#she said she liked to get 8 hours of sleep meaning we have to be asleep by 11
lesbiansanemi · 9 months
Do you think if I wish hard enough my mom will get electrocuted by a string of Christmas lights and just go up in a cloud of smoke. It’d be a Christmas miracle
#I’m not even DOWN THERE YET and I want to fucking KILL HER#I have to work Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas. I live four hours away from my family#I told her this MANY TIMES I said I’ll drive down after work on Christmas Eve be there Christmas morning but I need to leave by 3-4 to get#home at a reasonable hour so I can have time to unpack/catch up on a couple days of chores/get plenty of sleep#she called me last night and told me she didn’t schedule Christmas stuff until SIX PM#and when I said why tf did you do that I’m not staying that late#she got mad and upset and was like ‘it’s the only time everyone is free :(‘#BUT THEN proceeded to tell me we were having lunch with her HUSBAND’S family at noon#(ppl I am not close with never have been literally don’t talk to)#and everyone I know is like ‘just leave when you said you were going to anyways’#and like yeah I could but then my family is gonna be ENRAGED that I didn’t do Christmas stuff with them#and they’re like ‘well explain that your mom didnt listen to when you said you needed to leave’#but the thing is. no matter what. they’re going to take her side#I should sacrifice my time and comfort to spend time with them because they’re FAMILY#never mind that literally not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM has EVER come up to visit me#IM always expected to drive down there. but that sacrifice doesn’t count it’s not good enough#but if I stay that late I won’t be getting home until AT LEAST midnight or later#cuz my family has no fucking concept of time so if it starts at six that means it doesn’t ACTUALLY start until 7 so most of them might be#there by 8 so I’ll be expected to stay until at least 10 to sufficiently catch up with all of them#I’m going to scream I’m going to cry#if I leave early I’m the awful ungrateful terrible bitch who never comes to see any of them#but none of them could adjust their days by just a few hours to see me before I needed to leave#FOR MY FUCKING JOB !!!!!!!! SOMETHING COMPLETELY OUT OF MY CONTROL#and like the thing is. my piece of shit manipulative bitch mother#I KNOW she did this on purpose#I know she didn’t plan this until six to FORCE me to stay longer because she was mad I wasn’t staying long#(again… because of work… something I can’t control)#so she’s orchestrated this to put me in this position#where I have to suck it up and stay and be exhausted and have tired migraines for a week cuz I get only a couple hours of sleep and then#or leave and make everyone pissed. I hate her so FUCKING much
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good-night-space-kid · 4 months
I was just sooo brave and asked my roommate to either move to the common space or wrap things up after she was on an audio call with all of the lights on at 10:30 when prior to moving in she said she was fine with lights off no noise after 10pm. I really hope the rest of the summer isn’t like this because truly I will be so miserable and I don’t know if I can do that again 😭
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no-144444 · 2 months
mistakes and miscalculations- c.leclerc
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem! reader
summary: a fight and a mistake leads to something worse.
You hadn’t had a worse day in months, no- years. Fuck this. Work was a mess, everyone was blaming you for something you didn’t do, and you and Charles weren’t exactly communicating. He’d said something a few days earlier, something about you not having as hard a job as him. Which, granted, was true. He was a racecar driver, you worked in marketing, but it didn’t mean that your work was any less important. Hell, work was where you two had met. You were his publicist when you’d started dating. So yes, it rubbed you the wrong way and you’d decided to sleep on the couch instead of being with him. He didn’t take kindly to that, and hadn’t spoken a word to you in 4 days. Yay. He texted you, small messages consisting of “I got here safe” or “sleep tight  xxx” and things like that. But Friday nights were your date night, even when it was a race weekend. But 8pm came and went and there was no call on your phone. 
It was fine. You didn’t need to talk to him. Did you miss him greatly? Yes. Were you over the entire argument? Yes. Was he? Evidently not. 
You lay in bed awake for a few hours as you thought over everything. Maybe you had been too harsh, he was stressed, especially since he was unsure about the strategy the team had given him for the weekend ahead. But… he didn’t need to be so mean about things. Your work was important, and to have him just brush it off like that, in the way he did, when all you were trying to do was express how overworked you were, it all made you feel… unheard. It wasn’t a nice feeling.
Your phone started ringing at 4am in Monaco, meaning it was 9pm in Austin. You picked it up without looking, just hoping it wasn’t something important.
“Y/n?” It was Charles. “I know it’s early, my love.”
“Charles?” You yawned. “I thought you were still and at me.”
He sighed. “I thought I was, but then I realised I just felt guilty for saying what I did, and not talking to you was more a punishment for myself. I’m sorry about what I said, and what I didn’t say.”
You sighed, lying. “It’s fine Charles.”
You were still not over the fight, it had cut you deep, what he had said. “Your job doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, why is your boss getting so worked up about you not coming to Austin?”
It broke your heart. Charles had always been so supportive, but the moment he got stressed, you were suddenly not important. Right. 
“I’m sorry I missed date night,” he added sheepishly. You hadn’t missed that in 8 months. He broke the streak. 
“I waited for an hour and a half,” you chuckled sadly. “Even then I couldn’t sleep.”
He let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.”
“Good luck tomorrow,” you sighed. “I’ll be rooting for you from Monaco.”
“My love?-“
“Oh and tell Arthur ‘good luck’ too, and sorry that I couldn’t be there in person for his debut. I’m just swamped with my unimportant work over here.”
And with that you hung up the phone, breaking your 1 year streak of always saying ‘sleep tight’ at the end of a phone call. You were irritated, irritated due to the nerve he had to call you like that. Sometimes you wondered if all the praise he got went too far to his head and gave him a  superiority complex, but another part of you just knew that was your irritation getting the better of you. 
You went back to sleep, far too tired to think about what you’d just done. 
“She hung up,” he sighed. “She hung up without saying goodbye.”
“Are you two breaking up?” Arthur questioned, sitting on his older brother's bed as he slowly fell apart. He’d never not spoken to you for this long, it was becoming embarrassing how upset he was. How could he let this happen? You were one of the best things in his life, if not the best thing. “If you are, I do not think I would recover.”
Charles scoffed. “We are not breaking up,” he took a deep breath. “We are just… arguing. Like adults.”
“You called her job unimportant! That’s a childish thing to say,” Ollie shrugged. Kimi nodded his head, agreeing. 
“And a pretty mean thing to say,” Kimi added. “Especially when her job is so important to you.”
Charles groaned. “I know I messed up!” He groaned again. “I just need to figure out a way to get her to forgive me.”
“Grand gesture! Like in the movies!” Kimi cheered, Arthur and Ollie agreeing. “Bring her to the race and give her a holiday from work!”
Charles thought about it for a moment. You did need a break, there was no doubt about it.  “That’s not a terrible idea.”
“Exactly!” Arthur smiled. “Do that, and she’ll love you again!”
Charles smiled. “I’ll call her now-“
“No! You have to make it like… an emergency! And then she’ll rush here and you’ll have a date set up,” Ollie thought as the other boys nodded their heads. 
“I feel like she’d get stressed-“ Charles said but Ollie was already busy thinking about ways to get you to Austin.
“What Ollie?” You answered your phone as you drew up yet another plan for the marketing strategy your boss had already made you redo twice, 
“Thank god you answered!” Ollie sighed a sigh of relief. “Charles is broken up about your break up, we’ve tried everything-“
“What?” You gasped. You and Charles hadn’t broken up, had you? No. Neither of you wanted to break up, right? You didn’t. Did he? “We didn’t break up.”
“We tried to tell him that, but he doesn’t believe us. He thinks you blocked him. Can you… come to Austin? He doesn’t think he’ll drive in this state, he’s devastated.”
You sighed. “I’ll book a flight for tonight. See you soon.”
“Thanks Y/n.”
As far as a hellish week goes, that must’ve been the worst in your life. Shitty work week, Charles and you fighting, then the flight to Austin Texas that you barely got on because of course your boarding pass wouldn’t print. 
You weren’t over the fight, at all, but you and Charles definitely weren’t breaking up. You’d never want that, no matter how annoyed you were. If it took a flight from Monaco to Austin in the middle of an argument, at the end of a shitty week to prove your love, well that’s what you had to do. 
You sat, staring at your battery as it slowly dwindled away and your music played on, but it sadly was not enough to drown out the noise of the sobbing baby beside you. Maybe you should’ve let Charles buy you the noise-cancelling headphones he was going to get you as a ‘just-because’ present, instead of the wired headphones you’ve had since you were in college, that had finally decided to die on you, mid-flight. You weren’t going to admit he was right when he said “those things will break on you at the worst time!”, you were just going to thank him when he eventually came home with them after a race, probably being gifted them by some random company. Your apartment had started to look more and more like a shop, rather than a house, it was another major pressure point of your relationship. It drove you crazy, the disorganisation and the constant influx of things that you two could never keep up with, and Charles didn’t seem to be too bothered by it. That had made its way into the fight too. God, what hadn’t? 
Touching down in Austin was as glamorous as one would imagine. You were tired, hungry (you couldn’t stomach aeroplane food), and you were pissed off. Why did this have to happen this week? The one week you were just looking forward to being alone all weekend. 
You adored Charles, but sometimes we all need some alone time, and this weekend was going to be that. You needed a break from being yourself, for being a chief marketing officer, and from being Charles Leclerc’s girlfriend. You just needed a moment of silence, was that too much to ask for? 
You met Arthur outside the airport, and he wrapped you up in a hug as he smiled, happy you’d made it. 
“Hey Arth,” you sighed, exhausted. 
“Hey Y/n,” he smiled. “Thank you for coming, he really needs you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you nodded. “Let’s go, I’m exhausted.”
You fell asleep in the car on the way to the track, beyond tired from your travels. You woke up about a minute before Arthur pulled into the Ferrari hospitality, and you were practically a zombie when you grabbed your bags and followed Arthur up to Charles’s room. 
“Baby?” You asked, eyes closed from exhaustion. You were barely standing up, shocked you were even still awake. 
“Is that you?” Charles’s voice rang through your ears. 
“Yeah baby, open the door,” you smiled lazily. You missed him. It was hard not to. 
The door swung open to reveal… a candle-lit dinner and Charles? 
What the fuck? 
“Baby!” He cheered, pulling you into him, pressing kisses to your cheek and neck. “Surprise!”
You didn’t answer. No way he made you fly all the way to Austin, faked thinking you two were breaking up, and all for a fucking dinner? No way. This was a joke. This was some sick and twisted joke. 
“Baby?” His smile slightly faded. “Are you ok?” 
You couldn’t stop it. Exhaustion, stress, anxiety, anger, everything. It all tipped over and you started crying. In his arms. You buried your face in his shoulder and his arms wrapped around you in an instant, closing the door to give you two some privacy. 
“Baby,” he cooed. “What’s wrong?”
And that was the last straw. What was wrong?
You pushed him off, wiping your eyes as any and all exhaustion was replaced with adrenaline. 
“What’s wrong?” You cried, a twisted smile on your face. “What’s wrong so that my boyfriend is psychotic and decided it would be a great idea to make me think that we were breaking up and making me fly to fucking Austin for a dinner. Charles. That’s my fucking problem. The same boyfriend that called my job unimportant when I was trying to tell him that I was beyond stressed about it, my headphones broke on the flight, a baby was crying beside me, and I’m exhausted!” You sobbed. 
He looked down, disappointed with his own actions. He knew how this would go, and yet he let 3 teenagers talk him into it. How stupid was he?
“And the worst part is,” you continued. “Is that I’m not even fucking mad at you! Because I’m just happy that I’m not being broken up with! Because I fucking love you!” 
Oh. Oh. Oh. 
You loved him. And he’d pulled this. And you said it for the first time. And he’d stressed you out more. 
“Baby please-“ he tried to take your hand, but you just slumped against him. 
“I’m sorry I slept on the couch, I’ll never do it again. Just please don’t do this to get my attention. You always have my attention.” you sniffled. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he smiled, far too chipper for this specific moment. “You’re tired, let’s talk about this in the morning, yeah?”
You nodded and let him lead you to his bed. 
You fell asleep almost instantly and he smiled. At least you two were talking. At least you two were in the same bed. At least you two were in love. 
“My love,” he whispered, laying beside you. “I love you.”
When you woke up the next morning and despite the obvious tension, you were happy to be Charles’s arms. 
“Morning,” he pressed a kiss to your neck. 
“Morning,” you rolled over, out of his grasp to look at the clock. 
He sighed, crawling towards you. “Can we talk about it?”
“About what?” you turned to him. “The fight? The stunt you pulled yesterday? Our fake break up?”
He scoffed. “I am not the only one at fault here,” he argued. “Our fight is not only my fault.”
You sighed, placing your head in your hands. “I know that. And I’m exhausted, so let's just go our separate ways for the weekend and talk about it after, ok?”
He nodded. “But you’ll still be here, right? You’re not going back home?”
“Not until you are,” you sighed, getting up. 
Charles watched as you made your way to the bathroom, stretching as you went. Sometimes, it hit him hard how gorgeous you are, this was one of those times, and he was hit very, very hard. 
“Baby?” he called out.
You poked your head out. “Yeah?”
“Come here,” he gestured for you to come closer, and was a little surprised when you obliged. He sat you on his lap and held you close, resting his head in your neck. “I’m sorry. I was stupid and I’m sorry.”
You nodded, letting go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Ok.”
“And I know what I said was wrong, your job is super important, because we met here, and also because you put your heart into your work. I’m sorry.”
You ran your hands through his hair, a conflicted look on your face. “I’m sorry I brought other things into the fight and slept on the couch.”
You felt him smile as he pressed a kiss to your neck. “And I love you, and I don't want to fight anymore.”
You chuckled. “Me neither.”
He was silent for a minute, just pressing soft, comforting kisses to your neck as he enjoyed having you near him. “So are we ok?”
“We aren’t 100% ok, but we’re getting there,” you explained, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “There’s probably more things we should talk about, but maybe when you don’t have a Gran Prix in a matter of hours? And I love you too.”
His grin widened, and he couldn’t resist pulling you down to properly kiss you for the first time in days.
navigation for my blog :)
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cumikering · 5 months
Neighbour Ghost x reader 8 (end)
1.6k | fluff The stray and his forever home (part 1)
“Bone apple tea.” You placed the cup of camomile in front of Simon.
You pointed at your skull-printed shirt, the apple pie patch on his hoodie and the tea on the table. “Bone. Apple. Tea.”
He’d missed that brilliant smile too much. It was impossible to not want to kiss you. He chuckled as he pulled you to stand between his thighs.
That Sunday with your help, despite the pounding of his head, he packed the rest of his stuff and managed to move out. In the last few days he had before he left, he spent any possible moment with you, mainly eating his favourite Chinese takeout or cuddling on the couch.
Two months later when Simon came back, things crawled to how they were, with him visiting for dinner and leaving before midnight. Eventually, he stayed more and more nights a week, leaving more than a few of his shirts behind.
The divorce was finalised and his childhood home was sold. The city of Manchester didn’t mean gripping the straps of his backpack after school as he walked up the dreaded front steps anymore, nor sleeping restlessly lest someone barged in the door with another bizarre creature. The house was gone, along with the memories that breathed within the walls. He didn’t miss them.
His mum got a flat near Tommy’s and a job at a flower shop in the neighbourhood. ‘Not as nice as working with Ben’, she said. She had to buy her own bread, and none she’d found in the area tasted remotely close to how grand his were. She still cooked too much, but Tommy didn’t mind the extra whenever she dropped by. Little Joe always loved seeing his nana anyway.
Back from his next deployment, Simon held you at the door as he inhaled the warmth he’d missed terribly. After his shower, you showed him his shirts in their own drawer, not jammed between yours anymore. He smiled, pulling you in for a kiss.
In spring, he came with to visit your dad, insisting on wearing one of his dress shirts, even when you assured it was a regular lunch. He stood rigid on the porch, the neck of the wine bottle about to snap in his grip.
Your dad was taking too long. Was he arming himself before opening the door? Should he tackle and disarm him or take the shot like a man? He should have worn a tac vest.
“Si, relax.” You rubbed his back. “You’re already too tall. You’re going to scare my dad.”
Is that not a good thing?
Your dad (obviously unarmed) tried making small talk with him at lunch, but he sucked at it as much as Simon did, leaving you to do almost all the talking among the pauses. You only received short answers from the men who avoided each other’s gazes.
Also, who the bloody hell put the coriander in the chicken stir-fry?!
“Your dad hates me,” Simon declared as he drove home, the phantom taste of soap persisted on his palate despite the hours between.
“He doesn’t, I promise. He doesn’t even really like Chinese, but picked the place because I told him how much you love it. He really tried, but just doesn’t talk much with new people.” You stifled a laugh. “You should have cracked a few jokes.”
He gave you a deadpan look. “When we get home, I’m going to tickle you until you pass out.”
You’d made your flat Simon’s home too. You cleared another drawer for him, and another, and another, even when he didn’t have so many possessions. But you let him expand and take up the space he needed. He reordered a set of his ID discs for you to keep on your nightstand.
Things were… easy. Simple, like getting out of bed a little later on weekends. With his nose buried in your hair, arm around your waist pulling you flush to his chest, he held you in silence from dawn until you woke. Listening to your quiet breathing filled his chest heavy with warmth.
You’d asked multiple times if it bored him to be doing nothing, as if he didn’t lay prone behind rifle scopes for hours on end for a living. It didn’t, because being in your presence wasn’t nothing. You were real, and you were his.
You woke with a stir, a smile gracing your lips when you realised he was with you before your eyes opened.
“Good morning, my love.” He slipped the strap of your tank top off before peppering kisses on the nape of your neck down your exposed shoulder.
“Morning, Si.” You reached back to scratch his scalp.
He rolled you onto your back before crawling on top of you, kissing the column on your neck making you giggle with his weekend scruff. He pulled away to admire your eyes, always striking in the warm sun.
“Love looking at you.” You cupped his cheek, tracing the healed cut with your thumb. “You’re so beautiful, Si.”
He leaned in, and you stayed in bed a little longer.
In his shirt, you placed more toasts on the table.
“Two goldfish are in a tank…”
He handed you a buttered toast. “Don’t steal my jokes, luv.”
“It’s too lame to forget.”
“Yeah? ‘Cause I remember you howling at Tesco when I told it.”
“It was your first ever.” You smiled. “My favourite.”
“Why didn’t you tell me I was scary, luv?”
“I’m not sure they teach you to tell the scary bloke he’s scary in self-defence class.” You took a bite of the toast.
“Fair enough.” He shrugged. “Are you out of jam?”
“Forgot to grab some yesterday, but I didn’t forget your limes.”
Simon became a bit of a pie connoisseur. He figured baking was better than sparring with the intention of beating someone up to a pulp. He tried different fruits (even declared himself a pro at peeling) and techniques, and eventually other varieties. That late Saturday morning, it was key lime pie.
“Why’s the cat so small?” you asked as you tied your kitty apron around his waist.
“Because it drank condensed milk.”
He liked that you were becoming more like him. “You too, it seems.”
You mock gasped. “Rude! You know I can take you, Si.”
“Not in a fight.”
You slapped his chest playfully earning a hearty laugh from him.
Volunteering at the soup kitchen became a regular occurrence too, along with his sergeants. Sam ended up dating one of the volunteers’ daughters, the one he was introduced to. Unfortunately, his two other sergeants hadn’t had as much luck on their side. ‘Does your birdie have sisters or friends, sir?’ Eric joked, but it barely masked his hopefulness. You assured you’d ask around if they promised to keep each other safe while deployed.
It got hard at times, when things went sideways and the missions lasted longer, or when he had no way to contact you or wipe the tears off your face.
Somewhere along the way, Simon listed you as his emergency contact. You weren’t supposed to find out this way. Not this soon, not from his captain calling you about how he was unconscious, dying from blood loss from getting his leg slashed.
The first thing he did when he astonishingly woke was to call you. He could ignore the sear on his thigh, or the fact that his eyelids weighed like lead, but not the guilt that sank into the pits of him when you were in a mess of tears.
“I’m so sorry, luv,” he croaked out of his throat that felt like sandpaper. “I mean it. I’ll leave this all behind if that’s what it takes to keep you. You just have to say the word.”
“Si, you don’t... always have to bend yourself backwards for others. I chose you for who you are, and I will keep choosing you, as long as you don’t give up on this. On us.” You sniffled. “Please come home soon. I need you with me.”
Simon was glad you stood by his decision to stay, because that afternoon a year after, as the major pinned on the new insignia onto his uniform, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face when the mass erupted in applause.
Captain Simon Riley.
Among the crowd, next to Tommy and Beth, her belly carrying his niece, you had your arm around his mum, Joe’s hand in yours. From across the room, your sincere eyes made him feel like a hero, the most desirable man. He knew he wasn’t, but you looked at him like he was sunshine, and maybe, he was to you a little bit.
Nothing changed. Simon was still fatherless, still missed out on the memories a child deserved to have, but was never granted. Still bound to a past that wouldn’t go, but he was more than that.
He thought his dad was the only thing standing in the way of happiness, whatever it meant. He knew now. It wasn’t what he thought he wanted, wasn’t what he imagined, but it was perfect. This was what it was supposed to be like all along.
“For you,” he mouthed.
Simon Riley never wanted to be an oil painting admired by many, but he was, and always had been, a love note sealed with a kiss.
Line art from part 4
Thank you so much for sticking around until the end :) I greatly appreciate the support and kind words this little story has received. Take care!
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @eve-lie
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@astraluminaaa @mehjustalasshere @corruptowlette @youllgetafuneral
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
Part 6: To Trying Again
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
I don't wanna mess this thing up (I don't wanna push too far)
(In which an "evil" writer might surprise you guys just a little bit with this part)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Fluff and Angst
Words: 5.6K
TW: Swearing (I think that's it?)
