#lightningbug anon
turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Doing the ace attorney characters nails cause I just did mine.
Will let you do just about anything. Gel nails? Sure. Press ons? Ok. Is just happy you want to spend time with him. 100% has shone up to court with glitter nails before.
It honestly depends on if hes going to court that week. If hes not, go wild he doesnt care. But if he is he'll stuck to a clear coat. it has nothing to do with his confidence and everything to do with not being a court distraction.
Loves loves loves French tips. Pls encourage her to do anything that's not french tips. If you do her nails before your together she'll pretend your holding her hand
Surprisingly let's you. Do his nails in coffee tones and he might let you again.
Has barely messed with nail polish so shes pretty new to this. Gets overwhelmed with all the options. Just match it to her clothes, she'll love it.
Omg so demanding. She asks for really complicated manicures and you'll do it cause you love your girlfriend. So you hope she never asks again but she totally does.
Not allowed to use nail polish
No toxic masculinity at all. Loves it when you do his nails. Asks you to do his mothers nails. His father feels left out so you do his nails too. Suddenly everyone has stunning nails.
You do music theme nail art once and now he asks you to do it before just about every concert
Says hes uncomfortable with having painted nails. Was totally eyeing the purple nail polish.
-lightningbug anon who is back
I know nothing about nails or nail art but this ask was still really fun to read, so ofc I have to add all the other characters:
Damon: He loves doing cutesy, couple-y stuff like this, so by all means, go for it. He will absolutely show them off while outside of work and brag about what an amazing artist you are (He’d love to show them off at work too, but he still has to set an example, so he reluctantly saves his praises for another time and place)
Shelly: As long as his nails don’t hinder him while he’s working, he doesn’t mind. In fact, he loves watching you do his nails, and he really admires your skills and passion for your work.
Matt: He’s used to having only the best of the best do things such as his nails, so he’ll be hesitant when you approach him about it at first. But once he sees how skilled you are, you’ll pretty much become his go-to nail artist for when he needs to get them done.
Ray: Another yandere that loves cute stuff like this, so he’ll definitely let you do his nails. He especially loves it when you paint such cool art on them, and he’ll absolutely show them off and brag about you and your skills to anyone who cares to listen.
Sebastian: Has never gotten his nails done but has always secretly wanted to, so when you offer to do them for him, he is over the moon. He’s another one that will let you do whatever you want, and he’ll even ask you to make his nails coordinate with his outfit. Will also definitely brag about them to pretty much everyone.
Simon K: As long as they don’t bring him any unwanted attention, he lets you do whatever you want. Though he’s pretty neutral about the whole thing, his heart does flutter a little at the sight of you being so happy to do his nails, so he’s more than willingly to let you do them again if it brings a smile to your face.
Katherine: Do you even know who this woman is? She loves stuff like this. You won’t even have to ask if you can do hers because she’ll probably come to you first. Though she loves pretty much everything you do with her nails, her favorite thing has to be when you paint red roses on them, as it matches her outfit.
Bobby: Gets super excited when you ask if you can do them. He lets you try anything -and I mean anything- you want, and always happily watches you. He totally shows them off at work, too (before getting reprimanded by his boss).
Simon B: He’ll refuse initially but after a bit of pestering, he’ll eventually cave and let you do them. Nothing crazy, though, and you’ll have to stick to black and white mostly. He may even go to work with his nails done, and will absolutely give a death glare to anyone who dares to comment on it.
- Mod Dollie
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oligbia · 3 years
April Admirers
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This was an event that took place in April of 2021. The event is now closed, this is just a reference post for those who wish to find their post again.
