#like I can’t explain it but he looks like some dude 💀💀💀
smilesrobotlover · 10 months
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With boots on he looks like some guy
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themthrfkinprincess · 9 months
My Astro Observations . . . TROIS
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Welcome back to my posts. 😁👋🏾💗
Erm let's get into it I lol haha
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This first one is not even an observation ✨but✨ whenever I just hear about Pisces I think of this photo:
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This probably does not even freaking make sense to you. Well literally I was on Pinterest and I saw this and the very first thing that popped into my mind was Pisces. Like I don’t know. I think that the seal signifying toothpaste laying on the toothbrush in the middle of a rainy day very mutable water energy. There is something neptunian about it. It’s very Pisces moon to me being specific. Probably doesn’t not even make sense. My cousin is a Pisces, he reminds me of this. Hm. Idk. 🐟🫧🐟🫧
The three fire signs for absolutely no hickory darn dickory reason at all :
OOF Okay. Stereotypical. But these fuckers are just loud for no reason !!! Like fren I PRAY THEE TO SHUT THE FUCK UP🥺🥺🥺. I’m lying lol !! I love loud ppl ahaha !! 😭🤣 Like girl yes let’s yell for no apparent reason at all 😆💖 !! They’re so crazy you can take them anywhere !! But like girl wait cause you don’t want to be in A Quiet Place with them- they will have you UTTERLY. FUCKED😵🤯. Like okay- it’s not even if the person just talks loud or laughs loudly- the fellow sillylington just might quite literally make random noises. These are very spontaneous individuals. And when I speak of this I mean like maybe they might have a good amount of fire placements dominating or have some good influence of it. Like girly your just loud. 😭 I also want to include Gemini partially in this mix cause you guys do weird things out of nowhere I love it- I kind of mentioned this in my last post.
These placements are the Fifth Harmony of astrology- im talking Demi Lavato💀 I'm talking Exo 💀 Just big and loud 💀 You guys give Secret Love Song by Fifth Harmony💀
Taurus, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius ,Scorpio remind me of this:
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My mom is a Scorpio- with prominent Capricorn influence- she is very much welcomed into the Nation of Idgafsia. LIKE WOW. I aspire to not give a fuck like her !! Like these five placements be minding they bussiness foreralzies !!! Like a bomb in somebody house across the street could go off and mean while they’re in the bathroom setting up their soaps and bodycare right before they get in the shower- like dimming the lights n lighting their candles n everything IM CRYING😭 AOSNDODNSK. These ppl r nonchalant. They’re relaxed and easy to hang around, I love it I love it I love it 💖
like no this be them fr 😭😭😭 :
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But personally and specifically I think a Taurus would be the mayor/president of Idgafsia. Using a old friend for observation, I don’t personally know how you could not be cool with one. She reminds me of capybaras.
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When I litteraly say shes this gif I mean it. I could put a posionus snake her bed. She would have probrobly wake up and be like “not you put a poisonous snake in my bed while I was sleep. girly that’s so crazy girl let me go to the hospital real quick. ima be back. 🏥🚶🏻‍♀️🗿 ” LIKE HUH??? CQFBHENNR😭. Like if it SERIOUSLY has nothing to do with anything pertaining to them they will rlly just be chilling forreal foreal. 🗿
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Aries/Gemini/Water men are so breedable imo
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LOL. Let me stop😭
but yeah i could give these men the meanest strap.
Also water sign men are so sexy? wtf??
You can’t tell an Aquarius or Scorpio SHIT. They are very much “erm ackshually my fellow scholar🤓👆🏾 the sun is shuprshingly 📝🤓not the biggest 🤓📚🧪 celestial body within our vast mind boggling universe-🤓👆🏾 you may want to consider looking into stars such Sirius 🤓🤓🤓”
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Like yeah dude. We know that. An Aquarius would probably try to explain to you how to walk as if you had not learned that many years ago in your fresh years on this planet. Girl move.
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It’s so infuriating!! I CANT count how many times I’ve seen Aquarius like this specifically. Like ouu girly you want to be an encyclopedia soooo bad 🙄🙄 Like I don’t know. You guys really seem like know it alls, it’s really your way or the highway. I wanna prove an Aquarius girly wrong so bad. JUST BECAUSE 😈
They are the personification of finding out your ass was really on the remote after all- and now you just don’t want to admit it. Like we don’t care fren just give us the remote I’m trying to watch Once Upon a Time for the 12948372th time. 😔😞
Like girly wrap it up or whatever 🙄
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But no.
I do understand genuinely you guys really like to find information that really helped you out at times-and spread it to dear ones. It's very nice of you seriously- we appreciate it. Thank you my beloved wanna-be-encyclopedia, like rlly seriously my pookie scrimblo sticks. 💗🥰
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Speaking of Aquarian influence. MY GOD. Idc if it’s Saturnian or Uranian or whatever. If it’s Aquarian/Capricornian (does that even make sense? I have come to this DEFINITE conclusion; that AQUARIUS/CAPRICORN IS JUST SO SEXY🤯🤯🤯 but the big emphasis is on Aquarius like MY GAWD.
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*Dance for You by Beyonce starts to play* Like no . . . Papi Hiddleston is SO. FOINE. *DRAMATIC EXPLOSION* He be having me GAWKIN!! you ever see somebody so sexy you get scared ?!?! 😧 like oooh im shivering in me timbers !!! 😰🫣😨
several Aquarius have done me like that N LOOK. DONT EVEN TRY IT- Yes. I’m a marvel girlie. I might litterly bring up anything marvel related on every post so don’t even be shocked lol. Just expect that from now on im so serious lol. and yo my sister mad whacky she said he’s ugly and talked about his bamboozled hairline what a friggin' bitch😔✋🏾n if you think so too on January 22nd, 2024- on that Monday at 8:17 AM you will slip on a banana peel. 😈 🍌🍌🍌
I’m getting sidetracked BUT I watched that new BBC interview of him after season 2.
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But this is how Capricorn/Aquarius have me😋😋😋
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like it’s me bby . . 😜😉 let me be ur girl . . . mmmh stop trippin papi 😚😋🥰
They are sex walking I’m so sorry. This goes for Capricorn too with that Saturn energy. You guys r so hawt n sexay. Like sheesh meowwwww puurrr slay the boots house down yas. 🐈😼 😈
Like jeez let’s play Cool Cat by queen real quick.
Now listen up!
Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, and Gemini !!! Im talking to you !! 💗😋 These placements are so accepting imo. Like no- I've just noticed that these placements.
Virgo- I think you guys seem to be good listeners. This goes for Gemini too- maybe because they may share qualities with Mercury. They both do so in a caring sense- such in a sense that if you feel like maybe no one is hearing you/dont feel heard they will maybe at least try to hear you out. I think they r just great when u need an ear 💗
Now Aries, Sag, Leo Gemini and Aquarius I LOVE YOU AGH. Is it me or like I LOVE WATCHING YOU GUYS BE YOURSELVES AHH. You inspire me so much AHH!!
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I feel like there are times. Where you can feel or felt unsure or awkward about yourself. In my opinion I often see these signs just doing their thing at times- it can be unapologetic. It does not even have to be bold or anything they can just be minding their business doing their everyday thing. I guess what I'm saying is I love how authentic the sign can be.
There is some sort of level of confidence in them that they can stand on. I love it.
And yeah- I've just come to this conclusion that Capricorns, Geminis and Aquarius can just be weird? Like lol. Thier humor can be so weird and so out of the box sometimes- personality too. I feel when they are literally just being them, it is very inspiring to me imo.
Like i feel like you can have a dance off in the kitchen like this at 4am with them idk 😭:
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N i guess its why I think these signs (Cap, Leo, Aqua, Aries, Sag) can usually be very sexy easily bc they r just so authentic n raw to me its kind of poetic like im twirling my hair rn n giggling 🤭
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I feel like Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio can be like this when hurt:
"I'm so tall, can't get over me
I'm so low, can't get under me
I must be all these things
For I just threw out the love of my dreams"
Of course- when it comes to modality the four signs will obviously have something in common. What I mean with Leo Aqaurius and Scorpio is- they are just so- well- fixed. I noticed they try to act like they don't care about something- when they very much in fact do. You can't jump over them, you can't get under them- you can't get besides them, and like even if you did- it cannot really affect them that much anyway . . . -right? It feels like punching a stone made of jelly on the inside (literally so random- ik fren lmfao) I can punch a stone, It's fine- well not my knuckles ofc- they can be so hard when hurt. Sheesh. Only if you knew that you wobbled up that Jello a little bit on the inside. (Does that even make sense?)
And don't even try to pick up the stone- its too heavy. They ground themselves whatever philosophy they got going on in their noggin🥴🥴🥴🥴- no matter if its emotionally or whatever.
"He is in my eyes, he is in my ears
He is in my blood, he is in my tears
I breathe love, and see him everyday
Even though my love's a world away
Oh, he's got me wondering
My righteousness is crumbling"
It will bother them. And bother them. And bother them. And bother them. Bother them. And Aqaurius with think about it- try to bargain about it imo. Scorpio with feel a very fucking speicfic way about it and not say SHIT. 🙄😒 Leo's are so silly- they just try to act unfazed
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but we easily know lol like ok girl-I'm sorry but there is something too whimsical/unserious about them to not know when somethings wrong 😭. But yes-back to the point. In short- its so annoying with them bc three gwrorlies dont just want to admit or submit to things at first. These three live off of cool down time !!! lmfao 🤣 you really got to give them a moment. Maybe a long time too. They care so much. Too much at times- like girl be calm.
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I feel like they can do the most. They will do all sorts of things just to stand on something- or an idea or feeling that they had. It is hard for them to be wrong, or to lose. Sometimes I feel like these three need to learn how to truly let things be or go. Not everything has to be a chess game fren. ☹️💗 It like they feel they need to be a few steps ahead- they might feel ashamed or disappointed or sad or otherwise with them.
erm i have few more things to say but im literally tired of typing lol.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Imagine a whole ass debate with a rebuttal and everything 💀
Warriors is citing his time as captain or wtv and that he’s reliable and protective (rebuttal would probably be about how he can’t retire from that job for a long time and it’s very taxing)
Legend has a ton of protective gear and he’s just really cute (rebuttal would be abt his hoarder tendencies)
Sky is one of the firsts so of course his child should be first but also he’s well educated kinda, good with kids, has a tight knit community, and has a super cool bird the kids could ride (rebuttal, he’s in the fucking sky. What if the kid just jumped off)
Twilight has a ranch and a horse. Good with animals, works at home kinda, can become a fluffy dog (rebuttal me personally I’m mildly allergic to dogs, and also ranches take up a lot of time. As a country person I know, I know it all too well)
Wild has long hair the kids could braid. Has horses, can cook a good meal, doesn’t get tired of cooking, has a thing he can take pictures on, well travelled. (Rebuttal he does some stupid ass shit bro, and also he isn’t always considering what his actions do. What if he does something stupid and gets seriously injured and the kids and reader are like fending for themselves for a bit)
Time. He’s responsible, a good leader, the oldest, has cool markings. (Rebuttal. What the fuck happened with the moon. Also FD mask, what if the kids got their hands on this super dangerous mask that has a god inside of it. Assuming that FD isn’t unleashed alr)
Hyrule. HES SUCH A CUTIE OMG. He’s half fairy, good with kids, soft, inviting, can literally heal (rebuttal, the blood curse. What if the kids inherit it cause like genetics and stuff)
Four. Works at home kinda, he’s also a cutie. Could make little toys, is good under pressure, is around their height, good playmate (rebuttal. If the smithing area is inside the house easy access to burns. Also the four sword is a thing)
Sage. Has nice hair as well. Protective, has two houses technically, can fuse things together, can make cool little things to ride around on with reader and children (rebuttal. He can make literal torture machines, and he’s a little unhinged. Also Wth is up with his world. That place is not safe at all)
Fierce Diety. A literal god. (Rebuttal. A literal god. Does godliness get passed down, idk but he’s also like really tall and that’d hurt a lot. Like procreation and having fucking this dude who’s built like an actual monster’s kids pop outta yah)
I don’t have a good read and cal but pretty much the same stuff abt Sage and wild. Just a different font.
