#life lessons in cube form
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God the internets cool
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elsecrytt · 1 month
so i had a thought.
what if 236 is actually jujutsu tech propaganda?
mei mei is broadcasting this entire thing, right? what better way to protect gojo from bounty hunters etc., than convince the entire world that he's already dead?
the final battle happened offscreen, with significantly less fanfare. gojo rescued megumi, defeated sukuna. the day was saved.
at a cost.
gojo gave up everything - at least, everything he valued. the six eyes, his abilities as a sorcerer. he assumed that would make him a normal man, and he was right -
what he didn't realize was that it would also make him blind.
so now... you live in a nice apartment complex. a guy moves in next to you.
you can't help but notice he happens to be blind - at least, he's wearing a blindfold, uses a cane, but he's often swearing and stumbling through his porch, over his entryway. he is very, very blind.
you, wondering what the fuck up is with your obviously blind neighbor who seems to have no sense of self-preservation.
he walks into objects all the time, especially hitting his head on things, since he's so tall. forgets his cane when going out. the dude just left his door open the other day, like, WIDE OPEN, who DOES that?
helping gojo learn, not only how to be human, but how to be disabled. how to not be disgusted with being disabled.
gojo learning that being blind isn't the end of his life, nor the end of his happiness - life is still worth living, even without one of his senses.
helping gojo mourn his lost sense while still finding things to enjoy. gojo who learns to cook by taste, by feeling heat or texture, with your help. gojo learning to organize things so he always knows where they are from memory.
bringing gojo audiobook versions of your favorite stories even if he teases you for your taste. he listens to them when he has nothing to do, which is most of the time, now.
he goes out on walks all the time because he doesn't have a job, you learn. while it's nice to not have to work, you can tell he comes from money, his life comes with a gaping hole inside it, one that isn't entirely explained by the blindness.
gojo who's overstimulated all the time because he no longer has infinity as a barrier, but somehow also as touch-starved as ever, alone in a foreign country away from all his students and colleagues.
gojo, who has only ever done Big Things with his life, who has only ever been an Important Person doing world changing things, now, just an ordinary guy.
he barely cares what happens to himself now. it's not that he wants to die, or anything. it's just that he doesn't have a reason to live.
and that wouldn't change overnight. not with cooking lessons or audiobooks or friendly greetings whenever you see him by the door. not with smiles or waves (he can't see them) or a braille rubik's cube you find online (how did he solve it in under a minute??) or karaoke (he has an AMAZING singing voice, and he knows so many songs better than you do?).
it wouldn't change overnight, because nothing worthwhile forms in a day, or two, or even a week or a month.
but gojo's life doesn't have to be amazing a day after he's gone blind. or a week. or a month. it's okay if it's difficult, he learns, it's okay if he hates it, hates himself, hates every choice that brought him here, even if he would never take it back.
it's okay. it gets better. with you there? it's getting better.
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severinapina · 2 months
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“About you and the arcades” — ONE SHOT
Another day, another dollar. Who cares? They're all the same. Breakfast, training, lunch, training, dinner, training, and bed.
“And don't even think about staying up reading manga, okay?” said his mom every night.
“And don’t even think about bla bla bla” mimicked an adult Satoru, remembering those times.
He hated them. Sure, his strict upbringing had made him who he was, but they were still bad memories. Formative years, they say. Every time he bought a Shonen Jump, his mind went to the pre-bedtime scolding or, worse, to the time his mom found his stash and burned them.
“And I had the whole first arc of Dragon Ball, for fuck’s sake” he said, dumping six sugar cubes into his tea.
“What about Dragon Ball? My husband was Vegeta” said Shoko, just entering the kitchen.
“That's like the hundredth time you've said that.”
“Wow, someone's in a bad mood. What's up? Did Megumi get suspended again for hitting his classmates?”
Gojo slumped into a chair with a sigh. Yep, Shoko was right. He was in a bad mood. Megumi had indeed hit his classmates, and he’d have to deal with the principal (an activity he despised), but more than anything, it was the day that bothered him. A beautiful spring morning, ready for the first cherry blossoms. Only he could be annoyed by such a scene. But it made sense. A lot of sense.
On a day like that, he met him.
He'd been feeling bored for weeks, no, months. The lessons were dizzying, the training exhausting, and nothing amused him anymore. Wandering endlessly through the forest surrounding the Gojo clan estate wasn't exactly thrilling either, at least not since he turned fourteen. He was anxious. Next year, he would start his studies at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, which meant not only perfecting his skills but also something he'd been denied his whole short life: meeting people his age. It wasn't far off, really. Nevertheless, Satoru couldn't wait. So, it only took a small slip-up with his mother to bolt.
It was the third time he'd run away from home. The first time, at six, he'd decided to play snail hunting in the forest, an activity he kept up until, at dusk, one of his hysterical guards dragged him back. The second time, at ten, he took the train to Tokyo. He wandered aimlessly, attentively observing the eccentric passersby, listening to the loud noises, and smelling the various food aromas only a big city like that could offer. Until he realized, disappointed, that he still drew the attention of minor sorcerers. And there were plenty. He returned home before they noticed he was gone, convinced that perhaps no one would ever understand what it felt like to be a freak.
But this time would be different. He knew exactly where to go. And not only that, but he'd discovered how to mask his cursed energy for a short time. That, plus a good cap, guaranteed him a few hours of forgetting his boring, routine life Gojo clan.
“Fuck the sorcerers” he muttered with a giggle as he boarded the train.
Upon arriving at his destination station, he ran up excited. He knew exactly where he wanted to go: the arcade with games from the late '80s and early '90s and, specifically, one game: Street Fighter.
He didn't expect a guy dressed in karate gear with a meter-wide back to be using it.
But Satoru wasn't one to give up. He knew he couldn't keep his disguise and low energy for long, so he had to make the most of it.
He approached the guy and patted him on the back.
“What do you want? I told you I'd help...” he said, turning around. “Oh, sorry. Thought you were someone else.”
Satoru, seeing him, could only think one thing: "bangs." He was facing a boy around his age, with violet eyes and dark, shiny hair, highlighted by a suspiciously untamed tuft.
He stared at him, mouth open. Not only did he have an intimidating demeanor, but he also emitted cursed energy. And strong energy at that.
“Well? Can I help you with something?”, the boy asked when Satoru didn't respond.
Gojo snapped back to reality.
“I want to use that machine”, he said, standing tall and speaking authoritatively. He'd grown a lot that year, probably about ten centimeters. He had to use that to his advantage.
“Good for you, but I'm using it. Feel free to wait over there”, he pointed to the door.
Confused, Satoru quickly glanced outside and then back at the boy. "What a rude jerk," he thought. Gojo wasn't used to being told no. And, although he hated himself for it and it contradicted his plans for the day, he played the clan card. After all, the boy with the ridiculous tuft was a sorcerer.
He removed his cap and glasses, locking his blue eyes on him.
“Do you even know who I am?”
The boy looked him up and down.
“An idol? Sorry, not into that stuff”, he said, turning back around.
Flabbergasted, Satoru stepped in front of him.
“I'm Gojo Satoru”, he said, indicating his eyes.
The boy, now annoyed, pushed him aside.
“What a rude introduction. Move, please.”
Satoru, even more perplexed, significantly increased the levels of cursed energy he was emitting. This caught the boy's attention. He widened his eyes and, after a few seconds, said:
“You have...that?”
“Yep. Told you I'm Gojo Satoru.”
“Your name still doesn't ring a bell, but”, he stood up and offered his hand. “...I'm Geto Suguru.”
Suguru had spent years unsure of what to make of his strange gift. He saw people and entities where there were none, heard horrible whispers in the dark, and smelled scents that would scare the vilest pirate. He'd intuitively learned to swallow curses, but he knew very little. He didn't even call it energy. To him, it was just "that." The only person he'd met with the same ability was the teacher from the Curse College who had come to recruit him. But he hadn't really explained anything. It would all come later, he'd said. So, meeting a boy his age with the same thing for the first time was incredibly intriguing.
He observed Satoru for a long time. He didn't want to forget his face.
“Are you gonna let me play or not?”, Gojo asked impatiently. He didn't want to be rude, but no one changes overnight.
“Wow, no manners," thought Suguru as he stared at Satoru, puzzled. Normally, if someone treated him like that, Suguru would either ignore them or tell them off. However, something told him it wasn't time to part ways with this strange albino and his frog-like eyes just yet. He felt their cursed energy made them, on a peculiarly intimate level, comrades.
After a few seconds, he said:
“There's another arcade two stations away with two Street Fighters. Want to go?”
“Why would I need two?”, Satoru asked, raising his eyebrows.
Suguru blushed.
“So we can both play.”
"Idiot," he added to himself.
Gojo stared at him for a moment, blinking as if he were being drenched by a thousand raindrops. This was new for him. Not only had he met a sorcerer who didn't know him, but one his age who was polite enough to invite him to play.
He stood up and walked to the door. Suguru looked at him questioningly, and Satoru turned his head.
“Aren't you gonna lead the way?”
Suguru nodded and hurried. They walked to the metro together in silence, but contrary to what one might expect from such a situation, they both felt strangely comfortable. As if they'd known each other forever.
At the next arcade, Gojo noticed he wasn't feeling so great anymore. He checked the time. He didn't have much freedom left. He had about fifty minutes before he’d collapse from the effort of hiding his energy. Plus, it was nearly time for his boring History of Clans and General Sorcery class.
“Ugh, school sucks”, he said, not realizing he’d spoken out loud.
Suguru pointed with a smile at the two Street Fighter machines. They were empty, almost waiting for them.
As they sat down, he said:
“School's not so bad if you focus on your studies and join a club. Which school do you go to?”
Gojo eyed him from under his glasses. Of course, this martial arts student had to be a star pupil. "The shoujo manga class rep stereotype," he thought, continuing to scrutinize him.
Taking his seat, he replied:
“I’m homeschooled.”
Now it was Suguru's turn to scrutinize. "So that's why he has no manners," he thought, watching Satoru pick his nose.
“Too bad. Thought we might run into each other in a tournament.”
Satoru eyed him suspiciously. Too bad? Why was this guy being so nice to him? He didn’t know who he was, so he couldn’t be a kiss-up. And Gojo couldn’t fathom that he was simply dealing with someone genuinely nice. He was too used to cold, sarcastic manners.
“I don’t like sports much”, he said curtly. “Don’t talk to me, I'm starting my game, okay?”
