#like at this point it's just different fonts of the same thing what 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
thormanick · 2 years
Me: *for the life of me trying to figure out WHY on earth alhaitham's design reminds me of something*
Me after his design release, seeing it side by side with MBTI's INFJ design on pure coincidence on Insta: wAIT A MINUTE-
Edit: just to drive my point,
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s-b-party · 13 days
HSR’s Guns & Roses: Analysis of Boothill & Argenti
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****Possible spoilers ahead, esp. Boothill’s & Argenti’s lore****
With Boothill out now, I’ve been very intrigued by the Boothill & Argenti duo which I’ve noticed so many details that are similar but also different about them, some of which many people may have already noticed but I still would like to analyze them since it’s been a hot minute since my last lore thread
The main aspects of these 2 characters that I want to talk about are their gameplay, characteristics, and lore/backstories
When we look at their gameplay, some details stand out; for example, both have the same element (physical) but opposite paths when it comes to their DPS roles (Boothill is Hunt which specializes in single target fights & Argenti is Erudition which specializes in dealing dmg to multiple enemies)
Their weapons are also opposites of each other where guns are ranged & the lance is typically used in close combat
This is more of a coincidence which I tweeted about recently but I still think it’s funny that their best-in-slot relics can be found in the same cavern of corrosion
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Next we’ll look at their characteristics by which I mean their personalities & designs; off the bat we can see that Boothill has a more gruff personality & if he weren’t censored by his synesthesia beacon, he would be the sole reason for bumping HSR to a higher audience rating; this man probably would not hold back on the expletives 😂)
Meanwhile Argenti is shown to be very kind with his words, often using compliments & praises; typically he speaks with levelheadedness & grace, just like how we imagine a knight would speak
If we think about it, Boothill & Argenti are both very flamboyant characters but in different fonts; just look at their demo trailers as references since they both move like dancers (Argenti looks like he’s in a graceful ballroom dance while he’s fighting the swarm disaster; Boothill straight up MOONWALKS while dodging bullets from the IPC, we literally went from Marilyn Monroe to Michael Jackson 😂)
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What accentuates their flamboyance even more is the way they both have spotlights on them at various points of their demo videos
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Bonus shot of Boothill being so extra (read: fabulous) while fighting:
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They also have very flamboyant designs which makes them stand out (as Boothill explains, they’re both clad in silver which definitely is one of the first things you would notice when looking at them); I don't know how much value silver has in this universe but it is considered a precious metal & valuable to us due to its many uses which is thanks to its malleable nature
Another thing to point out is that Argenti is based off the Latin word for silver argentum; fun fact, the Latin translation is the reason why the symbol for silver on the periodic table is Ag :3
I feel like their color palettes are a bit similar (silver, red, black) but they also have varying degrees for shared colors, specifically red & black; from a visual standpoint, this goes very well because Argenti having more red helps to emphasize his association to roses & Boothill having more black helps to emphasize his identity as “death” (well, for the IPC at least)
Moving onto their lore, although Argenti doesn’t have lines about Boothill, we do get lines about Argenti from Boothill himself; based on Boothill’s voicelines, we can assume that he holds some respect for Argenti as someone to whom he can relate
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Their backstories are quite similar when we take a closer look at them
For example, they both have experiences where they lost their homes & the people important to them (damn, HYV really said you’re gonna suffer 💀)
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Their respective factions are both noted to be groups of solitary people
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Interestingly the factions have different reputations according to the data bank where the Knights of Beauty are looked down upon & the Galaxy Rangers are seen as heroes which may be a bit different from what we’re used to since knights normally have a positive connotation as people who hold chivalry as one of their most important values
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Their goals are similar in the way that they both are looking for a specific person or entity: Boothill is looking for Oswaldo Schneider (who is responsible for the loss of his family & home; we might possibly meet him soon since we ended off 2.2 with the cliffhanger where Boothill confronts Aventurine to ask him where Oswaldo is) & Argenti is looking for Idrila the Beauty
They also have their critical turning points in their respective Character Story Part 3 portions
Boothill’s portion talks about his transformation into a cyborg & his adoption of the name “Boothill” which he explains is what they called gunslingers who ended up dead; it is a clear representation of his old self having died along with his loved ones & his home when the IPC destroyed everything
