#like I’m doing 4 hours of outreach a day instead of the <2 I was told to expect
good-night-space-kid · 4 months
I was just sooo brave and asked my roommate to either move to the common space or wrap things up after she was on an audio call with all of the lights on at 10:30 when prior to moving in she said she was fine with lights off no noise after 10pm. I really hope the rest of the summer isn’t like this because truly I will be so miserable and I don’t know if I can do that again 😭
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wristic · 5 years
Now You’re a Real Criminal (Part 5)
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Pairing: Edward Nygma X Reader Word Count: 2900 Warnings: Dark imagery? -Part 1- -Part 2- -Part 3- -Part 4- -Part 5-
“Ed, ED, there’s something I need to tell you.” Quickly you pressed up right behind him, Ed going rigid as you interrupted his speaking with patrons.
You told yourself you’d pretend like the threat didn’t happen. That you let the rest of the week play out and maybe Oswald would forget. But last night you saw the same car drive past your street no less than five times, pausing by at your apartments before going on. This morning you almost took the bus you were so frightened your brakes were cut or there was a bomb under the hood.
“I’m busy~” He hummed quietly at you while keeping his fake smile to the others deep in conversation.
“It’s important. It has to do with Oswald.” You looked around the big room for emphasis, feeling your skin crawl thinking he was watching from some hidden part of the room.
“Just stay out of his way.” Ed shrugged off.
He snapped, turning back to your eye level, giving you a warning glare. “Stop distracting me and go write up some transaction papers. Whatever it is we’ll talk about it later.”
But you whimpered, showing as much fear in your eyes as you could, begging him to listen. The dark look started fading the more he struggled to keep maintaining eye contact. In an agitated huff he straightened himself, looking around the room with you. Hopefully wondering what his friend had done.
“Is something wrong?” One of the posh rich men asked, leaning to get a look at you.
“Nothing at all gentlemen.” Ed started pushing you back. “She’s a doltish girl, part of an outreach program.” He whispered, the men all nodding and starting conversations of how they do the same sometimes, generously of course. You didn’t glare like you wanted. Ditsy you was an upstanding girl, Ditsy you had a really good heart and didn’t deserve to be call stupid. Unfortunately she was too simple to know what that word meant. You gave a soft smile, looking about with big innocent eyes while he ushered you.
Away from prying eyes, Ed tried again to tell you off, “This can’t possibly-”
“Oswald doesn’t approve of our… of the more risque part of our partnership.” The news rendered him speechless. The most Ed could do was blink. You came to him ready to tell him everything, lay down all the terrible things Oswald threatened you with. But something about the shock in his eyes, his mouth slightly ajar told you Ed might deny it. Even worse, he might go and question Oswald. That look was the last you wanted or expected. You’d hoped Ed being the smart guy he was, would teach you how to dodge and manipulate Oswald. It was a rule of thumb villains didn’t actually have friends, right?
Taking a deep shaken breath, you tried to actively rearrange your plan for safety. “He uh, you know I think he’s just worried cause he doesn’t know me. He’s-he’s sending people to spy on me.”
He hissed, all shock gone in a stand. “That does sound like him.” Ed bemused. For long moment he thought off, making you ansty, hoping he’d come to the same conclusion you had. The act needed to be more platonic and he needed to stop talking about you with Oswald.
Abruptly Ed lit up, giving his hands a clap. “Well then it’s clear how we solve this! I’ll invite us to dinner tonight!”
Your heart fell right out of your chest. Splatted dead on the cold dirty floor. “Oh, no, that’s not-”
“You’ll get a tour of his mansion. His chef is pleasantly wonderful, you’ll have a great time! Be ready by eight and I’ll take you there!”
You reached out to stop him but those long legs of his sent him too far too fast, leaving you alone in the corner. Your hands tangled in your hair, giving a quiet long whine. Tandy appeared suddenly and pointed, “You are on fire girl! Getting in with the mayor!? You gotta tell me how you’re doing this because you are a master of manipulation.”
You whined louder.
On opening the door for him, Ed’s face fell in disappointment. “I’d thought you’d dress up more.”
You hadn’t changed from the day, too busy with your head running a mile a minute on what you should do and not do, what you should say, what Oswald might have access to do to you. Imagining everything you ate and drank was poisoned. Just dropping dead right there at the table and they’d laugh. “Yeah, I was in the bathroom.”
“...for three hours?”
“Uh, well,” You instinctively started shrinking, closing the door. “well maybe we should do this another time. Maybe I’m not-”
“Stop being ridiculous.” He grabbed your coat and grabbed you. “There’s no need for you to be nervous. This will be delightful I promise. You work beside the man everyday, you should know.”
You knew Oswald as a demanding entitled brat of a boss. No one ever did a good job but you’d hear if you’d done a bad one. Though you supposed he would show Ed a much different side. Don’t we all play up our strengths in the eyesight of our desire?
The car might as well have been silent (it wasn’t. Ed talked the whole way.) your heart was racing so fast your ears were ringing. And the Mansion, the mansion was a terrifying sight. It loomed, dark and dank above you, the black metal bars screaming open to welcome you like only anguished ghosts could.
Ed dragged you to the door, his grip on your wrist solid to keep you from running away. His knuckles only tapped the door once before it was flung open, a sour looking woman staring you two down. “Olga! Good to see you again!”
She said nothing, pulling aside to let you both in. Ed smiled to you, you trying hard to return it before being lead through badly lit and tightly cramped halls. Only candles to illuminate the reaches of bored and disapproving portraits, all looking down, all judging. Glancing in a room here and there felt so strange. Picture perfect for a century ago. Untouched but... molded, in spirit at least. Ed could have at least taken you in the daylight.
At the sudden end, the room opened up wide for a mix between a dinning hall and living room.
Oswald sat alone, hands folding on his stomach and he stared brightly, smiling. “Right on time as always, Ed.” Part of you wondered if you were hiding so far behind Ed that he couldn’t see you. But slowly Oswalds eyes fell on you. “And Y/N, I hope I’m not going to be treated to more of your absolute moron of a persona.”
You held back your huff, opting for a pout instead. “No. I won’t be acting tonight.”
“Good. Because it’s unbearable.”
Ed let go of you laughing and crossing the distance, pulling up his chair on Oswald’s right hand side. “It is, isn’t it! The other day she pretended to not know the word expeditiously and had the man explain it four times. She wasn’t even talking to me and I wanted to strangle her.”
Gloomily, you were about to take the seat beside Ed’s, furthest away from Oswald. But Oswald of course stopped you. “No, over here.” He pointed with a smile to his left. A rush of terror went through you and you looked to Ed, silently pleading for him to defend you.
He didn’t, motioning for you to move as if you were being impolite. Stiffly, holding your breath the whole way, you walked the long way around the table. Slowly releasing your breath and slowly sat down. They both watched you, smiling, making you nervous enough to force a grin back.
“She’s nervous.” Ed pointed out, you aghast he’d just call you out like that. He wasn’t even giving you a chance!
Oswald chuckled, “Well of course she is!” He turned to you, a mean leer in his eyes. “It’s not often someone just stumbles into the deepest depths of crime.”
Ed seemed to be pretending he had zero situational awareness, like the tension in the air was just apart of the appetizers he was stacking on his plate. “Actually she already had a foot in it. She was stealing hundreds every week.”
“Ed.” You hushed, feeling your chest clutch and burn.
“From who?” The way he said it. It was that high air of innocence that was only a drag into the leading answer.
There came a crinkle in Ed’s brow. A surprise Oswald didn’t know. “You, of course.”
“Ed!” You harshly shrieked. Under the table your nails were digging into your palms, clutching for dear life cause Oswald was definitely going to take it from you by the end of the night.
In a slow smug turn, Oswald looked to you, eyebrows jumping high and placid smile straining. “Really?”
“I-I had been mistaken.” It was the truth, it was the truth damn it! An honest mistake you shouldn’t be held accountable for. Oswald only tilted his head in confusion. “It-ah, it was just habit!” You shrugged, “To steal from my employer. It hadn’t occurred to me to worry about who my employer was.”
There was this deafening pause before he made you jump out of your skin with loud barking laughter. Ed joined him but you were so in the grips of terror, the most you could do was start shaking.
A drink would do you good, something to calm the nerves instead of thinking about painful slow death all night. When Ed grabbed his personal brand and began pouring it, you held your glass to him. You didn’t care what kind it was, it could be pond water at this point as long as it had alcohol in it.
“Let me get that!” Oswald grabbed the bottle right next to him, Ed stopping before he could share with you. You didn’t move, pleading to the high heavens that Ed would just fill your damn glass. He didn’t, Oswald grabbed your wrist, pulling your stiff and trembling arm in his direction as he poured the deep red wine. “This is to die for.” He winked.
Would it be inappropriate to start crying? There was no way you were going to drink this. Not until he did and, well, his glass was empty. “Thank you.” You mumbled.
Ed was the only one eating and he didn’t seem to notice. What was wrong with him tonight? Was he waiting for something? Was he... nervous? 
You glanced at the table and honestly nothing looked appetizing. And that had nothing to do with thinking everything was poisoned. Grey porridge’s and smelly stews, the pork roast with the apple in its mouth looked pale and sickly in the low light.
Breaking the silence, Oswald pointed out. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but it kind of sounds like you’re in my debt.” You turned to him like a deer in the headlights. He only smiled. “Unless you paid back everything you stole of course.”
A fraction. You gave Ed a fraction of what you stole and you weren’t sure that would even count in Oswald’s eyes. All together, Ed said you had stolen thirty-five thousand and nine hundred dollars.
Slamming both hands on the table, you stood up, “I have to go to the bathroom!”
To the bathroom. Out the window. Escape Gotham and change your name. Become a lonely and quiet shepard in the rolling hills of Scotland.
“Allow me to show you the way.” A loud shriek came from Oswald’s chair as he pushed himself back, like he was waiting for you to try and escape. His self-satisfied eyes certainly said he had been.
“I-I’m sure your maid could-”
He waved you off, taking a stand and gripping your arm with his nails. “This way.” It wasn’t until you two were deep in the halls when the smile dropped and quietly chided you. “I didn’t take you for the tattling type.”
Gulping, you tried to sound resolute, though you were sure he could feel your trembling. “I was inclined not to say anything at all, but you’re sending people to spy on me.”
“Didn’t sleep all that well last night?” He chuckled. “Yeah, I was told it took you twenty minutes before you got into your car.”
You sighed slowly, face burning knowing there was an audience to your whimpering and fearful step by step to make sure your car wouldn’t kill you.
Oswald wasn’t leading you to the bathrooms. You were taking a tour through the maze of a house, reaching the top of the spiral stairs before he asked, “I want to know something, how much to do you know about Ed’s killings?”
Of course. Of course this would take the most morbid turn. You felt so cold, so sick being forced through this dusty mansion. “Only what the papers said.”
“Which, no doubt, was the bare bones of it.” He was smiling now, yanking you to him so you’d look him in his delighted eyes. “Allow me to tell you his version.”
He turned into a room, somewhat small with only one lounge chair, and the walls filled with huge scenery paintings you could barely see the rusted burgundy wallpaper. Before you was a large window overlooking the city, Oswald stopping to gaze out over it, you still firmly in his clutches.
“Have you seen a pair of feminine glasses by his bed stand? Glasses that clearly are not his?” You shook your head. The answer seemed to ease Oswald, smiling a bit easier. “Well! They used to belong to the love of his life-”
“Kristen Kringle?” You muttered, a chill running up your spine.
“Yep, that’s the one! You see, after strangling her to death, Ed started playing a little game with himself. It was back when he was a little more shattered, in the head. He chopped her up. Left the pieces in random places, and little riddles for himself to find the rest. A morbid, follow the clues when instead of prizes, he got her body parts back.” He snickered.
All you could manage to do to appear composed was stare off into the city, so close to glowing in a low yellow light if it wasn’t for the thick smog clouds hazing it dry and grey. Dreaming of running back into it was the only thing to keep your stomach from flipping, from you slipping to the ground in a faint.
In a happy sigh he continued. “The Ed you see now is the one who set out to bury her in the woods. All crammed in a suitcase, a cute woodsy picnic all laid out for him and Mrs. Kringle to cheers with.”
You gave a small start as Oswald pulled you back, taking you into the halls. His tone was darker, far more serious than he had been. “I know Ed. I know and admire him at his truest nature. Seeing that terrified drained look on you tells me you haven’t even scratched the surface.”
He stopped you a moment, eyes trained on the teardrop diamond necklace hanging above your pounding heart. His cold fingers brushed against your skin as they curled around the jewelry. “You’re afraid of me for sending a few guys to watch you, imagine what he’ll do to you if he ever grows bored and let’s face it, Ed gets bored real easy.”
Oswald ripped the silver chain clean from your neck, a sting left there as he examined it in the candlelight. With a mischievous look he pointed, “Consider this a first payment to all that money you stole from my campaign. With interest of course.”
“Of course.” You ground out.
Happily you were lead back to the dining hall, Ed having finished his meal and wine. For the first time, he showed interest in what was happening, his glass nearly empty and his eyes staring at the foot of the stairs. When you and Oswald drew close he stood up, straightening his coat.
Oswald looked between you and him, you a bit confused on what was being exchanged here. “You know what, you were right Ed. I think I do like her. She behaves well.”
The ‘compliment’ had you glowering at the floor, but Ed’s reaction was revealing. A great sigh of relief fell from him, a big smile blooming as everything in him relaxed and lightened. “I knew you would if you’d just gotten a chance to meet the real Y/N.”
Approval. This whole game was to get Oswald’s approval in his choice of lackey. It mattered that much and yet the truth of it was you would never have approval from Oswald. You were an obstacle, one that could be bled dry in the meantime.
Thankfully you weren’t forced to eat and drink and stay longer. The two gave you a few more backhanded praises before calling it a night. You couldn’t escape the mansion fast enough, stepping out faster than Ed and waiting impatiently for him to lead you to the car.
The black iron gate loudly closed and you ripped the car door open. The fear was subsiding and all that was left was anger.
Yet before you stepped in, your shoulders were grabbed and spun back around, lips crashing against yours. Ed came at you so passionately. Cupping your face and caging you to him. You stumbled back against the car, pinned there as he kissed you again and again. Each deeper than the last until you could taste the dry wine he had at dinner.
When he broke away, even in the low light of the night he was clearly smiling down at you, an adoring appreciation in his eyes as his thumbs trailed down your cheeks. The look had you weak, knowing he was happy with you, knowing he was proud of you. 
Without saying anything, he gave you a peck on the nose and took to the other side of the car, leaving you to form a little knot in your chest staring at the  looming mansion. It felt good to have approval from him, like it was good for him to feel it from Oswald. Perhaps what Ossy felt wasn’t as one-sided as you assumed.
Though the sympathy died as soon as you caught a gaunt face seething at you from the window. Gripping the door and pulling in you whispered to yourself, “Shit.”
@badbitsh13 @musingsby-night @gotham-dumpster-fire @goddess-of-silvers @slither-in-a-half
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Will the Bell Ring? Pt. 4
[Erik Killmonger x Black OC]
Word Count 5.8k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Erik has a meeting one morning to discuss the upgrades he has planned for key components of the new model Boeing airplane that is set to begin manufacturing early the following year.  Erik stood at the sink in the master bathroom reciting lines to himself that he had prepared with notes on his phone.
“As you can see, the planes trajectory following take off can be more smoothly….more smoothly...smoother?  Uhh-- SHIT!”
Erik curses to himself as the blade angled in the wrong direction, cutting his jaw.
“You ok in there baby?”  Kimara calls out from the bedroom.  
Erik watches the blood begin to bubble and drip onto his shirt before he could get a tissue to catch it.  
“Fuck!  Yeah...I’m aight.”  Erik calls back.
Kimara is putting on an earring when she walks in to see him.  “Oh damn, Erik. You cut yourself today of all days?.” Kimara reaches for the tissue to survey the damage.  
“Ain’t it some shit?  I gotta be at the office in one hour and I fucking maim myself and stain my fucking shirt.”  
“Ohh, now stop.”  Kimara pats his chin as the blood begins to clot instead of run.  “At least now you have an excuse for the bald spot right around there.”
Erik pins her arms down giving her slight shake.  “What I tell you bout that?”
Kimara cracks up uncontrollably.  “HAHA! About what?!”
Erik stares her down sticking his chin in her face.  “Say it again, I dare you…”
Kimara bites her lips choking back her laughter.  “I meant to say...you look very handsome.”
“Uh huh.”  Erik says unconvinced but satisfied.
“So now the white men with toupees can swap Rogaine recommendations.”  Kimara adds swiftly.
“YOUGONNAADDTHATWHILEIGOTYOUSNATCHEDUP??!!!”  Erik barks at a cackling Kimara, tickling her neck and the sides of her torso mercilessly.
“OK! OK! You finna make me pee, STAHP!”  Kimara orders in between breaths.
Erik backs off eventually, checking his chin self consciously.  “You playing too much this morning. Since this your week for laundry, make sure you don’t forget the softener this time.  That shit smell good as hell to let it sit.”
Kimara goes over to the toilet to relieve herself, leaning on her knees as she regains her composure.  “Whatever. You got time to eat something before you go?”
Erik pulls off his shirt in all studded and scarred glory.  “Nah, I took too much time at the gym this morning, so Imma have to pick somethin up later on.”
Kimara flushes and goes to her sink rinsing her hands.  “Ok. Let me know when you get off, I wanna go out.”
Erik pulls out an new shirt from his closet to put on.  “Aight bet. You got a place in mind?”
Kimara thinks a moment.  “Not really, but I’ll look up some stuff we can come to a decision on.”
Erik shakes his head.  “Uh uh say less. I got you.  Lemme surprise you with somethin good for once, ok?  You got enough on your plate, imma fill it with something tasty, ok?”  
“Oh my God, you being corny, but I like it.  Thank you…” Kimara says sweetly with smile to match.  Erik pulls her to him for a kiss and a goodbye smack on her ass as he finished up and headed out for the day.
Erik’s meeting with the board went on practically without a hitch.  Erik was always more nervous during preparation than when it came down to performance.  His presentation ran according to his plan and all the old white men looking back at him seemed slightly above average in intrigue over what he had to say.  No one was ever too excited for the meetings unless lunch was included, which today it wasn’t. But by the end he got a round of applause and a series of questions that he answered effortlessly.  When the meeting was dismissed, the cordialities and congratulations were passed around to Erik which he took lukewarmly. He’d been doing this long enough to know that a handshake and a smile does not a deal make.
