, but we're not right"
Twinkling-Black Wing
"No lie: You're the only I care about, the only one I hope stays alive. And I'll die before I ever say those words aloud."
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jannahime · 1 month
For the flowers sent to Hybe, they were sent by an anti who wants to "punish" Yoongi. The flowers were declared a form of illegal protest and were taken down within the hour and the person who sent it is getting a fine for it. Almost 100% of the time, it's not Army who is sending protest wreaths or flowers but antis who want to make Army look bad. The company has said Yoongi leaving the band isn't even an option on their mind and besides; Namjoon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook would never agree to continue on without Yoongi. For them, it's 7 or none.
Thank you so much for clearing this up for me it helped a lot @ahhockey . (*this next part isn’t directed to you @ahhockey , this me talking about Solo Stan’s, Antis, and Shippers.*) It’s just sad some anti’s have to act out this way and you know embarrass themselves like. Like I get it, the Anti doesn’t like BTS then move on Anti, but it’s just sad as we are all lovers of K-pop lovers or k-pop enthusiasts that love K-pop, Can’t sometimes come together as a family with the K-pop community you know not just for BTS but for, Stray Kidz, Black Pink, Red Velvet, Seventeen, Enhypen, Shinee, New Jeans, TXT, NCT, Monsta X, you know all these wonderful and amazing K-pop artists (sorry if I didn’t mention other ones those were the ones that came at the top of my head.) and support each other. Because yes they maybe different artists or groups but they all sure as hell are always making us feel happy, you now feeling joy, and are like what gets some us through with some hard days or weeks or months and even years. I really wish fans from other groups would get along with other fans, and the same goes shippers, and solo Stan’s, (*Again not all shippers and solo Stans are like this. But some shippers and Solo stans do take it too far. And I’m talking about the ones who take it too far.*) like I get the shipping that you like to ship but in most cases sometimes things go too far and it really gets to the point where they start attacking other members for hanging out with the ones they ship, you can’t just tell them to fuck off, it’s wrong first of all to tell the idols that and shippers and solo Stans of fans from every group, in k-pop you damn sure as hell know that without any of the rest of the group members they wouldn’t be Black pink, Seventeen, TXT, Monsta X, New jeans, Red velvet, Shinee, BTS, etc. (*you get the point.*) put yourself in there shoes….you wouldn’t like it if someone did the same thing to you, you wouldn’t feel good, as someone who has been bullied before I know the feeling that they go through when someone doesn’t say something nice, and you can see it clear as day on all of the members faces. Especially the one member who is getting hate. Don’t be that top of person. This is a k-pop community that supports all K-pop groups, Be kind and respectful not just to one another but to group and its members. They all work hard not just for themselves but to see us happy and to cheer them on. So please enough with the hate, enough with the malice, and enough with the harassment, this includes stalkers-Sasaengs. Enough is enough. No more thinking that y’all are entitled to do whatever you want, you know damn well that ain’t fucking true, get it in your heads that your idols don’t belong to you, they are not property, they are human beings who have feelings and live normal lives outside of the fame, y’all aren’t entitled to anything, do not put them on pedestals nor worship them as gods and goddesses because they are human beings with feelings, and it’s a shame that some of them have to come out and tell you straight up to basically let them be, don’t be so shameless and embarrass yourself like that in harassing/stalking them. Be better, do better. And if some of y’all get offended by this well I’m sorry, but I’m not saying anything bad, all I’m saying as we are all a part of the K-pop community, we all should come together and support each other and all K-pop groups. I’m sure I’m going to get some hate from some people but hey. It’s not an offense it’s your view on how you view this, but I don’t see anything wrong because I spoke clearly. And once again thank you @ahhockey for helping me understand the BTS article. I greatly appreciate it.
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-I will get into chronological order in a second but first, a rant: FITZ WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HOW DO YOU THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA OH MY GOD FITZ WHAT IN THE EVERLOVING-
-okay more on that later
- Glad to see no one died between book one and two, everyone is back and sexier than before of course except for Regal who was already the sexiest bitch in Buck keep
- just kidding y’all know that is Burrich
- I love how Robin Hobb decided we had to know that Burrich Fucks, I appreciate that of her
-Fitz is, as always, a complete dumbass. I’m starting to think that this is not just a temporary situation anymore
-Kettricken is really incredible, I may need to jump on the Kettricken simp train (although I’m more of a Patience lady myself I gotta say)
- This isn’t really an update but I keep thinking abiut how Galend used to say “you shall not have any contact with the opposite sex” like he wasn’t the only straight person in BuckKeep (well the only cishet at least except maybe for Shrewd)
Allow me to elaborate: Fitz and Molly? Bi. Hands? Gay. Burrich? Bi and not over his breakup with Chivalry. Patience? Bi and dating Lacey (lesbian). Verity and Kettricken are both trans, there is no way you can convince me otherwise. August is gay and repressed, which is different from Regal who is gay and homophobic. The fool is gender queer. Chivalry was pan. Chade is gay. The two girl classmates of Fitz one who became leader of the skilled kidz and the other who dropped out are dating, they broke up bc Galend’s psychological abuse had messed them up terribly but now they’re back together. (Update now I know more names, selene and justin both raging homos, truly evil stupid wlw/mlm solidariety). Will is gay too.
- OH I DESPERATELY WANT TO SEE BURRICH AND THE FOOL INTERACT I THINK THEY’D GET GET ALONG;; Burrich is friends with most of the young folk in Buckkeep, he’s a mentor to all of them and idk how old the fool is but I know they didn’t have that and they’re lonely as shit. They’re both done with every single person in BuckKeep and they both have at least one braincell, which is apparently extremely rare around here
-I love Fitz’s constant theme of “no one in BuckKeep knew. I was so furtive and secretive. No one could ever guess what I was doing” when he’s visiting either Night Eyes or Molly because I know all the folk in BuckKeep are like “ah shit there he goes again going to see that fucking wolf”
- MOLLY AND FITZ ARE SERIOUSLY SO DRAMATIC HDHENDJDJHFHDHC they gave me my fav scene ever though, where Molly and Fitz are doing their Dramatic Breakup Speech outside of Burrich’s room, while the Fool and Burrich are inside listening w a glass on the door like “shit- shit he’s coming in get away get away- Hello Fitz!”
- drunk fool was chaotic energy at its finest
- Patience and Kettricken keep being the absolute best I swear if Verity doesn’t come back I am marrying his wife myself
- ok everyone by now knows that I’m both a huge patience and burrich simp, but I will not believe for a second that they were in love, sorry Patience is in a happy relationship w Lacey and Burrich was always in love with Chivalry, I will not accept any other version of the story ❤️
- and now onto the sad part
- OKAY look I will tolerate any shit a character does, literally they could kill Fitz and I wouldn’t bat an eye but when Regal had the AUDACITY to order his men to hurt the Fool,,,, that was the irredeemable point of no return for me, Fuck regal all my homies hate regal
- I am growing extremely fond of the fool they’re the sweetest character so far I am honestly in love, also they’re smart thank god we needed someone with braincells near Fitz because that boy is a complete dumbass
- also the “Who did this to you.” scene after the fool got beaten up the first time,,,, I sense multishipping times nearing on the horizon
- when I tell you I cried my eyes out during Shrewd’s death,,,,,,,, not bc I care about the guy, pretty annoying as he was, but seeing the fool crying is not something I will ever recover from thanks
- everyone keeps saying that night eyes has the braincell out of him and Fitz but honestly!! That’s not true!! The wolf is a dumbass as well, it’s just that anyone put against Fitz would seem like a genius!!
- Fitz not realizing that Molly’s “the one I care most about” and Burrich’s “female friend who needs a hand” might,,, be related,,,,,,,,, lol
- idk if it’s actually like that but imagine how devastating it would be for Fitz to have his girlfriend stolen by his fucking DAD
or well father figure but still
- the way Fitz talks about Molly tho 💕💕
- The foreshadowing of Kettricken’s child actually being still born,,,,,,,,,,, I pretend I do not see
- The “let him go night eyes, he’s not yours” scene gave me chills tbh
- I’m manifesting some flashbacks of younger Chivalry, Verity, Patience and Burrich,,, I wanna see the dynamics,,,, don’t think I won’t write it myself if there aren’t any
- so yeah I have already started book three because I have no self control, every time Fitz skills out to Molly he gets a different picture of Burrich doing house work, if Fitz keeps this up he’ll be able to bless us all with the Hot Burrich Calendar we all deserve
Ending notes! I thought I would skip the liveship traders trilogy but everyone told me that it’s not a good idea so I’ll read everything in order :)
I am completely obsessed with these books please send help
Tagging some beautiful people @violetiris-ak @garnetrena @wolfofmars
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I know I cry a lot about Max, Nikki, and Neil but can I just say that I live for their dynamic? And imma just throw a lot of observations about them here and this may get incoherent but whatever?
1.) They're actually pretty touchy-feely with each other and god I never noticed until recently but like??? They a r e??? Like Neil putting his hand on Max's back in Jermy Fartz. Like how Max grabbed Nikki's hand and d r a g g e d her away from the danger in Night Of The Living Ill. Or how Nikki just kinda clung to Neil when she was sick in the episode Into Town. Or how Nikki grabbed the boys into a hug in the Christmas Special. Even as early as the first episode they were grabbing each other and Max put his arms around the other's shoulders to guide them away. I know a lot of us are like "they aren't really the publicly clingy or affectionate types" but the thing is that they really kinda are. We don't always see it because it's not called attention to all that often but next time you watch an episode that's heavily trio centred count how many times they touch each other casually and you'll see what I mean. For example, I counted four casual grabs and touches in Spooky Island. Which doesn't seem like much. Until you remember the fact that this is a ten minute episode, and that's a touch every 2.5 minutes on average. Which IS a lot. Not to mention how damn close they were. There were quite a few moments where I fully expected them to grab each other or something because they were just completely invading one another's personal space.
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Look how close they stand to one another. Compare this to normal conversation distance
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When in a conversation generally your attention is locked onto the other person. Generally you'll stand closer to someone if you're talking to them than if you're not. Yet the two images I showed you before are of Max, Nikki, and Neil NOT talking or even really acknowleging one another. Compare that to the screenshot of Nikki actually engaged in conversation with Jasper.
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If you thought maybe the former three images were just a perspective issue or something...no. Max, Nikki, and Neil genuinely do stand abnormally close. Look at this picture where Max and Nikki have literally no reason to leave a huge gap from Jasper yet they still do.
And when I said they disreguarded personal space I don't even mean standing this strangely close to each other?!? I mean like when Nikki threw herself two inches away from Max to the point where he jumped back a little. I mean like when Max pointed at Neil and Neil had to move his body a little because he was startled by how close it was. I mean like when Nikki leaned across Neil to jab her finger in Max's personal space, effectively getting abnormally touchy with both of them at the same time. Note that all these observations are from ONE EPISODE that's only ten minutes long! Imagine everything that could be observed if I went out of my way to check how touchy they were in every episode? This is especially impressive if we look at who we're talking about. Max is the type to reject touching from people. He's brushed off or shoved away other's who try to touch him multiple times. But not these two.
2.) Max is a l o t softer with Nikki and Neil than with anyone else. Again, let's take Spooky Island for example. When they discover the torture chamber, Max has absolutely no issues whatsoever telling Jasper the fuck off. He taunted Jasper, who was clearly frightened, going "Oh no! We have to find ghosts and monsters! Remember?!?" And keep in mind he was mocking and yelling here. Then Neil interjects and you know what? Max's tone actually softens. Yeah he still tells Neil that he's wrong. But Max isn't nearly as hostile. He sure as hell didn't mock or taunt Neil. And what's more? Max didn't say one word to Nikki. Yeah when he first walked in he started to tease her but as soon as she made it clear that she was frightened he just completely stopped and turned his attention onto Jasper. And you can see this in a l o t of episodes, not just this one. Max is still a jerk with Nikki and Neil but he doesn't cross the line. He doesn't yell for too long. Max...he doesn't want to hurt them. He doesn't want to see them fail. He doesn't want them angry or god forbid sad. Max may hurt them sometimes but he doesn't fuck with them just for the sake of upsetting them. And especially in early seasons, that's more than can be said for anyone else because he does go out of his way to torment the other's and he's never been as openly apologetic for anything in his life than for the few times he has upset Nikki and Neil. It's also worth noting that Neil is more gentle with Nikki than other's. For example he expects her to ruin his experiments and just gets kinda salty about it after but he clearly forgives her? Max and Neil also forgave her when she betrayed them for Ered in Camp Cool Kidz. Like..immediately. With no bargaining. They were back to hanging out together instantly before Nikki even apologized.
