HC: Dumbbell
Remember Dumbbell, Rainbow Dash's old bully? He's a main parent in Harmonyverse, the bo of not one, but two of the Mane Six.
Throughout his foalhood, he took his frustrations out on pegasi runts, because his father had repeatedly told him he himself was a runt. That doesn't excuse Dumbbell's actions, of course, but that's where the seed of poor self esteem was planted, resulting in Dumbbell being a chaotic bully figure. He was the kind of bully that was sometimes your rude friend too; the type you invite over for a game of baseball or something every once and awhile. Basically he was a Buford from Phineas and Ferb-esque bully.
Dumbbell is a mountain of a muscular pegasus. Despite his job at the Weather Factory, which he was forced into taking as a teen after his cheating father ditched his sick mom, Dumbbell never truly have up on his life goal; weightlifting. He wanted to become a famous sportsman, so he could have the money to take care of his mom, brothers and sisters.
The "Boy Bullies" are all brothers, only a few of their numerous siblings. He was the oldest boy, so it fell to him to be the breadwinner until their mom recovered from an illness. Hoops had too much riding on him with the basketball team, and Score was already an intern for an Equestrian Hoofball company. It made the most sense for Dumbbell to quickly snag a full-time gig at the Weather Factory. Score and Hoops managed to get part-time spots.
As an adult, Dumbbell quite likes his job and the world of meteorology. He still hasn't given up on bodybuilding, and one day wishes to hold the world record for lifting weights.
That's where Dumbbell met Lance Barbell, better known as Bulk Biceps. Cloudsdale was holding a weightlifting competition that Dumbbell caught wind of, only by his co-workers complaining about the Oatstrian rock of a pegasus that kept winning. Dumbbell got his bros to cover for him, determined to prove himself against this loud stallion... And thus, a rivalry was born.
Dumbbell was baffled by the sheer strength of Bulk Biceps. Bulk kept one-uping him, and Dumbbell was well pissed by the seventh time that dumb stranger won over him.
Like the idiot he is, Dumbbell ended up spraining his back. Thankfully, Bulk Biceps is also a physical therapist, and offered to fix Dumbbell right up, free of charge. Reluctantly, Dumbbell took the offer. He was basically just insulting Bulk Biceps the entire time... and didn't seem to notice when the insults became playful banter.
Afterwards, Dumbbell kept running into Lance at the gym, day after day, until eventually, the two started waiting for the other to show up. Their rivalry was soon filtered in friendship.
Bulk Biceps, very nervously, cracked up the courage to sing Dumbbell a song he had wrote about him... a love song, that is. Dumbbell turned into a stammering beet red dork, of course, so the only way to answer his friend's love declaration was to kiss the shy stallion.
They married young and quickly, Bulk opted to have a child, twhich Bell agreed, after some convincing. Their only son is one Featherweight. Dumbbell festered a lot of fear over parenthood, hating the idea of ruining his kid or becoming his own asshole of a father. When Featherweight was very young, Dumbbell kept a distance, and started taking up more shifts at the factory. Due to his absence, Bulk Biceps started to become lonely and clingy towards his husband. This only drew Dumbbell farther away, as he was uncomfortable with how dependant everyone was on him...
Bulk and Bell struggled for a long time, until he missed Featherweight's nineth birthday party. Featherweight had waited all day for his Pops to come. Then he waited until midnight. 1 AM. 2 AM. Soon enough, it was 6 o'clock in the morning. He ended up falling asleep in Bulk's arms, with snot and tears coating his fur.
Dumbbell finally arrived home at seven. He had forgotten about the special day, since a crowd of pegasi were trying out for the Wonderbolts and he had wanted to watch. He had been with one try-out all night... He swore to Lance nothing happened despite the signals that mare was sending him, but Bulk couldn't forgive Dumbbell for missing their son's birthday, just so he could flirt. "Maybe, if you don't plan on showing up for your son's birthday... you shouldn't show up at all."
And so, the pair divorced. Bulk Biceps took primary custody of Featherweight.
Dumbbell threw himself into his work after that. He climbed the ladder until he managed his own team of employees. He was doing so good that when the Wind Rider took a tour of the establishment, he offered to set the chap up with his daughter!