“Hey Erik, great presentation today son.  You really knocked it outta the park with this one.”  Edward Hawkins, the engineering department head and Erik’s boss, says to him.
Erik nods appreciatively.  “Sure thing. I looked as deep into it as I could and I’m pretty proud of the outcome.”  
Edward subconsciously brushes his comb-over over.  “Yeah, it shows, the details were amazing and your stats very appropriate.  I wouldn’t be surprised if I heard from Dave tomorrow morning with a deal to move forward with a couple things you proposed today.”
“I won’t hold my breath for news that quick, but drinks on you if that’s the case.”  Erik claps Edward on his back and goes to leave.
“Oh, Erik!  I did want to talk to you about something.  I was talking with some of the board members and we thought you might work better with a team, just one extra partner to kind of share the load.”
Erik puts his hands in his pockets walking slowly to Edward.  “Whatchu mean?”
Edward stutters.  “Well I-I mean it's a lot of research and money riding on what you do so to protect you and the company, we feel having a teammate with you would be beneficial!”
“Who you want me with?”  Erik asks curtly.
“Uh, Bryan actually.”  Edward says nervously.
Erik scoffs.  “Your son? The intern?”
Edward gets defensive quickly.  “Now hang on, he is an entry level employee now and he went to Brown, he has the mental capacity to keep up with you.  You think?”
“I don’t think so, nah.”  Erik adds.
Edward sighs.  “Well hell, Erik.  I don’t know what to tell you.  But this isn’t an if but a when situation so I just wanted to give you a heads up so you weren’t blindsided.”
“Cut the bullshit man and tell me what’s this really about.  I been handling mine, no problem. I thought y’all didn’t have the budget for hiring new people any damn way.”  Erik rebuttals. He knew the white folks around there complain most about money. Edward wasn’t gonna pull this over on him so fast.
“It’s not technically a hiring, just a promotion.”
“Ohhhh, that’s nice.  Well since I’m babysitting his ass, I expect a heavier drop in bank account, and that ain’t a promise, issa threat.”  Erik warns, walking towards the glass doors.
“Oh!  Erik, come on!  You’re expecting a helluva lot outta me here.”  Edward calls out.
“I know you good for it.  Make it happen.” Erik walks out leaving Edward to ponder his proposal.  
The meeting was the biggest portion of his day, and judging from his calendar, he is free the rest of the day.  Erik texts Kimara to see if she’d be down to go out still while he attempts to read her mind for a perfect evening ahead.  
In the meantime, Erik calls his cousin to pester.  “Aye T! The hell you doin nigga?”
T’Challa sighs deeply.  “Yes, N’Jadaka. How have you been?”
“Pretty good right now.  I got through with work early so I’m tryna get ready to go out.”
This elicits and even biggers sigh from T’Challa.  “N’Jadaka, there is no way I can go out with you again this week.  I doubt I would want to for the rest of the year to be honest.”
“Not with you, fuck you mean?  I’m talking about Kimara!” Erik says.
“Ohh, well then that is good.  You both are doing well?” T’Challa’s tone brightens suddenly at the relief of not getting blasted drunk in the club again.
Erik approaches his office, closing the door and the blinds.  “Yeah man, I tell you! These past few days have been so good man, we vibing for real.”
“That is great to hear!  She deserves some stress free days concerning all you have planned to do together.”
“Yeah, we haven’t heard back from my doc about the results yet so it’ll be any day.  But she hasn’t even brought up nothing bout it. No text reminders about ovulating and shit, no scheduled sex, just regular spontaneous freakin that-”
“Eh eh, N’Jadaka you are overdoing it again!”  T’Challa warns.
Erik scoffs putting his feet up on his desk.  “Shit my bad. I thought we were having a moment.”
“No your thoughts and desires were having a moment.  So on that note, and keep it clean, what do you and Kimara have planned to do tonight?”
“That’s the thing man.  I’m still tryna figure it out.  I’m bout to pull up some four and five star spots so she can get all cute and fancy for a nigga, you know?”  Erik powers up his computer to being his search.
“Doesn’t she usually Asian foods?”  T’Challa asks.
“Yeah, them beepbeebop meals and shit?  She loves the fuck outta all the side dishes they give with the meal.  More bang for the buck she says, but we ain’t been together….probably since we been married.”
“Bibimbap.  But good, there’s a Korean grill place that opened up downtown  you might want to try with her. I met with Nakia there recently and it was pretty good.”  
“Hold UP!  You and Nakia went out?  Nigga, details!” Erik says excitedly.
“I have asked you countless times to stop calling me that.  But yes we did, only to go over ideas about the outreach center .”
“Annnd?”  Erik asks.
“Erik…”  T’Challa mimicks Erik, but in a stern tone.
“Ooh, ok, you serious using my government name.  I see you. So are you still fucking that one girl from the club?”
“I’m hanging up.”  T’Challa says.
“Wait wait, you can’t talk to me about that either?”
“I don’t parade my conquests for everyone to hear about.”  
“Aha, so y’all still fucking.  Ok, well knowin your ass, she must be a serious situation now.  Especially if you ain’t giving Nakia the time of day.” Erik says matter-of-factly.
T’Challa hesitates before answering.  “We are considering things still, but it is an appropriate adult partnership.  Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Well at least you gettin something on the side while you waiting for scraps at Nakia’s door.  Listen, what’s the name of that Korean place?”
“Palmi, it is not an uptight place but she will enjoy the atmosphere and food, I’m sure.”
Erik types in the place by name and reads over the reviews.  “Cool, this should work. Thanks man.” Erik’s phone dings with a notification from Kimara confirming their night out.  
“Ok T, Imma let you go.  I got some time to pick some roses up or something to give her.”  Erik says getting ready to go.
“Get calla lilies instead.”  T’Challa offers.
Erik pauses.  “What? She likes them more?  I got her roses on Valentines, she liked them just fine.”
“Exactly, that was that manufactured holiday Americans love so much.  Lilies are sweeter, more elegant, sends a better message.”
Erik nods.  “Ok T, I might try that after all,  good looking out.”
Erik clicks off the phone call with T’Challa and makes his way home to get changed.  Kimara was still at the studio so he texts her to meet him at the Korean restaurant in an hour.  There is a florist up the street from his job that he stops by to get Kimara a bouquet of ten lilies with some eucalyptus leaves.
When he gets home, Erik takes his time washing the funk of white elitist off of his skin and slips into his real nigga attire for the day:  dark navy canvas jacket over his chocolate colored Henley with black distressed jeans and timbs. Erik spritz some cologne, just enough to make her lean into him to get a better whiff.  He refreshed his locs, banding them atop his head and giving himself a once over, feeling his excitement build as the time drew near. Erik wanted his lady to know she was appreciated and tonight would highlight that for them.
Pulling up to the restaurant, Erik saw her car was already in the parking lot, a soft glow through the tinted windows indicated she is sitting and waiting for him.  Erik gets out the car with flowers behind his back as he crouches, hopping over to the back end of the car. He glides toward her driver’s side window before knocking loudly against it, causing her to honk the horn in fright.  
“Dammit, Erik!”  Kimara shouts rolling down her window.
Erik leans into the window.  “Ma’am, there’s no loitering in the parking lot.  Spaces for patrons of the restaurant only.”
Kimara turns on the light in her car to check her makeup in her phone.  “Made me smudge my lips.”
“That’s gonna be a problem you have all night. Com’ere.”  Erik pesters Kimara who gives him a light smooch before reapplying.  
Erik opens her car door, helping her out of it.  “Babe, you ain’t had to fuck up the game like this!  I thought you was coming home from work, I know I ain’t let you out the house in this!”
Kimara wore some denim cut off shorts, making a dream out of her deep toned thighs with flesh colored platform sandals adorning her feet.  Her voluptuous frame stood out as her best accessory hugged by her ‘COCO Butter’ baby tee with a scoop neck that let her girls breathe a bit.  
Pulling back her wavy 18 inches back, Kimara shrugs.  “So what about it? A queen comes prepared for any meet and greet, understand me?”
Erik rubs his chin, not able to take his eyes off any part of her.  “That ain’t a fucking problem one bit baby. I just hope these shits don’t wilt from you showing them up tonight.”  Erik takes the bouquet from behind him, giving them to Kimara.
“Awww, Erik!  These are so gorgeous!  And…” She gives them a good sniff.  “MM! Good call on that eucalyptus. How did you know I love me some lilies?”
Erik takes her hand and leads her to the restaurant.  “I know what my lady like. That’s why we finna feed my Mara well so she can go to bed with a smile on her face, you hear me?”
Kimara giggles.  “Good cuz I’m starving too.”
A hostess greets the, warmly before setting them at a table and giving them menus.  Erik and Kimara look over the options.
“The pork belly is good for sure, but the marinated bulgogi never fails me either…” Kimara mutters, looking over their options.
“Get whatever you want Mara, you know this better than me.  If it’s meat, I’ll eat.” Erik professes.
Kimara calls over a waitress and asks for her two faves to order.  “And couple bottles of soju please.”
“What’s a soju?”
Kimara grins sneakily.  “Just a little something to warm us up, you know?”
“Ahh, ok.  Tryna take advantage of me.  I ain’t falling for it neither.”  Erik smirks.
Kimara puts a hand up to his face.  “Skrrrrt! In ya dreams!”
Erik takes her hand, kissing her knuckles.  “You right, woman of my dreams all day every day.”
Kimara rolls her eyes but can’t stop her smile.  “So damn corny. I guess all this good mood is cuz your presentation went well?”
Erik screws his face up.  “I can be happy to see you too!  But...a little bit of work shit too.  Mara, I KILLED that shit. Those whites didn’t phase me not one time.”
Kimara gives him a quick applause.  “How soon til you know what’ll stick for the roll out next year?”
“Ed made it seem like tomorrow, but realistically I’d give it the end of the week.”
The waitress brings out a tray of little dishes with appetizers for them to share and their bottles of soju with some glasses.  Erik and Kimara get their chopsticks ready.
“What’s that?”  Erik points to one of the dishes.
“That’s gamja jorim.  It’s like potatoes in soy sauce, really good!”  Kimara picks a cube of potato up, moaning at the first bite as she bounces in her seat.  
Erik tries it out but makes a face.  “It’s cold!”
“It’s supposed to be!”  Kimara says laughing at him.  Erik opens a bottle of soju and takes a swig.
“Yo!  You’re supposed to drink it like a shot!  You not tryna drive home??” Kimara exclaims.
Erik sets the bottle down, mulling over the flavor.  “That’s not bad, weak, but not bad.”
“It’s not weak, it’s just smooth.  Your taste buds so used to drinking gasoline, you don’t know good liquor.”
“Not too much on my taste, Miss Thing Thang.  I know what’s good, like some meat right now.”  Erik whines scoping the restaurant out like it was supposed to fall from the sky.
Kimara tastes a couple more of the other appetizers.  “Have some of the kimchi! It’s that red cabbage over there.”
Erik does so, to little fanfare.  “I said MEAT Mara!”
On cue, the waitress comes out with a cutting board and the raw meat laid out in two piles, and a side of three dipping sauces for each of them.  She runs some oil along the grill in front of them and places some meat on the hot plate, flipping them and plating some for them before wishing them luck and dismissing herself.
Erik sits there flabbergasted.  “Imma kills this nigga.”
Kimara places more meat on the griddle. “The pig and cow are already dead, bruh.”
“I mean T’Challa.  He recommended this place and he ain’t told me that we gotta cook shit ourselves.   That meat is $30 a pop! We coulda went to the store and ate at home!” Erik fumes, taking his bottle of soju up for another gulp.
Kimara thinks about this a moment.  “Well I think you’re crazy. I’m thanking T’Challa then when we get home, cuz I guess your imagination lives inside a Big Mac box.  Eat!”
Kimara shows Erik hot to lay the meat out and when to tell that it’s ready to take off and eat.  After a few pieces Erik is setting up the sliced meats himself and plating them for him and Kimara.
Kimara gives him a handclap of praise.  “That’s it! See, This the only time I’ve gotten you to cook for me.  Look at God.”
Erik hiccups.  “I cook for you before, lyin ass.”  Erik clinks a plate down before sloppily eating a piece of marinated beef like a spaghetti noodle.
Kimara takes a sip of soju from her glass.  “Oh shit. Erik, gatdammit! You drank too much?”
Erik sits up with a big smile.  “Never too much, never too much!”  he sings.
Kimara calls over the waitress.  “Now I’m gonna have to get up early and get you over here to come get your car.  Fucking…” She gives the waitress her credit card and starts to put on her coat.
Erik reaches for Kimara across the table.  “Baby….baby...babe….you know this meat was real good.”
Kimara swats his hand.  “Yeah, I told you it would be.”
“I know somethin that taste better though.”  Erik says before cackling out loud. “I can still eat baby, just SAY THE WORD!”
Kimara breathes a sigh of relief when she sees the waitress come back with her card.  
“Thanks for coming you guys!  Have a good night!”
“Thank you miss lady, we ‘preciate chu.”  Erik says. He looks over at Kimara writing.  “Aye! Don’t tip, she ain’t cooked shit.”
Kimara shushes him.   “Damn, Erik, shut up! This is a restaurant, she still served us!”  Kimara finishes writing out the ticket and her and Erik walk out the door to her car.  Erik leans back in the passenger seat until he is completely leveled out. “Come on, sit for daddy…”  Erik reaches over Kimara in the driver’s seat.
“Erik, I gotta drive, just go to sleep or something.”  Kimara says, backing out of the space.
“My wife got the fattest ass, fattest pussy, fattest titties.  Shit too good to let go to waste. That’s why I’m taking you home girl…”
“No, I’m taking you home.”  She corrects.
“...You my leftovers.  I’m eat that ass up later.”  Erik laughs to himself at his dinner puns.  
Erik sits his seat upright again after a while.  “Mara, I’m sorry.”
Kimara looks over at him.  “What’re you talking about?”
Erik leans on her shoulder.  “I wanna do right. I wanna be good to you.”
“Aww, you are baby!”
“But you deserve it all, putting up with my bullshit.”  Erik mutters.
“You just got a little drunk.  I’m not mad at you.”
“I ain’t talkin bout now.  I shouldn’t have left you.”
Kimara tenses up.
“Those last days were so good, but I wasn’t ready for good.  I didn’t want you cuz you made things nice. But I wasn’t a nice person yet.”  Erik says.
“Y-yes you were.  I knew you were, that’s why you came back.”
“I wanted to die.  T didn’t let me. If it wasn’t for your forgiveness I probably woulda…”  Erik slumps down in her lap.
“Watch it Erik!”  Kimara exclaims.
Erik twists his face to her stomach to kiss it.  “That’s why Imma make us a family. I don’t care what a doctor say, we finna have a cute ass baby.  I owe it to you.”
Kimara is silent for a while.  “You don’t OWE me a baby Erik.”
“I do, I do.  I’ll do whatever to get this done right.”  
“Erik, shut up, ok?”  Kimara says softly.
Nine Years Ago (Revisit)
Erik had been gone a month, and Kimara had no one she could talk to about it.  Her days working at the local community center to teach music to kids was her only escape from the day to day.  
“Ok Lala, from the top.  Caro mio ben, Credimi almen…”  Kimara sat at the piano going over the melody as her sophomore student Lala handled the lyrics.  She handled the Italian pronunciations expertly, however getting the traditional operatic tone was proving difficult..  
As Kimara played along a cramp in her stomach made her stop playing abruptly to clutch the source of the pain.  
“Ms. Walker?  Is something wrong?”  Lala asked with concern.
Kimara felt horrible all of a sudden as her condition progressed.  “No….well, not with you. I’ve got to stop this rehearsal early. Keep practicing on your own and I’ll see you next week.”  
Kimara made her way to her car, rooting through her purse for her phone but ran across the prescription pill bottle first.  Staring at the label with her name and instructions, she thinks what may have happened had she not gotten them. Could she have gone on without taking them?
Just then a wave of nausea hit her as she  opened her car door to kneel out and puke all over the asphalt.  The stinging in her throat from the force and volume of it all made her cough uncontrollably, stimulating her gag reflex even more.  Kimara gets back in the car, cursing herself for the predicament she has been put in. This was supposed to be the easier way, at this rate she may probably should’ve rethought things.
Sitting in silence for her body to settle down, Kimara’s phone rings, breaking her calm.  She finds it in her purse but sees it’s an unknown number.
“Hello?”  She asks gruffly, voice strained from vomiting.
“Yes, is this Kimara?”  The voice asks.
“Who is this?”  
“I am T’Challa, Erik’s cousin?  I don’t know if he ever mentioned me but-”
Kimara perks up at the name.  “You said you’re Erik’s family?  You’re from Africa?”
He sighs.  “So he hasn’t told you about me then.”
Kimara grows tense.  “Why hasn’t he? But first of all, why are you calling me?  Where’s Erik?”
“He is with me, in Wakanda, for a few weeks now.”
“What??  He actually made it there…”  Kimara’s voice trails off as she thinks of how Erik told her about the stories of his home, the lost family he was a part of, and claiming his part in it.  “I still don’t understand why I’m hearing from you though.”
“He wants to see you Kimara.  He wants to talk to you about things, make things right with you.”
Kimara let out a grave laugh.  “Ohhh, this is corny as fuck. He is sending his cousin, some foreign dude I ain’t met, to call and ask me to talk to him sounding like a scammer.  You tell his ass to bring himself back here on a plane to the States and maybe we will talk. How about that?”
“He can’t do that.”  T’Challa says.
“Like hell he can!  He got there, he can come back.  You calling me? Call him a plane ticket so he can bring his sorry ass back here and say shit to my face.  I ain’t crawling nowhere to him. He don’t know what he’s left me with!”
“Kimara, I’m sorry it’s coming out like this, but-”
“I said what I said, T’Challa!”  Kimara hangs up in his face. She was fuming as she started her engine and drove off to head home.  If Erik only knew….And he always did things like this: do her wrong, then beg to see her and act like nothing was wrong because ‘leave the past in the past’.  He smiles his way into her good graces and they’d be cuddled up with her favorite movie and snacks. But this wasn’t college anymore, they were grown now, and he left her vulnerable.  Kimara knew they were going to go somewhere this time but he didn’t treat her any different than the girls he ran through in his hoe years. But she was supposed to be different, he convinced her of that.  Not anymore, from this day forward.