3.) They're always together. I think I made a separate post about this? But it's the truth. They eat together. They sleep in the same tent (actually I'm not sure? Max said in episode 1 "I'll show you to our tent" and they have no issues sneaking out together all the time in the middle of the night- note that they don't all have that much access to technology so coming up with a time to meet up may be hard- implying that Nikki sleeps with them? And there are only two 'beds' I think but doubling up doesn't seem that unlikely for these three? So until proven otherwise I'm assuming they sleep in the same tent). They have DAILY adventures together. Like scheduled. Like they gotta spend it together. In Eggs Benefits Max wanted nothing to do with the adventure yet he followed Nikki and Neil anyway and spent the whole day letting Nikki drag him around despite whining the whole time. In Spooky island both Nikki and Neil want to leave at different points of the episode but they continue to follow Max anyway. These three really do just stick together all the time and maybe they've been branching off a bit more lately but they still spend a hell of a lot of time together? Like most of their time if I'm not mistaken?
4.) Nikki and Neil are...really protective over Max? Like I'm sorry but did you guys see the Foreign Exchange Campers episode? The moment Max decided to team up with someone else they flipped their shit. I mean, Max literally told them it was just so he could win. It was clear he wasn't actually choosing the other campers over Nikki and Neil? Like it's obvious they were still friends? Yet we still got lines like "What about us? We're kinda a thing!", "We dont need you anyway Max! And even if we did, we're just going to pretend we don't in the hopes that you'll be jealous and we won't feel as sad!", "I just can't believe he would ditch us! After all our adventures?!?", and "He looks so happy! At least he's found someone who can make him smile" like, god, they treat this like a breakup or something when Max just wanted to win the contest. Like they knew it wasn't personal. They knew he was just being a jerk and he didn't like the Foreign kids more than them. Yet look at this.
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Look at these creeps watching him from the bushes instead of competing!
They were so volatile too? They called Brian "Kim-Chi" despite knowing damn well that Nurf wasn't calling him the right name. Nikki literally yelled "Shut up commie" at Vera. I believe Neil outright told them point blank "Max is OUR friend and you can't have him!".
This isn't the only example of them being defensive about Max (almost to a fault) but it's the biggest one off the top of my head.
5.) They l o v e each other. Nikki saying "You know what else I love about Christmas? You guys (Max and Neil)" or Neil saying "We were so afraid of foreigners taking what we love (Max) that we.." , etc. Like??? They're so very sweet? They really love each other guys and I'm screaming because they're so good? And Max hasn't outright said he loves them but god, we know he does. Like how he "didn't do this camp campbell" but "for you guys (Nikki and Neil)" when he pulled off this difficult convoluted scheme to get the camp back. They love and care about and support one another even with all their issues and it's just so good? And the trio's overall relationship is ignored way too much. Can we just..please..talk about them more? As a trio? Please?
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Hero Apprentice Twins 3
Chapter 3:  Stormy weather
This akuma in particular is very similar to canon, but instead of summer it's October, the whole twin thing going on and some love parallels of later akumas.
-At the Dupain-Cheng living room-
"Manon! Mina! Give Marin those hats back!" says Marinette chasing two little girls across the living room.
"But we want to be designers too" says Mina dodging Marinette again.
"Those aren't finished!" says Marin trying to catch Mina but failing again.
"Please girls! Marin needs to finish those! He should be working and not chasing you two!" says Marinette as she hits her head against the table.
"And remember, press 1# for Aurore and Aria and press 2# for Mirielle and Miriam" says the TV presenter.
"Mirielle! I love Mirielle!" says Mina grabbing Marin's phone and sending a message to the TV station.
"I love Miriam" says Manon grabbing Mari's phone and copying her sister.
"Hey!" say the designers at unison.
"I forgot today was the weather girls competition, Aurore mentioned it if I'm not wrong" says Marinette.
"You know Mirielle and Miriam?" ask the little girls.
"Well, we were classmates once" says Marinette.
"Yeah, but they are really timid. We know better Aurore and Aria" points Marin.
"Can you present us to them?" say the girls with puppy eyes.
"Well... I-" says Marinette trying to resist the puppy eyes.
"We can't unless they want to" says Marin as he catches the hats.
"But we-!" begins Mina, but the doorbell rings.
Marin opens the door and the Césaire twins are standing there. "Hey man, you busy?" says Alen.
"A little bird told us that your crushes are doing a photoshoot in the park" says Alya smirking.
"It's not a crush!" says Marinette blushing.
"I don't have a crush Alya. Besides, we're both working" says Marin.
"Another request from your crush boss or is it from THE boss?" asks Alen.
"First, only god knows how many times I've told you that I'm not crushing on Adrienne" says Marin. "Second, I have a request from Gabriel to make a hat for Adrienne's Halloween costume, which I have already finished".
"Thanks god, because I think that I DO have a crush on her, lucky me I won't have competition. Let's go see her" says Alen.
"Yeah, no. Also, me being the only competition? Are her model friends and army of fans not enough competition for you?" says sassily Marin.
"Man, you're the only one I'm afraid to lose to. You've got it all: baked goods, baked looks and baked talent" teases Alen.
"Bro, stop it with those half-baked puns. Besides, you're more handsome than I am" says Marin.
"Shut up you two and kiss already. What are you working on Marinette?" asks Alya curious.
"I'm babysitting the daughters of my mom's friend. They are... Little precious angels" says Marinette. Mina and Manon appear from behind Marinette.
"Well, luckily for you, we're experts in dealing with little precious angels and we know that a walk in the park can help to tire them" says Alya.
"And what a better opportunity to show your progress on the hat to the one who is going to wear it?" says Alen winking to Marin. "Besides, taking a break is necessary when working and I want to see her but I'm not going without my bro".
Marin sighs. "Okey, I'll go  with you scaredy cat, but you owe me".
"Wait, who are them?" ask Mina and Manon.
"We?" asks Alen smiling.
"We are unicorns from the magical planet Wualulu trapped in the bodies of these two gorgeous teens" says Alya getting down.
"No you're not" says Manon laughing, but then she doubts. "Are you?"
"Do you grant wishes?" ask Mina excited.
"We only grant wishes to well-behaved children and we eat bad-behaved ones. What are you little monkeys?" says Alen.
"I don't know, they sometimes do behave" says Marinette smiling.
"We'll behave!" say both little girls.
"Then let's ride to the park!" says Alya as she and Alen put Manon and Mina in Marin's and Marinette's shoulders.
-At the Kidz+ TV station-
"Now it's time to announce the winners of the Kidz+ weather twins contest!" says the TV presenter. "And the winners are... Mirielle and Miriam! Congratulations you two! And don't be sad Aurore and Aria, you've only lost for..." says as he looks at the paper. "Half a million votes! Yikes, better luck next time!"
Aurore and Aria leave the studio furious and they enter the elevator. "We should have won! We are more cute, more confident and we're dressed a lot better!"
Without the girls noticing it, two dark butterflies enter to the elevator and the elevator stops. The girls, surprised, turn around and see the akumas approaching them just as the elevator lights began to fail. In a desperate attempt of defending themselves, Aurore and Aria fence their umbrellas trying to scare away the butterflies, but as soon as the umbrellas touch the cursed butterflies, they turn to a very dark purple and a light purple butterfly symbol appears on Aria's and Aurore's faces.
"Hello Stormy Weather and Hail Queen. I am Hawk Moth. You should have won that contest but worry not, you can be my weather girls. In exchange, I want you to bring me the miraculous".
"With pleasure Hawk Moth" say the girls and a dark blob covers them.
-At the park-
Adrien and Adrienne are sitting on a fountain with the new winter line their father was releasing in weeks and posing for their Italian photographer, Vincent, when they notice four familiar people coming into the park. Adrienne's face lights when she sees Alen and Alya, but then her expression turns into a strange mix of blush and confusion when she notices that Marin and Marinette are carrying kids on their backs. Adrien also brightens up when he sees the Césaire twins, but then he looks confused because of the little girl on Mari's shoulders, and finally his gaze turns bitter as he glares Marin, who returns him a similar glare. While Adrien now understood better Marin thanks to the little chat with Adrienne some weeks ago, he still didn't trust him because of his odd behaviour around Adrien. Now that he thought about it, Adrien finds weird that both Dupain-Cheng twins behave different only around him.
"Oh no. No no no no no. Don't put hat face. Cheer up, think of Mamma's spaghetti" says Vincent.
The models remember that they still are on a shoot and they regain focus again, putting on a model facade and fake perfect smiles for the cameras. Even so, after twenty or so pictures it gets really boring and the Agreste can't help but to lose their focus. Then, as the expert photographer he is, Vincent notices the boredom of his models and gives them a little break as he searches for something to spice the photoshoot up a bit. The models happily wave at their friends and Marinette waves at Adrien with a dumbfounded expression until Alya hits her softly on her back, making Mari regain some composure. However, Alen just begins to tease Marin about him having a crush on Adrienne (again) and the designer just rolls his eyes. Adrienne goes to the girls and pulls them into a hug while Adrien just shakes Alen hand and holds a kind of staring competition with Marin. Noticing that, Vincent comes up with an idea and, while Mina and Manon beg to the designers to go and play with them until they resign and accept, he approaches the young models and carefully scans the Césaire twins, nodding in approvement.
"Friends! Some emotions are lacking on the young models and what is better than some friends to bring out great emotions than friends" exclaims Vincent without making much sense. "Are you two interested on being in a photoshoot with the young Agreste's?"
"Uh, us?" asks brilliantly Alen.
"I'm sorry sir, but we're horrible picture material" says Alya with a smug grin. "But our friends Marin and Marinette who are over there would be an excellent choice".
Adrienne blushes and Adrien frowns. " But aren't they busy with... those kids?" asks Adrien.
"Don't worry sunshine, we could take care of the little angels if that brings out your model smile" says Alya winking.
"Yeah, imagine making the shoot with sweet old Marinette, she's really cute and hey, maybe she could give you a treat or two as a thanks later" says Alen as he and Adrien gawk thinking on food.
"Idiots" say Alya and Adrienne deadpanned.
"Wait a moment! Those beauties, those cute little features!" says Vincent. "Forget about friends, those two little girls would bring out the excellent adorableness that we need for the picture!"
"What?!" exclaim the teens together, backing away.
"Excuse me! Young sitters!" says Vincent ignoring the surprised teens. "Would it be okay if I borrowed those two cuties for a photoshoot?"
"Uh- I-" stutters Mari unsure of how to react.
"I'm sorry sir, but unless their parents’ consent, I'm afraid we can't" says Marin diligently.
"Of course, that's understandable. Could you perhaps ask their parents?" asks Vincent.
"It would be difficult; we don't have their father's phone number and their mother is currently working. I'll try to send her a message, but I can't assure she'll answer" says Marin and sends a message to Nadja.
"Thank you for being so understanding young man. May I know your name?" says Vincent, examining Marin's clothes.
"I'm Marin Dupain-Cheng and this is my sister Marinette. The girls are Mina and Manon" says Marin.
"Oh, I see you've met already Marin" says Adrienne. She puts on a proud expression. "He's my personal designer and my father has taken interest in him. You will probably work with him in the future, he and Marinette are both really talented".