Fresh off a divorce, but Dumbbell couldn't refuse a date with a celebrity's kid, espiecally when that celebrity kept joking about ending Dumbbell's career if he hurt Wind Rider's daughter. So, a blind date ensued.
Wouldn't you know it, the mare turned out to be that try-out flirt, a miss Lightning Dust. Their relationship was always rocky and filled with arguments and pettiness, but they did genuinely love each other. When Lightning Dust came up pregnant, Wind Rider pressured the two into a shotgun marriage. From then on, they had even more things to disbute over. Wind chose the name of their first son, Thunderweight.
The first big chip at their love was when a colt Thunderweight attempted a dangerous flight trick that Lightning Dust had promised was harmless. A baby could do it, she insisted! Well, little Thunder landed right into the hospital with multiple broken bones and a concussion. Their house was brimming with fights over the past few days, until Dumbbell threatened to take the matter to court (and take Thunderweight away, permanently). Lightning Dust eventually agreed to dismantle the Washouts and join a different team, the Shadowbolts; a group of quick pegasi racers.
They had three more children-- Phoenix Ashes, and the baby twins Hailstorm and Whirlwind. Dumbbell finally had enough of Lightning Dust's smooth manipluations when it was discovered that Phoenix had a personality disorder caused by her mother's "tough love", aka how Light would only give Phoenix attention if she did what she wanted. If not, Lightning Dust acted as if her eldest girl didn't exist. What Dumbbell hated more was how Lightning Dust just shrugged and dismissed this, thinking her race was more important than this "dumb little visit".
Dumbbell divorced and convinced the court that the children would be better off with him. Even Wind Rider couldn't muster up the lawyers to get custody for the kids.
Dumbbell tried being a very present, very good single dad. He had to give little Phoenix a bit more care than the others, stirring up some resentment among her siblings. Thunderweight became her ruthless bully, as he blamed her for the divorce, and even roped a child Hailstorm into preying upon Phoenix Ashes. She became terrified of her brothers and stopped leaving her room. Dumbbell was so exhausted caring for all of them and working full-time... it was so, so hard; he didn't know how his mother had done it.
In her mid-teens, Phoenix Ashes ran away from Cloudsdale. Dumbbell was beside himself with worry and was a shade from a mental breakdown, when Whirlwind suggested that maybe if he found someone new to love, he might be happier. He didn't go out right away; he waited frantically until he got a call from Featherweight, claiming that Phoenix was staying with him for a while.
Dumbbell hadn't talked to his first kid in so long. They talked for hours and hours, simply exchanging life stories. Turns out, Featherweight was now a professional sports photographer and the hotshot Editor In Chief of the Ponyville Newspaper. The scrawny pegasus was even about to be a father himself! It felt so nice getting to know his son again. Dumbbell promised that they would talk more. To Featherweight's delight, he's kept it.
Knowing his daughter was safe gave Dumbbell a chance to relax for a moment. He had been scaring himself with nightmares and terrible daydreams of what might've happened to her. He took a few weeks to breathe and reconnect with his family.
Dumbbell knew that Thunderweight and Hailstorm, though a surly duo, were just scared kids deep down, missing their mother terribly. Dumbbell tried to get closer to them, and encouraged their special talents, beauty and art respectively. He even got his boys to workout with him, sometimes. That's not to say their behavior went unpunished-- Dumbbell refused to let Thunderweight tryout for the Wonderbolts and he took away Hailstorm's art supplies. ("You can go back to whatever you're doing when you learn some manners, colts. You're not children anymore, so stop acting like it! Phoenix Ashes is your /sister/, your flesh and blood, and you drove her away. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves!")
Thank Celestia his youngest wasn't an asshole. Whirlwind had been cooking up some date for a while now, and she was so happy when dear ole dad finally accepted to go. Whirlwind couldn't help spilling her idea.
Whirly wanted him to go out with a girl he had briefly dated in his teenage years... Rainbow Dash. Reluctantly, Bell gave her a call. He was surprised that he actually heard back from her; and even more so when she said yes.
Dumbbell scrambled to the date, nervous but cocky, and was a bit shaken up when he found out Rainbow Dash had brought her wife to the date.
