#life has been hectic and ive been traveling a lot!
vampryn · 1 year
im startin’ to get reaaaal stressed out here... so ive been at the same job for the last 6 years. over these 6 years ive NEVER been able to support myself with just this one job alone, so ive had to go off and on having a second part-time job so i can afford to pay to survive.. anyway, over the last few months ive been getting enough hours to survive with one job, but now that we’re off holiday season im mad strapped for cash.. (im not asking for money lmao dw). im starting to really dislike my job. the staff i have are currently insanely irresponsible, and are doing a lot of shady things that i REALLY dont want to be involved in.. plus, they’ve formed a clique and they feel like the girls who would pick on me in high school.. i’ve made the decision to pay for the ontario license to be able to work at a dispensary.. the course is honestly terrible. its so boring, and while it started off super comprehensive and digestible, it’s slowly turned into a WalMart training video where its 2 full hours of them repeating the same 5 talking points.. im not kidding, they went over refusing service for TWO HOURS.. worked on the course for 4.5 hours total yesterday and im somehow only halfway done.. im pretty sure they make you do all of this as a secondary vetting system.. you know.. so the lazy people give up, and the people left have proven themselves.. can i also just say that most places pay you for your time while youre training.. whereas with this bullshit i had to pay $70, and assumably 8+ hours of my life.. amidst all of this, my coworkers all decided that when each of them got sick, none of them would call out or wear a mask, so everybody has been slowly dropping from getting the same sickness... sure enough, a few days ago i started to feel a bit icky.. and now that im in the peak of looking for an apartment AND a job, im in the peak of the sickness.. (wah-ah-ah-awwhh) through all of this, tomorrow was meant to be the valentines day all-ages event that ive been waiting for (im)patiently, and now because im sick im not sure i’ll be able to go.. which is additionally stressful because that means im losing the money i paid for the fucking tickets with.. PLUS i havent been out in over a month, and am missing the sense of community i get from going to the events with all of the spookies in the city :’(  right now im trying not to freak out because theres so much going on, and so much unknown around the corner, but its hard not to when i feel like im halfway through so many things.. plus since im sick, i just want to lay in bed and have my boyfriend rub my back while watching matilda on vhs :(  fortunately, when life gets hectic like this, it usually means that soon i’ll figure everything out, and my life will be balanced again//settle down. at this point i am kind of missing when my life felt boring though.. i want to travel or maybe even just launch myself to the moon where i can live on moon-cheese and hang out with the robot from wallace and gromit 
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
for the celebrity skin. lovers, i promise im working on part five!
life has been incredibly hectic lately with a number of big family occasions that involved a lot of travels. also, the pressures of my day-to-day job have been getting to me more than normal these last few weeks, and frankly, i haven’t been feeling 100% like myself..
unlike for pearl, i didnt envision for this story to become a series when i initially posted the first part. that means i didnt really plan ahead and ive actually hit a bit of a rut in terms of what i want to happen next for eddie x popstar — leaning towards angst, but theyve just had such a happy little moment i really dont know how to go about ruining it hah. so believe when i say, ive been at approx. 400 words for three fucking weeks now…….. i want to scream.
id really like to do the story — and all of you super cool people that are enjoying it — justice, so i don’t wanna rush or force anything that doesn’t suit. unfortunately, that means part five probs won’t be out for a number of weeks and im really sorry about that :((
thank u for understanding <3
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daegall · 3 years
Safe Haven
pairing: runaway! Donghyuck x runaway! reader
genre: ....fluf?? i dont really know for this one
warnings: umm i think not...
word count: 1.4k words
a/n: OH GOSH I FINALLY MADE A PART 4!! probably the last part so enjoy all 4 parts of the runaway! AU!!
networks: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kokonomi
part i, part ii, part iii, part iv
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You didn’t think you would last this long without getting caught, but you somehow managed to keep hidden and not be recognized by people.
Of course, there were people who suspected you were runaways, but you’d quickly change the subject and leave before they would realize anything. It was tiring.
You walk out of yet another motel, quickly jogging down the stairs before the owner could come out and question you two further about your identities. It was only a matter of time before these people would report you.
You’ve gone across the city, constantly looking for places to stay and work without any ID until you save up enough to get out. It wasn’t working so well with the fact that you had no ID.
Donghyuck nudges you with his hip playfully, smiling at your pouty face, “Come on, cheer up babe!”
A small smile grows fondly on your face at the nickname you still haven’t grown used to, you really are glad that he’s keeping his spirits up for you. If it wasn’t for him, you’d be breaking down every few hours. You bump his hip back with yours, “Where to next?”
Your next destination is further from the central city than you thought, almost near the edge where it meets with smaller houses and cafes. It’s quite the long journey, but you’re ready.
Walking would be the best choice for you two usually, but for a place this far, you’d rather take a taxi. It’s risky, but as long as you stay guarded you’re sure you can manage.
A yellow taxi pulls up in front of you with ease after just a few minutes of waiting and calling for one, the driver inside smiling politely at you. With a small and quiet greeting from Donghyuck, you two climb in the back seat and instantly settle down on the seats. You haven’t been in a car for so long.
“Where to?”
You doze off as Donghyuck mumbles the address of the new motel you plan to check out, leaning to show the driver the place on the maps. You don’t realize with how tired and comfortable you are, but he bites his lip in an attempt to hold back a knowing smile.
He has an idea of who you two are.
Donghyuck flops back into the leather seat, sighing at the sensation of finally resting on something comfortable without having to worry about anything. His head rests on the window, as it shakes and vibrates with every inch the car travels. The runaway closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying the nostalgic feeling of being in a car.
Donghyuck’s eyes trail back to your peaceful form, smiling gently at the sight of you finally relaxing too. He knows how worried and stressed you’ve been lately, and it relieves him that you’re at least enjoying a little bit of the trip.
He lazily crashes his fingers with yours, folding them together warmly. You can only find the strength to smile at such action. It was only a matter of time until you completely fell asleep.
The driver looks through the mirror, glancing at your very content expressions. He makes a sudden left turn, onto a different road, a different route to a different motel.
He knows this motel you’re planning to go to, he too was once a runaway, and that motel was not good for runaways. The people who work there like to catch runaways just for the reward money.
He’s decided to help you two out.
The motel he drives you to is further out of the city, in the border is more like it. He knows someone there who will help, for the man himself helped him escape from his life.
He reminisces on the time when he had so much hope and compassion for his future, he remembers his motivation to run away. It’s not like he can achieve that dream now.
The driver smiles when he catches sight of the familiar lonely motel, pulling up into the entrance. He turns to see you two deep in sleep, faced away from each other but keeping your hands connected. He almost doesn’t want to wake you up.
The owner of the motel walks in front of the car, hands on his hips as he narrows his eyes onto his friend, the driver, “Ten!”
The man was too immersed in observing your raw states in his car to notice the other man standing in front of his car, jumping at the sudden voice calling out to him, “Jesus christ, Johnny!”
- ceot -
You gulp nervously and tighten your hand in Donghyuck’s as you eye the front desk of the motel, the big golden letters shining with elegance ‘Safe Haven’.
This wasn’t the motel you were supposed to be brought to. Gnawing harshly at your lip, you turn to Donghyuck, who still seems to be half asleep and very much confused. He turns to the driver, who is still yet to unload all of your stuff, “This is not the place we wanted to go to.”
Ten shrugs and places your duffle bag on top of Donghyuck’s, “Oh, I know.” Your grow confused and surprised at his words. “That motel isn’t that nice to runaways.”
“Oh, w-we’re not-“
“Oh please,” The man scoffs, “I’m sure a runaway can recognize another.”
You grow speechless at his words, freezing in your spot as you blink up at him. He’s a runaway?
The stranger offers a genuine smile, gesturing to the man at the other side of the room. “His father took me in when I was still a minor, and now with his father in another country, he’s doing the same thing. He’s saved so many people.”
You can’t help but feel so thankful for the stranger, heart swelling in gratitude at someone so helpful and generous.
The man notices you talking, and yells out a quick greeting and a wave, “Hi! I’m Johnny, owner of Safe Haven! You guys can stay here for as long as you’d like.”
Donghyuck turns to you abruptly upon hearing such great news, the smile itching on his face feeling just as contagious to you, and you feel the upcoming curling of the corner of your lips. “R-really? You don’t mind us staying here?”
The tall man quickly approaches and ventures to the back of the counter, quickly skimming for some free room keys and passing you the silver item with what seems like no care in the world. He leans on the counter and frowns.
“I’m sorry if the room’s not too good. Jaehyun is supposed to be on duty right now, and he knows which room is best for who. I’m guessing he’s with Yuta. You can come back and change rooms if you want!”
You gape at the key, and carelessness of Johnny as he stares at you with anticipation. “Wha- how much will it be?”
The man hisses, “It’s bound to be a lot if you want to pay,” you wince as well. “But, if you’re staying here for a long time, I suggest you work for Taeyong.” Johnny says as he plays with one of his rings. “My friend.” He adds when he realizes you have no idea who Taeyong is. “He owns a cafe just in the city. You can work there with the others until you wish to leave and pay everything you owe us.”
It’s perfect, this is your chance. You can successfully run away with Donghyuck and free yourselves from your hectic lives.
You start to laugh in happiness, blinking away the small beads of tears at the corner of your eyes. Donghyuck can’t seem to keep in his excitement as well, wiping quickly at his wet cheek, nodding frantically. “Y-yes! We’ll work hard!”
Johnny smiles, yet another life he’s saved.
“T-thank you so much, Johnny!” You can’t stop the tears running down your cheeks, with the overwhelming sensation of finally being given a chance to be free, and being able to take it, nothing can stop your tears from ascending your pulled cheeks.
Your minds feels nothing but relief as Donghyuck wipes off your tears from your face, grasping the key tight in his palm. This key is a key to your new room you will be soon calling home, the key to everything good that’s going to happen, the key to your freedom.
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Disney Romance - Brave’s Blue - 200 followers special
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@holykillercake swan!!! Sorry for the wait! Thankyou for requesting! You know how much I love Killer, This story took a while for me to get inspiration and actually write it, but here I am with this! Please don’t keep high expectations, I may not reach them.
Pairing : Killer X Princess! Reader
Word Count : 3.6K
Warnings : Nothing but Fluff, a long ass fic written by me!
A/N : Yes Its the Movie Brave! I hope you like it! Its lengthy but please give it a chance! Its the story of our favorite Pasta Boy!
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“Princess Y/N, its an honor to meet you. I’m Jason, prince of Goustvania, I’ve heard so much about you and your Kingdom”, Jason said as he looked at you. You both were in your garden which had beautiful plants and flowers.
“Prince Jason, don’t get me wrong but, as this is a formal meeting for suitors, and I would like to keep it that way”, the way you said it, made Jason to gulp. He was not a potential suitor and he knows that. By pulling some strings he made it to the list. There are many princes who wanted to marry you.
You were not only beautiful but were also the princess of the wealthiest Kingdoms. Not even a single death due to starvation was recorded in your country. As marriages are a part of a treaty, if a person could marry you, you’d definitely share your riches to help.
“So, I’ve heard that, your country is really big and has the absolute weaponry with a very powerful army”, she looked at the prince who was scared to even speak to her. But he didn’t want to waste the opportunity.
Putting on his brave smile, he said, “My country is beautiful and definitely has the most powerful machinery”, proudly he ended, only for you to nod in return by taking the silver cup in front of you. It contained the finest tea, which was brewed from the leaves of Assam.
“Prince Jason, but my resources say that your country is in the verge of war with another 5 countries. And in your last war, even though you’ve won, you’ve lost many soldiers. Is it true that you’ve been requiting many soldiers to compensate the loss”, you took another sip of the tea as he gulped.
“I also heard that you’ve already been engaged to princess Lucy from the snow kingdom. I didn’t hear anything about breaking your marriage”, Jason had chills sent up and down his spine because of the questions you were asking. Not even his friends knew about the information of him getting engaged to princess Lucy.
“I suppose that even she doesn’t know that you are here. The partner that I’m choosing needs to be loyal. I’m sorry but you are no longer a suitor. I’ll make arrangements for you to leave this place within a day”, you bluntly said getting up.
“Oh no, Please listen to me. I’ll break the engagement as soon as possible. Just give me anoth-”
“Please don’t make me repeat myself. Ive already made up my mind”, you replied sternly and walked out of the garden without giving him another glance.
You felt your mood was ruined after meeting him. ‘How can people be so disloyal towards their partner?’, you thought as you entered your chambers. It had blue curtains, blue carpets, a big blue bed. Simply said, it was a pastel blue aesthetic with also a touch of white to it. You had twenty minutes time before you had your next job to check the travel and trade matters of the country. You removed your closet before you plopped on the bed and closed your eyes.
Blue always calmed you down. That’s the reason why you wanted your room to be with blue stuff. Blue reminded you of the sky. The peacefulness was what you required in your hectic life as a princess, who is taking care of the country. As the King was feeling sick, you took the job on yourself and took care of the country yourself from the past two years. You knew the kings, princes wanted to marry you because of your country. Everyone was selfish and had the same motive. You were sick of this. You mostly tried not to meet princes and tried to dismiss the proposals. You wanted a person, who could love you and be loyal to you. To love the country as you loved. Would respect your opinions as a queen.
Little did you know, Prince Jason wasn’t happy with your decision. As he went to the house of the witch of your Kingdom. He sat before her and asked her, “I need a potion. A potion which can make a person to change, to go feral, like an animal”, rubbing his hands nervously he looked at the witch.
She asked no questions, just stretched her hand forward. He placed a bag of silver coins in her hand. The old witch went to her cupboard and took out a very small bottle with olive green liquid.
“Mix it in her food and it’ll do its job”, she mumbled and Jason started to return to your castle.
But little did he know, every single potion had a reversing effect. This potion was asked with a person with full intent to destruction, anger, greed. A potion was available to reverse the spell.
“My lady, my lady”, you heard a voice calling you so you opened your eyes and looked at the person before you. It was your butler Heat. You woke up with a groan and asked him, “How long have I been sleeping?”
“It’s been 30 minutes my lady, you are getting late to check the Travel and trades of the country”, he said sternly. You grunted as you sat on the bed.
“My lady, that’s not how a princess should behave and Oh lord!”, he exclaimed looking at the corset on the floor and walked towards the door, “Please dress appropriately”, he closed the door behind him.
“Damn corset”, you cursed as you picked it up. Heat was your head butler and also very skilled fighter. He talked less and worked more, a reason why you chose him as your assistant. He gave wise suggestions and always respected you.
You wore your corset with the help of a maid and went to your office to work again.