"We're not that talented" says Marin blushing a bit and rubbing his neck.
"Is that so? Then it's my pleasure to meet you" says Vincent.
"Likewi- Oh, Nadja answered. She says that it's fine as long as there aren't many photos and they are revised by her before using them" says Marin.
"Wait, Nadja?" asks Adrienne confused. "As in Nadja Chamack? The reporter?"
"Yes, she is mom's old friend and we sometimes babysit her daughters while she works" says Marinette sheepishly.
"Anyway, let's just simply finish the break and take the pictures" says Vincent, but Manon stops Mari.
"But I still want to ride the carrousel!" says Manon making puppy eyes.
"Sir, couldn't we have an extended break, we'll be in better shape later" asks Adrienne succumbing into the puppy eyes.
"Fine, but I'll expect only the best afterwards" says Vincent resigning.
"We'll ride the carrousel with them, we already have kept Adrien and Adrienne for ourselves" says Alya as she and Alen pick up the toddlers with smug faces.
"Alya, I love you, but I hate you so much right now" thinks Marinette. Then she notices Adrien approaching and her mind disconnects.
"Hello Marinette, what are you doing here?" says Adrien.
"I- We- Uh- We are Nadja babysitting- I mean, we're daughters Nadja- I mean-" stutters Marinette before Adrienne puts a hand on her shoulder.
"They are babysitting the daughters of Nadja Chamack" explains Adrienne.
"Really? Wow Marinette, I didn't know you were a babysitter" says Adrien impressed.
"I-I'm not really a ba-babysitter. I-I-I've just taken c-ca-care of them and N-Nino's yo-younger brothers" mumbles Marinette awkwardly as she plays with her fingers.
"I see..." says Adrien looking down, remembering what had happened some weeks ago on her rooftop.
"A-Are you o-o-ok Adrien" says Marinette noticing it.
"I'm fine, don't worry" says Adrien gloomy, getting a soft pinch from Adrienne.
"Hey, Marin! The girls want a balloon of Mirielle and Miriam!" says Alen and Marin goes to buy them mumbling something.
"What are you doing here by the way?" asks Adrien.
As Marinette opens her mouth to reply that he is obviously not fine, two akumas descend from the sky. When they see the balloon guy only selling  Miriam's and Mirielle's balloons, they get mad and Hail Queen freezes the poor guy. Marin, who was already back with Mari from giving the balloons to the girls, instinctively puts himself in front of Marinette, Adrien and Adrienne to protect them. Adrien is surprised by that and doesn't have time to react, but Adrienne blushes and mentally fawns over Marin. But unluckily, the akuma notice them and approach, freezing the Agreste's bodyguards who tried to immobilize them.
"Wait, those umbrellas, those faces... Aurore! Aria!" jumps Marinette before she can stop herself.
"Aria and Aurore are gone Marinette. We are Hail Queen and Stormy Weather!" says Stormy Weather.
"And look who do we have here, Agreste twins and Dupain-Cheng twins. Tell me, who did you vote at the contest?" says Hail Queen getting close to them.
"You two of course, I stopped from working just to cheer you two from home" lies Marin.
"I also vote you two" says Marinette quickly.
"Yeah, so did us. We even told our photographer, Vincent" says Adrien.
"We voted Mirielle and Miriam" say Manon and Mina, oblivious to the danger.
Hail Queen freezes the carrousel, trapping inside the little girls with Alen and Alya, and Stormy weather unleashes a storm that covers all of Paris. Adrien takes Adrienne and goes to the limo, letting both of them transform privately and go to their bags to find their kwamis, who were mysteriously gone until the models pull out a piece of cheese. The black kwamis appear and try to bite it, but the models call upon their transformation. Once they have suited up, they exit the limo using the opposite door to avoid suspicion.
Marin and Marinette, on the contrary, rush to the now frozen carrousel to check on their friends and the little girls. Alya and Alen reassure that they are okay and rush the designers to take cover as soon as they can. After promising their return, the designer duo run to the nearest bushes and check that no one could see them transforming. Their kwamis smile knowingly and the designers call upon their transformation, changing into their superheroes personas.
"We have to save them" says Ladybug.
"Agreed" responds Lordbug already leaping and landing near the carrousel.
"Lordbug! Man you need to call your sister and get us out of here" says Alen.
"No need to call me" says Ladybug landing. "I'm already here. I was just talking with two teens who begged us to save you. I recall their names are Marinette and Marin".
"Those are our friends!" says Alya excited.
"Have they abandoned us?" asks Manon and Mina.
"Of course not, they went for help, like us or the firemen" says Lordbug.
"Come on brother, let's try to break this igloo" says Ladybug backing off.
The red clad heroes throw simultaneously their yoyos in opposite directions, rolling them up around the iced carrousel, and pull to break the ice but the yoyos slip away without leaving even a scratch, but landing on the heroes foreheads. Meanwhile, Stormy Weather keeps shooting lightnings to the Mirielle's and Miriam's balloon and Hail Queen keeps shooting big ice chunks at them. People panic and everybody tries to run away, but the akumas chase a couple out of the park and they prepare to shoot once again, until a certain black cat appears on top of the park's fence that is in front of them. Then, Kitty Noir jumps behind them, cutting a possible escape path and thus creating a pincer attack pattern.
"Hey ice queens, why all the terrorizing?" says Kitty Noire moving her tail.
"Why don't you pick someone your own temperature?" says Chat smiling smugly.
"Our names it's not ice queen!" says angered Stormy Weather.
"We are Hail Queen and Stormy weather!" says Hail Queen with an angered but cold tone.
"Listen. I'm feline more generous today than usual" says Chat Noir as he slowly slithers down the fence while playing with his tail. "So cool down and we'll call it quits, okay?"
"Come on, don't give us the cold shoulder and surrender" says Kitty grinning.
The akumas give them a dead stare and Stormy Weather opens her umbrella evoking a gust of wind that sends Chat Noir flying across Paris, who lands on a car and, due to the strength of the impact, bounces to another car and bounces back again. Luckily for him, their superhero magical costume absorbs most of the hits they take, which if you combine it with the strength boost they had, the damage was almost non-existent, but they still felt that they were hit. To avenge her brother Kitty jumps to the akumas, but Hail Queen opens her umbrella and Kitty is tossed to the sky. When she's about to crash to the floor at the speed of sound, Stormy Weather opens again her umbrella and sends her flying in the same direction as her brother. However, before she hits the floor Lordbug catches her on his arms as he swings by. He lands and lets her down by herself, just as Ladybug lands next to them.
"And here I thought that cats always landed on their feet" says Ladybug amused, helping Chat to stand up.
"Well, thanks my Lady and my Lord, but we had it covered" says Chat leaning to kiss Ladybug's hand, but she boops his nose pushing him softly backwards.
"There's no time for your childish charms Chat Noir, but you're welcome" says Ladybug.
"We have some akumas to beat!" says Kitty Noire.
"We should be expecting lighting storms like, right now!" says Stormy Weather as she and Hail Queen descend. She lifts her umbrella and shots a lightning to the sky, which gets stormy and begins to roar with thunders.
Lightnings fall straight to the cat heroes and the bugs tackle them just before the lightnings strike them, rolling and ending with the bugs on the floor and the cats pinning them down. Chat Noir is surprised and smiles sheepishly as he rejoices internally for the unusual luck, but Ladybug deadpans and push his head towards the akumas to make him focus again, unimpressed by Chat's behaviour. Meanwhile, Lordbug thanks the gods for the amazing view he's getting to see, with Kitty pinning him down and her hair all down kind of blocking everything except her. Kitty at first is surprised, but in a moment of smugness, she pulls her hair back and smirks at Lordbug, making him fluster.
"Enjoying the views, my Lord?" says Kitty Noire with a wink.
"W-We sh-should foc-c-cus on the a-akuma f-fi-first, m-my Dame" stutters Lordbug being a blushy mess.
"Come on sis, those akumas have just won themselves a cat fight!" says Chat getting up and charging towards the akumas.
"Flat ice!" says Hail Queen smiling as she points to the floor and covers almost the whole street in ice.
Chat slips and falls, but before he hits the ground, Stormy Weather opens her umbrella, summoning a gust of wind that sends the heroes away. Ladybug and Lordbug react quickly and grab the nearest fixed objects, which resulted to be post lamps. The cats aren't that lucky, but Ladybug manages to catch Kitty Noire's tail and pulls her closer so she doesn't slip away. Lordbug doesn't catch Chat Noir at first, but he somehow gets a firm grip of his yoyo and throws it to Chat, getting the yoyo stuck on Chat's belt and pulling him closer. Then, Stormy Weather closes her umbrella and the wind disappears leaving the heroes mid-air, who fall to the ground and get up complaining. The akumas ignore the superheroes recovering from their fall and turn around to continue their march surrounded by a gust of wind that spun around them, pushing back cars and anything that came near them in a five meters radium. A broken electronic billboard lights up and shows an image of Mirielle and Miriam, catching the akumas attention. Hail Queen and Stormy Weather share a look as if they were mentally speaking to each other and destroy the billboard before heading to the TV station with a devilish grin on their faces.
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shmisolo · 6 years
Can you now tell us some the headcanos you have for "Let's Get Together" please? I absolutely loved the fic. It was an AU I din't know I wanted but I'm glad I got it.
ok spoilers for let’s get together chapter 5!
ok first things first: ben & rey don’t move in together right away.  ben gets his own place about thirty minutes away and they start with a traditional half-week split with the kids.
the twins don’t understand this and are very annoyed bc their parents are CLEARLY IN LOVE why aren’t they MARRIED AGAIN ALREADY
the reason they choose this is bc they want to ease back into things.  bc even though things feel right, they know there’s a lot of baggage attached that they haven’t had the opportunity to work through and they both care so much about making it right–for the girls and for each other.  they have to learn to be in one anothers’ lives again
they start seeing a couple’s therapist and that’s when Shit Gets Real in a lot of ways
rey has a lot of self-blame.  like a lot (that’s evident in the fic i should hope).  ben’s worked through a lot of his with his therapist beforehand, and he’s all for letting the past die (eyyyy) and starting as fresh as they can, but rey’s having a lot of trouble letting go, especially because she can’t really remember why she left to begin with, bc her brain has locked her out of it, bc her experience at the time was so clouded bc of the 19 different pressures from various badbrains going on.  so a lot of their couple’s therapy is working through rey’s guilt and trying to think more about the future than the past.
for ben it opens up more bitterness than he wants it to.  a lot of his previous therapy had been about him without her in conversation, and so he’d built up what i think (and ben thinks, and his previous therapist thinks) would be reasonable ways of engaging with the memory of his ex-wife and the love of his life; but that’s very different when she’s still having trouble remembering why she left, and he’s in a new place halfway across the country from everything he’s known, and being far away from his mom (which is harder than he thought it would be). (on the bright side: he likes the non-new york legal lifestyle of not killing yourself for the hours every day.  he likes that a lot.)�� but there’s a lot that’s not quite as easy as he wants it to be and he has to learn how to work through that with rey and not just with himself.
ben also tries to point out that he was the one that suggested splitting the twins (it had been a tactic to try and make rey stay, and he hadn’t expected her to take him up on it) as a way of showing that they both were part of the situation, that it was in some ways mutual even if she initiated it, and the fallout falls on him too.  rey has trouble hearing that bc she has a lot of abandonment trauma herself, even if it’s factually correct that he did suggest this.
this is a conversation they keep away from the kids as much as possible, because they don’t want the kids to involve themselves too much.  it’s not their responsibility to fix the parents and they’ve done enough to show that they’d try.  so they say that they’re being careful and get cagey whenever either padme or breha presses it.
despite a lot of the work they are doing with their therapist, which is hard and necessary, they’re pretty good on the whole tho.  they have date nights–usually when the girls are staying with rey since the co-parenting trio are always down to babysit, especially as they are getting to know padme–and they continue sleeping together, and fall into a pretty good rhythm of life.  a lot of their therapy is about working through their past, but they’re mostly equipped to handle their present properly.
