0-3lli0t-0 · 7 months
March 10 (Part 2/2)  After they ate they decided to head into Hogsmeade for the day. They spent time at Honeydukes where Sirius insisted on buying Remus several chocolates. They went to the three broomsticks for some butter beer. Remus was having a great day, he smiled this was definitely one of his favourites so far. Little did he know it was about to get a whole lot better. After they finished their drinks, Sirius took Remus to a bookstore for a bit which was Remus' favourite. He loved everything about books, the smell, the stories in them even how they looked on shelves. He picked out a few and again Sirius insisted on paying, Remus rolled his eyes and reluctantly allowed him. The two walked back to the castle in silence, though it wasn't an awkward one, it was a nice, comforting ad relaxing sort of silence. Remus gently swung his one hand at his side and it gently brushed against Sirius'. Both males flushed a little and looked to the side. Remus smiled a bit as they continued their walk towards their common room, Sirus pushed Remus inside next and for good reason, as everyone was there waiting especially Lily was there to snap a photo of his reaction the the common room decorated for his birthday. There was a large floating banner that read. "Happy Birthday Rem" he guessed they ran out of space on the banner even though it was a magical banner, he smiled and glanced around seeing a bunch of twinkle lights floating by the ceiling almost looking like stars. There was a table full of drinks and snacks including lots more chocolate. Next to that was a small pile of gifts. Remus thanked them all and tried to stop them, but was unsuccessful as they all broke out into a very horrid off-key rendition of Happy Birthday. The party went on with lots of jokes, snacking, some drinks, singing and dancing. Sirius pulled Remus over to him, "Let's dance" he smiled at him, as a slow song began to play. Remus felt his cheek redden ever so slightly. "Okay," he replied and gently wrapped his arms around the other waist as Sirius' wrapped his arms around Remus' neck and they began to sway slowly to the music. They gazed into each other's eyes. Remus thought that under the light of the twinkle lights it looked like Sirius' had actual stars in his eyes. "Remus.. I" Sirius began to say, but was cut off by Remus' lips meeting his. Remus smiled as he felt Sirius kiss him back. He pulled away and rested his head on Sirius' "I know Siri... I feel the same way" Remus replied and gazed into his eyes, Sirius smiled back. Then there was a flash, both looked over to see Lily having just taken a photo. "don't mind me! go back to whatever you were doing" Lily grinned and walked off getting the others to join her so that the two males could be left alone. Sirius laughed a little and pulled away and pulled a small box from his pocket. Remus raised an eyebrow, "you aren't proposing just yet right?" he asked with a slight grin. Sirius flushed, "What no no no! This is something else" he replied and gave it to Remus. Remus opened it to see two necklaces, one a star the other a moon. He smiled a little and picked them up, "I love them, Sirius," he said. "Would you like to put the Star one on me?" he asked Sirius nodded and took it out of his hand and put it on Remus, "And you don't need to worry, I made sure that they continued no silver." Remus smiled, "Thank you, now turn around I'm putting this one on you," he said and Sirius did just that and lifted up his hair so Remus would have an easier time doing the clasp. Once he was done he hugged Sirius from behind resting his chin on Sirius' shoulder and closed his eyes. "Happy Birthday Moony"  
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0-3lli0t-0 · 7 months
((I KNOW I LATE BUT HERE :) also its kinda long so i hope you do read it all it was fun to write !! :D ))
March 10th (Part 1/2) Remus woke up to the sunlight pouring into the empty dorm room. He ran a hand down his face rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. A yawn escaped his lips as he sat up stretching his joints cracking slightly. He exhaled and slowly got to his feet, doing a brief glance around the room, again noticing that it was empty. It confused him, normally the others were notorious for sleeping in on a weekend and Remus was not. He pushed the thought aside and began to get dressed for the day. He pulled on one of his famous ‘Moony’ jumpers as Sirius called them and a pair of cozy trousers. He picked up his messenger-style bag off the floor and placed it on his bed for the time being. He put in a few books; Little Woman as well as another that Regulus had recommended to him. He tucked his way into the bag, as well as his journal and a regulus muggle pen. He preferred to use them instead of quills. He closed his bag and put it over his his so it sat across his body. He ran a hand through his hair tousling it slightly. He slipped on a pair of coffee-coloured Converse before leaving the dorm and making his way down into the common room. Still, his friends were nowhere to be found, and a slight frown formed on his face. Had they forgotten?
"Good Morning Remus," The sound of Lily's cheerful tone broke through Remus' thoughts.
Remus formed a small smile, "Morning Lily" he replied. "Do you know by chance where the others are?" he asked.
Lily's smile turned into more of a mischievous grin. "Oh yes, I do believe they are in the great hall. They all wanted you to sleep in on you birthday morning, Happy Birthday by the way."
Remus' shoulders relaxed a bit, "Thank you Lily." he replied. "Have you already gone and eaten? Or would you like to join me?"
"Oh I've gone already, you go on," Lily replied. Her smile scared Remus a bit, it had to mean that the others mainly James and Sirius were up to something.
"Okay, well I'll see you around Lily," Remus said and began to head towards the exit of the common room and out into the hallway. He exhaled a little, as he headed down the corridors and towards the great hall.
