#or everyone else is just waiting for the better more interesting person to message them
cyberneticnipples · 5 months
man I wish I had friends to create stuff with
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1-imaginary-girl · 1 year
Wolf Bite
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Summary: During a fight between your friends and Klaus and his hybrids, you get bit. A certain someone appears later to help heal your wounds and complicate your feelings. Reader uses she/her pronouns.
Warnings: Violence, fluff
Word Count: 4850
Part 2
A/N: I have been obsessing over Klaus lately and thought I would share this passion with you guys. I haven’t seen TVD or TO in a while so I apologize if I get anything wrong about the lore. It doesn’t follow any canon plot, just inspired by Klaus healing Caroline’s bite.
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You’re leaning against a wall in the Salvatore brothers’ house as the rest of your friends talk about their newest plan to threaten Klaus and his family. The idea seems foolish to you, but you know better than to voice your opinion. Ever since the Mikaelson clan moved to town, being a vampire has gotten a lot more complicated. You’re suddenly not so immortal when there’s a whole group of people out to get you and your friends.
You’ve also started to notice a shift in the group as Elena now has feelings for both Salvatores. You’re well aware that your presence has slowly started to go unnoticed and yet here you are again. You watch as the group argues about how to lure Klaus and co. to the woods where you’ll meet him.
“What if we send someone to his house to deliver the message?” Elena suggests. But Stefan shakes his head.
“No, it’s too risky,” he says.
“Not if we send someone with a white oak stake for protection,” Caroline says.
“That would ruin the plan,” Bonnie says. There’s a silence as the group thinks of a new idea. Until Damon speaks.
“What if we get Y/N to call him?” Damon says, looking at you for the first time today. Your eyes widen as the rest of the group now looks at you. As if they weren’t just ignoring you.
“What? N-no way,” you say, not prepared to be put on the spot.
“Come on, he’s clearly shown an interest in you. Now’s the time to use that,” he argues. It’s true. Ever since you first met, Klaus seems to have taken a liking to you. But you think the group’s making it a bigger deal than it is. You think he just does it as a way to annoy the group. Though why he chose you instead of someone like Caroline or Bonnie, you’ll never know. 
“I don’t want to do that,” you say, not wanting to explain exactly why. You’re not even quite sure yourself. “Besides, it probably won’t work. I mean, I don’t even have his phone number.”
“Oh right,” Damon says, furrowing his eyebrows as you throw a retch in his plan.
“You could deliver the message in person,” Caroline suggests. Your jaw almost drops.
“Wait, so it’s too risky if someone else goes to the house, but not me?”
“Come on, he won’t hurt you,” Damon says. You’re beginning to think being a wallflower was the better option.
“We all have to help, Y/N,” Elena says. You choke on your words as you look around, seeing no one objecting to this plan.
“Wait, you guys my message spell!” Bonnie exclaims. Everyone turns to her and you are relieved to be out of the spotlight as you lean back against the wall. “I need paper, something to write with, and something of Klaus’s.”
Though you are currently mad at all of them, you decide you’re mad at Bonnie the least so you open your bag. You’re able to scrounge up the materials, even something of Klaus’s (you didn’t ask). With the necessary ingredients, Bonnie performs her spell and the written note lights on fire before quickly disintegrating. She opens her eyes.
“That should do it,” she says.
“We should go,” Elena says and everyone agrees.
The group is waiting in the woods for Klaus to appear, as is expressed in the letter. Another argument broke out on the way here as to who will get the white oak stake as you only brought one to threaten Klaus with. The group didn’t want to risk any of the other stakes. In the end, Damon won the argument as he reminded Stefan his responsibility was to look out for Elena, which she did not like. The rest of you are armed with regular stakes just in case anything happens.
“When is he going to get here?” Caroline says, though no one answers as no one knows. “I mean, how can he even find us? We’re in the middle of the woods!”
