youre-ackermine · 9 months
Hello my dearest Val 🤎
Your new profile picture is so cute! I think I'm starting to ship LeVal hehe!
The height difference has my heart melting (as with LeviHan) 🤎
Omg Livia, I'm so sorry this ask has been hidden in my overloaded inbox for weeks, I totally forgot to reply 🫣
So I changed it for now but the pfp you're talking about is a sefship art of Levi & me (also known worldwide as LeVal lmao) drawn by the amazingly talented Zen @saenora (please check her beautiful blog & show her the love & support she deserves 🤍)
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I love it, it's cute & sweet. The height difference? Yeah, the Short King is 160 cm, I'm 174 cm tall hehe.
Well I don't seriously ship myself with Levi, I prefer to pair him with Hange (& many others, as you can see on my blog), but LeviHan is by far my most beloved OTP. Levihan is life, Levihan is love (for me at least) 💚💜
Thanks for dropping by!
Lots of love Livia ❤️
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chris-continued · 4 months
Rich f/o’s who spoil you in gifts
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alien-onyx · 2 years
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german clive and sleepy clavell
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dangerdayyys · 1 year
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gulducock · 2 years
i think if all other star trek blogs were terminated tomorrow and only you remained in the flames things would be fine. like you’re the only one who gets things . and like. actually gets things for real. tbats all i habe to say okay good buh buh.
problem with me is that i dont think liking star trek or being strongly opinionated about it is a defining characteristic of me as a person but if someone says some dumb shit about star trek ill get so mad about it that they make me make a post about it like everything i believe about star trek is common sense and unbiased and truthful and real and everyone that disagrees dosnt understand it as deeply as i do.which is sumply the surface level of star trek because its not that deep
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catgirlsupremacist · 1 year
everything about the jankiness of seth and shinsukes feud, all the 'mind games' and seth pushing for a rematch, makes 100% more sense if you view this in a sports anime lense
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sheltiechicago · 2 years
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Absurd and Unlucky Scenarios Unfold in Levalet’s Site-Specific Street Art
French artist Charles Leval, who works as Levalet (previously), is attuned with the nonsensical and hapless, which he translates into clever site-specific works in craft paper and India ink. Often built off of public architecture like windows and sidewalks, his streetside wheatpastes either typify a bad day or find humor in the odd and absurd: new works feature an angry pack of dogs, a construction worker planting an already blooming flower in concrete, and a golfer putting into a drainpipe. Levalet’s characters tend to be life-sized and depicted with earnest expressions that capture their unwarranted concentration or surprise at a situation gone awry.
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treadler · 1 month
If all the trans people disappeared, the difference would be palpable and my life would be a lot worse for it.
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healt-prod-123 · 5 months
Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable
A Renewed Spark: My Experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic
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As a man in my late forties, I started noticing a decline in my energy levels and overall stamina. This naturally impacted my intimacy with my partner, leaving both of us feeling frustrated. I wasn't interested in resorting to harsh medications, so I began researching natural solutions. That's when I discovered Emperor's Vigor Tonic, a herbal supplement designed to enhance male vitality. Here's my experience with this impactful product.
Ancient Ingredients with Modern Science
Emperor's Vigor Tonic intrigued me because it blends traditional herbal wisdom with a focus on natural ingredients. The formula includes extracts like Tribulus Terrestris, known for its potential to boost testosterone levels, and Eurycoma Longifolia, which has been used for centuries to enhance male vitality. Additionally, the supplement contains adaptogens like Ashwagandha, which can help manage stress, a significant factor affecting male performance.
Convenient Daily Dosage and Easy Integration
Emperor's Vigor Tonic comes in convenient capsule form. The recommended dosage is just one capsule a day, which I found easy to incorporate into my morning routine. There's no need for complicated schedules or messy concoctions. The simple regimen made it easy to stay consistent and witness the product's long-term benefits.
Gradual Rise in Energy Levels and Stamina
Within a couple of weeks of taking Emperor's Vigor Tonic, I noticed a gradual increase in my overall energy levels. I felt more energized throughout the day, allowing me to tackle my daily tasks with renewed vigor. This translated into improved performance in the gym and a noticeable boost in stamina during physical activities.
Enhanced Intimacy and a Happier Relationship
The most significant impact of Emperor's Vigor Tonic was on my intimate life. The increased energy levels and stamina I experienced led to a renewed sense of confidence and a more fulfilling physical connection with my partner. This positive change brought us closer and made intimacy a more enjoyable experience for both of us.