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Argenti’s portion talks about his journey as a new Knight of Beauty & the obstacles he faced after having met the knight that was mentioned in his Part 2; here we see his transformation into a Knight of Beauty & his dedication to the path he walks
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Before I had mentioned silver being an important part of their designs; here I think is where we see the importance of silver the best (since silver is a malleable material, it can change its meaning for both characters based on their situations)
To reiterate, becoming a cyborg by replacing his body w/ silver represents Boothill saying goodbye to his old self who knew of happier times & his loved ones; for Argenti, the silver that he wears is a sign of his devotion to Idrila the Beauty
What ties their differences so well in my eyes is that silver acts as a symbol of Boothill’s & Argenti’s resolve to accomplish their goals (silver may be malleable but it still can be strong metal & it’s even better since Argenti does talk about his will/faith being unbreakable)
I truly love their dynamic as complementary foils & I really hope that we’ll be able to see more interactions between them in the future since we just only have Boothill’s voicelines about Argenti but considering their goals, it probably won’t happen, at least not any time soon
Let me just say that I only cooked this idea up after listening to Boothill’s demo trailer on repeat…..a normal amount, I’m so normal about him 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Thank the YEEHAW man :3
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linkspooky · 1 year
Really liked your top Teen Titans ship post. That Harley/Batman one has me all kinds of intrigued and you are more than right on Dickkory. But. I gotta know. How in the world are Terra and Raven the same character??? I've been puzzling over this for like half an hour and I know it's gonna drive me crazy. 😂 Thanks.
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They are the same person, this is the hill I'll die on. I understand why you can't really see how they are the same character, because their relationship is literally all just subtext. SO basically text is what's written and directly stated, subtext is what you as the reader infer it's interpretation. Reader interpretation is really important though, and good comic book stories will build on subtext that's originally present in the stories intentional or not and add to it. The Harley and Ivy gay relationship started out as subtext, it's text now, stories change over time etc. etc.
Comic books are also an adaptive medium, cartoons make adaptations of these comics based on the show creators interpretation, then those adaptations are sometimes cycled back into the comics too. I mean, there's a reason that there are two Judas Contract interpretations Teen Titans 2003, and the solo Judas Contract movie and Terra has big interactions with Raven in both.
ANYWAY, Terra and Raven are the same person in different fonts explanation underneath the cut!
In the original comic, Terra and Raven's relationship does not have nearly as much interaction as in the cartoon adaptations. However, there is something there. It is basically this, Raven is the only one who notices that something's off with Terra, because her empathic senses detect the isolation and emptiness inside of Terra. Raven points this out several times to Terra and other people, avoids Terra when the rest of the group welcomes her, in, later on Terra wants to take on Raven herself because she sees her as self-righteous and stuck up.
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This is why I say subtext, when you read between the lines and look at both characters they actually are incredibly similar.
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They are both bastards, in the sense they are unwanted children conceived out of wedlock that their parents didn't try to raise and handed off to someone else. Terra is half-princess, her life is controlled by the fact she's connected to the Markovian bloodline, but they're ashamed of her and don't want her around (all except for Brion).
Capes on the Couch's Terra Episode, does a good job on how a child basically being punished by the decisions of their parents they had no control over can both hurt their developmental years, and also due major damage to their self esteem. It's a horrible thing to teach a child they are basically unwanted when they're not the ones who made the decision to be born into this world.
Neither Terra or Raven wanted to be born, and yet they are essentially punished their entire childhood for this fact, either by neglect by Terra (the royal family only wanted her around to experiment on her then sent her back to America when her behavior shamed them and they found her unsavory) or Raven who like had no choice in being born and yet the society she was raised in told her she was an innately an evil person (when she was like five) her emotions were evil and if she didn't continually fight against them she would be exactly like her father. Raven's mother joined a cult and tried to marry Satan, Terra's mom decided to have an affair with a king, however they both take no responsibility, hand their kids off and it's Terra and Raven who have to deal with this. Terra and Raven basically also never had parents or a childhood. Terra's sixteen and she acts like both more mature than everyone around her, and a miniature adult, and she's convinced she's this cunning manipulative mastermind and I'm like hmm I wonder if that's a survival mechanism because no one ever bothered to raise her and she had to take care of herself.