A/N: Happy Monday lovelies! This is sort of a filler-ish short chapter though I do think it's important to both plot and character development. I'd like to preface this by saying I've never been to Minsk or Park Pieramohi so I'm very much going off of pictures. Editing and I remain on very, very bad terms so pretty please let me know of typos so I can fix them. As always, let me know what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see going forward. Have a lovely rest of your week my loves <3
July 2018 
“You’re being too loud,” Azzi whisper-screams at the blonde girl in front of her as she closes the door to her room behind her with a little too much force. 
Paige turns her head back every-so-slightly with a pronounced eye roll, “will you please relax.”
“I would if you’d just be a little more careful,” Azzi glares, taking cautious steps as if the sound of her sneakers across the carpeted floor could potentially wake up any of the coaches. 
“Azzi,” Paige says exasperatedly, “the coaches are all the way on the other end of the hallway. Besides, they're probably all sleeping.”
And despite her stubbornness, Azzi can concede that Paige has a point there. It’s nearly midnight and the game against Spain earlier in the day might have had a final score that made it seem like the USA U17 women's basketball team had won handily, but the game itself had been draining to say the least. The post-victory dinner had featured a bunch of worn out teenagers gobbling their food without much conversation and a cohort of coaches who seemed like they needed an hour of drinking followed by good night’s sleep. But even the exhaustion of the day hadn’t been enough to prevent Paige Bueckers and her diabolical mind from coming up with the idea to sneak out into the city of Minsk. 
“No,” Azzi had said immediately even before the words had been spoken, that shimmering glint in Paige’s eyes a dead giveaway as she sidled up to Azzi at the salad bar. 
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say,” Paige had pouted. 
“You never say anything good.”
“That’s crazy. You’re so mean to me.”
“So mean,” Azzi had nodded in agreement, “so how about you go and bother someone else.”
“Azzi please. We haven’t had just Paige and Azzi time in ages. Don’t want someone else. Just want you.”
And after that well, there wasn’t really any chance of saying no. Azzi’s only fifteen and she doesn’t know that much about love, but sometimes when Paige looks at her with those earnest blue eyes and a smile that promises i’ll always be here, she thinks the way her heart starts to flutter erratically to a beat of and i wouldn’t want anyone else to stay, might just be the start of her finding out. 
“See,” Paige grins triumphantly as the two girls find their way out of their hotel and onto the street, “told you we wouldn’t get caught. Shit’s just too damn easy.”
Azzi rolls her eyes at the attitude, “don’t tempt fate.”
“Fate’s got nothing in front of Paige Bueckers. I make my own fate,” Paige winks as she links her arms through Azzi. 
It’s a mundane amount of contact, absolutely nothing special to it, but Azzi feels herself shiver in spite of the humidity that’s circling around them. She doesn’t quite know how it happened. One moment she was staring across the court, judging the skinny blonde practicing free throws and coming to the conclusion that she’d be no threat; the next moment said girl was next to her on the plane back from Argentina and Azzi, a self-admitted introvert, found herself rattling off about everything and nothing with this girl who seemed to have discovered the keys to all of Azzi’s locks. Hours of talking had bled into days and days had bled into months and despite the fact that facetime had taken the place of in-person conversations, the word friendship had seemed too cavalier a word to describe the relationship Paige and Azzi were building. 
Paige had whittled away all of Azzi’s carefully constructed armor until she was buried deep underneath her skin and Azzi’s sure there’s no knife in the world sharp enough to carve the blonde out from where she lives underneath Azzi’s ribcage. Azzi doesn’t want anyone to try and dig her out. She  thinks she might bleed out if they do. 
“Az,” Paige whines, waving her free hand in the younger girl’s face, “are you even paying attention to me?”
“That depends,” Azzi hums, “are you saying anything interesting?”
“I’m always saying something interesting.”
“You’re always saying something. The interesting is subjective,” Azzi teases, laughing when Paige pouts. 
“I sneak you out to give you an adventure and this is how you repay me? With insults?” Paige puts a dramatic hand to her heart.
“Walking boring streets is not an adventure. Virginia has streets too.”
“It’s not about the streets, it’s about where the streets lead to,” Paige says with grave seriousness. 
Azzi raises an eyebrow, “are you entering your philosopher Paige era?”
“I’d make a good philosopher,” Paige waggles her own eyebrows as they two girls find themselves entering park Pieramohi. 
“Virginia has parks too, you know Paige?” Azzi says skeptically. 
Paige lets out a dramatic sigh, “will you just keep walking, woman. Sometimes I wonder if you even like me?”
It’s said like a joke but there’s a hint of insecurity beaded into it that buzzes in Azzi’s ears as she wraps a careful hand around Paige’s wrist, stopping the two of them where they are. 
“Hey,” she whispers softly, nudging the older girl, “you don’t ever have to wonder with me. I’m always gonna like you Paige. Even if you’re a pain in my ass half the time.”
“Had to ruin it with the last part, didn't you?” Paige complains but her eyes twinkle at the reassurance, “Just so you know I’m gonna be a pain in your ass forever.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” Azzi promises as they continue strolling through the park. 
The silence is peaceful and the breeze that flows around them is like a comforting hug. And Azzi thinks that she’d be okay if there wasn’t a destination for them to get to, as long as the journey came with Paige by her side. 
“We’re almost there,” Paige says slowly, a slightly nervous edge to her voice. 
“You sure you’re not just getting us lost-” the teasing quip dies on Azzi’s tongue as she stares at the scenery in front of her. They’re standing on the edge of a bridge overlooking a lake and it looks like something out of a disney fairytale; the picturesque image of green trees silhouetted against a magically starry night is captured perfectly on the still surface of the water that’s flowing beneath. As Azzi peers across the railing, Paige right next to her, she feels her breath hitch at the reflection that peers up at her. Because the view in front of them is beautiful but Paige’s eyes are on Azzi and she’s staring at her as if the view is nothing in comparison. 
“C’mon,” the blonde says softly, lacing her fingers through Azzi’s as she tugs her along, “I have a plan.”
“There’s more?” Azzi asks in awe as Paige guides her to the gazebo in the middle of the bridge. 
“Just a little bit,” Paige says and oh- that shy smile is different. Azzi doesn’t think she’s seen that one yet and she makes a mental note to herself, to memorize it and store it along with all of Paige’s other smiles that make Azzi’s insides swoop like a rollercoaster. 
She watches intently as Paige begins to peruse through the purple rucksack she’d been carrying. The first thing out of it is a picnic blanket and then a horde of different snacks, all of Azzi’s favorites. Two plastic champagne glasses are next and then a sheepish grin as Paige pulls out a bottle of soda. 
“Couldn’t quite risk trying to get alcohol,” Paige scratches at her neck. 
“Next time maybe,” Azzi shrugs as she helps Paige set up the arrangement and she feels herself fluttering at the thought of doing this again and again and again. 
“How’d you even find this place?” she asks as Paige begins to pour out the soda. 
“You ever heard of googling?”
Azzi rolls her eyes at Paige’s teasing smirk, “how’d you even have time to do this?”
Paige is quiet for a second as she passes Azzi her glass, “wanted to do something special for us,” she says quietly, keeping her eyes intently on what she’s doing as she pours out a drink for herself, “wasn’t hard to find time for you.”
“You could be a poet, Paige Bueckers,” Azzi whispers and she knows it’s unfair of her but she thinks it anyway. As long as all your poems are about me. 
“The poets are lucky I chose a ball instead of a pen. They’d be out of a job otherwise,” Paige says, trying to ease back into the more familiar arrogance. 
“Always so humble,” Azzi says, rolling her eyes as she holds up her glass, “alright what are toasting to?”
“I came up with this whole thing. You can come up with a toast,” Paige scrunches her nose and Azzi shakes her head at it. 
She thinks for a second before smiling brightly at the girl in front of her, “let’s just keep it simple and toast to us.”
“How original,” Paige teases but she clinks her glass against Azzi’s anyways, “here’s to us.”
“Here’s to us,” Azzi repeats as they both take sips of soda. 
They melt into a comfortable silence, relishing in this rare moment where there isn’t a screen separating them from each other. Facetimes is a wonderful creation but a blurry screen, Azzi decides, doesn’t nearly do justice to just how damn pretty Paige is. Her hair is golden as it basks in the glow of the moon and Azzi wonders if the stars are jealous of how brilliantly the blonde’s blue eyes twinkle.
It’s Paige who speaks first, her voice hesitant, “you uh- you never asked me how my date went a couple of weeks ago.”
Azzi feels her whole body go rigid. She’d almost forgotten about Paige’s wretched date. The blonde had told her about it a couple of days before the actual event and Azzi had played the dutiful role of a best friend, teasing Paige with a light-heartedness she didn’t feel and congratulating her with an excitement that came from anywhere but from the heart. She’d purposely avoided Paige’s calls the day of the date and then two days after, coming up with some sorry excuse she no longer remembers. On the third day, when the hollow ache of i miss her voice in her chest had become too hard to ignore, Azzi had finally picked up the phone and diverted the conversation straight to a different topic. She hadn’t thought of the date since. 
“Guess it slipped my mind,” she says airily, fingers gripping the edge of the picnic blanket. 
“I could tell you about it now,” Paige says slowly. 
I’d rather you didn’t, Azzi thinks but that’s a thought that veers a little too out of the sphere of best-friend-isms and so she simply nods her head, “y-yeah tell me about it. How was it?”
“It was nice,” Paige begins and there’s something hidden in her tone that Azzi can't quite place but she’s a little too busy sulking at the idea of Paige with anybody else to try and decipher it, “dinner was good. Took her to a movie after. That was good too.”
“That’s cool P. I’m glad- I’m glad you had fun,” Azzi says nonchalantly, gripping the glass in her hands just a little too tight. 
“I didn’t.”
“I didn’t really have that much fun,” Paige clarifies and Azzi gawks at her in confusion as the older girl fidgets with the frayed edges of the picnic blankets, “just didn’t- didn’t feel right. Don’t think she had much fun either. She never texted me after.”
“What a bitch,” Azzi bites out, suddenly irrationally angry at a girl she’d never met because how could anyone possibly not have fun with Paige, “I’m sorry P. You deserve-”
“I didn’t care that she didn’t text back-”
“Still. It’s just the decent thing to do,” Azzi rants. 
“Maybe,” Paige shrugs, “but I didn’t have time to care about that. I had other things on my mind. Like the fact that you weren’t talking to me.”
Azzi flinches at the accusation, rushing out her previous defense, “I was busy.”
“Bullshit,” Paige sneers. 
“But I get it,” the older girl says softly as she reaches for Azzi’s hand, tugging the brunette closer to her and Azzi feels something inside her erupt at how close their faces are, “I probably wouldn’t have talked to you for two days either if you went on a date with someone else.”
“Oh,” Azzi breathes out and there’s probably something more eloquent she should say but there’s this realization of maybe you feel it too that’s beginning to creep up her spine, rendering her speechless as Paige continues to stare at her like she’s mapping out all the tiniest details of Azzi’s face. 
“The whole date, I kept thinking how you wouldn’t order what she ordered off the menu or that you would probably hit my hand if I tried to steal something off your plate but then give it to me anyway. And that the movie would never have been so quiet with you and we’d probably get yelled at for giggling too much and I-” Paige pauses, dragging in a deep breath, “I definitely would’ve kissed you at the end.”
A sigh of relief escapes Azzi’s lips, “you didn’t kiss her.”
“No,” Paige confirms as she drops her forehead against Azzi’s, “but I-,” the blonde gulps nervously and Azzi can’t help the way her hand reaches up to caress the blush forming on Paige’s cheeks. 
“Ask me,” she whispers.
“I really want to kiss you,” Paige confesses, voice shaking slightly, “can I kiss you?”
Azzi doesn’t say anything, choosing to reply instead by pressing her lips softly against Paige’s. They move slowly at first, testing each other’s boundaries and savoring their first taste of each other. Azzi pulls the older girl onto her lap, hands firmly on Paige’s hips as the other girl clasps her own hands around Azzi’s neck.  It’s a little messy and uncoordinated and Azzi thinks they might need to practice a little more to really get it right but still, it’s everything.
And Azzi just knows
She knows it then just the way she knew Tim was meant to be her dad. The way she knew Jon and José were meant to be her brothers. The way she knew she was meant to play basketball. Azzi knows that she’s meant to fall hopelessly in love with Paige Bueckers. 
March 2033
There are three things Azzi should do. 
Push Paige away 
Tell her this a bad idea 
Run the fuck away
She does none of the above.
Instead Azzi kisses Paige back. 
And it’s still everything. Like the sun and moon are colliding and creating something so insanely powerful; something that feels so eternal. 
There’s nothing soft or slow about it as Paige presses every inch of herself into Azzi until she can feel Paige’s heartbeat as strongly as she can feel her own. It might be impossible but she swears their hearts are talking to each other, tapping out rhythms against each other’s chests that confess all the things their owners are too scared to say. And Azzi wants nothing more than to lose herself completely in the moment because Paige’s lips feel like a drug and Azzi thinks she might just be an addict in relapse. 
Except to relapse, you need to have recovered. And Azzi doesn’t think she ever fully recovered from Paige. 
It isn’t until she feels her back hit the edge of a desk and the sound of something crashing onto the floor infiltrates her ears, that Azzi finally comes to her senses. She tears her lips away from Paige as the older woman groans in protest, arms tightening their hold on Azzi’s waist so she can still have some semblance of control over the situation. And really Azzi knows she’s strong enough to escape Paige’s grip, could easily fight it if she wanted to. But well, she doesn’t want to. And Azzi’s tired of doing things she doesn’t want to do. 
“If the next words out of your mouth are ‘we can’t do this’, Azzi I swear to god I’m going to kill you,” Paige threatens, pressing her forehead against Azzi’s. 
Azzi laughs softly and she can feel Paige’s whole body relax at the sound of it and like clockwork, she feels the tension beginning to release from her own muscles, “if you kill me then we definitely can’t do this.”
“I’ll revive you after or something,” Paige says with a half-smirk. 
“Or something,” Azzi rolls her eyes, “but we can’t-”
“Azzi,” Paige groans. 
“We can’t do this right now and definitely not here,” Azzi amends, alluding to the fact that they’re still in Steph’s office. 
Paige raises an eyebrow, cocking her head slightly, “but we can do this later? Somewhere else?”
The question lingers between them as Azzi bites her lip. She knows what this is, knows that it’s Paige putting the ball in her court. A ‘no’ would likely be the end of things and that scares her more than she’s willing to admit but she’s not quite ready to commit to a ‘yes’ yet, even if that flame of desire inside of her, the one that can only be lit by Paige, is blazing hot through her veins. 
“I don’t know,” Azzi says carefully, shivering at the way Paige’s thumb is rubbing circles against her waist, the flimsy material of her shirt doing nothing to prevent the goosebumps forming on her skin, “TBD.”
“That’s not a no,” Paige says carefully, hope blossoming freely on her face. 
“That’s not a yes either,” Azzi warns half-heartedly. 
“But it’s not a no,” Paige presses. 
“No,” Azzi admits, playing with the neckline of Paige’s shirt, “it’s not a no.”
And Azzi’s so scared of the future, scared that if she lets herself burn, she’ll incinerate everyone around her but there’s something in the way Paige smiles at her words. Something that feels a lot like a promise of i’ll be the rain that washes out the fire before you can turn us to ashes. 
“I can work with that,” Paige says softly, tilting Azzi’s chin up. 
“So desperate to get back into my pants Bueckers,” Azzi teases and she expects a witty remark in return but instead she’s met with nothing but sincerity. 
“So desperate to get back into your life,” Paige whispers, voice cracking on the last two words. 
Tears prickle against Azzi’s waterline as she stares in awe at the girl in front of her. Sometimes she thinks Paige doesn’t even know that there’s a halo of goodness sitting above her head, doesn't even know just how beautiful her soul is. Paige is stunning on the outside; it’s something no one can deny. But it’s nothing compared to how gorgeous she is on the inside, nothing compared to how kind, how humble, how forgiving Paige is. 
“Why?” Azzi asks, her tone rife with heaviness. 
“Why what?” 
“After everything, after all this time, why would you still want to be in my life?” the tears fall harder as Azzi struggles to breathe, “I- I broke your heart. I broke us. How could you possibly want that again. How could you possibly want me again?”
Paige's eyes soften as she cups Azzi’s cheeks, thumbs brushing away at the drops of water running down them, “because you’re Azzi. My Azzi. And I get it- I get that you’re not ready to be all in on this with me yet and if I’m being honest with myself, I’m not completely ready either. But we can work on it right? Take it slow and see where it goes and maybe we’ll- maybe we’ll be even better this time.”
“You think so?”
“I believe so.”
Azzi presses her lips delicately against Paige’s, reveling in the way it makes Paige’s breath hitch. She pulls away faster than she would like herself and Paige chases her lips, eyes still closed. 
“What was that for,” the blonde asks, slightly dazed. 
“For being my Paige.”
Azzi taps her foot impatiently against her wooden patio as she glances at her phone clock for the umpteenth time. Paige is almost twenty minutes late to pick her and Stephie up to go to dinner at her parent’s house. The invites had technically been separate but Paige had insisted that they needed to go together because Paige didn’t want to walk into the house alone. Azzi’s not sure why Paige is nervous to see her dad and brothers again, not when she’s pretty sure they’re bursting with excitement to see the blonde whose pictures still have a permanent place on the family photo wall, but if Paige wants Azzi by her side, well she’s not going to say no. Not anymore. 
 It’s been a week since they’d agreed to take things slow and Azzi’s still not quite sure what exactly that means, but she thinks she likes it. She likes being able to call Paige and not having to come up with a lame excuse for why. She likes that she and Paige can take Stephie out for ice cream after Curry Camp and they don’t have to pretend they’re only tolerating each other’s presence for the little girl’s sake. She likes that they can brush their pinkies while walking and instead of jolting away, they simply just link them together. There’s boundaries of course. No sleepovers at either of their houses. No doing anything more than kissing. No kissing in front of anyone else and definitely no kissing in front of Stephie. No doing anything in front of Stephie really. And there’s still so much mountain left to climb but as long as they’re pushing up it together, Azzi doesn’t think there’s any incline steep enough to stop her from continuing up this path.
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie squeals as Paige’s car rounds the corner into Azzi’s driveway. 
Paige steps out of the car, arms wide open and ready to catch Stephie as the little girl goes tumbling down the front porch, aiming straight for the blonde. Azzi’s not an artist by any means but if she was, she thinks she could paint a thousand pictures of Stephie and her Miss Buecks. It terrifies Azzi a little bit, just how perfectly Stephie fits into Paige’s side but it calms her too because there’s a part of her that’s in love with how much they love each other.
“You’re late Bueckers,” Azzi chides as she follows her daughter’s path down the patio stairs. 
Paige grins, shifting Stephie on her lap as she opens the side door to her car to pull out two bouquets of flowers
“Will these make up for it?” she asks slyly as she hands the larger one, an assortment of pink flowers, to Azzi and a slightly smaller bouquet of purple hydrangeas to Stephie. 
“These are so pretty Miss Buecks,” Stephie gushes before pressing a kiss to Paige’s cheek left cheek and Paige beams at the compliment, “thank you Miss Buecks.”
“You took that long to get flowers?” Azzi asks with a raised eyebrow. 
“Mama,” Stephie chides immediately, “you’re supposed to thank someone when they give you a gift.”
“Yeah Azzi,” Paige’s eyes glimmer with mirth, “thank me like Stephie thanked me. Don’t you think Mama owes me a kiss on the cheek Steph?”
Azzi narrows her eyes at the scheming pair in front of her as Stephie nods animatedly at Paige’s question, “yeah Mama you owe Miss Buecks a kiss on the cheek.”
Shaking her head, Azzi walks over to Paige taking deliberately steady steps. Slowly Azzi leans in, puckering her lips. Paige closes her eyes and Azzi winks at Stephie who’s eyes widen. 
“I’m waiting,” Paige sing-songs, a self-satisfied smirk taking over her features. 
And instead of the promised kiss, Azzi licks a sloppy strip down Paige’s cheek and the blonde shrieks as both Azzi and Stephie burst into laughter.
“EW AZZI GROSS,” Paige whines, hurriedly rubbing her shirt against her cheek, “is this what you’re teaching your daughter?”
“I’m teaching my daughter not to let anyone manipulate her,” Azzi says, giving Paige a careful look, “now why were you late?”
Paige grins sheepishly as she opens the door to the backseat of the door. A lavender car seat is placed on the left side of the car and Azzi feels her heart lurch with no one’s ever cared like this. 
“It’s pu-ple,” Stephie claps excitedly, “is it for me?”
“Of course it is,” Paige confirms, booping Stephie’s nose before looking at Azzi, “it’s just- we uh- we always have to take your car cause it has the car seat and moving it between cars is such a hassle. So I just thought- you know- I just thought it’d be cool- useful- practical- if I had one too? And this way if you ever need me to take Stephie off you then I uh- then you don’t have to worry about me driving. I don’t- I don’t really knows much about car seats but I looked it up online before and the person at the store agreed that this is definitely the best one- like I swear it’s safe-”
She’s cut off by the feel of Azzi’s lips pressed to her cheeks. 
“Thank you Paige.”
Just as Azzi expected, Paige merges herself back into the Fudd family with the same ease she’d first had when she’d carved out a place for herself almost a decade and a half ago. It’s a little emotional at first when Tim opens the door, a smile almost as big as him decorating his face as he pulls Paige into a hug even before she can say a word. 
