#Queen Ikona
Honestly, one of the "best" parts of Fates' writing is that it's bad in so specific ways that there is just enough good stuff there that it gets people thinking about ways in which it could be better. For example, here are some of my own ideas:
Anankos, the Rainbow Sage, the Nohr Dragon and the Hoshido Dragon were siblings like the "modern" Nohr/Hoshido siblings, and the Nohr/Hoshido dragons were female. Those two and the Rainbow Sage sealed themselves into a human form to put off the madness that inevitably befalls dragons in old age, but Anankos didn't
Anankos eventually went mad because of course he did, and went on a massive rampage across the continent, only to be stopped by the combined efforts of his siblings and their respective human allies/partners. Valla gets flung into a seperate dimension sorta thing because of it, and Anankos gets super duper sealed away, first in the way that he can't leave Valla, and then in the way that he is sealed away within Valla
A Lot Of Time passes and Valla + Anankos get either forgotten or are erased from people's memories, but Anankos eventually manages to break free from his seal within Valla... but the one keeping him in Valla, no such luck. The people of Valla can leave, and his influence and power can extend beyond Valla, but he physically can't leave Valla
So, next actual change: Iago and Yukimura are both from Valla and servants of Anankos instead of Generic Evil Henchmen #1 and The Most Forgettable Playable Fates Character (which is saying something). Both are trying to corrupt the respective rulers of Hoshido and Nohr enough despair so that they become a suitable vessel for Anankos, who can use their distant familial connection to get his mind into their bodies and leave Valla that way
Speaking of respective monarchs: Sumeragi's first wive, Ikona is still alive, and the queen of Hoshido even in the present. Corrin also still ends up outside of Valla, but Mikoto gets yoinked back right after she gets Corrin outta there
The whole Corrin getting adopted and kidnapped stuff still happens, but both sides believe that they are Corrin's blood family due to some Magic Mind Manipulation™ from Iago and Yukimura. Corrin's not vital to Anankos' plans, but hey, can't hurt to have a potential backup vessel, right?
About halfway through Conquest, Corrin turns against Nohr together with Camilla and Elise who are already with them, they basically join forces with the rebellion in Cheve, and by proxy, Scarlet, and manage to break Garon out of his mind control a good ten chapters before the game is even over
But, there's still a perfectly good Hoshido to ruin, and so Yukimura gets to work on Ikona, who's also susceptible to that shit, especially since Iago had to flee and seek refuge in Hoshido
In Birthright meanwhile, Hoshido just doesn't get to be the Magical UwU Peace Kingdom, and their relationship to the people under them is similar to how it is between Nohr and say, the Ice Tribe. Speaking of which, Flame Tribe rebellion
In Birthright's ending, Ryoma abdicates the throne and lets Hinoka become queen because he thinks he doesn't make a good ruler
Endgame for both Birthright and Conquest sees the siblings of the side you didn't pick get pulled into the whole mind control/Being Influenced deal, and they form the last line of defence for Garon/Ikona. To get to the chamber where the respective monarch has sealed themselves, you only need to kill three of the four siblings, and it's your choice who it is! Chances are that the remaining siblings may not have the best view of Corrin afterwards, though.
Conquest has Garon join as playable in the endgame, Birthright has Ikona join in the endgame, Revalation has both of them join. Also, they have supports with each other there.
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plaguelily-art · 7 months
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I said I had an art idea for just Ikona, and somehow I managed to actually see that through...even if this took two months to complete (rip, my life has been busy lately).
So yeah! An official art of my design for Ikona. And, I have a handful of assorted headcanons for her as well:
I think she was a kinshi knight, because every one of the Hoshido siblings has access to kinshi knight as a class; also Hinoka's Legendary Hero alt. in FEH has Queen Hinoka as a kinshi knight, with an updated design that mixes the design of the kinshi knight (definitely not Sumeragi's) class and priestess (Mikoto's) class. For Ikona's kinshi knight design I merged the design for kinshi knight with archer/sniper, as I also headcanon that she originally wielded the Fujin Yumi (I know the lore states that the Fujin Yumi was passed down through the royal family, but given that it's a choosy weapon, it might have "chosen" Ikona after she married Sumeragi, or else she may have come from some far-flung branch family).
Ikona was the first person, probably, to show Ryouma, Hinoka, and Takumi the basics of archery, although Takumi took to it more readily. She would have continued to mentor Takumi as he grew older if she had survived long enough to do so.
Ikona shares her hair and eye color with Takumi, and Takumi was the only one to inherit these features (as Ryouma takes strongly after Sumeragi, and Hinoka and Sakura both inherited hair/eye color traits that both Sumeragi and Ikona had, but where recessive; I know hair/eye colors aren't Mendelian per se, but I promise this made some sort of sense when I was trying to map out how everyone's genetic traits might have been inherited). However, Hinoka and Sakura share Ikona's rounder face and eye shape; Ikona was also a bit shorter than Hinoka and a bit taller than Sakura. Takumi and Sakura also share Ikona's straight, silky hair, whereas Ryouma and Hinoka inherited Sumeragi's wild and unruly flyaway hair.
I think in terms of personality, that Takumi and Sakura's anxiety troubles probably came from Ikona (as did Hinoka's shyness as a child). As a notable noble, and later queen, Ikona would have found a way to mask her social anxiety, but it doesn't change the fact that she was much more comfortable around her close friends and family. Ikona probably came off as somewhat awkward or aloof at times as a result though, despite all her etiquette training and careful masking. If she had lived long enough, Ikona might have been able to pass down some techniques to Takumi and Sakura for handling their anxiety.
Ikona could have shared Hinoka's inclinations towards being a warrior, although Ikona would have had the etiquette training to balance this out and mask the fact that she was more comfortable in armor than silks. Ikona's desire to protect others probably led to her untimely death as well (I don't have a solid set of headcanons for this, although I think she probably died before Sumeragi did; stat-wise I think she would have had a glass canon build, with strong offensive capabilities, both physical and magical, and weak defenses--if she was a "dive in to save people" type, her weak defenses would have been Ikona's undoing).
I also think it's possible that either Reina or Yukimura were, at one point, one of Ikona's retainers. I know from a developmental standpoint that Orochi and Reina were originally one character (at least I seem to remember reading that somewhere), and therefore Mikoto would have had Yukimura and Orochi-Reina as her two retainers, rather than having three retainers. And I know Yukimura serves more as Hoshido's tactician rather than a retainer...but I figure if we have the characters to go around, that one of them could have served as one of Ikona's retainers, but survived her death (and made sure the Fujin Yumi returned to the royal family), and that her other retainer died with her.
Ikona fell in love with Mikoto first. I'm not entirely sure how their entire thruple thing worked out eventually, but I feel like Ikona was the first to fall in love. She would have been so awkward about it too.
Not a headcanon, but as an aside I originally planned to have her outfit's color palette feature more oranges, the way her yukata was orange in the first artwork I made of her, but uh...she ended up looking like an orange creamsicle. Using the strong reds that appear in most of the Hoshidan character designs made her look a bit like Inuyasha though, so I eventually settled on more muted pinkish colors. I might change the palette later if I can make the oranges or reds work, but overall I think I like how off this palette feels when compared to most of the Hoshidan palettes. It feels like Ikona was sort of a last-minute thought to the writers, which makes her feel forgotten in the story itself. Ikona having an unusual color palette reflects the fact that she ended up not really getting to be a part of her own family in life or death, and in time became something of an aside even to her own people.
So...yeah! As I've said before, I have a lot of thoughts about fictional dead moms who get shafted by the writers of the stories they're supposed to be a part of. Ikona is no exception, and I really enjoyed coming up with a design for her and trying to weave headcanons to flesh her character out a bit. I've been thinking about her since Fates released, and I'm sure I'll be thinking about her for years to come.
2024, Winter (Beginning of Year) Digital (Adobe Photoshop) Design for Ikona is my own. Ikona is a character from the Fire Emblem series, and belong to Intelligent Systems. Artwork belongs to me.
This image (published by the artist to deviantart.com/plaguelily, plaguelily-art.tumblr.com) may not be reproduced, copied, edited, republished, reuploaded, distributed, or redistributed in any way, and I do not give permission for the creation of any sort of derivatives of my work including the use of the work in datasets used for generation of AI art or any other sort of procedurally generated image program or software. Thank you.
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thot-farm · 5 months
Random birthright royal headcanons in honor of Ryoma's birthday that I totally didn't forget about 6 days ago, and happy Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Positive Ryoma focused post from thot-farm? It truly is a spring miracle! /s
Tw- talks about parental loss and grieving
Ryoma- Hates his birthday because it reminds him of Sumeragi and Ikona. He struggles with trying to celebrate, he feels like he can only mourn, and the war only made it harder for him to get through. Getting up on the morning of his birthday is the roughest for him, Sumeragi and Ikona used to wake him up and give him lots of love, that's one of the things he misses the most.
- He is the type of guy who would stand outside and scare off his friend's crazy ex.
- He would mostly listen to rap, then have a random day where he listens to three days grace type bands/artists.
- He is the sentimental type that will keep anything someone has got for him, write the date on the bottom or tag and why he was given it. He never wants to experience feeling like he has nothing to remember someone by and to keep his memories fresh. He feels that way with Ikona being the only sibling that truly remembers her.
- whenever he eats something Ikona or Sumeragi used to love, or Ikona used to make, he can't help but retreat into his own head and think about his memories with them and try to remember every little detail of them so it never fades. He tries to avoid having those meals/baked goods when in front of his siblings so he can be present with them and not have them worry.
- He was never rude to Mikoto and he acknowledged that she was a good queen for Hoshido when his father married her, but for a long time, he resented Mikoto. After Ikona's death and Sumeragi remarrying, Ryoma wished Mikoto was Ikona. When he was younger he couldn't understand why his father would bring a strange woman and her even stranger child into the castle. Ryoma couldn't find a single quality in Mikoto that she shared with Ikona. All he wanted was his mother back, and for a long time, Mikoto was just another reminder that she was gone.
- anytime that Mikoto would do anything Ikona would do for his birthday, he would gently shut it down, even if it was his father's suggestion. He wanted Mikoto to stay far away from the memories he has of Ikona, even long after he stopped resenting Mikoto he would excuse himself if Mikoto triggered a memory of Ikona.
- the day word got to him that Sumeragi had died, he had to mourn both his parents all over again because he lost the only person who knew Ikona that deeply. Nothing helped him for a while, he would throw himself knee-deep into training till he would tire himself and then he would bathe and sleep and he repeated that without dealing with anything until he got old enough to realize he couldn't keep running away from his sadness or it would eat him alive.
