#lightsong fanart
the-wizard-mozrath · 11 months
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Blushweaver and Lightsong designs.
I want to do a more detailed piece with them soon but I’m not about to design their complex outfits halfway through drawing it so I did some more simple full body sketches first.
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madxmellon · 8 months
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Cosmere inktober day 19: Prayer
I wanted to explore how faith and devotion or shown throughout the cosmere, plus I’m excited that my twin just started reading warbreaker. That being said, NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS
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katledonia · 8 months
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I have a LOT of mixed feelings about Warbringer, but one thing I am absolutely certain of, is that I absolutely adored Lightsong the Bold. His particularly brand of chaotic gremlin snark was to die for.... (and yes, I'm still screaming about the ending TnT). I wasn't certain whether or not to bother making stickers or prints of this one, so me know if you think I should.
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piratekane · 5 months
Hey I see you’ve jumped onto the Brandon sando train! Other than tess, which have been your fav books and characters so far?
i jumped on the train soooo late, but here's a few of my favs (below the cut, obvs.)
mistborn series, era 1 i LOVE this series. the final empire is everything i love in a heist novel. i really enjoyed vin as a protag. she really grew into herself, i thought. i liked the way her motivations changed and how she evolved as the story progressed. and spook, the unintended saint. i loved who he became and the arc he got. but hands down my favorite character was oreseur/tensoon. listen, i know he was (originally) a backstabber but he loved vin! he gave up his freedom for her! he was just a dog-kandra running across the nation looking for the first person he willing to give himself over to despite never having that choice before! i've seen fanart of vin and oreseur/tensoon and my heart always aches. (i also liked zane but that guy was cracked.)
elantris like, sarene. what a woman. WHAT! A! WOMAN! she is the definition of "i don't like your shit, i don't want your shit, pack your shit up and leave." and guess what? she makes it happen! she's so regal and so over everyone - she just came for a political relationship and stayed because someone told her she couldn't do something. what do the youth say? sarene said bet and fucking did it. i also love kiin. the man just wants to feed his family. let him!
warbreaker siri, my beloved. talk about another "i'm not taking your shit" character. she sees a boundary and says, "who, me?" and steps right through it. can't look at her husband? tough shit. can't speak to him? who cares. can't teach him to read? think again, bitch. she will do what she wants when she wants because she is RIGHT. my other fav is lightsong because we love a man who thinks he's a go-with-the-flow guy until the flow is completely blown out of the water and he needs to stop playing all that beer pong and get a real job that isn't in daddy's law firm.
i've got second era of mistborn on the docket but i'm refreshing and reading daisy jones and the six right now. then? more brando sando.
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weird but lovable god juggles lemons
ha. hi guys. this took a bit. I'm sorry. I'm having a bit of a... life I guess. I guess if you want consistency then just know I will be consistently inconsistent. anyways. I drew Lightsong, who channels so much idiot and genius energy at the same time in my mind that I have no clue what to call him and Blushweaver who's having a moment of "oh gosh, my god of a boyfriend is going insane" please don't think too much about the background i didn't know what to draw.
also, to the h0rny side of the Cosmere fandom; please spare me I have no clue how all that works, I'm just an awkward asexual trying to draw fanart accurate to the books. (if I weren't Blushweaver's hair would've been a lot easier and the dress would be... idk lol)
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Anyways. I hope you like it, sorry but I acknowledge I am not going to be posting much at all for a number of reasons. I love you guys, have a great day, be safe, and good luck out there.
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emkaro · 2 years
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llsnart · 3 years
LightSong from Warbreaker
He's my favourite character of the book 💖
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shuravf · 4 years
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DAY 6- Lightsong from Warbreaker
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viridializard · 3 years
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Siri and Lightsong
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*shows up 3 months late with an art meme*
Katara - Avatar the Last Airbender — @connoissuer-of-fine-vines
Anathema Device - Good Omens — @diskingoferebor
Anders - Dragon Age — @thetabbybadger
Lightsong - Warbreaker — @asymmetrical-ace
Connie Maheswaran - Steven Universe — @just-quintessentially-me
Spyro - Spyro the Dragon — @kedreeva
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the-wizard-mozrath · 11 months
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Backgrounds baby!!!!
I rarely draw backgrounds let alone buildings but I’m trying to step outside of my comfort zone and I did a full piece with lightsong and blushweaver! I love the whole vibe of the court of the gods and had fun drawing it out.
Also I’ve been playing around on Townscaper and it’s actually a super handy way to draw buildings
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madxmellon · 2 years
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Decided last minute I wanted to participate in Cosmere fashion month, first prompt is Whodunnit... so who better than Lightsong and Llarimar? Lightsong is definitely a detective. Probably.
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ellendventure · 4 years
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This was so fun to draw, but it’s almost 3:00 AM here, uughh
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ubekawateryam · 5 years
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It took me long enough, but at last it’s finally done. That huge Cosmere fanart I’ve been harping on about for at least three months now. Originally planned to be done by the time I met Brandon Sanderson in Prague but oh well...
This was a really huge thing for me! I wanted to include both some more well-known characters as well as some side characters from a bunch of different Cosmere stories. Was especially eager to give poor Bluefingers some fanart representation.
The different manifestations of Investiture were a last minute addition and almost drove me insane - but in the end I’m actually pretty happy with them.
Hope you like it as well!
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Inktober day 21
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The prompt today was dream so here’s that fun scene where everyone’s dying and lightsong’s like hey, I had a dream about this once! (jk, but that is basically what happened). Then our sweet amazing Lightsong dies saves everyone and will forever be hailed as a hero. 
I can’t art today (this is a bad group of sketches and i still spent like two hours on it and the attempts before, though i guess we can blame part of that on my trashy attention span and motivation) and the images quality is crud as usual. I mean i’m calling it fan art but this is literally a crap post.
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gaydelgard · 4 years
ive literally never completed a piece of fan art in my 27 years of life but heres some ive started over the last decade and not finished, off the top of my head:
ace zeroescape (this was for 999 week like 2016)
lightsong from the book warbreaker. based on the song global concepts by robert delong
art of lysithea and edelgard based on the song live in fire by ap clarke
room of old habits monster from the sexy brutale
fanart of the game in other waters based on the song currents by eisley
those last two are still on my phone
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