#like god I want to have someone I've roleplayed with for years
cyberneticnipples · 5 months
man I wish I had friends to create stuff with
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dragonskxn · 6 months
I've been thinking lately about how relaxing it is to just RP for fun. To be chill and go at your own pace. Not worrying about follower counts, about muse relationships, how good your blog looks compared to others, or how you format your posts and your tags.
I used to be absolutely paranoid about that kind of stuff a few years back. I guess I had this kind of internal desire to be popular and it turned into kind of an unhealthy obsession. I acted pretty damn childish and petty a lot of the time. My anxiety went through the roof constantly to the point I was having breakdowns over minor things.
And looking back on it now I'm like, "Holy shit that was embarrassing. I was embarrassing .Why was I like that???" It's like this realization set in that was like "Oh my God. It's not that serious. It's just RP. It's just a bunch of people mashing their characters together like Barbie dolls and they can choose who they want to play with."
Now I'm just like: Someone unfollowed/blocked? No worries! That's their choice!
A relationship between muses doesn't work out? That's fine!
A thread got suddenly dropped? That's cool! Sometimes things like that happen.
I think at some point in the time we've been roleplaying we've done at least something that's cringy or childish or petty or rude. Things we feel ashamed of, things we regret doing.
As people and as writers I think we all have the capability to grow and change for the better. It doesn't happen instantaneously, but it helps so, so much to reflect on the past and work towards being better in the future.
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thelonelyshore-if · 7 months
As someone with a younger sibling who gives no consideration to others around them, will we get to confront Willow on how their actions affect us?
That would be a healing moment for me lmao.
My younger sib was is constantly getting me in trouble. My parents showed them so much empathy and care, and whenever they fucked up, my ass was on the line for some reason. I was never given the same amount of grace because I was a whopping 2 years older than them.
The whole "I need a favor from you, meet me at x spot" and then you show up and they're not even there is skjdhfalkjsdfb. I even expected it, it's in the summary! But even though I was prepared, it still took me back to those anxious moments in my life.
Until I finally got the courage to cut my family out, that was probably a monthly occurance for me. I used to get panic attacks when my sibling or parents would text me. ("Oh god, they want something.")
It'd be nice to roleplay a conversation with Willow about that in this story so I can dillusionally imagine that this is possible with the "Willow" in my life. I know I am projecting hard, but I can't help but draw comparisons. Like when the story describes Willow's expression as "smug," I winced because my sibling is 100% like that.
Hey there! Thanks for the ask~
I definitely understand shitty family, and I am sorry that you got brought back there while reading!! I know in my own life, I've found sometimes it's best to cut those people out when you can. I hope you're in a better place now <3
To answer your question: yes! The MC will absolutely have the opportunity to confront Willow about their behavior when they meet again. It's important to me that Willow and the MC's relationship can be many things--it can start positive and get worse, it can start negative and get better, and it also can stay the way it started. The MC can hold Willow accountable for their actions…though Willow's reception to the conversation might not be the most positive, either. Emotions will certainly be high, whether it be a joyful reunion or a (possibly deserved) confrontation!
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darkforestdreams · 1 year
I'm freaking choked up but smiling right now. Sun has been holding all of this pain back for MONTHS; for more than half a year.
THIS is how the incident with Bloodmoon's death should have gone rather than Moon only focusing on how HE HIMSELF feels rather than what Sun was feeling and what was motivating him to do drastic things.
But I think Moon absolutely made up for it today, or has at least started to. I only think it's taken this long because of both the myriad of distractions the brothers are dealing with, and, more importantly, I think Moon was waiting for Sun to come to him. I get the feeling that Moon's known that something's up, but either he didn't know how to approach Sun about it, or another thing.
Something I've learned the hard way is that you can't force someone to open up and get help; you have to wait until THEY are ready (as much as they make you want to pull your hair out because of HOW GODDAMN STUBBORN--sorry).
But I'm SO GLAD Moon put his foot down because Sun was already too deep in believing that nobody would care about his suffering. And how Moon took a break WITH Sun, ready to help if Sun's psyche started acting up... I just, I can't. So many happy tears!
Things are far from fixed, but we've, at long last, started down the road.
On a lighter note, it's kind of ironic to me how "Bloodmoon" came in at just the right time; where Moon could finally at least have a bit of insight on Sun's current mental state, when all "he's" been doing is tearing Sun down. I can't believe I'd ever say this, but THANK YOU SUDDEN BLOODMOON HALLUCINATION~! :D
Also, GOD Davis and Reed KILLED IT today! Sun's denial, Moon's persistence, the line "BECAUSE YOU'RE MY BROTHER!", and finally the breakdown... man. I mean, they always do a great job -- all the actors do, on all the channels. Whether you like how they make the characters sound or not, you have to give them credit for the hard work they do. They don't just work on these shows, they have their own channels with FnaF Minecraft roleplays! Also, you know, real life is a thing for everyone.