Kimara pulled up to her place to see a man standing outside of it.  It was dark out so she really wasn’t sure who it was, but the deja vu was heavy within her.  She slowly stepped out her car and stayed behind it as she shut the door.
“Yeah?”  She asked cautiously.
The figure turned around to face her, giving her view of his face.  “Kimara, I know this is rude of me to insist, but I have to act on Erik’s behalf.  You have every right to be angry, but he needs you right now. I want to help you through that.”
Present Day
The trill of Erik’s phone going off wakes them both up as they take a lazy morning.  Kimara barely got a good night’s rest for Erik having gotten too drunk and staggering to bed noisily and sloppily, only then to snore ridiculously loud for almost the whole night.  Kimara smacked her pillow at him to stir him but soon as he hit REM sleep, he was Foghorn Leghorn in the sheets.
Kimara rounded off her pillow upside his head once more to get him to pick up his phone, this time Erik has gained more coordination to register his surroundings.  He picks up his phone without acknowledging the caller ID.
“Hello?’  Erik asks with a heavy tongue.
“Yes, Good morning Mr. Stevens.  This is Doctor Tracy from Jocelyn Elders Fertility Clinic.  How are you this morning?”
Erik sits up slowly.  “Oh hey, yeah, I think you should be telling me that, right?”
The doctor laughs.  “Sure, that’s fair. I would like to speak with you and your wife in person about the results, if you have time this afternoon?’
Erik lightly hits Kimara on her shoulder.  “Aye Mara, you got anything to do this afternoon?”
“I always got something Erik, why?”  Kimara mumbles.
“The doc wants to see us about my results, but I can schedule it later.”
Kimara shoots up with renewed energy.  “Shit! They wanna see us?” Erik nods, covering the mic part of his phone.  Kimara motions to him nodding as she gets up and heads to the bathroom.
“Uhh, yeah, this afternoon will work for us.”
At the doctor’s, they sit in a room waiting to be seen.  The doctor’s normal office seems as sterile and bland as an examination room with the smell of unidentified solutions and the overpowering whiteness of their surroundings, Kimara’s nerves are on the edge.
“What do you think they’re going to tell us?”  She asks.
Erik is leaning on his knees looking blank in his face.  “Whatchu mean?”
“I mean, hell, if it was good they would’ve just told us on the phone!  Did you fuck up your balls doing your duties overseas and you ain’t told me?”
“Hell nah!  Shit like that don’t happen.  Females swear guys gets kicked in the balls every other day or somethin.”  Erik retorts adjusting himself.
“Well it’s gotta be something.  Maybe your time in Africa you got mixed with some shit that didn’t agree with you and wound up making you sterile.”  
“Mara, you don’t know anything about Wakanda or vibranium so chill on that theory.”
“Then tell me something I don’t know Erik, cuz you’d be wasting both our time holding back.”  Kimara warns.
Erik peers over at her.  “The only thing getting wasted is my time and money sitting here cuz ain’t shit the fuck wrong with me.”
Kimara hated when Erik brought up how much he was doing for her by just showing up or dropping some cash on a situation.  She wasn’t with him for everything he could do for her, she was with him because she loved being with him, wanted the best for him, and she put in too many years with him to get that notion twisted.
Before she could really let him have it, the doctor walked in.
“Good Afternoon folks.  I’m glad you were able to make it on such short notice.”  Dr. Tracy greeted them both with a smile and a handshake.
“No problem!  We’ve been waiting on these for a little bit so no way would we miss this.”  Kimara says, looking over at Erik with a smile, who looked bored with it all.
“Yeah, so whatchu got for us doc?”  Erik says scratching his beard noisily.
Dr. Tracy nods.  “Of course, so I won’t delay it any further.  Erik after reviewing your sample, we found nothing abnormal with your sperm count, their mobility, or make up.  You seem perfectly capable of being able to conceive a child with your wife.”
A moment of silence washed over the both of them as they looked wordlessly at one another.
“Soooo, I’m fine?  Chamber loaded, no blanks?”  
“Erik!”  Kimara chides him.
Dr. Tracy chuckles.  “It’s ok, I’ve heard all the euphemisms.  But you are correct. They are...clear for takeoff!”
“Then why are we not pregnant yet?”  Kimara asks in a hollow tone.
“Well, there’s a multitude of scenarios that can contribute to it but what we know right now is that Erik’s sperm is prime for conception and your uterus is beautiful for harboring a baby, just an example of good genetic make up.  I would want to be reborn again from you if I had the chance!” Dr. Tracy adds.
Erik grips the bridge of his nose in frustration.  “So what do you recommend we do from here?”
“Well honestly I would say to just keep having your regular routine.  If you want to keep track of ovulation that’s fine but honestly I wouldn’t put too much pressure on it until it’s been a year of trying.  I know they taught us in school it only takes one time, but as we get older and just leaving it up to God, it sometimes takes just that one good day after many for it to happen.”
“Ok.  I got the answer I needed.  Are we done here?” Kimara says, getting up before she could answer.  
“Yes.  Like I said folks, this is good news.  It means this can still happen naturally and cheaply.”  Dr. Tracy says with a slight chuckle that drops to a tight smile when she reads their expressions.  
As Erik and Kimara get in her car, Erik starts.  “We need a new doctor.”
“What?”  Kimara asks with contempt.
Erik taps on his window nervously looking outside.  “This one don’t know what she talking bout clearly. How she finna joke about this?”
“I mean, she wasn’t laughing at us, she was trying to make us feel better.”  Kimara says.
“Nah, she don’t need defending.  She need to give us some real solutions instead of a punchline.  This ain’t a night at the Apollo, or is she taking us as a joke cuz we Black?”
“Erik, she gave us good news, right?  Are you gonna take any piece of that positivity and just be happy with it?  I don’t know why you’re being mean with her.”
Erik scoffs.  “Trust me this ain’t mean.  I’m just being real. You know these doctors give less of  a fuck for us then they do white patients. She would been giving us fertility referrals and brochures and clinics out her ass if we were white.  But with us it’s ‘well just keep fucking like you niggers always do’.”
“ERIK! Shut the fuck up!  I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you, but you don’t have a damn place to be this upset right now.”  Kimara yells, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
Erik’s neck practically snaps to face her.  “The fuck is-”
“Nah Erik, you been talkin.  Soon as we got there you had stank on you, callin her ‘doc’ and talkin all vulgar.  You need to quit acting like such a child! I almost think you WISH your balls were empty.”
“Mara, ain’t nobody-”
“AND NOW you wanna say let’s switch doctors, when we been working with her since I first told you I was worried about not getting pregnant yet.  She’s spent all this time with us, changing doctors ain’t easy or quick. You know I’m the one that has to carry this right? I’m going to be the one to have to go through treatments if it comes down to it?’
“I know.”
“Nah, you really don’t Erik!  You don’t know what this will do to me having to hear this shit over and over again, when this coulda been mine already.”
Erik’s demeanor softens slightly.  “What’re you talkin bout?”
Kimara’s face becomes wet with tears.  “It wasn’t this hard, you just don’t know.  It could’ve been so damn easy, but you won’t let it.”
Erik looks around out the window.  “Where we goin Mara?”
“And you got the nerve to blame the doctors?  That’s some bullshit nigga, real fucking bullshit.”  Kimara stamps on the brake when she reaches the outside of the Korean BBQ place.  “Get your damn car! I’m going for a drive, don’t wait up.”
Erik looks at Kimara with concern.  “Mara, that’s my bad about the doctor.  I just-”
Kimara clicks the unlock button.  “Get out Erik!”
 Part 5
@chaneajoyyy @sarcastic-sunshines @muse-of-mbaku@dameshaemonique  @fonville-designs@destinio1@bakarisangel @wakanda-inspired@klaine15689 @savageiz @nickidub718@yoyolovesbucky @alexundefined @forbeautyandlife @bakarisangel
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things2mustdo · 4 years
The video game industry and culture changed substantially when women started to get involved. Whenever a successful male industry is created, a biological urge to change it comes from those with two X chromosomes. Here are e three ways that women have ruined gaming culture:
1. Inclusiveness
The videogame culture of the 70’s – 00’s was about making fun games to sell to consumers. This could mean controlling Bill and Lance from “Contra” to Duke in “Duke Nukem.” You bought video games that appealed to you and didn’t support the ones you didn’t like. Women don’t understand this basic formula. They would rather screech about a game not including a strong female role model than actually make a video game with a strong female role model.
A female Youtuber named Anita Sarkeesian used this premise to rally for more feminist narratives. A normal alpha would use Kickstarter to make a high budget game that appeals to them. Anita instead spent time begging on Kickstarter and used it to raise over $150,000 dollars to make snarky videos on an iMac. Females always want to be inclusive without putting in the work themselves. One example is this fat lady named Heidi.
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This is an example of a woman who wants to write a poly-amorous love triangle  in video games instead of working on a new physics engine. It’s also not surprising that she’s a fat single mother with a useless degree. If we had this chick developing games instead of Shigeru Miyamato, Mario would be a transgender Eskimo amputee and he would beat up racist men instead of saving the princess. It would also mean that video game companies would go out of business. Since the type of feminists the “social justice” games would be marketed to rarely support businesses that aren’t clothing, decadent food and media publications.  In the big scheme of things, video-game companies need talented men to produce content that would be used to subsidize feminist outreach programs made by the same companies. Every time you see a conference or panel at a convention hosted by a video-game company about getting more women into the industry, you know that these wouldn’t even be possible without Joe Nerd spending 16 hours a day, 7 days a week unknowingly subsidizing it. Women want to be involved in things but don’t want to do the actual work to do so.
2. Video Game Journalism
Women and beta males have made video game journalism an entry point for dilettantes with humanity majors. Most major publications like Kotaku, Gawker, IGN, and Gamespot rather complain about how “sexist” GTA is than write actual meaningful game content. Video game publications have turned into tabloids with female writers at the helm. Most people can’t name a female game journalist because they coast on their male colleagues who do the actual work.
You’ll never have a Louis Theroux in the video game industry because women who work in the industry would bitch about inquisitive questions. They would rather write about some dumb ass model dressed up as a video-game character than something substantive.
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3. Gamer Girls
The last part of this trifecta of regression is the culture of gaming brought in by women. The beta males of video gaming culture are the thirstiest betas in existence. When a former porn star can make more money by streaming video games for donations instead taking a fat dick, you know there has to be betas behind that.
You go to any Youtube channel about gaming and it will have a useless pretty chick talking about her experiences with Pokemon as a child. These women are not actual gamers but women riding a fad. They’re called “Gamer Gurls” for the reason to mock the gurl phrase that feminists like to use. These semi-attractive chicks have learned that they can get the princess treatment by pretending to be a video game enthusiast. Also another type of chick started to pop up. These women though don’t have the facade of being attractive. Instead they use videogames to up their social status. The land whales realized that if they could fake their enthusiasm for games, some video game beta would find them attractive as well. The betas fight over these chicks and since they’re all manginas of the highest degree. This is one of the reasons that betaness and even omeganess are the norms in video game culture.
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Because of these reasons, video games have declined since their great rise in the 70’s-00’s. Girl gamers and their beta male hangers-on rather buy Call of Duty than support quality products. Don’t let women in to your sub-culture unless you want it permanently disfigured. Too bad they already did it to my favorite sub-culture.
I played a lot of video games growing up; not as much as those weird neck-bearded kids who play WoW, but enough to learn just how much time one can waste playing them. After I got home from school I’d grab a snack and sit my ass on the couch and start playing until dinner. I’d go to friends houses on weekends and play games and when a new game came out I’d play it tirelessly until I beat it. Fifteen hours a week isn’t all that much when you’re a teenager; school is easy and you have no reason to be doing anything else, but the older I get the more I realize how much of a time-sink it was. However, there are a few important lessons I learned from playing all those hours.
1. There are complainers…
Most guys who play CoD either talk shit about how they fucked your mother or they just keep silent. The rest are those who bitch and moan about every little detail. They’re the guys who complain you’re ‘hacking,’ playing unfairly, or using a loadout that gives you an advantage. They’re the sore losers and you encounter them in the real world all the time. In the real world those same guys whine about following the rules because they are scared of stepping out of line, they are the people who believe everyone needs to be brought to the same level lest one be left out. The best way I’ve found to deal with them is just ignore them. Ignore those who complain about perceived problems the same way you would ignore some 13 year old kid whining how using RPGs aren’t fair.
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2. …and then there are those who find patterns.
On the more extreme end of things there are those who learn patterns and exploit them. They’re the guys who learn spawning patterns, optimized loadouts, good sniping positions and so on. They put in serious time to get good at the game, they also know they have to do more than learn the game to get good at the game. In the time it takes them to master the theoretical or detail oriented parts of the game their motor skills have increased as well. These guys are like us. We improve our social skills, appearance, and confidence as well as exploiting the current system in order to get better at the game of life.
3. The importance of competition
Competition is at the core of our masculinity, without it we are just participating in existence. Call of Duty is the most immediate form of competition I have come across and I never realized its importance until the first powerlifting meet I competed in. At the meet adrenaline coursed through my veins between attempts and although I cheered others on I felt a burning desire to lift as much as I damn could to prove myself better than the rest. While you may only be competing against half-literate, drugged out teenagers playing Call of Duty, you still get that same rush when trying to annihilate the other team. Even while relaxing with friends, having a few beers and playing CoD you want to beat their score. You want to be the best.
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4. The average man sucks
The last CoD game I played regularly was the first Black Ops game. There was an option to look at another player’s scorecard. This scorecard showed their kill/death ratio, win/loss ratio, and every other imaginable metric of success. In this data was hours played. Between matches I’d always look at the opposition’s scorecard and 9 times out of 10 the dude had fucking terrible stats. I would regularly see players who played hundreds of hours yet still died more than they killed. Even though most guys play CoD to relax they’re still fucking terrible and aren’t any better than when they started. Same goes in the real world. Most men you meet will be extremely average, and as we all know average never got anyone anywhere. You reconnect with a friend 5 years down the line and his accomplishments include: having a mortgage, being in debt, becoming overweight, and maybe driving a new car.
5. People will do anything if given the right rewards
Video game developers are crafty sons of bitches, like social media mavens they sell instant gratification. When you think about it a game like Call of Duty is extremely boring and repetitive. Each game is 10-15 minutes long and you do the exact same thing each time, something has to keep you coming back. While much of the draw can be attributed to the thrill of competition and success there is another factor: the instant gratification of rewards. The first few hours you play Call of Duty you’re assaulted with various medals, ribbons, unlocks and upgrades. You get a medal for 5 kills, then 50, then 500. You get sucked in from the start and desire the hardest to get rewards. As in the real world people will perform the same mindless action day in, day out given enough monetary or emotional compensation.
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I still play from time to time. Its nice to do nothing but move your thumbs for an hour, but no man should spend the majority of his precious free time doing something so unproductive as playing video games. One of my biggest regrets from being a teenager was spending much of my time alone playing games when I could have been out doing something interesting, or in the very least reading books. However I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned. I know now to ignore those who complain and instead of complaining myself I seek out ways to overcome obstacles and get better. I know now how easily average people can be manipulated into doing mindless things if they are sufficiently compensated. Most importantly I know the importance of competition in masculine development.
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Freedom, Flowers, Sunshine is Living
Miracle Moment®
“Just living isn’t enough,” said the butterfly. “One must also have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” Hans Christian Andersen
MESSAGE FROM CYNTHIA BRIAN, Founder/Executive Director It’s been three days short of four weeks since I have been at home, sheltering-in-place, and personal distancing. With mask and gloves, I venture to my office in town once a week to pick up the mail. The parking lot is empty of cars as everyone works from home. The numerous items on my “to-do” list have not all been accomplished, although I admit, I may have overreached in my enthusiasm. I’ve been occupied with over two dozen webinars and teleconferences attempting to figure out how to keep the outreach programs of Be the Star You Are!® non-profit alive and viable as donations have shriveled. Online applications, document gathering, organizing paperwork…tedious and time-consuming. Most of you will relate. I’m so appreciative to Screen Actors Guild, The Authors Guild, Network for Good, and California Association of Non Profits for all of the information they have generously provided to help performers, writers, and non-profits survive during this Covid 19 crisis.
Email requests for virtual volunteer opportunities have tripled as people strive to keep their skills honed during work layoffs. Producing our two radio broadcasts takes an enormous amount of time as I attempt to bring valuable information, entertainment, and enlightening guests to the airwaves. I laugh at the preponderance of Linkedin messages from a variety of coaches asking for a telephone chat so they can help me earn seven figures. Right! Maybe I need to send them a link to donate a bit of their riches.
I am so grateful to have a home and a home office. There have been magical experiences because of our quarantine. My husband and I are enjoying virtual costume parties with our kids via FaceTime at sunset. Instead of working crazy, late night schedules at our respective offices, we are actually sitting down together at the table every day to eat dinner. Most evenings we watch a movie or documentary on Netflix. My garden has become my sanctuary because it is in full bloom providing plenty of hope for a brighter tomorrow. I spend hours working in it daily and I’ve had so much fun in the barnyard with my adopted animals. Every day I post a photo from my mini-farm to my social networks with an inspirational note. Sunday, we’ll do a virtual Easter-egg hunt with our family. How marvelous technology is!
I miss working in films and coaching clients in person. I miss seeing my family in the flesh, meeting friends at restaurants, visiting gardens and museums, and going to the theater. Yet, I am happy we are healthy, alive, and thus far, safe. We have sunshine, freedom, and flowers. This is living!
This will be a memorable Passover, Holy Week, and Easter for all. Enjoy some of the virtual tours of museums and gardens listed below.
Sending blessings and grace. Stay safe, strong, and keep living in the moment.