HBGFIFBND SKY'S NF9FF 'What if the Kid just jumped off?'
I also love how a point in all of this is whether or not their hair is good. That's an incredibly important point.
Wars I love because his job would take a lot of his time. But because of said job, mans is loaded. So money is another good stand point for him. (Rebuttal: He had a literal time and space wizard-ess after him??? imagine her going after your kid man-)
Legend is someone who has seen everything. So he is so smooth and steady, nothing really phases him anymore. Including anything your kid brings to the table. (Rebuttal: He's an asshole. I guarantee any of his spawn are also assholes)
Sky is literally hug shaped. He would be the cuddliest dad and so affectionate <3 (Rebuttal: I deadass almost couldn't come up with anything- mans is such a helicopter parent. His kid couldn't even breath without him being there)
Twilight is also so dad shaped. Like, look at him. As someone who also lives in the countryside, I know he's the dad to hold his kid close, watching the sunset as he explains some far off tale. (Rebuttal: Is the 'Just rub dirt in it' dad.)
Wild. His horses are a great point. But, he also has so much energy? He can take all the night shifts with no problem. Can make meals filled with both vitamins for post-partum and energy boosting effects that taste Amazing. (Rebuttal: He has ghosts. Just following him. Like??? Those can't be good babysitters???)
Time. He's so calm and patient. So anytime the baby gets to be too much for Reader, he's easily stepping in and swooping them up, settling them within seconds. (Rebuttal: Fought the fucking moon- Also, has farts that are comparable to an actual try on your life. Idk what this man eats, but someone has got to find what crawled up his butt and died)
Hyrule. Loml. I love him. Gibe him smooch- He has babysitters out the freaking door. His sisters absolutely adore you and your baby and bring the best presents. (Rebuttal: Yeah that blood thing is pretty bad, but he also is the worst at saying no to your kid. That kid will be so spoiled and you'll be forced to be the stricter parent)
Four. He's also got babysitters. That are him! Win-win! Can handle multiple things at once and should the colors be needed, he's got that male relative that I'm still uncertain about! (Rebuttal: Talks to your kid like their both men in their fifties sitting in a bar, catching up after years lmao)
Sage! Great hair. Also cool arm. Has two houses, but that asshole princess took one, bitch. BUT he also has horses :D AND DonDons. We love those guys. Can also cook and he's the dad to walk around shirtless with the kid on his chest, napping, while he does one thing or another. He is also rich because he cheats the system--I.E. the universe. (Rebuttal: Yo wtf is UP with those hands in the ground?! And the TREES?! Nothing is safe. Also, the sages? Not great babysitters. Especially his giant robot. That one is not the worst however. That's Sidon's title.)
Fierce Deity. He can reach the top shelf. He's got a cool sword. He's got a nice face, would like to sit on it. He also is super old and probably super wise. Probably. (Rebuttal: LDNFNG I LOVE YOURS SM I- YEAH, TEARING FROM THE V TO THE A JUST BIRTHING HIS FUCKING KID)
For Cal, may I offer-
Calamity. Strong knight and used to following the orders of those above him, especially his Goddess and his child. He would go to the ends of the heavens and hells should it be what they wish (Rebuttal; Mans has the emotional capacity of a fucking Rock. Also, he eats rocks. Imagine your kid just eating rocks because their dad did. Return them both/hj)
So obviously, with all these options, pros and cons, there is only one real option.
Courage and Koridai.
Nah I'm fucking with you-
First. I see no flaws with this man and if there are some I don't wanna hear 'em.
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bayfuzzball7050 · 7 months
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More under the cut :P
Hello bitches, bros and non binary hoes 🦾🦾 The name’s Andrés or Diego. Call me whatever ya want, idc
I’m a Trans Guy, he / him and if you don’t know me a they / them it’s ok I don’t mind that much. NO SHE HER IMMA BEAT UR ASS
☆ I got that dawg in me (asd) actually pls be patient im a little slow on some things
☆ Artist
☆ Art requests are currently closed!!
(for when I open them: I draw anything but nsfw/kinks and proship stuff)
☆ Writer (no fanfic here tho)
☆ don’t ask for pics you ain’t getting em
☆ if I use emojis, be aware that most of the time it’s ironic
☆ I make a lot of kys/kms jokes, if you’re not ok with this, please don’t follow
☆ i LOVE spammers, spam likes, reblogs, whatever as much as you like :3 (if ya want to like no pressure)
☆ if ya wanna be mutuals just ask I don’t mind I’ll just check yo vibe and that’s it
Art tag: #my art
Post tag/reblogs where I add something: #momazos diego
☆ I usually don’t add tw (tho I dont post stuff with heavy themes often if I’m honest like I rarely do it) But if anything, be wary
☆ I also always have my notifications off so please don’t feel bad if I don’t answer a dm or anything of the sort
☆ please excuse me if I reblog/like artists who are proshippers, I don’t tend to check blogs before interacting🧍🏽(I’ve gotten myself blocked many times because of this)
☆ also like if they problematic in general like idk if maybe someone I reblogged has been in a big ahh controversy or summ so uhhh forgive me
So, I think imma make(try) a dni list but ik it’s ultimately useless cuz like I can’t force ya and im not your dad plus I’m too lazy to look through every blog that reblogs or likes but uh blocklist ig???
It’s just basic dni criteria, but like if ya wanna read ig?
(some of these are oddly specific)
☆ zionists, racists, homophobes, ace exclusionists/phobes, antisemits (guess that’s how you say it???), conservatives, mofos who discriminate/hate minorities in general
☆ Proshippers, Comshippers, anti-anti’s and profiction mfs
Why, you may ask? Horrible past experiences with these mofos and *other* bad experiences that ain’t really related to ‘em but remind me of so like if ur a proshipper just block me and move on I don’t want y’all around. Not rlly into the discourse and prolly never gonna post abt it but yeah
no Patrick, im not against the portrayal of fucked up things, im against the portrayal of those things as a type of pornography.
☆ ON ANOTHER SIMILAR NOTE! even if I do hate proshippers, autoshippers/selfshippers are cool like hell yeah you go marry your blorbo 🔥🔥🔥
☆ Transphobes / TERFS
I think the whole ‘Im trans’ shit explains it well enough 💀
☆ SWERFS can also go fuck themselves
☆ Misandrists and radfems too like why you here 💀 when I first hear the term i thought it was about the most radical females 🤙 but dude…these girl be saying some bogus about other chicks!
☆ Transmeds/Truscums/anti-MOGAI mfs get the hell out of here I hate you like Imagine gatekeeping gender cuz someone doesn’t fit your idea of what a trans person is thats stupid af 😭😭
☆ Transid, “Transabled”, "transracial" are not welcome. I support trans people, MOGAI in. You support racist, ableist and ageist views and stuff of the sort, kindly fuck off and educate yourself.
☆ Radqueers in general actually
☆ NSFW agere blogs (SFW agere it’s cool I don’t mind)
☆ pedos/MAPS I want you hanging on the STREET
☆ Paraphilics in general
☆ Misgendering kink blogs cuz WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME¿ AND IM TRANS WTH¿¿
☆ kink blogs in general actually ☠️
☆ Pro-ANA or Pro-MIA mofos y’all please seek therapy
☆ swifties.
To be honest I don’t check the blogs of most people who reblog or like but- Ricky…Ricky when I catch you Ricky-
(I mostly notice when I get followed but- anyway 😻)
☆ Giomis shippers
Why? Cuz not all of them are proshippers but a vast majority is and giomis kinda weirds me out💀ik the age gap small but still it’s kinda….
☆ dsmp fans
As much as I enjoy the Fanart and maybe the roleplay was interesting I have like personal beef with the fanbase and creators
☆ Hannibal Fans
The franchise is fire but I also have beef with Hannibal fans cuz for some reason most of them proshippers
☆ MHA fans for the same reason as Hannibal fans
☆ Same with South Park
☆ Same goes for Homestuck fans
☆ Same goes for Steven Universe fans. It’s mid btw
☆ ONE PIECE fans, y’all didn’t do anything wrong it’s just that I haven’t caught up with the show 😭😭
☆ NSFW blogs (as in porn/smut)
Languages I speak:
☆ Spanish (mother language)
☆ English
☆ A tiny bit of Italian
FANDOMS IM IN (but I forget sometimes 😿)
☆ JJBA (what I post about mostly (going insane over this))
☆ LOST MEDIA. (Believe it or not, im also going insane over this.)
☆ Berserk
☆ Madoka Magica
☆ ikigusare (best virtual girl band ever fr fr)
☆ Gorillaz
☆ Good Omens
☆ Moral Orel
☆ Dorohedoro
☆ My Little Pony
☆ Sonic fandom
☆ Undertale / Deltarune
☆ Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul
☆ El Cuarteto De Nos
☆ Azumanga Dioh!
☆ Vocaloid
☆ Project Sekai
☆ D4DJ
☆ Food Fantasy
☆ FNAF (grrrr I love fnaf,,)
☆ Emo / Scene / Scemo (I just don’t have money for clothes nor the patience to make a blog only for that 😭😭)
☆ actually like another shit ton more but I can’t remember 😔
☆ Reddit u/BayFuzzball7050 (old account, permanently banned)
☆ Reddit u/BayFuzzball404 (Current Account)
☆ ofc Tumblr
☆ Wattpad and AO3 but we ain’t talking about that 🤫🧏‍♂️
☆ @bayfuzzball7050-art is my art blog (reblogs from here)
☆ …
☆ also I might or might not have a questionable side art blog (collect my shitposts)
☆ ALSO! recently opened a Pixiv :3
☆ And NOW I HAVE AN ARTFIGHT! (sea foam)
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Dis me btw
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kadextra · 10 months
I couldn’t watch the q!Bad lore stream live today and don’t feel like putting a bunch of vodblogs in the main tag, so I’m gonna try something new and put it all in one massive post
so if you missed seeing me on the dash and wanna read about me maybe losing my mind (depending on what happens as I watch) here ya go :D
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oh there’s a second him that’s so trippy. he doesn’t recognize himself again, they’re walking together.