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++The Prompt Post ++
+Anon 1 (paired with Hawks)
+Possum Anon (paired with Shoto Todoroki)
+@pastelkitten615 (paired with Kirishima Eijirio)
+ @latte-delf (paired with Koshi Sugawara)
+@snoozless (paired with Sawamura Daichi)
+ @tender-rosiey (paired with Hinata Shoyo)
+ Anon 3 (paired with Izuku Midoriya)
+ Anon 4 (paired with Shota Aizawa)
+ @seungpop (paired with Hanta Sero)
+@lightningbug-19 (paired with Katsuki Bakugou)
+@micmic-21 (paired with Keiji Akaashi)
+@eggtarteru (paired with Morisuke Yaku)
+@callielovesanime (paired with Kirishima Ejirio)
+@craftyturtleduckauthor (paired with Rumi Usagiyama)
+@artof-apollo (paired with Bakugou Katsuki)
+@pennipanini (paired with Ejirio Kirishima)
+@daydreamdrive05 (paired with Hanta Sero)
+@jesus-christ-super-ace (In the drafts, almost done!)
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plusultrachaos · 4 years
This could be gen or ship but what about someone finding out that their classmate/partner was the person who kept showing up in the same among us servers and killing them/getting them ejected lmao
well, anon, i really hope you were sincere in this being open to any ship bc i went with shinkami and i went hard. thank you for the prompt!
"Wait! Wait! Nononono!" There is yelling before suddenly the power in the lounge is going out. Kaminari is laying on the couch with a betrayed look on his face. "MindFry? Seriously?? I thought we were a team, dude!"
Mina and Sero are dying on the couch next to him, their eyes focused on the game playing on their phones. They may be playing and just witnessed the death of their friend, but there was no way they weren't going to cause some chaos in the game by blaming someone who was on the other side of the map. 
Kaminari slumped on the couch, knowing he wouldn't be avenged anytime soon. He was pouting deeply before his boyfriend walked from the elevators to the lounge, sighing when he saw the lights were out. His pout immediately disappeared and he got up from the couch again. 
"Lose again, Light Switch?" 
Kaminari whined and attached himself to Shinsou, pouting again. "It's not faiiiir. Why is it always in electrical? Like do they know it's me?? And they're trying to make a joke? Like in any map too…" Kaminari looked at him, whining again. 
"Kamiii, MindFry left the game like a couple of minutes ago." Mina yelled, paying no mind to how clingy Kaminari was being, totally sucked into finishing the game. 
The next time Kaminari, Sero, and Mina are playing, its with a portion of the class and one straggler outside of the class. (Only nine people actually wanted to play and so they made it public.)
One thing that Kaminari hated about playing with the rest of the class was that Midoriya was one of the best Imposters. So was Kouda, although, thankfully he wasn't playing today. The one person that Kaminari wished would play with them today is Shinsou. 
Kaminari’s gaming tag is always, without a doubt, LightningBug. For no reason besides wishing that Shinsou would play and think that it was a cute pet name and start using it.
It's only a hope mostly because his boyfriend refuses to play with him. It'll happen eventually, Kaminari knows this. 
Slowly, people start dying. Midoriya dies first, in admin, nobody sees who it is. Next is Mina in Reactor. So on and so forth. Kaminari dies by IvegotShinsso in the Medbay in the middle of a scan. It's agitating. He doesn't let the lights go out this time though. 
"Hold on. Kaminari? Who killed you?" Midoriya sounds like he's seconds away from starting a ramble and Kaminari answers before he can.
"IvegotShinsso- WAIT. SHIN." Kaminari leaps out of his chair and races to the elevator. He hits the button to Shinsou’s floor and waits. When the doors are open, he's running and opening the door. 
"Please tell me I haven't been playing with you for weeks without realizing it."
"And if you were, Lightning Bug?"
There's a betrayed gasp before Kaminari jumps on top of him and cuddles to his chest. "That's so rude."
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a-lilacsong · 4 years
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Little Ryoma showing off his festival dancing to his Mother and little sister!
@lightningbug-lane love all your OCs, especially, Ikona, so I drew her with her kids! (You once mentioned she liked spiders, so that’s were the web motif came from.)
I drew this in summer 2019 but I could not upload it and was to shy to until now (I was the anon who asked about the dancing).
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jack-the-sol · 5 years
147, Laf and Tench, pls and thank you :)
147. “Look! Fireflies!” 
Well, I didn’t QUITE keep to the guidelines, but here it is anyway! 