Cynthia Brian Founder/Executive Director Be the Star You Are!® PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected]
  P.S. During the lock-down, I am available for consultations, webinars, interviews, or speaking via on-line sources only. If interested, email [email protected]
or visit https://www.starstyleradio.com/coaching
  DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
  Virtual Visits: My husband and I were supposed to be celebrating Easter in Prague this year with my Irish/Norwegian penpal from childhood, Nora, and her husband. We love to explore museums and gardens together. Unfortunately I won’t be able to visit Museum Kampa so I took a virtual tour. https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/museum-kampa?hl=en
Here are some links to virtual visits to a few of my favorite museums and gardens in various parts of the world. Experience armchair travel!
Museums: Van Gogh Museum. Amsterdam: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/van-gogh-museum?hl=en
  RijksMuseum, Amsterdam: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/rijksmuseum?hl=en
  Hermitage, St. Petersburg: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-state-hermitage-museum?hl=en
  Musée d’Orsay, Paris: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/musee-dorsay-paris?hl=en
  Palace of Versailles, Versailles: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/palace-of-versailles?hl=en
  Legend of Honor, San Francisco: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/legion-of-honor?hl=en
  deYoung Museum. San Francisco: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/de-young-museum?hl=en
  MOMA, Museum of Modern Art, New York: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/moma-the-museum-of-modern-art?hl=en
  Gardens: Monet’s Garden, Giverny France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjWx2WNXFF4
  Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtZ0dcUzGX8
  HighGrove Gardens, England: https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/igLSEOWqhVHoJw
  Keukenhof, Holland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqMA5s-N1Uw
  Butchart Gardens, Canada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoxcZBuf900
  Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Cherry Watch, United States: https://www.bbg.org/collections/cherries
  National Trust Gardens, England, Ireland: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lists/virtual-tours-of-our-places
  Other Entertainment
1.For teens, by teens, Express Yourself!™ Radio hosts and reporters continue to interview fantastic guests. Listen to 9 years of incredible interviews : https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2014/express-yourself
  Lots of exciting guests are lined up to talk about new books, food, climate, medicine, spirituality, the future, and more. Make sure to listen to BTSYA volunteer and host, Brigitte Jia’s meditative hour on Quarantine Communication and Contemplation, https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122978/quarantine-communication-and-contemplation-with-brigitte-jia
  For information on new weekly episodes and guests, visit https://www.starstyleradio.com/expressyourselfteenradio
  2. Lifestyle radio programming at its best, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® offers you over 728 hours of LIVE uplifting, informative, empowering broadcasts showcasing celebrities, authors, successperts, and the pioneers the planet. https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are
  Beginning on Wednesday, April 15 at 4:30pm PT, join us for Wine Wednesdays with sommelier and BTSYA volunteer, Heather Brittany. Each week we’ll raise a glass and learn about a different varietal. We can all use a little vino during this down time and Heather Brittany brings us the party to put the bloom on the doom. It's Wine Time! Salute!
Don’t miss our many excellent authors who will be on our programs.
New LIVE shows every Wednesday from 4-5pm PT: https://www.starstyleradio.com/starstyle-radio
  3. If you love behind-the-scenes of movies, TV shows, and more, The SAG Foundation offers Conversations with numerous actors, directors, casting people, and more. The content is free and fabulous but you can also donate: https://www.youtube.com/user/SAGFoundation
4. If you love nature and gardening, a plethora of gardening articles:https://www.cynthiabrian.com/gardening-articles
Our last newsletter had numerous ways to entertain yourselves during our stay-at-home mandate. If you missed it, here’s a link to Press Pass: https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2020/03/30/theres-no-place-like-home/
    SHOPPING ON-LINE! Since we need to stay at home and only go out when absolutely necessary, these are on-line shopping portals that will sell you what you need, offer discounts, and assist our mission as a nonprofit. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials,
1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases https://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3333882
2. Discounted books at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/shops/be_the_star_you_are_charity
3. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash at 3500+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA:https://givingassistant.org/np#be-the-star-you-are-inc
& buy from your favorite stores. 4. Search and GoodShop: Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too! https://www.goodshop.com/nonprofit/be-the-star-you-are
5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE: http://www.iGive.com/BTSYA
6. BTSYA Logo Store: http://btsya.rylees.net
7. Buy or Sell on EBAY:http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/be-the-star-you-are-501-c-3/1504/?favorite=link
8. Designer Clothes to Buy or Sell: https://www.unionandfifth.com/charities/be-the-star-you-are-moraga-ca/shop
9. Buy “Read, Lead, Succeed” T-shirts and tanks $19.99 at StarStyle® Store: http://www.starstylestore.net/
10. Are you a gamer, lover of new software, or other digital content? Buy all of your favorites at Humble Bundle. http://ow.ly/cYs130iN6n4
  We appreciate a direct donation most of all via PAYPAL GIVING FUND at https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
  Checks can be sent to PO Box 376, Moraga, California 94556 http://www.btsya.org ___________________
  Direct Links you can use for Be the Star You Are!® Positive Results: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/positive-results
About Us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/about_us
Programs: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/programs
How to Help: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/how-to-help
Blog: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/blog-1
Events: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/events
Contact us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/contact
GREAT NON PROFITS REVIEWS: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/be-the-star-you-are-inc
GUIDESTAR: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/94-3333882
  We invite you to volunteer, get involved, or make a donation. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES:  https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Classified Ads: If you’d like to advertise your service or product while supporting Be the Star You Are!®, we are now accepting approved ads that will benefit readers. Contact [email protected] for details.
Enjoy Holy Week, Passover, and Easter in a brand new way. We are still here…apart yet together. Stay healthy and safe. Add sunshine flowers to your life.
Be the Star You Are!® PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected]
  All donations are 100% Tax Deductible according to law. Thank you! https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
  Read: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/672296/318e3a3a8c/288055965/bbd34d3431/
  tags: #Easter,#passover,#coronavirus,#ovid19,#bethestaryouare,#stayhome,#staysafe,#cynthiabrian,#helpforyou,#starstyle,#expressyourself
0 notes
goddessgardener · 4 years
Freedom, Flowers, Sunshine is Living
Miracle Moment®
“Just living isn’t enough,” said the butterfly. “One must also have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” Hans Christian Andersen
MESSAGE FROM CYNTHIA BRIAN, Founder/Executive Director It’s been three days short of four weeks since I have been at home, sheltering-in-place, and personal distancing. With mask and gloves, I venture to my office in town once a week to pick up the mail. The parking lot is empty of cars as everyone works from home. The numerous items on my “to-do” list have not all been accomplished, although I admit, I may have overreached in my enthusiasm. I’ve been occupied with over two dozen webinars and teleconferences attempting to figure out how to keep the outreach programs of Be the Star You Are!® non-profit alive and viable as donations have shriveled. Online applications, document gathering, organizing paperwork…tedious and time-consuming. Most of you will relate. I’m so appreciative to Screen Actors Guild, The Authors Guild, Network for Good, and California Association of Non Profits for all of the information they have generously provided to help performers, writers, and non-profits survive during this Covid 19 crisis.
Email requests for virtual volunteer opportunities have tripled as people strive to keep their skills honed during work layoffs. Producing our two radio broadcasts takes an enormous amount of time as I attempt to bring valuable information, entertainment, and enlightening guests to the airwaves. I laugh at the preponderance of Linkedin messages from a variety of coaches asking for a telephone chat so they can help me earn seven figures. Right! Maybe I need to send them a link to donate a bit of their riches.
I am so grateful to have a home and a home office. There have been magical experiences because of our quarantine. My husband and I are enjoying virtual costume parties with our kids via FaceTime at sunset. Instead of working crazy, late night schedules at our respective offices, we are actually sitting down together at the table every day to eat dinner. Most evenings we watch a movie or documentary on Netflix. My garden has become my sanctuary because it is in full bloom providing plenty of hope for a brighter tomorrow. I spend hours working in it daily and I’ve had so much fun in the barnyard with my adopted animals. Every day I post a photo from my mini-farm to my social networks with an inspirational note. Sunday, we’ll do a virtual Easter-egg hunt with our family. How marvelous technology is!
I miss working in films and coaching clients in person. I miss seeing my family in the flesh, meeting friends at restaurants, visiting gardens and museums, and going to the theater. Yet, I am happy we are healthy, alive, and thus far, safe. We have sunshine, freedom, and flowers. This is living!
This will be a memorable Passover, Holy Week, and Easter for all. Enjoy some of the virtual tours of museums and gardens listed below.
Sending blessings and grace. Stay safe, strong, and keep living in the moment.
Cynthia Brian Founder/Executive Director Be the Star You Are!® PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected]
  P.S. During the lock-down, I am available for consultations, webinars, interviews, or speaking via on-line sources only. If interested, email [email protected]
or visit https://www.starstyleradio.com/coaching
  DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
  Virtual Visits: My husband and I were supposed to be celebrating Easter in Prague this year with my Irish/Norwegian penpal from childhood, Nora, and her husband. We love to explore museums and gardens together. Unfortunately I won’t be able to visit Museum Kampa so I took a virtual tour. https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/museum-kampa?hl=en
Here are some links to virtual visits to a few of my favorite museums and gardens in various parts of the world. Experience armchair travel!
Museums: Van Gogh Museum. Amsterdam: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/van-gogh-museum?hl=en
  RijksMuseum, Amsterdam: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/rijksmuseum?hl=en
  Hermitage, St. Petersburg: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-state-hermitage-museum?hl=en
  Musée d’Orsay, Paris: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/musee-dorsay-paris?hl=en
  Palace of Versailles, Versailles: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/palace-of-versailles?hl=en
  Legend of Honor, San Francisco: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/legion-of-honor?hl=en
  deYoung Museum. San Francisco: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/de-young-museum?hl=en
  MOMA, Museum of Modern Art, New York: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/moma-the-museum-of-modern-art?hl=en
  Gardens: Monet’s Garden, Giverny France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjWx2WNXFF4
  Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtZ0dcUzGX8
  HighGrove Gardens, England: https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/igLSEOWqhVHoJw
  Keukenhof, Holland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqMA5s-N1Uw
  Butchart Gardens, Canada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoxcZBuf900
  Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Cherry Watch, United States: https://www.bbg.org/collections/cherries
  National Trust Gardens, England, Ireland: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lists/virtual-tours-of-our-places
  Other Entertainment
1.For teens, by teens, Express Yourself!™ Radio hosts and reporters continue to interview fantastic guests. Listen to 9 years of incredible interviews : https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2014/express-yourself
  Lots of exciting guests are lined up to talk about new books, food, climate, medicine, spirituality, the future, and more. Make sure to listen to BTSYA volunteer and host, Brigitte Jia’s meditative hour on Quarantine Communication and Contemplation, https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122978/quarantine-communication-and-contemplation-with-brigitte-jia
  For information on new weekly episodes and guests, visit https://www.starstyleradio.com/expressyourselfteenradio
  2. Lifestyle radio programming at its best, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® offers you over 728 hours of LIVE uplifting, informative, empowering broadcasts showcasing celebrities, authors, successperts, and the pioneers the planet. https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are
  Beginning on Wednesday, April 15 at 4:30pm PT, join us for Wine Wednesdays with sommelier and BTSYA volunteer, Heather Brittany. Each week we’ll raise a glass and learn about a different varietal. We can all use a little vino during this down time and Heather Brittany brings us the party to put the bloom on the doom. It's Wine Time! Salute!
Don’t miss our many excellent authors who will be on our programs.
New LIVE shows every Wednesday from 4-5pm PT: https://www.starstyleradio.com/starstyle-radio
  3. If you love behind-the-scenes of movies, TV shows, and more, The SAG Foundation offers Conversations with numerous actors, directors, casting people, and more. The content is free and fabulous but you can also donate: https://www.youtube.com/user/SAGFoundation
4. If you love nature and gardening, a plethora of gardening articles:https://www.cynthiabrian.com/gardening-articles
Our last newsletter had numerous ways to entertain yourselves during our stay-at-home mandate. If you missed it, here’s a link to Press Pass: https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2020/03/30/theres-no-place-like-home/
    SHOPPING ON-LINE! Since we need to stay at home and only go out when absolutely necessary, these are on-line shopping portals that will sell you what you need, offer discounts, and assist our mission as a nonprofit. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials,
1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases https://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3333882
2. Discounted books at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/shops/be_the_star_you_are_charity
3. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash at 3500+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA:https://givingassistant.org/np#be-the-star-you-are-inc
& buy from your favorite stores. 4. Search and GoodShop: Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too! https://www.goodshop.com/nonprofit/be-the-star-you-are
5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE: http://www.iGive.com/BTSYA
6. BTSYA Logo Store: http://btsya.rylees.net
7. Buy or Sell on EBAY:http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/be-the-star-you-are-501-c-3/1504/?favorite=link
8. Designer Clothes to Buy or Sell: https://www.unionandfifth.com/charities/be-the-star-you-are-moraga-ca/shop
9. Buy “Read, Lead, Succeed” T-shirts and tanks $19.99 at StarStyle® Store: http://www.starstylestore.net/
10. Are you a gamer, lover of new software, or other digital content? Buy all of your favorites at Humble Bundle. http://ow.ly/cYs130iN6n4
  We appreciate a direct donation most of all via PAYPAL GIVING FUND at https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
  Checks can be sent to PO Box 376, Moraga, California 94556 http://www.btsya.org ___________________
  Direct Links you can use for Be the Star You Are!® Positive Results: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/positive-results
About Us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/about_us
Programs: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/programs
How to Help: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/how-to-help
Blog: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/blog-1
Events: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/events
Contact us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/contact
GREAT NON PROFITS REVIEWS: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/be-the-star-you-are-inc
GUIDESTAR: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/94-3333882
  We invite you to volunteer, get involved, or make a donation. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES:  https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Classified Ads: If you’d like to advertise your service or product while supporting Be the Star You Are!®, we are now accepting approved ads that will benefit readers. Contact [email protected] for details.
Enjoy Holy Week, Passover, and Easter in a brand new way. We are still here…apart yet together. Stay healthy and safe. Add sunshine flowers to your life.
Be the Star You Are!® PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected]
  All donations are 100% Tax Deductible according to law. Thank you! https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
  Read: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/672296/318e3a3a8c/288055965/bbd34d3431/
  tags: #Easter,#passover,#coronavirus,#ovid19,#bethestaryouare,#stayhome,#staysafe,#cynthiabrian,#helpforyou,#starstyle,#expressyourself
0 notes
izzyisamachine · 7 years
A Scathing Review of Descendants 2
Confession: It’s not like I hated this movie, I was just kinda frustrated and had to rant about it? No hate if you really loved this movie. Also this review has Swears™ and is completely 100% Unedited™. Sorry. Also, spoilers are here so that’s fun.
To preface this review, I don’t think I’m this film’s target audience. That is to say, I’m old enough to be embarrassed by current affairs and the state of my bank account. But I’ve always been into that good good fairy tale shit, so when I heard Disney was making a kids movie about some of their most popular (and profitable) characters, I went, “seems legit,” ignored the similarities to Mattel’s “Ever After High” franchise (I’m a sucker for fairy tale shit okay and this stuff’s free on Youtube) and hunkered down to watch. Descendants The First was… not what I’d call good per se, but it was good enough. It was a little dull, the costumes oozed kitsch that made my eyes really want to cry, and every supposedly “well known” character from Disney’s pantheon seemed a little “off” (which wasn’t really anyone’s fault, since I was expecting everyone to look like a cartoon), but ultimately it was competent. There was a plot, the pacing was decent, and there were a couple bops thrown in, since the director of Descendants also did High School Musical. This is an assessment of the first Descendants movie that I think is valid, mainly because I’ve watched a couple of reviews on film theory on Youtube, meaning that I’m a fucking expert now I guess.
But we ain’t here to talk about Descendants the first. We’re here to talk about it’s sequel, Descendants 2. Oh ho ho. Descendants 2.
Lemme start with some good stuff: the outfits definitely got a lot better, the new characters introduced are pretty cool (Uma, daughter of Ursula, and Harry Hook, self explanatory. I don't really fuck with Gil though? He’s okay I just don’t really care about him), and there are still some mf’ing bops (mainly, Uma’s intro number “What’s My Name”, and that other one where the kids try to teach Ben how to stop being so fucking white I forgot what it’s called but whatever). I understand also why a lot of people are saying this movie is the better of the two Descendants films. It’s got some good character development, and, according to some review I saw online, it’s “darker” than the first film. I don’t really remember the first film all that well so I guess I have to go along with that. But I still have major beef with the second film so here we fucking go:
Not as a standalone movie, not in the context of the movie’s universe, not in like, any scenario ever.
So like first of all: the whole point of the first movie was that Prince Ben, aka generic blonde love interest (GBLI), decides that the villain kids, or VKs, as they call themselves (I know, cringe barf), deserve a chance. So, despite the advice of like, everyone, he invites the kids of Maleficent, Jafar, the Evil Queen, and Cruella de Vil (??? Why the fuck is she here she doesn’t even have any magical powers that need to be contained??? They could have let her kid get adopted by someone instead of leaving him to rot on Evil McEvil Islandsville???) to come to his high school (another thing: is he the prince of the school, or the prince of the whole country?? Because we literally never see anything not within walking distance of this fucking prep school. Is there an Auradon public school where the kids of like… side characters go?) to go hang at his school. And surprisingly (to no one in the audience), they turn out to be Productive Members of Society™ who were just Misunderstood™ (after an adjustment period where they fuck everything up for a while). At the beginning of the movie, Prince GBLI turns into King GBLI. Why? I don’t fucking know. His parents are still alive AND his dad is only like… 50? At most? Why the fuck is he retiring so early??? In this economy? My dad’s like pushing 60 and still working??? What kinda bourgeoisie fuckery is this?
So. Anyway.
What is King GBLI doing with his time?
Is he improving infrastructure? Attending to foreign affairs? Or maybe, I dunno, extending his villain kid outreach program past 4 fucking people?
No. This bitch plans a party. Specifically, he plans fairy tale character prom, or “Cotillion.” Whatever.
So of course, some villain kids are (understandably) pissed about being forgotten. Specifically, one kid named Uma, played by China Anne McClain. Uma is a fucking queen. She’s cool. I like her and her pal Harry. Not Gil though. He’s the son of Gaston and I don’t really get why he’s there. But he’s okay I guess. But anyway, like a muthafucking communist boss, she’s like “Imma overthrow the bourgeoisie!” So she plans to get the fairy godmother’s magic McGuffin wand so she can reverse the social hierarchy and bring justice to the oppressed. I fuck with that. It’s understandable. Basically, King GBLI decided to pick a bunch of random villains to bring to the prep school that he's somehow king of, and forgot about literally everyone else. What a dick.