THIS IS SO COOL OH MY GOD?!?!?!? now they are digging in the sand??
ah so the corpse of… also himself is still at the deserted village, but its decomposed into a skeleton now. interesting DONT DRINK THE POISONED WATER NOT AGAIN ok good phew. good confirmation this is not a loop, there is new stuff happening that didn’t last time
dude this is so awesome he is cooking so hard. I’m gonna rewatch this whole part again later, I really love surreal stuff like this
nevermind it might actually be a loop? we went back right to where we were at the start. why does he keep sitting outside of the temple, and doesn’t go inside?
and we’re back. he can’t remember how to use the warp stone again :( the memory book is not in his hotbar uh oh.
Hi Ben o/
he doesn’t know the eggxhibition… you built this man, I’m gonna cry. NOOO HE DOESNT KNOW BOBBY IS DEAD AGAINNNNN
“too early to put this up” <- referring to the día de los muertos decor. dude what time and day are you in
he found the egg hospital!!! oh no now he’s looking around erratically. I think he’s panicking :(((( and once again picked some flowers to self-soothe :((( god the flowers are so special to him, they seem to be like his main grounding thing. q!forever doesn’t even know the impact he made
he’s home!!!
dark matter by the vulture lab door uh? a knight armor guy sweeping??? is that a ghost??? what just happened?
oh god the vulture lab
dapper looks so horrible omg also her name is lowercased?
vacation. sure
“I didn’t get to keep it (the eye guy) as a pet.” yeah that’s definitely dapper.
also he doesn’t want to wear armor like the new eggs that’s weird
T E A. and q!bad’s memory is still fudged.
dapper your dad is very sick….
he remembers its been 2 months dapper has been gone! :0 DAPPER WAS NOT IN PURGATORY THE WHOLE TIME??? JUST A FEW DAYS???? EXPLAIN WHY NOW
q!bad keeps forgetting what they’re doing, and then goes off and does something else….. I don’t know if dapper fully realizes what’s going on, maybe she’s just too tired themselves to pay close attention to her dad?
“Since when did we have a farm?” Buddy.
“we hid him (dapper) underground, we weren’t sure if the island was safe” We? you and…? cucurucho?
oh they really did get launched by the nuke and hit the boat I knew it. also I see you…. zooming into the back wound when phil said “you made it in one piece”
chayanne was who led the eggs to leave? huh. chayanne you’ve got some explaining to do
not them talking about the eye guy’s snatched waist 💀💀💀💀 tbh they did slay
philza wants to beat up the eye guy and elquackity I support him so much
dapper hitting his dad off the top of the wall we’re so back!!!
ETOILES SEEING DAPPER and then fell off the wall LMAOOO
q!bad forgot that he forgot his memory
(I am so engrossed in the conversations I am forgetting to write things here lol)
“can we teach etoiles to cope” (with losing to the code) then they make him break a sign with 1s and 0s on it and he logs LMAO
q!bad just mentally zoned out and stared once again at flowers….. oh. the coughing :(
pomme was the leader when the eggs went surviving in the wilderness :3 that’s my girl!!!!!!
everyone just bouncing on the trampoline and chit-chatting is so sweet, I missed this <3
dapper is so based all the time
roier seeing dapper again awwwww
ough I really really missed dapper’s out of pocket jokes :(((
“I’ll get cleaned up for tomorrow, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine!” *hits F5* “I need pomme and the rest of the eggs to wake up, and I’ll probably feel right as rain…” haha stop it q!bad I don’t like this!!!!! 😃
he just said he didnt know a church was built here. now they’re at the graveyard talking about how he saw the dead eggs at día de los muertos </3 sobs sobs
Q!MAX T-T I miss you king o7
“learning how to raise the dead might come in handy” “we will worry about that later” ??? Please Stop That!
“I kinda won in this whole situation!” (the eggs being back) Sure bud. You aren’t dying or anything. You definitely have not entered limbo twice.
honey for smelly richas :3
q!bad saying dapper will like bagi and that she’s a really good friend, and will be his aunt. cries and punches a hole into the wall
More Coughing 👁️ dapper please help your father he needs serious medical attention.
quit saying things are going to be okay I know you are jinxing something and it’s scary. there is a giant hole in your head and your back is turning green.
they’re going to see the prison and courtroom!!
“forever for the crime of looking too handsome I sentence you to 10 years in prison!” UNPROMPTED? I know what you are 🏳️‍🌈‼️
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FINALLY THE BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION FOR DAPPER. so many nights. so many nights where we’d watch him sit awake, crying at that table. waiting, waiting for something that would never come. but now it’s here. I’m in anguish
“once the eggs wake up we’ll have a big birthday party! a big ol birthday party. yep. a party.” why did you say that with such a weird tone sir?
he reintroduced skeppy to dapper…
he is explaining the great furniture stealing to dapper. who was there when it happened and already knows. “my memory hasn’t been very good lately, I think.” Yeah You Think? I wonder q!bad forgot he’s the one who stole it all?
the child is locked outside
yes dapper be salty at your dad for accidentally locking you out
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the sunshine recording omg. he played it for company the entire time they were alone… AAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHH HGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHHHGHGHGHGGHHGHFHFHGGFHFGHHHGHHBSBENFMFKS
dapper doesn’t know why q!bad is blue 😀 he doesn’t know…….. haha head in hands
they are going to visit Niki :3
OHHH HER REACTION TO DAPPER <333 she’s such a sweetheart. have I ever said how much I love niki? she was so great in purgatory, and earlier today I got to watch her meet empanada and bond over baking and sweets <3
nice look at the head wound from the inside
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q!bad’s been so insistent on dapper going to the eye doctor, I have heard him say this so much over the last several days. even in his memory lapses he remembers it. Why? mr. colorblind YOU need to go to the eye doctor. go hospital.
yeah the alien ships from the map do look like eyes don’t they
based niki her favorite animal is elephants :3 SHUT UP Q!BAD YOU DEMON don’t eat the elephants
the hungriest little guy on the island strikes again
I’m just chilling listening rn, bad dapper and niki are so late night podcast vibes
perry the schnabeltier
in the dark of the night is kind of a q!bad song ngl
let’s go a washing machine in dapper’s lab :D oh that was a weird pause in the middle of your sentence bad :D
dapper is running on the ceiling!! they are so talented!
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bawling my eyes out hold on
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the 3 months where q!bad has been so depressed and suffering just went flashing through my mind. every time he had sang the song in a teary broken voice, with nobody across from him listening. in the graveyard as a rainstorm raged above. but now his sunshine is back… hit me like a truck
they are gonna sleep hugging together tonight :’3
“I know it seems I’ve been out of character (since the beginning of the stream) but trust me, I haven’t. I’ve been in character this whole time…”
“Goodbye, see you tomorrow ….I’m sure everything is going to be just fine. :)”
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I’m scared
well I guess this is the end of my vodblogging lore post!!! I hope it was fun to read jfjdjshdh it was just the thoughts I Would have posted if I was liveblogging. my eyes are still watery :’)
see you all tomorrow for whatever horrors await
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
we’ve been saying it for years but douyin really is the superior app. all the content it gave us and the fact that douyin night had both of them in it wearing clothes from the same brand. what else do you want me to say? douyin always delivers the goods. cpn or not — it makes me happy when they post there. whether it’s bobo’s weird posts to zz using horrifying filters.
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they really have taken the 24-hour rule and said they will do better. how about, hours apart? what about livestreams on the same day but not the same time? I guess the observation of them/their team doing things simultaneously but not stepping on each other’s time and work is right. so turtles better be ready for content coming two at a time.
everything is fake. speculation. turtles only. ✌🏼
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FOR YIBO’S post, I already mentioned here that it may be an answer for the call to keep warm. The other coincidence is the caption used was snap your fingers and how you pronounce it includes = “xiang zhi” = xz = xiao zhan. What galaxy brain you have Bobo if this is true. because tbh snapping his fingers and that caption seems random. well, maybe not.
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Now onto xiao-laoshi’s post which is so cute! I like that it’s simple and gives us some personal information about him. Even without the CPN, it’s an enjoyable one. We just noticed that some of his answers are sus. Yes, people can change their preference but if it’s similar to that of a particular person— well, that’s pretty 👁👄👁
So I present that game to you, BJYX Edition. 💋
1. headphones prefer wired vs wireless : wired / wireless
We know GG prefers wireless especially when he’s out and about ( tho he was also seen wearing wired lately ) ; Web did too when the airpods came out but we know who is notorious in wearing wired headphones. Just use what you want boys! This is like Bobo answering that he is tall but has small feet, dude that’s not you at all. you’re describing someone else 😂
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2. like to eat noodle soup vs rice : noodle soup / rice
Well, all we can think about is wyb nagging zz to eat rice. Lol. WYB’s aggressive persuasion in making zz eat well is very special to me. He really takes care of ZZ the most. Even at the time he understood what GG was doing since he is an actor too, ( for example GG has to fast because he wanted to look slim for their photoshoot ) he still out GG’s wellness first. Yup, a colleague who he spent a few months with. not special at all right? 😏
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3. prefer typing vs speaking : type / speech
Oh you prefer to type, so care to explain these then?
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HAHAHAHAHA! It’s observed and even talked about that Bobo prefers to send voice chats. We’ve seen it in his 2018 CQL Birthday behind the scenes. I think this voice chat thing is for Yibo only. GG may not prefer it but he will GLADLY DO IT for his puppy. He knows WYB loves it so there is really no question that he will send it. I wanna fight yibo 😤😤😤
4. prefer sunny vs rainy days : sunny / rainy
I don’t even care about the other cpn clues, what I thought about is this romantic scene right here. how did they make this behind the scenes/ random moment so sweet idk. that’s just how it is when the two of them together. the love between them can’t help but show itself. 🌧
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it reminds us of a fake rumor that goes:
WYB: "I'll eat with you when it rains"
XZ: “It will rain tomorrow”
WYB: "Then tomorrow"
This two. Stop. It’s too much. 😤
Their love for the rain. And well, MISTER UMBRELLA HIMSELF. Shiying. ☂️ and LWJ too in that iconic umbrella scene under the rain.
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5. what time do you like to exercise : morning / night
their morning runs during CQL filming. that’s all. It was a habit GG developed and probably enjoyed with WYB and it was carried on even after.
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also this year, these two have been serious in building up muscles for their roles. it’s a popular cpn that they work out together and have stuff at home to help them out.
