#lich knight
dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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Villain: The Knights of St. Kazvarin
There's pious and selfless devotion, and then there's whatever these weirdos have going on
Riding forth from their brooding fortress-abbey to do the will of a long dead holy man, these inscrutable warriors have long been the subject of rumour and suspicion. It's not an undeserved reputation, as apart from looting tombs for ancient relics or ominously observing the goings on of the common folk these forboding knights are most often acting as the hired muscle for unscrupulous nobles who have no regard for the legality or virtue of the orders they enforce.
Far more than mercenaries with a patina of piousness, the Knights use these contracts to fund a secret and sinister endeavour that they have undertaken for centuries.
Adventure Hooks:
While delving through a dungeon the party follow a trail of slain monsters to a gravely injured knight and his thoroughly overwhelmed young squire. The boy will introduce them as Tilaen and Ser Darrik respectively and ask for their aid in tending to his master's injuries, before the dour Knight chides him for speaking on his behalf and tells the party to be about their way. Ser Darrik wants no help from "the faithless" and is willing to use the last of his strength to get violent about it. If cooler heads prevail, the party will learn that the two were after a rare manuscript hidden somewhere within the dungeon, and the offer of collaboration might be explored. If the party don't help, they'll find the squire waiting for them at the dungeon's entrance, requesting their help to bury his master and guide him back to their order's abbey. It's only after a few days of travelling together will realize that Squire Tilaen is muchabused by his sect, and that steering the boy away or outright adopting him might be the real kindness.
Acting as a stern and imposing shadow to whatever asshole noble or callous merchant the party have recently pissed off, the towering and always helmed Ser Gelceiras has "Bossfight" written all over him. However when the adventure's final confrontation looms the party find him cleaning off his massive axe, his employer's head in a bloodsoaked bag waiting to be delivered to them. "We got what we wanted from him" he rumbles as he exits, " you can have what's left. no hard feelings."
Just a new threat encroaches on the settlement, a mace wielding bruiser in burnished armour rides up and pledges to fight alongside the party in its defence. Ser Portia's skill as a fighter is sorely needed, perhaps enough to overlook whatever agenda it is that drew her to the settlement in the first place. Shortly after the final battle is fought and the dust clears, the party will realize Portia is nowhere to be seen... having escaped sometime during the aftermath after inexplicably kidnapping one of the locals.
Background: Before he was a sacred corpse, Saint Kazvarin was a necromancer of great talent, having dedicated his life to the study of thanatology and the many loopholes around death. This earned him great renown and wealth in his day, amazing the masses with seances while charging the powerful dearly for cut-rate resurrections. He amassed generous patrons and fanatical followers, only to have it all fall apart when the Raven Queen took an interest.
Kazvarin had and constructed his own bootleg afterlife, a place where his most loyal followers would rest forever in glory before being called back in time of greatest need. Atleast that was the sales pitch, in reality the "saint" had stopped just short of lichdom delving into the shadow to create a demiplane where his own soul would reside undeminished after death, sustained by the faith of his followers as the realm hollowed them out.
Such villainy inevitably created it's own downfall in the form of a young woman who's family were taken in and exploited by Kazvarin's cult. Though her name was not recorded by history, she was marked by the Duskmaven for greatness when she swore to tear down the saint who would conquer death, years later succeeding along with some allies in not only killing the necromancer but cursing him with a most ironic fate. Denying him the afterlife he had so meticulously constructed, the raven queen cursed Kazvarin with reincarnation, forcing his soul to live out a new life where it would forget all he knew and be remade.
It would have been a perfect punishment had the Saint's followers not been so fanatical. Though their organization had been shattered by their "benevolent" leader's apparent assassination, the most loyal of his inner circle poured through his research, finding the spells nessisary to seek out his soul in its new vessel. Thereafter they engaged in a grim hunt, crossing the realms to ritually sacrifice the youth their leader had grown into and pulling free his undigested soul. This is the cycle Kazvarin's followers have been following for generations, spending decades hunting for signs of their leader's return before using murder and necromancy to forcibly deincarnate him. Thereafter Kazvarin has a few months or years to act freely before he is swallowed back up by the tide of souls and the hunt begins again
Future Adventures:
Though they begin as a comparatively minor oddity, the knights become a true threat to the campaign as soon as they figure out who Kazvarin's current incarnation is and manage to wrest his soul out. Ideally this should be someone the party knows, to make it all the more tragic that they were sacrificed to bring about the villain's return.
Though it is much deminished, Kazvarin's demiplane (called the Howling Basilica) still traps the souls of those who have sworn their lives to him, acting as a vault from which he can pull rank upon rank of shadow-maddened spirits to his bidding. His most loyal retainers are allowed to keep their skills and individuality while being deprived of their will, meaning he has a backlog of highly skilled Knights just waiting for new bodies to possess no matter how many times the party defeat them on the field. What's worse is that the saint still remembers how to manipulate people with the offer of offbrand immortality, and will likely begin reaching out to powerful individuals shorty after his return.
