#like asshole I grew up poor but with manners I don’t need your alcoholic ass lecturing me and half the time I feel like I’m his parent
rvllybllply2014 · 10 months
Rant ahead
Gotta love having a mental breakdown in front of your alcoholic abuser. Don’t ya? By the way the whole mental breakdown happened because he attacked my character yet again.The worst part is explaining why I’m shaking and crying and having the mental breakdown and him just saying that I’m on some sneaky shit and how I’m just trying to start some shit and seeking attention.Then me refusing to take the money because never mind my stomach hurts now and I won’t be able to eat and still being told that I’m an idiot who fucked myself out of food. Like I’m on my period running on a couple of hours of sleep because I have to take him to and from work and take care of his dog, on top of being sick for the past week plus. Not one thanks for all you (me) do for me (him). Like I don’t need the fucking lecture on how my food money was coming from his mom, like I’m some fucking child and how I don’t get extra shit with someone else’s money. I told him I was just looking at the price and hadn’t even ordered what I wanted let alone the extra shit, plus I brought some change from the house to cover the extra shit. But then got told that I was lying about the money I brought in change about 90 cents because there should be about $4 in change even after explaining that it was just for the extra thing. Like I went grocery shopping for her about a week ago and she had some extra stuff added to her list while I was shopping for her and said that I could add something from list to her card if I wanted to, but guess what I didn’t. I was raised to get the cheapest thing from a menu if someone else is paying, and I always do plus with the abuser I always offer to take something of mine off the orders if he thinks it too much money. Idk why that set me off but it did, I sacrifice a lot of things for him but I still get lectured about how I am stupid and don’t play with peoples money like that. And how I’m on sneaky shit because I literally showed him what I wanted to order and he insisted that he call it in when I won’t get points towards free things. You know what maybe I am an idiot for going over there to let him get a beer, but I’ve reached the end of my rope and I was just trying to be nice. My life just really fucking sucks, and dealing with him makes it worse and from August-Mothers Day weekend it’s a really sucky sucky traumatic time for me. Anyway my stomachs growling but it’s also in knots and it’s only 7:00 pm here so it’s too early for bed so it’s another fun night for me.
0 notes
Key to Your Heart
Summery: Keying your ex’s car is somewhat of a ‘rite of passage’ when you find out that your boyfriend is cheating on you. Just remember to make sure that the car is, in fact, your ex’s
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee
Listen I wrote this with @merryy-go-round and can I just say I fucking love her? She’s so talented and inspires me to write so GOD BLESS HER CAN I GET AN AMEN?
Tommy wasn’t an insecure guy, honestly. But there’s something about walking into the bathroom to take a piss, and seeing your boyfriend of almost a year, the one that brought you to the fucking party in the first place, with some chick bent over a toilet that makes you want to die.
In his hazy state of mind, he didn’t know if he was more hurt, or more livid.
But as he shoved his way through the drunken, sloppy party guests, and listened to Michael desperately calling his name behind him, he decided that yeah. He was pissed.
Tommy had always tried to be a good boyfriend, he cooked Michael dinner after a long day at work, never complained when Mike was ‘too busy’ to make it to one of his band’s shows, and he always fucking put out for him, even when he got nothing out of their sex life anymore.
But his loyalty and efforts had clearly gotten him fucking nowhere, and as he pushed his way out the front door, he tried to take a deep breath of the warm California night air to convince himself that this was fine.
Tommy took his time walking down the darkened LA roads, he had no real destination in mind- where the fuck was he gonna go anyway? He sure as hell didn’t want to go back to the apartment he shared with Mike- that was out of the question, too many memories of happy times before shit started going south.
Instead, Tommy just turned down roads he had never heard of, just walking and walking with the hope that the farther away he got from Michael, the smaller the hole in his heart would get.
Tommy isn’t that fucking lucky though, and as he turned the corner to yet another nameless street and his eyes met the bumper of a car he would know fucking anywhere.
A quick glance around his surroundings had him hit with the realization that he was standing outside of a liquor store, and isn’t that just fucking typical.  Parked right in front of him in the small alley next to the shady store was the black Volkswagen that had driven him to the party to in the first place.
Not only did Mike humiliate him in front of a party full of random strangers, fuck some drunk chicks brains out over a toilet, and completely shatter both his pride and his heart in the same fucking day, but after that he decides to go get some more alcohol to keep the party going?
Fucking asshole.
Tommy didn’t know if it was the heartbreak and rage boiling inside his guts, or the alcohol that was making his head swim, but either way he wasn't even consciously controlling his actions as he pulled out the key to the apartment he shared with his ex and dropping to his knees to carve his sorrow and anguish into the dented metal.
For him to give up on chasing Tommy to go get more booze? Was he really so easy to give up on? A year of his life he wasted on that guy, who clearly couldn’t be bothered with Tommy’s heartbreak. Pure anger and loathing was coursing through his veins, and maybe it was childish, but fuck it. If Michael wants to act childish and immature, then he would act childish and immature right back.
Nikki wanted nothing more than to just go home and relax after the grueling shift that he had just endured. Getting underpaid to argue with drunks, junkies and stupid fucking teenagers all day? Not exactly what Nikki had planned for himself, but a job is a job. Besides it beats working corner jobs, and he prefers to be able to afford to buy actual food.
He walked out of the rear exit, door slamming behind him as he walked towards the parking lot. He had been in the middle of stuffing his lighter in his pocket, freshly lit cigarette resting between his lips, when he stopped in his tracks.
Who the fuck was messing with his car?
It wasn’t like he had a fancy car. He had bought it after his Chevy Bel Air had died on the interstate, and half the time the engine wouldn’t even turn over, but who was this fucking stranger to think he could just get away with fucking with Nikki’s shit like that?
His first instinct was to alert the scumbag to his presence, and maybe kick his ass, but his curiosity won out. So instead he stood back to look at the man who was now carving a very shaky ‘t’ on his driver side door. Upon further inspection of the scribe he could make out the words ‘Fuck you for breaking my heart’.
Wait, what? Nikki’s anger melted into confusion as he looked at the man again. Who was this guy? Sure he wasn’t a ‘settle down’ kind of guy but he couldn’t recall any recent conquests that would be the cause for someone to claim heartbreak?  Nikki’s mind was reeling, but before he could dwell on this for too long the younger man shakily stood up.
As he stared at the lanky form, who was now standing back to admire his  artwork, Nikki couldn’t stop himself from commenting, “Babe, I don’t remember breaking your heart, and trust me I think would remember that ass.”  
At Nikki’s gruff voice, Tommy jolted as if he had been hit by a bolt of electricity. Turning around Tommy began to look back and forth between the, now damaged, car and Nikki. Dropping the key that was in his fist, he threw his hands up to cover his face, but not before Nikki could catch a glance at his mortified expression paired with the swollen features that clearly came from crying.
He was young, probably younger than Nikki, but only by a few years. Face framed in brown, curly hair, Nikki took note of the red rimmed eyes and felt his chest tighten. This fucker just keyed his car. Why the fuck did he care? Nikki didn’t know, but the kid just looked so distraught, and Nikki found himself wanting to change that.
“This cannot be fucking happening. Oh my god, dude, please tell me that this isn’t your car, I am so fucking sorry. You’re totally gonna beat my ass, fuck fuck fuck-” As the curly headed strangled continued to ramble, Nikki slowly started to step closer and decided to put an end to the younger man’s tangent.
Nikki was no stranger to getting caught doing stupid shit, and he wasn’t going to make this guy feel worse when he was clearly acting out of heartbreak.
“Chill out man, I’m definitely not going to beat you up. Just stop freaking out.” Tommy’s panic fueled words were cut short immediately, and he slowly lowered his hands from his face. Still holding his breath out of instinct, ready for the first hit that he was still expecting.
Instead his eyes were met with the sight of Nikki barely containing a smile as if the situation was hilarious. “What is wrong with you? Some stranger fucks up your car and you don’t even yell at them?” Tommy half-shouted in exasperation. His arms were flailing as he talked and he stumbled back a bit, and Nikki’s smile grew a little when he realized the man in front of him was probably drunk. This poor kid was fucking adorable.
“Well, would you like for me to yell at you?” Nikki replied in a teasing, light hearted tone at the sight of the other’s inner turmoil. He was too fucking cute. “I mean, no, but, like-” Tommy started again, before he could get too worked up again, Nikki was quick to redirect.
“I promise I’m not mad, it was a mistake. Besides, I'm not one to pick fights with pretty boys like you.” He stated with a wink. Not giving the other man time to react to his words, Nikki continued.
“Besides this car is a piece of shit anyways, and so is anyone who would be stupid enough to hurt you.” As he spoke he held Tommy’s gaze and hey when did we get so close?
They were close enough to where Tommy could smell the cigarette smoke on the raven haired man’s breath, surprised to notice that his heart was absolutely pounding out of his chest, and not for the fear of being beat up anymore.
This guy’s eyes were green, deep, and so confident as he looked at Tommy like he was looking at the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Tommy found himself edging closer, despite the fact that he didn’t know this guy’s fucking name. Something was pulling Tommy toward him, like he had his own gravitational pull, something that exists inside Tommy needed to be closer to this mysterious stranger.
Tommy took a shuddering breath and looked down at the others lips, maybe he was reading the situation completely wrong or he wanted to get back at Mike, or maybe he just needed a fucking ego boost after having his confidence completely shot, but at this point he didn’t care. He had to go for it at this point, because he would never forgive himself if he ignored this magnetic feeling, it was too special to walk away from. With one more deep breath Tommy lunged forward, and kissed this beautiful stranger full on the mouth, feeling the other inhale sharply in surprise.
But none of that mattered, because after a couple beats of shocked stiffness, Tommy felt the other man pressing closer, and his lips were moving against his and his hands were pulling at Tommy’s hair like they knew exactly what to do, like they did this all the time, and Tommy was in absolute fucking heaven.
He didn’t know what this even was, he had never felt this exhilarating feeling from someone he had just fucking met, but the sparks he felt in his chest chased away every doubt the younger man had. He could think about the consequences later.
The raven haired man was pulling away then, backing Tommy up to press his back against the car, nipping at his lip in an almost shy manner, perhaps the only apprehension Tommy had sensed up until this point.
Tommy’s hands seemed to move on their own as the slipped slightly under the raven haired man's shirt to pet at the warm skin of his hip in reassurance, an encouragement that served its purpose, because then the stranger was shuddering at the sensation, brushing Tommy’s hair off of his shoulder, and trailing his lips down to press kisses to Tommy’s exposed neck.
Tommy couldn’t help but to let out an absolutely sinful moan then, because this was fucking hot, this guy was fucking hot, he was unattached now anyway and honestly, he was always a horny drunk.
Tommy felt a chuckle brand itself into his neck then, and he couldn’t help it as his lips let out “I feel like I should at least know your name, dude.”
Those green eyes were pulling back to look at him again, the same confident glint in them that he had admired in them before, but they were almost softer now.
“It’s Nikki.”
Fuck, even his name was hot. If Tommy wasn’t a goner before, he definitely was now.
“Tommy.” He managed to choke out without sounding too breathless. Nikki smiled at the airy tone and returned his lips to Tommy’s throat. “Well Tommy, I think I can make you feel good enough that you won't even remember your ex’s name… that is, if you want..”
There was that insecure tone, it was back, hidden under a mask of fake confidence, but it was there, and even though Tommy didn’t know this guy, had no reason to feel any sort of emotional attachment to him other than gratitude for not beating his ass over this situation, Tommy decided he really didn’t like that tone to Nikki’s voice. Nobody that fucking beautiful should feel insecure about anything, ever.
Tommy didn’t think he could choke out a reply anyway, so he bucked his hips against Nikki’s, feeling a shot of pride go through his chest when Nikki’s eyes rolled back slightly and the grip on his hips tightened enough to bruise.
“Are you sure?”
The slight disbelief in Nikki’s voice made Tommy’s heart skip a beat and his cock pulse harder, somehow. It was like he couldn’t believe that Tommy was willing to do this, with him, in this alley, but in reality this is all that Tommy ever could have wanted for this night.