6. typing habits Twenty-six keys vs nine keys : twenty-six keys / nine keys
they are the same when it comes to this, but web is known to be scarily fast in typing.
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Finally, the IP Address tagged for both douyin posts are in Beijing. We think that YBO/Staff could have posted WYB’s video. So, XZS and YBO staff have worked hard today. Thank you. 🙏🏼
source. - especially the photos and GIFs.
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
Has anyone thought about AU professor!Attuma or professor!Namor???? Like both teaching at an University or something like that??
I can definitely see Namor as the jokester, chaotic, flirty professor who gets dangerously close to you whenever you have a question or need to show him some paper. He'd be so patient explaining things to you, grinning at the sight of your frown whenever you don't understand a concept. He'd also be the type that would have a favorite student, winking at them every time they get an answer right and saying something along the lines of "good/ good girl"
Whilst Attuma...well, he'd be the extreme opposite. Terrifying, blunt, unbending, moody, would-throw-a-book-at-you type of guy if he hears or sees the smallest bit of indiscipline. Maybe would say things along the lines of "Look at me when I'm talking to you", or smirk at your blushing whenever he'd caught you by surprise with a question you don't really know the answer to. Although he can be a huge dick, he might care for one particular student of his and have 1 on 1 conversations whenever she hands in a shitty assignment.
I know it might sound stupid but since I'm currently having a HUGE crush on one of my professors 💀, thought it could be a fun idea 🤣🤭
I think someone wrote professor!Namor before. You have to ask around for that. But I definitely saw someone wrote one.
My only headcanon for professor!Namor is that he teaches Mesoamerican art history or just Mesoamerican history. He’s definitely that young, hot professor that everyone wants to take his class because of how charming he is. Also he definitely the one that makes everyone swoon over him, especially the way he passionately speak about the arts and the contextual history behind it. His office hour is always booked out or crowded 🤣
Attuma is definitely the anthropology professor specializing in ancient weapons or ancient martial art. I like your take on him to be the scary one because honestly, he gives off that vibe 🤣🤣🤣 big scary professor that is way into the subject he’s teaching. I love that!! Every dudes on the campus think he’s a hard ass, and he is. His tests are always tough, and there is always one macho student that thinks they can take him, but obviously they can’t. 🤭
Ps. This is not stupid at all. We all had a crush on professors at one point, so I feel this 🤣🤣🤣 reminds me too much of myself 👀☕️
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dappledpaintbrush · 8 months
Are you the one who wrote 'A Jester's Lament'?
What inspired you to write it? (41 chapters!)
Oh no no no, I’d HATE to be that weirdo who wrote 400 pages worth of mario fanfiction! haughty laughter is then interrupted by 500 drawings of Lament Dimentio falling out of my pocket
Tbh what inspired me was. Myself? Weirdly enough? I mean of course SPM being my biggest interest was absolutely part of the reason why it’s so long and why I wrote it to begin with. But what specifically sparked the story of AJL was the fact there was an extremely specific type of Dimentio redemption story I was looking for. Of course, I’m not saying AJL is the first of its kind or something because it most definitely is not lmao😭😭 But there were just some things I preferred in an AU that tries to redeem Dimentio, and after searching for a while for, again, that extremely specific story, I thought, “DUDE JUST MAKE IT YOURSELF💀💀💀💀” and so I did. And a lot of people just ???? happened to like it??? :
Even though story length was one of my specific wants, I highly doubt I could’ve completed 41 chapters without the immense support I received. I genuinely cannot thank you guys enough. Seriously, if you like a fic, I highly highly reccomend commenting. You have no idea how much that means to writers 🤍
I’m putting this under a read more so I don’t clog people’s feed, but if anybody’s curious, some of my specific wants were:
- Length. I needed this fic to be almost unbearably long. I needed people to say GODDD DAAMMMNN when they looked at the word count.
- Dimentio somehow getting more unredeemable before he got redeemed (idk if I fully accomplished that, but I tried) (it’s hard to get worse than the complete annihilation of life) (I just tried not to purposefully write him in a likable way early on in the story)
- Dimentio dying the same amount of times he killed Luigi in the game
- Dimentio in general getting shit absolutely rocked
- Dimentio having a backstory that’s emo enough to explain the person he became but not emo enough to be his main source of redemption via pity if that makes sense. I think I achieved this? But of course that’s subjective, and looking back there were better ways to go about it. Basically what I tried to do is give him a good childhood with loving parents- minus the “accident” of course- and have Dimentio himself clarify in Chapter 15:
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Basically: the loss of his family and the shit he went through definitely played a role. However, instead of a Blumiere-like “My loved one(s) died, now all worlds are without meaning and deserve to be destroyed,” Dimentio’s grief triggered a very deadly greed that did not revolve around the ones he lost. Blumiere’s motivation for destruction, including himself, was purely the loss of Timpani. Dimentio’s motivation for destruction, excluding himself, was, well, himself. For once, Dimentio wanted to earn, not lose. Making Dimentio have an understandable backstory but be “less sympathetic” than his counterpart, Blumiere, was important to me during the creation of AJL. But this gets extremely complicated because something like hmm uh idk erm MASS MURDER is impossible to truly make sympathetic. Regardless of intention, Dimentio and Blumiere did the exact same thing. Regardless of intention, Dimentio and Blumiere were both selfish. You can’t exactly destroy life itself in a non-selfish way. Both characters are equally unredeemable (or… equally redeemable, technically). Strip their actions down for their bones, and all you’ll see is two characters that tried to ERASE EXISTENCE. Sure, you can FEEL more sympathy for one than compared to the other, but feelings are subjective. Facts are objective. And the fact is, Dimentio and Blumiere attempted mass murder. You see why this is difficult to explain and even more difficult to write? I have a headache. God speed everybody
- More shit I’m probably forgetting
- Picture of a cat I found
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multifandombxxch · 2 years
Okay you guys have been asking how the date went.
I realized I didn’t mention this in my earlier post but he’s a white dude with long hair but the sides are trimmed .
We met up on campus so we could head to the library together.
Picking out an outfit and doing my hair for this was hell😭😭
But if you must know😌 I settled for a pink long sleeve crop top and a short cute denim skirt and my pink platform slides😌😌
I slicked my hair back into a bun (if I had braids in this would’ve been so much easier😭)
But Yh that was my outfit.
When I got there we had already agreed to meet at the campus cafe so Yh.
My heart was practically in my ass y’all😭😭😭😭 I was so nervous ffs🤦🏿‍♀️
He was wearing a regular T-shirt and some jeans and a fucking silver chain🧍🏿‍♀️
Silver accessories bring the whore out in me😭😭
I had to cross the road to get to the cafe and while I was crossing I realized he didn’t see me cuz he was looking down at his phone and I was like That’s fucking cute😭😭
But anyways I went up to him and I was like “heyyyyyy”
When he looked up from his phone and saw me he fucking looked me up and down and then smirked🧍🏿‍♀️
A fucking smirk🥹
He said hi back and told me I looked nice and my stupid ass said hi again😭😭 and went in for a hug
And when I tell you this man smelt AMAZINGGGG
I was this🤏🏿close to dropping to my knees.🥲
We started making our way to the parking lot cuz apparently he wanted to drive us to the library instead of taking the public transportation.
Now Ik this should not have been my first thought after seeing the type of car he had but it was😭😭
The man had a whole Audi parked up as if it was a normal dandy day💀
When I saw the car yall I literally stopped walking💀💀 I was like
“Ohhhhh you got money moneyyyyy”
Which he laughed at💀 and told me his parents work in finance or smt like that so he got it for his 16th birthday🧍🏿‍♀️
My no drivers license ass stood there like🧍🏿‍♀️
Anyways while driving we talked about a looooooott
Like I can’t even remember most of the convo but he did make a comment that almost made me pass out
“You’re so fucking adorable”🥹🥹
I’m done.
So done.
It was the first I ever heard him curse and let me tell you😮‍💨😮‍💨
So we get to the library and by this time I’m a fidgety mess. Also giddy
The library is literally my favourite place in the whole entire world guys😭😭
So I practically jump out the car the minute he parks and I didn’t realize it immediately but he was smiling at me 🥹
Then proceeds to tease me about how he’s never seen anyone this excited to go into a library.
We have a playful argument with me basically telling him that libraries are bomb af and him telling me they’re not.
Anyways he picked up nothing…which I found absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂😂
I picked up about 4 different books and be judged me for every single one💀
So as heading up to the cashier he pulls me back and takes the books from me and he looks at me and he’s like
“I’m paying for everything today”
Now the way I grew up I have a very hard time accepting when somebody pay for stuff for me especially men so I immediately refused allowing him to do that but he gave me silent treatment and paid for them anyways 🧍🏿‍♀️. (We still argue over text about that…even though he says when I’m with him I shouldn’t even think of paying for anything)
We head back out to the car and he asks me what I want to eat and I explain to him that I’m trying to space out my meals so that I don’t over eat😬(been going through episodes past of recently with my body image)
And he asks me when was the last time I ate and I was like “8 this morning”
Y’all the way he looked at me😟😭
And practically commanded me to get in the car
“We’re getting you something to eat”
I said nothing bcz well…I was hungry😭😭😭💀💀💀
So we had quite a drive to get some Chinese and we ate in the car .
As I’m eating he starts telling me about himself and I learnt a lot🥹
I was having so much fun y’all.
And I told him that.
And he was like “me too I want to do this again with you”
And I was like sure but you have to pick the next date
(He wants to see a movie on Valentine’s Day)
We talk some more and eventually the topic of ex’s come up and I explained that I had never had a bf before🧍🏿‍♀️(I grew up with strict parents yall😭)
And he was like “good cuz I want you to be my girlfriend and I don’t feel like sharing you with anyone”
I was like😧😧😧
“Girlfriend? When did we come to that conclusion?”
Basically tells me five minutes into the date he ‘solidified’ the thought.
And l I could say was “oh”
I’m awkward sorry💀
We talked some more after that and eventually it was time to conclude the date.
Driving back was soooooooooo loooonnggggg and bcz night was coming it started to get cold yall
And yk I was in a short skirt🙂
He realized and started to rub my thigh to “warm me up” 😭
Take me now Lord😭
So I give him the directions to my house and he drops me off and walks me to my door
Basically tells me he had fun and stuff and then leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek.🧍🏿‍♀️
Yh you read that correctly 😭
“You were really pretty today…I love this skirt on you”
I sorry?!
Are you trying to make me jump you rn?!
Anyways I tell him to text me when he gets home and the date ended there😌.
I loved every second of it and I think I’m developing an obsession with him 😭😭😭
I mentioned to him over text once that I wanted to get braids soon and he was like
“How much?
Yh definitely daddy material
We’ve been eating lunch together on campus but I can’t see him often bcz he’s doing computer science and I’m doing marketing so that’s under two different faculties 🥲🥲
I will say though there is not a day that goes by without him telling me to eat on time😭😭
Practically cussed me out if I miss my meal time 🥹
I won’t lie though I love every second of it
Ohhh and he’s recently been calling me “Krissy”
I’ve been calling him giant💀 because The guy is huge yall
But yeah.