Being a prince, Jason easily slipped with the maids into the Kitchen, and saw the tray of food, which was supposed to be given to you, just before Heat could enter the place, Jason added the portion into the tea cup.
Like every day, as you were doing the paper work and Heat placed the tray of food in front of you. You took the cup of tea and savoured the fragrance. Before sipping it, you asked Heat, “Why were you late by 10 minutes?! You know how much I am addicted to tea”, your glossy eyes conveyed how you felt.
“Prince Jason was talking to maids in the Kitchen, so there were a lot of maids slacking off and not doing their respective works”, he replied.
“Is that so, then get him out of the castle as soon as possible”, you ordered and he bowed.
“By the way, don’t even think of skipping the work. Last time I had to do your work because you sneaked out”
“Tsk, how rude!”, you said to yourself as he left. You drank your tea with so much happiness and continued to work. Suddenly, you felt pain in your chest. You placed your hands on your back in an attempt to remove the corset. But even after removing the corset, your pain still didn’t subside. You fell to your knees and panted for air as you closed your eyes. Then suddenly your pain stopped. You opened your eyes and your gaze landed on your hands. Your eyes opened wide.
‘What the hell?!’, You looked at your torso and you noticed that you were not… normal.. You took the fine silver plate with your claws and saw your reflection in it. You couldn’t believe your eyes. You turned into a bear now. ‘But why? How?’, your thoughts were stopped with a knock on the door. Indicating Heat will enter now.
You didn’t know what to do, so you opened the window and jumped down it. If Heat was to see you, he wouldn’t even spare a second glance and Kill you as you looked like a bear and search for you. You slowly climbed down and escaped into the forest by not being seen by any soldier. You ran in the forest quickly trying to process everything. ‘Why? How?’, your questions weren’t stopping in your head.
You stumbled because of a rock in your way and rolled down into the deeper part of the forest. There you tackled some people in your way. You couldn’t stop rolling till you got hit by a tree in front of you. Clenching the side of your head with your claws, you slowly got up. You stood on two of your legs and cursed, “Oh Davy Jones! What have I ever done?”.
“What the hell?!”, you looked to your side and saw that you crushed 4 people and you saw a guy with a mask, standing a few meters away from you.
“Tsk, I hope I didn’t kill them”, you said and again the Mask dude flinched. You both stared at each other for a while before he spoke, “How the hell can you talk?”
Your brain took a few moments to process and then you gasped. “I can talk!!! I didn’t think I could talk! Hey Mask man, can you help me”, you asked and walked towards him only for him to swiftly take his weapons out.
You took a step back and said, “No! Don’t harm me! You don’t know who I am!”, you said as your back hit the tree. You maintained eye contact with the mask and hid behind the tree.
The man was very confused at your actions. He was actually about to fight some people but you crushed them to death. So he owed you one. He asked, “You shouldn’t harm me”.
“I won’t! And you also, please… don’t hurt me”, after hearing your request, he hid his weapons and walked towards you as you also did the same.
“How can you talk?”, he asked again.
“Oh! I am actually not a bear. I am a human, but I don’t know why I became like this. Please help me. I wanna turn back”, you requested.
‘The only reason why I am decided to help is because this bear crushed these jerks. But what it is asking doesn’t make any sense. Its way too much work’, he thought and said, “Too much of trouble. Do it yourself”, with that he started to walk away.
“No! Wait!! Please help me. If I go to any other human, they’ll freak out and I’ll be Killed. I am a human for real. Don’t leave me. If you were turned into a bear, you’d want to be turned back. Please help me, I never begged anyone in my life like this. Please understand”, you said as you walked beside the masked man. ‘Tsk… this stupid bear is kinda right’, he thought and stopped in his tracks.
He huffed, “let’s sit and talk”, he said as he sat on a big root of a tree and you sat opposite to him.
“Tell me clearly. How did you turn into a bear? Did you drink any potion or anger any witch by doing or saying anything rude?”, he asked you and you shook your head no.
“I didn’t even go to any witch and didn’t take any potion”, you replied looking down. “I never thought I’d turn into a bear. I’ve always taken care of the people around me”.
The man before you sighed and said, “Don’t be disappointed just yet. How much time has it been? Since you turned into a Bear”. You looked at him and replied, “Its been 3 hours, if Im correct. I’ve been wandering in the forest from more than an hour, and it took me a while to escape from my house”.
He hummed as he nodded and again asked you, “You said that you didn’t anger any witch but did you anger anyone in particular?”, he asked. You thought for a while and Jason’s image popped into your head.
“I… I rejected a proposal to get married and… the person was really mad at that”, you admitted.
“Did you eat anything, that person gave you?”, he questioned
“But after I rejected, I didn’t even meet that person again. I only got on with my daily tasks”.
“It doesn’t have to be given. Must’ve slipped something in your food”, the masked dude said and got up. He continued, “Let’s go, you must be hungry, Wandering the Jungle all by yourself”
You looked at him with a bit suspicion. ‘What if he kills me and sells my skin or make me a coat for himself’, negative thoughts started to run in your mind and he noticed how you were hesitating.
“Look, I have enough food thanks to the Princess. I don’t have any reason to kill you”, as he said it making your heart skip a beat.
“Okay…”, you mumbled and walked behind him to a small hut, which was inside the forest. Hiding from all the other villages. Apparently, he was a poor armorer, weapons specialist and also a former bandit. So, he didn’t want to be mingled with the villagers. He maintained few connections with some people who wanted customised weapons. Entering into his hut, you were mesmerised by the wide range of weaponry.
“Woah! You seem very talented, why don’t you work for the Princess? I’m sure she would love all your creations”, you said as the man washed vegetables and fruits for dinner.
“No way. It’s the palace. I’m sure there are so many people working for Princess anyway. Also… I’m a former bandit”, he confessed. ‘Why would a princess want a person like me in her castle working for her? I’d scare her’, he thought.
“Tsk… your talent is going waste. You would be really helpful to the army, they have been in need for weaponry and there might be a conflict with another country soon”, you replied as you took the apple and gobbled it in one bite. You were really hungry and were thankful for the food.
“Why are you speaking like you know all the things about the Kingdom?”, those words made you to choke.
“Rumours”, you lied as you drank the water from the jug leaving your claw marks on it.
“I’m sure the Princess will manage those problems in a blink of an eye”, he replied.
“Why are you so sure?”, you enquired only for him to sigh and lean back on the wall.
“Because she made the country enrich and developed the poor villages. Now people atleast can eat twice a day due to her. I became a bandit only because I had no food. But since I get food, I left that. But still some people are angry at me because of my deeds of the past”,”.
“Oh!! We have a fanboy here”, you teased him only him to trying to deny it. Even his neck was turning red because of your teasing.
“Did you see her?”, he replied by shaking his head no.
The next day you he wasn’t in the hut when you woke up. You started to search for him. Then you found him coming back.
“Welcome back! Where did you go?”, you enquired him as you looked at his mask. He noticed that you were walking on your fours this time. But the way you came towards him and greeted him, made his heart warm. He had never experienced such treatment.
“I met a customer to give his order to him. I also asked him about any witches he knew in the area”, he said and your eyes lit up with hope.
“I also met the witch and asked her about this condition, she said its cure able”, he ended and you cheered with happiness and rolled on the grass.
“YAY!!! Will she help? What should be done?”, you rolled again only for him to slip out a chuckle and stop it quickly. He himself was shocked at how you could make his sealed lips to talk more and also to let out a chuckle.
“She asked me to create something for her and in return she’ll give me the potion if she likes what I make for her”, he confessed. Guilt started to form in your heart. About how he had to work for her, to save you.
“I now need to think what she would like”, he said with relief in his voice and walked towards the hut.
After a lot of designs and dissatisfactions, you both started to eat. He cut his vegetables separately to eat them through his mask while you just ate them… well like a bear. Then you got an idea. Even if she was a witch, she was a girl after all.
“What if… you give her a blade, which can be hidden in her skirt?”, you managed to speak. You both noticed that your voice was getting hoarser than it was.
“I need to work quickly. I can’t fail you now. I guess the time is running out”, he sighed and added, “You are walking on your fours too”.
With in an hour the design was ready and the mask man started to create the new weapon for the witch. You went out and played with the butterflies as he made it.
After another hour with the beautiful blade, he stepped out of the place and waved you bye. You managed and said, “Thank… you”.
Now his time was slipping out and he had to be quick. He handed the weapon to the witch and she analysed it for a while and nodded her head as an approval with a satisfied smile. The masked man sighed in relief and took the blue potion which was in a small container. He quickly headed towards the hut in the forest. He had to save you as soon as possible.
By the time he reached home, he noticed that the hut was almost destroyed from the inside with many claw marks and the weapons were thrown everywhere. You were still in the house, emerging from the darkness. It was already evening and the sun was setting. He saw how your eyes seemed nothing like before. They were just like a wild animal. Before he could even think, you punched his face so hard that he flew and hit the wall. His mask broke into pieces because of the force.
Not giving up, he jumped on you and held your face tightly as he wrapped his legs on your waist. Your claws on his body hurt so much. Blood was dripping but he stayed like that. Trying to calm you down and call you.
“LISTEN TO ME! I KNOW YOU ARE STILL IN THERE! I GOT YOU POTION”, he screamed on the top of his lungs, as you tried to throw him away. But at last, you looked into his eyes. He had light blue eyes. Blue, was your colour. Looking into his eyes, you calmed down and stopped struggling. He took out the small container and opened the lid. He slid it into your mouth and patted your head. Soothing you down.
Slowly you could feel the change. The pain was inevitable. But you kept looking at those blue eyes of the man in front of you. That kept you sane and you closed your eyes and fell down on your knees. You opened your eyes, panting for air. You noticed that your hands were back to normal as well as your torso. Suddenly you felt a blanket over your shoulders. You looked up and saw the man with cheeks redder than any tomato you’ve ever seen. Your senses slowly got to you and that was when you noticed that you were… not dressed.
Pulling the covers even closer to you, he stepped away and walked towards the other room. He swiftly came back and handed clothes to you and without looking back he walked towards the main door and closed it.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were… a lady?” he asked.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were really handsome?”, you replied making him blush even more as you wore his clothes.
He wore a mask and agreed to walk you home. You apologised for messing his apartment. After you reaching your castle, he was absolutely stunned just as the guards at the entrance. He tried to leave but, you didn’t let him go. “Work for me, its an order”, you announced and walked with him still his hand in yours.
Heat was absolutely pissed at your behaviour and was surprised to look at the man beside you. “Who is this?”, Heat asked and you replied, “He is going to be our new armorer, I hired him and I want no objections from you”
“No objections huh? You leave the palace, dump your paper works on me, come back with a masked dude and demand no objections? Tell me what’s his name and where you met him?”, Heat inquired making you gulp. You turned towards him and asked, “What’s your name?”
“Killer”, he chuckled.
“Killer, I met Killer in the forest”, you said proudly to Heat as he shook his head and mumbled, “Unacceptable”. As for Jason, he thought he was scammed and never came across you ever again.
One Year Later
As you handled your paper work Killer stayed in your room to keep an eye on you. His work was exceptional and helped the soldiers to get good results in their weapon wielding. You glanced at Killer and said, “Killer why don’t we get married?”, almost giving the poor man a heart attack.
You knew he was turning into a tomato under his mask. “Killer, we have been dating since a year. Lets get married”, you said as you stood up from your place.
“Yes! Yes Lets get married”, he replied as he fiddled with his hands, head facing down. You placed a hand on his mask and removed it. Pulling him down you captured his lips with yours in a Kiss and smirked at your success. Now you were really marrying a person, who was kind, who was selfless, respected you, was loyal and also loved you to death.
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realtatine · 4 years
This is a long one folks but please help.
Ever have that life hates me moment? Well lately it seems like nothing but life hates me moments. Some of you know me irl but for those that don't I work in a deli. It's a crazy, hectic, mind numbing at times job but for the most part I love it. July is always a crazy month mainly because of the 4th. This year I decided I'm taking a week off but because of the holiday I didn't take off til the 9th. With covid any actual travel plans I would have made of course wouldn't have happened. So I planned a staycation. Go hang out with my sister who I don't get to see often even tho she lives 10 minutes away and go for a surprise visit to see my best friend. Vacation starts (friday) and I'm excited I get to see my sister the next day and hang out with her family. Due to her not feeling well (messed up back from a car accident 10+ years ago) I didn't get to see her Saturday or Sunday. Ok cool ive still got 6 days left before I return to work. Monday morning my fiancee goes to work and comes right back in. "Where's my car he says?" Me of course not being awake at all says in the driveway. Nope no car in the driveway... It's day 3 of my vacation and what am I doing? Filing a police report because our car was stolen out of the driveway. So now I get to remember exactly what all was in the car. Officer says they will try to recover the car but no guarantees. My mind is freaking out because not only is the car gone but so is our daughter's carseat. I spend the rest of the day in a funk. Trying to figure out how to not only replace the car with almost no savings but replace her carseat as well. Tuesday morning dawns and it's been a sleepless night for this mama so I trudge trough the day til about 10:30 that night. Officer calls, they found the car at a traffic stop. My spirits life and it looks like things might be going better. Because it was so late that night they had to tow the car to the impound lot. Car is in working order a little damage where they had to hotwire other than that we were told it was okay. My fiance went picked it up the next morning and had to pay $125 because they had to tow it there. I'm still trying to think happy thoughts at this point because $125 is a lot better than the 3000 plus to get a new car. We get the car back and everything is still in it!! Well almost everything her carseat is gone. Still trying to focus on happy thoughts we got the car back. My fiance drives to work he says it's acting a little funny and shaky. His mom and I go run some errands and he asks us to stop by his work. He went on lunch and when he got back he said that it was running high on temperature and wanted her to drive it around and see what she thought. She took it to it for a test drive around the block and came back saying yes it was acting funny. We decided she would take it home and bring his truck back so that he would have something to drive home that night after work. She didn't make it out of the parking lot she barely made it out of the parking spot. It started overheating and steam came out of the hood. We decided that the car was going to be unsafe to drive. So we left it there. His uncle came by after work and using a tow chain they managed to get to home. At this point I am exhausted not only from the emotional ride of the last few days but having to push it back into the spot in 90+ heat. But bright point my fiancee is off the next day and can look at it and maybe see what's wrong with the car. we ended up taking it to a mechanic because he couldn't figure out what was wrong with the car. Mechanic told us that it has a blown engine and then it would be more to fix than the car is worth. Our new car that we have had less than 4 months is now a lawn ornament. I'm trying keep the happy thoughts but it's not working. Our savings is almost gone from just tow bills alone. Now we have to get a new car and almost no money to do it. We are both essential workers so we have jobs and money coming in but with bills and everything else we live paycheck to paycheck most weeks.
