vomitdodger · 6 months
(LifeSiteNews) –– A 2022 study found that electric vehicles (EVs) which left-leaning governments in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere are pushing on the population, pollute at a rate far higher than their gasoline or diesel-powered counterparts.
The 2022 study from the U.K.-based Emissions Analytics group found that during a 1,000 mile journey, EVs release 1,850 times more pollutants into the surrounding environment than gas-powered vehicles, due to the heavier weight which eats through tires.
While many think of emissions from exhaust, tire wear plays a significant role in emitting pollutants. The synthetic rubber used to create tires include certain chemicals that get released into the air, and because EVs are significantly heavier than conventional cars due to massive lithium batteries.
Overall, EVs weigh about 30 percent more than gas-powered vehicles, and cost thousands more to make and buy. These issues are in addition to the fact that they are not suitable in colder climates (such as Canada and the northern U.S.), offer poor range and long charging times (especially in cold weather), and have batteries that take tremendous resources to make and are hard to recycle.
AND that does not include the “emissions” from whatever source provided the electricity to charge the battery…OR…the extreme damage done to the environment to obtain the components of the battery.
Then there’s the added cost of the vehicle and the home charging station.
The unreliability, the time to recharge, cold weather issues….the list goes on and on.
But gO gReEn!!!!
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darkmaga-retard · 28 days
Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: We have found Douglas Macgregor to be one of the most well-informed, balanced and reliable commentators on many of today’s conflicts. This Christian military man is informed by a network of retired and current military and other contacts who love America and its Constitution and are dedicated to world peace. They are in stark contrast to those dominating government, military and media serving the interests of globalists and the co-joined U.S. and Israeli military-industrial complexes. We urge you to investigate his rapidly growing organization, Our Country, Our Choice, and its plans to restore control of governments back to the people.
(LifeSiteNews) — In a new interview, retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, one of the founders of the rapidly growing organization Our Country, Our Choice, explains the escalation of tensions in Ukraine and in Israel as the result of deliberate attempts to destabilize Russia and the entire region of the Middle East.
“Insane as that sounds to most Americans,” warns Macgregor, these actions are undertaken at a time when the “U.S. is dangerously overstretched.”
So far, he says, “we are fortunate that worse things have not happened to us.”
Yet as Macgregor explains, what has happened as a result of the actions of Western regimes is so damaging, and dangerous, that the populations of “the Western hemisphere” must consider removing their own governments in order to survive them.
Macgregor’s video analysis, released on August 20, can be seen here:
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Canadian pro-life warrior Linda Gibbons will be released from jail today after appearing at a bail hearing this morning via video conference. Gibbons was arrested and jailed over the weekend for witnessing in front of an abortion clinic in Toronto last Thursday.  
LifeSiteNews was told by a source close to Gibbons that sometime today she will be released from the Vanier Centre For Women in Milton, Ontario.
Gibbons close long-time friend, John Bulsza, confirmed to LifeSiteNews that her release comes after she agreed to “conditions that were agreeable...
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tinyshe · 2 years
Abp. Viganò: The COVID pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for the New World Order
'There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.'
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Tue Nov 22, 2022 - 3:28 pm EST   
Listen to this article    0:00 / 11:13  BeyondWords
Editor’s note: Below is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International).
Dear and distinguished friends,
Allow me first of all to thank Doctor Stephen Frost for the invitation he has extended to me to speak to you. Along with Doctor Frost I also thank all of you: your commitment to fighting the psychopandemic propaganda is commendable. I am well aware of the difficulties you have had to face in order to remain consistent with your principles, and I hope that the damage you have suffered can be adequately repaired by those who have discriminated against you, depriving you of work and salary and labeling you as dangerous no-vaxxers.
I am pleased to be able to speak and share with you my thoughts about the current global crisis. A crisis that we can consider to have begun with the pandemic emergency, but that we know has been planned for decades with very specific purposes by well-known personalities. Stopping at the pandemic alone would in fact be a serious mistake, because it would not allow us to consider the events in their full coherence and inter-connectedness, thus preventing us from understanding them and above all from identifying the criminal intentions behind them. You too – each with your own expertise in the medical, scientific, legal or other fields – will agree with me that limiting yourselves to your own discipline, which in some cases is extremely specific, does not fully explain the rationale for certain choices that have been made by governments, international bodies, and pharmaceutical agencies. For example, finding “graphene-like” material in the blood of people who have been inoculated with experimental serums makes no sense for a virologist, but it does made sense for an expert in nanomaterials and nanotechnology who understands what graphene can be used for. It also makes sense for an expert in medical patents, who immediately identifies the content of the invention and relates it to other similar patents. It also makes sense for an expert in war technologies who knows about studies on the enhanced man (a document of the British Ministry of Defense calls him “augmented man” in transhumanistic terms) and is therefore able to recognize in graphene nanostructures the technology that enables the augmentation of the war performance of military personnel. And a telemedicine expert will be able to recognize in those nanostructures the indispensable device that sends biomedical parameters to the patient control server and also receives certain signals from it.
Once again: the assessment of events from a medical point of view should take into account the legal implications of certain choices, such as the imposition of masks or, even worse, mass “vaccination,” made in violation of the fundamental rights of citizens. And I am sure that in the field of health governance the manipulations of the classification codes of diseases and therapies will also emerge, which have been designed to make the harmful effects of measures taken against COVID-19 untraceable, from placing people on respirators in intensive care to watchful waiting protocols, to say nothing of the scandalous violations of regulations by the European Commission which – as you know – has no delegation from the European Parliament in the field of Health, and that is not a public institution but rather a private business consortium.
Just in the past few days, at the G-20 Bali summit, Klaus Schwab instructed heads of government – almost all coming from the Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow program of the World Economic Forum – about the future steps to be taken in view of establishing a world government. The president of a very powerful private organization with enormous economic means exercises undue power over world governments, obtaining their obedience from political leaders who have no popular mandate to subject their nations to the delusions of power of the elite: this fact is of unprecedented gravity. Klaus Schwab said: “In the fourth industrial revolution the winners will take it all, so if you are a World Economic Forum first mover, you are the winners” (here). These very serious statements have two implications: the first is that “the winners will take it all” and will be “winners” – it is not clear in what capacity and with whose permission. The second is that those who do not adapt to this “fourth industrial revolution” will find themselves ousted and will lose – they will lose everything, including their freedom. In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the heads of government of the twenty most industrialized nations in the world to carry out the programmatic points of the Great Reset in their nations. This goes far beyond the pandemic: it is a global coup d’état, against which it is essential that people rise up and that the still healthy organs of states start an international juridical process. The threat is imminent and serious, since the World Economic Forum is capable of carrying out its subversive project and those who govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by this international mafia.
