le-brave-des-braves · 3 days
🪄This letter turns you into the opposite gender, and will wear off in whatever way you see fit!🪄
Alright. The Jomini situation has been sorted out. Time to return to work. Look, a letter.
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Oh. What the actual… *takes a deep breath* I suppose I can be grateful that I am still a human being, right.
Goodness, this fits weird. *he… or she? had to unbutton his uniform coat a bit* I don’t want to get a new uniform.
Levavasseur: Marshal, I have looked into… Marshal? You look…
Yeah, like a woman. Thank fuck it’s not a tortoise. I guess that’s what I get for almost spaying the Duke of Dalmatia, right.
She is trying to make a joke, while feeling so uneasy. Especially when looking at Levavasseur, now seeming even taller and stronger.
Levavasseur: We should talk about your sense of humour.
Later. Now I need your help. I have, uh… certain fitting difficulties. I have an idea, but I need some lacing *she took off the jacket and pointed at the 1790s stays on the bed*
My… eh. Former lover used to wear this, it was good under a uniform but I can’t lace this up myself. So if you were so kind. Just don’t pull too tight, I would like to breathe. Here, it should go over the shirt.
Levavasseur: *He is trying so hard not to stare. The Marshal was appealing as a man, but now…* Alright. I will help you. But maybe you shouldn’t really wear uniforms now when you are…
Shut up, Octave, it is still me. I won’t wear a gown and learn embroidery just because of this magic.
Levavasseur: alright… I… just.
*Ney hit her chest, now securely laced in the stays* oh look, it is so hard. It feels like armour. Now nobody can shoot me!
Levavasseur: We should really talk about your sense of humour.
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ultralowoxygen · 1 year
Filature Levavasseur
Filature Levavasseur by Philippe_28 Via Flickr: Pentax Super ME Pellicule Adox Color Mission 200 DĂ©veloppement en kit Rollei Colorchem C41
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airmanisr · 1 year
Levavasseur Antoinette (1908), Museede l'Air, Le Bourget, 05-06-2022 by Gordon Riley Via Flickr: As early as 1904, Léon Levavasseur designed an aircraft engine. In 1906, he joined forces with Louis Blériot and Jules Gastambide to build the Antoinette. Characterized by the front in the shape of a boat's bow, this machine became famous when Latham twice unsuccessfully attempted to cross the English Channel in 1909. The same year, at the controls of the same model, he placed second in the speed test of the Grande Semaine de Champagne and beat various altitude records until the summer of 1910. This advertisement brings eighty orders for this machine to the manufacturer. The aircraft's fuselage and engine exhibited at the Air and Space Museum are authentic, while the wings and empennage were rebuilt after the Second World War from original plans.
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dixvinsblog · 1 year
Le choix littéraire de Sab en Live-“Le sacrifice des affreux” de Jean-Noël Levavasseur (Afitt édition)
Le Katanga, vous connaissez ?Les affreux vous connaissez ?Et bien moi j’ai découvert l’histoire du Katanga et des affreux grâce au roman de Jean-Noel Levavasseur. Roman dont je vous avais déjà parlé parce que j’en attendais beaucoup. Une préface de Frederic Paulin, une histoire de Jean-Noël Levavasseur et oufffff j ai été conquise.Jean-Noel Levavasseur a l’art de la mise en scène et croyez moi…
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Fontaine-Guérard by Catherine Reznitchenko Via Flickr: Filature Levavasseur, Fontaine-Guérard, Pont-Saint-Pierre, Eure, Normandie, France. www.catherine-reznitchenko.fr
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neylo · 1 month
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Since @cadmusfly painted the Soult’s ADCs, I did some art featuring Ney’s aides-de-camp Levavasseur (left) and Heymes (right). I used the miniatures for a reference as well as the Czech edition of the Levavasseur’s memoir.
I love that Ney chose red for them. Because I would do the same, red looks good on everyone.
Both those fine officers live rent free in my head in a very fictionalised form as Ney’s ask blog staff.
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murillo-enthusiast · 2 months
???: Hey guys, I'm back from my latest expedition!! The plant species in this afterlife are so fascinating, I've discovered about ten new species of Asphodelus and a fascinating new variety of Lycoris radiata that thrives only in-
Saint-Chamans: Shut up about plants, Bory! You missed out on the explosion of a lifetime!