That’s it so far🥹
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
ROTTMNT characters if they were in 2012
Casey Junior 💀🏒
- So its the future timeline. Casey and April are still alive, Donnie hasn’t turned himself into a robot yet. All of them in their early 20s. Raph still has amnesia though.
- Its hard to say it Casey senior is thriving or not. Like he’s definitely vibing with Mad Max thing going on, but he does mask (no pun intended) a lot of his emotions behind his arrogant persona. He really misses his little sister. He misses playing Hockey too but with how dry it is its virtually impossible.
- He found Junior in a dumpster while scavenging for food. The baby was injured and malnourished like its been sitting there for a while. Casey took the baby back to the ShellRaiser.
“Casey, what is that?” Raphael pointed at Casey’s cape, which was wrapped up like a swaddle and was crying.
“Guys I can explain-“ He croaked but was immediately cut off.
“CASEY, IS THAT A BABY?!” April shrieked, rushing over and peering over Casey’s arms.
The baby had scraggly black hair prickling from his head and had minor injuries all over him. His face was boney though when it was supposed to be brimming with plump and fat. He was wailing like mad and grabbing at nothing.
“No, it's a dog I found,” Casey quipped mirthlessly
“I’ll go find if there’s anything they can eat!” April was on it as she rushed to the small pantry they had.
“Oh my god, out of the most boneheaded decisions you’ve ever made this takes the cake, Jones,” Donnie exclaimed, gesturing towards the baby.
“Can babies have regular milk, Red?” Casey ignored Donnie’s insult and hovered over April who was pushing way canned rations.
“No, but the milk grew some mold anyway,” April shook her head, not breaking focus.
“Do gas stations have formula?” Casey asked, quick and stern. Moreso than he's ever been in a while
“Dude, the baby is gonna die anyways! Its a liability,” Donnie stated, pinching the bridge of his beak. “We barely have enough food for our-“
“SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE, DON,” Casey screamed at purple masked turtle, his voice making the baby sob louder if that was even possible. Venom spit from his voice and hugged the baby to his chest.
“What do you want me to?! Throw it out the window!” He continued to retort.
“Maybe if it means we won’t starve to death!”
“The dude won’t even eat the same food as us, he just needs milk!”
“And when it needs to eat the same food as us?!”
“Its gonna eat smaller portions as us anyways!”
“Raph, say something!” Donnie demands, quickly averted his gaze towards his big brother. He was sitting in the drivers seat in deep thought, gripping the steering wheel and staring at nothing.
Casey pushed away Donnie and towards his best friend. “Raph, please. I can’t let the little guy die. If there’s even just the smallest chance I can save him,” He pleaded. Casey Jones never pleaded or begged, he got what he wanted and would never take no for an answer. But this time he was desperate.
“Please, dude,” It came out as a raspy whisper, holding out even the tiniest bit of hope.
Raphael groaned before looking back towards the baby and then Casey, “You’re really serious about this kid huh, Jones?”
“You’d know if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here,”
Raphael stared at Casey for a long time. He couldn’t tell if the Terrapin was looking for something, tired or both but eventually it ended with a dry-
“There should be some abandoned daycares nearby, if we book it then we’ll get to one of them in five,”
A thankful smile grew on Casey’s face and sighed in relief. The exasperated squawks of Donatello going in one ear and out the other.
- The ragtag group tried their best with Junior. Donnie installed a crib connected to the wall, they usually gave the soup and soft foods to Junior, took turns staying up with him, you’d be surprised how much stuff you can substitute for baby diapers.
- They came up with Casey Junior because Casey decided on it and wouldn't budge. Claiming "He's named after the strongest and badass warrior I know,
Junior actually gave all of them their titles once he learned how to speak.
Casey is dad
Raphael is Raphie
Donnie is Don-Don
April is just April and she was so salty about it.
Despite being raised by literal warriors and vigilantes, in nature he was a pretty gentle and docile kid. Sure he knew when to defend himself the time called for it, but overall a good kid to say the least. (Also still a total fanboy, constantly wanting to hear stories from before and his family's adventures when they were young)
He still has his Hockey Stick chainsaw but it was originally Casey's before he passed. Its less advanced and quality as Rise's but it still gets the job done. Casey's mask was passed down as well
I'd say the main difference between him and Rise is that he's a lot less formal and regulated. Instead of growing up in the resistance, he was just adopted by a ragtag team of nomads. He's less like a soldier and more of a kid just trying to figure himself out while growing up in a post-war earth. He knows how to survive and knows battle techniques but not to the capacity as Rise. He's a lot looser with his stratagies if that makes sense.
Once they found Mikey and Leo, GOD was Junior just gawking and fanboying all over the place. Leo and Mikey were just stunned Casey had a kid and he's still alive. Though they were hurt to hear about his and April's passing
Debating if I should a part 2 about if he was sent back in time too
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diabolicalacid · 2 years
in once more to see you, can you explain something to me? why is atsumu so mad that yn's in the relationship to spite sakusa even though he'd like to keep it casual? /srs I'm genuinely trying to understand his irritation. something tells me that he's also in their relationship to spite sakusa to an extent, idk. both of them give such mixed signals, and besides, he just wanted to be in the relationship for the fun of it, and we technically see that happen through yn and his twitter. could it really be that different behind the scenes?
I really wonder what he wants in the relationship. maybe it's not casual, strictly speaking, but more of a light-hearted situationship where yn and atsumu just enjoy being with each other without the restraints of being boyfriend/girlfriend (that would make sense considering he's an athlete).
in my honest opinion he should've noticed something fishy was going on -- with the way yn constantly shows their relationship online, it feels like he's a trophy partner. she doesn't post as frequently as she does when she was with kyo, and tbh, she's always talking about couple stuff w him. like, atsumu's identity has just become yn's bf at this point 💀 I feel so bad for the dude. imo that either shows that yn really fell hard for him, even when she says she hasn't, which makes her really inconsistent. Maybe that's why he's upset! idk! I wanna understand him better!!
anyway, great chapter xx congrats on successfully taking your first exam too!!
- lucy
like atsumu said, to some extent he was having fun too when sakusa got annoyed over him and yn being together. but at the end of the day, atsumu still respects his relationship with yn. although he doesn’t have feelings for her or doesn’t look at it seriously, even though it’s just sex for him, it still has some value to atsumu. he’s having fun and he genuinely likes hanging out with her. when yn isn’t being her childish, petty self, she can be fun to hang out with tbh. so yea, this relationship has some importance to him as well.
which is why it annoys him that yn says she’s in love with him but then goes on to be bothered by whatever sakusa is upto. i know it isn’t his place to be mad when he can’t even bring himself to be in a serious relationship for once, but more than anything, it’s yn’s behavior that truly bothers him.
she says she loves him but then goes on to do everything in her power to spite kiyoomi even now, clearly when she knows that he isn’t bothered by it. she won’t end things with atsumu either. it’s just atsumu’s exhaustion with her behaviour at this point. honestly, with the way she is, anyone would find it difficult to be in her company without getting mad at her mixed singles.
atsumu has already made it clear that he’s in it for the fun, and that he won’t hurt her on purpose. he even confessed to the fact that he liked it when sakusa got jealous over yn and atsumu, but he also made it sure to mention that it wasn’t the main reason he got into a relationship with yn.
atsumu is a celebrity and dating seriously or settling down isn’t exactly in the cards for him right now. he’s at the prime of his age, giving his best on the field and he wants to dwell in that glory for as long as he can. once age begins to catch upto him, maybe he’ll even give settling down some thought. but right now, he definitely isn’t looking forward to it. which is why he’s known to have a number of partners, and he’s known to not be in a serious relationship.
atsumu might have had a number of partners before or he might be a playboy by the looks of it, which even he accepted that he is, but at the end, he has had a fairly clean relationship with all his exes. things between the women he dated and himself have always been clear. the media’s portrayal of him might not mention that, but yea, he’s had a clean slate so far. it’s just that he has never been in a “serious” relationship. he doesn’t find any rationale to being in one right now when he can achieve heights in his career.
with yn, however, she often strays off her words. she went from being with atsumu only to vex omi, to being with with for the fun and the sex, to being with him because she’s in “love with him”. then she went back to being extremely bothered by the fact that kiyoomi asked reina to marry him.
maybe put yourself in atsumu’s position for once, because if i were him, i would’ve dropped yn then and there. yn needs to decide what the relationship means to her because atsumu is pretty clear about it. it’s yn who can’t seem to make a decision about whatever exists between her and atsumu. it’s like she says something and does the opposite.
as for her socials, she has always been quite active so it’s not just for kiyoomi. he doesn’t even follow her as of now (since they aren’t exactly on good terms rn). whatever he sees is through atsumu’s account. yn posts so much only because of the fact that this is a smau (lol i mean how else was i supposed to elaborate on her social life other than that), plus her character is just one of those girls who love to post everything and anything on social media. even if yn wasn’t as petty and stupid as she is, she would still have a pretty vocal social account.
and if you’re wondering why yn kept saying that she isn’t in love with atsumu in the latest chapter, it’s because only kenma knew. kuroo wasn’t aware and yn knew when he found out, he wouldn’t react well. he also works with musubi, and it would strain his relationship with atsumu. which she doesn’t want. exactly why she hasn’t told him about sakusa yet either (note that she chose not to tell him in highschool for somewhat similar reasons that you’ll find out later). she was trying to keep it from him but she’s extremely easy to read for kuroo because he has known her since they were like four. she tried her best but kuroo saw through, so whatever. other than that, she had already confessed to atsumu and kenma anyways. so yea, it was just her trying to defend herself because kenma wasn’t having her back. which i feel is important because yn needs to know that her best friends won’t always support her stupidity.
i know this is quite long, but i hope it cleared your doubt 😊 atsumu is a nice guy to be honest, it’s yn who’s messed up. kiyoomi ain’t half bad either. it’s yn’s portrayal of him and some minor things he did here and there that makes him seem like one. it’s yn. she’s the problem. it’s her.
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glendover · 2 years
watch ghost files with me eps. 3
it’s Friday so you know what that means, watching ghost files with me!!!
(obligatory freak out over the place we visit even tho I don’t know it)
nuns do be seriously scary tho just saying
concentrated horror
never thought about it but a lot of people do die in hospitals
bro I will say it again but I’m a big fan of the blueprint!!!
fortune tellers do tell the truth (even in twisted ways) so bad for you
the awkward silence 💀💀
starting the journey where it ends for the most - is such a good trope for a book or something
well some people have probably stayed in a lot of morgues bc it’s their field of work
not remembering the first morgue; sad, not remembering the last morgue experience; sad (in a funny way)
at least there is good wifi
“an IRL orb” lmAo
mini body chute, my beloved
kinda lost in the hospital 🥴
one of these days a ghost will touch Ryan after he ask for it to do so and that’s the day we see him die on camera
uhhh there is the guest!!
