#leucoderma meaning
healthhub123 · 5 months
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Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II was issued a passport 3,000 years after his death in order for his mummy to fly to Paris.
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Ramesses II (c. 1303 BC – 1213 BC), commonly known as Ramesses the Great, is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom.
His successors and later Egyptians called him the “Great Ancestor.”
Ramesses II was originally buried in a grand tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
He was subsequently moved many times by priests who feared looters. He spent as little as three days in some places, and the priests recorded their actions on wrappings on his body.
Despite his resplendent wealth and power in life, his body was later moved to a royal cache.
With the passage of time, his sarcophagus  was lost to history.
It was re-discovered in a deteriorating condition in 1881. It is now on display in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities.
It was his poor condition that prompted Egyptian authorities to seek help preserving him in the mid-1970s.
They found their experts in France and reluctantly decided to transport the 3,000 year-old mummy to Paris.
In 1975, Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor studying his remains, said that the mummy was threatened by fungus and needed urgent treatment to prevent total decay.
French laws dictated that entry and transportation through the country required a valid passport.
To comply with local laws, the Egyptian government issued a passport to the Pharaoh.
Seemingly, he was the first mummy to receive one. His occupation was listed as "King (deceased)."
The government didn’t want him to get a passport for publicity but believed it would afford them legal protections to ensure his safe return.
As countless artifacts and mummies have been plundered and stolen from Egypt, museums in Europe didn’t always respect Egyptian claims.
In 1976, his remains were issued an Egyptian passport so that he could be transported to Paris for an irradiated treatment to prevent a fungoid growth.
The New York Times reported on 27 September 1976 that the French military aircraft that brought Ramesses' remains from the Cairo Museum was greeted by the Garde Republicaine, France's equivalent of a U.S. Marine honor guard.
“The mummy was greeted by the Secretary of State for Universities, Alice Saunter‐Seite, and an army detachment.
Ramses II, who ruled Egypt for 67 years, received special treatment at Le Bourget Airport.”
It was then taken to the Paris Ethnological Museum for inspection by Professor Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris.
During the examination, Cecaldi noted:
“Hair, astonishingly preserved, showed some complementary data, especially about pigmentation.
Ramses II was a ginger-haired ‘cymnotriche leucoderma'” (meaning he was a fair-skinned person with wavy ginger hair).
He is 5 ft '7 inches tall. They found battle wounds, arthritis and tooth abscess.
In ancient Egypt, people with red hair were associated with deity Set, the slayer of Osiris. The name of Ramesses II’s father, Seti I, means “follower of Seth.”
The examination also revealed evidence of previous wounds, fractures and arthritis, which would have left Ramesses with a hunched back in the later years of his life.
In 2007, it was discovered that small tufts of the Pharaoh’s hair were stolen during the 1976 preservation work (published by the BBC).  
A Frenchman named Jean-Michel Diebolt said he had inherited the hair from his late father, a researcher from the team who analysed the mummy.
Deibolt had tried to sell the hair through an online auction for 2000 euros (£1360) but was quickly apprehended by French authorities.
📷 : An artist’s creation of the passport. Image is for representative purposes only. The actual passport is not publicly available.
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uma1ra · 2 years
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Dua for Protection - Diseases, Insanity
Pronunciation: Allahumma inni auzu bika mi-nal ba-ra-si wal-ju-nu-ni, wal-ju-za-mi wa min say-yi'il-as-qam
Meaning: O Allah! I seek refuge in You from leucoderma, insanity, leprosy and evil diseases
Reference: Sunan Abu Dawud 1554
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Pyrostegia venusta, also commonly known as flamevine or orange trumpet vine, originally native to southern Brazil, Bolivia, northeastern Argentina and Paraguay;
Venusta means 'beautiful', 'charming', or 'graceful'. "Pyrostegia" is from the Greek pyros 'fire', relating to the colour of the flowers and the shape of the upper lip, and stegia 'covering'. When the flowers cover a building, it may appear to be on fire.
P. venusta leaves and stems are used in traditional medicine as a tonic or antidiarrheal agent, while its flowers are used in the treatment of leucoderma and vitiligo. It is also used as anti-inflammatory medicine in cough, bronchitis, flu and cold.
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pilesbhasmdsfss · 2 years
What Is Sphatika Bhasma
Sphatika Bhasma, otherwise Piles Bhasm called Shubhra Bhasma, Tuvari Bhasma, Kankshi Bhasma, or Phataki Bhasma is an old style ayurvedic exclusive drug made of Alum or Fitkari that is widely utilized for the treatment and the board of skin infections, draining problems and respiratory issues. Moreover, attributable to its strong hemostatic, calming and disinfectant nature, it is additionally utilized for helping chest torment because of pneumonia, bronchitis, persistent hack, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia and menometrorrhagia, retching in tuberculosis, hematemesis (blood in heaving), constant loose bowels, and stomach torment because of lead poisonousness. Remotely, it is additionally shown for skin issues, for example, leucoderma, herpes, and vitiligo.
Ayurvedic Signs Of Sphatika Bhasma
Since ages, Sphatika or any of its formulatioms has been referenced by a few ayurvedic doctors as a "rejuvenative dravya" that gives intense detoxifying impacts. A few ayurvedic sacred texts and diaries notice this definition for different signs which incorporate Raktadoshahara (blood cleaning), Pandu (treats skin issues), Yakrit Vikara (forestalls liver diseases), Sangrahini (treats loose bowels), Jvara (valuable in fever), Kamala (forestalls jaundice), Kasahara (Eases hack), Amahara (treats heartburn), Dahahara (assuages consuming sensation), Shwasha (eases breathing hardships), Anulomana (works on breathing), Shonitasthapana (forestalls dying), Vran Ropana (recuperates wounds), Kantya (assuages sore throat), Deepana (upgrades stomach fire), Pachana (helps in processing), Rochana (invigorates craving), Kupachan (forestalls bulging, heartburn), Sangrahini (treats the runs), Jvara (helpful in fever), Kamala (forestalls jaundice), Triptighno (assuages pseudo-satiation), and Varnya (further develops tone).
Unbelievable Medical advantages Of Sphatika Bhasma
Cleans Blood
Attributable to the wonderful detoxifying properties, sphatika bhasma is very gainful in sanitizing the blood. By purifying the blood, it further develops blood course and furthermore assists with eliminating the poisons from the circulation system and the different organs in the body.
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Battles Respiratory Issues
Controlled with outstanding calming, anti-microbial, and hostile to asthmatic properties, this mystical definition of potash alum is viewed as a notable customary solution for a wide range of respiratory difficulties. It is urgent in treating the normal cool, sore throat, hack and influenza side effects. It likewise effectively diminishes and relaxes the catarrh particles inside the chest and nasal cavities and subsequently facilitates breathing and assists the body with disposing of bodily fluid. It is additionally helpful for treating asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and beating hack.