In light of these statements – and those of others no less delusional than Yuval Noah Harari, Schwab’s adviser – we understand how the pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for imposing controls, coercive measures, curtailing individual freedoms, and increasing unemployment and poverty. The next steps will have to be carried out by means of economic and energy crises, which are instrumental to the establishment of a synarchic government in the hands of the globalist elite.
And here, dear friends, allow me to speak as a bishop. Because in this series of events that we are witnessing and will continue to witness, your commitment could risk being thwarted or limited by the fact of not being able to see its essentially spiritual nature. I know that two centuries of Enlightenment thought, revolutions, atheistic materialism and anticlerical liberalism have accustomed us to thinking of Faith as a personal matter, or that there is not an objective Truth to which we all must conform. But this is the fruit of a propaedeutic indoctrination, one that happened long before what is happening today, and it would be foolish to believe that the anti-Christian ideology that drove the secret sects and Masonic groups of the eighteenth century had nothing to do with the anti-Christian ideology that today drives people like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates. The driving principles are the same: rebellion against God, hatred for the Church and humanity, and destructive fury aimed against Creation and especially against man because he is created in the image and likeness of God.
If you start from this evidence, you will understand that it is not possible to pretend that what is happening before our eyes is solely the result of profit-seeking or the desire for power. Certainly, the economic part cannot be disregarded, considering how many people have collaborated with the World Economic Forum. And yet, beyond profit, there are unstated purposes that stem from a “theological” vision – one that is turned upside-down, it’s true, but still theological – a vision that sees two opposing sides: the side of Christ and the side of the Antichrist.
There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle. On the other hand, how is it possible to recognize in your noble and high professions the admirable order that the Creator has placed in nature (from the constellations of stars to the particles of the atom) and then deny that man is also part of this order, with his moral sense, his laws, his culture, and his discoveries? How can man, who is God’s creature, presume to not be subject himself to eternal and perfect laws?
Our battle is not against creatures made of flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of evil that dwell in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).
On the one hand, there is the City of God – the one Saint Augustine writes about – and on the other hand there is the city of the devil. We can say that in this era the city of the devil is clearly identifiable in neo-Malthusian globalism, the New World Order, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and in all those so called “philanthropical foundations” that follow an ideology of death, disease, destruction, and tyranny. And also in those forces that have infiltrated the institutions, which we call the deep state and the deep church.
On the other front, we must recognize that the City of God is more difficult to identify. Even the religious authorities appear to have betrayed their role of giving guidance to the faithful, preferring to serve power and propagate their lies. The very people who ought to be protecting and sanctifying souls are scattering and scandalizing them, calling good Christians rigid fundamentalists. As you can see, the attack is on several fronts, and thus it is a mortal threat for humanity, striking at both the body and the soul.
And yet, precisely at a time when it is difficult to find authoritative points of reference – both in the religious sphere as well as the temporal one – we see an ever-increasing number of those who are understanding, opening their eyes, and recognizing the criminal mind behind the evolution of events. It is now clear that everything is linked together, without having to dismiss those who say so as “conspiracy theorists.” The conspiracy is already there: we are not inventing it, we are simply denouncing it, hoping that people wake up from this suicidal narcosis and demand that someone put an end to the global coup. The operations of social engineering and mass manipulation have demonstrated beyond any doubt that this crime was premeditated, and how it is consistent with a “spiritual” vision of the conflict that is now unfolding: it is necessary to take sides and fight, without giving in. The Truth – which is an attribute of God – cannot be cancelled by error, and Life cannot be defeated by death: remember that the Lord, who has said of Himself, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” has already defeated Satan, and what remains of the battle serves only to give us the opportunity to make the right choice, to choose to do those actions which place us under the banner of Christ, on the side of Good.
I trust that this great work you are undertaking will soon bear its expected fruits, putting an end to a time of trial in which we see how the world will become if we do not turn to Christ, if we continue to think that we can coexist with evil, lying, and self-worship. After all, the City of God is the model of those who live in God’s love, self-control, and contempt for the world; the city of the devil is the model of those who live in self-love, conforming to the world and despising God.
I thank you and bless you all.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
Carta de 27 de outubro do Arcebispo Carlo Maria Viganò: A igreja pós-Vaticano II eclipsou quase inteiramente a Igreja de Cristo
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Nota do Editor de LifeSiteNews: Abaixo segue o texto completo do último ensaio do Arcebispo Carlo Maria Viganò intitulado "REPETITA JUVANT: Como com sua própria autorreferencialidade a 'igreja conciliar' se coloca fora do caminho da Tradição da Igreja de Cristo".
"Há algo terrivelmente egocêntrico, típico do orgulho luciferiano, em afirmar-se melhor do que aqueles que nos precederam." (Arcebispo Carlo Maria Viganò)
Com a prosopopeia que distingue a propaganda ideológica, o recente panegírico (discurso público) bergogliano por ocasião do sexagésimo aniversário da abertura do Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II não deixou de confirmar, além da retórica vazia, a total auto-referencialidade da “igreja conciliar”, isto é, daquela organização subversiva nascida quase imperceptivelmente do Concílio e que nestes sessenta anos eclipsou quase totalmente a Igreja de Cristo, ocupando seus níveis mais altos e usurpando sua autoridade.
A “igreja conciliar” se considera herdeira do Vaticano II à parte dos outros vinte Concílios Ecumênicos que a precederam ao longo dos séculos: este é o principal fator de sua autorreferencialidade. Despreza-os na Fé, propondo uma doutrina contrária à ensinada por Nosso Senhor, pregada pelos Apóstolos e transmitida pela Santa Igreja; desconsidera-os na Moral, derrogando os princípios em nome da moral situacional; enfim, ignora-os na Liturgia, que, como expressão orante da lex credendi, quis adaptar-se ao novo magistério e, ao mesmo tempo, se prestou como instrumento mais poderoso para doutrinar os fiéis.
A fé do povo foi cientificamente corrompida pela adulteração da Santa Missa realizada através do Novus Ordo, graças à qual os erros contidos in nuce nos textos do Vaticano II tomaram forma na ação sagrada e se espalharam como um contágio.
Mas se por um lado a “igreja conciliar” faz questão de reiterar que não quer nada com a “velha Igreja” e muito menos com a “velha missa”, declarando-as distantes e impraticáveis justamente por serem incompatíveis com o fantasma do “espírito do Conselho”; por outro lado, confessa impunemente a perda daquele vínculo de continuidade com a Traditio que é o pré-requisito necessário – querido pelo próprio Cristo – para o exercício da autoridade e do poder pela Hierarquia, cujos membros, do Romano Pontífice ao Bispos mais desconhecidos in partibus, são sucessores dos apóstolos e como tais devem pensar, falar e agir.
Essa ruptura radical com o passado – evocada em tons escuros pelo discurso primitivo daquele que cunha neologismos como “atraso” e lança anátemas contra “renda da avó” – obviamente não se limita às formas externas – com tudo o que são justamente as formas de uma substância muito precisa, não adulterada por acaso – mas estende-se aos próprios fundamentos da Fé e do Direito Natural, chegando a uma verdadeira subversão da instituição eclesiástica, de modo a contradizer a vontade do divino Fundador.