They both are born with powers they don't want
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Terra has incredible powers to move the earth that are hard for her to control, and in several continuities literally result in her death when she loses control and drops the entire earth on herself and crushes herself. Raven was born the daughter of a demon and the only way she was taught to control her emotions was to suppress them entirely.
They are both given these huge powers that they didn't really ask for, and those powers changed the course of their lives. If Terra didn't have geokinesis, she'd probably just be a slgihtly unstable runaway kid and not a mercenary. Raven's entire life is defined by trying to control her powers and use them for good.
So, then the difference between them is that Raven decided to use her powers for good, and Terra made the selfish decision to use her powers above herself. Raven is a better person because she rose above her circumstances, instead of just using her circumstances as an excuse to hurt others. Au contraire, mon friend.
Repression / Expression, Selfish / Selfless, and the Dark Phoenix
A huge part of Raven's character arc that almost everyone ignores is that Raven was heavily abused, not by her father, but by the monks of Azarath. Raven was raised in a cult. Raising a child far away from other people, not allowing them regular interaction with other children, not letting them be with their mother, and most of all TEACHING THEM THEY ARE INTERNALLY EVIL is not good parenting my dudes.
It's not so much Terra chose to be evil, Raven chose to be good, as Raven has literally been brainwashed by a cult to believe if she is even a little bit selfish, if she expresses any negative emotion at all, then she's exactly like her father and evil. If you've ever read Bungo Stray Dogs, I compare Raven to Atsushi a lot.
Basically, in Bungo Stray Dogs Atsushi is an orphaned character who has the ability to turn into a Tiger. An ability that he cannot control, an ability that went out of control and murdered a man when he was young. His caretaker covers up for the murder, and tries to teach him to control that power but in the worst way possible. He isolates Atsushi, keeps him in a cage to punish him when he loses control, and he ends up teaching Atsushi if he doesn't use his power to protect others, then he's worthless.
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It's not even that Atsushi wants to be a hero, it's that he has to be a hero otherwise he doesn't even deserve to live. Atsushi is incredibly dysfuctional because of this, he has black and white thinking that he applies to himself, he can't forgive hinmself, he has to be a completely selfless doormat because selfish people are EVIL! Atsushi has literally no identity outside of being superhero.
That's something a lot of people miss with Raven's character, she tries to fit in with literally having any kind of life outside of being a superhero and she always fails, because that is what Azarath taught her two "A person incapable of protecting others does not deserve to live" she doesn't deserve to be a normal person because she has to continually atone for being trigon's daughter. She's fundamentally born evil and must continue to work to prove she is not.
The real difference between Raven and Terra is that Raven represses herself to extreme extents to try to be a hero like the people around her to expect her to be, whereas Terra externalizes all of her trauma.
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Terra LOATHES the expectation that she has to use her powers to help others, she thinks being a hero is STUPID AND DUMB. SHe chafes so much under a good girl image that she decides to embrace a villainous one instead, because that at least feels liberating to her.
If Terra were in Marvel instead of DC she would be working with Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Her powers have basically ruined her whole life and made her different from others, but it's also literally the only thing she has because everything else in her life is unstable, and by the time she gets with the titans she can't trust anyone. The royal family essentially tried the same brainwashing on Terra, because they only gave her her powers to be in service to them and make her a hero, and Terra said FUCK IT and decided to be NOT THAT. Raven formed her identity by repressing herself and trying to serve everyone's expectations, Terra's identity is expressed and she makes herself in defiance of what everyone expects her to be.
Now, now, now you say, well Raven still tried to be better than her father. However, this ignores once again that Raven's repression is not healthy, and just like Terra, she also turns evil fifteen squintillion times. Now this is where we get to the difference between text and subtext again. In the text Raven never chooses to turn evil, her father takes control of her body and makes her, or she gets possessed like when she ruined Kory and Dick's raven. Subtextually though, Raven is pulling a dark phoenix arc.
