#li da bao
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: My Uncanny Destiny (2023)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama “My Uncanny Destiny”
【Multi-Sub】 保护我方城主大人 My Uncanny Destiny 01 丨 双王不打不相识(主演: 张悦楠, 严子贤)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGqKPvAO0XQ
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indewthoughts · 2 years
Romance of a Twin Flower is out. I'm in it for Ding but, I dislike memory loss. If it's done like My Uncanny Destiny then I'll be able to finish it.
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lustrousims · 4 months
🌇👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Save File Progress - Newcrest
Newcrest is almost done! Here's some of the current households:
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 1. The Greene Family: It's always 'wheres da DILF' and never 'how's the DILF.' smh. Marco is quite the ladies man, and while attention is nice, everyone treats his beloved wife Margaret less than ideal. Everyone thinks Marco should be with someone 'his own speed' and not an 'old hag' like Margaret. Marco does not stand for any kind of verbal abuse towards his wife, who gave him three wonderful children and a beautiful home. Marco adores Margaret, and anyone chasing after his heart can go look elsewhere; his heart belongs with her!
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2. The Li Family: After losing her husband to old age, Chu-Hua was living alone with her cat, Bao. Sue-Ann asked her mother to move in with her so she can care for her as she gets older. Chu-Hua doesnt expect much, but Sue spoils her to no end! All she wants are grandkids, but Sue doesn't know if she's ready for that yet, She's so focused on her careers that she hardly ever thinks about dating. Chu-Hua is confident, however, and has even begun knitting baby clothes in hopes she gets a grandchild before she passes
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3. College Buds: Alina + Dee [bottom row] started dating their senior year of college. After graduation, they decided to move in together and have Alina's other friends Dustin and Liv join them to help offset living costs. Things have been going pretty well so far, except for some of Dee's recent behavior. Alina has been finding her way too jealous and controlling, and now she's started constantly writing stuff in a little notebook that's quite off putting...
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 4. The Puente Family: My boyfriend made this family and now I feel obligated to keep them bc he spent hours on them... I promised him they'd live a great life so please be nice to them if you run into them, thank u.
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 5. The Chamberlain Family: Katy never thought she'd be a grandmother at this age, but her teen daughter Bella got pregnant too soon. Katy was furious and upset, but what could she do? Kick her daughter out and risk something happening to her? That wasnt an option. Bella already hates herself, her body and her life enough, Katy doesn't need to add onto it. Bella is attending school, working, and is soon going to start taking college classes. She needs Katy's support now more than ever, and while Katy still can't look at the baby in the eyes yet, she's sure she'll come around soon enough... She just feels like she failed her teenage daughter.
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 6. The Fraziers: Rumor has it that Famous Musician Nathanial and his wife Julianne were going to get divorced, but that got put on hold when she showed up with a positive pregnancy test. Nathanial never had a father growing up, and he sure as hell wasnt going to put his baby through the same thing. Against his better judgement, he decided to try and work on his marriage with Julianne, for the baby's sake. although, people are starting to get suspicious of her 'conveniently timed' pregnancy...
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sifu-kisu · 4 months
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Baji Jin - The Power of Baji Quan
Baji Quan is a martial art focused on power and strength, emphasizing the method of generating force. Wutan magazine once illustrated three types of Baji Quan power. I want to add my perspective, hoping it complements the original content.
In this article, I use "Jin," a refind force, to represent the original meaning of the Chinese language instead of the word "Li" or force in English. The Jin in Baji Quan originates from the training tec… See more
Baji Jin - The Power of Baji Quan
Baji Quan is a martial art focused on power and strength, emphasizing the method of generating force. Wutan magazine once illustrated three types of Baji Quan power. I want to add my perspective, hoping it complements the original content.
In this article, I use "Jin," a refind force, to represent the original meaning of the Chinese language instead of the word "Li" or force in English. The Jin in Baji Quan originates from the training techniques of the bear and tiger forms. The bear represents a sinking Jin emphasizing vertical action (force exerted downward into the ground and its reaction upward). The tiger represents a cross Jin, which channels the force drawn from the ground through the legs, waist, hips, back, and shoulders and directs it along the spatial XYZ axes (Please note that this is a 3D, not 2D cross) to issue power. The combination of these two Jins creates the silk-reeling Jin.
In traditional martial arts, the silk-reeling Jin is predominantly used for striking targets. It can move steadily and accurately in a specific direction through the air. When it contacts a target, the silk-reeling Jin can be divided into two types: long Jin and short Jin. From a physics perspective, long Jin operates over a longer distance with intense penetration but takes more time; it is just like a straight stroke in billiards. Short Jin, also known as inch Jin (originating from the Northern Chinese accent term "crisp Jin"), operates over a short distance with instantaneous explosiveness, resembling a draw stroke in billiards.