This man was beautiful, and Tommy could see the kind soul under the rough exterior, and right now all he wanted to do was feel the passion that he had always been missing with his ex, and something in him told him that Nikki could provide that for him.
In a burst of sudden confidence, Tommy was rolling his hips, pressing his hard cock against Nikki’s thigh and somehow managing to choke out: “Pretty damn sure.”
From there, it was all hands, all over his body. Tommy felt lightheaded at the feelings this man was bringing out of him, the anticipation of the pleasure he knew was to come was suffocating him as Nikki’s gentle hands pushed him down to lay in the backseat of the old beat up vehicle.
Tommy was somewhat surprised at the gentle caress of Nikki’s hands so far, he would have expected Nikki to be much rougher, but something told him in the way Nikki’s hands shook that he was holding back for him, and that the best was yet to come.
But for now, Tommy was being driven crazy. Nikki was taking his sweet time, pushing his hands under Tommy’s shirt so deliberately, and the kisses being pressed into his neck were so soft, Tommy thought he was going to lose his mind before they got to the actual sex.
Tommy could feel the warm moist heat of Nikki’s breath as his shirt was pushed up and off of him completely as Nikki turned his attention to kissing down his chest, stopping for a minute to gently lick at each nipple. Each flick of Nikki’s tongue, each nip of Nikki’s teeth sent electricity into Tommy’s nerves, lighting them up and sending Tommy to heaven.
Nikki was palming his cock over his jeans now, and Jesus fucking Christ, Tommy could hear himself moaning and grunting with this voice that was dripping with pure sex, Tommy didn’t know if he had even made any of these sounds before.
His body was demanding more friction to sooth the pulse that was pounding between his thighs, to the point he was almost considering begging because he needed this.
Nikki’s mouth had worked its way down to Tommy’s stomach by the time his vocal cords gathered the control to choke out a strangled “please”, and Nikki’s face warped with a mixture of pure pride and lust, all thoughts of going slow abandoned as Nikki went to work on the button on Tommy’s jeans.
While Nikki rid Tommy of the confines of his jeans, Tommy decided Nikki was wearing entirely too many clothes, and pulled the shirt over the older boy’s head, sighing happily as he ran his fingertips over the warm, pale skin of Nikki’s chest.
The entire world had narrowed down to the inside of this car. Nothing else mattered, not the chatter of pedestrians a dozen yards away, not Michael, nothing else existed except for him and this raven haired stranger that was looking at him with the most worshiping eyes that Tommy had ever seen.
Tommy hissed as the cold air hit him when Nikki managed to slide his pants the rest of the way off. Nikki flat out groaned as he took in the sight before him. Tommy seemed to have thrown any hesitation that he might have felt out the door. He was locked in a pleading gaze, eyes begging for more, for anything.
It must have worked because Nikki seemed to take pity on him and didn’t leave him waiting for long. Their positions were awkward and cramped, okay yeah, Nikki definitely lost feeling in his right leg, but neither of them seemed to mind. The younger boy let out a shout when Nikki suddenly lowered himself to take the younger man’s length in his mouth.
Okay, fuck, Nikki is good at this. Tommy was in pure ecstasy as Nikki drug his tongue along the swollen vein of Tommy's cock, fighting the urge to thrust his hips forward and choke the other man.
Tommy whimpered in surprise when he felt a lubed finger circling his entrance.
Where the fuck did that lube even come from?
Tommy couldn't help it, he was pushing himself down onto Nikki's finger, begging him to keep going, give him more more more.
One finger turned into two, then three and Tommy was a writhing mess under Nikki.
Nikki let out a groan as he took in the sight of Tommy fucking himself down onto his fingers. “Come on baby, take it, that’s right.” He huffed out before pulling his fingers away completely, heat rushing to his lower stomach at the whining that ensued.
“Nggg, Nikki- more- please-”
And yeah, okay, Nikki wasn’t going to be able to deny this kid anything, not when he’s begging like that with that voice. Not wasting any time, Nikki pushed down his own boxers and thrust his leaking erection into the younger boy’s aching hole. Leaning down Nikki crashed his lips into the Tommy’s, capturing the noises that were slipping from his lips, and swallowing them down.
Nikki couldn’t contain his moans for long though. Moans turned to half-shouts as the older man began thrusting, deep and fast. Tommy felt dizzy with pleasure and the adrenaline that came with fucking a complete stranger on the Sunset Strip, where anyone could catch you.
Tommy may have been longer but Nikki was so thick. He relished in the burning stretch causing him to clench around the other’s pulsing member. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so turned on. He had grown used to the boring, lights off, half asleep, sex that he had grown to accept with Mike.
No this, this was uncensored, raw pleasure. This all felt so new, and he couldnt help but fucking relish in the look in Nikki’s eyes, like he was barely holding it together, like the sight of Tommy alone was enough to make him come. It was hot, but it was also sweet, in it’s own way. He couldn’t help but bury his hands hands in the raven locks as the other man moved to bite at his exposed throat.
Tommy’s moans gradually turned into various versions of Nikki’s name. What started out as “Nikki”, had shortened to “Nik”, and eventually morphed into just sultry moans that vaguely sounded like the older boy’s name.
“You like that, baby?” Nikki whispered as he ground into Tommy’s prostate, causing the younger man to see stars. Tommy couldn’t respond with words, he was choking on his reply of yes, yes he fucking likes it, yes he fucking loves it, he could die right here, being fucked to death in the back of this shitty car in this shitty alley and it would be just fine with him, what a fucking way to go.
“You’re fucking gorgeous, babe, goddamn-” Nikki’s praises were spurring Tommy on, in a way that he had never experienced before. He had never felt so worshiped during sex, and it made him want to give Nikki a show. It made him want to make Nikki feel just as fucking adored as he was making Tommy feel.
With that thought, Tommy was pushing Nikki off of him, Nikki’s eyes growing wide and confused at the turn of events. Tommy watched Nikki’s mouth open, no doubt to apologize, ask what was wrong, something along those lines, but before Nikki  could get a word out, Tommy was straddling his thighs, teasing Nikki’s cock with his entrance before pushing down and  sitting himself flat on Nikki’s lap.
Nikki’s eyes were wide in awe, his mouth forming a perfect o shape, his head thrown back against the seat, as he hissed out a ‘fuck, baby’, and Tommy was fucking proud of himself.
Tommy grabbed a handful of dyed black locks to steady himself as he started bouncing himself on Nikki’s lap. As his movements increased in speed, and his prostate was hit dead on with every thrust, he could feel honest to god tears in his eyes at the pleasure, he was so close, so fucking close, he needed Nikki to touch him.
He opened his mouth to say something- anything- to convey what he needed, but as it turns out, Nikki knew, somehow he just fucking knew, and he was bringing his shaking hand up to fist Tommy’s leaking erection, pulling in time with Tommy’s movements.
“I- I’m close- do you want me to-”
Tommy knew what Nikki meant, “do you want me to pull out”, and no, no he fucking didn’t, and he just sped up his movements impossibly faster in response. As close as Nikki was, Tommy was closer. He threw his head back and let out a cry as his muscles spasmed, and he came on Nikki’s hand and chest. He fucked himself through his orgasm, and the sight of Tommy’s release was enough to drag Nikki over the edge as well.
Releasing Tommy’s cock, Nikki’s arms coiled themselves around Tommy’s back, pulling him closer and burying his head in Tommy’s shoulder as his body spasmed and his mouth opened to scream a silent cry into his lover’s shoulder.
After a few minutes of labored breathing, Tommy lifted himself off of Nikki’s lap, allowing Nikki to slip out of him, and collapsed down on the bench seat, pulling Nikki on top of him. Nikki let out a startled laugh, a smile permanently etched on his face as he continued to try to catch his breath. Not wanting to crush the younger man he forced himself to sit up a bit, but Tommy was quick to pull him back against him. “Just- just for a minute.” Tommy grumbled out sleepily, eyes still closed. At the softly spoken words Nikki couldn’t help but to oblige. His chest tightened at the implications of the other man asking him to stay. Maybe the other man felt the same magnetic pull that seemed to overtake him the moment he laid his eyes on him. Not wanting to overthink things and be that person Nikki resorted back to the cocky mask that he wore so well, “Still can’t get enough of me, babe?”
But Tommy was looking at him, dark brown eyes scrutinizing and analyzing him, as if to see past the mask that Nikki has been accustomed to wearing all this time. It made Nikki squirm, he wasn't used to people looking at him like that, wasn't used to people caring that much, but he could get used to looking at those brown eyes, that was for sure.
"I mean, that was some pretty great sex, Nik."
Nikki choked out a laugh against Tommy's shoulder as he buried himself into it, pausing for a second to grab the blanket he had stashed under the passenger seat and covered them up. He tried not to let his mind dwell on how fucking good the nickname sounded spilling from Tommy's lips, but the thought had a smile playing on his lips anyway.
Several years later, Michael was just a distant memory, and Tommy was living his best fucking life every day with his lover and best friend on stage, every night, in front of thousands of people. Tommy’s hair was darker, Nikki had bulked up a little bit, both were littered with more tattoos, and neither one had ever been more happy.
Neither had expected that night so many years ago to lead to this. Keying someone’s car, and then fucking them in the back seat of that same car isn’t exactly a fairytail way of meeting, but to both Nikki and Tommy, they lived their own fairy tail every day they were together.
Countless interviewers asked them how they had met and become a couple, and it was always the same bullshit response they gave everyone, they ‘met on the streets of LA and they just clicked instantly’, which wasn't exactly a lie, but not the full truth. With their entire lives being put in the spotlight now, they both agreed they wanted to keep this one memory for themselves only.
Though Tommy was used to the tattoos that riddled the bassist’s skin, his eyes always ended up focusing on the, honestly not very well done, tattoo that rested over his heart. When Nikki had drunkenly told Tommy that he wanted to get a key tattoo one night, Tommy decided then and there that this was his forever. There was no one else in the world that he would rather spend his life with.
Maybe it wasn’t love at first sight, or maybe it was, but it was Nikki and Tommy, and that’s what mattered.
113 notes · View notes
heyhosam · 7 years
All of you, all of me
A/N: Story based on this request. Anon, if you are reading this I hope you aren’t mad at me for taking so long because yours was one of the first requests I got…. I wanted to make it good but it took me forever to come up with a plot, and then life was shit to me and I couldn’t find the motivation to write this…so I’m terribly sorry you have waited for so long. I would like to apologize as well because of the characterization, more than a bad boy jungkook is more…… an emotional mess?????? like me I’m…….sorry??????????????????? yeah…… Hope you still enjoy the story, thank you love me.
I’m gonna put interesting info here to save my ass for after you read the story (specifically the sex scene).  I found this article about safety when using coconut oil as lubricant (yeah I searched it up on the internet for the purpose of this fic so I wouldn’t get messages telling me it’s dangerous or whatever. BE SURE TO ALWAYS FIND RELIABLE SOURCES WHEN IT COMES TO MATTERS LIKE THESE, THOUGH.) I’m linking also an interesting article about preparing for anal sex here that I will have to ignore for the purpose of this fic as it’s common on other fics as well just to make it “slightly” unreal but more “fun” to read… (although in real life don’t skip this part, kids. SAFETY AND CLEANLINESS FIRST, FUN AND ORGASMS LATER ) Visual references (x)
Ok pups, after the longest author’s note ever, if you are still here with me, I hope you like and enjoy the story :D
Read it also on AFF
Jungkook should have listened to Taehyung and wait a bit to go home, but the younger was getting bored, the stuffy and too hot air of the club was too much for Jungkook to handle. Warm bodies pressing too close to him, grabby hands touching him everywhere, slick lips trying to kiss him. If there was a thing Jungkook hated, it would be crowded places; If there was a thing Jungkook hated even more, would be crowded places with rude people.
Those two were reason enough to leave the club despite his friend’s slurred and insistent words pleading to stay. But once again, Taehyung should know Jungkook wouldn’t fall for pleads. Jungkook didn’t listen to anyone except himself.
But maybe, now, as Jungkook walked under the rain at three am, soaked to the bones with only a thin tee covering his body, he was regretting not listening to his friend.
He was shivering, lips trembling and almost blue when he stepped into the only grocery shop opened this late at night -or this early in the morning. He stood by the automatic doors for a moment trying to compose himself, hugging his torso in a lame attempt to bring warmth into him.