padme has more difficulty than either of them had really prepared for in moving down to new mexico.  she has gone from an all girl’s private school to a local coed public school and wasn’t expecting the culture shock of that experience alone in middle school, much less a different vibe of being in the southwest more long term.  and while she and breha get on very well, there are definitely spats bc for breha everything’s natural and normal, but padme misses her friends, and misses her bubbe, and misses being able to walk places.
breha starts going to hebrew school (a way to appease leia that padme and ben were moving down south; leia’s not really mad about it, but she’s definitely gonna push for both of her girls to have a jewish education)
after ~a year or so, ben moves in.  since this is headcanon and not #fic, i went ridiculous with the “he had a mild heart attack” thing (bc i can’t fathom ben solo having a healthy heart t b q h) and that makes everyone scared and sad and he’s fine but everyone’s scared and rey makes him stay at her place so that he can have everyone take care of him while he recovers and he just…never leaves.
while scary, this is also an important moment for rey bc they won’t tell her stuff about him at the hospital bc she’s his ex, not his wife.  so when she is let in to see him, she’s basically like “hi we need to get married” which they spend like three or four hours on in therapy bc it’s the first time she’s thinking “forward” and sure she’d done it in panic, but it’s important that she’s thinking about a future that’s not just weighed down by her own guilt.  (no, they don’t get married right away.  but they do start talking about futures more consistently after that, aided by ben’s moving in.)
they end up building an extension to the house bc with the additions of ben and padme, things are getting a bit cramped and also poe, finn, and rose have a bet as to whether or not ben and rey might have more kids.  they’re also considering kids of their own and figure having extra space will be good.
leia eventually moves down to santa fe.  she doesn’t like being far from her family.  she absolutely becomes like…the fucking matriarch of the jewish community in like 4 seconds and no one knows how except that it’s leia.
also: fun fact that i didn’t have time to work into the fic because she wasn’t going to tell either ben or rey while all this was going on--leia feels a lot of responsibility for the fall-apart of the first marriage.  she feels as though she failed her daughter-in-law when her daughter-in-law needed a mother figure and she just wasn’t able to give her the help and support she needed when she was clearly breaking down.  that’s part of what motivated her to help the twins--she saw it as an opportunity to fix something she feels she had a hand in (while also knowing that she isn’t to blame for rey’s mental state at the time).
the girls get bat mitzvahed.  everyone is emotional.
rey and ben decide to get married soon thereafter.  they have a convo w/the rabbi and realize that they’d never gotten a get so their ketubah is still valid which makes them both laugh real hard for a long-ass time, and they decide to skip a big wedding (much to the girls’ annoyance) bc it feels like a waste of time and they feel like they’ve already lost so much time.  but they do have a nice little thing at the farm after they sign their marriage license and luke and chewie come to visit and it’s a big family thing.
moar kidz??? idk that’s as far as i got.  that’s a lie they totally have one more kid and so do rose/poe/finn and those two kids are adorable and the best playmates everrrrrr.
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plintern · 6 years
Week 4
Monday, July 2 to Friday, July 7
Monday: Here we go again!
Man, is it a Monday. Tough to wake up this morning, but this was the Monday to wake me up--two programs to attend and a lunch with my mentor and her boss. I started off the day at the newest of my library’s branches to perform for children during a Music Lab. Our library’s summer theme is music, and all three branches are hosting Music Labs on the same weekday every week for the rest of July to introduce children 5 and under to music. There are some easy crafts (like coloring pages and bookmarks), a guitar (with only three strings…) and electric piano for the kids to play around on, and laptops to explore types of music. A part of my job this summer is attending nearly every Music Lab in July, and today was my very first one. I’m not quite sure yet what my Labs may look like at other branches, but today I set up shop in the corner of the storytime room where these Labs take place. I played a variety of pieces on my cello that were already in my repertoire--mostly movements from the Bach solo cello suites. I was amazed to see the smiling and wondrous faces of the kids as they heard the music through the doorway and meandered in. It was inspiring. In essence, I provided a backdrop of music to the walk-in climate of the Music Lab, for both parents and their little ones. It was adorable!
Afterwards, I drove across the city back to my office to meet up with my mentor and her boss (the executive director from the branch I visited last Friday--remember him?). It was a wonderful lunch that helped us break the ice further than our conversation on Friday. We talked just about everything, from the World Cup to superheroes to poetry! The taco-filled lunch was splendid.
I returned to my office, stomach full, to get some quick work in before heading to yet another branch for a Kid Zone program. At this program, subtitled “You Can Hear Music On That?” I assisted an Early Literacy librarian with showing young kids (aged 6-8) how music has progressed throughout the years in terms of how it is listened to. From phonographs to Amazon’s Echo, displays were set up around the room for children to look at (and hear) the transformation of music. She introduced the program by showing them some music boxes and explaining how to be careful with each of the devices available. The children were also given half-sheets of blue paper and a music pencil to complete a matching game, where they connected each musical device to the date in which it was invented. Kids mostly exercised self-autonomy as they traveled from game to game. Initially, most were drawn to the Amazon Echo--they loved asking Alexa to play different Kidz Bop songs for them. At some point I attempted to meme it up by saying “this is so sad alexa play despacito,” but I garnered not even a mere chuckle, not even from the 15 year old volunteer that was also with us. Alas, I am left to meme in solitude.
Following Alexa, the kids were very drawn to the Code-A-Pillar, a caterpillar with detachable segments with different tasks that when assembled caused the technological critter to advance in a form dictated by the ‘codes.’ I myself observed the children converse with Alexa and giggle with the insect, but seeing as they were autonomous, I ventured around the room to the sole children who were exploring some older gadgets, to see what, perhaps, they may need. Eventually, I ended up at the station with the record player, and my attention for the next several minutes was completely enraptured with these vinyls. Most of the devices used to share music with these children came from the EL Librarian’s own haul, and she found most of these vinyls at a local thrift store. I popped several into the record player, and particularly found myself drawn to one that featured Victor Herbert, my favorite composer.
After perusing the records, I helped the kiddos build a music box together, make music necklaces and bracelets, take care of snacks, and then clean up at the conclusion of the event, all while playing my cello intermittently. While cleaning, I commented to the librarian how much I enjoyed her records, and to my surprise, she said I could keep all nine of the records in the collection that housed the Herbert. Astounded and grateful, I took home two physical momentos: the set of nine records and a music bracelet I added to my cello case. More than that, though, was what I learned: it takes very little to make a kid’s day.
Tuesday: Driving is my job.
Much like yesterday, where I began work at one branch, traveled to the office, and then to another branch, today consisted of much travel. I began the day at the same branch I did yesterday. Here, I had an intimate Every Child Ready to Read training alongside a new Library Assistant with the same EL Librarian who led the Kid Zone yesterday. I came to the astute observation that I adore this librarian. Her teaching methods are subtle, yet precise, and she kept both I and the assistant engaged throughout the training. The presentation consisted of an explanation of the importance of children reading and the importance of the five practices: talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing. Here are some of the activities she had us do to try and understand how children think at their pre-reading age. Try them out and let me know how well you do!
Activity 1: Decipher this code:    [   *<:    }><#. Using the following alphabet:
A< B/ C* D# E> F+ G\ H** I[ J= K) L] M~ N: O]] P{ Q++ R} S// T^ U! V[[ W(( X>> Y\\ Z|
This forces us to associate figures with letters, much as children learn to read pictures before they learn to read letters and words. To them, letters are just pictures.
Activity 2: Write your name on a piece of paper with your non-dominant hand (if you’re ambidextrous… no fair).
This activity forces us to use a different part of our brain: rather than writing our name, we are drawing it. This is much like a child who is learning to use a new part of their brain, and is drawing the image of their name.
In addition to these activities, she also had us learn about different puppets and activities she utilizes during storytimes to engage kids by talking (Heggity Peggity Hen). singing (nursery rhymes), reading (Ten Little Fingers & Ten Little Toes), writing (drawing name), and playing. This last one is the one I learned the most about. She taught us that children’s play is their work, as it is them figuring out the world around them. There are three types of play--single, parallel, and group--that happen in stages as children develop and discover themselves. She also provided us with resources to use and give to children. Afterwards I took my time to explore the branch and become comfortable with the spaces. I was already pretty familiar with this branch, as it was the location in which I studied for my SAT and ACT exams, but then again I only stayed in the study sections and fiction shelves in those dark times. So, I revisited the storytime room I played in yesterday, and the rest of the small area. This is our smallest branch, so there wasn’t much to see, but it gave me a better understanding and sense of home to spend some time on my own in the area. When finished, I went off to a personal appointment, and then traveled to another branch across town.
Here, I took part in my second-ever Music Lab. This branch had a much different environment--yesterday’s lab was full of kids coming in and out, playing with excitement, but this branch had a much more laid back environment. Only four kids that weren’t volunteers ever came in the room, and none of them at the same time. Much of the activities that we had were the same, like having bookmarks and coloring pages, but this branch did not have a guitar nor a piano. Instead, there was an out-of-tune ukulele, some percussion instruments, and an interactive floor piano that kids could play with their feet. I played my cello upon request here, and it was wonderful to see when kids were interested in hearing the instrument. One mother in particular adored the cello, and we had a wonderful conversation about Yo-Yo Ma after I played for her. Apart from playing, I put some stickers that were lying about upon my cello case, and I conversed with the kids and volunteers there. These volunteers were some of the friendliest kids I’d met--much more approachable than the volunteers at the branch I visited yesterday. One of the volunteers even drew and colored a cello for me, and his face lit up when I said I was coming back every Tuesday--that is the sort of interaction that keeps me motivated and reminds me how lucky I am to have this job.
Thursday: Office? I’ve never heard of her.
Much like Tuesday, I spent most of today at another branch. I had a branch training at our largest and oldest library, where I met with the site manager, had a tour, and discussed my project proposals. This is the library that I am most unfamiliar with, so I believe I learned more today about the libraries in my community than I have at the other sites. The manager is the newest leadership member of the library, having held her post for about a year. I knew her before coming to this training, however--she is the mom of one of my high school friends. This was both refreshing and comforting for me, as the environment was already jovial and understanding. There was essentially very little ice to break. We started by discussing the history of the branch, where I learned how much remodeling and complications the library has endured since its creation in the early twentieth century. Then we discussed how much had changed since this manager had come on board, specifically with staff turnover and reforming some outdated processes. The mornings at this branch are dedicated more towards early literacy, for the ‘trouble times’ of 12 to 5 exist in the afternoon where librarians must deal with infractions to the library code of conduct. However, these issues are not such a problem now, since the trouble seems to be more seasonal, occurring in the winter. I learned of the four stages of a team--forming, storming, norming, and performing--and how outreach groups in the city interact with the library. She also shared the importance of having more staff-to-patron interaction than posters, and having libraries be evolving and relevant to the demands of the public. We spoke much of the difficulties the library faces, but also remained hopeful towards what she is working on for the future. Then, we took a tour of the building, where she specifically showed me two areas that she is hoping to revamp in the coming years to be more relevant and helpful to the public. During this walk, we spoke much about the microbusinesses of a library, how space is allocated and utilized, and about the upcoming cycle of a master plan where she will work with other library leadership and a consultant to create a vision and goals for the upcoming years. Microbusinesses in a library include tasks such as inventory, and it was eye-opening for me to understand the depth of the services that the library provides, specifically at this branch. After our tour, we returned to her office and discussed my project proposals. Much like my discussion with the manager of the branch that I met with last week, she was incredibly helpful in her feedback. While last week, the manager kept me realistic and helped me understand my parameters, this manager helped me see what my projects could become if I did in fact hit all the roadblocks that lay ahead, so I could be prepared to reform my ideas if need be. I left my meeting with her feeling hopeful and wise.