For the bear form, beginners must practice stomping because it requires deeply sinking the center of gravity into the ground. For the tiger form, practicing bow/arrow and horse stance strikes is essential to generate Jin in all directions. To integrate the bear and tiger forms into the silk-reeling Jin, practitioners often use dragging and grinding steps while punching to experience the power.
Why use dragging and grinding steps to practice the silk-reeling Jin? I think static training alone is insufficient; true silk-reeling Jin is achieved through dynamic movement. Another renowned martial art from Wutan is the Bagua Palm, founded by Great Master Gong Bao Tian. Bagua is famous for saying, "The palm is not just the palm; the whole body is the palm." Bagua is known for its dynamic steps, emphasizing the integration of hands, eyes, body, and steps to form a spiral Jin, also known as silk-reeling Jin.
Imagine a beginner playing table tennis confined to the table surface. At the same time, the pro uses their entire body to control the ball, moving with butterfly-like steps in all directions, turning the space around the table into their battlefield. Their advanced skills are often awe-inspiring. This is the all-encompassing silk-reeling Jin.
Baji Quan training at Wutan consists of three stages:
1. Xiao Baji Quan (Small Baji Quan) establishes the foundation by displaying the three types of Jin everywhere and using grinding and dragging steps to enhance the "semi-dynamic" silk-reeling Jin.
2. Da Baji Quan (Large Baji Quan): This stage explores the technique with dynamic steps, particularly the lifting and changing steps. The "fully dynamic" silk-reeling Jin is vividly demonstrated at this stage.
3. Liu Da Kai (Six Major Openings): Advanced tests of the learned techniques. Without a solid foundation in the three Jins, coupled with the agility acquired through paired practice and sparring, and the ability to flexibly use long and short silk-reeling Jins to adjust distance, angle, height, and timing, it is challenging to effectively defeat an opponent with Baji Quan. The sinking Jin and cross Jin combine to form the silk-reeling Jin, the core of Baji Quan techniques.
These are my humble insights on training Baji Quán and its power generation. I hope they inspire further input to improve our training methods.
Eight-pole is a power boxing, pay attention to how to put it. Wushu magazine has listed three kinds of octopus kungfu drawings. Now I’m adding personal opinion, hopefully not dog tail 貂.
In this article I use " 勁" to represent the original meaning of Chinese instead of "force". The eight-pole fist starts from the two-shaped exercises of the bear and tiger. The bear is stressed up and down (the force goes down to the ground while the reaction is up), the tiger is the cross is the force drawn from the ground through the legs, the waist, the back and the shoulder, the three-dimensional XYZ direction, and the two-hills are the silk. Traditional martial arts strikes are almost always targeted by silk silk, which is stable and accurate in the air in a specific direction. When contact with the target, silk silk can be divided into two types: Long and short beams: according to the physics impulse principle, long work distance, strong penetration, but also long time, such as the straight of a pool ball. The short lizard, also known as the crunch of the northern Chinese accent, is short working distance and instantaneous bursts, and has the characteristics of a recurring momentum, such as the pull of a pool ball.
The bear shape requires the center of gravity to sink down to three feet, so beginners have to practice the beard. Tiger shape needs to be put up and down and left, so bow and horse-style paw or taek are essential. Practicing bear and tiger two-tiger silk silk, often experienced by dragging and pacing boxing. Why do you use drag steps to practice silk? My opinion is that it's not enough to have fixed training, real silk must be done by living steps.
Another watchman of martial arts in the martial arts of the martial arts is the palms of the palace master. There is a well-known saying in the gossip: "No hand is the palm, the whole Gossip is famous for its live steps, emphasizing that hand-eye steps together to form propellers, that is, silk silk. Imagine a beginner playing ping-pong is limited to the face, while a master uses his whole body force to control the ball. He uses a flower butterfly-like footwork, turning the space near the face into his battlefield. The superb technique is often amazing. That's the full range of silk.
There are three stages of training in martial arts:
1. 1. Little octopus shows these three kinds of cunning everywhere and steps and drags to strengthen the "semi-dynamic" silk.
2. The Big 8 Pole Fist is a move to live, especially to change steps. At this point the "full dynamic" silk is showing up alive.
3. 3. The six great opening art is the true test of the technology learned. Without a deep three-pole foundation, plus quick hand-eye steps from playing against the pair, and flexible use of the length and length of the silk to adjust the distance angle and grasp the timing of the hair, the low level of octopus is not easy to destroy the enemy. In short, the combination of dullness and cross-healing forms the silk silk, and the silk silk is the core of the octopus art.
The above is my little careful about the eight pole practice, hope there will be a reverberation of the jade.
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zaobitouguang · 2 years
Chinese Ethnic Minority Literature
I just finished taking an incredibly eye-opening class about Chinese ethnic minority literature. China has a thriving minority literature scene, and it's absolutely fascinating and full of interesting works, so I wanted to share some of the authors that I learned about this semester! This is, obviously, an incomplete list-- it's pretty heavily biased towards what we read about in class, and there's probably a lot I've missed!