“S-shit…” he mumbled after noticing he was failing at providing himself some warmth, his body jerking uncontrollably with force as his fingers dug into his arms.
“Hey, take this.” said a soft voice as a fluffy towel immediately appeared in front of him. Jungkook took it with shaky fingers and dried himself as best as he could considering his senses were numb and his hands trembling non stop.
Somehow, between getting dried and changing his thin tee into a dry one the worker offered, Jungkook found himself seated on a stool behind the counter with a warm mug of chamomile tea and feeling a bit more like a human being again.
“What were you doing out there with this rain and this late at night?” asked the worker, watching closely Jungkook’s every movement.
“It’s not of your business…” replied Jungkook roughly, not even sparing the other a glance. He heard the other snort, probably offended by Jungkook’s response, but it wouldn’t be new. Jungkook wasn’t really what one would call a friendly person.
“Ok, so I just helped you not die of hypothermia and this is what I get?” the worker asked, now obviously offended, with slight irritation adorning his words.
Jungkook clanked his tongue, annoyed, and lifted his head to give the other his most impassive look - the one he used to intimidate, well, everyone- but his cold eyes didn’t seem to phase the other at all, who lifted an eyebrow at him and crossed his arms across his chest.
“You look like a wet kitty, not intimidating at all…” deadpanned the worker, one corner of his mouth lifting up when he saw Jungkook’s eyebrows knit under his wet bangs. “if that was what you were trying to do, that is…”
Jungkook’s frown deepened and it took less than a second to feel rage boil within his veins. He hated it when people didn’t take him seriously, mocked him or laughed at his face. Jeon Jungkook was a creature full of pride, after all. He clenched his jaw and almost bared his teeth to the stupid worker that just smirked even more at his reaction, stood up and took two big steps to the other to easily corner him against the counter he had behind him. In moments like this, Jungkook thanked his genetics for giving him height, it was advantageous and helped him more times than he could count.
“I don’t think you should laugh at me, shortie… I’m not really in a good mood right now.” he practically growled. He watched satisfied as the other slightly gulped and his brown eyes  moved away from Jungkook’s fiery ones for a second before focusing on them again.
“I just… I helped you before-“
“So?” interrupted Jungkook, leaning forward a bit more into the worker’s personal space. “I didn’t ask for your help.”
“Maybe you didn’t ask for it but you sure needed help and I provided it.” retorted the other, now also frowning. “It’s not that difficult to say thank you, you know? It’s called manners.”
Jungkook snorted, an amused smirk making an appearance on his lips. Jeon Jungkook never, ever, needed help nor he would ask for it to anyone, hence no one would ever hear him say a ‘thank you’. It amused Jungkook the other boy was getting so riled up just for that.
“You are so stupid.” laughed Jungkook with a disbelieving shake of his head.
“Get out.” hissed the worker, now frowning and eyes full of rage.
“Get out!” said the other loudly, his voice echoing on the empty store. Jungkook blinked surprised and jerked back. “I won’t tolerate a brat like you disrespect me, not after I’ve helped you. Now, get out.”
They stared at each other for two seconds too long. Jungkook was surprised by the other’s outburst, it caught him off guard, obviously not expecting this response from someone that looked like they could barely fight a fly. Jungkook was used at fear and submission when he found himself in situations like this, or in case the other would talk back, he would punch them and resolve things. But with this boy he couldn’t even force himself do that, his fiery eyes rooted Jungkook to the spot. He felt like a little kid being scolded and that made heat bloom on his cheeks, suddenly embarrassed he had acted this carelessly with someone.
That was a first, Jungkook never felt guilty.
“Fuck you.” he spat angrily, slammed the mug of tea on the counter -spilling its content on the surface- and stormed out the store with firm steps and making sure to direct a last furious glance at the worker, who just rolled his eyes.
Jungkook got home with a frown between his eyebrows and a blush on his cheeks, but most of all soaked again by the rain and in embarrassment.
Jungkook  knew he had quite the temper, always angry, always ready to fight, always getting offended by the minor things someone said about him, or by the way someone looked at him. Some labeled him as an asshole, his friend Taehyung the one who said it more than anyone, but Jungkook had learned to live with it. Live with the side glances, the insults, the mistrust of everyone because they never knew what would be his reaction. It was better like this, to not have anyone near him.
Jungkook was a lone wolf, he didn’t need anyone, didn’t want anyone. Why bother allowing someone into your life when they are going to leave you soon?
Jungkook had quite the experience with that. First his dad, not even staying around enough to see him come to this world; later on his mother, her slim fingers leaving marks on his tinny wrists when she dragged him to her dad’s house.
“I love you, but I need some time for myself. You will understand when you grow up.” she had said with a sweet smile that did poor job at calming down her crying son before turning her back at him and leave without a second glance.  And yes, he understood; Jungkook understood that she was kind of a free spirit and a son to take care of would hold her back, and she wasn’t ready for that. Jungkook stopped expecting to see his mother after two nights of hopeless crying on his granddad’s arms, the two of them siting on the cold concrete waiting for her to come back. He did understand, once he grew older, she would never come back to him. When his grandfather, the only source of love and comfort, died when he was fifteen, Jungkook felt truly alone and stopped allowing people into his life.
Jungkook liked to think he didn’t care about anything, that moment his mother walked away from him had broke something within him that couldn’t be repaired. He decided to not care anymore, if something was convenient for him he would go for it until it wouldn’t be anymore, or because he grew tired of it. When someone, or something, decided to leave him he would just accept it. When someone thought he was a bad guy, selfish or an asshole, he would accept it. He just did what he wanted to.
Jungkook didn’t care.
But if Jungkook didn’t care about anything nor anyone, why couldn’t he stop thinking about the worker from the previous night? His fierce eyes full of anger kept on appearing on Jungkook’s mind the whole night, like a nightmare, haunting him for everything bad he had done his entire life -the high doses of alcohol, the sleepless nights at clubs fucking around or getting into fights. The worst of it was that those eyes made him want to apology.
Jungkook took another puff of his cigarette -the third one he had lit in the half hour he had been hovering around the grocery store- and observed the worker from the previous night take his position behind the counter as he bid his companion goodbye with a gentle smile.
And Jungkook did just that for the next two hours; walk around the store, emptying his pack of cigarettes and trying to gain the courage to walk through the automatic doors and say something to the worker. If that something was something mean that would get him back for scolding Jungkook the other night, better than not.
Jungkook hovered in front of the store until he finished the lit cigarette, threw it on the concrete and made his way to the door. It was so ridiculous to feel so intimidated by someone like the other male; he was shorter, thinner and, judging by the kind smile he directed at everyone, not really a threat. Jungkook could win against him. The previous night had been just a little tumble.
But then, the doors opened and immediately attracted the worker’s attention, and consequently his eyes fell on Jungkook, who felt again the same burn of embarrassment on his cheeks.
“You again?” mumbled the worker while crossing his arms. The soft smile he was wearing on his mouth dropped that same instant and it was clear on his eyes he was not happy with Jungkook’s presence.
“Yeah, got a problem with that?” spat Jungkook,  squaring his shoulders and walking inside the establishment with decided steps. The other frowned but said nothing, his eyes followed Jungkook carefully as he approached the counter. “I need to get cigarettes.”
The worker sighed and simply pointed his finger to his right, where a bunch of smoking packs where stacked one above the other. Jungkook toke one, his favorite brand, and put it on the counter waiting for the other to charge.
“I need to see your ID.” said the worker with a serious face, the annoying lift of his eyebrow just made Jungkook hate him even more. “I can’t give this to you if you are a minor, sorry.”
“I’m not a minor.” growled Jungkook, his frown deepening. The worker just smirked, a sparkle of amusement crossed his eyes and then Jungkook knew he had given the other free reign again to make fun of him.
“By the childish way you behave I would think you are still in middle school, but I need to see your ID to confirm that.”
Jungkook’s nostrils flared, offended and clearly mad the other had come up with an unexpected retort. Jungkook was used to this, it was easy for him to reduce his opponents to a crying mess. And still, with this one, he was having a hard time.
“You are fucking rude.” he said finally, his face a bit red from embarrassment and by the lame response he had given to the latter.
“Me?” questioned the worker, eyes big in faux innocence. “You are the one who came here as if you owned the damn place, and still I’m the rude one.”
“I was being nice!” countered back Jungkook, his voice rising an octave, though he didn’t know if it was because of embarrassment or indignation. “It was you who insulted me.”
The other raised an eyebrow at him. Jungkook hated it, the gesture always felt like the other was judging him for all his bad decisions in life.
“You are right,” started the worker, uncrossing his arms. His eyes softened a bit and Jungkook caught himself thinking they were quite pretty when they weren’t judging him. “I will apologize for that if you do it first for the way you acted yesterday.”
Jungkook blinked, not expecting the other’s words; the fact that he was so eager to apology. Maybe it wasn’t that bad, to say sorry for something you clearly did wrong. But Jungkook didn’t know how to, or maybe didn’t want to, he wasn’t sure. He was tempted to say ’no, fuck off’ but then he looked up to the other that was staring expectantly at him, and probably sensing the inner struggle Jungkook was dealing with, and before he could think about it twice the words choked out of his throat hoarsely.
“I’m sorry about yesterday.”
Jungkook blinked surprised by his own words, bewildered that they didn’t make him feel any less; he felt more relieved than anything else, and that was even more strange than the soft smile that the other man was giving him.
“I’m sorry for what I said to you, then.” replied the other, snapping Jungkook’s attention back to him.
The soft look the other boy was staring at him with made Jungkook blush and decided to clear his throat to hide his embarrassment.
“It- it’s ok.” he mumbled and then tapped the pack of cigarettes waiting in the counter. “I want this.”
The worker smiled and nodded, charged Jungkook and then observed him fly to the automatic doors.
“Hope to see you again!” he said before the doors closed, and Jungkook looked back at him, at the gentle smile that seemed to be permanent on his lips, and thought that maybe he would like to see him again also.
“Don’t you have anything else to do?”
“I thought you liked my company, hyung.”
Jungkook grinned, fluttering his eyelashes charmingly and chuckled lowly when Jimin rolled his eyes and turned his back to him, jam jars in hand.
“Not when you scare off costumers.” mumbled Jimin stretching his arm out to put a jar of strawberry jam on the highest shelf. Jungkook smirked amused at the groan that Jimin released when he failed to reach, not even after lifting up to his tip toes.
“You should be thanking me-“ started Jungkook as he abandoned the bag of chips he had stolen previously from one of the aisles and stood up from where he was watching the other work to press his chest against Jimin’s back for later press with his fingers the jar into place, “-I’m guarding the place from thieves and violent criminals.”
Jimin turned back to him with a blank expression, and Jungkook smirked at him with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
“You are the thief here.” accused Jimin, using his small hands to push the younger away from him.
“What?” Jungkook put his hand on his heart, faking his hurt over Jimin’s accusation. “I always pay for my cigarettes.”
“Did you pay for those chips?” questioned Jimin, pointing with his finger the abandoned bag on the floor. Jungkook went to grab it from the floor and casually put a handful of chips on his mouth.
“I don’t worry myself with trifle things like those.” shrugged off Jungkook and sat on the floor again as Jimin went back to stacking the rest of jars.
“One of these days my boss is going to kick your ass out of here.” mumbled Jimin, turning back to him and pointing accusatory with a jar of peach jam. “I won’t be able to do anything.”
Jungkook snorted with his mouth full, consequently spiting some crumbs to the floor. “That is if he can catch me first. That old man would have to be really lucky to be able come near enough to touch me.”
“That old man gives me my salary,” countered Jimin swiftly, giving Jungkook another bored stare. “and he’s being really nice and hasn’t really complained about you basically living here.”
Jungkook opted to give another shrug as response and keep on munching on his chips, just watching Jimin do his work.
It was weird how things changed for the past three months, now that Jungkook stopped to think about it. Somehow, Jungkook had found himself frequenting the store more often than not and at some point he stopped acting defensive towards the other male. Maybe because Jimin received him with a smile every time and never seemed to be really offended by what Jungkook said, laughing most of the time at the younger’s stupidity or dorky manners instead of scolding him or call the police like others did often.