But meanwhile, King GBLI’s girlfriend Mal, the “hero” of our story (jk, it’s Uma. I love Uma) decides that she’s had ENOUGH of playing perfect girlfriend and wants to go back to being villainous Maleficent’s daughter again. So she packs up her shit, including her own personal McGuffin, her magic spell book that she somehow can’t perform magic without (did she not think to memorize the spells she uses really often or is that book the source of all her power? Whatever, the movie never fucking explains this so I won’t even try), and fucks on off to Evil McEvilsville (or the “Isle of the Lost”. Whatever.) Here, she gets a dramatic dye job and basically does whatever the fuck she wants while her friends worry about her.
Her friends find out she’s missing and follow her to the isle, taking the most inconspicuous vehicle they can find: a magic barrier breaking limousine. Sorry, did I say most inconspicuous? I meant least inconspicuous. Then, Uma kidnaps GBLI and is like, “hey. You forgot about us and thats not cool.” To which he’s like, “well I remember you now so that’s like, totally enough to make you good now, right?” To which she, understandably, is like, Bitch No. SO THEN, she tell Mal that if she ever wants to see GBLI again, she has to bring her fairy godmother’s Magic McGuffin™. The Gang™ tricks her with a 3D printed wand (what fucking century does this movie take place in I’m confused), and fucks off back to their super cool party. BUT WAIT! MAL HAS LEFT HER MCGUFFIN SPELL BOOK ON THE ISLAND! WHAT HAPPENS NOOOOOOWWW????
This is where the movie really starts to piss me the fuck off. You see, in film theory, there’s a little thing called “planting and payoff.” Basically, when the camera focusses on a specific object in detail, you expect to see that shit pop up later on. Example: if you see some guy holding a suitcase and then the camera pans to the suitcase, you expect it to be germane to the plot later on. So the assumption with Descendants 2 is: Uma finds Mal’s spell book and confronts her at the party thing. She then uses Mal’s only source of power against her. Since Mal has never been seen doing any magic without her spell book, she would now be powerless and have to find a way to do magic without it through an 11th hour power up or else use her wits and the help of her friends to retrieve her spell book and save the day. Instead, Uma seduces (I know it’s a kid’s movie so there’s no actual seducing but I dunno what else to call it) GBLI through a spell that she did NOT get from the spell book. Which Mal breaks easily with true love’s kiss, because this is a fairy tale movie. Then, Uma kinda uses her magic necklace (that’s here now) to grow huge and splash the prom boat. Lame. My prom was also on a boat. Double lame. And everyone on the boat acts super scared because now there’s water in it!… but no like holes, so the deck’s just a little wet and maybe the boat tilts a little. Everyone just kinda stands on the deck instead of getting below deck like a group of normal people and acts surprised that it’s tilting back and forth. No shit buddy! There’s a giant tentacle lady who’s angry at you in the water! What did you think was going to happen? Then Mal fucking TURNS INTO A DRAGON for some reason. And she fights Uma by blowing fire at her. In the middle of the ocean. Which has like, no effect because Mal just really really likes aiming like, three feet in front of Uma into the water. And water kinda does this thing where it puts out fire? I dunno maybe she should work on aiming better or something or find something more useful to transform into. Anyway, GBLI jumps into the water like an IDIOT and is like “Why can’t we be friends?” To which Uma is like, “what the fuck man.” Understandable. But then she just, like
My girl just decides to fucking leave for some reason what the fuck she could have easily won whatever the fuck that battle was and 5 minutes in she just WALKS AWAY??? This whole battle scene just savors of anti-climax. Kinda like a faked orgasm. And then they FIND MAL’S SPELL BOOK BELOW THE DECK??? AFTER EVERYTHING IS OVER??? WHAT THE FUCK??? Y’all lead me to believe it’s a salient plot point and now this shit? And then Mal decides to give her book to a museum because it’s “too dangerous.” What the fuck? No one in this movie did anything remotely dangerous with that fucking book? And then GBLI has obviously learned his lesson. Because he decides to admit one (1, uno, yi, une) more villain kid to the prep school. Because one of the other villain kids, Evie (who I kinda overlook in this review even though I kinda like her), literally asks him point blank. And then everyone dances in the rain like they haven’t learned an important lesson about social class and what the lack of opportunities to underprivileged youths can mean for society.
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seo1code-blog · 7 years
How To Increase Your Website Traffic Without Creating Any New Content
Ever wonder how you can increase your website traffic without creating any new content?
You may think “I will have to build a ton of links”, and that’s true.
But what if I tell you that you can increase your website traffic without creating content or building links?
That would be awesome, right?
The content that’s already on your website has the potential to perform better than it actually is…
…and I break it down in this article.
Keep reading.
Stop Creating Content If It’s Not Working
How often do you publish content? Daily? Weekly?
No matter how often you publish new articles, they don’t reach their full potential.
You publish an article next Tuesday in hopes of getting high traffic. You fail.
You get an idea for another article and publish it again hoping that this will make it. You fail again.
The cycle goes on.
And you need to stop this NOW.
You are wasting your time and energy in creating content but all it does is get 100 views and 5 comments from your die-hard fans. In other words, your content is not making an IMPACT.
Instead of spending time in creating something new, spend time improving what you already have.
If you put some extra effort into improving the content you already have, you will see some positive results.
There are some tips that will help you get traffic to your website without spending 4 hours in creating content or sending desperate outreach emails to build links.
And here they are:
Increase Website Traffic Without Creating Any New Content
Tip 1. Schedule Posts On Social Media
This one is so powerful but people don’t seem to get it.
Promoting your posts on social media can bring you lots of traffic if you do it right.
There’s no rule that says you can promote on social media only when you publish new content.
So, you better start crushing your social media game. How do you do that?
Well, there is one tool that you need in your arsenal:
You can schedule posts on Buffer for different platforms, set posting time, image and more. It’s one hell of a tool!
The one thing you should be doing right now is to pick your top 3 platforms where you are most active and have a good amount of followers.
It can be Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.
The reason for picking three is that it will help you focus only on those platforms which you think is good for your audience.
So, pick wisely.
Now, you picked the platforms and are ready to go full hard on these platforms. But here’s a mistake everyone makes:
Every post on each platform should share a different message.
You cannot just post the title and a little introduction with an image on social media and expect people to visit your blog.
That’s never gonna happen.
Let me explain this to you:
Suppose I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed and your post comes up with the message “Learn how to grow your email list in 30 days[Free Checklist]”.
I wouldn’t be impressed and neither will your audience.
You need to personalize and use storytelling techniques to improve your message.
You see, people only like people they can relate to and create connections with. If you don’t tell a story, no one is going to read your content.
Storytelling also builds trust and connection between you and your audience.
How many times have you found yourself reading an article on Backlinko, Moz or Neil Patel’s blog?
Even if you have seen that headline thousands of times on different blogs, you will only read it on their blogs because you trust them.
I hope now you’re hooked by the idea of storytelling. So, let me tell you how to do that when promoting your blog posts:
Use personal stories and experiences to create your story
Promoting an article on how to get rid of back pain caused due to a long time spent sitting on a chair?
Tell your story. Share how you did it, how painful the experience was and how your life improved after you got rid of the pain.
Don’t have your own story? Share someone else’s story. Someone you know who got rid of the problem. It can be your friend, relative or your blog reader.
Sharing personal experiences is the best way to connect with your audience.
Here’s a simple formula you can use when promoting your posts on social media:
Mention the problem
Share how it feels to deal with the problem
Share the solution
Changes after the solving the problem
How you share your story changes depending on the platform. On Twitter, you have to share your story in just 140 words.
So, using an image along with a story would be helpful.
On the other hand, on Pinterest, it’s all about how attractive your visuals look.
No matter what platform you’ve chosen, you need to post regularly because it just WORKS.
Tip 2. Start Crushing It On Quora
If you’re an online business, you just need to be on Quora. Period.
I stress on this so hard that I spent hours crafting this 6000-word massive guide on Quora marketing.
Your audience hangs out on Quora. And this platforms gives you the opportunity to help your audience directly by solving their problems.
Look at my Quora stats:
These answers views helped me get some extra traffic to my blog. All by just spending 15-20 minutes a day answering 5 questions on Quora.
My profile is nothing but embarrassing if you compare it with Neil Patel. He CRUSHED IT in just a few months.
And Quora is among the top 5 social platforms where he gets his traffic to his website Quicksprout.
Still thinking Quora is not for you? Think again!
If you’re like me, you also want traffic to your website from Quora. To do that, here are some tips that will help you:
Optimize your profile by including a proper picture, topics, description and add a CTA in your description.
Answer five questions daily. Make them long, detailed and helpful.
Include visuals like charts and graphs in your answers. NEVER use stock images.
Always try to find questions that have not been answered or have only 2-3 answers. Also, look for questions that have over 500-1000 views.
Answer only questions related to your business. You can use a different account for answering questions of different topics.
If you want more help regarding Quora, I highly recommend you to read my guide. It has EVERYTHING you need to know about using Quora to increase your website traffic.
Tip 3. Blog Commenting
It’s a wonderful feeling when people leave comments like this on my posts:
Some of my regular blog commenters are also my good friends. That’s because they leave valuable comments on my blog which makes me check their website out. And this leads to me sharing their content.
You should do the same. Leave comments on blogs. Blog commenting is very powerful for building relationships with other people in your industry.
It opens up a new world of opportunities. Maybe you can get a guest posting opportunity on a blog just by leaving comments regularly. This happened to me.
But leaving generic comments like “Wow, nice post.”, “Great article” or “Thanks for posting this awesome article” will not help you at all.
You need to read the content and understand what the writer is trying to say and then leave a comment.
A comment that:
Adds value to the content
Makes other readers check you out
To make your blog commenting process more efficient, you can create a spreadsheet for tracking all the comments you’ve left on websites.
I’ve made it simpler for you by creating the spreadsheet myself.
You can download the spreadsheet here.
Tip 4. Conduct A Headline Audit
This one simple audit improved my website traffic by 121%.
You know why?
Because your headline makes or breaks your content. If your headlines aren’t attractive, you’re going to have a hard time growing an audience.
So how you do this headline audit? There are two simple steps:
Step 1. Identify pages with low CTR
Go to Google Search Console and click on Search Traffic > Search analytics and select CTR and impressions. Also, deselect pages.
Now select pages with low CTR and download them in a spreadsheet. In your spreadsheet add an extra column and add the headlines of these pages.
Test these headlines on headline analyzer.
Step 2. Update the headlines of these pages
If your headlines have a score below 65, you should consider updating them. Sometimes headlines with good score also have low CTR.
That’s because they are not relevant to the search query which leads to people ignoring it.
After updating your headlines, add the new headline in your spreadsheet along with the previous and the new headline scores.
This process is very simple for auditing your headlines and allows you to keep track of your headlines too.
You can read about the headline audit process in detail here.
Tip 5. Improve Existing Content
What’s better than writing a new article? Improving your existing ones!
If your articles are not performing as they’re supposed to, maybe your content is not good.
You need to update your content timely with fresh information. Because if you don’t do it, your article will be outdated in the next 3 or 6 months and your rankings will drop.
Updating an existing article is better than writing a new one. There’s a process Brian Dean used to get 260.7% more traffic to his blog. Yes, the famous Content Relaunch.
There are three steps for the content relaunch process:
Step 1. Find under-performing content
Go to Google Search Console > Search Analytics and then click on “impressions” and “position”.
Now, find results that have the position from #7-#15. These are the pages have the potential to rank higher by improving their content.
Step 2. Make your content better
It’s time to update the post. Here’s how you can improve an existing content on your website:
1. Update screenshots and visuals
Update the screenshots and images used in the post. This is very important because if you’re using screenshots of a tool, app or website and now it looks completely different, your post will be seen as outdated by the reader.
2. Add fresh information
What has changed since you published the post? Is there anything new introduced in the topic? Adding fresh information in your post will help you give a boost to your post.
3. Improve your post structure
Have you ever wondered why people don’t read your content? Chances are that your content is not engaging enough.
You need to hook your readers so that they don’t lose interest. If you made it here reading this article, you were also hooked by the content. Am I right?
Apart from this, if your post doesn’t look attractive, the reader will not be interested in you. Try improving the style of your article.
This can be done by removing the sidebar from the post, using small paragraphs to make it digestible and using more images.
Step 3. Republish your post
After updating your post, you want people to read it, don’t you?
For this, reach out to people in your network and let them know that you have updated your post.
Also, send an email to your subscribers about the updated post. And lastly, be proud about it and share it on social media like this:
To Wrap Things Up…
When you follow these tips, you’ll realize that you don’t have to publish new content every time you want to get traffic to your website.
Instead, you can spend time on improving your website and the content you have already published.
Now you can go ahead and use these tips and increase your website traffic without building links or adding any new content.
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ncmagroup · 5 years
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Written by Barbara Giamanco
Connecting with prospects is probably one of the hardest and most disliked aspects of sales.
Reps typically go in with guns blazing trying to sell, instead of building a relationship with someone they want to work within the future. The results are easy to anticipate: They’re rejected or ignored. A lot.
But prospecting doesn’t have to be like that.
Recently, I sent a personalized outreach email to 27 CMOs I barely knew, and in less than 48 hours, almost half booked a meeting with me.
I’m going to share the secret to getting these results again and again.
My 5-step process for building relationships:
Carefully select your target audience
Use personalization at scale
Be helpful and empathetic
Give them a good reason to connect with you
Build a repeatable, efficient process
1) Carefully select your target audience
Knowing your customer is the key to success.
In my case, the people I want to work with are C-level executives. They are busy — and constantly being “pitched.”
They’re what some people call a tough audience.
If you are casting a wide prospecting net (“net fishing”), chances are you won’t catch many fish. But if you focus on a shortlist of individuals who are a great fit for your business, and you craft a message that is focused on them and not you, the chances they’ll respond increase substantially.
Whenever I start a new outreach project, I open HubSpot CRM and build a list of prospects. Next, I use templates with personalized messages to increase my odds of getting prospects to say yes to a call.
2) Personalize the message, but be efficient
I know some people say personalization takes too much time. I say sending mass broadcast sales pitches is lazy and guaranteed to earn you a spot in the “delete” folder with everyone else.
It is very easy to start with a template and personalize the essential details for each contact.
I created a list of CMOs I wanted to connect with. My goal was getting an interview to talk about two articles I’d read about the role of today’s CMO. I’m writing a blog post series on the topic and wanted to incorporate their point of view. At a minimum, I wanted a quote from each.
I created two templates in HubSpot Sales with different subject lines that included a personalized message referencing how I found each person’s name. My email was not a sales pitch.
In fact, here is one of the template messages I created:
Why CMOs Never Last — your perspective on 2 recent articles on the topic?
Dear Barb,
I came across your name earlier this year when CMO.com featured you in their Celebration of Women in Marketing article.
Recently, I read another CMO.com article. The essence was today’s CMO must have a seat at the executive table.
At the same time, a July Harvard Business Review article said CMOs don’t last and revealed many CMOs often do not get the recognition or credit they deserve.
I plan to write a blog post about the topic and would love to get your perspective on both articles. Perhaps you’d be willing to give me a quote? I’d be curious to know what you’ve experienced.
I’d love to chat personally with a call. If you are open to that idea, you can schedule one with me here [I use the meetings tool in HubSpot].
I look forward to talking to you!
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I sent this email to 27 CMOs, many of whom I barely knew. In less than 48 hours, almost half booked a meeting with me.
3) Focus on being helpful and empathetic
Prospects will talk to you if you demonstrate value and bring fresh business insights to the table. If you come at them like your competitors do with a boilerplate sales pitch, they will not pay attention to you.
As you draft your template message, think about the person who’s going to open the email. Give them a compelling reason to talk to you.
Ask yourself, what business challenges are they facing day-to-day? What top initiatives are they focusing on? Can you provide them competitive intelligence? Which trends might they not know about? What would help them in their career?
In other words: What can you do that gives first? That’s how you build relationships that lead to opportunities down the road. Stop wasting time trying to pitch what you are selling in the initial interaction. When you do, you only slow your progress down.
4) Give them a good reason to connect with you
As you can see from the template I shared above, I was not making a sales pitch. I said nothing about my company or our services.
I wanted to solicit these CMOs’ points of view allowing me to showcase them not only in the posts but in our social media marketing.
I know, I know. You are thinking: “But Barb, I have to make quota! If I’m not pitching in every interaction, I’ll be in trouble.”
I’m here to tell you that when you shift your approach, you reach your sales goals more quickly.
In 48 hours, my email generated 50% of those CMOs booking a meeting on my calendar. In the next few days, the number of meetings continued to increase.
5) Build a repeatable process
Try to keep your contacts and communication in one place, and once you have a successful outreach experiment, save your templates and “recycle” them for future projects.
For example, my CMO outreach campaign took about 45 minutes to create and execute. That includes the initial homework, writing the two templates, and then sending the 27 emails.
Having a tool like HubSpot helps since you can save templates and personalize and send them within your CRM. And every time you email someone new, HubSpot Sales automatically creates a contact record for them.
Prospecting is tough, but with the right expectations and process, it can make a difference in your business. Try the five steps I’ve suggested, and use my template example as a guide for creating yours. Track your results. In a few weeks or months, you’ll be surprised at how you are able to connect with more prospects and schedule more conversations all because you ditched the pitch and focused on relationships first.
Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
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The Email Template That Got Me Meetings With 13 CMOs in 48 Hours Written by Barbara Giamanco Connecting with prospects is probably one of the hardest and most disliked aspects of sales.
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hrjerry-me-blog · 5 years
The Amazing Power of Accountability
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I found myself saying to Keith, “OK, I’ll go to the gym 3 times a week, starting on Friday.
And since that time, almost three weeks ago, I’ve gone eight times. I do a one-hour circuit using the gym’s weight machines.
I’m already feeling stronger, more energetic, and sleeping better.
Sounds easy, but I’ve been resisting exercising for more than a year and the closest I’ve gotten to the gym was in my thoughts.
What made the difference?
The promise I made to Keith, my co-coaching partner.