For any authors with full works that have been translated into English, I've listed it under their names. Some other authors may also have poems or short stories published in translation online or in anthologies.
Hani 哈尼
Mo Du 莫獨 (b. 1963) - poems
Hui 回族
Huo Da 霍達 (b. 1945) - novels
The Jade King: History of a Chinese Muslim Family (1992)
Zhang Chengzhi 張承志 (b. 1948) -novels, short stories
The Black Steed (1990)
Korean 朝鮮族
Jin Renshun 金仁順 (b. 1970) - novels, short stories
Jin Wenxue 金文學 (b. 1962) - novels
Manchu 滿族
Duanmu Hongliang 端木蕻良 (1912-1996)
Lao She 老舍 (1899-1966) - novels, short stories, plays
Rickshaw Boy (1945, 2010)
Miao (Hmong) 苗族
He Xiaozhu 何小竹 (b. 1963) - poems, novels
Shen Congwen* 沈從文 (1902-1988) - novels, short stories
Imperfect Paradise (1995)
Border Town (2009)
Mongolian 蒙古族
Altai 阿爾泰 (b. 1949) - poems
Bao Liying 包麗英 (b. 1968) - novels
Baoyinhexige 寶音賀希格 - poems
Chen Ganglong 陳崗龍 (b. 1970) - poems
Guo Xuebo 郭雪波 (b. 1948) - novels, short stories
The Desert Wolf (1996)
Malaqinfu 瑪拉沁夫 (b. 1930)- novels
Naxi 納西族
Sha Li 沙蠡 (1953-2008) - novels
Yang Zhengwen 楊正文 (b. 1943) - novels
Qiang 羌族
Qiang Renliu 羌人六 (b. 1987) - poems
Yangzi/Yang Guoqing 羊子/楊國慶 - poems
Tibetan 藏族
Alai 阿來 (b. 1959) - novels, short stories
Red Poppies (2003)
The Song of King Gesar (2013)
Tashi Dawa 扎西達娃 (b. 1959) - novels, short stories
A Soul in Bondage: Stories from Tibet (1992)
Yangdron 央珍 (b. 1963) - novels
Uyghur 維吾爾族
Alat Asem 阿拉提·阿斯木 (b. 1958) - novels, short stories
Confessions of a Jade Lord (2019)
Wa/Va 佤族
Burao Yilu 布饒依露 - poems
Yi 彝族
Aku Wuwu 阿庫烏霧 (b. 1964) - poems, essays
Tiger Traces: Selected Nuosu and Chinese Poetry of Aku Wuwu (2006)
Coyote Traces: Aku Wuwu's Poetic Sojourn in America (2015)
Bamo Qubumo 巴莫曲佈嫫 (b. 1964) - poems, academic articles
Eni Mushasijia 俄尼·牧莎斯加 (b. 1970) - poems
Jidi Majia 吉狄馬加 (b. 1961) - poems
I, Snow Leopard (2016)
Words from the Fire: Poems by Jidi Majia (2018)
Jimu Langge 吉木狼格 (b. 1963) - poems
Lu Juan 魯娟 (b. 1982) - poems
Ma Deqing 馬德清 (1952-2013) - poems, novels
Na Zhangyuan 納張元 (b. 1966) - essays
*Shen has both Miao and Tujia ancestry, as well as Han. However, I see him listed most frequently as Miao.
More Resources on Ethnic Minority Literature:
Altaic Storytelling: The blog of translator Bruce Humes (translator of Confessions of a Jade Lord, among other works). Has a fairly broad focus, but he's written a lot about ethnic minorities.
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Ethnic Literature: China has a thriving infrastructure to support the writing of and research into ethnic minority literature, and this is one of the larger institutions. I believe their research focuses more on oral traditions, but they have some information about contemporary writers as well.
Chinese Women Writers on the Environment: An anthology of eco-fiction by female ethnic minority writers.
Golden Horse Award 駿馬獎: This is an annual award for ethnic minority literature. The wikipedia link lists all the previous winners.
The Leeds Center for New Chinese Writing: Again not specific to ethnic minorities, but features several ethnic minority authors.
Paper Republic: This organization is devoted to translated Chinese writing and isn't specific to ethnic minority literature but has information about and translations of some of the writers on this list.
Poetry International: This website isn't specific to ethnic minorities or even to China, but many of the poets on this list have pages there with a few poems translated into English.
