#like girlie he was DEAD!!!!!
fiendishartist2 · 11 months
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the fact that martin is like "teehee im so nice and i want everyone to be happy and safe :)" until anyone even LOOKS in jon's direction is so funny to me
(image 1): "let's gouge our eyes out and run away together"
(image 2): "it was the most romantic thing i've ever heard" "martin i think smth's wrong with us"
(image 3): "i think the boss has something going on w/ that police woman~" (gripped w/ jealousy)
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storge · 6 days
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The Double (2024)
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sleep-nurse · 2 months
after 3 centuries i finally managed to properly redesign my dumbass sona, i was gonna initially just change their hair for a more androgynous look but then i. changed their lore a bit too
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basically they volunteer for various jobs like delivering mail and milk, nursing and gardening (even though that's also their hobby)
no one knows their gender or their real name but they go by various plant/nature related names (like willow or sunflower)
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heatwavering · 10 months
rewatched TG:M all the way through for the first time in a couple months, and god. hans zimmer did not have to put everything he owned into that singular swell. and neither did literally everyone else.
maverick: terrified and alone, realizing his son basically just blew up in front of him
cyclone warlock and hondo: different levels of hopelessness, expediting the mourning process so they can continue with the mission
hangman: physically stops breathing. can’t focus. he has to hyperventilate to get oxygen back in his body. all he’s thinking about is bradley seven summers ago, when they were still okay. and now he’s never going to be able to apologize for everything. it’s his fault. he’s the better pilot, everyone knows it, but bradley had the winning hand, the ace in the hole. so he should’ve tried harder with maverick, not picked as many fights, flown better, flown faster, fought harder, been different, done everything different. you can physically pinpoint something inside himself dying alongside bradley.
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ok pause. i just thought about wolfwood's death scenes in both trimax and 98 and i'm crying. what the fuck do you mean he just found a will to keep on living after so long of being willing to die for any bullshit reason and he died anyway. what do you mean trimax ww died next to the man who taught him how to live and love again and vash buried him alone. what do you mean 98 ww died wanting to spend his days with vash ans the girls and vash carried ww's gun around after that and used it in the final fight. what the fuck do you mean. that's the saddest shit i ever heard get said in my life
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jambread23 · 9 months
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Going home part 1/2. Part 2
Lyrics from “This Night Has Opened My Eyes” by The Smiths
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momotonescreaming · 5 months
Where did the trope of everyone leaving Hawkins except Steve come from? He canonically admits he wants to travel America? He's not some sad little baby who wallows in his sadness? he knows who he is and what he likes? Plus he'd never let Robin go alone. Come on.
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crazymecjc · 1 year
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✨ justice ✨
persona 5 (spoiler!) shitpost below the cut!!
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sableeira · 1 year
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“What an unfortunate role you are required to play” — Osamu Dazai, A New Hamlet
Dazai as Ophelia by John Everett Millais
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graceful-not · 17 hours
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juicedbeetle · 1 year
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the... the uhm... yeah
posted with @bikinibottomdayz 's permission
please don't repost outside tumblr
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buckboi · 30 days
Maybe im reading into it too much but something about Eddie introducing himself to Kim as Edmundo, even though he never goes by it Something about Tommy being to only one to consistently call Buck Evan and get away with it… Something’s going on and i can’t put my finger on it but I’m scared :)
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cosmicpoutine · 9 months
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this is from last year, but i rewatched helluva and i can only hope my obsession over this cartoon bird won't come back
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rosykims · 6 months
alistair being able to 1v1 loghain while potentially wearing duncan's sword, cousland's shield AND cailan's armor will never not be a religious experience to me
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flowerflamestars · 9 months
Abattoir snippet
Cassian didn’t know why he did it. He knew these storms like he knew how to breathe- Maybe that was it. An effort, every day, to pull air in to lungs that seem to have forgotten their basic function, careening for listless misery to endless hectic drive, no sky open enough, clear enough, enough- Cassian was across the battlefield when Rhys died, might as well have been miles, and still, the day haunts him. He had loved his High Lord, true. A friend, if difficult- a brother, if only by bloody training. Cassian may no more have seen the whole of Rhys alive than Rhysand had been able to look and see the entire reality of the life Cassian had been living- between two peoples, between an aching dream he knew would break him to possess, what he woke screaming for, between myth and reality, Morrigan pulling him awake. Illyria was not home anymore. Velaris, too quiet. The House of Wind a refuge, still- warm stone and warmer magic, Morrigan quietly running the Court with the selfsame effortlessness as dragging her hands through his hair in benediction. Maybe that was why. It was a particular, excruciating, specific loneliness to be utterly alone in a bed with someone else. A gulf he cannot cross- to have everything he’s ever wanted in this empty, echoing, wretched fucking world and here Cassian still is- Cassian more than five centuries older than the last time and still, just Cassian as he’d been at twenty, tearing his fingers from Azriel’s ever-careful grip to throw himself toward thunder. That light, silver and godsgiven.
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probablyaparadox · 4 months
I FOUND NASIENS (He was in Wales) (This is a 4kota post.)
Frankly, nothing will ever be as haunting to me as the fact that I could not decipher what Nasiens, Chion, Jade, and Donny's names are references to. (Spoilers if you just watch the anime)
Jade doesn't matter too much, he's dead now anyway (RIP DUDE I MISS YOU SO MUCH). He could be a reference to the green Knight. Although I have my own thoughts and opinions about the green knight in relation to the world, I think he could've been a reference to that, and other than that he was a minor character. Chion... Is it a dog reference? Are we calling him an angry little dog? Is that what's happening????? Donny I had nothing. Same With Nasiens. Nasiens was the most annoying to me however because IT SOUNDS WEIRD. IT'S NOT A NORMAL BRITAIN NAME. So here's my theory! My solution if you will! Surprisingly, unsurprisingly, the answer lied in welsh mythology!
Basically every character in this series is a mythological reference. And I despise the idea that any of them aren't. Good news, I found donny! This character has a significant detail that makes him a good match but the bad news is um.
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It should be noted Gofannon is different but also the g name is suspicious to me, as is the significance of "Uncle. This is also where I like to put myself in the mind of the author where I know how japanese names work, but I still get mixed up all the time, so I can totally see him thinking of Don as the first name, or wanting don to be the first name. Next Chion.
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I kind of see it. For context he also has a comparison between him and tristan on his page. I'm still kind of leaning towards him being a yapping little chiwahua.
NEXT! Nasiens! Or!!!
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I think with Myrtel this really sells it with how people have been discussing him being Myrtel's changeling match. It's perfect! This one is the most satisfying honestly as it's been haunting me since I started reading.
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