Cures Gynecological Issues
Sphatika Bhasma is an outright solution for a wide range of hormonal issues. It assumes a significant part in directing periods, treating post pregnancy sicknesses, and even assists with treating exorbitant stomach torment/dying. Furthermore, it additionally helps in treating amenorrhea (missing period), menorrhagia (strangely weighty or delayed dying), metrorrhagia (unusual draining from the in the middle of between customary feminine cycle), menometrorrhagia (extreme and delayed uterine draining happening at sporadic or potentially regular spans) and furthermore gives broad alleviation from stomach cramps because of dysmenorrhea (agonizing period).
Treats Stomach Agony
Lead Poisonousness can be incredibly unsafe causes a serious stomach torment, squeezing and expanded hazard of hypertension and kidney harm. Ayurveda brings a mind blowing regular solution for treating and dealing with this harmfulness as Sphatika bhasma. When consumed close by Karpur (camphor) and Ahiphena on suggested portions, it goes about as a laxative drug and works with end of lead from the body by means of poop process.
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awed-frog · 3 years
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A facial reconstruction of Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II (1303 – 1213 BC). Considered the greatest ruler Egypt has ever known, Ramesses was known in Greek sources as ‘Ozymandias’, from the first part hiss regnal name, Usermaatre Setepenre, "The Maat of Ra is powerful, Chosen of Ra".
In 1975, Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor, examined the mummy at the Cairo Museum and found it in poor condition. French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing succeeded in convincing Egyptian authorities to send the mummy to France for treatment. In September 1976, it was greeted at Paris–Le Bourget Airport with full military honours befitting a king, then taken to a laboratory at the Musée de l'Homme.
The mummy was forensically tested by Professor Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris. Professor Ceccaldi determined that: "Hair, astonishingly preserved, showed some complementary data — especially about pigmentation: Ramesses II was a ginger haired 'cymnotriche leucoderma'." The description given here refers to a fair-skinned person with wavy ginger hair. Subsequent microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads. This has more than just cosmetic significance: in ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the deity Set, the slayer of Osiris, and the name of Ramesses II's father, Seti I, means "follower of Seth".
After being irradiated in an attempt to eliminate fungi and insects, the mummy was returned from Paris to Egypt in May 1977.
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cnchomeopathy · 3 years
Best homeopathic Skin doctor in Jaipur
Leucoderma is a relatively common skin disorder, in which white spots or patches appear on the skin. These spots are caused by destruction or weakening of the pigment cells in those areas, resulting in the pigment being destroyed or no longer produced. In most cases, it is believed to be an autoimmune-related disorder. In Leucoderma, only the colour of the skin is affected but texture and other skin qualities remain normal. The hair may also turn white that grows in areas affected by Leucoderma..
It occurs when the melanocytes, cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die or are unable to function. The precise cause of Leucoderma is complex and not fully understood. There is some evidence suggesting it is caused by a combination of auto-immune, genetic, and environmental factors. Common sites, to start with, are pressure points, i.e. knuckles, elbows, lips. Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines for Leucoderma are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.
Best Homeopathic Doctors For Skin in gurgaon
Suffering from Leucoderma or any skin problems and looking for best homeopathic doctor for skin? We offer you the best homeopathic treatment for skin in Gurgaon who is well- qualified and experienced in treating all types of skin problems.  The best homeopathic skin doctor in gurgaon, Vaishali, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Noida and Delhi NCR are here to provide finest aid to you.
Name- CNC Homeopathy Website - https://cnchomeopathy.com/ Mobile No - +91-9829571983 Address- Kanak Vihar, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ajmer Rd, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302021
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faheemkhan882 · 4 years
*Common Abbreviations*
> Rx = Treatment.
> Hx = History
> Dx = Diagnosis
> q = Every
> qd = Every day
> qod = Every other day
> qh = Every Hour
> S = without
> SS = On e half
> C = With
> SOS = If needed
> AC = Before Meals
> PC = After meals
> BID = Twice a Day
> TID = Thrice a Day
> QID = Four times a day
> OD = Once a Day
> BT = Bed Time
> hs = Bed Time
> BBF = Before Breakfast
> BD = Before Dinner
> Tw = Twice a week
> SQ = sub cutaneous
> IM = Intramuscular . .
> ID = Intradermal
> IV = Intravenous
> Q4H = (every 4 hours)
> QOD = (every other day)
> HS = (at bedtime)
> PRN = (as needed)
> PO or "per os" (by mouth)
> AC (before meals)
> PC = (after meals)
> Mg = (milligrams)
> Mcg/ug = (micrograms)
> G or Gm = (grams)
> 1TSF ( Teaspoon) = 5 ml
> 1 Tablespoonful =15ml
~ DDx=differential Diagnosis
R/O=rule out
s.p=status post
PMH(x)=post medical history
Bx =biopsy
Knowledge About Blood.
1. Which is known as ‘River of Life’?
Answer: Blood
2. Blood circulation was discovered by?
Answer: William Harvey
3. The total blood volume in an adult?
Answer: 5-6 Litres
4. The pH value of Human blood?
Answer: 7.35-7.45
5. The normal blood cholesterol level?
Answer: 150-250 mg/100 ml
6. The fluid part of blood?
Answer: Plasma
7. Plasma protein fibrinogen has an active role in?
Answer: Clotting of blood.
8. Plasma protein globulins functions as?
Answer: Antibodies
9. Plasma proteins maintain the blood pH?
Answer: Albumins
10. Biconcave discs shaped blood cell?
Answer: RBC (Erythrocytes)
11. Non nucleated blood cell?
Answer: RBC (Erythrocytes)
12. Respiratory pigments present in RBC?
Answer: Haemoglobin
13. Red pigment present in RBC?
Answer: Haemoglobin
14. RBC produced in the?
Answer: Bone marrow
15. Iron containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
Answer: Haem
16. Protein containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
Answer: Globin
17. Graveyard of RBC?
Answer: Spleen
18. Blood bank in the body?
Answer: Spleen
19. Life span of RBC?
Answer: 120 Days
20. Total count is measured by an instrument known as?
Answer: Haemocytometer
21. A decrease in RBC count is known as?
Answer: Anemia
22. An increase in RBC count is known as?
Answer: Polycythemia
23. A high concentration of bilirubin in the blood causes?
Answer: Jaundice
24. The disease resistant blood cell?
Answer: WBC (leucocytes)