Some fluffy Tillaf (Tilghman and Lafayette) for you, anon! 
Tench Tilghman had been busy all day with transcriptions and letters and he could see the sun disappearing over the horizon as he tried to work the cramp out of his hand. Normally, he would just switch hands, but both were cramping up. He wanted to curse, but of course, he didn’t. 
He was the only one still writing. Hamilton and Laurens had been sent on reconnaissance, Meade was resting after a whole day delivering the General’s orders, Harrison was writing in the back library of their current headquarters (likely to one of his daughters), Fitzgerald was out on another political mission to Philadelphia in Washington’s name, and McHenry was sleeping just the same as Meade. And that left Tench alone. Even the General was busy! 
Well, wasn’t the General always busy? In the years that Tench had worked with him, he knew the answer was always going to be yes. 
The door suddenly burst open and Tench startled, knee bumping up against the table. The motion nearly upended an inkpot, but he snatched the inkpot before it could spill. 
“BONJOUR!” A familiar Frenchman called as he entered the office and the aide room where he knew they worked. He seemed almost pleased to see it was just Tench in the room. “Petit Poisson!” He beamed at the sight of the smaller man. Tench couldn’t hold back his own smile. 
“Bonsoir, marquis,” Tench greeted and offered a nod instead of a wave as he tried to rub his aching hands. 
“You must see! Petits insectes de foudre!“ Lafayette said giddily. He rushed over to Tench and grabbed his wrist, pulling him up and out the door without even grabbing Tench’s hat. “Petites étoiles!“ 
“Petites étoiles?” Tench asked and let Lafayette, who was significantly taller and stronger than him (for rough measurements, see the notes at the end), drag him along. 
They stopped at a little clearing. The sky was slowly darkening and the glittering stars and crescent moon were slowly revealing themselves. Tench stopped a minute to admire the sight. A moment later, Lafayette’s clasped hands were thrust into his face. It was now that Tench noticed that their lovely Gilbert had neglected to wear his gloves today. Or perhaps he chose to take them off? Either way, his hands were unusually bare. 
“Insecte,” the Frenchman smiled and opened his hands to let the bug fly out. It hovered between their faces for a minute until it lit up in a quick bit of yellow. A lightningbug. 
“A firefly!” Tench said and noticed there were more starting to flash around them. 
“’Firefly’?” Lafayette looked confused. 
“Une luciole.” The Marylandian man watched Lafayette as he placed the two words together. 
Tench, Gilbert’s lovely and helpful translator. Tench ‘Little Fish’ Tilghman, who left behind his family and life just to volunteer for Washington. Him! Lafayette couldn’t help but lean down and place a kiss on Tench’s forehead. He ran off chasing fireflies not even a second later, leaving behind a blushing but happy Tench. 
“Lucioles!“ Lafayette shouted as he watched them light up in his cupped hands. 
Thank you for reading (and requesting this)! I had a blast writing it and I know I didn’t quite follow the guidelines, but this just fit better. An explanation of the nickname Little Fish (Petit Poisson): A Tench is a freshwater fish typically found in North America. 
Height Differences: To my knowledge, Tench Tilghman was below average when it came to height, which means he was less than five feet and seven inches tall (Hamilton’s height). I, personally, believe he’s as short as Madison, but I don’t think we know. Lafayette, however, was roughly six feet tall. This places this lovely pair at a HUGE difference, but that’s okay because tol and smol is a good. 
Thank you again for the request, anon! 
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sassphicdragoness · 7 years
My issue with FE Revelations
In response to this ask that @lightningbug-lane received, and I wanted to put it in a separate post since it contains spoilers. Long story short: I agree with the anon and Lane.
I love Revelations, but I’m still so disappointed at how... lacking the story is. There really isn’t a big revelation aside from finding out Azura’s true lineage and that someone bigger was the Big Bad all along. BUT SO MANY STORY ELEMENTS WERE NEVER CAPITALIZED ON.