This is where we briefly touch upon something in another comic as an example DARK PHOENIX ARC, if you've read the X-Men comics is literally the most famous X-Men arc of all time.
The gist is that Jean Gray, a character who was until this point one of the most token good girl of good girl characters has an incredibly strong and hard to control power called the "Phoenix" that is repressed inside of her own head to try to keep under control. Jean Gray represses herself, limits her agency, and pushes her power away instead of trying to control it. However, the Hellfire Club ends up interfering with Jean and unelashing this suppressed power. THe power in its totality overwhelms Jean, and destroys her original identity and she renames herself "Dark Phoenix" and all of the powers she was repressing now come to the forefront, she becomes a force of destruction through the completely unrestrained use of her power.
Raven and Jean Gray share a lot in common, it's not particualrly subtle, however the point of the Dark Phoenix is that Jean Gray is that she could have learned to control her power and grown into her womanhood, and instead she never tried to work with her power sealed it to the back of her head, until she couldn't anymore. That's the thing about repression it's unheathly.
To give another example on why repression is BAD. Have you ever seen the movie Carrie? An incredibly similiar arc, a girl who was horribly abused not only by her religious mother, but also the people in the school around her suddenly develops a psychic power. In isolation, Carrie grows more and more unstable but is still trying to be a normal girl and get along with everyone. She eventually reaches her breaking point when the blood is dropped on her prom dress and from that point onward, Carrie completely snaps and decides to burn down the prom gym and rampage on the town.
All three of these characters are Carrie to a different extent, Raven wasn't taught to be herself just to suppress herself because she's evil deep down inside, Jean Gray was too afraid of her power so she sealed it away inside her own mind, Carrie was continually taught by her religious nut mother she was fundamentally evil and was not allowed to be a normal girl and was isolated in her highschool. They repress, they repress, they repress until they can't anymore and then they explode. Terra is just like, same superpowers, same isolation from other people, she just skips the repression phase and goes straight to the explosion. Though, you could argue that Terra continually living under the false identity as a hero IS her repression. Terra pretending to be a generic good girl hero not only makes it so the Teen Titans can't reach her in time, but living under a false identity for so long just makes her LOATHE the Teen Titans more.
Terra and Raven are the same person in that both their childhood / formative years, and their sense of self was destroyed by both the cicrumstances they were born under, and the powers they were born with, neither of these things they chose for themselves. They are both reacting to the abuse they suffered throughout their developmental years, Raven's coping mechanism is to be completely selfless, Terra doubles down on her selfishness. At the same time, this is horribly unhealthy for both of them, they both snap because neither of them know how to live as people in any healthy way. Terra's mystique, Raven is Carrie on Prom Night, neither of them are having a fun time.
The biggest thing they have in common though is they are both lonely little girls. I think something a lot of people don't understand about Raven's character because they're more familiar with the cartoon version than NTT is that Raven was not a team player. Raven, for the vast majority of the comic kept entirely to herself, showed up to say something ominious, teleported away. Raven is horribly isolated, doesn't really form emotional connections to people, and convinces herself that other people don't care about her.
You have one girl who only ever engages people through a fake persona, nobody on the team ever knows the real Terra, she sees every relationship as a transaction of a manipulation, when people try to show her concern or empathy she can't see that because she assumes they're looking down on her.
You have another girl who's teammates just don't get, and who basically interacts with all other humans as a space alien, because she was raised so far outside of society and she doesn't believe she deserves to have relationships with people in the first place. The second Terror of Trigon happens in the first place, because Raven has been getting more and more isolated and struggled with her father's powers and no one on the team notices because no one pays attention to Raven and when they try to she brushes them off.
You have two girls, one of them is always at the center of attention, the other one is always off in some dark corner and both of them are equally lonely and that's the greatest thing they have in common. I
If you're more curious on my take about the Terra and Raven foiling, I am writing a fanfic where Terra and Raven are the two main characters, here!