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prncssguya · 4 months
episodes 19-22 thoughts
nah i don’t have enough brain cells for all these plots and deception. the mental gymnastics, hidden agendas and betrayals are too much to take. starting to lose track who’s with who and where what i don’t know
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no one’s better at playing this political chess game than the elders, even fan xian was lost for once. i’d be so mentally exhausted if i was him. but i was right, it seems like his greatest enemy is shaping up to be the emperor. in the words of fan xian “i don’t understand him”
- i absolutely do not trust eunuch hong. i think he’s the one who switched out yang wan li name in the examination but under whose orders?? i also never trusted hong ze wei and it seems like he’s backed by the emperor
- i love fan xian’s trio of scholars. there’s a fourth one they always mention but we never see him, it seems like a running gag now lol
- i don’t really think li cheng ze wants to get rid of fan xian as much as he says he does, he’s having too much fun and would be bored without him. he’s also coming to the realization that fx is supported by the emperor and i think he’s really curious about what happened to the burned town. will this change his plans? it would be funny if he did a 180 to work with fx against crown prince
- it’s crazy how the emperor meticulously engineered the downfall of chancellor lin. (the conversation with da bao was so emotional). the emperor is scary and while i don’t think he’s evil, he’s definitely not good. i keep feeling this tension and sense of doom whenever he and chen ping ping are in scenes together. from chen ping ping’s allusion to the secret in his chair and the emperor’s growing resentment of the overwatch council, i wouldn’t be surprised if his next target is CPP and i think CPP is aware he’s walking a tight rope
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lisia81 · 14 days
Meet You at the Blossom
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Che cosa accomuna un Damei, attori cinesi, e una co - produzione Taiwanese - Thailandese?
Non una barzelletta, ma naturalmente questo drama! che ad una barzelletta assomiglia
Quando chiaccherando con la mia amica Flora di drama BL e Cina lei mi fa: "Ma no che i BL in Cina ora sono permessi!!!" Io ho aggrottato la fronte sentenziando fra me e me : " impossible, la Terra ruota ancora!"
Ma a sua insistenza sono andata su My Dramalist a guardami la scheda di questa serie. Che mi veniva etichettata come Thai.
Sono andata su Viki e, come mi aveva annunciato lei, mi veniva inserita fra i drama cinesi.
Ero sempre più perplessa... poi ne sono venuta a capo. La storia è tratta da un Damei, i due protagonisti principali sono cinesi, il drama è stato girato a Taiwan e prodotto e commercializzato da una casa cinematografica Thailandese.
Tutto ciò mi ha incuriosito assai..
La trama è molto Harmony style: Jin Xiao Bao (Wang Yun Kai), erede della famiglia più ricca di Jiangnan, incontra una giovane donna e se ne innamora a prima vista. Questa “donna”, tuttavia, si rivela essere un giovane travestito di nome Huai En (Leslie Li). Quando Huai En scopre chi è Xiao Bao, elabora un piano - sperando di utilizzare i sentimenti che Xiao Bao prova nei suoi confronti per accedere alle ricchezze della famiglia Jin. Ma questo vile piano si ritorce contro quando Huai En inizia a provare veri sentimenti per Xiao Bao. Xiao Riuscirà Bao a scoprire la vera identità di Huai En e il vero motivo per cui vuole stare con lui? Potranno i loro sentimenti superare l'animosità e l'amore vero essere dietro l'angolo? (viki).
Questa era la mia faccia dopo la prima puntata:
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Un mix tra l'inorridito, lo stupito e il basito! Non era un drama BL ma un drama comico in cui il trash regna e impervera sovrano!
Questa clip dovrebbe dare l'idea.
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Ci ho messo due giorni per riprendermi. Poi la mia curiosità ha vinto e ho deciso di vedere dove il limite dell'assurdo poteva spingersi.
La trama principale è un intrigo di corte. Lotta per il potere, vendette trasversali per amore e denaro. Su questo filone partono le sottotrame che sono leggermente più interessanti. Huai En è orfano di madre, cresciuto da un padre vendicativo e che lo tratta malissimo, capo di una setta ribelle. Abilissimo nelle arti marziali, nell'inganno, parla pochissimo ed agisce, è un 15 enne che ha l'astuzia e le temerarietà di un prode cavaliere e la delicata bellezza di una fanciulla. La sua infanzia e gli intrighi che gli hanno creato un bipolarismo affettivo enorme.
Dall'altro lato vi è il ventenne Xiao Bao che è sempre vissuto nella sua ricca bambagia, coccolato e viziato da tutti. Il bambolotto buono ed ingenuo incapace di far del male ad una mosca. Il padre lo vorrebbe sposato e un poì più attivo, ma a lui la sua vita va bene così come è. Pura e semplice.
La prima puntata inizia con Xiao Bao che, per un incontro fortuito, conosce Huai En e la scambia per una donna. Si innamora a prima vista. Huai En per salvarsi e per astuzia nel procedere con il suo piano, non svela nulla.. ne lo incoraggia.