25. Which WBC is known as soldiers of the body?
Answer: Neutrophils
26. Largest WBC?
Answer: Monocyes
27. Smallest WBC?
Answer: Lymphocytes
28. Antibodies producing WBC?
Answer: Lymphocytes
29. Life span of WBC?
Answer: 10-15 days
30. Blood cell performs an important role in blood clotting?
Answer: Thrombocytes (Platelets)
31. Vessels is called?
Answer: Thrombus
32. Anticoagulant present in Blood?
Answer: Heparin
33. A hereditary bleeding disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
34. Bleeder’s disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
35. Christmas disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
36. A type of Anemia with sickle shaped RBC?
Answer: Sickle cell anemia
37. Viscosity of Blood?
Answer: 4.5 to 5.5
38. Instrument used to measure haemoglobin?
Answer: Haemoglobinometer
39. Who demonstrated blood groups?
Answer: Karl Landsteiner
40. Who demonstrated Rh factor?
Answer: Karl Landsteiner
41. Blood group which is called Universal donor?
Answer: O
42. Blood group which is called Universal recipient?
Answer: AB
43. Blood group is most common among the Asians?
Answer: B
Everybody should know the basic functioning of Human Body and its main parts in order to express and explain their ailment to the Doctor and at the same time one should be able to understand the diagnosis expressed by the Doctor in the medical terminology. For easy recognition of the Compounded Words used in the Medical Terminology for naming the disease, Suffixes are added to Prefixes. For this hereunder giving you a few such prefixes for your ready reference and understanding.
Prefix - Meaning
1. Adeno - Glandular
2. An - Not
3. Anti - Against
4. Aorto - Aorta
5. Artho - joint
6. Bleph - Eyelid
7. Broncho - Bronchi
8. Cardio - Heart
9. Cephal - Head
10. Cerebro - Brain
11. Cervico - Cervix
12. Cholecysto - Gall Bladder
13. Coli - Bowel
14. Colpo - Vagina
15. Entero - Intestine
16. Gastro - Stomach
17. Glosso - Tongue
18. Haema - Blood
19. Hepa - Liver
20. Hystero - Uterus
21. Laryngo - Larynx
22. Leuco - White
23. Metro - Uterus
24. Myelo - Spinal cord
25. Myo - Muscle
26. Nephro - Kidney
27. Neuro - Nerve
28. Odonto - Tooth
29. Orchido - Testis
30. Osteo - Bone
31. Oto - Ear
32. Pharyngo - Pharynx
33. Pio - Pus
34. Pneumo - Lung
35. Ren - Kidney
36. Rhin - Nose
37. Spleno - Spleen
38. Thyro - Thyroid Gland
39. Urethro - Urethra
40. Vesico – Bladder
Here are the suffixes used in Medical terminology. Check out!
Suffix - Meaning
1. -aemia : Blood
2. -algia : Pain
3. -derm : skin
4. -dynia : pain
5. -ectomy : removal
6. -Itis : inflammation
7. -lithiasis : Presence of Stone
8. -malacia : softening
9. -oma : tumour
10. -opia : eye
11. -osis : Condition,excess
12. -otomy : incision of
13. -phobia : fear
14. -plasty : surgery
15. -plegia : peralysis
16. -ptosis : falling
17. -rhoea : excessive discharge
18. -rhage : to burst forth
19. -rhythmia : rhythm.
20. -stasis : stoppage of movement
21. -sthenia : weakness
22. -stomy : outlet
23. -tomy : removal
24. -trophy : nourishment
25. -uria : urine
Compounded Words - Meaning
1. Anaemia - Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood
2. Analgesic - Medicine which alleviates pain
3. Arthralgia - Pain in a joint
4. Cephalalgia - Headache
5. Nephralgia - Pain in the kidney
6. Neuralgia - Nerve pain
7. Myalgia - Muscle pain
8. Otalgia - Ear ache
9. Gastralgia - Pain in the stomach
10. Pyoderma - Skin infection with pus formation
11. Leucoderma -Defective skin pigmentaion
12. Hysterodynia - Pain in the uterus
13. Hysterectomy - Excision of the uterus
14. Nephrectomy - Excision of a kidney
15. Adenectomy - Excision of a gland
16. Cholecystectomy - Excision of gall bladder
17. Thyroidectomy - Excision of thyroid gland
18. Arthritis - Inflammation of a joint
19. Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi
20. Carditis - Inflammation of the heart
21. Cervicitis - Inflammation of the cervix
22. Colitis - Inflammation of the colon
23. Colpitis - Inflammation of the vagina
24. Cystitis - Inflammation of the urinary bladder
25. Enteritis - Inflammation of the intestines
26. Gastritis - Inflammation of the stomach
27. Glossitis - Inflammation of the tongue
28. Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver
29. Laryngitis - Inflammation of the larynx
30. Metritis - Inflammation of the uterus
31. Myelitis - Inflammation of the spinal cord
32. Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidney
33. Pharyngitis - Inflammation of the pharynx
34. Blepharitis -Inflammation of the eyelids
35. Cholelithiasis - Stone in the gall bladder
36. Nephrolithiasis - Stone in the kidney
37. Osteomalacia - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin
38. Adenoma -Benign tumour of glandular tissue
39. Myoma - Tumour of muscle
40. Diplopia - Double vision
41. Thrombosis - Formation of a blood clot
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microskinindia · 6 years
5 Common Vitiligo Myths You Should Never Take at Face Value
Contrasting what many self-professed experts would have you believe, Vitiligo has no permanent cure. The term Vitiligo cure is, in itself, a misnomer. Vitiligo care is a different matter altogether. This is an auto-immune disorder which robs the skin of its pigment – melanin - and results in white patches forming.
Unlike rashes and other skin disorders, Vitiligo is caused by depigmentation and may not even have any pre-existing syndromes. Vitiligo treatment is a systematic and long-term one and involves the help of professional experts from a variety of disciplines. Since most sufferers also have a profound psychological impact, the assistance of qualified therapists may be needed in those cases.
It is this taboo nature of discussing Vitiligo in public that has worsened the future of Leucoderma cure. Moreover, there are a series of wild and unproven myths surrounding Vitiligo, which are dispelled here.
Common Vitiligo myths explained rationally
Myth 1: Drinking milk causes Vitiligo
Fact: There is no connection between Vitiligo and diet whatsoever. There is no merit to this argument. Vitiligo cure focuses not on a diet, which includes milk, but on a proven scientific basis. Experts believe that since the other name for Vitiligo, Leucoderma, literally means ‘white skin’, that might be a plausible source of this myth.
Myth 2: Vitiligo is contagious
Fact: No, Vitiligo is not contagious: it is an auto-immune disorder and cannot cross over from one person to another. This myth has managed to hamper the quest for a proper Leucoderma cure because it has been rendered too ‘dangerous’ to talk about. Never hesitate to shake hands with someone with Vitiligo; it is not contagious.
Myth 3: Sun damage causes Vitiligo
Fact: This is another myth that has hindered a proper Leucoderma cure for long. People often believe that Vitiligo may be caused by sun damage; however, there is no apparent connection. It is true that many Vitiligo sufferers must avoid the sun, but direct sunlight exposure does not cause Vitiligo. It is not a mitigating factor.
