#lev chitchat
akuhimitsu · 5 years
Me: *does the sexy Risotto Nero pose in the mirror so that I can start feeling better about my body*
Me: >:) !!!
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ezzydean · 5 years
junk drawer bits (2)
Nitori and Yaku - 69 (minutes)
“You do realize, don’t you, that nearly everything he does, he does out of spite?”  Ai looks over at the table next to his.  “I mean.  He asked Lev out because you told him he didn’t have the guts to do it.”
He really shouldn’t be listening in.  It’s not very polite.  But with the volume the three people are talking it’s not like he really has to strain to hear them.
“Hey.  He wanted to ask Lev out to begin with.  They’d had mutual crushes since we were in high school.”
“Yeah.  Tetsu was just nudging him along.”  Ai drags his attention back to his book but he’s still listening to their conversation.  He’s starting to get names.  He can’t stop listening now.
“Thanks Koutarou.  You’re the best,” Tetsu says sweetly.
“No you’re the best,” Koutarou responds.
“You’re both disgusting.”  Ai can’t help the way his gaze darts over at the irritated tone.  But the other two just laugh at the speaker.
“Kenma,” Tetsu scolds, “stop being a jealous salt pile just because Shorty’s not here to smother you in affection.”
Kenma rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to his phone.  “Keep it up and I’ll tell Yaku you’ve been talking about him.  What was it again?  ‘Yakkun’s been so grumpy lately maybe he needs a new boytoy.’”  The laughter stops and Ai looks over curiously.  “That is what you said isn’t it Kouta?  And what was it you said Kuro?  ‘Maybe he needs to become someone’s boytoy?’  That’s what you said last night isn’t it?”
“You wouldn’t,” Tetsu hisses.
“I think we all know the answer to that,” Kenma replies, eyes still on his phone.
The three fall into silence.  Not a charged, uncomfortable one.  But one that kind of reminds Ai of Samezuka when Momo broke something and didn’t want to admit it to Ai.  He’s still stuck in his memories of the time Momo had tried to sneak a whole family of beetles into the room and had managed to ruin half of Ai’s textbooks in the process when a fourth person joins the table next to him.
“Hey Yaku,” Koutarou and Tetsu chirp simultaneously.
Oh.  So this is Yaku.  Ai gives the newcomer a once over that is immediately spotted, since he’s almost directly across from Yaku’s seat at the table, and he blushes a little.  Yaku’s eyes dart over Ai and then his attention is drawn as Kenma leans in close.
“Don’t you dare Kenma,” Tetsu yells.
Everything devolves into chaos after that and Ai pulls out his headphones and sinks into his own world.  By the time he looks up again a half hour later all four are gone.
Ai startles at the voice so close to him.  He looks into a pair of light brown eye and wonders idly if he should be worried.
“Um.  Hello,” he says politely.  “Can I help you?”
He’s at work.  So it’s possible that this is a business interaction and Yaku is merely surprised at seeing someone he had seen earlier that day.  Then again given the almost wild shine in his eyes and the way he, once again, gives Ai a quick once over he highly doubts that.
“I saw you earlier.  You heard what they said at the coffee shop.”  They aren’t questions but Ai nods in answer anyway.  This was starting to feel a lot like conversations with Rin had gone once they had graduated and he had gotten over most of his hero worship of the older man.  “What did Kenma say to them that had them so fake cheerful and nice?”
“Um.”  He’s not sure what to say.  First of all his boss could come back any minute and while Ai doesn’t absolutely love his job he’s not sure he wants to lose it because of a guy he’s never even officially met hanging around chitchatting with him.  Second of all he’s not sure he should be sharing private conversations with other people.  Especially when neither of them were technically involved.
Yaku blinks and then glances around, like he’s just remembered where they were and why he was here, and Ai is surprised to see a light blush dusting his cheeks.
“Sorry.  I just.  I don’t like them talking shit about me and I know they were.  Even if it wasn’t bad shit.  It’s still shit.”
Yaku places an order and pays for delivery next week and then, almost sheepishly, asks if he can wait for Ai to get a break or off work.
Normally Ai would say no and ask him politely to get the hell out of the store.  But Yaku is kind of adorable and his friends call him a cute thing like ‘Yakkun’ and he doesn’t really want to go home and listen to Sousuke wax poetic about whoever the hell he’s dating but won’t introduce to Ai.  So he tells Yaku he’ll be off in a couple hours and they can meet at the park down the street.