- the day Mikoto died, he didn't feel the loss of a mother as much as he felt the loss of a queen. He did love Mikoto, but her loss never surmounted the feeling when he lost Ikona and Sumeragi, and the feelings of grief he felt for Mikoto were pushed aside so he could focus on his kingdom, but after a while into the war, he noticed he grew to accept her loss without as much emotional strain as losing Sumeragi and Ikona took on him.
- Mikoto had one perfume that was similar to Ikona, and any time he smelt it he would almost feel sick. He would train and stay in his room most of the day to avoid the scent until Mikoto eventually caught on and stopped wearing that perfume.
Hinoka- Azama showed her essential oils and she has been lowkey obsessed. She won't wear perfume but she will wear an orange and clove essential oil.
- the type to talk a lot of shit before going into a haunted house then be the one screaming and trying to run out.
- she spent a month thinking about what to get Ryoma for his birthday and couldn't decide on anything, she ultimately opted to just surprise hug him when he least expected it because she had absolutely nothing.
- she feels like she can never talk to Ryoma about Ikona because they have such different perspectives on their mother. If she does talk about her, she tries to only bring up the positive.
Takumi- has to remind himself not to eat like a wild animal.
- He will chase around his friend's crazy ex with a sword.
- He has a immature humor that he tries very hard to hide.
-Every year he'd get Ryoma a book to read for his birthday, usually something light and joyful.
- he can't remember much about Ikona, but he distinctly remembers her perfumes. Sometimes after he visits the shrine he will go find the box of her old things and smell her perfumes, but he never sprays them so he never runs out.
Sakura- Hinoka taught her hand-to-hand combat. Sakura has used her skill to take down Takumi and put him in a hold when he is being to reckless so they can regroup.
- She found an old recipe in the castle while looking through old boxes, she assumed it was from an old servant, she made it for Ryoma's birthday and left it for him in the morning. She peeked into his room later in the day and saw him looking down at the baked good with a gloomy expression, she snuck away thinking he didn't like them and she was really bummed. She didn't know that it used to be something Ikona would make for Sumeragi on his birthday for them all to share.
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nowis-scales · 1 year
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Rating: Mature Audiences
General Warnings: Brief mentions of self-Harm and suicide, no explicit mentions or descriptions of specific acts
Fandoms: Fire Emblem IF/Fire Emblem Fates
Additional Tags: Revelation Route, Childhood Abandonment, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — PTSD, Family Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Therapy, Post-Canon, World Building, Character Death, No Deeprealms
Chapter Word Count: 6,266 words
Chapter Summary: When Corrin is summoned to a meeting with Kagero, she knows it can be nothing but bad news.
[Read it on AO3.]
“Still water runs deep.”
That was Xander’s favourite phrase when she was a child growing up in the Northern Fortress. Any time she had any question about something seemingly normal being complicated, or challenging, or just not what she thought, it was always that phrase he fell back to. 
At the time, she wondered if he ever grew tired of saying it. It seemed to apply to so many situations, one would think that it would come more easily than it did. Common sense status would even be reasonable in this circumstance, but it just never seemed to catch on. Even with her, she supposes. Repeatedly believing in the goodness of others often meant that she would get caught in that snare trap like a rabbit. She would do well to remember that. 
And she does, when a mere three days after the pilfering of Ryoma’s journals, Kagero asks her to come to an evening’s meeting. 
“To discuss Lord Ryoma’s well-being,” is the way she phrases it. Corrin may have been a little naïve by most people’s standards, but even she could see that was a problem from a mile away. 
Or maybe she was just paranoid. She had been a bit, as of late. 
The days had brought hours of almost non-stop reading. Of the journals she received from Hinoka, she’s managed to make her way through about one and half – and has found herself still no closer to her father. When she began, she told herself that her neglect of the paperwork for Valla’s reintroduction was being done for its benefit, given that she was preventing another Anankos. However, she found that the further her reading went on without result, the more guilty she began to feel.
It certainly didn’t help that the contents of Ryoma’s teenage mind were… much more disturbing than she expected.
Some of it was normal. Writing about training, about studies, about dreams, memories with siblings, people he’d had crushes on. She might even say that these stories dominated his writings. However, the more she read on, the more she found herself picking up some harmful patterns in his behaviour. Not just for others, but for himself as well. Every few entries, or perhaps even in the midst of seemingly normal ones, there would be these deep, mournful paragraphs expressing serious anxieties, regret, and guilt that Corrin could barely begin to wrap her head around. 
The responsibility of it at all is what struck her as most peculiar and difficult to explain. 
Accountability for anything he did was often tough to get out of him in real life. Stubbornness runs in Masahide blood by Ryoma’s own admission, and even then, he is known to be more stubborn than just about anyone else. Self-righteousness is something that she knows Ryoma is no stranger to as well, given the conflict with Nohr, but the journals present a completely different side of him. The amount of accountability he takes is startling, particularly because it is for things that he could not possibly be responsible for. 
Queen Ikona’s death is his fault. She took her life when he was nine. In a fit of rage at Sumeragi, she confessed that she never wanted Ryoma or any of their other children, and he’d overheard. When she begged for his forgiveness, he was too hurt to grant it — so when she ended things, he took all of the blame. He compared being loved by her to being loved like a doll, but still it was his fault. Hinoka had scorned their mother’s apology just the same, but he never breathed a word of blame to her. She was six and didn’t know any better, he wrote. Like a nine year old should know of his mother’s intentions to kill herself and be able to stop it.
King Sumeragi’s death is also his fault, as is Corrin’s kidnapping. Ten years old and still grieving the traumatic death of his mother, Ryoma blames himself for not acting when the enemy attacked them. He thinks himself to have been jealous of her charisma, to have seen the glint of something he could not be in her, and to have let her go because of that. 
And even more tragically, he thinks that Sumeragi died simply because he dared to love his son without conditions. 
The rest of the journals, after expressing these thoughts, are littered with what can only be described as legitimate terror over the idea that something else will come to touch the family he has left. He describes it as a curse from the gods, some sort of divine justice that even he cannot find a reason for. All he can seem to think about is how to protect and destroy his relationships, going around in a circle of pushing everyone away and then begging to be loved, desperate to preserve those he cares for, but so starved of affection that he cannot stay away. 
He plays it off as aloofness, devotion, and hotheadedness, and while Corrin would never say that those aren’t truly who he is, how often are these traits hiding the fear that lurks underneath? 
Still water runs deep, indeed. 
Only having these books has been enough to set her on edge, but now knowing this additional forbidden knowledge, Corrin only finds herself feeling more upset. Though she has little need to hide her doings from Lilith, she still leaps at every opportunity to hide the books, and ends up all too stiff when trying to talk with her normally. Besides, the excuses about not feeling great after her spat with Ryoma will only get her so far. Eventually, Lilith will clue in. 
Of course, she is getting ahead of herself there – such a thing will only happen in the event that Kagero’s request is not Hinoka’s plan exploding in their faces.
It is late afternoon when she finally entertains Kagero’s summons. The ninja had simply asked the princess to come whenever she was available; no specific times were required. Yet when she enters the quarters the staff have prepared for their use, it seems as if her arrival is perfectly timed, for there are already a collection of other people sitting in the room. 
Hinoka, Takumi, Azura, Hinata, and Setsuna are all crowded around a low table, trying and failing to not look terrified. Azura is staring at her cup of tea, Hinata at his lap, Setsuna at nothing, and Hinoka and Takumi at each other. As for Kagero, she is standing at the head of the table, with her sharp eyes boring into Corrin. Ninjas never betray their secrets in their faces, yet Corrin finds herself searching Kagero for any inkling of emotion anyway. She needs to know how badly they’ve screwed up. Seeing everyone here is all she needs to know that she will spend this meeting fighting for her life. 
“Thank you for joining us, Lady Corrin.” Kagero says in a calm, flat voice. Her face offers no pleasure beyond an eyebrow twitch that gives off more annoyance than anything, but she doesn’t sound particularly upset to see Corrin. 
That’s how they get you, she remembers Kaze telling her once. Of the three ninjas, he was the only one who would ever let her in on any of their tricks. Being the retainers to the future king, Kagero and Saizo had to be much more tight-lipped. She can see that Kagero is unwilling to slack on that even now. 
“Of course,” she replies, doing a soft curtsy out of habit (before realizing that it looks quite silly in a kimono). “Is there somewhere in particular you would like me to sit?” 
In Nohr, there would be a chair or something cementing her position, but in Hoshido, she could easily ask one of her siblings to scooch over. Nonetheless, in Kagero’s reply, she makes it clear that she does not want her to do so. She extends an arm out as if to say that she should be seated at the other end of the table, so that she may look upon her face. 
Corrin gulps. This cannot be good. Chills run up her spine like pattering rodent feet. How long will it take for Kagero to summon her master? Now that they’ve so clearly been discovered, an appearance from her disgraced step-brother is sure to follow. 
Even with this in the back of her mind, she knows it would suit her best to not let her anxieties show. So, with all of the grace she can manage, she takes up seiza at the end of the table, smiling politely and thanking Hinata as he pours a cup of tea for her with shaky hands. She doesn’t even bother trying to clean up the drips he’s slopped over the edge from nerves. 
And that one last motion is all it takes before Kagero begins.
At first, they expect her to speak, but she is quick to remove the leather bag she has had draped around her body from the moment they arrived. A few eyebrows raise in curiosity as she reaches her hand in, but Corrin’s stomach can only drop. Glancing at Hinoka, her sister is as pale as a sheet of paper. Both girls know exactly what to expect as Kagero’s hand comes swooping back out, holding a cream-coloured notebook that features two different years written in Hoshidan characters.
One of Ryoma’s many journals. 
Takumi, realizing what it is, curses under his breath. 
“Lord Ryoma recently informed me that many of his personal journals from over the years went missing suddenly. The move to the King’s Suite was not so rapid that he would not notice the loss of something so personal. Lord Ryoma takes great care of his things.” 
Gods, the feeling of wanting to die from a few days ago is suddenly coming back to Corrin very, very quickly. 
“He did not trust that whomever took his records had his or the country’s best interest in mind, so he asked me to pursue the culprit and return his journals to him.” 
She tosses the notebook so it hits the table with a loud thwap, making Setsuna jump and everyone else cringe. 
“After a few days of searching, I noticed that Setsuna had left her book behind after an afternoon of reading under a peach tree. I thought I would hold onto it to give back to her, until I noticed what it was.” 
If looks could kill, Setsuna would be dead by Hinoka’s hand. The typically oblivious retainer melts under the anger of her master, her shoulders slumping and her eyes giving off all of the power of a scolded puppy. 
“However, given the current state of things with Lord Ryoma, I considered perhaps there was a reasonable explanation for why Setsuna was in possession of his records. So I plotted out which among you had journals, and I have gathered you to give an opportunity to explain yourselves-”
Everyone gives a collective sigh of relief.
“- before I tell Lord Ryoma about what happened.” 