Myth 4: Vitiligo vanishes/heals by itself
Fact: Nothing could be further from the truth. Auto-immune diseases do not dissipate by themselves; they need proper and scientific care. Vitiligo cure is complicated; it requires years of specialisation and training. In fact, if left untreated, Vitiligo has been shown to spread gradually. It further afflicts the sufferer. Seeking medical intervention is, therefore, an absolute must.
Myth 5: Vitiligo never heals
Fact: This is a partial myth. While there is no permanent Vitiligo cure, it can be treated to a certain extent using latest technologies like Phototherapy. Re-pigmentation takes time, and the results vary from patient to patient. Still, the effects of Phototherapy are noticeable after some time.
Keep in mind that there is no magic bullet which can slay the Vitiligo demon. It has to be managed by professionals. The problem with Vitiligo is that it has never been fully explained; its exact causes remain shrouded in mystery. There is hope in future genetic studies, and a solution may be in the offing.
So, never pay attention to these grossly incorrect myths!
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vitiligocare · 2 years
How to Cure Vitiligo in 30 Days
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Vitiligo, well known as Leucoderma, is a skin disorder commonly found in dark complexioned people. In this medical condition, white patches on skin start appearing. You must have heard from many experts that vitiligo is a non curable disease. But it is half truth. You can control the effects of vitiligo upto great extent by following simple steps. White patches on skin are very embarrassing. Person suffering from this skin disease does not like to attend any public event because of their ugly appearance. White spots on the face distorts their beauty. If you want your original skin and natural beauty, you may opt for any of these vitiligo treatments.
Vitiligo Ointment: An ointment can be helpful in treating vitiligo in a few days. It is painless treatment whereby you just have to apply the cream over the affected areas twice or thrice a day as may be prescribed by your doctor. An ointment is helpful mostly in the initial phase of vitiligo. It can help in restoring back your skin colour.
Medication: There are certain pills or injections that may be prescribed by dermatologists to treat vitiligo when the condition is severe.
Light Therapy: It is also one of the best vitiligo treatments so far as it helps to get back your natural skin colour in a few months. You have to take this therapy twice or thrice a week as prescribed by your dermatologist. You will start seeing the effect of this therapy after one to two month and the final effect could be noticed after six months.
Surgery: If proper medication or light therapy has failed to treat white spots on skin then, the doctor may suggest surgery for the same. In this process, the expert doctor places healthy pigmented skin over the discoloured skin. Surgery is suggested when a person has few white patches on the body.
There are many home remedies for treating vitiligo (white patches on skin). You may also follow any of these vitiligo treatments at home if you wish to treat vitiligo naturally. Natural vitiligo treatment/ Leucoderma treatment is better in many ways. The common benefits are that there are minimal side effects, chemical free treatment, 100% ayurvedic, and natural. These treatments are much cheaper than other treatments.
Use of Natural Herbs: People suffering from vitiligo are highly advised to use herbs like turmeric, neem, lemon, rosemary, inderjav, tamarind etc.
Leugo Cream: Leugo cream is a herbal vitiligo treatment cream that effectively treats leucoderma with no side effects. Leugo cream is an ayurvedic solution for white spots on skin. It is composed of ten different herbs. This ayurvedic ointment is made after years of research and it is certified by the Ministry of Ayush. It is the best vitiligo treatment cream as it gives the result in just a few months.
Green Leafy Vegetables and Fruits: There are some fruits and vegetables that are found to be effective in treating leucoderma. Fruits like apple, banana etc. vegetables like lettuce, carrot, beetroot, radish etc are helpful for repigmentation. These steps are some of the very useful means to cure vitiligo.
You may visit www.vitiligocare.co to buy Leugo kit or you may contact at +91 8657-870-870
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fanirathod · 3 years
A Look at Leucoderma Treatment
Leucoderma, or lupus nephritis as it is commonly referred to, can have severe repercussions on a person's health. This condition can affect not only the skin, but also the blood as well as the organs. Vitiligo, another form of the disease can cause similar complications in the body, which is why patients suffering from this disease are advised to seek Leucoderma treatment at home. Leucoderma can also be known as vitiligo, and the disease is usually caused by deficiencies of the Vitamin A, B, and C family of enzymes. Leucoderma, as well as other types of lupus, has its own treatment process, and if left untreated, will progress to a more serious stage.
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Vitiligo patients are encouraged to seek the appropriate Leucoderma treatment at home, for a combination of reasons. It is important to understand that Leucoderma treatment is an immunosuppression method, which means it reduces the strength of the body's own immune system. The purpose of this is to prevent the pigmentation of cells that normally occur in the body. Vitiligo patients are typically encouraged to get Leucoderma treatment as soon as possible, for the better chance that their immune system will be able to properly fight off the effects of leucoderma.
One of the most common ways that leucoderma can spread is through skin to skin contact. The virus can infect the eye or the areas of the skin surrounding the eyes very easily. It is then possible for the virus to affect the dermis, the second layer of skin, and result in the development of new pigmentation spots. For this reason, leucoderma treatment at home is especially important to those who have a history of contact with leucoderma as this virus has been known to lead to the formation of patches of pigmentation that can stick around for up to six months. These patches tend to appear all over the face and body, although they can also show up on the arms, neck, chest and buttocks.
Due to the fact that this condition often starts out as a harmless infection, many people tend to think that leucoderma treatment at home is not necessary. However, the fact of the matter is that there are some people who have experienced the pigmentation spots as the result of their immune system attacking their own skin cells. If this happens, the infected person will need to take strong doses of medications in order to ensure that the patches don't start to form again. These medications can include antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin, which are usually given intravenously in order to reduce the impact of the infection.
For those who want to try out some natural methods of leucoderma treatment at home, one of the best things herbal medicine pakistan to do is to focus on diet. The reason why this tends to work so well is because it helps to build up the immune system of the body, which helps to fend off the effects of the infection. In fact, one of the first steps towards vitiligo treatment at home consists of getting plenty of nutrients through eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Drinking plenty of water too helps, since it eliminates toxins from the body. Some home remedies for vitiligo include applying apple cider vinegar to the affected area on the skin. The acid in the vinegar can help to improve circulation in the skin and this can therefore lead to the clearing up of the white spots.
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Leucoderma treatment at home is not unheard of, but it is important to note that you should never try to self-diagnose and treat yourself. A doctor might be able to identify the condition and therefore recommend a course of action. For example, if you notice that your skin is becoming red and you have itching around the infected area then you should make an appointment with your doctor. You might also find that your skin breaks out in small blisters and that there are raised areas on your skin. If you are feeling nauseous and you have high fever, then you should visit your doctor as these are typical signs that a leucoderma patch may be present.