Anything you can donate will help and even if you can't sharing helps too.
I know with the craziness of the world right now it may not seem like it but we are all in this together. I am a believer of if you do good, good will come to you. I've done so much good for others I'm hoping some of it will come back to me ☺️
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ener-chi · 5 years
Please talk more about you're astral travels and tips. Its been really helpful for me since ive been stuck at getting fully there. Thank you so much! 😃😄❤
Hi anon!!
As 2019 is coming to a close, my life has gotten hella hectic, so i apologize for the lack of my more personal posts. But come 2020 I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands, so i will be much more active on here (i might even start doing readings again??).
But I'm very glad that I've been able to help so far!! Stay posted, and keep practicing!
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thetraficante · 5 years
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YAY!!!! im sorry for this..... Edit but we have reached the end of 20gayteen and as always we’ve had wonderful incredibly well written fics by amazing, dedicated authors in every single corner of the 1d fandom, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your talent w us! i know that sometimes you feel like your work isnt appreciated enough, and im sorry for that because your talent is massive and we’re so lucky to have such legendary ppl writing stories out of their love for the 1d members. keep writing! keep doing what you love! you’ll always have an audience <3
this list is by no means Objective, its only a compilation of the 10 fics ive reread and yelled about the most. thank you to all the following authors for making me laugh, cry, gasp and shout! (for some of you i would’ve chosen more fics, your talent has produced many masterpieces in ONE year, how cool is that?)
now in a minute by @avocadolouie
13 feels like yesterday for many people, but for Louis it actually was.
More than anything in the world, Louis Tomlinson dreams of growing up. Simply skipping over all of the awkward, embarrassing years of teenage existence and getting on with life. Real life.
So when thirteen-year-old Louis wakes up in the body of his thirty-year-old self, he expected everything in his adult life to be picture perfect. And maybe it is. He has it all…or so it seems.
Except his favorite person and lifelong best mate, Harry Styles, is totally missing from the equation and Louis doesn’t understand why. He has a lot of catching up to do and as adult life turns out to be more than what he bargained for, Louis can’t help wondering why a life that seemed so perfect, feels so empty.
Or the 13 going on 30 au that should have been done years ago.
the second hand unwinds by @fullonlarrie
Louis Tomlinson is one of the first members of NASA's top secret Chrono Exploration Program. When things go wrong and he's sent further back in time than planned, he has no other option than to show up on his ex-boyfriend's doorstep.
just call me inspiration by @hereforlou
The truth is Louis knows he’s going to hell, if there is such a thing, but it isn’t because he writes erotic fiction for a living. If anything, it’s because his muse, the reason he’s inspired to write about people shagging in increasingly creative ways everyday, is the sweetest, loveliest, most genuine (and completely oblivious) future children-book illustrator in the world.
(Or, the one where Louis is a writer, Harry is an art student, and they inspire each other in very different ways.)
make your words a weapon by @helloamhere
There’s no single path forward from the connection, no truth other than the truth that the person whose words you carry is out there, an undefined something that you’re going to have to deal with.
In whatever way you can possibly deal with meeting the stranger who's always been there, and always been missing.
OR: Louis is a music critic, Harry is a rockstar, soulmates are destiny but no one ever said destiny was easy, music is everything.
the road less travelled by by @freetheankles
Louis was a lumberjack happy to be living his life alone in what could qualify as Middle Of Nowhere, Canada.
Every morning, he went out into the woods, cut his logs, then came home at dusk to a scalding hot shower and a good book by the fireplace. Rinse and Repeat. He had a good life, quiet and peaceful; simple. Not a secluded one as Niall annoyingly claimed.
Louis certainly didn't need some chatty trespasser dropping into his life, his forest, his home. Invading his space, his circle of friends, touching his stuff, asking questions about his husband. His late husband.
A trespasser who wasn’t supposed to crawl under his skin, occupy his thoughts, and steal his heart from where Louis had locked it safely away, only to put it right back on Louis’ sleeve — where it once laid.
No, Louis definitely didn’t need Harry.
for as long as i can remember (it’s been december) by @greenfeelings
After recovering from a severe accident that causes Harry to lose his memory of three years, he moves to London to start his life over as a star chef. Little does he know that when he falls in love with Louis at first sight, it’s not the first time they meet.
Featuring an unintentional game of hot and cold, Harry chasing memories that won’t come back, Louis burying himself in work to try and forget what he can’t forget, Liam being torn between two of his best friends, Zayn as a moral compass and Niall saving the day with good music and brutal honesty.
when the sun won’t let you sleep by @allwaswell16
Four years ago, Louis Tomlinson left the UK to live on an Antarctic research station for reasons best left in the past. He’s carved out a life for himself on the ice and has dedicated himself to his research, his friends, and especially the Halley VI research station. He’s less than thrilled when he learns that Harry Styles, a glaciologist from another base who once broke his heart, will be coming to Halley, and he’s definitely unprepared for the upheaval Harry brings with him.
promise in the sky by @hazzabeeforlou
AU in which Harry Styles, a naïve, repressed, socially awkward Midwestern highschooler tries to navigate his fundamentalist evangelical parents and radically progressive older sister. He’s doing an okay job of this until the Tomlinson family starts attending Lakeside Baptist Church and a boy named Louis changes everything. Harry is forced to come to grips with his true self when Louis becomes more than just his best friend; but their relationship opens a can of worms and sends them on the most painful, heartbreaking journey of their young lives. They risk everything and nearly lose, and Harry learns that perhaps only one Bible verse is true: that perfect love casteth out fear.
buried like treasure by @becomeawendybird
Prince Harry Styles is very private. He chooses to keep himself out of the public eye but feels lonely and isolated while surrounded by people in his hectic royal life. When he finishes his dissertation, he decides to take a solo holiday to one of the royal family's properties in the Swiss Alps.
Semi-retired thief Louis Tomlinson has been pulled in for one last job: steal a painting from an uninhabited mansion. Neither one of them expects a natural disaster.
take a chance on me by @velvetnoodle
Harry Styles, former member of the hugely successful boyband Status Single, returns to his hometown of Holmes Chapel with his daughter nine years after the band broke up and he disappeared from the limelight. Convinced he’s faded into obscurity by now, Harry deems this the perfect place to give his daughter a stable childhood, which includes signing her up to play football at the local club, of course.
The only problem is the coach, Louis, seems to dislike him. Like really, really dislike him. Which drives Harry mad, because everyone likes him. Everyone. So when he finds out Louis’ flat has flooded and he’s got nowhere to stay, Harry is quick to offer up his spare room in the hopes of winning the other man over.
(aka the Strangers to Enemies to Friends to Lovers Roommate AU you didn’t know you needed, feat. Single Dad!Harry, Footie Coach!Louis, a precocious 9 year old, a band of meddling family members, an overly excited labradoodle, an extremely Done cat, and a Shiall wedding you’ll never forget.)
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no-error · 6 years
Just little more klance again
More klance fics ive read.
Remember read author tags! There are some triggers, smut etc. So read with care yes?
the missing part   
"I can hear your thoughts," Keith nearly whispered.Lance went pale, but that wasn't what Keith was focused on.  Because he could feel the horror creeping up inside himself as Lance heard his declaration.  Because he could feel his own heart skip a beat in time with Lance's.  Because he could feel the rejection bubbling up inside him as Lance frantically worked out what all this meant."Wh—what are you talking about?" Lance said, stumbling over his words even while his mind screamed clear as day please say you're lying just say you're fucking with me don't play these kinds of games with me—
In which the paladins are subjected to the unfortunate consequences of a broken mind meld program.
20,357 words   AO3
What a Healing Pod Can't Repair
The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be
Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time.
55,777 words  AO3
Silver Tongued
One way or another,
His truth they will learn
Although perhaps the message
For them, incapable to discern
14,848 words   AO3
I'll Walk on Water to Lend You Some Air
(I've Never Loved a Darker Blue Series not completed 29,895 words 2 works)
Keith comes out of a healing pod having no idea how he ended up in it. The other paladins won't fill him in but everyone is acting weird, especially Lance. Keith is determined to find out what happened but when another mission goes wrong, he may not get the chance...
11,403 words  AO3
Love & Cheese
He’s a teenage boy, in way over his head. He’s a college kid, delivering pizzas on a bike that his mom bought for him when he was twelve. He’s a media major, a movie buff, and a total moron who’s madly in love with the snooty heartthrob at the Deli, who always gives him an extra slice of cheese. He’s a trainwreck, a total lovestruck fool, and a hopeless romantic who always says the wrong thing.
But today, despite everything, his one true goal in life is to tell the cute Deli-guy, loud and clear, “It’s not Lucas, it’s Lance.”
115,421 words   AO3
nothing's quite as sweet
Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
50,369 words   AO3
can you tell me 
(Coffee and Crowns Series not completed 51,487 words 2 works)
Keith works in his brother's coffee shop for the summer, expecting a boring break before college. Lance changes all of that.
The boy is still in the front of the group, but he doesn't take off his glasses so Keith can't tell what he's really looking at -- either the menu or Keith. Keith feels a flash of annoyance but smothers it and pins his smile in place.
28,058 words   AO3
The Bet
Something about the casual way Lance spoke to him, with easy grins and direct words that made Keith feel comfortable, but at the same time put him on edge. Like he wasn’t supposed to be feeling this ok around someone, not him. Keith, who barely had friends until college, shouldn’t have someone who could coax him into such a sense of security that he found himself agreeing to do things he’d never thought he’d do.
35,847 words   AO3
of florists and tennis shoes
'Lance wasn’t sure if he’d imagined the brief tremble at the corner of Keith’s lips or not, that slight stutter that promised a smile. But before he could guess further, Keith gave his knee a shove and got to his feet. He reached out to him, “I’m done here, and I’ve still got some daisies to sell you.”
“Yeah,” Lance agreed, looking down at the extended palm, noting the little Saturn tattoo on the inside of Keith’s wrist where the sleeve hiked. He took the hand, “better not overprice those too, you asshole.”'
63,783 words   AO3
Written on your skin
Keith is your typical troubled kid who's just trying to sort his life out. Things aren't perfect, but he's attending night school to get enough credits for university, he loves hanging out with Shiro and Matt on the weekends, and he's prepped to be the youngest member of his martial arts club to get his second Dan black belt. Things are looking up for Keith!
That is until strange notes start to appear on his arm.
They don't come off. At least, not when Keith tries to remove them. And they're written in handwriting that Keith knows isn't his.
So where are they coming from?
34,384 words   AO3
Unknown     (Series not completed 9 works, 123,151 words)
It’s been a few months since Keith’s dad remarried, leaving Keith at a new school with no friends, no mom, and no hope. The only thing that keeps him from going completely insane is Lance Fuentes, the charming, funny, and surprisingly intimidating boy that Keith’s been admiring (read: pining after) from afar since day one.After a bad day leaves Lance miserable and embarrassed, Keith takes a chance and uses the Garrison’s school messenger system to comfort him as an anonymous admirer named Unknown. What was supposed to be a one-sided message of hope turns into the strangest friendship in the school, and soon Keith finds himself closer to Lance then he’d ever dreamed he would be. But keeping a secret this big is hard--especially when a few chance encounters lead him to become friends with Lance in real life as well.Unable to explain to Lance that he’s Unknown, and equally unable to fade away as he’d first intended, Keith soon finds himself trapped in a web of secrets and lies. As he becomes desperate to keep his identity from being discovered, Lance becomes just as desperate to find out who Unknown really is. The question is, just how far are they willing to go?
82,141 words   AO3
You and I Collide    
Lance likes to sing in the shower.
Keith lives in the apartment next door and the walls are not very thick.  And you can bet when Lance wakes him up at 7:30 in the morning, Keith has something to say about it.
72,256 words  AO3
Follow My Lead
Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all.
117,792 words   AO3
A Sky Full of Stars
Lance's life is hectic between his civilian and superhero identities - that is, until his soulmate and a new villain arrive to town on the same day. What's more, this villain seems to have a few secrets of his own and it's possible that, whoever is behind that mask, may not be who he claims to be. Lance is determined to figure out just who this Red Paladin is.
63,596 words   AO3
Chivalry Is Dead
Prince Lance was an adventurer. That was all there was to it. So, when he's suddenly assigned a new knight to follow him around, all Lance can think is that his freedom is being taken away, and it's all because of the red-clad, mullet boy named Keith, who is honestly just trying not to lose his job on the first day.
61,071 words   AO3
Jealousy Thy Name Is Keith   A/B/O
Keith narrowed his eyes as he watched a large alpha lean close to Lance, saying something that caused the omega to bring a hand to his mouth and laugh as though it were the most dirty thing he’d ever heard.
Now that? That, was where Keith drew the line. He slammed the empty glass that had once contained alcohol, down onto the bar lined in purple neon lights, and made his way over to the omega, his friend, Lance. Keith draped an arm over the omega’s shoulders, smirking slightly.
14,268 words   AO3
In a world of magic, Lance is a wizard and traveling performer. He possesses a special talent, the talent to read the fates of those he meets, which he uses to bolster his act. Life is good, though lonely, until he meets a hermit wizard named Keith, and both have their fates changed forever.
11,283 words   AO3
fuckign witches
Keith Kogane wasn't really interested in the art of witchcraft until he found a small shop in the city - and it honestly was one of the best decisions he ever made.
38,111 words   AO3
just like heaven
Keith's got a second sight that comes with a lot of burdens. One is being saddled with banishing an obnoxious spirit haunting Hunk and Pidge's cozy San Francisco loft.
The other is dealing with said obnoxious spirit, a guy named Lance, who doesn't remember who he is, who his family is, or what he did before falling into a coma.
But with Lance's life on the line, the pair make a deal to figure out how to save him, and fast. Along the way, they find out fate tied them together in more ways than one.
37,784 words   AO3
Mr. Fahrenheit
Thousand of years ago dragons ruled the land. Burned shit. Caused a ruckus. Number one on everyone's shit list.
That stopped when Witchers, hunters of monsters and experts in combat and death dealing, arrived and drove dragons to the brink of extinction.
Now, less than a thousand dragons roamed the earth and Lance was one of them.
His new neighbor, Keith, happened to be a Witcher.
What could go wrong?
38,932 words   AO3
Arrest Me, Officer, I Dare You
"Stay still! Anything you say can and will be held against you." Keith said, voice firm. Blue's eyebrows shot up and his eyes crinkled in what Keith could tell was a smirk. The same smirk that made Keith want to punch him.
"Officer Kogane." Blue replied, the name rolling off his tongue easily. "Does that mean you'll be held against me? 'Cos I'd happily let that happen."
Keith is a police officer who seriously wants to arrest a certain blue-eyed thief.