Para a pergunta “Você me ama?” a igreja bergogliana – mas antes mesmo a igreja conciliar, com menos pudor, mas sempre jogando com mil distinções – “se questiona sobre si mesma”, porque “o estilo de Jesus não é tanto dar respostas, mas fazer perguntas”. Podemos nos perguntar, se levarmos a sério essas palavras perturbadoras, em que consiste a Revelação Divina e o ministério terreno de Nosso Senhor, a mensagem do Evangelho, a pregação dos Apóstolos e o Magistério da Igreja, senão responder às perguntas do homem pecador, que é ele mesmo para fazer perguntas, ter sede da Palavra de Deus, e precisa conhecer as Verdades eternas e saber conformar-se à Vontade do Senhor para alcançar a felicidade no Céu.
O Senhor não faz perguntas, mas ensina, admoesta, ordena e comanda. Porque Ele é Deus, Rei, Sumo e Eterno Pontífice. Ele não nos pergunta quem é o Caminho, a Verdade, a Vida, mas se indica como o Caminho, a Verdade e a Vida, como a Porta do rebanho, como a Pedra Angular. E, por sua vez, Ele enfatiza Sua obediência ao Pai na economia da Redenção, mostrando-nos Sua santa submissão como um exemplo a imitar.
A visão de Bergoglio inverte as relações e as subverte: o Senhor faz a Pedro uma pergunta que Pedro, ao responder, sabe muito bem o que significa na prática amar Nosso Senhor. E a resposta não é opcional, nem negativa ou ilusória, como faz a “igreja conciliar” quando – para não desagradar o mundo e não parecer fora de moda – dá maior importância às seduções do transitório e ideologias enganosas, recusando-se a transmitir em sua integridade o que seu Chefe ordenou que ensinasse fielmente. "Você me ama?" o Senhor pede aos Cardeais inclusivos, aos Bispos sinodais, aos Prelados ecumênicos; e eles respondem como os convidados do casamento: “Comprei um campo e preciso ir vê-lo; por favor, considere-me escusado” (Lc 14,18). Há muito mais prementes, compromissos muito mais gratificantes para obter prestígio e aprovação social. Não há tempo para seguir a Cristo, muito menos para alimentar Suas ovelhas, ainda pior se essas ovelhas são teimosas em seu “atraso”, o que quer que isso signifique.
Por esta razão, não há outros Concílios, exceto o Vaticano II; que, pelo fato de ser o único a que apelam, mostra-se ao mesmo tempo alheio, se não totalmente oposto em forma e conteúdo, ao que são todos os Concílios Ecumênicos: a única voz do único Mestre, do único Pastor. Se a voz do seu conselho não for compatível com a do Magistério que o precedeu; se o culto público não pode se expressar na forma tradicional por considerá-lo em contradição com a “nova eclesiologia” da “nova igreja”, a cisão entre o antes e o depois existe e é inegável; e de fato, eles se orgulham disso, apresentando-se como inovadores de algo que non est innovandum. E para que as pessoas não vejam que existe uma alternativa credível e segura, tudo o que representa e lembra o passado deve ser denegrido, ridicularizado, banalizado e finalmente removido, sendo o primeiro a aplicar aquela cultura do cancelamento que hoje tem sido adotada pela ideologia desperta. Disso se pode compreender a aversão à antiga liturgia, à sã doutrina, ao heroísmo da santidade testemunhado pelas obras e não enunciado em fátuas proclamações sem alma.
Bergoglio fala de uma “igreja que escuta”; mas precisamente porque “pela primeira vez na história dedicou um Concílio a questionar-se, a refletir sobre a sua própria natureza e missão”, mostra que quer fazê-lo ele próprio, para poder renunciar à herança da Tradição e negar sua própria identidade, “pela primeira vez na história”, precisamente. Esta autorreferencialidade parte do pressuposto de um “melhor” a ser implementado no lugar de um “pior” a ser corrigido, e isso não diz respeito às fraquezas e infidelidades de seus membros individuais, mas “à sua própria natureza e missão”, que Nosso Senhor estabeleceu de uma vez por todas e que não cabe aos Seus Ministros questionar. Mas Bergoglio afirma: “Voltemos ao Concílio para sair de nós mesmos e superar a tentação da autorreferencialidade, que é um modo de ser mundano”, enquanto o princípio do “retorno ao Concílio” é justamente a prova mais descarada de sua autorreferencialidade e ruptura com o passado.
Assim, os séculos de maior expansão da Igreja – durante os quais ela se chocou com os hereges e tornou mais explícita a doutrina sobre as verdades por eles contestadas – são considerados um parêntese embaraçoso de “clericalismo” a ser esquecido, porque encontramos todos esses mesmos erros no desvios do Conselho. O passado remoto – o da suposta antiguidade cristã, os “séculos primitivos”, o “ágape fraterno” – na narrativa conciliar é substancialmente uma falsificação histórica, que deliberadamente esconde o testemunho viril dos primeiros cristãos e seus pastores que foram perseguidos e martirizados por causa de sua fé, sua recusa em queimar incenso na estátua de César, sua conduta moral em contraste com os costumes corruptos dos pagãos. Esse testemunho consistente, mesmo de mulheres e crianças, deve envergonhar aqueles que profanam a Casa de Deus adorando a pachamama para saciar as ilusões amazônicas do negócio verde, escandalizando os simples e ofendendo a divina Majestade com atos idólatras. Não é essa autoreferencialidade, que agora chegou ao ponto de violar o Primeiro Mandamento para perseguir seus próprios discursos ecumênicos?
Não nos deixemos enganar por estas palavras sedutoras, que não são lançadas casualmente: a Igreja de Cristo nunca foi “autoreferencial”, mas cristocêntrica, porque Ela é o Corpo Místico do qual Cristo é a Cabeça, e sem a Cabeça Ela não pode subsistir. Por outro lado, sua versão desolada mundana, desprovida de horizontes sobrenaturais, que se define como a “igreja conciliar” é inexoravelmente autoreferencial. Exerce seu poder sobre o engano de se apresentar como proponente de um retorno à pureza de suas origens depois de séculos em que supostamente se encerrou “nos recintos de confortos e convicções”, e ao mesmo tempo fingindo poder adulterar o ensinamento que Cristo mandou transmitir fielmente.
Que supostos “confortos” distinguiram a história de dois mil anos da Noiva do Cordeiro, se olharmos para a perseguição ininterrupta que ela sofreu, o sangue derramado por seus mártires, as batalhas travadas contra ela por hereges e cismáticos, e o empenho de Seus ministros em difundir o Evangelho e a moral cristã? E que dificuldades podem existir para uma igreja que se questiona sem convicções, se ajoelha zelosamente às exigências do mundo, segue a ideologia verde e o transumanismo, abençoa as uniões homossexuais, diz que está pronta para acolher os pecadores sem nenhuma exigência de convertê-los, e concorda com os poderosos da terra mesmo em endossar a propaganda de vacinação enquanto espera sobreviver por conta própria?