The Earth Pony was very excited to meet him. Her name was "Pinkamena Diane Pie, but all my friends call me Pinkie Pie!"
Dumbbell was very confused and very awkward. He went on with it nervously, but ended up having a great time. Pinkie Pie was so upbeat, energetic and funny, and Rainbow Dash was still a proud showboat dork. They had another date. And another. And another. And another.
Eventually, Dumbbell was the wives' official boyfriend. They didn't mind that he had kids, seeing as they had their own herd nicknamed "the Quad Squad", consisting of Airhead, Creampuff, Starburst and Jawbreaker.
After Thunderweight got his own place, Dumbbell soon moved to Ponyville. He lives with Pinkie, Rainbow Crash, Crash's parents, Whirlwind and Hailstorm.
Dumbbell's parenting skills have definitely improved, but he still doesn't think himself that great of a dad. He tries to be there for all his children now, and that's really all he can do at that point. He's so sorry that he missed so much of Featherweight's life, or how he didn't see how severe the bullying was on Phoenix... He slightly hates himself for not being a better father sooner. But he can't change the past, so at least he can be there for them in the present.
Other notes~
- In the Humanverse, Dumbbell comes from mixed background, but is mostly Brazilian. He is a hybrid of vague horse breeds in Ponyverse, but is very tall, muscular, and fluffy. His design is partly inspired by Lopoddity's art of him, and his father walking out on him was her idea too.
(Design description; his fur turns the color of his mane at the uncolored parts, the darkness on his ear tips and shoulder blades resemble the hue of chocolate, and the color of his hooves match that of Hoops' pelt color. I imagine his eyes as more of an icey blue than moderate azure.)
- Featherweight is the father of Apple Bloom's daughter Candy Blossom. The four prominent adults in her life share her; Feathers, AB, AB's girlfriend Diamond Tiara, and Feather's bf Pipsqueak. Dumbbell is always ready to visit his wittle granddaughter, yes yes
- Dumbbell's mother did recover from her illness after a hassle of years. It was hard, but they got there.
- Bulk Biceps enjoys a quiet, if not distant, friendship with his ex-husband. He's happy that he's a better pony now, but he wasn't going to wait for that to happen. Instead, he remarried to a strong mare by the name of Maud Pie. Featherweight's half-sibling is called Smoky Quartz.
(Since Maud is no longer with Starlight and Trixie in my verse, I've moved them around a bit. Trixie is now the wife of con-artist Flim and nature enthusiast Mudbriar, carrying their two children Willow Wisp and Wildflower, the minions of Prince Janus. I haven't decided who Starlight Glimmer is with yet- suggestions are appreciated!)
- Dumbbell's brother Hoops went onto become a local sportspony, a celebrity in Ponyville. His main gig is basketball, which to the ponies translates to punching the ball with your head or chin instead of hands. Hoops is a confident, secretly insecure boyo, that also turns into a beet red dork at the notion of romance.
Hoops is married to ex-single mother Ditzy Doo (nicknamed "Derpy Hooves" by Ponyville), and is stepfather to her daughter Dinky Doo. Hoops had his own son with her named Butterhoof after adopting a young teenage Screwball.
- Score is a tubby, socially awkward fella with social anxiety and shyness over his stunted size (he's rather short and chubby for the stallions in his family). He was the push-over type; he wasn't ever really the mean bully, but the one that would encourage him and repeat what he said. He still doesn't speak up often, but is more outspoken than he was as a child or in his early to mid 20s (which is when the show takes place to me).
Score would take a paying job in Appleloosa for a small business interested in teaching sports to the youth. There Braeburn would charm the socks off Score, impressing him with shows of his Apple strength, community influence, bravery, and the flowers he kept sending his winged co-worker. Score just couldn't refuse that daring smirk when Braeburn asked him out.
Their relationship would go strong for many years... And they still are. They're that pair that argues like a married couple before they're married (they are btw), while simultaneously they're those lovebirds that can't stop snuggling each other. The two have tons of pet names, and even more embarrassing nicknames for their son Snapple.
- Dumbbell and Rainbow Dash love to shit talk Lightning Dust together. It's one of the many things that ensured their quick romance. Other reasons include endless banter, shit talking literally everything, routine workouts where they pushed each other to the limit, racing competitions, competitions in general (they hoof-wrestle a lot), flustering the hell outta the other, etc. In short, they're jerk jocks in love.