“I wasn’t sure you’d show up,” Yaku says as Ai settles onto the bench next to him.  “I mean I’m basically a stranger who burst into your shop and started demanding things.”
“To be fair that’s actually how most customer interactions go.”  Yaku gives him a confused look.  “A stranger shows up in the shop and demands things,” he explains with a grin.  “That’s basic customer service really.”
Yaku stares at him for a moment and then starts laughing.  “Oh shut up.  You know what I meant.”
Ai shrugs, grin on his face.  “So you still want to know what was said?”  He still feels a little odd about sharing it.  But all the times at school that he walked into a room and it fell kind of silent had echoed in his mind on his way over and he had figured that if he were in Yaku’s shoes he would want to know what his friends were saying.
“Yep.  I need to know what I need to do to get those jerks back for whatever they said.”
Ai tells him and watches the way his eyes narrow a little.
“Well, I mean, I do wind up doing a lot of things out of spite,” Yaku eventually says.  “That’s kind of the basis of my friendship with Kuroo.  We’re salty spiteful shits to each other.  I’m Yaku by the way.  Yaku Morisuke.”
“Nitori Aiichirou,” he replies automatically.
“Well, Nitori Aiichirou,” he turns to Ai with a grin and a wicked gleam in his eyes.  “You wanna be a pretty new boytoy for me to help fuck with my friends?”
“Do you know what you’re doing?”  Ai gives Sousuke an unimpressed look.  “I mean.  I’m just saying.  You’re getting all prettied up to go hang out with a guy you barely know just to… what?  Play some weird joke on his friends?”
“Oh Sou-chan,” Nagisa pipes up from where he’s trying to find a specific pair of jeans in the back of Ai’s closet from like three years ago.  “You wouldn’t understand the subtle nuances of our kind of sweet revenge.”
“Your kind?”
“Yep,” Nagisa replies.  He lets out a shout and tumbles into the room with the jeans held aloft.  “Got ‘em!”
“I still don’t get it,” Sousuke grumbles a half hour later as Ai rolls his shoulders and gives himself an approving once over in his full length mirror.
“You don’t have to get it,” Ai says.  “Just keep your phone on you so you can march in and play knight in shining armor if it gets too creepy.”
Sousuke laughs at that and then there’s a knock on the door and Ai hurries to answer it before Nagisa does.  Yaku is waiting on the other side with a smile that only grows when he sees Ai’s outfit.  Ai waves him in and goes to grab his shoes and his messenger bag.
“Will this work for your devious plans,” he asks as he tugs his shoes on and laces them up.  He stands and pulls his bag over his head.  It feels a little strange since he’s not used to having a bag on when he’s wearing his crop tops.  They’re usually for nights out with Nagisa at a club or backyard cookouts in the summer with Rin’s family.
Yaku eyes roam over his crop top, down his tight jeans to his sneakers, and then back up to where Ai has his hair artfully messed up and his bright blue eyes are ringed with the tiniest bit of eyeliner.
“Oh yeah,” Yaku breathes out.  “You will definitely work.”
The slightly too tight jeans and the light blush on his cheeks at wearing this outfit to a night of movies with Yaku’s friends is totally worth it when Kuroo and Bokuto’s jaws visibly drop when they walk in and Ai gives them a cheerful smile and friendly wave.
“Morisuke’s told me so much about you,” he practically coos when they’re all introduced.  “You guys are so awesome for letting me crash your night.”  His voice is pitched a little higher than normal and the other two just nod at his words.
“Now now,” Yaku says as he steps to Ai’s side.  His hand slides along Ai’s back and his hand rests possessively against Ai’s hip.  It should be odd since Yaku is just a touch shorter than Ai is but the way he tips willingly against Yaku and curls happily against his side makes the other two’s brows raise in surprise.  “I told you I could have brought anyone.  It’s not really crashing.”
Ai pouts playfully and dramatically.  Yaku tsks at him and tugs him into the kitchen.  Ai glances over his shoulder to see Bokuto and Kuroo’s heads together as they whisper fiercely.
“Okay,” Yaku says.  “Those two are already hooked.  And panicking.”  He grins at Ai.  “Kenma won’t be so easy.  In fact I doubt we’ll get past him.  But he probably won’t call us out either.”