Há algo terrivelmente egocêntrico, típico do orgulho luciferiano, em afirmar-se melhor do que aqueles que nos precederam, censurando-os erroneamente por um autoritarismo de que quem fala é o primeiro exemplo, com propósitos diametralmente opostos à salvação das almas.
Outro sinal de autorreferencialidade é o desejo de impor à Igreja uma estrutura democrática que subverta o sistema essencialmente monárquico (de fato, eu diria imperial) desejado por Cristo. Há, de fato, uma Igreja docente (Ecclesia docens) composta pelos Pastores sob a orientação do Romano Pontífice, e uma Igreja instruída (Ecclesia discens) composto pelo Povo de Deus, os fiéis. A anulação do enquadramento hierárquico – que Bergoglio define como “o feio pecado do clericalismo que mata ovelhas, não as guia, não as faz crescer” – visa outro engano muito mais grave, aliás, uma verdadeira subversão no seio do corpo eclesial: pretendendo poder compartilhar o poder daqueles que têm a responsabilidade de transmitir o Magistério autêntico com aqueles que, não ordenados e, portanto, não assistidos pela graça do Estado, têm o direito de serem conduzidos a pastos seguros. A palavra magister carrega em si a superioridade ontológica – magis– dos que ensinam sobre os que aprendem o que ainda ignoram. E o pastor certamente não pode decidir junto com as ovelhas em que direção as levará, pois como rebanho elas não sabem para onde ir e estão expostas aos assaltos dos lobos. Fazer crer que interrogar-se “sobre a própria natureza e missão” pode representar um retorno às origens é uma mentira colossal: “Vós sois meus amigos se fizerdes o que vos mando”, disse Cristo (Jo 15,14). E assim também devem ordenar os Seus Ministros, que como tais, enquanto permanecerem sujeitos a Ele, exerçam a autoridade vicária do Cabeça do Corpo Místico. Eles são Ministros (de menos, indicando inferioridade hierárquica) no sentido etimológico de servos, sujeitos à autoridade de seu Mestre; de modo que a hierarquia católica é Magistra ao ensinar apenas o que como Ministra ela recebeu de Cristo e guarda zelosamente.
Temos a confirmação dessa visão democrática e anti-hierárquica da “igreja conciliar” sobretudo em sua liturgia, em que o papel ministerial do celebrante é quase negado em favor do “povo sacerdotal” teorizado pela Lumen Gentium e colocado em preto e branco na formulação herética do art. 7 da Institutio Generalis do Missal Montini de 1969: “A Ceia do Senhor, ou Missa, é a sagrada sinaxe ou assembleia do povo de Deus, presidida pelo sacerdote, para celebrar a memória do Senhor. A promessa de Cristo, portanto, aplica-se eminentemente a esta assembleia local da Santa Igreja: 'Onde dois ou três estiverem reunidos em meu nome, eu estou no meio deles' (Mt 18, 20)”. O que é isso, se não auto-referencialidadea ponto de modificar a própria definição da Missa nos moldes daquele “espírito do Concílio” e em contradição com os Cânones dogmáticos do Concílio de Trento e de todo o Magistério anterior ao Vaticano II?
A Igreja não é e não pode ser democrática ou “sinodal”, como alguns gostam de chamá-la eufemisticamente hoje: o santo Povo de Deus não “existe para pastorear os outros, todos os outros”, mas para que haja uma Hierarquia que lhes assegure dos meios sobrenaturais para alcançar a meta eterna, e para que “todos os outros” – muitos , mas não todos – possam ser conduzidos ao único aprisco sob a orientação do único Pastor pela Providência de Deus. “E tenho outras ovelhas que não são deste aprisco; a estes também devo conduzir” (Jo 10,16).
A forte denúncia feita pelo Cardeal Mueller da ameaça representada pela abordagem herética da sinodalidade– cujos frutos agourentos já são visíveis – justifica-se neste sentido e testemunha o grave mal-estar de tantos Pastores divididos entre a fidelidade à ortodoxia católica e a evidência da traição que está ocorrendo por seus guardiões contemporâneos mais indignos. Eles talvez não pudessem ser contra a “igreja conciliar” e contra o “conselho” – entre aspas – até que seu impacto devastador na vida dos fiéis individualmente, em todo o corpo eclesial e no mundo se tornasse evidente. Mas hoje, diante da evidência do fracasso mais completo e desastroso do Vaticano II e da infeliz escolha de abandonar a Sagrada Tradição, mesmo os mais prudentes e moderados são obrigados a reconhecer a correlação muito estreita entre o objetivo que foi estabelecido, os meios que foram adotados e o resultado obtido. De fato, justamente em consideração ao objetivo que pretendia alcançar, devemos nos perguntar se o que nos foi anunciado com entusiasmo como uma “primavera conciliar” não foi um pretexto, atrás do qual na realidade se escondeu o plano indizível contra a Igreja de Cristo. Os fiéis não só não participam com maior consciência dos Santos Mistérios como lhes haviam sido prometidos, mas passaram a considerá-los supérfluos, reduzindo a frequência à Missa aos níveis mais baixos. Tampouco se pode dizer que os jovens encontrem algo emocionante ou heroico em abraçar o sacerdócio ou a vida religiosa, pois ambos foram banalizados, privados de sua especificidade, do sentido de oferta e sacrifício a exemplo de Nosso Senhor, que todo verdadeiramente católico ação deve trazer consigo. A vida civil tornou-se uma barbaridade indescritível, e junto com ela a moralidade pública, a santidade do matrimônio, o respeito pela vida e a ordem da Criação. E esses propagandistas do Vaticano II respondem com os desafios da bioengenharia, do transumanismo, sonhando com seres produzidos em massa conectados à rede global, como se manipular a natureza humana não fosse uma aberração satânica indigna mesmo de hipótese. Nós os ouvimos pontificam que “a exclusão dos migrantes é repugnante, é pecaminosa, é criminosa”, enquanto ONGs, Cáritas e associações de bem-estar lucram com o tráfico de imigrantes ilegais às custas do Estado e se recusam a acolher os próprios italianos, que foram abandonadas pelas instituições e assediadas pelas crises induzidas pelo Sistema. Eles incitam as nações “soberanas” a desarmar e fazer os cidadãos se envergonharem de sua identidade, mas teorizam a legalidade de enviar armas para a Ucrânia, para um governo que é um fantoche da Nova Ordem Mundial, financiado por órgãos globalistas e grandes organizações de elite.