Garon’s Possession - This was a main point of contention with the Valla arc of the story. Once you get there, Garon just pops up out of nowhere before the final battle. I completely dislike how the Nohrian siblings were unfairly treated story wise. The Hoshidan siblings were given this wonderful eleventh-hour conversation with their mother and father’s true selves before they ultimately passed on. Same for Azura and her mother. The Nohr siblings get jackshit - they see their father eaten by Anakos. They get no closure whatsoever and can only live with the fact that their father was a soulless monster through and through, and we get very little explanation about Garon’s possession int he first place. It leaves a plothole the size of a semi - I wish Xander and the other had a chance to also say goodbye to their father under GOOD, familial terms and HAVE that closure after all the shit they had to go through. 
Corrin and Anankos - Goddammit, this is another point of contention I have, and it leads me to believe that Fates was rushed in development (a lot of other quirks in the story and support chains are evidence support this, but that’s a whole other story.) It doesn’t take a genius to realize that Anankos is indeed Corrin’s biological father. That would ave been SUCH a great plot element and adds a REAL CONFLICT Corrin would have aside from the generic “Big bad dragon must be stopped.” It would’ve given Corrin so much more to fight for and yet so much of a weight on their shoulders finding out who your real father is only to realize that THEY are the evil you’ve been after all along. Instead, not only is it excluded from the main campaign altogether? INTSYS HID THIS FROM US BEHIND A FUCKING PAYWALL. $5 to find out that Anankos is Corrin and Lilith’s father, and that Corrin has an actual blood sibling.
Corrin and Azura - I think we can all agree how stupid this was. I think IntSys wanted to have the same blatant ship-tease/fire-forged friends shtick as Chrom and Robin had in Awakening. And just like with those two, IntSys laid the ship tease on thick for Corrin and Azura. It doesn't come as close as Chrom and Robin in some aspects, but even so, there’s a reason it’s one of the most popular ships for Fates. And then IntSys fucked it up by making them literal blood cousins at the very end of Revelations with a throwaway line that would have had no point or shift in the story. And none of the characters react worth a damn over it either! What was the point of making them cousins if it’ll have no impact on anything? It leaves such a bad taste in people’s mouths, especially for the ones who were shipping it so hard. I’ve all but disregarded their familial relationship because it’s unfair to those who shipped it BEFORE the reveal and it left people in such an uncomfortably, awkward precarious spot. (By the way, I won’t entertain any incest discussions on this simply because IntSys knew this could open a can of worms, and they still made the conscious decision to make them S-Supportable and laid on that shit thick. Same goes for Corrin/Royal ships as well.) 
I think that’s about it though. Hopefully it makes some sense lol
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ohnoregrettio · 7 years
Write ten things that make you feel happy and then send this to the last ten people in your notes. (Thank you, darling. Don't know why you like the trash I make but thank you anyways 😙.)
I JUST WANNA SAY CALLING MARSHALL DADSY IS A JOKE OKAY OKAY A LOT OF PEOPLE THOUGHT HE WAS A. MY ACTUAL DAD B. HE WAS A DOM (he made me clarify so nhey)1. I believe Ik who this is so Ima say your account (not gonna name it bc you're on anon)2. My dogdogs3. My female parental unit4. My best friend Nicko ♥, daddy Marshall ♡, and my best, cutest bean @your-friend-lightningbug ✧5. Tbh making recipes and answering asks are fun xD 6. Pokémon Sun 💯😫💦7. YouTube (more specially but not limited to Shane Dawson, CrankThatFrank, and Markiplier)8. Comics are fun to read9. I'm a grandma so knitting and crocheting is lit10. I troll mean trolls with daddy (◕◡◕✿)
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Trigger warning:pregnancy
Ok so its entirely possible for two girls to biologically get pregnant with modern science. They take bone marrow from one mother and use it to impregnate the other.
On that topic katherine is one of the few yandere girls who wants to carry the baby. She wants her lovers mark on her forever.
Dahlia doesn't want to carry. She just doesnt. The thought of birth disgusts her. Furthermore there's no way shes ruining her body. But she knows a baby will tie you down. So your going to end up pregnant.