I rushed back to my office for a quick lunch before returning to the same branch for my last Music Lab of the week. Again, every Music Lab is different, and this one was no exception. Like my Tuesday lab, very few children came into the room; my guess is about 5 or 6 kids total over the length of the program. I was quite excited to be there, though--it was led by the Early Literacy librarian that I raved about earlier, and apparently one of the volunteers knew me and was excited to have me there. Also, my high school friend that I haven’t seen all summer came to visit! It was a wonderful time, where I played cello for the majority of the time for our small audiences. We had a whiteboard with musical notes and staves for the children to learn, an iPad connected to a projector, several percussion instruments (much more than on Tuesday), an out-of-tune guitar, and again several coloring pages and crafts. I tuned the guitar for the parents of some of the kids and briefly interacted with the volunteers, but most of the time I spent sharing my music with those in attendance. The intermittent applause made me so happy--I know these Music Labs will be a consolation and safe, happy place every week.
Friday: Work, work, work, work.
How anybody can expect a man to work on a day of the world cup quarterfinals is beyond me, but alas, I did. While Uruguay lost to France, and Brazil subsequently fell to Belgium, my little Latino heart was crushed--all I could do was check every time I met one of my short-term goals, and then cry a little bit inside. Of course, this all happened during one of the most focused days I’ve had in awhile. I spent the day in my office, and the majority of which I spent editing my proposal drafts. I cross-analyzed the feedback I received from both branch managers I met with as well as my meeting last week with my mentor, and I worked through the holes, weak points, and challenges of each proposal. I did so through going through my extensive notes, annotating my previous drafts, and then changing my drafts to modify my current visions. The meeting where I will present my finished drafts is next Thursday, so I need to have my drafts as revisited and polished as possible for that date. I’m proud of the work I did. I worked efficiently and heavily in preparation to show these re-drafts to my boss during our check-in meeting this afternoon, but alas, she rescheduled last minute to next Monday. This gave me some time to prepare for my Music Labs next week as well as organize myself for other upcoming programs. I also realized I’ll be working next week right after the world cup final--will I be able to survive? Anyways, during my Music Labs this week I mostly played music from my own repertoire--Bach movements, some romantic pieces, etc. I think children will enjoy my playing more if I am playing pieces more relevant to them, so I tried to find pieces they might recognize, like an arrangement of the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings theme songs. I soon realized, however, that the age range of music lab kids (under 5 or 6) means that they probably wouldn’t recognize these tunes. So, instead, I looked for some recognizable classical tunes--like the Can Can or the Waltz from Sleeping Beauty--instead, alongside songs everyone knows, like Wheels on the Bus and the ABCs. I found a large cache of music and I feel prepared to practice it and have a more personal concert series next week.
What Did I Learn?
I learned the most about programming and library history this week through my interactions with staff, kids, and parents. It was busy and immersive, and I also learned about my own limits, and what I can handle as far as loading myself with programs.
My city’s library history: https://history.fcgov.com/visit/library-history 
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adrianvsart · 7 years
memorable and overall funny camp camp quotes
well…after 8 HOURS, i’ve finally rewatched the camp camp series for almost the 5th time. and boy, was it agonizing to say the least. nevertheless, it felt very rewarding after i finished gathering all the quotes together.
ill be updating this as new episodes are released but these are the ones out to the public so far (not including the new ones released on the rooster teeth website as i will wait until its posted on youtube).
it’s under the cut because, oh boy, is this LONG;
Episode 1, Escape From Camp Campbell
“Can you believe it, Max? We’re getting not one! not three! but two new campers today!” “Yup! it’s really truly horrifying.”
“I’m not here to make friends, David! I’m here because camp is where kids are sent when their parents don’t wanna deal with them. Why do you think we return the favor when they hit seventy?”
“Hang on a sec, what are you even doing out here?” “Well, it’s definitely not because the bus only comes from the city to drop off and pick up campers and so far seems to be my only reasonable method of escaping this fucking nightmare of a camp. Definitely not that.” “Heeey…language.”
“Suck a dic-” “All I want is for you kids to have as much fun as I did when I was a Campbell camper! Is that really too much to ask?” “I refuse to believe someone as happy as you can possibly exist.”
“No, silly! This is adventure camp! Ad-vent-ure! My mom said so! Unless she was lying…again. Sorry about that hand by the way, just exerting dominance, you know how it goes.”
“Max, you are not leaving my side for the rest of the day!” “We’ll see about that, CAMP. MAN.”
“Tell ‘em just how much you love it, Max!” “See, that’s the sad thing…he still actually thinks that I love it.”
“Gooood morning, Gwen!” “MOTHERFUCKER!”
“Nurf, you don’t crank shit! Get down from there Space Kid!”
“What about that astronaut kid?” “Astronauts, the wannabe jocks of the scientific community? Please.”
“Yeah, so far every attempt to answer our questions just raises more questions.” “Hey, good for you! You’re starting to catch on!”
“[Pulling out guitar] Well, I’m glad you asked, because I have a little song that I can sing–” “No.” “[Putting back guitar] When Gwen’s not around.”
“You are the bane of my existence.”
“This is bullshit!” “Woah, check out the balls on new kid.” “[Looking down at her crotch] Where?”
“Oh god, it’s coming back, the crippling anxiety and regret.”
“Why would you help us?” “I’m an agent of chaos.”
“Oh no. I hope YOU learned, David! I hope you learned that before today, you only had one little bastard to deal with. But now you’ve got three." 
Episode 2, Mascot
"Oh, he talked! Did you hear that?!” “Are you a gypsy?” “Uhhh…”
“[After just flinging the camp mascot to the next island with a huge rock instead of hitting David] Aw, man…That was supposed to kill you.”
“Well, Max, we were going to make hand-made ice cream, but someone killed our mascot and now we need a new one BECAUSE EVERY GOOD CAMP HAS A MASCOT, MAX!”
“Lady-sickness. My mom used to get that all the time.” “How do you cure it?” “EDGE CLOSER TO DEATH.”
“Calm down, it’ll be fine. Besides, anything’s better than hanging with DAVID." 
"Sorry everyone, just…really overwhelmed by all this friendship right now.”
“What’s WRONG?! I wanted to spend my summer in an air conditioned laboratory! Not walking around a future Wal-Mart parking lot!” “Aw, come on, Neil! Nature can be your friend if you just give it a chance!” “…There’s a raccoon trying to scavenge Nerris.”
“It’s resistent to charms!” “Nerris! Play dead!” “I’m out of mana!" 
"Uh…this looks like the place teenagers go to get stabbed.” “…Probably.”
“Hey, so, how’d you lose that hand anyway?” “[unintelligible mumble] JEWS [unintelligible mumble]” “…I feel like you should be more specific.”
“[Sigh] Well, I guess Nikki was right. Enjoy wearing my skin.”
“[After killing a squirrel] Mascot.” “DUDE! YOU FUCKING KILLED IT!” “…Oh.”
“[Aggressively killing animals] I AM THE KING NOW! THE THRONE IS MINE!" 
"Wh-Where’d it go?! Bring it back!” “Oh…I don’t know how. This is kinda why I’m here.”
“Where do we go now?!” “I don’t know! This was a really bad idea in hindsight!”
“…Why do you always have to make things weird and complicated?” “Well, I mean, I think this is all pretty normal…”
“Does this mean we’ll be the Camp Campbell Platties?!” “No, I don’t think so.”
 "…What about the pussies?“ "Definitely not!” “Yeah, I like that!” “Pussies for life.”
“…So what’s with the Quartermaster and Jews?”
Episode 3, Scout’s Dishonor
“Ah…another wonderful day at Camp Campbell. All that’s left to do now is recharge with a full eight hours of lying in bed…awake! Waiting for tomorrow!”
“Alright, guys, our first attempt to bust out of this god-forsaken hellhole didn’t work.”
“So…what are you gonna do on the outside?” “Probably live with the animals. Try and get raised by wolves, maybe work my way up to alpha. Pee on stuff.”
“I think I’ll go to my dad’s house and tell him that mom sent me to an abusive summer camp. Pretend to like him more so she’ll try to buy back my love." "That’s really dark, Neil.”
“Where are we?” “Where happiness goes to DIE.”
“God, your face is gross.” “…What…?” “Oh, sorry, that just slipped out…” “Dude…” “Sorry… I know… That was mean.” “It really was…”
“Oh, we don’t kidnap campers. That’d be immoral.” “THAT GUY LITERALLY STABBED ME IN THE BACK!”
“Neeancy, boys are supposed to be tough.” “And rugged.” “And if they pee in you, you get pregnant!”
“Y'all are some ignorant fucking cunts!”
“[Dreamily]…he can pee in me anytime.” “Tabii seriously, what the fuck?!”
“That was super gay.” “We JUST learned a lesson about stereotyping!”
“You know, maybe I don’t hate Camp Campbell, maybe I hate EVERYTHING." 
Episode 4, Camp Cool Kidz
"This sucks…This is the kind of peasant work my parents left their home country to avoid." 
"That’s fucking stupid, nicknames don’t make you cool.” “Pssh, spoken like a true first-part nicknamer.”
“No one’s TOO cool to talk to. Even cool kids take giant, uncomfortable shits from time to time. Helps remind you that we’re all equal.”
“Oh, maybe he’ll give us a raise! Or, tell me I’m like the son he never had!” “…Or explain why he’s wanted by the government.” “Or that. Yeah, there’s that." 
“Max! I am very disappointed in you for this behavior! But I’m also torn, because you were clearly paying attention during knot-tying class!”
“This is just like Le Mis! Ah, I love it!” “Don’t make this lame, Preston.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the hell up! Did you nerds forget who revolutionized this place?! I should be leading you! Not "x-treme sports barbie” over here!“
"Rage-against-the-machine-fight-the-power-9/11!” “Progressive buzzwords can’t save you now.”
“Like the minutemen of the Revolution, we will fight for our independence!” “Minuteman…mommy calls daddy that when they argue.”
“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this. It’s only been a few hours and we’ve already gone shirtless!”
“Aw, man! Sooo uncool.” “MURDER HIM!”
“What are you kids doing?!” “We’re gonna kill Space Kid!”
“You guys are here to rescue me?!” “No! Shut up David!” “Aw…”
“No fighting! Violence never solves anything!” “STAB HER, BITCH!”
Episode 5, Journey to Spooky Island
“I was VERY innocent and impressionable back then!” “…So, last week?”
“What’s scary is how much I wanna kill myself right now.”
“So help me if this involves vampire romance.” “I-It could’ve been werewolves. You don’t know!”
“Here’s a horror story, go look at the job market you’re dealing with after this camp shuts down!”
“[After a squirrel jumps out of Space Kid’s spacesuit] Wait a minute! How is it that you aren’t even phased by that?!” “Might’ve helped if I hadn’t put it in his suit to begin with.”
“Wh-what do you think about that moaning and wailing?” “Pssh, it’s just teenagers from that church camp working on those repressions again. Not that I know anything about it, just being a kid and all.”
“So…No dead campers then?” “Nope! We’re good!” “Damn.”
“What’s with space case?” “Squirrel-splosion.”
“Ah…So the revolution has begun…”
“Pssh, ghosts don’t exist. You die, and then you’re faced with eternal nothingness. It’s gonna be great.”
“We’ll see who’s yawning when we’re all DEAD!” “Why would we…?”
“That seems redundant.” “Yeah, and I think endangered…”
“I AM NOT ABOUT THIS SHIT, NIKKI! SCIENCE HAS IT’S LIMITS!” “Don’t be so naive, this is mild experimentation at best.”
“You know what this is? Proof that the founder of Camp Campbell is a rich piece of shit with terrible morals and who also potentially kills people! …ALL THINGS I WAS ALREADY PRETTY SURE OF!”
“But the monsters! The wails! You can’t explain that!” “Actually…” “THE HELL I CAN’T!”
“Guess that goes to show that sometimes, the only thing scarier than monsters and ghosts…is real life. Specifically old people having sex. Weird, kinky sex. In a dungeon. Boy, that is…that is some dark shit.”
