#like YEAH sure ok it might come off rude but idk its just a boring thing to ME!!
nyaskitten · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: I'm so glad Mr. E = Echo is nowhere even CLOSE to being canon.
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
💌💌💌? :D
send me a 💌 and ill pick a random song off my ship playlist and tell you why i associate it with my ship
Unforgettable - Natalie Cole & Nat King Cole
GOD THIS ONE WAS ALMOST A CONTENDER FOR A FIC TITLE ON OUR LOVE IS HERE TO STAY (which is on its second oldies title; there was like, five contenders). 
I like this version specifically because, it’s a duet song that features the line “That someone so unforgettable / Thinks that I am unforgettable too.” You don’t really get it that well by itself, it loses that nuance I think, when it’s just one of them singing it. Also they have really great harmony and balance??? But them just singing that set of lines, together, really, REALLY emphasizes the togetherness and, just, idk, mirror-ness of the song? Just. The duet version is soooooo soo sososososo much better than the original. 
Unforgettable, that's what you are Unforgettable, though near or far
since we’ve spent a lot of our time up until, like, early twenties kind of in a partially ldr, like.... we couldn’t forget the other! we were on each other’s minds a lot!! Esp before we, actually got together as a couple, I suppose.... But we always remembered each other. Even nowadays, if we’re still like, somewhere together, we’re always kind of, thinking of the other when there’s time for our minds to wander, maybe i guess. 
How the thought of you does things to me
ok look ignoring the idea that maybe out of context (or in context, I don’t know but the other songs these two sing don’t seem to be in any way explicit for their originating time period) this line probably is covert... uhhhh.... well anyways, like. hello i think of my husband and all of a sudden i am overcome with fluster. my lips do this thing where they like, curl up and suddenly my face is hot and i feel like, the adrenaline rush of needing to flee and hide but it also like, feels kinda good because, like, APPARENTLY that’s what liking someone feels like, I GUESS???? yeah. that’s a thing that a thought of him does to me. 
Never before has someone been more Unforgettable in every way
No, never before has someone been more Ooh unforgettable (unforgettable) In every way (in every way)
honestly I haven’t asked recently and I don’t remember the answer from whenever I probably did ask out of curiosity, but I’m sure that the feelings we get from thinking about the other, be it protection or a desire to just. be around the other and love them unconditionally and give them good things??? like, idk, but MAYBE we haven’t had that happen with a lot of other people in our lives. maybe there wasn’t a chance for someone else to step in, given how young we were, but. he’s always been there for me and I’ve never once forgotten that I like him? or that he was there? like.... he’s always been taking up some part of my mind, even when there’ve been dormant years due to lack of content. I’ve just. always found some way to love him.
That's why darling, it's incredible That someone so unforgettable Thinks that I am unforgettable too
HELLO?????!!!??!!??!?! I’ve always thought he was so amazing and awesome and cool and okay maybe it took awhile to think he was handsome i’ll admit i did not find his key art attractive in any way, but him in the anime...... uh, like... i’ve always thought him incredible and stuff!!! and he thinks the same of me too??? lil me who’s spend so much of their life thinking they’re boring and bland and LITERALLY BEING TAUGHT negative things about themselves that we won’t go into right here, like..... he thinks??? I’m unforgettable too??? ;a; he thinks I’m amazing??? That i’m incredible?? I dunno about cool but he’s always thought I’m adorable and a sweetheart and very kind and caring and it’s just like AAAAAAAAAAA babe where did you find these things because I think you just looked in the mirror. And maybe he doesn’t have the low self-esteem like I do, but it gets to him when he hears me go off about him, or I tell him all that, and it does fluster him deep down but he tries very well to hide it, more than I do. And like??? we both think the world of each other???? ISN’T THAT JUST INCREDIBLE?????????????? and maybe unforgettable doesn’t come to mind, but you could literally swap out any sentiment that we go off about when it comes to the other, and we literally think the same of the other, too. 