Leucoderma can cause a number of different symptoms and some of the more common ones include dermatitis, impetigo or ankylosing spondylitis. Dermatitis is characterized by inflammation of the skin while impetigo causes redness and swelling. Ankylosing spondylitis refers to a condition where there is an abnormal hardening of the spinal cord. This can lead to serious complications and the most serious of these complications are a complete loss of the ability to walk. Fortunately, treatment for leucoderma is fairly simple as long as it is caught early enough. While the earlier you notice the symptoms, the better your chance is of making a full recovery.
The skin condition leucoderma commonly manifests itself in patches. These patches are generally less than 2 millimeters in diameter and they occur in areas where the skin normally does not show any signs of infection such as the hands or feet. Because this skin condition leucoderma is actually quite common, it is important that you learn as much as you can about it so that you can avoid contracting it. The best way to do this is to talk to your doctor about it so that you will understand what it is, how it is diagnosed and more importantly, how it can be treated. It is possible to live with leucoderma, but if you let it get too far, you could end up with permanent skin damage.
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coldnutgiver · 3 years
At What Age Vitiligo Starts?
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a skin condition in which there are depigmented patches on the skin. It can affect any age group, but it mainly affects people between ages 10 to 25 years. It starts as small spots and may spread over the entire body. Homeopathy doctors in Mumbai try to supplement the immune system of a patient.
 Is vitiligo common?
Vitiligo is not very common, but it is not rare either. It occurs in about 1% of the population, which means there are about 2 to 3 million cases in India.
Is vitiligo inherited?
This skin condition is not genetic or hereditary. It is an autoimmune disease that leads to loss of pigment production by the melanocytes due to immune system problems; it does not run-in families.
 How homeopathy doctor in Mumbai treats vitiligo?
Firstly, the doctor will take a detailed history of the patient. Blood tests are done to check for any deficiencies in the immune system. Homeopathy is an excellent treatment method in vitiligo patients because it stimulates and strengthens the immune system, controlling Leucoderma or pigment loss. Treatments are given daily until one notice re-pigmentation, and then the treatment is given at weekly intervals. The patients should refrain from using any steroidal creams on the affected area to prevent further depigmentation.
Homeopathy doctors in Mumbai prescribe both orally and topically for vitiligo. You can book an appointment for vitiligo with a homeopathy doctor in Mumbai now!
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Vitiligo on lips Vedas Cure
Vitiligo on lips
Leukoderma Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Leukoderma, likewise spelled as Leucoderma, is a sickness that causes loss of pigmentation on the skin. The condition makes white patches show up on the skin and is more discernable in individuals with brown complexion.
Likewise named vitiligo, the condition is named extreme when the spots cover the whole body, including the scalp, eyes, and private parts. It is a drawn out skin infirmity that now and again is hopeless. With the assistance of appropriate clinical conclusion and a mix of different medicines, patients can deal with the sickness. Everything patients don't react similarly to the medicines because of various fundamental causes; subsequently the aftereffects of the treatment will vary starting with one then onto the next.
Kinds of Vitiligo
Vitiligo or Leukoderma is grouped into two principle classifications -
Non-segmental vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo
Non-segmental Vitiligo
Non-segmental Vitiligo (NSV) is the most usually happening sickness. It is described by patches showing up in the two parts of the body and regularly even in the locale wherein they show up. As indicated by research, 90% individuals influenced with Leukoderma fall under this classification. The NSV is additionally assembled into the accompanying classes
Summed up or Universal Leukoderma is the condition where the white patches can happen anyplace on the body.
Central vitiligo happens for the most part in kids and is limited in one space of the body.
Acrofacial vitiligo is the condition that causes depigmentation around fingers, vitiligo on lips, and the periorificial locales [meaning within the mouth, jaw, eyelids, nostrils, and upper lips].
Mucosal Leucoderma happens just in the mucous layers.
Segmental Vitiligo
Segmental Vitiligo [SV] is limited to one portion or one portion of the body. The depigmentation happens most generally in the space of the skin related with the dorsal roots arising out of the spinal line. SV happens just in 10% of the patients influenced with Lekoderma and is a steady form of the two. The treatment and causes fluctuate from that of NSV, and the appearance is additionally changed.
Leukoderma Causes, Symptoms and Vitiligo Treatment
Manifestations of Leukoderma
To know whether an individual is influenced by vitiligo, one can notice the event of the accompanying manifestations.
Depigmentation of the skin regions presented to the sun
Spreading of the white pigmentation if there should be an occurrence of a physical issue while white fixes as of now exist in an alternate space of the skin
On the off chance that the white fixes that are for the most part innocuous begin to tingle on openness to the sun, or exorbitant warmth, or when perspiring
In the event that the depigmentation begins becoming noticeable on the face, hands, and different spaces of the body
Untimely turning gray of hairs
Change in the retina tone
The cycle of depigmentation is generally easy. They can begin happening as innocuous little fixes and fill in size, as on account of NSV.
Reasons for Leukoderma
However the specific reason for vitiligo is obscure, a few speculations attempt to clarify what causes leukoderma. Even after broad exploration, what triggers Luekoderma is obscure, however the accompanying reasons are credited as a mix of at least one elements causing the condition.
Immune system problem: It is the condition where the resistant framework assaults solid cells of the body subsequently annihilating the fundamental instrument of the actual body. One of the impacts of the condition is the obliteration of the melanocytes causing depigmentation on the skin prompting vitiligo.
Hereditary qualities: According to an investigation, 30% of the cases are credited to inherited reasons. The investigations additionally uncover that pressure triggers the qualities causing vitiligo causing the condition in the people.
Contaminations: One of the most well-known reasons for vitiligo is either popular or bacterial diseases like sickness, syphilis, lichen planus, and different illnesses.
Occupation: Staying in a task that requests persistent openness to certain synthetic compounds, or sun causing burns from the sun, additionally causes Leucoderma.
Neurogenic components – a condition where substances poisonous to the melanocytes are delivered from the sensitive spot on the skin, can cause vitiligo.
Leucoderma Treatment
Vitiligo is definitely not a perilous infection and doesn't spread by interacting with the individual who has it. As per flow research patterns, there is no remedy for vitiligo, however the condition is reasonable with different vitiligo treatment choices accessible to patients. Not many among them are:
Drug – Doctors prompt skin creams or ora pills to help repigment the skin, and control aggravation or different impacts emerging because of depigmentation.
Light Therapy – Light treatment meetings including Narrow-band bright – B (311) phototherapy and oral psoralen and UVA – PUVA treatment are the two unmistakable sorts of light treatment utilized in treating vitiligo. Of the two, PUVA is more compelling in treating the leukoderma happening in the chest area.
Medical procedure – Skin joins where the typical skin is taken out from one piece of the body and is utilized to cover the influenced region is a typical treating technique for vitiligo. Another comparable strategy utilized is Blister joining.