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*siiiiiigh* Soooooo, first of all, I would like to apologise to @jencsi for taking so long to answer the ask. But then of course when I want to answer it, Tumblr has it made it disappear. So anyway I'm posting as a post. This is for the character asks thing. Jen asked all questions for Gil Grissom.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Sherlock Holmes 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I know that I'm the resident Linkin Park fan, and I'm all over 9x05, but, LOATR is just about one particular aspect of his life.  It doesn't encapsulate the full depth of him.  And, honestly, that's what I really hope that I captured in my video.  It's basically a marriage proposition to him at this point.  I hope I did the song and him justice.
(I am using Leave Out All the Rest this year though (:  )
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Autistic.  Hearing impaired.  Misanthropic humanist.  I love bugs because of him.  I'm learning to sign because of him.  I got into CSI because I love bioscience.  Ghost/social outcast until we find the right people.  Struggle with emotions and relationships, and ultimately learning to choose love over fear (which is, one again, something I learned from him. If he can do it, so can I. The fact that my role model is a fictional being). Bullied because of being nerdy.  Bullied because of "weirdness" aka autism.  We're uncomfortable around people but care very deeply about them, especially if they're our loved ones.  Honestly a lot of it is the autism and everything that comes with it.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Lemme just say, boy am I glad I am on the we want to fuck that old man website.  Because, at first, I was embarrassed and self-conscious that I was in love with someone much older than me (hence why I love GSR; it gives me so much more confidence), but then as I got into the tumblr fandom I saw that I'm not alone.  So thank you everyone.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When people hate him overall for the way he treated Sara well in the early seasons.  Like, hello *gestures to his whole development arc*  you see this?  Or were we not watching the same show?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Oh my god it's gonna be so fucking quiet.  For once in our lives we'll have someone who'll actually respect our sensitivity/stimulation needs and not belittle us.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
We're two of a kind.
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
His father's name is Arthur, since that's his middle name, and it's not uncommon for catholics to make their first name the middle name of their child.  And irl Billy's dad is named Arthur Edward Petersen, and his brother is Arthur Petersen Jr.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
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15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Someone jokingly tagged a post with [#otp: i have bugs in my office] and while I'm glad it's not an actual ship...yeah I'm glad it's not.  It gave me fucking whiplash.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Grillows.  I'm actually multiship.  I ship GSR, Grillows and Kessom.  I've even been okay roleplaying Grissom/Nick with someone in the past, and I'm also okay with Warrick and Greg being shipped with him.  Hell I even find him being dopey with Teri Miller cute XD
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Catherine.  #brotp: it will play our song forever
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
I wanna say Ecklie but that's like, everything about him
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
If not Cath then Heather XD
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love loving him.  I write my stories with him with so much love and care.  And I'm proud that my audience say it's obvious how much I love him.
I don't like him being hurt so I never write it.  Like, I'll just say it:  I'm glad it was Nick who got caught in Grave Danger and not Gil.  If it had been him I...I don't know what I would've done.  Even though I'd have known  that he was gonna be fine in the end, during the process I'd break down, no matter how many times I've watched it.  The thought of him being hurt just...I can't say it.  Sorry Nick, I love you too but Gil...Gil is the most special to me.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I love when people write about his disabilities.  His hearing impairment, how he signs, his experience speaking both English and ASL.  His social and emotional struggles because of his autism.
My dislike would be when people write him as allosexual...  💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Sherlock Holmes
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impression:  wow he's so cool and smart and good at science.  I wanna learn from him.
Now:  Will you marry me?
26.  Freebie question.
Extra headcanon:  along with riding a rollercoaster with someone every 9 years and 34 days because that's how old he was when his dad passed, his favourite is the Mosaic because his parents took him on it for his 9th birthday.  Then a month later Arthur kicked the bucket, so Gil likes the memory of his father.
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pizzatrocious · 5 months
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So! With the end of this wonderful little event, I do have a bit of a bittersweet announcement.
I'll still be around here and there on a low-effort multimuse I plan to make a while from now... but, save for any light activity you'll still see from me, I plan on retiring from writing.
I'm not retiring for any bad reasons, quite the opposite! But as someone that's been writing on Tumblr for roughly... 14 years? I think I've done most of what I've wanted to do. Every kind of thread you can imagine, every type of character, and every type of genre. For the past few years I've jumped blogs A LOT, but really only because I loved chasing whatever next big thing felt fun to write.
I was here when ask blogs were the standard instead of RP blogs, regardless of whether or not the mun could draw. I remember my first ever Bowser RP blog, iconless and full of crack on a classic Redux theme. I unfortunately remember the Homestuck and Danganronpa craze, and an era where icons were a semi-new novelty that only the 'fancy' blogs used. I remember back when a majority of the Pokemon RPC was a fairly popular crack group that, at its peak, had 300~ active blogs all at once.
I remember the Splatoon Marie roleplayer that chased after me, even when I'd socially isolate myself during the darkest spots of my life, and the Rosalina blog she made later down the line. You might know her now as my wife, Rosie. Funny to think, our more popular duo wound up being Peach and Bowser.