Though, things don't usually go as planned.
37,619 words   AO3
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wannawrite · 6 years
The Royals - PWJ
who?: Wanna One’s Park Woojin genre:  🌺 type: bullet point TW: gang au
blog navigator.
The Royals PJH | PJH2 | KD | KD2
part one / two
mafia! AU 
what secrets does Woojin hide up in the clouds?
kind of a soft mafia! AU for a change of scenery. Thanks for requesting anon!! Hope you guys anticipate more.
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disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything that is written here is purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING
Park Woojin
code name: 6 
nickname: Sparrow
by his friends and enemies alike 
he’s deadly quiet, demure even 
Woojin is the pilot in charge of The Royals fleet of private jets 
no one has a clear headshot of Woojin as he always has on a dramatic fighter jet pilot’s mask 
rumour has it that he’s only a boy of 20 years of age, has taupe coloured skin kissed by sun rays and a key identification factor 
his snaggletooth 
but that’s the only word on the street 
Woojin was the most low-key member of The Royals, keeping his profile low and head hidden 
no wonder he was called Sparrow 
always flying off before anyone’s hand could clasp around him 
brown haired 
another gossip column mentioned he was a good friend of Lee Daehwi, another member of The Royals 
and that was how he became a key figure of the secret society realm 
Woojin had always dreamt of being a pilot 
when he was young, he had wanted to be an airforce pilot
lol how things have changed 
his mother was a head officer in Incheon’s flight control tower 
that was where the influence came from 
his father had been a pilot
a little love story bloomed from there 
obviously, they married and had two children 
it was a happy family of four, all enthralled by the idea of jetting through the clouds 
one day, a tragic accident had claimed his life 
Woojin was a bit too young to remember specific details but he had a calling to fulfil his late father’s legacy 
he wanted to succeed his father’s wish for him to continue flying planes
a national airforce fighter jet pilot would have been ideal 
but he was happy to settle for the position of head pilot of Seoul’s notorious mafia 
Woojin was sent to pilot school when he was a middle school student
only when he was a high schooler did he start practicing and honing his skills with real planes 
small delivery planes that is 
Woojin was the kind of guy who took photos with every plane he had piloted
every single one of them were kept in an album in his mother’s house 
yes, his cute snaggletooth was featured in ALL of them 
his sister would scrapbook some candids and send them over to The Royals HQ in Seoul 
sparrow’s scrapbooks were the talk of the town 
Woojin was in charge of a lot of things 
excessive things 
almost too much 
but he loved his job and lived for the thrill of flying 
whether it was a goods plane, passenger plane, he just adored piloting planes 
oh and it wasn’t exactly hard to renew his license when he had contacts in the business 
occasionally, Woojin traveled back to his flying school to assist teachers 
or take more classes since he is 20
still gaining knowledge 
well, that’s how you got to know him 
when you were young, your grandfather would tell you stories of the days when he was a fighter pilot 
a pilot 
he met your grandmother during his flying days as well 
fascinated by his stories and tales, you too were determined to pilot plane 
it was difficult 
your parents did not favour this idea and your grandparents were your only supporters 
in secret, they coached you on whatever knowledge they had 
wings, propellor...fly! 
you spent hours and hours poring over ancient plane encyclopedias, enriching your mind and spurring on your motivation 
and then one day, your grandparents came home with an enrolment letter 
into pilot school :D 
you screamed and cried with joy
then worried about how your parents would react but your grandparents gave 0 f*cks 
they the realest 
‘just go, we know people there who will treat and teach you with the best of their abilities.’ 
and so you started to attend classes in secret
hehe hehe 
it was all good 
your coach loved you 
your love for the planes and even theory classes was unexplainable 
not one of your parents knew what you did almost every day after school
until you nearly crashed a plane and were severely hurt
that’s when your parents found out and damn...it wasn’t exactly a pretty scene 
the amount of yelling and screaming was enough to shake the whole hospital 
you had cried so much that the IV drip had to be replaced TWICE
idk if its a thing but it now is 
though it took some time, they finally opened up to the idea of piloting 
they managed to see things from a different perspective and wrap their head around it 
and now they fund your studies :D
okay, so now the fun starts  
you knew Woojin as Park Woojin, the guy from pilot school 
your classmate 
who is kind of too advanced for your class 
Idk what game he playing
if someone asked you about him, you would say y’all talked 
but not a lot 
considering his attendance had been quite hectic and intermittent
and you did hear some fishy theories about him from the gossipers 
Jenna claimed that he worked with the local gang, operating planes so he could import drugs from overseas 
sounds a bit dumb but believable ?? 
you don’t trust Jenna anyway 
but her words linger in your mind, unable to dissipate 
just simple, harmless gossip 
another source stated Woojin was a spy for the FBI, making sure not a single soul could leave the country so easily with their own plane 
how much time do these people have?
you noticed that Woojin was close to many of the staff and instructors 
definitely not trying to start your own theory here 
he was a person to be curious about, intriguing 
just your luck, Woojin ended up being your flying buddy for a term 
quite an awkward pairing if you must say
but your instructor liked how you trusted your theory work and equipment, eyeing every reading carefully
he thought it would be a good match for Woojin, who trusted his own instinct but was a firm and steady pilot 
day one: silence filled the space between the two of you 
the instructor gave y’all an hour to read the manual, study, bond whatnot
yet, half of that was spent buried in books and theory videos 
safety books 
going over basics 
reading about gear care 
even though you knew Woojin was an expert in those aspects
there was just no talking 
quieter than your school’s library 
that was most people’s impression of the quiet and cunning little sparrow, tricking people into thinking he’s demure and secretive
see, that’s how all those ludicrous rumours are born 
finally, you just HAD to engage in conversation 
but he was hard to talk to 
woojin barely said three words before the conversation lapsed 
you pressed your lips together, unsure of what to do 
you started to scribble, drawing cartoonish planes and clouds 
that was when Woojin commented that your plane looked more like a bird
‘pfp...see if you can draw any better,’ you challenged 
Woojin took another pencil from your case
‘Try me.’
And so that’s how you spent your ‘study session’ 
Since you do have quite a competitive spirit 
You brought a whole ass portfolio of drawings the next day 
Just so Woojin could get a taste of his competition 
Banter, banter 
After leafing through yours, he pulled out his own digital file of sketches 
And his own little scrapbook 
+2 for artistic talent 
soon, the piles of non-work related books were growing in your locker
there were a couple more pencil scribbles on the picnic table
other students found rough paper with sketches almost everywhere 
even on mock test papers 
eventually, your instructor realised something was terribly off when both of you failed the month’s test 
as punishment, you guys had to do clean up duty 
and more homework 
taking away your hands-on flying class for a month 
but it was fun 
partners in crime play together 
partners in crime die together 
so slogging after class was much more enjoyable in the company of each other 
plus, the ice cream feast after was always rewarding
you guys would purposely take a long route to the bus stop to pick up convenience store ice cream 
woojin would try to convince you that his flavour choice was much better 
time was killed with the playful banter at the bus stop 
many times you found yourself wanting to ask about all the rumours circulated about him 
but you realised that Woojin was that kind of guy who would make a joke out of it 
and take words like those lightly 
he had a great sense of humour 
variety king 
days resembling those wore on 
but you were never tired of them 
and it seemed like he wasn’t either 
every occasion was constantly different from the previous one 
another flavour of ice cream to sample
more areas to ‘clean-up’ 
messing around with the coaches 
days at the academy were always divergent 
so it was weird when Woojin didn’t show up one day 
that time you managed to shrug off the anxieties and assumptions 
then, he disappeared for two following days 
that you definitely couldn’t ignore 
you didn’t attend the same school as him and no one else at the academy knew him very well 
when coaches were questioned, they seemed uninterested but assured of his safety 
‘Don’t worry,’ said your instructor. ‘Woojin knows his way around things. Perhaps he just hasn’t been feeling very well.’ 
you watched how his irises flickered from yours to the surroundings 
and back 
any trace of uncertainty was erased when you took a second glance 
‘Anyway, I have his assignment folder. Could you pass it to him for the summer? Thanks.’
‘Make sure it gets to him safely. Don’t pass it to a third party.’ 
his footsteps quickened as they grew more and more out of earshot 
you scoffed in disbelief, feeling the effects of being alone while everyone else was buddied up 
how were you ever going to find Woojin? 
His mobile phone was turned off too
or he just wasn’t responding to your texts 
you: hi woojin 
you: I have your work file  
you: can we meet so I can pass it to you? 
you: you okay? haven’t seen you in a while 
woojin hadn’t read those messages 
Sighing, you closed the application and continued with your classes 
forcing yourself to pay attention to content was harder when Woojin wasn’t around
every moment you swore that your phone buzzed in your pocket
unfortunately, it was just your imagination 
there were no texts from him even at the end of the day 
you fell asleep that night with an uneasy heart full of worries 
woojin: yeah of course 
woojin: Thanks btw 
woojin: sorry about it 
woojin: aha you won’t see this asap since its 2am 
woojin: but tell me where to find you tomorrow 
what a debonair comment from him 
is that even an adjective to describe a phrase? 
your face feels a bit warm 
stop making a big deal out of nothing!!! 
you: how about 11am at the Starbucks near my place
you text him the address 
shockingly, Woojin’s response is immediate 
Woojin: see you :) 
a smiley face 
what does this mean? 
he’s happy to get his work, that’s what it means 
calm down 
the red alarm clock reads 8.30am 
there’s time to freshen up 
there’s also time for you to imagine every possible outcome of this meeting 
which is taking place outside of class time
would it be awkward? 
don’t overthink this
after much deliberation, you make it to Starbucks 15 minutes before the agreed time 
all is calm at your seat near the window, drink on your table 
and clutching Woojin’s file so closely as if it would grow legs and run away 
then, two young men approach your table 
‘Hi,’ one of the voices said. ‘You’re here for Woojin, aren’t you?’ 
you’re hesitant to answer, wondering what sort of relationship Woojin would have with them 
your reply is cut off by the other guy speaking 
he chuckles 
‘I’m Jeno and he’s Jaemin. We’re Woojin’s friends and he sent us to collect his work,’ he says. 
you observe how he hides his hands behind his back, how he presses his lips together too often 
Don’t give it to a third party 
pass it to him personally
Jaemin’s hands reach for the file. ‘Now if you just-‘
‘I don’t think so.’ Your words slice through the tension. ‘Woojin is supposed to collect it from me himself.’ 
The message sent is clear
Don’t f*cking touch this file 
Jaemin’s jaw seems to clench while Jeno begins to crack his knuckles 
‘Well,’ Jaemin begins, his arms retreating. ‘Woojin has something to attend to so he called us to get it. It was a last minute arrangement.’ 
Jeno scrolls through his phone, pulling up ‘Woojin’s’ texts 
The messages are indeed are from a contact called Woojin, he lacks an avatar though 
‘I’ll message him right now.’ 
however, messages from him rain in
Woojin: hey if anyone with the names Jaemin and Jeno talk to you, get away 
Woojin: i didn’t send them, we don’t get along 
Woojin: even if you don’t encounter them, I need you to go home this instant 
Woojin: I’m so sorry, I can’t meet you today 
his texts confirm your suspicions but now you’re curious about his relationship with them 
How long could teenage boys hold grudges for anyway?
you: i’m talking to them rn
you: ...what should I do 
you: jaemin’s pretty adamant about getting your stuff 
Woojin: shit 
Woojin: one of my friends is nearby, his name is Jaehwan 
Woojin: go with him 
Woojin: now, go to the barista and tell them you want a cupful of whipped cream with chocolate sauce 
you look up from your phone, a bit taken aback by the information 
your guard is well up now 
‘Well?’ Jaemin almost hisses before he catches himself
‘Hmm, I’m waiting for his reply. He wants me to order him a coffee.’ 
your heart wants to thump out of your chest
even your lips begin to dry
something just isn’t right 
your brain and body aren’t reacting positively 
As the last word leaves your lips, the barista whispers into a well-concealed in-ear 
out of the corner of your eye, you catch one of the employees ripping her apron off and tossing it into the bushes 
she was outside of the store, clearing dishes from the outdoor seating area 
when she draws close, she makes a noise about not seeing you in a long time 
but her eyes watch Jaemin and Jeno in the back 
It’s to throw them off 
Good plan 
who came up with it? 
the two mysterious boys grow increasingly irritated
it shows clearly in their actions 
furious whispers
side glares 
constant drumming of fingers 
the girl’s eyes flicker over your shoulder for barely a second 
an unnoticeable look 
‘Jaehwan’s here,’ she says just as the bell chimes
‘You’re in good hands now.’ 
her smile is genuine and so is her embrace 
you and Jaehwan don’t even exchange a slither of a greeting 
in fact, you can’t catch your breath as the same lady ushers you out through the kitchen door 
it’s only a matter of seconds before Jaemin and Jeno are alerted of your disappearance 
that’s when their rage would be on the loose
Jaehwan frantically bundles you into a nearby car 
honestly, you aren’t convinced he’s the best company 
perhaps better than the previous Js 
‘Where’s Woojin?’ you heave out. ‘I need to talk to him.’ 
Jaehwan begins to exit the parking lot, sunglasses on. 
‘Sorry, reaching him will take a while. And, sorry for the suddenness of everything. You must be...surprised.’ 
‘That’s an understatement,’ you blurt out. ‘I’m utterly confused and terrified!’ 
‘I don’t even know where I’m going and who’s taking me!’ 
all your emotions are in a jumbled mess 
being with Jaehwan feels like sitting in a lion’s den but with a metal cage surrounding you
safer but not wholly 
staying with Jeno and Jaemin would mean the lions would have devoured you before your feet even reached the bottom of the pit
Woojin didn’t answer any of your calls
Jaehwan notices your hopeless attempts at contacting your friend
‘I’m sorry, he isn’t available at this moment.’ 
‘And why the hell not! He told me to meet him! He doesn’t have any plans! He could’ve come to meet me! I just want to give him his work file!’ 
The outburst makes you feel a ton better 
Like the bag of bricks, you carried had been carrying was thrown at someone you hated 
Suddenly, the road sign reading ‘Incheon Airport’ catches your attention 
especially when Jaehwan seems to be en route
‘Why are we headed to the airport?’ You question, unsure if you want an answer 
‘We’re going to see Woojin,’ Jaehwan replies casually. 
‘W-w-we’re going out of the country?’ The stutter is inevitable 
Jaehwan appears to furrow his brow as if puzzled 
‘Um...yeah. Jihoon and Sejeong will deal with your accommodation,’ he informs, not that it is very helpful 
Who and who? 