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bubbydarkstar · 7 days
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more assorted fantasy junk
what do you think of the colors here? tried using a limited palette and not sure how i feel about it
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neoyi · 3 months
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"Over 20 playable characters."
...oh my god.
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OH MY GOD!!!!!
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thefoamwarrior · 1 year
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While getting more photos of each individual Warcraft prop I've made, I decided to get a group shot, too.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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Josu Vess, Lich Knight
Artist: Tyler Jacobson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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oldschoolfrp · 10 months
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"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" -- Rather than the traditional 4, these are "the lords of the undead vassals of Orcus, Prince of the Undead" as designed for D&D by Ian Cooper and illustrated by Alan Hunter (from the "Fiend Factory" column in White Dwarf 22, GW, Dec/Jan 1980) It seems logical to give Orcus some powerful undead commanders for his legions. Today I might reskin most of them as variant death knights:
Each rides a nightmare, can control, animate, and summon undead, and wears a unique helm that grants additional abilities.
Lom, First Lord of the Undead, is a skeleton granted a psionic strength of 100, carrying a large +2 magic sword. Samazan, Second Lord of the Undead, wields the Axe of the Golden Minotaur, a +3 weapon that can summon 1-10 minotaurs all armed with +3 battle axes. Ky, Third Lord of the Undead, is a "supra-lich" granted demonship, a 23rd level magic user wearing the Skull Crown bestowing numerous mental powers. Ogaa, Fourth Lord of the Undead, wields a +5 trident and a Net of Entrapment.
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esperanta-dragon · 3 months
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Going to tumblr is hard for me these days because I didn't write anything WoW related for ages and I miss it. I did not draw anything in ages too and I miss it, but I can't get to it mentally. I used to create content, engage with community, replying to questions, advising about death knights and so on.
Then sometimes death knight or Mograine art pops on my dashboard and it's like slap in my face: "weren't you supposed to draw/write something as well?"
The feeling of dropping out of fandom is hard for me and I can't imagine it will change. Fanfics I wanted to write but I don't have time/mood/insp anymore to just sit and write for hours. Same with my art.
I want to start The Ebon Blade comic during WotLK era which should be also analogy to trauma recovery, but I missed the best time to release it during WotLK Classic.
I decided to start it in few months this year but the constant feeling that people will no longer care is just crippling even though I want to draw it and finally go for it.
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zarayndra · 1 year
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My main warcraft character Zarayndra on the left with @frrrozi OC Setris on the right hunting down the Lich Kings army. Thank you Frrrozi for bring her to life!
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cubesona · 2 years
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4 fantasy designs I did a few months ago
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emilylorange · 1 year
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recent death knight portrait for one of my lk classic officers. i wanted it to be reminiscent of the frozen throne box art :3
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lich-loved · 1 year
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REPURPOSE: Level: 5 School: Necromancy Spell Effect: You mark a target with a curse of servitude. For 1 round per two caster levels, the target is dealt 1d6 damage per round. If the target dies during the effect, it is revived after death as an undead creature under your command.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 4 months
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Here's the outfits I have them in (Vecna is just default rn lmao)
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I should mention I haven't played Knight or Skull Merchant at all yet. Between Vecna and Artist, I've played Artist more.
Info on Artist Info on Vecna Info on Knight Info on Skull Merchant
(I'll probably be getting more Killers during the anniversary, but I have these four and will start on them first.)
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hunniegl4zed · 2 months
I was wondering what a Dark Sonic would look like in Sonic and the Black Knight, and a wonderful idea struck me;
Berserker Armor Dark Sonic
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I mean, Mordred is a good choice, but the idea of Sonic just going completely apeshit in his Dark form is just as good.
If you don't know how the Berserker Armor works, the name should be enough to clue you in. It causes the wearer to feel as if the pain is normal, and therefore makes them ignore it. It also amplifies their negative emotions, turns off the brain's inhibitors on their physical strength, and will pin the user's body back together in order to make sure it can continue functioning as a meat grinder until something or someone is able to snap it's wearer out of it. It can also use your prosthetics as actual limbs, even if they may only have limited mobility or functionality, as long as it is active.
I highly recommend looking into this weapon, as it's really fascinating. I can't really call it "Armor" because of how it works, so it's better classified as a weapon.
I used to, and sometimes still do, play a lot World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King and they have PLENTY of cursed weaponry in there as well 👀👀🔥🔥🔥 ForstMourne and the Corrupted Ashbringer are my favorites, look them up if you want too 😊
Combine that shiet with Dark Sonic? SIGN. ME. THE. HECC. UP!!!! 😍😍✨️✨️✨️ Armor and weapons scare me from drawing them but might give it a shot sometimes for funnies :3!
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doctorpasta · 6 months
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Art trade with hyenamiloska!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Josu Vess, Lich Knight
Artist: Tyler Jacobson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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lunaserpent · 6 months
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