#leviathan (parahumans)
dagda-the-doodler · 1 month
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The Leviathan Approaches.
Sorry this took so long, worm enjoyers! I've been at college focusing on my work while chipping away at this, and I wanted it to be as best as I could make it! I hope you enjoy!
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any questions? behemoth and leviathan.
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phoenixenero · 2 years
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Phoenix’s Parahumans Fanart Set from 2021
Might as well post everything for posterity’s sake.
Edit: bit late but i forgot something
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travelers-gaming · 9 months
worm is full of morally gray characters. for instance leviathan is essentially just a hurricane that hates you but he also pranked armsmaster so bad that he had to quit his job so can you really call the endbringers evil
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junebugtwin · 10 months
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taking the dog out for a walk!
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Hysterical that Leviathan attacked on Vista's birthday honestly. The wards are just gathered around saying congrats Vista, you're turning 13! Open your gifts! But the gifts are her crush and two other friends dying, her home city being ruined and plunged into crime, killing someone for the first time when Bastion has her collapse a building on him, and a boatload of trauma. Happy Birthday Missy!
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wannabewallflower · 20 days
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[ID: A digital drawing of Leviathan from Worm. His lower half has been replaced by fish tail.]
A mermaid Leviathan for Mermay! The art gods compelled me to give him abs
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Endbringer icons, for a thing I'm working on. Criticism very much accepted!
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snazzyscarf · 11 months
the thing about me is that I will absolutely shamelessly give my favorite little minor character who has cubed me a disproportionate amount of narrative significance than he actually has, BUT THE PROBLEM WITH THAT is that he (Clockblocker) actually honestly and truly DOES have one of the biggest impacts of any character.
like i know they were not giving out medals for the sake of preventing infighting after the leviathan fight, but Clockblocker damn well deserves one because quite literally everyone would have died had he not frozen the Titanic Waterbending Godzilla in time for several whole minutes allowing the remaining capes critical time to re-strategize and hold out for Scion. Additionally. everyone Also would have died had Skitter not been able to utilize his power to slice That Thang (Echidna) in twain. Two (2) S-Class threats within months of each other and he turned the tides on both of them.
it’s like. it’s honestly a testament to what Tattletale was saying about how a lot of parahumans never really get the chance to understand the full extent of their powers because they’re never under the right circumstances to do so. because if you think about it purely in situations like the bank heist or party crash early on in the book, Clockblocker’s power really isn’t anything to write home about. and if they lived in a reality where things like that were the biggest threats around he would probably stay that way!
but they don’t live in that reality. they DO live in a world with towering kaiju endbringers that threaten the planet every three months and they DO live in a world where monstrous parahuman accidents like echidna are likely to pop up, and it’s because of this product of circumstance that you can make a legitimate case for Clockblocker having one of the strongest powers in terms of utility. he lives in a reality where his niche is allowed to shine!
and it’s this kinda thinking that makes the fact that he is—at the end of the day—Just A Minor Character, so incredibly compelling because it further illustrates the idea that This Could Be Anybody. under the right circumstances, any parahuman could find their otherwise mid-level power suddenly become the most pivotal role in a survival setting. or the most dangerous! it opens up the floor to a wealth of possibilities.
like say what you want, and i do concede that of course my darling boy Dennis doesn’t hold the same narrative significance that any of the major characters do, but when you look at his role in the story from this perspective, He Really Is Kind Of A Big Deal.
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
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The Worm Arcana: 0. The Fools-The Endbringers
“ They're children, they're unpredictable, and only at the end do they unleash their full potential.  Their flaw is the fact that they're fundamentally hollow, naïve, illusory.  They're only really playing a game for reasons that don't matter at the heart of things.“
I’ve been working on a worm-themed tarot set based on Wildbow’s write-up of the face cards. Originally I was planning on waiting until I’d hammered out the whole set but we’re all gonna die before that happens, so Instead I’m gonna post the first ten and see if that motivates me to finish.
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amgrycoconut · 1 year
I made the OG Endbringers in Heroforge!
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dagda-the-doodler · 5 months
The choice is yours, goofy goobers...
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rebel-sqrrl · 2 months
I saw this scene and thought "hmm, this conundrum seems familiar..."
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innominaterifter · 6 months
The water is coming
Will we hold back the rising tide?
The water is coming
Can we survive mankind?
— "The water is coming" by "Sity and Colour".
I would use "humankind," not "mankind."
I'm learning how to use a video editor. A very calming, measured, and painstaking activity. But it's easy to get hyperfocus. It's not bad though.
HelpMe.file: It is difficult to use insects in cold conditions; they quickly cease to be active. For the future, make a heated container and remove them from it only before shooting.
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junebugtwin · 1 year
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love is stored in the Brutus!!!
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spaghettiandart · 2 years
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weird au just dropped
later he takes them out for icecream
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