Kenma sounds a lot like Nagisa and when Yaku hands him a drink Ai can’t help but grin.  “Sounds like fun.”
It’s been five months of crashing movie nights and coincidentally appearing at bars and being dragged to dinner dates and sports events.  Five months of eyeliner and wide blue eyes and breathy laughs.  Five months of tight pants and crop tops and tank tops and, on a few nights, Nanase’s borrowed leather jacket.  Five months of screwing around with Yaku’s friends and being Yaku’s supposed boytoy.  And he’s still having the time of his life.
He’s in the middle of texting Yaku about tonight’s plans, some party at one of Yaku’s friend’s places, when the door of the shop opens and he pockets his phone.
“Hello,” he calls out cheerfully.  “How can I help you?”  Whatever else he might have said dies in his throat at the sight of Kenma standing in front of him, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
“I knew it,” Kenma murmurs.  “This whole time.  You’ve been fucking with them, with us.”  Kenma laughs softly.  “I didn’t know Yaku had it in him to go on this long.”  He stares at Ai for what honestly feels like hours and then laughs louder.  “Oh.  Oh that makes sense.”
Ai finally finds his voice.  “What does?”
“It was a joke to fuck with us.  But now he genuinely likes you.”  When Ai doesn’t respond, can’t respond, Kenma smiles at him again and says, “I wonder when he’ll confess and ask you out for real.  See you tonight.”
And then he’s gone and Ai suddenly has a lot more to think about than he did five minutes ago.
“He said what?”  Yaku groans and buries his face in his hands.  “I mean he’s not wrong.  But the jerk didn’t have to go and tell you.”
Ai blinks rapidly as Yaku’s words sink in.  “He’s not wrong?”
“Not really.  I really do like you and would love to date you for real.”  Kenma’s soft laughter filters out through the window above them and Yaku scowls.  “Jerk didn’t have to go telling you that though.”
“I mean.  You don’t have to tell them.”  Yaku’s eyes snap to him and Ai smiles.  “Do you Morisuke?”  He lets his voice lilt and turn airy as he leans in close.  “They don’t have to know I’m anything but your boytoy if you don’t want them to,” he whispers playfully.
Yaku tangles their fingers together and hums thoughtfully.  “How long do you think we can drag it out before one of them realizes?”
“Oh I don’t know.  But it might be fun to find out.”
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sickfic-with-kiko · 6 years
Whumptober Day 5: Poisoning
“You got something on your face there, Lev.”
Kuroo’s offhanded comment caused the entire team to stare at the first year, who had a noticeable blob of cream on his chin and the side of his mouth. “Ah, this?” Lev giggled sheepishly, wiping his face with the back of his hand. “I was given cupcakes today! They were very good.”
“Ooh, by who? Someone from your class?” Kuroo queried curiously, grinning devilishly. “Does our string bean have a secret admirer?”
“You lucky bastard, Lev!” Taketora gave Lev a dig in the ribs, screaming in comical anguish. “How come my kouhai has an admirer and I don’t?” He wailed, slumping down to the floor in utter defeat.
“I don’t actually know who gave it to me,” Lev shrugged. “It was in my locker, and it was in a decorated box, so I figured it was for me.”
A strangled cry erupted from Taketora, while Inuoka and Shibayama let out a gasp of surprise. “Haiba-kun, that’s amazing! Someone made you cupcakes and left them in your locker!” Inuoka parroted, jumping up and down excitedly. “I wanna find out more about this.”
“I don’t know.” Kenma lifted his head, opening his mouth for the first time during the practice. “It seems a little strange to me.”
Lev puffed his cheeks out in a pout. “Strange? Is it so strange that Nekoma’s ace finally gets the recognition he deserves?” He grumbled, sticking out his lower lip.
“Oi!” Yaku gave Lev a swift chop to the head. “If you call yourself an ace, then do something about those sloppy receives of yours!” He grunted, visibly irked at Lev’s cockiness.
“Yaku’s jealous because someone tried to court his boyfriend!” Kuroo singsonged, and Yaku aimed a kick at his shin quick as a flash. “Ow, you shit! That hurt! Yakkun, be nice to your poor captain!” Kuroo made his voice squeaky like a rusty door, earning a disgusted face from Yaku.