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adecila · 2 years
My heart stops whenever I see a white rimmed square moodboard with writing in the middle because you trained me to think about For The Cameras so whenever I see that I just immediately think you updated. And yesssss last night you did😍 the way I ran to ao3 🏃‍♀️💨 Speaking of the moodboard I have a question about the text you put there. Is there a particular logic behind it? How do you decide what goes up? All the love to you and mutt 😚
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Anon ilysm 🥺
Okay so storytime from the Making of FTC 😂
Back in 2020 when we started posting FTC I knew from the start that I wanted the moodboards to be something different than what I did for the other fics. I've been making moodboards for years now (and by that point it had already been 2 years worth of work) and I've developed a certain style and preference, but even so, I really really wanted the ones for FTC to be different and special, and I knew I wanted to keep the same style of moodboard for the entire fic. Because I'm annoying like that about certain things aesthetic wise 😂and idk I just thought it would be a cool thing to do for a multichapter (idea that carried over to the moodboards for Moonlight 😉).
I was immediately sold on the 3 vertical pics - blank middle - 3 vertical pics format, even if my go-to is usually 2x4 horizontal pics. Something about it screamed showbiz to me!
As for the text, I knew from the start that I didn't want it to be the chapter title. Nothing wrong with it (I do that for Moonlight) but I wanted something else for FTC. In most of my moodboards I really love to include a bit of text if possible, and by 2020 I was a lot into making an edit with a quote from the fic itself. So it felt natural to do the same for FTC but I wanted the text ✨️ to pop ✨️ and also be something that hints to the content of the chapter. And I found a pretty good solution imo 🤭
Chapter 1 moodboard has the question that Margaery asks Jon: "Have you made your choice yet?" Because it's just so central to that first chapter, isn't it? By the time we were ready to post chapter 2, I fixated on the idea that I should always stick to things other characters tell Jon or/and Dany. This is why the chapter 2 moodboard has the line that Margaery says to Dany: "Hope to hear from you soon".
I try to switch it up every chapter so you don't always get something that's being told to Jon for example. Oh and obviously some chapters have a line that's said to both of them together (ex ch 3 "Speak now or forever hold your peace" — again, Margaery saying this to jonerys before they sign the contract).
And the font reminds me of Hollywood or something you'd see on a magazine 🤭 so that's why I picked it.
Okay this was waaay too long of a reply but your question was very cool and I loooove talking about this stuff! I obviously take it way too seriously sometimes 😂 *coughs* like when I did that storyboard for Amy's fic. I clearly have issues 😭
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 year
Can I rant for a moment about Lewis and George relationship? Just my two cents and I don't know a single thing about them personally. I think we all agree that, while they have very different interests in everyday life aside racing and being competitive and adrenaline junkies, they have very similar characters, which can be sometimes good sometimes bad. So while I don't see them grow much close outside track (more because of a personal choice, probably, esp from Lewis, who has been burnt by 1/?
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Hey anon! Sorry it took a while posting this one.
I think you raise some interesting points and I think you’re quite spot on with a lot of it.
Both Lewis and George are quite intriguing to me and they’re more similar in personality than people instantly realise. Kind of the same but in different fonts.
I think Lewis is a naturally shy person. I think hearing about his background and early years in racing, it’s easy to see why and understand why he’s had some difficulty integrating, and perhaps why he retreats out of protectionism which often comes across as stand-offishness. F1 is full of big, extroverted personalities and they never grasp the psychology behind what it is to be introverted. I think he’s only recently begun to open up with teammates, and Valtteri probably helped him heal his perception of teammate relationships, which George is kind of benefitting from and helping to continue.
I think you’re right that they’ll never be close off track, but I think Lewis understandably likes to keep F1 in a box and not mix it too much with pleasure.
I think they are both awkward around each other at times, but I think again that’s partly their age difference, and just naturally how friendships with work colleagues can be from time to time. I think sometimes George could even do with toning down how much he loves Lewis! It’s hard finding boundaries with someone, especially if you’re forced together rather than choosing to spend time together, and despite the time when George was a junior, it’s still only their first year. They’re still getting to know each other!! It’s especially hard in a team of two, finding that sweet spot that works for both of you and works for the team.