And then their shoulders tense again. 
Kagero shows no sympathy for them. 
Her arms fold across her chest, and her eyes glare down at the book on the table, as if Ryoma’s records themselves are the offenders in this situation. Maybe they are for her. After all, she never officially declared allegiances. She managed to secure meals without Ryoma for the past few days, which Corrin is grateful for, but she is still his retainer. She cannot abandon him just because she is upset with him. But maybe she wants to. Maybe that’s why she is letting them have their say before she does her job. 
If the rest of the group recognizes this in her face, they do not recognize it with their words. Their lips remain sealed tight, prepared to go down with the ship. Everything about each of them is so tightly wound, but she finds herself wondering if this is really the best course to take. If they say nothing, will Kagero just tell Ryoma everything she knows? Does any sympathy she has actually get to play a part in the narrative? 
She glances quickly around the table, trying to meet the eyes of the others to silently ask them what they plan to do. Unfortunately for her, most of them are still doing what they were doing before — avoiding looking at anyone at all. Even Hinoka, whom she had expected to see standing a little more strongly, has slumped in her seat and is staring at her cup of tea.
“Well?” Kagero asks sharply, still not daring to look individually at each one of them. “Is there nothing to say? Have you all stolen these records to betray the crown?”
Hinoka winces, and for a moment it seems like the silence might continue to permeate the air… Then finally, the first princess of Hoshido can no longer hold and cracks under the pressure. 
“It was my idea,” she blurts out, eyes squeezed shut, hand gripping at the table, “But I didn’t do it to hurt him. Even if… I know he’s been… He’s my brother. I would never want to do anything to hurt him, but…”
“But?” Kagero prompts, still seemingly unconvinced.
“I couldn’t let Corrin live the rest of her life in fear. If Ryoma knew something about Corrin’s father, her real father, then it didn’t seem fair to me that he would try and keep it from her.” 
Kagero blinks in surprise, a frown etching itself into her expression. It’s the first time in a long time that Corrin has seen her emote so openly. It should comfort her, yet instead she finds it strangely chilling. “Does he know?” 
“That’s the thing. We don’t know. When she asked, he insisted that he didn’t, but he… If he lied about all of us being siblings, who’s to say that there aren’t other things that he’s lying about? Having a reputation for being honest and actually being that are two very different things.”
The ninja hums in response, almost like she is prompting Hinoka to go on. 
“I just didn’t want Corrin to get hurt because Ryoma’s…” She pauses, shaking her head. 
“Lord Ryoma is…?” 
“… I’m not sure anymore.” 
After what seems like eons of standing above and staring at them accusingly, it is this comment that brings Kagero to sit on the ground across from Corrin. The tension is still thick in the air, that much anyone can tell, but the willingness to listen is there. It helps to finally draw out some of that anxiety from Corrin’s shoulders, even if only by a little. 
“What do you mean by that, milady?”
The two of them had little communication about the journals after their delivery, so even Corrin can’t be sure. The need for secrecy was relatively obvious, so she never bothered to pry. Nevertheless, Hinoka’s words and her overall demeanour reveal something about what she read. Did she have more recent journals than she did? Were there more pertinent things said?
Or was it those entries, the ones that crop up every once in a while, filled with a pain and anguish that he dared not to express to the world around him? The ones that have him blame himself for every bit of death, dishonour, and damage? 
A mere look at her step-sister’s face tells her so little. 
“I thought he was being selfish before, when he refused to tell us about Father’s true relation to Corrin. And honestly, maybe he still is, but…” She turns to look at the rest of the group, all of whom seem to be hanging onto her every word. “The rest of you read his journals, too, right? You know what I’m referring to?” 
Hinata nods reluctantly, followed by Azura, Takumi, and Corrin herself not long after. Setsuna, as always, is dazed and clueless – but still tuned in and listening somehow.
Kagero’s frown deepens, leaning towards Hinoka. “Is there any reason to be concerned for Lord Ryoma’s well-being?” 
Hinoka licks her lips, gaze still turned down, focused so intently on turning the thoughts over in her mind that it almost seems like she has nothing to say. The hesitation makes sense; to anyone who knows Ryoma, his writings are difficult to describe. They sound so much like an unconvincing lie when spoken aloud. But they are real, very real, and it is extraordinarily challenging to put them into words because the thoughts and feelings are just perfectly illogical, like a human’s. With the image Ryoma has so carefully crafted for himself, is there anybody who would believe that he felt such intense fear and self-loathing? 
He approaches love like a man dying of thirst would when he finds an oasis, is the only way Corrin can think to describe it herself. 
“I’m sure you know by now, Kagero, that things with Ryoma aren’t always as perfectly put together as they seem.” Hinoka lifts her head to smile at the retainer, but it is so obviously pinched that it hurts to look at. “It was why Mother urged you to stand beside him.” 
Kagero nods thoughtfully, seemingly unaware of the other eyes watching them. It is as if only she and Hinoka are in the room. 
“He got better with time. We all did, really. Learned to turn our pain into hope and plans for the future… But I don’t think that what happened in Cheve ever left him fully. I think part of him is still there.”
Part of Ryoma is… still in Cheve? 
Corrin almost opens her mouth to ask Hinoka what that means, but she doesn’t want to interrupt. Whatever is being said now, she wants to hear. No, she needs to hear. It will help her understand. Maybe it will make her the person he said he thought she was. 
“Something inside him snapped then. And even though we tried, nothing fixed it.”
A moment of silence hangs over them as Kagero processes, her brows creasing further than Corrin has ever seen them go before. She does not move much more than that, just looking forward and thinking. 
It’s hard not to feel even more shut out of the conversation now than before. Even with her forbidden knowledge, somehow that of Hinoka and Kagero seems a fruit so much sweeter. She finds herself glancing at Takumi in hopes of meeting his eyes. Maybe he knows something more. 
In the end, however, it is Azura who reads Corrin’s mind. 
“Is it truly so severe?” She asks, bouncing between the two women with her eyes. “Nightmares, self-harm, the like?” 
“Self-harm?” Takumi exclaims, head jerking back. 
He must have had the oldest journals, Corrin thinks sadly. It makes sense. Nobody would want to impart a big brother’s burden upon the little one. He would only blame himself. 
“It’s not like that.” Hinoka explains, responding to Azura more so than she is Takumi. “It’s… different. The nightmares and self-destructive behaviours are under control as far as I know, but the way he thinks, it’s not…”
“He reminds me of Camilla.” 
Somehow, that thought manages to slip past Corrin, far before she can even question whether it is worth saying. What does writing like Camilla mean to anyone in this room? It will take some explaining, but it is the only way she can think of to rationalize what they are seeing in their brother and king. Maybe it will help her rationalize all of the feelings she’s been having herself. 
When the others don’t respond with more than a few confused blinks, she takes it as her cue to continue. 
“The two queens of Nohr were mothers only to Xander and Azura respectively. Camilla, Leo, and Elise were the children of concubines. Actually, most royal children were those of concubines…”
“They fought amongst themselves often, and saw their children as paths to power.” Azura cuts in, face held stoic but with eyes brimming with emotion. She may not remember what happened to Camilla, yet she surely remembers the days she spent there. “Camilla’s mother, Hortensia, was rumoured to be among the most ruthless.” 
It helps to have Azura to fill in the backstory gaps. Truth be told, Camilla never told her the story personally. It was Leo who told her the truth. Xander and Camilla were always concerned with protecting her from everything, so they wouldn’t have spoken a word. Why they did not extend Leo the same courtesy, she never knew, although she supposes she should be grateful. If it weren’t for him, she might have had a far worse relationship with her older sister… and maybe, just maybe, it will save her from having a bad relationship with Ryoma now, too.
“Hortensia was a cruel woman. She withheld a great deal of love from Camilla, and would show her affection only when she did as her mother expected. King Garon was never around enough to do anything about it. It taught Camilla that she had no one she could count on. That’s why she’s so… Overbearing, at times. She thinks everyone needs someone to count on unconditionally.”
Both Takumi and Hinoka grimace. In terms of one-to-one comparisons, it’s not perfect, but it’s about as close as any of them have gotten to saying it out loud. That has to count for something, she wagers.  
“Make no mistake, though,” Azura continues their two-person monologue, “As much as Camilla cares, she is not always selfless in it. It is clear that she craves love as unconditional as the kind she gives, and if I am correct, I believe that Corrin is saying that it might be a similar case for Ryoma.”
“What I read did convey as much,” Hinoka murmurs at the table more than anyone else, “I just don’t know how I didn’t notice.”
Takumi places a comforting hand on her shoulder, and Corrin can’t help but notice how much softer his voice gets when he consoles his sister. “You didn’t notice because he didn’t want you to. You know how he’s always been about having those walls up.”
Kagero nods helpfully. “Queen Mikoto did say that he never let his guard down. It’s not your fault.”
The grateful smile that Hinoka gives is weak, but it is given, and they suppose that is a better answer than anything else. She hasn’t admitted defeat yet.
“But how do we help?” Hinata asks unashamedly. If he has any sense of how tender this moment or subject matter is, he doesn’t show it. It’s only once Takumi shoots him an accusatory glare that he throws his hands up in defence, ready to clarify. “I’m not saying we can’t, I’m just saying, if this is what we think is happening, we need to come up with a plan so we don’t end up prolonging his fight with Lady Corrin. Same way you would for any fight, really!”
A brief silence permeates the air for what feels like the millionth time. 
“As much as I hate to admit it, Hinata isn’t wrong. It’s not as if we can just leave things like this,” Hinoka sighs, “Now that we know what we’re up against, we have a better chance of beating it and fixing things, but we can’t do that without… some way to get through to him.” 
“I believe I’ve heard talk of healers that specialize in the mind, but…” Azura looks down. “They are relatively few and far between, especially in Hoshido. Not to mention that the cost would likely be greater than what we are used to.” 
Takumi shrugs. “It’s not like Hoshido couldn’t afford to pay. Royals have spent gold on much more frivolous things in the past. Trying to keep positive relations between two kingdoms and preserve the well-being of our king is a lot better than King Akinobu the Third’s gold-soaked concubine’s quarters.” 
“But there would still be a question of finding someone like that,” Corrin points out, not really thinking before she speaks once again, “Don’t get me wrong, I think we should, but it’s not going to be easy. And that’s if we can find someone. Do we even know for sure that Ryoma will be willing to talk? He hasn’t been open with any of us. I… I didn’t even know half of the stuff he wrote in his journals.”
Determination flares in Hinoka’s eyes, and within a matter of seconds, she is sitting up far straighter than before. She can’t see them, but Corrin is willing to bet money that her fists are probably clenched tight, too. 
“We have to try. It may very well be the only way that we can find out the truth about your father, Corrin, and save Ryoma from hurting himself in a way he can’t come back from.” 