“He can probably track us by seeking out Elena’s blood,” Damon says which angers Elena. Sometimes you feel bad for her being the only human amongst the group (other than Matt), and other times you envy her for it.
When the group is about ready to give up, you hear something coming. The other vampires can hear it too and you ready yourselves. Soon enough, Klaus stands before you with a smile on his face. “Well, well, isn’t this a nice surprise? I hadn’t realized we were pen pals,” the Original says. His eyes rake over the group and he perks up when he spots you. “Hello love.”
The others glance at you and, panicked to be on the spot again, you say, “Uh, hi,” with a small and awkward wave.
This causes Klaus’ smile to grow wider and seemingly more genuine, and you try to suppress the urge to blush. Although you don’t think your friends were pleased by that interaction.
“I assume you know why you’re here,” Stefan says, bringing Klaus’ attention back to the group.
“Ah yes, the cryptic message,” Klaus says. “So, what is it that I must see? Truly, I’m dying to know.” You see Damon smirk.
“I wouldn’t act so cocky,” he says.
“Oh, and why’s that?” Klaus says with an entertained look on his face. His face changes, however, when Damon reveals the white oak stake. His cocky attitude shifts quickly to fear and anger. “Where did you get that?” he growls.
“Well it turns out when your sister burned down that bridge, she didn’t realize that other things were made from your precious oak tree,” Damon taunts. He’s exaggerating, of course, as there was only one other thing made from the tree. But Klaus still looks fearful.
“So what? You really think you can kill me with one stake?”
“We don’t intend to kill you. At least not now anyway,” Caroline says.
“We called you here as a threat. To tell you to leave Mystic Falls or else,” Stefan says with a calm smile on his face.
“Oh, and this isn’t the only stake. We wouldn’t risk bringing all of them with us just for you to break them,” Elena says.
“You’re bluffing,” Klaus sneers.
“Care to find out?” Damon asks. You can practically feel the steam of anger rolling off Klaus.
“How dare you threaten me,” Klaus says, his blue-green eyes turning a deadly shade of yellow.
“What are you going to do about it?” Damon says with a taunting smirk. Klaus’ face shifts and he smirks back.
“Why I’m so glad you asked,” he says. He then lets out a whistle and some of his hybrids emerge from the woods. You widen your gaze as you hold out your weapon, trying to assess the situation. The hybrids move in closer, and you can see the others preparing themselves. “Now, let’s try this again. Hand over the stake, and no one gets hurt.”
You thought the answer would be obvious. Sure, Klaus might be bluffing but you can’t kill that many hybrids. And what’s one lost stake anyway? However, you seemed to be the only one thinking that.
“No thanks,” Damon says. You look at him incredulously.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Klaus says. As soon as Klaus advances, his hybrids pounce and the group is thrown into an attack. Your weapons will only slow the hybrids down, but your best hope is to get the upper hand and snap their necks to incapacitate them.
Damon and Klaus immediately face off. The rest of you prepare to face the small army of hybrids while Stefan protects Elena. One of the hybrids locks onto you and hisses before attacking you. You instantly try to hold the hybrid off and stab her, but you can feel her overpowering you in strength.
Still, you rely on your moves in combat to avoid any major injuries or worse, her bite. You manage to get the upper hand and stab her through the stomach, and while she’s slowed down, you move to behind her back and snap her neck, knocking her out for a good while.
You’re trying to catch your breath when you sense another hybrid coming at you too late. He pounces on you and you slam into the ground with him on top of you. You’re caught off guard and without your stake. When you try to move to fight back, the hybrid digs his teeth into your shoulder. A short scream rips through you, powered both by panic and pain.
Meanwhile, Klaus is fighting Damon when he hears the scream. He looks your way as he feared it was you, and the scene causes his eyes to widen. With a newfound urgency, Klaus faces Damon and quickly finds a way to snap his neck.
As you’re panicking from the bite, you feel the hybrid being pulled off of you and you see Klaus with a furious expression. The hybrid is very confused by his sire’s anger. You think you hear Klaus growl, “Not her,” before snapping their neck.