Bory de Saint-Vincent: But the flowers-
Saint-Chamans: Petiet, Lameth and Brun, along with one of Ney's ADCs, serenaded @le-brave-des-braves with drinking songs! And then Ney complained to our Marshal!
Bory: Ney?! Wait, which of Ney's ADCs?
Saint-Chamans: Oh right you were one of his ADCs for a year. It's that Lava guy.
Bory: Oh, Levavasseur! That is truly hilarious!
Saint-Chamans: Yes, that guy! And our Marshal's been yelling at those three for the last hour! Such idiots!
Bory: Why, seems like I've missed out on some excitement! Not as exciting as the Asteraceae I found-
Saint-Chamans: Nobody cares about your stupid plants! They're breaking my lecture record!
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askgeraudduroc · 29 days
Hi Duroc, who do you think Ney should be with? Levavasseur or Wellington?
Because I think Levavasseur is a man he need. He is brave, he is gentle and he would always be there for him!
I’m… uh… asking for a friend. Uh.
Well, I don't like having a... Opinion on these kind of stuff, as Ney can completely choose who to date...!!!
Wasn't like... Wellington one of our enemies? Well, things could have changed, while I was... "Eternally resting" even thought that didn't really last long...
But! I can see Levaseur and Ney making a nice and healthy relationship!!!
As long both of them are happy, nothing else matters! ^7^
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armagnac-army · 2 months
i think we know who asked for that relationship advice...
My lips are sealed and i will not betray anyones confidence!!
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lespresseslitteraires · 2 years
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Les fleurs de lin - Vincent Vigneau
Rien ne se passe jamais comme prévu. Surtout quand une sale affaire d’infanticide réveille chez l’inspecteur Levavasseur l’envie de régler ses comptes avec son passé.Un récit plutôt inclassable où le déroulement d’une enquête criminelle s’imbrique dans le parcours amoureux d’un couple qui se découvre, s’apprivoise et s’engage dans un projet que le sort s’acharne à contrecarrer.
Magistrat depuis 1990, Vincent Vigneau a débuté sa carrière comme juge en Normandie avant d’accéder à la Cour de cassation en 2003 en qualité de conseiller référendaire. À ce titre, il participe à la rédaction du rapport sur la récidive des criminels sexuels commandé en 2008 par le Président de la République, au premier président de la Cour de cassation. En 2011, il est nommé premier vice-
président au tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre avant de retrouver en 2015 la Cour de cassation où il préside désormais la chambre commerciale, financière et économique.Après avoir publié plusieurs ouvrages juridiques, Vincent Vigneau nous livre ici son premier polar, inspiré de ses expériences personnelles et professionnelles.
ISBN : 979-10-310-1253-711,5 X 17, 250 pages, 12,00 €
n° 133 de la collection "Crimes et châtiments"
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photoriadoc · 2 years
Urville-Nacqueville - La plage et le bord de mer - Janvier 2021
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Commune littorale, Urville-Nacqueville s’étend sur plus de 11 km2. Elle fait partie des 19 communes qui forment la Communauté de Communes de la Hague. Urville fut une station balnéaire très prisée au début du xxe siècle. De cette époque date le « Village normand », conçu en 1911 par René Levavasseur, architecte de la gare maritime de Cherbourg. Urville-Nacqueville est issue de la fusion d'Urville-Hague et de Nacqueville, le 1er janvier 1964.       Camera: Canon EOS 2000D Objectif: Canon EF-S 18-55 IS II Post-production avec Skylum Luminar 3 Shoot: Vers 9 heures du matin, un matin de Janvier 2021 très venteux avec une mer qui commençait à s'agiter! Toutes les prises de vue ont été faites de la plage longeant la rue du Fort.         Read the full article
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le-brave-des-braves · 6 days
🪄✨*turns Jomini into a sentient Galapagos tortoise of the same age*✨🪄
you're welcome
*they can suddenly hear the sound of a loud thud from Jomini’s room*
ScheiĂźe! Now he must have broken something. Octave, come with me, we should check on him.
Jomini: *everything looks… different, and rather… uh, upside down. But at least he is feeling younger. However, it appears he is still immobile. No matter how he moves his limbs (which look weirdly non-human), he just can’t stand up*
Levavasseur: that is a turtle. Why is a turtle here.
