#liandra sagamiya
asakusakitsune · 4 years
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I did a thing and edited Liandra into this scene :3
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fire-wife-rp · 5 years
•°○*Liandras 18th Birthday*○°•
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
I am in the mood for some Angst.
Burning flower
Info: Liandra has no ignition powers in this one
It was a hot day, Liandra was up early and prepared lunch for Konro and left before Konro was awake. Nothing unusual she helped an elderly woman every morning so she left early.
Konro had a quiet day nothing to do besides some little fights between teenagers but that was nothing for him. He planned everything for a surprise dinner for Liandra when she'd come home later cause he was going to leave early.
He got some of her favorite flowers, white cherry blossoms, he'd try and make some ramen for her after her mother's recipe after all it was their 19th anniversary and he wanted it to be perfect and show her how much she meant to him.
When he left the flower shop he heared the bells go off and some members of the Hikeshi rushed past him. Konro couldn't help but follow them to see what was going on, but what he was about to see broke him.
The fire was bursting out a little shop, the shop Liandra was helping the older woman in, he dropped the flowers and began to look through the crowd, hoping to find her there. "LIANDRA??" Konro stopped when he saw Beni standing in front of the shop with a terrified look on his face, it was the first time he saw Beni like this in a long while.
Beni felt like he had a nightmare. "It's... It's her...but why?" the infernal that stumbled out the shop wore Liandras clothing, the screams sounded even worse to him than usual. How could this be? He saw her earlier that day, she laughed and looked so happy even told him that she was excited cause it was a special day for her and Konro and now she was gone... Just like this. To him she was like a second mother, Liandra helped raising him after he got adopted by Shinmon Hibachi and she was always there for him if he needed something...and the last think he said to her was that she was gross with her Cheesy love life stuff... He regretted every word now.
Konro walked towards her, his hands shaking while he reached out for her. Why did this happen to her? She was such a good person, always doing her best, she had a hard life too, having an abusive father and later on she lost their first child, Konro swore to protect her and now she turned into an Infernal, there was nothing he could do now besides ending her suffering... But that would mean shed be gone forever... Right?
Benimaru pulled him back and got ready to end this, the last think he could do now was to give her a proper burial right? "I am so sorry... That this happened to you out of all people... Look you even made me and the old man cry... Baka"
Liandra stumbled towards them reaching out for Konro when Benimaru pierced her core with a single strike. "rest well..." the whole block was burning now, the flowers Konro got her catched fire too now. "Liandra..." the infernal fell against Konros chest and started to fade away. "Konro...Beni...maru..." Konro fell on his knees and started sobbing he didn't care if someone could see him like this, it was too painful for him to lose his wife like this, it was something he couldn't fight... Something he couldn't protect her from.
His beautiful flower was burning to ashes in front of him and nobody could bring her back.
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
Blood. The smell of blood was lingering in the house, in the hallway and the living room too it only got worse towards the bedroom. The sound of weak coughing and choking faintly echoing through the hallway as Liandra slowly approached the source of that sound.
Her whole body was shaking when she stood in front of the door, to tense to move she stared at it. It has been days since she saw her mother, when she arrived at her parents house her father was sitting on the veranda, he wasn't looking at her neither did he say something, he was just sitting there smoking his Pipe and staring at the ground.
The young woman opened the door with shaking hands and went pale when she saw all the blood spilled over the floor and her mother laying on the ground, sweating and coughing blood. She wanted to scream and shout for help but she froze. Unable to understand what she was seeing in front of her, tears run down her cheeks and she shook her head before she fell on her knees and carefully brushing the hair out of her mothers face. "mother...?"
The older woman slowly reached out for her daughters cheek and smiled before another seizure hit her and she threw up.
Liandra jumped up and ran out, without thinking she straight up run to the Guardhouse and screamed for help. The girls clothing was slightly bloodstained and when some of the guys tried to get her to calm down and look if she was hurt she just cried more and pointed to the door, sobbing and begging for help. "mother...help her... Please!"
The guys immediately knew what was up, it wasn't the first time Liandra came in asking for help, her family situation was no secret neither that Sahiko treated his family badly, one of them rushed towards the doctors room and asked them to come with them.
5 Hikeshi including the doc left the Guardhouse leaving Liandra with Hibachis wife.
Hours passed until they returned, not able to look at Liandra.
"we tried to help her... I am sorry.." one of the guys said and handed her, her mother's hairpin she always wore. "Gin is looking for Konro, so please stay here until he's here and feel free to ask for everything you need."
Waiting for her boyfriend Konro seemed like a good idea, the young man always manged to comfort his frail girlfriend and right now he might have been the best for her.