It’s amazing how being accountable to someone else can make all the difference in taking action.
Several times over the past couple of weeks it looked like a good idea to skip my workout for the day. I was tired, sore all over and the sofa was looking really inviting.
But the thought of saying to Keith, “I missed a session,” (with some lame excuse) reminded me of my promise and got me off my duff.
When you’re working at growing your business, there are things you just don’t want to do.
Your doubts, fears, and uncertainty of what you should do, how to make it work, and why it might be a futile effort, keep you from jumping in.
This can happen if you’re brand new in business or have been at it for decades.
Often the most effective way to take action on some marketing activity you’ve been resisting is to make a promise to someone else.  
By being accountable to another person until you can get over the resistance hump, you can catapult yourself into action and create tremendous forward momentum.
If you promise your spouse or a close friend that you’ll take an action it’s a lot easier to renege on your promise because you know they won’t call you on it!
Here are some thoughts on how to set up an “accountability system.”
1. Pair up with someone else and be accountable to each other. This is what I’m doing with Keith. We both need support in various areas of our lives and businesses so we make promises to take action and hold to our commitments.
2. Join a support/mastermind group. This is a group of perhaps four to six business owners. Be careful that this group doesn’t devolve into a “commiseration group.” The key is to make promises for action and hold each other accountable.
3. Hire a professional coach. When you’ve paid a coach to help you clarify your direction, create plans, and take action, you’re much more likely to move things forward. It can be the best investment in yourself and your business that you can make.
When you start with an accountability system, there are a few things to consider.
1. Focus on actions that build skills. I’ve done speaking and presentations throughout my career.  When I started, I made the commitment to make my next talk better than the one before. I didn’t just go through the motions, instead, I became a great presenter.
2. Choose marketing activities you can do weekly. For me, this is writing a weekly eZine article. Whatever it is for you, perform that activity like clockwork. I’m now in my 22nd year of writing and now it comes naturally, with little effort.
3. Don’t make promises that are too big. This has been my pattern with exercise. A few years ago I joined a Cross-Fit gym and burned out in three months. It was just too hard and intense for me and my body was always in pain. Instead, you should...
4. Keep stretching yourself. If I’m lifting the same weights in six months as I am today, I’ll never build my strength. The key is to increase the difficulty of your promises incrementally. On the other hand…
5. Don’t make promises that are too small. If you promise to “make one outreach call per week,” you’ll never build enough skill and momentum to excel at it.
A client quoted Michelangelo to me last week:
“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”
Ultimately, making promises in your business and then getting support in sticking to those promises is the key to not only success, but to personal growth and fulfillment.
I recommend you set up your accountability system as soon as possible.
Cheers, Robert
Action Plan Marketing helps self-employed people attract more clients through action-oriented marketing strategies that get you in front of prospective clients. Get our free report on how you can attract more of your ideal clients at this link: http://actionplan.club/free-stuff.
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harrisjv · 6 years
PBN Press Review Discount And Bonus
PBN Press Testimonial - Are you looking for even more expertise about PBN Press? Please check out my truthful review regarding it prior to choosing, to review the weak points and also strengths of it. Can it be worth your effort and time as well as money?
Are Exclusive Blog Networks (PBNs) Worth It In 2019?
Private blog site networks (PBNs) are the go-to link structure method for grey hat SEOs.
Yet the question is:
Are they worth developing from an ROI (Roi) and also a ROT (Return on schedule) point of view?
I'll answer these PBN Press questions and more, yet initially, a fast tale:
I made use of to like making use of PBNs.
But let's be sincere:
I really did not simply enjoy using PBNs ... I was consumed with them.
I would certainly nerd out all day regarding just how I can grow my network, how to locate the excellent ran out domain names, exactly how to develop my PBN, just how to make my PBN web links more powerful and most significantly, exactly how to reduce footprints.
And if I had not been doing that, I was defending the use of PBNs on discussion forums.
I was done in ...
... Until I obtained nailed by Google.
Not only did Gotch SEO get nailed for utilizing PBNs, yet so did numerous of my customers.
Prior to that took place, I assumed I had total "control" of my SEO because I was in control of my back links.
It's insane just how incorrect I was.
However sometimes you require a harsh moment to alter your methods.
What I recognized about PBNs ...
1. PBNs are expensive to construct
Among the greatest PBN Press disadvantages is the price of establishing and maintaining a network. If you're utilizing auctions, it's mosting likely to cost you anywhere between $40-$ 400 for an excellent domain name. If you are making use of domain suppliers, the cost will certainly be similar.
As you can photo, this can add up.
After you protected your brand-new domain name, you need to pay for personal WHOIS, get hosting, and also include web content.
So, let's claim you protected a domain name for $100.
Domain name = $100
Exclusive Whois = $5
Hosting = $12
Article = $5 (a great PBN will have more than one short article)
= $112 for ONE website.
You think the cost is high?
Let me tell you regarding the time investment.
2. The whole procedure of building PBNs is a wild-goose chase
This held true back in 2014, yet it's even more true now. I can't think a few of the conversations I see in Facebook groups as well as discussion forums. The lengths that some individuals are mosting likely to make PBNs reliable is remarkable ...
With every one of that effort, you might get REAL backlinks from REAL internet sites and never ever require to stress over obtaining punished once more.
Simply consider the procedure:
Initially, you need to locate domain names that deserve buying. Regarding 95% of the PBN Press domain names are unqualified. Which's being generous.
For my firm particularly, we used ended domains if they met our Topical Depend on Circulation requirement. That made our study a lot more challenging, however it was typically a lot more rewarding.
Let's say you're attempting to construct a network of 10 internet sites. It's mosting likely to take you anywhere between 6-12 hrs to discover 10 competent domains. A "certified" domain ought to have a Depend on Circulation of a minimum of 15 and a Domain Authority of 15.
A reduced statistics domain serves if it has appropriate Topical Trust fund Circulation Subjects.
Now that you've secured 10 domain names, you currently have to set them up. It will take you 2-4 hrs to locate web hosts and obtain the sites ready for advancement.
You after that need to develop the website by creating all the required web pages, locating themes, writing/outsourcing content, installing plugins, and also making the website's appearance typical. If you want to be extra secure, you might likewise intend to create social make up each website.
This procedure could take 1-2 hrs per website.
This corresponds to concerning 36 hrs invested for a network of 10 web sites.
This also doesn't take into consideration any type of type of holding or hacking problems you may come across. Inexpensive web hosts commonly fail without any caution as well as have terrible uptime.
Handling these problems can be a major time killer.
Now, obviously, you can outsource most of these actions. But when you contract out, you boost your costs. Higher expenditures will certainly extend how long it takes you to obtain an ROI.
This brings me to my following PBN Press factor:
Does using PBNs have a good ROI (Roi) and ROT (Return promptly)?
The ROI of Making Use Of PBNs
Considering that both you as well as I comprehend the worth of money, allow's start there.
For this example, I'm mosting likely to utilize the keyword expression: "Los Angeles injury attorney".
Below are some quick numbers about this keyword phrase:
It navigates 1,000 searches each month
The average connecting origin domains for competitors on the very first page is 135
What this data programs is that you will need roughly 135 ran out domains to rate for this search phrase. This isn't an exact scientific research. It may take more as well as it might take less. You also have to bear in mind the high quality of the domains. If they rivals on the first page are getting most of their links from high authority sites, then reduced metric ran out domains will not be effective.
Keeping that stated, knowing the average connecting root domain names will certainly enable you to predict the ROI of targeting a key words.
Below are some other numbers you need to know to predict ROI:
Typical SERP CTR ~ 3%-- 30% (higher CTR for higher positions)
Average Prospect to Lead (PTL) Conversion ~ 5%
Ordinary Incoming Result In New Client (ILC) Conversion ~ 21%
Approximate price for developing one network website = ~ $112
Approximate time invested developing one network site = ~ 1 hour
To make this simpler, I've developed a Google Sheet:
These are generous calculations, however it gives you a concept of the ROI possibility of using PBNs. The Lifetime Value (LTV) of an injury client is high. There aren't several specific niches that will have an LTV this severe, which suggests it will certainly take longer to get a positive ROI.
The month # 1-- # 3 calculations are based upon ranking on the first web page for "Los Angeles accident lawyer". Remember that this is a competitive PBN Press specific niche, so you likely wouldn't get to the initial web page for about 6-12 months (if you're good). That means you will certainly be in the hole until you get there.
Different Ways to Spend $28k Into Search Engine Optimization
You can do a great deal in SEO with $28,000 +. I bear in mind when I was starting out as well as all I had was a credit card with $500 limit. Back then, I believed this was a lot of capital to invest right into Search Engine Optimization. I was able to achieve a lot with $500, but I also spent a lot of sweat equity. So if you don't have the resources, you have to make up for it with sweat equity, as Mark Cuban would certainly say. With that said said, there are two means to buy SEO beyond PBNs:
Web content
Content-driven SEO approaches will stand the examination of time. Not only are content-driven methods the best, however they are actually the most scalable link purchase design. If you had $28k to spend, you must invest 80% of it right into developing web link worthwhile content properties. In short, that suggests developing valuable Search Engine Optimization material that's much better than industry requirements.
Genuine Back links
It's uncommon for a SEO campaign to be successful without back links. Yet considering that you aren't using PBNs, you have to focus on obtaining actual back links. "Actual" back links originate from web sites that have traffic which you don't have editorial discernment on. There are three methods to get actual back links:
Through advertising your material via outreach
With releasing guest blog posts
With acquiring placement (dangerous)
Below are some PBN Press link building strategies you can use:
Not that you recognize the ROI of using PBNs as well as likewise some options for investing your resources, allow me clarify why structure PBNs is also a wild-goose chase for creating your skillset as an entrepreneur.
3. Knowing how to adjust a search engine is not an evergreen ability
Google can make all of your PBN building abilities out-of-date overnight. No matter if you spent years learning exactly how to build the excellent PBN. All Google needs to do is change their algorithm and decrease the supremacy of backlinks as a ranking factor.
Then BOOM:
You go from SEO specialist to operating at McDonalds overnight due to the fact that you concentrated on enhancing a skill that isn't evergreen.
So, what can you do instead?
Concentrate on structure evergreen Search Engine Optimization abilities such as knowing:
Exactly how to produce content that individuals really intend to link to
How to improve user experience (so you drive much more sales for your company)
Exactly how to construct partnerships (that will accelerate your business's growth)
Just how to outreach for high quality backlinks (from genuine web sites)
4. Utilizing PBNs puts your company on a shaky structure
I remember obtaining a pit in my tummy whenever I review a new Google update. I would certainly run to my computer to examine my rank tracker simply to make sure I really did not obtain nailed.
Let's encounter it.
No matter just how well you create your network, you're constantly going to be at danger of two points: A) your websites obtain deindexed as well as B) your website lands a manual penalty for "Unnatural Inbound Hyperlinks".
In secs, both your money as well as time investment can be worth absolutely nothing.
Then you realize, you could have spent all that time and money into something a lot more evergreen.
Okay, fine.
I've been hatin' hard on PBN Press in this post, yet they aren't all that bad.
3 Reasons Why You OUGHT TO Use a PBN
Since I have actually frightened the living daylights out of you, let me discuss the pros of using an exclusive blog network.
1. Control
Having control in SEO is effective. With a network, you can determine the support text, the links, as well as test like insane to see what jobs. No other link building technique allows you such flexibility.
Allow's state worst situation circumstance, you DO obtain a hand-operated fine. Considering that you have control, you can just remove the web links and the penalty will be revoked.
Getting a manual action removed is almost difficult if you constructed GSA links or bought links on websites you really did not own.
2. Instant Authority
Personal blog site networks are effective because you're leveraging the authority of an aged, trusted site. And also as you have actually probably experienced, it's challenging to obtain these kinds of links with outreach or normally.
3. No Outreach/Relationship Structure
If you rely upon exclusive blog site networks, you will not have to spend whenever connecting or constructing partnerships. While this isn't a good thing, PBN Press can certainly save you time.
So, because there are both advantages and disadvantages of making use of a PBN, is there any type of remedy?
PBN Press Evaluation & Review
Supplier: Radu et al
Item: PBN Press
Launch Date: 2019-Feb-22
Introduce Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
Particular niche: Software program
What Is PBN Press?
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PBN Press is the very first software program that enables you to Rank Page 1 of Google With Automated Private Blog site Networks and profit it as well by marketing in-demand back links.
Have PBN Press most likely to help you today as well as begin creating you website traffic as well as sales on overall auto-pilots.
100% Newbie Friendly - Super Simple! Making use of PBNPress is as EASY as 1-2-3 ...
The software program does all the heavy training for you ...
All you need to do is produce a basic account and add your blog and also effortlessly produce a military of back links that press ANY website your or your clients to 1st Web page of Google. ...
PBN Press Features & Benefits
All-In-One Blog Site Monitoring
Conveniently link all your blog sites as well as create a powerful blog site network that you can make use of to rank your sites or customers.
Auto-Content Generator
DFY content generator enables you to avoid the work and produce content for all the blogs you added.
Built-In Write-up Rewriter
Take advantage of our effective Article Rewriter to make all your web content one-of-a-kind, by doing this Google pushes you to the TOP.
White Label Report
Develops a record based upon your stats from your whole Private Blog Networks, this cway you can see what's functioning and give your customers results.
Just how Does PBN Press Work?
ACTION # 1: Login right into cloud-based application and also attach your blogs
ACTION # 2: Include DFY material to your websites and also produce simple and easy backlinks to any type of LINK
STEP # 3: Relax and also enjoy Web page 1 Rankings, Free Website traffic, and automated sales.
It's essentially that very easy ...
The software application does all the hefty training for you ...
All you require to do is produce a straightforward account as well as add your blog site and effortlessly develop a military of back links that press ANY site your or your customers to 1st Web page of Google. ...
Who Should Get PBN Press?
Any individual who owns a Website, Blog site, eCom store, Affiliate Advertising and marketing, or basically ANY online business who intends to control Google.
Anyone fed up with not having the ability to take advantage of the Search Engine Optimization video game & facilitate earnings.
Anyone who desires an easy remedy with NO FUNCTION whatsoever.
Anyone that wants a 2nd income source by offering sought-after backlinks.
Anyone that wishes to beat the competitors as well as have assurance while expanding their business.
Cost & Evaluation
Front End: The PBN Press application that will allows anybody to obtain page one positions in no time at all to their own websites or customer sites! Business Permit Included!
OTO 1 - Company: Allows your consumers to create extra accounts to PBN Press, they can do anything they want with those accounts, such as sell for clients, give to aides, household or use it for any type of various other agency function!
OTO 2 - VIP Training: A complete walkthrough series on exactly how to make lots of money by selling PBN Back links on websites like Fiverr, Consultant, Upwork and many more ...
OTO 3 - 72 Extra SEO Tools: They get instantaneous accessibility to additional 72 Search Engine Optimization Devices, such as Search Engine Optimization Auditor, Post Designer, Adsense Calculator, Web Link Cost Calculator, Text to Speech Converter, Keyword Phrase Density Checker, Meta Tag Generator and also much more! Likewise, all the devices comes with commercial permit, indicating they can make use of to make big revenues immediately!
Final thought
"It's A Large amount. Should I Invest Today?"
Not just are you obtaining access to PBN Press for the best price ever before supplied, yet also You're spending totally without threat. PBN Press include a 30-day Money Back Warranty Plan. When you choose PBN Press, your satisfaction is ensured. If you are not completely satisfied with it for any type of factor within the initial thirty days, you're qualified to a full refund - no doubt asked. You've obtained nothing to lose! What Are You Awaiting? Try It today and get The Following Reward Currently!
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allyroams-blog · 7 years
Day 1: Adjumani
July 13, 2017
Today was my first day in Adjumani – right on the border of South Sudan.
So... technically I’m not meant to be within 10 miles of the border because of the internal conflicts, but Lillian asked if I wanted to join the team and I decided I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. This was for a couple of reasons: (1) they asked for my help training village health workers -including those from refugee camps - which was something I was very much interested in being a part of; (2) there is a referral hospital in Adjumani and a doctor there who is willing to have me shadow him; (3) everything has been peaceful at the border recently; and, finally (4) I trust that TERREWODE would not take me anywhere that was anywhere near harms way. So, I decided to go. Mom and dad: I am asking for forgiveness instead of permission. Hope you’re not upset.
The drive up was an experience in and of itself. The term “road” is used very liberally here - especially in northern Uganda. Potholes are rampant and the roads are very narrow and very dusty. You have to cover your nose and mouth at certain points or you’d choke on the dust. Even with your face covered, you can't drive anywhere without ending up with an invisible film of dust pasted to your skin. When I shower the water runs red for the first few seconds. But that being said, driving has really proven to be a wonderful way of getting a feeling for what rural areas of Uganda are like. We passed a few refugee camps and UN outposts as we approached the border, but all was quiet. I more or less went straight to sleep when we arrived.
I woke up the next morning at 6AM (shock horror, sound the alarms: I am officially a morning person here!!). I worked out and was sitting waiting for breakfast at the time we had agreed upon: 7AM. Of course, I forgot about Ugandan time, which meant I was sitting by myself at the table until 8AM. We had a really slow leisurely breakfast (even though we were meant to be in our first meeting at 8AM…I’m really not even sure why Ugandans bother attaching times to things), and then headed off to Adjumani’s District Health Office to set up for the Village Health Team (VHT) training we were leading over the next four days.
Before getting started, we met with the local Director of Maternal Health and then the District Health Officer. We were meant to start training at 9AM, but didn’t start meeting people in the DHO until 10:30ish. If I haven’t made this clear yet, one of the most difficult things to adapt to here has been the pace at which things move. Ugandans are extraordinarily formal and long-winded with their introductions. You can’t just waltz into a building, set up for a training and get going - even if you are running almost 2 hours behind schedule. It seems like you have to sit down with literally everyone and their mother and chat leisurely first. Everything moves very slowly. Like very, very, very slowly. Here’s an example of how a conversation at the DHO might begin:
Ugandan 1: “Hello, you are most welcome.”
Ugandan 2: “Hello, thank you. It is very nice to meet you”
Ugandan 1: “Yes, welcome. You are most welcome. Please sit down.”
Ugandan 2: [sits down] “How are you?”
Ugandan 1: “I am fine.”