Franziska wants you to carry for three reasons. First of all both her lover and her child will be much easier to protect. Second she may be soft with you but she is possessive in her own right (a pregnant so only leaves the house for doctors appointments♡♡♡) Thirdly her jobs admittably dangerous and if something happens she'll never forgive herself
-lightningbug anon
Oh, I’d heard of the whole bone marrow pregnancy thing before, but I didn’t think you could actually do something like that! That’s super dope. Anyway, I think your headcanons are very accurate for all three of them.
Katherine is obviously the motherly type, so she’d be overjoyed at the prospect of being able to carry her and her s/o’s child.
Dahlia is... Dahlia. She’s vain and cares way too much about her appearance, so getting pregnant is out of the question for her. And while she’s not really a fan of kids, since it’ll keep her s/o tied to her, she’ll learn to put up with it.
Lastly, given how possessive Franziska is, I can see her using her s/o’s pregnancy as an excuse to keep them locked inside. They won’t be leaving at all unless it’s for a doctor’s appointment or something.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Lightningbug here
problem with me and miles, franziska(as much as I love her), klavier, and godot, is that I admittably do not like bullies tm. Like I was bullied soooooo badly at school that even if one of them adored me, in the real world I wouldn't care for them...
So anyway the characters above with a person who was bullied:
He is an asshole, but he is formal about it... I guess he gets points for that. When he realizes y/n doesnt like how he is with people he cranks the asshole low and cranks up the formal when theyre around
Is furious cause in her mind, those foolish fools from fooltown are why her crush wont look her in the eye. The reason their jaws set when they talk to her but they flinch when they see her whip. She will not take accountability for her actions in making y/n hate her. Instead she tries to explain to them that those people are idiots. Running her chances more
It makes him want to whisk them away. Thier so cracked. So hurt. Out of all of them he is most likely to learn to keep his damn mouth shut. Hes a smart man you know. He may even apologizes to apollo, in front of everyone.... too bad y/ns disdain for bullies makes them hard to forgive
The first time y/n even bothers to look his way is when their standing up for wright. The jealousy boiling in him makes him increase the aggression. Increasing the cruelty has the added effect of making y/n stand beside wright more. If their a women he tells them that a sweetheart like them just cant depend on "trite" for protection. They slap him and tell him they trust Phoenix with their very life and also not to call them that.
Don’t worry, Lightningbug Anon, I totally get how you feel.
If we’re talking pre-redemption, then yeah, Miles is definitely gonna be an asshole. He may, like you said, tone it down around his darling but otherwise, he’s gonna be the same pretentious little shit he was in 1-2 and 1-3. Shitty behavior from post-redemption Miles, though, would be rare.
Franziska is in a similar situation as her brother, only her assholery hasn’t gone down nearly as much as his. She may try to change if her darling is adamant about it but I can’t see her taking the criticism too well.
Klavier is honestly the least douchy of the four. At worst, he’s a little mean *laughs in herr forehead* but otherwise, he’s a pretty alright guy. I think he’s probably the nicest prosecutor we’ve had besides Sebastian.
Diego, oh Diego... He is such a prick but I still love him for some reason. However, if he was bullying Phoenix right in front of me, you’d better believe I would throw hands with him. Square up, you discount coffee bean!
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Its lightningbug back to writing Phoenix like a soft boy.
I think if were being honest if y/n was a single mom he as a single dad wouldn't be offended. He might be a bit miffed at the person who left you but as long as they stay in their lane they wont die. I dont think Phoenix likes hypocrisy
Miles is another one who cant say much. Who's he to say this kid isn't his just cause of blood when hes adopted. He handles the other parent much more harshly tho (getting his so full custody) tries not to be too strict. When the kid calls him dad he cries
Franziska is surprisingly ok with it, again her brothers adopted. You'll have to hold her back when the ex is around tho
Dahlia will straight up try to get you to get rid of them. Extra points to you if you love your child more then your gf.
Iris( I know you dont right her but I do) is chaste. Therefore shes relieved she can have a child with you without breaking her oath.