Outro erro teológico gravíssimo que adultera a verdadeira natureza da Igreja reside nos fundamentos essencialmente secularistas da eclesiologia conciliar, não só no que diz respeito à visão da instituição e seu papel no mundo, mas também por ter rompido o vínculo de complementaridade hierárquica entre a autoridade espiritual da Igreja e a autoridade civil do Estado, ambas com origem no senhorio de Cristo. Este tema, aparentemente complexo em seu tratamento quase iniciático pelos estudiosos do Vaticano II, foi objeto de uma recente intervenção de Joseph Ratzinger (aqui) que pretendo abordar em um ensaio separado.
“Vocês que nos amam” – disse Bergoglio em sua homilia para o “Memorial de São João XXIII” – “livra-nos da presunção de autossuficiência e do espírito de crítica mundana. Impedi-nos de nos excluirmos da unidade. Você que amorosamente nos alimenta, nos conduz para fora dos limites da autoreferencialidade. Vós que desejais que sejamos um rebanho unido, salve-nos das formas de polarização e dos “ismos” que são obra do diabo”. São palavras de uma insolência inédita, quase zombeteira. Pois bem, chegou a hora de os clérigos e fiéis da “igreja conciliar” se perguntarem se a “igreja conciliar” não é a primeira a presumir que pode ser autossuficiente, a alimentar as críticas mundanas zombando dos bons católicos como rígido e intolerante, excluir-se deliberadamente da unidade na Tradição e pecar orgulhosamente autoreferencialidade.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Arcebispo
LifeSiteNews, 27 de outubro de 2022
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sutrala · 2 days
(NaturalNews) The campaign advertisements of Randall Terry, who is running for president on the Constitution Party ticket, feature graphic images of aborted...
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biblenewsprophecy · 7 days
Attending church services extends longevity more than diet or exercise; Pope Francis falsely points to interfaith salvation in this age
A reader sent me a link to the following:
Attending Church Regularly Will Lengthen Your Life More Than Diet, Exercise, Longevity Expert Says
Attending church services may open the door to eternal life—but it will also extend your life on Earth more than diet or exercise, according to the foremost expert on global longevity.
Dan Buettner, who won three Emmy Awards for his groundbreaking 2023 documentary “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones,” revealed the deep benefits that faith in God renders to those who want to live a long and prosperous life. Although America faces an epidemic of chronic diseases, “only about 20% of how long you live is dictated by your genes,” he told “Mornings with Maria” on Aug. 30. A healthy lifestyle incorporating diet, exercise, and stress management means the average person can live “12 more years in good health.”
But the statistics he shared proved that an active faith in God, including weekly church attendance, had potentially the biggest impact on extending earthly life. …
The healthiest elderly had a common characteristic: “having a faith. We know people who go to church—or temple, or even mosque—and show up four times per month are living four to 14 years longer than people who aren’t.” The figure may come from a study finding regular church attendance lengthened the average American’s life by seven years—and 14 years for African Americans.
That number dwarfed other, more intuitive lifehacks, including regular exercise and diet. “For a 20-year-old, if you move away from the standard American diet towards a Blue Zone diet—which is to say whole food, plant-based—it’s worth about 10 years of extra life expectancy, and for a 60-year-old, it’s still worth about six years,” he said. … you can add three years to your life with exercise, four years by eating beans, six years by being in a committed relationship, six to 10 years by eating a whole foods and plant-based diet, and seven to 14 years by going to church every week. https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/09/10/attending-church-regularly-will-lengthen-your-life-more-than-diet-exercise-longevity-expert-says/
Yes, having faith in God and striving to practice that faith is good for your longevity in general.
In the Continuing Church of God, we have people who attend regularly in person, who watch online services alone, and we have several groups that meet together online in different parts of the world (USA, UK, and NZ) each week (see also Congregations of the Continuing Church of God).
The Apostle Paul wrote:
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Yes, attending with others personally or in an online group is to have spiritual benefits according to the Apostle Paul.
That said, it should be pointed out that all religions are not the same. And not all lead to salvation in this age.
However, Pope Francis has a different view. A different reader sent me a link to the following:
BREAKING: Pope Francis: ‘Every religion is a way to arrive at God’
September 13, 2024
SINGAPORE (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis today told young people of different faiths that “every religion is a way to arrive at God.”
Addressing an inter-religious meeting of young people in Singapore just before departing for his return flight to Rome, Pope Francis turned to one of the central themes of his pontificate – inter-religious dialogue.
“One of the things that struck me about all of you here is your ability to engage in inter-religious dialogue, and this is very important,” he told the crowd, assembled in Singapore’s Catholic Junior College. …
Continuing, the Pope declared that each religion is a means to attain God, stating:
Every religion is a way to arrive at God. There are different languages to arrive at God, but God is God for all. And how is God God for all? We are all sons and daughters of God. But my god is more important than your god, is that true?
There is only one God and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths.
The Pope’s words were warmly welcomed by those present in the hall, which included leaders and representatives of Singapore’s many religious bodies and the large papal retinue. …
“All are obliged to belong to the Catholic Church in order to be saved.” {Baltimore Catechism Q 166.}
This teaching of “Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” (no salvation outside the Church), has been increasingly rejected by modernizing activists in recent years, yet remains valid and unchanging in the Church’s teaching.
Pope Leo XII pronounced it clearly in his 1824 encyclical letter Ubi Primum:
It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth Itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members. For we have a surer word of the prophet, and in writing to you We speak wisdom among the perfect; not the wisdom of this world but the wisdom of God in a mystery.
By it we are taught, and by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and that no other name under heaven is given to men except the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in which we must be saved. This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.
The Vatican’s 1949 decree from the Holy Office instructed bishops charged with promoting true ecumenism to draw souls to the Church, and that they must always teach the fullness of the Church’s priority: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-pope-francis-every-religion-is-a-way-to-arrive-at-god/
Both of those views are wrong.
The Bible does not teach that one needs to be connected to the Church of Rome to be saved. There is nothing even close to that in the entire Bible.
The Bible also does not teach that all religions bring salvation and lead to the true God.
Jesus said:
24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24)
Hinduism, Sikhism, etc. are not true and are not the way to reach God.
Contrary to the claims of those who feel that God will save everyone no matter what they believe, the Bible makes it clear that there is only one name that can save as Acts 4:10-12 plainly teaches:
10 let it be known to you all … that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, …11 This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. do not accept Jesus in the biblical way and hence their faiths are not the way to God.
While God does have a plan of salvation for those not called in this age (see the free online book: Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation), the non-biblical faiths are not the way.
Additionally, the Bible is clear that God does NOT want non-biblical religious practices combined with His ways:
19 What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything? 20 Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons. 22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He? *1 Corinthians 10:19-22)
Yes, all world religions (as opposed to the true religion) are flawed. And we are seeing more emphasis on interfaith cooperation around the world–and Pope Francis is a leading proponent.
The religious should realize that the Bible opposes the interfaith agenda:
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.”