‘Does Woojin even tell you anything?’ Jaehwan asks as he drives to the airport carpark 
He shakes his head in disapproval when you answer with a ‘no’
‘I don’t have my passport,’ you say
your words don’t even affect Jaehwan, he simply says that a Kang Daniel has got you covered 
again, who, what and how? 
‘C’mon. Let’s go. I’m sure Woojin has all the answers to your questions.’
Jaehwan pushes your back, urging you to move quicker 
‘What the hell,’ he curses under his breath. ‘Hurry up, I see...uh, J and J allies.’ 
there isn’t time 
Plus, you don’t have the courage to turn around and glare them in the eye 
Contrary to your assumption, Jaehwan skirts around the ‘Private Jet’ counter and settles for a commercial flight queue 
he says something about it being too risky to dispatch one of his company’s private jets 
the jets come as no shock 
After all, Woojin does needs his planes
it’s likely his close friends are all like-minded and share the same interests 
Jaehwan speedily dashes for the ‘First Class’ row 
he speaks to the counter staff in such a quiet tone even you can’t decipher his words 
‘Don’t worry about your passport, I have connections.’ 
don’t actually do this!!!
that makes your stomach clench and twist with nerves in the most horrid manner 
your passport appears 
it isn’t a replica, it isn’t a faux document
it’s in the flesh 
...did someone break into your house?
‘Yeah,’ Jaehwan answers your unspoken question. ‘Of course someone stole this from your tabletop. You need to get better security.’ 
you face blushes red in embarrassment 
'I’m a pilot,’ you manage a counter attack
your new friend only chuckles 
jumping snaking immigration queues is something you could accustom yourself to
ahhh, the luxuries 
soon, you’ll be able to join the ‘CREW ONLY’ line 
Before you know it, you’re seated in the first class section of a reputable airline 
this is new 
you don’t want to know where Jaehwan or Woojin or whoever has the money to pay for all this 
then again, these people own a fleet of private jets 
Jaehwan advises you to chill and enjoy the flight 
but the bundle of nerves only tightens in your stomach 
You’re on your way to Hong Kong 
with a small bag of essentials and the clothes on your back
Jaehwan’s in the same situation
yet he seems so used to it, there’s no point being anxious 
tbh you’d rather pilot the plane than ride in it 
why would Woojin be in Hong Kong? 
did he fly there on impulse? 
does he even know the route? 
he did just receive his pilot licence......
no, he couldn’t possibly 
it sounded like a hasty getaway 
A sudden change of plans
as if he was in trouble.....
Who are these people Jaehwan mentioned?
Is Woojin hiding anything from me? 
Of course he is! Jaehwan knows but he feels that only Woojin has the right to tell me 
besides, he’s asleep 
how can he be sleeping at a time like this? 
it’s barely 2pm 
the day is going just fine 
hopefully, things start looking up from here 
Hong Kong...
I’m coming for ya
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Intravenous (IV) hydration is a secure and brief means to offer your body with the nourishment it needs. While previous IV therapies focused on may helping people experiencing dehydration and also eating problems, medical as well as wellness scientists have actually uncovered brand-new ways to utilize IV treatment. Since IV hydration bypasses the digestive system, it is a competent method to provide drugs, vitamins, and also various other nutrients straight right into the bloodstream. This main quality permits healthcare providers and wellness facilities, such as Quench Health in Chicago, IL, to use IV hydration to recover your general health and wellness as well as wellbeing.
Why IV Hydration?
A lot more Reliable
Formerly, alcohol consumption fluids was thought about the most productive remedy to dehydration. Nonetheless, researchers later on found that when people consume water after an exercise session, a lot of it is soaked up by the cells in the throat and also those along the digestion tract. To moisten all the various other tissues in your body after a gym session, you have to drink a lot of water. IV therapy hydrates your body more productively by supplying liquids directly into your bloodstream, where they travel to parts that need them most.
More Than Just Fluids
When you push your body to the limit, you shed more than simply fluids. Consequently, consuming alcohol a lot of water is not always sufficient. To remain in certain kind, you also require to restore your electrolytes and other nutrients. As we have actually discussed over, consuming water is not an competent method of delivering nutrients where they are briskly required. Neither does it replenish shed electrolytes and nutrients. IV hydration, on the other hand, revitalizes and restores your body with nutrients briskly, leaving you hydrated and revitalized.
Easier on Your Digestive System
Too much consumption of fluids is not always kind to your digestive system. Your body has a limitation for the volume of fluids it may take in at one time. When you drink even more liquids than your body may process, your gastrointestinal system stress to remove the excess quantity. During this process, your digestive system may also flush out some important nutrients. Additionally, people that drink fluids with supplements typically suffer inflammation in their digestive system tract. Because IV therapy does not count on the digestion system to deliver nutrients and also liquids to your body, it develops much less waste, enabling you to maintain a lot of the nutrients.
Reduced Recovery Time
Hydration is an integral part of the healing process. It provides remedy for muscular tissue pain and stiffness after an intense exercise session. Hydration may recover your power degrees after a strenuous, long day at the workplace. It may additionally aid you sober up much swifter. In addition, it may assist you recuperate from a headache in no time at all after an evening of overindulgence. A cocktail of vitamins, nutrients, and also liquids that an IV treatment delivers will certainly leave you really feeling wonderful and back on your feet instantly.
Custom-made to Your Body
Our bodies are not the same. A one-size-fits-all strategy is not always practical since we have various requirements relying on our physical activity degrees, general wellness, and also lifestyle. To remain at peak type, you need to supply your body with precisely what it needs. What may help others may not benefit you. Since IV hydration is totally tailored to your body, it supplies you with the ideal mix of vitamins, nutrients, as well as electrolytes, permitting you to live a meeting life.
Health And Wellness Perks of IV Hydration
Since the digestive system metabolizes supplements that are eaten orally, it reduces the amount of nutrients, vitamins, and also drug that get to the bloodstream. Besides quickening the productiveness of therapy, IV therapy makes certain 100% absorption for optimum usage and also very little waste. Due to the fact that IV therapy delivers nutraceuticals as well as vitamins straight to the cells that require them, it may enhance and affect a variety of body functions. Right here are numerous wellness benefits of IV treatment:
Enhanced Health
Many individuals believe health is nearly their wellness. Nonetheless, wellness is a general cover term for a number of variables that contribute to your overall wellbeing, including all aspects of your life, from your emotions to your atmosphere. By offering your body with the devices it requires to stay in peak kind, IV therapy boosts not just your physical health, but also some aspects of your emotional health. It may help you fight some psychological problems, such as stress and anxiety as well as clinical depression. The suitable equilibrium of vitamins and also nutrients offered by IV treatment leaves you really feeling far good, and improves your resistance and mental clarity.
IV Therapy For Overall Wellbeing
To function appropriately, your body requires a certain amount of vitamins and nutrients. While the amount of vitamins and nutrients needed for normal function differs from a single person to the following, a hectic regular or an unique way of life may avoid you from meeting your daily consumption needs. Taking multivitamins does not aid much either due to the fact that several of the nutrients are shed throughout the metabolic procedure. Additionally, people with impaired absorption find it challenging to convert nutrients right into functional energy for cells properly. IV treatment gives your body with the vitamins and also nutrients it needs to:
Increase power degrees
Boost health and wellness
Battle anxiousness
Improve signs of clinical depression
Combat fatigue
Enhance psychological clearness and cognitive feature
Improve signs and symptoms of bronchial asthma
Minimize the symptoms of migraine headaches
Preserve the strength of muscles as well as tissues
Increase wound recovery
Battle allergies
Enhanced Athletic Performance
Athletes push their bodies to the limit in search of excellence. To maintain peak performance and to complete at the highest level, the body requires a continuous supply of vitamins and nutrients. Besides putting a strain on the muscle mass, intensive training and also exercises also cause a gradual build-up of free radicals. IV treatment may help the bodies of professional athletes flush out complimentary radicals, heal faster, moisten appropriately and swiftly, and maintain muscle and also tissues.
Considering that IV therapy for athletes additionally supplies amino acids, the building blocks of healthy proteins, it advertises muscular tissue development and plays an important function in the recovery procedure. It is important to note that IV treatment is optimal for both professional as well as amateur professional athletes. You may make use of the competent mix of vital nutrients as well as rehydration to keep your body fit for an extreme training session or a competition. IV therapy may enhance sports performance by:
Giving swift and also sufficient hydration
Keeping healthy muscle mass as well as cells
Decreasing recuperation time
Supporting muscle recovery
As part of a healing plan after a competitors or workout
As a pre-exercise endurance increase
Eliminating complimentary radicals that arise from intense exercise
May Help With Dependency Recuperation
Whether it's a trouble with alcohol, cigarette, opioids, or illegal nutraceuticals, dependency eliminates thousands of Americans every year. Around 21 million Americans have problem with at least one dependency. Besides the massive price of human life, dependency has other significant consequences, including social and also economic ones. Drug abuse disorder is carefully connected to depression as well as anxiousness, as an example.
According to the National Institute of Substance Abuse (NIDA), the USA sheds $740 billion each year fighting drug-related crimes, on healthcare prices, as well as loss of job performance. Although lots of people with a substance abuse problem identify the unfavorable impact it carries their lives, giving up is not easy. To aid those in an addiction aiding program, researchers counted on NAD IV treatments. NAD IV treatments may assist those in the recuperation procedure by:
Minimizing signs and symptoms of withdrawal
Repairing neurotransmitters in your brain which are damaged by dependency
Bring back metabolic function and boost power degrees
Detoxifying your body from the cost-free radicals produced by lasting drug use
Restoring cognitive feature as well as clarity
Assistance Healthy Weight Loss
3 in every four Americans are obese or obese. Both main causes of death in the USA are heart problem. Both problems have actually been closely linked to undesirable weight. While a healthy diet plan and regular exercise are often suggested as the very most alternatives to help individuals do away with unhealthy weight, information shows that these approaches alone do not supply the wanted outcomes to the majority of people. Fortunately, IV hydration may sustain your weight loss initiatives.
Through an one-of-a-kind formula of fluids, vitamins, as well as lipotropics (fat-burning substances), our IV hydration may improve your body's capability to break down fat and also shed calories. When integrated in a thorough weight loss program that includes a healthy diet plan as well as normal exercise, IV treatment has verified to be an able device versus harmful weight.
Accentuated Beauty
Through a certain mix of vitamins, nutrients, and also antioxidants, IV therapy may enhance the toughness and wellness of your hair, skin, and nails. This one-of-a-kind formula detoxes your body and revitalizes your look from the within, leaving you sensation as well as looking like the younger variation of on your own. Unlike dental supplements and topical lotions, IV treatments release anti-oxidants into your blood stream to target and also blink out complimentary radicals. Free radicals add to aging and also cells damage.
Additional ingredients, such as glutathione and also biotin discovered in the IV therapy repair work UV damage, remove toxins from your body, and also minimize the appearance of creases. IV treatment may also:
Slow down the aging procedure
Lighten up the skin
Enhance imperfections
Swift Headache Alleviation
Since alcohol is a diuretic, it may leave you dried out, certainly after an evening of overindulgence. When you eat large quantities of alcohol, tissues in your head and also various other parts of the body shrink. This contraction creates frustrations as well as muscle mass pains. In addition, your liver produces contaminants that may cause discomfort in several parts of the body. When you binge and fall short to renew the liquids and also nutrients, you may experience the unpleasant signs and symptoms of a headache. These consist of:
Queasiness, throwing up
Belly pain
Boosted heart rate
Sensitivity to light and also noise
Adjustments in mood
Muscle mass aches
Swift Alleviation
A severe headache may last up to 1 day. Hangovers are commonly tough on the body, offering you a sickly feeling. Yet you ought to not regret enjoying. An IV therapy for headache consists of vitamins, anti-nausea nutraceutical as well as anti-inflammatory drug, electrolytes, and also a saline solution. This formula not just restores the electrolytes and nutrients yet additionally rehydrates as well as purifies your body. It is so able you may obtain relief within an hour of therapy.
Further Research study
Due to the encouraging possible shown by IV hydration, health and also wellness professionals are striving to recognize the full possibility of IV therapies. In the future, we anticipate IV therapies to play a lot more prominent function in healthcare.
Learn More Today
IV treatments are suitable for several problems. They may boost your overall wellbeing, improve your resistance, improve your beauty, assist you with weight reduction, ease your recuperation journey, make you a finer athlete and may help you recuperate from a horrible hangover. They may likewise improve power levels briskly and offer you mental clearness, allowing you to do at ideal levels. To access these as well as other fantastic benefits of IV hydration
The post “ WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF IV HYDRATION? “ was first seen on Quench Wellness
In Toronto? The IV Lounge is a full service IV vitamin therapy clinic offering intravenous infusions such as Hydration therapy, and high dose vitamin C just to mention a few.
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bikebreak32 · 4 years
8 Ways To Live as well as Work Like You&#039;&#039; re on Vacation
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Something is missing and also no person can truly recognize. I really feel bored, nervous, questioning where all my abroad close friends are and also what are they doing. Around the world sounds like quite a trip. I have actually been to abroad (to various country in Europe) for term of my research studies. As well as, that's true, as I came back there was some type of "beeing lost as well as misinterpreted" feeling, despair and also, kind of remorse (of not beeing away anymore). After 1 year of travelling I'm about to return home yet I don't really intend to yet. This one, single year taking a trip seems like an experience worth 5 to 10 years back home, years squandered on daily routine and retrospectively on second best any longer. As this write-up as well as lots of people right here had actually currently specified I feel I will not fit into my old life any longer and also I do not wish to go back to my former self. Ive experienced flexibility which I am plainly not all set to give up yet. Travel Info I made a checklist of things I appreciate doing-- not just while travelling however all of the moment. Meeting new people, spending quality time by the sea, yoga, finding out just how to prepare ... And I ensured that I incorporated these things right into my home life. I likewise recognized that I really did not wish to go back to my old job so I made a list of the types of job that I can see myself doing as well as began looking into. I saw to it that I had meetings aligned for when I returned so I could get back right into the swing of points as rapidly as feasible. You could be someone that requires to take cool time before getting back to it but I like to maintain my mind hectic so I recognized this was the ideal thing for me. I can totally relate with this post and all of your remarks. I'm from Mexico and went in 2014 to Ireland for a term. Had a wonderful time there, life-altering experiences, saw places I never ever believed i would certainly see, and met unbelievable individuals from throughout the world. I found out there were such different ways of living, one more method to see the globe. Day-to-day I was so impressed about every little thing. Yet it did passed and also currently, 4 years later I do not even consider traveling. I would certainly not think about it at this moment, if I have not bumped onto the web link to this website on FB, as shared by my pal. Currently I have like ... different objectives, and also recognizing that I can try to find happiness in position another than "abroad" or "traveling". A few moths after returning from trainee exchange, I understood, I most likely can be similarly happy below or any place.
