chronic-boogara · 2 years
~Sliding in~ hello there! Random request but could we get a Billy loomis x reader where maybe his “mr bad boy” persona just breaks when she’s around him and the gang gets to see it for the first time? Idk I just think it would be cute
this is so cute i love this idea!! thank you for this. i have never written soft billy so this might be a bit OOC 😣maybe a bit too soft ? idk you tell me ,, hope you like it babes.
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billy loomis. a name that commonly associated with all the bad things that happen around town. graffiti? billy. broken windows? probably billy. a building burnt down mysteriously? defiantly billy. he is every adults worst nightmare and he’s proud to have such a title.
but when the doors are locked and the blinds have been shut the boys sheds his outer shell and becomes his true self. his softer self.
only one person had ever witnessed this side of him and he preferred to keep it that way. but when she held him in her arms like he was fragile enough to break, he just couldn’t help himself. she was like the sunshine in his darkened world
“if it were me,well, i’d sneak behind the ghostface and when he least expects it i’ll pounce. i’ll drag a knife down his stomach and open it up , while he’s still alive of course”.
stu cringed at this comment and sydney looked sick to her stomach. tatum wasn’t listening, she has stopped listen minutes ago when the topic of murder even came up.
“jesus christ dude…”. stu knew he should’ve been accustomed to these comments from his best friend by now but they still caught him off guard after all this time. he helped the boy kill people for gods sake.
sydney on the other hand had a lot more to say. “how could you say something like that ? with all the shit that’s being going on ? you’re a fucking psychopath”.
billy shrugged. he spoke his mind that was one of his dispositions. “maybe you guys are just weak minded. this guy thinks he can take my life without a fight he has another thing comin i’ll tell you that”.
out of the corner of his eye he say y/n walking down the stone path towards the fountain. his heart began to beat a little faster and he did his best to conceal his excitement.
“hi billy, i missed you baby”. she spoke , sitting down between his legs. her back was against his chest “how’s everything”?
his expression immediately softened at her presence. billy wasn’t the type for public affection but today,for some reason, he lacked the control he usually managed to hold on to. he rested his head on her shoulder ,wrapping his arms around her waist. he enjoyed the closeness.
sydney was first to speak up. “your boyfriend exposed his sick fantasies to the group. i’m sure he’d love to share”.
she looked at him with curiousity in her eyes.
glaring daggers at his friend he kissed her forehead “dont listen to her babe, she’s just being dramatic”.
“billy told us his plan to murder the ghostface”. stu joined in , leaning forward with a shit eating smile on his face. “go on billy, tell y/n what you’re going to do”.
y/n looked skeptical. “my billy ? kill someone? i’m not sure about that”.
he held her a little tighter, so happy to have her in his life. she would advocate for him no matter what. for a moment he almost felt guilty for committing the atrocities he already had. almost
“and that’s why i love ya. you’re the sweetest girlfriend a guy could ask for”. billy peppered her face in kisses as she giggled.
tatum was at full attention now. stu couldn’t take his eyes off the scene he thought was not meant for human eyes while sydney was just in awe
once he realized they were staring he halted his movement, glaring at the three people beside him. “is there a problem”?
“no, no problem at all”.
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savvythepirate · 2 years
Constant Companion
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: @lightningax3 (can’t seem to find you)
A/N: Thank you for the request! I hope it’s alright! Feel free to send in any more ideas that you might have in mind! 😁
Jack Sparrow was an interesting character to you.
How you met one another is actually quite a story that contains a few laughs whenever the memory was brought up. You see what happened was, you were on your own when he found you, you’ve been lost at sea after your boat had been gunned down by other pirates, and you took it hard learning that you were the only survivor.
Jack had spotted you floating in the ocean in a small dinghy, not in very good condition. In fact, you wouldn’t have known how much longer you could’ve hold on the strength and will to survive if Jack hadn’t found you in the nick of time. However, by that time you had floated 150 miles out from the original spot where your ship had surrendered to the ocean waters.