“Alright, come on. I’m sure we can discuss Lev’s fortunate discovery after practice too.” Kai clapped his hands twice, signalling that the chattiness had to end for now. A chorus of ‘okay’ rang out, and everybody split up into groups to practice each of what they needed to brush up on.
Yaku beckoned to Lev as he bounced a volleyball on the floor, glancing at him with a look to make sure he wouldn’t think about planning escape from his overdue receives. “Get ready. You’re doing fifty before you even attempt to ask for a spike.” He gestured for him to go on the other side of the court.
“But I wanna spike, Yaku-san! Pleeease!” Lev whimpered, staring at Yaku like a kicked puppy. Yaku remained neutral, biting back a sarcastic comment about how he acted way too childish for someone so big.
“Too bad. If you want to spike, do something that’ll make me change my mind.” Yaku pulled Shibayama over to train the two first years simultaneously, which was not a difficult feat due to the cooperative nature of the shorter first year.
Lev blew a raspberry, earning a disapproving look from Yaku. “Well, I will! I’ll definitely show you something that’ll blow you away!” Yaku was tempted to tell Lev that he’d blown him away more times doing something other than volleyball than not, but held his remark.
“Alright. Enough chitchat, I want to see your receives. Shibayama and Lev, get into proper position!” Yaku started barking out orders as soon as Lev started showing off to Shibayama, throwing a volleyball at him to catch him out. “I thought you were going to blow me away, Lev.” He raised his brows teasingly.
Lev grunted as his arms hit the volleyball in the shape of a sloppy receive. “I wasn’t ready, Yaku-san! Not fair!” He huffed, as Yaku ignored his complaints and tossed the ball over to Shibayama.
“Official matches aren’t fair.” Yaku shut Lev down quickly, throwing another volleyball at him to keep him busy. “Come on. You can do some spikes if you finish these, you dumb bean.” He rolled his eyes with his hands on his hips, flipping off Kuroo after he made a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
Lev nodded, and Yaku was relieved to watch him get his head into practice. Despite how whiny the first year could be sometimes, he had a lot of potential as a blocker and spiker, and Yaku wanted to watch him grow into Nekoma’s ace worthy of his title.
As Yaku threw a ball at Lev for him to receive, he noticed the boy’s face become paler and paler. He stumbled when he tried to receive, and started to breathe in rapid, shaking breaths. “Hey, Lev, maybe you should slow down.” Yaku hurried over to the other side of the court, observing his boyfriend grip his stomach tightly.
“My stomach started hurting a few minutes ago,” Lev whispered, his voice barely audible. “I think- I think I need to sit out.” He admitted, doubling over in pain. Yaku’s gaze instantly turned worried. Lev never admitted his pain. There had to be something really wrong if he was being so open about it.
“Alright. Is it at a particular area, say, on your lower right side?”
Lev shook his head, as Yaku lifted him up gently and supported his weight as he helped him over to the sidelines. “What’s the pain like? Is it like a cramping sort of pain, or something sharper?”
“I don’t know,” Lev sobbed, and there were tears in his eyes already. “It just throbs all around here,” he rubbed his lower stomach with a wince, “and I feel sick.”
Yaku held Lev’s hand and attempted to take him to the bathroom, after he realised how sick he looked. “We’re going out to the bathrooms. He’s not feeling good, all of a sudden.” Yaku whispered to Kuroo, who eyed Lev with concern.
“Is it your stomach? Do you think you ate something- oh, god, Lev. Don’t tell me-“Kuroo cut himself off with an exasperated sigh, realising the various things the situation implied. “Was it whatever you ate that was in your locker?”
Kenma looked up from his setting practice and stepped over to the three slowly. “I’m hoping it’s not deliberate, if it really was the food. We don’t know how much of what was in it.” He sighed, running through the possible solutions in his head. “If we don’t know what’s poisoning him, there’s not much we can do.”
Lev opened his mouth to ask a bunch of questions, but he couldn’t say anything. He instead darted out of the gymnasium after he realised he was going to be sick, and only just made it to the bathrooms before he was heaving the entire contents of his stomach up into a toilet. “Shit!” Yaku chased him, and it didn’t take much time for him to stay by his side, trying to make him comfortable.