Chances Are - Johnny Mathis & Ray Conniff
okay look this is basically a flirt song lbr you look at the lyrics and that’s kinda flirty fdkmkfmd but you know what, it’s true and he should say it. i should say it. we should say it??? anyways you know what this can be our flirt song from when we were young kids i say kids even though we prob woulda been older teens/YA bc i work with that age group and Y’ALL ARE A BUNCHA KIDS
Chances are 'cause I wear a silly grin The moment you come into view
Chances are you think that I'm in love with you
me. that’s just me. i always got get so silly at the sight of him. Because I love him 
Just because my composure sort of slips The moment that your lips meet mine Chances are you think my heart's your Valentine
you know what, he gets this one. because as much suave and coolness he can play as he very easily lbr romances me, i’m sure even he gets a little happy, a little lovestruck, when we kiss. 
Chances are you believe the stars that fill the skies are in my eyes  Guess you feel you'll always be the one and only one for me  Well, chances are your chances are awfully good 
insert flirting/romancing each other scene here. that’s it that’s just it
okay spotify let’s shuffle and get something MORE MODERN, LIKE FROM MY ERA PLZ? no? okay fine well I saw this one while I was turning stuff on so I guess I’ll just have to do it myself.
We Are Magic - Lolirock 
this is just another me song and if i had it when i was a kid this would have instantly become another babby sarah classic. (it was only a few years ago that I watched Lolirock, shortly after s2 was on netflix I suppose? But I remember hearing about it back when it was still in greenlight) regardless, it is instantly a classic even though the french sounds better
You tell me I'm out of sight You give me butterflies I'm hanging on every word you say You always make my day
My heart is like a bass drum When I see you, I skip a beat The way I feel's so awesome 'Cause you keep smiling back at me
You tell me I'm really cute You got me hooked on you
hello yes?? who let you into my head? regardless if he’s complimented me or not, just. A Lance a day keeps the depression at bay. Okay maybe it’s a bit more complicated than that, but seeing him sure does make the day better! ♥ He, just... ugh. I love him so much and seeing him feel that way towards me, thinking of him. He’s so ready to compliment me, regardless if I need it but because he wants to, he feels a need to, because he loves me??? I am hook line and sinker his. I might not have always felt the same at the beginning, and maybe he might have had to fight me on unlearning saying negative things about myself, but... it’s so hard nowadays to think those thoughts because he’s so right, and it’s so rude to say that his words aren’t true. okay that’s a little off-track of where I shoulda went but it kind of goes in line with “hanging on every word” and “you got me hooked on you”, because, like, how can you not listen to the person you love tell you that you’re amazing and awesome? That you mean something and that you have value and worth?
of course i’m listening to everything he says, even if I don’t agree with it, because he’s just. there. listening. smiling at me, loving me, kissing me, giving me all of the love and support and self-confidence that I had lacked in my life. He’s.... just so supportive and ugh I love him.
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mystrothedefender · 7 years
Wow its been so long since ive written batman joker stuff holy shit. inspired by @gayforbatjokes colour au. i need to edit it and might continue it idk...
Jack’s life was perfect, or near enough.
Indeed there were some bad aspects; He was woken by a screaming baby 3 times per night, his wife would be irritable and snappy during the day from the lack of sleep, as would he. He wasn’t too fond of his job either, he’d never imagined himself as a pencil pusher but the arrival of their little ‘Angel’ James had forced him to take the first job he came across.
It was similar to how things had been with Jeanie. Any thought of that caused a pang of pain and guilt to rush through him, so he tried not to think about it. He saved all that up for his therapy sessions, provided by Harleen - free of charge of course.
As good as their life was there was one thing that always played on Jack’s mind: Harleen, as much as he loved her, as perfect as their life together was, she wasn’t ‘the one’.
You only get one ‘the one’.
Jack’s had been Jeanie.
He’d never told Harleen.
When they’d been together their skin glowed, the world exploded into colour. Losing that, losing her, had been unbearable.
He remembered the day he met Harleen. Shortly after Jeanie had died Jack suffered a mental breakdown, he’d served a short court mandated stay in Arkham’s low security ward, Harleen happened to walk through the front door at the same time that Jack was dragged in.
Harleen had talked about their first meeting multiple times, it was a go to at parties, Jack was drugged and delirious, throwing himself at whoever caught his eye.
