#lft: ophelia nigmos
heromonty · 4 months
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Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
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nervosims · 2 years
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Almeric just knows how to say the right things. I think he's used to getting what he wants quite easily, and Tank is no exception. Give 'em the old push and pull (sleazeball... I love him).
Ophelia is not so happy about it.
NIGMOS: college
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ghostwoohoo · 2 years
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round 3: LFT
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tamtam-go92 · 10 days
Nigmos Household
Ophelia is out of her aunt's haunted house and ready to take over LFT's campus! She's a little sad to be so far away from Johnny, but her education is important to her, so she chose the renowned La Fiesta Tech over the slightly shabby SSU.
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Ophelia's hobbies include hypochondria and monitoring the air quality. She worries about the future... and the past... and the present.
Ophelia Nigmos: Age: 18 LTW: Raise 20 Puppies or Kitten Aspiration: Family/Knowledge Personality: 4/6/5/4/6 OTH: Music and Dance (with focus on Synthesizer) Traits: Virtuoso, Loves the Cold, Slob, Brave, Hydrophobic
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katatty · 2 years
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Graduation party time! As relieved as all three of them are to be graduating and moving on, I think in the long run they’ll look back on this period of their lives with fond nostaligia!
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pixuou · 3 years
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Ophelia Nigmos & Stella Terrano
Okay, they're not officially a household yet because Ophelia still needs to graduate so she can move back to Strangetown where Stella is currently renting an apartment. They may buy a house somewhere down the line from Ophelia's aunt's inheritance.
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simsterlyrock · 4 years
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simlish-savvy · 6 years
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some college and post-college shenanigans :D ~ Frances and Almeric snuggle in bed after a celebratory Woo-Hoo for Frances graduating with top honors ~ Zoe and Jasmine have a small celebration of their own in the house they bought together after graduating from LFT ~ Guy Wrightley and Monica Bratford (now Monica Wrightley) wed in their backyard ~ Johnny happily watches Ophelia play some SSX3 after work ~ Ripp has his first kiss with Jessie Pilferson before heading off to the last final exam of his college career
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strangetomato · 7 years
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(inspired by)
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ajaysims · 7 years
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Johnny Smith, Ripp Grunt and Ophelia Nigmos are in their Sophomore year and share this house in Land Lane. (It’s based on the Lena house by Klaartje). It’s very non-studenty xD I mean, seriously, I wish I’d lived in a place like this while I was a student... but anyways! The house has an open-plan hallway/kitchen-diner/living room, a shower-room/toilet and two bedrooms. There’s a small yard out the back.
Ophelia is studying Literature with the aim of being a teacher. She’s still a Family sim but currently unaware that her cousin resurrected her mum recently. In fact, she’s unaware she has a cousin as Nervous is waiting for the right time to introduce himself. She knows that her Aunt is a witch, and although she’s intrigued by the idea of magic, she doesn’t want to be a dark witch and doesn’t know there are other paths. She doesn’t really want to move back in with Olive after graduating, so she really hopes that her and the boys can stick together and find a place when they head back home.
Johnny is studying Political Science and plans to go into Law Enforcement. He’s a Popularity/Family sim. He and Ophelia were dating as teens, with Ripp as their best friend, and then he just... became more than a friend. It’s not the family set-up that Johnny was expecting, but he thinks they can make it work. He loves Sports and Fitness, and got an Athletics scholarship to LFT.
Ripp is studying Art and is a Romance/Pleasure sim. He has dreams of being in a successful band, although currently he’s been more focused on painting than music. Ripp has always relied on his two best friends to get himself through the hard times. Things at home with the General and Tank were difficult, and he spent as much time with Johnny and Ophelia as possible. It’s no secret that he loves casual romance and flirting with pretty much anyone, but despite their open setup, Ripp is 100% committed to Ophelia and Johnny.
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nervosims · 2 years
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The fucked up thing is, Ophelia invited Olive to her grad party... but her auntie didn't turn up. Yikes Olive!
NIGMOS: college
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nervosims · 2 years
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Ophelia: "Look Johnny... I need to be honest with you. I don't think this is working out"
Johnny: "Yeah. I haven't really been faithful to you either"
Either? So he knew she was cheating. Did he cheat to get back at her? Or was he going to sleep with someone else regardless? And who was it? She knows he and Ripp had gotten really close over the years. God... would she be in the wrong for being upset? At this point... she's not sure anymore.
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Johnny: "Look, 'pheli, I'm not upset at you for cheating. 'Cause I'd be a hypocrite and that's not my vibe and all... but Tank?"
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Johnny: "But I'm really no better 'cause I fucked your best friend and all. Sorry about that"
Ophelia: "God you're such an idiot, J."
Even when he's admitting to cheating, he still has that same sense of humour. She still loves him so much, and it's hard to let go of all the years they'd been close. But they can't keep doing this. It's not fair to either of them.
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Ophelia: "I feel like so stupid, Johnny. I ruined a perfectly good thing. It's like I can't be happy"
Johnny: "Dad told me grudges don't exist in Sixam. I feel like he's lying, but he says that doesn't exist on his planet either. I could never have a grudge on you, babe. I love you, even after all of this."
NIGMOS: college
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nervosims · 2 years
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Ophelia rolled the want for Literature and Tank rolled the want for Drama (how lgbtq of you, Tank).
NIGMOS: college
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ghostwoohoo · 2 years
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round 3: LFT
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ghostwoohoo · 2 years
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round 3: LFT
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nervosims · 2 years
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One thing I'm gonna do is throw a toga party! I love these as a concept. Fuck a sports party, everyone is in these lil togas if I can help it.
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Ophelia and Guy seem to be hitting it off!
OHV: college
SMITH: college
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