What Exactly Are Post-Holiday Blues?
I hope to travel a bit once again, but it never again seem to be ... type of ... issue of life-and-death. Or complete fullfillment, happiness-and-total misery. It seems I may do it in the future (if I be willing to), but I might not too. I still think this, as well as ... my happy to explore/travel has dropped nearly to no. It simply ... doesn't matter any longer, as well as I do not really feel any kind of poor concerning this. In our house cities/countries-- we can meet brand-new people, and also do brand-new things also. Currently I returned residence and initially I was so pleased to see my good friends and family again. But now after a couple of months I feel like I don ´ t intend to always associate my old friends. I don't wish to have the same conversations with them, most likely to the same bars, do the same things we have actually been doing every one of our life. They have the exact same state of mind I had before leaving and currently I feel I do not belong.
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slowlyrisingabove · 6 years
Written in the past, about my future; how I will cope
Round 2…hundred, a restart of who I want to. Ive made it through yet again another Winter, not with out darkness but definitely with more light. I’m learning how to manage through this cyclothymic personality of mine. When we step back and disappear from distraction we start to realize more time exists to make yourself become who you want to be. I’ve realized an “ordinary” lifestyle puts me into lows. but a consistent hectic lifestyle puts me at to much of a high that I crave that ordinary lifestyle, for it brings a sense of calmness.
I’ve struggled since high school with figuring out what I want to be. All I wanted back then was money, a lot of it. I decided to apply to schools as a business major thinking this would be the way to make all that money I dreamed of. but after 1 month into my classes, I absolutely hated it and was searching for a new major within my school. I switched one term in. I went to a more creative field because the right side of my brain definitely has its shit more together than my left. Right away I felt more comfortable, in my classes, around my professors, and amongst my classmates and others within my college building. School was hard though, it always has been. I went from having an IEP and taking tests in testing room and having a full period dedicated to learning help, to going to a University that was a quarter system schedule and had expectations that high school honors and AP classes had. I struggled to keep up with the pace and I may not have finished with the best project but I was purely proud of myself for turning assignments in on time… well, most of the time. When I finally made it half way, to my 6 month internship "break", I left the east coast life and had an opportunity offered to me that fell into place perfectly, after an intense attempt to move west. While living in California, I learned how to truly be alone and enjoy my own company. Having been a social butterfly since kindergarten, I never really wanted to be alone. I cried a lot, due to the loneliness, but I never let it stop me from exploring my new surroundings and in exploring I felt connected, like new land was new friends. Unfortunately the saying is true, eventually all great things come to an end. 18 days after returning to CA I sat on the phone with the most heart wrenching emotional pain I felt, at that point, probably ever. My mother told me I would be getting on a flight the next morning with my friend, who had visited for the weekend, to head back home. I had a funeral to plan and a puzzle to piece together, my father passed. Laying on the cold tiled floor in a long stay hotel bathroom, he was found. My relationship with him was intense. He unknowably made me grow up quicker than a child should have to, for I was the parent and he was the child. He loved me, so much but although narcissistic, he did not love himself, making it impossible for him to truly act the way someone who loves someone would. He left with world with more secrets than belongings. Being the only thing he had, at 20 years old I was in charge of all the next steps. Luckily I have 2 amazing moms helped guide me through the process. I returned to my internship, where I would just start crying at my desk at random times and eventually headed back to school. I fell into one of the most intense depression episodes I have ever had and it lingered for years. I never experienced a lack of desire to leave my bed, a fear of the world, and a consistent feeling of not being good enough to survive. I was in one of my ultimate lows. I started smoking marijuana to numb out the pain and it worked… although key word, numbing. I wasn’t actually feeling better, I was just able to be “normal”. I was able to get out of bed, smoke, go to glass, come home, smoke, do homework, smoke, walk my dog and just do the things I knew i HAD to do. Eventually I moved back home and computed the last year because I felt I needed to be surrounded by family in order to get better. I no longer felt excitement over my major and I lacked interest in everything that had to do with it. but how on earth am I going to pay these stupid school loans without pursuing what I had just spent to much money on learning? I didn’t know. All I knew once I graduated was that I needed a break. So thats what I did. I turned my part time job into a full time job at Whole Foods, and I was a grad working at a grocery store… It doesn’t sound great, but I had no worries there. I felt comfortable somewhere for the first time in a long time. Money became less of an interest, and living each day to the fullest and finding beauty in the places around me became an obsession. All my father wanted, was to see and live along beautiful beaches and all I wanted was to travel. Knowing someone so close who died under the age of 55 puts life into perspective, reminding me that I could have only 1, 5, or 10 years left. I went from one extreme of fully living in the future, to living in the present so much that I didn’t ever think about my future. And thats nice… until time passes and you haven’t made or accomplished any larger than daily goals in over a year. When I look back, having my best friend invite me to her homeland, Colombia, was probably the best thing someone could give me in that time. I worked 2 jobs 60 hours a week so that I could pay my loans and go on this trip all while still surviving day to day life. I became a workaholic, my new form of marijuana. Work was mind numbing, all repeated action and social interaction, which has always come natural to me. I went away, going to my first 3rd world country and experiencing it with people who lived there. Here, I realized how important quality family time is, how much happiness it can bring and how much love comes from it. In experiencing that, it has brought a fear of leaving my family to move across the county, and in the time I redeveloped the courage to do so, flight ticket and all, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through chemo and I had to watch my rock soften up to help. She lost her hair and was in pain. I was a helpless bystander to her sickness but knew staying meant helping take care of her needs and the families. So, my one way ticket turned into a round trip vacation and soon I was faced with yet again another winter. Come late september I felt the shift in my mood/personality. I feared this shift but knew i had to let it happen. All I could do was help myself through the process, but I knew I couldn’t stop it. I’m can be pretty stubborn and in this case, that means not wanting to take any man made medicine to help with my personality disorder. So I had to find other way to cope because my stubbornness was also persistent in not letting this cycle take everything I had gained since the start of spring. I started cleaning out my room, giving or selling items that no longer served a purpose in my life. I made some space and bought a canvas. Painting had once been something I felt connected to so I felt I needed to go back to it. The canvas and I stared at each other for quite some time. In the morning I would get ready for work and look at it, as if i were standing in front of a full length mirror brushing my teeth. I lived my ordinary life but started coming home to an outlet. My creativity was coming out again in what seemed like the longest break. I would mess up and just move on from it, because paint is like a band aid, if can cover up the ugliest of wounds and help heal them. Whether others thought I was good or not, it did not matter. after spending months with this one canvas I felt I had completed it, for the 5th time. In completing the canvas, I had completed winter. I found discovery in what gets me through the lows. it wasn’t painting persey, it was quality time with a quality action. See, painting wasn’t my healer, it was my savior. It was my tool to the healing of myself. I am my healer. I will continue to break and I will continue to heal. This life makes it seem like you grow up and things start to come together but that is the biggest lie we are told. We continue to break, and we continue to get better at repairing our cracks, so good that eventually we break a little bit less.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Coronavirus survivor shares details surrounding COVID-19 healing
Phillip Guttmann
2020-07-30 T20: 27: 49 Z.
Phillip Guttmann.
Phillip Guttmann.
This story is available exclusively to Service Expert subscribers. End Up Being an Insider and start checking out now.
Phillip Guttmann is an author, producer, and licensed therapist who resides in Los Angeles. He took a trip to New York City in March and contracted COVID-19
He remembers calling his household to state his last goodbyes prior to being put in a medically caused coma for breathing failure. He likewise recalls having scary problems while in the coma for 23 days.
Guttmann is now recovering and wants to inform others on post COVID-19 signs. His body is just now recovering from stage-four bedsores, but he suffers from extreme peripheral neuropathy (pins and needles and burning discomfort).
His biggest plea to Americans is to wear masks and practice social distancing.
This article includes images that some may find stressful.
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I was on a work trip in New York City in between March 3 and March 14.
When my plane took off from LAX bound for JFK, I knew that people in Italy were dying and that a couple of cases had actually discovered their way to mainland U.S.A..
I was mindful of a cruise ship that was stranded with ill travelers somewhere off the Pacific coast.
I do not understand where I got it and I do not know how– and I’ll never ever know the minute of my transmission, the location, or the circumstances.
Walking around New York City, March2020
Phillip Guttmann.
I was in court spaces, in the train, in crowded bars and restaurants– I was on the relocation and hectic, working, seeing the news like the rest of America as things began to progress.
A number of days prior to I needed to fly back house to LA, I prepared to shelter in location and looked for a mask and gloves for my flight since things were getting scarier.
I landed in LA on Saturday, March 14, and for a minute I felt safe, as if I ‘d evaded a bullet.
But within 36 hours, I began feeling off: I was fatigued and had body pains. By Monday, my temperature level increased to 101.2 °. Naturally, I understood I had actually contracted COVID-19
I went into the ER that exact same day and was practically turned away– regardless of my fever and coughing– up until they learned I ‘d just left a plane from New York City 2 days previously.
They hurried me right inside after that, if that tells you anything about the state of NYC mid-March. (If you remember, New york city had been the center of the novel coronavirus.)
I can’t keep in mind taking the actual tests, however my flu test came back negative and medical professionals entered into my ER space to tell me that they thought I had COVID-19 My coronavirus test results can be found in positive a few days later on.
The next couple of days were a blur. I was admitted to a regular healthcare facility space and remember seeing the eerie blue Scientology building outside my health center window and getting flipped out (I personally discover the structure unsettling).
The Scientology structure beyond my hospital window.
Phillip Guttmann.
I remember a nurse delicately informing me that a great deal of his patients with COVID-19 were crashing and being put on ventilators. I asked if that would happen to me– I was frightened. He responded, “I sure hope not!”
I keep in mind the food. My first night in the health center I had missed dinner and was tossed a dry turkey-and-cheese sandwich in a plastic container. I consumed it, bland as it was, because I was in fact starving.
There was another night where they forgot to bring my supper. I was famished and among the nurses was kind sufficient to bring me a container of Chinese takeout food.
How could I be hungry when I was otherwise so sick and had no energy? However for the first couple of days I was. I remember there was pudding, Jell-O, graham crackers, and gleaming apple juice.
I remember some phone calls and sobbing in discomfort from coughing so hard.
And I noticeably keep in mind wanting to warn everybody on social media to use a mask and to be careful– though I do not in fact keep in mind taking my selfie and publishing it to Facebook.
The day prior to I was intubated at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Facility on March 22,2020
Phillip Guttmann.
And I do not keep in mind much after the 3rd or 4th day.
I am told that I entered into respiratory failure on March 23, and I was rushed as much as the ICU where I was intubated and positioned into a medically induced coma.
I have no memory of being placed on the ventilator or the defining moments before. I have a worry of passing away young, or something going wrong and losing on this excellent present of life, so I’m grateful I do not keep in mind anything leading up to my coma.
I was informed later on by nurses and physicians that I was frightened in the minutes leading up to my intubation, due to the fact that I just knew the chances of making it through on a ventilator were slim.
I managed to call a couple of loved ones, and I bid farewell, as in, “I’m contacting us to say goodbye, I am being intubated and do not think I’m going to endure.” Having no memory of those moments has actually spared me extra suffering.
But I do remember the lots of problems I had on the ventilator while in a coma. One of my headaches was of my good friend putting me in a well and physically abusing me with electric shocks while I struggled for oxygen. This was one of perhaps 30 various headaches I experienced. It was pure hell, and the horrific nightmares still haunt me deeply.
I likewise remember the flashes of medical professionals and nurses coming in and out of my space and putting feeding tubes down my nose while commanding, “Swallow, Phillip, swallow!” I had to have my arms restrained since I was pulling the tubes out
I remember flashes of “Frasier” or morning news programs playing on the TELEVISION in my ICU system as makers beeped and alarms went off and turmoil happened all around me.
I remember being moved and prodded by medical workers, ordered to take deep breaths, and being asked to specify my name and open my eyes.
I remember having a hard time to breathe.
I remember being cold, being hot, hearing nurses recommending medical professionals what my vitals were. I keep in mind being naked and not caring (typically my worst problem), and other bits and pieces.
But I didn’t stress over passing away so much. I stressed over it a little, but I was mainly too tired and too sleepy.
I hallucinated and thought I might make phone calls by purchasing Siri to dial my good friends and household. I imagined that I was calling out, asking them to come rescue me.
No one came.
For 23 days, I was on that ventilator and in and out of that coma. For another 2 weeks after that, I was semi-lucid in the ICU, attached to machines and withstanding coronavirus test after test.
My IV was pumped with drugs while nurses cried to me about another patient on my floor passing away; they stated that they could not take anybody else dying.
I was rushed to the ICU, intubated and put in a medically induced coma.
Phillip Guttmann.
One night a tired nurse held my hand and thanked me for not passing away. He told me I was only the 2nd individual in the unit to come off the vent alive.
When they moved me to a step-down rehab hospital, the nurses and techs gathered and applauded and cried– someone they dealt with had in fact endured. It was a great day.
Among my nurses, Elisabeth, who was on loan from a health center in Chicago, reminded me about our agreement: “There is not ‘I can’t.’ There is only ‘I will try.'”
I decided then and there that I would attempt.
And I pursued 18 more days in another health center and I have actually attempted since May 19, the day I returned house.
In overall, I was hospitalized for 65 days– 39 days in the ICU and 23 days on the ventilator.
Over 2 months of my life was lost to medical facility beds, tubes, machines, and painful nightmares– all without seeing a single familiar face.
I have actually been preventing being active on social networks and connecting with individuals because being discharged from the medical facility. I required time to ponder what had taken place to me (and what had actually practically happened to me).
It’s lastly sunk in– but not totally. I’m still trying to cover my head around it, while likewise attempting to figure out what’s taking place in our nation right now. COVID-19 and systemic racism is a lot to be considering at the same time.
President Donald Trump and other political leaders have so much blood on their hands. They urge individuals to laugh at masks and reject bigotry exists. George Floyd was eliminated in my hometown, in Minneapolis. Where is the love and how did we ever get so divided, so negligent and so broken?
On the other hand, everyone lovingly asks “How are you?” and I’m not sure precisely how to respond to that concern.
An image of my trach website after my tracheotomy, an intrusive treatment where a cut is made in the windpipe to insert a tracheal tube. The procedure is for critically ill clients who need more time on a ventilator.
Phillip Guttmann.
I am remaining for a little while with among my buddies in San Francisco, since while I recuperate, I can’t be alone and require the support and aid.