Natural Solution with Money-Back Guarantee
A major advantage of Emperor's Vigor Tonic is its focus on natural ingredients. Unlike some prescription medications with harsh side effects, this supplement offered a safe and natural way to address my concerns. Additionally, the company offers a money-back guarantee, which gave me peace of mind while trying the product. This reassured me of their commitment to customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, Emperor's Vigor Tonic has been a game-changer for my overall well-being and my relationship. If you're a man looking for a natural way to improve your energy levels, stamina, and overall vitality, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It's a safe and effective solution that can make a significant difference in your life.
Disclaimer: It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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argyrocratie · 9 months
"It is most difficult to transmit in writing an adequate description of this vast movement which both enhances and exceeds the scope of agrarian socialization per se. Here in Mas de las Matas, as in any other collectivized village, there are not only the familiar outward signs of community enterprise, which we have seen in Graus (like the red and black signs designating factories, communal markets, and hotels) but something far more substantial: the installations which constitute the lifeblood of collective life. The district warehouses (for chemical products, cement, raw materials for all the industries) are here, where other village collectives deposit needed surplus commodities, and in exchange pick up necessary goods according to arrangements worked out by the assemblies of fraternal delegates. In the spacious premises of a wealthy fascist who fled are kept stocks of clothing to be distributed to the people of the district. Here also is the place where the individual peasant owners can pick up goods they need and where the amount of goods supplied to each family is recorded.
In the newly built distillery cooperative, organized by the district villages, tartaric acids and ninety-proof medicinal alcohol are extracted from the residue of raisins. In the tailoring shop, men and women cut and sew clothes to order for the collectivists in a good variety of cloth and colors. A family of four (mother, father, and two children) is entitled to 280 pesetas worth of clothing, which is two or three times more than an average peasant family spent for clothes under the old order.
Women shop for provisions in well-appointed sanitary markets done in white tile and marble. Tasty bread of the highest quality is now baked in the collective bakeries at less cost. Dress shops not only make fashionable clothes for women and girls, but as in many other villages young girls are taught how to sew clothes for their future children.
A sign reads “Public Library.” It is surprisingly well stocked with a good selection of books on academic subjects — sociology, literature ... and a good variety of school textbooks... The library is free to all including the “individualists” (nonmembers of the collectives). There are also educational activities for young and old.
In the spirit and practice of solidarity for all through respect for the individuality of each, every family is allotted a small parcel of land to use as it wishes, supplementing their diet by growing certain fruits and vegetables, raising rabbits, etc. Rationing is not therefore synonymous with uniformity.
If clothes, for example, are also rationed, it is not because the collectives in this part of Aragon lack the necessary purchasing power. There are many products, principally wheat, which could be exchanged for clothing manufactured in Catalonia. However, enormous quantities of wheat, meat, vegetables, and olive oil, which could be exchanged for other goods, but are sorely needed to sustain the armed forces in the anti-fascist war, are donated free of charge to the soldiers. Likewise, great quantities of goods are donated to Madrid, besieged by the Franco armies.
Medical care and medicines are free. Free eyeglasses are provided for both collectivists and “individualists.” Public instruction is obligatory for children up to the age of fourteen. A new rural school some distance from the village has just been built and opened for all older children who have never before attended school. And in Mas de las Matas, two young teachers graduated from colleges in Saragossa, Valencia and Teruel have been placed in charge of two new classrooms providing for the education of 50 children in each room.[96]
According to the norms established throughout Aragon, Castile, and the Levant, no collective is allowed to go into business for itself for its own profit. This avoids the tendency towards speculation, which is made easy by the war situation and is fairly common (a type of competition which so often characterizes certain collective factories, especially the textile mills in Barcelona). These measures of a moral character are on a par with the sense of organizational responsibility prevailing in the socialized villages. Each collectivized village provides a list of its surplus products and the products in short supply to the Cantonal (district) Committee. The Committee headquarters in Mas de las Matas keeps track of the surplus commodities and needs of each collective village. It knows exactly what reserves of wine, meat, olive oil, wheat (flour), potatoes, sugar, and other supplies each village has on hand. If, for example, a collective furnishing oil does not need wine, it can order other articles, or reserve them until they become available, or hold surplus commodities for exchange with other collectives in the district, The Cantonal Committee is actually a kind of clearing house for exchange or barter. In addition, through the general market and the communal warehouse, the facilities for exchange within and outside the village are always at hand.