“I’ll piss on your grave!” he had yelled at Harleen upon seeing her, a look in his eyes akin to glee, laughing in an odd tone that seemed so desperate.
Harleen had been quite taken aback, of course.
‘I thought it was a shame’ she said when recounting the story, ‘that someone as handsome as him would be so rude.’
Their second meeting was more civil.
Jack approached her in the rec room as she observed the patients, timid and mousey as usual.
In a voice almost a whisper he had apologised to her, he could remember doing everything he did but it wasn’t really him, it was like he’d snapped, the memory of it was like the memory of a film. She’d smiled at him and accepted his apology.
‘But you better find a way to make it up to me.’
It’d been almost 4 years since then. Now they were married with a young boy.
Life was almost perfect.
But he wished he could see his skin glow again.
Jack pulled himself out of bed and dressed himself in front of the mirror, his chest throbbing as it always did at the sight of his dull appearance. He smiled as he left the room, hearing Harleen and AJ in the kitchen.
“Please little Angel, stop crying already, it’s been hours.”
Jack stopped at the door, watching them with a sleepy smile on his face, “How are my two favourite kids?”
Harleen huffed, frowning, “We’re both tired. I can’t stop him crying,” she said, a desperate tone to her voice, “Help me out puddin’? He’s your kid too y’know.”
Jack nodded and outstretched his arms, he took the 9 month old from her and began to bounce him in his arms, pulling funny faces in an attempt to cheer him up.
Within a minute the child’s cried stopped, fading into the sweet babbling of a happy baby.
Harleen huffed softly, turning to make her and Jack’s breakfast, “I don’t get it! I do that and it makes him worse.”
“I think he likes my teeth,” Jack said, flashing her a toothy grin.
“Yeah? Well he’s the only one,” Harleen replied, placing two plates of low fat scrambled egg on whole wheat toast on the table.
Jack glanced at the food, letting out a soft sigh as he moved to sit down. He missed having cereal. He and Harleen had agreed to eat more healthily after AJ’s birth, or more he had suggested it and she’d taken him seriously.
Hopefully she’d eventually get bored of it herself and they’d revert to lucky charms and honey nut cheerios.
“Hey,” he said to her quietly as they ate, baby AJ still in his arms. “I’ve got an hour before work, why don’t I take care of the brat and you have a nap?”
Harleen’s face softened a little, “Are you sure?” she asked, suddenly filled with excitement.
“Yeah sure, you’ve been up since what? 5 am?”
She smiled widely, leaning over the small table to kiss his forehead, “Thanks. I feel like I haven’t slept in a week…”
Jack chuckled softly, “Go on, you get your beauty sleep. You let me sleep in, It’d be rude if I didn’t return the favour.”
He watched her shovel the last of her food into her mouth and toddle off towards the bedroom.
Before AJ was born they might take this spare time to be together as man and wife, but that was parenthood, or so he’d been told.
No sleep and no sex.
It was funny, he thought to himself, their child was nicknamed ‘Angel’ but he was the worst baby ever. He’d wake multiple times in the night no matter what they did, if you didn’t pay attention to him he’d scream nonstop. He was nicknamed ‘Angel’ but he was a little devil.
He took after Jack so much. He had the same features and hair type. He was a beautiful little thing.
Jack could watch him sleep for days and it’d feel like no time had passed.
He settled on the sofa after finishing his food and turned on the tv. His eyes darting between the morning news and the baby in his arms.
It seemed that two-faced guy had caused some havoc again and Batman, ever valiant, had taken him down yet again.
Jack couldn’t help but smile at it, it seemed quite funny really, from the outside they both seemed as bad as each other, they both caused property damage, both harmed people. If Batman was after anything but Two-face he’d be hunted down too.
Before Jack knew it almost an hour had passed, AJ was now asleep in his arms, all he needed to do was brush his teeth and he’d be ready for his work day.
After working at Wayne enterprises for a little under a year he finally had a meeting with the boss, Bruce Wayne himself. Of course he’d seen the boss before in video conferences and on tv but he’d not met him in person.