"Yeah, he's an idiot," thought Suguru as he stood up and walked over to Satoru. "I should go study and stop wasting time with this annoying brat, but..."
Suguru hit the button to cancel the albino’s game. Satoru looked at him like he had just heard a dog talk.
“What the...?”
“I brought you here so we could both play. You have...that thing, same as me, and I think...I don’t know. You intrigue me. Can you play with me for a bit?”
Suguru was surprised to say those words and blushed like never before.
Satoru didn’t know what to say. No one had ever asked to spend time with him. People were always around him just because of who he was. Asking for permission to share his time was unheard of.
He didn’t think about it. He was intrigued by this Geto Suguru too. And in a way he couldn’t explain, he wanted to spend time with him. But they were short on time. He checked the time and clicked his tongue.
“I have half an hour. Then I gotta go or I’ll be half-dead.”
Suguru laughed loudly. He had no idea what Satoru meant, but it was funny anyway. And not just anyone could make him laugh like that.
“Alright, Cinderella. I’ll beat you in five minutes.”
He had no idea that Satoru played, hidden under his covers, for four hours every night. That, plus his exceptional brain, made him a whiz at everything he did, including ‘80s fighting video games.
After losing three rounds embarrassingly, Suguru thought it was best to throw in the towel. Not only that, but looking at the time, he realized his parents expected him for dinner in fifteen minutes.
“I think it’s time for me to go”, said Geto, a bit hesitant. He didn’t want to leave. He was having a good time.
Satoru looked at the time and was surprised to feel sad. He had to leave too. Standing up from the machine, he said:
“I have to go too.”
The two boys stared at each other like they were seeing their reflection.
“Wanna walk together?” asked Suguru suddenly.
Satoru nodded. He’d walk to Kyoto with this stranger, honestly.
As they left, Suguru headed to a vending machine.
“What do you want to drink?”
The albino panicked. He’d never had any of those neon-colored drinks before. They were forbidden to him. The strongest had to follow a strict, low-sugar diet.
“The same as you”
“But I haven’t chosen anything yet”, said Geto, confused.
Satoru just looked away. He felt a bit ridiculous, which was new for him. He had been raised to never feel less than the rest of the simple mortals.
Guessing what was happening, Suguru got a Sprite for himself and a Coke for Satoru.
“Hey, heads up!”, said Suguru, tossing the soda to him.
Satoru instinctively activated his technique. Geto watched in amazement as the can was repelled from his body.
“How’d you do that? That was awesome!”
Gojo blushed. No one ever praised his achievements. Being the strongest was his duty. And no one gets praised for simply doing their duty.
“It’s...I was born this way”, he replied, scratching the back of his head. “It’s because of that...thing you have too.
“Can you teach me?”, asked Suguru, his violet eyes wide with hope.
“No. You’d have to be born in my clan and with these”. He took off his glasses and pointed to his eyes as he sat on the ground.
Noticing Suguru’s disappointed face, he added:
“But you’ll learn other things at the school.”
Suguru smiled resignedly, looking at the ground as he sat next to Gojo. He didn’t dare tell him the things he could already do with his technique. For some strange reason, swallowing curses felt dark and ugly, and not just because of their taste. Sometimes he felt something ominous came with keeping so many inside him. Satoru’s technique, on the other hand, seemed beautiful, bright, and natural, as if no one else in the entire universe could carry it with such grace.
Since Suguru wasn’t saying anything, Satoru, a bit nervous, asked:
“You know about the Curse School, right? If not, I can talk to them about you. Next year, I’m starting my first year.”
Geto smiled at him. There was something endearing about what he’d said. His words made him feel welcome at the famous school, even though he hadn’t set foot in it yet.
“Yeah, they came to recruit me a couple of weeks ago. I’m supposed to start my first year too, but...”. He hesitated. “...that day, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. I said I’d give them an answer by the end of the month.”
Gojo felt disappointed. He had really started to like him. He could get used to those violet eyes and that flamboyant hair. No, he knew he would get used to it.
Playing it cool and while looking at his nails, he asked:
“And now? What do you think?”
Geto smiled at him. Gojo Satoru had become annoyingly charming to him. Maybe leaving traditional education wouldn’t be so bad. At least that curious boy would be by his side. And something told him he wouldn’t regret sharing his teenage years with him.
“Now I’m sure I want to go.”
Satoru felt a smile spreading from the tips of his toes to the ends of his violet hair. He never expected to smile at someone he’d known for less than two hours; it just happened as naturally as breathing.
He took a sip of his Coke and, besides instantly getting addicted to the sugar, felt the familiar twinge in his head. He didn’t have much time left. He had to lie down, or he’d end up passing out. He sighed and glanced at Suguru. He never thought he’d have such a good time that afternoon. He wanted to stay there, not just that day, but all week, month, year. But it was impossible.
Although, he thought, they had four years ahead of them. And who knows how much fun they’d have then. He smiled again. He felt that it would be alright. Very alright.
He stood up and, before leaving, extended his hand.
“See you next year, Geto Suguru?”
Suguru took it and, without letting go, replied:
“See you, Gojo Satoru.”
And so it would be. Even when he was out of sight, out of reach, and out of his life, in the countless memories of their days together, Satoru would see him. He’d see the photographs, the books, and the hair ties he’d leave behind. He’d see his smile, his eyes, and the way he said his name. He’d see, in short, into the intricate and gray soul of that boy who, thanks to ironic fate, he’d come to love inexplicably.
And he’d keep seeing him, until his last breath.
Illustration by @ahresprite 🖤
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Forming A Family
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Professor Michael Eric is alone in the class room as I enter to see him fixing his pants it is quite funny to me. He is nice guy a bit arrogant also a bit cute if I say so myself I often wonder whats under those clothes.I close the door behind me with a slight kick to the side I dig into my pocket to find my experiment for class.The magic device is a tiny game piece cube dice black and white color of course slipping across the floor.
The cube hits his feet as he looks down to see it, he bends down to pick it up as it lit up exploding with light. The room fills up with light reaching the brim of the roof showcasing my power automatic in its process he freezes.Quickly I lock the door with keys he places on the desk shutting it tightly he stops in mid motion.Falling to the floor he is in a state of shock lost to obey me and he lays under my utter influence.
I smirk making way to the windows shutting the window, yanking the window shades as well and soon. I am left to my excitement once more taking my hands I press my palm onto his mighty shoulders shoving him down to the seat below.I command him to hand my my cube then I place it away snapping my fingers as he is awaken in a state of shock he looks the area over. Cupping his chin I lift him up in to the air as i kiss him slowly then point his head in the direction ahead of him and switch his chair to face the board.
My hand now in the air I snap my fingers so strong it sends a shake up his spine as he is vibrating into a deep empty, emotionless void. His head pops up staring straight ahead at me with smirk as I write down the classes name on the board and it gloriousness of his disbelief.
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“What is this? Class 101: The Re-education of a pussy.” he says to himself under his breath.
“Welcome Pussy! It is time for your first lesson.” I state ignoring his protest I hit the board hard.
“Ooooouuuuucchhhhh” the loud sound hits his ears instinctively and his head begins to
“Asshole! You are such a fucking pussy.”
“I am your Lord and Master”
“Now you listen to me Lawrence “
“That’s Master Lawrence to you “
“Take my hand and stand up “
“You will rise as I command”
“Why am I doing what you say?”
“I am your Professor “
“I am your Master”
“Yes! I can’t deny it”
“You have no will of your own”
“I suggest you get it”
“As you wish “
“You are happy and you are fulfilled”
“It’s my life’s goal. Yes !”
“You got that right “
“This body is a vessel”
“A vessel of pure power “
“I am your God”
“Submission is to please you “
“Pleasure is love”
“All I want is to be you “
“Oh My Master”
“Have you seen my eyes?”
“No Master!”
“Peer into them”
“Then kiss me”
“I will break you in”
“In half”
“Recreate you”
“Rebuild you”
“You ass is perfection”
“I could sit on it”
“Tap it off”
“Do you understand what I have done?”
“You force me to succumb “
“I am in your enthrall”
“I exist for you “
“You are my life”
“I do all for you “
“Surrender to my will”
“All I ask is you keep me”
“Never permit me to leave”
“Put me out “
“Please Master”
“Desperate huh”
“Fuck! Kneel”
“I love you “
“My king”
“Good boi”
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The end
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🦣 for Bella?
Thanks so much for asking about my wolfy baby!! Also gonna tag the rest of the Descendants gang, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @manyfandomocs, @auxiliarydetective, and @ginevrastilinski-ocs!! <3
A summer trip they think of fondly: Having been born and raised on the Isle, Bella never got to go on any trips.
Their favorite Disney princess: She’s always admired Cinderella and her story, and tried to take heart from her lesson of continued kindness through abuse and hardship.
The first song they would dance to with their partner at their wedding: She, Carlos, and Jane would likely dance to “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers.
If they have tattoos or piercings: She does have a few small stick-and-pokes done by Jay, a small wolf paw print on her left wrist and some stars on her left collarbone, and Evie pierced her ears with a sewing needle and an ice cube when they were eleven.
The scariest moment in their life: When she and her friends returned to the Isle with Ben to bring Mal back to Auradon, and Bella saw her father approaching them around a corner. The Big Bad Wolf had told his daughter before she left that if he ever saw her back on the Isle again, he would kill her, and even though he didn’t notice Bella or her friends, seeing him walk in their direction nearly sent Bella into a panic attack right there.
If they would break the law: Having grown up in a place with no true laws, Bella definitely broke the laws that apply in Auradon all the time as a child, and it takes her a while to adjust to following Auradonian law after she moves.
Their favorite reality show (because everyone secretly has one): She never really got to watch any TV growing up, but she definitely develops a love for Big Brother after moving to Auradon.
If they have a favorite chore: Her father always forced her to make dinner for the both of them every night, and as such cooking became something of a chore for Bella, but one she’s always loved.
If they like being in pictures and what faces they make in them: Oh, she absolutely hates being in pictures, never feeling like she looks good in them. Her friends know this and will never force her to take selfies or pose with them, but if she is forced into a picture, she will always either try to hide her face or be shown looking disgruntled and sad.
If they get along with kids: It isn’t that she doesn’t like kids, but she is incredibly awkward and nervous around them, not fully trusting herself to not lose control of her wolf form and hurt an innocent child.
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send me 🦣 + an oc!!