You’ve been drifting for five days, and it was on the afternoon of day five when Jack had come to your rescue. He knew you needed help, he could tell you were so close to death by starvation and intense thirst for fresh water, and on top of all that, the sun shining down on you was only making it worse. Hunger and thirst didn’t seem to be the hardest fight through the agonizing ordeal that put you through hell, it was the loneliness. The loneliness was the worst of it, and Jack was the very first someone you’ve seen in just hours ago. Before Jack did anything to rescue you, he along with a crew of his own stood there and stared at you. For Jack, he wanted to make sure he wasn’t just seeing things as for the rest of the crew onboard, they started throwing survival equipment at you before Jack had stopped them, ordering them to reel you to the safety of the ship. Which they do, and once you made onboard the ship, everyone made sure to gently lay you down as you looked to be as fragile as a vase. As you look at unfamiliar faces, you decided that you didn’t care who they were or where the next destination was taking.
You were laying there, and you were alive. During your recovery, Jack was your main care provider as you had volunteers from the other passengers. As you would lay flat on your back on the extra bed, you couldn’t help but think how these pirates had become you rescuers, the thought that pirates were the ones who put you in that situation in the first place. But your next thought was, not all pirates were who they’ve said they were, not all pirates are bad, this was just your first time encountering pirates who were the good guys.
While you were going through recovery, you’ve gotten to know Jack Sparrow better then anyone else there. With you getting to know Jack, and with Jack getting to know you, a special bond was starting to develop. The both of you growing to like each other, which led to Jack offering you to join his crew almost immediately after you told him your story of the crew you had lost to the ocean. Of course, you agreed and that bond you shared had only gotten stronger. That took place just a little over a year ago, and everyone could very well see that you’re an excellent new addition to their crew, or their family as you liked to call it. Without realizing it, you begin to follow Jack around where it was he went like you were a lost puppy.
“What’s up with you following me around like a lost puppy?” He asked.
You just shrugged your shoulders, only hoping that he wasn’t going to ask you to stop. You understand that others don’t like being followed in the way you were following Jack around. It wasn’t that he was annoyed by it or anything, it was just you liked his company and you felt that he was easy to talk to.
“I guess I just really like being with you.” You reply, giving him an innocent smile.
That was a response Jack didn’t expect to get, for the most part, everyone just stayed out of his way, saying almost nothing to him. Your attachment took him off guard is all, he’s never really felt affectionate from anyone before, until now.
“Why do you ask?”
“No reason, no one has never really been affectionate enough to be companied by me.”
“Oh… well you’re the only one who seems to be more interested in conversation then anyone else here, and it’s nice having you to talk to.”
“I don’t mind you hanging around me, this is just a first time experience for something like this.”
You give him a small smile, suddenly feeling a little shy.
Jack seemed to have noticed your shyness, what gave it away was the light shade of pink makes it’s way to your cheeks. You quickly look away, watching Jack walking away from the corner of your eye before you proceeded to follow him once more. The more you think about it, the more you realize of just how lucky you are to have met this man through a chance encounter.
What you didn’t know was he was thinking the exact same thing.
Lucky you.
Requests: OPEN
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bonkers-4-hatter · 3 years
@lightningax3 asked: Hi can I have a marvel matchup? I’m 5”5 with short brown hair blue grey eyes and a straight female when I first meet people I’m very closed off and don’t talk much I’m more standoffish to strangers then once I get close to someone I will be severely protective and will be hyper and show the fact that I’m actually a chaotic little shit and am stubborn as hell and very playful! I’m actually very strong and will not hesitate to fight someone as I’m trained in fighting I’m also a gryffindor thanks!
-If you enjoyed this work, please consider buying me a coffee.
I match you with: 
Hawkeye from Marvel
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Totally understands how you’re closed off at first, his best friend is Natasha, so he knows how to handle your closed off and non-talkative tendencies. He’ll do most of the talking, he’s fine with that, once he knows what you like and some of your interests, he’ll start bringing those up in hopes of getting you to talk more, but of course, he would never push you our of your comfort zone. 
The more you guys talked and hung out, the more you opened up to Clint and he was glad to see you finally showing him everything about you. Loves that you are hyper and a chaotic little shit, seeing you in that mood really brightens his day. Does find it cute when you get protective of him, he doesn’t put you down for it or anything, he finds it very heartwarming honestly. 
You’re his favorite sparring partner and will always teach you new moves if you’re up for it. He finds your strength inspiring and he knows that if he was in trouble, you’ll be there for you and vice versa. With how hectic your guys’ life is, most of your guys’ downtime is enjoyed just cuddling and watching movies and television shows. Laughing and shit talking parts of the show, something normal for once in your loves. Clint wouldn’t have it any other way though. 
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