“You’re okay, Lev. Just get it out of your system.” Yaku rubbed Lev’s back slowly, as the first year vomited again. He grabbed some tissues and held them under his chin, wiping off the refuse that dripped from his mouth. He cringed in sympathy, but kept his composure as he comforted Lev as calmly as he could.
It took a while before Lev stopped throwing up violently and started to sob into Yaku. “My stomach hurts bad, Yaku-san.” He shivered, appearing a lot smaller than he actually was. “What’s happening to me? Why does it hurt so much?” He queried, and Yaku felt a stab in his chest.
“I don’t know, Lev. Do you know anyone who might wanted to see you like this?” Yaku asked, and Lev tearfully shook his head.
“I- I don’t know! I just want my stomach to stop hurting!” Lev wailed indignantly, tears of confusion and hurt dripping off his face. “I just wanna lie down somewhere.”
Yaku let out a sympathetic noise, patting Lev’s head soothingly. “Let’s get you home. I can’t take away the pain, but I’ll be with you until you feel better. Is that okay?”
Lev nodded, grabbing onto Yaku’s arm to stand up. “Will you… will you walk me home?” He averted his eyes guiltily, keeping one arm wrapped around his middle.
“Of course I will.”
They made their way back to the gymnasium to inform Kuroo that Lev was going to head home, and the two other first years immediately headed towards Lev. “Is he okay?” Shibayama asked worriedly, having been practicing alongside Lev until he bolted out of the gymnasium.
“I’m taking him home. He’s in a lot of pain.” Yaku announced, and Kuroo eyed Lev for a few moments before concluding that Yaku’s plan was the best they could do. He gave the okay to take him home, turning to go to the coach before stopping briefly to say something.
“You should probably take Kai with you. If Lev can’t walk or collapses, I don’t think you’ll be able to carry him.”
Yaku threw his hands up in exasperation, muttering a “Fuck you” to Kuroo before agreeing to take Kai with him. It annoyed him that Kuroo was certainly right, and he cursed his stature and how tall Lev was in comparison to him. “Come on. We’re getting this guy home,” Yaku muttered under his breath, “and finishing the guy who did this to him.”
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volleyb0ys-blog · 6 years
汚い映画スター | d.web!AU
@bareebooruboys (yaku)
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Every now and then, Haiba would see the same guy stalking around one of the warehouses where him and his crew were shooting one of their films, though not thinking much to it. Sometimes, he’d address the person’s presence to the others, and they just shrugged him off as ‘one of the druggies’ or ‘one of those who work for Kuroo’. Lev had been rather secretive about his own presence in their organisation ---- so, he did not try to befriend many people, if any, it was rather those whom he had to talk to a lot. But befriending was a broad assumption. In fact, he hardly could stand these guys, it was just for the benefit of the doubt, so they’d buy it how he’d be loyal and kind to them -- truth be told, they could all drop dead the next second and he’d not be feeling any different. Of course, he was aware who Kuroo was -- and some other names were ringing a bell too -- but he hardly had anything to do with the drug trafficking. It was only occasionally when he had to jump in for someone who was unable to do their job due to heavy drug abuse (Bokuto), but other than that, he was not involved.
However, it was strange how that man was always around here ---- why would anyone meet out here to sell drugs? Yes, it was quiet and somewhat secluded from any interference other than fellow criminals -- but changing spots would be more smart than having one hot-spot that could be easily traced eventually, right?
While their whole movie session had been done with already, Lev was free to go -- instead, he moved over to the hooded, much smaller figure, shades adorning his face in order to hide his face just the smallest bit, yet not evident enough for the police to think that he was in for a bank robbery. Leaning down to peek underneath the hoodie, she smiled at the guy. “Yo, you’re kind of late for the movie audition. We are also not looking for gay porn actors, but maybe better luck next time?!” He meant this to be rather cheerful and a little light-hearted, jokingly so, he was not trying to step on the man’s toe about anything -- he was not going to mention the dismembering of said actors either, because none of them were actual actors, but hey, scaring people away was way too easy for a half-Russian giant like him. “Kuroo got the good stuff for you, huh?” Asking nonchalantly as he lit himself a cigarette; it already looked like the man’s business partner was not showing up for way too long, so Lev doubted that standing around like this would do any harm. Besides, after the gruesome acts he had to perform in the past hours, it was for a nice change to have some chitchat and calm his nerves with tobacco as well.