Octave, it’s a tortoise and we should help it to turn around… Just help me.
wait, what. What. What the fuck. It is… Jomini.
Jomini: *nods slowly*
SOULT. Where the hell are you?! Jomini became a damn TORTOISE!
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Année 1909 (Mai)
Evénements   France: seconde grève aux PTT. Des sanctions nombreuses frappent les grévistes. Le syndicalisme postier s’enracine pourtant.   2 mai: John Moore-Brabazon réalise un vol de 457m. C’est le premier vol officiellement reconnu d’un Britannique.   7 mai:   Léon Levavasseur a construit le premier simulateur de vol pour l’entraînement au pilotage au sol: le “tonneau Antoinette”,   le Comité…
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met-european-sculpture · 3 years
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Plate, Levavasseur, ca. 1788, Metropolitan Museum of Art: European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917 Size: Diameter: 9 3/4 in. (24.8 cm) Medium: Faience (tin-glazed earthenware)
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ribelluliberta · 5 years
Européenne Reporté tous en respectant la loi !!!  J’ai confiance en nos leader ,mais je pense qu ils sont manipulé 
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northernmariette · 2 years
A Portrait of Marshal Ney.
Here I am on the eve of Bernadotte’s birthday, and what I find instead is a portrait of our previous January Birthday Boy, Michel Ney.
This was written by Octave Levavasseur, who was a member of Ney’s état-major. Levavasseur has obvious affection and admiration for his former Marshal, but does not shrink from describing Ney’s faults as well as his qualities.
La nature avait donné à Ney un corps de fer, une âme de feu; sa taille était athlétique. II avait la figure large, le nez plat; sa physionomie rappelait les types du Nord; sa voix était retentissante; à son seul commandement, on se sentait du courage. « C'était, a dit Bourmont dans le procès, celui des maréchaux qui possédait le plus la confiance de l'armée ! »
Les soldats lui avaient donné deux surnoms : quand ils le voyaient passer dans une revue, c'était le roux à cause de la couleur de sa barbe et de ses cheveux; quand ils racontaient les batailles, ils l'appelaient le brave des braves, à cause de cette valeur calme dont il était le modèle.  Oui, c'était bien le brave des braves, car, près de cet homme, au milieu du combat, telle bravoure que l'on eût ou que l'on voulût montrer, il fallait l'avouer son maître. Sous la mitraille même, quand la mort planait sur lui, par ses rires et ses mots plaisants il semblait la défier. Au fort de la mêlée, sa supériorité reconnue faisait déférer à ses ordres. Trévise, et Bellune, Tarente et Raguse, Soult et Davout, seuls, ne reconnaissaient pas cet ascendant.
C'est que le génie de Ney ne s'éveillait qu'en face de l'ennemi et à la grande voix du canon. Sans combinaisons arrêtées d'avance, sa tactique c'était le succès. Souvent il était victorieux, mais sans savoir comment il avait fait pour remporter le succès. Ce n'était que sur les champs de bataille qu'il était beau et qu'il fallait le voir. Ailleurs, cet homme si grand ne pouvait rendre compte de ses propres inspirations : il aurait su conquérir des royaumes, mais il n'aurait pu les gouverner. Son éducation avait été exclusivement militaire; elle était incomplète. Cependant, ses ordres étaient parfaitement conçus; il les dictait avec facilité. Le maréchal, suivant l'expression de Clouet, était sujet à recevoir des impressions subites et vives; j'ajouterai que son caractère était emporté. S'il n'avait pas eu avec lui, pendant longtemps, un secrétaire intime, qui savait tempérer cette extrême vivacité, il se serait compromis auprès de l'Empereur par ses écrits. [...] Cependant, malgré cette vivacité, le maréchal avait un bon cœur: il ne conservait aucun ressentiment et était toujours le premier à revenir et à pardonner. Résigné d'avance au sort des batailles, la mort de ses officiers l'affectait peu; ce n'était pas par insensibilité, c'était par habitude de voir mourir et de regarder comme d'une faible importance la mort d'un homme en présence des grands intérêts de la nation. Il ne gardait rien pour lui; ses propres deniers soldaient les officiers. Si on lui parlait d'un besoin d'argent, il renvoyait à son intendant, qui payait. Lorsqu'il venait d'être élevé au rang de prince de la Moskowa, je lui fis observer qu'il était moins riche que moi, et qu'il devait songer à ses enfants. « Qu'importe, me répondit-il, la France est là : elle y pourvoira et n'abandonnera pas ma famille. »
Nature had given Ney a body of iron, a soul of fire; his figure was athletic. He had a broad face, a flat nose; his face was of a Nordic type; his voice was resounding; at his command alone, one was filled with courage. "He was," said Bourmont during Ney's trial, "the one of the Marshals who most possessed the army.' confidence"
Soldiers had given him two nicknames: when they saw him riding by in a review, it was "the Redhead" because of the colour of his beard and his hair; when they recounted battles, they called him "the bravest of the brave", because of that calm courage of which he was the example.  Yes, he was indeed the bravest of the brave, because, when near this man in the middle of the battle, whatever bravery one had or wanted to display, one had to admit his was supreme. Even under fire, when death hovered near him, he seemed to challenge it with his laughter and his joking words. At the height of the combat, his acknowledged leadership  made one defer to his orders. Trevise [Mortier], and Bellune [Victor], Tarante [Macdonald] and Raguse [Marmont], Soult and Davout, alone, did not acknowledge this superiority.