Corrin nods carefully, her heartbeat picking up in her chest. She gets the feeling that she knows where this is going, but she’s a bit afraid of that outcome. 
I’m all for honesty, but right now seems like a really bad time for it. 
“So what are we going to do?” 
“We’re… going to talk to Ryoma. All of us, like Kagero said we should.” 
Damn it. 
She was really hoping it wasn’t going to come to this, but if Hinoka has made her decision, there’s little that can be done about it. The plan did belong to her, after all, and so long as Corrin is an accomplice in it, she has to answer for what she’s done just the same as the ringleader.
Hinoka turns to look at Kagero with pleading eyes.  “You’ll be there with us, won’t you? I think it would really help to put everyone at ease.”
“Of course, milady. There is nothing I would not do for yourself and Lord Ryoma.” 
“Okay… then it is settled. We’ll have Ryoma meet with us at nightfall, and tell him the truth.” 
Little else is discussed after that. Just minute details, really, and most of them fly over Corrin’s head. She doubts anyone can blame her for being as overwhelmed as she is. They’re all overwhelmed, really. The contents of Ryoma’s journals weren’t really something that they bargained for, especially not when the original intention was to confront her parentage. Going in to find out if she was the daughter of a mad god or not was already a heavy task, but this only serves to make things worse.
Honestly, it seems like her whole plight is a little forgotten in the midst of all of this stuff with Ryoma, which she understands at least partially, but it doesn’t do wonders for anxiety. She must show it on her face, too, because as the group agrees to adjourn their meeting and reunite later, Takumi stops her for a moment. 
“Everything okay, Takumi?” She asks politely, knowing that the answer can’t be truthful if it’s anything close to yes. He’s just discovered there is another side to his older brother, after all, and it’s one that presents a danger to him. 
“… Me?” Takumi quirks a brow. “Yeah, I’m… good. A little stunned, I guess. Guilty.” 
Her expression softens. “You don’t have anything to feel guilty about. It’s like you said yourself, Ryoma has always had walls up. He didn’t want to let us in.” 
This doesn’t seem to do much for Takumi. “N-No, that’s not what I…” He shakes his head again, letting out a bit of a huff. “Sorry, but this really isn’t about me.”
Corrin tilts her head. “It’s not?”
“No. I stopped to talk to you because I wanted to see how you were doing. I mean, the only reason why we even know any of that stuff about Ryoma is because we read his journals to try and figure out stuff about your background, right? But nobody really acknowledged that the whole time we were there. You didn’t even bring it up.”
The panic is still there, that much she knows, but the situation with Ryoma’s fragile state has tempered things a little. It’s given her something else to think about, really, so while she is still eager to know, she doesn’t mind having something else… Even if it is still rather distressing. It’s probably something that Flora would scold her about, telling her that she can be too self-sacrificing. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m still anxious to figure out who my father is, but… If I can at least fix things with Ryoma and see if whatever’s going on between us is actually just some unresolved pain talking, I might be closer to getting the answer I need. You know what I mean?”
Takumi shrugs in that same, non-committal shrug that all teenagers love to use. No one can say that he doesn’t act his age. “I guess…”
Even with his recognition of her stance, though, he still won’t meet her eyes. She squeezes his shoulder comfortingly to draw him back to her. “It’s sweet of you to worry about me, though. I really do appreciate that.” 
“I just don’t want you getting the wrong idea about what’s going on here. We all care about you a whole lot – we wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t. It’s just sometimes, people around here get… tunnel vision. Especially when anything has anything to do with Ryoma. Hinoka’s the worst for it. She doesn’t mean to ignore you. I mean, she’s always been crazy about looking after you like a sister. Her and Ryoma just have this like, weird sort of loop that only the two of them are in on, and it can make her blind to anyone else,” the next set of words come more bitterly, “It’s frustrating.”
Makes sense, Corrin thinks to herself. Based on what Hinoka mentioned of their childhood, she and Mikoto were not the best of friends. With no other adult figure to defer to aside from Yukimura, who would obviously take Mikoto’s side, Ryoma must have seemed like the next best option. Maybe that’s what Ryoma meant earlier, when he said that he and Hinoka did not used to be close. 
“It’s okay, I understand. There’s a lot of dynamics at play here,” she pushes a smile, feeling it only for him, “But thank you anyways for taking the time to check on me. It was very thoughtful of you.”
She almost laughs at how his face flushes a little, but she knows that will only make him grumpy. As much as she thinks of Takumi as her cute little brother, she knows he’s quite eager to be thought of as a man. 
“Well, blood or not, you are my sister. Hinoka and Sakura like you too much for me to not be stuck with you.”
For what feels like the first time in ages – or what the very least must be a few days – Corrin laughs and shakes her head, all too eager to ruffle her brother’s hair and listen to him complain about it. 
Oh, how they will need to treasure this calm moment between the two of them with the incoming storm. 
It amazes Corrin how the same room a few hours later can make things terrifying all over again. 
The same room, the same smells, tastes, sights, and sounds… The only thing that is really all that different is that another person will be joining them within it, but somehow, the prospect of that one person just completely ruins everything. Not a surprise. She’s had a few days away from him, where he’s just been avoiding meals, potential run-ins, and even meetings about the reconstruction of Valla. They have brought her some peace. Nonetheless, now she knows that he is going to be back again, and the anxiety is setting in anew. Even the hours she has spent away from this situation following her conversation with Takumi have done little to soothe her anxieties. She knows he’s going to be angry about what they did. Admittedly, she is a little afraid that the brunt of that anger is going to be aimed at her once again. 
As she sits in the meeting room, the same spot as before, she finds herself glancing around the table in hopes of seeing something more in the other participants. For once she is looking to others to give her courage, and not the other way around. Unfortunately, the only one who even seems to be remotely putting on a brave face is Azura, and she knows better than to believe that. The rest are either Setsuna and Hinata, who have already resigned themselves to the scolded retainer position; and Takumi and Hinoka, who are still filled with guilt at having betrayed their brother’s trust. Everyone is right to believe that this whole situation is probably going to be one gigantic mess. She just wishes that they could have some false hope about it being okay. 
The minutes they spend waiting for Ryoma feel like hours. No words are spoken, few gestures made. Just complete silence as the group is overwhelmed by their incoming guest. 
Naturally, that means the moment the door slides open, the entire group’s heads all snap up to the door. 
Ironically, it seems to startle them just as much as it startles Ryoma. 
His expression is difficult to read as Kagero leads him into the room, ensuring that he knows that his seat is at the head of the table. It always is. It comes with being king. Perhaps this is a sign that Kagero, too, is nervous. He doesn’t need her to micromanage him.
Still, if it perturbs the Hoshidan King, he makes no note of it. He simply sits and waits, his dark eyes focused exclusively on Kagero, like he’s afraid to look around the table. It squeezes Corrin’s heart a little to know that a few days ago, she might have thought of his refusal to look at them as an act of aggression. She sees so much more of him now, even if she hasn’t forgiven him for the way he acted. 
“Thank you for granting us your audience, Your Majesty,” Kagero says with a voice so controlled and perfect, one would think she was conducting court, “We appreciate you giving us your time.” 
He only nods, though it looks like more words are forming behind his mask. 
“I understand that this will be a difficult time for you, but I would like to ask that you hear what everyone here has to say before making any decisions. Our conversation will not be nearly as productive without all the appropriate context and emotion.” 
Corrin’s heart squeezes as she sees Ryoma’s mouth twitch ever so slightly. In the time that she’s known him, she’s discovered that it can be a fifty-fifty chance if he is going to notice something. Often it’s the things that are relatively obvious that he might miss, like when a woman is flirting with him, but the strange stuff… that’s where he tends to shine. And in this moment, the strange little thing that has happened as of late…
No matter how hard he tries to maintain a strong expression, the colour is draining from his face.  
He knows exactly why he is there.  And, as expected, he is not happy about it.
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crowntess · 2 years
                                  ❝  I can only hope that if I nurture you, you can both move forward. And as long as this dream continues... I will be right here beside you.  ❞
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MIKOTO FARASHA ( FARAH ) ICHINOMIYA - FORSBERG. has arrived to Garreg Mach Monastery!
for those who don’t know who Mikoto is, here are bits and pieces of her character copied and pasted from her wiki:
“ Mikoto is the biological mother of Corrin, stepmother of Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura, and adoptive mother of Azura, all of whom she loves dearly. She is also the biological grandmother of Kana. [ ... ] Mikoto was born in Valla and is the sister of Arete. One day, she found an amnesiac hooded man and nursed him back to health. The two fell in love and eventually bore a child, Corrin. However, with the threat of the great dragon Anankos and his hostile takeover of Valla, the hooded man revealed to Mikoto that he is the disembodied soul of Anankos and regretfully decides to send her and Corrin away from Valla in order to protect her from his dragon half's wrath, along with Arete and her daughter, Azura. Mikoto was successful and managed to eventually make her way to Hoshido where she met King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona. Seeing her plight, Sumeragi and Ikona welcomed her and because of Ikona's sympathy for Mikoto she allowed Sumeragi to marry Mikoto. She became the step-mother of the Hoshido royal siblings, however, aside from Ryoma, she made them believe that Corrin is the child of Sumeragi. [ ... ] Befitting of a queen, Mikoto is calm, kind, and graceful and well loved by the people of Hoshido for it. Mikoto has a generous soul, from nursing a man suffering amnesia back to health to raising her late husband's four children and her own niece later on.
Despite her serene demeanor, she had her fair share of silly moments. Orochi mentions some of her odder moments in her supports with Ryoma and Corrin, like dressing too lightly when it snowed, forgetting she had two chopsticks in hand and ended up eating with four, or swimming with her slippers on. While she did keep herself as composed as she could in court, Orochi described her as 'like a wise sage and an accidental jester.'   ”
TOA ! Mikoto will be written as post-Revelations, first having been summoned to Askr by the voice of young Azura and later following the voices of Anankos and Corrin to Fódlan. she’s been in Askr for maybe two or three years, which puts her around the age of 42-43, though she stopped aging at 40. after her death at the hands of Sumeragi, her dreams became visions and her body became immortal. only trusted few know of this ability; the prince and princess of Askr, commander Anna, and her past retainers. before her death, she was able to see small premonitions but only as glimpses into the possible future.
going by the Drama CD, Mikoto knew of her death beforehand. she told no one of this revelation and kept it to herself until summoned to Askr. another factor of her interpretation is that she’s distanced from others as a result of the constant wonky leaps in her mind / dreams. she spaces out a lot and hears the voices of premonitions when she’s in or close to a state of unconsciousness. ( also, on the topic of headcanons, I have sprayed Mikoto with light melanin. don’t be surprised, this is Elix writing her. )
Mikoto’s here as a counselor and a substitute Faith professor that also specializes in Bow and Sword classes, though not affiliated to any house because of her uncertainty in life. after all, she’s just followed the voices of her dead lover and the child she left behind— she’s not sure if anything is as it seems. though she’s no longer the present queen of Hoshido, she will still introduce herself as such, since it was the title she died with.
