#like appreciate dustin and eddie but think about the off screen mike and eddie friendship that could have existed
s-c-l-n · 9 months
i think mike as a character has been severely overlooked/sidelined in fandom. i mean of course there is a lot of content with him, byler is after all one of stranger things biggest ships, but i feel as though there is not enough content about him that the fandom is producing. maybe i have just not found it and maybe i am biased because he has always been one of my favs, but post s3 with his head becoming full of rocks, the fandom has done nothing with him except criticize him or talk about byler. i want more independent mike wheeler head cannons !!!!! i want to see mike wheeler interacting with his friends more !!!!!!!! i want to see more people talk about the possible friendship between mike and eddie and how mike grew his hair out like eddie !!!!!!!! i want to see in depth talks about mike wheeler that dont revolve around his sexuality !!!!!!!!! i want people to start treating mike wheeler as a whole rounded character even if he is in an asshole place right now. he is 14 !!!! all 14 year olds are awful in their own ways !!!!!!
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I’ve recently started stranger things (I’m only on like episode 5) and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t start it sooner. Who are your favourite characters? Least favourite?
Hey there! It's kind of funny I became a Stranger Things blog overnight just because of one couple. Since you've just started I'll try to be vague about my reasoning:
Dustin: I always enjoy when Dustin is on screen. Great lines, great comedic timing and delivery. He's also a very caring person. Emotionally, he pulled out all the stops in season 4, which solidified him as one of my favourites. (Bonus: he has great chemistry with Steve, Eddie, and Erica - besties for life)
Will: I won't lie, I didn't think much of Will until this season. Despite being a central character, I found he was in the background a lot. I felt bad for him in season 3, but season 4 made me fall in love with Will as a character and actually appreciate his season 3 journey. I think I relate to his sensitive nature, the desire to be the glue between his friends but also to feel wanted/appreciated as an individual. I also adore how his relationship with El is portrayed.
Steve: One of the best character developments on the show. You really go from being 'ugh this dude' to 'omg Steve!'. Season 2 is definitely the turning point but season 3 got me. I also love his friendship with Robin because they play off each other effortlessly.
Max: She has a great integration into the group and I think Sadie does such a good job portraying her. Her character goes through a lot but is so resilient. She also has great chemistry with El - loved their interactions in season 3.
Least Favourite (I would like to preface this by saying I don't actively dislike these characters)
Hopper: I know a lot of people love him but I just can't get on board. I think he has his funny moments and David Harbour is a great actor, but I never really care about his fate to the extent I do the other characters.
Jonathan: Love his relationship with Will and also El in the later seasons, but I feel like as an individual, he hasn't given me as much as I would have liked. I enjoyed him in season 4 but I wouldn't say he was integral to the season.
Mike: Definitely the most unlikable character on the show, especially as the seasons progress. I think he needs a moment of self-actualisation in season 5. His personality is very typical of someone his age but it's time for him to grow of his own volition.
I tried to stick to the characters who've been on the show for 2 seasons or more. I love Eddie and had Chrissy gotten the chance to be a regular, I think she would have been a favourite of mine (I just really love the 'blonde/popular/cheerleader girl is more than meets the eye' trope.)
Honourable mention to Lucas, though, because I think season 4 gave him great scenes and development as a character. I just hope we'll see that continue next season.
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beepboop358 · 3 years
My Byler theories/predictions for S4
Since s4 is already confirmed to not be the last season, I don’t think Byler will officially get together in s4. I do think that we are definitely going to get a large amount of Byler’s development in s4 though, we just aren’t at the finish line yet. Since Byler has been being developed all through each of the seasons, I think the writers are playing the long game with Mike and Will. I really appreciate a queer romance that is so well developped, especially in something so popular! I think the season will end on a note where it’s understood what Mike has been struggling with, It’s made known that Will is gay, and that Mike has feelings for Will, and Will has feelings for Mike.