“Welcome home kid,” he whispers into her blonde hair and Azzi doesn’t have to see Paige’s face to know that her best friend is blinking away tears. 
Guilt surges in Azzi’s stomach and she tries to swallow away the lump of i took this from her that’s blocking her throat. It had been so simple at 15 to give Paige a part of her world; Azzi hadn’t thought twice about it. And then with the snap of her fingers, she’d taken that world away. She knows her parents had never cut Paige out; hell they’d been at her wedding to some other woman -and Azzi had pushed them to go knowing Paige would need it- but it was a far cry from what they’d been. A far cry from when Paige’s schedule was a key factor while planning Fudd family summers. 
“Hey,” Stephie pouts, tiny hands crossed over her small body “I thought you always gave me the first hug Pops.”
“We’ll make an exception today,” Tim says with a wink before letting Paige walk into Katie’s arms and spinning his granddaughter around, “but you’re always gonna be my favorite.”
“I better be,” Stephie threatens and the adults around her laugh. 
And finally it’s Azzi's turn to be pulled into one of her dad’s patent bear hugs. She goes willingly, always at her most warmest in the arms of the man whose blood might not run through her veins, but whose love had always protected her from the cruelties of the world. 
“You look really happy today sweetheart,” Tim says softly. 
Azzi’s eyes flitter over her father’s shoulder to where Jon and José are embroiling Paige in a group hug with Stephie in the middle of it, screaming about finally having their “white sister” back, as Katie and José’s fiancé Tallulah roll their eyes at the group of them, and she can’t help but smile into her dad’s shirt, “I feel pretty happy today.”
“You cheated,” Jon yells. 
“Miss Buecks does not cheat,” Stephie yells back loyally. 
“Don’t get into this Stephie. You don’t know her like we do,” José glares at Paige who narrows her eyes at him, “she’s been stealing from the bank.”
“Miss Buecks does not  steal,” Stephie defends again, wrapping her arms around Paige’s neck from behind as the blonde presses a quick kiss against Stephie’s temple. 
“It’s okay Stephie,” Paige reassures, gently swinging the little girl into her lap, “some people are just sore losers.”
“Can’t be a sore loser because I didn’t lose-” José coughs and Jon corrects himself immediately, “because we didn’t lose.”
“Y’all let it go,” Tallulah groans, leaning her head back against the sofa, “it’s literally just monopoly. Please, I'm so tired.”
“Just monopoly? JUST MONOPOLY?” José guffaws dramatically, “I can’t believe I’m marrying someone who doesn’t understand that it isn’t just monopoly Tallulah. It’s about liars and cheats and honor-”
“Miss Buecks has plenty of honor,” Stephie says stubbornly, leaning her head back against Paige’s chest.
Jon rounds on Azzi, who’s been silently watching the situation, “did you help her cheat?”
“Excuse me?” Azzi asks, glaring at her brother from where she’s been comfortable reclining on the sofa. She’d opted to be the banker instead of playing, content just handing out money to the rest of them while watching the game unfold. But really she hadn’t been paying much attention to anyone else but her daughter and Paige. Stephie didn’t quite understand the rules yet and so she was always on someone’s team. It had been a given tonight, that of course she would be with Paige. And Azzi had watched, trying not to be too obvious, with a foolish grin on her face, as her two favorite people whispered to each other, Paige listening intently to all of Stephie’s ideas whether they were good or bad. 
“Oh good point,” José turns to look at Azzi too, “you’re the banker, did you help Paige cheat?”
“Mama would never cheat,” Stephie argues defiantly as Azzi pushes herself up from the sofa to send a menacing look to both of her brothers. 
“I’m not going to dignify that accusation with a justification,” Azzi says, standing so she’s towering over her two brothers who are still sitting on the floor, “now clean up the game. It’s almost Stephie’s bedtime.”
 They might be well into their twenties and José might be taller than her now, but they’re still not quite  immune to Azzi’s wrath. Tallulah and Paige snicker as the two men, sulking at each other, obey their older sister's command without another word. 
“You’ve gotta teach me how you do that,” Tallulah says, hi-fiving Azzi who smirks in response. 
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie whispers, “what does dig-ni-fy mean?”
“Mean she’s not gonna entertain your uncles being dumba-”
“Being dumbapples,” Paige corrects and both Azzi and Stephie give her an odd look at her ridiculous attempt at saving the bad word from leaving her lips. 
“Alright Stephie-bean,” Azzi says, pulling her daughter off of Paige’s lap, “it’s late enough. Off to brush your teeth you go.”
Stephie looks hesitantly between the staircase leading up to the guest bedroom -where she and Azzi normally stayed- and Paige. 
“Can Miss Buecks stay with us tonight?” she asks softly, one hand bunching in Paige’s shirt as she stares up at her mother with large doe eyes, “please Mama.”
“Stephie I don’t think-” Paige begins, ready to stick to the boundaries they’d laid out for themselves and really Azzi should let her; should follow her lead really.  
Except the words are tumbling out of her mouth before she can stop them, “yeah she can- she can stay.”
“YAYY,” Stephie squeals, jumping into Azzi’s arms as Paige stares up at her in surprise, “thank you, thank you, thank you Mama. I’m so happy,” she swings from Azzi to Tallulah, “aunty Tully did you hear? Miss Buecks is gonna stay with us and you can make her your famous pancakes in the morning.”
“I can, can I?” Tallulah asks with a raised eyebrow as she lets Stephie and her excited chatter lead her towards the bathroom. With Jon and José both having already started towards their own rooms and Azzi’s parents fast asleep, it leaves just Paige and Azzi in the living room. 
“You’re okay with me staying?” Paige asks softly, finally lifting herself from the floor and onto her feet. 
Azzi scratches the back of her neck, “if- if you want to. You don’t have to. I can- I’ll explain to Stephie-”
“I want to,” Paige says, taking a cautious step towards Azzi, “but the rules?”
“This doesn’t count,” Azzi justifies and Paige smirks, taking another step towards the brunette. 
“It doesn’t?”
“We said no sleeping over at each other’s places. This is my parent’s house. So technically it doesn’t count,” Azzi shrugs, trying to keep her face from breaking into a grin as Paige moves one more step closer. 
“And where exactly am I sleeping?” Paige asks with a knowing grin as she loops an arm around Azzi’s waist, briefly checking to make sure no one’s around. 
Azzi tilts her head, letting the grin break through, “I think Stephie would like it if you slept with us.”
“Ah well if that’s what Stephie would like,” Paige says, nodding commiseratingly. 
“For Stephie’s sake,” Azzi repeats as she wraps her arm around Paige’s neck, pressing her forehead against the older girl’s and letting herself just breathe in the peace that comes with being all consumed by Paige. 
“Azzi,” Paige’s voice is laced with uncharacteristic vulnerability as she speaks again, “you won’t- you won’t run away again tomorrow morning will you?”
“No,” Azzi promises, gently brushing her lips against Paige’s, “I won’t run away again.”
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thecapricunt1616 · 5 months
Vervain - c.b. one-shot
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𝓢𝓷𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓽 (𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓣𝓒): “I want you to fuck another baby in me.” You said and kissed him deeply, grinding against him and running your hands over his chest and abdomen, tugging at the tie of his sweatpants. He moaned in surprise and grabbed your bum, squeezing and spanking you lightly before pulling away after a few more moments of you essentially eating eachother alive to breathe. 
♡ O/S Inspo: Vervain - Use in Protection, purification, youth, peace, healing, sleep and baths. For all-purpose protection of homes and people (especially children).
♡ Summary: You & Carmy had your first baby 8 weeks ago... seeing him being so attentive and such a good father is for some reason inducing a baby fever - again.
♡ W/C: 4.6K+
♡ Posted Date: 05/09/2024
♡ A/N: OOOO hey yallllll! Capri is back - She was written by the writing bug this morning!!! I have other requests i'm still working on but for now - I am swallowing my stage fright, I hope this suffices for what you were wanting future Mrs.Berzatto eek!!! Thank you so much for requesting from me! You can see the request this one-shot is based on right ♡ here ♡ if you aren't following @carmenberzattosgf already I'm quite unsure how you found ME before you found HER go give her a freaking follow!!!I am seriously such a fangirl for her work and was over the moon when she requested me!
♡ Warnings for BTC: Pregnancy stuff, breeding kinks, talking about parenting stuff, Dad!Carmy, unedited (we die like men), NO USE OF Y/N!, AFAB/Feminine reader w/ long hair implied
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡
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It had been exactly 8 weeks today from when you’d given birth to your baby girl, Athena. Of course, you weren’t thinking about this yet - because you were peacefully sleeping away in bed, at 8:45 am. Each day you woke though, you were surprised your life wasn’t a dream. 
Being married to your ultimate dream man, with the most beautiful little baby and not a rush in the world. Carmy had known when you got pregnant he’d be taking some time off after you gave birth to care for you, especially since you’d been trying for a baby so he was more prepared to have everything set up. He made your life almost impossibly easy. 
Impossibly meaning it was nearly…isolating how simple your problems were compared to other moms. Since Carmy was like - the fucking golden standard of dad. You weren’t sure where he learned all this shit- especially since his father was never around and you knew for a fact didn’t treat his mother like this. You honestly felt bad complaining about anything to other moms - because in comparison when you did they were needing to do way more then you, and alone - because their husbands simply didn't care, or weren't interested in learning.
He had completely taken over the nighttime feedings, every 2 hours an alarm buzzing him awake on his watch. He would go ease little Athena awake, come back to the bedroom, gently wake you, set a boppy in your lap, help you undo your maternity bra and get her latched, and rub your back through the cramping that breastfeeding brought, whispering sweet encouragements and kissing your temple. 
After she was done eating, he would help you get situated again, bottle up the letdown milk and put it in the mini fridge he’d gotten for your bedroom for this specific purpose before bringing your daughter back to her nursery and burping her, before changing her and putting her back down - just do do it all again an hour and 15 minutes later. 
He took over the cleaning completely - your house was spotless nearly at all times, and of course you were very well fed. He would combat the exhaustion fatherhood brought by passing out next to you in bed after he brought you breakfast on a cute little tray and Athena had her morning feeding before being put down for a nap, baby monitor on his chest so he could jump up the second she fussed. 
“G’morning mama” was what woke you this morning, that and gentle kisses on your forehead. You heard quiet little coos and immediately your eyes were open on instinct, to see little Athena nuzzled up in Carmys arm like a little football and a tray of amazing smelling breakfast in your face. 
“I want my baby” you open your arms and he gently placed her on your chest to which she grunts happily and squirms her little legs, doing everything she can to lift up her head to see you. 
“She’s such a good girl mama she helped me make breakfast f’you this mornin’ she’s the best little sous ever” he cooed, looking at her beaming with happiness as he rubs her little back. 
This was what got you. You weren’t sure if it was the hormones, if it was the fact your husband looked like a fucking Greek god incarnate, or if it was just - you don’t know…human fucking nature?! Literally? But the insane level of need that you had for him - you wanted another one. 
Athena wasn’t even rolling on her side yet and you were already craving being pregnant. Well- Carmy did love your body while you were pregnant. You loved your body while pregnant, you felt sexier and more feminine and pretty and overall like a goddess. Mostly thanks to Carmy and his constant praises, and the way you two were fucking like rabbits during your pregnancy and you missed that. 
“What’s f’breakfast daddy?” You pucker your lips to which he obliges and gives you a sweet peck 
“So this mornin, Miss Athena she decided on an omelette so we have a French omelette with dill-“ he explained and you inturrupt with a giggle 
“Did you? You came up with that all on your own Athena? Such a smart girl!” You joked, kissing the top of her soft head to which she just huffed a breath to your skin and made little baby grunting noises as she wiggled her legs 
“She did! Then we also have a light cucumber salad f’you with fresh herbs ‘f’course, sourdough toast, and a banana smoothie. All made with love” he kissed the top of your head. 
Each morning after her first feeding, he would take Athena into the kitchen with him, baby wear her because he is just that perfect, and explain every little detail to her softly while he would cook breakfast, giving her head gentle kisses along the way and rubbing her back soothingly. He did the same while cooking lunch, and dinner. The first time you saw this you burst into tears at the sweetness and the beauty of creating your own family.
“Wow sweetheart thank you! This looks sooo yummy” you kissed the now drowsy baby’s nose and she smiled softly, causing you to smile and Carmy to gasp happily. 
“Look at that little smile ‘eh? Such a pretty girl” he rubbed her back gently and you carefully picked her up and put her on his chest so you could eat, to which he happily laid back, palm flat over her little back patting her soothingly. 
“Can’t wait to try this bear looks so yummy” you pull the tray in your lap and cut off a bite, trying it and nodding “course a ten.” You look at him and he huffs a laugh as to not wake the baby who was clearly ready for another nap
“Y’always say ten” he said softly and pressed his lips to Athena’s head gently, breathing in her baby smell. “Do you know what day it is?” He mumbles and looks over at you. 
“I’ve been waiting for this day for….eight weeks” you smirk and he shook his head amusedly with a smile. 
“Babe- you’ve been” he covers her tiny ears “you’ve been sucking me dry I didn’t even have a break. This is gettin’ exhausting” he joked and you laugh quietly as to not disturb the baby. 
“Not my fault you’re like- don’t get me started I need to eat and shower and shave and - today is a big day.” You said and sipped your smoothie, humming happily “this is really good seriously bear” you told him and he rubbed your hand gently before pressing it to his lips 
“Alright well that means I better get a move on then and there’s laundry t’do so I better go put ‘er down, you eat. Watch y’show ’er whatever and you can do your shower mm?” He asked and you nodded happily. 
Of course he’d oblige your every wish. He had always been this way, but became even more lenient after you’d gotten pregnant. You made sure many times through tearful guilt that he wasn’t making himself resent you, and he assured you that everything he does he wants to do and only does because of the fact that he wants to, he also assured you he could never resent you or even dislike you, or anything less then be fully in love with you. 
You had a luxurious shower, slathered on your favorite lotion and were even able to blow out your hair, putting on your favorite pair of lacy panties. You were upset you had to settle for a nursing bra, but knew Carmy wasn’t going to mind. You put on one of your comfortable slips, even put in some earrings after doing your skincare. By the time you were done Carmy was just getting Athena up from her nap and changing her diaper before bringing her in 
“Say hi mama” he takes her little hand waving it at you “did you have a nice shower?” He pecked your lips sweetly and helped you get settled with her on the bed so she could eat. 
“Very nice - thank you for taking care of everything sweetheart” you sit back, sighing softly and resting your head back “I love you” you look over at him with a sweet smile. 
“I love you beautiful, how y’feelin any cramps?” He asked and held your hand, lacing your fingers together sweetly and kissing your fingers. 
“No- well…not as bad anymore If anything when she’s not as hungry my boobs start to hurt” you explained and he nods 
“Well y’look beautiful baby, I love these on you” he gently touches your earring bringing a smile to your lips, he always notices the smallest things about you. Like he has you memorized. 
“Thank you Bear” you said softly as the baby makes little gulping suckling noises. Carmy chuckled, rubbing her belly lightly. 
“That’s the good stuff huh little? Mama’s got the golden tap” he jokes and you laughed, holding her securely 
“Stop! Stop making me laugh she’s comfy latched like this you’ll piss her off” you nudge him with your foot gently 
“It’s true! You were the one that forced me to try it. It’s sweet, I see why she likes it.” He said and you scrunch your nose, biting back giggles 
“Yes because it encourages her to eat it.” You gently brush that spot over her nose bridge and forehead, causing her eyes to flutter shut “that’s why when she’s 6 months we can’t let her have fruit for a while cause she’ll think everything’s sweet like my milk” you explained 
“Mmm…read that too in one of the books you got- it’s a good call” he thumbs over her fingers gently that were wrapped around his forefinger tightly like a baby monkey. 
“You should sleep” you told him softly. “You can have snuggles with her I’ll watch you” 
He smiled and leaned in, kissing you lovingly “thank you sweets. I can burp her s’okay. I already got the towel” he said and grabbed it from his nightstand. 
She only took a few more minutes before she slowly stopped suckling and instead went to fall right asleep but before she could you took her off and handed her over to Carmy for burping to which she fussed before she realized her dad was taking her then she relaxed again. 
After Carmy fell asleep, you went to put her down for a nap as well and put away the laundry Carmy had washed. It was about 3 hours before Athena began to fuss again and you went to get her, sitting in her rocking chair after you’d changed her and reading her a book as she ate. 
Carmy came in just as you were finishing up The Very Hungry Caterpillar “that’s a good one huh princess?” He said softly, gently caressing her cheek with his knuckle to which she fluttered her eyes open and smiled slightly before closing them again. 
“Mmhmm, that one always puts her to sleep, she stopped eating 3 pages ago but I like to let her have a little time” you said and gently pulled her off to which of course she fussed. Carmy took her, hushing her sweetly and putting her on his shoulder. 
“Y’mommy spoils you little girl” he told her, gently bouncing her as he burped her, putting a cloth on his shoulder and kissing her head. You smile slightly as you fixed your bra and nightgown 
“I’d say we both spoil her. The doctor says she’s the happiest baby she’s met” you fixed her little sock that she’d managed to wriggle down to her toes before kissing her foot 
“And the smartest and the prettiest and the most perfect “ he told her sweetly patting her back as she let out a big burp “good girl” he said and you giggled 
“That was a good one” you told her and kiss her head gently, seeing him like this with her, especially mixed with a sleep thick voice, no shirt, and messy curls - not to mention the stubble from not bothering to shave as often. He looked…delicious 
“Mmm- such a sexy daddy too” you mused, kissing his neck gently and rubbing your palm over his abs that had gone a bit softer due to spending way less time in the gym, but you loved it. 
“Yeah? Even with throw up on my shoulder mm?” He joked, and usually that would be gross - but fuck. The way he stepped up as a father constantly - everything he did was with the two of you in mind and you never even had to ask. He’d quit smoking for god sakes without you saying a word once he’d found out you were pregnant. 
“Especially. You’re so fucking amazing Carmy. Let me go to the bedroom so you can put her down but we need to talk” you told him and kissed his lips lovingly before heading back to the bedroom so he could work his magic getting her to sleep. 
It only took him 20 minutes before she was out and he came to the bedroom, carefully shutting the door behind him. “Needa talk mm? Got a feelin’ we won’t be doin much talkin’ “ he teased, throwing her spit up towel in the hamper easily and coming to lay down with you. As soon as his head hit the pillow you were straddling his lap, your hands on either of his shoulders like a hungry lioness in heat. 
“I want you to fuck another baby in me.” You said and kissed him deeply, grinding against him and running your hands over his chest and abdomen, tugging at the tie of his sweatpants. He moaned in surprise and grabbed your bum, squeezing and spanking you lightly before pulling away after a few more moments of you essentially eating eachother alive to breathe. 
“Holy fucking shit” he said, chest rising and falling quickly “what got into you- im not complaining but-“
“Get me pregnant. I love it- I love it Carmy. God I feel so fucking hot. And seeing you with our daughter being all attentive and good to her? Holy fuck baby. Mm when people look at me - when they look at us I love it. I love knowing that people know you knocked me up.” You said, kissing his neck and sucking a hickey into the stubbly skin there. He moaned softly, palming your ass and squeezing your upper thighs 
“No baby not yet - not yet mm? Y’need time to heal…we can pretend mm?” He counters and gently brushed your hair back. You whine and pout, pulling back and looking at him 
“No. I want it now get me pregnant now.” You beg and hold his hands “pleeease I’m all healed remember? It’s 8 weeks.” You said and kissed over his tattoos, hoping you were distracting enough to get him to agree.  
“Mm yup you can have me inside you again, but doctor said having another baby so fast would cause them to have low birth weight. We don’t want that for our babe no? Also y’breastfeeding babe. The chances of you getting pregnant are super low” he said and you huff, sitting up frustratedly 
“You really know how to turn a girl off, you know that right? Can’t you pretend to satisfy your wife? Don’t you think I know?! Do you think I’m stupid?” You snip and he raised his brows 
“Y’gettin sassy w’me?” He questioned lowly and squeezed your hips “fix the attitude” he ordered and you bit back a smile. 
“No.” You crossed your arms “I don’t have one” you snip “you’re being mean t’me. Y’being mean to your wife” you teased, shoving his shoulder into the pillow playfully. 
“Ohh” he chuckled a bit “did you just push me?” He mused, grabbing your wrist firmly but not enough to hurt, just enough to show you he was willing to play. 
“What would you do about it if I said yes?” You leaned in so close your noses were touching. 
“You’d be in trouble” he smirked, leaning in and tugging your bottom lip between his teeth and sucking and nibbling it gently the way drove you wild. You moaned softly, your eyes fluttering shut. The feeling went straight to your core, warmth flooding your abdomen and your clit twitching with excitement. 
“Please” you said softly, well as much as you could mumble with one lip the other still being assaulted by Carm who was very much enjoying the way you were squirming in his lap to get any kind of friction you could. 
He finally releases you “please what angel?” He spanks you lightly “what d’y’need mm?” He lifted your nightgown over your ass and squeezed the flesh, reaching under you and cupping your heat. He hummed at the feeling of dampness already soaking the lace, collecting as much as he could on his fingers. 
“I need you t’fill me up again. Fuckin breed me make me a mommy again mm?” You begged, grinding against his hand - not even caring about the whorish filthy moans falling from your lips. You’d been fantasizing about this for weeks now, the relief of his hand- his wonderful calloused, thick, muscular hand, felt like it was enough to send you into a full orgasm just from the pressure his fingers were giving. 