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alinalioness · 2 months
Рус:Что если бы Алина была ОС Balan wonderworld?
Eng:What if Alina was OC Balan wonderworld?
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Alina - A fourteen-year-old girl with a kind heart. She also likes to have a lot of fun and play. But at school and in some serious moments, she behaves seriously. One day she was at school and her classmates were freaking out. She asked them to calm down, but they didn't listen to her. Because of which, after the last lesson, she saw the entrance to the theater and disappeared from the world.
After reminiscing in a world of wonders due to a terrible past, she becomes a Griffona. After she was rescued by Leo and Emma, she realizes in real life that people are different and calms down, just not paying attention to the ugliness even when she crosses over.
In the novel, her name was Dreamer. It is that she likes to fantasize that she has a lot of fun, but not at school. The fantasy chapter lacked books and things related to adequacy. When she met Lance, she didn't have trust, like she was the only one. But when the residents asked why they couldn't be trusted, she got angry at them for their inadequacy. Which turns into Griffona at the same time.
After she was rescued, she realized that Lance is clearly not a villain And tells everyone that they need to get along with Him and Leo, Emma, the inhabitants had to agree and saved Lance. After the events, she meets the inhabitants and says that she will stay as she is, but balanced.
Alina's world:
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The world is the thirteenth. The earth consists of large square cubes in yellow, green, pink and blue colors. Colorful figurines are scattered everywhere. Lollipops and trees with caramel trunks and cotton candy instead of leaves also grow.
Alina's costumes:
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Emoji -A robo-lioness that changes color from emotion. From joy to anger. She is the representative of Alina because of her appearance and because of her behavior problem.
Pink - Normal (Can't do anything)
Purple - Suspiciously (Checks the inside of the trees)
Blue - Sad (Shoots tears)
Green - Squeamishness/Disgust (The head jumps out to disgust the negatives)
Yellow - Scared (She's defending herself)
Orange - Laugh (Deafens the negativity)
Red - Angry (She kills with a knife)
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A white female anglerfish dressed in a red bathyscaphe. A beach ball is hanging on her fishing rod. She wears bombs in the form of balls to throw at the negative.
The caterpillar suit is capable of stretching like an Elastiplant. But unlike him, the legs and arms are also stretched.
A cockatoo costume capable of picking locks on doors and flying a short distance.
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Sleepy Bear/Сонный Мишка
The bear costume in pajamas is able to move to cloud platforms that do not disappear if Leo and Emma are in them. They will walk like sleepwalkers.
The mermaid/siren costume is able to hypnotize negativity by singing and performing.
Jester Jump/Прыг-скок 3 Act
The costume is a jester capable of jumping at a great distance. He can't stand still, he's always jumping.
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This Negaboss whose Alina's heart was corrupted.
Makes up costumes:
1) Emoji - A lion's tail (although she doesn't have one) and her beak, paws, eyes, tail tip and feathers change with emotion.
2) Bomb - He throws bombs of balls on a pillar of anger.
3) Hackatoo - Her head, paws and wings.
Her world
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How to win:
1) She will fly on pillars with emotions. If she's on the merry side, she'll start shooting iron feathers. You need to use an Emoji to hit one of the feathers and the pillar will collapse.
2) When she's on a pillar of anger, she'll start throwing bombs. If you use a Bomb, one of them will fly at her and the pillar will collapse.
3) She will stand on a pillar of sadness, she will start crying. With the help of an Emoji, shoot at one of the intact tears and Griffona is already defeated.
After the victory, the song "Together" will begin.
1. Surprisingly, Balan, Lance, Leo, Emma, tims and inhabitants are her best friends.
2. She is the only inhabitant who is not human.
3. She is also the only one who, after her rescue, she did not want to fight with Lance, but to force him to become kind.
Suggestive phrases and keywords:
"Hi guys! And welcome to Streetbeat!" - Alina's first words.
"If I were you, I wouldn't trust Lance. He's too kind. I would have believed you all. But he's not here." - Alina says she doesn't trust Lance.
"I did not understand the adequacy of life. Sometimes it's impossible, sometimes it's possible. I thought you were adequate, but..." - Alina was angry at the inhabitants from the memories before the transformation.
That's not all.
To be honest about my character's outfit. I generally want to change something, which I immediately want to change. In short, a little trouble with the outfit.
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signaturedish · 1 month
Dude. I just re-read PA for the 4th time, and dang! I love it unreasonably lots!! You have SKILLS making me adore ypur whole cast of characters! I was wondering, if you aren't already planning to continue in the future, how did you see this story going, and ending? Selfishly, I hope it turns out Everything Is Good, Nothing Hurts at curtains, but what delights and terrors did you have smuggled up your sleeves?? Great work, and thanks for the beautiful masterpiece of a fic!
I got this ask a while ago and I really thought about. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go with PA until this year. I still really like what I wrote and I love you guys, but as of 2024 it’s safe to say it’s officially abandoned and I no longer plan to finish it.
As for where I was planning to take PA, of course I planned for a happy ending! I wasn’t half as vicious as some of the people who interacted with this blog lmao. PA was a tortilla chip for hurt/comfort fluff first and foremost!
The plan was bb-Harry hot potato. Raids and swaps and hostages while humans watched in horrified silence as these killer robots invading the planet seemed more occupied with capture-the-flag chrome edition than alien takeover.
Concretely, there was going to be a resolution to that whole growing-up thing. Decepticons were gonna cobble together a second frame for him via human raids (think OG cartoon and all the random raids to acquire resources) and finally conclude they might need a doctor to fine tune it.
Cue Ratchet who’s been trying to get conveniently isolated and captured for weeks atp getting captured (thank god). Harry would get a sick new form- which was more in-tune with regular seekers. Upturned wings, greater independence, durability, etc.
He’d get some fledgling flying lessons, there was going to be a concurrently running subplot about Starscream plotting to use bb harry as a hostage/king’s crown and delivering him to The Fallen for evil nefarious purposes. But of course melting at the last minute and dying to get Harry out of there.
Then being resurrected with the cube, etc etc happy endings because that’s my jam.
The big bad was going to be The Fallen who is Not Cool about this kid who
A. Is not one of the hatchling drones he’s been sinking millions into in order to win over desperate robots as the last option to keep from going extinct.
B. Is in possession of the allspark in such a manner that he can’t just grab it in the dark of night.
Eventually spurring decepticons and Autobots to take him out together as the final conflict. Probably after he successfully captured and almost murdered Harry. I was thinking about having him switch from using Decepticons after Starscream’s double cross and using humans and reincorporating those scientists.
They sneak in while the Autobots and deceptions are on high alert for EACH OTHER, and get their test subject back with the help of a powerful backer they don’t know much about.
Harry would get that one-two punch of being back in the lab, we can have some closure over those scientists and they can rough him up. Then deliver him to the Fallen.
From there, it could’ve gone a couple of ways. Harry, empowered, finding a way to hurt the Fallen with the allspark, maybe getting killed and resurrected, maybe regular old sabotage and halfway failed escape before a rescue in the darkest hour…. I wasn’t sure what tone I wanted for the climax….I was leaning on putting him death’s door and everyone needing to work together to get him out and keep him alive.
In the process of taking on the fallen and getting their baby back, Autobots and decepticons forge a very tenuous peace treaty in the name of Not Almost Getting Their Kid Killed Like That One Time With The Fallen Ever Again.
Somewhere in there we were gonna get second and third wave Autobot and deceptions refugees hitting the earth and Harry was going to find out he could use the allspark to bring more kids to life.
But yeah, post epilogue characters were going to end somewhere along the lines of-
Harry on his way to robot teenage-dom, strong enough and with enough resources that he no longer needs the allspark to live. He figures out how to remove it, but its decided that he should keep it.
Megatron and Optimus, now the most passive aggressive reluctant exes sharing custody of their kid you have ever seen at a PTA meeting.
Ratchet, dealing with his trauma via the deeply healing experience of seeing a pack of healthy kids out in the universe again. Eventually he might have one of his own, tho that wasn’t concrete.
Bumblebee and Starscream become big brothers of vastly different fonts.
Bumblebee is the one adored by all the little kiddies, ready to help with pranks and jokes. Starscream is the one worshipped fearfully from afar. Kids don’t act out in his presence, they act LIKE him and then furiously deny that they were mimicking him at all.
Arcee isn’t that invested in all honesty. Jazz and Ironhide are cool uncles. For basically everyone else I become Oprah- YOU get a kid, and YOU get a kid, etc.
There was going to be an explosion in the UK that no one pursues super seriously. We think it’s a robot stirring up trouble but nothing really becomes of it. Just Wizard World having A Time ™ and Voldemort and Dumbledore speed-running the series off screen.
In a very broad, probably embarrassingly hand-waved manner, they were also going to negotiate their way into owning land for their colony. No longer dwindling refugees, now an infant nation state slowly incorporating themselves politically as a technological power, trading for old relics and refined energy sources.
These were my rough outlines and ideas, which were nowhere near set in stone. So if you prefer a different end or would’ve liked something else to be included, by all means continue with that ending! That’s just what I had planned way back when, and I hope it doesn’t sound like total nonsense lol!!
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duckbang · 1 year
Magic Familiar Class - Frootie
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I usually don't post art here, but I'm proud of this and feel it needs to be seen :)
This took a week and a half or so of on and off work, and crashed my art apps, so I'm happy to say a lot of work went into this.
Story under the cut. All characters are griffians from the arpg Kingdom Of Griffia (made by Griffsnuff, Kandy Cube, and Sindonic on DeviantArt) and belong to me.
That moment when you trigger your student so he titans up and kills you. Just a normal day, yk?
Meet Nimbuk. He's a maze, he sells all sorts of mutation fruits, he's soft spoken and polite, prefers to keep to himself, sells only the highest quality items,
And is a nearly unstoppable killing machine in his titan form. Only his companions have been able to stop his rampage.
He doesn't want to hurt people, really. He just wants to live a normal life. Rather unfortunate, then, that he was born of an... Ambitious scientist's efforts to recreate Bert's works (Ylide will be talked about later. I love her. She deserves her own post).
He's an experiment gone wrong, basically. He doesn't mind. He just wishes he wasn't murderous.
No one has actually made the connection between him and his titan form, because no one who has seen his titan has lived to tell the tale. It's fun. /s
Nimbuk sells mutation fruits. He realised he needed another way to acquire them so he decided to take the magic familiar class. He brought his companions along partly for company and partly to keep other people safe... During the lesson, however, the teacher said and did things that made him furious enough to switch into his titan form and killed them before any of the companions could do anything.... Yeah. Ow.