You’re shocked at what just happened all at once and remain on the ground, sitting up with wide eyes looking at Klaus. He looks away from the hybrid to meet your gaze and his eyes instantly soften. He looks concerned, though you’re not sure why. He makes a move to walk toward you but before you can say anything, Caroline rushes over to you.
She quickly puts herself between Klaus and you. “Stay away from her,” she hisses at him. Klaus’ expression shifts back to anger, and before you can explain to Caroline what’s going on, Klaus’s gaze flick from her to you and then he sprints away. Not just away from you, but he leaves the forest. The hybrids that haven’t been incapacitated follow.
You look after him, longing to talk to him and figure out why he saved you, when Caroline’s face comes into view. “Are you okay?” she asks while helping to pull you off the ground. You nod and you guess that’s enough for her because she walks towards the rest of the group.
You’re a bit stunned as Klaus seemed to show more compassion than your friend, but you merely shake off the exchange. From the woods, the group heads back to the Salvatore’s place. You trail behind them, your mind racing as you’re overly aware of the fact that a werewolf bit you. Not just a werewolf, but a hybrid. You haven’t told your friends about it because you don’t want to be a bother to them as that’s all you feel like you are these days.
On the way back, your mind wanders to the one person that seems to be on everyone’s minds these days. Klaus. You don’t know why he saved you, even from his own hybrid, but you want to thank him. You know you should hate him like the others do but for some reason every time that man looks at you, your stomach erupts into butterflies.
You feel awful for how you feel, you know all the harm he’s caused to your friends and not to mention the world, but you can’t help it. It doesn’t help that he pretends to be soft on you either. You haven’t told anyone about your feelings, whatever they are, for fear of persecution but you can’t stop thinking about him.
You arrive at the Salvatore’s and the group huddles in the living room for a quick debriefing of what just went down. All the while images of Klaus and your bite flash through your mind. You look at your shoulder and you can’t see the full damage as it’s covered by your shirt but you know it’s not good.
“How are you holding up, Damon?” Caroline asks teasingly. He glares at her and rolls his neck.
“Doing just great thanks,” he says.
“What the hell even happened?” Elena asks. “I mean, why did they just leave?”
“All I know is, one minute I’m holding my own against Klaus--” Damon says and to this you hold back rolling your eyes. Klaus must’ve been going easy on him, toying with him. “--and then he gets this raged look on his face and boom, lights out.”
“He went to Y/N,” Caroline says causing all of their eyes to stare at you again. You bite back your annoyance at her for bringing that on you.
“What happened?” Stefan asks while the rest of the group waits. The image of Klaus looking at you causes your face to heat up and you struggle to come up with a lie. You don’t want to tell them the truth when you yourself haven’t even gotten to the bottom of it.
“I-I don’t know,” you say. They still stare at you. “Maybe he was mad at me for harming his hybrids.”
“There were two knocked-out hybrids beside her,” Caroline adds. The group looks at you with a mix of shock and amazement.
“You knocked out two of them?” Damon asks with surprise and slight amusement. You don’t want to outwardly lie so you just kind of nod.
“And then he just left,” you say.
“It still doesn’t make sense. I mean, why target you specifically?” Bonnie asks.
“Maybe he’s miffed his lover betrayed him,” Damon says and your face turns beat red.
“W-What?! I am not his—” you burst out in surprise until someone cuts you off. No one even looks your way.
“Or maybe he’s planning something,” Elena suggests. The rest of them start diving into conspiracies but your mind is elsewhere. You suddenly feel drawn to look at your bite. The more you look at it, the more it’s like you can feel the venom pumping through your veins. Your heartbeat is suddenly too loud and you feel like you can’t breathe.
You don’t know if it has something to do with the venom or just your overall panic, but all of a sudden, the world goes black.
Your eyes slowly open and your vision is blurry at first. Figures stand over you and after blinking a few times, you recognize your friends.
