#like any McDonald’s ballpit
pixlokita · 6 months
HELLO!! Thank you again for the Ballpit AU!!!
So I got the Into the Pit audiobook last week (I forgot to cancel my audible subscription for like.... months and needed to burn my credits somewhere fun LOL). And I wouldn't call myself a fnaf lore expert lol. But it got me randomly thinking. If the ball pit in Jeff's Pizza could time travel because -mumblemumble- Agony and Remnant reasons or something -mumblemumble- then the ball pit in the Pizzaplex probably had the same kind of thing where it absorbed all that stuff over the years? Perhaps the two ball pits in your AU that exist at different times are one and the same?
I could definitely see Fazbear entertainment in Pizzeria Sim finding the original Fredbear's ball pit after like 30 years and going, "Yeah, we can give this thing to that new guy with the bear head. His pizzeria won't last a week anyway."
And when that pizzeria burns down and they build the Pizzaplex on top of it, some OTHER pizzaplex employees find that thing hidden away and say to themselves, "We can't waste this money-saving resource! Find a good place for the 40-50 year old disgusting unwashed ball pit in this Pizzaplex immediately!!!"
...And that kids, is one possible recipe for your very own time traveling ball pit....??
But also this is fnaf. Nothing really needs a recipe, I personally am a fan of answering lore questions with, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "uhh-uhh!"
Anyway thanks for being awesome!! You are an inspiration to a fellow long comic project writer heehee
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-crying because I love this idea and you can consider it canon in my au now- HAVSJSBKSBD DUDE AAAA LOVE IT do you think Michael recognized it 😭 he just got it in pizzeria simulator and was like 🧍‍♂️ okay helpy you can have this one…
It’s full of remnant and agony and colorful plastic orbs :’> and maybe some Easter eggs at the bottom and time travel magic =w= but very old and gross 👌
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spiderh0rse · 6 months
freeman's mind notes pt8, e36-40 (plus secret e0)
delighted to put his hands on a gun again even if there's blood on it
he wants more things to shoot
doesn't think he's fired a gun before (second assertion of this fact) but it does feel familiar
has had a reoccurring dream of being Snoop Dogg
thinks the barnacles were made by the biology department
someone in Biology named Heather than Gordon tries to hit on sometimes. She is supposedly stone cold
calls himself The Freeman again
everyone was proud of the pollen that killed people
"goat cheese massacre"
return of the Fall Damage. Bemoans the lack of shock absorbers and drugs
confused at why he's wearing the HEV suit
vaguely remembers the ResCas proper
would not drink neon hi c ecto cooler
he doesn't like liars
black mesa is NOT a tourist trap
he is right tbh. Trespassers literally do have rights. You're supposed to make any unreasonable dangers clear and obvious. Warn with signage or some shit
aims to think like a squirrel that has anger problems
the nation of Freeman
yeah this sequence of events is normal and leads to promotions
had some job interviews in grad school. Never knew how to answer their questions
thinks of the building as alive AGAIN
oh hey we're in the part of the facility that Physics of the Crowbar did astoundingly well
gotta avoid the blood shower :(
this gunk BETTER not get in his hair
he doesn't want to smell like mcdonalds
meat chunks in his hairrrrrrr
he no longer likes orange
he's 80% sure cheetos aren't made like this
undertow fuckin with him
his values have sunk since he woke up
prepared for when he gets Alzheimer's. He'll escape room his way out of the retirement home easy
wants a sword cane when he's old
you just shot a SNOT MONSTER, sir.
he remembers everything? (he does not) (he thinks the string theory crowd got into AnMat)
plans to sell the satchel charges to Eddie
yes the magnum does grant godlike ego
he isn't an optimist
this is NOT a democracy he has a GUN
freeman have you butchered animals before or
would love to land in a ballpit
naptime :>
new intro. Tram ride to some vending machines.
attempts to flirt with the hazard course hologram
doesn't comment on the HEV suit's voice this time!
he's not coming back to the hazard course
only getting HEV suit training because he's capable of physical activity
derides the game-based language of the tutorial
"hup! hoo! hah!"
i WISH there was rubber padding around the knees of the suit
he always wanted to be a hamster man
finds the long jump module cool
could press buttons all day!