Episode 6, Reigny Day
“Under my rule, I WILL MAKE CAMP CAMPBELL GREAT AGAIN” “[Thinking] This is probably fine.”
“You seem pretty confident about that. Where were you on the night of-” “Shut up, let’s go find him.”
“Yeah? What did you think I meant? I’m not some kind of secret police or something.”
“[Nervously] All right kiddos, why don’t we take this conversation somewhere else, like another room! Or another camp!”
“We shall make an example of him! Let the hunt begin!” “[Thinking] This is still fine.”
“[After Preston destroys the floorboards with a crowbar] This has escalated quickly.”
“[Thinking, after getting nervous about the judges] This is no longer fine.”
“[Thinking] I can’t believe I lost to Dolph, he isn’t even a counselor!” “[Thinking] Plus he really looks like Hitler.”
Episode 7, Romeo & Juliet II: Love Resurrected
“Please, the theater demands your utmost respect-” “[Through megaphone] SHUT YOUR YAPS, IT’S TIME FOR THE PLAY!” “Ahem, thank you Gwen.” “[Through megaphone] DON’T MENTION IT!”
“Y'know, Juliet should’ve done karate instead of kissing boys. HIYAH! Maybe she wouldn’t have died then.”
“Has anyone seen my phone? I must have dropped it while doing my smile exercises.” “Don’t admit to that…”
“Guuys, you’re just adding to my anxiety! If you don’t return the phone, I’m going to have a panic attack, and that’s on you!”
“Yo, did someone say black magic?” “[Facepalming] Amateurs!”
“Thanks for your contribution, an inanimate object stuffed with hay could have acted better! [Turning to the platypus] Platypus, you’re doing great! Stole the scene! Keep it up!”
“Alright people, get your SHIT together!”
“You’re up next, break a leg, buddy.” “You’re right! If I’m injured, I can’t preform! Hit me! Hit me hard! It’s gotta look convincing!”
“Our love is forbidden just like Romeo and Juliet’s but we will be together even if it costs us our lives. UGH! It’s so romantic, I wanna die!” “He called us cunts last time he saw us.”
“I’m gonna make that kissing scene so hot, it’ll be rated TV Y 7.”
“It appears, my son, in her sorrow, she killed herself.” “Nooo! [Seinfeld music]”
“Ugh. Why is he so sweaty? Robots can’t sweat. THIS ISN’T CANON!”
“I don’t know who this BITCH is, but she is KILLING IT! AH!”
“I need to stop this!” “Why? This is awesome! Whoo! You go girl!”
“The theater! The cruelest mistress of all! My career! Like the mistakes of so many teenage girls, has been aborted.”
“Oh, nobody plays Bonquisha like that!” “[In distance] Kick his ass!”
“What about me? Where’s MY apology?” “I’m gonna be honest, I’m not sure who you are.”
“[Holding up a picture of Cameron Campbell] Have you seen this man?” “Oh, uh, I’ve been told to tell you no.”
“They don’t give Oscars for stage performances.” “That’s how good it was.”
Episode 8, Into Town
“What did I say? I said don’t do fire safety camp and political history camp in the same day unless you reeeeaaally want it to turn into riot control camp." 
"You’re still on fire, btw!” “Thank you.”
“Eyy, we’re talking here!” “The moon landings were a hoax filmed in Area 51 orchestrated by the government as a publicity stunt designed to humiliate the Russians in the space race!” “Noooooo! No! I can’t hear you! I can’t hear you! I can’t hear you!”
“Ah! Sweet 22.2 degrees Celsius, here we come!” “You idiot! This isn’t about air conditioning!”
“Just what exactly do you think he’s into?” “Hookers and blow!” “[Simultaneously] WHAT?!”
“Neil, you go be Neil in the nerd shop. Just stay here and keep an eye on the wagon. Get ready to haul ass if you see David about to leave.”
“Eeny-meeny-miny-mo, what lame place did David go…in?”
“Don’t serve your kind here.” “Your kind? Your kind?! Care to be more specific, sir? I’m calling you out!” “Kids.” “Oh, well that’s totally understandable.”
“Him? Yeahh, he’s a bit on edge now, isn’t he? Kept saying something about how it was all some kid’s fault.” “I know what you’re thinking. You’re totally right.”
“So, he come here often? Is he a sad drunk? Happy drunk? Gay drunk?”
“He beat a women?! David, you unbelievable bastard, I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“[Coughing] Max? I think I’m dying.”
“[To Max] Don’t come back. [To Nikki] Come back when you’re 18.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t wanna drive him to murder! I just wanted to show him that his entire philosophical outlook on life is flawed and that the fundamental beliefs and ideologies he holds so dearly are trivial so that he’ll start crying himself to sleep like the rest of us! I’m not a monster!”
“You sick bastard! Your getaway from the camp is TO GO CAMPING?!”
“Just. Kill us!”
Episode 9, David Gets Hard
“Well, we’re gonna learn that little shit some manners, David! Because we are contractually obligated to!" 
"After all, there’s only one camper at Camp Campbell worse than him, and it’s me.”
“What do you want?” “Double desert, no activities for a week, and David’s social security number.” “Done.” “Gwen!” “SHUT UP, DAVID!” “Okay…”
“Today’s the day I get hard!” “Okay, maybe we don’t phrase it like that…” “Oh no! Rule 1: no backing down! Look out, world! I’m hard and I’m coming! Whether he likes it or not, Nurf is gonna let me in!”
“…So does he want to help Nurf or fuck him?" 
"You’re pathetic.” “And getting blood on my boot.”
“No, no! You’re being positive again! Gwen’s the fucking worst! She slacks off, reads garbage and has no idea what she’s doing with her life!” “[Angrily] What?”
 "There’s no time-travelling doctor coming to save you Gwen! Get your shit together!“ 
"Right! I know that’s probably hard to hear!” “No.” “And may have even been a little too far!” “Not at all” “But by golly, it seems to me you’ve never been very polite to anyone!” “[Muttering] God damn it.”
“Man, he is…way more fucked up than I thought.”
“[Sarcastically] Oops, didn’t see you there! [Normally] Just kidding, I was fully aware of the situation. I’m just acting out for attention. That being said, I do think I need corrective lenses, my mom just won’t take me." 
"Oh, so we’re doing the whole Freudian thing now? Everyone wants to fuck their own mom, get over it!”
“So, what are you gonna do now?” “STAB MY DAD!” “NO! What?! Why?!”
“What do you expect? I’m just a kid! Eat my farts, butt-nut!”
“Well, I guess it turns out at the end of the day…sometimes you just gotta hit kids.”
Episode 10, Mind Freakers
“Sure, Harrison, that’s it. It’s certainly not because I believe in the fundamental laws of everything in existence which goes against the slightest chance of magic even being possible.”
“Get rekt, Harrison. Why don’t you do a real magic trick if you’re so good.”
“Oh! You just got Abraca-OWNED, Max!”
“Yes, and it would’ve been even better if it had happened to Neil as I intended, but you get the idea. Magic!”
“I do NOT feel okay!”
“It’s not like I’m gonna loose sleep over it. [Later that night] Shit.”
“Yeah! I believe! Cut me in half! I’ll be fine! …I’ll be fine? I’ll be fine!”
“Okay, Neil. I got you, fam.” “I don’t know what that means, but thank you.”
“How does Harrison have the Gaul to do something so hurtful, ya know?” “Yeah, it’s kinda shitty. I feel-” “It’s like he doesn’t even care how this affects ME!” “You?!” “Yeah! How can he be so selfish?”
“I don’t know, Neil. There’s still so much I need to learn. I gotta reach level 4 and I haven’t even been sorted into a house yet.”
“Just proving that any idiot with half a brain can do that trick you pulled off yesterday.” “Wait, are…are you calling yourself an idiot, Neil?” “SHUT UP SPACE KID.”
“The only thing I’m killing is your hocus-pocus bullshit, Harrison!”
“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the greatest trick of all. Getting a cynical, close-minded asshole to believe in magic!" 
Episode 11, Camporee
"Guess who’s got two thumbs, diplomatic immunity and is here to host the annual Lake Lilac CAMPOREE?! This guy!”
“David, what the hell! No one told us about this!” “We’ve literally been telling you about it everyday for weeks.” “Yeah, but we never listen to you guys! Put up flyers or something.”
“Darn it, Teddy, you KNOW I’ve got a crippling gambling addiction!”
“Yo, David! I think I speak for all of us when I say that I don’t wanna become some fascist military peon!” “[Raising his hand] He does not speak for all of us.”
“BOO! Give us actual advice!”
“[Nervously] We just, uh, you know gotta believe in ourselves!” “Nope, we’re boned.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ! Campers, we are winning that FUCKING trophy!”
“[Innocently] Kill.”
Episode 12, The Order of the Sparrow
“Gwen, why is David dressed like a turkey?” “Because he’s fucking David, Nikki, you’ve been here long enough to figure that out.”
“Wow, that is racist.” “Seriously, are you offended?”
“[Whining] Do we have to?” “No, but-” “WAIT! Nevermind! It’s mandatory!”
“Tell us now, turkey man!”
“I can be nice! I’m the nicest!”
“David! You know me! You know I love nature! You know if I could, I would have BABIES with nature!”
“Resistance is futile, turkey man!”
“David. Witness me. Witness my love for nature! [Tries kissing platypus but it bites him instead] Ow! You whore! Let me love you, god damn it!”
“I can’t believe I frenched a platypus for this!”
“Life sucks. And we live in a world of desensitized, apathetic assholes. Why don’t you just get with the program and stop giving a shit.”
“That’s why I’ll never stop trying, because somebody fucking has to.”
“Wake up, buttercup!” “Nikki! No more arrows!” “You can’t control me, white devil!”
“Alright, I fixed it. Everybody hurry up and…ah, shit, he’s awake.”
“Max? Did you-” “DO NOT look too deeply into this. You suck, this world sucks, and one day we’re all gonna die and none of it will matter but if we didn’t do this, I’m pretty sure you’d kill yourself or something.” “[Sniffling] Oh, Max…” “Or shoot up the camp. I dunno, it was a possibility.”
Season 2, Episode 1, Cult Camp
“[Bursting through the door] Goooood morning, David!” “Goood morning, Gwen! Wait, this feels backwards.” “Yep!”
“But today’s the day!” “[Gasp] You’ve realized your love of Camp Campbell and everything it stands for?” “[Happily] HELL NO!”
“Ha, are pulling my leg?” “No leg-pulling here, but we are keen on handshakes!”
“You know, I think now is the perfect time to use my vacation days.” “[Simultaneously] Aw, Gwen. Are you sure?”
“[Picking on Max after he raises his hand] Yes, Max.” “[Points at Daniel] Who the fuck is that?” “Why, what an excellent question!”
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” “Whoa, watch the language there little fella!”
“I don’t really know what you’re selling here, Daniel…but I am BUYING IT!”
“Oh my fuck, he’s ACTUALLY- [Banging on David’s door] A CULTIST! YOU HIRED A FUCKING CULTIST, YOU IDIOT!”
“Again with these cult jokes, Max? Please.” “He gave everyone a "de-toxification” diet then started spouting off Latin from a book with a pentagram!“ "He’s bilingual AND cares about nutrition?!”
“[Sweetly] Hey, David?” “Yes, Nikki?” “WAKE UP AND SMELL THE KOOL-AID!”
“I would just like to point out the fucked-up implications of specifically YOU [points at Dolph] putting specifically ME [points at himself (Neil)] into a gas chamber.”
“I love you, Daniel!” “[Gasp] But…That’s not right! Max doesn’t love anything!”
“Poor guy, must have been some bad fruit punch.” “[Sigh] You’re a moron.”