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alka-di-kijarr · 3 years
Hunters Journey - 005
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Disclaimer: This story was originally posted on my deviantArt. It was part of the #smaugust #challenge in 2020. I wanted to share it here for people who like fantasy/adventure stories. My Tumblr shall make it easy to follow the story, and I hope you like it too. English is not my native language, but I try my best. ♥ Enjoy!
Hunters Journey - 005
Weeks passed by fast, but differently from the time before, Nero enjoyed the days a lot more, even when nothing exciting happened. After one week of being trapped between unconsciousness and clear moments full of pain and confusion, he gained back some stability. Befriended hunters came over the watch after him, bring presents and tell how grateful they are for his surviving. Even though he had heard several rumours and some hunters also placed comments, Nero was not able to understand the hype about his survival. There were a lot of other hunters who got hurt a lot worse than him, and nobody was singing a song of praise for them. But knowing that he had a lot of blacked-out moments from the fight with Pisces, he stayed quiet for the first time. But something was odd and nagging him deeply...
Nero's recovery was slow in his eyes, but the doctors praised his fast improvement. Not being in the mood for any arguments, he nodded while the doctor changed a few layers of the wound fabric.  "Ah, here you are!" Nero looked up and saw Seth entering the room. The guild master had gained a few more grey hairs within his brown-reddish head floof. And he looked exhausted. 
"And, Mandres, how is our hunter doing?" "Oh, he is actually doing pretty fine. One or two more weeks, and he can start his training again, I think."  "That are really great news, aren't they, Nero?"
The young hunter didn't answer, but searched for Seth's view. The one remaining eye of the guild master answered his glare, smiling and nodding in faked satisfaction. Something was stinky as hell, and it was surely not his wounds this time.
"Alright, young man. You can now leave. But please use your walking sticks for at least one more week, to make sure the pressure of your body won't crack open any wounds or healing fractures."  "Ay, doctor." The white-haired old man collected all his working instruments and left the room. Nero was not sure if he was actually in a hurry for another patient, or tried to flee the situation.
"Seth. Can we talk?"  The guild master, already being on the way to leave the room, stopped. But he didn't look back to Nero.
"Sure. If it is about the healing cost or the payment you normally get, don't be worried. I sent a letter to your family with my best wishes and paid their loan and open bills for the next three months."
"T-thank you, that is really kind-" "No problem, we will see us then the nex-" "NO." Nero shouted.  Seth stopped walking. He sighted and Nero could see his shoulders sinking before he finally turned around to him. "Seth, what the hell happened in the fight with Pisces? Why is everybody treating me as if I would be someone holy!? What the f* is wrong here!!??" The guild master could see the anger in the young man rising. Knowing that the answer won't make him happy...but leaving it as it is, was probably even more dangerous, he decided it was about time.  "Okay. Come with me, I have to show you something." Nero nodded, took his walking sticks and nearly jumped off the bed. They walked through the corridors until they reached the great hall and the dining room. Standing on the upper level, and bowing over the railing, they watched the activity going on. Many hunters enjoyed their meal, others were caught in chitchat with others. But it didn't take long until Nero found a crowd, lumping around Vaas. They seemed to listen really carefully to what the retired knight was talking. 
"...and then he jumped off the ship and pierced the harpoon right into the eye of the terror of the iced sea!" Exited whispering between the hunters and the servants who stopped walking and listened to Vaas. "Ah, this is bullshit! This greenhorn would not even be able to hit a giant, sleeping dragon if he was right in front of him!" Laughter.  "Ah, and you have an opinion because you were there?! As far as I remember, you were one of the first who jumped into an escaping boat, when the terror attacked! Like the coward you are, right, Levs?!"
Again laughter. "No. NO. I say it was a bad decision to go for you and your princess boy! Other men nearly drowned, while they tried to save you, old wrinkled canned meat!"  Nero felt a rage rising and was nearly about to jump of the railing and straight onto this idiot, but Seth held him with a powerful grip on his healthy shoulder.  It took nearly no time until a handful of gigantic hunters surrounded Levs. They grabbed him by his clothing and Levs could see how Vaas walked, extremely slowly, up to his place.
"So. You are calling me a liar? You are calling all of those brave sailors, liars?" The crowd started to growl and snarl, and some voices became louder, telling to stuff his mouth.
