#life with Squiggs
giggly-squiggily · 7 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day we found Eruri at Walmart ahznnanxnwnzn
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soulsquigg · 2 months
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5qui99l3draws · 6 months
OH I totally forgot to say this but
I got a new job so I'm closing commissions tomorrow. I still have a bit of a backlog to work through, but if you were hoping to get one, get your order in NOW. my info is pinned ✌️
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squiggly-mctwig · 1 year
Summer break has begun and so has my will to live
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squigglywindy · 1 year
Hey you little anxious beans I’ve had an epiphany that I am exactly the kind of person that when I meet other people like me I think that they don’t like me and don’t want to be around me and I just wanted to say that that is untrue and I’m simply busy and bad at things you are all amazing <3
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fingertip-kisses · 6 days
I’m signed up for one sad soup and spice girl romance. Please go read The Beast of Hadingley Hill by @squigg-les.
Juliette remembers her nanny’s stories. When she was six or seven years old, her nanny would comb through her curls and tell her about her hometown; the warm breeze, crushing waves and what it’s like to plunge under the saltwater. Little Juliette could not understand how longingly her nanny talked about swimming in the ocean. How there is nothing that saltwater could not solve. It sounded magical but in a good way rather than the trap they are in. Her nanny whispered, “The waves would marry you, my little Jule. It would wrap you in its arms and love you every bit.”
That was the last time Juliette believed anyone could love her. She quickly learned how to be hated and abhorred. Afterall, Juliette was a bright child, perhaps too bright for her own good. Little Juliette wondered how anyone’s skin would crawl by looking at her when no one looked at her long enough. Glimpses were like daggers and barbs finding their ways under her skin despite of being covered from head to toe. She made sure to cover anything that could be her. She used to go to bed in her veils and gloves hoping she could become her second skin. She’d imagine her life as veils and gloves would be much lovelier, being touched and caressed everyday. 
Once she was considered old enough, a line of suitors started. Juliette could not sleep the night before thinking about meeting her ‘true love’. She tried to imagine him and their first meeting. What would happen? Would he steal her breath away? Would he hold her hands and tell her that he loves her? Would the barrier disappear? Would the barrier disappear and free everyone? Would he free her from everyone who looks at her like an abomination?
Day after her first sitting, Juliette found herself without a lady in waiting. Lying in the middle of the destroyed room, Juliette wanted to be carried out of the palace with all her destroyed furniture. She wanted to be far away from where she is something that needs a royal command to be loved. Barely gazed at, Juliette sat through boys gritting their compliments at her. Her musing the night before was unnecessary. What she should have worried about was how to hold herself in one piece while sitting across from her suitors. She made back to her room because that was the only thing she could do. She didn’t remember exactly but she remembered a woman’s shriek among the sound of her room being destroyed. And Juliette could not have shrieked because last night she wasn’t a girl but a thing that deserved a name; a beast. A thing that deserved hatred.
Juliette built a routine for her new ladies in waiting and herself. There is no befriending or instructions until Juliette unveils herself. Some left right away, either by themselves or carried out. Some stayed but never too long. None of them deserved Juliette’s attempts to be honest. Still not sure how to communicate her care for others, Juliette’s kindness was overlooked, wasted on the undeserved bunch. Whatever language Juliette spoke with embarrassment, Mallory understood. She understood every syllable and every dialect.
Mallory didn’t just stay but made a new life in the castle. Mallory made it her job to make sure Juliette was taken care of. Yes, it is the lady in waiting’s duty to do so but anyone who saw Mallory with Juliette can tell that that kind of gentleness is not a duty. If anyone witnessed them in private, when the storm rages and rages around Juliette, they would believe that magic is not just in the barrier but inside of it. When Mallory laid Juliette’s head down on her lap, what can it be but magic? What can it be but magic that centers Juliette.
She thinks the whooshing of silence heard from her right ear on Mallory’s lap is the closest thing she will get to the ocean. Her nanny used to make the sounds of waves crashing. Born with the barrier, Juliette never knew what the world can offer. But again, if Mallory can hold the ocean under her skin, what could the world possibly offer Juliette? The very ground under her feet becomes more stable and the sunlight that lays on her skin doesn’t inspire her own horror. Juliette is more eloquent with her love and care. It still comes out in a rush sometimes but she is more confident in voicing her care for Mallory. Juliette is a fast learner and this too, she excels. Juliette wants to be fluent in loving and maybe if she can take Mallory out of the barrier, she can even imagine loving a suitor. Whatever it may take, Juliette would do it with every bit of her for Mallory.
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signanothername · 1 year
For the assumptions game:
And I mean this in the most positive way, you seem like you'd enjoy a cirque de solei show.
Because you have a circus au I think right?
They are very talented dancers but something about cirque de solei squiggs me out. My aunt took us to see a show and showed us a DVD abn I was just like mmm nope!