17 Therefore
“Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)
Real Christians are NOT to support the interfaith plans. It is leading to the rise of the end time daughter of Babylon (Jeremiah 50:42, 51:33; Zechariah 2:7) which will one day fall:
2 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” (Revelation 18:2-3)
 The Bible itself warns against a coming ecumenical unity–Satan the devil’s unity–which it teaches will be successful as far as many in the world are concerned:
4 They prostrated themselves in front of the dragon because he had given the beast his authority; and they prostrated themselves in front of the beast, saying, ‘Who can compare with the beast? Who can fight against it?’ 5 The beast was allowed to mouth its boasts and blasphemies and to be active for forty-two months; 6 and it mouthed its blasphemies against God, against his name, his heavenly Tent and all those who are sheltered there. 7 It was allowed to make war against the saints and conquer them, and given power over every race, people, language and nation; 8 and all people of the world will worship it, that is, everybody whose name has not been written down since the foundation of the world in the sacrificial Lamb’s book of life. 9 Let anyone who can hear, listen: 10 Those for captivity to captivity; those for death by the sword to death by the sword. This is why the saints must have perseverance and faith. (Revelation 13:4-10, NJB)
The ‘dragon’ listed above is Satan, the devil (cf. Revelation 12:9, 20:2). Here is something from the late Herbert W. Armstrong on the coming worship:
Notice a Bible definition of worship in Rev. 13:4 “how men worship the “beast” — the Roman Empire — by saying, “Who is like unto the Roman Empire? Who is able to make war with it?” Such words constitute worship — “and they worshipped the beast.” (Armstrong HW. The Mystery of MELCHIZEDEK Solved!. Plain Truth, June 1956)
While church attendance can lead to better longevity, the interfaith agenda is moving the planet closer to disaster.
Pope Francis has been helping to lay the foundation for the rise of the final Antichrist.
Related Items:
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original.
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes, Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy, and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima, Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?, and Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims. Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes This article has information from the book, Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century, as well as from the old WCG and other sources. Here is a link to a related sermon: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes. Here is a related sermon in the Spanish language:��El cristianismo visto a través de los ojos islámicos.
Some Doctrines of Antichrist Are there any doctrines taught outside the Churches of God which can be considered as doctrines of antichrist? This article suggests at least three. It also provides information on 666 and the identity of “the false prophet.” Plus it shows that several Roman Catholic writers seem to warn about an ecumenical antipope that will support heresy. You can also watch a video titled What Does the Bible teach about the Antichrist?
The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Amazon Book What does the Bible say about a pope near this time? Is the final pope to be an antipope and antichrist? Does Catholic prophecy point to Pope Francis as being the dreaded “Peter the Roman”? This 186 page book provides information and answers.
The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Kindle This electronic version of the printed book which is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Kindle.
Christian Health Matters Should Christians be concerned about their health? Does the Bible give any food and health guidelines? Here are links to three related sermons: Let’s Talk About Food, Evil is Affecting the Food Supply, and Let’s Talk About Health.
Congregations of the Continuing Church of God This is a listing of congregations and groups of the Continuing Church of God around the world.
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ophilosoraptoro · 24 days
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romios-gr · 1 month
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LifeSiteNews / ΚΟ Καθώς τα βασανιστήρια, οι βιασμοί και σοδομισμοί Παλαιστινίων κρατουμένων από Ισραηλινούς επιβεβαιώνονται πλέον δημόσια στον ισραηλινό και δυτικό Τύπο, η Αμερικανίδα καθολική σχολιάστρια Candace Owens κάλεσε «τους συναδέλφους της Χριστιανούς podcasters και πολιτικούς να τους καταδικάσουν» πιστεύοντας όμως ότι «θα περιμένει πολύ καιρό» για να συμβεί κάτι τέτοιο. Η Όουενς - η ο... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/ipa-oi-israilinoi-sodomizoyn-kai-skotonoyn-palaistinioys-kai-oi-christianoi-siopoyn-leei-i-candace-owens/
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liberty1776 · 2 months
PARIS (LifeSiteNews) — First Lady Jill Biden believes the anti-Christian opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics was “spectacular.”  Biden is in France attending the games with a delegation from the U.S. that includes Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, among others.  Biden made her remarks during a brunch in Paris on Monday that was celebrating the upcoming 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.   “So, last night, it was just spectacular,” Biden said. “The rain did not dampen our spirits. Every step of the way, I was thinking to myself, ‘Oh my god, oh my god. How are we going to … Continue reading →
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bobguz · 3 months
Revenge of the Cardinals – Burke, Müller, Zen, even O’Malley critique Fr...
Cardinal Gerhard Müller has revealed that a senior representative of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship told him that 20,000 young Catholics participating in the historic Paris to Chartres pilgrimage was “by no means a cause for joy, because Holy Mass was celebrated according to the old Extraordinary Latin rite.” Müller says that some people in the Vatican “see the old rite of Holy Mass as a greater danger to the unity of the Church than the reinterpretation of the Creed, or even the absence of Holy Mass.” Müller revealed this saddening information during his homily at an ordination of Latin Mass-celebrating priests. In this week’s episode of Faith & Reason we’ll be discussing these comments, as well as an exclusive interview between Cardinal Müller and LifeSiteNews reporter Maike Hickson.
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biblicalrunner · 3 months
Christian journalist Brandon Showalter joins me on today's episode of The John-Henry Westen Show to discuss the horrific physical consequences of 'sex changes,' the stories of detransitioners, the spiritual dimension of this crisis, and more.
(Article by John-Henry Westen republished from LifeSiteNews.com)
If you’re a regular reader of LifeSiteNews, you know just how much gender ideology has taken over our culture. But a lot of us don’t know the “internal” side of gender ideology – the stories of young people who were led astray by it and have suffered horrific physical, mental, and emotional consequences.
My guest on today’s episode of The John-Henry Westen Show is Brandon Showalter, journalist at the Christian Post and host of a podcast exposing the evils of gender ideology called “Generation Indoctrination.”
Showalter, who says he was “thrown into” covering LGBT issues when he first started at the Christian Post in 2016, starts by describing meteoric rise of “gender clinics” in the United States and the “atrocious” things they do to children. For instance, the combination of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones will “almost certainly render a child [permanently] sterile.”
“Since when did it become ethical to sterilize a child, especially when there’s no disease like cancer, where … you might lose your fertility because you’ve got drugs for chemo and radiation?” he says. “Gender confusion … [is] a psychological condition that does not warrant a hormonal or surgical intervention. So it’s a disgraceful practice. It should never happen in my opinion.”
Even worse are the “gruesome” surgeries for both boys and girls that involve amputation of genitals and the construction of fake genitals to correspond with the sex they are seeking to be “transitioned to.” Showalter says there are major financial incentives for hospitals to perform these surgeries, but also significant “ideological indoctrination” from schools and the media that tell children these drugs and surgeries can help them become their “authentic self.”