"I do. Because this greenhorn has no clue about fighting!"  "PWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" a burst of loud laughter silenced the crow and every eye was staring at Dea. The red-haired huntress was standing on a table, straddle-legged, with crossed arms. 
"Are you really trying to convince anyone there, that the student, of Vaas - the crowns right hand and personal guardian of princess Lyra - has no clue about FIGHTING?!" Silence.
"ARE YOU AS DUMB AS YOU LOOK LIKE???!!!" "Silence, you filthy who-" Lev was not able to complete the sentence. Fists were flying and the entire room seemed to jump onto him and his men. The chaos exploded. Nero watched it, doubtfully of Seth, who was not trying to end any of this spectacle. He watched over and saw the old man grinning - and showing a thumbs up to Dae, who looked up to the railing! The huntress jumped down the table, took up a big glass of beer and bawl.  "The one who brings me Levs' heart-shape dotted panties, will get a free stock of beer for one week!"  The crowd accepted.  But Nero and Seth had already left the place.
They only could hear the sounds of fighting and brawling in the distance, when Nero stopped walking. "Seth. Why is he telling this story? It is not true at all!"  The guild master turned around, his hands on the young man's shoulders.
"They would have let you drown. Simple as it is. You got caught by the beast, fell from the ship and Vaas jumped into the water to save you. I know. He told me everything. But before you say one more word: They would have let you drown, if he would not have told them, you would be a hero. You saved their ships and men." Nero was about to disagree, but Seth shook his head.
"If you ever come to the point, where you want to tell this to someone, please keep in mind....they would have let you drown. BOTH of you." Nero fell into silence and the weight of the message felt heavy on his heart. 
"We need to keep this down. I need Vaas to be ready soon. There is an emergency we need to care for." "What emergency?" "The....the kingdom of Hypra is missing a Rank A creature. It escaped the colosseum, probably because of someone manipulating the security system." "What monster?....Seth, what creature?!" "The centurion, Nero. Taurus, the centurion, escaped last night." Nero didn't know what to answer and also Seth seemed to be out of words. His eyes were full of fear, when he clapped at Nero's shoulder and left. 
The centurion was well known to Vaas. The first time they caught him, he eliminated Vaas half squad and his best friend. And none of these deaths was painless or fast. After, someone bought him, even when Vaas went on rebellion and insisted on the death of the creature. Seth had his reasons at this time and sold the Taurus. Knowing from bush telegraph, they cut off his wings and placed him in an arena so hunters could train with him, while people watched the spectacle.  This was now about 10 years ago. One could just guess what anger and hate this creature was about to release...
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
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Hello nerds. I was tagged by Anasui’s wife @anasuisprisonwife . I put the slytherin colors in the background bc I’m a Slytherin 👀. I tag @abbaccho @lostinthe-jojos @marvel-and-dc-geek , and whoever else wants to do this. Y’all don’t have to do it if y’all don’t wanna.
Link to Picrew Maker: https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%253A%252F%252Fpicrew.me%252Fimage_maker%252F37426&t=NWQ5ZGRjNDMzY2ZjYTFmYzNiZGUwOTkwNDcyNmY4NDJjOTlhNjI0MCw3OWQxNWJhM2FmNTFlODMyZTczMjdkNDIwZTYxODQwNzdjZWRlMmZi
Have fun!
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
Been practicing the torture dance in my room for 10 minutes now. Anyone wanna torture dance with me?
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
My favorite Jojo character is Bruno Bucciarati  😳
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
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Can't believe I took a picture from this angle and it actually came out looking good.
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
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Met these amazing Bruno and Narancia cosplayers yesterday at Uchicon. My life is now complete. Everything beyond this point is now just the cherry on top of my life 👏👏👏👏👏👏
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
If your stand was named after a foreign song or band you really like, what would your stand name be?
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
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Me to Jolyne: I love you, BITCH! *aggressive guitar noises*
I aint never gonna stop loving you, BITCH! *aggressive guitar noises*
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
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Drew a ponytail Bruno in pen. Will probably improve it and turn it into a digital work tomorrow.
Also, wtf is anatomy?
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
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Cosplayer is @coonie_the_coon on Instagram. Go follow him! :)
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akuhimitsu · 5 years
Me: *does the Giorno pose in the gym mirror post workout so that I can start feeling better about my body*
Me: "Kono Giorno Giovanna ni wa yume ga aru >:( ! "
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