In truth, Ney's talents came to the fore only in front of the enemy and at the sound of fire. Without his having any prearranged schemes, his only tactic was to succeed. While he was often victorious, he did not truly grasp how he had managed to achieve this success.
It was only on the battlefields that he was magnificent and a sight to behold. Elsewhere, this great man could not have accounted for his own impulses: he would have been able to conquer kingdoms, but he could not have governed them.
His education had been exclusively military; it was incomplete. However, his orders were perfectly conceived; he dictated them with ease. The Marshal was prone to quick and vivid impressions, and I would like to add that he was hotheaded. If he had not had with him, for a long time, an intimate secretary who knew how to temper this extreme vivacity of character, his writings would have compromised himself with the Emperor. [...] However, in spite of his hot temper, the Marshal had a good heart: he held no resentment and was always the first to return and to forgive. Resigned in advance to the outcome of battles, the death of his officers affected him little; it was not from callousness, but rather from the habit of witnessing death and of regarding the death of a man as of lesser importance than the greater interests of the nation.
He kept nothing for himself; he paid his officers from his own money. If anyone mentioned a need for money, he referred them to his steward, who provided the amount. When he had just been elevated to the rank of Prince of the Moskowa, I pointed out to him that he was less prosperous than I was, and that he should think of his children. "What does it matter," he replied, "France is there: she will provide, and will not forsake my family."
https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6367503q/f349.item.r=octave%20levavasseur , pp 321-323.
Some comments about Levavasseur’s portrait: I interpret this phrase, “Trévise, et Bellune, Tarente et Raguse, Soult et Davout, seuls, ne reconnaissaient pas cet ascendant” as meaning that only Mortier, Victor, Macdonald, Marmont, Soult and Davout failed to recognize Ney superiority when under fire. However justified - or not - these feelings might be, I don’t find them surprising; Napoleon’s Marshals acceded to their rank because they were alpha males, and alpha males by definition are competitors. 
Among the Marshals who probably did not consider Ney their superior, I would wager big money to find Masséna, not without justification. Murat was probably of the same opinion (might @joachimnapoleon confirm this?). On the other hand, Moncey considered himself unworthy of judging Ney, Jourdan displayed respect and courtesy when put in charge of Ney’s court-martial, and Berthier had enough sense to know that he could not compete with any of the Marshals when it came to leading men into battle.
Ney had six years of formal schooling, which was considered fairly good at a time when a considerable proportion of the population was illiterate. I would surmise that Levavasseur’s education’s was better, hence his judgement. It seems Ney’s education was good enough to grant him a perfect command of spoken and written French, his second language. If my perception is accurate, and I think it is, Ney just was not the sort of man to study the classics, which was such an integral part of the upper class’s education. 
As to his indifference to the death of soldiers, I read somewhere (where?) that Ney was moved by the carnage at Eylau. 
My general impression is that Ney was a man whose emotions were not easily roused. He doesn’t seem to have formed strong attachments, nor did he hold resentments for very long. This would explain also his attitude to the death of his officers, and his behaviour on the battlefield and leading to his own execution. Who takes a refreshing nap hours before facing the firing squad?
Finally, Ney’s nose was not flat: multiple portraits show it as upturned! On the other hand his face does seem to be flat.
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