He climbed the stairs to the master bedroom and knocked softly on the door, “Harleen, sweetie-pie,” he cooed as he entered, “I’ve got a gift for you.”
Harleen groaned softly and rolled in the bed, “That gift better not’ve left me a gift.”
Jack shook his head, “No he’s clean. Do you really think I’d be mean enough to do that?”
“Uh? Yes? You’ve done it before.” She sat up in the bed and held out her hands to take the baby.
Jack chuckled, flashing a toothy grin, “I have never done such a thing in my life Harleen, I have more class than that.”
Harleen scoffed, “Sure you do…” She took AJ and waved a hand at Jack, “Go on then, you don’t wanna be late for Brucie.”
“Mr Wayne,” Jack corrected, “If I called him Brucie I’d get fired on the spot.”
“Good!” Harleen smiled, “Then you could look after AJ and I could get some more sleep.”
Jack chuckled, “Hey don’t you call my bluff,” he waggled a finger at her, “You know if you push me I’ll do it, and if I come home with no job we’ll both be screwed.”
“Go then.”
Usually Jack smiled all the way to work, he smiled as he brushed his teeth, he smiled as he kissed Harleen and AJ goodbye, he smiled as he began playing his favourite song. He continued smiling as he hit traffic.
‘Accident: delay 25 minutes’
Seeing the sign stopped him smiling.
He let out a hollow chuckle and began tapping his hands on the wheel. He didn’t have time for this… He couldn’t be late to meet Bruce Wayne, he just couldn’t.
There were no shortcuts he could take to avoid a delay.
… He’d just have to own it. He was sure the rest of his team could handle 10 minutes without him.
He sent a text to his workmate and let out a sigh, the smile coming back to his face as he skipped to another song he liked.
It would be ok, he’d just slip in, most likely no one would even notice.
The minutes crawled past as slow as his car did. He could see his workplace approaching.
Maybe it’d be faster to ditch the car and walk?
No, no, that was a bad idea.
Just a few more minutes…
Finally he parked up. 40 minutes late. He jumped out of the car and sprinted towards the building, he used to be so athletic, he wished he hadn’t let himself go so much.
Finally, panting, he entered the lab, gasping for breath. He should have taken his time and strolled in… hindsight is 20/20.
“Finally,” a familiar voice said from the corner of the room. Bruce Wayne.
Jack straightened himself a little, smiling in hello, still panting too loudly to speak.
Bruce Wayne stood on the other side of the room, an attractive hulk of a man, smiling back politely.
“You must be Jack,” Bruce said, walking towards him with long strides, “Your colleagues have told me all about you.”
The man held out his hand.
Jack stared at it a moment before reaching out to shake.
The moment their hands touched something happened…
Jack felt a warmth spread through him, a warmth he’d felt before.
He looked down at his hand.
It was glowing. The pale skin brighter than he’d ever seen it.
He looked back up at Bruce.
Could he see it too?
Judging by the look of shock on the man’s face he’d say so.
“Bruce,” Jack said breathlessly, staring at him.
Bruce pulled back his hand, clutching it to himself for a moment. He continued looking Jack up and down.
“Uh…” The man was stuttering, obviously shocked, as was Jack.
Was this the first time Bruce had seen it..?
Jack felt a twisting pain in his stomach, he wanted to cry, he didn’t understand.
“I have to go,” he said, his voice a whisper.
He turned and ran, shutting himself in the mens’ room.
His heart was racing, tears pooling in his eyes.
This was wrong.
You only get one ‘the one’. And he’d already had his. He’d made peace with that. He’d moved on with his life. He couldn’t handle this. He was happy. He loved Harleen. Their life was perfect.
His breath hitched and he began to sob, the realisation of what had happened filling him, he felt like he was going to throw up.
His memories of Jeanie swarmed to the front of his mind. That warm feeling he’d felt, he’d missed it for so long.
He sank to the floor, holding his hands to his face, he felt so ill…
He wished he was back at home, in bed with Harleen.
He tried to calm himself using the methods Harleen had taught him. He had anxiety attacks sometimes, though they’d gotten rarer in the past few years.
Control your breathing.
