#like \_:)_/ ok I guess. it should probably be them celebrating like the gremlins they are but sure. mushy lil smooch
gaycrittercentral · 2 years
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moemoemammon · 3 years
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MC's Chuck E Cheese Birthday Party!
(Feat. The Demon Bros and Luke)
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Did everything in his power to try to talk you out of choosing Chuck E Cheese's as your party destination, but,,, it's what you wanted, so,,,
He'll sit in a booth and watch you like a moody parent. That is, until Mammon harasses him into joining in on the "fun".
LONG, DRAMATIC SIGH,,,,, if he has no choice, he supposes he could play a few games and give you whatever he wins. 
Satan somehow managed to convince him to play air hockey, and Lucifer surprisingly agreed. Yeah he was suspicious of his gremlin brother’s intentions, but it’d probably be fine.
What was supposed to be a friendly game between brothers has turned into an all out war. Their blinding speed turns the puck into a blur, and they’ve gathered a crowd-
Lucifer wins, but he doesn’t have a chance to celebrate because someone throws a fucking slice of pizza at the back of his head
This isn't what HE would've chosen, but he guesses it's fine. An arcade means gambling in some way, right?
Makes a beeline for the coin drop game. He loves also loves the games that give you a 20% chance of winning a jackpot of some kind and honestly?? He's fucking GOOD... when Asmodeus isn't constantly poking his sides and making him mess up.
It takes him no time to figure out the algorithms of those games and now he's raking in all the tickets. Staff is suspicious as hell
Especially when they see a grown man walk up to the prize counter with his arms full of tickets, no children in sight.
"MC! Get over here and pick out some prizes! I won all this for yet birthday, so let me spoil ya!"
Ok thank you for the hundreds of stuffed animals and cheap plastic toys Mammon
See, Levi was excited when you suggested going to a human world arcade, but he didn't think you meant.... something like THIS. Why don’t any of the dance games have songs by Ruri-chan??? What a waste...
But it's still technically an arcade, so he might as well enjoy it since he couldn't go home. And maybe he could impress you by earning a ton of tickets! These human world arcade games are gonna be a cakewalk.
...Is what he thought, until he realized that the controls were so worn from millions of children manhandling them that he couldn’t play at all! Why couldn’t these stupid normie games cooperate?!
 But the thing that finally made him snap was when a little kid told him he sucked. 
Cue Levi abandoning all moral principles and absolutely OBLITERATING this toddler at Frogger. You think he won’t go all out against a baby?? You are wrong. 
It’s not about morals, MC. It’s a matter of his pride as a gaming master, so please stand back while he makes a human child cry.
See, Satan is all for celebrating the way you want to (and he's good at pretending like he's not bothered), but he can't really say that a pizza and sweat scented arcade full of screaming children is the best place to read a book
Regardless, it’s pretty funny watching you run around like an excited little kid, dragging everyone around to the nearest game.
Then he gets the great idea of harassing Lucifer into playing air hockey with him. “It’s MC’s birthday, so why don’t we let loose a little?”
All hell breaks loose and now they’ve attracted the attention of a crowd of amazed children, all according to plan. How humiliating would it be for Lucifer to lose in front of CHILDREN?
Thought he was slick and cursed the puck to move away from Lucifer every time he tried to hit it, but somehow he’s?? still winning???
Satan would’ve been pissed off if not for the mysterious slice of pizza that came sailing through the air and hit Lucifer in the back of the head
The tables are sticky. Everything smells weird. Children are everywhere. Everything is so flashy and gaudy that it’s giving him a headache-
This wasn’t Asmo’s party destination of choice, but... well.. it’s fine as long as he sticks to you, right? 
Also refuses to touch anything because as familiar as he may be with sticky surfaces, this ain’t it chief.
Since he’s so bored, he decides to Mammon, constantly poking and tickling him so he’ll loose at the games he’s playing, and runs away when he’s attacked
Soon enough though, Asmo excuses himself to the bathroom, thinking no one notices how he’s dragging a staff member toward the supply closet-
Eventually comes back to tell you that he set something up, so now you can get whatever prize you’d like!
Pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pi-
Yeah, Beel is fine with wherever you wanna go for your birthday. It's your special day after all! So when you suggest whatever the hell 'Chuck E Cheese' is, he's just happy you're happy
Also wants to know what kind of cheese they have. Asks you if Mr. Chuck himself can be eaten. Sad when you say no....
At the end of the party, you notice that the other staff members are whispering amongst themselves about the sudden disappearance of a certain rat mascot.
Beel is sweating. Why is there stuffing on your shirt collar, Beel.