Liandra felt numb, she sunk down on her knees holding on to the hairpin like a scared little kid would hold on to his parents clothing. What did happen that her father would actually kill his wife?
Everyone left Liandra alone in the room so she could calm down and realize what was going on but when Hibachis wife came back with some tea, Liandra was gone.
The girl had to talk to her father, she had to know why he did this.
When she arrived he was still sitting in the same spot as before, not paying attention to her even when she started to yell at him. "I ASKED YOU SOMETHING ASSHOLE?! ANSWER ME!" but he didn't say a thing. Liandra became so angry that she punched her father in the face. That was the moment they began to fight.
It wasn't surprising that Sahiko was much stronger than his daughter but no matter how hard he hit her and how often he threw her down she got back up. Things escalated and both used their abilities until the whole house was burning, in the end he grabbed her by her throat and rammed her into he ground in an attempt to suffocate her in his blind rage.
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
Liandra (after her Update)
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Nanako (Liandras little sister)
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Himiko (Liandras and Konros daughter)
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//HEADSUP: they are all made with an creator called Picrew. Because my pc is currently out of order again :') //
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
one of liandras hobbies is singing right? is she a good singer?
Yes she is uwu
She sounds like this:
I thought the voice was fitting for her :3
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
Random facts about Liandra.
Despite being a 3rd Gen Pyrokinetic, Liandra always seems to freeze. She usually wears a thick kimono with an Haori over it. She rarely complains about hot weather.
She loves to lean against Konro when he's taking a break, she even falls asleep sometimes.
Liandra and Konro almost became parents, but Liandra lost the child in an accident, her parents house caught fire and she was trapped under a ceiling beam as she tried to help her mother. She was in her 8th month, they named their Son Hayato.
After losing her child Liandra almost died, she didn't eat or drink much for weeks, it was Benimaru who got her out of it by yelling at her that he won't lose another person who's important to him.
Liandra and Konro love to play with Hika and Hina and Liandra is the one who mostly takes care of them when she can.
After the accident Liandra stopped being an active part of the Hikeshi, she started to take care of the household and enjoyed it a lot, she loves to cook for everyone and see their happy faces during breakfast/Dinner.
She does not use her ignition power anymore, only if needed
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
I just read the 2 newer chapters of Fire Force. I have the strong demand to slap someone.
And to draw more...
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
Does lia have pets?
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Yes she has a giant cat that lives outside, she feeds him everyday and he sleeps mostly under their house.
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
liandra is it to late to ask you to be my wife instead of konros?
"way to late dear."
"I would never leave this man."
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
how did a pretty woman like liandra end up with a guy like konro?
Hope you don't wanted to say that Konro isn't pretty or so :3
They know each other since they were little kids, their dads hated each other and occasionally got into fights.
Liandra started to follow Konro around as soon as she was able to walk fast enough, much to their dads dislike, at some point Konro started to protect her, they became best friends and later on lovers ^^
Liandra often took care of him when he was injured from the fights he picked sometimes and told him that she wasn't happy about this at all but she'd still stay by his side.
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
So you change that? Because you should, hobbies are cooking what else cleaning up behind her husband because he's not able to it? Her daily routine is the household? Does she not do anything else? That makes Konro look like he's locking her up so he has a nice clean house he can show off...
I didn't say I'd change it, just acknowledged you're opinion ^^
In Japan it's common for woman to take care of the house and family, there's nothing bad about this, Liandra is proud of being a housewife, she keeps the place running, she makes sure everyone is happy and healthy, the guys at the guard house are practically her family, she knows everyone of them and they treat her with respect.
I don't like that you think Konro would Ever do such a thing. Apparently you don't know his character, he'd never ever treat her or any other woman like this... Therefore I'm not changing the Canon x OC thing. It's my little story I tell this has nothing to do with the manga/anime at all so maybe you should respect my opinion on this just as I did respect yours, if you don't like it please feel free to never come back to my blog again.
Thank you very much.
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
The oc reference sheet for liandra is pretty sexist ... her rank is housewife? What the fuck?! And you should not marry her with a canon character at all.
Thanks for sharing your opinion on this :3
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
May I boop all of them including Mun?
You may uwu
Nanako:you can try :)
Himiko:o.o uhm...
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asakusakitsune · 4 years
All your ocs are so pretty! ♥︎♥︎♥︎
Thank you so much x333
Lia:*blushes*ah thank you 🌸
Nanako:of course we are, we're Asakusian girls after all 😘
Himiko:*hides behind mom and dad* *blushes badly*
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