Once he stepped inside he wished he hadn’t. As soon as he stepped in. He heard two loud and booming voices of James and Sirius echo around the hall.
"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Moony Happy birthday to youuuuu!!"
Remus' face grew bright red, he really didn't like being the centre of attention. Did he appreciate the gesture he wished they hadn't gone and done it in front of the whole school. He turned to walk out only to be greeted by Lily who snapped a Polaroid photo of him.
Remus blinked from the flash and walked passed her without a word, heading towards the library. He didn't want to have to face all those people. He could hear Sirius shout after him but he didn't quite catch what he was saying.
To let out a long exhale as he entered the library, he walked over to the back corner and sat in one of the cozy chairs there. He set his bag down and pulled out his book. He brought his legs up onto the chair. He opened where his bookmark was and picked up where he last left off before bed last night.
He had been reading for about five or so minutes when he heard the footfalls of someone "Moony I am so sorry," Sirius began to day. "I thought it would be a fun idea great way to start off your birthday but clearly I was a complete fucking idiot and ruined everything, I know you don't like attention, I know what the hell I was thinking." Sirius rambled on.
This brought a light chuckle from Remus, he closed his book and slipped it back into his bag. He then got to his feet and smiled at him, "It's okay Sirius, it was a nice thought. Maybe just next time try and contain it to just our friends, the whole school doesn't need to know" he said.
"i beg to differ but as you wish Moony" Sirius smiled at him. "Will you come back to the great hall, Pete and Lily made sure that your favourite breakfast would be there... and i made you some tea"Remus smiled a bit, "Sirius, my favourite breakfast is toast. We always have toast" he said "But thank you anyways" he said. "yes let's head back."
They two headed back and they sat side by side at the table. Remus happily ate the toast that was made for him and sipped the tea, which he did use a spell to heat it up again as it did get a bit cold. He conversed with his friends, each of whom apologized for the scene they had created, of course, Remus forgave them. He even let Lily keep the photo for the memories. part 2:
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0-3lli0t-0 · 7 months
Barty: Did you hear about the new spell Evan created?
Evan: Yeah, it's called "Avada Kedavra Lite"!
Regulus: "Lite"? How does that work?
Barty: Instead of killing you, it just gives you a mild headache.
Evan: Yeah, it's perfect for annoying relatives at family gatherings!
Regulus: Brilliant! I'll take it for the next Black family reunion.
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0-3lli0t-0 · 7 months
Sirius: You know what would be hilarious?
James: What?
Sirius: If we convinced Snape that Lily fancies him.
Remus: Pads, that's not just crossing the line, that's leaping over it, doing a jig, and then setting it on fire.
James: But imagine his face though!
Sirius: Exactly! It would be priceless.
Remus : I can't believe I'm friends with you lot sometimes.
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0-3lli0t-0 · 7 months
Remus : *Stubs his toe* FUCK!
James: Mind your language!
Remus : What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is me”???
Remus: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
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0-3lli0t-0 · 7 months
Barty, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Regulus: You did WHAT–
Evan: William Snakepeare
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0-3lli0t-0 · 8 months
Crimson Rivers fr has me on an emotional roller coaster like one moment im sobbing the next laughing like come on lol. I love i though im only on chapter 29 an ik i have a long way to go and am scared lol but i got this... Hopefully
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0-3lli0t-0 · 8 months
Out of context quotes/moments from some of my D&D sessions
" He went onto his tippy tail" "Can I steal his belt... its shiny" "I shove the gems in my shirt" "Yes the poutine is made with a very special sauce" *as a cat* "i sit on the bar and smack over a mug of beer then hiss at the barkeep" "Give me my f-ing milk back" *there was a TPK* DM: "And then you all woke up in your beds in the tavern" "She laid dead in the puddle of warm yellow liquid" (im sorry for this one I didn't say it was the DM) "YOUR MOM!" - an npc then died from vicious mockery "Can I jump onto its head" "I WANT EAT IT!" "I shall name it Waffles" "I learned to never trust little old ladies" "This is supposed to be for rouges.." *us a party for six with one rogue* "you are supposed to be sneaky not go in and kill every one"
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0-3lli0t-0 · 8 months
Evan Rosier playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0SF50CPmOt6pqLcI02BFPz?si=e769243df54c4095
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0-3lli0t-0 · 8 months
Maradurs era playlists :D
Heyo I've made some marauders era play lists check them out :D (if you have suggestions on who I should make a playlist about next let me know :))
James Potter: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3qI247xV2mjJKm79MCTMaU?si=594d171960804aa1 Remus Lupin: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0RSO65iBtS9fn5OZEmx2jS?si=bcb54c0eb1cb4ff5 Sirius Black: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1yr2EOqFYUZjJJnAED5EZ0?si=3b73f61a4bba45b9 Regulus Black: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7uaFZ2Ly9IJFUXPNrJk2Kr?si=9057249a55b54220 Peter Pettigrew: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2QkLpe0fdbzb3n1nbJT2GF?si=ec37e4365a6848a7
Wolfstar: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6vZABFTSdmmM2955LprEFa?si=220b82f9e3444021
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