“Holy fuck y’soaked babe- my god” he groaned, pulling your panties to the side and gently rubbing circles into your swollen throbbing clit that was already twitching. Your hips buck and you bit down on your hand to hold in a cry as to not wake the baby. The next 3 or so minutes you couldn’t even remember what you said as he rubbed firm quick circles over your clit and after not having been touched for nearly 3 months - you were cumming on his hand mumbling his name, and profanities that would likely be considered sacrilegious while whimpering and squirming, thighs shivering - the whole 9. 
“Wow” he muttered, and if your orgasm wasn’t so intense you would probably have laughed at how amazed he sounded. “Y’good?” He rubs your stomach gently and you nod quickly, trying to even your breathing. 
“Fuck-“ you said once you came down “I literally blacked out for a second I think-“ you laughed and he followed suit, carefully laying you down after tucking 2 pillows under your hips to keep you elevated and tugging your panties off. 
“Shit babe y’get all soft on me?” He teased, carefully wrapping your thighs around his waist and pushing down his boxers and sweats just enough to let his cock free. You loved this. It all felt so normal, you were worried it would be awkward getting in bed again, but you two were picking up right where you left off. 
“I think you’re underestimating how sensitive hormones make you” you said as he kissed over your stomach and hips, licking a stripe up your heat causing you to gasp and grip the sheets tightly , your core clenching around nothing. Each touch felt like the power of a lightning strike, it was so much better than before. It had to be the hormones, but shit - now that you knew how good this felt you were worried you could never get enough of him. 
“I guess I was. Also y’super sweet now by the way - sweeter then before I should say” he spread you wider with his fingers to lap up more of your arousal and you look down at him, moaning at the sight. 
“God I fuckin missed you between my thighs - you’re so pretty” you smile, watching as he strokes himself as he continues to pleasure you first per usual. “Can you- try inside?” You asked gently and he looked up at you, resting his cheek on your thigh. 
“You’re ready for that?” He asked softly, his lips and chin glistening with slick. 
“Yeah- uh…try one? Maybe just one at first” you said sheepishly and he nodded, licking his lips 
“Course sweetheart, tell me if s’too much yeah?” He assured and rubbed over you gently before easing a finger over your entrance. 
The feeling was…well. 
It was similar to the uncomfort of your first time, which - if that was the case then it would just take a few times to feel good again. “How’s it feel?” He gently sucks your clit as he eases to the second knuckle, curling gently 
“Mm- okay? Not like it used to. But kinda like it used to…maybe it’ll feel better the more we do it” you assure and he nods a bit, flicking his tongue over your sensitive bud in the way that always got you to open up to him and you gasped lightly, back arching and core going lax. He slipped the final knuckle in and placed a kiss to your mound before slowly pumping as to not overstimulate you. 
“Yeah- mmm yeah” you breathe as it started to feel more familiar, the muscles loosening once again and relaxing. “Another- you can try another.” You told him and gently lace your fingers in his hair. He carefully eased in his forefinger, curling them against your g-spot and your thigh twitches, you nearly sobbed at the feeling that shot through your body at the contact. 
“Oh- okay found it-” he chuckled a bit “sorry did it hurt?” He asked and you shook your head quickly 
“Again” you said softly, trying to remain all of your control because you knew as soon as you lost it finding it would be nearly impossible and you two had a sleeping tiny human 1 room over. 
“Y’feel a lot tighter” he said, pumping his fingers slower, curling them against that fantastic spongey spot each time and you felt that coil in your belly tightening rapidly and it was going to snap now, any moment. “Y’like gushing right now” he chuckled, but it fell on deaf ears because your mind was fuzzy with pleasure. 
You couldn’t form a thought even if you tried, the mixture of his tongue sloppily drooling all over your clit as he padded over it, and the jolt of pleasure each curl of his fingers - it was a place long forgotten since your baby had been born since your priorities had both been changed and refocused for the time being. You weren’t able to warn him, you couldn’t do anything other then mutter his name as your orgasm washed over you so hard he had to hold your legs open so you didn’t crush him by mistake. 
“Fuck me- fuck me baby please Jesus- fuck me” you found yourself begging as you fluttered your eyes open and he was looking up at you in amazement like an owl, mouth slightly agape. 
“Holy shit” he muttered “you’ve never cum like that- what the fuck- I thought I almost killed you” he kissed your thigh and you laugh, a real laugh, chest rising and falling quickly as the aftershock of your orgasm reels back mixed with your giggles. 
“Please. Please” you cup his cheeks “cum inside me” you beg. He trailed kisses up your body, meeting your lips and pulling you into a hot, messy kiss. Mixed with clashing teeth and mixing of spit and sucking of tongues, before lining himself up and carefully pushing his tip in. You whimpered into his mouth and he pulled his lips away from yours, a small string of saliva connecting you both 
“Did I hurt you?” He asked worriedly and you shook your head
“Feels so good bear. Keep goin’ fuck I f’got how full I can feel” you pulled your lips back to his and felt him smile into your lips, holding your hand and lacing your fingers as his other hand worked on rubbing circles into your clit. He kept you quiet by making out with you as he thrusted in fully, staying still for a moment so you could adjust to the sensation once more. 
He grunts, feeling your walls flutter around him and you giggle in response, causing him to moan at the feeling of your walls squeezing around him “shit don’t do that I’ll fuckin cum”
“Then move dummy!” You push your heels into his ass and he chuckled, thrusting slowly in and out, nearly to the tip, before thrusting all the way back in to the hilt- his balls touching the curve of your ass 
“ are y’fuckin kickin me like a horse?” He teased as your back arched off the bed, a whiny moan tearing from your throat and he covers your mouth quickly, “here y’are beggin me t’fuck a second one int’you- y’haven’t even learned how t’be quiet for the first. The baby is sleeping.” He grumbled, and the way he was getting rough with you to protect your baby was enough to throw you into your third orgasm, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes from the overstimulation of your clit, whining and squirming beneath his grasp. 
“Y’gonna be quiet? Er do I have to keep you muzzled ‘mm?” He teased, removing his hand from your mouth 
“Promise- I promise- please please please Carmy - give me another one I promise I’ll be so quiet” you said softly, your voice pleading and begging. He moaned, thrusting a bit harder 
“Can y’take it? Mm? Are y’sure Y’can take me again princess? Last time I knocked you up it took quite a few months a’you face down, ass up, full a’my cum. Nights at a time. Y’don’t remember how you’d whine about how sore you’d get while you were ovulating? Mmm? Fuck you so full y’get sore- fuckin y’four er five times a’day?” he grabs your face, forcing you to look at him with mushed cheeks. 
You whine pathetically, mumbling little ‘yes’ ‘mmhmm’ and ‘please’  you manage to get out an “I miss that so much Carmy” you whimper as he cages you in with his arms, his chain dangling in your face and brushing against your chin as his thrusts get sloppier. 
“Yeah? You miss bein full a’my cum? Y’miss wakin’ up in the mornin’ drippin’ w’me honey?” He mutters into your neck, feeling droplets of your sweat mixing together as your bodies rubbed with his incredibly deep thrusts, nearly laying over you. But Carmy was the most comfortable blanket you could ever ask for. 
“So much- so so much baby. Y’know Athena would be such a good sister- she needs a little friend mm? Y’gonna give your girl what she wants?” You scratch down his back as he pounds right into your g-spot, “oh I’m gonna cum” you whined, back arching and chest pressing flush to his. 
“Fuck - fuck- yes. Yes baby. Fuck m’gonna fuck you full I promise- fuck I’ll give you whatever you want baby I fuckin love you I love you” he moans into your neck, whimpering softly as he shoots hot thick ropes of cum deep inside you, fucking you through your fourth orgasm of the day, rubbing over your belly gently “gonna fuckin stretch this belly out again mm?” He growled hotly in your ear and you giggle, slapping his back playfully. 
“You're so funny talking about wanting to wait” you said and he huffs a laugh into your neck. 
“Yeah yeah. Legs up- Thena’s gonna be hungry soon so Y’can only prop up there f’r like half an hour” he said and helped you put the pillows against the headboard with your hips on them so you were at an angle and rest your legs up on it to let gravity do its thing.  It wasn’t surprising to you, but he absolutely wasn’t opposed to another one so soon after a little convincing.
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maxislvt · 10 months
I've been thinking so much about omega Wanda and alpha reader and I was thinking about omega Wanda buying alpha reader hoodies and stitching in her last name on the chest just to show that Reader is hers, it started off as just a small w.m on the sleeve but then it grew and moved to the left side of reader's chest where Wanda always places her hand when she leans in to give a little peck to reader throughout the day
warnings: omegaverse, nonsexual dominance, suggestive
i wrote this in like 2 hours
As much as you hated to admit it, your wardrobe needed upgrading. Before Wanda, you were all work and no play and your clothes reflected that. All the formal attire you had was bought at the last minute for missions and barely fit. All your lounge clothes were just workout clothes you felt comfortable to sleep in. You had four pairs of shoes and two of them were technically a part of your costume. 
It was only a matter of time before Wanda had to intervene. 
“Sweetheart, I understand that these clothes mean a lot to you but you have to get rid of something to make space for new stuff,” Wanda said. She was having a hard time getting through to you. Alphas were quite territorial and had a hard time letting go of their things. She understood why to a certain extent. These were the clothes your mother had given you when you were rescued. It wasn’t easy for Wanda to get rid of them either, but some of your clothes were barely holding together. “Look at this,” she gasped. “I can fit my head through this hole!” Wanda put the hoodie over her head to show the truth of her statement. 
You chuckled at the sight of Wanda. “Can’t you just patch it up? There’s no point in buying a new one if it does what it’s supposed to.” You simply shrugged when Wanda groaned. The need for new clothes wasn’t above you, but admittedly you didn’t know how to go shopping for clothes. “Look, I’ll get new clothes but I’m not going to just toss all of the stuff I got already.” You began putting your clothes back on the hanger. It was easier said than done considering Wanda kept snatching clothes away from you. Some of them you let go, but when it came to a particular leather jacket, you refused to let it go. “Nuhuh” — you pulled the jacket back towards you — “I’m keeping this one.” 
Wanda pulled back. “It’s not even real leather. I promise you we’ll find a better one when we go shopping.” She was usually careful with your things, but the leather was peeling and the sleeves were stretched to their limit. She wouldn’t blink twice if it ripped in half right now. You were far too cute to be caught dead in such a tattered piece of clothing. She tugged at it again. “We’ll get you a new one,” she said, this time her words were more pronounced. A clear warning.
Of course, you were just as stubborn as Wanda. You wanted your jacket. Not a new one, not a better one — it had to be that jacket. “You’re not the boss of me. I want to keep the jacket and that’s final.” You said as you finally yanked the jacket free from Wanda’s grasp. You had the jacket, but now there was a bigger problem. Wanda wasn’t too pleased with your defiance. “Look Wanda I—”
“Bend over, and you better not miscount.”
After a brief conversation, you and Wanda agreed to go shopping. 
Wanda wanted you to explore different stores so you find clothes that interested you, but she wanted to get the essentials first. That unfortunately meant spending a dreadfully long time in a tailor. To make matters worse, it was 8 am on a Saturday. That was when you usually woke up, but that was for training. Not for playing dress up. The tailor was nice, but no amount of kindness could make you less upset about the detour in your schedule. The worst part was that Wanda insisted that you have plenty of accessories to go along with the new suits you bought. You were too upset to even bother looking for regular clothes. Wanda agreed to take you home after the fitting, but she hated seeing you upset. 
Wanda knew she had to apologize and there was only one way to do it.
It was supposed to be just the one jacket. It was a decently priced repair and sewing her name initials on it was a quick process. Then she found a few of your old hoodies and got a little carried away. Each time her name got bigger and bigger. By the fifth one, her last name covered the entire backside. She was thankful only a handful of your hoodies were truly salvageable. Once she was done, she simply placed them back into your closet while you were off on a mission. 
You noticed that they were back in your room almost immediately. The thought of Wanda owning you so blatantly made you blush, but you liked it. You began wearing them all around the tower. Whether it was a debriefing or while you were working out. It felt good knowing you were owned.
Wanda was just hoping for a little more.
“When I made these, I was thinking you’d wear them outside.” She wrapped her arms around your shoulders and snuggled into your neck. Wanda’s lips brushed against the mark she left on your neck months ago. “We’re not a secret anymore.”
You let out a deep breath to keep calm. “I’m more worried people will try and copy the design.” It wouldn’t be the only time a company copied something of yours for hero merchandise. “I love them, but all it takes is one picture of me in this thing, and suddenly everyone has one.” Your head leaned back against her chest. Sometimes you wished you were just a stay-at-home alpha. You had no idea how to take care of a home, but you’d be more than willing to figure it out if Wanda could have you to herself.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 4 months
Too Good To Say Goodbye pt4
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader , Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader
warnings: fingering
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7 I part 8 I part 9 I part 10
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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A faint cry is what had awoken me from my slumber. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before making my way to Yelena’s nursery to change and nurse her before burping and rocking her back to sleep.
I’d looked at the time as I rocked her back to sleep reading ‘5:53am’. There was no point in going back to sleep if I had to wake up at 6:30, so I decided that I was gonna go to the kitchen to start breakfast for my family.
On my way to the kitchen, I stopped in the living room grabbing the small bose speaker I had charging before continuing my journey to my big, beautiful kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed out enough food to make feed a village. Eggs, Munster Cheese, Turkey Bacon, Turkey Sausages, Greek Yogurt, Granola, Strawberries, Blueberries, Pineapples and Bananas.
I hear faint but heavy footsteps coming close to the kitchen while I mixed seasoning with the eggs before cooking them. I felt arms snake around my waist and a face being nuzzled in the crook of my neck before feeling faint kisses making their way up to my jaw.
“Good Morning beautiful, Did Yelena wake you up again?” I turn around to face my boyfriend before I rake my hand through his crazy bed hair.
“Yes Logan, Yelena did wake me up.” a smirk made its way on my lips as I saw a frown make its way on his.
“I thought I told you to wake me up when she did. You’ve been working too much and you need rest.” he said sincerely. I could never get over the look in his eyes, I could get lost in those greenish blue orbs forever.
“Babe, you think you’re not tired too?” a chuckle makes it way past my lips.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m tired. All that matters is I got her. I got her and I have you, and I’m determined to never let you go again” he said as he snuggled deeper into my body. A piercing sound is what pulled me away from him, it was getting louder and louder until.
“Good Morning sleepy head. Yelena woke up so I heated up some breast milk you have in the freezer and I rocked her back to sleep, we should have about another hour and a half before she wakes up again” Lando said as he walked into our shared bedroom, his feet heavy as they padded against the bedroom floor.
A smile peaks on my face “Thank you handsome. I love you so much, you’re too good to me” I said sleepily as I welcomed Lando back into the comfort of our king size bed.
it had been 4 months since I’ve given birth to Yelena and it had been the best 4 months of my life.
I mean I really did have it all, I had an amazing boyfriend, a wonderful daughter, whom had an amazing dad, I had gotten a job at McLaren as Lando’s food prep and nutrition manager which allowed me to travel with him and keep my daughter with us.
After I’ve gotten the job, one of the first people I told besides Lando, was Logan.
That moment we shared after I’d given birth to Yelena replays in my mind almost every morning and I can’t help but yearn for us to be a happy family together.
We all can’t have what our hearts yearn for though, can we? Not after what Logan did to me, the way he made me feel, how much I wanted to die with every moment I stayed with him, how ungrateful he was whenever I did something for him, the way he hurt me day after day, how he always told me I was crazy when I brought up him not loving me and how he tried to win me back after telling him I was pregnant again before leaving.
Logan was excited to hear that McLaren had offered me the job as Lando’s Food Prep and Nutrition manager seeing as that it would allow not only me to travel with them but Yelena could too. Logan wouldn’t have to resort to seeing her every 2 months or whenever his job could let him escape for a minute.
Traveling with Yelena would be a bit of a hassle but thank god that Lando’s current nutrition manager had 3 more months before his contract was up so that allowed me to mentally prepare myself for having to travel with a baby for work.
“What’re you thinking of?” Lando mumbles against my neck as he rubs his hand up and down my side before they landed on my waist and drawing imaginary circles.
“Us. How lucky I am to have you with me even when I was pregnant and how you stayed, even during the hard nights.” tears welled up in my eyes as I recall some night we had. “How whenever she was keeping me awake with the kicking how’d you stay up with me and rub my belly until she stopped, how you’d wake up whenever I had my weird cravings, because there were so many” I let out a sniffle as the tears that once threatened to fall came pouring down.
a sniffle leaves Lando’s nose “so many” he lets out a light chuckle “and you know what Y/N/N?”
“Even though Yelena is not biologically mine, she’s the second best thing that’s happened to me. The Miami win is first, you’re third” a chuckle elapses past my lips as I playfully swat his arm “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. You’re number one, you always have been and you always will be. I wish to live in no world at which you are not in, I’d rather die than let you live without me beside you.”
I’d rather die than let you live without me beside you. If Lando knew about the same dream I’ve been having since that moment between me and Logan in the delivery room I don’t think he’d be saying this. I’ve made my feelings very clear to Logan that night I left our apartment and Lando knows, so why am I dreaming about him, about us being a happy family?
I want to confide in someone about these dreams but I don’t want them to go to Lando with it before I’m ready to tell him. What would Lando think if I did tell him? Would he leave me? Would there be a possible explanation on why I keep having these reoccurring dreams? Do I want to be with Logan? No. No, that one I’m very adamant on. I want nothing to do with Logan relationship wise. I mean he has been a great dad to Yelena but he’s not fit to be my boyfriend or husband, so co-parenting it is for us.
I mean I’m not complaining about that right? I’m the one that left him knowing I was pregnant, I’d be an ass if I showed up to a grand prix walking into the Williams garage being like “Surprise Logan, we have a daughter” you know, I wasn’t that stubborn enough to do that to him.
“We should go back to sleep but I have better plans” a smirk made its way on Lando’s face as he reaches for the covers to put it over our heads. His hand travels lower before they reached the waistband of my already soaked panties, his fingers moving the fabric to the side before moving them between my fold slicking them in my juices. I can feel Lando’s fingers ghosting my aching hole before a cry breaks my heavy breathing.
No, No, please go back to bed I thought “I’ve got her Y/N/N, just stay here and wait for me to come back.” Lando presses a kiss to my lips before he retreats to the nursery. The thought of my boyfriend taking on a dad role turning me on. I fully removed my panties and stuck two fingers in my aching cunt awaiting Lando’s return, before I could actually give myself some pleasure my phone buzzes on the nightstand.
A loud and frustrated sigh leaves my lips as I flip over and look at the caller ID “Logan ‘Merica Sargeant” a shaky breath escapes past my lips as I press answer
“we need to talk”
ENJOYYYYY (i have work)
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999
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kaziwi · 1 year
Don't Mention It
Character(s): Law
WC: 1,153
Summary: You and the crew celebrate Law's birthday...but not in the way he'd expect
Note: happy birthday law <3
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Law slowly opened his eyes, waking up from a good nights rest. It was rare for the captain of the Heart Pirates to get his full 8 hours, but after Bepo had asked to cuddle he couldn't say no. The soft fur and warmth radiating from Bepo lulled him to sleep, and now he lied awake, way behind his schedule.
He knew what today was. His birthday. Law just never liked the idea of birthdays...and the memories that came with them. Each year he begged the crew not to mention it, and treat it as a normal day, but they always failed to do so. He hoped this year would be different.
Law quickly changed out of his pajamas and made himself look presentable. He could already hear the teasing from Shachi and Penguin for waking up late. As he left his quarters, he noticed the Polar Tang to be surprisingly quiet. He made his way to the kitchen and was shocked to see a whole buffet of food laid across the table. And the best part...there was no bread.
"Mornin Cap! Never thought I'd see the day when you slept in," Ikkaku teased as she washed the dishes. He didn't even notice her here.
"This is more breakfast than we usually eat...is it for...special occasion?" Law obviously knew this was for his birthday, but for some reason he wanted to hear someone else say it.
"Hmm, I don't think so...unless I'm forgetting something."
Oh...that was kinda weird...Ikkaku didn't mention it was his birththday. No matter, someone else was bound to eventually.
Law sat down and began to take some of the food that was spread across the table. In all honesty it was probably the best breakfast he'd ever eaten. He handed his plate to Ikkaku and began to make his rounds.
He had expected to see Shachi and Penguin goofing off, or having to fix something that Bepo messed up, but everything was perfect. The ship was at top maintenance and all of the chores were completed. When he had gone back to question Ikkaku about where everyone was, she said they had all gone out to the island they docked at to explore.
It's not like Law didn't enjoy the quiet, he basically begged for it everyday, but it just felt strange. He decided to use this opportunity to go to his room and read a new medical textbook he got. Hopefully that would help to pass the time.
Knock Knock
"Captainnnnnn open upppppp!!!"
Law didn't even know how much time had passes, but it seemed Shachi and Penguin were back from exploring the island. Law reluctantly let them in, knowing that they were going to make a big deal about it being his birthday now.
"Cap you will never believe what we found," Shachi started.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands okay, trust us," Penguin said excitingly.
Law let out a long sigh and indulged their request. Something was put in his hands. It wasn't too heavy...but it wasn't light either. He opened his eyes, and his jaw almost dropped. It was the limited edition Sora Warrior of the Sea art book. He could see how Shachi and Penguin's faces beamed at his reaction.
"I knew you'd like it Cap! We saw it while exploring today and knew we had to get it for you!" Penguin said while Shachi nodded in agreement.
"Wow this is...," Law started, "Amazing, thank you both.."
Caught up in the excitement of his new gift, Law almost forgot that this had to be a birthday gift, there was no way it wasn't.