“This is neo-Gnosticism on steroids, literally,” he adds. “And it’s happening to young people, very young people,” including teenagers as young as 13 or 14 years old.
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darkmaga-retard · 10 days
Putin warns the US and NATO. Trump’s plan for Ukraine. Polish MEP: Blinken, go home. Germany Suspends Schengen. Lawless Kingdom. Hamas’s Rafah Brigade defeated. 32 US nurses ‘died suddenly’ this week.
Lioness of Judah Ministry
Sep 13, 2024
Vladimir Putin warns the US and NATO will be 'at war' with Russia if Ukraine is allowed to use long-range missiles
Vladimir Putin has warned the U.S. and NATO would be 'at war' with Russia if the West lets Ukraine use long-range missiles.
US and British foreign ministers met President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Wednesday with the war at a pivotal point. American officials have also been discussing easing restrictions on the use of weapons that could strike deep inside Russia. Putin said the move from the West would 'change the very nature of the conflict', and issued a severe threat against giving Zelensky more firepower. 'It would mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries, are at war with Russia,' he told a state TV reporter on Thursday.
Long-Range Strikes: NATO Countries Risk Harsh Russian Response – Swedish Military Veteran
The Biden administration is considering giving the go-ahead to Ukraine for the use of US-made ATACMS missiles, while the UK has reportedly agreed to allow the Kiev regime to expand the use of British-made Storm Shadow missiles against Russia.
"I believe that NATO countries skeptical to the use of long range weapons deep inside Russian territory don't want to be involved in giving permission for their use," Mikael Valtersson, former officer of Swedish Armed Forces and former defense politician and chief of staff with Sweden Democrats, told Sputnik.
Russian ‘Force Majeure’ on Resource Exports Could Clobber Western Economies: Here’s Why
President Putin has asked the government to consider restrictions on the export of strategic materials like nickel, titanium and uranium in response to unfriendly countries’ actions. Sputnik asked investment experts specializing in resource markets how these restrictions would impact the world economy. In short: it wouldn’t be pretty for the West.
Investors and market experts are buzzing over the Russian president’s instructions to Prime Minister Mishustin to whip up a report on measures Russia could take to limit the export of certain strategic minerals in response to Western sanctions policy, with uranium stocks enjoying an immediate price surge, and observers warning of shortages and hefty price increases for strategic metals if were to Moscow move forward with restrictions.
Vance reveals Trump’s plan for Ukraine
The Republican vice president candidate has outlined what peace talks with Russia might look like
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has a concrete proposal to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict, his running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, has claimed. Trump has repeatedly said he would stop the fighting “in 24 hours” if elected, most recently at Tuesday’s debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ candidate to succeed President Joe Biden. To end the war, “you need somebody that first of all people are terrified of,” Vance told former US Navy SEAL and CIA contractor Shawn Ryan, in a podcast interview. “You need to be worried that if Donald Trump – or God forbid, Kamala Harris – says something, that they actually mean it. But you believe it with Donald Trump, you don’t believe that with Kamala Harris. That’s deterrence.”
Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation?
The question of who owns Ukraine, and who will benefit from the commandeering of its resources, is one whose answer excludes the interests of ordinary people – and serves that of a Deep State-driven globalism.
(LifeSiteNews) — Former Fox News anchor Clayton Morris has produced a report showing some of the complexity of corruption in Ukraine, reporting how Ukraine is preparing to export weapons as it continues to “beg for support” from the West. Morris traces the links between the recent Kursk offensive and the moves towards peace which it shattered, reminding viewers of the role of former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson in sabotaging a peace deal agreed only six weeks after the outbreak of the war.
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The largest Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Iowa’s capital city closed its doors to the joy of pro-lifers who have long worked and prayed that the death mill end its baby-killing industry.
In a statement to LifeSiteNews after the pro-life victory, Maggie DeWitte, executive director of Pulse Life Advocates (PLA), founded in 1972 and now one of the longest standing pro-life organizations in Iowa, celebrated the closure and called for renewed efforts to end all abortions in the state. DeWitte said:
We are overjoyed at the closing of the Planned Parenthood clinic on the southside of Des Moines. Pulse Life Advocates, Iowa’s longest-standing, statewide, pro-life organization, has organized hundreds of prayer...
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tinyshe · 1 year
[clipped news article/opinion piece at LifeSite News US/Canada]
Bishop Schneider: Latin Mass restrictions are an ‘abuse’ and compliance is ‘false obedience’ Non-compliance with the prohibitions of the traditional Mass does not make one, by that fact, schismatic, provided one continues to recognize the Pope and the bishops and continues to respect them, and pray for them.
Thu Jun 29, 2023 - 7:42 am EDT    Listen to this article    0:00 / 4:57  
(LifeSiteNews) — Editor’s note: The following text represents the thesis of Bishop Athanasius Schneider that the “prohibition of the traditional Latin Mass as an abuse of ecclesiastical power, and non-compliance with its prohibition does not in fact constitute disobedience.”
The traditional Roman liturgy of the Mass was the liturgy of our Catholic ancestors. It was the form of the Mass with which most of the European nations (except some Eastern European countries and the Ambrosian and Mozarabic rites), all American nations, and most of the African, Asian, and Oceanian nations were evangelized.
“What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too” (Pope Benedict XVI).
“The problem with the new Missal lies in its abandonment of an ever-continuous history, before and after St. Pius V, and in the creation of a thoroughly new book (albeit compiled of old material)” (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger).
The new Missal’s “publication was accompanied by a kind of prohibition of all that came before it, which is unheard-of in the history of ecclesiastical law and liturgy” (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger).
“I can say with certainty, based on my knowledge of the conciliar debates and my repeated reading of the speeches made by the Council Fathers, that this [i.e., the reform as it is now in the new Missal] does not correspond to the intentions of the Second Vatican Council” (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger).
The traditional Roman liturgy of the Mass was the liturgy of all the Latin-rite saints whom we know at least during the entire last millennium; hence its age is millennial. Although commonly called the “Tridentine” Mass, the exact same form of the Mass was already in use several centuries before the Council of Trent, and that Council asked only to canonize that venerable and doctrinally sure form of the liturgy of the Roman Church.
The traditional Roman liturgy of the Mass has the closest affinity with the Eastern rites in bearing witness to the universal and uninterrupted liturgical law of the Church: “In the Roman Missal of Saint Pius V, as in several Eastern liturgies, there are very beautiful prayers through which the priest expresses the most profound sense of humility and reverence before the Sacred Mysteries: they reveal the very substance of the Liturgy” (Pope John Paul II).
The Pope and the bishops do not have, therefore, the authority to forbid or to limit such a venerable form of the Holy Mass, which was offered by the saints for over a thousand years, in the same way as the Pope or the bishops would not have the authority to forbid or significantly reform the venerable form of the Apostolic or Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, precisely because of their venerable, continuous, and millennium-old use.