This system of exchange is practiced without the slightest reservation because the spirit of profiteering no longer motivates the collectivists. A village which, because of unusually difficult circumstances, has nothing to exchange will not therefore be condemned to poverty, or be compelled to mortgage itself and its economy for years and years. For example: this year the principal crops of Mas de las Matas, Seno, and La Ginebrosa were destroyed by hailstorms. In a capitalist regime, such natural disasters would have meant endless privations, heavy debts, foreclosures, and even emigration of some workers for several years. But in the regime of libertarian solidarity, these difficulties were overcome by the efforts of the whole district. Provisions, seeds, etc., everything needed to repair the damage, were furnished in the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity — without conditions, without contracting debts. The Revolution has created a new civilization!"
-Gaston Leval from Sam Dolgoff's "The Anarchist Collectives: Workers’ Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution, 1936–1939"
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ruupromow · 11 months
what are the benefits of controlling blood sugar levels?
Maintaining blood sugar control has several important health benefits, especially for those who have diabetes:
Preventing Hypoglycemia: Keeping blood sugar levels steady helps avert hypoglycemia episodes, which are periods of low blood sugar that can cause lightheadedness, confusion, and even unconsciousness.
Maintaining Stable Blood Sugar Levels: Maintaining stable blood sugar levels helps to avoid weariness and energy crashes by giving the body a consistent supply of energy throughout the day.
Lowering the Risk of Hyperglycemia: Complications from diabetes can result from high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia. Maintaining blood sugar control lowers the chance of consequences like neuropathy, renal illness, and vision issues.
Controlling blood sugar levels can help with weight management. Maintaining good blood sugar levels can help with weight loss and general well-being, as elevated levels are frequently linked to weight gain.
Cardiovascular Health: As heart disease and stroke are frequent side effects of diabetes, better blood sugar control reduces the risk of these conditions.
Better Mental Health: Blood sugar stability can have a beneficial effect on mood and lessen the likelihood of mood swings and irritability, which are frequently brought on by blood sugar changes.
Wound Healing: Effective wound healing requires appropriate blood sugar management. Elevated blood sugar levels can hinder the body's natural healing process, leading to a higher chance of infections and a slower rate of wound healing.
Preserving Vision: Vision loss may result from diabetes-related eye disorders such diabetic retinopathy. Blood sugar control is important for maintaining eye health.
Kidney Health: One typical consequence of diabetes is kidney damage. Kidney damage can be lowered by keeping blood sugar levels within a safe range.
Nerve Function: Blood sugar regulation lowers the risk of neuropathy and associated symptoms like tingling and numbness by shielding nerves from harm.
Enhanced Quality of Life: People who have stable blood sugar levels can live more regularly and actively without having to worry about swings and issues all the time.
Decreased Medication Dependency: Improved blood sugar regulation may help some people become less dependent on diabetic drugs, which would make managing the illness simpler.
Long-Term Health: Controlled blood sugar levels can extend the life expectancy of diabetics and promote long-term health.
Overall, maintaining blood sugar management is essential for preventing both acute and long-term health issues related to diabetes, as well as for enhancing general health and longevity. Individuals with diabetes must collaborate closely with medical specialists to create a customized blood sugar management strategy.
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dykegirlfriend · 1 year
bitch what re fuck omg what the fuck is wrong with him he just did not
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mundoagrocba · 2 years
El Sur de la provincia de Córdoba, el más beneficiado por las lluvias
El Sur de la provincia de Córdoba, el más beneficiado por las lluvias
Según un informe de la Bolsa de Cereales de Córdoba, las precipitaciones tuvieron su registro más elevado en la localidad de Serrano. La localidad de Serrano, con 69 mm, es el punto con mayor cantidad de milímetros registrados, según un informe elaborado por la Bolsa de Cereales de Córdoba, en base al reporte de lluvias que se elabora con la Red de Estaciones Meteorológicas perteneciente a la…
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years
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Oh de Leval - My heart says yes but my dog says no, 2022
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catgirlsupremacist · 14 days
i know im not being very original but truly the internet is mean, and i was not meant to see this many people's opinion at once
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skywarpie · 6 months
Copia talking to his daughters: not now sweety. Daddys trying to beat leval 543454 of candy crush
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