#like I like how he looks in pain hustlers and I love Emily blunt so I’m super excited about that one
evansbby · 2 years
no because you’re literally speaking what’s on my mind.
like great 4 him and all - but ghosted is so off his acting topic/genre?? whatever you want 2 call it, like chris said he loved characters like steve rogers but will go on to do whatever this ghosted movie is and that movie with the rock in. i’m getting whiplash with these changes every few months
also this duo of chris and ana is getting so repetitive sorry not sorry…
bestie this is Chris’ new genre 😭😭
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angelofverdum · 11 months
Pain Hustlers
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Pain Hustlers had its moment, but it was mostly dry. It's like they had the right pieces, but they didn't know how to put them together. However, It's not as bad as people have been saying.
Look, if the movie is about a single mother who needs to do shitty things for her kids, I'm going to eat it up. Like, get your coins mama. She didn't do anything wrong.
The movie doesn't have enough sparkle to hold for 2 hours. In every movie like this, there is a moment when everything goes to shit, and things get serious, but Pain Hustlers didn't know how to do that. There was no transition, or at least not a good one.
I feel like Chris Evans' talent got lost after handling his shield back to Marvel because he was good in Gifted and Snowpiercer. Maybe it has to do with the directors idk, but he was a little miscast for me, and don't ask me why.
I love Emily Blunt, I think she is one of the best actresses right now. She loves to do this kind of terrible movie, and she always makes it watchable. She is going to make that movie her bitch.
She was a stripper in the first 10 minutes of the movie. That was hot. Then they put her in a pantsuit to distract us. It worked for me. She looked so sexy I didn't care about anything else.
Emily Blunt carried the whole movie by herself, and that's why I love her because she draws attention to herself every time she is on screen. She always acts like rent is due, it doesn't matter how shitty the script is, go watch The girl on the Train (2016) if you don't believe me.
I hope at least she had fun doing this movie, but next time she feels like in a silly goofy movie she should get on the phone with a female director or at least a movie with a big female cast.
I think she also needs to renew her LGBT card. How do you start your career playing a manipulative queer teen and then forget about it? Get her in a queer movie, not a period drama, something fun.
Btw, Doug Lima, get your shit together and make an Edge of Tomorrow prequel. Forget about Tom Cruise.
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