Ground yourself.
It seemed to be working.
He’d have to go home though, there was no way he could stay after this, not today.
He’d make up for the missed work by doing overtime on the weekend.
He couldn’t handle this.
Leaving the building proved harder than he thought, not physically, that was as easy as signing your name. Mentally though? Jack couldn’t stop thinking…
If he left now…
What if people guessed? Jack could be a skittish person sometimes, he had practically no impulse control, but he never left work without being ill. They needed the money.
A panic attack counted as being ill didn’t it?
But he couldn’t tell them that.
What if someone caught on?
He knew a few people in his office had met ‘the one’, some of them had seen him interacting with Bruce, it might not be hard to guess.
And what about when he got home?
Harleen would ask why he was home so early.
Jack closed his eyes, banging his head against the wall.
He couldn’t go home.
He was too shaken, he couldn’t deal with the questions and the crying baby.
He’d go to the park, have something to eat, enjoy some solitude.
That sounded good.
Slowly he got to his feet, breathing slowly.
He walked to sign out, looking around constantly to check if anyone he knew could see him.
Today was supposed to be such a good day, why did this have to happen?
He was so tired.
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survivedeathvalley · 7 years
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I am so excited to be competing! Everyone seems like such nice people and I can't wait to play in the challenges and do my very best!
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Mattie is such a Basic Bitch(TM) and it's killing me. Like I'm not that great of an actress, I am a superb liar but I am a shitty actress. Why? because humor is the only thing that keeps me from going insane and I made Mattie such a basic bitch that she can't use any of my "quirks" or fun thoughts and theories. And now Mattie just mentioned death by dehydration, motherfucker! I am so going to be first boot it's not even funny. UwU
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I just wanna talk about my feelings about being on the neutral tribe... I do consider myself on the Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good side of things. The chaos comes from my crazy emotions. I'm a Pisces so I'm sensitive and emotional. Also I'm actually kinda happy about being on a tribe of 6 people. I NATURALLY gravitate towards Bianca. I know who Paul is cause he slipped up in the tribe chat. So I feel good :)
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OK SO i said i was retired but i adore logan and i wanna see what i can do without my baggage of the past that fukt me in ts all stars so phew. the people on my team seem chill, idk why but for some reason i get the feeling that theyre younger than me which doesnt make sense since im only 20 but anyway. I know that i type very specially and use phrases a lot so its gonna be hard to stop doing that bc if any of these people know me at all its gonna be a dead giveaway! 
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So I've spent all day at Disney World today and I finally get back to the hotel and come online to speak to my tribe.  No one has talked to me one on one yet so... yeah,  no idea.  I said in the main chat I just got off work and I checked online to see Chick-fil-a's hours to make sure my story checked out too. :* We'll see what happens, on to figuring out this challenge!
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First off: When I read this... Confess your sins, your dirty-dirty bad bads, your evil twisted thoughts here. It made me think of the dialogue in a bad porno. http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lthhgjZ1xY1qg39ewo1_500.gif Second off: I do quite enjoy the concept of this alias season. I like the idea of going into the game as a fresh face with a fresh personality and playing along with other people that I don't have any idea of. It kind of rekindles the fun that I have when I get to play in seasons with newbies. http://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/excited-baby.gif Then, of course, I remember that these are not newbies so some of that fire loses a little oxygen. https://media.giphy.com/media/BmMU3LOfNMMeI/giphy.gif But, I'll try to convince myself that we're all playing for the first time. 
So far I've noticed a few things about my tribemates. I don't think anything can be applied specifically to the individual given that I haven't really reached a stage to call people out... but, some of them are hung up on the fact that this a catfish season. When messaging them they tell me that it's awkward and when I tell them that the dog in my profile picture is my dog Donut they ask if it is "for real". I'm trying to play up this characters of Jenny for them because I thought that was the goal and I need these people to get on board. https://media.giphy.com/media/KGHtHISczyhHO/giphy.gif
Wow, that last bit probably makes me come off as quite the rude person. Yikes! I need to get over myself a little. I get that easing ones self into a new situation can be challenging... sooo I'll give them a shot while continuing to respond to any and all questions and comments as Jenny would. http://replygif.net/i/440.gif
So far I think my favorite people are Tanner, Kai, and Adelaide. I'd like to think I'd enjoy Wash as well but they went to bed shortly after starting communication with me. I don't think (so far as I know and god I hope not) that anyone has come up with a plan to ally yet so I'm just going to continue chatting to get my feelers in those waters. http://media1.giphy.com/media/BqHng2hpjOUdW/giphy.gif
Hopefully Jenny will appear charming enough to begin allying with these people. She needs some throats to slit later down the road and can only start to burn the bridges once she's built them - unfortunately!