THE BOONKER - that’s so cool
would be creepy if the ghosts actually say their names back
little bitch & big bitch 🥰🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
not the ghost lol-ing at ryan and shane
and then calling them a Nerd
the ghost is flirting with Ryan again lmAo
all these people always notice they have evidence once they get home, kinda sus
no not the noice 🥹
and then that long floor
bro paranoia is kicking again 🤩
not the old ass polaroid omg
spirit box hide & seek!!!
ryan really can’t win, literally and metaphorically
the awkward hug after shane says ghosts are real 💀
I honestly love how Ryan always explains each of the things they use to investigate
DJ spirit box
why’s the spirit box being weird?? 😭😭
lmAo the moving stick figure has me in serious tears
why is the little dance so funny to me 😭💀
bro if I were a ghost I’d be proud of me for turning off the light too
I’d even dance a little
rose is really trying
honestly, rose is a really cool ghost
THAT was smooth advertisement for too many spirits
rose has a friend in her room!!
sleep over or whatever ghosts do at night
flies are friends of demons
“zaddy ghost“ i’m screaming
just two men discussing what a hot man looks like
Michael has it harder bc he can’t walk my dudes
and another one
now it’s three, four, five, six - they are all over the floor!!
new fear unlocked: getting squished
I only now noticed that this episode is 1 hour long
bro the photo 😃
Shane is spending too much time on the internet 💀
no bro not the voice 😭
but to answer the ghost’s question: the world best ghost hunters are there
rip pigeon
the ghost really likes calling them nerds huh
I love how Ryan and Shane are als ways bullying the ghosts lmao
not the ghost calling Ryan god 💀
they really are all fielding with Ryan this season (as they should)
family bonding is killing god together
“You see that nun, you’re done”
nunthing & nunsense
the ring is rather adorable actually
Tina had cancer 👀 and then won what?? leaving us high and dry
Pinky 💀
not the ghost telling them to stop
ghost just leaves them with a casual ‘later’ lmao
Ghost has the hots for mark
possessed mark make it happen ghost
well that was a let down ghost you had so much potential
solo investigation!!
Ryan watching over Shane via the security camera
Ryan making sure we get his death on camera lmao
Shane will be disappointed again if the ghosts don’t hang out with again
Bro the dolls are fucking creepy 😭😭
hope the doll actually haunts Shane in his dreams
isn’t Ryan always trying to not freak out during solo investigations and then ends up having 5 mental breakdowns
“Come on, sisters”
lmao fast food is what gets Ryan through this 💀
understandable tho I’d do almost everything for nuggets too
look Ryan is always overwhelmed before going in
not the noise before Ryan goes investigating
the mantra is back 💀
not not voices again 😭😭
the scream 😃😃
bro absolutely not, that was horrifying
nun of your business 🥴
Ryan is just a little guy frfr
“the vibes weren’t great in there I’m leaving that room” me whenever I’m invited to a group meeting
bro I told you the doll is fucking scary 😭
how is Ryan supposed to see stuff without light?? 😭
but honestly Ryan is so brave for turning off the flashlight
not Shane wanting to buy the hospital 💀
Ryan in his self confidence era 😌
and that was St. Ignatius Hospital now filed away in
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lcandothisallday · 3 years
ooo what about something where y/n hires urban to take some pictures for her for a project and jack gets jealous cause he’s liked her for a while but urban is the one that gets to meet / work with her before he can
Unfair - Jack Harlow x f!reader
Warning: a bit of angst, lil bit 18+, brief urban x reader
note: this is lowkey such fucking trash💀 but haven’t posted something in a while and this has been in the drafts for a hot minute lol
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Urban’s eyes widened as he read the dm over and over again. There was no way you contacted him for a project. He and Jack had been crushing on you for a while, keeping up with your Instagram and commenting on your posts here and there. He didn’t actually think you would notice it-or notice him for that matter. He always thought if you did notice one of them, it would most definetly be Jack and not him.
You were a model, often participating in high end projects of course, but also modelling for your own artistic pleasure and as a muse for your photographer friends. It was an art form. You loved different aesthetics and recently, you had been really into more retro and funky styles, so you thought Urban would be the perfect photographer for the next project you had in mind.
“Dude,” Urban called out for Jack’s attention, smacking him in the chest with the back of his hand. “Come look at this,” he said, handing Jack his phone. “There’s no way Y/N actually wants to work with me.”
Jack furrowed his brows and took hold of the phone, narrowing his eyes on the message you had sent Urban. “That’s so unfair,” Jack whined, handing him back his phone.
Urban furrowed his brows. “How is it unfair?” he mumbled in question.
Jack frowned. “I’ve tried sliding into her DMs so many times and nothing. Then she ends up randomly contacting you? Yeah. Unfair.” 
Urban snorted before he laughs. “Your jealousy is showing, man,” he chuckled. “I’m gonna set up a date with her,” he said, replying to your dm.
“Think I can come with you to meet her?” Jack asked him, a hopeful look in his face.
“It’s work not play,” Urban pointed out. “You’ll just distract her.”
Jack scoffed jokingly. “C’mon, man. I take you everywhere with me,” he said. Urban thought about it for a minute before he nodded reluctantly.
“Alright fine. We’re going to New York in three days,” Urban warned, Jack grinning as he nodded. “Can’t wait,” he mused, leaning back in his seat.
Urban rolled his eyes before he laughed at his friend. “If you fuck this up for me—I’ll be pissed,” he joked.
Three days pass and Jack and Urban are now in New York, headed to the location you sent them. You and Urban had texted a few times back in forth in the few days leading up to the meeting which was nice because it eased both your nerves about the project. In that time, you two also shared your visions on the shoot, making the planning and organization of it that much easier.
“Do you think she’s as hot in person as she is online?” Jack wonders aloud. Urban snorted and shrugged. “Guess we’re gonna find out,” he chuckled, motioning to where you stood talking to your assistant.
Your back was to the boys so your assistant notified you of their arrival which truth be told, had you feeling a bit nervous. You thanked her before turning around and smiling upon seeing Urban.
“Oh my God, hi,” you greet, going in to hug Urban which he gladly accepted. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person,” you chuckle. Jack clears his throat in exaggeration, nudging Urban with his elbow which causes the blond man to sigh.
“Y/N--this is Jack,” he introduced for his friend. You laugh softly and nod, turning to look at the taller of the two men. “Yeah. I’m a fan of your music,” you compliment, enjoying the way it made him grin with confidence. He really was extremely attractive you thought. They both were.
You keep up your professionalism and turn to Urban, since Jack’s intense stare and smirk made you a bit flustered. “Okay, so I was thinking you get full creative freedom. It’s as much your art as it is mine,” you explain. “I have one thing in mind I wanna try but other than that--I will be your muse,” you smile.
Urban grinned at that, “sounds good. Let me set up,” he said, beginning to take out his equipment. Jack walked over and stood next to his best friend, Urban taking the opportunity to lean closer to Jack. “Definitely hotter in person,” he mumbles under his breath, just loud enough for Jack to hear which causes him to nod, most definitely agreeing. 
“For sure. She’s fine as hell...a bit pressed though that I didn’t get a hug,” Jack mumbled which caused Urban to roll his eyes.
While Urban set up, Jack strolled over to where you’re standing, licking his lips as he discretely looked you over once, his eyes falling on your ass for a bit longer. “So do you really like my music or were you just saying that for pleasantries?” he asked teasingly and with an amused smirk.
You turn to look at him and laugh before you roll your eyes at him with exaggeration. “Nah because I wasn’t gonna embarass myself like that again,” you giggle. Jack looked at you playfully. “That’s happened before?” he asked you. 
You nod. “Yeah—I met a guy. Thought he was cute so I said I was a fan of his music then he asked me what my favourite song was and I blanked,” you say, groaning at the memory. “Needless to say it didn’t go anywhere,” you chuckle.
“You know I gotta test you now, right?” Jack teases.
“Yeah but I’m actually prepared,” you hum with confidence. “I like a lot of your music but Creme, and Smells like Incense are some of my favourites.”
Jack grinned, “Damn, mamas. Proved me wrong for sure.”
The nickname caused your cheeks to heat up which forced you to look away, not wanting him to see that he’s caused that reaction. But Jack being the observant guy that he was, definetly took note and it made him prideful.
Meanwhile, Urban was at the side, nearly finished his set up when he glanced over at where you and Jack stood talking to each other. After seeing the way Jack had you giggling and blushing, he knew he had no chance. Not when he was competing against Jack and his smooth talking. He never won in these instances.
“Hey, I’m finished,” Urban called out after a few minutes, you spinning around and smiling at him, almost completely forgetting about Jack. “Let’s begin then,” you muse.
The next few hours consisted of several outfit changes, a ton of poses, and flurries of camera flashes.
Jack stood to the side, his tooth pick between his lips as he observed you doing your thing. He couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t getting bricked up while watching you--you were just so damn beautiful and when you came out in what was practically lingerie, he nearly passed out.
Despite having modelled in front of dozens of people before, doing it in front of Jack made you extremely nervous for some reason. Perhaps it was the way he was watching you, his intense stare that made your face heat up. This outfit change, as requested by your management was the one you were most on edge about because of how revealing it was.
Urban looked between your nervous and flushed frame and Jack’s gaze and he sensed you were uncomfortable.
He smoothly walked over to where you stood talking to your assistant, reaching for your hand for your attention. “Wanna do this one in the other room? Just me and you?” he asked, not being able to help but catch a peak at your body.
You smile softly and nod. You inform your team you’re switching locations for the next few shots, and since it was a tighter space, it was only gonna be the two of you. It worked out perfectly too because the room worked well for the vision. 
Jack watched as the two of you left to the other room, causing him to sigh. He loved his best friend and wanted the best for him but he also couldn’t deny that there was raging jealousy bubbling within him.
Meanwhile in the room, there was a beautiful velvet couch, the perfect contrasting colour to what you were wearing, which also complimented your skin tone perfectly. You laid on it and splayed your body as Urban held the camera up.
“Like this?” you hum in question, posing dramatically and just overall being kinda goofy which caused Urban to let out a laugh. “Perfect,” he joked, snapping a few candids of you messing around. “Lay down again,” he instructed, you doing as told as he continued to take snapshot after snapshot.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he muttered quietly, moving closer to get a better higher up angle of you. You can’t help but grin as you look up at him through your lashes. “Yeah? You think so?” you ask him timidly.
Urban smirked, his right hand holding onto his camera tightly while his left hand reached out to stroke your cheek before it slid down slightly to gently wrap around your neck, the camera going off throughout the entire interaction.
You looked at him with blown out pupils, your entire body heating up. “You... Are so hot,” you breathed out, sitting up slowly before brushing his hair back with your hand and bringing his lips in to smash into yours. 