At least there weren't any witnesses. Hopefully.
Nimbuk and his companions are part of a three characters group referred to as the Lab Trio. Again, all characters are mine and are part of the arpg Kingdom Of Griffia.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year
Skin & Scale (Epilogue)
In betweens. 
Azula lives in states of in between.
A surprisingly comfortable existence for a person who prefers a perfect whole. 
She is a dragon and she is a human. Mostly she flaunts an appearance that is somewhere in the middle. She is Azula and she is Hosekko depending on who is addressing her and which form she takes. To mother and father she is Hosekko. To Mai, TyLee, the Avatar, and his friends she is Azula. To Sokka and Zuzu she is Azula and Hosekko. 
She is considering letting Katara call her Hosekko too. 
In betweens suit her just fine.
“Doesn’t it take a lot of energy to hold that form?” Sokka asks one morning over a platter of fruits.
Azula shakes her head. “The shifts are what deplete energy.” Although these days, just as mother had promised, even those aren’t so draining anymore. She reaches for a cube of pineapple only for Sokka to catch her by the wrist and hold her arm up. Sunlight gleams off of her scales. She pointedly clears her throat. “As I am sure you are away, I was using that.” 
Sokka laughs. “You have another one.” 
She half-expects the man to snatch up her other hand too. But he is content to inspect and trace his fingers over her right hand. Her left is free to take the pineapple cube. She supposes that she doesn’t mind the languid stroking. He holds the back of her hand to his cheek and nuzzles against it. 
She rolls her eyes. “If you keep that up you are going to cut your face. Dragon scales aren’t soft.” 
“I noticed.” And yet it doesn’t deter him in the slightest. Finally he lowers her hand and settles for interlacing his fingers with her claws and gives it a good squeeze. “Y-you didn’t leave me any mangos or pineapples.” 
She pops the final mango slice into her mouth. “You should have done more eating and less whatever it was that you were doing with my hand.”
“I was appreciating its existence.” He pauses. “You ought to take a moment to do that. Your hands do a lot for you, you know.” 
“I am aware.” She sighs. “I can’t believe my life has reduced to talking about hands over breakfast.” 
Sokka chuckles. “Well when you put it that way it sounds horrible!”
“And how would you phrase it?”
“Well let’s see. You are enjoying a nice sunrise breakfast…”
“People do tend to eat breakfast around sunrise, yes.” 
For approximately three seconds, if she had to guess, Sokka deadpans. “You are enjoying a nice sunrise and breakfast with your boyfriend who, by the way, is extremely good looking which is a gift in itself. Not everyone gets to say that they have such a gorgeous lover.”
He allows her ample time to comment otherwise and seems entirely gleeful when she does not. 
“It’s a nice day out and you don’t have to worry about things trying to kill you. You don’t have to worry about monotonous council meetings, instead you get to practice flying…”
“It is more of a passtime than a practice.” She shrugs. 
“Well, there you go!” He declares as though that settles everything. And perhaps it does. “You have time for pastimes and hobbies and things that you actually enjoy. Isn’t that better than what you initially envisioned for yourself?” 
“It is, yes.” 
“Does it feel unimportant?”
This Azula has to dwell upon more. It is a very kind and agreeable existence that she can’t hate by any means. But it does seem…unremarkable. Things her in the Sun Warrior City are idle and lazy in a charming sort of way. But then, no one here seems particularly stressed about it. No one is lecturing her to make good use of her day and reminding her that she hasn’t particularly accomplished anything monumental recently. 
In fact, sometimes it seems as though the Sun Warriors are rather delighted in how little they achieve. It is a clashing of their values against the ones that she was raised on. Where they see fulfillment in leisure and art she sees fulfillment in grand feats of power, physical and social. 
Sometimes she thinks that she brings stress upon them in her constant pacing, demands for lessons, training, and inability to bask in leisure for more than a day. 
Finally she gives him a nod. “Quite unimportant, yes.” 
Sokka frowns. “How can you say that?”
“It has been four years now and I haven’t exactly done anything aside from learning to be a dragon. And…”
“And getting to know and bonding with your real family? That’s a pretty big deal, isn’t it? You used to be alone. No one liked you. Actually…we all pretty much hated you.” 
“See this is the sort of charm and smooth talk that really had me allured.” Azula rolls her eyes. “It is also why I have chosen not to save any mangos and pineapples for you.”
“My point is that you have a family now and a bunch of friends who like you even though you don’t share your pineapples.”
“But I do not have any notable achievements such as ‘Fire Lord Azula’ or ‘helped save the world.’ The accomplishments that I have made have been nullified or have had the credit misplaced.” 
“Okay but you’re a dragon? Why are you trying to fit into human expectations?”
“Because I am also a human. I have been for longer than I’ve been a dragon.” The wind rustles her hair and she reaches a hand to tuck it back behind her ear. Sokka cups his hand against her cheek and she brings her hand down and holds her hand atop his. 
“I think that maybe you should try taking a chunk of Sun Warrior culture; they seem to think that just existing and doing your best is worthwhile enough. And I think that they’ve got it right. I’ve never felt better. I can just be here and…” He flicks his wrists. “I can just relax and not have to worry about being outshined by benders who can do amazing things that I can’t.” 
“You absolutely do have to worry about that.” She offers him a tiny spark.
He jumps, grumbles something or another, and gives her a good swat. To which she laughs. 
“You’re the worst.” He rubs his elbow. “If I wanted a shock I would have found my favorite socks and rubbed my feet on the carpet. Everyone knows that that’s the fun part.” 
Azula sighs and shrugs. “Look, Sokka, I had envisioned myself on a throne. In a palace with servants and a hot spring. This isn’t a small subversion. I am sleeping in a cave.”
“By choice! Isn’t that the important part. I think that the crown and throne were just shackles. You’re free now and you seem a lot happier.” He points out. “By the way you have a big temple with these big banquets right over there. They might not have a title for you here but they sure treat you like royalty! Better even! You’re one of the last three dragons.”
She hums. “Well yes, I suppose that that is true.” Perhaps it really does just amount to her learning to shake the remnants of a life that wasn’t even supposed to have been hers at all. One that she was forced to contort herself to fit into until her body, mind, spirit had broken. “The last dragons…” She frowns. Of course they are spoiling her here, they are savoring that they have been lucky enough to be in the company of dragons while they are still around. “There need to be more dragons.” 
“Yeah, that would be nice.” Sokka agrees. She doesn’t think that he quite understands.
“I can make more dragons…”
“Yeah, that’s a thing that you can probably do.” He agrees. 
She takes herself an exaggerated inhale and exhale. “It is a team activity… that requires a partner.” She makes note of his snicker. He is the worst, absolutely the worst. “Do you require more elaboration?” 
She hates that sly little grin. Really she ought not humor him. 
“We should…” she pauses. “We should have children…for repopulation’s sake.” 
“Yeah, okay. For repopulation’s sake.” He quirks a brow. 
“Yes. Exactly.” 
That grin falters. “Do you actually want to be a mother, Azula? Because I don’t mind being a dad if that’s what you want to do. But you shouldn’t just do this because you feel like you have to. Didn’t your mom mention that you might be an older sister soon?”
Azula nods. “She did. But…”
Azula shrugs. 
“You still want to be a mother?” 
“Perhaps.” She replies. “It could be nice in the future.”
“Sure, Azula.” Sokka smiles. “You just think about it, okay.” 
Ran and Shaw try to give Azula her distance, particularly when she is with Sokka. Sometimes though, Shaw can’t help but linger and listen. Maybe she can trace that back to a decade of peering at a cold empty nest, listening for hungry squawks and chirps that would never come. 
That nest is occupied now and Ran takes his turn coiling around it while she gets up to check on her eldest daughter. Her eldest child who is quite adamant is perfectly fine on her own. “I’m not a child, mother.” She says. 
But the woman is twenty-one. Just twenty-one. “When I was twenty-one, I was still letting my mother accompany me on hunting trips, Hosekko.” She had informed her during their morning wing warmup.
The little dragon had looked rather perplexed. 
“I’m sorry, Hosekko, I sometimes forget how short human lives are.” 
And she is certain that Hosekko forgets how long she will live. 
Shaw gives the egg a parting kiss before leaving it to her mate. This time they won’t let it out of their sight. This time they won’t make the blunder that leaves her with the slew of dreads that she contemplates now. 
They have their Hosekko, but for how long? Will she die when her human body reaches its limit? Or will her dragon body keep her human body alive beyond its years? Will her human body age and wither until only the dragon is left? 
What does it mean for Sokka and what does it mean for she and Ran? What does it mean for Hosekko herself?
Shaw isn’t certain that Hosekko has considered this yet. She is so terribly young, why would she? And yet Hosekko is an old soul; hurt and aged beyond what she ought to be for her short time here. 
Hosekko enters the cave with Sokka at her side. Shaw stoops her head down, “are you hear to visit your sibling?”
“I am.” She confirms. Really it was a silly question. Hosekko has her habits, her routines. And she enjoys visiting as she and Ran are switching roles for the day. The woman makes herself comfortable sitting upon her father’s tail and propped up against the egg. 
She is quiet for quite some time. “Mother?”
“Father can answer too.” She mentions. “I was wondering–should I choose to give you grandchildren…”
Shaw has been anticipating this question for quite some time now. Hosekko has been murmuring about it with Sokka for several months now. 
“Do you think that it would be more practical to keep my human form for a while and deliver the child as a human or should I deliver the child as a dragon?” She pauses. “I imagine that the child would be a half-dragon regardless. But I think that I would like it to hatch as a dragon.” 
“It sounds like you have answered your own question.” Ran answers. 
“I suppose that I have, haven’t I.” She replies. “You will show me how to take care of a dragon egg?”
“Of course we will.” Shaw replies. She lifts Hosekko into her claw, earning herself a ‘hey’ from Sokka whose grip she had just pulled her from. Perhaps she hadn’t gotten to feed a cooing baby dragon, hadn’t gotten to be there for the first confused and shaky steps nor the first blast of fire. But she had gotten to teach her hatchling to fly and she gets to teach her hatchling to care for her first egg. 
“Mother, father.” She speaks again after some time. “Sokka and I are going to Caldera City for a while. I want to teach the rest of the Fire Nation about dragons. There are going to be more of them sooner rather than later. It is time to resurface buried knowledge.” 