Dumbbell's relationship with Pinkie isn't as sweetly bitchy as his with Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie loves snuggles, kisses all de time, and is a big fan of physical contact. Her love language consists of touch and/or verbal affection. Dumbbell is thankful he found someone who is always trying to teach him something new and exciting.
She likes laying on Bell's back, teaching him how to bake, helping him through his daddy issues, encouraging his pre-existing passions, and using his shadow as shade. Dumbbell is patient with Pinkie the most of all; she is a bipolar, autistic dwarf-- though she may fall hard into depression, or may not understand something right away, it doesn't mean that's bad. It just takes bit more time, and her partners are willing to give it.
- Jawbreaker and Dumbbell box all the time. Pseudo father/son bonding time
And that's all folks, my dumb hc for this one-off character that I've grown attached to, hope you enjoyed ✌️ don't take my headcanonnnn or y'know also my art. I actually redid the drawing (the other was completely different, undetailed, plain, and bland) and I'm so glad I did. This one is sooo much better you don't even know.
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Edit; for some reason it's not letting me put the pictures at the top so I guess you have to read it all to see Dumbbell
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bloodcunt · 5 years
♫ please enlighten me op
peach - kevin abstract
porkies - don broco
she’s so high - blur
absinthe - idkhbtfm
i been born again - brockhampton
send me a 🎵 pleathe 😳
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cervicrazed · 2 years
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Tagged by @psygull to name 9 of my favorite films in no particular order
I know there's some I'm forgetting, these were the first to come to mind
Feel free to judge as you will
Tagging - @hawthorneee , @lightningbells , & @buglich (don't know as many people 😵‍💫)
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tomsgreg · 2 years
I was tagged by Maddie @bidermans to play this! Four songs I’m listening to at the moment are:
Angels Like You by Miley Cyrus
I’m Trying (Not Friends) by Maisie Peters
London Boy by Taylor Swift
Back To The Old House by The Smiths
I wasn’t sure how to decide this so I used my On Repeat spotify playlist for the week
I tag: @arthoebyers @mothdruid @lightningbells @socialnetworklesbian
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an Update of sorts
heyo! long time no see, i’m gonna give y’all an update to this blog and what i plan to do with it, and i’ll try to make it as short as possible but i have been told i ramble so,, sorry in advance! (if you wish to not see this post, blacklist #not a character)
ok so, wow! it has been a very, very long time since my last post. i wish i could blame it on anything other than me being stressed with non-blog related things and,,, me just generally forgetting about it but. i can’t so, here we are. 
i really wanted to continue this blog but i don’t think i have the ability to produce posts at a normal rate. i’m still in high school and if i’m not in school i’m typically taking care of my younger brothers, so i don’t have a super free schedule. 
i also,, am not friends with the person i originally started this all with so it kind of,, stings just a little bit when i’m trying to get back into it.
but! all that being said, i don’t want to delete this (or the bad place) blog because i really love the idea of it. 
so! here’s my idea; i would love to pass this blog onto someone else (or multiple people) who will take care of it better than i could. (aka at least one post a week and not going MIA for months at a time,, the bar is very low now that i think about it)
i don’t know how many people would be interested in this but, here’s the general rundown of what i would like to remain of the blog IF it does get passed onto someone else.
please keep the desktop theme, the flag, the blacklist (you can add to it if needed, but please don’t remove anything) and the welcome page the same
the bad place blog is linked to the same account, meaning that if you decide to take over the good place you either need to also commit to the bad place, or let me know you don’t want to so i can remove the URL/find a mod for the bad place. (as of right now i don’t own the neutral place URL, but if this changes i will update it here and the situation will be dealt with.)
please keep a link to my main blog in the FAQ, just for credits sake.
remember to correctly tag EVERYTHING. did someone request a character who has blood on them all the time? tag it. did someone request a character with self harm scars? tag it. it’s important to me that people feel safe when visiting the blog, and i don’t want one of the posts to hurt anyone because it wasn’t tagged properly.
alright, all that being said! do you want to help run the good place? send me a pm @lightningbells! tell me about yourself and why you want to run the blog! i will do a quick scan of your blog to make sure you don’t have, ill intentions, and let you know if i’d like for you to join!
thank you guys for sticking around, and,, not sending me anon hate for being MIA. i hope whoever takes on the blog next has as much fun as i did :)
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payuappa · 5 years
Gam Tim
tagged by a funky @springsbian who i have known since my very first tumblr year!! check out this angels wonderful blog!!!