I remember all the different iterations of the Smash RPCs, and all the people that rocked the community with every post. Then there was the Sonic RPC, a place that was almost torn apart by an awful person's hold on the community, only to rise from the ashes! That RPC's pretty quiet nowadays, but those guys may as well be sleeper agents for Sonic content.
Then there's the people I affectionately call 'The Elder Gods'. The ones that, despite being here over a DECADE, they still dedicate themselves to the same characters they always have. They're usually the ones with the ancient-looking blogs that go largely under-the-radar nowadays, but they're the foundation that built these writing communities. You guys mostly just keep to yourselves nowadays, but I see you.
And of course, my good ol' kindred spirits, the people that roleplay the most obscure, hyper-specific characters. Those one-off indie games, obscure shows, characters stuck to a spinoff title or are just dubiously canon, or characters with basically no canon that they've made into their own!
Of course, that's not to forget the people that take the big popular characters, and absolutely ROCK them in a way that makes the character all their own. Gotta toot my own horn, considering one of my old Bowser blogs had a couple thousand followers.
I could go on, and on, and on... but long story short, I've had a great time here.
Part of me never wants to stop, to be honest. But in all this time, I've become a different person. My hobbies have changed, my interests have changed, I'm a completely different person now! But I've also always been a stubborn creature of habit, never wanting to give anything up.
As a result of being anchored to my old habits so long, I'm left a little at a loss for what I want in life. More and more I've felt like a caged animal, just circling around my little enclosure and doing the same things over and over for enrichment. Add to that the usual struggles of adult life being rough and expensive, and you can imagine wanting to spend more of my time on survival is a factor too.
Nobody's gonna know what I really want now, except for me. I need to get out there and do some soul-searching. Find new hobbies, make new friends, experience new things... who knows what I'll be doing a year from now!
That said, I give my genuine, most heartfelt thank you to everyone I've ever crossed paths with in throughout all of the Tumblr RPCs I've been in. Honestly, the only reason I don't list off names is purely because I want to make sure nobody gets left out of my little expression of gratitude. You all know who you are, anyway.
I wish I could've known some of you a little better... but that's just life, isn't it? Sometimes the most impactful people in your lives are the ones you never get to really know. I'm sure I've gotten to be that person for my own fair share of people, with how reclusive I tend to be.
Again, this isn't goodbye. I mean, I'd be a little embarrassed if people thought I was gone forever, only for me to pop up a week or two later. This is a hobby I've always loved, I'll always find my way back to it. I'll always be lurking about, sometimes posting during funny shenanigans. Like I said at the start of this post, I plan on making a private, low-effort multimuse! Mostly I'll just use it to keep tabs on my friends and the writers I really enjoy seeing, but I still have a small list of characters I'd like to play around with a little.
Otherwise though, it's time to leave the nest and try other things.
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Thank you again. This is Vincent, signing off.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №16!
A mashup of random questions edition!
I've seen screenshots from a discord server with all of the fault characters in your posts. Is it like a private rp server where you roleplay? Do you roleplay with friends? Am confusion
What is each character's and yours favourite weather?
Headcanoning that Evil english would just be slang. From all centuries combined. So like. "Hii, how goes't doing? We sh0ulda sl@y on dis mew1ng rendezvous cuz YOLO n me fam iz gonna bee there. Omg did ya 1nv1te that anti-skibidi loose woman with negative rizz 2?? Damn, ur a real hater." (Hi, how is it going? We should try our best at this gym session because you only live once and my friends are going to be there. Oh my god, did you invite that childish ugly prostitute too? Wow, you are a real asshole.). Like, can you just imagine Wilbur actually speaking like that? Just.. casually? Sounds great to me. (I dare you to try and write a sentence in that style.)
Which any characters from Fault would you want to have as plushies? What types of plushies would they bee, do you think? (Tommy as a weighted plushie because of that drawing on him sleeping on Phil and them both being in denial about his size?)
Are you going to participate in the artfight this year? If yes, then account link maybe?
1.It’s from a small scp server with irl friends. The plot lines were crazy. It’s been dead for over a year, but I’m the funniest guy alive and wanted to share the highlights.
2. I personally like the wtnv weather, and thunderstorms. Tubbo hates rain and wind and cold for bee reasons. Actually I think all of them hate the rain, Tommy gets worried about contamination, The Blade takes forever to dry and smells awful, Wilbur rarely had a roof over his head. Phil’s probably fine since he can just evaporate it and has nice wings for umbrellas. But he personally likes when it’s scorching, since he likes sunning himself like a lil lizard. The Blade likes the wind, how it ruffles through his fur and allows him to smell really far which is good if Foundation goons are coming. Wilbur goes for overcast days, since too bright can sometimes limit the effectiveness of the void. Also a very slight wind, not too much to move its hair from blocking the void but also enough that movements beneath can be handwaved as a breeze. Tommy prefers colder weather, since he wears sleeves a lot.
3. Oh God. Yes I think Wilbur could deffo speak like that, since I think a component is distinguishing between modern and archaic terms since otherwise it would have a very different speech pattern. Wilbur would know what skibidi means even if I don’t. Let’s see.  