Ad un certo Huai En se ne va dalla magione di Xiao Bao per compiere la sua missione. Subisce un imboscata e viene ferito. Scoperta la sparizione della donzella del suo cuore, Xiao Bao, che a malappena sa reggere una spada, parte alla sua ricerca. La trova, non si capisce bene come la salva, ma Huai En viene colpito dai nemici da una freccia afrodisiaca.. in preda agli effetti del dardo avvelenato, Huai En si rivela uomo e sfoga la sua passione su Xiao Bao.
Ora: perchè dei nemici, che vorrebbero uccidere un guerriero, lo trafiggono con un dardo afrodisiaco??????? Mistero. Anche perchè i cattivi fuggono per lasciare la dovuta intimità ai due..
Ne Huai En, ne tantomeno Xiao Bao hanno mai dato sentore di avere una qualche propensione verso il loro stesso sesso. Il primo perchè soffre di anafettività, ha una diffidenza e repulsione verso le altre persone. Il secondo perchè fino a 5 minuti prima si faceva vezzeggiare da deliziose signorine.
Dopo il fattaccio il primo si vergogna perchè non è nella sua indole, ne un comportamento da guerriero, il secondo innamorato era e innamorato rimane. Il sesso dell'innamorato poco importa.
L'evoluzione del loro rapporto poi è tutta un programma. Non voglio spoilerare. Chi avrà il coraggio, lo guardi, triste non sarà!
Detto ciò personaggi hanno lo spessore di un paguro, gli attori secondari sembrano essere stati raccolti per strada e messi a recitare. Ii due protagonisti... Leslie Li (Huai En) ho scoperto avere una discreta carriera.. ma del Lan Zhan e del Wen Ke Xing ha ben poco.
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Del 15 enne ancor meno, spesso le sue espressioni mi risultano forzate e grottesche. Mi domando perchè macchiare il suo percorso con un qualcosa del genere (sempre cinese è).
Wang Yun Kai (Xiao Bao) è alla sua prima esperienza e con se la cava per nulla male. L'evoluzione del suo personaggio, la sua sofferenza e il rimanere comunque sempre positivo e puro lo porta in scena discretamente e con dignità. lo promuovo.
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Aggiungere altro mi sembra superfluo. Da vedere se si vuole ridere, tenere il cervello il modalità off perenne. Da vedere perchè è un prodotto particolare, visto come è nato, e se si vuole osservare come l'influenza di altre culture più liberali può modificare una storia.
Voto: 6.5
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bacxiunhieusua · 1 year
Hôm nay đo đồng phục, mọi số đo thật ưng ý.
Mình trông thật hài lòng, nhưng mà mình cũng mệt.
Mình gầy lại hẳn 25kg sau 2 năm, nhưng mà ám ảnh cân nặng thì rất là khủng khiếp. Mình bỏ bữa triền miên, tụt huyết áp, kiệt sức và ngất xỉu. Mình ép bản thân ói ra khi lỡ ăn quá nhiều, cảm thấy ảo giác về cơ thể nặng nề, và cứ chăm chăm chạy theo dáng hình gầy gộc trong gương.
Mấy nay khắp người mình như lên án việc mình dày vò nó. Chẳng hiểu sao mà các hạt li ti nổi lên khắp nơi, ngứa, rát. Ban đầu thì sẽ như muỗi chích, lâu dần thì lại giống dị ứng. Mình thật sự rất kiềm nén không chà sát nó quá, khéo lại toe toét ra sẹo. May là da mình không độc.
Tự dưng mũi mình chảy máu. Nó không phải là máu cam, nhưng cứ vệ sinh mũi là thấy máu. Phải do mình nóng người khi cứ cà phê và bia rượu. Thật sợ hãi biết bao.
Lưng mình mọc đầy mụn, cái hậu quả nặng nề của việc mình chạy theo lấy lòng đồng nghiệp nơi chỗ làm mới. Không ai ép mình, là do mình không hoà nhập nên cố theo họ. Tới hồi lưng mình đau, mặt mình mọc 3 ổ viêm một lúc mình mới bừng tỉnh mà nhận ra. Mình có uống 1000 ly cà phê đi nữa, họ cũng sẽ không rủ mình khi làm bất cứ gì kể cả ăn uống hay đi chơi.
Mình đã khóc, đây là quả báo của việc mình đã không tốt với anh đồng nghiệp cũ ở công ty cũ phải không?. Mình nhận ra hoàn cảnh của mình y chang ảnh hồi đó. Mình không trực tiếp bắt nạt, mình không tẩy chay, mình không làm gì. Chỉ là không hợp cách làm việc. Và giờ mình lại tiếp tục không hợp ở chỗ mới.
Mình muốn khóc? Mình không khóc được. Cảm giác đơn độc ở đây không đủ để mình khóc.
Mỗi ngày mình đều bắt đầu và kết thúc một ngày đi làm bằng câu hỏi: "chuyển qua đây có đúng không? quyết định này có đúng không?"
Thật nhiều bài h���c, nhưng mà mình không hối hận.