It was true he spent most of his time at the store here with Jimin, specially when the latter had the night shift, and hovered around it for hours doing nothing but bug and tease the worker until it was closing time. The reality was that he had nothing more entertaining to do, and Jimin had stopped questioning him eventually.
“Are you gonna stay until I close?” asked Jimin, folding the flaps of the cardboard box now empty of jars. Jungkook hummed his confirmation since he knew Jimin would be mad if he kept talking with his mouth full. “and walk me home?”
“Don’t I always do?”
Jimin chuckled and gave him a nod. “Yeah, my knight in shining armor.”
Jungkook snorted and stood once Jimin started to walk away cardboard boxes in hand, ignoring how those words made his heart flutter happily. The younger walked behind him, as Jimin’s shadow, munching loudly on the chips that were still left on the bag.
Jungkook had started to walk the other home a month ago. It wasn’t only because they had, incredibly, developed a firm friendship, or because Jungkook felt the weird need to be near Jimin as much as possible, but also because the streets at night were dangerous.
They didn’t live in a pretty neighborhood in which the grannies sat at the parks to knit, or the children played on the street with cheerful giggles. There were always sirens going off at the distance and criminals hovering around parks with shiny knives on their pockets waiting for a victim to scare. It was dangerous for Jimin to close the store at five in the morning and walk home. But Jungkook was known in the streets so, even if Jimin and his boss complained a lot about his presence, he knew they appreciated the company and safety.
Jimin had been at gun point before, giving the money of the register machine with shaky hands and mumbled pleas for his life and Jungkook felt horrible the next day when the worker explained it to him with fear still evident on all his body.
“I think I will close early tonight.” Jungkook stood silently near the counter, the bag of chips now empty and crumbled on his hand, and observed as Jimin went to lock the automatic doors.”It’s almost closing time and I don’t think anyone else will come this late.”
They kept quiet as the minutes ticked by, Jimin doing the daily count of the shop’s earnings and Jungkook silently observing him until a knock on the glass automatic doors made them jump in surprise.
There was three young boys at the door, signaling for them to open with wide gestures and mouthing something the two males inside couldn’t hear. Jungkook frowned as Jimin moved to the doors.
“Are you gonna open?” he asked, slightly concerned, but also standing upright in a guarded stance.
“Yeah,”answered Jimin, rotating the key so the doors could slide automatically open again. “officially, it’s not closing time yet.”
“Dude, why were you closed? skipping on working hours.” one of the boys said loudly, the other two stepping inside snickering at their friend’s joke.
“Sorry, thought no none would come this late.” replied Jimin and went to his place behind the counter.
Jungkook observed as the three boys wandered around the aisles, grabbing bags of snacks and candy, loudly chatting and laughing. He used to be as obnoxious as them when he was their age; Until not long ago, he stormed into stores at night with some of his buddies to do the same, but as he took a look at Jimin’s nervous stance Jungkook realized how wrong it was to scare off people like that, and suddenly felt apologetic for all the times he’d done it before.
He remained silent as the three boys dropped all their purchase on the counter so Jimin could start charging them, studying all their movements to prevent any unexpected event. And just when they were ready to give their money to Jimin, Jungkook noticed something poking out of one of the boys’ jacket’s pocket.
“I think you forgot something.” said Jungkook menacingly, sentencing the kids with a cold stare to show he wasn’t kidding around. The three of them looked at him, one of them seemed to panic slightly because of his words, but another one spoke before Jungkook could call him out for it.
“What the fuck are you saying?” he spat loudly before letting out a loud laugh, “Are you that old you starting to have hallucinations?”
The other two laughed along with the idiot that spoke, which just unnerved Jungkook more. Not only where they trying to steal -from Jimin- in front of his eyes, but they also had the guts to disrespect him, and Jungkook hated when kids like these didn’t take him seriously in a poor attempt at appearing more menacing.
“Do you think I’m stupid, kid?” he growled in his face, voice loud and menacing enough for the three of them to gulp in fear. Jungkook’s eyes glinted dangerously, fists curling ready to throw the first punch, but he refused to be that aggressive in front of Jimin. “Empty your pockets or I will make you do it.”
The boy took a step back, sharing a brief eye contact with his two other friends before looking back at Jungkook again. The older lifted his eyebrow, expectantly, daring him to do something else than what he ordered, but his stare was defiant and strong enough to scare off the boy.
“OK, shit- OK.” breathed out the boy before getting out two cans of beer from his pockets. The other two did the same and left the cans on the counter, giving Jimin slightly apologetic eyes.
“Now, get the fuck out of here.” spat Jungkook, giving the boy a soft push on his shoulder. The kid protested, babbling something about still wanting to pay for the snacks but Jungkook gave him another push that had the boy almost falling on his butt. “I said get out. Are you deaf?”
“OK, we are leaving, jezz” argued the boy, lifting his hands up in surrender. The other two were already out of the store, but the one that dared to talk back to Jungkook mumbled a “fucking asshole” before leaving.
Jungkook was tempted to follow them, punch their faces and teach them a lesson they would ever forget but Jimin’s soft voice erased that thought from his mind immediately.
“Thank you.” he said, voice barely audible in the empty store. Jungkook looked at him and frowned at the fear on the other’s face.
“It’s nothing.” he mumbled, walking back to Jimin, wishing to round the counter and embrace him. “Hyung, close up and let’s go home.”
“Yeah, OK.”
Luckily Jimin didn’t live that far from the store, but that night it took them more time than usual to reach his apartment. Jimin had kept quiet the whole time and Jungkook awkwardly walked at his side, hands buried deep in his pockets throwing worried glances at him.
He wasn’t good with words, specially those of comfort, but Jimin was a friend and Jungkook wanted to give him the reassurance that everything was okay. Because frowns didn’t suit Jimin’s face; he looked better with eyes bright like the sun and smiles full of sweetness.
“Thank you for accompanying me.” said Jimin once they reached his building, playing with his keys. He wasn’t even looking up at the younger, and that worried Jungkook even more. Jimin seemed to be really scared and Jungkook was at loss of words.
“You know It’s not a problem, hyung.”
“Yeah. Thank you, for real.” mumbled the older one, finally looking up at him. Jungkook showed a lopsided grin, poor attempt at being reassuring because of how unused he was at smiling, but it seemed to be enough to make Jimin smile back at him, and that eased Jungkook’s heart a little bit.
It was completely unexpected, and Jungkook almost fainted right there as Jimin enveloped his waist with his thin arms, pressed himself closer until their chest were touching and rested his forehead on Jungkook’s shoulder.
Jimin was hugging him.
Jungkook’s first thought was to push him away, afraid the other would hear his rapid beating heart because of their proximity, but then it dawned on him that Jimin was hugging him and it was a chance to touch the other he weirdly didn’t want to miss, so before Jimin would notice Jungkook was standing frozen on his embrace, the taller of the two circled Jimin’s small frame and brought him even closer to his body, burying his nose on Jimin’s hair.
“I’m really glad you were here with me tonight.” said Jimin softly, voice muffled by the fabric of Jungkook’s bomber jacket.
“I’m glad I was there too.” he said stiffly, still awkward because of the situation unfolding. Unexpectedly he didn’t want to pull away; he wished he could hold Jimin for longer and for it to not be weird.
“You are truly my knight in shinning armor.” laughed Jimin, finally pulling back to stare at Jungkook, who breathed out a laugh for lack of anything better to do. He mused that succumbing to his need to lean down to kiss Jimin would have been extremely weird.
“Are you my princess then?” teased Jungkook, lopsided smile perched on his lips. He felt Jimin’s fingers curl into his jacket and, unconsciously, he tightened his arms around his waist in response.
“Shut up,” laughed Jimin, still not letting go of the other, “You fucking idiot.”
Jungkook laughed and let Jimin press himself against him again. They stood like that for a while, hugging and enjoying each other until Jimin yawned so big his jaw almost popped out of its place.
They bid farewell to each other with shy smiles and happy hearts, Jungkook wishing for hours to run by fast so he could see Jimin again.
Jungkook had always prided in being strong, never losing his composure in unexpected situations; he was smart and observant, quick to catch on on what was going on around him so he could act the best according to the problem.
But this time it was so unexpected that he stood there, rooted to the floor with his heart beating almost painfully on his chest.
He reacted two seconds too slow, so when his brain finally told him to recoil and run she had already spotted him.
“Jungkook?” she questioned,  her eyes squinting slightly in confusion before her face contorted into one of happiness, even of relief. “Jungkook! It’s you, right?”
He shook his head, ready to fly but she was quick and before he could blink she had approached and grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving; it was so unexpected he was still numb, not fast enough to think of an escape. The fact that he was tired from work influenced too; he had a rough morning at the repair shop when of the engines broke and covered his entire being with car oil.
“Don’t you recognize me?” she asked, hopeful eyes staring up at him. He gulped, eyes darting away from hers, wishing his body would finally react so he could get away from this situation.
Of course he recognized her; she had the same face, just with the bonus of some wrinkles at the corner of her eyes and instead of sporting a bright red her hair was black, just like his.
“Jungkook, I’m-“
“I know.” he cut her with a deep frown. He knew who she was, but it angered him she thought she could appear out of nowhere after so many years and expect him to smile like nothing. “I know who you are.”
“Ah, I’m glad.” she sighed, smile still on her lips. “I thought for a moment you had forgotten me.”
“I did.” he spat, finally musing the courage to free his arm from her grip. She frowned in confusion but before she could say anything he kept talking. “I did until you appeared-“
“Jungkook, dear-“
“Don’t.” he spat furiously through gritted teeth. “Don’t you dare call me sweet names.”
“I’m here to talk, Jungkook.” she tried to explain, her smile now gone to be replaced with a worried frown. He snorted, anger sprouting to live.
“How did you find me anyways.” he asked, eyes swelling up with unwanted tears. He sniffled loudly, furiously attempting to contain the urge to cry; they were tears of anger, he knew, of frustration, but he refused to show weakness in front of her, let her know she somehow was able to reduce him into a crying child because he missed his mom.
“I went to your grandpa’s house and asked the neighbors about you when they told me he died awhile ago.” she mumbled, eyes going down with a brief sparkle of sadness. “you should have told me he-“
“How?” he interrupted her again, voice loud enough to attract people’s attention. They were standing at the street, just outside Jungkook’s apartment building and the grannies that always fused over Jungkook with fondness and freshly-done cupcakes were now looking at the scene with worried eyes. “How was I supposed to tell you when you left with nothing much of a farewell to your only son twenty years ago.”
“Jungkook- I— I’m sorry-“
“I don’t fucking care how sorry you are.” he spat furiously, wiping away the angry tear that slipped from his eye. She took a step back, obviously taken aback by Jungkook’s display of anger, which Jungkook internally rejoiced in; she needed to know how badly she had hurt him. “I don’t need you now, I don’t want you here. You aren’t my mother.”
“No - fuck off” he almost screamed in her face, and then, without giving her another glance, turned around, ignoring the repeated call of his name.
“I think you should tone it down boy.”
“Are you my dad?” slurred Jungkook, giving Taehyung a side glance that he hoped was charged with hatred -as much as his half closed eyes could be able to produce.
Taehyung snorted while looking at him, and Jungkook had to turn his head away because even in his drunken state he could see the worry on his friends eyes.
“You’ve been acting weird,” pouted Taehyung instead of prodding Jungkook more about his obvious inner struggle, “First you barely go out with us anymore at night and now you suddenly appear out of nowhere and drink your brains out. Is there something you wanna tell me?”
Jungkook grunted in response, gulping down another tequila shot before slamming the glass on the counter, the hot liquid burning down his throat in a rather pleasant way. He knew the hangover would be horrible the next day -tequila had terrible effects on him-, but at least it was numbing his thoughts enough to forget the pleading eyes of his mother.
“She said sorry.” mumbled Jungkook, spiting the words with disgust, “she thinks she can appear suddenly and everything will be fucking rainbows and unicorns because she says she’s sorry-“
“Who?” asked Taehyung, leaning closer to Jungkook to take away the shot glass the bartender had refilled.