The primary objective among all the treatment techniques is to obscure the eased up skin patches to stay away from additional spread of these patches. On the off chance that the condition is as yet in its beginning stages, the utilization of beauty care products like skin leather treaters or cosmetics on the influenced region stays the most secure choice rather than the previously mentioned strategies.
Certain people likewise resort to getting tattoos to conceal the influenced regions, notwithstanding, this strategy isn't extremely famous since the shots at setting off another fix because of hypersensitive responses is consistently on the higher side.
Likewise, Read Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin
Leukoderma treatment at home
A few home cures help in overseeing leukoderma at home, notwithstanding, they don't give a total fix. Scarcely any techniques one can attempt at home to oversee vitiligo are –
Dietary changes: Consuming food plentiful in nutrient C, zinc, and copper is said to invigorate the recuperating cycle.
Apply a combination of basil leaves and lime juice to the influenced region to build melanin creation.
Applying a combination of turmeric and mustard oil double a day on the influenced part is another method of expanding melanin creation.
In the event that you are determined to have Leukoderma, scarcely any things to consistently recollect are-
Make a point to apply sunscreen while venturing out into the sun to keep away from burn from the sun and rashes.
Keeping yourself all around hydrated additionally helps in staying away from rashes.
Above all, don't succumb to tricks that case to fix vitiligo in 30 or 40 or quite a few days.
Contact guides to manage the social shame appended to this skin condition, and don't take intense or clueless measures without giving it much thought.
Continuously counsel your dermatologist or contact our primary care physicians at VIMS for additional subtleties on the best way to oversee Leucoderma. We are consistently around the bend to help you battle the social disgrace connected to this skin condition. Keep in mind, this is only a state of the body and not the apocalypse.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Ashwagandharishta (Withania somnifera, fam. Solanaceae) is usually known as “Indian Winter cherry” or “Indian Ginseng”. It is perhaps the main spice of Ayurveda (the conventional arrangement of medication in India) utilized for centuries as a Rasayana for its wide running medical advantages. Rasayana is portrayed as a natural or metallic planning that advances an energetic condition of physical and psychological wellness and extends satisfaction. These sorts of cures are given to little kids as tonics, and are likewise taken by the moderately aged and old to build life span. Among the ayurvedic Rasayana spices, Ashwagandha holds the most unmistakable spot. It is known as “Sattvic Kapha Rasayana” Herb (Changhadi, 1938). A large portion of the Rasayana spices are adaptogen/against stress specialists.
Ashwagandharishta is usually accessible as a churna, a fine sieved powder that can be blended in with water, ghee (explained margarine) or nectar. It upgrades the capacity of the cerebrum and sensory system and works on the memory. It works on the capacity of the conceptive framework advancing a sound sexual and regenerative equilibrium. Being an amazing adaptogen, it upgrades the body’s strength to stretch. Ashwagandha works on the body’s protection against infection by further developing the cell-intervened invulnerability. It likewise has powerful cancer prevention agent properties that help secure against cell harm brought about by free revolutionaries.
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Substance Composition
iThe organically dynamic compound constituents of Withania somnifera (WS) incorporate alkaloids (isopelletierine, anaferine, cuseohygrine, anahygrine, and so forth), steroidal lactones (withanolides, withaferins) and saponins (Mishra, 2000 et al., 2000). Sitoindosides and acylsterylglucosides in Ashwagandha are hostile to push specialists. Dynamic standards of Ashwagandha, for example the sitoindosides VII-X and Withaferin-A, have been displayed to have critical enemy of stress action against intense models of test pressure (Bhattacharya et al., 1987). A large number of its constituents support immunomodulatory activities (Ghosal et al., 1989). The aeronautical pieces of Withania somnifera yielded 5-dehydroxy withanolide-R and withasomniferin-A (Atta-ur-Rahman et al., 1991).
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Traditional Uses of Ashwagandharishta
Ayurveda, the conventional arrangement of medication rehearsed in India can be followed back to 6000 BC (Charak Samhita, 1949). For the vast majority of these 6000 years Ashwagandha has been utilized as a Rasayana. The foundation of Ashwagandha is viewed as tonic, sexual enhancer, opiate, diuretic, anthelmintic, astringent, thermogenic and energizer. The root smells like pony (“ashwa”), that is the reason it is called Ashwagandha (on burning-through it gives the force of a pony). It is normally utilized in skinniness of kids (when given with milk, it is the best tonic for youngsters), weakness from advanced age, stiffness, vitiated states of vata, leucoderma, clogging, a sleeping disorder, mental meltdown, goiter and so forth (Sharma, 1999). The glue shaped when roots are squashed with water is applied to decrease the aggravation at the joints (Bhandari, 1970). It is likewise privately applied in carbuncles, ulcers and excruciating swellings (Kritikar and Basu, 1935). The root in mix with different medications is endorsed for snake toxin just as in scorpion-sting. It additionally helps in leucorrhoea, bubbles, pimples, pretentious colic, worms and heaps (Misra, 2004). The Nagori Ashwagandha is the preeminent among all Ashwagandha assortments. Greatest advantage seems when new Ashwagandha powder is utilized (Singh, 1983).
The leaves are unpleasant and are suggested in fever, excruciating swellings. The blossoms are astringent, depurative, diuretic and Spanish fly. The seeds are anthelmintic and joined with astringent and rock salt eliminate white spots from the cornea. Ashwagandharishta arranged from it is utilized in delirium, nervousness, cognitive decline, syncope, and so forth It likewise goes about as an energizer and expands the sperm tally (Sharma, 1938).
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Logical Studies on Ashwagandharishta Adaptogenic/Anti-stress impact
Aswagandha is contrasted well and Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian Ginseng) and Panax Ginseng (Chinese/Korean Ginseng) in its adaptogenic properties, and henceforth it is prevalently known as Indian Ginseng (Singh et al., 2010). The broad examinations on the organic model of creatures for the adaptogenic/hostile to stretch properties of Ashwagandha (Abbas and Singh, 2006; Kalsi et al., 1987; Singh et al., 1976, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1993a, 1993b, 2003; (Singh, 1995a, 1995b, 2006, 2008) have demonstrated it to be successful in expanding the endurance (actual perseverance) and forestalling pressure initiated gastric ulcer, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) incited hepatotoxicity and mortality. Ashawagandha have comparative enemy of stress action in rodents (Archana and Namasivayam, 1999). A fluid suspension of Ashwagandha root was utilized at 100 mg/kg/oral measurement. The outcomes demonstrate a critical expansion in the plasma corticosterone level, phagocytic list and eagerness record in rodents exposed to cold swimming pressure. In the rodents pretreated with the medication, these boundaries were close to control esteems and an expansion in the swimming time was noticed. These outcomes demonstrate that Withania somnifera utilized in the rough structure is a strong enemy of stress specialist. The consequences of above examinations loan backing to the theory of tonics, vitalizers and rejuvenators of Ayurveda which demonstrate clinical utilization of Withania somnifera in the counteraction and treatment of many pressure initiated sicknesses like arteriosclerosis, untimely maturing, joint pain, diabetes, hypertension and danger (Singh, 1986, 2005; Singh and Misra, 1993).