Season 2, Episode 2, Anti-Social Network
“Nurf, leave me alone, or so help me, I will post photoshops everywhere of you kissing guys!” “Woah! Hey, somebody’s a little tense. You might want to look into some agression therapy. Besides, maybe I already tried to explore my sexuality…you don’t know. [Sniff] Chris, why did you leave me?”
“Oh my fucking god! Is it always just adventures with you two?!”
“It’s a chat bot.” “What do you mean?” “I mean, it’s a programmed, repetitive, humorless, inhuman, simulation of a person.” “Yeah, Neil!”
“Okay, okay. So maybe a couple of you might have critical thinking skills. Good for you, but other than that it’s all going according to plan.” “And what plan is that?” “The "get everyone to leave me the hell alone” plan. I’m a genius!“
"What could possibly go wrong?” “Everything, but until it does, I’m gonna go plug David into this thing and see how it plays out. Have fun doing…whatever.”
“Damn, Neil, you did that with graphing calculators?”
“This doesn’t make any sense. Every calculator’s running an updated version of my chat bot, but they’re all acting different.” “Yeah, I’m about three seconds away from removing the batteries from David’s.”
“Well I guess it’s a good thing we got them all. Can you imagine if someone impressionable and naive enough to believe everything they heard from a chat bot had-” “[Simultaneously] Oh my god, Nikki!”
“I can only hear about "shipping” people’s “bae’s” for so long.“
"Calculations complete. My analysis is…absolutely fucking not! You humans all suck.”
Season 2, Episode 3, Quest to Sleepy Peak Peak
“Get rekt, Mr. Waffles.”
“Actually, we’ll take whatever we can get, preferably we wouldn’t be talking to either of you.”
“[After kicking the ground and supposedly making the Earth shake] Oh no, my anger has manifested!” “Get to a door frame!”
“How do you know so much about it, Gwen?” “Yeah, I thought you had a…liberal arts degree.” “[Sighs] Associates degree.” “Oh, that is so tragic.”
“You coming too, Max?” “Still got those dice?” “Yep!” “[Grabbing the dice and walking away] Nope.”
“You can be the dwarf, because they’re dumb and ugly, just like your face.” “Aww, yeah. That one hurt. But my mom says I’ll grow into my looks.”
“Oh god! It’s chirping menacingly at me!”
“Anyone else want a twenty-sided asskicking?”
“Big deal, so you threw a bunch of dice at some animals. Kind of a dick move, to be honest.”
“This is a level 1 cave at best. There aren’t even any fire-breathing dragons or even a dang ol’ goblin!" 
"Oh, well, I guess that will work.” “[After the volcano starts to shake] IT FUCKING BETTER!”
“[After seeing the lava] Woah! Okay, well, saw the volcano, think it’s time we head back!”
“You’ve angered the mountain, Harrison! Gosh, you suck!” “I do not suck! You’re the sucking one!” “[In background] You both suck!”
“Oh, this is gonna be goood! Neil, are you seeing this?” “[Angrily] I’m going to hit you, Nikki!”
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phantasmagorighoul · 7 years
beep boop so if you’re new to my blog (or hell even if you’ve been here a while) you probably noticed that 75% of the time, any of the gorillaz stuff i reblog or post about has to do with, very specifically, murdoc and noodle’s father-daughter relationship. now you’ve probably at one point went ‘ummmm why is this all she posts that’s kind of weird’ and i’ve got a nice lil explanation for anyone interested under the cut. tbh i wouldn’t have made a post like this if i didn’t feel like my weird fixation on their relationship didn’t rub off as odd bc i feel like it kind of does so there’s some personal junk under the cut and me being all nostalgic and stuff. if you’re tired of seeing father-daughter mud and nood blacklist ‘pickle dad’ and you won’t have to see it anymore, please don’t reblog thank u
ok so my family is a very musical one. everybody on my dad’s side drums (i’ve had drumsticks in my hands since i was 2 but it’s been soooo long i’d probably be garbage lol) and we’ve always had like 3 different types of music playing in different parts of the house at once it was really cool. but with that comes the love of watching music videos and my dad was always the one who loved to do that, so since i was a newborn he’d always sit in his rocker with me in his lap and we’d watch music videos together. THAT’S why i’m almost positive i’ve listened to gorillaz since phase 1 because we definitely saw clint eastwood, 19-2000 and all that good stuff, but i was just too young to remember it. but anyway
we found a lot of our favorite artists through music videos and that’s how we found gorillaz!! my dad always loved gorillaz but my earliest memory of it was seeing feel good inc and going OH YES THIS IS MY SHIT and making him buy me kidz bop 9 and forcing him and my mom to play feel good inc over and over whenever we were in the car. why we didn’t just buy demon days is beyond me but he probably didn’t think it was appropriate bc he was really insistent on not letting me listen to risque songs and i feel like he’d assume some of that was on there? but yeah phase 2 had us both hooked and feel good inc and dirty harry and everything was good. years went by and we still watched music videos together, and by this time i had an ipod so i watched less and less with him bc i had my own music. he’d still sit downstairs and watch them tho sometimes my brother would sit with him but he didn’t care.
phase 3 hits woo and the stylo music video comes out!! well my dad decides that this is the best damn song he heard in his life and fuckin blasted it whenever the video came on. he downloaded it and would just play it over the speakers too and let me tell you this fuckin song was always played so loud that you could be on the opposite side of the house and you could still feel the bassline right down into your bone marrow it was awesome
but he really liked murdoc!! he thought he was cool as hell with his lil bandanna and sweet car. stylo was one of the music videos that if i heard it, i would immediately go downstairs to watch it with him until it was over. the only other three that could do that were on melancholy hill, nanana by mcr, and big bang by rock mafia lol. besides that i always had a habit of latching onto the only female characters in things bc i liked girl characters. which there was a shortage of in things when i was little. so naturally i liked noodle!! loved that girl. she’s still my favorite believe it or not, it really doesn’t seem like it
but we’d always watch stylo and on melancholy hill and things were great. he was my best friend and we’d really bond watching those videos. a couple years later he suddenly decided that he was going to move out and left me heartbroken and really hurt for almost a year after, and he started being mean to me and saw me only once a week because i would fight with him bc i felt that he did the wrong thing, so i went from seeing him all the time to hardly ever and going from always hearing good music through the floor to radio silence. it was really tough and it still is, really, and we drifted apart and he usually just finds reasons to yell at me until i cry and it’s sad. we’re not very close anymore and there’s like a hole in my chest but it’s slowly healing itself so i’ll be ok. things have been slightly better but anyway
but listening to songs like stylo and on melancholy hill take me back to when i was 10 and would sit with him and sing along in our best impressions of mos def and bobby womack and damon albarn and when we were still close and things were ok. if i ask him to play stylo he’ll always put it on, he’s never told me no. he’ll blast it when we’re on the freeway and we’ll roll the windows down and for the 5 minutes it’s great. on melancholy hill either makes me really happy or cry bc it reminds me of the good times and if i close my eyes it really does feel like i’m 10 again, and now you’ve unlocked why stylo and melancholy hill are sentimental to me!!!
i knew that murdoc and noodle were close before el manana and he replaced her and everything, and i always thought of them as a sort of father and daughter but never really this intense. so once gorillaz came back in march and i was reading their interactions and saw the new art, i noticed that even though they probably were really distant towards each other in phase 3 after she got back, they were able to grow close again (even though it might not be as much as before) and i think i quietly wished that for myself. like it would be so nice to be close to my dad again. i tend to project myself onto noodle and him onto murdoc, but ONLY if they’re together. it’s odd. like i won’t do that if it’s just murdoc or just noodle, but if they’re interacting i’m like ‘woah. that’s nice. that would be nice. woah’ i’m probably describing this really weird i’m sorry but that’s what i kind of do at times and that’s why i reblog a shit ton of content bc they’re a happy father and daughter and it reminds me of the way my dad and i were when i was little and singing along to gorillaz with him. it's also a 50/50 chance that i'll project them at all; sometimes the art is just super sweet or really good so i'll reblog it anyway. god i hope that doesn’t sound really weird
i’m trying really hard to have him take me to the concert in detroit lol. he thought about it for a while before deciding it was too far away so i’ve been begging and trying to negotiate and he always just laughs at me and says i’m out of my mind but hasn’t yelled at me to stop asking yet, and i’m getting those tickets. i’m gettin em. i’m gett
anyway sorry for this junk. i just feel like i should explain it before anybody gets concerned that i have this weird appreciation for anything involving murdoc and noodle. i’m just a girl who misses her dad as all sorry sorry
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stripper-boots · 8 years
Look she’s sending me all of them so I’m going to answer 3-100 here and not destroy everyone’s dash.Anyways here we goooooooooo3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Whatever I can find usually. I remember I used a pocket knife at school once and my teacher pretended not to notice. Shout out to them. 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?My coffee with creamers and a lot of sugar, and I don’t really drink tea.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?I used to be but then I stopped caring.
6: do you keep plants? 
No, I actually hate flower smell for some reason?
7: do you name your plants?Nope.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?I play a lot of instruments but I wouldn’t say I express myself. I used to write poems but the my Great Depression hit. I guess writing?
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
I put on a concert in this bitch.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?Stomach.
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?@dragonbornoflegend covered a lot of them already, but I’d like to add Bbless 
12: what's your favorite planet?Mars or Jupiter.
13: what's something that made you smile today?All the compliments @dragonbornoflegend gave me and @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername calling me a “Fucking n00b”
14: if you were to live with your best friend(s) in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?Lot’s of weird decorations, like the one from Icarly but more dicks. It’s clean. I don’t have any animals because I get sad when they die but I’m attached to everyone’s pets. Exposed brick, wooden furniture, a sunroom with a skylight. We have a recording studio for  Let’s Plays where we have game consoles and PC’s. Weapons hanging on the wall, embroidery and canvas prints with swear words on them. A liquor cabinet that, at this rate, I am probably locked out of. @dragonbornoflegend and @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername have two separate keys that need to be used to be unlocked. The sunroom looks out to the lights of the bustling center of downtown, and for once the air is filled with life and happiness, not depression and the constant desire to die. We eat garlic sticks from our cutting board that says “Eat the spaghetti to forghetti your regrehtti” and toast over a white wine to the sounds of honking below and Parks and Rec in our living room for the 7th time.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!In space the skin on your feet peels off!
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?Macaroni and Cheese.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?I really want to die my hair rainbow and shave the sides off my head again and wear it in a french braid so that way it’s all braided together.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
I am a stupid machine. Throwing up (A lot, like a lot a lot), Weak ankles, weird shit I eat, the countless number of city infrastructure me and @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername have stolen.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I don’t now but boy, did I. It was emo central. I had a lot of songs about my struggles and heart aches and a lot of drawings of people killing themselves.
20: what's your favorite eye color? The eyes are my favorite physical trait of any person. I gravitate to Green, but honestly everyone has pretty eyes.But I have the prettiest. (It’s the one physical trait I like about myself pls just let me have this.)
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.I used to tear my bags apart but ever since I was a senior in high school I told my dad I wanted a vintage military messenger bag, and he got me a brand new one from Rapid Dominance that was army approved or something. it has like 7 pockets, fits my laptop perfectly, is made out of a canvas outside but a soft inside (Like a normal bag), and basically I can carry all my stuff I need to take notes in lecture, and was perfect for when I was in high school. I also have a vintage army style going, a lot of olive green, So it looks nice too. It says United States army 1775 with the army star on it. I want to get some patches to decorate it with, because it’s my only bag that has lasted this long. It has seen 4 of my dads girlfriends and a lot of changes in my life. It’s just a good bag.
22: are you a morning person?Well I work third shift so yes and no? 
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?I mean tbh it’s a lot of youtube and masturbating.(sorry family and friends)
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?I might tell them some day but I don’t tell anyone how bad living with my mom was.