He kissed you back just as eagerly, putting the camera aside as you slowly began to lay back down so that he could hover over you. His hands were all over you, touching your hips, thighs, stomach. You let out a soft moan as he began to kiss down your neck, reaching the top part of your breasts, the exposed part, and deciding to suck a few marks. After he’d left about three, you gear his lips back onto yours, kissing his plump lips sweetly before mumbling a low “I need you.”
Jack perked up once he saw Urban step out of the room first, you following moments after with a set of new clothes on. Urban was adjusting a few things on his camera as he approached Jack while you spoke to your assistant.
“How’d it go?” Jack asked curiously. Urban nodded, fighting back the blush that overcame his cheeks as he nonchalantly shrugged and tried to play it cool and not like he just railed you minutes before. “Yeah--pretty good,” he replied.
“You’re gonna have to show me the photos of her in the lace though,” Jack breathed out. Urban’s eyes widened momentarily when he remembered the scandalous photos of you with his hand wrapped around your neck. “Um yeah,” Urban started, clearing his throat. “Ima have to edit them first though,” he replied smoothly.
Jack nodded in understanding, a grin appearing on his lips as he watched you begin to walk towards them with a smile. “Hey, my team and I are going out to dinner. Do you guys wanna come?” you ask, biting your lip as your eyes shifted hopefully towards Urban who purposefully avoided your gaze. 
“Yeah, why not,” Jack piped up with a smile.
Urban practically ignored you throughout the entire dinner. Any time you tried to spark a conversation with him, he’d either brush you off or give one word replies that added nothing to the conversation. You didn’t understand what happened and why he was acting the way he did. You thought he had liked you, especially considering what happened in private.
Jack on the other hand made extra effort in talking to you, making you laugh and complimenting you often which undeniably made you flustered at times.
You were taking a sip of your drink when you noticed Jack staring at your chest with an almost concerned look, his hand reaching out to smooth his thumb over the red mark... the hickey that Urban had given you earlier. “You good?” he asked.
You glance down in remembrance, eyes widening slightly before you shrug it off with a laugh. “I’ve got sensitive skin and some of the clothes they put me in give me a rash,” you lied.
Fortunately, for some miraculous reason, Jack believed you and his brain completely disregarded the fact that it could’ve been a hickey.
Dinner was wrapping up and at this point, you were beyond upset with Urban but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing it. If he was going to treat it like a one night stand, then so would you. 
Truthfully, it was Urban’s own insecurities that had him become closed off. Knowing that Jack liked you first gave him a sense of guilt and he knew that if Jack kept pursuing you than he would lose so he thought what was the point?
As you go to say your goodbyes to the boys, Jack stops you with a nervous look. “I was wondering if you--you know... If you wanted to go out on a date with me?” he breathed out.
Your eyes widened as you looked at him a bit stunned. It wasn't a secret that he obviously liked you--he was flirting with you all day after all but you just hadn't expected it, and for him to be nervous no less. 
“Oh Jack--I don’t know if that’s a good idea...we barely even know each other,” you chuckle awkwardly. Jack reaches for your hand and gives it a squeeze. “That’s why we’d go on a date. To get to know each other one on one,” he explained with a hopeful smile.
You were still hesitant, all because you had hoped things with Urban would’ve worked out. “Jack--”
“Urb!” Jack called out to his friend, catching his attention. “C’mon--tell Y/N she should go on a date with me.” 
You looked at Urban expectantly, wishing he would’ve interjected in any way, except the long haired man only shrugged. “Yeah--you should give Jack a chance,” he practically deadpanned. “He’s been simping over you for a while.”
You had to stop your jaw from dropping as you heard his response. You couldn’t believe that he was dismissing the moment you two had so easily. Meanwhile, Jack’s cheeks visibly turned pink in embarrassment. “Man--I asked you to hype me up, not expose me,” he mumbled. “But what do you say, Y/N?”
You bite your lip as you look away from Urban and gaze up at Jack, forcing a smile. “I’d love to, Jack.” You couldn’t deny that the grin he gave you after that gave you butterflies. What was the worst that could happen?
It had been about four months since that day and you could confidently say that you were falling head over heels for Jack. Your first date had gone way better than you had expected. He was extremely charming and respectful and put so much effort into the date, more than any guy you had ever gone out with.
“I’m sure you’ve gone on many fancy restaurants dates with a bunch of guys so I’m trying something new,” he had told you when he picked you up, which had undoubtedly caused your heart to melt. And the night was perfect. So much so that you had completely forgotten that you slept with his best friend because you were so enchanted by Jack and Jack only. 
He made you so beyond flustered but he too was extremely nervous which was adorable in your opinion. 
At the end of the date, when he was dropping you off, you knew you wanted to keep seeing him. “I had a really really good time with you, Jack,” you confessed, the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Really? I wasn't sure about the--”
“Jack it was perfect,” you interrupt with a soft smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed myself so much on a date,” you chuckle, biting your lip. “I’d like to keep seeing you.”
Jack’s eyes widened since you had caught him completely off guard. “Fuck--and here I thought you only accepted the date to be polite,” he joked. “But how can I deny such a pretty girl a request like that,” he mused with a grin, his hand coming out to brush a few strands of hair away from your face. “Text me what your schedule is like and we’ll set up another date.”
You can’t help but grin at the compliment, before nodding your head at his request. “I’ll text you for sure,” you breath out. “Good bye, Jack,” you hum, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before you disappear into your apartment.
You were now in his apartment, more specifically, on his bed, with you underneath him as he hovered over you while making out. Surprisingly in the four months of dating, you two hadn’t slept together yet, him wanting to take things slow as to not pressure you. But at that moment, while your lips clashed with one another, you both knew it was time.
Your fingers were tangled in his curls, eyes closed blissfully as he began to pepper kisses along your neck. Eventually he began to tug at the button on your jeans and that’s when you had to pull away.
“Jack--Jack,” you call out, prompting him to stop his actions immediately. “We don't have to continue if you’re not ready,” he mumbled sweetly.
You shuffle away from him and sit up, shaking your head. “No, J...its not that. I--” you sigh, running a hand down your face. “I just need to tell you something first.”
Jack sat back on the bed and furrowed his brows, his right hand reaching for one of yours. “What’s up?”
Your eyes began to water as the guilt coursed through your veins. “You have to promise me this doesn't change anything,” you choke out. Upon seeing the tears in your eyes, Jack instantly felt concerned, his hand leaving yours to move up to cup your cheek.
“You can tell me anything,” he reassured. “Nothin’ is gonna change, mamas.”
“God--you’re gonna fucking hate me,” you whisper, looking up at the ceiling momentarily, almost contemplating how you fucked up with him so badly.
“Y/N, you’re kinda scaring me,” he chuckled, trying to ease your nerves. “Just let it out.”
“I slept with Urban.”
The second those words left your lips, Jack’s face fell, his kind features dropping into a frown as he immediately dropped his hand from cupping your face. “When?” he asked, his jaw clenched in anger, having to stand up and distance himself from you. 
“The day we met--the shoot. Happened when we went into the private room,” you explained. “But I promise it meant nothing.”
Jack scoffed, “I should’ve fucking known--did you even want to go out with me or did you agree to spite Urban?” he asked.
The tears now freely fell from your eyes as you shook your head and held back a sob. “I don’t--fuck I barely knew either of you...I agreed to get to know you. It wasn’t to spite Urban--”
“If Urban didn’t ice you out after fucking you would you have been with him instead of me?” Jack asked as he glared at you.
You shake your head, “Jack you can't be asking me questions like that! I don’t know what would’ve happened--you can’t base this on the ‘what ifs.’”
Jack ran a frustrated hand through his curls. “Except you've been lying to me, Y/N!”
“I didn’t lie! I didn’t know where this thing between us was gonna go so I decided not to say anything but things between us are getting serious and we’re becoming emotionally attached and I just--I wanted to clear the air before we went any further...please Jack you have to understand it meant nothing,” you choke out.
Jack shook his head, his arms crossing in front of him as he closed himself off. “How can I trust you after that?” he asked, the hurt so evident in his voice.
“You promised this wouldn’t change anything,” you sniffle, which caused Jack to scoff. “Yeah--that’s before I knew you fucked my best friend.”
“It’s not like I cheated,” you croak, wiping the tears from your eyes. 
“I just...why are you telling me now?” Jack asked, his expression was one that was filled with hurt and confusion. You reach for his hand and pull him down back onto the bed, taking the opportunity to just hold his hands as you spoke.
“The past few months with you, Jack--God I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy. You’re so good to me. You’re so sweet and you never force me to do anything I’m uncomfortable with. You’re charming and smart, and so beyond talented. I love hearing you talk about your passions and teaching me your process in the studio--I love watching you perform because I’m always so proud of you,” you say softly. “I think I’m in love with you and I didn’t want this to be a secret I kept from you because I regret it so much. If I had known I was going to fall this hard for you I would have never slept with him,” you sob. “I’m so sorry.”
Jack only pulled you into his arms, holding you to him as you softly cried into his chest. He drew circles on your back as he kissed the top of your head. “Y/N its okay...baby c’mon. You gotta calm down,” he spoke softly. “M’ not mad,” he reassured, pulling away sightly. “Look at me,” he instructed, to which you pulled back and tilted your head up, your eyes red and puffy.
He cupped your cheeks in his large hands as his beautiful blues stared into your eyes. “You’re in love with me, yeah?” You nod. “And you say it didn't mean anything?” You nod in confirmation again. “Then we’ll be okay,” he completely with a smile. “Because I’m in love with you too and I’ll be damned if I lose you.”
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cutetehe · 2 years
ight little request cause your writing is keeping me alive right now ngl
so last week I impulsively shaved my head ( like I didnt go full-on mr worldwide more like a buzz cut) so now I just live to see obey me hcs for a male mc who did the same shit
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*evil laughter*
also THANK YOU 🙏
Male Mc shaves their head, how do the brothers react?
don’t ask why these are short as hell- I’m having writers block😪
lil story
Mc stares at himself in the mirror for ten minutes trying to hype himself up to cut his hair after noticing how long his hair was, Mc wasn’t gonna pay 20,000 Grimm for a haircut! That’s just insane
Mc finally decides to go for it, he grabs his shaver and hopes for the best
“For the love of god- or Diavolo please let my haircut turn out decent” Mc mumbles under his breathe before cutting their hair
While mc was cutting his hair he cut off his hair a little to low
“shit- okay I’ll just cut it short don’t freak out” Mc thought before total chaos happened
Mc kept cutting his hair shorter and shorter after every mistake until he was left with a buzz cut and a bundle of sadness
After mc realized what he did he is in disbelief
Mc just stares at himself in the mirror for an entire hour until accepting that, he has a buzz cut and can’t fix it
Then he realized-
When you showed up to dinner with a beanie on he knew something was up
He just ignored it until one of his brothers pointed it out
When one of his brothers pointed out the beanie mc choked
“I might’ve…maybe…. shaved off my hair” mc says sheepishly
The table was silent
“YOU DID WHAT” Mammon yells
“It doesn’t look bad! I actually sorta like it” Mc says while taking off his hat
Lucifer didn’t know how to react
Your hair definitely wasn’t bad but it’s so different that it looked funny at first
Lucifer is definitely the first one to get used it… sorta
One time when he was walking past the hallway he sees some dude with no hair and didn’t recognize you
He thinks you are the only person that can shave their head and actually look good doing it
When he heard you cut your hair his jaw was hanging
He’s debating on if he likes it or if he liked your old hair cut more
Brushes his hand against your hair all. the. time.