Alright, so I wanted to show my excitement at this game because I've played a real-life version called Tsuro with my friends where you are dragons and I'm hugely board game obsessed... but that's nowhere in Jenny's character and I don't feel like making any content about her up unless I absolutely have to! https://uberflip.cdntwrk.com/files/aHViPTIxOCZjbWQ9aXRlbWVkaXRvcmltYWdlJmZpbGVuYW1lPWl0ZW1lZGl0b3JpbWFnZV81NmQ4NDkzNzFjM2I0LmdpZiZ2ZXJzaW9uPTAwMDAmc2lnPTIxMTE0OTVlM2I1Y2M2NWVlYjMzOTE3OTcyMDExZmI0 Also, I was being truthful when I said the challenge is hard... like, I guess I'm having some difficulties processing the path or something because I keep crashing absurdly early. I'm hoping that by tomorrow when others have played it they will be able to talk me through getting a decent score so our tribe doesn't have to go and I won't have to face the possibility of being first boot (which is likely).
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Ok! So basically, Kat just asked me for an alliance??? It's legit night one like chill, but obviously I ain't gunna turn down an ally so i'll play along. I was like "OMG YAHHH I NEVER HAVE ALLIES ON SURVIVOR ORGS" hopefully that makes her think im like a 100% on board... in realist im like 40% on board. It's SHADee as FUCK to try and propose an alliance so early... Also, Giruga (or whatever) is legit annoying as fuck. I think ever sentence he has said thus far has the word "bro" in it? Like can you not be annoying as fuck for no reason... I get it is an alias season, but they dont give you no free pass to be as obnoxious as possible. Praying we win this challenge... hopefully get first because I could totally use a reward with possibility of an advantage in the game. GIMME THAT IDOL. If we do happen to lose I cant wait for the ugly bro culture of Giruga to be the first boot this season deserves.
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Honestly I love my tribe and everyone seem so nice  Not knowing who people really are is kinda crazy but I'll get use to it. 
That challenge was crazy and I'm glad it's almost over with. 
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I'm bored so I'm just gonna... make another confessional. What does this alias twist mean to me? I wanna be able to make the most of it and be able to play the game I'm never capable of playing as my real self. As who am actually am I suck at seperating emotion and strategy so I'm gonna try to be as emotionless as possible, which I actually think will be easy considering idk who anyone is....... except 2 people perhaps. Anyway time to flop at this challenge xoxox give me a good edit please
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i'm typing like gabby bc i don't wanna get out of practice. why is it that the only person that talks to me is misty? bianca i c that u're on and you don't respond to me you're the first person im gonna target. i swear i've sent a 'hey' message to every1 on my tribe and the only one that responded was MISTY.  then marco or whatever his name is hasn't even accepted my friend request yet... i see how it is.
I mean I figured we didn't do fantastic but losing by over half.... sucks.  a lot.  Misty and uh.... someone else just called Marco out for not accepting anyones friend request... maybe that means we can vote him out this round to ensure I stay. :) 
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I forgot we were the Titus tribe but then I realized we got 2nd so I am very proud of my tribe! We did it yay!
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So we just got 2nd and are immune this week I'm so happy. Whoever gets voted out will be crazy bc no one wants to be first boot but the weakest should go!
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So, not only does Kat approach me as an alliance, but i just got approached by William and Layla, too? Damn I cant believe im winning this game :))) Anyway, supposedly Kat and William are ORG newbies? Not sure if that is a lie, but that doesnt shrink their targets by any means... Also thank the fucking survivor gods this Bro bitch aint on our tribe for the next 20 hours!!!! I hope he burns in the Devil's butthole along with his meninst culture.