Ugandan 2: “Are you well?”
Ugandan 1: “Yes, I am well, thank you. How are you?
Ugandan 2: “I am fine, yes.”
Ugandan 1: “How are things? Is your family well?
Ugandan 2: “Things are fine. My family is well. How are things with you?”
Ugandan 1: “Things are fine.”
Ugandan 2: “That is good.”
Ugandan 1: “You are most welcome to the District Health Office. My name is Blah-de-Blah. We are happy to welcome you here.”
Ugandan 2: “Thank you. Let me introduce myself [*stands up*]. My name is “Blah-de-Blah” from Blah-de-Blah. [goes on to describe qualifications, etc.]
Ugandan 1: You are most welcome, Blah-de-blah.
This back and forth of more or less just welcoming one another can go on for upwards of 20 minutes. No joke. Back in NYC, where schedules are timed to the T and everything moves at a mile a minute, this would give me an extraordinary amount of anxiety. But Ugandans are really chill about it all, so I’ve been trying to follow their lead and just go with the flow. Not to mention, most of the VHTs hadn’t arrived yet (which leads me to believe there must be some sort of ~secret~ Ugandan time conversion table I’m not privy to).
Eventually we finished our meetings and welcomed the first set of 29 VHTs to our two-day training. VHTs are essentially Uganda’s first-line grassroots health workers. They’re volunteers with no official qualifications, but they’ve been selected by their communities to act as local authorities on good health practices. They’re trained to recognize signs of infectious disease, consult on good hygienic practices, and refer community members to hospitals when they note signs of potentially dangerous health conditions. The goal of our trainings was to teach VHTs about obstetric fistula so that they could go back and refer women in their communities to health centers appropriately. We also try to impress upon them the links between obstetric fistula and systemic gender inequality, poverty and child marriage.
I co-led the medical session on explaining obstetric fistula, which was a lot of fun. Alice is a very animated presenter; I’ve been learning lots about how to command an audience’s attention by just watching her speak. She’s really helped me develop my own teaching skills in a way that seems to translate well to a Ugandan audience. I was  proud of my teaching sessions – I had the VHTs engaged and laughing, which felt pretty darn cool.  
I have also suggested that TERREWODE start using pre- and post- tests to assess participant knowledge of obstetric fistula before and after trainings. TERREWODE does so many on-the-ground training sessions like these, but they’re not walking away much in the way of tangible evidence of the effect they’re having on those they train. So I suggested we have attendees answer one question before our lecture series: what is obstetric fistula? I collected the answers. Out of the first group of 29 VHTS we hosted, only 3 knew. That’s about 10%. This shows just how necessary these outreaches are. We were able to get this number up to 97% by the end of the first training session.  
After we finished day 1, I went with Dr. Emmanuel (from here on referred to as Emma), the doctor here who runs the maternity ward at Adjumani Regional Referral Hospital, to shadow. It was almost 5PM by the time we got there, so things had apparently “wound down,” but it was still a really startling experience to witness. The first thing I saw when I walked into a compound was a child’s body being carried out on a stretcher.
Obviously, I know that child mortality is through the roof here, but it’s still another thing all together to see it firsthand -and so flagrantly. It really shook me. It was far from the only eye-opening and tragic medical case I saw that evening.
We walked into the maternity ward and Emma was almost immediately handed a newborn baby girl to examine. The mother had labored for five days before coming to the hospital to deliver. As a result, the baby had suffered severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (in other words, the baby had had inadequate oxygen supply during those five days, and had suffered brain damage as a result).
I won’t go into the details, but it goes without saying that it was a really tragic case to bear witness to. I kept on trying to read the mother’s expression – she was 28 years old and it was her first baby – but it was hard to get a read on what was going through her head. She spoke about her baby’s symptoms softly but frankly. There were no tears, no screams, and no gestures looking for support. Whether this was a product of cultural difference, being overwhelmed, shocked, not understanding, or simply accepting the state of her newborn, I couldn’t possibly say. But it was really difficult to witness nonetheless. Especially when I have a pre-existing Western script in my head of how these sorts of difficult conversations ‘should’ play out. I wanted to comfort her, sit with her and support her, but she wasn’t giving any indication that that was what she wanted. What do you do as a provider when a patient doesn’t react how you expect him or her to?  
The mother was told that if her baby survived, she was more or less bound to be severely cognitively impaired. How on earth do you explain something like that to a woman who is still recovering from a five day labor? It was just devastating. What was especially tragic was that it could have been prevented if there had not been such a wildly long delay in delivering the baby.  
Importantly, there are three delays that typically lead to maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in these sorts of settings (they’re often referred to as “The Three Delays”). They’re probably worth mentioning here: (1) delays in deciding to go the hospital; (2) delays in getting to the hospital; and (3) delays in treating once at the hospital.
The day ended with a slightly more uplifting case. A week and a half ago a woman had come in to the hospital in pre-term labor. She delivered a baby boy at 20 weeks. Even by U.S. standards, where we usually have access to things like NICUs and respirators, the chance of a 20 week old newborn surviving is not high. The miraculous thing is, this baby not only survived, but was thriving - breathing, crying ,and eating on his own. It should go without saying by this point that the hospital did not have any of the high-tech resources that you’d expect at a hospital like Tisch or even Bellevue for the newborn. But there is a saying in Uganda that goes something like this: “Whatever you need, just look around and you will find it.” They are extraordinarily resourceful and creative. What they did have was a room that they were able to clear out to create a semblance of isolation for the baby, a cot, which they had covered with a mosquito net, and a stove with coals, which they had placed underneath the cot to help keep the baby warm.
The baby was the smallest thing I’ve ever seen, but he was opening his eyes and grabbing my hand and doing all the other sorts of wonderful things that the full-term baby I had been holding an hour before had failed to do. I ran through a newborn physical exam with Emma’s help and then we weighed the baby – 900 g (med school homies: this qualifies as ELBW…and remember that this was the baby’s weight at almost 2 weeks old). After instructing the mother on how to feed her newborn, we moved on.
It was an emotionally draining first day. I really struggled with how to/ whether to write about it. But after doing a lot of thinking, I decided it was worth sharing – obviously not the identifiable specifics (I’m not trying to violate HIPAA), but the general feeling of what it is like to be a provider in rural Uganda. Why? Well, for one, it’s the honest truth and a very real part of my experience here. But also, not everyone has the opportunity I have been given. My hope is that by bearing witness to the health disparities I see, I’m able to make it all a bit more real for everyone back home.
Before I sign off, let me just finish by saying that Emma is really a true champion. I feel so lucky that he has offered to take me under his wing and let me into the world he and his team lives every day. I have so much respect for the work that health care providers here do. It seems like an endless uphill battle without swords, but they show up to do every day.
I’m looking forward to seeing what the next few days bring.
Until then, all of my love.
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Day 5a/5b
So today pretty much sliced itself into to halves...thanks Jet Lag! 🙈 I woke up at 4am and rolled around in and out of sleep, and by 5am I was fully awake. At 7am I gave up counting sheep and attempting to do my deep yoga breathing (sorry mom didn't work this time) and went to breakfast. Why do bodies refuse to fall asleep when they're so tired?! Luckily breakfast is great here and the coffee machine is on fleek so I treated myself to 3 cups before taking a morning walk. I came back in time to regroup with the company and head to Don Men Primary school. I kept repeating "I'm not tired😀" to myself and it worked surprisingly well! On our way, we passed soldiers practicing their gun step routine to music from the imperial march. I'm a huge Star Wars fan so I found the music choice particularly tasteful--these Taiwanese soldiers really know how to get a crowd on their side. When we entered the school, we were bombarded with hundreds of children squealing and running around the massive courtyard. I have never seen so many happy kids in my life!! It was like a beehive of electrified cuteness! The students that took today's masterclass were younger than yesterday but equally hardworking and willing to please. They were also so Emily amused! I demonstrated a barely mediocre (and that's still a stretch) triple pirouette and I felt like I had won and Olympic gold medal from all the cheering and applause. I don't think I've ever felt better about myself! I really wish I could have recorded their cheers to play on demand when I'm getting down on myself. They're just too sweet and happy! Omar and Lieneke performed Andy Carrol's "3am" pas de deux (the best I've seen it, btw) at the end of the masterclass and every single kid was mesmerized. Watching their faces was the most rewarding part of the day. I love that we have the opportunity to do outreach exchanges while we're here, it reminds me about how I found my love for dancing and the arts! For lunch, we headed to a food truck across the street that had burgers. Being vegetarian, I opted for some snacks I had packed, but I enjoyed seeing the other dancers experience the Asian take on the American classic. Instead of a bread bun, the truck offered sticky rice patties to encase the meat. What a fun idea! Unfortunately, the burgers became much less fun after we had been rehearsing in the humid studio for several hours. Personally, I felt much better than yesterday (of course yesterday set a low bar), but my poor parter Michael did not. If you read yesterday's post, you know Michael is the poor guy I almost puked on when I went abroad in November and returned severely jet lagged...well now we can call it even! After having to run "Ne Me Quitte Pas" twice in a row he promptly left the studio and relinquished his burger to the trash can. No more Taiwanese cheeseburgers for you, Michael!😝 By the end of our rehearsal day the powers of my "I'm not tired" chant were rapidly waning. I immediately walked back to the hotel with Omar and Nata (passing through and massive Christian Taiwanese worship festival along the way, Hallelujah!) and passed out for 4 hours. WHAT?! For those of you who know me, I'm a terrible napper so I was in disbelief. As a little girl I would cry waking up from naps because I felt like I missed out on the day. Butttt it was probably for the best since I haven't gotten a decent night of sleep for almost a week. Hence the feeling of a two part day. For day 5b, I met up with a big group of dancers and we ventured to the best known night market, the Shilin Night market. Yawowza! So many streets and alleys and streets within alleys and nooks and ohmygoodness. But it was great! Stephaen and I killed the souvenir shopping game (a lucky reader might even benefit from tonight's treasures!) and we found a few things for ourselves. Most random/best find for the night: 15 fake eyelash sets for the US equivalent of $3.33. I'll never have to spend tons of money at CVS (they're usually 5 bucks a pop) for performance lashes again! Woop! The best food of the night was the grilled wasabi mushroom bites. They were so juicy and flavorful! Nommm. The vegetable pancakes with a fried egg came in second. White corn on a stick was a distant third...I'll keep to my USA midwestern corn thankya! Now it's 2am so bedtime for sure. Hopefully I can sleep after my weird 2-part day! Zi Chin! Goodbye! 😎Kate
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dorishull · 5 years
5 Solid Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Your LinkedIn Contacts
You wouldn’t go to a networking event, collect business cards, never do any follow up, and expect business to magically appear. Yet many people do exactly that and wonder why their LinkedIn contacts don’t turn into clients.
If you are a business owner or someone who’s responsible for business development or sales, you know that results come from the follow-up. Yet many people connect with their ideal clients or prospects on LinkedIn and never have a conversation with them after the initial connection.
In this article, I show you how you can build strong relationships with your LinkedIn contacts – because at the end of the day, people tend to do business with those they know, like and trust.
How to Build Strong Relationships with Your LinkedIn Contacts
1. Engage your connections by commenting on their content
You can start building relationships with your new connections in many ways – just not the way so many other people promote these days. And that is to send your LinkedIn contacts a Happy Birthday message on their birthday or to say Congratulations on their work anniversary.
I’m not suggesting sending good wishes to people is bad or wrong. But if you rely on this tactic to build relationships with your prospects, you run into a problem.
Consider this: you send such messages on the same day when potentially dozens or maybe even hundreds of other people do it too.
Do you think your message will be noticed by the recipient when they receive 300 more just like yours? Of course, they won’t! You need to focus on the actions that will help you stand out.
If you have a network of 2,500, 5,000 or even 10,000 people, the key is to focus on the specific people (ideally your perfect prospects) with whom you want to establish relationships.
I suggest choosing a targeted list of 10, 50 or 100 prospects (depending on how much time you have) with whom you really want to engage.
A couple of times a week, look at what they share on LinkedIn.
Instead of just clicking like, you can now add different reactions, such as celebrate, love, insightful and curious. These stand out more since fewer people use them. Instead of a regular “someone liked your post” notification, the recipient will see  “[YOUR NAME] loved your post.” Better yet, they will see the light bulb or heart associated with your reaction, making it memorable.
Next, engage with your prospects’ posts by leaving comments when appropriate.
If your LinkedIn contacts publish something great, in addition to leaving them a public comment, send them a thoughtful follow-up note saying, “I really liked/appreciated that post you did on [TOPIC].” This note might start a dialogue with your lead, strengthening your relationship with them.
Another effective engagement strategy is to pay attention to the content your LinkedIn contacts are engaging with and commenting on.
To see what they’re commenting on, go to their Articles & activities section, and click on All activity. It’ll give you important insights into what type of content they’re interested in.
Obviously, this won’t work for all your contacts because some may not be very active on LinkedIn.
In fact, many people don’t even post on LinkedIn. With these LinkedIn contacts, you’ll be limited to a much more direct and personalized outreach. It’s not a bad limitation because this particular strategy will produce the best results compared to any other.
LinkedIn ninja trick
The most effective way to generate business from LinkedIn is to employ a direct outreach strategy, enhanced by a dialogue with your LinkedIn contacts.
To learn all the steps of this strategy, read the article I wrote on the five steps to move a cold LinkedIn contact into an offline conversation. It’s offline you really get to know someone and their challenges and, when appropriate, offer a solution to their challenge.
2. Gather intelligence for conversation starters
There is no better way to learn about your prospects than to research them online, paying attention to what they engage with on the Internet. This will provide you with valuable insights into what is important to them on a wider scale than LinkedIn.
A good way to learn more about your LinkedIn contact, as both a person and business, is to google them.
Start by googling their business. On the first page of the search results, you will generally find the website and the social media channels tied to the business you are researching. Spend a little time going through these sources of information to get familiar with the products or services the business offers, its ideal clients, and the language it uses. You can often discover the key challenges and needs of the company through such research.
Next, google the individual by their name.
Often, the search will return all their social media profiles as well as any mentions of them on websites or videos. Use these sources of information to learn more about them personally, looking for commonalities you might share with them as well as what is important to them right now.
In some cases, if they are an influencer, author or leader of a well-known brand, they may also have a Wikipedia page, which can have helpful professional info about them.
You can use the intelligence you gather to spark more meaningful conversations with them, whether it’s via sending direct messages on LinkedIn or responding to their content and comments.
It’s also helpful to look at what they share on other social media channels. Often, people share information of a more personal nature on Facebook and Instagram than they do on LinkedIn.
3. Add value to your LinkedIn contacts
It is important to provide value in your messages to your LinkedIn contacts as part of the relationship-building process.
To ensure you are actually providing value and not just inundating them with links, images or videos of content they will have no interest in (essentially spamming them), research their industry. When you come across something that might be helpful for their business – whether you find it in the news, an industry publication, or a high-profile blog – you can share it with them in a personalized message.
Only share information that’s highly relevant to them and their specific business.
The exception to this rule would be if you come across something specific to their role. For example, if their job involves business development, you could share with them a resource that’s not industry specific but still beneficial to them in their business development or sales activities.
Let me give you an example.
If you saw I shared an article on how to write lead generation messages on LinkedIn, you might say to your LinkedIn contact:
Hi <Name>, I know you are responsible for business development. I came across an article by a LinkedIn expert Melonie Dodaro I thought you may want to read. It’s about how to write lead generation messages that get a response on LinkedIn. I’ve noticed you are fairly active on LinkedIn and thought you might find it helpful. Would you like me to share the link with you?
Essentially, you want to take advantage of any opportunity you have to start a conversation with them while also adding value to them.
4. Become a go-giver on LinkedIn
The more you get to know your LinkedIn contacts, the stronger your relationships with them will be. To strengthen your relationships even further, play a matchmaker when appropriate. In other words, go into relationship building with your LinkedIn contacts with a go-giver mindset.
While expanding your network, you’ll come across people who could benefit from meeting each other. Can you find two such people in your network? Can you introduce them to each other?
For example, you could introduce one of your LinkedIn contacts to someone who runs a podcast because they could be a great guest. Or maybe you can introduce someone to a conference organizer as a potential speaker for their event. Or perhaps one of your connections could be a potential client or vendor for one of your other contacts on LinkedIn.
When you see these kinds of potential matches in your network, don’t be shy to play the business matchmaker. Your willingness to connect people can help create strong relationships with them while establishing tremendous good will and potentially trigger reciprocity. When they meet someone you might benefit from knowing, they may be inclined to make that introduction for you.
5. Share high-quality, relevant content on LinkedIn
In the noisy world of social media, one of the most important things you need to do is become ubiquitous – you want people to see you everywhere.
Now, I’m not suggesting you spend countless hours on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, especially if that is not where your ideal clients are. But I do suggest that at least on LinkedIn, you increase your visibility to your target market by consistently sharing relevant to them content.
There is no better way to showcase your expertise and position yourself as an authority than creating and publishing valuable content that solves a challenge for your ideal clients. 
The content you create for your blog can take many forms. It can be written, audio, video or graphic. Whatever type of content you create, the key is to be consistent.
By consistently sharing high-quality content, you will help your LinkedIn network to become familiar with you. Over time, they will come to know, like and trust you – the all-important factor in increasing your sales capacity!
Show interest in your LinkedIn contacts
Ultimately, building relationships with your LinkedIn contacts is the same as building relationships with people face to face. You need to be invested and interested in learning about them.
This means getting to know them while personalizing every interaction you have with them. The moment they feel like just another nameless prospect to you, you will lose any trust you established.
Use these five strategies to help you get to know and build strong, fruitful relationships with your LinkedIn contacts, benefitting both them and you.
If you found this helpful, I share additional strategies on how to build relationships with your LinkedIn contacts that ultimately turn them into clients in my book LinkedIn Unlocked. If you’d like a proven lead generation system to attract new clients using LinkedIn, you can pick up a copy here.
The post 5 Solid Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Your LinkedIn Contacts appeared first on Top Dog Social Media.