Oh man oh no, Lucifer got hit with pizza! Beel thinks he should go over there and eat it for him. Sorry, gotta go-
Belphie wasn’t a big fan of your choice for a birthday destination, mostly because there was no way he’d be able to sleep with all the music and screaming going on, but who is he to argue against your decision?
Besides, he soon realizes that the sky tunnels are the PERFECT nap spot, save for the occasional kid crawling over him.
It also gives him a bird’s eye view of everything that’s going on, including the intense air hockey battle between Lucifer and Satan.
Hey wouldn’t it be funny if he uhhh threw a slice of pizza at Lucifer’s head lmao yEET
Seeing Lucifer’s reaction is everything he needed to turn this day into an even better one. Now he can sleep peacefully <3
Falls asleep and gets left there on accident because no one can find him
Belphie is literally blocking Luke in and he can’t eSCAPe
All he did was follow a kid into the tunnels! They looked so fun that he couldn’t resist, despite his many claims that he wasn’t a child and shouldn’t be treated as such. 
But when he saw you waving at him from one of the tunnel windows, he became determined to crawl to every window he could find and wave from there, too.
Then Belphegor came along.
How can anyone sleep so soundly?? He’s been smacking, shoving, and poking the sleeping demon but nothing is working! Time to cry-
Also gets left behind because no one can hear him screaming.
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ryuunosenshi · 6 years
Speaking about Tsukuyomi and Wizard, I just realised that she matched the criteria of Sora/Gremlin’s victims… [1/6]
I would also like to see Mamoru Miyano playing Zero on-screen. :) About human forms, I do not think the generation who were born after the Plasma Spark turned their race into Ultra was born with natural human form. Alternatively, they actually had one but preferred to use their host forms out of fondness for the humans they once shared a body. [2/6] 
The Ultras lived for billions of years; their hosts’ faces were the only memento of the friends they had on Earth. Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends the movie was set 500,000 years after the end of Mebius. Can you guess what this mean? [3/6]
One of Mirror Knight’s knight parents was from the planet Esmeralda, and he used to be its protector together with Jean-Bot. The space pirates who raised Glen Fire was also came from that universe. I think, despite how busied they were protecting the multiverse, the UFZ would try to have one free day in a year to visit their families, so they probably met with Ran and Nao each year. [4/6]
As I said before, Mebius was a love letter to the Ultra franchise, and considering it was made to celebrate the franchise anniversary, Tsuburaya worked hard to make it the best. Tiga and Dyna set in the same continuity, so I suggested that you watched Tiga first before you watched Dyna. Gaia was separated from the other two, but because I loved Gaia a lot, I suggested that you saved it for the last. XD [5/6]
If you want to watch Cosmos, I suggested that you watch Ultraman Cosmos: The First Contact. This movie was a prequel to the series and explained why Mushashi was chosen to become Cosmos. Musashi had an awesome dad. [6/6]
*shudders* Oh god, please don’t remind me of Gremlin xD Now that was a creep!
You know, personally, I would find it a bit weird if an Ultra used a human form based on a host they once had, especially if said host is still alive. With people like Mebius who based their form off a real human I can get it since the human didn’t survive, so it’s a way of honoring them. But can you imagine Zero coming back to Geed’s Earth and instead of taking Reito again as a host, he would just create a human form that looked like him? Imagine the utter confusion and shock from poor Reito seeing an identical copy off him on the street? Now, I’m not claiming that an Ultra taking a human form modeled after a human who was still alive has never happened, I don’t claim perfect knowledge. It’s just that that seems really odd to me and something I, personally, would never do if I was an Ultra xD
I have actually wondered if some Ultra’s (those born waaaaay after the plasma spark) created human forms based on what they themselves would look like should the Plasma Spark never have been created. Like their pre-plasma spark appearance is a genetic code that’s still hidden somewhere within them. It would be neat, like some secret glimpse into an alternate reality. A future that could’ve been so to speak ^^
Wait wait... hang on. If that movie takes place 500,000 years after the end of the Mebius series, then how come Mebius is credited as ‘only’ being 6800 years old on the Ultra wiki? Please don’t bring time travel and the likes into this xD I’m already having trouble enough wrapping my head around Zi-O logic as it is xD. Ultraman with all it’s alternate universes and different versions of Earth is more than enough confusing for me xD
Ok, so Tiga first, then Dyna and then Gaia? Got it! ^^ As for Cosmos, so you recommend watching the movie first before starting the series itself? The download for Tiga and Cosmos are finished and I’m downloading the Cosmos movie rn, it’s still at 0% tho ;;, hopefully it’ll come through or I’l need to look at other subbed sources to get it
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