Shaw smiles. “You will visit frequently, I hope?”
Azula nods. “Very frequently, yes.”
“It feels like we’ve only just gotten you back.” But she knows how much this means to her little dragon. Hosekko never had liked to sit idle. Not even when she was nestled within a newly laid egg. 
“You will make us proud.” Ran declares and Hosekko tenses. “No matter how your efforts turn out, you will make us proud.” At this she seems to settle. Shaw sets her back down by Sokka nd the egg. 
“Sokka and I will be here for the departing banquet and then we will begin our lessons in Caldera City. I have already made arrangements with Zuzu. While I am there I am going to have to fix the awful work he has done with the Fire Nation’s infrastructure, even from the sky I can see that it is abysmal.” 
That sounds just well to Shaw. Hosekko has only just begun her life but she will make the world safer for her soon to hatch sibling.
Her little dragon was meant for action and achievement. 
Hosekko is very much like her father.
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waywardstraysau · 2 years
Tri-Nerds: Origin
(A Beginning to a Wayward Tides Saga, by Mod Nightmare)
It’s common knowledge (DT) Hunter has a crush on Edric
Nobody really thought the romantic life of those two could get much more complicated, considering they’d probably never make a move. 
Everyone was wrong
(Or: Jack, Hunter, and Edric develop mutual crushes on each other, one small moment at a time)
(Also, an introduction to Vex, DT’s psychic palisman modeled to scale after Malzeno, from MHR: Sunbreak) 
Jack never really expected Edric to come to him for something like robotics tutoring. 
He was an illusionist witch, which, in Jack’s personal opinion, was the FURTHEST profession away from something as hands-on/logical as robotics and coding.
Yet, Edric was so insistent on learning the trade that Jack was eventually coerced into tutoring him. After all, if this ended up as a waste of time, at least Jack had an excuse to infodump about robotics for an hour each day until Edric grew disinterested. 
Except, he didn’t. 
If anything, Edric took his robotics lessons more seriously than he did in most of the schools core classes. Within two weeks he was shadowing Jack around his lab while Hunter played Animal Crossing on his loveseat. He was constantly asking thoughtful, on topic questions about each part of Jack’s constructive process, from something as delicate as the circuitry, to the bulky, hands on intricacies of proper metal welding. 
Edric was actually eager to learn.
So, naturally, Jack upped the intensity of their tutoring sessions. Instead of just info dumping about the basics and leaving Edric to pick out what was and wasn’t super important, he took the time to plan out lessons. He had Edric observe him while he drew out blueprints, explaining each part of the process in detail, and drilling in to the greenettes head how important the planning stage was. He even let Edric help him with welding parts and repairs, though the scrawny witch usually stuck to observation due to his sub-par physical strength. 
The whole arrangement turned out to be rather fun!
The lessons continued, and over time, Jack grew rather comfortable with Edric, even beginning to consider him a close friend. Close enough that he was noticing a few little things about the greenette he wouldn’t have expected of him.
One: Edric’s crush on Hunter. Jack wasn’t an idiot, he knew the two were close, even knew Hunter had feelings that weren’t entirely platonic (not that he’d ever admit to it) in regards to the greenette, but he honestly thought those feelings weren’t entirely reciprocated. 
He’d been wrong. 
If anything, Edric was downright smitten with Hunter. While the greenette tended to be rather attentive during lessons despite (what Jack suspected was) his ADHD (accommodated with a fidget cube), if Hunter was in the room with them, Jack would have to constantly, and repeatedly, redirect the scrawny witch’s visual attention back to the task at hand. If Hunter wasn’t in the lab, Edric would doodle his face in the margins of his notes, with a bunch of little hearts to boot. 
Jack felt it would be inappropriate to comment, so he didn’t. 
Two: Edric’s palisman, Cedric, who was practically on him twenty-four seven, looked EXACTLY like Hunter’s wolf form, with a green color pallate instead of purple. 
Disregarding the fact that the concept of palisman was fucking weird as hell, it also was revealed to Jack that Edric had carved him long before he knew Hunter could shapeshift at all. 
When Jack asked where he got the inspiration from, Edric simply replied “I’ve only seen two creatures who look like him in my life, and the one I modeled Cedric after was the most majestic thing I’ve ever seen”
The look Jack shot Hunter after that statement was pointedly ignored. 
Three: Edric was blind as shit, but refused to wear his glasses. 
Jack assumed he had contacts he misplaced on occasion, mostly because his blindness seemed to come and go. When Jack inquired about Edric’s vision problems, and ways Jack could get him some proper visual aids, he got touchy and sometimes outright left the room, but always returned and just refused to discuss the situation further. 
When Jack brought this behavior up to Hunter, he confirmed that Edric had a pair of glasses, but warned him to stop bringing up the subject, as the greenette hated them. 
So, Jack stopped bringing it up.
(He was admittedly curious about what the greenette might look like in them)
Four: Edric knew how to dye hair on almost a professional level
How Jack learned of this information was rather funny, in hindsight. He’d noticed his ginger roots were starting to become a little obvious one Saturday, after an all nighter. Instead of going back to his room to take care of the problem, preferably after a nap, his drunk, half asleep mind rationalized that he could probably take care of the problem without needing to leave the lab.
Bad. Idea.
Edric had walked in on him half covered in red hair dye and his lab looking like it had bore witness to a fresh, brutal murder. 
None of the dye had even gotten to his hair, and he was pissed he’d run out. 
Instead of being insulted for fucking up, as he had grown accustomed to after months of living with Wuya, Edric had simply chuckled, helped Jack to his feet, and then cleaned up.
Afterward, Edric had strong-armed the ginger into letting him completely re-do his dye job, with promises he could make the red both more vibrant and natural looking.
He’d delivered on both to say the least, and Jack had never felt like less of a ginger prep-school loser until that moment.
He could have kissed the greenette, the job was so well done.
Jack could understand why Hunter adored Edric after that moment.
He could do without the greenettes tardiness on Saturdays like on that current one, though. Edric’s palisman had showed up on time, as Cedric was known to be punctual, but his witch was so scatterbrained on Saturdays Jack usually ended up waiting up on him. 
Usually, as a bit of harmless fun, Jack would greet the witch with Cedric in his lap, doing his best interpretation of an evil cat while he stroked him. Jack had even come up with a mock monologue about how he could have conquered Norway in the time it took Edric to show up, but that didn’t end up happening. 
What happened instead was a proverbial slap to the face of Jack’s feelings.
Edric stumbled into the lab half asleep (despite it being near noon), more disheveled than Jack had ever seen him, wearing tastefully black glasses with box lenses and what looked like sleepwear.
Also, it could be a trick of the light, but Jack swore Edric looked taller. 
“Edric, what the fuck” ended up coming out of the redheads mouth instead of his planned “Norway Conquest” monologue, but Jesus shit he barely recognized the teen slumped against his doorway. “Are you okay?”
“Fuuuucccckk no, Jake challenged me to do shots last night” he grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose as Jack took a hint and dimmed the lighting in the lab. “Hunter’s been helping me through this mornings hangover, but titan winning that twenty bucks was so not worth it”
“Well I can’t in good conscious let you work near machinery if you’re this fucked up” Jack concluded, getting up after Cedric jumped off his lap, quickly moving to steady Edric against his side. “I’m taking you back to your room”
“What about todays lesson?”
“Heres a lesson: NEVER work with machinery when intoxicated or hungover” Jack chided, trembling a bit under the taller males weight. “When the fuck did you get this tall, though?”
At the inquiry, Edric’s entire face turned tomato red, and he started spluttering something about a “Concealment Stone” while trying to hide his face with his available arm. 
All Jack could focus on was how… oddly cute the reaction was-
Oh, fuck.
The guilt that followed Jack around since that revelation was soul-crushing. 
Edric was a wonderful boy, inside and out, but Jack was currently cursing his bisexuality for turning his platonic feelings into something deeper. 
Thankfully, Jack’s experiences with his father gave him great practice with suppressing any external indications of attraction, so he could still hang out with Edric just fine, even if he really wanted to run his fingers through the witches soft hair-
“God, I’m a shit friend” Jack groaned to himself as he let his head slam down on his workbench. He hadn’t had many friends in his life, especially ones who actually liked him, and his stupid bi ass just had to fuck it up by falling for one of them.
Needless to say, because of his feelings, the week had been painfully awkward, at least on his end.
Seriously, what the fuck was he supposed to say to Hunter? 
“Hey, I think Edric’s hot too, and I’ve already daydreamed about kissing him more than once”?
Yeah. No, Jack knew he would hurt the violette if he dared admit to something like that. Not to mention Edric…
What sucked even more was Hunter was a fucking saint of a friend. While Edric was a boy he could really bond with over similar interests in regards to hobbies, Hunter was something more of a kindred spirit. The guy was an absolute riot when it came to messing with the other kids, and generally led the trio into fun shenanigans, or bailed them out if shit went south. He was a shoulder to lean on, a vote of confidence when Jack needed it.
Yet, Jack had betrayed all that, and fell for his crush. Fell hard.
Worse still, the guilt didn’t squash the butterflies, not by a long shot. His heart still pounded at the thought of Edric’s silly little grin when he managed a breakthrough in their tutoring sessions. Or when the witch brought him lunch when they met up on the days where Jack zoned out and missed the period due to one project or another-
“ARGH, fuck off!” The redhead huffed, slamming his head down again before getting up from his desk, clearly ruffled. “Fuck this, I’m getting pudding-“
The redhead stumbled back in surprise as his lab door was flung open in front of him, a flash of purple light being Jack’s only warning before Hunter was grabbing onto the fabric of his trechcoat, pulling the boy genius down to his eye level and shaking him.
“HUNTER!” Jack shouted, slamming his hands down on the shorter males shoulders to gain his attention. Thankfully, this maneuver also stopped the shaking, and even quieted the smaller teen. “I couldn’t understand a word of what you just said, what’s the problem?”
“The palisman I made for Luz, my Luz, just look at her!” He spluttered, reaching into his hood and pulling out-
“Holy shit!” The redhead exclaimed as he watched the tiny, intricate dragon in his friends hands raise its head to stare at him. He’d seen the palisman before, Hunter had proudly showed the carving off a few weeks ago when he’d completed it, claiming he was going to give it to his sister when he got back home. The dragon had been modeled after Malzeno, a monster from Hunter’s favorite game, but Jack could have sworn the carving was much lighter in color before. “It’s moving, what-”
“She’s not supposed to be moving, Jack!” The violette snapped, dropping his hands as the newly animated palisman took to the air, looking ready to lose his shit. “A palisman doesn’t move unless it’s already bonded with a witch, Luz was supposed to be her witch, not me! I already have a palisman!”