“Okay bit of a red flag but an oomfie of mine was rbing from someone who’s moots with the F*und@t10n. Like do they NOT know they’re my opps w straight up ohio level rizz ifkyk. Kinda sus ngl. I’m going to unal1ve them since I’m in my villain era and quirky like that.”
Poor Phil is completely and utterly lost. Tubbo could keep up a little because they have grandkids.
4.I want a The Blade plush sooo much. So incredibly fluffy. I think he’s one of the reversible plushies where the other form is a blood splattered Blood God. Tommy should be a little chibi head with the weight to it so kids can chuck him at each other and get in trouble with their mom. Tubbo too and they have little charms attached, like some bees and little representations for the Hive. Phil is in dragon form, super long, and has a wire so you can position him in loops and what not. Wilbur is frowning in a cute way and the void is a pocket where you can store snacks and whatnot. 
5. I’m not really sure what art fight is! :D
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
how did you decide on your fursona? i keep on trying to make one but none of the animals i test out feel right
well. It was a long process (seriously, 7 years long) so I'll just recount it for you in summary and hope that helps?
Starts out simple: I consider myself to possess some stereotypical dog traits. 1) I'm easily excitable and a little...look I'm not dumb, but I can be...slow. Or dense. Or something. 2) When they say "following someone around like a lost puppy," I identified with that SO much as a kid that I defnitely literally roleplayed it at some point.
Unfortunately, I have no advice for picking out a unique base animal for this reason.
Jump ahead to me being 14 and this being a pony blog. I found out most of the cool artists I liked had fursonas and decided I wanted one. Dog was the obvious choice! (And I have blond hair, so Golden Retriever was also obvious)
My habit of making self inserts who are EITHER a silly fairy with the power of god OR a super normal guy goes all the way back to the dawn of this blog...and Puppy was originally the latter (see: far left image below)
The most interesting it got was when I'd draw Puppy with colors from real pictures of the sky (center image). I was unsure how to work in my silly pixie identity (far right image).
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I recall trying a few times to make a fairy doggy, but it just never quite felt right.
For many years I barely drew my fursona. It was but a distant memory...........until at last I made an effort to revisit it in college!!! I reflected on the sorts of cartoon animal characters I liked: Sanrio and classic American cartoons...
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In a fit of deranged, meme-addled glee, I combined my Toon Fursona (left) with an ongoing wip design for a Sonic the Hedgehog self-insert fairy creature (right)
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Hearing the song in the moment I did helped me realize a certain something-or-other that I've always held close to my heart as someone who grew up with no explanation for the strange and unpredictable mental landscape I lived in as a consequence of undiagnosed OCD and ADHD:
That is, humorous juxtaposition found in the gleefully grotesque, the vivaciously violent, the merrily morbid, and all manner of adorable abominations. Thus: the bug body horror.
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So, ummmmmmmm. Final notes: Follow your heart! Draw while listening to music? Think about what you're naturally drawn to and compelled by! And have fun!
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frozenambiguity · 6 months
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NAME: Cláudia
PRONOUNS : She/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord. Ims, sometimes, though I often forget to check them asdfghfds I also enjoy communicating via tags.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Kaeya! But I also like calling him Kae or Yaya when talking ooc with friends. He's my pookie, so it's only natural that I use nicknames of endearment.
BEST EXPERIENCE : honestly sobbing my eyes and soul out because of interactions or potential scenarios that I discuss with friends. I crave that sweet, sweet pain. It's at times like those that I really go, 'wow, all this that we create... Art, really. This is what makes life worth living'. It is honestly one of the best feelings for a writer to feel.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : I don't think I have many...? Mostly because I am pretty chill with stuff. I guess I will mention the usual god-modding stuff or forcing headcanons onto my character, though it rarely happens.
If I have to give a more specific answer, though...? Hm. This might sound controversial, but it is heartbreaking to see that people do not distinguish fiction from reality anymore. Especially when that translates into attacking//bashing//starting fandom witch hunts, only because someone likes certain contents or ships you don't like or find "immoral".
I have been roleplaying for many years and I have always thrived in fandoms whose contents or nature could be easily seen as controversial ( if you know Diabolik Lovers, I'm blowing you a little kiss ), so it's rather weird to see people so sensitive these days. Not that you have to enjoy x or y, but if you don't, then simply curate your own space and go on with your day. You don't have to attack others or make them feel inferior for enjoying something you don't. I've seen firsthand, multiple times, people who stopped writing, drawing or just creating in general because they were attacked for it. Not cool.
TLDR; Just let people enjoy what they want and write what they want. I don't need to be more direct than this to get my point across. Learn to differentiate a person's interests from their true nature. If you're not capable of doing that, then... Well. We're probably not meant to be.