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valiant-horizon · 2 years
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Full name: Ryoma Taiyon 
Gender: Male 
Age: 24 (Part 1), 39 (Part 2) 
Race: Human 
Birthday: May 1st 
Nationality: Hoshidan 
Residence: Shirasagi 
Sumeragi (Father) 
Ikona (Mother) 
Hinoka (Younger Sister) 
Takumi (Yunger Brother) 
Sakura (Youngest Sister) 
Shiro (Son) 
Ryoma was the oldest child to Sumeragi and Ikoto. He was crwoned high prince of Hoshido and was designated to be next in line to rule the Taiyon Dynasty after Sumeragi. He was bestowed the Raijinto a gift from his father after he died in the civil war 10 years prior. He has spent the last years with his mother who was regent rebuilding Hoshido’s military.  
He was taught leadership, swordsmanship, and spiritual practice. He’s trained his mind to be an effective leader, his body to be fit for a warrior, and soul to be calm and collective. Many would say that he is a spitting image of his father. Though exaggerated, all he cared about was the safety of his subjects and family. He yearned to lead Hoshido into prosperity after enduring a civil war. 
Ryoma’s mother was summoned to a peace meeting in Valla with King Garon and Autocrat Anankos. Days later Queen Ikoto returned to Hoshido injured, claiming the meeting was a stage for an assassination attempt devised by Nohr and Valla. Seeing this as an act of war Ryoma sheathed Raijinto, raised his army, and was preparing for his crusade toward Valla and in time Nohr. 
Should Corrin arrive in Hoshido through the Astral Plain and reveal Ikoto to be an imposter disguised with illusion magic. Ryoma agrees to support Corrin in liberating Valla, ending the war, and uncovering the mysterious enemy that staged the war from the beginning. 
As a person, Ryoma is calm and collective under most situations. Some say almost sage like, as he was encouraged by Ikoto to take sessions of meditation to calm his soul. His warrior spirit is tamed and adjusted to allow him to keep composure in combat and to fight effectively. He has extreme loyalty to the Taiyon Dynasty and love for his family. Always willing to support them in their endeavors to better themselves. 
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officialkingbedo · 2 years
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“Ikona, the First Queen of Hoshido and Wife of Lord Sumeragi, despite her illness and low nobility, was a quiet yet driven soul adjusting to high society. Little is known about her personal life, and only through Sumeragi did folk learn of their strenuous marriage and her unceremonial passing before Mikoto’s rise to queendom.”
Credit and huge thanks to: @lightningbug-lane for letting me edit this💙
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a-lilacsong · 4 years
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Little Ryoma showing off his festival dancing to his Mother and little sister!
@lightningbug-lane love all your OCs, especially, Ikona, so I drew her with her kids! (You once mentioned she liked spiders, so that’s were the web motif came from.)
I drew this in summer 2019 but I could not upload it and was to shy to until now (I was the anon who asked about the dancing).
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concubine-mamas · 5 years
(Here's some untapped cuteness for you). Hi, Queen Ikona, summer festival season is starting and I hear your son, Ryoma, can dance with maiougi. Dose he show off his dances to you when the festivals happen?
ooooh very very cute!! I’m sad I didn’t see this before, I’m sorry anon!
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“Heehee… He’s so talented, isn’t he…? Yes, he’ll show me his dances whenever I ask… He always works hard to practice… since he knows I love seeing him dance for the festivities… Even when I cannot go, he’ll take the time to perform back at the castle for the family. I’m always happy for the summer…”
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lightningbug-lane · 7 years
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These moms won't be mad if you didn't make the nice list; just disappointed. You'll still get Christmas cookies!
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herukas · 7 years
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Some Fates moms!! 
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thatsoundsqueer · 3 years
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Ralph Kaminski to polska queerowa ikona!
Ralph Kaminski to urodzony 8 listopada 1990 roku w Jaśle młody polski wokalista, autor tekstów oraz kompozytor tworzący muzykę kameralną (czyli przeznaczoną na niewielkie zespoły) łączącą w sobie artystyczny, alternatywny pop z elementami muzyki filmowej, elektronicznej, musicalowej czy też jazzowej. W utworach artysty usłyszeć można instrumenty klasyczne takie jak skrzypce, wiolonczela oraz fortepian w połączeniu z gitarą akustyczną, basem, perkusją a nawet moogiem (syntezatorem analogowym). Ralph jest również współreżyserem wszystkich swoich teledysków, projektantem kostiumów, które odgrywają dużą rolę zarówno na występach/koncertach, jak i w teledyskach. Kaminski ukończył Akademię Muzyczną w Gdańsku na wydziale Jazzu i Muzyki Estradowej, studiował również na rocznym stypendium w Muzycznym Uniwersytecie CODARTS w Rotterdamie na Wydziale Popu. Na swoim koncie ma już 3 albumy studyjne: Morze, Młodość oraz Kora.
Ralph Kaminski jest przede wszystkim jednym z najbardziej nieoczywistych i ciekawych polskich artystów. Wyróżnia go specyficzny, oryginalny styl, nie tylko wizerunkowy, ale też muzyczny. Artysta ma charakterystyczną, trochę teatralną ekspresję. Scenografia, kostiumy oraz sposób w jaki porusza się na scenie sprawia, że jego dopracowane występy zyskują niepowtarzalną atmosferę. Zarówno w tym, jak i w estetyce jego teledysków i kostiumów widać dużą inspiracje zespołem Abba, Freddie'm Mercury'm czy David'em Bowie'm. A są to jedne z najważniejszych osobowości dla kultury queer. Trzeba też podkreślić, że twórczość artysty jest utrzymana w estetyce kampu. Szczególnie drugi album artysty, czyli Młodość sprawił, że jego muzyki i stworzonej persony nie da się zamknąć w kategoriach heteronormatywnych. Ralph zdecydował się bowiem na dosyć androgeniczny wizerunek: długie blond włosy z grzywką, białe, zwiewne koszule, szaty, sukienki, dzwony, buty na wysokich obcasach i brokat.
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Jego autorskie teksty są dosyć proste, mocno emocjonalne i często opowiadają o miłości, ale za to w szczególny sposób. W żadnym z utworów składających się na Morze i Młodość(to ważne!) nie ma jasno określonej płci osoby do której jest kierowany. Sprawia to, że piosenki są uniwersalne i mówią o każdej miłości( do kobiety, mężczyzny czy też osoby niebinarnej). Ralph okazuje wsparcie dla społeczności lgbtq+ otwarcie na swoich mediach społecznościowych oraz na scenie, a w ostatnim teledysku promującym płytę Młodość do piosenki ''Tata'', artysta postanowił wystąpić w dragu oraz zaprosić do niego najstarszą polską drag queen, czyli Lullę La Polaca. Stara się przenieść w ten sposób kulturę dragu do polskiego mainstreamu.
W klipie widzimy Ralpha Kaminskiego w roli drag queen. Artysta ma na sobie perukę, pełny dragowy makijaż oraz przepiękną suknie. Lulla La Polaca, legenda polskiej sceny drag( Andrzej Szwan) występuję tam jako starsza wersja wokalisty. Utwór opowiada o trudnej relacji z ojcem. Jest to motyw z którym utożsamić może się wiele osób, ale jednocześnie historia oddaje wiele z prywatności artysty.
To nie jest jedyny teledysk artysty, który nawiązuje do kultury drag. W mniej oczywisty sposób, w teledysku do piosenki ,,Meybick Song'' (link do klipu) artysta inspirował się kultowym dla społeczności lgbtq+ filmem ,, Hedwig and the angry inch''. Film opowiada historię życia drag queen, która wraz ze swoim zespołem podróżuje po stanach i występuje w barach oraz spelunach. W teledysku główny bohater ma swój występ w barze mlecznym( bardzo polskie).
Na koniec dodam jedną z lepszych definicji kampu: '' w estetyce kampu nie ma kobiet i mężczyzn, są tylko "kobiety" i "mężczyźni". ;)
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thot-farm · 7 months
More feh characters ideas but I can't remember what I said in my last post so there might be repeats. (Mainly fe14)
Leif and Líf duo
Dimitri and Xander duo
Líf and Sharena duo
Líf and Elise duo
Sharena and Elise
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Xander as a maid for that butler banner or whatever it is. Maybe Xander Azura duo because all Azura does besides sing and kill is shove food in her face in her supports /j
Maybe Xander Azura songstress duo.
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Sumeragi with Rajinto
Garon with Brynhildr/Siegfried (I personally want Brynhildr, I think Malig Knight Garon is canon. I don't see him just switching to an axe after losing/passing on Siegfried if he was a paladin unless he was a great knight which I just doubt, maybe Katerina or something had Siegfried🤷‍♀️.)
Katerina and Ikona. Their names exist in fates so they might as well get faces.
Then obviously a Xander Katerina duo and a Garon Katerina duo and an Ikona Sumeragi duo and a Ryoma Ikona duo since the other Hoshidan siblings don't remember Ikona? (I think that's how it is at least) Like I feel that Hinoka should have a faint memory, even if the siblings were 1 year apart and Ikona died right after Sakura, Hinoka would have been like 3 years old.
I don't know what weapon Ikona would use or if she would be a staff, I'm pretty sure it said Mikoto used Fujin yumi, so maybe Ikona did to?
I think Katerina would be a paladin and that's why Xander chose to be one.
Witch Camilla, Nina, Orochi, Ophelia, or Elise.
Spear fighter Hinoka even though infantry sucks.
Takumi Takumi duo
Azura Camilla duo
Ryoma and Askr because I already have confused them so many times (I don't know how one is a cow and the other is a lobster.)
Ash and Ryoma (Rock lobster.)
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Alfonse and Líf
Ike and Hinata
Sylvain, Lorenz, Hinata and Laslow.
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A heros day in the life drawing of Xander and Leo chasing Sylvain off for going near Elise like Seteth would for Flayn.
Flayn and Elise duo (they already have the exact same personal skill (Lily's poise) they might as well be paired.)
Lysithia and Camilla.
Xander that does wield a bow so there is a Xander for every weapon.
Leo with his ice sword
King Leo with Siegfried and King Leo with Brynhildr, one can be like fallen leo or whatever.
Hinoka with Rajinto
Alt where Sakura became queen so I can forget about Queen Camilla's existence (that unit infuriates me but if there is 2 units who make no canonical sense I'll be okay.)
More Kazes. 8 more to be precise.
Laslow Oliva and Odin Lissa like Selena and Cordelia
Caledori and Severa.