“She’s awake,” Elena says, as if everyone isn’t seeing it for themselves. You realize you’re lying on the Salvatore’s couch. You wonder how long you blacked out for.
“What the hell Y/N?!” Caroline instantly yells at you. You flinch at her volume but she doesn’t seem to notice. “Why didn’t you tell us you got bit?”
At the reminder, you look back at the bite only to see that its gotten worse. You wince at the sight of it and face the group. You guess they discovered it when you passed out.
“I don’t know, I-I thought I could handle it,” you say, not wanting to admit the real reason. Most of them roll their eyes at you.
“Of course you couldn’t handle it!” Damon says. “You should have told us.”
I didn’t know you cared. You bite your tongue to keep the words from spilling out of your mouth. “I’m sorry,” you say, losing interest in the conversation as you are now painfully aware of the venom from the bite.
“What are we going to do?” Bonnie asks. They begin to cut you out of the conversation even though they’re talking about you and you decide you can’t deal with this right now. You stand up from the couch, feeling a bit of a head rush before steadying yourself. This seems to draw their attention.
“Hey wait, where are you going?” Stefan asks, as they all look at you with bewildered expressions.
“I’m going home,” you say and start to walk away. Unfortunately, they follow.
“You can’t just go home!” Caroline exclaims, reacting as if you just said you were going to the moon.
“Watch me,” you say, your frustration getting the better of you. You try to make your way towards the door but a few steps in you stumble and Stefan speeds over to steady you.
“Okay, we’ll take you home, alright?” he says and in that moment, you’re grateful for him. He turns to the rest of the group. “We can regroup at her place and brainstorm ideas there while keeping an eye on her.” The rest of the group seems to agree with the idea. In separate cars, the group drives over to your house.
Soon you’re pulling into your driveway. They’ve all been invited in before so entering isn’t a problem. With Stefan’s help, you climb the stairs and soon find yourself in your cozy bed. You wish you could just sleep away this problem but a sudden sharp pain from the wound reminds you that isn’t possible.
“So what now?” Elena asks as the group piles into your bedroom. It feels weird and you’re slightly uncomfortable with it but you keep quiet and just get under your inviting covers.
“Maybe we can ask Klaus for help?” Bonnie suggests. At this, Damon instantly scoffs.
“Yeah that sounds like him,” Damon says.
“Maybe he’ll do it for Y/N,” Caroline says. “He does have a soft spot for her.”
“I don’t know if that’s enough for him,” Stefan interjects. “We all know what he’s after.”
“No,” Damon says. “We finally have a real weapon against those Original assholes and I’m not just going to throw it all away for—”
“Damon,” Elena hisses and nudges him in the chest before nodding over to you. Once more, all eyes are on you and you don’t know what to do. Damon looks away, maybe feeling guilty for basically saying you’re not worth it.
“Why don’t we continue this conversation downstairs?” Caroline suggests. You once again wonder why they’re talking about this situation without you but you’re too tired and hurt to care.
“We’ll be downstairs if you need anything,” Bonnie says and then the group filters out closing the door behind them.
Throughout the day a few of them check in on you every once and a while, barely giving you updates on if they’re going to find a cure. As your pain grows and the sky darkens, you start to think that maybe this is it. Maybe this is how you die. You never imagined it happening like this and your chest caves in at the thought of a final death but it’s looking more and more likely.
You’re not sure what time it is, but later in the night you hear a faint knock which sounds like it’s coming from your front door. You ignore it, not having the strength to answer it. You figure one of your friends will answer it. If they’re even home.
The knock sounds again, louder and more persistent, and you start to suspect that your friends have left. You take a deep breath as fear coils around your throat, constricting your breath. Your friends aren’t here and you’re going to die all alone before you even got to live. The knocking stops and you settle back into the silence.
Then a sound comes from your window. It sounds like…knocking? From your bed, you can’t see the outside since it’s too dark out. You wish your friends were here. Slowly, you climb out of bed and try to rally your strength in case you have to fight something or someone. As you walk over your confusion only grows.