If you think how long it took for Lewis and Valtteri to open up alongside each other, and then compare it to how open he and George have been in just the first year, their friendship could potentially grow tenfold if they carry on like this 😂
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aprincessnotaqueen · 1 year
Get to know me!
Thanks for the tag @the-type-a​ !!
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I have 8 tattoos! My first one matching with @peoniequeen 💕 we got the date we met in roman numerals when we were on holiday in New Zealand, it’s on my left forearm just below the elbow. My second is the planets (including Pluto obvs!) which is just below the numerals on my left forearm. My third is on the inside of my right ankle, it’s an open book. Fourth is on the side of my right wrist so its in line with my pinky finger if that makes sense? It’s an infinity sign with 3 hearts, this one is for my mother who said if she ever got a tattoo that is the one she would get but she hates tattoos so I got it instead! Fifth and sixth I got at the same time, I have the word DREAM is Disney font and its on the side of my left wrist, then the Deathly Hallows symbol on inner left ankle. Number seven is on the back of my left forearm in a line going up from the elbow, it’s of the phases on the moon. And finally my latest tattoo I got on my birthday last year, it’s the Pisces constellation on the back of my left arm just above the elbow. 
I have 5 on my left arm and only 1 on my right and I definitely need to rectify this 😂
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Blue 💙
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Just had steak 🤤
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces sun! I know my moon and rising are Pisces and Libra but I can never remember which way round they are 😂
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Uhhhh I have no ideas?
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
Nothing of note. I have some chicken pox scars on my face? I have a tiny little line on the side of my finger?
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
How To Train Your Dragon 💕
📺 - Favourite show?
Shows I could watch on repeat are: Brooklyn 99, Agents of Shield, Umbrella Academy, One Day At A Time, Derry Girls, Sex Education.
😂 - Are you ticklish?
A little? I used to be ticklish when I was younger but I kinda grew out of it.
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
I do not. 
😳 - Do you like your name?
I hated it when I was younger, it’s very common, but I’ve grown to like it more recently.
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
It is blue and cream.
🤓 - How did you get your name?
The story I’ve been told, my mam was watching TV one day and a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes came on and her name was Chloe.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
I never went to university so never?
Sometimes I’m sad I never went but my life is on a different path and I need to be oky with that.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
I have had my firsts and seconds both done twice, then on my right ear I have my mid helix pierced. I used to have my upper helix pierced as well but it didn’t heal properly, I was in agony all the time with it so I let it heal over but I’ve wrecked myself because the skin is tinted black where it was and I have a lump in the back of my ear I suspect when the cartilage was pushed around.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
I straighten it mostly these days, leaving it down.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
A little bit. I was never a big drinker, I would drink a little bit around 15/16 because my friends were but it wasn’t serious, no hard alcohol. Then I had a bit of a mental break in 2018 and started drinking properly then, but I was 23 by that point 😂
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Yuuuuup. I’ve never blacked out but my worst was the work xmas party of 2021, where I vommed all over the club toilets and then took a nap on the floor outside the taxi rank (who also wouldn’t let me in a taxi because I also got vom on my dress!). After that I couldn’t even walk down the alcohol aisle in Tesco for 2 months without feeling sick 😂
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Spiders have always terrified me but my fear has been getting much better in the last few years. My fear of heights is getting stronger though 👀
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. Can always bundle up!
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Warm enough I have the option of wearing a dress or shorts but not hot enough that I’m melting.
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
A cat, Gizzy 💕
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
About 48hrs. It was one of the years we did a coach trip to Disneyland Paris, was exhausting but so worth it.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
I’d love to say reading and writing but I’m too tired for hobbies 😭😂
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Back to New Zealand, I cannot express my love enough 💕
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Usually dumb questions 😂
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Other than Tumblr, probably Spotify
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I wish I was a country girl but I am a city girl all the way!
Tagging: @lotsofloveish @xwhatababex @toobadchadlytime
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Iman, Matt, Lia, Simu and Xochiti are the same person in different fonts.
Why has NOBODY picked up on the fact several of the newest MCU characters have mentioned Tom Holland excessively during their press junkete/promotional tours/panels?