Shiro and Forrest
Oboro and Forrest
Fallen Chrom and day of devotion Lucina specifically.
Laslow Odin duo
Any male corrin
Summoner and Alfonse so we can make it official. We already know they are in love 🙄.
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nowis-scales · 4 years
Hoshido Royal Family Headcanons
I love the Hoshido royal family. Thus, I think about them a lot. As a result, I thought it might be fun to compile a list of varying headcanons for them! The list consists of eight characters total: Sumeragi, Ikona, Mikoto, Ryoma, Hinoka, Corrin, Takumi, and Sakura. I’ll admit I was tempted to throw Kiragi and Shiro in there, but the post was getting really long... So you’ll see some headcanons about them another day. Same thing for Azura — I want to do some for her with the Nohr siblings! For now, though, I hope you will enjoy the list I have compiled! 
Oh! And real quick: trigger warning for implied/referenced suicide, under the final bullet point for the 2nd character. Please refrain from subjecting yourself to anything that might hurt you, and stay safe!
‣ Despite having trained and worked to be king since childhood, Sumeragi could never say that he really liked the position much. He certainly didn’t mind it, but... Sometimes he wondered if he was born into the wrong family. There were several occasions throughout his youth where he would sneak out to do normal kid/teenager stuff. This often got him into some very hot water with his parents, who didn’t understand his desperation for normalcy.
‣ He loved to show off. As a child and as an adult. He loved to show off most while fighting, particularly if he was fighting in front of women (Ikona and Mikoto, while they didn’t get along all that well, could both laugh at the theatrics he did for them). Once he started his family, though, that was his new favourite thing to show off. Every time he had a new baby, he would bring it to Shirasagi Castle Town the first chance he got. He liked to make sure that everybody could see and appreciate the new princes and princesses. This created a bit of a trend in the town where the royal children get doted on whenever they come visit. 
‣ He was fond of the sword even as a child. There were definitely options presented for other weapons, but one look at Raijinto and he... did not want to use anything but the sword. It was very much a “gimme” situation. He actually got to know Ikona due to the fact that she came from a samurai family, and her background with the sword interested him.
‣ His favourite thing to eat when he was alive was unagi. He didn’t really care how it was prepared; he just always found it delicious. Ikona, Mikoto, and most of his children did not share his passion for the dish... except for Hinoka. He used to joke that that’s how they knew for sure that she was his daughter. 
‣ His ‘type’ as a young man were sweet, sort of ditzy girls. Though he was betrothed to Ikona from a young age, that didn’t stop him from trying to have some... fun while growing up. Prior to their marriage, he and Fuga used to visit the Red Light District in an attempt to pick up women. It usually didn’t go too well for them, as Sumeragi tended to pick fights with sleazy brothel owners, but there were a few who admired his bravado.
‣ Totally terrible with numbers. Seriously. He was a counts-on-his-fingers kind of person. The worst part is that he pretended to be good with them, even though everyone could tell that he had no goddamn idea what he was doing. His parents tried to get him mathematics tutors when he was still young, but even they thought that he might just be a lost cause. It was such a relief for him when he interviewed Yukimura for his position and found out that the man was at least decent with numbers. Such a huge weight off his shoulders, that was.
‣ Part of what made him such a beloved king came from the fact that he was a people person. Super sociable, good-humored, and genuinely loved being with others. Plus, he also happened to be more of an extrovert, so he felt as if he gained energy from being around others. Being around him was just a win-win situation for everybody. He made you feel good in his company, and you felt good in his company. 
‣ Sumeragi wanted lots of kids from the get-go. He himself grew up in a large family (three older sisters, two younger brothers), and wanted to have a similar experience of bonding between his own children that he had with his siblings. Unfortunately, as he grew up, his relationships with most of his own siblings were sullied — charming disputes over the crown being the cause. Still, he kept in good contact with his youngest sister Kazuno, and his eldest younger brother Hiromitsu.
‣ He was actually a huge softie. A lot of people thought that he might be somewhat stern, but it was more of a mask than anything. He was actually pretty sensitive and cried a lot. He cried every time one of his children was born, as well as the first time Corrin called him “Papa”. He cried when he married Mikoto, too. He even cried after Ikona passed, in spite of their troubles. And for the very brief time that he was left alive, able only to hear the sounds of Corrin screaming for Ryoma and Ryoma begging him to get up, he cried then too. Not that anybody could really notice it. 
‣ Absolutely did not want to be apart of the royal family. She’d been betrothed to Sumeragi from a young age, but tried and failed repeatedly to weasel out of the marriage. Her dream growing up was to be some sort of court musician rather than a queen. She had no mind for politics, but she loved to play the koto. Though she never did get to pursue her dream, she did choose to play the koto into adulthood. She tried to teach Hinoka, and was disappointed to find that she didn’t care for it. If she knew that Sakura plays, she’d have been over the moon.
‣ Being apart of the monarchy changed Ikona as a person. Though she must have seemed that way as the queen, she was not a harsh woman. If anything, she was a bit like Takumi. Kind enough, but altogether had a tendency to hold a grudge. She was also a bit like Ryoma in the sense that she knew how to manipulate people to get what she wanted. She didn’t care to do it, but sometimes, that was what it took to stay afloat in a court she hated.
‣ A hopeless romantic. Loved to read romance novels, even wrote a few as young girl (although she would tell you herself that they were not very good). Her favourite trope in writing was childhood friends to lovers, on account of her being in love with her own childhood best friend... A young man named Takumi Kawagishi, whom everyone tended to refer to as “Gishi”. She wrote letters to him all of her life. He reciprocated her affection, but could never be with her on account of her marriage to Sumeragi. There was... even a brief period where Sumeragi thought that Takumi could have been Gishi’s son, rather than his.
‣ She resented Sumeragi for trapping her in an unwanted marriage. As much as he tried to have a relationship with her and make her love him, she refused to budge. Their relationship did not improve until Ryoma was born, and even that took Ikona briefly considering suffocating her newborn babe just to get back at Sumeragi. Thankfully for the kingdom and baby Ryoma, she realized how much she actually cared for him and how wrong it would be to hurt him just to hurt her husband. From then on, she vowed to love him... which in turn facilitated things with Sumeragi, for they finally had something to agree on. They both loved their son very much. 
‣ She hated the way she looked in colours like yellow and orange. She had red hair like Hinoka, and thought the colours looked atrocious when paired with it. Sometimes, she even felt pink was pushing it. As a result, she liked to ask for cool coloured kimonos. She particularly liked the way she looked in sky blue. It was the colour that she felt prettiest in.
‣ Ikona had a harsh opinion of the Nohrians. Her father had been involved in the Hoshidan military for years before finally retiring, and had lost a brother to the Nohrian army. Thus, she didn’t trust them very much and thought them warmongers like most Hoshidans did. Interestingly, the reasoning behind her eventual marriage to Sumeragi was for them to gain his family’s favour again. Her own elder brother, Taiga, sold out the Hoshidans to the Nohrians about important military plans. He was tossed out of the country, and the Asano family scrambled to make amends by offering Ikona up as a bride for Sumeragi. Ikona had been under the impression that not much would become of it, but was surprised to learn that of his suitors, she was the one he wanted.
‣ In spite of technically being a noblewoman, she did not need much to be satisfied. She wasn’t so fascinated by the idea of being rich. In fact, back when she lived with her own family, she loved to spend time with the servants. They taught her how to cook, clean and sew. They would even sometimes gather around to listen to little koto concerts, and make requests. She missed them greatly after going to Castle Shirasagi, and struggled to connect in the same way with the staff there.
‣ Came from a samurai family, but was not a samurai. If she had it her way on the battlefield, she’d probably have been a shrine maiden. She much preferred healing people to actually getting into fights. If she had to, though, she would probably go for onmyoji. She probably had a preference for the rabbit and the snake spirits.
‣ Very good at remembering people’s names. Nobles, commoners, and servants alike were often baffled by how well she remembered people’s names. If she didn’t remember your name, she was most definitely insulting you. If she knew your name one day, and then forgot it the next... then something you did pissed her off, and you needed to figure out what the hell it was before things got worse.
‣ Ikona’s death occurred by non-natural causes. After Mikoto’s arrival, she felt increasingly isolated from the rest of her family. She was already struggling with post-partum depression after the birth of Sakura, and ended up fighting with Sumeragi a lot as a result. Ultimately, though, Ryoma and Hinoka are the ones who blame themselves for her death. The two had caught her during an argument with their father in which she claimed that she had never wanted them in the first place, and that it was he who pushed her into it. She knew she had grown to love them, but hearing such horrible words from their mother broke their hearts. When she tried to apologize to them for what she said, they refused. The two were horrified upon her death, and needed extensive comfort and caretaking afterwards. It was a horribly dark period in their lives. They both still feel guilty even as adults, but will not talk to anyone about it. Not even each other.
‣ She was very good at appearing all calm and serene and stuff, but she... was not. She never was. Perhaps when she was young, maybe, but not in Hoshido. Raising Sumeragi’s children was the most rewarding and yet most stressful things she’d ever done in her life. She found herself constantly at odds with Ryoma as a teenager, and then fretted about his tendency to overwork himself as an adult. Hinoka spent most of their time together adamant about getting under her skin however she could, because she had coped with the loss of Ikona so poorly. She found Takumi to be sweet, but incredibly brittle, and like Ryoma, she worried about him a lot. They spent a lot of time together trying to work on his self-esteem issues. As for Sakura, well, she was not much of a headache, but someone so sweet...? Mikoto felt determined to protect her from the big, harsh world.
‣ If any of her outfits had pockets in them, you bet your butt she found a way to sneak sweets in there. Even if she didn’t have any, she would find somewhere to hide them. Her sweet tooth was uncontrollable and she tried to manage it at every single turn. Thankfully, this also meant that if anyone was ever sad, she always had a sweet to offer to make them feel better. (Saizo the Fourth, were he still alive, would tell anyone of how she kept offering him sweets after particularly rough missions.)
‣ Not much of a drinker. For a long time, people would offer her drinks, but she would usually only drink them to be polite. There is nobody, apart from her sister and Yukimura, who have ever seen her drunk. Even then, they’re not entirely sure if it was real or if they hallucinated it. She’s a bit of a loud drunk, but very affectionate and wise. If you ever want life lessons without judgement, ask drunk Mikoto.
‣ Birds were her favourite animal. I’m not talking like kinshi birds (although she did think that they are gorgeously majestic, and begged Reina for a few rides on hers), but your typical cute chirpy ones. She used to have one as a pet when she was a teenager that she’d nursed back to health; it was a little finch. It died just as tensions began to grow. The finch’s name was Yue.