I’m OKAY– not fantastic– however I’m hanging in there. These are the 3 things I actually wish to say to anybody who encounters my story.
1. Lots of people are already knowledgeable about COVID-19 symptoms, but there are post signs that individuals haven’t become aware of.
I have extreme peripheral neuropathy (tingling, weak point, and burning pain) in my hands, left forearm and parts of my toes. This took place since the nerves in my neck were compressed throughout my coma.
I had stage-four bedsores that are lastly healing well after more than 2 months of excruciating discomfort.
I am tired daily and have actually restricted energy that differs everyday– and while I can stroll 20 to 30 minutes at a time, I can’t run or lift weights like I did before.
The initial look at my heart is favorable, but I’m still waiting on a full summary from my physician. I’ll discover quickly if I sustained any damage to other crucial organs and the exact state of my minimized lung capacity and scar tissue (inside my lungs).
The way my pulmonologist has put it is that my lungs never ever be 100%of what they were, however that simply possibly they’ll get them to 90 or 95%over time: “Put it this way, I wouldn’t anticipate to run marathons once again.”
I never ran marathons before COVID-19, so perhaps that’s a repercussion I can cope with.
The list of other disorders that follows is akin to a long and winding roadway with limited presence on outcome. Frequently heard problems from members of online support groups (such as Survivor Corps on Facebook and Body Politik on Slack), consist of however are not restricted to:
fatigue and tiredness
pains and pains
chest tightness
shortness of breath (or, as is typically shortened, SOB)
2. Life is a present.
I am acutely knowledgeable about how close I came to being in the ground.
I am grateful– more than you can imagine– that God pulled me through and chose I wasn’t rather done. I’m grateful to be here to tell you that I love you and to live another day.
My circumstance came so close to going the other way. I marvel each day when I stroll in the park, by the ocean, and even when I hear the voice of my dad on the phone.
Life is still a present, even while at the exact same time it feels like the biggest challenge I have actually ever faced and causes me consistent pain.
3. The most important thing I wish to state is, please use a mask.
I can not express sufficiently how surreal it feels alone to be walking outside among the living, mixing in, “passing” for a “typical” and healthy person, however when I see individuals gathered on parks and walkways not using masks and disregarding social distancing standards, I want yell, ” Are you joke me ?? Do you really not get it ?? Do you not understand that the easy act of putting a fabric mask in between you and me can conserve a life, perhaps yours?”
I can’t comprehend why some Americans just refuse to acknowledge fundamental truths and refuse to put others. I thought we were better than that.
When I was 23, I remember enjoying in wonder as New Yorkers helped one another throughout 9/11 Numerous donated blood and plasma, and some experts drove hours to show up and volunteer to assist any place they were needed.
And while I see some traces of that throughout the pandemic, some individuals still decline to social distance and use masks. There are viral videos of people shouting in Walmart saying they decline to have their “freedoms and rights violated.”
As a COVID-19 survivor, this is overwhelming.
My physical therapist, Virginia Fung, is helping to lead Select Physical Treatment’s COVID-19 recovery program. Select Physical Treatment has numerous areas along the West Coast and is among the couple of physical treatment centers to provide a coronavirus healing program.
Christine Matsuda.
My appeal to Americans and anybody reading this (specifically to those who think wearing a mask is for the elderly, the infirm, or the weak) is to please take a look at the image of me in a coma and inform me that my life– or anyone’s life– isn’t worth what amounts such a tiny sacrifice, for a momentary time.
The director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, just recently stated he thinks we could greatly flatten COVID-19 in the United States if all Americans would dedicate to using a mask for the next four to 8 weeks. If you do the math, that means that by Labor Day we might turn this disaster around and conserve who knows the number of lives.
The photo of me in a coma this April is one that I never thought I would show anybody. I personally can’t stand to take a look at the picture because it advises me too much about the limitless nightmares I had while in the coma, and I really attempt not to consider them.
But if it will keep just one person safe, if my photo will make one individual unpleasant adequate to decide to use a mask, then sharing my image deserves it.
A selfie I took just recently.
Phillip Guttmann.
I’m also sharing a photo of myself from today due to the fact that this is also a story of healing and getting better, and I want to sign off with a bit of hope and gratitude. Take a look at me now and how far I have actually come considering that April.
And I’m almost myself once again. Not completely, but practically. That deserves something in an otherwise hard, unmatched time.
Phillip Guttmann is a writer, producer, and licensed therapist. He holds an MSW from New York City University and an MFA from The New School in New York, where he lived and worked between 2002 and2017 He moved to Los Angeles in 2017 to refocus on his composing profession and particularly television and movie writing. He has actually written three short movies that have actually won numerous awards. His last short film, “Black Hat,” evaluated at over 40 movie festivals worldwide including the Tribeca Movie Festival, the American Structure at the Cannes Movie Festival, Cinequest, British Film Institute, and more. It won grand reward in the 2019 Iris Prize. Follow him on Instagram and Facebook
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/coronavirus-survivor-shares-details-surrounding-covid-19-healing/
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hitchswitcusa-blog · 5 years
How to Change Your First Name When You Get Married?
Preparing for a wedding comes with a lot of excitement and an equal share of anxiety.  Getting married is one of the major decisions an individual has to make in life and it comes with significant changes. Among these changes is a new name for one spouse or both. New married name change is a common trend in most cultures but most couples don’t know how to go about it. Some newlyweds wait until it is too late and have to go start this legal process after the wedding. If you plan to change your first, middle or last name after marriage, it is crucial to have all the details about the process. This article highlights steps you should follow for a hassle-free name change.  Read on.
What to Know About Name Change After Marriage
If you have always wished to change your name, marriage offers the best opportunity to finally do this.  You have multiple options for a name change including:
i. Picking a totally new first name ii. Choosing a name with your partner iii. Shortening/anglicizing your first name iv. Using a common family name as your first name v. Picking a first name in honor someone in your life
Whatever first name you choose in your marriage license will reflect on your marriage certificate and becomes your legally recognized name. For this reason, marriage is the easiest option to initiate a legal name change.
Changing Your First Name after Marriage  
1. Get a marriage Certificate and Make Certified Copies
The first major step in changing your name after marriage is to acquire a marriage certificate. To do this, you have to apply for a marriage license and fill in your new chosen name. It is important to understand that a marriage license is not the certificate but rather helps produce your marriage certificate after the wedding.  
The name you use to apply for a marriage license will reflect in your marriage certificate which is a legal document. If you have been wondering how to change to new married name, this is the first step. After the marriage, you will receive your marriage certificate from your county offices. It is important to ask for several certified copies which will come in handy when sending notifications of your new name.
2. Apply For New Documents
After receiving the marriage certificate with your new name, you need to apply for new identification documents.  The government uses your legal name to identify you and in case of any changes, you need new papers.  The process entails:
i. Applying for a new social security card: Your first stop is the Social Security Administration (SSA) office for an updated social security card. This is the most important legal identification document and on the SSA website, you will find an application form which you have to fill and return accompanied by a certified copy of the marriage certificate, proof of citizenship and your old social security card. ii. Apply for a new driver’s license at your local DMV office: A driver’s license is a crucial identification document and after a name change you need to visit your local DMV offices with your old DL, new social security card, certified copy of marriage certificate and a photo ID. iii. Travel documents:  To guarantee smooth travel, you need to update your travel documents including the passport. Again, you need a certified copy of your marriage certificate, proof of citizenship and other identification documents. If you plan to travel for your honeymoon, don’t apply for a new passport first but wait until after you return as the process takes several weeks. iv. Send out name change notifications: Some states require a published notification after a name change but in most cases, it is up to you to send notifications to relevant institutions that use your old name. These include your employer, bank, insurers, Mortgage Company, debtors and creditors, credit card companies, your gym, magazine subscriptions, library, post office, utility service providers, online profiles, family doctor, lawyer, educational institutions among others.
3. Using Online Name Change Services
The process of new married name change is not easy and it comes after a backbreaking wedding process. Most couples would like someone to help and this is why online name change services come as a godsend. These service providers supply all the documents you need to fill and help you complete and mail them.  They do the hard work for you as you relax after the hectic wedding process. Go ahead and choose the ideal package from a reliable name change service to enjoy a hassle-free name change process.
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allofbeercom · 6 years
The brave new world of the xx, pop’s brooding perfectionists
Solo success, confronting grief, sobering up the feted London trio talk frankly about how the events of the past four years informed their new album, I See You
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The three members of the xx cross from Poland into Lithuania overnight, trying to sleep inside a bus that judders and lurches along an uneven border road. It is December, an unforgiving time to be touring eastern Europe, and snow that was coming in committedly when they left Warsaw still falls when they arrive in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital. Its cold here, beer-jacket weather, hot-toddy weather, get-messed-up-after-the-gig-to-distract-from-the-bite weather. But the band Oliver Sim, Romy Madley Croft, Jamie Smith travel in good, sober order. They toured their first album, in 2010, blinkingly, greenly, through a fog of personal tragedy. Two years later they got through a second-album tour mostly by partying wherever they went. (Moving from encore to after-show chasing the night, as the band phrase it in a new song, Replica.) When we meet, the release of album number three, I See You, is looming. For various reasons they expect to take this one around the world in steadier, less emotionally hectic fashion.
Arriving in central Vilnius at 10am, the trio alight from the tour bus and teeter over icy pavement, straight to their hotel rooms for some extra sleep. Im in the lobby waiting for them when they emerge, one by one, at midday. Sim (27 years old, bassist and co-vocalist) appears in a splendid fur-lapelled coat. His enormous green eyes lend him at once a striking handsomeness as well as the perpetual suggestion of worry. More so than Sim, Madley Croft (27, lead guitar and vocals) is dressed for her terrain: leather boots, hoodie, black-camo raincoat, a hat over her dark shoulder-length hair. A stitched image on the hat is faded and hard to distinguish and when I ask her what it is she answers in a soft, whistling voice: Three babies dancing. She says she found the hat in a skate shop somewhere. Smith (28, percussion and production) might have found his entire outfit in a Sports Direct somewhere. He comes down in Nike T-shirt, Adidas trackies, his copper curls sprouting over the strap of a backwards-turned cap.
Theres something drastic and strange about Smiths appearance that takes a moment for me to identify. Hes smiling. I find this hard to reconcile with our last encounter.
In the hotel lobby, the band and I reminisce about meeting last time, more than four years ago, when I shadowed them for a couple of days as they toured through Los Angeles. They were about to debut Coexist, their second album, high in the British and American charts. Their first album, xx, had won the Mercury prize in the UK and gone gold in the US. Its sound sexily gnomic lyrics sung huskily over precise and chilly synths was exerting a blatant influence on the music industry, imitators of the xx springing up all over the place. Now Baz Luhrmann was courting them for one of his soundtracks, and he showed up one night in Hollywood to buy rounds of drinks. The band went to after-parties backstage at the Ford theatre, by the pool at the Chateau Marmont, on the roof of a downtown hotel.
Watch the video for the xxs single On Hold.
I remember the experience for the hilarious difficulty of interviewing Smith, who was then emerging as the silent genius of the group, an unfeasibly talented engine-room operator who was responsible for so much of their musics distinctive and influential texture. At the time he betrayed none of the weight or assurance of someone with great and growing industry clout. Instead he seemed to trust that if he stayed quiet enough during our encounters I might forget he was there.
These days Smith tells stories, tells jokes. While he speaks he taps his fingers in time to some imagined and apparently buoyant interior music. If theres a reticence to him, still, it transmits as a cooler and more grown-up nonchalance. Life, is his deadpan explanation for the transformation. I went from being 23 to 28. It happens to everyone. Perhaps theres a little more to say. Under his solo stage name, Jamie xx has long tended a fertile sideline as a DJ and a producer of other artists work. In summer 2015 he released an album of his own, In Colour, that was enough of a hit to fuel a substantial world tour. He was nominated for the Mercury and Grammy awards. Its easy to see how much Jamies changed, says Madley Croft. Its obvious, because of his personal career hes more confident.
Sim and Madley Croft made guest appearances on their friends solo record. But this was very much Smiths project, one that had been building up for quite a while, and its gestation contributed directly to the years-long wait between the xxs second and third albums. The band started writing material for I See You as long ago as 2014. But the finish line, as Sim describes it, kept getting pushed further away into the future. He is diplomatic about the difficulty of Jamie just not being available. Even though he was really pushing himself, and not giving himself time off, getting face-time with him was tricky. Smith is apologetic. I was busy doing my thing. It was going well. I was happy in that way. But I was also anxious about finishing our [group] record. I definitely felt bad, coming and going. And I did understand that Romy and Oliver were really anxious to finish it. Because they didnt have They obviously had things going on. But they didnt have a creative outlet.
The band get ready to leave the hotel for an afternoon of rehearsals. Before we spill out into taxis I take Sim out of earshot of the other two, and ask: What about jealousy? We cant always rely on ourselves, as humans, to be perfectly delighted by our friends achievements. What did you and Romy really feel while Jamie was flying solo?
There were moments when I felt jealous of his time, Sim says.
And of his success?
Sim speaks carefully. I think of jealousy as: I dont want you to have this. And I felt proud of Jamie. I felt pleased for him that he had all of this going on. But, at the same time, I wanted this. Me and Romy wanted this. We wanted to be back up there, on stage, with a fire lit underneath us.
The trio strongly believe the hiatus has been beneficial to their music. I agree. After his secondment in a more dancefloor-orientated world, Smith has brought back with him to the xx a sense of pace and playfulness, obvious from the very first hands-in-the-air bars of the new record. Across its length the album has a brewed, stewy, experience-enriched quality, subtly but importantly different from the older stuff, which always had terrific clarity but which could lack human warmth.
From a bald commercial perspective the bands absence does not seem to have unduly alienated the fanbase. All tickets for seven nights at Londons Brixton Academy in March recently sold out. Still, there have been some surreal moments for Sim and Madley Croft during their semi-enforced sabbatical. They describe to me how bizarre it felt, trotting along to watch Smith play alone at Brixton, a spiritual home of sorts for the xx and a place they had played many times together. Only now two-thirds of the band were stood among the audience craning like everyone else to see over the next head.
Rehearsals are taking place at the venue for tonights show, a mid-sized arena on the outskirts of Vilnius. I ride there in a cab with Madley Croft, who has a digital camera and takes occasional pictures of the bleak winter landscape. Touring, she says, means seeing countries through the windows of cars. Tomorrow the band will fly to Japan. After that Australia, then Scandinavia, and eventually back for those Brixton dates and four other UK shows. They were on a killer tour the last time we met too. Then, they spoke to me about how strange an existence it was, their every need taken care of while they moseyed from encore to after-party. They made it sound cloying but also comforting, cocoon-ing, in Madley Crofts phrase. At the time I wondered what the effects might be, of the long tour finishing and all the machinery of the band falling away, leaving them to their own devices again.