MUSE PREFERENCES: For settings, I prefer writing angst! Fluff! And surprisingly domestic, day-to-day stuff. But when it comes to muses, I tend to lean toward complex, multifaceted ones. Usually ones that choose to present themselves in a certain way and carry out a performance of sorts, that may not truly represent their deepest inner musings, thought patterns, or genuine feelings.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I tend to lean toward memes because I'm not very good at plotting + Kaeya has a mind of his own. I'm just here to type, he leads fdghjhr
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Long! I do not know how to be concise and I love partners who match that energy www
BEST TIME TO WRITE : It depends on my mood. I don't have a preferable time to do it. When motivation strikes --- that's the best time to write.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : I have been finding more and more that yes, I am. More than I initially thought.
Tagged by: @nagareboshiko thank you for the tag!! <3
Tagging: you!
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nochi-quinn · 10 months
candela obscura chapter 3 episode 1: oh god everybody's fucked up
I'm here, I fell asleep and missed the start but I'm here
lmao the immediate note-taking
ur really committing to that voice huh liam
marisha made an older character and liam said hold my dentures
heyyyy someone else makes the joke I picked up from a stargate episode 20 years ago
liam what was that look
absolutely love ashly's wig
sam looking like he got hit with a cattle prod
what's a sam reigel
why are we getting oscar's CV
"are they hot"
listen I saw the trailer he 100% uses that chain to beat people with
"no one calls you carey, oscar"
oh no he's hot
oh he's kotallo, that's why
the flat cap does look good on sam, I can't lie
y'all that's gay
I like cordelia's little halo
eloise best character
(maybe that's the look liam was giving ashly, eloise vs elsie)
elsie's a werewolf calling it
yesss the old people guilt trip
oscar: I'm gonna punch a ghost
"you're wearing a ball gown. it's the morning."
the maw??
haha it took me until literally this moment to remember ashly is aloy, my ship is reunited
"I'm using my bullshit detector" did you get that cleared with the gm
I like the term "blood and guts doctor"
I've been watching S1G play Slay the Princess and the more they describe her the more she sounds like a Princess variant
oh no lights
liam you did that on purpose
oh Aadtika (?) is a very pretty name
"lung, heart" liver, nerves
"you have an extra house?" "you don't?"
"you slick son of a bitch"
he IS a slick son of a bitch
oh sam's being THAT character
prepared to spend three episodes threatening to punch oscar in the head and throw him in the pool
("nochi nobody read your free! livetweets" well maybe they should have)
sam doesn't watch the product
liam always wants to roleplay fish and chips
[picks elsie and raj up and shakes them until backstory falls out]
"I'll be as subtle as I can be" smash cut to him beating someone to death with a chain
the docks seems like a terrible place to play baseball
did they do a dndbeyond for candela?
they did!
sam forgot he was short
"high stakes not for harm" but bc it's funny
rajan: oh I am NOT involved, you made that VERY clear
"don't waste that on me" "I agree"
I'm being gaslit bc I've always pronounced "copse" like "cope" with an "s" in it
shades of the old man at my previous psych office yelling about obama's secret weather machine
"I help by SCREAMING"
grandpa's making a wheel for it
[mabel pines voice] grappling hook!
the way sam rolls dice STILL kills me
oh good, everyone else also thinks they should fuck
"why can't we just be friends? oh right, because I don't like you."
what the fuck's a flashlight
"yeah! temperature play! :D" aabria
"do you go down my little hole" "of course!" aren't y'all divorced
oh no an ot3
don't say degloved that means something else
oh I dig that
oh no aabria's doing the voice
everything goes black, and you die
how could crcw not have prepared me for this
immortal asshole oscar grimm
oh he's an asshole because he gave up the non-asshole bits to bargain with death
hey sam what the fuck
oh hey ashly. ow.
thump thumps? why?
imagine if oscar coming back just freaked elsie right back into beast mode
there's another hour left of this wtf happens
yessssss "I'd take a bullet for him but I wouldn't go drinking with him" my beloved
local woman realizing that everyone around her is an absolute freak
liam's startled old man noise
"ohhh I'm not good at that"
wait I don't understand what he just did
oh he did a drug
little bird ;-;
his WHAT
it glows blue when there are nuns nearby
where's that one digital devil saga monster
I desperately need an artist's rendition of this orca-mantis-thing
excuse me
I keep missing the spelling of his sister's name
"oh god everybody's fucked up"
A WHAT built in his WHAT
augh eye stuff no quiero
is noshir lefthanded?
I kind of half-called that
"that felt like twenty. that was a season."
"do you know you're covered in bees?"