‣ Could not stand being talked over. That definitely turned some heads when she first started working as queen in Hoshido. Many of her male advisors did not take kindly to her interrupting the sentence they’d just started after they interrupted her, especially because it was just to tell them that she wasn’t finished. The bonus was that while Yukimura and Ryoma both did it initially, they eventually got to the point where they would cut people off, saying: “Excuse me, but Queen Mikoto had not finished speaking.”
‣ Liked spiders. She was actually never the type of person to kill them, but tried to make sure they got put outside safely. Most of the time, people were rather respectful of her intent to try and protect life where she could. The only person who couldn’t understand it was actually Yukimura, who would let her, but felt god awful and shivered as he watched her take it onto her hand. She’d sheepishly admit that she did used to antagonize him with them a bit.
‣ Missed her parents deeply. They both died long before the events of the main story, but not a day went by that she didn’t miss them. It was even harder having to live in Hoshido and never speak of them, but she would write little letters to them telling them about the events of her life. She would do the same for Corrin while she was gone. Really, though, it stung her heart to see her step-children to be living without their own parents. She sympathized with how they felt, and more than anything tried to be a good mother figure to them for that reason.
‣ Her love language was quality time. If you wanted Mikoto to know that you loved her, the best bet would be trying to spend quality time together. It could be tricky sometimes as she was very caught up with running the country, but she and her family managed. Sometimes she would even manage to have full-on conversations with them while working that made her feel like her day would be just a bit better.
‣ Hummed to herself. If she was walking around or doing anything in the day absent-mindedly, she’d usually start humming a little tune. The problem with it is that she annoyed herself with it. She didn’t like that she did it, and thus slowly grew aggravated with herself for sitting there and humming all the time. She did this since even in childhood, and her sister found it to be absolutely hilarious. Mikoto herself didn’t find it funny at all.
‣ A total busy bee, but not for any cute reasons. She often piled herself with work, sometimes just busy work, for the sake of getting her mind off of her dead and missing family. If she let herself think about them for too long, she would slip into a dark mood. It would often leave her unable to do much for days on end, where Yukimura and Ryoma would end up shouldering most of the burden. Sometimes, she wouldn’t even be able to get to sleep. She was just that distraught.
‣ A scream-sneezer. For some reason feels the need to yell at some god forsaken volume as he’s sneezing. He makes Sakura jump every time. He’s definitely tried to make his sneeze a lot smaller and more princely, but that just usually ends in him managing to blow snot everywhere. As he deems this significantly worse than scaring everyone in the room, he’s decided that perhaps he’ll just have to stick with his frightening sneeze.
‣ Hates his long hair. Hates it. Secretly prays throughout Revelation’s whole campaign that someone will try to mess with him in a fit of xenophobia and just chop it short while he’s sleeping or something. He’s expected to keep it long for reasons have to do with both religion and being of royal blood, but he doesn’t want to. (He lets Shiro keep his hair short even after revealing him as the next crown prince for this reason — he is 100% living vicariously through his son.)
‣ If he weren’t a prince, he’d make for a pretty good writer. He grew up writing bedtime stories for his younger siblings, so he has a bit of practice. As an adult, though, he mostly writes for himself. Little tales of missions and adventures he’s been on, to keep them as memories. It’s why he’s so skilled at putting thoughts to paper when it comes to his wife.
‣ Ryoma is incredibly dense about romance. He can only tell his own feelings for other people; he doesn’t seem to register when other people are pining for each other or when someone likes him. He was surprised when he was young to learn that his father was harboring a crush on Mikoto. He was even more surprised when Saizo and Kagero kissed in front of him for the first time when they were dating, because what do you mean you’ve been obvious?! I haven’t noticed a thing!!
‣ Actively skirted around royal duties as heir by having a nervous breakdown. Technically, he was supposed to take over from Mikoto a long time ago. However, after his genpuku ceremony at age fourteen, he had a huge breakdown over becoming ruler. The advisors were so concerned that they had to postpone it until Ryoma felt he was ready, and as the story tells us... that wasn’t for a long time. He also managed to get out of political marriage and heir-conceiving due to everyone worrying he’d freak out again. He’s both embarrassed that it happened, and extremely grateful that things turned out the way they did.
‣ He doesn’t really show it so obviously due to his own struggle to express himself and let his guard down, but he really likes to nurture others and see them become the best versions of themselves. That’s why he took to Azura so quickly — he wanted to do anything he could to make her happy and feel as if she had a full life.
‣ Grinds his teeth. It appears to be mostly in response to frustrations, but others have noticed him doing it in times of anxiety. It’s sort of grating to listen to him do. Orochi likes to joke that all of that jaw clenching and grinding is why he has such a strong jawline. He... doesn’t really find that joke funny.
‣ While he is not so great with kids over the age of like... ten, he’s so good with babies. He has no idea why and neither does anybody else, but babies just adore him. If you hand him one, they will probably snuggle right up against his chest and fall asleep. Either that, or he’ll find some sort of way to make them laugh. Listen. We just don’t question the logistics of Ryoma’s effect on babies. They just love him, okay? 
‣  Treats Raijinto almost as a comfort object. He forced himself to give up his own comfort objects when Sumeragi died (deciding that he needed to be more mature with his father gone), and thus ended up becoming very protective of Raijinto when it became his own. Generally doesn’t like other people touching it, and prefers to keep it at his side most of the time.
‣ Constantly has chapped skin in the wintertime. He’s too busy to ever really think about monitoring it himself, so it often results in Sakura taking him aside to slather him in all of her balms to make sure that he’s not itchy or in pain. Otherwise, the skin will usually end up cracking, and his chapped hands will get blood on important documents. It certainly sends a message, but not always the one the royals are hoping for. 
‣  He actually has a bad leg from an injury he sustained that day in Cheve. It doesn’t affect him all that much physically, but it’s definitely noticeable if he’s worked it too hard. Some think that one of the arrows meant for Sumeragi missed and lodged itself in his leg. Others speculate that he tried to defend Corrin against Garon, and was fired upon to ensure that he wouldn’t try to interfere with the kidnapping. Nobody, not even Mikoto or his siblings, knows for sure how it happened. Just that he came home injured, and spent a decent amount of time trying to overcome and recover from that injury. If you ask him what happened, he won’t tell you.
‣  Secretly, she’s a big old snuggle bug. Loves to cuddle. Family, friends, lovers, it doesn’t matter. Hinoka enjoys a good snuggle more than anything. Her primary snuggle buddy is Sakura, but when she was really little, she tended to curl up with her mother the most.
‣ Her pegasus’s name is Bashira. As expected of a pegasus rider, Hinoka is incredibly fond of her, often referring to her as her “best friend” and talking about her as if she were a person. Sometimes, she’ll even dress her up for holidays or special events. 
‣ Even as a child, Hinoka was always pretty athletic. She loved to race and wrestle and all of that. Of course, she was still very much a crybaby. Sometimes she would cry crocodile tears if she was bested, but most of the time she would cry if she’d been bonked a little too hard or jerked around too quickly. These interactions tended to distract people from the fact that the little princess was even engaging in rough-and-tumble games at all. 
‣ She likes to take walks alone in the forest sometimes to be alone with her thoughts. She finds she can get really get caught up in the rhythm of training and working to do her duties, and that she doesn’t think so much for herself. So she tries to take the time alone every once in awhile to ponder on life. It’s comforting to watch the world around her move.
‣ Very prone to nosebleeds. Nobody’s really sure why. She’s bitter about it because it doesn’t really happen much to her siblings. What’s worse is that it tends to ruin her white clothes! She doesn’t usually feel it coming until her nose starts dripping. Often has tissues with her when she goes on missions to help clean herself up.
‣ When Hinoka hits, she hits hard. She once slapped Ryoma so hard he had a hand-shaped welt on his face for two days. He was so impressed he couldn’t hold it against her. He also learned not to torment her after that, as did many others who thought it would be funny to antagonize the red-headed princess. The comments about her being an unfit warrior mysteriously tapered off...
‣ Due to all of her missions, she has a lot of scars. On the surface she tries to act as if she’s not self-conscious over them, but in truth, she feels a little awkward about them. Especially since so many men in Hoshido preach Saizo’s narrative, in which women must remain “delicate”. She worries what people might think of her as a princess who has so many markings. Often, she tries balms and creams to try and fade them. 
‣ Can curl her tongue. None of her other siblings can do it. She lords it over them like some sort of mysterious power. She’s so damn cocky about it that she almost always curls her tongue when she sticks it out at them, just to piss them off. It always works.
‣ Allergic to fish eggs/roe. Or perhaps it’s not allergic so much as intolerant. Usually ends up with a migraine and an upset stomach, but refuses to eat them at all costs. Sometimes will claim that she is deathly allergic to them just to make sure she doesn’t have to eat them.
‣ Worries that after the war/after Corrin comes home that she won’t know who she is anymore. She’s dedicated her whole life to being a soldier and fighting that she doesn’t know what she’ll do with herself when that is no longer necessary. Sometimes, she even worries that maybe she’s really only half a person. Usually, when she gets into one of these moods, there is very little anyone can do to talk her out of it. They simply have to wait and trust that Hinoka will find her own way to realize that even without being a soldier, she can still be human. 
‣ The most ticklish of all of her siblings. Not that she wants you to know that. When she was little, Sumeragi would tickle her sides until she squealed. It sometimes resulted in her kneeing him in the groin by accident as she tried to get away. He tried not to mind terribly.
‣ Likes rainy days. Since she could never go outside much at all, she loved to sit in the fortress and watch the rain fall. Rainy days were most definitely days with no training; she would curl up with a good book and some cookies to enjoy herself. Now that she can get out, though, she loves to dance in the rain. Sometimes she’ll even drag the other members of the army out to prance around with her. She’s so good-spirited that pretty much everyone obliges.
‣ Has a mole just like Mikoto’s! Well, maybe not exactly... It’s not on her face. It’s actually on her back of all places, towards her left shoulder blade. Naturally, it’s covered up most of the time. When she was little and visible, though, Camilla used to kiss it to make her giggle. If you do it now, she still does.
‣ Has a bizarre amount of hobbies. All of that time spent in the fortress gave her lots of time to try and practice different things, so she’s full of activities. Her favourites were playing the piano, painting, reading, and embroidery. Should anyone want to learn any of these things, she’s always happy to lend a hand.
‣ Constantly fighting with her hair. It’s super fluffy and requires a lot of attention. If she could recall her childhood, she would find a myriad of memories of squawking as Mikoto tried to brush her hair. It’s very prone to tangles, and thus her mother would braid it before she went to sleep. It’s a habit she ended up continuing into adulthood, having Felicia braid it for her.
‣ Full of restless energy. It both is and isn’t Fortress life talking. When she was a little girl, she spent a lot of time zooming around the castle and its grounds, keeping her nurse maids from having much of a break. She was especially fond of impromptu games of hide and seek, as well as tag. It’s... a bit of a game she keeps into adulthood, too. Most people find her energy so cute that they can’t help but play with her, knowing she’ll get back to work as soon as it’s done.