RULES: Answer the questions and tag 15 mutuals
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1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, actually. I’m named after my parent’s friend.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Don’t keep track nor do I remember. Might’ve been today, a few minutes ago, a few days ago... mang who knows. I try not to think about it.
3. Do you have/want kids?
I want em but wouldnt have em.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Nope, not really. I prefer getting straight to the point.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Physical appearance. Their natural silhouette.
6. What’s your eye colour?
Brown. Nothing too special!
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I enjoy both as long as they can be executed well!!
8. Any special talents?
I can curl my tongue to make it look like a flower.
9. Where were you born?
Malaysia 🇲🇾
10. What are your hobbies?
Hobbies are what I do during free time right? I usually draw or watch youtube videos. But on Sundays, my consistent Thingy is leaving the house at around 8am to go hang out with a friend of mine. We’ll ride his bike n get breakfast.
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes, his name is Sumo! He’s a ragdoll cat.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play softball, baseball, tennis, volleyball and badminton for school. I used to go to a sports school actually— against my will. Fortunately or unfortunately I’m not allowed to do sports anymore bc of medical reasons.
13. How tall are you?
5’1 / 154cm :(
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
I TAG @mariamakub @mityfresh @navy-leader @th155exe @heroswrd @cybrile @kassini-kid @princess-kun @mntpyre @lightningbells @iris-sempi @lonepuddingpup @rxxb33 @nejimao @madzyumyum & i honestly have no idea how many ppl that is but i cbf to count 👹👹👹
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perillaleafs · 5 years
tagged by the very cool and very funky francis @cryptidsagainstcapitalism for the playlist challenge: put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten. then tag 10 people
here we go :-)
1. loving is easy - rex orange county
2. even the stars can be hollow - flatsound
3. kids - the frights
4. raining - the front bottoms
5. building the ark - slaughter beach, dog
6. dark light - florist
7. errors - whatever, dad
8. bruise - ryan beatty
9. time today - kero kero bonito
10. carnations - palehound
IJDIJOWD im screaming sometimes spotify gets in a mood an jus gives me a lot of sad emo music :”-) anyways! forogot a lot of the songs on here hehe
im tagging: @eldritchcowboy @heyhosers @plum-sweater @night-haunt @lightningbells @gnycough @aries-butch @transc0wboy @biryrani @frogparty hell yeah >:3 also srry if you have already been tagged for this!!! aaaaa
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cervicrazed · 5 years
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Ghost/College AU made with @lightningbells
In which Eddie, Stan, and Bill are the ghosts trying to scare people out of Neibolt: a cursed house often rented out to college students.
Hijinks ensue when the rest of The Losers move in for the new semester
[Pretend that I put my tumblr handle instead of my insta one k thanks]
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cervicrazed · 4 years
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take II on this post
Got tagged by @psygull to participate in shenanigans
Here's what we had to do:
> go to Pinterest n type "(your name) + core + aesthetic"
> pick the top 9 pics that best represent your actual aesthetic
It was a bit hard cause most of the results were either enamel pins or Wes Anderson stills but it be the way that it do
@lightningbells you're next, bucko
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cervicrazed · 4 years
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More of me and @lightningbells 's Ghost/College AU after 8 months what a miracle!
As a recap cause it's been forever: Neibolt's a house that's rented out to college students cause it's cheaper than room + board. Though some students think the place is haunted oooo spooky
Stan's the first one of the Ghost Losers to die in the house, after getting bitten by a bunch of poisonous spiders that strangely aren't found after the fact. In addition to the awful spider head thing he does in the movie, he can also just summon spiders at will. He's the most serious Ghost Loser when it comes to haunting, and makes it his mission to keep people out of the basement.
Also yes The Turtle is in this and her name is Lara. Stan is the closest to her and takes care of her :)
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