At first he thought he’d hate your hair but he actually finds it cool
cool to touch that is…💀
He thinks a buzz cut looks nice on you but doesn’t want you to know
Mic drop but with a fork out of shock
He freaks out for like twenty minutes
Then he remembers the amount of bad ass characters with buzz cuts
He slowly starts to like it
Not slowly almost immediately
He went from “ YOUR BEAUTY IS RUINED” to “…wait why is it actually sorta hot”
He asks if you are cold often ever since you cut off your hair
Honestly he likes it cause when you guys cuddle your hair isn’t in his face
“wait what” Is all that went through satan mind
“Did- did you do that on purpose???” Satan just confused tbh
After you explain to him what happened he’s just chill about it
“I did the same but instead of shaving all of it off I just use my hair to hide my bald spot”
“YOU HAVE A BALD SPOT??” Mc asks a little to loud- now Asmo knows
I headcanon that he has a bald spot
After Satan saw how Lucifer didn’t recognize you he plans out so many pranks to do on Lucifer
Asmo more sad that you didn’t come to him for a haircut than the buzz cut surprisingly
“You aren’t freaking out that I have a buzz cut??” You say surprised
“Uh no?? Why would I care, You are still attractive with it”
“…also cause I have a ton of accessories to match you and your buzz cut” Asmo says honestly
He’s going to carry so many beanies to make sure you aren’t cold
i fucking love Beel
I don’t even think he would care
He probably had one at one point
He’s still confused on why you did it though
“Why’d you shaved off your hair?” Beel asks casually
“New look” Mc lied to avoid the embarrassment
“oh cool- anyways wanna go to Hell’s Kitchen?”
Beel would 100% carry earmuffs so your ears don’t get cold though
stuck in the attic *says this as if I’m not at story 77*
that’s my excuse today for not doing him
Do y’all like what I did with the masterlist text
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Rise of the Serpentine” E9: The Royal Blacksmiths
Can’t wait to get flooded with hate comments from certain platforms for some of the things I say in this. This episode is gay as hell (and so am I); change my mind. Anyways, disclaimers: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s mainly intended for comedy.
Reblog, comment, like and/or follow for more!
- Theme ✅
- Why do the spikes stop before hitting the ground? Seems counter-productive ❌
- Yeah, no. There is no way Lloyd survives all of this. The only possible explanation would be - Idk - the world keeping him alive because he needs to fulfill some divine destiny or something, but it’s not like THAT would ever happen… ❌
- Also how does Lloyd get back to the Serpentine after this? His only path is blocked off by rocks ❌
- “His name was something like Dutch… no Clutch! Clutch Powers!” I understood that reference ✅
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- Idk why but I hate the way that phone looks❌
- “There’s no such thing in Ninjago…” Wu says, as if Garmadon’s never lived in Ninjago?? ❌
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- Wu has a katana strapped to his back yet still chooses to fight with whatever this thing is ^ ❌
- “What? You too good for the doorbell?… Use the bell, son!” I can’t f*cking breathe ✅
- Jay simply vibing to the music ✅
- “Is this why you came?” No, they already said they were here for the research paper ❌
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- The way Jay got so excited to sing💀 ✅
- Also Kai and Zane just joining by instinct ✅
- “If my ears weren’t attached to my head they’d be running away!” Jeez dude chill
- “Kai: Love the energy, hate the hair.” This is exactly what I imagine runs through the mind of your average Kai stan
- “He’s worse than Sensei Wu!” At least he gives actual advice and pointers and is direct about them. That’s more than I remember Wu doing. ❌
- “Many professionals have dare try, but it’s never been successfully completed.” Why would someone create a dance move that even they couldn’t pull off??? ❌
- “It’s cuz Twinkle Toes here couldn’t deliver the goods,” Jay is a d!ck ❌
- Also, Jay VA appreciation ✅
- “I’m starting to think we can win this thing…” You’re a group of 4 teens who have a day to train and you’re going against teams of professionals that have been practicing for probably months now. In what world do you stand a chance? ❌
- Wait, why are they practicing outside now? ❌
- “Though we live in two different worlds, I still see good in your heart brother.” I love that Wu says this mere seconds before getting punted off a cliff ✅
- Also, why did Garmadon push him? Dramatic effect? I mean it’s not out of character but it still seems excessive. ❌
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- ^Why does this one building look like a LEGO figure stuck upside down? ❌
- How inconvenient of Cole to loudly explain their entire plan in this room filled with people ❌
- Also, how is Lou the only one to hear this? ❌
- Trans masc Cole is real ✅
- “I’m not going to wait around to watch you make a mockery of our family’s legacy!” Imagine telling your dad that you’re a firefighter or something and he tells you you’re a disappointment because he wanted you to become a freelance artist ❌
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- ^ You know those images that “cure depression?” Well, this is the opposite ❌
- “Treble Makers?” Look, I know this probably wasn’t a Pitch Perfect reference… but I’m still gonna treat it like it is ✅
- Aaaaaaaannnnddddd v*re is canon ❌
- “I have butterflies in my stomach!” “Oh, that’s just nerves!” “No. I really do have butterflies…” “… Oookay, glad he got that out of his system.” I’m sorry but I can’t even sin this I legit can’t watch this scene without laughing ✅
- I know some people think it’s cringey but this performance scene gives me so much dopamine I can’t not win it ✅
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- ^ this image ✅
- Zane moon walking ✅
- “Rawr…” Well this definitely made some fans choke on their drinks ✅
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- Look, there’s nothing gay about hugging your homies after winning a talent show… BUT there IS something gay about hugging your homie while affectionately nuzzling your face into their side. Anyways, make Lava canon 2022 ✅
- Also, Jay winks at Cole? Gasp! Is Jay a lava shipper? ✅
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- How convenient of Pythor to write the 0 so off-center that it makes it very easy for someone to write a 1 directly in front of it ❌
- How long was this dude’s arm?!?!?! ❌
- True potential scene ✅
- It’s cool that they won the competition and all, but I still think it would’ve been funnier and more realistic if the ninja lost completely and just stole it anyway. ❌
Sentence: *clears throat* Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyy-
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minhothebunny · 3 years
Detective Lee - Chapter Fifteen
Days passed since your little cuddle session with Felix. Keeping true to his words, he's been protecting you to the best of his abilities. He walks you to the café and back to your home, stays in the café with you throughout your entire shift, and closes up with you. Depending on the day and his availability, he'd even stay over or have you stay at his place.
To say he was scared for you was an understatement, but you were just as nervous. Even though he was doing this to protect you, you hated it. You hated it because you weren't worth all the effort and time he wasted. You didn't deserve all the care and love he showed you. You tried convincing Felix that things calmed down and everything was okay, but he persisted in continuing to help you.
You hate to admit that you might be pushing him away not only because of your disgusting self that didn't deserve such kindness, but because you were growing mild feelings for the boy, and it scared you. 'Scared you so much you subconsciously started avoiding him, making your interactions short and barely speaking to him. Felix was, of course, confused by the sudden change of heart in you. Not only was he confused, but he was also hurt, finding that his heart ached in a way he's never experienced before. Wanting to get rid of all his questions, he went to his best friend, seeking some advice.
He was at his friend's house, sitting on the kitchen bar where the other was making some ramen.
"I don't know, man... it's so confusing. How I feel, I mean."
"Well, how do you feel?"
"I... I want to be with her; to protect her. I like spending time with her and going out together. I want to feel her in my arms and cover her in kisses. When she compliments me or touches my freckles, it makes me want to hug her and shield her from the world. I want to do so much with her. I want to do everything with her. I want her."
His best friend turned around, making eye contact with Felix with a blank face. Thinking against bitchslapping his dumbass of a friend, he chose to speak instead.
"Dude... you're in love."
"What? No, I'm not. I just want her safe and happy and content and smiling and stress-free and-" Felix spluttered, slowly cutting himself off when he realized that his friend's words were true.
"Shit indeed. You, my friend, are in love with a woman that wants nothing to do with you."
"Hey! That's not true!"
"Really? Because from what you told me, she doesn't even look up at you, let alone talk to you."
"Well, fuck you," Felix muttered under his breath.
"I would, but you already have your eyes on some hetero bitch."
Rolling his eyes, Felix got up to give his friend, Jisung, a helping hand with the ramen.
"Mind you know, if it weren't for me, you would have never met Y/N."
Looking at Jisung incredulously, Felix was about to ask what the fuck kind of drugs the former was on, but Jisung beat him to it, explaining himself: "I'm the one that asked you to get me cheesecake and taro milk tea from the café."
"Oh, yeah, you did."
"Yes, I did. I'm also gonna be the one to get you to finally man up and start making a move. Or else I'm taking her from you."
Felix scoffed, "Please, with your gay ass?"
Nodding in agreement, Jisung countered back, "I may be gay, but you, sir, are bisexual. I can't take her, but I can definitely make you my bitch."
Felix widened his eyes, flustered by the vulgar language coming out of his seemingly innocent best friend. Jisung smirked seeing Felix's rosy cheeks: winking at him as he slapped his ass, walking into the living room with the hot ramen. (A/N: tbh I forgot about the ramen)
"Get your flat ass in here if you wanna eat."
"It's not flat!" _______________________________ Y'all, help, autocorrect tried to change flat ass to fat ass plz💀 also! Guess who's back from the dead? Not me; I'm going back into my coffin after this. No, but, seriously, I feel bad for going away for so long. I wanna keep writing, but I can't bring myself to unless I have my materials out and open Tumblr on my laptop. I want to say I'll update frequently but no promises :c
What do you think so far? Also, Jisung is here now! New characters woopwoop🙌
I'd like to point out that this is a work of fiction. The characters' sexualities and actions are purely made up. I am not assuming anyone's sexuality: I am simply using it for the purpose of this book and its plot. Also, I realized that I forgot to mention: Y/N is a female character with she/her pronouns. I didn't realize that I was using she/her until now, so sorry!
My next book will have a gender-neutral character, I promise! For a sneak peek, the next book is called Mafia Brothers and is a Seo Changbin and Kim Seungmin ff (it'll have a Y/N character, as well). The book after that is a Binsung story that was requested by my good friend. I won't get into detail about it because it's two long stories away-
Please leave some feedback and opinions in the comments! Just don't forget to stay respectful of me and others :) like and share if you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you so much for reading! -Nina <3
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