"So, what prompted you to get this gift," Law questioned, "Was it because it's a special day today?"
"Is it? We just saw it and thought you'd like it," Penguin said, looking at Shachi.
"Yeah, I mean we can return it if you'd like," Shachi chimed in.
"No! No you don't have to. I really like it, thank you again," Law said with a hint of disappointment. Was it really a coincidence that they bought him this gift, or were they lying about not knowing it was his birthday. He ushered them out of his room and sat back his desk. There was no way the whole crew forgot it was his birthday....right?
Throughout the rest of the day, each one of the Heart Pirates made their way to Law's room and gave him a gift. Even Bepo came in with a bouquet of flowers (they were actually weeds) that he has picked just for Law.
Law was very appreciative of all the gifts, but was a little sad no one had said happy birthday yet. He knew each year he begged them not to, but now that they hadn't acknowledged it at all....he almost missed the attention.
It wasn't till later that night, after they had eaten his favorite dinner, made only entirely by "coincidence", that he got his first happy birthday.
Knock Knock
"Come in Y/N-ya," Law said, eyes not looking up from his book. He could already tell it was you, since you were the only one not to visit today.
You walked in, holding something behind your back.
"Happy birthday Captain," you said with a big smile. Law looked up, a little shocked by your words, and stared into your eyes.
"You..said it.."
"I mean, I'm sure you realized that all of the gifts, the ship being in tip top shape, and the food wasn't all a coincidence. Everyone wanted to make your day easier and fun! We just didn't want to mention it was your birthday since you always tell us not to....but I'm sure by now you figured it out."
Law really hadn't thought that all of these acts were for his birthday. He had a small suspicion, but without anyone confirming it he didn't want to get his hopes up.
"I know my gift isn't as big as everyone else's," you smiled sheepishly, "But I still hope that you'll like it!"
You handed a small box to Law as he took it with caution. He opened it up and gasped at it's contents.
Inside was about 40 collectors coins, all ones he didn't have in his collection.
"Y/N-ya...how...I mean.."
"I started finding them a few islands ago and decided to get as many as I could for your birthday! Everyone else also pitched in a little and gave one to me if they found one!"
He dumped the coins on his desk. Each one with a new island's name on it. Sabaody....Water 7....Alabasta...and even some places he hadn't even heard of.
"Thank you," Law said, a soft grin appearing on his face, "Tell everyone else I said thank you too."
"Of course Captain," you said as you left the room, eager to tell everyone that operation "Celebrate Law's birthday and also respect his wishes by not mentioning it" was a success.
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filmbyjy · 3 months
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SYPNOSIS > Wanting to start a new stream series with his best friends, Jay had a bright idea of playing some simple Minecraft with them. Everything was normal, until he realises there is another person in the call with them. He quickly learns that it was ni-ki’s older sister, (name). Watch how streaming a simple game of Minecraft can dig up some interesting feelings between the main leads.
FOURTY-FOUR – we’re okay now
italics is them speaking in japanese
a/n: this is going to be a slightly long read. not a super long but definitely the longest written chapter I’ve done for this smau. trigger warning (no pun intended): there is mentions of guns
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you blinked once, the white light right above you was practically beaming. it causes you to blink a couple more times to adjust to the lighting. once you fully focus, you realised that you weren’t at home. you turned your head to the side and noticed ni-ki was laying his head on the white mattress. his hand holding yours tightly, like you were going to disappear.
ni-ki stirs in his sleep, he groans and slowly sits up. once he realises that you’re awake, he stands up and throws himself onto you. giving you a bone crushing hug.
“oneechan.” his voice was soft, you could hear a little crack in his voice like he was going to cry.
“riki, what’s wrong? i just fainted, little baby.” you pat his back slowly and it only makes ni-ki hold you tighter.
“you worried me. you are my only family here in seoul. mom and dad can’t even come here.”
“yvette and heeseung are here. i’m not your only family.”
“you know what i mean, oneechan.”
you laughed a little, “yes, riki. i know.” ni-ki pulls back from the hug. “where are the others?”
“yvette-chan and heeseung-kun went to buy some lunch.” just as ni-ki finishes his words, the ward door opens.
yvette gasps and she runs over to hug you. “my precious girl, you’re finally awake. you missed lunch and dinner.”
“how long was i out for?”
“about 8 hours? or more?” heeseung says.
“we tossed the flowers out. jungwon and sunoo took a sample piece and are testing things out in their little ‘makeshift’ lab.” yvette explains.
“why do they have a lab?”
“jay hyung is sponsoring them.” ni-ki says.
“but…why though?” you say in confusion.
“don’t question it, they’re in their ‘detective era’ as what they said.” yvette says.
ni-ki shrugs, he snatches the food from heeseung and goes over to the empty chair next to you. “let’s share this, you need all the good food. you’re too thin.” ni-ki pats your head.
“i am not sk-” ni-ki shoves the curly fries into your hand.
“you deserve it.”
you looked in between heeseung, yvette and ni-ki before sighing and grabbing a curly fries. ni-ki snaps a photo of you eating and send it to jay. as for jay, he was busy panicking in his seat as the bus drove them back to the campus. jake smacks jay’s thigh.
“stop it. she’s going to be fine.” jake glares at jay. jay sighs.
“i’m sorry, i just- i’m just worried about her. what if there is some problems. the last time ni-ki texted me, she was still asleep. it’s been 8 hours since then.”
jay rushes to check his phone. he notices the photo of you eating some curly fries and in a hospital gown.
‘she’s awake, you don’t have to worry hyung.’
jay sighs in relief, he finally settles down on his seat. jake pats the boy’s shoulder.
“she’s awake now. you can get some proper rest. you haven’t slept at all and i know you love sleeping. ni-ki, heeseung hyung and yvette noona are watching her. sunoo and jungwon are doing their little research things so you don’t have to worry.” jake reassures jay.
jay huffs, “okay. i’ll get some rest.” as jay shuts his eyes, there was some smooching sounds behind them and so jake throws an empty plastic bottle at sunghoon.
“shut the fuck up, sunghoon.” jake whispers. sunghoon glares at jake.
“can’t i kiss my girlfriend?”
“makeout in your room when we get back. jay hasn’t slept last night because he was busy worrying about (name). you wouldn’t know because you snuck out to sleep in Nari’s room!”
sunghoon frowns, “fine.” he pecks Nari cheek once and looks out the window. nari sighs.
“sorry, jake.” those innocent eyes.
jake groans, “don’t- oh my god, i see why sunghoon cracks whenever he sees you. you are too adorable for this world. fucking hell, i miss my girlfriend.” he turns around and settles at his seat. he starts to spam lily on his phone.
nari innocently tilts her head in confusion. “hoonie, did i do something wrong?”
“no, baby. you did nothing wrong. jake just misses his girl.”
“you know…maybe we should find a way to let jake visit lily.” nari suggests.
sunghoon notices jake typing to lily. the series of ‘i miss you’ ‘wish you were here’ ‘my heart is incomplete without you’ texts that sunghoon read through the crack in between the seats, it was depressing.
“yeah, let’s talk to yvette about this.” nari smiles and sunghoon pecks her forehead. he mutters a small little ‘i love you’ to her and she lays her head on his shoulder.
jungwon and sunoo burst through the door of the ward with a loud bang. the nurse spins around as she hands you the medicine you were supposed to take. they bow slightly to the nurse as she leaves while glaring at the two boys.
“why did you two burst through the doors like that?” yvette says.
“we found more evidence! sunoo hyung tell them what happened.”
“so i was snooping around and possibly hacked into kaito’s dad’s company database. this dumbass kept all the evidence in a singular folder. all the way from tax fraud to embezzlement. it’s actually insane because the numbers in the account just went from like 10,000 to 10,000,000 real quick.” sunoo explains.
“in won…or.”
“USD. look!” sunoo shows the pdf file that he downloaded. all the different years of bank statements.
“this is perfect but this would only land kaito’s dad in jail. what about that…thing.” yvette says.
“jungwon found some criminal offences and reports made against him. turns out he was a creep and has always been one. he likes to stalk girls, loves being a creep and was very abusive to his exes.”
“holy shit. this is great. we just need to report this to the police and have him deported and in jail!” heeseung says.
“problem is….kaito is off the grid. we have no idea where he is.” jungwon says.
“what do you mean…” you bit your lips nervously.
“he just disappeared. i think he’s about to do something again…which is not good.”
ni-ki stands up, “i am not letting him strike again. he may be one step ahead but we can always be two steps ahead of him. we just need to think like him for a bit and predict his next moves.”
the room falls silent. everyone thought of various ways that kaito could go about his next moves.
“since he already hurt (name) in a way…wouldn’t he go for jay next?” heeseung says.
“that’s possible.”
“aren’t they on the school bus right now?” you asked.
you had sat up, ready to move out of the bed. ni-ki stops you.
“no, you need to rest.”
“i had enough rest. i’ve been out for 8 hours and it’s not like i was physically harmed. i just fainted. we have to get to campus now and check the bus if it’s fine or not.”
“how about me and yvette go there. ni-ki, how about you settle the hospital stuff for (name) and come with her later on after you get a the green light from the doctor? jungwon and sunoo can you make sure the 02z are fine? like call them or something?” heeseung says.
“on it hyung.” jungwon and sunoo called jake. heeseung and yvette went to the campus.
the bus halts pretty hard. everyone in the bus was flung in their seats. jake’s phone rings and so he picks it up confused as to why sunoo was calling him.
“yo, what’s up?”
“anything happened on your trip back from the camp?”
“not really? the bus did stop pretty hard right now.”
there was small cusses from sunoo, he passes the phone to jungwon. “hyung, where are you guys now? like spot a prominent landmark in the area.”
“uh, i see a scarecrow and large fields? why are you asking me this-” jake’s voice dies down when he sees someone holding a gun. “holy fuck.”
“what? what?”
“it’s kaito…”
“oh fuck.” jungwon says.
“oh fuck indeed. everyone is cowering in fear in their seats. kaito doesn’t see us yet. i need to wake jay up. he’s asleep right now.”
“okay, wait. sunoo hyung is calling the cops. send us your location now.”
“fuck, okay-” jake ends the call and sends his location to sunoo.
“jake, we have to do something about this. this isn’t even supposed to happen…how did kaito get a gun through the borders of korea…” sunghoon whispers to jake.
“i have no idea but sunoo is calling the cops right now. we need to wake jay up.”
“or we could kick that thing’s ass.” sunghoon suggests.
“you’re right but he has a gun.”
“two people are better than one.”
“how about three?” jay says with eyes shut. jake turns to look at jay.
“you weren’t asleep??”
“woke up when you two started whispering. pretend to be asleep. i have a plan.”
“at least tell us your plan?” sunghoon says.
“just pretend to fall asleep. i’ll start counting down and you two follow what i do.” jay explains. jake and sunghoon pretend to fall asleep.
kaito comes closer their seats. he points the gun at jay and slowly walks up to him. just as he was about to shoot, jay kicks him. he falls to the small staircase of the bus.
“open the door, quick!” jay tells jake. jake runs towards the front of the bus and clicks the button, all while jay wrestles kaito. jay pushes kaito out of the bus and sunghoon follows behind tackling him too.
“sunghoon!” nari yells. “be careful!”
“don’t worry, babe. i have everything under control.” just as sunghoon says so, kaito fires the gun in the air. their eyes widened as the witnessed it hitting the side of the bus. “okay, i do not have everything under control.” nari sighs. she runs down the steps and kicks the gun out from kaito’s hand. he groans in pain.
“stupid. attempting to hurt my friend and everyone here.” she steps on his hand. “hope you get punished for your sins in prison. let them cut your hand off so you suffer for eternity in a fucking 4x4 jail cell!”
jay eyes widened, “where did you learn japanese?”
“i took classes in high school but that’s besides the point, where are the cops and please check if everyone inside is safe.” nari says.
“that’s the first time i’ve heard her mutter more than 10 words.” jake says. nari glares at jake and jake flinches. he quickly goes to check if everyone was alright. the police sirens were blasting, coming closer.
kaito struggles in sunghoon and jay’s hold.
“stay still unless you want me to step on your hand again.” nari says. kaito continues to struggle and nari steps on his hand, putting pressure on it.
“okay! okay! please, i beg you. it hurts!” kaito groans. nari stops.
the policemen quickly left their car, they went over to jay and sunghoon. a few of them went up on the bus to make sure everyone was okay and 2 of them picked kaito off the ground. they held him tight so he wouldn’t be able to run away. they led him into the car and shoved him inside.
“we’ll bring him to the police station for questioning and also arrest him. we need one of you or maybe 2 of you to tell us what exactly happened and then we’ll file a report.” the police officer explains.
jake, sunghoon and nari went to follow the police officer into the car. an ambulance comes by and makes sure everyone else was okay. they even arranged another transport so that everyone got home safe. finally, they arrived at the campus. everyone wasn’t doing all too well (considering the incident that happened). jay hops off the bus, he goes to grab his bag, along with sunghoon, jake and nari’s. suddenly, he was pulled into a hug, a tiny figure hugging him tightly and he knew who it was.
“baby.” there were sniffles coming from you. he pulls you back and sees that there were tears streaming down your face.
“you could’ve been shot. why did my life have to turn out like this? i should’ve been involved with you. if i hadn’t fall in love with your stupidly handsome face during a minecraft session then you would’ve have been nearly hurt!” you rambled and rambled. jay wipes the tears falling and tilts your head up.
“hey. i’m fine, aren’t i? i wasn’t harmed. you don’t have to blame yourself.” he bumps your nose against his. you sniffled.
“yeah but-”
“no buts. i’m fine and you are too. both of us are okay so we’re okay. it wasn’t your fault that son of a bitch was insane.” you pout. jay lightly flicks your forehead. “there is no way in hell am i breaking up with you over this. besides, who will take care of our two minecraft cats?”
you whined and buried your face onto his chest. you heard a small gagging sound coming from behind you.
“you two are being too sappy. it’s disgusting.” ni-ki says.
“agreed.” sunoo says.
“i second this.” jungwon adds.
just as ni-ki turns his head to look over at heeseung and yvette, he notices that yvette was patting heeseung’s head. heeseung pouts, his large bambi eyes on display as he tries to look cute and innocent to yvette. “okay, not as bad at heeseung hyung and yvette noona.”
everything was okay now. kaito was going to jail and your relationship was definitely going to take a huge turn after this.
this was perfect…
(well, maybe too perfect. we need more funny time)
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taglist[open]: @bldelaine @velvtcherie @shalkeren @kgneptun @yenqa @dammit-jjk @sionshiii @enhaz1 @mrchweeee @ncityzenz @autumn583 @okokok4 @ariadores @n1k1mura @kwiwin @drunkdazeded @justkatey @thatsroug @auesoooo @bunchofroses07 @j4ysluv @heeseungwifeyyy @smouches @bubblytaetae @dimplewonie @brachioanton @blackhairandbangs @heestrawberries @amesification @rizzshimura @y4wnjunz @rainyjy @pkjay @simjyunnie @imtoanonymousforyou @jungwoneez @jeongingf1 @astrae4 @heartswonn @pinkishyngs @heeseungsbabyy @in-somnias-world @ramenoil @wantmatthew @leehanascent @kayyssw @allisonleannn @kim2005bomi @saurxcream @urmomssneakylink @zyvlxqht @honeyboobear @ddazed-lhs @bee-the-loser @sunkislove @glassesyunjin @eleanorheartschishiya @jayjongie @woninluv @artstaeh @jwnghyuns @junissy @svmjaeyun @clairecottenheart @onigirik1 @woniejjang
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heartss4matthewq · 7 months
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Summary: You’ve known chris your whole life. When he gets a girlfriend you are happy for him, right?
Warnings: fluff, dom!chris, fem!reader,
7:00 PM
“matt hurry the fuck up we gotta pick up mya” i said.
mya is my girlfriend. we recently got together and our 6 month is coming up so i decided to take her out for dinner. We’ve been arguing a little more recently. I thought this would be a nice gesture.
“yo why don’t you shut the fuck up and get your drivers license then maybe you could pick her up yourself!” matt yells
“bro can you guys stop arguing, matt you do need to hurry up though chris doesn’t wanna be late” nick says
“wait mya’s calling me hold on” i said answering her call.
“hey, what’s up?”
“soo i kinda cant make it tonight..”
“what? why?” i said clearly upset
“well you know zack right? my best friend?”
“well he’s coming over cause’ like he called me and asked if i was busy but i kinda told him no and i missed him because we haven’t seen eachother since like….october so yeah sorry”
i heard her start..laughing? was she already with him?
“uh that’s fine i guess, i just thought we could have a night to ourselves”
“yeah well sorry but goodnight, bye chris.” she hung up on me.
well what the fuck.
8:08 PM
i was about to fall asleep when i got a text from chris
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i’ve always said i was happy for chris and mya but was i?
i have had a crush on chris since i was little.
i know it’s bad and i truly am happy he found someone but, why couldn’t it be me?
8:30 PM
“bro lowkey mya’s a bitch don’t mind her” matt says to chris
“yeah exactly i mean i’m not tryna dawg on her but why would she do that if she knew you wanted to do this tonight??” i said sounding annoyed.
“yeah i don’t know guys i’ll just talk to her tomorrow morning, i mean she hasn’t seen him for a while.” chris wants to make the situation sound better.
“yeah you fucking better” nick says emerging from his room.
a couple hours pass and we had just been playing games and laughing until…
“guys myas calling!!” i said laughing a little.
“i think we should talk” my face immediately drops
“uh about what??”
“we need to break up.”
“what?” i said clearing my throat
“i said we should break up.” she says firmer than before
“why, i thought we were okay?”
“well we aren’t, plus zach doesn’t like you so..” she trails off
“so that’s it? we’re done like that?”
“i mean yeah, that’s what i said.”
“also i’ve been sleeping with zach for 3 months”
“what?” i said angry and upset
“yeah, love ya, peace out chrissy”
everyone has fallen asleep by this point except me and chris.
we all tried comforting him but nothing seemed to work.
“it’s okay chris, it isn’t your fault she’s a self centered bitch” i said wiping his cheeks.
“yeah but what if i wasn’t giving her what she wanted. and she said she was sleeping with zach for 3 months” he said through sobs
“she did FUCKING what??”
“yeah, i know. what if i’m bad at sex and she just hates me because i couldnt give her what she wanted”
“chris i’m sure you’re good at sex and she’s just talking out of her ass, i bet zach can’t even make her cum” i said laughing
“yeah, maybe”
an awkward silence fills the room
“can i show you that i’m good at sex?”
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clarisse0o · 19 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 59
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 7k
Wednesday, February 24th; 8:30 AM - Lucy's Apartment.
I groaned as the alarm echoed through the room. It’s way too early, especially considering how late we got home last night. I buried my head in the pillow, while my wonderful girlfriend chuckled. Unsurprisingly, when I turned to face her, she was already fully awake.
"Do you think this is funny?" I mumbled.
"A little bit," she teased. "Good morning..."
I smiled as she leaned in to kiss me. I love our morning kiss, even though it’s not the best one of the day. A slight headache began to take hold. It wasn’t the most pleasant wake-up, though far from the worst.
"What do you want for breakfast?" she asked, getting out of bed.
"Stay," I groaned.
"As much as I’d like to, we have to pick up your little brother in an hour," she said, changing from shorts into a new pair of joggers. "We shouldn’t be late, right? You only have yourself to blame for wanting to stay up so late."
"At least I didn’t drink until I was wasted," I teased, hugging the pillow closer.
"You’d better not have. I would’ve made you sleep on the couch if you had."
"I don’t believe you," I teased again.
"You should. I would’ve done it without any guilt."
I stuck out my tongue at her, which only made her smile smugly. She came back over to give me another quick kiss.
"Don’t take too long, okay?"
"I’ll try my best... Can you make me some toast this morning?"
"Of course."
We exchanged smiles before she left the room. I love our life together. It feels like we’ve been living together for years. Everything is so ordinary, far from anything that could bother us. I stretched out once more before lying on my back. Today is going to be long and busy, but so perfect. Our little bubble will be interrupted with Joan’s arrival, but I’m excited to see him again. I forced myself out of bed and, unlike Lucy, didn’t change before joining her. I smiled when I saw her making the toast I’d asked for.
"I expected you to join me much later."
"I had a good teacher for getting out of bed."
"Oh, please. I only threw you out of bed once," she teased.
"After throwing a glass of water on me, if I remember correctly. The other times, you made me run outside. I’m not sure which was worse."
She laughed heartily as I joined her in setting the table. I didn’t find it funny at all. I went through a lot because of her. There’s a reason I didn’t like her at first, now that she reminded me.
"Stop laughing."
"Oh, come on. Admit it, it was funny."
"No, it wasn’t," I pouted. "You really pushed me to the limit."
"Those are good memories. I can’t wait to tell our grandkids about our first meeting someday."
"Of course," I giggled. "Let’s focus on having kids first, before thinking about grandkids."
"You’re right. We’ll get there one day."
I approached her and hugged her from behind. She leaned back against me, and I took the opportunity to kiss her shoulder. I slowly moved up to her neck, lightly biting a few spots without leaving any marks. Mine had finally faded, and I was glad about that. Knowing Joan, he would’ve asked what it was, and I wouldn’t have known how to explain it to him at his age.
"Thanks for agreeing to have my brother over for a few days."
"It’s no problem. I was surprised your mom let him come alone, though," she admitted.
"Me too... It seems the airport reassured her by saying he’d be accompanied the whole time. Plus, she knows how attentive I am with him, so nothing can really happen to him with us. And, I feel like she trusts you more than she trusts me," I chuckled.
"She shouldn’t, though. You’re way better with kids than I am."