I. Impact on swimming execution
Ashwagandharishta was displayed to build swimming execution in rodents as decided by expansion in swimming time during actual perseverance test. Ashwagandha’s antistress properties have been researched in this load of studies utilizing grown-up rodents were completed by swimming perseverance stress test. Ashwagandha treated creatures showed a critical expansion in the length of swimming time when contrasted with control. The benchmark group of mice swam for an interim frame of 385 minutes, while the medication treated creatures kept on swimming for a mean span of 740 minutes. In this way, the swimming time was around multiplied after Withania somnifera (WS) treatment.
ii. Impact on cortisol and ascorbic corrosive substance of adrenals
The cortisol content of adrenals was decreased fundamentally in creatures exposed to 5 h consistent swimming when contrasted with non-swimmer bunch. Pretreatment with WS forestalled decrease of the cortisol content of adrenals. The ascorbic corrosive substance was additionally diminished altogether after 5 h of swimming when contrasted with the creature of non-swimmer bunch. Pretreatment with WS forestall decrease in ascorbic corrosive substance which happens in the wake of swimming pressure. In this way, Withania somnifera treatment forestalls, abatement of adrenal cortisol and ascorbic corrosive which happens because of swimming pressure.
iii. Hostile to ulcerogenic impact
Ashwagandha was discovered to be valuable in the avoidance of stress-prompted ulcers of the gastrointestinal parcel (Singh et al. 1982). It showed huge insurance against 18 h immobilization, cold + immobilization (4h) and headache medicine incited gastric ulcers and brought down the mean ulcer list in rodents.
iv. Impact on leucocytosis
Ashwagandha given to a gathering of mice with milk infusion delivered decrease in leucocytosis.
v. Anabolic impacts:
There was a critical expansion in the body loads of the Ashwagandha regarded bunch when contrasted with control for a time of 90 days in rodents.
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Intense poisonousness examines
In intense harmfulness examines the LD50 of Withania somnifera was discovered to be 1750 mg (p.o.) in pale skinned person mice.
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Against tumor impact Effect on Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells carcinoma
Withania roots caused the inhibitory impact of about 49% on state shaping proficiency of CHO cells. It hinders the cell development and forestalls the cell connection. It instigated long haul development hindrance of CHO cells which was subject to the cell thickness and term of Ashwagandha openness (Sumantran et al., 2007). This information thus will help oncologists who intend to utilize the Ashwagandha as ‘synergizers with regular chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
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Impact on Urethane initiated lung-adenoma in mice and different examinations:
Ashwagandharishta was discovered to be exceptionally valuable in trial carcinogenesis in the unrefined structure. It forestalled urethane-prompted lung-adenomas in mice. Different impacts of urethane like leucopoenia were likewise forestalled. Urethane, which is a compound stressor, causes assortment of sick impacts, which were all forestalled by Withania. The medication can be utilized as an assistant to disease chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Other than having an enemy of malignancy impact it will likewise lessen the symptoms of hostile to disease specialists, which constantly diminish insusceptibility and personal satisfaction. WS additionally goes about as an immunomodulator and subsequently can upgrade life length of malignancy patients, where brought down invulnerability conditions of the patient are the reason for concern. Our outcomes propose its utilization as hostile to tumor (Singh et al. 1979, 1981, 1986, 2010) and immunomodulator specialist (Dixit et al., 1995).
The exploration and investigations of Ashwagandharishta exercises in the restraint and decrease of tumor development have shown empowering proof that this noteworthy spice may end up being very successful in the therapy of tumor type sicknesses including disease (Singh and Gilca, 2010). It additionally further develops the white cell check (WBC) and capacity, which are drained in the chemotherapeutic therapy of malignant growth. Ashwagandha in the treatment of fibroid tumors of the uterus showed decrease of uterine draining propensities and vanishing of fibroids after long treatment (Abbas et al. 2004, 2005).
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Impact on Central Nervous System Cognition Promoting Effect
Ashwagandharishta is a notable Ayurvedic Rasayana, and has a place with a sub-gathering of Rasayanas known as Medhyarasayanas. Medhya normally alludes to the psyche and mental/scholarly limit.
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seedtolife-yt · 3 years
Ancient Medicine Rosary Pea | Gunja | Seed Germination | Toxicity Symptoms | Medical Benefits
Famously known as Gunja/ Rosary pea is an ancient medicinal plant, a poison, and very invasive. The botanical name of this plant is Abrus precatorius. I remember we used to call the gunja seeds rabbit's eye because of the beautiful red color they looked like rabbit’s eyes.
Other Names of Arbus precatorius are
Rosary peas
Crab’s eye
Indian Licorice
Jequirity bean
Precatory bean
Rati gedi
Other than having medicinal uses rosary pea is also used for making jewelry and as an ornamental plant. It produces very beautiful shiny seeds. Different varieties of rosary pea produce different colors like red, green, black, white, and one with the red seeds with black eye… somewhat like black eye peas. These beans are not as big as black eye pea. They are about 6–8 mm in length.
Rosary pea contains a toxin called arbin that is present in the seeds. Arbin is similar to the poison ricin and is also found in the seeds of the castor beans. The chemicals in arbin, prevent protein synthesis, which means it stops our body cells from making food… the proteins that are the building blocks of our body. The seeds are protected by a hardcover so accidentally ingesting a seed may not affect a person if the seed is not digested. It will just pass out through stools. But chewing these seeds is very dangerous.
There is no antidote for arbin. Only supportive treatment is given if the poisoning occurs. In a normal situation, it is hard to get arbin poisoning accidentally. But it may be used for intentional poisoning of animals or humans. It was historically used as a poison for malicious purposes. We are not going to see how exactly. But let’s look at the symptoms of arbin poisoning.
The poisoning can occur by breathing, swallowing, or injecting arbin into a person. Symptoms of arbin poisoning depend on the mode of entry. If inhaled, arbin can cause cough, fever, tightness in the chest, and pneumonia, and finally low blood pressure and respiratory failure can occur.
Ingestion of arbin can cause vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, severe dehydration. A person may also get seizures, hallucinations, blood in the urine, and then failure of vital organs like kidneys, spleen, liver, etc.
If the arbin powder goes into the eyes, it can cause redness of the eye and pain. If the dose is lethal then a person can die, not immediately but in 36–72 hours.
So now you can understand why it is important to have enough information about any plant that we want to grow.
Link to CDC website for more information.