Slur count: five.
back to cafeteria intro
he can't sleep :(
HATES the room's vibes
self hypnotizes again. Lmao
he is a CAT
his faux-southern accent sucks so bad. hillbilly but worse
no come on you can dodge an incinerator
liked the Addams Family. Identified with the Thing, he says.
concrete corridor agnostic
double dead end!
he feels like strangling something.
feels like he wouldn't mind the nickname Dr. Stranglelove
growls again
backup backup gun dependency does rely on state yeah
he wanted a banana milkshake
he's talkin specbio,,,
he remembers lasers are BAD
limbos on by that awful tripmine
[incoherent raging] followed by "wait! I have satchel charges!"
deeply comforted by having this amount of explosives. Wants to draw a smiley face on one
welllll the radiation sign is a bit off the requirement but that's a half life note not a freeman's mind note. He should know though
claims his geiger counter is trendy and fashionable
we have reached the non OSHA compliant location
he is clearly being sarcastic here but he does talk about seeing what was probably a mall santa
jello knees..... He's in painnnnn
this isn't even a SPA
he feels like he's in a sub in the cramped metal halls
back to the classroom analogy
it IS the amps that kill you yessirre
part of the opposable thumbs club!
takes the time to study the trapped alien grunt. Says it could get a management job
he hates biolabs :(
goes through the Atom Experience
incoherent babbling
he Remembers that everyone wants him dead. Shoots a probably innocent guard
now plans to kill the whole world
he's a gun farmer :>
usually when stuff goes long he concludes that everyone wants him dead
he's honestly a little relieved that he doesn't have to guess if people want him dead or not
doesn't recognize the vox
new intro, shotgun-elevator shaft
the eternal issue of understaffing: doing weird bullshit always
"superbus" w/e well superbia is pride so I'd imagine this is "greatness" followed by whatever words he isn't reading
he isn't reading them because he doesn't know latin
human body staircase,,
door conspiracy!
actually thinks before he pushes a button
hiccups :(
he gets really nervous after killing people
oh the subtitles have suddenly cut out
his normal work was in quantum mechanics and general relativity
stumbles over his saying "I don't know"
"there's no actual right to privacy but it's implied by the rest of the constitution. And this gun,"
prototype cheese slicer or pita cutter- you decide
back to hitting any button he sees
he is never going to ask for yellow space maggots jumping at his face
a list of things that makes freeman happy: lasers, food, painkillers, bed rest, not being persecuted, getting his life back on track. Lasers may be listed first here but it is below the rest of these
avoids the gauss gun
seeing body parts lying around used to bother him
wants to sprinkle cloned body parts lying places and tape people finding em
big laser? Badass.
gonna shoot down a satellite with that baby
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memories-are-mine · 5 years
We Survived the Crisis, Babe
This week on I Like Hurting My Characters: We have Chapter 3!!
Here are some handy links so y’all don’t have to go digging: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Lemme know if you want to get on the taglist, as always! 
Chapter 3 - Ethan
Ethan tried to sit up but immediately gasped in pain and laid back down. Apparently, the Friendly Black and White monster’s powers did not extend to healing cuts, bruises and stab wounds, though he figured he shouldn’t be ungrateful. After all, he was alive. However, he was currently lying in a concerning puddle of, presumably, his own blood, which did not bode well for his future survival.
Think. He had to think. Take stock of his situation. It had never been Ethan’s strong suit, but now it was necessary. For Lex and Hannah’s sake.
He took a few deep breaths, enjoying how good it felt to be able to breathe again.
He lay on the ground, near the bench where he and Hannah had sat after he’d gotten thrown out of the Cineplex. His head still felt fuzzy but didn’t hurt quite as much as it had before, so that was good, maybe he hadn’t suffered permanent brain damage. It really hurt to move his left arm, though not his right. Okay. One out of two wasn’t bad. The gaping knife wound in his side: definitely a problem. He needed to stop the flow of blood, or he would pass out, or worse, die again. Friendly Black and White Voice had helped him once, but Ethan knew instinctively that it was up to him now. If something happened, she wouldn’t be able to bring him back a second time.