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So UMMMM I'm gonna just spearhead this plan to get Marco out cause he hasn't spoken... at all. I'm not afraid to take control of my tribe at this point cause the inacts gotta go. Mattie/Gabby are both pretty active so I wanna work with them. Bianca's my goddess so I wanna work with her too. It sucks she got removed or else I would've formed a majority with them. Rn I'm telling everyone "If you watch out for me I'll do the same for you blah blah blah" and making deals w/ everyone because that's how I play! Let's hope it works out xoxoxo
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okay, i've been trying to be a super sleuth to figure out these identities...  I really think that Misty is really Nic.  Misty is from Georgia and Nic is from Georgia, and I think they are from around the same area.  Nic knows that I am from Georgia and now he knows that Gabby is from Georgia too so I hope he doesn't put it together, I think that I'm typing differently enough and I lowkey think he believes that whoever is behind Gabby really works at chick fil a because I've been doing my homework. I'm not sure who Mattie is yet, but I'm having a hard time NOT mentioning how much I love Glee because then I think people would obviously know who I am- or they would think that I'm Ashley Sarah, but Mattie was talking about Scream Queens and I desperately wanted to say I LOVE LEA MICHELE but I kept my cool. I lowkey think that Mattie might be Pippa though, they remind me of each other.   Everyone else....?  I still have no idea. 
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Not much has happened so far. I've talked to a few people but nothing has really moved forward. I was happy to go to the devil's hole, although I didn't end up finding anything. I'm glad I got a chance to meet people from the other tribes though. It was interesting to find out that they have people who haven't even spoken in tribe chat yet? That's crazy. Also it's fun to try to guess who's who. I mean, it's possible I don't even already know the people on my tribe, but it's still fun to try to figure out who they could be. I haven't really gotten there yet. Although I wonder if Alex Raine is a bit new to the community because he's a comp beast, yet he's showing it and making it obvious and making himself a target. I don't know, he seems cool and we've talked a bit, but come merge that could be tricky for him. In terms of alliances, there aren't any yet that I'm really aware of, but Jenny and Alex are the only ones I've talked to that much and I'd be happy to work with them, despite being a little nervous that Alex is a target. He's nice and hopefully his social game is as good as his physical.
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aaaaa  i got 378 score   aaaa
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Bye I'm going home today...  I'm shook at how fast this game started and I saw in the tribe chat that people were complaining that I hadn't added anyone yet but I didn't get any contact requests from any of them either hm!! Anyway unless I can pull myself out of the dirt somehow I'm totally screwed right now... im an easy target bc I was not here the first day and easy targets are always just easy to vote out the first week rip...
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Nothing really. I haven't acted on my plans of being an aggressive player this season, so maybe I'll adapt and get a new strategy going later. Good luck to me
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Right now I feel like a mess because I keep forgetting to check skype and missing important stuff. But right now the general consensus according to Misty is to vote out Marco because he literally does not exist and hasn't added any of us. I love a good first round flop. I feel like if I start showing my fabulous personality I could have a good shot at surviving if we go to tribal again, however people might be weary of me now that I've gone to the Devil's Hole, even though I got nothing. Rob wouldn't even let me keep the rock. :'(
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I can't believe I'm pippa 
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these bitches are so bland and boring BYE
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Why did I make Kat so happy and grammatically correct all the time I'm so used to keyboard smashing like jsjsjahajak. I literally cringe every time I add an exclamation point like pls... settle down... I regret this so much nnnn. Anyways- The people I'm closest to rn are Dianna and William because we have an alliance. I'm also good with Giruga, but that's probably because he's such a talkative person-- and so is Dianna. It's really important for me to show my worth to these people so they don't target me because social players run the early premerge. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that so far. I'm also playing it off like this is my first time playing an org, which will make me seem less threatening. I don't really know if that'll play off since we're all catfish, but I figure the more utr I am right now the better. 
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Well, I can't get into my Paul account so I'm probably being voted out. Peace ✌️ 
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