‣ Struggles to sit in a proper position in a chair for more than half an hour. She’ll usually end up contorting her body in some strange way. This occurs so, so often in war meetings. The others have tried to tell her that it’s inappropriate for an event like that, but they can only ever get her back into a proper position for more than fifteen minutes before she’s back to sitting all funny. Her Nohrian siblings have completely given up, but the Hoshidan siblings try to politely remind her on how to sit (despite knowing it’s a fruitless endeavour.)
‣ Heavy sleeper. Like a rock. Why do you think Flora and Felicia have to wake her up with their ice powers every morning? Without them there, a bucket of cold water would struggle to wake this girl from her rest. What’s worse is that she also likes to nap, but if you need her for something... well, bring one of the maids with you. Otherwise, you’re going to have to beat her with a pillow to get her to wake up. And even then, there’s no promise. Sometimes, people can’t wake Corrin and they honestly think she’s dead.
‣ Sings in the bath. Both made-up songs and ones she’s heard before. One she’s been singing since childhood is something she named “The Bubble Song”, that consists mostly of the lyrics “Bubbly bubble bath, bubble bubble, gonna brew up some... bubble trouble”. Hilariously, this song has caught on with anyone she bathed with as a child. Ryoma used to sing it to Takumi and Sakura when he’d help them bathe as kids. Silas has been known to sing it when bathing as well, but as a grown adult.
‣ Agonizes over losing her memory. She hates herself for having lost it, and has had a few breakdowns from trying to force herself to remember. If she gets especially angry about it, she’ll sit there angrily pounding her fists against her head and screaming at herself to figure things out. She knows it causes others to think that’s she unstable, but she gets so angry about it sometimes that she doesn’t have it within herself to care. She just... wants to remember her life.
‣ In spite of his humiliation at Ryoma’s hands years back, Takumi does like to use a sword sometimes. Not usually for battle, only really in training, but he likes the feeling of a blade. He just finds he prefers a bow overall, though.
‣ One of those people who is just always hot. He totally holds his heat, and often complains throughout the summer months about how hot it is. Alternatively, though, he’s pretty comfortable in the winter. His siblings sometimes even use him as a human heater when they get cold.
‣ If not in the company of his family, Takumi likes to curse a lot. He knows it’s not princely behaviour, but he doesn’t care. He mostly does it in the company of Hinata and Oboro, but every once in awhile he’ll let one slip around his siblings. If it’s going to be any of them, though, it’s going to be around Hinoka or Corrin. Rarely ever Azura or Ryoma, and absolutely never around Sakura.
‣ Takumi actually kind of enjoys being sick. He definitely doesn’t like being rendered incapable of doing basic things, or feeling like trash, but... he does kind of like to be fussed over. There’s something nice about being the center of his family’s attention for once.
‣ He is not aware of this, but he was named after Ikona’s lover prior to her marriage to Sumeragi. Given that she could not be with him but was still attached, Ikona gave him his name. Only Ikona and Sumeragi know where his name really came from, and Sumeragi was less than pleased to find out later.
‣ Likes to pretend that he can handle spicy food. He cannot. You could dare this boy to eat a spoonful of wasabi, and he would do it, but the end result wouldn’t be pretty. His whole face turns bright red, and there are tears streaming from his eyes, and he holds his mouth like he’s sucking on a lemon. Even with that whole production, though, you can never get him to admit defeat. The spice doesn’t defeat Takumi. Takumi defeats the spice. 
‣ Do not begin a sentence when speaking to him with “no offence”. He always takes offence. Always. He doesn’t know why people start conversations like that because it’s almost always something rude and uncalled for. It’s one of his biggest pet peeves, and it would just be better for both of you if you didn’t say stuff like that.
‣ Has very good hygiene and always smells nice. He tries to bathe every night, and washes his hair every other day with that schedule in mind. If one had to try and categorize Takumi’s scent, it would probably be a mix between morning dew and oranges. There were many women in Hoshido who used to swoon over him based on the way he smelled alone. 
‣ Like a true December baby, Takumi loves the snow. When he was little he’d beg his nursemaids to go outside for some time to play in it. Even as he grew older, he’d wrestle his siblings and friends out of their plans for the day to go spend some time outside in the cold. There were many snowball fights, as well as a whole bunch of wrestling. By the end of their outside time, they would usually end up piled on top of one another in a big dog pile. If you get him vulnerable enough, he might even confess that he loves the snow because it gives him more family time. His siblings, retainers, and other friends are all busy people, and he wants to spend as much time with them as he can.  
‣ His nightmares almost always revolve around losing someone important to him. In spite of not remembering Sumeragi and Ikona well, he finds himself dreaming of them regularly. Mikoto is also someone he dreams of a lot, usually of her death and his inability to do anything to save her. If the dream is really bad, he’ll dream of losing people who are still alive — Garon slicing Ryoma’s throat, Nohrian archers shooting Hinoka down from the sky, a commander snapping Sakura’s neck like it’s nothing. He often wakes up screaming and scares the others awake, and needs all kinds of comfort to even think about falling asleep again.
‣ Sakura is the member of the family who gives illnesses to everyone else. She’s the carrier. She will have a slight sniffle for two days, and then be fine — because she passed it onto the rest of the family, who will have a huge cold for two weeks. She’s always very sorry about it, and brings them warm soup every time it happens.
‣ Has the softest skin known to man. Nobody knows why this girl just has like... baby soft skin, but she’s always been like that. Holding her hand is an excellent experience because of it. Once she starts using a bow, she’s a little disappointed that she starts developing callouses on her hands, as they ruin the softness.
‣ Sweets thief! Well, not so much now that she’s older, but when she was little it was a huge thing. She used to sneak sweets from the kitchen a lot. If she were asked to count on her fingers how many times Mikoto caught her with sticky hands and a sugary face, she probably couldn’t. She’s a bit embarrassed by the memories, but everyone else finds it charmingly cute.
‣ She has dimples! For the most part she’s pretty shy about them, but everyone else thinks they’re really cute. Her siblings sometimes go out of their way to make her smile just so they can see them. Sumeragi loved them the most.
‣ Believe it or not, she has a favourite proverb! It’s “Even monkeys fall from trees”, which is basically just another way of saying that anyone can make a mistake. Given that Sakura is such a compassionate person, it comes as no surprise to everyone that this is her favourite. She wants to give people a fair chance, and doesn’t want to hold their mistakes against them (assuming that they genuinely are mistakes). 
‣ Thrives off of other people’s happiness. She loves to people watch in Shirasagi Castle Town to see if she can spot anyone who is out having a good time. Little kids getting a treat for good behaviour are definitely one of her favourite types of happiness to spot, but she also loves seeing shy young couples on first dates. Getting to see her country’s people so happy gives her the spirit she needs to keep doing her healing work. 
‣ Has really strong nails, for some reason? Nobody’s exactly sure why her nails are so deathly strong, but she needs help trimming them. Mikoto would usually help her manage that, but sometimes she’d get Takumi’s help if Mikoto was busy.
‣ You probably could not get her to admit it, but she likes the smell of freshly blown-out candles. She doesn’t quite like the scent of fire, but she sort of enjoys the smokiness that comes from a flame that has just been put out. For some reason finds her love of the scent embarrassing.
‣ Still a bit scared of the dark, even at her age. Her childhood fear of the Nohrians coming back for her led her to fear them wandering around in the dark, and thus she finds it unsettling. Depending on the hour at which she has to go the bathroom at night, she’ll ask Ryoma to escort her (if it’s earlier, as he’s usually awake anyway) or prod a sibling into wakefulness to take her (if it’s later).
‣ Tends to rehearse the things she says before she says them. Especially in war meanings, but also sometimes in regular conversation. She’s very concerned about saying the wrong thing and making a bad impression, so she feels like the constant rehearsal is the only way to ensure that she’s not going to cause any kind of trouble.
‣ So soft-hearted that she cries for her own family without them knowing. At night when trying to sleep, she can often think herself into horrible moods about her family’s pain. She can lay there for hours sobbing quietly to herself over the various ways that they’re hurting, even if they don’t want to acknowledge it themselves. She cries for Ryoma, who agonizes over being good enough for everyone. She cries for Hinoka, who has been a soldier all her life and may never get to fully experience that sense of normalcy. She cries for Takumi, who just wants to be noticed for once and feel like he is actually genuinely loved. She cries for Azura, who has been taken from home to home to home in a vain effort to fight other people’s battles. She cries for Mikoto who lost her child, for Corrin who lost her family, for Sumeragi and Ikona who lost their lives... Sakura cries for everyone.
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iasfuturekings · 3 years
Wait, who died first, Ikona or Sumeragi? And how did Mikoto and who ever didn’t die react?
Ikona died first, and naturally this actually did spark a war and a bit of a power vacuum because "who gets to be the new queen?". Sumeragi was then pressured into marrying a new noblewoman and also dumping Mikoto and her son, but the king said no and married Mikoto to keep her and Anri safe and make good on his OT3 promise to Ikona and Mikoto.
But to keep the nobles' favor and also to satisfy his own need for revenge, Sumeragi encouraged the war to go on, at least until he and Mikoto got word that Arete had died and was close to King Garon, also that Azura is alive. Both were conflicted about whether to try and secure a treaty or go through with their revenge. At Mikoto's urging, Sumeragi was thankfully mature enough to decide that their country and neighbors' well being came first and took the former choice.
Then Sumeragi died at the Chevois Summit, making the fighting worse. Mikoto had to establish herself as the new queen and follow through on the other nobles' desire for twofold revenge. She also became more guarded because of the extra attention she received as the queen, so if she ever did grieve, she did so in private in the presence of her remaining children. But she didn't let revenge overtake her so easily like Sumeragi did and was merciful enough to allow an armistice and also let Nohr surrender.
Of the two, Mikoto definitely took her losses better since she already was predisposed to losing so many loved ones when Ikona and later Sumeragi died.
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archivedflammes · 3 years
-||[ Send 🤝 to hold my muse’s hand ]||-
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Oboro had admittedly gotten a little over-excited when the stage costumes had been brought out to be displayed. No matter how many times she’d seen the different props, masks, kimonos, and so on, she never grew tired of marveling at them. The craftsmanship, the colors, the aesthetics, she couldn’t get enough and would be off like a wyvern taking to prey.
It did surprise her when Miles took her hand, though it might simply have been to keep the seamstress in place (or so he didn’t lose track of her). There was admittedly something comfortable about the Lord’s hand taking her own, a strange gentle warmth...
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In spite of this, Oboro did not let go of his hand and instead proceeded to pull Miles towards one of the displays. “Look, these were the costumes worn by the actors who portrayed King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona in the play ‘Romance among the Blades’.”
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