His hand brushed his flannel, still somehow wrapped around his waist. Not ideal, but it would do for a bandage until he could find something better. His fingers fumbled with the knot around his waist, and after a lot of painful fiddling, it came undone.
Now for the hard part. Ethan bit down on the sleeve of his leather jacket, hard, and slowly, excruciatingly, pushed himself up into a seated position, so that he could tie the flannel around his stomach. He peeled his t-shirt off of the wound, nauseated by how much effort it took to pull it away. He made a point not to think about the fact that the wet sticky stuff was his own blood.
Slowly, very slowly, he wrapped the flannel around the wound and pulled it tight. It killed his bad arm, but the pressure helped to ease the pain in his side slightly, and hopefully, it would stop the bleeding.
Ethan scooted so that his head rested on the bench’s armrest and sat there for a few seconds until the pain went from pure torture to, well, less torturous, then, using the bench for support, he staggered to his feet. He had to find Hannah, then Lex.
Oh, God, Lex. Toy Zone had been where this mess all started, and she was caught in the middle of it. She might not even be alive.
Ethan pushed the thought from his head. He would see Lex Foster again. She could take care of herself, and he had promised her to look after Hannah. That was a promise that he was going to keep.
“Hang in there, Banana.” He said to the empty mall. “I’m comin’ for ya.”
Ethan set off in the direction of the Marshall’s.
When he was closing in on the Playplace, he heard Hannah scream. He picked up speed, going as fast as his tired, beaten body would allow.
“Banana Split?” He called desperately as he reached the entrance. No reply. Ethan’s heart sank.  “Hannah? Are you here?”
He saw hesitant movement at the back of the McDonald’s. A small figure, with a backpack, a hat, crawled out of the kiddie tunnel and stood on the opposite side of the ball pit from him. Ethan’s heart soared. She was okay! She was here, and she was okay!
He reached out with his good hand and smiled. “What’s shakin’, Banana!”
Hannah yelped and moved back. “No! Bad!”
Ethan furrowed his brow. Hannah had never reacted to him like this before, not even the first time they’d met. Then he remembered that he probably looked like a zombie extra on The Walking Dead, which may have been a little bit scary for a small child.
“Sorry, Banana Split,” Ethan said, going to move around the ball pit to get to her. “I know I probably look kinda scary right now, but I promise that I’m gonna be okay. We gotta get going. Stick together, you know? We gotta find Lex and get the heck out of this mall.”
“No! Not Ethan! Bad Double!” Hannah screamed. “Ethan died! Webby told me Ethan died! You’re not getting Wiggly!”
Now Ethan was even more confused.
“Hannah, what do you mean ‘Bad Double?’ I know you’re scared, but it’s me, it’s Ethan. I gave you that hat this morning!” He put his hands up in a placating gesture. “I don’t want Wiggly, Hannah. I just wanna get you outta here.”
Even as he said it, the Wiggly doll that inexplicably lay on the ground was whispering in his head. Telling him that if he just took the doll from the little brat, then he could make it to California and beyond. He could go anywhere he wanted.
Focus, Ethan. Nice Black and White Voice returned. Don’t listen to the doll. Focus on Hannah.
Ethan shook his desire for Wiggly off. He didn’t understand how, exactly, but he knew that Wiggly was causing all of this. The men who had attacked him were after a Wiggly doll. Wiggly was bad, and the thing wasn’t worth seven thousand dollars. Hell, it probably wasn’t worth seven.
Ethan mentally told Wiggly to go fuck himself, and he could feel the doll’s presence begrudgingly retreat from his head. He had more important things to do than worry about a stuffed tentacle monster. Like get Hannah out of here.
“You can’t trick me again!” Hannah screamed. “You died!”
“I did.” Ethan didn’t want to scare her, but he had to tell her. “But… But something brought me back so I can save you and Lex. Hannah, I think it might have been Webby. If you don’t trust me, ask her. She’ll tell you.”
If Hannah was going to reply, she didn’t get the chance, because two other people entered the McDonald’s, crazed hunger in their eyes.