"Nonsense. You work with teens all day."
"They’re students, which means they’re almost adults. It’s not the same at all."
"Well, let me tell you, we’re way worse than innocent kids."
"That’s debatable. I’ve always found kids to be quite devious... Though Joan isn’t like that, thankfully."
I giggled at her thinking. She must not have been around many good kids. I let go of her waist when I saw she was finishing up the toast. I quickly poured her coffee and heated up my hot chocolate. Then I joined her at the table, where she had brought all sorts of toppings.
"So, you don’t like kids, huh?" I asked as I began my breakfast.
"I didn’t say that," she rolled her eyes. "I don’t like spoiled, badly-behaved kids. That’s all."
"Or cheeky ones, huh?" I teased.
She laughed, knowing full well that I was referring to myself. She used to say that about me, and it wasn’t in a pleasant tone.
"Or cheeky ones, indeed. But they can be redeemed after a few laps around the track."
"Ha ha ha!"
"Isn’t it true?"
"Maybe. But I wasn’t cheeky."
"Oh yes, you were," she teased. "You had a comeback for everything I said."
"Well, you were really hard on me. I mean, you were very direct with me... And I hated it. That’s why I didn’t like you at first."
"You didn’t like me because I dared to tell you things to your face, and that’s exactly what you needed, right? You needed someone like me to help you understand and make an impact on you."
"You’re probably right... Your words made me think a lot at the beginning. I felt like crap," I admitted shyly.
"That was kind of the goal... At least, by insisting and being so harsh with my words, I wanted you to realize who you had become. It was obvious you weren’t a bad person. Circumstances made you that way."
I smiled softly at her, nodding. I love when Lucy shares her thoughts with me. She’s so good at reading people, a quality few possess. I, for example, don’t have it. I couldn’t tell who has a good or bad heart. At first, I saw the good in everyone, but since Feli, that’s changed.
"Do you think everyone has a good side?" I asked thoughtfully.
"I think everyone has both good and bad sides. It’s just that one tends to come out more than the other at certain times."
"Yeah, okay. But do you think someone can become good again after being bad? Like Korbin, for example."
She seemed to think for a moment, dipping her toast in her coffee before taking a bite. She took her time chewing and swallowing before replying.
"Well... It’s hard to say with that example. Korbin grew up in a tough environment. The people you saw in Wiegman’s office last time weren’t her real parents, but her foster family. Some people don’t have a choice about who they become. Even though she was taken out of her old neighborhood, I can guarantee that once she feels ready, she’ll go back there."
"You think so?" I asked, surprised. « Why? »
- Because that's what her parents decided. In neighborhoods like that, families have reputations to uphold. If she doesn't go back, she'll be shunned for the rest of her life and disowned by her family.
- That's really not cool, I grimaced.
- That's life... Not everyone has a choice, she replied with a shrug.
- Is that what she told you?
- Yeah. You weren't my only student, you know.
- Really? I thought I was the only one, I admitted.
- No, she shook her head. You weren't the only one, but you were definitely the most important. Wiegman wanted me to focus on you. To do that, she let some go early and reassigned others to Ingrid.
- Oh... What about Korbin?
- Wiegman let her go early. The more I think about it, I believe she took it out on you to get back at me. She must have felt betrayed and abandoned since I was the first person she ever opened up to.
All the hatred I had for her almost turns into pity now. Even though her actions are unforgivable, I can understand them. I would have reacted the same way if I were in her shoes. What I don’t understand is why Lucy was so adamant about her leaving Camp Wiegman, even though she knew about her issues.
- Why did you insist on having her leave Camp Wiegman if you thought she still needed help?
- As I just told you, some people don’t have a choice and decide they don’t want to be saved. That was Korbin’s case. Unlike you, she didn’t want to be saved because she already knew her future. I can guarantee she’ll be on the wrong side her whole life, and keeping her at school would have put you in danger.
- Y-you wanted her gone to protect me?
- Of course, she replied as if it was obvious. You specifically, but also all the other students. Her group of friends will have you in their sights for a while since you got their leader expelled. But don’t worry. You don’t have anything to fear. You’ll be watched, just like them.
- What do you mean, watched? I asked, frowning.
- The entire teaching staff and the instructors are aware. They won’t let anything happen, trust me, they know.
- OK... I murmured. Why are they even here if they’re so dangerous?
- Everyone deserves a chance, right? she smiled. Some of them won’t follow Korbin’s path. Take Athenea, for example. Ingrid was in charge of her, and she plans to continue her studies after school.
- Really? I was surprised. She doesn’t seem very smart... I said without thinking.
Lucy laughed and shook her head.
- Believe me, she’s smarter than she seems. She wasn’t just the little girl following Korbin around. If she let people think that, it was to get Korbin’s protection within their group. I wonder how things will go for her now that Korbin is gone.
- People are really crazy, I sighed.
- Oh yes, she giggled. More than you think. Well, I’m going to take a shower. Can you clean up in the meantime?
- Yeah, but I need to shower too, so hurry up.
- Then go first. You take longer than I do.
- Hey!
- What? It’s the truth, she teased as she headed to the kitchen.
I stuck out my tongue at her while bringing my cup and some topping jars like Nutella and jam to the kitchen.
- That’s mean, I commented.
- Oh, please. It’s not the worst thing I’ve said to you, she laughed.
I was about to pretend to sulk, but she pulled me back and held me firmly against her. Her lips quickly found their way to my neck, which I instinctively tucked in.
- Sorry. I take it back, she said with a hint of amusement.
- You’re only saying that so I’ll stop sulking.
- Is it working?
- You wish, you fool.
She laughed, turning me around so we could face each other. She kissed me so intensely that I stepped back until I felt the countertop against my lower back. I was about to go in for another kiss when we barely separated to breathe, but she gently pulled away.
- Shower, she reminded me with one word.
I groaned in frustration, knowing she was right. We can easily get lost in the moment, and now is not the time given our schedule. Still, I gave her one last kiss before heading to the bathroom. I can’t wait to hug my little brother.
Wednesday, February 24; 10:30 AM - Manchester Airport
My foot bounces in rhythm with the seconds as I watch the display board counting down the minutes until the plane lands. The wait is so stressful for me, and apparently for Lucy too, who finally places her hand on my knee.
- Stop that, she grumbled.
- It’s taking forever!
- Fidgeting won’t make the wait any shorter. It’ll just annoy me.
She raised an eyebrow in a threatening way. I bit my lip and stopped moving my foot. I don’t like it when she looks at me like that, even if I deserve it. She let out a sigh of relief and turned her attention back to her phone. I looked back at the display board to see how much time had passed. Fifteen minutes. I’m definitely going to die before it reaches zero. My excitement is at its peak. I’ve missed Joan so much. I hope his flight went well since he was traveling alone. A flight attendant was supposed to accompany him from the beginning to the end of the boarding process, so everything should have gone smoothly. However, I’m not sure if it’s Shay.
- The girls are asking if we want to have dinner together tonight, Lucy announced, snapping me out of my daydream. Is that okay with you?
- Yeah, of course. Joan will be happy to see them again. We could also invite Alexia and Jenni. I know Ale has always wanted to meet him, so this would be a good opportunity. But I’d avoid inviting the other girls. They might scare him, I giggled.
- Okay. I’ll suggest they come to our place then. It’ll be more relaxed.
- Do you have enough to cook?
- If not, we’ll go grocery shopping or order pizzas. I don’t have to ask if Joan likes them, do I?
- He loves them, I said with a smile. But we already had some this weekend.
- That’s true... We could order Chinese instead?
- Owh. I’m not sure he’d like that. Oh, what if we made crepes? That’s a good idea, right?
- We could, but I thought you wanted to take Joan around the city? We won’t have time to do both.
- That’s true... But it’s not like he’s going to be interested in the city’s architecture at his age. A cooking session would be more fun for him, I think.
- Okay, we’ll go shopping then. Crepes it is?
- Yep. We’ll save your pizzas for next time.
- Alright, she teased softly. We’ll do that next time. I know how much you love them.
I smiled and nodded as she ran her hand through my hair, gently stroking it.
- A lot. If it were up to me, we’d have them again tonight, I confessed.
- You know, you can have them whenever you want now.
- I know, I sighed. That’s why I’m not pushing it. It wouldn’t be reasonable.
- Since when are you reasonable?
- Hey! I protested.
- What? she smiled mischievously. Want to know something? I’ve always loved your innocence.
- Really? I’ve never claimed to be an adult.
- Oh, I know that. Well, your innocence is part of why I love you.
The spontaneity of her words always gets to me. Plus, she continued to stroke my hair as if nothing had happened. Eventually, she stopped and kissed the corner of my mouth before getting up.
- Now that I’ve kept your mind occupied, it’s time to welcome your brother, right?
I looked up at the screen to see, to my surprise, that there were only two minutes left. I quickly stood up. My girlfriend pulled me close, wrapping her arm around my shoulders, and kissed my temple. Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around her lower back.
- Does that amuse you? I murmured into her neck when I heard her chuckle.
- A little. You’re very impatient, but so easy to distract.
- You knew the whole time, didn’t you? About tonight?
- Since we left the house. I said yes and already invited Jenni and Alexia.
Since my head was still nestled in her neck, I smiled freely. I can’t tell if I appreciate or dislike that she always knows what I want in advance. Since it wasn’t the time to debate it, I simply lifted my head from her neck.
- And you’re way too organized and decisive.
- Decisive, really? she laughed. I always gave you a choice.
- At school, you would always let me choose between two options, knowing full well which one I would pick.
"Well, it's true that I didn't give you much choice back there," she chuckles. "But it was for your own good."
I would have replied, but my attention is drawn to the people disembarking from the flight we've been waiting for. I step away from Lucy and move as close as possible to the others. Lucy quickly follows, keeping her hand on my back. I'm scanning for Joan, but I don't see anyone yet. I start to feel impatient as I realize we're nearing the end. Finally, I spot him holding the hand of a flight attendant. I smile, recognizing Shay. The message seems to have been passed along, which eases my mind. At least I know he was well taken care of and likely had a good flight. Shay looks surprised when my brother points me out to her, and he tries to break free to run to us, but Shay keeps hold of him. She only lets go when they're about a meter away, allowing my brother to run toward me. I kneel down to catch him and lift him into my arms, letting him hug me tightly.
"Hey, sweetheart. Did you have a good flight?"
"Yeah, but it was long!"
"Oh, I bet it was," I chuckle. "Hey," I say, addressing Shay as she approaches, "were you the one looking after him?"
"Yes, I was asked to specifically, but now that I see you, I understand why."
I smile softly, glancing at Lucy, who has been quietly standing behind me this whole time, tracing patterns on my back with her fingers. I remember she talked to my mom about this just yesterday, ensuring Joan would have someone for the flight. For some reason, my mom insisted on having Lucy's contact information. Given what happened last time she found me, I guess it makes sense. Now she wants to be informed if anything unusual happens. I think it was just an excuse, but Lucy didn't mind, so I didn't argue. It’s strange knowing they’re in touch, but at least I know Lucy gets along well with my family. She’s even won over my brother, who is now asking to be held by my girlfriend. Lucy doesn’t hesitate to pick him up. The sight of them together warms my heart.
"Thank you," I say sincerely to Shay. "So, everything went well?"
"Yes, yes. He got very impatient toward the end, but overall, it went smoothly. Is he family?"
"He's my little brother," I reply. "Thanks for taking care of him."
"No problem, it’s my job. He was adorable. When’s his return flight?"
"Saturday at two o’clock."
"I’ll be on that flight too, so I can make sure he’s okay."
"My best friend will be with him, but it’s great to know. Thanks."
"It’s no trouble. Well, have a great weekend."
"Thanks, you too."
I turn back to the two most precious people in my life as Shay leaves. Joan is now on the ground, firmly holding my girlfriend’s hand.
"Are we going, Ona?" he asks, reaching out her other hand to me.
"Let’s go," I confirm. "We’ll just grab your suitcase first, and then we can finally enjoy ourselves."
With a big smile and a full heart, the three of us walk through the airport. I’m so happy to have Joan with us. These three days with them are going to be amazing. My mom couldn’t have given me a better gift.
Wednesday, February 24; 11:30 AM - Supermarket
"Is this good, Ona?" he asks, showing me a pack of gruyère cheese.
"Yep. You can put it in here," I say, handing him the basket. "Okay, let’s go find Lucy now."
After our little battle earlier over crepes, here we are doing the grocery shopping. When my brother heard the word, it was nearly impossible to get it out of his head. According to him, it’s been ages since he last had them, which was funny to hear. Knowing my mom, that’s probably almost true. When I was still living at home, we barely ever had them. To speed things up, we split up to find the ingredients.
"Are your new friends nice?" Joan asks, taking my hand again.
"They are, sweetie. You don’t need to worry," I reassure him. "And Mapi will be there too."
"Really?" he says excitedly. "She’s here too?"
"Yes," I giggle. "And Ingrid will be there. Do you remember her?"
"Mapi’s girlfriend?"
"Yes," I confirm with a smile. "She was nice, wasn’t she?"
We told him the news for tonight. He was a little nervous at first, but he wasn’t opposed to the idea. As we leave our aisle, I freeze for a moment when I see someone in front of us.
"Damn it," I mutter.
"You said a bad word, Ona."
"Yeah, I know, and that’s not good. Come on, hurry," I say, pulling her along.
I don’t answer and rush into the next aisle to find Lucy. I’m relieved to still see her here, choosing the last of the savory items.
"Hmm?" she responds indifferently.
"We need to leave!"
"I ran into Leah."
"What?" she frowns. "She lives in the center. What would she be doing here?"
"I swear, she was—"
Both Lucy and I freeze. I was sure I saw her correctly, but the voice isn’t Leah’s. I look past Lucy to see Alessia at the other end of the aisle. I couldn’t say which of the two is worse to run into.
"Hey," I say with a forced smile.
"What are you doing here?" she asks, starting to walk toward us. "I thought you were in Barcelona."
Lucy points behind her, and I quickly understand she wants to take advantage of Alessia’s back being turned to slip away. I step aside to let her pass and move toward Alessia, but she groans, making me turn around to see Leah this time. We’re completely trapped, and to make matters worse, Joan tugs at my arm to get my attention.
"Who is that, Ona?" he whispers, pressing himself against me.
"Ona? B-Bronze?" Leah says in surprise. "What are you two doing here together?"
Her voice rises with a hint of anger, making me sigh. Joan starts to get scared of the newcomers and clings even more tightly to me. He asks to be picked up, so I do. Now, we’re face-to-face with both Leah and Alessia, who are staring at us. Alessia is the first to grasp what’s happening, breaking into a huge grin.
"No way! You and Bronze!? Was it her all this time?"
I groan as Lucy gives me a hard look.
"Don’t look at me like that. I never said anything about you."
"Really?" she arches an eyebrow. "That’s not what it seems like!"
"I figured it out on my own that there was someone in her life. She never confirmed it or gave me a name," Alessia defends me.
It’s Lucy’s turn to sigh. I hope she’s not too upset with me, even though I didn’t do anything wrong.
"Sorry," Alessia apologizes. "I just didn’t expect us to get found out here."
"Well, you’re crazy for hanging out together like this!" Leah scolds us. "There are plenty of students from Manchester, including us! Imagine if you ran into someone else!"
"Excuse me, Leah, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen students in my neighborhood," Lucy retorts, full of bitterness. "I should be the one asking what you’re doing here. You live downtown, and we’re in a small convenience store. The odds should have been very slim."
I chuckle at Lucy’s visible annoyance. I knew she wasn’t a fan of surprises, but this must be the last straw for her. My reaction doesn’t seem to please her, judging by the stern look she gives me. Even Joan is scared and clings to me more tightly. I understand him completely; I know how it feels to get on Lucy’s bad side.
"Relax," Alessia responds. "It’s not like we have anything against Ona or that we’re going to snitch on you. We were just surprised, right, Leah?"
"Hmm," she grumbles. "Dating is still risky," she insists.
Her comment earns her an elbow from her sister, as they’ve since switched places. It was unexpected to see them, but on the other hand, I feel relieved not to have to hide such a big secret from them anymore. I’ve gotten close to them since we’re in the same class, so it’s been pretty annoying to keep it from them. Especially since Alessia already had suspicions. I take this opportunity to ask her directly.
"You suspected it, didn’t you?"
"Yes," she admits with a small smile. "I didn’t want to push because every time we talked about it, you’d get angry."
Poor thing, I can’t even deny it. Alessia is very persistent, and it’s hard for me to handle since everyone else gives me the space I need. I remember she hesitated to bring up the topic during our last week of classes. It was probably to talk about Lucy. She was right not to ask me anything. I would have immediately shut down. Lucy sighs again, which prompts me to move closer and kiss her cheek.
"It’s okay, it’s fine."
"That makes three people, Ona," she says discontentedly.
"They’re my friends. Yours know too. I don’t see the problem."
"Mine aren’t at school. That’s the difference. And Leah’s right. I’m starting to think anyone could see us together if they can."
I wince as she abruptly pulls away. Without giving me time to respond, she takes the basket I was still holding and drops the ham inside.
"I’ll finish the shopping. Don’t take too long to join me."
No one dares argue with her as she walks away, clearly in a foul mood. I sigh, running my hand through my hair. This afternoon is likely to be tense now.
"Why is Lucy mad?" my little brother asks.
"Lucy?" Alessia repeats. "Oh... Bronze, I get it."
"Yeah... Another thing to keep to yourself. And don’t worry, Jo. It’ll be okay. »
- "She looks really scary like that," he whispered.
- "You haven't seen anything yet," Leah commented.
- "Stop it. Don’t scare him," I replied, frowning.
- "Is he your little brother?" Alessia asked.
- "Yes, this is Joan. He just arrived today, and he's going to spend a few days with us. Joan, this is Alessia and Leah. They're friends of mine from school."
His head, which was mostly buried in my neck, emerged to curiously look at them before he gave a shy smile when Alessia waved at him.
- "Will they be here tonight too?"
- "Uh... No, sorry," I giggled. "Maybe another time."
I adjusted her on my hip as I felt her starting to slip. Even though he's only six, he's slowly getting heavier.
- "Will everything be okay with Bronze?" Alessia grimaced. "We didn't mean to cause any trouble."
- "It’s fine, I’m starting to handle it," I reassured her with a small smile. "I'll let her cool off, and we’ll talk."
- "Sorry for getting carried away, but what I said was true," Leah continued.
- "I know. I think that's why she's upset, so don't take it personally. It’s just that you've brought up a major issue that didn’t exist before. We’ve been going out for a while, but we’ve never really paid attention to our surroundings."
- "For a while... you two?"
- "No, just a few weeks," I admitted honestly.
I could have gone into more detail, but I held back. After all, it’s a story that only concerns us. People don’t need to know that we went through ups and downs before getting together.
- "I thought it had been longer," Leah responded. "It seemed like you two had been circling around each other for a while."
- "It was a bit complicated for both of us at first," I stayed vague. "The most important thing is that we're together now."
- "And so you see each other outside of school?" Leah asked. "You’re both crazy. What if she dumps you because she's afraid of risking her career? We’ll have to pick up the pieces."
- "That’s not going to happen," I rolled my eyes. "We’re a solid couple."
- "Alexia’s girlfriend got fired. It could easily happen to Lucy."
- "And they’re still together. Anyway, I assure you, Lucy won’t dump me for that. But if you want her to be nice to you, I suggest you stop getting on her nerves. Especially since if we stay together, you'll have to deal with her in private, and it would bother me if you two didn’t get along."
- "Oh my God," Leah muttered as if imagining the scene. "Is she as annoying as she is at school?"
- "Of course not," I giggled. "She’s adorable with me."
- "I find it hard to picture her in 'adorable' mode," she repeated, mimicking quotation marks.
- "She certainly won’t be with you," I teased.
- "Hey, wait. If your brother is here, does that mean your parents know?"
- "My mom knows, yes. She found out when she came to see me after the fight with Korbin. She took it well and loved Lucy."
- "Wow. And she didn’t say anything?"
- "No. She was actually happy. Since my ex, I hadn’t opened up to anyone, and no one thought I’d get into another relationship so soon. She even invited Lucy to come with me to Barcelona three weeks ago."
- "Really?"
- "Yeah, they were on a weekend trip, so she told Lucy she could come along when she found out about us."
- "And what did you do during those holidays?" Leah asked. "I guess you didn’t go home."
- "No, we didn’t. We went to the Alps with her friends last week and then came back here. Alexia and Mapi are here too; they were with us."
- "Really?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Even Mapi?"
- "Uh... yeah," I giggled. "She’s dating Ingrid, or rather Engen. So she’s at her place. We’ll see them tonight... hence the shopping."
- "Oh my God," she muttered. "This is all way too complicated. You really have a knack for getting into crazy situations."
- "Oh, please, it’s nothing bad. Anyway, the school year is almost over."
- "Ona," Lucy called out sharply. "Let’s go."
I turned around to see her waiting for us with a full basket. It seemed like my chatting had given her time to get everything done by herself. I looked up to see her expression just as stern as when she left. It didn’t seem like she had much time to calm down.
- "Well, see you soon then."
- "Yeah," Alessia smiled. "Good luck, and see you in a few days."
I thanked them and said goodbye before joining Lucy. Surprisingly, she offered me her hand when I reached her. I took it and let her lead me to the checkout. Despite her gesture, I could still feel her tension. Once again, I kissed her cheek.
- "They won't say anything, I promise."
- "I know. That’s not what bothers me, but the way they found out. Leah is right in what she said. Besides, I would have preferred to wait until the end of the year for your school friends to find out. I don’t want them to see me as anything other than your superior. They’ll think I’m showing favoritism, and we both know that’s not the case."