As for something that doesn't scare me lol, you enjoy drinking tea!
i would! circus is something that just brings me so much joy, funny enough, i've never been on a show except for once in my life, still the performances i saw are still engraved in my mind
to me, the circus is like another world where creativity knows no bounds, a world i know i can't be part of but wish i'd be, then again, that's why i made the circus au, cause not being part of something doesn't mean i can't take part of it in other ways ;)
and as for tea, true! i'm more of a coffee person, but i associate coffee with negative things like sleepless nights and work
tea however is more on the positive side, i associate it with relaxation and my favorite snacks, so while being a coffee person, i ironically enjoy tea more than coffee, i specifically enjoy green tea more so than red/black tea, but tea is still enjoyable regardless of type :D
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
I was going to write you an essay but then I got sick and the brain’s not going so…anyway, let’s talk about your writing.
It is just. So. Good. It’s so warm and passionate and even though most of it rips my heart out it honestly just feels like a hug with words. It has also made me think things like ‘well shoot, if Legend can get through nursing school…’ (ignore me I love him I think I’m funny). I have gone back to re-read everything so many times and it’s always just as good and also outside of the healthcare au which you know very well owns my heart, Secrets of the (in the?) Shadows wrecked me for too long that was so freakin good the whole family dynamic there was just so edible and also uhhhh I can’t think of what it’s called the one you sent me with Twi when I was sad holy crap I’ve read it like three times can’t remember the name tho you know the one it was just so beautifully written and makes me cry every time /cowboy pos.
So to sum up, you’ve written so so many of my comfort fits it’s unreal I love them so much sorry if this is slightly incoherent 💖💖💖💖💖
Also never buy a giant pretzel from a shady little shop no matter how convenient it is, life lesson, I am so ill :D
Ily (and your writing) 💖💖💖
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FJDKSALFJDS I'm--ahhhh thank you <3 <3 <3
Oh this warms my heart so much, thank you <3 Love you too <3
(addendum, the fic you're talking about is called Beautiful)
(addendum 2, NO TO SKETCHY PRETZELS UGH I'm sorry you're sick >_<)
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dweebsmcbeebs · 1 year
here are all of the digital refs of my ocs for a thing im calling Diablo Hill- I do need to redraw a lot of them but its the best i got
the main gang, Dustin, Ace, and Malcom, a bunch of queers who go around exploring haunted abandoned buildings and accidently summoning demons
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Penny is a human side character, i haven't drawn enough of the side characters to justify a whole section- but Penny exists, she works with malcom and has a crush on every tall creepy guy she comes across
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This is one of the most infamous local cryptids of Diablo Hill, some say he used to just a guy before something happened. He has eaten people but its not his fault he just gets hungry. he still broadcasts his rants ramblings as well as any music he likes, he often talks of "his love" "the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen" swooning and babbling endlessly of a woman he'd fallen in love with in life
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This is The Pentacule, a group of strangely fully formed ghosts that can even leave their haunt, they rent their house out to some poor soul that they were going to eat- key word going to
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Wyatt Weird is yet another suspicious character in Diablo Hill, he says to sell magic candy but its usually sub par warm melted goo, mostly because he keeps them in his coat. he restocks in a suspicious white van that seems to disappear behind back alleys- sometimes he rants and mumbles about a business partner who took everything from him
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OK now The demons
This is Paprika Cheshire, the shopkeeper of the small hell town, he sells the goods of his fellow townsfolk to outsiders, he can often highten prices unfairly much to the dismay of the mayor- aside from his greed he is quite pleasant, just dont trust him with any secrets, his mouths like to gossip
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This is Denora, she lives in the big city selling homemade trinkets, potions, and perfumes. she is always welcoming sometimes too welcoming especially for the city- her size usually protects her from danger but prevents her from really going out in the city given the cramped narrow and acidic streets
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This is Squigg, they own the Jabberwocky Cafe, a small little cafe hidden away in the demon city that may or may not have ties to the mafia
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This is Zig, the powerhouse of the (red team) mafia, a force of destruction and a wall of hot magma like skin, despite this hes very polite to his peers if not brutish and bombastic. His tie is a separate demon named Windsor, sometimes a voice of reason but usually a nagging presence that backs up his best friend.
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Last but certainly not least we have Thorn a mysterious hulking beast of a demon, she has been spotted in the woods of Diablo hill, gathering roses and planting them around a cave that presumably leads directly to hell
in hell she lives on a tall mountain covered in twisted thorned foliage, she is mostly a recluse even but still considered part of the small hell town the mountain looks over, providing strong spiked logs for buildings and bright beautiful red roses as decorations
she longs for her lover on the surface
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I have SO SOOOO many more but these are the solid in place roles and most deigns, i hope you like them because there will be more to come from my wacky silly demon world Love you Mwa!