Klavier is determined to win this kid over. To be the better dad. Sadly that ends with a lot of stupid decisions being made, (RIP yn) another one that cries when called sad
Mia when she was alive, (again I write for her) was ok with it in a "theres nothing I can do now" sort of way... she does hate your ex with a passion
Diego starts out cold but warms up to the kid eventually. Another one that will get you full custody.
These are all... So perfect??? Lightningbug Anon, I owe you my life and other half of my braincell for writing for my wife Iris. You're the real brave one here.
Seriously, these are all so wonderful. Keep up the amazing writing. I will gladly share it with the rest of the squad.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
O-o in that ask about Phoenix and trucy y/n being unstable would be interesting, say they've been together sense like a week after his start as a defense attorney. And they rarely fight cause____ beats herself up instead of fighting back. But he brings up that she doesn't act like a mother often and the irritation and sorrow boil over.
They finally end up having a (rather onesided) fight. In this fight she calls herself "a failure and a waste of a women" and then he has to choose between comforting her and staying silent...
If he stays silent she runs out of the house and tries to walk to her elder brothers home and is hit by a car cause her eyes are blurry from all the tears. Shes in intensive care and even when shes stable she denies all visitors.
If he comforts her it comes of as not genuine as if he doesnt even believe what hes telling her then he accidentally agrees with her and she cries harder, a hand over her mouth so sleeping trucy cant hear. Eventually she calms but Phoenix does notice something dull behind her eyes. He makes the mistake of giving her space.
He finds her an hour later unconcious with an empty bottle of sleeping pills in the locked bathroom(so trucy doesnt see). She had taped a note to the door simply saying she was sorry, and Phoenix fearing the worst kicked the door down. After telling trucy to stay in her room.
She barely makes it (again allowing no visitors) and Phoenix sees what it's like to "lose" her.
Also trucy asks everyday when shes coming home. It's like a stab in the heart to Phoenix when he realizes trucy and _____ loved each other in their own way.
-lightningbug anon
But for real, this is legit heartbreaking and it's making me really wanna punch Phoenix ngl.
Otherwise, it's a great story as always and I'm happy that you shared it with me, Lightningbug Anon. ❤️
- Mod Dollie, crying in the club
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Tw for domestic abuse
Ihave this concept stuck in my head for soulmate au. See phoenix met his soulmate in college when he was dating dahlia and to prove his love to his sweet dollie he was rather cold to them.as much as it hurt him he was borderline cruel. In front of people. And that my friends is how viscous rumors spread
Months after the dahlia case he tried to reach out to his soulmate to find that they switched universities. And it hurts. it hurts so badly to know he turned away a chance of what could be true love and that he hurt his soulmate so much they felt the need to fall of the face of the earth.
Then by miracle he meets them again not threw a case but threw an outing with maya. Their working at either a coffee shop or cafe and blatantly asks her coworker to serve them outloud in front of everybody. Including the owner who isn't too pleased that y/n was being rude to a customer until she told him thats her soulmate. Then the owner straight up tells phoenix that y/n is a daughter/son/child to him and to fuck off.
And he does . Hell he's not even mad cause though y/n's voice was nonchalant and they did embarrass him in front of maya, their eyes were so sad.
So he swallows his pride and admits to maya just what he did. And she, ever the sweetheart tells him it's not too late to find love and that he can definitely fix things. And he takes it entirely too far.
And trying to fix things slowly became stalking and he sees just how much that one cruel moment hurt y/n whom was bullied at school and abused at home from a young age.
When he realized this that he was one of many to fail y/n he doesn't feel better. In fact he feels worse, much worse. He feels he should have been a light at the end of the tunnel for them. A savior. Instead he was mean to them over a girl that made a absolute fool out of him.
So he does his best to aid them in there day to day while they ignore him completely. Any attempts at helping is sidestepped and any affection is blown off.
Then he finds out they have a boy/girlfriend and he breaks down. Phoenix is dead convinced that this person is going to hurt y/n like dahlia hurt him(and he's not wrong) but like there's nothing he can do about it. If he takes this person to court y/n would just hate him more so he just suffers in silence
Then it comes out that y/n's boy/girlfriend beats them and all hell breaks lose.