One of them was Ethan’s shop teacher - the only one he’d ever actually liked, and the only one who’d ever actually liked him: Mr. Houston. The other was a lady in nursing scrubs that Ethan didn’t know. They both had their eyes fixed on Hannah.
Oh, shit.
“Hello, little girl,” the woman said, as she and Mr. Houston began to snake their way around the edge of the ballpit opposite Ethan. “Why don’t you give us that doll.”
Hannah moved back a few steps.
“Woah, woah, where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?” Nursing Scrubs asked.
“We’re not going to hurt you,” Mr. Houston promised, taking another step around the ball pit and toward Hannah.
Ethan felt useless. He was leaning up against the wall of the McDonald’s. He could feel that the knife wound in his side had started to bleed again. Mr. Houston was taller and stronger than even Ethan in the best of times, if he had to fight, he wasn’t sure if he could protect Hannah, he wasn’t even sure he could limp fast enough to make it to her.
“California.” Hannah’s voice pulled him out of his stupor, and if he hadn’t been so terrified, her determination would have warmed his heart. “I’m going to go to California. And you shouldn’t listen to Wiggly, he’s bad. He’ll trick you.”
“Mr. Houston, she’s right!” Ethan chimed in. “That Wiggly doll is corrupting people, you don’t actually want it.”
The two adults completely ignored him.
“Don’t worry, little girl.” Mr. Houston gave what Ethan figured was supposed to be a reassuring smile, but it just looked like a grimace. “We’re grown ups, we don’t get tricked.”
When Hannah took another step back, Mr. Houston got impatient.
“Listen, kid. I’ve been through hell today tryin’ to get one of those dolls for my son. He’s about your age.” Mr. Houston’s polite mask dropped, and he seemed to grow bigger in the darkness. A monster straight out of a children’s nightmare. “I’d do anything for him. ANY goddamn thing. Even if it means pounding the guts out of a little TWERP! NOW GIMME THAT FUCKING DOLL!”
He wheeled on Hannah, who screamed and ran deeper into the McDonald’s, disappearing into some dark corner.
“Leave her the fuck alone, you assholes,”  Ethan cried desperately. He managed to push himself off the wall and started to move toward Mr. Houston and Nursing Scrubs. “I’m the one you want!”
Again, they ignored him, now consumed in an argument with each other.
“You let her get away!” Nursing Scrubs snapped. “You really are a fucking idiot, aren’t you?”
“Well, I didn’t see you coming up with any ideas, cheer captain!” Mr. Houston shot back.
“Oh, fuck off!”
This was good. If they were consumed with their argument, then maybe Ethan could sneak Hannah out without them noticing.
“Hannah,” He whispered as loud as he dared. “Banana, we gotta go!”
He saw her peek her head out from behind a jungle gym in the back. He gave her an encouraging nod that he didn’t know if she could see, then started forward as quietly as he could, hoping to meet her halfway.
Abruptly, Hannah stopped and ducked, and Ethan turned back to Mr. Houston and Nursing Scrubs, who had finished yelling at each other, and were now scanning the Playplace.
“You see, Tom.” Nursing Scrubs said. “You don’t scream at a child, it frightens them.” She turned with a blissful, insane smile directly towards Ethan, who had to fight the urge to scream like a five-year-old and run away. She almost looked through him.
“You lure them in delicately,” she said as she fished in her pocket. Triumphantly, she pulled out a syringe filled with some kind of blue liquid. Ethan assumed it was a sedative. “And you put them to sleep.”
Oh, hell no. Ethan was the only one that would be doing drugs here. 
“Little girl?” Nursing Scrubs called out in a sickly-sweet voice. “Sweetheart? California?”
Ethan reached down to the ball pit, wincing in pain as the movement agitated the wound on his stomach, and closed his fist around one of the rubber balls. Straightening, he chucked it at the wall farthest from Hannah as hard as he could. It gave a satisfying thwack when it hit, and Mr. Houston and Nursing Scrubs twisted towards the noise and made their way towards it,
“Do you want to play with me, lovely girl?” Nursing Scrubs said in a soothing, singsong voice. It could have been mistaken for a lullaby if not for her sinister tone and the needle she so subtly hid behind her back. “Do you want some candy, my lovely girl?”