My predictions/theories for Byler in s4:
Mike might be acting a little off at school and Dustin is going to notice his odd behavior and ask what’s up
I think Mike will be getting in trouble at school and at home (based on whenever he doesn’t have Will/El around he does stupid things - like graffitti the bathroom wall, plagiarize essays, curse at adults, etc.) I don’t know if Mike knows about Eddie dealing drugs, but he might and he might get drugs from Eddie and do them to cope with everything he is struggling with. His parents might ground him for doing drugs, and forbid him from going to visit the Byers, and then we could get our runaway smalltown boy montage! LOL
Lonnie might come to visit the Byers in California for Will’s birthday. He will probably show up because he thinks they have money now, or he wants to sue Starcourt like he wanted to sue the quarry in s1. Mike will also be there visiting for Will’s birthday. Lonnie will mock Will and make fun of him like he always did, but he will also hate Mike. Lonnie will definitely notice Will and Mike’s dynamics and he will definitely comment about it. He might even call them homophobic slurs like we know he used to do with Will when he was younger. Lonnie will probably make Will cry and Mike upset. Lonnie might possibly “out” him and Mike before they are out and confirm it themselves. Some of the movies on the stranger writers twitter for s4 also hint at this, as well as having the baseball references. There are also hints to Will’s birthday throughout the show: The rainbow happy birthday mug seen in the crazy together scene, the “sorry i forgot your birthday card” in Will’s room from Lonnie, and Joyce’s speech in the shed discussing Will’s 8th birthday and his “rainbow ship”. Jonathan also mentions how Lonnie made him kill a rabbit on his 10th birthday and he cried for a week after, just more hints that if Lonnie shows up for Will’s bday, it’s gonna be bad.
Mike might get Will a watch for his birthday. This would reference the clocks being central to the s4 plot, and “not wanting things to change/turning back the clock” in Hopper’s letter
Will is being homophobically bullied at his new school again, possibly references to Will having HIV/AIDS because the height of the epidemic was in the 80’s and it was very stigmatized
Mike will call Will more than he will call El. Will might be slightly surprised by this, El’s frequent calling will annoy Mike and he might turn off his walkie talkie. (basically the reverse of what Mike said would happen in the s3 ending mileven scene)
Mike and Will will be in the same location for most of the season, like s2. They will not leave each other’s sides for the majority of the time they are together.
S4 Group Predictions:
- El, Will, Mike trio together with Jonathan and Argyle. (we will get some obvious tension between El, Will, and Mike, and Mike will hate Argyle at first)
- Robin, Steve, Erica, Max, Dustin, Lucas, Vickie, Eddie, Nancy
- Joyce, Murray, etc?
- Hopper and the other Russians (Dimitri, etc)
The rift between Mike and El will continue to grow.
When Mike comes to visit, she will notice he seems much more interested in Will.
El will ask why the bullies call Will those things (queer/fairy/gay/homo, probably f slurs too), what it means and if he really is “a queer”.
I don’t know if Will is going to come out to El. They have never interacted before, and I doubt Will trusts her or really likes her much mainly, because of Mike. Unless they get super close during the time not portrayed on screen between s3 and s4, or by being all each other has in California, I don’t know if  he will come out to El. I could see this going either way depending on how their friendship develops. I definitely do not think Will is going to tell El he likes Mike, even if he does confide in her he is gay. I think she will find out eventually but in some other way, probably just from Mike’s behavior towards Will.
El will eventually realize she doesn’t actually love Mike and let go of the ‘romance’ aspect of their bond, but still highly value him as a friend.
Mike might be called homophobic slurs at school as well. Mike will definitely be teased (regardless of his sexuality) because he is in the hellfire club and since satanic panic is sweeping the town, people look at D&D as if it is a satanic game, and he will be teased because of that.
Based on the leaked bts pics, I have a theory a cheerleader, or someone else, might show interest in Mike.  Mike will not reciprocate and she will call him out for it asking why he doesn't like her because “any other guy at this school would” or something like that, maybe even ask “what are you gay or something”. It would certainly be good for Mike’s narrative but idk if it will happen.
Will may confide in Jonathan about his feelings for Mike and the things the bullies say to him at school. Jonathan will be supportive of Will, as will Joyce. I think he will also try to protect Will from Lonnie and they will both defend Will to Lonnie.
I think we need a scene of Mike with his Mom telling him to follow his heart, like who you like, etc. because life is too short to waste it being miserable or something like that. This could be inspired by Mike’s parents seperating, but idk. This could also encourage Mike to initiate more romantic things with Will.
I would love to get a scene of Will confronting Mike for “Joining another party”, after Will said he wouldn’t.
Will and Mike need to discuss what was said in their fight.
I think since Mike's been holding in a lot of turmoil and struggling with his sexuality for so long we might get a small breakdown scene from him, of him telling Will he’s really sorry for how he treated him last summer, and for all the things he said to Will. Mike will profusely apologize and also hint at how he’s confused and been dealing with a lot.