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thespit · 1 year
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"House Painting" is another word for some very interesting and highly desirable consumer goods. Houses were painted, and large amounts of cash change hands. What's the cause for concern? Do they know they're being watched, or is this a precaution? ----------------------------------
Unrelated to the story. I started working on this redraft in 2020. At the time i'd just dropped a horrible job that worked me to the bone, a risky move that would prove to be one of the best decisions i'd ever made for my health. I've always been into art and writing, but when I realized there was nothing stopping me from drawing my own manga I was obsessed with doing it. Prior to quitting I started going through a crisis of purpose. For several years I'd drawn 90 pages- barely a chapter a year since I started, and when I was stuck in my head for 12 hours a night shoving trays of batteries on a conveyor, I was forced to sit with the fact that I was almost 30 and the story had barely moved past the introduction. It was coupled with the fact that I realized I was developing a physical problem that could be cutting years off my life. I am so obsessed with City of the Sun that I wanted to see all those moments we dreamed about stop being ideas and have something to show to someone else, I guess in my head it also became a quest of fulfillment. I've always been an artist, why not make it my life's work? Comics take a long time. If I dedicated myself to it full time, it could be completed in 10 years? That is fairly average. But if I didn't, or couldn't, then I wasn't sure what the alternative was. The scale of the story we wanted to tell was so impossibly gigantic that only grows over time... I owed it to my passion for writing and art that developed me in many different ways as a person. But especially CotS (and my SO, Squiggs), since without it, there would have been no other real catalysts for a lot of things related to learning or understanding people or the world, or even my own beliefs and philosophies. So, sometime after I quit I pulled myself together and started waking up at 5am, making coffee and breakfast. I put something on and I would get to work. Eventually I found a new job, but setting aside the work this time didn't make me upset because I knew I could do it again. Hell, it's all I wanted to do. Sure enough, not too long after that we would find ourselves better off- and i'd not just smashed through the 90 pages that took me seven years to do, but 200 in just a year.
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Heyoooo!!! Hope life is treating you well! Hugs <3
Hey Squiggs (hugs) todays been a good day my friend and I are having a Narnia party tonight!
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
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I’m working on the others and I’ll send em to u when I finish but I wanted to send u this one of hashira squiggs and gyomei cause they’re very sweet <3
I wanna thank you for these past years I can’t believe that it’s been 4 years and so much has happened since we became friends. You introduced me to the amazing community on tumble and I have so many fond memories of our talks be it life, chaos, oc’s, or our dogs our talks always brighten my day. You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met and you’re always so special to me like a big sister I love you tons squiggs you mean so much and no words can describe how much you mean to me and how grateful I am to you for everything.
Thank you for the past 4 years HERES to more fun and chaos <3
~ Ghost
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OH MY GOD- 😭😭😭😭😭🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 GHOST- GHOST I CANT- THIS IS TOO SWEET HOLY-
I’m genuinely so touched right now- I’m crying in my phone AHHH 😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you so, so very much! My heart is literally soaring I can’t even- AHHHHH 😍😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭 This is beyond adorable- you drew Squiggs so CUTE! And GYOMEI MY BELOVED AHXNNANZNSNS 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖💖 I LOVE THIS!!!
Most importantly: thank you so much! I can’t believe I’ve gotten to know such an amazing person like yourself for 4 years!!! You’re so amazing, friend! Everytime we talk about our OCs and dogs and fandom and sometimes just keyboard smashing to the end of time- my day is MADE! Thank you for making my time here on Tumblr even more special and bringing a huge ray of Ghost-style sunshine to my life! I’m forever grateful to get to know you 🫂🫂🫂🫂💖 Here’s to the past 4 years and to many more! 🥂
Now I must plan my counter attack mehehehehhehe 😈 Expect to see Demon!Ghost in a manga panel soon! Muahaha! 😈🤣🥰🫂💖
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squigg · 10 months
Wanted to do a little introduction post just to give some background on who Squigg is and what he means to me. :]
Squigg is a little dragon i started drawing in the margins of my papers back in my sophomore year of highschool after a house fire where I lost just about everything.
I started an ask blog with him back in 2020 but it didn't last long... and now I mostly just post little pictures of him here and there.
He doesn't have much of a story aside from being the last "true" dragon in a post apocalyptic world ruled by other magical creatures.
He's a little bright spot in my life amongst the gloom, and I hope he can be a little bit of light for other people too <3
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lord-squiggletits · 3 years
Truly I had a massive stroke of genius when I made my screen name Lord Squiggletits. My comedy is amazing but my name is truly emblematic of my sense of humor.
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smugbugunderarug · 5 years
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Check out SquigglyDigg’s theory about Sonic! Turns out he might be a little more alien than we thought...
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squigglywindy · 2 years
we should do one for everyone
Caek is being self depricative again
so she’s gonna do something drastic
like trying parmilkup but with expired milk
idk to like punish herself or smthn
blargh comes along
and stops her
*cue A Life Without Cake scenes*
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