“Mom.” replied Jungkook dryly as his shoulders sagged tiredly. He heard his friend suck in a breath, didn’t need to turn to look at him to see the surprise on his face. Taehyung was aware of Jungkook’s story and also knew parents’ topic wasn’t welcomed in a conversation. He had learned it the hard way when they were still teens.
“This is fucked up.” mumbled Taehyung for the lack of anything better to say. Jungkook nodded clumsily, his senses numbing even more as alcohol was consuming his whole body; but he was still able to talk and think, so he needed more.
He reached for the glass Taehyung had took from him but his friend took it away from his fingers, which made Jungkook stare at him furiously.
“What the fuck.”
“I think you’ve drank enough-“
“Aren’t you my friend?” slurred Jungkook, swaying back when he stood from the stool, fists clenched ready to punch Taehyung in the face.
“Because I’m your friend I’m not letting you drink more.”
“Fucking hate ya’.” mumbled Jungkook, feebly punching Taehyung’s shoulder. His friend tried to hold him still, but Jungkook snapped his arm away from him and turned to the door of the bar, “‘m leaving, I don’t need you acting like my dad tonight. Fuck you-“
“Dude, come on-“ tried Taehyung, standing behind, “- let’s find a pretty girl you can hook up with to destress a bit-“
“Fuck off!” he screamed, swatting away the hand Taehyung had put on his shoulder. Without another word he marched towards the door, troubled for a second when he couldn’t find the knob to open it.
The fresh air of the night helped him sober slightly. He still wobbled on his legs, though, not following a straight line and without a particular direction. He didn’t know where he was going but being honest, he didn’t care much.
He felt bad for what had happened early that afternoon. He acted on impulse and unconsciously spilled all his resentment on her; but then, even if she deserved it he had been feeling bad about it the whole afternoon. That was what had confused him even more— the guilt.
He wouldn’t have felt bad four months ago, his drunken brain reasoned, but spending so much time with Jimin had made him softer, more comfortable in feeling other things than hatred or simply not feeling anything at all. It was Jimin’s fault his mother’s visit had affected him so much.
With that in mind he decided to pay Jimin a visit, tell him it was his fault. Yeah, that sounded good.
Somehow he remembered Jimin wasn’t on the store that night, one of the few nights he had free during the week, so he automatically directed his steps towards the other’s apartment, climbing clumsily up the stairs of the building that on any other night he would have jumped two at a time.
He knocked on the door roughly with his fist, then slapped on it until Jimin opened the door, hair disheveled and eyes half closed.
“Jungkook?” he asked confused, rubbing with a fist the crumbs on his eyes. Cute, Jungkook thought, but he reminded himself he was there for a reason and Jimin needed to know how of an emotional mess he had made of Jungkook, he couldn’t allow any distractions- regardless of how cute Jimin was.
“It’s your fault.” said Jungkook, pointing an accusatory finger at Jimin’s chest, whose eyes opened wide in confusion, “She came back, and I felt bad and it’s your fault.”
“OK?” said Jimin carefully, even more confused after the other’s reasoning, “Do you wanna come in?”
“No-“ refused Jungkook loudly, jabbing another finger at Jimin’s chest, “-I’m angry at you.”
Jimin grabbed his wrist softly, tiny fingers barely enveloping fully Jungkook’s forearm. Jungkook marveled at it, watching with wide eyes how cute Jimin’s sturdy and slightly tanned fingers contrasted with the colors inked on his skin. Shit, he was getting distracted.
“That’s why you should come inside,” explained Jimin, eyebrows furrowed in slight concern and bottom lip jutted out in a pout, “I don’t want you to be angry at me.”
Jungkook wasn’t really sure how the other had managed to convince him, but five minutes later he found himself sat on Jimin’s couch with a glass of water on his hands, eyes wide observing everything around him. He reasoned it had a lot to do with Jimin’s doe and sparkly eyes and that giant pout that could melt even the coldest heart.
“Drink that up,” said Jimin coming from the kitchen with a glass of milk on his own hands, “your hangover will be horrible otherwise.”
Jungkook obeyed, some water dribbling down his chin onto his tee from how quickly he gulped the contents down, and ignoring Jimin’s giggle he whipped his face a second after.
“Now you gonna tell me why are you so angry at me?” asked Jimin, sitting cross-legged on the sofa facing Jungkook’s side, hands cupping his glass carefully as to not spill its content.
“Because you make me feel things.” confessed Jungkook blatantly, ignoring those words could have a double meaning.
“Feel… things?”
“Yeah,” he affirmed, adding a firm nod to support his statement. “I used to not care and because of you I do care a lot about things now.”
“That’s…. Is that a bad thing?” questioned Jimin then, sensing this was more serious than what he expected initially.
“It is!” exclaimed Jungkook, turning his body to the side so he was facing the other aswell. “I shouldn’t feel bad for her, you know?” he kept babbling with a sudden knot on his throat, “she abandoned me, she deserves what I said to her but now I - I now feel bad - and it’s your fault.”
There was a moment of silence, complete and deafening silence; not even a sound could be heard from the street, it seemed as if the world hit pause for a second. And the next one he had Jimin’s arms around his shoulders pressing him down until his head collided with Jimin’s chest, noticing then he had started crying.
“Jungkook, I’m sorry.” mumbled Jimin, his fingers cradling his hair softly. “I don’t know what to say—“
“It’s not really your fault,”choked out Jungkook, enveloping his arms around Jimin’s small frame. “it’s just- I didn’t expect it.”
“Wanna tell me what happened exactly?” asked Jimin, his fingers scratching softly Jungkook’s scalp. It was relaxing, but Jungkook found himself crying a bit more as memories came rushing to his mind; how hard he had cried when she left, how alone he felt the first few nights until his grandpa had helped him go through the pain and confusion, being his only source of comfort before he was forced to leave also.
“She- she left me -she simply abandoned me with grandpa when I was just a kid.” he explained clumsily, voice rough from the crying and fingers digging into Jimin’s over-sized tee. “and she came out of nowhere with an excuse of an apology thinking it will be as simple as that.”
Jimin seemed to grasp enough of the story through Jungkook’s drunken words, because he tightened his arms around the younger, pressing him more into his chest before burying his nose on Jungkook’s hair.
“When grandpa died I was alone, completely alone— I had no one and I just—” he babbled out, more tears coming out his eyes,”— she thinks she can say sorry and that I will forgive her as easily… I don’t want her in my life-“
“Then don’t accept her.” interrupted Jimin. Jungkook leaned away, surprised by his words; he knew Jimin was kind and caring, Jungkook reasoned he would be forgiving his mother were he in Jungkook’s case, so what he had just said caught Jungkook off guard.
“What?” he asked confused, sniffling harshly. Jimin gave him a fond smile before explaining himself.
“I mean, she left you behind and barely said goodbye nor why she was leaving,” he started with, his gentle fingers still on Jungkook’s hair, “That’s not how you treat your own kid, so you have the right to not forgive her.”
“I thought you would said I should— that is what you would do.”
“Not it you don’t want to.” he continued, smile still on his lips. Jungkook wasn’t sure what the other was smiling about, but the sight of it was enough to tamer down his crying. “she should have explained herself back then, you would have understood- maybe would get angry anyways, but you would have understood why she left and you wouldn’t have gotten angrier by the day for so many years. Maybe, by now, you would have forgiven her already ”
“I — Yeah….” mumbled Jungkook bewildered, blinking as Jimin’s words sunk in. He was still tipsy, so it took him a while to really comprehend that Jimin was right. He was a child when she left, but if she just have told him she wasn’t feeling capable of raising him, or whatever her reason was, he would have understood. He would have let it heal on its own instead of spending all his childhood wondering what he had done wrong and hating her to the point it forbid him of feeling anything else. Even if he had said he didn’t care anymore back then, deep inside him that wound had been still bleeding without him noticing and converted his pain into hatred to world.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out, fixing his eyes on Jimin hoping it would convey how sincere he was. “I— I should have noticed I was still hurting and try to solve it instead of being so angry at everything and everyone.”
“You are a good kid, even if you don’t see it for yourself.” spoke Jimin softly, his smile never faltering. Jungkook noticed how Jimin’s smile was enough to ease his hurting heart. “On a side note, I think it would be good to talk to her, listen to her reasons but if you don’t want to forgive her for the pain she caused it’s understandable— but you don’t have to. Do it when you are ready.”
They stared at each other intently, Jimin used his thumb to wipe away Jungkook’s tears, touch tender and eyes soft. Jungkook felt overwhelmed for a second, letting himself drown on the other’s eyes that were so full of understanding and care. Jimin’s eyes were so pretty, sparkly, as if they held the whole world for only Jungkook to see, and they staring right back at him -only him; he felt rooted to the place, suddenly everything bad forgotten, there was no pain, no hate. There was nothing but peace, the tranquil beating of his own heart, his soothing breathing - maybe a bit of love.
Without thinking he leaned forward, closing the small space between his faces until their lips met. Jimin’s breath hitched against his lips, his fingers curling on Jungook’s nape.
It was a short kiss, but enough to leave Jungkook’s lips itching for more. He leaned in again to give Jimin’s lips an open-mouthed kiss this time, nipping softly the other’s bottom lip before separating again.
“Jungkook…” whispered Jimin, pushing him away slightly with a hand on his chest when Jungkook tried for another kiss, his other hand still curled around the back of his neck, “I don’t think we— you are drunk.”
“I want you, hyung,” he blurted out, fighting easily against Jimin’s weak push to press the tip of their noses together, dragging his body forward so he could be closer to him, “I want you so bad.”
Jimin breathed in shakily, half-lidded eyes fixed on Junkook’s lips into what Jungkook interpreted a silent plea for more, so he tilted his head and captured Jimin’s lips with his own again without a single bit of hesitation. Jimin seemed more eager this time aswell, opening his mouth to allow Jungkook lick into it with ease, both groaning in pleasure when their tongues met.
It was rushed, a bit sloppy, and maybe Jungkook was still too drunk to be completely aware of what he was doing, but as Jmin’s fingers fisted his hair with a rough pull and Jungkook’s hand fell on the other’s thigh there was nothing Jungkook would change about this moment.
It got heated up quickly, Jungkook leaning forward more and more until Jimin was laid down on the sofa with the younger between his legs and hovering over him, mouth devouring his complete being passionately. Jimin started releasing soft mewls of pleasure, as if he had difficulties keeping up with Jungkook’s path but not wanting to stop.
“Jungkook—“ moaned Jimin when the younger started rotating his hips down onto Jimin’s hardening bulge. Jungkook’s mouth moved down the other’s neck, nibbling softly and licking all the skin he could find, rejoicing in the little sounds of pleasure that kept falling from Jimin’s abused lips.
The younger kept the friction going for a bit despite it had started to hurt, his member too hard and sensitive, but Jimin kept clinging onto him, fingertips digging into the small of Jungkook’s back to press him closer, the other tugging at his hair; not to mention the sounds he kept releasing, awakening some groans of pleasure from Jungkook.
“Hyung— Jimin,” he groaned on the other’s neck, hot breath moisturizing Jimin’s skin as he panted against it, “tell me I can— please, let me fuck you.”
Jimin threw his head back, giving Jungkook unspoken permission to suck on his neck as his fingers dug more into Jungkook’s clothes.
“I don’t— I’ve never done it before.” confessed Jimin, voice rough and sounding undone. Jungkook groaned at the sound, pleased he had reduced Jimin into a mess so quickly.
“Shit,” moaned Jungkook, as his hips stuttered forward seeking for more, but his foggy brain reminded him of what Jimin had just said, so he slowed down and Jimin whined at the lost friction. “Then you don’t— we don’t have to-“
“I want to,” confessed Jimin, finally opening his eyes to stare back at him, eyes drowned in a mix of lust and fear. “I want to do this with you, I’ve wanted for long. I just— I don’t want this to mean nothing to you.”
Jungkook studied Jimin’s expression and the seriousness of his words, suddenly very aware of his own feelings. He didn’t want this to mean nothing either, Jimin was too precious in his life to fuck up that much. He wanted all of Jimin; his lips and their kissed, his tender smiles, his short fingers interlacing with his slender ones. He wanted everything Jimin had to offer.