I think Mike will be the first one to break down and confess he has feelings for Will and has been struggling with coming to terms with his sexuality.
Once Will has confirmation Mike is also struggling with his sexuality, Will might come out to him. I would love for him to reference the fight being like “You were right. I don’t like girls.” (from @itsonlystrange ‘s 4x07 byler script it’s so good!) I don't know if Will will confess he likes Mike to his face or not. I don't think it's likely given how shy Will is and how afraid he is of Mike not reciprocating, but who knows.
Mike may initiate a kiss between him and Will - towards the end of the season probably (eyewitness parallel - explained in my byler proof google slides)
I think Mike and Will might write letters to each other, with some love-y connotations. There is a lot of evidence for this in the canon comics of them writing notes to each other, and that cryptic tweet from stranger writers twitter with a blocked out message and the date Will went missing saying it wasn’t about a couple or hopper. Maybe byler related? This tweet may not be a letter but it might be. The most popular theories are that the message is to Will, “love mike”, which I love. https://twitter.com/strangerwriters/status/1184945905973153792?lang=en
Will has a new haircut (bts pics) and Mike will gush over it. Maybe some gay-panicking too hopefully
I think El will be either physically or at least emotionally distant the entire season from the other kids (again following the pattern of even and odd seasons) El needs some personal development this season, since she didn’t get any in s3.
El might confront Mike and ask if he is gay and if he likes Will, which could be El’s motivation to go off on a journey of her own to learn more about her own life. I don’t think it will be a huge fight, but El might make some references to him always lying to her. I think Mike might just kind of try to talk his way out of it at first, but he will eventually break. This might be a two part discussion and Mike doesn’t admit she is right until later. I don’t think it makes sense for El to be heartbroken (explained in my byler proof slides), just slightly annoyed. This is based off of the movie Tootsie which they borrowed the “gift” idea from in s3 already. In the movie, the girlfriend then after receiving the gift asks “Michael” if he is gay.
I really think eventually El will realize it’s okay because she doesn’t love him romantically either, and once she realizes that her own personal development can really begin.
I think we will see a noticeable change in Mike’s demeanor. I think Mike will mainly just be trying to hide that he is gay now. He joined the hellfire club so we know he’s playing d&d again meaning he is reverting back to his true self, not the weird act he put on in s3 trying to be straight and change himself. He is still struggling, but he knows he likes Will. Regardless that doesn’t mean he is going to be super clear about how he feels. He is going to be extremely afraid of opening up and then getting hurt by Will. He will probably do some of his usual ‘lead Will on and then shut it down’ thing. And I really want Will to call him out on this. This could also lead to Mike breaking down in front of Will and confessing. I think we are going to get a lot of 'Mike gay panicking' moments, he's going to be extremely afraid of being found out/suspected.
Byler things I really want to happen that we may get because they would have narrative significance:
I really want flashbacks to those 3 months of summer between the starcourt explosion and the Byers moving, of moments between Mike and Will when they hang out alone together, with some obvious romantic tension. Like where they are super playful and almost kiss, or they are kind of touchy, or something in the realm of that. I think we need a flashback of something that explains Will’s flirty nature at the very end of s3 with Mike, because he doesn't normally act like that. I want noticeable “is something going on with them?” vibes. This could also happen during the thanksgiving/christmas flashbacks.
I hope we get flashbacks of Mike going to the Byers for Thanksgiving, and the Byers coming back to Hawkins for Christmas. Preferably of some Mike and Will moments that hint at Mike’s confusion or how he feels “so alone” without Will, maybe with some “crazy together” references too! I’d also love some tension between the 3 of them, maybe this is when El starts to get suspicious of Mike liking Will.
Hopefully we get some shots of Mike biking past the byers old house and going to look at castle byers and reminiscing.
I’d love to get a flashback of Mike the day the Byers moved away, of him crying or being upset, alone in his room/basement while looking at Will’s drawings or pictures of Will and him together. Mainly to confirm for people that Mike was upset about Will moving, not as much El.
This one does not seem super probable, but it is a very popular theory. Idk if it’s possible because of location logistics, but if they spend enough time together, I’d love for Mike to get to know Robin better, and Will too. Maybe once everyone comes together at the end of the season, she will notice their dynamics and could help guide and inspire them to be themselves. Hey maybe thats for s5 :) But I do think it’s a possibility that Mike may work at the video store with Steve and Robin, and she will pick up on Mike’s behavior and understand, whether she communicates that to him or not.
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