I like my women like I like my coffee
"because yours is super chill"
liam you can uncommit to the voice
(he will not)
"drop the skincare routine"
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nanjokei · 1 year
i think the spread of character ai usage (and ai art generation usage also) is definitely an issue with people wanting instant gratification which actual rp usually is just not sustainably built for unless you're doing chat rp, even then your friends aren't awake 24/7 waiting at beck and call to entertain you. it's not literally entitlement, but it 100% stems from entitlement to be entertained constantly and passively instead of actually going out and finding something to do.
god this sounds like such boomer shit but the creation of endless scrolling like on tiktok with specifically tailored algorithms has made people so PASSIVE. ai can never come close to human creators but if people, especially the younger generation, are getting too cozy with choosing it over seeking out other human beings (whether it be indirectly via consuming fanmade work or directly via actual collaborative stuff like online roleplay), then how different is it from the ai "winning"? i don't think any of the excuses are valid. it's a subpar product in every way. it's almost never im character, it breaks if you propose anything too left field, and it's ultimately empty wish fulfilment and i have no idea how anyone past the age of 16 AT BEST gets any gratification from it. is it just the spread of a lack of reading comprehension? OPEN THE SCHOOLS!!
i do think it's an issue of people not being comfortable with boredom, always needing instant gratification, not wanting to sit down and hone a craft, or give the people who hone a craft themselves the time of day because they can't crank out """content""" for you 24/7. in a way, i'm thinking right now, when i'm bored i just channel surf on tv even if i don't do it as much anymore. but most people don't have tv anymore (personally we pirate iptv so LOL). i don't blame it on that necessarily, but i think with the rise of streaming, you just sit there on a media library staring at a bunch of thumbnails and posters, having to make a decision on how to invest your time. in this case, i get why people are so passive. tiktok is easier, character ai is easier. because i never ended up watching anything whenever i opened netflix (when we had it years ago). one could argue that watching tv is passive, but there's still a choice. you check the tv guide or google it and you know a certain show is on tv a certain channel at a certain time so you keep that in mind. what do you do in the meanwhile? i remember when that was an actual routine for me. i'd be slacking and not doing my homework, so maybe i'd draw a bit, maybe i play on my ds for a while, maybe i go make myself a snack or bake some pastries if i have all day, maybe i continue a book or even surf the web a bit.
the instinct of "aight, im gonna do something else on my own while i wait" is kind of dying. yes i'm on my phone! the difference is my use case. these days i'm not on social media aside from here so i don't use it as much aside from talking to friends on messaging clients and playing games (rarely tho). i say this as someone who stares at the ceiling not doing anything for a good bit each day, but at least i feel like i still have retained some ability to sometimes go, ok time to learn about a new hobby! i don't have to even pick it up. just entertaining it is gratifying on its own. i'm not a writer, but sometimes i'll write a little bit for fun then go "yeah i get why i don't jive with this". lately, i've been interested in competitive pokemon (with not much interest before) because i've been replaying platinum. i research a bit, watch videos, i even got a little brave and tested some sample teams on showdown. it was a fun time killer! i might keep doing it. i might even do it later today. i started reading pokespe too to scratch the pokemon itch too. and it's not like i don't suffer from crazy hard executive dysfunction but hey, this is a product of my effort. lately i've been thinking i wanna pick a character in guilty gear and learn at least one combo! trying new things is fun!!!
i'm sure this post sounds self important, self impressed, self absorbed (c-c-c-combo breaker) and boomer ish as fuck but honestly i don't care anymore. if someone who struggles with simple tasks on the daily like me can find shit to do that isn't just instantly caving to endless scrolling and resorting to chatting up an AI then i'm sure most people can too. it is so much more gratifying actively seeking out fun than to be passive about it.
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sol-consort · 8 months
How far have you gotten in Mass Effect 2? Also have you gotten any other pets or just your fish?
I'm doing Legion's loyalty mission, and then I will go to the omega 4 mass relay. I've done all other loyalties
Just fish for now, I did get Kelly to feed them tho, the scene was very disappointing.
I got the varen to follow me on Tuchanka after I fed him some meat but he never on ship.
Oh and a space hamster! Is he the reference to Boo and Baldur's Gate? Foshkdjsw I loved Kelly's comment about him and the cute little squeek he does when you interact with his box.
I did the admiral Hackett arrival mission by accident because I didn't realise it was the one- I was underleveled with like two snipers and 5 upgrades but eh I managed.
I have several n7 assignments left but I read that I should do them after the game ends.
I'm thinking of ng+ but apparently doing that disconnects your ME1 import or something and your choices get ereased? Or is that just a rumour, Idk.
I think imma go with Thane's romance, the siha was the final nail in the coffin that sealed by fate. I'm very disappointed by how surface level they made Jacob when he has so much potential, his loyality mission was the third on the list of the most horrifically and emotionally scarring ones to do and yet we get very little in the aftermath or from Jacob himself during it.
The overlord takes the first spot no doubt, my god.
It just felt unfullfilling and like Shepard is the one gunning for a relationship when Jacob doesn't want it, only something casual and that's after a lot of time convincing him. I miss how Kaidan or Ashley would flirt with you by themselves without having to initiate it and you can reject them or encourage them.
Here I think they did this for the player's comfort, like in that Halsin scene where he asks if you're sure multiple times. But that was bear sex! We're talking about normal smooching here or holding hands.
Instead, it butchered the romance, and it feels like Shepard is making them uncomfortable and insisting on a relationship, pressuring subordinates at that too.
Maybe it's different with maleShepard? Maybe other romances would've been different. But Garrus and Jacob fully felt like they would rather be at another room. Garrus himself says he doesn't have a fetish for humans but will try for us. That's after he tells us to go sleep with another human instead since it's closer to home.