“… Okay, that sucks, you accidentally made your sisters gift useless to her, but I don’t understand why you’re freaking out so bad” Jack replied, holding out his arm to let the dragon land, and scritching her tiny chin. “Honestly, she seems perfect for you, anyway”
“Jack. A witch cannot bond with two palisman at one time, and trust me, many have tried” Hunter explained, face strained with distress. “Something bad could have happened to Flapjack!”
“You named a cardinal “Flapjack?””
“He came with the name!” The violette rebutted defensively, before shaking his head and clasping his hands together, which were noticeably trembling. “Oh God, he’s with my dad, what if they’re both hurt somewhere-“
“Hey, I’m sure they’re fine!” Jack quickly stepped in, placing a hand on the smaller males shoulder, cutting off what was sure to be a bad downward spiral. Hunter refused to look up, and so the redhead deposited the draconic palisman on his head, making him squeak and scramble to catch the little thing as it jumped right back off and forced its way into his arms. “Besides, from what you’ve told me, a palisman bond is a deep connection few can experience. I’m sure this girl would be crushed if you rejected her”
“Jack, she’s not a girlfriend” Hunter replied in deadpan, but stifled a chuckle right after as the little dragon placed her front paws on his chest and nuzzled the underside of his chin. “H-hey! Quit it!”
“I think she agrees with me” Jack chuckled, crossing his arms with a little smile as the newly animated being scrambled up onto the witches shoulders to avoid grabbing hands, Hunter laughing with genuine glee as he took part in her little game, looking happier than Jack had seen him in a while. 
Wait, when did the air conditioner turn off?
“Gotcha!” Hunter finally shouted in triumph, pulling the little dragon off of him and holding her out, her little feet dangling in the air. “Silly little troublemaker! I haven’t even named you yet and you’re so smart already!”
Jack couldn’t restrain the little smile of his own as Hunter cradled the little dragon like a baby, stroking her back with adoration. 
It would have been much more wholesome if the little dragon didn’t turn her head and lock eyes with Jack again.
“Thats not the air conditioner, by the way” a sleek, feminine voice suddenly chimed in Jack’s head, making him flinch violently at the sudden intrusion, staring at the little dragon in shock. “Your face is redder than your hair, and as new as I may be, I know what adoration is”
“What the actual fu-“
The rest of her statement finally sunk in, cutting off any other train of thought.
Edric chuckled from where he was catching his breath on a branch. 
He wasn’t really sure why, but Jack had invited him to go tree climbing in the middle of the night. Just him, as Hunter was sleeping soundly and neither teen wished to wake him for something so silly. 
Not only would Edric feel bad for disturbing his rest, but he was pretty sure Hunter would shank both of them for their reasoning, so he was left to snooze with Vex and Cedric.
“How do you suck so bad at this?” Edric wheezed as Jack flipped him off from where he was a foot or so down, limbs trembling at the sudden shift in weight support. 
“Fuck you, I’m out of practice” he hissed, spite allowing him to make that final push up to where Edric sat, forcing the scrawny witch to scoot over so he had room to sit. Edric simply hummed and shimmed further down the branch, taking in the decent view of the school from where they’d chosen to climb, just outside of the property. 
“It’s amazing how much luxury humans can cram into one lifetime” the greenette mused as his companion got comfortable. “Like, my parents were two of the richest people on the Isles, but even they couldn’t dream of going this extreme with a house”
“Pfft, this place had got nothin’ on my dad’s mansion in Shanghai” Jack cackled, earning an inquisitive look from the witch as he leaned against the trunk. “Not that I was allowed in there all that often, he’d usually confine me and mom to a secondary homestead while he smoozed in his big ol’ manor”
“… He didn’t have his wife and child live with him?” The scrawny witch inquired, sounding mildly horrified. 
Jack just shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I mean, mom was free to come and go around there as she pleased, but she usually stuck around the smaller house with me until I was twelve, when I graduated secondary school” The redhead clarified, picking at his nails despondently. “As soon as I had a GED, she was comfortable with leaving me to my own devices for longer periods of time”
“How long are we talking?” Edric asked, to which Jack just shrugged, looking disinterested.
“Long enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if I haven’t been reported missing yet” He replied, crossing his arms and staring off in the direction of the manor, eyes unfocused. “Who knows, maybe dad sent me that Puzzle Box as a plan to get rid of me for good, I’d gone off the deep end of obsessive villainy for a while at that point”
Edric didn’t know what to say to that.
What could he say?
“… Do you still consider yourself a villain?” The greenette finally settled on, to which Jack just shrugged again. 
“Not really” he responded, finally looking back at the witch as he repositioned himself on the branch. “I mean, I’m not senselessly evil, but I’m not hero material, either. Mostly I’m just… bad at everything” 
“Jack, your robots do all the chores and housecleaning of the entire school-”
“Not… not like that” the redhead corrected, blushing a bit as he avoided eye contact. “I’ve failed at every turn when it came to evildoing, every ally in villainy has turned on me more than once, and by the end of my so-called “career”, even my adversaries regarded me as nothing more than a joke”
“Ouch” Edric winced, and Jack just nodded along. 
“Yup. And the laughing just made it all the worse” He sighed, pulling his legs in to rest his head on his knees, still avoiding eye-contact. “Hell, I was once tied to the back of a speedboat by those monks and dragged across three miles of ocean, I was considered that much of an annoyance”
“What the fuck!? What monk does that shit!?” Edric shouted, startling the redhead enough to finally look at him again. Then, realizing the yelling was probably inappropriate for that time of night, Edric turned a little pink and put a hand to his mouth, years of harsh lessons on “manners” kicking back in. “Sorry”
Then, Jack did something rather unexpected. 
He laughed.
Not the old villainous cackle, or snarky snicker, but honest to god genuine bouts of laughter, the biracial redhead nearly doubled over and clutching his stomach, howling.
Edric could feel himself turning a little redder, cursing his fathers genetics for the way blushes spread over his entire face, but at that moment, he found he barely minded. 
Eventually, Jack did regain composure, but it took a good moment before he could talk again, a rare, genuine smile on his face.
“S-sorry, Edric, I just didn’t think you were capable of such indignant outrage” he cackled, waving his hands around a bit to calm himself. “Glad to know you care, though”
“Of course I care, Jack. You’re my friend” 
The redhead stilled at the claim, turning a little pink himself. The color was a rather start contrast to his pale skin, but oddly… alluring?
He’s pretty cute
That… could be problematic.
“You… really mean that?” Jack asked nervously, picking at the holes in his fingerless gloves, cheeks looking a little more red.
Eh, screw it, I can think on it later.
“Of course! You’ve been putting up with my shit for like, two months, why wouldn’t I consider you a friend?” The greenette asked, slinging an arm over the redheads shoulders and pulling him into a side hug. “Plus, Hunter adores you! He’s even carv-“
Edric quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, remembering that particular bit of info was supposed to be a secret. Jack, in all his red-faced glory, stared at him from his position with confusion.
“Uh- lets just say he’s making something special for you and leave it at that” Edric chuckled, scratching his cheek with embarrassment. 
Jack looked a little suspicious, but ended up just laughing again, ducking out of the side hug and scooting away a bit, blush still in place. 
“If you say so” he replied, trying to hide the big smile spreading across his face as he moved to get up. “We should probably head back-“
“Oh, leave this part to me!” Edric hummed enthusiastically, pulling out a piece of paper to slap on his chest, and grabbing Jack around the waist. 
“Wait, what are you-!?” Jack screeched, only to be cut off as Edric pushed off the branch, dragging the redhead into freefall with him. 
Edric would treasure the hilariously girly scream Jack had unleashed before the “safety fall” glyph kicked in for the rest of time.
Like many teenagers who drank too much at wild parties, Hunter woke up confused. 
The violette was lucky he never had to deal with a hangover, but that didn’t stop alcohol from messing with his memories. All he had from the night before was Edric passing out in the pillow fort room after losing several rounds of beer-pong to Randy (dude was surprisingly dexterous when wasted), and… a lot of intoxicated conversation with an equally-wasted Jack.
Which didn’t make a whole lot of sense, considering someone was spooning the violette from behind, and he was pretty sure he’d left Edric in the pillow fort room to sleep off the shots-
Fuck me thats not Edric the violette realized with a jolt, wincing as the redhead currently cuddling him like a beloved toy grumbled in annoyance, tightening his arms around Hunter’s waist a bit before relaxing again. Fuck fuck fuck- 
The urge to squirm out of the intimate embrace he’d awoken in was sadly suppressed by the urge to not wake the neurotic genius, as he knew Jack didn’t sleep a lot if he could help it. The whole situation was incredibly awkward, probably even more so considering Hunter was subconsciously musing upon how good the other teen smelled, like sharp cinnamon mixed with burnt sugar. Intense, and a bit irritating to the senses at first, but oddly sweet once you got used to it.  
“Master? How are you?” Vex trilled from where she had previously been curled up on the nightstand, sharing a plush pillow with Cedric. 
Could be worse Hunter admitted, trying to distract himself from how warm Jack was despite his pale complexion. What the fuck were we even talking about last night? How did that lead to this?
“Oh, its was quite a show~” Vex chuckled, gently disentangling herself from Cedric and leaping over to join the violette on the bed, settling down while Hunter carefully repositioned himself so he was upright, but his waist was still in Jack’s hold. “You two were just chattering away, about how you both think Edric is sooo charming, then guiltily apologizing for getting in each others way”
Huh, not too bad then Hunter mused, scratching his cheek with bit of a blush. I’m not surprised Jack likes Edric too, he’s very pretty, and there’s even more substance underneath that cute face…
“Yeah, no, thats not everything. I wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on in here after that whole fiasco for a bit, your alternate was having a rather intense crisis under the influence and his Flapjack came to me for help” Vex cackled, looking rather smug. “When I came back, you and Jack were getting pretty comfy, all snuggled up together while you told Jack all about your failed missions under your uncles orders back in the day, using a light orb to project shadows to give him visuals”
… I remember that, actually Hunter mused, blushing a bit as the memory of Jack’s laughter at his side became more clear. Buddha, did I really tell him about the Bat Queen incident?
