5ammotorcycles · 2 months
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Beach, France
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Lighthouse of Leucate-Plage, Languedoc region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed to Paris
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t-a-f-a-r-i · 11 months
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viajero2000 · 2 years
Occitania 6
La costa hasta Nimes. 
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Partiendo de uno de los Castillos Cátaros, tomamos la costa por Leucate, rodeado de Albuferas, playas vírgenes y Urbanizaciones Naturistas, muy cerca de Narbonne, la maravillosa Abadía de Fontfroide, en un entorno único. Y pasando por Béziers, también ciudad cátara, en la que en aquellas guerras querían matar a los cátaros y no los sabían diferenciar de los creyentes, hubo un general, muy cafre, que ordenó matar a toda la población, diciendo que Cristo, ya separaría en el otro mundo a los cátaros de los creyentes. La siguiente ciudad es Montpellier, y acabamos en Nimes.
Dulhac sous Peyrepertuse, tiene como recuerdo dos castillos, en principio inexpugnables, en un maravilloso paisaje.
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En Leucate, ocho playas, ostras y actividades naúticas te esperan. He estado dos veces, una de Camping cerca de La Franqui, y otra en la zona naturista. 
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La siguiente etapa Narbonne, la ciudad, que fue capital de la Galia Narbonesa, son remarcables, la Catedral inacabada y el Palacio de los Arzobispos.  
En un valle cercano, rodeado de vegetación está la Abadía de Fontfroide, reutilizada para convenciones y gastronomía, pero visitables sus partes conventuales.
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Montpellier, capital del Languedoc, con su enorme plaza de la Comedia, su barrio neoclásico y algunas callecitas medievales. 
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Nimes, una ciudad romana, con su circo, su templo, y las callecitas antiguas llenas de terrazas.
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photo-musik · 4 months
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toihaismoi · 1 year
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Effets de vagues, Port-Leucate (Aude)
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lagazettecatalane · 2 years
La bullinada d'anguilles d'en Josep i Felip
Excellente vidéo, du rire, de la bonne humeur autour de la préparation d'un plat emblématique catalan !
La “véritaple” bullinada d’anguilles de Joseph et Philippe Négrier cuite au feu de bois…. Par Jean-Luc Modat Je me suis fixé pour devoir celui de débusquer, de glaner, de vieilles recettes catalanes populaires aux empreintes rurales afin d’entretenir leurs mémoires à transmettre aux jeunes générations en perte de sens et de valeurs… Ce joyeux film de prés de 10 min consacre la recette de la…
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pmamtraveller · 29 days
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Sappho was an ancient Greek lyric poetess from the island of Lesbos, very famous for her personal poetry of love and desire. This painting is centred on the myth where she is intent on leaping from a cliff into the sea at Leucate. This is because she had great love for the boatman Phaon, who didn't feel the same.
Gros's portrayal has Sappho illuminated by the moonlight, with her eyes closed, and arms tightly hugging the lyre against her body, it is almost as if she has just taken a deep inhale of air right before the jump. In the background, there seems to be a lit fire, which could be a sacrificial altar with its meaning rooted in the fact that the decision is final.
This painting was very well received after its creation, and Gros was really making a name for himself in the art world. All this is because he also created historic and Napoleonic artworks in the 1790s. Despite the success of this painting had Gros just couldn't replicate this achievement in his later works.
"Sappho at Leucate" marked a peak at the artist's career, but with it came constant depression and the anxiety of searching for a new masterpiece. Gros was eyeing a position of master of French school that was vacant due to the banishment of his teacher Jacques-Louis David. Unfortunately, he never got it.
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city-of-ladies · 5 months
The dangers of the combat zone
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"Women accompanying the military were in what military historian John Lynn calls the combat zone, which is
best defined by the intensity and immediacy of danger and by the ability to do direct harm to the enemy… the full reality of war lives here. Modern armies regard it as an innovation to send some women into combat, but in the campaign community all women stood in harm’s way.
It would be odd to imagine that the women accompanying an army, exposed as they were to all the dangers of the military world, didn’t pick up arms and fight. In 1643, in the earlier stages of the English Civil War, a regiment of troops was recalled from Ireland to support King Charles. Rumours swirled that they were accompanied by a regiment of women, and that ‘these were weaponed too; and when these degenerate into cruelty, there are none more bloody’. Indeed, when 120 Irish women were taken prisoner at Nantwich they were discovered to have long knives with them, causing a furore in the press. The dubiously named True Informer excitedly reported that the knives in question were half a yard long, with a hook at the end ‘made not only to stab but to tear the flesh from the very bones’. The likeliest explanation for these knives, however, is that the women weren’t soldiers; they were camp followers, and they needed the knives to help them with pillage and self-defence. 
The women of the campaign community did fight. The Bishop of Albi, on the battlefield of Leucate in southern France to administer to the dying in 1637, came upon the bodies of several women in uniform. ‘These were the real men,’ he was told by the Castilian soldiers, ‘since those who had fled, including certain officers, had conducted themselves like women’. 
Madeleine Kintelberger was a vivandière accompanying the French Seventh Hussar Regiment at Austerlitz in 1805, along with her soldier husband and their six children. The regiment was under heavy attack from Russian forces when her husband was killed by a cannonball, and her children seriously wounded. Madeleine herself had taken a cannonball to the arm, virtually slicing it off below the shoulder. As the Russian Cossacks approached, she scooped up a sword to defend her children, receiving further wounds in both her arms before the family was taken prisoner. Madeleine was six months pregnant and gave birth in captivity. Her bravery was rewarded with a pension from Napoleon. Examples of cantinières fighting are ‘legion’."
Forgotten Warriors, Sarah Percy
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Antoine-Jean Gros - Sappho at Leucate (1801)
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the-god-of-sun · 5 months
daphne, castalia, cassandra, acantha, bolina, ocroe, leucates,
Knew there were more
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askauradonprep · 6 months
Apollo Failed Attempts: Daphne: Tree Castalia: Fountain Cassandra: Cursed Acantha: Cactus Bolina: Cliff Ocroe: Cliff (And a Boat) Leucates: Cliff
Hyacinthus: Flower (Death by Discus)
.... Carina, Lampwick's mama : Okay I'm really Desperate so I'll Date you so Long as you treat my Son, Lampwick , Good ... Apollo : OH THANK GODS !
He doesn't have a great record!
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spookysaturn · 1 year
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qwik trip to the south - port-leucate in july
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dutzervonmezzenbrau · 2 years
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                                          Sappho at Leucate (1801) 
                                             by Antoine-Jean Gros
                                       Musée Baron Gérard, Bayeux
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photo-musik · 15 days
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carraways-son · 1 year
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Beau coucher du soleil sur l'étang de Leucate et le massif des Corbières. Au cours de cette journée passée entre mer et étangs, j'ai observé et photographié de nombreux oiseaux, parmi lesquels un goéland ébouriffé par le vent, une aigrette garzette, une mouette rieuse et un huîtrier à long bec. Lors de la promenade vespérale, après glace et boisson en front de mer, où une disco mobile diffusait une chanson de Abba, bonheur de retrouver la lune, fine comme un fil d'argent. Joies simples...
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