“All of you—“ he slurred, pestering wet kisses all over the other’s face until he found his lips again, “I want all of you forever.”
Jimin embraced him by his shoulders, pressing him down impossibly closer. There wasn’t even a tiny bit of space between them, except for their clothes. Jungkook had never wished so hard for clothes to vanish into nothingness so quickly.
With shaky fingers and clumsy movements they got rid of their clothes and once they were utterly naked Jungkook stopped to marvel in the sight that was Park Jimin naked, sprawled under him with flushed cheeks and bitting on his bottom lip seductively, awaiting for Jungkook’s next move.
“You are— You are so hot.” mumbled Jimin shyly, his short fingers tracing delicately the ink on Jungkook’s chest, swirls and curls and vibrant colors that transformed into a beautiful rose. Jungkook let him, enjoying the feel of those sweet fingers on his skin. It was suddenly so intimate, the delicacy in which Jimin touched him made Jungkook feel safe and protected, not judged by his appearance; Jimin was showing him respect and love for how he was.
Jungkook leaned forward to capture the other’s lips in a rough kiss, his dick twitching when he prodded at Jimin’s entrance with a dry finger just to tease, making the other’s eyes flutter closed in pleasure, navel going down as he sucked in a deep breath. At this rate Jungkook wasn’t going to last long.
“Do you have lube?” asked Jungkook, running out of patience as his dick started to leak the more he played with Jimin’s ring of muscle.
“N—no but I have… coconut oil in the bathroom,” replied Jimin, flushing deeply red as the words spilled from his mouth.
“Coconut oil?” questioned Jungkook through slurry words, his mind still a bit foggy from the alcohol he had consumed previously and all the emotions swimming freely inside him, “Isn’t that for your skin or shit like that?”
“Well, yeah?” spluttered Jimin, blushing another shade darker the more he had to explain to a drunken Jungkook, “I looked it up on the internet….it can be used with care if it’s 100% natural coconut oil— shit, this is so embarrassing.” he added, covering his face with both his hands.
“You bought it with that purpose?” asked Jungkook mischievously, imagining a red-faced Jimin ordering coconut oil on the internet.
“No! It was meant for my face!” he exclaimed, uncovering his face to glare at Jungkook, who just smirked in response, “But, well, I— I kinda, yeah….” he admitted before covering his face again.
“You are so cute,” admitted Jungkook, prying Jimin’s hands away from his face so he could lean in for another kiss. Jimin groaned in a childish protest for his words, but melted against his mouth the second after as Jungkook nipped at his bottom lip to pull it open to deepen the kiss. “Wait here, gonna go for it.”
On his way to the bathroom he tripped with their discarded clothes, almost planting his face on the floor, but luckily for him the doorframe was at a reach of a hand, and that saved the little remains of ego he still had undamaged. Though he would have totally let himself fall if that meant Jimin would giggle as cutely as he did when he saw him trip.
The oil was fairly easy to find, the container was innocently resting atop the sink almost as if it was put there beforehand. He smiled to himself, arousal pooling on his lower half as he imagined Jimin trying to finger himself with this.
He found Jimin exactly how he had left him, sprawled on the coach, skin glistening with the faintest hint of sweat and flushed to the ears.
“You are so fucking beautiful.” groaned Jungkook, throwing himself forward in between Jimin’s legs for another kiss. Jimin welcomed him with an open mouth and eager hands that first just pressed him closer for later dug into his skin.
They kept kissing for awhile, panting into each other’s mouth hotly as they played with their tongues, their hips moving in synch with more delicious friction now that their leaking cocks lubricated them enough to make the slide delightful until the thud of something falling to the floor snapped Jungkook out of it.
He fished blindly for the coconut oil container as he sucked harshly on Jimin’s neck, leaving a trail of spit down to his collarbones, though Jimin didn’t seem to mind much by the way he arched himself more into the touch. He opened the lid, the sweet smell of the oil invading the room, and took a bit with two fingers. It was a bit a thick, and Jungkook doubted for a second it could really be used as lube, but then it started to melt on his fingers the more he played with it and that convinced him enough to try. He teased Jimin’s entrance with a slicked up finger, feeding off Jimin’s faint whimper that fell from his parted mouth the more he pressed the finger inside.
Jimin was nervous, Jungkook could tell, and consequently was putting restraint against Jungkook’s finger by clenching his ass at the feel of something on it.
“Relax,” mumbled Jungkook against Jimin’s collarbone, “otherwise it will hurt like hell.”
“I- I know,” said Jimin, voice restrained and rough. Jungkook had never heard such sound coming from the other’s throat; Jimin’s voice always sounded sweet despite the deepness of it, and Jungkook was enjoying the switch. “I’ve fingered myself before, it’s just— I’m nervous because it’s you.”
Jungkook looked up, taking in Jimin’s troubled face, hating the frown settled between his brows. He leaned forward, nipped at Jimin’s bottom lip and pressed his finger inside half-way, swallowing with his own lips Jimin’s little mewl.
“I will make you feel good.” promised Jungkook, pecking Jimin’s lips. The other responded with a high pitched whine as Jungkook prodded with his finger. He had to admit the oil was making the slide easy and its sweet smell made him salivate, giving him the urge to taste it. He discarded the idea, though Jimin would probably enjoy it a lot, but Jungkook was a bit too desperate to keep up with the teasing; there would be other chances for that.
It took all his willpower to be patient, his dick was hard between his legs and the little sounds Jimin kept releasing as Jungkook added more fingers and more pressure just fueled the fire. It was messy and sloppy, but he managed to loosen up Jimin’s muscles to the point the other could only gasp and cling onto him desperate for more, and Jungkook took pride in the fact he was managing to make Jimin’s first time so pleasurable.
“I think— I think I can handle it Jung—“ stuttered Jimin between little gasps of pleasure because of Jungkook’s quick pace. The younger looked up at him, studying his face, his fingers fucking into the other’s hole with fast moves that elicited loud squelching sounds.
“You think so?” he asked just to make sure because it was evident Jimin was ready for something bigger taking in consideration his ass kept clenching every time his fingers went in deeper.
“Yes, please—“
“Ok, shit.” mumbled Jungkook, finally pulling out his fingers. He admired the way Jimin’s ass clenched around nothing, the boy whimpering at the immediate emptiness so the younger quickly repositioned himself better between his parted legs, squeezing those pretty and tanned thighs to have support. “Ok, I’m going. Ready?”
“Yes, please— hurry—“ spat Jimin impatiently, grabby hands on Jungkook’s shoulders. Jungkook chuckled, amused by his evident impatience despite the nervousness that surrounded both of them.
He lubed himself quickly and pushed in slowly, delicately, just the enough pressure for the tip to get in to allow Jimin get used to the stretch. It was different from just three fingers and Jungkook didn’t want to hurt him.
Jimin threw his head back, eyes big like owl staring up at the ceiling as his fingers squeezed Jungkook’s bulging biceps to the point Jungkook felt his nails dig into the skin - surely leaving some marks that would be visible even on his inked skin and that, hopefully, wouldn’t disappear in a couple of days.
Jungkook pressed in a bit more, still slowly but with more confident as Jimin released a tiny sound that he hoped was of pleasure, and kept on going until he was balls deep inside him.
“You— are you ok hyung?” managed to ask Jungkook through gritted teeth; the pressure was too much, his dick surrounded by Jimin’s slick walls and warmth was too much. He wasn’t sure he would last for too long, he just hoped to make it good for Jimin.
“Yeah, just— just give me a second.” Jimin groaned, still clinging onto the other. Jungkook didn’t move, just stood there blinking down at the other waiting for the signal to go. He studied Jimin’s features, the delicate slope of his nose, those warm brown eyes swarmed with lust and with a little sparkle of something more as they stared right back at him. Jungkook’s heart fluttered in happiness and what he thought was love.
Yeah, it definitely it was love.
“Move.” whispered Jimin, hooking up his ankles at the small of Jungkook’s back, his thighs embracing his torso. Jungkook nodded, still in awe by that little moment they had, and rolled his hips languidly eliciting a beautiful gasp from Jimin’s mouth.
Jungkook kept it slow and fluid the first minutes, still scared he could hurt Jimin by moving too fast, but then Jimin pressed him closer with his legs and mumbled a breathy faster against his lips. And Jungkook lost it.
With deep and loud groans he moved his hips quick, kinda messily and losing his rhythm more times than not; it made him travel some years back to when he was still a teenager and tried to not come the moment he put his dick in someone, humping onto them with quick an short thrusts. Jimin managed to do that to him, reduce him to an hormonal and moaning mess. Unbelievable.
But Jimin seemed to be enjoying himself, with his head thrown back, his fingers digging painfully onto Jungkook’s arms and his legs limp at his side, making them bounce with the rhythm of Jungkook’s thrusts.  Jungkook took Jimin’s hard dick with a hand, pumping it fast and hard in tandem with his thrusts. Or so he thought, he was still drunk -not sure if from the alcohol or from Jimin- so his senses were dumb and his brain foggy, everything around him felt like a dream. Jimin on his arms, moaning of pleasure felt like a dream. Jungkook hoped we was really making it good for him.
He felt his muscles tense, his climax approaching too soon for his liking but he was also desperate for release at this point so he quickened his pace on both his hand and hips until he came with an embarrassing high pitched moan, hips stuttering forward and his body falling completely on the other.
He remained stoic for a couple of seconds, breathing hard on Jimin’s neck when the realization that Jimin hadn’t come yet hit him. He reached for the other’s lips with his own, giving Jimin a rough and open mouthed kiss as his hand clenched around his dick and started pumping again, bringing out beautiful groans from Jimin’s throat, thirstily swallowing them all with his mouth. Jimin bucked his hips up, thrusting onto his hand as his hole clenched around Jungkook’s dick, seeking for release that came quickly, splashing the younger’s chest with his come. It was beautiful, Jungkook thought, the way his swollen lips parted and his eyes clenched shut, breathy moan echoing through the silent room.
Jungkook decided this was a sight he wanted all for himself for the rest of his life.
They remained like that for a while, breathing onto each other, bodies pressed tightly and just feeling. Jungkook didn’t mind at all the stickiness between their chests, nor the dampness of their sweaty skin; everything was perfect.
He wasn’t sure how or when he stood up from the sofa to go fetch a towel to clean themselves, but he somehow managed to, taking away all the mess from Jimin’s perfect body with delicate fingers and feather-like kisses.
They tried to cuddle for a while on Jimin’s sofa bed, after the older one explained to him how to open it to get the mattress out, but Jungkook was so tired it didn’t last for long, his heavy eyelids closing on its own as his lips curled up in a satisfied smile.
Jungkook woke up with a painfully throbbing head. He immediately rested the palm of his hand against his forehead, weakly trying to convey the pain away by adding a bit of pressure. He failed, though, his sweaty palm just disgusted him more, adding discomfort to his heated body.
“Fucking shit,” he cursed childishly, eyes opening in surprise when a body pressed closer to his and hot breath hit his collarbones as response. A look to Jimin’s sleeping form served to make him remember the events of the previous night and a sudden rush of embarrassment made his chest and neck flush up to the tip of his ears.
He panicked, because not only had he cried in front of the older one, spilling his secrets and worries, but also managed to confess his feelings. And Jungkook had never cried in front of anyone except for his grandfather, and that had been ages ago.
But his fear dissipated as quickly as it came when, after pondering about the situation for another two seconds, felt less burdened; sure his head hurt like hell, but his heart felt at peace, his mind cleared. Something he didn’t recall feeling ever before, and everything thanks to the night spent with Jimin.
He took another glance to the sleeping boy beside him, curled up towards Jungkook seeking for warmth, his hands fisted, one of them on Jungkook’s tattooed chest next to his squished cheek. A fond smile creeped its way up on his lips as his heart swelled with contentment. This was really unexpected coming from him since never had he felt something like this for anyone; he felt secure and protected with Jimin, like he could let himself get loose and open up to him without being judged. It was refreshing and pleasant and sure something he wished would remain for a long time. That was the reason he had started hanging out with Jimin at first as well, because the older one gave Jungkook the sense of freedom instead of the urge to prove himself constantly.
He decided to let Jimin sleep a bit more, and despite being really comfortable in their current position, he scurried away carefully from under Jimin’s body, fishing his clothes to put on.