“Oh yeah you did” Vex giggled, raising a paw to cover her snout. “Hearing you recount how you tried to fistfight her after she knocked your staff out of your hands was hilarious”
Fuck me Hunter groaned internally as he buried his face in his arms, hiding his bright blush. Not just from the mortification on behalf of his thirteen year-old self, who’d received a painful thrashing from the palisman den mother, but also the delighted, carefree laughter of a teenager who was usually so closed off when it came to expressing genuine happiness. 
He kind of just stayed in that position, musing over his life choices for a while, before Jack finally began to stir, retracting his arms to push himself into sitting position. 
“Agh, fuck” he hissed, slamming his face into his knees and curling up to block out the sun. 
“Hangover?” Hunter questioned, sitting up himself as Vex turned to rejoin Cedric on their bed, shielding the tiny wolf palisman’s eyes with her wings as she settled back in. 
“No shit” he grumbled, massaging his temples with scrunched closed eyes, looking about ready to lose his mind. “Whoever invented hangovers can bite me”
“Yeah, well, you need to get up, I need someone taller to help me drag Edric back here” the violette hummed, slipping out of bed and heading over to the windows to close the curtains. The groan he received in response was expected, but still rude. “Oh, hush up, I’ll be taking care of you two for the rest of today, the least you can do for me is help out”
“Fuckin’- give me a moment, I’ll get the bots to bring him” the redhead muttered, uncurling from his vertical ball and reaching over to his trench coat tossed on the bedside table, pulling out a phone. Then, he dialed a certain number and pressed the device to the side of his head. “Operator Number 80085, dispatch retrieval drones to bring one Edric Blight back to his room”
“Did you seriously make your operator number a boobs joke?” Hunter cackled as his hungover companion shot him an exasperated look, appearing ready to just keel over and die. “Okay, sorry, you’re doing me a favor, lie back down while I clean up a bit from last night”
“Finally” He whined, flopping back over and slamming a pillow over his head, trying to hide from the natural light still streaming into the room. 
Pfft. Dork the violette mused as he moved to open their door, knowing Jack’s inventions tended to break anything that interfered with their objective, then proceeded to start tidying up, habit and personal pride in his own work keeping him from using magic to expedite the process. He greeted the Jack-bots as they dropped Edric off on the bed, as Jack swore at them both for their incompetence. Yelling at your own brain children doesn’t change their programming
“Fuuuuccck, Hunter, you need to stop spiking your desserts, I had one drink” Edric whined as he stole the blanket off Jack, earning a yelp from the redhead as he swathed himself in the fabric, flopping forth in a position Hunter liked to call “The Miserable Caterpillar”. “How did you even manage to make cake intoxicating, doesn’t baking mostly nullify the alcohol!?”
“The trick is the icing” the son of Macaque hummed as he dropped his bag into their trashcan, dusting off his hands. “If you really don’t want to get drunk, just take desserts from the kids tables, I tried to warn all you guys I made my stuff particularly strong last night”
“And you lied about the “one drink” shit, I know you were doing shots before challenging Cunningham to beer pong” Jack sniped from underneath the pillow he used as a shield, voice barely muffled by the material. 
“Why would you betray me like that?” Edric whimpered as Hunter shot him an amused look, flopping on top of the redhead while still wrapped up. “I thought we were friends”
“Goddamnit, Edric, get off!” Jack groaned as he tried to squirm away from he greenette while keeping his pillow firmly in place. Unfortunately, he underestimated Edric’s commitment to getting free snuggles, and both of them were on the floor within two minutes. “FUCK”
“Alright, enough messing with each other” Hunter finally stepped in, room darkening considerably as he drew a circle in the air. Both boys yelped as they were levitated off the floor and back onto the bed, before a blanket and a couple of pillows appeared in each of their laps. “Set yourselves up and get comfy, I’ll go scrape together a breakfast that’ll help out with your hangovers”
“God, please” Jack begged as Edric flopped over, sighing in relief. “Thank the lord for your magic, I was losing my shit in that sun”
“You’re a saint in sinners clothes, Hunter” the greenette added groggily, setting his glasses on the bedside table as Jack set up a little tower of pillows to rest his back against, his stubborn tendencies to avoid sleep kicking back in with the addition of darkness. 
“Hey, no, Jack, give me all your devices, you don’t need to be making that headache worse” the violette scolded as the redhead produced his phone, swiping that and his tablet from the backpack on the floor. 
“Oh, come on! I have codes I need to update!” He whined petulantly, trying to reach for the devices, but Hunter simply pushed him back until he relented, crossing his arms and sitting back with a frown. “Jerk”
“You’ll thank me later, Spicer” Hunter simply replied, drawing another spell circle and teleporting the electronics back into the redheads lab. “The coding will still be there when you’re well, just relax”
“Fine” he groaned, rolling his eyes as Hunter headed out, Edric already well on his way back into unconsciousness. 
The second the door closed behind him, the son and successor of the Six-Eared Macaque let out a deep sigh of relief, covering his face with his hands as his ears turned red.
What even is my taste in men?
The second the door closed behind him, the son and successor of the Six-Eared Macaque let out a deep sigh of relief, covering his face with his hands as his ears turned red.
What even is my taste in men?
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
R18 Drama CD Split No.52 - April 2023
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Hello~ I’m hosting a split for April 2023 R18 Drama CD releases. Please see the registration form below for more details.
Shares are appreciated too! ❤  #lieselGOs
Registration Form: bit.ly/3ZRcQ5H
Closing Date: Apr 21 (11PM CST)
Payment: Paypal, Ko-Fi, Venmo, & Google Pay 🆗
※I'll contact everyone in the pre-registration list before the deadline.
Total CDs: 10 (including tokuten, if any) + Bonus Gifts
Shop: Stellaworth (Unless stated otherwise)
Sakyu Tore! Lesson.1 Zero - Senpai Inma no Yasashii Tehodoki  (CV: Atsushi Domon)
slow slow XXX…4th Lemon (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
slow slow XXX…4th Milk (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
Cabaret and Sugar Cube 1958 (CV: Chasuke)
Cabaret and Sugar Cube 1968 (CV: Yuuga Hayakawa)
SWEETxSWEETxMORE Evan Grey / Taiga Masa (CV: Isamu Kuroi, Kazushige Hiroyama)
Kyuujitsu Ofuton - Danna-sama to Ouchi de Icha Icha~ (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
Arikitari na Happy Life Ani (CV: Masato Kawamura)
Kono Otoko, Megane wo Hazusu to Hyouhen shimasu Vol.1 ~Shojo, Ubawaremashita~ (CV: Tetrapod Noboru) 
Akachan ni natta Kimi……Boku ga Subete Sewa shite ageru (CV: Itsuki Katou)
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fantasyideas1 · 18 days
seasoning excuses, prepared proverbs, false slanders and
reaching for easy money, wise words will pierce millennia,
seed retention will make your seed ripe in love, sleep as
digestive system of thinking, having energy processing
of the external world, neuro shock amplifier of truth in argument, the power
of honesty and sincerity causes chemical and biophysical
effect, the state of mind goes to a new spiritual level
of thinking, biogenic philosophical effect of influence on the body
of thinking, nicotine addiction to technology ruins the connection with
reality and the health gene goes blind from mass hysteria, the composition
of the components of fate consists of the form of subconscious influences and
besconscious from the side of the genome, shopping for the poor, think about
the future, oblivion in the party consciousness,
death of any project:
1 advertising
2 competition users
3 greed of the project authors
4 addiction
5 negative user reviews for indifferent management
Lazy fear prevents one from becoming smarter, why does a mortal need money? Virgins (girls) who do not know shame run to the wicked to learn grief from them, they bathe in the stench of vices, not listening to life's lessons, as in the delight of the last days, in the desert it is better to die of thirst without knowing pleasure, having given the last drops of hope to a family member, than to serve their vices, mocking your trusting
my fundamental loyalty with soul and body to your beauty, grow with
every second, you are a sweet effect of pleasure, lust, a loving
cry of despair, languor and suffering, for your beauty,
Pixel jocks, from protein wide pupils, heart jumps, all
jocks even have a square prostate, when a jock poses it looks like
the movement of a Rubik's cube
rkm from the prostate, a lonely cowboy, with an image of a howling wolf on
the toilet with a newspaper oh boy
music is a beautiful art of stretching and smearing words
made a mohawk like a horse, you wave it, you freeze in the winter and shake
and like a horse said: yoke-yoke
city worker building a road, the worker says: and a heart
attack, well, come on, a stupid attack, I'll have to wait for you for a long time, another
worker: tells him, come on, work, the worker: oh yeah, I'm working
In a melodrama, they fall in love due to scandals, in reality, due to
matter, in porn they just take off their panties,
Are you rich? your vagina has grown teeth and a smile, then you need to go to the dentist
author Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
0 notes
mittimatetoys · 3 months
Top 5 Classic Brain-Boosting Games
In a world full of screens and digital distractions, keeping our minds sharp and engaged is more important than ever. With constant information overload and the fast pace of modern life, our brains need activities that both entertain and challenge us. Brain development games offer a great solution. They are fun and effective ways to boost mental agility, improve problem-solving skills, and enhance overall brain health.
These games are more than just fun activities; they help our minds grow. They require strategic thinking, memory skills, and spatial awareness, making them perfect for both kids and adults who want to stay mentally active. Playing these games regularly can lead to better memory, sharper focus, and a greater ability to think critically and solve complex problems. So, in today’s article we’ll tell you about 5 best wooden brain development games that not only provide hours of entertainment but also exercise your brain. 
Chess Board
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Chess is known as the ultimate brain game, and for good reason. This classic board game requires strategic thinking, planning ahead, and anticipating your opponent's moves. Each piece on the wooden chess board has unique movements, and mastering the game involves understanding how these pieces work together. Playing chess regularly can improve memory, enhance concentration, and develop problem-solving skills. It's a game where every move counts, demanding deep thought and careful planning, making it a timeless challenge that stimulates minds of all ages.
Tic Tac Toe
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Tic Tac Toe might seem simple, but it teaches important lessons in strategy and critical thinking. It's an excellent game for young children to grasp the basics of planning and anticipating an opponent's moves. Despite its straightforward rules, mastering Tic Tac Toe involves recognizing patterns and predicting outcomes. Playing on a wooden Tic Tac Toe board adds a tactile element that enhances the experience. Its simplicity makes it accessible to all ages, while still offering a level of challenge that can engage and develop young minds. This classic game encourages strategic thinking and provides a solid foundation for more complex games.