Ethan saw Hannah poke her head out, and he gestured to her to hurry up. She hesitated, obviously still wary of him because of whatever she had seen. She closed her eyes for a moment.
Somehow, Ethan heard her thoughts.
Webby? Is it Good Ethan?
Yes, Hannah, it is. The same female voice that had saved Ethan in the Black and White replied to her. Ethan had been right, it had been Webby. Apparently, since he had died, he now had some sort of connection to the Black and White.
Hannah opened her eyes and smiled at him. She didn't need words for Ethan to know that she trusted him again. They were back on track. She started to move towards him, but her hesitation had been a second too long.
“Hey, Becky,” Tom said, turning back from the wall where they had found nothing. The woman with the syringe turned to look at him. “There she is.”
“Hannah!” Ethan cried desperately. “Come on! Hurry! I gotta get you out of here!”
Hannah made up her mind and sprinted towards Ethan. As she began to run, Tom and Nursing Scrubs, who apparently was named Becky picked up speed and started to gain on her.
“Come on, Hannah!”
Hannah reached Ethan, and he moved aside to allow her to move past him on the edge of the ball pit. She scurried past the ball pit and to the entrance and turned to wait for him.
He started after her, stumbling as fast as he could. He had almost made it to the entrance when Hannah’s eyes widened.
“Ethan!” She yelped. “Run! Fast!”
He didn’t need to turn around to know that Tom and Becky were right behind him. He tried to run, though every step hurt. He wasn’t nearly quick enough. Even in the best of times, Mr. Houston was faster than he was.
Ethan cried out as Mr. Houston grabbed his bad arm, as all the pain that had been subsiding came flooding back. Mr. Houston’s other hand pinned Ethan’s arms to his sides.
“Aww,” Becky Nursing Scrubs said in that same sickly-sweet voice. “Poor boy. You’re hurt. Let me help.”
“No!” Ethan struggled, but to absolutely no avail. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Hannah, once again frozen in shock. “Mr. Houston, please, let me go,” he begged. “It’s me, it’s Ethan Green. Ethan. You know me, Mr. Houston, I was in your shop class, snap out of it! Don't do this! Mr. Houston -”
“I don’t know you!” Mr. Houston snapped. “All I know. All I want is Wiggly. Now shut up.” He turned to his partner. “Becky, would you hurry up and stick him? He’s keeping me from Wiggly and it’s pissing me off!”
Ethan was absolutely helpless as Becky jammed the needle into his neck. He felt his eyes closing. The world going dark once again, and that same rush of panic that he’d had before welled up. Mr. Houston dropped him like a sack of potatoes on the mall floor.
“Run, Hannah,” He murmured. He had no idea if she could hear him. “Run.”
“No!” Hannah started running back toward them. Wrong direction, Hannah. “Not leaving again! Gotta stick together!”
Mr. Houston grabbed her just as easily as he’d grabbed Ethan, locking her in his arms so she couldn’t escape.
The last thing Ethan saw before he blacked out was Becky raising the needle over Hannah’s head, he made a noise of despair as she brought it down. Then something surprising happened. She missed Hannah completely and stabbed her own leg with the needle, immediately collapsing next to Ethan.
Huh, that was weird.
Then everything faded.
Taglist: @hurricanehellion, @asshole-gay-797, @ethngreen, @just-a-side-kick, @theirishhufflepuff, @somegeekychic, @curse-brekker, @unusual-ly, @softotacoo, @believeinasmilinggodtoday
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Tile floors like the ones in school, except they have colors. Not bright colors, or pastels, or deep rich ones, or even muted, but the kind that make you think of rainbow goldfish.
Rainbow goldfish in general.
Jungle gyms and playgrounds. Dark green metal, mulch, climbing up slides.
Never once seeing a ballpit, wanting to know what it's like to be there.
Plastic cars on the playground at the Mcdonald's.
Watching tv shows and forgetting what they're called.
Peace sign sunglasses, ghost crabs, sand.
Bomb pops, sparklers, watching the fireworks from inside.