5 Solid Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Your LinkedIn Contacts published first on https://likesandfollowersclub.wordpress.com
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Supercharge Your Link Building Outreach! 5 Tips for Success - Whiteboard Friday
Posted by Shannon-McGuirk
Spending a ton of effort on outreach and waking up to an empty inbox is a demoralizing (and unfortunately common) experience. And when it comes to your outreach, getting those emails opened is half the battle. In today's Whiteboard Friday, we welcome recent MozCon 2019 alum Shannon McGuirk to share five of her best tips to make your outreach efficient and effective — the perfect follow-up to her talk about building a digital PR newsroom.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi, Moz fans. My name is Shannon McGuirk. I'm the Head of PR and Content at a UK-based digital marketing agency called Aira. So at this year's MozCon, I spoke about how to supercharge your link building with a digital PR newsroom and spoke about the three different types of media and journalist writing that we should be tapping into.
But I only had half an hour to be able to share my insights and thoughts. As a next step from that presentation, I need to equip you guys with everything in order to be able to go out and actually speak to these journalists. So for my Whiteboard Friday today, I'm going to be sharing my five tips for success for supercharging your outreach, specifically evolved around email outreach alone.
In the U.K. and in the U.S. as well, we're seeing, as our industry grows and develops, journalists don't want to be called anymore, and instead the best way to get in touch with them is via email or on social media. So let's dive straight in. 
1. Subject lines A/B tests
So tip one then. I want to share some insights with you that I did for subject lines and specifically around some A/B testing.
Back in the early part of the summer, around April time, we started working on a tool called BuzzStream. Now that allowed us to be able to send different kinds of tests and emails out with a variety of different subject lines in order for us to understand how many open rates we were getting and to try and encourage journalists, through the use of our language and emojis, to open up those all-important pitch emails so that we could follow up and make sure that we're bringing those links home.
Journalist's name in subject line
So we ran two different types of A/B tests. The first one here you can see was with the journalist's name in the subject line and the journalist's name without. It turns out then that actually, when we were running this data, we were seeing far more opens if we had the journalist's name in the subject line. It was getting their attention. It was getting that cut-through that we needed when they're getting hundreds of emails per day and to see their name in a little nib meant that we were increasing open rates. So that was our first learning from test number one. 
"Data" vs "story tip"
Now test number two, we had a bit of a gut feel and a little bit of an instinct to feel that there were certain types of words and language that we were using that were either getting us more open rates or not. For this one specifically, it was around the use of the word "data." So we compared the use of the word "data" with story tip, and again including the journalist's name and not, to try and see how many journalists were opening up our emails.
At Aira, we have around a 33% open rate with any campaigns that we launch, and again this is tracked through BuzzStream. But when we started to do these A/B tests, combine story tip, full name, and then follow with "data," we increased that to 52%. So that jump up, it doesn't mean that you're going to get 52% more links off the back of your outreach, but it means that you are getting more people opening up their email, considering your data, considering your campaigns, which is half of the problem, when we all know as outreachers, content marketers, digital PRs how difficult it can be for someone to even just open that initial approach.
So now, off the back of those A/B tests, make sure that whenever you're writing those emails out you have story tip for Tom and then followed by data and whatever research you've got in that campaign. 
2. Headline language
For tip two then, keeping on the theme of language, I did a piece of research for another conference that I was speaking at earlier in the summer called SearchLeeds and another one called outREACH.
I analyzed 35,000 articles across 6 different top 10 news sites in the U.K. The language that came out of that, around the headlines specifically, was so interesting. So I split these 35,000 articles down into relevant sectors, took the likes of travel, automotive, business, what have you, and then I was able to create around 30 word clouds according to different articles that had been produced within these different industries at different titles.
I was able to start to see common words that were used in headlines, and that got my mind ticking a bit. I was starting to think, well, actually as a team, at Aira, we should be starting to pitch and use language within our pitches that journalists are already using, because they straightaway resonate with the story that we've got. So here's a quick snapshot of the kind of word clouds that the analysis revealed.
You can kind of see some core words shining through. So we've got research, best, stats, experts, that kind of thing. Now the top five words that were most commonly used across all sectors within the headlines were: best, worst, data, new, and revealed. Now "data" is really interesting, because if we go back to our A/B testing, we know that that's a strong word and that that will get you more opens with your subject lines.
But it also reaffirms that that A/B test is right and that we definitely should be using "data." So combine story tip for that journalist's name, Tom or what have you, with data and then start to use some of the language here, out of these top five, and again you're going to increase your open rates, which is half of the problem with what we're doing with outreach.
3. Use color
So tip three then. Now this was quite an experimental approach that we took, and a huge recommendation of mine, when you're doing your email outreach, is actually to start to use color within that all-important pitch email itself. So we've moved from subject lines into looking at the body of the email. We use color and bolding back at Aira.
So we use color straightaway when we're writing the email. So we'll start with something like, "Dear Tom, I have a story that you might be interested in." Straight under that, so we're already using again the language that they'll be using, story, going back to our A/B test. But then straight under that, we will bold, capitalize, and put in a really bright color -- reds, greens, blues -- nice, strong primary colors there the headline that we think Tom might write off the back of our outreach.
So here's an example. "New data reveals that 21% of drivers have driven with no insurance." Not the most exciting headline in the world. But if Tom here is an automotive editor or a digital online automotive writer, straightaway he knows what I'm talking to him about. Again, he can start to see how this data can be used to craft stories for his own audience.
Again, as I said, this is quite experimental. We're in the early phases of it at Aira, but we know it's working, and it's something that I learnt, again, at outREACH conference too. Straight under this use of color with headline, you should pull out your key stats. Now only keep those bullet points to three to five. Journalists are busy.
They're on deadlines. Don't be having huge, bulk paragraphs or long-winded sentences. Tell them the headline, follow it up with the key stats. Be clean, be punchy, and get to the point really quickly. Below this, obviously sign off and include any press material, Google Drive links, press packs that you've got under that. Again, we're seeing this work really, really well.
We're still in the early stages, and I hope to share some insights, some kind of data and metrics as to the success results of it. But we've been able to secure links from the likes of the Mail Online, the Telegraph back in the U.K., and also last week just FoxBusiness using this exact approach. 
4. Use emojis
So tip four then, and again this is a really playful technique and something that we only learnt with experimentation.
Start to use emojis within your pitches as well. Now this can be used within the subject line. Again, you're looking to try and get the journalist to get that piece of attention straightaway and look at your headline. Or start to use them within the body of the email too, because they break up that text and it makes your email stand out far more than if you have someone that's pitching in a business piece of data and you've just got huge stacks and research pieces.
Actually throw in some emojis that are relating to the business world, a laptop or whatever it may be, something that proves your point around the campaign. Again, it's more engaging for a journalist to read that. It means that they'll probably remember your email over the other 200 that they're getting that day. So really nice, simplistic tip then for me.
If you're pitching something in the automotive world, put a car or traffic lights on the end. If you're doing something in the travel sphere, sun, beaches, something that just gets that journalist's eye. It means that your email is going to be opened above anyone else's. 
5. Use Twitter
Finally then, so I know I've kept this around email outreach for the last couple of points.
But one thing that we're seeing work really well with the implementation of this digital PR newsroom is starting to approach and speak to journalists on Twitter. Twitter we know is a new source for journalists. Trending topics will obviously be picked up in the press and covered on a daily if not hourly basis. As soon as something breaks on Twitter, we'll see journalists, writers, bloggers turn that trending feature into an article that's really resonant and relevant for their audience.
So in the run-up to your campaign, way before the launch, we're talking like three or four weeks here, reach out to the journalists on Twitter. Start to engage with them. Like some articles. Start to let them know that you're in and engaging with them on their social media platform. Don't push it too hard.
You don't want to go overboard with this. But a little bit of engagement here and there means that when your email comes into their inbox, it's not a new name, and you're already starting to build the foundations of that relationship. Secondary to this then, feel free and start to experiment with DM'ing journalists as well. We know that they're getting two, three, or four hundred emails per day. If you take to Twitter and send them a quick overview of your up-and-coming campaign via a Twitter DM, it's likely that they'll read that on the journey home or potentially when they're walking from meeting to meeting.
Again, it puts you one step ahead of your competitors. Recently we've got some of our best pieces of coverage through warming the press up and specific journalists through Twitter, because when your campaign launches, you're not going out with it cold. Instead the journalist knows that it's coming in. They may even have the editorial space to cover that feature for you too. It's something that we've seen really work, and again I can't stress enough that you really have to find that balance.
You don't want to be plaguing journalists. You don't want to be a pain and starting to like every single tweet they do. But if it is relevant and you find an opportunity to engage and speak to them about your campaign the weeks in advance, it opens up that door. Again, you may be able to secure an exclusive out of it, which means that you get that first huge hit. So there are my five tips for link building in 2019, and it will help you supercharge things.
Now if you have any comments for me, any questions, please pop them in the thread below or reach out to me on Twitter. As I've just said, feel free to send me a DM. I'm always around and would love to help you guys a little bit more if you do have any questions for me. Thanks, Moz fans.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Did you miss Shannon's groundbreaking talk at MozCon 2019, How to Supercharge Link Building with a Digital PR Newsroom? Download the deck here and don't miss out on next year's conference — super early bird discounts are available now!
Save my spot at MozCon 2020
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
from The Moz Blog http://tracking.feedpress.it/link/9375/12730347
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theinjectlikes2 · 5 years
Supercharge Your Link Building Outreach! 5 Tips for Success - Whiteboard Friday
Posted by Shannon-McGuirk
Spending a ton of effort on outreach and waking up to an empty inbox is a demoralizing (and unfortunately common) experience. And when it comes to your outreach, getting those emails opened is half the battle. In today's Whiteboard Friday, we welcome recent MozCon 2019 alum Shannon McGuirk to share five of her best tips to make your outreach efficient and effective — the perfect follow-up to her talk about building a digital PR newsroom.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi, Moz fans. My name is Shannon McGuirk. I'm the Head of PR and Content at a UK-based digital marketing agency called Aira. So at this year's MozCon, I spoke about how to supercharge your link building with a digital PR newsroom and spoke about the three different types of media and journalist writing that we should be tapping into.
But I only had half an hour to be able to share my insights and thoughts. As a next step from that presentation, I need to equip you guys with everything in order to be able to go out and actually speak to these journalists. So for my Whiteboard Friday today, I'm going to be sharing my five tips for success for supercharging your outreach, specifically evolved around email outreach alone.
In the U.K. and in the U.S. as well, we're seeing, as our industry grows and develops, journalists don't want to be called anymore, and instead the best way to get in touch with them is via email or on social media. So let's dive straight in. 
1. Subject lines A/B tests
So tip one then. I want to share some insights with you that I did for subject lines and specifically around some A/B testing.
Back in the early part of the summer, around April time, we started working on a tool called BuzzStream. Now that allowed us to be able to send different kinds of tests and emails out with a variety of different subject lines in order for us to understand how many open rates we were getting and to try and encourage journalists, through the use of our language and emojis, to open up those all-important pitch emails so that we could follow up and make sure that we're bringing those links home.
Journalist's name in subject line
So we ran two different types of A/B tests. The first one here you can see was with the journalist's name in the subject line and the journalist's name without. It turns out then that actually, when we were running this data, we were seeing far more opens if we had the journalist's name in the subject line. It was getting their attention. It was getting that cut-through that we needed when they're getting hundreds of emails per day and to see their name in a little nib meant that we were increasing open rates. So that was our first learning from test number one. 
"Data" vs "story tip"
Now test number two, we had a bit of a gut feel and a little bit of an instinct to feel that there were certain types of words and language that we were using that were either getting us more open rates or not. For this one specifically, it was around the use of the word "data." So we compared the use of the word "data" with story tip, and again including the journalist's name and not, to try and see how many journalists were opening up our emails.
At Aira, we have around a 33% open rate with any campaigns that we launch, and again this is tracked through BuzzStream. But when we started to do these A/B tests, combine story tip, full name, and then follow with "data," we increased that to 52%. So that jump up, it doesn't mean that you're going to get 52% more links off the back of your outreach, but it means that you are getting more people opening up their email, considering your data, considering your campaigns, which is half of the problem, when we all know as outreachers, content marketers, digital PRs how difficult it can be for someone to even just open that initial approach.
So now, off the back of those A/B tests, make sure that whenever you're writing those emails out you have story tip for Tom and then followed by data and whatever research you've got in that campaign. 
2. Headline language
For tip two then, keeping on the theme of language, I did a piece of research for another conference that I was speaking at earlier in the summer called SearchLeeds and another one called outREACH.
I analyzed 35,000 articles across 6 different top 10 news sites in the U.K. The language that came out of that, around the headlines specifically, was so interesting. So I split these 35,000 articles down into relevant sectors, took the likes of travel, automotive, business, what have you, and then I was able to create around 30 word clouds according to different articles that had been produced within these different industries at different titles.
I was able to start to see common words that were used in headlines, and that got my mind ticking a bit. I was starting to think, well, actually as a team, at Aira, we should be starting to pitch and use language within our pitches that journalists are already using, because they straightaway resonate with the story that we've got. So here's a quick snapshot of the kind of word clouds that the analysis revealed.
You can kind of see some core words shining through. So we've got research, best, stats, experts, that kind of thing. Now the top five words that were most commonly used across all sectors within the headlines were: best, worst, data, new, and revealed. Now "data" is really interesting, because if we go back to our A/B testing, we know that that's a strong word and that that will get you more opens with your subject lines.
But it also reaffirms that that A/B test is right and that we definitely should be using "data." So combine story tip for that journalist's name, Tom or what have you, with data and then start to use some of the language here, out of these top five, and again you're going to increase your open rates, which is half of the problem with what we're doing with outreach.
3. Use color
So tip three then. Now this was quite an experimental approach that we took, and a huge recommendation of mine, when you're doing your email outreach, is actually to start to use color within that all-important pitch email itself. So we've moved from subject lines into looking at the body of the email. We use color and bolding back at Aira.
So we use color straightaway when we're writing the email. So we'll start with something like, "Dear Tom, I have a story that you might be interested in." Straight under that, so we're already using again the language that they'll be using, story, going back to our A/B test. But then straight under that, we will bold, capitalize, and put in a really bright color -- reds, greens, blues -- nice, strong primary colors there the headline that we think Tom might write off the back of our outreach.
So here's an example. "New data reveals that 21% of drivers have driven with no insurance." Not the most exciting headline in the world. But if Tom here is an automotive editor or a digital online automotive writer, straightaway he knows what I'm talking to him about. Again, he can start to see how this data can be used to craft stories for his own audience.
Again, as I said, this is quite experimental. We're in the early phases of it at Aira, but we know it's working, and it's something that I learnt, again, at outREACH conference too. Straight under this use of color with headline, you should pull out your key stats. Now only keep those bullet points to three to five. Journalists are busy.
They're on deadlines. Don't be having huge, bulk paragraphs or long-winded sentences. Tell them the headline, follow it up with the key stats. Be clean, be punchy, and get to the point really quickly. Below this, obviously sign off and include any press material, Google Drive links, press packs that you've got under that. Again, we're seeing this work really, really well.
We're still in the early stages, and I hope to share some insights, some kind of data and metrics as to the success results of it. But we've been able to secure links from the likes of the Mail Online, the Telegraph back in the U.K., and also last week just FoxBusiness using this exact approach. 
4. Use emojis
So tip four then, and again this is a really playful technique and something that we only learnt with experimentation.
Start to use emojis within your pitches as well. Now this can be used within the subject line. Again, you're looking to try and get the journalist to get that piece of attention straightaway and look at your headline. Or start to use them within the body of the email too, because they break up that text and it makes your email stand out far more than if you have someone that's pitching in a business piece of data and you've just got huge stacks and research pieces.
Actually throw in some emojis that are relating to the business world, a laptop or whatever it may be, something that proves your point around the campaign. Again, it's more engaging for a journalist to read that. It means that they'll probably remember your email over the other 200 that they're getting that day. So really nice, simplistic tip then for me.
If you're pitching something in the automotive world, put a car or traffic lights on the end. If you're doing something in the travel sphere, sun, beaches, something that just gets that journalist's eye. It means that your email is going to be opened above anyone else's. 
5. Use Twitter
Finally then, so I know I've kept this around email outreach for the last couple of points.
But one thing that we're seeing work really well with the implementation of this digital PR newsroom is starting to approach and speak to journalists on Twitter. Twitter we know is a new source for journalists. Trending topics will obviously be picked up in the press and covered on a daily if not hourly basis. As soon as something breaks on Twitter, we'll see journalists, writers, bloggers turn that trending feature into an article that's really resonant and relevant for their audience.
So in the run-up to your campaign, way before the launch, we're talking like three or four weeks here, reach out to the journalists on Twitter. Start to engage with them. Like some articles. Start to let them know that you're in and engaging with them on their social media platform. Don't push it too hard.
You don't want to go overboard with this. But a little bit of engagement here and there means that when your email comes into their inbox, it's not a new name, and you're already starting to build the foundations of that relationship. Secondary to this then, feel free and start to experiment with DM'ing journalists as well. We know that they're getting two, three, or four hundred emails per day. If you take to Twitter and send them a quick overview of your up-and-coming campaign via a Twitter DM, it's likely that they'll read that on the journey home or potentially when they're walking from meeting to meeting.
Again, it puts you one step ahead of your competitors. Recently we've got some of our best pieces of coverage through warming the press up and specific journalists through Twitter, because when your campaign launches, you're not going out with it cold. Instead the journalist knows that it's coming in. They may even have the editorial space to cover that feature for you too. It's something that we've seen really work, and again I can't stress enough that you really have to find that balance.
You don't want to be plaguing journalists. You don't want to be a pain and starting to like every single tweet they do. But if it is relevant and you find an opportunity to engage and speak to them about your campaign the weeks in advance, it opens up that door. Again, you may be able to secure an exclusive out of it, which means that you get that first huge hit. So there are my five tips for link building in 2019, and it will help you supercharge things.
Now if you have any comments for me, any questions, please pop them in the thread below or reach out to me on Twitter. As I've just said, feel free to send me a DM. I'm always around and would love to help you guys a little bit more if you do have any questions for me. Thanks, Moz fans.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Did you miss Shannon's groundbreaking talk at MozCon 2019, How to Supercharge Link Building with a Digital PR Newsroom? Download the deck here and don't miss out on next year's conference — super early bird discounts are available now!
Save my spot at MozCon 2020
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
from The Moz Blog https://ift.tt/31vRCN4 via IFTTT
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