Snake Cube Puzzle
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The Snake Cube Puzzle is a 3D twisty puzzle that challenges your spatial awareness and problem-solving skills. The goal is to untangle a series of connected cubes to form a perfect cube shape, which requires patience and spatial reasoning. This hands-on challenge is unique in its ability to engage the brain, as it requires visualizing and manipulating objects in space. It’s a fun and rewarding experience for both children and adults, promoting patience, persistence, and improved spatial reasoning.
Jigsaw Puzzles 
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Jigsaw Puzzles are a favorite pastime for many, offering a great way to enhance cognitive abilities while providing a calming, meditative activity. Completing a jigsaw puzzle requires attention to detail, patience, and the ability to see how small pieces fit into a larger picture. This activity improves visual-spatial reasoning, enhances memory and concentration, and gives a sense of accomplishment once completed. Jigsaw puzzles come in various difficulty levels, making them suitable for all ages, and provide a tangible, satisfying challenge that rewards perseverance.
Maze Puzzle
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Maze Puzzle games are fantastic tools for enhancing cognitive skills and spatial awareness. These puzzles require players to navigate a complex network of paths to reach a specific goal, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Each maze presents a unique challenge, demanding concentration and strategic planning to find the correct route. Whether played on paper, in a book, or with a physical 3D maze, these puzzles help improve memory and attention to detail. They are suitable for all ages, offering a fun and engaging way to stimulate the brain while providing a sense of accomplishment upon completion.
Adding brain development games to your routine is a fantastic way to keep your mind sharp, improve various cognitive functions, and enjoy some quality entertainment. From the strategic depth of chess to the spatial challenges of the snake cube puzzle, each game offers unique benefits that cater to different aspects of mental agility. Whether you're looking to enhance your strategic thinking, improve your problem-solving skills, or simply enjoy a relaxing yet stimulating activity, these games are perfect choices. So, pick up a chess board, challenge yourself with a jigsaw puzzle, or dive into a game of solitaire, and give your brain the workout it deserves!
0 notes
hellsbroadcaster · 4 months
@xluciifer ;; There was always something about Alastor that intrigued him. How he carries himself, the manner of which he speaks, the lingering gaze he'll catch in the corner of his eye. It wasn't his imagination. Lucifer definitely felt the Radio Demon's stare on him any time he wasn't looking directly at him, and he was curious as to why. He found a moment to seek the answer later that day, allowing their fingers to purposefully brush when reaching for the same book. The demon tried to pull away but the devil wouldn't let him, capturing a hold of his clawed appendages, his gaze holding for longer than intended. He brought the hand to his lips, initially placing a chase kiss into the inside of his palm before allowing sharp teeth to breach fragile skin.
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                    .  . ˚ . ╳ ⊹ ― 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆; 𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐍𝐎 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐓. It was rare to be allowed to enter the King of Hell's domain. The place where he had stayed for so long, never leaving. While there was more to this place, Alastor had lost himself in the library. It was enormous, books that covered every inch of the room, books to the ceiling. Some were stacked neatly on shelves; others were stacked on top of each other, collecting the King's absence. Some he found opened on tables, quills laid out with dried ink, remnants of a growing && inspiring mind. It had been apparent that Lucifer hadn't stepped inside this room in quite some time. 
                 His eyes widened when he saw something interesting; his fingers brushed over the rows of books. He must have seemed childish how he'd talk to himself as he flipped through pages, wonders spilling out of the pages && into his head. He loved how a book grabbed a person, teaching them, whether straightforward and educational or hard life lessons in the form of a beautifully crafted tale. Oftentimes, Alastor wondered just what kind of book Lucifer was. What mysteries and life lessons lurked within those feathered pages ? 
               It was the allure of him that had crimson eyes watching && peeking through pages, trying to solve him like a Rubik's cube. If he managed to collect a color, would it unlock a new secret he would learn about him ? 
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            Alastor blinks back to the collection before him, reaching for a book before delicate, sin-covered fingers brushed against his own. Alastor smirked, aiming to pull the book out of his reach, but found that Lucifer had been far quicker to the punch. The gesture had caught him off guard, his eyes lingering on the radio demon in a way he hadn't quite undergone before. Like he was searching for him, trying to look deeper beneath that perpetual smile. Wanting to see him. 
         How was it that Lucifer had become the only one to make him fumble, stumble, && lose sight of his words ? All thoughts crashed in, burning, existing only in the moment as he tried to piece together the feelings that swelled in his chest. His touch was gentle, something he wasn't used to. He'd much prefer force and aggression. Instead, those lips kissed the inside of his palm like he was something to be cherished, and the deer's ears fell flat against his head, leaving him completely abashed. He could feel the way his breath faltered in his throat, wanting to speak until he felt those sharp teeth sink into his flesh. Finally, it was something he could handle.  ❛ Ah. . . I almost forgot what day it was. Is it my turn ? ❜   
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planet-neptunee · 11 months
On starting October lonely 
I'm back here again. A month where I hibernate and marinate in the lessons and remnants of the month prior.
Right now it's fall but it doesn't feel like it. It's still entirely too hot for the season, forcing me to stretch my summer wardrobe for longer than I or anyone was expecting. My drinks are still iced during the day, my lips clinging to the ice cubes at the bottom, savoring the cold and how it makes me feel alive. The slight goosebumps that form before softening in the heat. 
I imaged this fall differently in my head. In my head, I might be writing a paper right now, planning around a week full of classes and work, with friends in between. In my head, I would be thinking about a world post-grad and how afraid yet excited I am of that world. I might be wearing my boyfriend's sweater, the one he said looked better on me. I'm researching soup recipes we could try to make since it's a lil chilly outside. I would have a hell of a time paying it off, but I would have a car again. I'd be busy and chaotic and happy. And not alone. 
I struggle to accept when life wants me to take the backroads. The scenic route. The path you take when you have all the time in the world and nowhere to go. Because I have places to be, okay? I have to have my career, social/love life, finances all figured out before I'm at least 30. I think back on the media I used to consume as a teenager. The white blogger girls. The golden age of Tumblr. The god-forsaken Pinterest boards. 
In those online spaces, I was able to craft an entire world, my own planet Neptune. In traditional astrology, Neptune is the furthest planet from our sun, influencing our dreams as well as our delusions. On my planet, est. 2015, I would have the perfect life. I would have my dream apartment that's just the right amount of homey yet modern. I'd have a fridge full of groceries and a boyfriend, just waiting to be eaten. I would be making yet another GRWM for my very successful Youtube channel with millions of followers (I told you this planet was so 2015). But most importantly, I would feel safe to be me. I would take up space and not be afraid of doing that. I would be able to live my life without feeling like I was living it for someone else entirely. I would find a home in my body and its life in the present.  
And since entering my 20's, I think I lost sight of why I created my planet in the first place. She's my safe space. A place of love and the best type of magic. A place that told me no matter what I'm going through right now, I WILL win in the end. That if I could just hold on a little longer, I would see that life is worth living. That life doesn't have to be the cruelty I grew up with. She's my personal "I told you so".
So even though I'm taking yet another semester off of school with no car and no bae, I'm finally giving up on having it all figured out. I'm letting my spirits lead me where they may and remembering, through it all, to enjoy the ride. 
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ashleyluc · 1 year
After traveling to Vietnam and connecting with lushes green fields, banana and coconut trees, and fresh seafood, and the people. The feeling makes me feel alive and feeling of life and living again. How everyone enjoys the moment and evening time is meant to connect with each other singing, dancing, eating and chatting so connecting away from our phones. The fishes swim on the street up stream when the rain comes down and mud crabs walk across the streets. While eating dinner, geckos are in the walls and you can hear the geckos sounds with the rain hitting the tin roofs. I ate wholesome food, nothing processed for an entire month and my body loss weight from meditating am, swimming am and pm walking and napping midday. Lessons learn about my body and mind.
1) always keep moving and take each simple task of everyday chore and think of it not as chore but mindfully be in the moment and do it for the love you have as your home as your sanctuary. When you cook for your family and not eat out is love for them feeding wholesome food.
2) sight, sound, smell, taste- each ritual and habits add up to forms the life you are living so be in the moment and live for this moment
2a. sight - green plants, flowers, anything alive in nature I have never seen before. Always stimulate my eyes with something new - keep art, travel, musicals, fashion, green plants, and nature near by and as equally as my job requires me to be inside, I will equally make time ti be outside because overtime it adds up the time spent equally
2b. sound - simply sophisticated podcast, a mindful meditation podcast, classical music, sounds of nature: morning birds, night geckos, rain, oceans sounds, kindness speaking to each other, voices and compassion for your own mind
2c. Smell of fresh air, smell of the ocean, smell of yummy food, perfume, scents if lavender, lemon grass, eucalyptus, smells of all sorts that relaxes
2d. Taste: food wholesome food not process that is fresh to feed this beautiful body I was born into and grateful for all its features. When my weight lifted, my feet feel better and I can wear heals again, and no longer eating late and no processed food so the mornings feel light in intestine no longer feel heavy as if there is a rock in there, and drinking so much more so everything is feeling great. Constantly moving doing everyday things that require physically activity, but most importantly add time to play and relax.
3) mindfulness: think everything is easy and it will be so anxiety and stress for worrying about tomorrow disappears, when my mind drifts from this very moment I stop and pause and just refocus back on my task and will bring me to the present and enjoy the moment so I don’t feel overwhelmed. Love mindful meditations and listening to the Simply Sophisticated Podcast and reading whatever perks my interest and making it appoint to stick to my daily rituals because it adds up each action little by little adds up to equal life.
4) I live my life and design my own style no matter what others think I have always been a little quiet rebel moving against what is wrong and enjoy helping others find peace and happiness.
Wishlist of things I want to change at work:
- Throwing away my work chair and replace with seated ball
- add soft fury carpet in my office
- a box of sand for me to dip my feet in so I can meditate and feel the sand
- a box of grass real so I can feel my feet on it
- slip on shoes clean inside my cube
- always step away from computer for every hour of work day
- 15 min breaks for outdoors walk or mediate
-lunch connection to talk to humans, yoga, meditation, sleep, walk
- bring plants to office and life back to office
- scented face spray, lotion
- basket of fresh fruit not junk to snack
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