- "Everyone knows I have a special relationship with you. They won’t think that."
- "Yes, they will. They already do now. How many times have they teased you or made comments about me, huh?"
I blushed slightly, shrugging. Far too many times to count, really. As I just said, they know we have a special relationship. It’s no secret given how she acts differently with me than with other students. So, I often get gently teased about her. When we got to the conveyor belt, I put Joan down, and he was the first to start placing our items on the belt. Poor little thing. I had completely neglected him since our encounter with my friends.
- "Anyway, it’s done now," Lucy concluded.
- "Please don’t be in a bad mood. Not after these past few weeks, and I don’t want Joan to be scared of you. If you need to blow off steam, do it only in front of me."
She gave me a soft smile and surprised me by leaning in to kiss me.
- "That wasn’t my intention... I’m sorry for being so moody, but you can’t really blame me. You know as well as I do that we need to be more careful now."
- "Yes, you’re right. There's no such thing as zero risk, so I’m not going to argue about it, Lucy. If you decide we shouldn’t go out anymore, I’ll accept it."
- "No, I was just joking," I laughed. "I wouldn’t go that far. Besides, apart from coming here or to The United, we haven’t really gone out in Manchester."
- "We’ve visited your secret spots, the park, and even some galleries."
- "Don’t twist my words," she said, rolling her eyes. "If we take the park out of the equation, those aren’t places where we’re likely to run into students."
- "True," I giggled. "Thanks, though. I really expected you to stop us from going out."
- "Of course not," she smiled, gently pulling me into her arms. "Anyway, there are only a few months left. If I get fired, it won’t be dramatic since I plan on leaving next year anyway."
- "But that would bother me..." I admitted.
- "We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen, I promise. But just know that if it does, it won’t be the end of the world. I’ll leave without causing any fuss, and it won’t change our relationship."
I smiled against her lips as she kissed me firmly. This was exactly what I told Leah earlier. Lucy won’t leave me. We laughed softly as we pulled away when I heard Joan make a sound of disgust.
- "That’s really gross."
- "Hey, watch your language," I gently reprimanded him.
He shrugged like a cheeky little boy before turning his back on us and moving toward the cashier when it was our turn. I was stunned. He had never behaved like this with me before. I was starting to think that what Sam or Sofia told me when I left wasn’t exaggerated. Lucy snapped me out of my stupor with a soft giggle.
- "Are you still sure you want kids later?" she teased.
I groaned in displeasure, making her laugh even more. The surprise was such that I didn’t even know how to react. Finally, I moved forward to help pack our groceries. I listened to Lucy continue talking about tonight, but I looked up when I felt someone watching us. I realized it was true when I caught Alessia’s eyes observing us from afar. I gave her a gentle smile before my attention was drawn back to Lucy, who waved a hand in front of my eyes.
- "Are you listening to me?"
- "No, sorry. What were you saying?"
She raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting that answer.
- "What’s got you so distracted?"
Before she could even look up to see Alessia, Joan chimed in with an answer.
- "It’s her friend from earlier. She’s been watching us since before."
Lucy narrowed her eyes slightly before looking at me as if expecting confirmation. I shrugged indifferently, not finding the information particularly important. She then turned to my brother.
- "Really? And how was she looking at us?"
- "Luce-"
I stopped when I saw her raised hand, signaling me to be quiet. I placed our last item in the basket just as Lucy pulled out her credit card. I felt a bit guilty letting her pay for everything, but she insisted.
- "She was looking at Ona a lot. Kind of like Emma at my school. My friends say she wants to be my girlfriend but is too scared to talk to me."
I didn’t know what to think or what to worry about more after hearing that revealing statement. Joan is only in first grade, so it’s strange that he’s already talking about girlfriends, even if it’s harmless at that age. Lucy, however, seemed to have made her choice on the most important subject to discuss.
- "Is she still interested in you?" she surprised me by asking.
- "We’re friends," I replied. "I’ve always made it clear I’m not interested."
- "That wasn’t my question, Ona."
I sighed, shrugging as she put away her credit card after paying. As I’ve said many times, I’m not the best at reading people.
- "I don’t know," I admitted. "But if she still had hope, I think she just lost it."
She nodded, taking my free hand. The other was busy holding our packed shopping basket. Before we headed toward the exit, she pressed her lips firmly against mine, prolonging the kiss as if to make sure we were seen. That was definitely her intention.
- "I hope so. Because I’m not sharing you. You’re mine."
I blushed, discovering this new side of her that I hadn’t known before. With Feli, I hated her possessiveness, but it’s a different story with Lucy. I felt warm and reassured at the same time.
- "Why do you think I was never interested in her?" I retorted. "If I hadn’t met you first, I might have given her a chance."
My honesty caught her attention immediately. I’d be lying if I said Alessia isn’t my type. Besides her persistence, we have a lot in common. Lucy was about to respond, but I quickly cut her off before she got the wrong idea.
- "You already had too much of a hold on my mind for me to look elsewhere, darling. No matter what I might have done before meeting you, know that no one can compare to you now. You’re the only one I need and want."
I could say so many wonderful things about her to make her understand that since we met, nothing has been the same for me. She managed to fix me and bring back a missing part of my life. If she were to leave, it would be like losing a part of my soul. I realized that when we were apart.
- "I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m afraid you’ll find someone better than me."
- "That’s not going to happen."
The thoughtful expression she had disappeared, finally replaced by a wonderful little smile. She gently pulled me close and kissed my temple.
- "I know, I’m sorry. I love you, my love."
I closed my eyes for a few seconds, smiling in return. I didn’t know what she had been thinking, but it seemed I had managed to change her mind. As for me, I really couldn’t have dreamed of a better new life. If only she knew how much I care about her. She is my everything.
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1for5 · 5 months
yes im changing
paige bueckers x reader
(paige x uconn psychology student!reader)
synopsis: with y/n being in a new environment, still facing rejection, how can she bounce back?
chapter 8
uconn freedom wall entry #2205
paige and y/n are dating. the uconn wbb went to the football game, and y/n was with them. she was wearing paige’s jersey shirt. they weren’t seated beside each other, but they kept on glancing at each other, i was near their seat. can’t believe a freshman bagged paige bueckers 🤷‍♀️
huzkieeees: explained their nonstop bickering
paigefan: NOOOOO
y/n’s heart was beating fast as she read the post. have they not have heard of privacy? what do you mean they kept on glancing at each other?
kk and azzi waited for y/n to respond, getting more curious for what she would say. “its okay y/n we already know.” kk said, to give y/n a “safe space,” with azzi agreeing to her.
“i dont know where to start.” y/n said, she planned on telling the two about what she felt different about paige. “i know ive disliked her, but im not gonna lie, i like her attention. i felt rewarded when she replies back to my shit talking.. and yesterday.” y/n briefly explained.
“WHAT YESTERDAY?” both azzi and kk asked, with their eyes growing bigger with y/n confessing about what she feels toward paige. “when you guys asked me who would i kiss on the team, i thought about paige. it was so weird though, since ive disliked her. i literally can’t sleep yesterday since i kept on thinking about her. maybe my petty acts were disguises to get her attention. i dont know.” y/n explained further.
“the psychology student is finally psychology student-ing!” kk joked, azzi slapping her arm. “seriously though y/n, the others have been noticing about your actions toward paige. you may like the basketball player.” azzi places her hand on y/n’s left shoulder.
“we’re not asking you to make a move quickly, but you should reflect on your actions first boo.” kk added. “maybe, but you and i aren’t always correct. i might just let the flow go. and plus, i do not have energy to respond to any of the rumors. whats true is true and whats false is false.” y/n said, getting up immediately stretching her whole body.
“that’s true. this rumor might be a plus even, paige always gets bombarded with crazy girl and boy fans thinking that they can get a shot with paige.” azzi agreed. after the conversation, the three waited patiently for the others to comeback with their breakfast.
when the rest of the team arrived, they all gathered around the living room or the kitchen area to eat. they opened the tv to watch an nba game. y/n could feel paige’s eyes on her, and paige could feel y/n’s eyes on her. it was a weird feeling for them both, not bickering to each other the second they are in each other’s presence.
everyone’s laughing around, but even to them it was obvious that there was a tension between paige and y/n.
“oh y/n uh here’s a coffee. aub said that you will need it.” paige handed y/n a spanish latte, which was her absolute favorite. when paige gave y/n the drink, their hands touched, which weirdly gave both of them an “electric feeling” the two just shrugged, thinking that maybe it was from the freedom wall post and they just felt overall weird after that. y/n then replied with to paige with a “thank you”, and went to kk and azzi’s corner in the living room.
after eating their breakfast, they all decided to get ready to walk around the campus as their “saturday not-so workout.” it takes 2 hours for the whole team to get ready, hence there is no need to worry about how they just ate.
it was always tradition for the team to walk around the campus during saturdays. they get to visit the buildings and other parts of campus that they dont normally go.
people then started to get ready, with paige announcing to everyone that she has dibs first to her own shower. she got responded with “GIRL JUST SHOWER!” “SHOWER NOW! NOT LATER THEN IF YOU DONT WANT PEOPLE STEALING YOUR SHOWER TIME!” by her teammates. paige rolled her eyes, and walked into her room and closed her door to get ready. the team huddles into the dining area.
“so, what’s our plan for next week?” nika asked the team.
“what’s going to happen next week?” y/n responded with another question.
“paige’s birthday! october 20.” ice answered.
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wosowrites · 1 year
Clothing Swap (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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warnings: none
a/n: based off this request here
prompt: in which leah accidentally takes the readers chelsea pants one morning.
Leah had had a few embarrassing moments, some on the pitch, some off the pitch. But nothing compared to the morning of March 11 2023. Nothing.
You woke up to the song of the london birds and soft, warm sunshine. But the best part about the atmosphere was Leah’s body next to yours. You had fallen asleep after watching a few episodes of Sherlock, you in Leah’s hoodie, and Leah in yours. You turned over and noticed the clock said 8:00, which meant you had 30 minutes to get ready, and then 30 more to get to Cobham in time for the 9:15 training session. You knew Leah would sleep in, considering her training had been pushed back to 10:45.
You propped yourself up on your forearm, looking down at her peaceful body. Gently, you traced shapes on her toned stomach, her hoodie having rode up during the night. You pulled her hoodie back down, covering her up and then gently used your index to push back blonde strand of hair that were scattered on her face.
Her eyes fluttered just as you went down to kiss the tip of her nose, and when you pulled away, her eyes were open, barely, and tiredly, but open. "Hey, baby. I need to go to training," you said gently. "Mhmm… don’t leave," she said, lifting her arm up to rub her thumb over your cheek. "If I want to keep my place at Chelsea, then yes, I need to leave. Can’t be late," you told your girlfriend.
Secret girlfriend.
"But we don’t want that. We want you to come to Arsenal," she said, watching you stand up and pull off your hoodie. "No, you want that. I’m a blue through and through. It’s like if I asked you to come to Chelsea," you laughed, pulling on your white nike sports bra.
Leah made a disgusted face, making you laugh and throw a pillow at her. "Be nice!" you grounded her. "I’d never ever put on something with a Chelsea logo. Ever," she said. "I know, I know," you said.
You pulled on your training jersey and then shorts under the watchful and sleepy eye of Leah. "Don’t miss the next alarm, my love," you said.
You leaned in to kiss her before walking out of the room to grab a quick breakfast.
Soon enough, you were out the door, having peaked into Leah’s room to see if she had fallen back asleep. She had.
You had your own apartment, yes. The one that you hung out with your Chelsea teammates at, the one that they thought you lived in. Every time they came over, you would mess up the bed a little, and move things around to make it seem as though it had been lived in, when really, you only came here to do laundry because Leah’s dryer was broken. Leah’s apartment was home… no. Scratch that, Leah was home.
Leah woke up not one, but two hours after you had left, having slept right through the alarm you had set for her. It was now 10:15, and she had to be at training in 30 minutes. The training ground was 20 minutes away, leaving her relatively no time to get ready. She jumped out of bed, wrapped her hair in a bad messy bun with a hair tie that was on the beside table. She quickly found her Arsenal shirt and her black track pants that were lying on a chair in the corner.
"Shit, shit, shit," she grumbled, pulling on her runners without any socks on. Luckily, she packed her training bag the night before and simply had to grab it and run out the door.
Leah stumbled down the stairs to the parking garage and then found her car, driving off quickly.
She arrived two minutes late, meaning she was the last one in the locker room, and that all eyes were on her.
"Sorry, sorry. Late night, bad morning," she said, rushing into the locker room. "All good, Jonas isn’t- oh Leah…"
This was Kim speaking, as the sort of mother of the group, she was a natural comfort to everyone. "What?" Leah asked, walking to her cubby. "Holy shit! Williamson is wearing Chelsea joggers!" Katie basically screamed, making everyone’s attention draw to the pants Leah was wearing.
The english skipper looked down at her pants. Surely enough, the Chelsea logo was embedded on the left side, and on the right, in white letters, showed the number 29. "29? Who’s number 29?" Gio asked, smiling cheekily.
The girls thought for a second, Leah panicking and not knowing what to say. "Wait… 29 is the Canadian winger who’s been with them-" Beth started saying. "Fleming?" Viv asked. "No! Y/l/n! She has like 35 goals for them in 57 games or something," Beth said.
"You’re fucking y/n y/l/n? Really, Leah. A blue?" Manu said, jokingly pushing her friend. "Don’t say it so loud! Geez! Yeah we’re… together," Leah said, slipping off the Chelsea pants and stuffing them deep into her bag. "Hmm… y/n Williamson. Sounds good. Or would you take her last name? I think Leah y/l/n is pretty nice too honestly," Rafa said, making Leah scowl at her.
Leah had thought everyone was here, but there was one last late comer who made her way into the changing room. She wasn’t actually late, just talking with Jonas.
"Sabrina! You missed so much," Katie said excitedly. "No!" Leah yelled, trying to pounce on Katie. "Leah’s dating your teammate!" Katie said quickly, as a split second later, the blondes hand was covering the irish woman’s mouth. "What? Who?!" The keeper exclaimed.
Leah had thought she would have annihilated the threat by shutting Katie up, but Gio took over for the defender. "Y/n y/l/n," she said, shrugging. "GIO!"
"Everybody grab pinnies. Three teams please." Jonas said.
Leah grabbed a purple one randomly from the pile and slipped it on. "Hey, Leah! Look my pinnie number is 29! Get in bed with me?" Katie said, walking up to Leah and pretending like she wanted to give her a kiss. "Want me to call up Ruesha? We’ll see what she says about this!" Leah said, scowling at the girl. "No, no, no! I’m sorry," she said, quickly rushing back to her group.
"Good job girls, 20 minute break… be here for… 12:29," Jonas said.
"Okay who told him! You’re all doing it on purpose!" Leah exclaimed.
Jonas looked horribly confused, most girls were trying to hold in their laughs while the older ones looked around with stern faces. "C’mon, Leah," Kim said, gently grabbing Leah’s shoulders and guiding her inside.
"We’re just teasing you, you know," Beth said, gently placing her hand on Leah’s back. "I know. But you’re acting like you don’t like her or something. I really love her. And your opinion matters to me," Leah said, loud enough for some of the girls to hear as she walked into the changing room. "Leah… you’ve been… sad, the last couple of months. And it would be a lie to say that the last three of those months have been completely different. If she puts a smile on your face then… well we love her," Jen said, looking around for the gunners approval. They all nodded at the woman’s words. "We’re just happy you’re happy," Katie said gently. "And don’t tell Rue I teased you because she’ll kill me," Katie said, basically pleading.
That day, when Leah got home, you were passed out on the couch. The training today had been intense, and you couldn’t help feel as though something was different, throwing you off your game a little.
Leah dropped her bag a little louder than she had meant too, making you spring up quickly, your heart pounding. "Hey, hey. It’s okay baby. It’s just me," she said, walking over to you and sitting down beside you. "Sorry. Tough day," you said, gently pushing her down onto the couch to lie on top of her. "Tell me about it… your day, I mean," Leah said, brushing her fingers through your newly cleaned hair. "Mhm… I don’t know. It was intense but I felt weird the whole day. Like someone knew something about me that they shouldn’t. It’s stupid. I know," you said, fiddling with Leah’s necklace. "Well… um… it’s not actually. Because I accidentally wore your track pants to practice today and now my whole team knows about us," Leah said, slightly scared of your reaction.
You lifted your body up quickly, placing your hands on either side of her and propping yourself up. "Really?!" you said, a slight smile on your face. "Yeah… i’m sorry-"
"No! It’s okay! Unless they hate me and they want us to break up. Oh my god do they hate me? The tackle against Rafa was an accident last game I swear. And Katie got me riled up I didn’t mean to call her the lucky charms mascot it just slipped out and-" you started ranting, panic spreading through your body.
"Hey! Hey. No. It’s okay. They’re happy for us. They’re happy. And i’m happy… and you’re happy… right?" Leah said, gently pushing your head back onto her chest.
"More than I’ve ever been."
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@steddiemas Day 6 - Baking & Cookie Decorating
pairing: pre-steddie | word count: 1,911 | rated: G
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A couple days later finds Eddie on his way to Steve’s house at the early as fuck hour of 8:30am
“AARrugh–fuuck!” he curses again, trying to stifle down another cracking yawn, “It should be illegal to be up this early.”
“You mean the normal time people get up?”
“No, normal is lunchtime. Realistic is two.”
“God, you’re such a loser.”
“And yet you still hang out with me.”
“Uh, no. I hang out with Steve and El and Lucas and sometimes Dustin. You’re just there by association.”
“Ouch Red, that hurts my soul.” He winces dramatically 
“What soul?”
Eddie grins at her, “Touché, Maxine”
Her tiny, pointy knuckles meet his bicep as he pulls Bessie into the Harringtons’ driveway.
They’re having a pre-thanksgiving dinner with the party before they all have actual Thanksgiving with each of their families, and Max insisted on coming over early to help Steve with preparations.
“If we don’t go help, he’s going to do it all by himself you know.”
“Robin will be there, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, he’s gonna do everything by himself. You know Robin is moral support at best.”
“And what are we gonna be, huh? You think I’m any better?”
She had huffed at that. “We’re going, Munson.”
So, here they are. Like Eddie suspected, as soon as they breach the front door, Robin is visible on one of the stools at the island, sleep rumpled and a mug in hand, and Steve is standing at the stove already.
“Good ‘morrow to you, Lord and Lady Buckley,” Eddie bellows, startling them both, “Myself and the young Miss Mayfield have traveled far to be with you on this momentous day, and to offer to you our services.” he gives them a dramatic bow, glancing up through his lashes.
Steve is grinning, Robin has collapsed forward onto the counter in front of her, Max is groaning. 
He stands straight again, “We may only be a couple of lowly peasants in your Kingdom, but the call to help was unavoidable.”
“Eddie did not want to come help, lemme make that clear.”
“Shut up, Max”
“You shut up, liar–”
“Okay, okay!” Steve laughs, interrupting them, “Many thanks to you both for making the trip; your help will be greatly appreciated.”
Eddie’s stomach goes soupy, he loves when Steve plays along.
“So, what can we do?” he asks, clapping his hands once and rubbing his palms together like he’s itching to get started.
“Well, it is still pretty early (“I told  you.”, “Shut up, Eddie.”), so right now you can help by telling me how you like your eggs.”
The turkey goes into the oven halfway through breakfast, Steve having prepped it last night, so Steve starts to cipher out what else he needs to make.
“Dustin said that Claudia was making a pumpkin pie for us, so we’re set there, I’m making the sweet potato casserole, Lucas said that his mom is sending over a pan of greens with him and Erica, Robin has the stuffing covered–”
“I make a mean can of Stovetop.” Robin cuts in from the sink where she’s washing the few dishes from breakfast.
“Pretty much everyone else is bringing something…” Steve looks lost for a moment, then his expression turns tense, that crease between his brows cuts deep into his skin.
Max must see this too because she says, “What about cookies?”
“Yeah, like the sugar cookies you made everyone a tin of last year?” “You made everyone sugar cookies?? Why wasn’t I given any?” Steve rolls his eyes, “‘Cause last year you were just Eddie “The Freak” Munson,”
“Hey–I resent that,” Eddie pokes Steve in the chest, “I’m still Eddie “The Freak” Munson, thank you very much.” “Many apologies, Your Freak-ness, how ever shall I make it up to you.” His tone is sarcastic, but the words make a whole matter of unsavory retorts gather on Eddie’s tongue.
“C’mon Steve, I want those damn cookies!” Max demands, smacking a palm onto the counter to really sell it.
“Hey! Language.” 
“I also want some of those damn cookies.” Robin agrees.
“Yeah c’mon Stevie, I didn’t get to have any last year and now I’m curious.” “Dude, they’re the best cookies ever. I hate that he only makes them once a year.”
“Okay, okay, fine! Lemme make sure I have everything I need.”
He does, so he gets to work as requested demanded, though he does send Max and Robin (with her newly acquired license) to the store for powdered sugar. “For the frosting..I’m sure you want frosting on these, right?”
Eddie sticks close after they leave, watching Steve work and passing him ingredients.
At one point, Eddie scoops up a cup of flour for him, only to have Steve wrap his hand over his on the handle of the cup and start to stir the flour in it with a fork.
“Uh, do you always need to stir your flour before putting it in?” Is that a thing? Eddie has never done that, even within the few times he’s ever actually baked something before.
“You do if the person scooping packs it into the cup like this.” Steve teases, spinning the fork around in his hand to scrape the now-overflowing heap of flour off the top of the measuring cup and back into the bag with the handle. “Flour doesn’t get packed down to measure, fluffy and loose measurements only.” Steve pulls Eddie’s hand forward and upends the cup over the mixing bowl. 