He was hungry, and assumed Jimin would too once he woke up, so he grabbed Jimin’s keys once he had freshened in the bathroom and pecked Jimin’s forehead, and tiptoed his way out to go seek for some baked goods.
It took him more time than expected, no bakeries were near where Jimin lived and the one most close to his apartment became not an option when the old man at the counter frowned at him when he stopped at the door to inspect the food, obviously taken aback by Jungkook’s tattooed arms and pierced ears.
On other days, he would have come inside and make an scene, call out the dude for his rude attitude and leave with hands full of free food, but he was in a good mood and Jimin wouldn’t be happy to know he had profusely scared someone just because he felt offended. So he recoiled and kept walking until he found another one that wouldn’t say anything, the lady behind the counter probably used at having people with his looks given the neighborhood they lived in.
He walked back to Jimin’s apartment with a slight bounce on his steps, whistling softly a tune he didn’t know where he had listened to before and no trace of a headache. He felt good, and the world seemed less dull than the previous day. He thought that if any of his buddies saw him they would laugh at him once they would recover from the sight of Jungkook smiling from ear to ear with a genuine smile. But then, he thought he couldn’t care less when the thought of a sleepy Jimin greeting him at his apartment came to his mind. Fuck his image.
He kept whistling happily while he searched for the right key to open the door with one hand, the other holding the bag of freshly-made sweet buns that had his mouth salivating, anticipating Jimin’s sleepy face breaking into one of his beautiful smiles at the sight of them; maybe Jungkook would be able to steal a couple of kisses from him.
He came face to face with a freshly-showered Jimin, damp hair pointing everywhere and clothes two sizes too big on him. Jungkook smiled to himself, taking in the adorable sight in front of him until he spared a look at Jimin’s face.
He seemed surprised, eyes wide fixed on Jungkook who still stood by the door, mouth slightly ajar.
“What?” asked Jungkook, suddenly feeling uneasy at the other’s face. “Is something wrong?”
“I thought— why are you here?” stuttered Jimin, blinking rapidly. Jungkook’s heart sunk to his stomach as sudden panic fell on him. Why was Jimin surprised? Was Jimin not happy to see him? Had jungkook misinterpreted everything? Maybe Jimin hadn’t expected Jungkook to stay; Despite he had said he had wanted this for long, Jimin never said he wanted to repeat.
“I can leave if you want.” answered Jungkook sounding really defensive and forcing himself to not cry. Maybe he had been too positive, too quick on thinking the world was starting to smile at him; maybe the past night with Jimin had just been a fling for him and nothing else; maybe Jungkook had imagined that spark of love and fondness on his eyes. If that was the case, he wouldn’t let Jimin see him cry again, see he had hurt him.
“Wha— no! I don’t—“ said Jimin, taking a step forward as he moved his hands quickly. He seemed troubled, not sure how to react if his awkward stance near the bathroom’s door was anything to go by. “I was just surprised, I thought you left.”
“Well, I did,” mumbled Jungkook, eyes going down to the bag on his hands when holding Jimin’s stare became too much, heart hammering quickly against his ribcage. “I was hungry and thought you would like some sweets for breakfast.”
“Break— breakfast—” stuttered Jimin, voice sounding a bit incredulous under the anxiety that graced the question, “shit— breakfast?”
“Uh…Yes?” answered unsure Jungkook, confusion leveling up at the other’s growing smile. He blinked surprised when Jimin’s laugh broke the silence, observing as Jimin lifted his hands to drag over his face and that muffled a loud groan before he dropped them at the side and stared back at him.
“Shit, Jungkook— I hate you so much,” he said still laughing. Jungkook didn’t have time to react to that because the next second his arms were full of Jimin lifting on his tiptoes to try to kiss him, the citrusy smell of his shampoo invading Jungkook’s senses. He complied, thought, he let Jimin kiss him and hug his neck with both his arms tightly as his brain still tried to process what the fuck had just happened.
“I thought you left and wouldn’t come back.” explained Jimin against his lips before releasing a shaking breath, his eyes swelling up with tears despite the smile on his lips.
“What? no, hyung I wouldn’t—“ Jungkook tried to explain clumsily. He had so much to say, he had practiced on his way back to Jimin’s apartment the words he wanted to use to confess to the other in a less drunk-like manner, but now he couldn’t find the  proper words to convey his feelings. “I would never do that to you.”
Jimin nodded, sniffling loudly before hugging the younger tighter and burying his face on Jungkook’s neck. Jungkook had to embrace him tightly as Jimin dropped all his weight on him, seemingly really relieved to have the younger on his arms again.
“I was cursing at you so bad five minutes ago,” said Jimin, mirth gracing his tone before leaving a soft peck under Jungkook’s ear, “I’ve never said such awful words in my entire life. You have changed me Jeon Jungkook.”
Jungkook laughed as well, amused at the other’s words; only if Jimin knew how much he had changed Jungkook as well.
“I’m sorry Jimin,” he apologized sincerely, breathing in Jimin’s sweet scent. “I truly am.”
“I know silly,” said Jimin, leaning away to stare at him. Jungkook smiled at Jimin’s face, lacking annoyance or hurt despite his reddened eyes; he looked happy and relieved, a look Jungkook wanted to see on his face everyday. “I’m sorry for doubting you, for thinking you would leave… I didn’t see you and I panicked. It hurt to think that what happened last night meant nothing to you after all.”
Jungkook had wanted to surprise the other with breakfast and sweet kisses but instead Jimin woke up to an empty bed and emptier apartment and nothing to warn him about the younger’s whereabouts; Jungkook couldn’t blame him for thinking the worst of the situation. Actually, were Jimin someone else, Jungkook would have left without any remorse.
“It’s ok,” reassured Jungkook leaning in for a quick kiss, not even fighting back the urge of it. Why would he? It felt too good to have Jimin at his reach whenever he desired, it would be stupid of him to refrain himself when kissing Jimin was way more pleasant. “I would have thought same to be honest. But I’m here now and I’m planing to stay for as long as you want me to.”
“That’s good to hear, because I’m not letting you go anywhere.” replied Jimin, bumping their noses together before tilting his head to the side to seal their lips with another kiss. This time it lasted longer as Jungkook pressed Jimin firmly against him when the other tried to lean away; he wanted to put into that kiss his feelings, hoping Jimin would understand how much he felt towards him. And by the way Jimin melted against him, Jungkook knew he had understood.
Junkook was planing to stay forever and Jimin was accepting him with open arms.
23 notes · View notes
Seva’s character questionaire
1.      What is your name?
Given name? Ruby Trill. Earned the surname of Nimblemind.
2.      Do you have any nicknames? If you do, who gave it to you and why?
Seva – it’s an old nickname. Seth gave it to me. I was teachin’ him language and he learned the dwarven word for taking care of someone was ‘Sciever’. He couldn’t pronounce it right with his lil’ baby tongue, Seva was as close as he got.
3.      How old are you now?
58, if you’d believe it.
4.      When were you born?
58 years ago. What do you care more specifically?
5.      Where do you call home now?
Good fuckin’ question. Next.
6.      To what social class do you belong?
Guess I’m poor again.
7.      What is your eye color?
I hear tell they’re blue. Been a while since I was able to check.
8.      What is your hair color?
Blonde? Probably getting whiter day by day.
9.      Do you have any distinguishing facial features?
You’re asking the wrong person.
10.   Do you have any birthmarks? Where are they?
Again, asking the wrong person.
11.   Do you have any scars? How did you get them?
I’ve got a ton. Mostly order stuff. Specifics are foggy.
12.   Do you have any tattoos or other markings? How and why did you get them?
No tats. I don’t see much point, since I don’t get to enjoy you.                                                              
13.   Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Not any I’d admit to out loud. I guess alcohol is obvious enough.
14. �� Are you right or left handed?
Left handed, but more towards ambidexterity.
15.   What does your voice sound like?
Jeez, you’ll ask anything. I don’t know, voices change entirely based on one’s perception, so I sound different to me than I do to you. Sound reverberates in the skull.
16.   How do you dress most of the time?
Whatever’s available.
17.   How do you dress up?
Whatever’s available, but clean.
18.   How do you dress down?
Whatever’s available, but particularly dirty.
19.   What do you wear when you go to sleep?
Whatever’s available, but a little less.
20.   Do you wear any jewelry?
Not anymore.
21.   What words and/or phrases do you use frequently?
I don’t think I’m too predictable like that.
22.   Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
I don’t think I do – again, something you’d have to tell me.
23.   Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they and how do you plan to get rid of them?
Too damn many to count.
24.   Do you have a lifelong dream or aspiration?
Not anymore, that’s for sure.
25.   Do you own a car (or other form of transportation)? Why or why not? Describe it.
Had unlimited access to transportation a long time ago. Sure don’t anymore.
26.   What is your current state of mind?
What do you think is my current state of mind.
 Part Two: Family
 27.   How close are you to your family?
What goddamn family.
28.   Do you have a spouse or significant other? Describe them.
Had three marriages, none of them stuck.
29.   Have you started your own family? Describe them if you do. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
Hey. Fuck you.
30.   Who was your Father and what was he like?
Halfling. Quick as a whip and cleverer than a sack of monkeys. We never really got along, hell, I thought he was a pompous asshole, but his death affected me pretty deep, since he was the only blood I had left.
31.   Who was your Mother and what was she like?
She was half dwarf, half halfling, and she was uneducated as shit, and desperately poor to boot. She encouraged me to steal from the time I could walk and gave me to the Order without a second thought for the promise of a sack of gold and a decent education for me.
32.   Who are you closest to in your family?
Fuck you.
33.   Is there someone in your family you wish you were closer to?
There ain’t nobody.
34.   What was your parent’s marriage like?
They never did get married. I’d consider it remarkable that they put up with each other long enough for me to exist.
35.   Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Had them. Never met ‘em.
39. When’s the last time you saw a member of your family? Where are they now?
‘Bout twenty-seven years, and I’ll see ‘em next when I get to the Astral plane, too.
40. Did you meet any other family members? (Aunts Uncles, etc) Describe them.
They’re all fuckin’ dead. Quit this line of questioning.
 Part Three: Friends and Relationships with Others
 41. In general, how do you treat other people that you have just met?
Hold ‘em at arms length. Even reliable people aren’t necesscarily trustworthy.
42. Does your treatment of people change depending on how well you know them and if so how?
I wouldn’t say my treatment changes too much. I guess I go a little less on the tough and more on the love.
43. Who is the most important person in your life and why?
…Don’t got those no more.
44. Who is the person you respect the most and why?
I can’t even respect me anymore. I guess Gaitena, for filling my shoes.
45. Who are your friends? Describe them.
Most of ‘em are dead or changed or gone or whatever. I don’t care to try.
46. Do you have a best friend? Describe them.
I sure don’t. Narlos is gone, or dead.
47. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
I’ve got no one. How many times do I have to lay this out for you?
48. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who and why?
49. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
My guess? Nobody.
50. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Fuckin’. Burke. Goes without fucking saying at this point.
51. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict?
I’ll argue. I’ll argue till the goddamn cows come home.
52. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
I’m a leader. I don’t know how to follow.
53. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
I don’t… do that.
54. Do you care what others think of you?
Ain’t no reason to care anymore.
55. What habit do others have that annoys you the most?
Tired of being dismissed for all my flaws.
56. What is the most important quality you look for in a friend?
Don’t have any.
57. What do you most value in your friends?
Got no friends.
 Part Four: Growing Up (Childhood)
 58. Where were you born?
59. Where did you grow up?
60. How would you describe your childhood in general?
Fuckin’ sucked. Got encouraged to be a thief and pickpocket from the get-go, knew jack shit, understood even less.
61. What is your earliest memory?
Mom sendin’ me out on my lil’ baby legs to go and try to get money.
62. What is your fondest childhood memory?
I guess… Meeting Lorelei. We were both kids at the time, but she was real little, and I was told she’d probably be part of my team one day. So.
63. What is your worst childhood memory?
Probably my first day with the Order. My father had only recently lost his other kids and gotten his ass sterilized in a fight, and he was left with an ugly, uneducated, awkward child who hated him, and it was just me and him.
64. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I didn’t have much dreams. I just did what was expected of me.
65. As a child, what were your favorite activities?
I liked reading, though I learned late.
66. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
I was a lot fucking nicer than.
67. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
I was well liked, enough. The other kids thought I was weird because I was born free, and stayed free longer than most..
68. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
I wasn’t really a toys sort. I liked books.
69. As a child, what was your favorite game to play?
I liked puzzles. I wanted to get sharper. It worked.
 Part Five: Growing Up (Teen/Young Adult)
 70. How much schooling have you had?
I got an Order education, and a better one than most, since I absorbed fuckin’ everything. Upshots of being a Braniac.
71. Did you enjoy school?
So goddamn much. I hated when it wasn’t held more than anything else, ‘cause then it was just me and my father.
72. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
With the Order. Most in the library and schoolhouse, just as much in practical use.
73. While growing up, did you have any role models other than your parents? Describe them.
As if my role models were my fucking parents. Nope – I didn’t have any of those. I wasn’t big on… people.
74. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Like I said – mom sucked when I was with her, dad sucked when I was with him.
75. How old were you when you went on your first date? Describe the date.
The fuck’s a date/
76. What is your favorite memory from your teen years?
Hit a record for being the youngest steel brooch promoted to bronze in the ‘halfling’ category – I was just fourteen. It was nice.
77. What is your worst memory from your teen years?
One time, Dad and I got injured at the same general time. We had to spend fucking weeks in each other’s fucking business. Fuck.
78. When and with whom was your first kiss?
Don’t particularly want to think about this. Fucking hated it.
79. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
I’m not, and it sucked, and I don’t want to talk about this.
80. Describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
I was very influenced by the things I read in the archives. Real hero stories, you know? I guess I wanted to emulate that, or write some. I dunno.
 Part Six: Past Influences
 81. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
I guess… Well, losing my dad changed pretty much the entire way my life was going. Led me to make a lot of calls I wouldn’t necessarily have done otherwise. Led to a lot of bad things, indirectly.
82. Who has had the most influence on you?
Dad. He was the only Brainiac I ever knew, and I worked off what he taught me. He was good at what he did, even though he was a real prick.
83. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Broke the age record for getting the gold brooch – only 26.
84. What is your greatest regret?
…I couldn’t do anything for Seth.
85. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
What’s your standard? ‘Cause I’ve done some shit.
86. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
Hoo, boy, do I.
87. When was the time you were the most frightened?
I was imprisoned. Bad shit happened. Don’t want to think about it.
88. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
I don’t get embarrassing.
89. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Everything would be better if Seth were alright.
90. What is your best memory?
Guess it had to be the first time I held my boy. He sucked on my pinky with a thirst suited to somethin’ way bigger than a newborn and it was the greatest damn thing that ever happened to me in my damn life.
91. What is your worst memory?
Bein’ delirious in bed and getting the bad news about Seth. I thought I just dreamed it up, but the better I got, the realer it got.
92. When and where were you the happiest?
Between those two things.
 Part Seven: Beliefs and Opinions
 93. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
Can you blame me for bein’ a pessimist?
94. What is your greatest fear?
Everything I’ve had to fear’s already come true.
95. Have you told any one your fear before?
Why bother?
96. Who would be the one person you’d never tell your fear?
There’s no goddamn one left.
97. What are your religious views?
I used to believe in something. Not anymore.
98. What are your political views?
Don’t really think much on politics anymore.
99. What are your views on sex?
In my experience? It’s bad.
100. Are you able to kill?
I’ve done it a thousand goddamn times.
101. Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
If it ends up in a mean conservation of life, or if the lives they threaten are those of good and innocent people, go to fuckin’ town.
102. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
Take everything someone has ‘till there’s nothing left, then lack the basic decency to kill ‘em afterwards.
103. Do you believe in the existence of soul males and/or true love?
What a load of bullshit.
104. What do you believe makes a successful life?
Ending up happy.
105. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? (Meaning do you hide your true self from others and in what way?)
106. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
I am. Not saying a damn thing about it, though.
107. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
I’m not gonna hurt a kid.
108. Who or what, if anything, would you die for? (or go to extremes for?)
…That’s for me to fucking know.
109. What is your best feature, in your opinion?
I guess I got an alright head on my shoulder.
110. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any types that people should never do? Why or why not?
I think they should go directly to me.
111. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
At this point, I can’t even imagine it.
112. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Been there, done that, don’t want to talk about it.
 Part Eight: Likes and Dislikes
 113. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
Like reading, when I can do that. I guess I like writing.
114. What is your most treasured possession?
My glasses, so I’m only mostly blind.
115. What is your favorite color? Why?
I dunno. Greenish.
116. What is your least favorite color? Why?
I don’t much like red.
117. What is your favorite food? Why?
I like a good spicy food.
118. What is your least favorite food? Why?
I don’t like bitter food.
119. What is your favorite sound? Why?
I like hearin’ a nice soprano sing. Nothin’ in particular specifically.
120. What is your least favorite sound? Why?
The sound of something being dragged across gravel.
121. What is your favorite smell/scent? Why?
I like the smell of opening a spice cabinet.
122. What is your least favorite smell/scent? Why?
Don’t like the smell of mud or blood.
123. What, if anything, do you like to read?
I like to read in general.
124. What is your idea of good entertainment?
Solitude. A good book.
125. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
Drunk as shit, angry.
126. What makes you laugh?
127. What makes you laugh out loud, hysterically?
...Particularly sick irony.
128. What makes you cry?
I don’t got reason for that anymore.
129. What makes you cry, hysterically?
Remembering all the reasons I’ve had.
130. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
Nothing, anymore. I’ve seen a lot.
131. What would you do if you couldn’t sleep and had to find something to amuse yourself?
Pass out drunk, probably.
132. How do you deal with stress?
I think we’ve all noticed that the answer to that is ‘fucking poorly’.
133. Are you spontaneous or do you always need to have a plan?
Plan it.
134. What are your pet peeves?
When people act in a way I can’t rationalize.
135. Where do you go when you’re angry or depressed?
136. What do you do when you’re bored?
137. What type of music do you like? Favorite bands or musicians?
Not so big on non-solo acts.
144. What is your favorite book? Why?
One of the old Order archive books – the archive’s stories about the heroes of old are just fuckin’ breathtaking.
145. What is your least favorite book? Why?
I don’t like books where the hero fucking dies at the end. What’s the fucking point.
149. What annoys you more than anything else?
I can’t dig myself outta the rut I’m in.
150. What time of day is your favorite? Why?
I don’t mind dusk.
151. What time of day is your least favorite? Why?
Fuckin… mornings.
152. What kind of weather is your favorite? Why?
Overcast. I’m from Quema.
153. What kind of weather is your least favorite? Why?
Sunshine. I’m from Quema and have trouble seeing.
154. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?
Can I just opt out of this one.
155. What is the most awful thing you have ever seen?
…Can I opt out of this one for different reasons?
156. What is your favorite drink? Why?
Anything alcoholic.
157. What is your least favorite drink? Why?
I’ve never felt so betrayed as when someone handed me a virgin drink as a form of cutting me off.
158. What is your favorite animal? Why?
Hate animals.
159. What is your least favorite animal? Why?
All of ‘em.
160. What sorts of things embarrass you?
Got nothin’ to be embarrassed about anymore.
 Part Nine: Self Image
 161. Describe a normal day for you.
Wake up. Drink. Fall asleep.
162. How do you feel when your routine is disrupted?
Fuckin’ pissed.
163. What is your greatest strength as a person?
I guess I got experience.
164. What is your greatest weakness?
I’m like, a tenth of the person I was.
165. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Change my heart to not beating.
166. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
167. Are you generally organized or messy?
Lapsed organized person.
168. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at.
Memory, thought, and logic.
169. Name three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
Keepin’ people I care about alive. That’s three things – keeping people, having people I care about, and keeping people alive.
170. What are your reasons for being an adventurer or heroic? Are your real reasons different than the ones you tell other people in public? If so, detail both reasons.
171. What three words best describe your personality?
Bad, sad, and mad.
172. What three words would others probably use to describe you?
Bad, sad, and mad.
173. What about you is heroic?
174. Are you a better lead or follower? Why?
I should probably learn to follow, since it seems like I lead… bad.
175. What is your responsibility to the world? Why?
I owe the world fucking nothing at this point. It owes me.
176. What do you like about yourself?
Not much there to like.
177. What don’t you like about yourself?
Where do I start?
178. What do you find most relaxing? (not stress relief, but something that actually calms you down.)
Putting thoughts on paper.
179. What talent would you most like to have?
Dunno. I’m tired of having talents.
  Part Eleven: Drug & Alcohol
 189. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If yes, why? Do you want to quit?
Yes, you can guess why, and no.
190. How old were you when you had your first drink? Did you like it? Why or why not?
I had my first drink at 20, hated it, drank again at 32 and never stopped.
191. How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like?
32. Less pleasant than being in my head.
192. Do you drink on a regular basis?
Sure do.
193. What kind of alcohol do you prefer?
194. Have you ever tried any kind of “mood altering” substance? Which ones? Describe the experience.
Yes, many, and I don’t want to tell you about them.
 Part Twelve: Sex & Intimacy
 195. Have you ever been in love? What happened?
Sure haven’t.
196. Have you ever had your heart broken?
197. Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Why?
To align oneself with a solid preference is reductive, all my experiences have been bad so I couldn’t say for certain.
198. Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? Describe the experience.
I was twenty, it was on my first wedding night, it was bad, and I hated it.
199. Have you ever had a same-sex experience? Describe the experience.
I was older, it wasn’t great, and I also hated it.
200. What is your deepest, most well-hidden sexual fantasy? Would you ever try it?
This is the last thing I want to think about.
201. What was the wildest thing you have done, sexually? Describe the experience.
Can we… not?
206. Do you ever want to get married? When do you see this happening?
Been there, done that, it sucks, don’t want to ever do that again.
207. Do you want children? Why or why not?
208. What is more important, sex or intimacy? Why?
If that’s your dichotomy, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
 Part Thirteen: Morality
213. Have you ever been in a physical fight before? Over what, with who, and who won?
Tons. I won just enough to be here.
218. Do you think the future is hopeful? Why or why not?
Yeah, I do. I just don’t think I’ll be around for it.
219. Do you think redemption is possible? Why or why not?
Not really, no. Well, depends on the offense. But if it’s something real fucked up? Go fucking die.
221. Is it okay for men to cry?
I don’t see why not.
222. Is it okay for you to cry?
It’s the single most unpleasant feeling in the world, more unpleasant for familiarity.
223. What do you think is wrong with most people, overall?
They don’t bother understanding the people around them.
224. What is the worst thing you could ever do to someone you hated?
See what the worst thing you can do to someone period is.
225. Do you have feelings that disturb you? What and why?
All the fucking time.
226. On what occasions do you lie?
When I need to.
227. Do you think it is okay to lie?
Don’t see anything wrong so long as it’s not hurting anyone.
 Part Fourteen: Supernatural Awareness
 228. Tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities.
Mine was a passive ability, so soon as I was conscious after the ritual. It’s pretty fucking noticeable, to be able to think on like, a hundred trains of thought at once.
 Part Fifteen: Goals and Future
 235. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
236. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Grave, if I’m lucky. Probably in some hole somewhere, dead as a doornail.
237. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
238. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
Make peace with some of the gods who’d understand me more, I guess.
239. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
I… don’t. There’s nothing worth remembering.
 Part Sixteen: Misc.
 241. What was the worst injury you’ve ever received? How did it happen?
Wasn’t fast enough. Some manticores are poisonous in both breath and touch. Well, suffice to say it breathed on me and got a paw on me ‘till Elen pulled me out. I was out of commission for months, wouldn’t have survived without the dwarven blood.
242. How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
Don’t even fucking play this game.
243. What would you wish for if you ever found a genie? Go back thirty years. That’s all I want.
244. If your house burned down, what one thing would you want to save?
What house?
249. If you were to die and come back as any person or thing, what or who would you want to be?
Someone inconsequential and normal.
251. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Somewhere inconsequential and not a fucking desert.
253. If you could go back to any point in history and change something, what would it be?
Take a goddamn guess.
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