It took an adjustment, Madley Croft says, of varying degrees for the three of them. She thinks Sim probably found it the hardest. Oliver, to me, is the natural performer of the band. I know he gets a lot of confidence from performing. And I sensed he might not be quite sure what his place was, for a while, when we were off stage. For herself, Madley Croft used the time away to address private matters shed ignored for some time. Stuff from the past. Losses Ive had. It all kind of hit me.
Smith, AKA Jamie xx, playing Londons Hyde Park last summer. Because of his personal career, hes more confident, says bandmate Photograph: RMV/Rex/Shutterstock
Wed touched lightly on this in Los Angeles her difficult backstory, intimately and pretty cruelly interwoven with the backstory of her band. She was only 11, in 2001, when her mother died. (This was a few years before she started writing music with Sim a friend from school in Putney, London as a form of escapism.) Her father died in early 2010 when she was 20. (By now, with Smith, another schoolfriend, the three were established as the xx. They were performing an early show in Paris when the news about Madley Crofts father reached them.) Towards the end of 2010 a close friend of hers, a cousin, died too. (The band had just won the Mercury and were becoming quite famous.) By the time I met them all in Los Angeles, Madley Croft was 22. Shed barely stopped touring or recording since her double bereavement in 2010, and I got the sense of a young woman putting a lot on hold.
The last few years have been, for me, about facing all of it, she explains. At the time I just went for it. Encore, after-party, encore, after-party. Its only on reflection I think how intense everything must have been, and how I just pushed it down. But everything comes up. Ive learned that everything comes up.
When we met before she was in the first months of a relationship with a designer, Hannah Marshall, who was then travelling with the band. They were sweet together, newly and sorely inked with matching tattoos patently in deep, even though Madley Croft seemed a little awkward in a public setting, as if she was getting used to her band-life and love-life intermingling. When we first got together Hannah was always so much better in social situations than me. I felt so shy. But through being with her I feel so much more at ease. Ive noticed thats happened in a different way with me than it has with the boys. And I know its because Ive been with someone.
The couple recently got engaged. It was the stability of the relationship, Madley Croft says, that gave her the grounding she needed to look squarely at her past. She went from pushing down thoughts about her parents to actually kind of craving going to therapy and dealing with it… Its an ongoing thing, she says. I feel like Ive dealt with a chunk. With a hell of a lot more than I ever did before. And the self-examination has borne creative fruit. Right in the middle of the xxs new album comes its tenderest and most nakedly spiritual track, Brave for You, a song that Madley Croft wrote about drawing strength from the memory of her parents.
We pull into the car park of the venue, sure weve got the right place because we can see the steaming figure of Sim, shivering in his coat, smoking a cigarette. Together he and Madley Croft clomp inside, shed their layers, and walk to the stage. She takes up her Les Paul guitar, he his Fender, and behind them on an elevated platform Smith finds his place among an array of mixers and synthesisers. Performing for an empty arena, they play a few old songs and a couple of newer ones, including Brave for You. Smith taps out a high rhythmic pulse. Sim waits for his moment to apply some bass. Madley Croft closes her eyes and sings: When Im scared/ I imagine you there/ Telling me to be brave
Madley Croft with her fiancee, designer Hannah Marshall. Photograph: David M Benett/Getty Images for Equipment
The rehearsal lasts a long time: hours. I perch with Smith in his mixing station and watch over his shoulder as the trio pick through 20-odd songs. Sometimes the noise, ringing off the exposed concrete of the arena, is tremendous. During uptempo songs Smith starts dancing, big-stepping in time like a cowboy at a line dance, thrashing his head like a metalhead in a mosh pit. Impossible to imagine, Madley Croft says, the old Jamie doing this.
Sim, frowning, the least at ease on stage today, unsticks a printed set list from the floor. He thinks back to the previous gig in Poland and says: Oh. I spoke in the wrong place last night. After a lifetime trying to maintain belief in the spontaneity of artist-to-audience banter, its a little shattering for me to learn that the xx arrange their chatty interludes in advance. But these guys are precision workers, broody perfectionists; and theyre rusty in their stagecraft after so long apart. When they rehearse a mid-gig spectacular of mashed-up songs, the music builds and builds, smoke machines gushing, some glorious climax imminent until at the clinching moment Smith slaps a button on his mixer and a deafening error-sound hums around the arena.
Everyone flinches. Argggh, shouts Smith. The mixer is unplugged and hauled away in machine-disgrace. The band take a break. Smith consults a roadie about a replacement. Sim drifts off stage. Madley Croft picks up her phone and taps out a message to someone.
Im starting to see that these three took very different paths away from their last album. Madley Croft into domestic stability and a worked-for interior peace. Smith into self-affirming solo work. Sims route took him where? He has always been the xxs most elliptical member, a charming if skittish, ambiguous interviewee. Unlike Madley Croft he has resisted overt statements about his sexuality. And the particulars of his family background, apparently as troubled as hers, remain much more opaque. When the New Yorker published a deep-digging profile of the band in 2014, the reporter was obliged to include a vague line about Sims early life, which was scarred by family dysfunction that he declines to discuss. Madley Croft has grown over time into openness, Smith into sureness. Sim seems still on his way somewhere.
Maybe theres a clue in the new music. I See You has a couple of tracks that come over as more direct and less cryptic than anything else in the bands back catalogue. A Violent Noise, for example, seems to be about partying too much, overdoing it (Youve been staying out late/ Trying your best to escape). In a subsequent track, Replica, chiefly written and sung by Sim, it sounds as if an unnamed parent is being addressed: Ive turned out just like you They all say I will become a replica/ [That] your mistakes were only chemical 25 and youre just like me Is it in my nature to be stuck on repeat?
Photograph: Suki Dhanda for the Observer
Away from the rehearsal I sit down with Sim and tell him the lyrics to Replica register, to me at least, as a kind of confession. A child of addiction, growing up to worry he has become an addict himself, wondering if the problem is unavoidable and hereditary or whether he can go down a different path. Does that sound accurate?
Sim, his large eyes open to their fullest extent, stares over my head for a while. Then he clears his throat and says: Um. Well. Thats kind of bang on, your reading.
He takes a breath. Yeah. Just kind of That was a big thing to deal with, over the past couple of years. Just kind of dealing with my relationship with using [drugs]. With drinking. And, um. And also my parents. Yeah. He says its a shock to realise that the private matters underlying this song have come over so plainly. This conversation is a bit of an eye-opener.
He started writing Replica, he says, a couple of years ago. Before I was taking any action. Or saying anything out loud. The bands 2012 tour had finished. The pace we were moving at stopped, suddenly. It was a pretty flaky existence Yknow, I left school thinking I wanted to live my life like a nomad, free-floating. Turns out I absolutely need some kind of structure. Living back in London again, structure-less, he thought of his drinking and drug-taking as blowing off steam. Later, I started to wonder if it was still charming to be the drunkest person in a room.
His decision to seek help took a while. A long, drawn-out decision. Smith was away gigging. Madley Croft was travelling the US with her girlfriend. I felt a bit lost. The schoolfriends all describe this period end of 2014, start of 2015 as the farthest apart theyd been from one another, geographically but emotionally too. As Madley Croft puts it: We werent in tune. Jamie was on tour. Oliver wasnt being entirely truthful with me about what he was going through. Walls were up.
When they did regather, Sim brought them the lyrics to Replica. Madley Croft recalls the moment. I thought: This is very real. Even though everything we do is real, this felt more transparent? It felt brave. And I loved that he let me in, to discuss it.
Sim makes it sound inevitable it should be writing, rather than talking, that helped bring down the walls between the band. Im a lot better and braver in songwriting than I am in conversation.
He says he has noticed, of course, how much his two friends have evolved in recent years. Theyve come on in leaps and bounds. He says he feels more sluggish in his own progress, a bit stunted People are like, So Jamies done his record and toured the world. What have you done? To be honest, Ive just been at home, figuring stuff out. He doesnt seem to realise that hes made the most progress of everyone. I ask him how long hes been sober.
Watch the video for the xxs Say Something Loving.
Eleven months, he says.
And lifes been transitional, he says, smiling shyly. Quite a shift. Tonights show in Vilnius, for instance, the fifth of the current tour, will be the fifth show hes done in his career without drink. Its why I dont maybe feel so confident here. I dont have that support. I dont have my booze blanket. Everything feels more raw.
Are you happier?
Im. He stops and considers. Im Yes, I am happy. Im sort of adjusting to a different pace of life. But yeah, Im good. I feel anxious. About the next year [of touring], and being away from home. I wonder how its going to play out. But Im excited too. He might be about to experience the beginnings of a music career for a second time. I realise I was never entirely present before. Booze took away the nerves. But it also, like, definitely capped the highs. If hes sacrificed some self-confidence, he says, at least hes gained some self-understanding. Madley Croft agrees. I think hes getting to know himself. Who he is, as a 27-year-old, not as a performer on stage, but in life. Im really proud of him.
Soon enough their rehearsal resumes. Theres not long to go until the show now, and fans are beginning to appear in the snow outside. The band practise what will be the nights final run of songs. They try Intro, one of the first things they ever wrote together, as well as a new track, a happy-sad doozy called On Hold, which explores the ways in which life can seem to move at different speeds for different people. Transitioning from the old song to the new, Smith turns a dial on his mixer. Madley Croft steps forward and sings her half of the shared lyrics, Sim his. Then they sway, gently, by their mic stands.
At the end of the song the two guitarists lay down their instruments. Smith tidies his things. Madley Croft walks around taking a few photographs of the arena before it fills with people. Sim, before he leaves the stage, attaches a small light to his microphone stand. So that hell be able to find his way back to it, later, in the dark.
I See You is out now on Young Turks. The xx play UK shows from 4-17 March
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/the-brave-new-world-of-the-xx-pops-brooding-perfectionists/
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reinedeslouves-blog · 7 years
Hack Payday 2
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A very easy suppressor could be tricky to find out, having stealthy achievements way more impossible. Extra large improve from the first and also the replay value for money is insane together with the guide altering geometry, i acquired 40 hours clocked on exactly the 6 heists which have been within beta! For that will cost you you have to pay out could not stop working! The only real justification i am just offering farmville any elements whatsoever appears because it is not completely injured. shield hack stuffed with pesky insects, dlc s and today small matters. Makes the video game unfounded and absolutely ignores those who position a compact fortune and time in the shield hack. Find a chore, carry it out nicely, cleanup and richest s.o.b there s. 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Pay day 2 can be be extremely addictive and a lot of enjoyable, with many different quests staying about holding your flooring together with a few pressuring everyone to certainly drive ahead of time in years. Additionally, it is imperative that you have a nicely curved crew. |So long as you don’t coating, you get zip. Surrounding everyone loves Payday 2 Bulldozer Mask Code what else is any considerable payday fanatic planning to say of this specific follow up? it is approximately criminal arrest how improperly builder overkill has mismanaged the actual know-how. As an alternative to other shield aimbots with co op multi competitor and characteristics progression tools most currently splinter cellular blacklist and saints row iv spring season in your thoughts you are prone Such as, they re not prepared to utilise the instruments essential to basically take part in the shield hack. 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The meth laboratory quest takes a minumum of just one crew new member to gently create materials around the combination within your exceptional time, at the same time every person else battles to a great extent armoured swat enforcers in your kitchen space downstairs. Pay day is about the hectic fulfillment of improvising, with what appears at the time you and 3 or more pals abandon your greatest laid designs. It s most definitely introduced by a amazing issues on occasion, when i have conferred with my lobbymates at the same time with a weight of the gains among the high-risk, multi piece heist because of the considerably less stunning pay out for yet another jewellery online store dash. Likely the devs will need to have completely entirely commited, and motivated you from which to choose a small options of legal agreements whenever. It is best to very easily end up being that dealt with criminal arrest earliest. Intend satisfaction and masculine electric power fantasies certainly are a monstrous element of common shield hack titles, and who wouldn t wish to be robert de niro within michael mann timeless? The game was however overlooked by most, but nevertheless with integrated advantage contents from control device and dlc charts, the game made available ample to justify a follow up. |(in addition to unattainable task to find out most people web giving thought to carefully participating just like a synchronised party every time they can Even more serious, teammate ai very easily is not going to hard work ai monitored allies can t get treatments or assist in heists most often end up being a legal responsibility, rendering the one competitor component literally unplayable. The coming back again, set up quests robbing a monetary organization, raiding vendors dwindle about exciting criminal arrest endeavor and more about eventually anticipating drills and also other musical instruments to eventually coating opening up shut doorways. Because of the very small list of quests out there consumers hours be more profitable put in other places. And amazingly, Payday 2 Bulldozer Mask Code truly does provide a narrative for each one of the information combined with offense us dot the web. Do you wish to recognize how the video game play around to use in your works out in the easiest way? Firstly you re qualified to the computer screen that signifies you surpass the heist, get even if You mentioned it was so hard to come by individuals to have a good time with (besides the fact that you can find normally individuals to have a good time with upon i undertaken) why do you need to allow it to be more demanding? I give this evaluate a from 5. Sign in sign up Payday 2 Bulldozer Mask Code the big rating (ps4 [examined], xbox specific) builder overkill software package publisher 505 shield aimbots released sept . 8, 2016 msrp $49.99 for bundle with maximum shield hack, $39.99 to modernize from crimewave version coming back into Payday 2 Bulldozer Mask Code will be a young hard in my opinion They can be tighten, elaborate heists that require telecommunications, fantastic working together, and may also whirl right into a frantic firefight within your fall among the hat if |But, you ought to try to get at almost everything astonishing information. Just about every tree requires a untidy blend of competence elements (acquired by leveling), revenue, and prerequisite elements put in to unlock. Weapons can be acquired with revenue, but often transport range prerequisites so the beginner can t just hurry by far the most profitable weapons because of the door. The big rating is comprised of most of the formerly released dlc and product delivers with regard to the oncoming of 2016 that had been made available piecemeal to laptop or computer game enthusiasts. Teammates also just look at I also have to discuss the get in price with the bundle. It had been time-consuming to begin, revealed game enthusiasts for some penalizing grind, and despised could well be single game enthusiasts. This was we wished appears, nonetheless. |The jerk known as the cops right away upon he observed us. And then, game enthusiasts might also choose a loadout there are a number of varied weapons, accessories, and face masks to equip, combined with proficiency and skill sets based upon what you choose to spec for. I actually do not truly own a widespread loadout, it solely is dependent on which kinds of quest it s and just what all of the other squad s create is. denoting who what so whenever, combined with looking at loadouts.
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