He pulls as many strings as he can; documenting the abuse,hand delivering it to the police.blacklisting this absolute garbage person to other defences attorneys, and even gets edgeworth to prosecute. (Who saw the videos of this person beating their lover and would absolutely love to prosecute)
When it's all done y/n is crying quietly cause they were attached to that asshole and though their alot calmer then he was it reminds him of the day dahlia was found guilty, but that's ok he's right their now and y/n is very very single
-lightningbug anon
I... Have no words. There’s literally nothing I can add to this without ruining it. This is perfection. The story, the characterization, Phoenix’s guilt and subsequent spiral into obsession, his darling’s backstory, the ambiguous ending... Like, my God, Lightningbug Anon, you really pulled all the stops and delivered an amazing story.
Seriously though, welcome to the Anon Squad and more importantly, thank you so much for sharing this with me. This ask watered my crops, fed my children and cleared my skin. If you ever decide to turn this into a full-length story, please let me know because I will happily read it.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
I'm sorry lol
My whole idea behind iris is that
A) she was always second choice
B) Phoenix no longer loves her
C) she never had a perfect family
D) as much as she tries to pretend otherwise she and dahlia ARE twins. If dahlia is capable of killing darling, she is too.
(Also I honestly think she would kill herself after killing you, do what you want with that.)
There's no need to apologize, hun! Just because your opinion differs from mine doesn't make it any less valid. Thank you for taking the time to explain why you think Iris could be a yandere. It's honestly fascinating to think about.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Miles somehow manages to keep you in the dark about the custody battle until it happens. He specifically planned to to be on the day before Christmas eve. He isn't exactly stuck on Christmas as much as he wants to charm you
And hes absolutely savage about it. Tears your ex to shreds
Honestly I can see franziska doing something similar if not the same thing. But it would mean much more to her then if miles did the same.
Christmas is really important to her culture
-lightningbug anon back playing favorites
Ooo I'd love to see this in an irl courtroom (not the whole 'the lawyer is a yandere' bit, just the custody battle) because it legit sounds so badass.
Also, how do you have so many good ideas, Lightningbug Anon? How has your head not exploded from the sheer amount of creativity?
Btw, don't worry about picking favorites. I'd do the same if I had the chance.
- Mod Dollie, also thinkin' bout her fave
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
On a darker note I can honestly see iris killing her darling if they dont want to be with her. Especially if its cause shes chaste. It's not out of hated, she still loves them.
She just cant lose another love after Phoenix. She really did adore him. Also she thinks you two are "meant to be"... she wants to play perfect family. It would be cute if she wasn't so unstable
-lightningbug anon
I think this is the first time my opinion has greatly differed from an Anon's but still, I love this headcanon, Lightningbug Anon!
I personally can't see her as a yandere, but I think you do a great job of depicting her as one.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Hey lightningbug here with another idea for a story.
Miles faked his death to get away from it all from his dead "father" to phoenix wright. More so he left to escape her.
He knew his attachment to his girlfriend was a bit too extreme. He knew his nature well. How could he not when he fought it every step of the way. He battled it to the back of his mind on every outing. Every date.
Still here he was in an old cafe shop. He had made a promise to Phoenix. He wouldn't leave the country until he saw her again. In return Phoenix would forgive him.
"Theres something she needs to tell you, miles." Phoenix took a long sip from his drink "its urgent."
"Then why are you here?" He replied carefully. Phoenix sighed.
"I'm scared she'll hurt you..."
That's when miles almost bubbled over. That year had been hard on him. Absence did indeed make the heart grow fonder.
"Preposterous, even in this situation she wouldn't. She wouldn't harm me."
Phoenix sighed again. And then he asked miles if he thought of him a good man. When miles baffled, said he was a good man who happened to be terrible at staying on topic Phoenix looked him in the eye.
"Miles If you had done this to me, you wouldn't be able to stand for a very long time."
Miles sighed. Perhaps the man across from him was... well right. He had given her no explanation, only telling her a week in advanced to continue her life if something ever happened to him. To move on.