With Garrus, I don't want someone to fix it. I don't want a rapid dog to pull the leash of every time he wants to bite. It feels like I'm just here to make sure he doesn't murder others, he seems more emotionally immature than before. Hesitant and lost, I don't want to be the one to figure who he is for him, he should do that himself.
Thane so far feels the most romantically available funny enough despite how much he simps for his dead wife. There are still some few throw away lines flirting with Shep that are subtle enough to miss.
Calling you "siha" an angel, one of the messenger of his gods, a protective angel that helps and aids people. Before you two have any commited relationship.
Describing how he remembers everything in great details even the smallest kiss and lets the comment be, if you say it made you uncomfortable then he apologises.
And he loves his son, that's always the biggest green flag. While Jacob buries his emotion and is defensive when talking about his father, meanwhile Garrus changed so much, where did my polite kind turian go?
It also fits, he still loves his wife, my Shepard still loves Kaidan, and he doesn't have much time left to live. I see Shepard and him finding solace in each other's arms before one has to eventually leave. Shepard comforts him during his last years of life while he helps them mend their freshly broken heart. A win win. A mutual agreement.
The good cop bad cop roleplay also was the closest thing to playful I have ever encountered in a loyalty mission.
I tried flirting with Samara, man that stung.
Liara came to my room but didn't make a move?
Pov: You're Liara seconds after blueballing my Shepard and actually only coming over for wine.
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I hate my romance options. I liked Tali's mission tho it was super fun and I don't get a lot of chances to yell and play the loudest human in the room.
Anderson betrayed us and knew about Horizon, you can go to confront him and say how he was your only friend left. He doesn't apologise and says it was a necessary risk, that made me lose respect for him a bit. Shepard does not have a single soul on their side in this lifetime.
I did some DLC by accident? That's kinda why I wanna restart with ng+ and do everything in the recommended order. Plus, the widow sniper is amazing, and I don't wanna part with it just yet :(
I liked taking Legion everywhere, but it's already end game. I had put off recruiting him because I didn't know the FF mission was his, I thought it was the last mission before the endgame missions, so I must do it last.
He looks so...ominous in every screenshot, like it's taken moments away before disaster. Ik it's just his headlights but man he looks ready to jump me. It made me realise how scary the Geth can be when you're not viewing them from a sniper's lens behind a crate miles away.
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I thought the last empty space was for Liara but she left.
The game is 10/10, steps on your heart a lot and more angsty than the first game, Also everything is so expensive and I am so broke. The Alliance used to pay me per fucking kill, Cerberus are so stingy.
Gonna either start with a ng+, re-import my ME1 character or just move on to ME3.
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sugarpuptard · 29 days
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waaaaaahhhhhh im gonna go insane i miss my boyfriend too much i need it to be october already so i can have him all to myself again ITS NOT FAIR I NEED HIM!!!!!!!! i keep thinking about earlier this year when i went to his state to visit in person for the first time i wish it was longer 3: i want more pics with him too i don't have enough, one of my favs tho i'll share hehe, i don't think he wants his face here but the pic below is still perfect and cozy >w< leg reveal i guess? xD
i love this pic so much i stare at it every time i miss his touch (pros of too vivid imagination + too much vr training phantom senses = i get to feel it almost enough again yippie! but its not the same) thought i should edit it to look extra cute here <3
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i was only there for like 5 days but he's staying longer when he comes for my birthday and im too excited omfg. traveling is much more new to him than me since i've been to plenty of states but he hasn't left his state really so i get to show him new stuff hehehe i like that, imma show him the city!!
i also wish i wasn't a little nervous but i think its just some past trauma with relationships in this situation ( ; w ; ) but i dont actually have anything to worry about since its not like that anymore (reminder to myself: its not like that anymore) and i think its more excited nerves than anything, things will be good!
another thing i am also nervous-excited about is that he's gonna be proposing to me!!! (๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ like HUH??? ME????!!??? u choose my weirdo NEET mentally ill and crippled ass to be yours forever?? ;w; i don't know how i found someone like him he makes me feel so safe and happy and genuinely cared about, he's everything i wanted and everything i didn't realize i needed, and to think we met as middle-schoolers on ROBLOX?? specifically in the robloxian highschool rp game (∘︎>▽<。) we had quite a long and intense roleplay over multiple days and weeks possibly we were hella invested, i forgot most of the plot tho my memory of back then is so blurry
we didn't talk for quite a few years because of my mental issues getting me put into places that kept me away from online too much sadly, but he never left my mind so in june of last year i finally messaged him again with the help of some alcohol and my friend saying DO IT DO IT DO IT and thank God i did. he replied pretty quick too because luckily he was still signed into his old account on his phone and he woke up to my texts at like 3am xD oopsies
im just so lucky to have him, i feel so unsafe so much for so fucking long and finally i have someone that gives me that sense of safety and security, i dont have to be scared or stressed i can just love and i love him too much and i'll do anything to have him forever. my journal rambling for today is fitting the theme of my yandere blog posts ngl ( ̄▽ ̄;) but i didn't know i was gonna ramble like this and i dont feel like logging out sooooooo this go here instead teehee
i genuinely didn't mean to ramble so much but my new med is a stimulant so i've been a bit wired all day lmao, i gotta get the ramble vibes out somehow, if u read all this damn :o
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bldrdsh · 1 month
respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you’d like to get to know a little bit better.