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?One time when I was growing up a family moved of a house on my block out and kept a lot of little things behind. Not that it was weird, but weird, but my brother, some friends, and I peaked into the window and my brother saw a giant purple crayon bank, and upon seeing it, he claimed it as his.So we break in (Keep in mind I am like, 7) and I stole a ceramic chicken. We get to the room with the crayon and he grabs the crayon and runs the front door of this house (where it’s snowing and people can see our foot prints) and yells on at the top of his lungs “I GOT THE CRAYON” While holding it above his 6′1″ head, making the rest of us run past him and back to my garage where we were “safe”That was pretty weird I guess.
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?My work boots; I need to retire them soon.
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? That strawberry shortcake desert one.
28: sunrise or sunset? I can see the sunset from my window so I guess that.
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Support me when I get triggered and not leave because I have what I am pretty sure are ptsd episodes. (I don’t want to self diagnose)
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?Truley scared?⁉️ 😂😂😂The fear😈 never💪stops🚫! We out here 💯 Fearin😣 erryday‼️ Thanks🙏 to my🤰 mom’s👊 physical👊 abuse👊‼️No but fr I had a pretty bad time living with my mom and I cope with it through humor. But there were times where I feared for my life, and seeing as the human body is hard wired to survival at all cost, I would say yes.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I just wear black socks, idk I’m too lazy to deal.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I again work third shift, so I am out past 3 AM a lot. @dragonbornoflegend told a good story. @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername and I took a trip to Alabama, and we stayed out till four in the morning in this small park in this small town with an old friend, and a friend we made that night. We layed in the middle of what is usually a busy street, quieted by the night and star gazed, started a fire in a grill then struggled to put it out, almost set the park on fire but swinging around a burning stick, and he tore down a light post with his bare hands and I stole a piece from the top of the post, all the while shooting the shit and being sober (New friend actually said that it was the first time he was sober in years and was one of the best times he had in a long time, which made me feel a type of way.)
33: what's your fave pastry?Anything that @dragonbornoflegend makes and blesses me with being allowed to eat it.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?When I was in sixth grade my school had a girls only lock in. It was like a girl positivity boot camp. Some of it was helpful and good for young girls to hear, but they also did that thing where they said “Your sexuality is like a piece of tape” so you know. But they had a bunch of stuffed animals they gave away to all the girls there. And I was the first person to pick and there was a stuffed husky there, and when I picked it the entire place sighed. His name was Brownie (Like the Cleveland browns football mascot who is a dog) at first, then I changed it to phoenix. He has bright blue eyes, black fur on top, white fur on bottom. He had lost some of his stuffing when I got him so I re stuffed him and sewed him back up. I still have him.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?Lol I am too sloppy for that mess but I’m proud of you if you do this.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
Kidz bop
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
Cleaner than messier, but I wouldn’t call it clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!Being called a dog, being called stupid, etc.
39: what color do you wear the most?Olive green, blue, red, and black.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?@dragonbornoflegend bought @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername and I a friendship necklace a few christmases ago. It means a lot to me.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?Catch 22
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Really I get coffee anywhere. I like the aesthetic of them but I don’t really go because I’m broke.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?That Alabama trip.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?After we celebrated @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername‘s birthday with an extensive scavenger hunt, and being out till like 4 am the night before to get up at 9, we crashed at @dragonbornoflegend‘s house after eating some bomb ass cake. We talked for a bit, but eventually just fell asleep on The twin bed/chair together for like 4 hours. That was nice.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?Yes and no. It depends on how much self doubt I have at the time.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.I would think of one because I am the PUNisher of my friend group but  @dragonbornoflegend really nailed it earlier with “I have one that’s pretty saint-like lately. Bc they’re holey.”, because my back has open wounds in them. I have literal holes in my body.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?Pineapples so they can never ruin a pizza again.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?My mom and Y E P. Also I am afraid of AI and the deep sea which was not when I was a kid.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?I used to but not much now. I bought one from a band called Ice Nine KIlls.
50: what's an odd thing you collect?That cermaic rooster actually started a ceramic nick-nack collection.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?@dragonbornoflegend‘s mom- Fuck you.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?Yes.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?I’ve seen Heathers the musical and that was Lit.
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?My dad.
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?I am Petty™ so pretty much everything I do lol.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?Good humor, intelligence, and kindness.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?I love Bohemian Rhapsody but that song is 6 minutes and a vine long and I Will Not.
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I’d say @dragonbornoflegend because they love cats and share cooking videos on facebook and have secret family discourse, where I am the vodka Aunt because I am a walking meme.
59: what's your favorite myth?My Happiness (Also I love mythology)
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Edgar Allen Poe because my emo heart bleeds for it.
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?I like to think I am good at gift giving, but I once got a small kids shirt when I was 16 (I have always been overweight) that had a Heart on it and smelled like Ice Tea.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?If I did it would be grape juice, I love grape juice. Not enough to but it though.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Nope. My room is a trashcan of media.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?White, with some blue poking through.
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? 
My work friends. My back holes have me out of work.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?Lot’s of dark flowers with red and purple. 
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?I like it.
68: what's winter like where you live?Usually mild but global warming dun goofed.
69: what are your favorite board games?Anything made by WOC
70: have you ever used a ouija board?Nope and you can’t keep them the fuck away from me. foh.
71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
Honestea. It’s easier to swallow than realitea. 
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?Nope.
73: what are some of your worst habits?Being alive.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.My two closest friends are both guys so. Sir Farts a Lot, and Sir Silicone Valley.
75: tell us about your pets!She died almost a month ago
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?For once no.
77: pink or yellow lemonade?Neither please.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?If I could develop one superpower, it would be the ability to snap my neck on command so that way when I next saw a minion I could kill myself instantly as to never see one again.
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Cared about me after I treated them with abuse and harm.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?Yellow and white. My landlord picked them because they pop???
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.The color of the blackest coffee when neutral, but like when coffee is poured, golden when light passes through it.
82: are/were you good in school?I got good grades and didn’t get into trouble, but that was just because I didn’t get caught.
83: what's some of your favorite album art?I like the Grateful Dead album, if nothing for all the shitty shirts walmart sells of it.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?YES. I want to get a french bread in American Traditional that says “I don’t deny myself bread” A grey jedi symbol where the positive space is galaxy colors and stars, a simple map of I-71, and eventually a sleeve.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?I read the punisher when I grew up.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?It’s been a long time since I’ve listened to concept albums but I like them. THere’s this one where all the songs flow into the other and it’s basically like this dudes journey through the desert, I don’t remember the name tho.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Life is too short man do what you want. But watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? I don’t know what it’s called but graffiti is neat.
89: are you close to your parents?I haven’t talked to my mom in 3 years and tbh Idk if she’s alive at this point. I used to be close to my dad but it’s kinda wishy washy.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.Cleveland gets a bad rap, but it is filled with culture. Polish bakers, german restaurants, rock n roll hall of fame. It’s not that bad.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I’m going to cape cod for a wedding.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?CHEESE TO PLEASE.
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?Sidecut.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?My little cousin. 
95: what are your plans for this weekend?I don’t have any, I’m pretty spontaneous. 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?Never.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?ENTP (Usally), Leo, gryffindor when I take the full test, but my pottermore account says hufflepuff
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?I don’t remember but yeah.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.Living louder.- The Cab.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
If I gotta hit one I’m going with the future one because my past is sad and my now is only kinda better so hopefully I’ll be out of college with a job that isn’t lifting 70 pounds repeatedly in the dead of night.
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icemaninvestments · 6 years
Giving Bookies Heavy Beatz to Keeping Fash Off Our Streets
Ok Kidz, So let’s see how the Investment Portfolio is performing this season, update on some old and new positions plus a little bit of politics. Politics I was very proud to be part of a successful counter demonstration to the far right DFLA in London . We blocked their path at one stage which led to them being re-routed. No Pasaran. No time for complacency though as media darling Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Tommy Knobinson will be keen to put the Forces of Darkness back on the streets. 
Family Big Summer in the IceMan Family with Little Miss IceMan getting married to an Accountant (who can help count my winning). The occasion meant Mr and Mrs IceMan Junior travelled over from the States to attend so we had a fantastic get together. 
Football Championship. Backed Derby at 5/1 for promotion and they sit in a play off position and only two points off an automatic promotion slot. Frank Lampard has some exciting young players in his squad and I expect them to be in the shake up come end of season . Now trading at 100/30 so an (IcePrice). 
League One Charlton made a good start and caretaker-manager Lee Bowyer was appointed permanent manager off the back of it . Have gone backwards a bit lately and sit 5 points off a play off berth but have a game in hand . Backed at 9/2 for promotion but currently trade at a generous 10/1 so (ShitePrice) . Still hope they can remain competitive in chasing a play off place. 
League Two Mansfield taken at 9/4 for promotion are now 7/4 so (IcePrice). This side have a habit of drawing too many games when throwing away winning positions . They should be challenging for automatic promotion but find themselves 6 points shy of the play offs. However they have 2 games in hand and I remain optimistic their fortunes will improve. 
National League I did not originally make a pick in this Division as I was reluctant to take on firm favourites Salford. However after a couple of rounds of games I was surprised to see Leyton Orient available at 13/2 for promotion. I had to have some of that and it has turned out to be a nice touch . They now sit on top of the league and trading at 6/4 (IcePrice). Still a hard division to get out of and Salford are only a point behind. 
Scottish Championship Got on Ross County at 5/2 to win this league. They sit nicely on top and trade at 4/6 (IcePrice) . This is obviously going well but I am not as happy as these odds would suggest. They have a one point margin over Ayr and a dangerous Dundee United are notŵ out of it. 
Scottish League One Well every season there is always one shocker and this year it looks like Airdrie. Backed each way so I get a pay out if they come in top three. Thought 8/1 was good value but they are now 33/1 ( total ShitePrice).They are currently 6 points adrift of third place but their form has gone to pieces and they are fast moving backwards. This club is situated in the infamous Buckfast Triangle and it seems their players may have been on the brew. 
Scottish League Two backed Clyde last season and to be fair they let me down . However they finished strongly and I was hoping some of that momentum would carry through to this season . They did in fact start brightly but their form has fallen way recently and they are 9 points behind shock leaders Edinburgh City and probably more ominously have given a 7 point head start to Peterhead as well . Took 11/4 and remarkably they still trade at 5/1 (ShitePrice) which suggests someone thinks they can improve. I though think this is in the loss column with Airdrie. 
Bits and Bobs (new). Not many new positions taken and just as well as looking at the state of these two I seem to have been distracted by wedding events  . NFL dunno why I bother but had a great tip that Jacksonville Jaguars were overpriced at 22/1 and so it looked as they started brilliantly and the odds tumbled to 11/1. This was then followed by four losses on the spin and an incident with a unpaid bar bill in London. Anyways price has gone out to 66/1  (total ShitePrice). The other recent bet was Athletico Madrid 16/1 Champions League . Had an easy looking group and good track record so what could go wrong. Well they got thrashed the other night 4-0 by Dortmund . There are somehow still trading at  my price but I have gone very cool on them.
Bits and Bobs (old) Shame my GAA positions on Galway went down the pan . The Gaelic football was always  a long shot but very disappointed about the Hurling . Galway started the game as strong favourites but were turned over by a determined Limerick team.
Lost on the long-standing Ryder Cup Golf bet. Had backed USA who got thrashed by Europe.  This one did not hurt as much as Galway because had USA won then Trump would have claimed a slice of the Glory. Speaking of the racist, misogynistic , narcissistic hate monger, let’s hope he takes a beating in the  upcoming mid term elections . Predictions are he will keep the senate possibly strengthening his position due to the seats that are up for election at this cycle. However it is expected that he will lose the House which means Democrats can protect the Mueller investigation and pursue His dodgy tax returns. (unless he finds a reason to claim the election is void) Sad to say Kurdish led SDF forces have been taking a lot of losses as a result of ‘Daesh’ attacks on the Syrian/ Iraqi border. Hoping they can regroup and defend territory against islamofash.  
So that’s it.
Siamso Tutti Anti Fascisti 
IceMan Investment Portfolio - More in Return 
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