Mình nhớ nhà, thương ba, thương mẹ, thương em.
Ba sắp về hưu, kinh tế gia đình chững lại. Tự nhiên mình thấy áp lực chạy chạy để kiếm nhiều tiền. Nhưng mà, mình hèn, mình không có tài. Mình không có giỏi như người ta. Mình chỉ hay ho lấp liếm cái tự trọng yếu kém của mình.
Nhớ cái hồi năm ngoái, lúc vượt qua trầm cảm, mình đã ích kỉ chỉ muốn sống cho mình. Sau này đỡ hơn xíu thì lại không muốn lập gia đình, vì nghĩ làm vậy sẽ tiết kiệm được nhiều tiền hơn, tiền mình làm ra có thể lo cho em, phụ ba mẹ.
Mọi người có thể cười, nhưng mình chỉ nghĩ đến thế.
Cuộc sống mỗi ngày, trải qua, trải qua. Mình đã sống như cái xác không hồn này mỗi chiều chạy xe về trọ. Mệt nhoài, mệt nhoài. Giá mà mình không phải lớn. Ba mẹ mình cũng cứ trẻ khoẻ mãi. Mình không thích học nhưng sẽ cố đi học, rồi tan học chạy về với mâm cơm của mẹ. Sự khó tính của ba và những giọt nước mắt làm nũng của em gái.
Qua tuần ba sẽ vào khám tổng quát, mình lo lắng vì điều đó và cả chuyến công tác Hà Nội sắp tới.
Mình mệt lắm, nhưng mình thương gia đình mình hơn. Lạy Trời, cho mọi điều đều ổn.
Thảo Nguyên,
Mình định kể những chuyện tình cảm của mình nữa. Thêm vài điều khác trong những mặt khác. Nhưng mà đến đây thôi. Mình khóc sắp thở không nổi nữa.
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pandasmagorica · 1 month
First Watch Review: Unknown
See also episode 1 notes
I just binge-watched the Taiwan QL series Unknown over the last few days. While it didn't knock anything off my Top 10 the way Knock Knock, Boys! did, it did earn a place on my A Cut Above list.
(As a side note, I'm realizing that I feel weird about Eternal Yesterday and Until We Meet Again no longer being on my Top 10, so I'm considering letting my Top list be as large as it needs to be to keep them on the list. 10 is an arbitrary number anyway. Eternal Yesterday and Until We Meet Again are special series in my heart and are definitely above being "just" a cut above.)
First off, I was almost ready to write the series off partway through the first episode because of the violence - content warning: crime gangs stage fights that they bet on and the fight scene is quite brutal. But it is mercifully brief and there's not a lot more violence in the rest of the series. I'm not generally someone who fast forwards but I guess you could do that or use the seek feature to skip it.
Brother-as-father Wei Qian starts helping homeless youth Yuan on the street. Yuan ultimately follows him home and sister Wei Bao lets him in. Yuan becomes part of the family, fully integrating into the family life with Qian, Bao, and friend-landlord San Pang.
As Yuan, now Wei Yuan, grows up, he realizes that he is gay and in love with Wei Qian. Meanwhile, Qian tries to put his gang life behind him and forms a game startup with Pang and Xiong Da Fang.
This series does a great job at showing domesticity and found family. There is also plenty of food porn. The transition of feral cat Yuan to family member Yuan is handled well.
The series generally does a good job of taking us on a journey across years of family life. One exception is a section where one of the characters spends time in the US. The series does not do a good job of getting across how long that time is, and we only learn of it later in a line of dialog in a later episode. I realize they wouldn't have a budget to show the character in New York, but for a script that did so well at setting where we are in the story, this was a significant failing. Given one of the other character's reactions to this absence, it's a wonder that other character was still alive upon the traveling character's return.
One possible challenge for English speakers is Yuan and Bao's name for Qian being transcribed in the subtitles as "Da Ge" rather than translated as "Big Brother" and Bao's name for Yuan as "Erge" rather than as "Second brother." But if you didn't know that before, you know now.
Similarly, I'm guessing when we see "San Pang-ge" in the subtitles, that this is family-izing San Pang as their brother. But that is only a guess.
Recommended if you're okay with an adopted-brothers adults relationship.
Anyway, let's go to the jump:
So the question all along once we know Wei Yuan's feelings is, how does Wei Qian feel about Wei Yuan? Is Wei Qian gay? After all, Pang has been setting up Qian with blind dates with women to no avail. Wei Qian claims to only have time for his job and his family, but is he hiding something, if only from himself?
Wei Yuan's scene coming out to Wei Qian is quite interesting. Wei Yuan seems to assume Wei Qian already knows and that Wei Yuan is just confirming it. Yuan is refreshingly self confident, a welcome improvement over Thun's self-doubt coming out to his mom in He's Coming to Me. However, Qian, in a scene reminiscent of Jim's reaction to Li Ming's coming out in Moonlight Chicken, can only tell Yuan of the difficulties Yuan is likely to face, including within his own family.