"Does she know I'm here. That I'm very much so alive." The nervousness showed in his voice
Phoenix smiled a little, more to calm him then anything else. It was a far cry from the disgusted look on his face when miles first saw him again.
He was about to open his mouth when the cafe bell rang, indicating a new customer.
He turned his head and their eyes met immediately, grey and (eye color)
Phoenix said from behind him
"She does now."
But he could barely hear it. He was too focused on the emotions switching in those pretty eyes. Surprise sorrow anger grief and hurt, then back to anger again. They settled on a calm disdain
He broke eye contact first, instead taking in the full image of her. Still in all black, hair a little messy, it was obvious she was still in mourning and it made his heart swell and sink at the same time.
She had put on a little bit of weight, which he equated to stress.
As she approached, eyes switching between anger and hurt again, he noticed something else... she was carrying a large basket behind her back. In it seemed to be a white blanket.
She noticed his stare and adjusted the basket so he couldn't see inside. Her eyes flashed hurt again.
She didn't even acknowledge him. And as much as he knew he deserved it, it hurt. Instead still holding the curious basket behind her she threw on a fake smile.
"You tricked me Phoenix... I trusted you and you tricked me."
Phoenix sweating asked her to take a seat beside miles.
She put the basket in Phoenixs lap and then pulled up a chair from the empty table next to them. Then she gestured for the basket back.
Phoenix shook his head before handing the basket to miles carefully. Before he could get a good look she spoke, looking out the window instead of at him.
"I guess theres no use hiding it. Do you want weekends or holidays? Or do you want to stay out of their lives forever?"
The puzzle pieces clicked together and he paled.
He peaked in the basket adjusting the blanket. Inside was a beautiful pair of twin girls. Their hair like their mothers.
Frozen he did the math. At their age they couldn't have been anyone else's unless y/n had cheated and even if his nature had given her a chance, she wasn't the type to cheat.
One sensing the cold one opened their eyes a pacifier still in their mouth. The grey matched his own and he swallowed. The child was definitely his.
He didnt even notice he had started to cry until y/ns voice snapped him out of it.
First the children's names then an insult to him and finally she demanded her children back.
He obviously didnt oblige her. Instead he looked her in the eyes and whispered how sorry he was. How very much he missed her, loved her.
She went to slap him and Phoenix caught her hand. She began to cry.
That was enough to get miles to hand back the basket...
He felt sick with himself. He had abandoned his girlfriend, the mother of his children, out of fear. He wasn't there for the pregnancy, or the birth. Things could have went wrong and his children would have been orphans.
And as he watched her hold the basket on her lap, stroking one twins cheek tenderly, he felt his protectiveness grow...
But even though he knew he should, he didnt quite fear it anymore.
So what if he wanted to keep her by his side, that's how a mother and father should be.
So what if he wanted to take her away. She had spent months as a single mom.
Then he smiled a little smile when he realized what was still around his neck, under his clothes. The rings he had bought the month he had acknowledged he loved her, threaded on a simple chain.
He practically tore it off, breaking the clasp in the process. He didn't even care that Phoenix was staring at him like he had lost his mind. He gasped when he saw them, still in perfect condition.
She began to cry harder and he wondered if it was love or if she assumed there was someone else
As of there could ever be someone else.
He shifted from the booth seat to the ground, to his knee.
Around him people watched the practical soap opera intently... He barely noticed them
His voice was soft and broke a little when he spoke
"You dont have to forgive me y/n, but if you marry me i swear I will never leave you again."
She said nothing but gave him her hand. He noticed guiltily that it was shaking. He slipped the ring on it and stood up.
Handing phoenix more then enough money to cover the bill, he took his fiancee's wrist in one hand and the basket in the other.
It was time for them all to go home, where it was safe.
AAAA I love this so much! It’s so beautiful and sad and it makes me want to cry. The plot is heartbreaking and the characterization is spot-on, and the emotions really jump out at you in this one. This is such a great story and I’d love to see it be turned into a full-fledged fic. Thank you for sharing this!
- Mod Dollie
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