Complying with the abusive prohibition of that venerable form of the Mass of the saints, issued unfortunately by current churchmen in a time of unprecedented ecclesial crisis, would constitute a false obedience.
Noncompliance with the prohibitions of the traditional Mass does not make one, by that fact, schismatic, provided one continues to recognize the Pope and the bishops and continues to respect them, and pray for them.
In disobeying formally such an unheard-of prohibition of an inalienable patrimony of the Roman Church, one in fact obeys the Catholic Church of all ages and all the Popes who diligently celebrated and commanded the preservation of that venerable and canonized form of the Mass.
The current prohibition of the traditional rite of the Mass is a temporary phenomenon and will cease. The Roman Church is experiencing today a kind of liturgical exile, i.e., the traditional Latin Mass has been exiled from Rome; yet the exile will, for sure, one day come to an end.
Since the traditional Latin Mass has been in uninterrupted use for more than a millennium, sanctified by universal reception over time, by the saints and by the Roman pontiffs, it belongs to the inalienable patrimony of the Roman Church. Consequently, in the future the Roman pontiffs will without doubt once again recognize and re-establish the use of that traditional liturgy of the Mass.
Future popes will thank all priests and faithful who, in difficult times, notwithstanding all pressures and false accusations of disobedience, and in a spirit of sincere love for the Church and for the honor of the Holy See, maintained and transmitted the great liturgical treasure of the traditional Mass for future generations.
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newsource21 · 3 months
(LifeSiteNews) — Various governments have made commitments to expand the use of electric vehicles (EVs) and alternative energy systems. The stated objectives include reducing pollution, improving human health and the environment, protecting the environment and providing reliable energy at lower costs. Among those jumping on this band wagon are the governments of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the European Union, and the Governorate of Vatican City State.
Here’s the big question: Will adopting these technologies achieve these goals? To get an answer, we will examine what they require for operation, decommissioning and supporting infrastructure.
For starters, EV batteries require lithium, whose mining needs 2 metric tons of water for every 1 kilogram (kg) of extracted metal. To put things into perspective, each Tesla battery requires about 10 kg of lithium, which means that 20 metric tons of water are needed for each battery. To make matters worse, lithium is usually found in deserts that lack readily available water in large quantities.
EV batteries also require cobalt, with the Democratic Republic of the Congo being the largest producer and exporter of cobalt. Unfortunately, the expansion of cobalt mines has turned green areas into barren lands and often employs child labor in the extraction. For instance, Kasulo, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and formerly a popular urban neighborhood, has been made unlivable since underground ores began to be exploited in 2014.
As if these weren’t enough, EVs and wind and solar energy systems require rare earth metals. The mining of these results in environmental destruction, including deforestation, soil erosion, water contamination, loss of wildlife habitats, changes in landscapes, air pollution and adverse health effects to miners, including lead poisoning.
Thus, instead of reducing pollution and protecting the environment, switching to EVs and alternative energy systems does the opposite, beginning with the mining of necessary materials.
The construction of the infrastructure needed for alternative energy systems (e.g., hydro, solar, wind and geothermal) requires more than four times the amount of materials (e.g., steel, glass, copper, cement/concrete, aluminum, iron, lead, plastic and silicon) than conventional energy systems (coal, natural gas and nuclear). Compared to coal-fired power plants, land requirements for solar and wind energy systems are about 33 and 179 times more, respectively. These high material and land costs increase the cost of energy.
During their operation, solar energy systems and wind turbines kill birds, with the latter being fatal to bats as well, and have proved to be unreliable.
Reliability issues induced by over-reliance on wind and solar have arisen in numerous locales around the globe. For instance, California has been converting to solar, decommissioning all but one of its coal-fired power plants and all but one of its nuclear power plants and minimizing its use of gas-fired power. As a result, the state experienced rolling blackouts during a heat wave in the summer of 2020.
Similarly, Texas invested heavily in wind and solar only to have both fail miserably during a winter storm in February 2021. Frozen wind turbines and snow-covered solar panels left much of Texas without electric power for long periods, which led to the deaths of more than 200 people and billions of dollars in economic losses. The following July, natural gas power plants were called upon to make up for failing wind and solar energy systems during a heat wave.
During the winter of 2020-21, Germany had an experience similar to that of Texas when wind and solar succumbed to the effects of cold and snow. Since the country began switching to wind and solar around 2000, the price of German electricity has more than tripled.
In short, wind and solar energy systems are not cheap, reliable or environmentally friendly.
EVs also prove to be dangerous, unreliable and expensive. Because their lithium-ion batteries store so much chemical and electrical energies, EVs have become known as fire hazards. Compared to internal combustion engines, the power systems of EVs produce fires that are harder to extinguish because the batteries could reignite and cooling the battery pack is difficult. To make matters worse, EV fires may release large amounts of poisonous gases, such as hydrogen fluoride.
READ: Trudeau’s electric vehicle mandate could cause Canada’s power grid to collapse, analysis shows
Cold weather is a nemesis of EVs, as it is for many battery-operated devices. Temperatures below 32 °F (0 °C) can cause the driving range of EVs to drop significantly or even render the vehicle useless due to the increase in the internal resistance of lithium-ion batteries at cold temperatures. Charging EVs in cold weather can significantly increase the time needed for recharging and may cause permanent battery damage.
While it’s true that EVs do not have exhaust emissions, one needs to consider that there are other types of emissions, including particulate matter (PM) from brake wear, tire wear, road wear and resuspension of road dust. Because EVs are 24 percent heavier (due to their batteries) compared to their equivalent internal combustion engine vehicles, EVs emit about the same amounts of PM10 and emit only about 1-3 percent less PM2.5 than internal combustion engine vehicles. In fact, there is a positive relationship between the vehicle weight and its particulate matter emissions.
Finally, the disposing of EV batteries and the decommissioning of wind turbines and solar panels are both problematic environmental issues.
EV batteries last about 5 to 10 years and need to be replaced when their output goes below 80% of their initial capacities. Storing, burying, and exporting these used lithium-ion batteries are no longer acceptable. Unfortunately, the direct recycling of these batteries, with high remaining capacities, would be prohibitively expensive and highly energy- and resource-intensive, and would pollute the air, water and land.
READ: ‘National EV mandate’: Biden administration regulations aim to end sale of gas-powered cars by 2032
Similarly, the blades of wind turbines last about 10 years. The life of wind-turbine towers and solar panels is about 25 years. Only a few landfills in the United States are large enough to handle the wind turbine blades. Solar panels are not particularly welcome in landfills, because they contain toxic materials, such as lead and cadmium, that can leach into soil. Dr. Wallace Manheimer noted that despite these dangers, solar panels have been put in landfills because “the cost of the recycled materials is considerably more than the cost of the raw materials.”
EVs and wind and solar energy are not environmentally friendly nor provide reliable and affordable energy and transportation. They should be discontinued for the well-being of humanity and the environment.
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