MUSE NAME: LOL a series ocs & canons from this blog
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Honestly, 100% discord.
EXPERIENCE: God like 8 years now LOL, almost 9.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: i do prefer longer/more plotted things, winging it only really tends to work for me if I've already got an established dynamic or if I've gotten to a point with someone where I know them well enough to be able to comfortably wing it.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: I'm a firm believer in understanding and listening to someone when they talk about their muse. I have more than a few ocs as well as whole canons that aren't really what they seem at face value, and while I understand sometimes reading isn't feasible, do not come to me expecting to write with a certain character or in a certain verse and when I warn you about the actual nature of said character / verse, pretend like you can handle it if you can't. I can't count on one hand the number of times I've explained to someone how a certain character/verse works and then I'm effectively met with shock & frustration when the character behaves EXACTLY how I explained they would. Be realistic with your own expectations man, it saves a lot of time and frustration in the long run.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Honestly I'm always going to prefer plotting as it makes long term interactions easier, but winging it with memes every now and then isn't bad, it really just depends on my mood.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: It really depends on the person/thread/plot. Sometimes little short back & forths are nice, but more often than not I prefer threads with a little more substance!
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Frankly, when I'm freshly free from work, or if I get up early enough on weekends.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I think it depends on the character, I try to put a little bit of myself into each character to make them feel more real but I don't really fully identify with one character.
TAGGED BY: borrowed from @spiritcrown TAGGING: anyone who wants to !
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roleplayhonestybox · 1 month
I found myself ghosting earlier this year
I've been online text roleplaying since I was 13 with various fandoms and various ocs and whatever made me happy at the time. Then I got sucked into a single fandom and had some of the best roleplays of my life, met some of the strangest people, had the worst of experiences, had the best of experiences, and overall a great time.
After a while partners of mine dropped off one by one for various reasons. I never kept more than a handful, for long periods of time. One of them would text me once every 3 months until they deleted their account without warning. This evolved until I had just one.
Them and I had a crazy massive falling out. It was ugly. And for the first time in my life I found myself without roleplay.
I tried to find others in the fandom willing, but many had had similar bad experiences so didn't want to get involved. I put out some ads, no responses, I liked some ads, no responses.
One day I decided i couldn't afford to be picky and branched out. There were plenty a fandoms I wrote fics for and interacted with the fandom. Surely I could branch out and roleplay? I was desperate anyways.
None of them stuck. This time it was me. I couldn't get invested. One or two messages in I would drop off. Even if they and I seemed like we had the potential to be the best most perfect roleplay partners. God damn i felt bad but I never found the will to answer.
(after like a month I decided to text all of them that I'd just lost touch with rp as a whole and felt bad about it but I couldn't do it anymore, and it wasn't their fault. A message I think I would have appreciated with anyone who'd ghosted me.)
So here's a rant. And a confession. From someone who's ghosted a couple people. I really tried, I really felt bad. I've now found someone in the fandom and our roleplays are good, so the entire time it really was just me and the wrong fandom.
I wonder if one day I'll be able to move away from it. Not be completely dependant on it for RP, but alas. Maybe next year.
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basilhawkins1999 · 2 months
Rules and Mun Info:
Hey Hey!
Frankie || 28 || They/Them
I've been in the roleplaying scene for several years now and I've been branching out to more fandoms lately. One Piece has caught my attention the most as of late and wanted to test the waters with RPing here again since it's been so long.
My Rules to RP with me are as follows:
1.) In character does not = out of character ( IC =/= OOC). Do not take what my muse says or does as something I would do irl ex: "Basil shoves someone off a bridge." I obviously wouldn't do that.
2. No God modding. Don't tell me what my character does and doesn't do, please and thanks.
3. I'm 28 and the muse I am writing for is 31. If shipping comes up, I will prefer it to be in the same age range as my muse.
4. Because I am 28, anyone who interacts with me and this blog needs to be 18+ I ain't dealing with no kids.
5. If nsfw topics are breeched, I will initiate a fade to black scenario. If I feel comfortable and know you well enough for spicy rp, we can take it to a side dm or something.
6. Don't be an a**hole. We're all tired and want to enjoy writing our blorbos. If you're going to be hostile to me or show any signs of being problematic, I will block you. End of story.
7. I am open to fighting scenes and generic violence, but I would like to discuss OOCly if anything got into extreme gore territory. Same goes for any darker themes One Piece can have.
8. I personally like semi-para (1-2 paragraphs) the most for writing. If the rp peaks my fancy, I may indulge in multi-paragraph writing. Also, I am human. Spelling errors will come up, but I will be dutiful to not have a lot of them.
9. Last but not least: Have a good time. I came here to write and relax in a safe space. I would hope you came here to do the same!
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