Didn't watch Eternals, will never watch it, don't care for it. However, Lia was the first to mention Tom in recent years. She didn't go on about him, and the story was definitely sweeter than the others. Although, what she spoke about felt a tad private, like Tom probably didn't want her to say he was asked to mentor her and didn't really. Simu is the worst. So this guy, who once compared vile monsters to gay people, decided to BOAST about Tom's voice message for several months. He still, apparently, talks about it. Now why would a guy, who's nesrly a decade older than Tom, freak out about his praise when the film was noticed by celebs A-List celebs (going by Deuxmoi's list, Tom isn't an A-Listsr)? Easy, Simu knew NWH would dominate his shabby mess of a movie. Simu wants one thing—attention. SIMU LITERALLY LEAKED A CLEARLY VERY PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE (lets face it, Tom has never sounded like that in interviews we've seen/heard him in) AT A PANEL JUST BECAUSE ALL OF HIS JOKES WERE FLOPPING AND PEOPLE WERE GETTING BORED AF. Yes, Tom liked his mediocre film—but Simu tried his hardest to get relevant around the NWH era. It worked for a couple of weeks before the film drowned out his attention seeking ass! Then Iman, at one point, was in the news MORE for her comments about Tom Holland than her own Marvel show. She promoted Ms. Marvel through Tom's name. If you think I'm crazy, Matt Lintz, who plays Bruno in her show, randomly decided to drop Tom's name once Iman finally shut up. The dude was nowhere nesr being Spider-Man in real life (according to 15+ websites that checked, which were written at the time of casting speculation). Xochiti for some reason mentioned Tom, she did a couple of interviews telling the same story, kinda weirded out that these new people feel the NEED to talk about Tom Holland. I promise you, Tom wouldn't do the same thing 😂 Tom has never once talked about being starstruck, and if he has it was probably about RDJ. He never really repeated himself in that retrospect.
For Iman and Xochiti, they need to be their own person. Yeah, they are young, like Tom was, but at the same time they need to GET TF OUT OF HIS SHADOW. Many non-asian fans (for Iman) have said Ms. Marvel is the shitty ripoff to Spider-Man (tone, writing, comedy, coming-of-age wise). You'd think Marvel would tell her to back off a bit? Also, she asked Tom about NWH and he replied. How could've he spoiled it for her if she asked (she was also inconsistent with that story and it changed several times).
Younger and newer actors need to steer clear of Tom. Hopefully now they will, as his return is looking more and more unlikely, unless a miracle happens (or a big fat cheque with eight+ zeros) and Spider-Man gets confirmed at D23. It's funny how Oscar Isaac/Ethan Hawke and Jeremy Renner/Hailee Steinfeld didn't mention him once! Not even Ethan, who's son is literally playing a vital role in Tom's show!
On a realistic note, maybe Simu and the teen girls have a crush on him? You know what they say about those who belittle (Simu) the LGBTQIA+ community....
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dingyuxi · 2 years
some random questions here sam..
top 5 place you want to visit?
favorite flavors?
least favorite drama tropes?
how many trial and error you make when making a set?
if you could pass a massage to yourself 10years ago, what would it be?
👋🏼👋🏼 hi layla
top 5 places to visit: france, Japan, Taiwan, Italy, Nova Scotia (I know they’re very broad but honestly I’d be happy to travel anywhere at this point)
Flavors: I like citrus flavors, mango, Passionfruit, matcha, hazelnut
least favorite tropes: the one where they fall and then their lips happen to oh so perfectly align and they “kiss” also any amnesia plots or ugly to beautiful plot
trial and error: ahaha it really depends on the set sometimes if I’m lucky things go perfectly other times I’ll spend three hours just picking out fonts and text colors and placement of text…I’ve also made five different versions of the same gif to test very slight differences in speed/sharpening/coloring
to the me ten years ago: you should’ve found a hobby to become talented in djsks literally anything a sport, craft…or not quit all those extra curriculars 😂 maybe if I’d actually practiced piano diligently I’d be good at it now oops
anon honesty hour asks
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