Eddie’s mouth feels like it’s coated in flour.
“There! Perfect. I’ll need another cup just like that one.” Steve smiles and passes the fork to him.
He lets Eddie's hand go and turns back to the bowl, mixing the flour in with one of those rubber scraping spatulas instead of using the electric beater he’d used for the eggs and sugar.
“So,” Eddie re-wets the inside of his mouth so he can talk correctly, “Why do you only make these once a year?” He carefully scoops up another helping of flour.
“They’re usually Christmas cookies and I– aw shit.”
“I don’t have any non-Christmas themed cookie cutters.”
Eddie immediately thinks back to one of the last Christmases he had with his mom. Ouch…damn it. 
He gulps down the lump in his throat. “Do you have any empties?”
Eddie can feel Steve watching him as he works, carefully cutting the tops and bottoms off a good sized bag of empty soda and beer cans over the sink. He cuts the new aluminum rectangles in half lengthwise and sets the strips aside.
“You’ve made these before?”
“Yep! Easier to make your own than buy them, y’know?”
Steve chuckles, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“My mom liked to make new ones every year, so I have a lot of practice doing this,” Eddie pushes on, picking up a strip of metal and folds it in half lengthwise. “We’ll need some tape for the open side, but basically you fold it like this, shape it however you want, and fold the ends over each other to keep them closed.”
He demonstrates, making a messy heart shape pretty quickly. “You can link more than one together if you want, too. Make bigger ones…Ta da!” He shows off the ‘finished’ shape.
By the time Robin and Max return, Eddie’s got a pile of aluminum strips ready to go, and Steve’s done with the dough.
“Perfect timing, ladies, come help us make cookie cutters.”
Max pulls up a stool immediately, grabbing a couple of the metal strips, but Robin huffs. “Aw, what? We have to make the cookie cutters first? I thought I’d come home to a house full of cookies, Steve.”
“The dough has to chill in the fridge for an hour, and we don’t have any Thanksgiving themed ones.” Steve says, rolling his eyes at her. “Also, you weren’t even gone that long!”
Robin pulls up a stool, “Excuses, Steven.”
Turns out, there’s not that many shapes associated with turkey day, so after the obligatory pumpkin shape, and a surprisingly well-shaped turkey-looking blob, they make whatever else they feel like.
Robin uses a ruler she found in a drawer to fold some ridges into a circle shape, “It’s a pie, obviously.”, Steve uses a few strips to make what he says is an elephant, “Yeah, an elephant. These are the two ears and this is the trunk.”, Max uses two of the strips to make some sort of flower shape with five pointy petals, “A…poinsettia?” Eddie asks; “A demogorgon.” Steve and Max say at the same time. Ah., and Eddie spends his time linking a good few together to make the Hellfire demon. 
“I hope this doesn’t get all blob-y.”
Steve looks over at his creation, “It shouldn’t, the dough holds up pretty well when it’s baked; that’s why you let it chill for a bit.”
He stands then, retrieving the saran-wrapped hunk of dough from the fridge and gets to work rolling it out.
Eddie watches the muscles in his arms bunch and pull, and, like a sap, thinks about how they’d feel wrapped around him. He likes hugs, okay? Sue him.
The four of them cut batch after batch after batch of cookies (each of them sneaking bites of the dough as they do), and by time they are baked and fully cooled, the sweet potatoes are in the oven, the stuffing is sitting done on the stove, there’s a sheet of rolls waiting to go in after the casserole, the others start to show up.
“Oh sweet, cookies!” Dustin’s finger immediately dunks into the bowl of frosting Steve just finished whipping up.
“Hey! Hands off, asshole, I still need to color some of that.
Steve passes Eddie a bowl of the stuff, a couple of drops of food coloring sitting on top. “Mix that up, will you?” I’m making the orange, that’s yellow.”
Eddie gives him a mock salute, “You got it boss.”
“Henderson, grab the sprinkles, you’re helping with these.”
The island is a disaster by the time they are done frosting the cookies. There’s colored sugar everywhere, loose M&Ms, broken pretzels, and there’s even a glob of red frosting hanging precariously from the underside of one of the far cabinet doors (somehow).
Each of the new arrivals grab up a couple of the cookies to decorate once they get in, adding their own goofy-looking additions to the heap.
Mike and Nancy are the last to arrive, toting a huge bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes, and they dig into the turkey soon after. 
They eat and eat and eat, laughing and eating some more, that by the time anyone gets around to the cookies, the very outside of their frosting has hardened to a crust and the inside is still soft and sugary.
“Oh my god, Steve.” Eddie moans, “This is the best cookie I’ve ever tasted.”
Steve’s face flushes pink, but he smiles wide. “I’m glad you like them, Eds.”
“I need to take some home to Wayne.”
Steve passes him a tupperware container of their creations as he’s leaving, along with an index card with Steve’s distinct handwriting is scrawled across it; the recipe for the cookies.
Eddie gets home that night just before Wayne heads in for his shift. “Y’have a good day, son?” he asks, plucking out one of the cookies from the container Eddie holds open for him as they pass each other in the doorway.
He smiles wide, “Very..”
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other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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theladyofbloodshed · 6 months
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Hunt x Nesta - Chapter 8
The sounds of the shower roused Hunt from sleep. Since Nesta had discovered that her cell could access music at any moment, she was unstoppable. A symphony blasted through the wall; violins were reaching their crescendo alongside a barrage of brass instruments that were accompanied by a flurry of percussion. Then the cannons came as she turned off the shower.
Releasing a groan, he rolled onto his side to check his cell. Eight messages. All from Nesta at various points in the morning whilst he still slept. Each one made him laugh.
‘Hey, when you text, you don’t need to write an address line or a sign off. I know it’s from you because I have your contact saved,’ he explained as she entered with a towel wrapped around her body.
‘What do you mean?’
Hunt motioned for her cell that was churning out another classical song. ‘What am I saved as?’
Nesta paused the music. ‘I don’t know. Plus five zero five eight two-’
He yelped like he’d been shot and threw himself down. ‘You didn’t even save my number? Do I mean nothing?’
‘I don’t know how.’
With Ruhn’s number, he showed Nesta how to save it. He pulled a photo from the web of Ruhn being arrested before he was legal to drink – of course, his daddy had the charges scrubbed but the photo remained – and saved him as the Prince of Pricks.
‘There, now try with me.’
A devious smile flitted over her lovely face as she stood in the middle of the room typing at the speed of a snail.
‘That index finger is getting quite a workout,’ he commented.
Surprising him, she raised her middle finger.
For the second time that morning, Hunt collapsed back onto the pillows, laughter rumbling out of him. ‘Who the Hel taught you that?’
‘We have that in my world.’ She flashed the phone towards him.
His contact name had been updated to Orion Athalar – my favourite angel along with as many emojis as the name would allow. The picture was of him shirtless with ridiculously fluffy wings.
‘You said you’d deleted those, liar.’
‘I’m leaving today. I need a memory to keep.’
‘You’re taking the cell with you to plug in where exactly?’
Nesta shrugged and pressed it to her chest. ‘I will invent electricity in my world so I can always look at these photographs.’
There was no doubt in his mind that Nesta could do anything that she set her mind to. He couldn’t help but wonder what sort of person she’d be if she stayed in Lunathion. They’d stayed up late in each other’s arms talking for hours; Nesta had wanted to know everything about him and the land she was leaving behind. They’d talked about university for over an hour with Nesta needing to know what could be studied, what the fees were, who could study, when it could be studied, and what happened upon graduation. Hunt had listened to her talk about Prythian but most of it left him seething. Nesta couldn’t tell him anything about the place she lived because they stuck her in a fucking house and cut off her funds so that she was entirely dependent on the king and his lackey. That one, Cassian, he’d quite like to meet so he could knock him into next week. She’d grown upset when she talked of her sister whose pregnancy would cause her death. Beyond kidnapping a couple of surgeons and a midwife, Hunt didn’t know what to do to help. The male, Cassian, who forced her on a hike as punishment for telling her sister the truth deserved to be punched. He didn’t like any of these fae males, but this one sounded like the worst.
He'd even come clean about Micah and the awful things he did to inch towards freedom. In a way, Hunt wanted her to be repulsed or to pull away then at least it would soften the blow of her departure. But this damn female just said that she understood why he did it and held him a little tighter.
‘Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?’
Nesta snickered. ‘Don’t tempt me, Hunt.’
It wouldn’t be that hard to adjust. He’d grown up in a time when technology was near enough non-existent then emerged from a dungeon and everybody had cell phones or were driving cars. He’d cope again going backwards. Anything was possible with her at his side. But maybe Hunt would cause a few too many fights with the fae that ruled her.
‘Just stop letting them put you in danger and using you. Or I’ll fly all the way there and kick their asses.’
Hunt sat her down on the edge of the bed to start drying her hair. She was nervous about him doing it although he thought he did a fabulous job of his own. Truly, he was desperate to do it. Nesta was leaving back to a world where the male that she was tangled with didn’t seem to care for her at all. He needed to show her that males could be gentle – that it was a choice not to be caring. He wanted to dry her hair and take care of her because that was a male’s duty – not fucking her then leaving with his seed still dripping from her.
Vik was expecting them when Hunt took Nesta through a private entrance into the Comitium that was strictly for workers only. Worker was laughable. The slave’s entrance was a better name for it.
‘The sword and the Harp as promised. And I don’t need to remind either of you that it would be a good idea for Nesta to return today, do I?’
‘No, mom,’ Hunt replied, kicking her boot lightly.  
‘And I needn’t advise you that walking through Lunathion with a sword will likely have you arrested.’
Hunt frowned. ‘Danika Fendyr and Ruhn Danaan do it.’
‘They’re leaders of the aux and will be the heads of their species one day,’ Vik said.
Sensing Hunt was about to argue with Vik, Nesta rested a hand on his forearm. ‘I’d rather spend my last hours here with you rather than in an interrogation room.’
‘I’d still be there. We can play cops and robbers.’
‘Gross,’ muttered Vik before she turned back to her computer.
For once, Nesta had left most of her hair down. She’d pulled it from her temples with a twist and a couple of hair pins. Paired with a pale blue summer dress, she was utterly stunning. But his dreams of strolling through Lunathion with her again hit a snag when Micah’s name flashed on his cell.
‘You should answer that,’ she said, peering at the name.
‘I want this day with you.’
Nesta pushed the phone towards him. ‘I’d be glad for time with my thoughts. Answer that. Do whatever it is you need to do. We can meet later.’
‘I’ll fly those to the hotel,’ he said, gesturing to her returned items.
Nesta kissed his fingers then strode into the sun, hips swaying as she went.
How many different ways could Nesta try to convince Hunt to leave with her – or for him to ask her to stay. She didn’t want to impose. She’d done that enough already on his life. But if Hunt asked her to stay… No, she couldn’t. Feyre was dying. What sort of sister would she be if she left her in those final moments?
Nesta sighed.
The same sister they all believed her to be; worthless, spoilt, and needing redemption.
A shadow bumped into her arm then a figure took up the seat beside her on the bench. Ruhn Danaan wore his typical black jeans and t-shirt with a pair of sunglasses to protect his hungover eyes from the bright sunlight.
‘It’s very loud,’ he said, wincing.
Children were playing at the park where Nesta’s feet had taken her to. Their squeals and joy made her think of the children who never stood a chance in Prythian; the ones who were exposed to war, Illyrian girls who were clipped and beaten.
‘I didn’t think you would come.’
‘And miss the chance to say goodbye?’
Following Hunt’s advice, Nesta had sent a text that merely asked Ruhn to meet her – and she received a reply asking who it was in return. Then another saying if they had once had a date, he wasn’t the sort of guy to want to settle down and he was sorry.
‘I need to return this.’ Nesta held out Tristan Flynn’s credit card. ‘I’d like to keep the cell phone. If that’s alright.’
‘Of course you can. Flynn will be devastated you gave this to me and not him.’
A messenger otter scurried along then stopped in front of Ruhn, brandishing a letter. Nesta couldn’t stop her fawning.
‘Tharion Ketos. What a weasel,’ he muttered, pocketing the letter.
‘I wish we had those.’
Nesta tutted. ‘Otters. We have otters, but not ones that wear little jackets and deliver letters.’
Ruhn gave a slight laugh then folded his arms over his chest. He looked at her, really looked at her. ‘You don’t want to go back, do you?’
Everything suddenly felt hot and painful. Nesta tipped her face upwards, blinking as quickly as she could to keep from crying. Ruhn stroked her bare arm.
‘I can’t sugar coat it. My father will not stop until he finds out who you are. You’re technically under his jurisdiction as one of the fae. Hunt is a slave – there isn’t much he can do for you. If Micah sells his ass to Sandriel, he won’t be here.’ Ruhn winced. ‘Is it really better here for you than there?’
Yes, she thought. Because I can be somebody here. I can study and learn and be my own person without history trailing me. And I’d have Hunt.
‘I have to go,’ she said. ‘I know I have to.’
‘Let me walk you back to your hotel at least.’
Despite the beauty of the day, Nesta had gone cold and hollow with every step closer to the hotel.
Nesta steeled her wounded heart. She held the pieces together even if they felt like they would shatter from the force. It wasn’t fair.
‘How much would it cost to buy Hunt?’
Ruhn let out a whistle. ‘The Umbra Mortis?’
‘What if I offered my Harp or my sword?’
‘It might sweeten the deal but Hunt Athalar is one of a kind.’
Visions of her putting on the Mask or Crown and forcing Micah to release Hunt to her came to Nesta. It was a bad idea, but a tempting one. There had to be some way for them to be together. Maybe destiny was forged by their own hands.
‘That Harp of yours,’ Ruhn said. ‘It wouldn’t be related to the Horn, would it?’
‘Why would it be?’
Ruhn shrugged. ‘It’s just that the Horn went missing the other day. I came to see you just afterwards and you looked pretty panicked. Then Athalar appeared looking sweaty just after there was a freak lightning storm at Luna’s Temple.’
‘How odd.’
‘Odd indeed.’
On an instinct, Ruhn grabbed the strap of her dress with two fingers at the edge of a busy road without a crossing. Nesta hadn’t quite mastered it yet, but she knew not to walk out now – but his care was appreciated.
‘I heard it’s broken anyway,’ Nesta said with an airy tone. ‘It wouldn’t be any use to the person who now has it.’
‘Unless they knew how to create Made items like a magic sword that doesn’t like me.’
‘What would it mean if there was somebody in Lunathion who could create Made items – theoretically, Ruhn?’
The hotel came into view and they slowed their pace to finish their theoretical conversation. Ruhn pretended to stroke an imaginary beard then slung an arm around her as they walk so he could lean towards her ear and speak in a whisper.  
‘If the Asteri knew there was somebody with those powers in Lunathion, they’d be the public’s most wanted. And Hunt Athalar would be ordered to bring them in dead or alive. I don’t think that theoretical person would want the Umbra Mortis in that situation, would they?’
There was no telling if Hunt could disobey direct orders although she knew he’d try. For her, he’d try. And she couldn’t do that to him.
At the doors to the hotel, they stopped opposite each other. Amidst the vibrant colours of his tattoos, Nesta could make out damaged, scarred skin.
‘I’m sorry that it can’t be the way you want it.’
Nesta offered a half-smile that felt like a veneer slapped over a rotting foundation. ‘Do any of us ever get what we deserve?’
‘Maybe in another life.’
This was her other life, her other chance. When Ruhn embraced her, she didn’t know how to respond because the males here treated her with kindness without expectation.
‘I’ll tell Flynn you love him. He can peddle that story about unrequited love to simpering females.’
‘Goodbye Ruhn.’
Five names. Five names for him to kill.
Hunt felt sick from it. Sick with himself. Because five on one night was more names than he usually had in half a year. He shouldn’t rejoice in death, but it would shave off a little more of his debt.
He was wrong for it. Wrong for being glad that he could exchange a life for his debt.
Nesta deserved better than that. Better than a slave. A killer. A worthless male.
When he met her in the hotel room, he didn’t mention that he could smell Ruhn Danaan on her clothes despite her desire to spend time alone. He’d let her keep that secret if he could keep his. She might have held him last night and waved away his debt to Micah as something he couldn’t control, but it was Hunt’s action that led him to this point. Nobody forced him to lead a rebellion. And it wasn’t just killing. A single bullet to the head was merciful; the sorts of death Micah had him enact would send Nesta running from him.
Hunt bundled up his grief and disgust. He could hold it back for a few hours. Give her a good few hours before she returned. Let Nesta go home beneath a golden sky rather than his storm.
‘I did something. I think.’
Nesta held out the Horn to him which was glowing with an iridescent light. Faintly, he could feel a thrum of magic through his core.
‘The sword is a Made item. Made by me. I was Made by the Cauldron then took its power.’ Nesta swallowed then looked at him. ‘I fixed it Hunt. It can open to new worlds. It’s a safer bet than the Harp. I fixed it.’
‘If anybody could fix a relic that is thousands of years old, it would be you,’ he said, rubbing his thumb along her cheekbone.
Every now and then, a silver flame would skitter across the instrument that she clutched in her hands. The Harp would hum in unison with it. Whoever – whatever – Nesta was, Hunt didn’t care.
‘Are you going to blow it?’
Despite her nod, Nesta didn’t move for a while, just stared at him with wide eyes.
‘It’s alright if you’re scared. I’ll be with you.’ He kissed her forehead and the Horn buzzed between them like a hornet. ‘I’m talking to Nesta, not you.’
*** ‘Ready?’ She wanted Hunt to call it off, to tell her to stay at his side until the stars fell. No matter his warnings about the Asteri or Micah or the Autumn King, none of it could be as bad as what was waiting for her in Prythian. A vengeful queen, a sister who was to die, and a high lord who only wanted her to suffer. It didn’t matter what danger she faced in Lunathion because with Hunt at her side, anything was possible. There was no storm they couldn’t weather together.
Hunt squeezed her knee. ‘Ready. To the stars.’
Pursing her lips, Nesta touched the horn to her lips and blew.
A pathetic, raspberry echoed through the horn.
She glanced at Hunt, heat building in her cheeks, and saw that he was screwing his face up. After a moment, he burst into riotous laughter.
‘What was that?’ He asked between his booming laugh.
She found herself laughing in answer, infected by his merriment. ‘I’ve never blown a horn before. I don’t know how to do it.’
Hunt slapped his thigh, trying to right himself. ‘Not like that!’
The pair of them lost it. Whatever tension had been clinging to the room soon evaporated as Nesta tried again and again to put her lips towards the horn. Each time she pouted or made a trumpeting noise, Hunt roared with laughter, setting her off too.
‘Stop looking at me because you’re putting me off.’
Tears rolled down Hunt’s cheeks. He squeezed his eyes shut although a large grin spread across his handsome face.
Nesta pulled out her phone and searched how to blow a horn. In a world where knowledge was at her fingertips, it seemed terribly wasteful not to utilise it.
‘Maybe the Horn is still broken, Starlight.’
But it couldn’t be because her magic had been drawn to it and the Horn had been buzzing with possibilities since.
‘I can do it,’ she insisted.
‘I know you can,’ he replied, touching her leg again. ‘Not looking again.’
Easing out a breath, Nesta formed her lips in the shape her cell phone told her to. A low, well-held note emitted from the top of the horn.
Hunt whispered her name.
Near the wall, a great portal had opened, its edges rimmed with her silver flames. Rather than offering a view of Crescent City, Nesta saw into the library in the House of Wind. There was her favoured arm chair with the foot rest pulled close by. A little stack of books that she’d pulled out a couple of weeks earlier was upon the three-legged table.
‘You did it,’ he praised, stroking her cheek. ‘Is there anything you can’t do, you wonderful girl?’
Nesta grasped for him, too emotional to speak. Her hands reached for his face, pulling it to hers to kiss one final time. Strands of his hair fell onto her cheek as they kissed and she stretched out a hand to brush the inside of his wing one last time.
‘Mother above, what the fuck.’
She leapt away from Hunt, startled by the voice.
Lucien Vanserra stood in the library opposite them, peering into the hotel room, a full cup and saucer held in his hand.
Hunt braced his legs then lightning wreathed his body.
‘No,’ Nesta urged. ‘This is my sister’s mate.’
His voice took on a lethal edge. ‘This is Rhysand?’
‘Definitely not,’ called Lucien.
‘Elain’s mate. The eye.’
‘The eye,’ confirmed Hunt, finally taking in the golden eye and the scar rippling down Lucien’s face which was paler than usual.
‘We thought you were dead or kidnapped or trapped in the Prison.’
‘Surprise,’ Hunt said drily.
They passed the bag through first to test it. Lucien, baffled and muttering to himself, waited on the Prythian side to accept it. Maybe it was odd to keep all of the clothes from Lunathion as they’d have no place, but Nesta didn’t want to part with anything from her week there. Everything was taken from her in the war, so she wanted to keep this.
When the Harp and Atraxia were passed through safely, she said it was her turn.
The portal was too high for her step through easily so Hunt lifted her over it and Lucien, gingerly, accepted her on the other side, lowering her to the floor as if she was a sack of potatoes.
‘I think if I blow the Horn again, it will close it.’
She lifted it near to her lips. ‘Don’t make me laugh this time.’
‘It’s my last chance. I have to,’ Hunt insisted, brown eyes sparkling with joy.
But when Nesta did press the Horn closer, the amusement drained from Hunt’s expression, accepting it was the end.
A single note emitted and the flames collapsed in on themselves, leaving Nesta with a view of the tall windows in the library. She dropped the Horn then sank to her knees and wept.
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