Medical Benefits of Rosary Pea/ Gunja
Now, are rosary pea plants are that bad?
It depends on how you use it. They have been part of the Indian Siddha medicine since ancient times and are known to cure numerous health issues. Currently, they are used in medical research because they have the potential to kill cancer cells. Traditionally the leaves, roots, and seeds are used for medicinal purposes. They were used to prevent tetanus and rabies.
Gunja seeds are also used as a remedy for various skin conditions like pimples, sores, infections, wounds caused by animals, and leucoderma that are the white patches on the skin. The leaves of the herb are used to cure fever, cough, and cold. The decoction of roots was used to treat liver diseases like jaundice. Gunja seeds are aphrodisiac and also were used as a natural contraceptive.
Gunja plants were present in Asia and Africa, but now they are distributed widely across the world and are considered as very invasive species. Now, that I know how dangerous the seeds can be and the invasiveness of the plant, I’m going to keep it potted that too away from other plants. I don’t have any pets but my son is very curious.
Germination of Rosary Pea Gunja Seeds
Now, let’s start the germination.
Here are some Gunja seeds.
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The first step is to soak the seeds in water overnight.
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The healthy seeds have become lighter by absorbing water and their outer shell is opening up.
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You can wash them gently with water and then wrap them up in a wet and clean piece of cloth. Instead of wrapping it in a cloth, I suspended the seeds in this container by placing them on the wet cloth and closed the lid. The cloth position was adjusted such that it barely touches the water. The cloth absorbed the water and kept the humidity very high inside. You can simply wrap them up with a wet cloth if you want. We just need to make sure that the seeds stay uniformly moist but not completely soaked.
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In about 2–3 days the seeds are sprouted. I’m going to sow these germinated seeds in a growing media.
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I’m using a seed starting mix. I placed the seeds on the growing media and gently covered them up with about ¼ inch of soil. I prefer sowing them superficially to make it easier for the tiny plants to come up. I’m going to place this cup outside. The temperature fluctuates a lot in my region throughout the day so I’m going to cover it up with a plastic zip-lock bag and secure the bag with a rubber band.
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In just 5–7 days these cute seedlings emerged. Their leaves look very similar to tamarind leaves.
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It has been 14 days. Seedlings are growing fast and they are quite sturdier than some other seedlings that I have.
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It is time to separate the seedlings. I can directly plant them in a bigger pot now but, I still haven’t decided on their final spot. Gunja is a vining plant and at this point, I’m just separating the seedlings so that they have enough space and nutrition until I decide their final location.
#aseedtolife #seedtolife #gunjaseeds #arbusprecatorius #rosarypea #crab’seye
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Best Kidney Failure Treatment In Delhi |  Best Kidney Failure Treatment In Dwarka
Treatment of Kidney Failure in Homeopathy:
In Kidney Failure Treatment By Homeopathy medicines are so potent that they can repair the injured Kidney Cells (nephrons) as well as improve the functionality of normal nephrons thereby improvement in overall kidney performance of Kidney. Stem cells are present in almost all organs of the body. These Stem cells are responsible for growth, repair and regeneration in organs of the body. Stem Cells are of 2 types: — Embryonic Stem Cells and Adult Stem Cells. The efficacy of these Adult Stem Cells aroused and starts healing when medicines selected on the basis of constitution i.e., nature, temperament, personality and individuality. Above mentioned theory suggests how homeopathy is effective not only in kidney failure treatment but various other chronic and so called incurable, progressive diseases such as polycystic kidney disease, liver and prostate diseases.
Which type of kidney patients should take Homeopathic treatment?
1. Healthy persons who have strong family history of kidney failure (CRF / ADPKD) should think for kidney failure treatment by homeopathy to avoid the risk of kidney failure.
2. Diabetic patients who are suffering from Hypertension also must be careful and think for kidney failure treatment by homeopathy.
3. Persons having symptoms of early kidney failure (CKD) of unknown etiology should also think of kidney failure treatment.
4. Patients suffering from recurrent kidney stone formation or having stone lodged in the ureter should get KFT done and if found abnormal, go for Kidney failure treatment by homeopathy.
5. Patients having massive enlargement of Prostate should also get KFT done and if found abnormal, go for Kidney failure treatment by homeopathy.
6. Patients having raised serum Creatinine and Urea should opt for Kidney failure treatment to reduce Creatinine by homeopathy.
7. Patients under dialysis with raised serum Creatinine and Urea should opt for best Kidney failure treatment in Delhi to stop dialysis by homeopathy.
A Super Specialty Homoeopathic Clinic
Nano Homeopathy Private Limited is chain of super specialty Homoeopathic clinic’s with the team of well experienced Homeopathic Doctors launched all over India, capable of providing Homoeopathic treatment for different diseases including surgical and non-surgical.
Our centres providing super specialty facility for the various so called, incurable diseases under one roof with a team of qualified and experienced homeopathic physicians.
Homeopathy medicines are so small in dose that it is appropriate to refer to them as a part of the newly defined field of “nanopharmacology” (the prefix “nano” derives from Latin and means dwarf; today, the prefix is used to refer to“Nanotechnology” or the “Nanosciences” which explore the use of extremely small technologies or processes, at least one-billionth of a unit, designated as 10–9).
The treatment is divided into surgical and non-surgical groups.
Our clinics are committed to provide best possible kidney failure treatment, prostate treatment ,liver treatment and many other so called incurable diseases by homeopathy. We have succeeded in reducing Creatinine and stop dialysis. We are currently providing kidney failure treatment, Liver treatment, Prostate treatment in Dwarka Delhi and Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Haldwani, Nainital and Bareilly. Nano is committed to provide best services to its patients including health and general facilities like potable water, sitting arrangement, toilet and other basic infrastructure services. Patients are intimated time to time for their follow ups and other investigations. Patient is free to consult by phone or personally if feels any problem prior to appointment given to him. Quality of medicines provided to the patients will be assured by NANO (Presently the medicines being used are from ISO certified company) to hear good response by the patient in all diseases. The services provided by NANO are:
Nano Homeopathy (P) Ltd. is committed to provide its best services in various chronic diseases mainly Kidney failure and other diseases such as Leucoderma, Thyroid diseases, Psoriasis, Acne, Hair falling Liver diseases, and many surgical diseases such as Gall Bladder Stone, Kidney Stone, Uterine Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst, different type of Tumors, Prostatic Enlargement(BPH), Arthritis etc. by the team of and experienced Physicians
Nano Homeopathy (P) Ltd has facilities of Tele Consultation by phone, Fax, e-mail and on line treatment (www.kidneyfailed.com) for the out station patients whose visit to Nano Homeopathy (P) Ltd is not possible. The facility of sending medicine by courier will be provided to the patients
In typical and non responding despaired cases facility of repertorial analysis is available by the team of qualified and experienced physicians with the help of latest Homeopathic Software.
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