It's hard to know for this monolingual English speaker how much of it is in the original Chinese and how much is a shortcoming of the subtitles, but it seems to me that in this scene that Qian is intentionally being dense about Yuan's attraction to him. Ultimately, in a later scene, Yuan has to spell it out for him with a drunken kiss.
Qian had already been making noises about sending Yuan abroad to study - interestingly to this American Qian considers the UK more dangerous than the US. But now that Yuan has made his feelings know, Qian insists.
So Yuan goes to New York and Qian falls to pieces, eventually texting Yuan that he is welcome to come home if he wants. Does he finish his studies? We never find out. We eventually find out in a line of dialogue that Yuan was abroad for 4 years - I guess we can figure out the time lapse was significant as Yuan transforms from cutie pie to rugged dude, but still, more hints would have been welcome. And given the amount of drinking Qian did while Yuan was away, it's a wonder Qian hasn't killed himself or destroyed his career.
Part of the turmoil involves the return of the mob figure. Yuan puts himself in danger to try to keep Qian out of danger. But the mob dude is surprisingly okay with Qian's retiring. We never really get an explanation for this, but it's a relief that it's apparently over. Well, except for Qian's medical issues that are a hangover from the mob days.
Some of the turmoil, fortunately quickly resolved, involves Qian and Yuan keeping their relationship from Bao, as well as Bao and Pang keeping their relationship from Qian. It's funny that they can be offended by the others keeping secrets while being okay keeping secrets themselves.
But Yuan is a open book. Everyone knows how he feels, except of course Qian who doesn't want to know, until he's told and can't deny it any longer.
One thing: the obnoxious office-mate who wants to know who's top and who's bottom. I personally don't care and glad Qian didn't answer, but does say to himself "Isn't it obvious?" Well, not to me, although if I had to I'd guess Yuan as seme and Qian as uke, but why can't they be verse? Again, it wasn't clear to me and had no bearing on how I view the series.
Anyway, this is a fine series and deserves a place on my cut above list.
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: My Uncanny Destiny (2023)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “My Uncanny Destiny”
【Multi-Sub】 保护我方城主大人 My Uncanny Destiny 01 丨 双王不打不相识(主演: 张悦楠, 严子贤)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGqKPvAO0XQ
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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Danmei novels list
Ballad of sword and wine by Tang Jiu Qing
Stars of chaos by priest
Case File Compendium by Rou bao bu chi rou
Thousand autumns by meng xi shi
Guardian by priest
Remnants of filth by rou bao bu chi rou
Peerless by meng xi shi
The husky and his white cat by Rou bao bu chi rou
The disabled tyrants beloved pet fish by xue shan Fei hu
Legend of the white snake by sher Lee
Peach blossom debt by da feng gua guo
Grandmaster of demonic cultivation by mo Xiang tong xiu
The imperial uncle by da feng gua guo
Little mushroom by shisi
Heaven officials blessing by mo Xiang tong xiu
In the dark by Jin shisi chai
The missing piece by kun yi Wei Lou
Lip and sword by Jin shi si chai
Rose and renaissance by zhi chu
Salad days by jing shui bian
Limerence by Jiang zi bei
Dawning by li Lou
Silent hearts by jing shui bian
Golden terrace by cang wu bin bai
Scum villains self saving system by mo Xiang tong xiu
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buffetlicious · 2 years
Yu Sheng (鱼生) or Yusang in Cantonese, meaning “raw fish” in Chinese, is a salad dish comprising thinly slicesd raw fish and various seasonings that are mixed together as diners toss the ingredients. It is a dish usually eaten during Chinese New Year. Traditionally a simple dish with few ingredients, the yusheng recipe has evolved over the decades and now comprises a wide variety of ingredients. Our second yusheng for this Lunar New Year is a small serving of Grand Fortune Abalone Yusheng (S$49.90++) from White Restaurant. In line with the coming Year of The Rabbit, this yusheng comes with an auspicious rabbit ornament.
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Today, the common form of yusheng is the 七彩鱼生 (Seven-coloured Raw Fish salad) served in local restaurants during the Chinese New Year period. Also referred to as 发财鱼生 (Prosperity Raw Fish Salad) or 新年鱼生 (Chinese New Year Raw Fish Salad), this colourful take on yusheng was said to be created in the 1960s by chefs Lau Yoke Pui, Tham Yui Kai, Sin Leong and Hooi Kok Wai, together known as the “Four Heavenly Kings” in the Singapore restaurant scene.