Watching people stop paying attention to you as you grow older and trying to convince yourself you don't want any anyways.
Failing at making flower bracelets from the little white weeds that grow all over the park.
Looking out the window and being sad.
Not remembering much and wishing it would all come back.
Missing your preschool friends.
Purple stars, prayers, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer coloring books.
Green paint, foam blocks, crummy toys, picture books.
Not knowing what a thief is, what fate is, how time is spelled.
Not being able to ask because you can't pronounce th correctly and just don't like asking for help.
Wanting to know what life is and getting the answer for what a wife is.
Hearing your brother's first words and nobody believing you because you were alone with him.
Knowing your friends, remembering their names and faces, knowing that they want to hang out with you and not feeling clingy.
Not feeling shame or guilt or doubt for things you shouldn't.
Tea parties and dresses and hugging everyone tightly as possible to the point they tell you to stop hugging because you're like a boa constrictor with pointy joints.
Your brother telling you that you need to wear a puffy jacket to hug him because your elbows and chin are pointy.
0 notes
sunshine201 · 7 years
92 Things
Rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end tag people to answer next.
Tagged by @awesome-mskitty-things!!
Last drink: Water
Last phone call: My dad
Last text message: “I’m laughing more at ‘grabong’” because Sabrina can’t spell
Last song listened to: Something on RadioShowbiz
Last time you cried: Uhhh a week or so ago I think
Dated someone twice? Yes, unfortunately
Been cheated on? I think so
Kissed someone and regretted it? Absolutely
Lost someone special? Yeah
Been depressed? Yes, especially in recent years
Been drunk and thrown up? Never been drunk
Talked to someone named Tom? I don’t think I know any Toms....
Made a new friend? I don't know....
Fallen out of love? Yeah
Laughed until you cried? Yep
Met someone who changed you? Of course
Found out who your true friends were? Definitely
Found out someone was talking about you? Oh hell yeah.
How many people on Tumblr do you know in real life? At least 10
Do you have any pets? No :(
Do you want to change your name? Not really but I don’t think my name fits me....
What time did you wake up this morning? 7:30
What were you doing last night? Attempting to work on homework and failing miserably
Name something you can not wait for: Halloween!!
What’s getting on your nerves right now? A tedious group project
Blood type: No clue
Nickname: Trashley, Trashley the Great and Powerful, Smols, Bird Child
Relationship status: I’ve been in a wonderful relationship for almost 2 years :)
Zodiac sign: Cusp of Gemini and Cancer
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite tv show: Right now, I’m really into DuckTales, but I also love Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Parks and Rec, Always Sunny...
College major: Mass Communication
Hair color: Brown
Long or short: Short
Do you have a crush on someone? The Moon. And my boyfriend I guess
What do you like about yourself? My sense of humor
Surgery: Never had one.
Piercing: I pierced my ears in middle or high school
Bestfriend: @amandapandapike! We met in a McDonalds ballpit.
Sport: I have never Sportsballed.
Vacation: Probably the beach.
Pair of sneakers: Who would remember this??? I do know that I had light-up sneakers as a kid.
Eating: I’m about to get lunch. Probably chicken tenders.
Drinking: Water
I’m about to: Go get food.
Listening to: My friends playing SSB. They are angry.
Get married: Someday
Career: A Plant.
Lips or eyes? Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs!
Shorter or taller: Taller
Older or younger: Same age is best. You're more in tune with each other and your struggles
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic, because I fill the spontaneity quota on my own.
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
Hook up or relationship: Relationship
Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant, someone has to watch my horrible implies control.
Kisses a stranger: A stranger kissed me on the cheek once. It was awkward.
Drank hard liquor: Nope.
Lost glasses/contacts: Everyday.
Sex on first date: As an Ace I find this appalling.
Broken someone’s heart: Probably?
Been arrested: No
Turned someone down: Yes.
Fallen for a friend: YEAH
In yourself: I believe I’m a boss ass bitch.
Miracles: Happen.
Love at first sight: I fell in love with the Moon at first sight
Heaven:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Santa: Of course
Witchcraft: Yep.
Aliens: YES ( I want the interplanetary visitor dudes to take me away)
0 notes