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The ritual of eating yusheng during Chinese New Year involves all the people at the table tossing the salad and uttering auspicious phrases. The dish is deemed auspicious because of the homonymic meanings behind its ingredients, which suggest blessings and good fortune for the new year:  鱼(Yu) is a homonym for “fish” and “abundance”, while 生 (Sheng) means both “raw” and “life”. Together, yusheng implies “abundance of wealth and long life”. In the Cantonese dialect, the dish is known as 捞起 (Lo Hei), where “lo” implies “tossing up good fortune” and 起 (Hei) means “to rise”, again a reference to a prosperous business and thus its popularity with businessmen during the new year celebrations. The ingredients of yusheng vary among restaurants, and one such recipe is presented below along with examples of auspicious phrases that may be uttered as each ingredient is added.
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Step 1: All at the table offer auspicious greetings.
Words: 恭喜发财 (Gong Xi Fa Cai - Wishing you wealth and good fortune) or 万事如意 (Wan Shi Ru Yi - May all your wishes be fulfilled).
Step 2: Add fish, which symbolises abundance or excess through the year.
Words: 年年有余 (Nian Nian You Yu)
Step 3: Add pomelo over the fish for luck and auspicious value.
Words: 大吉大利 (Da Ji Da Li)
Then dash pepper over the ingredients for greater prosperity and fortune.
Words: 招财进宝 (Zhao Cai Jin Bao)
Pour oil, circling the ingredients to symbolise the multi-fold increase of profits and to encourage money to flow in from all directions.
Words: 一本万利 (Yi Ben Wan Li) and 财源广进 (Cai Yuan Guang Jin)
Step 4: Add carrots to the fish, indicating blessings of good luck.
Words: 鸿运当头 (Hong Yun Dang Tou)
Then place shredded green radish on the fish, symbolising eternal youth.
Words: 青春常驻 (Qing Chun Chang Zhu)
Next, add shredded white radish for prosperity in business and promotion at work.
Words: 风生水起 (Feng Sheng Shui Qi) and 步步高升 (Bu Bu Gao Sheng)
Step 5: Add condiments. First, sprinkle peanut crumbs on the dish, symbolising a household filled with gold and silver. As an icon of longevity, peanuts also symbolise eternal youth.
Words: 金银满屋 (Jin Yin Man Wu)
Sesame seeds follow, symbolising growth in business.
Words: 生意兴隆 (Sheng Yi Xing Long)
Add deep-fried flour crisps in the shape of golden pillows, with wishes that literally translate to mean that the whole floor would be filled with gold.
Words: 遍地黄金 (Bian Di Huang Jin)
Step 6: All at the table stand up and toss the salad an auspicious seven times with loud shouts of Lo Hei (捞起) and other new year wishes.
Action: Mix ingredients by pushing them towards the centre, which is an encouragement to push on the good luck to all at the table. Some may lift clumps of the salad as high as possible to symbolise the increase in good fortune.
This Yu Sheng (鱼生) only came with five small pieces of abalones so we enhanced it with an additional can of baby abalones. When we are ready to toss, we found out that the restaurant had mistakenly given us two containers of oil instead of one oil and one yuzu sauce. Without the sauce, there is no sweetness, so sis quickly juiced a couple of Mandarin oranges to replace the forgotten sweet sauce. Overall, not a satisfying eat due to the lack of a crucial condiment.
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Yu Sheng info from here.
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ariparri · 7 months
Dynasty Warriors Masterlist
A list of all my artworks for Koei Tecmo's Dynasty Warriors series. Mostly contains OC content with some fanart.
Blog Masterpost
DW8 Reference
DW9 Reference (Outdated)
DW9 Reference (Updated)
Other References
ROTK Design
DW10 Concept Art
What If Scenario
WO4 Design
Wu's Assassin
Other References
ROTK Design
Ride Gullinbursti
DW10 Concept
If You Don't Love Me At My Worst
DW8 Design
DW9 Design
DW10 Concept
The Mystic
Xu Yin
DW9 Design
DW10 Concept
Wei's Assassin
Other Content
Expression Chart
DW8 Character Bio Template
DW8 Character Reference Template
Switch Around Meme
Art Trade (Jiang Wei x Xun Qiao)
Wu OCs
Valentine's Card
Two Qiaos Inkdrawing
Dian Ai Mistletoe
Couple Arts
Unlikely Duo
Main Ships
Li Dian's Pursuers
Li Meirong
Fairy Da Qiao
The Chosen Horse
New Family
Bao Sanniang Christmas
Airong vs Xu Yin (Old Ver.)
Airong vs Xu Yin (New Ver.)
DianAi Hideaway
Dong Bai
Halloween Devils (Ling Tong, Gan Ning, Airong)
Butterflies Are Evil (Xu Sheng and Xiaolian)
Gundam Halloween (Xu Sheng and Xiaolian)
DianAi Halloween
WO4 Dream Team
DianAi Kiss
Cicada Blocks (Liu Shan x Sima Zhao, DianAi, Xu Sheng and Xiaolian)
Sisters (Airong & Xiaolian)
Genius Strategy!
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