There, perched on a branch from the tree outside your window, is Klaus Mikaelson. He gives you a wave and you hesitantly wave back. You approach the window cautiously before opening it.
“Um, can I help you?” you ask, trying to understand what you’re seeing. Hallucinations are a side effect of wolf venom, right?
“Well hello to you too, love,” he says with a cheeky smile on his face. His eyes roam over your body and his smile falters. You suddenly become aware that this is the closest you’ve ever been to the Original. You try not to let your cheeks flush.
“What are you doing here?” His smile drops entirely, noticing your serious demeanour.
“I’m here to help. Now if you could just let me in—”
“Help with what?” His face becomes grim as his eyes trail over to your shoulder. It’s now out in the open as you’ve changed into pajamas. You then remember that he must’ve seen the bite when it happened.
“Your wound, love.”
“Why…why would you want to help me with that?” you ask. Then a thought occurs. “Wait, have my friends spoken to you?”
His eyebrows furrow as he shakes his head. “No, I haven’t heard from them,” he says and though you can’t say you didn’t expect it, your heart drops at hearing it. “Wait, do they know about this?”
“Um yeah.”
He looks angry as he asks, “And where are they now?”
You look at the floor and try to keep your embarrassment inside. “I don’t know, I thought they would’ve contacted you.”
“Apparently not.” His face is still twisted in anger although you’re not quite sure why. Then he looks at you and seems to remember why he’s here. “So, can you let me in?”
The thought of having Klaus Mikaelson in your room makes your heart beat faster. And though you want to give in, to continue living your immortal life, you hesitate. “Why should I trust you?”
“How do I know if I let you in now, it won’t come back to bite me in the ass?” you ask, your arms crossed.
Klaus doesn’t seem to understand your concern. “Love, you realize that’s a hybrid bite. I don’t think you have the time for this.”
“So you admit that you would use it later?”
His face scrunches up. “That’s not—no I wouldn’t do that—just please let me in,” he says, giving you a sincere look that threatens to break down your walls. Just as you’re about to question him more, a wave of pain washes over your body. You let out a groan as you slightly stumble back. “Y/N?” The pain grows more intense and you let out a whimper before you collapse onto your knees. “Y/N!” It’s as if your body is at war with itself and you can feel every impact of it.
“You have to let me in, just say the words and I can help you. Please!” You hear Klaus say from the window. But it’s hard to find words when the pain is so intense. You want it to stop. “Y/N!” You hear him bang his fist against the walls of your house.
You slowly lift your head up to see his worried face, desperately waiting for you to let him in. You no longer care if this will come back to haunt you. You take a few deep breaths before you say, “Come in.”
As soon as the words take effect, Klaus rushes into the house and scoops you into his arms. You clutch at his chest, not thinking of anything but the pain. He carries you over to the bed and gently places you down before quickly running over to the window to close it. The pain seems to be dwindling down but you know it’ll be back. Your whole body is so weak, you used the last of your strength to walk over and talk to Klaus.
Speaking of, he’s quickly back at your bedside, eyes furiously scanning you for signs of physical distress. Then his eyes lock on yours and you feel your breath hitch. “You have to drink my blood,” he says quietly to you.
You know that that’s the cure and that it will save you, but you’re still hesitant. This is Klaus you’re talking about. The big bad hybrid who’s been attacking your friends and causing chaos for weeks now. And yet for some reason, a part of you wants to trust him. A part of you wants to give in to the idea that he could be good. But how can you trust him when you can’t even trust your own instincts?
He must sense your hesitation, because he leans down to look into your eyes. When you look at him, you’re stuck by how truly beautiful he is. His eyes are a beautiful blue, but more than that, they hold a look of sincerity in them. “I know you don’t trust me, I wouldn’t either,” he says. “But this is what’s going to save you. So please, take a chance. What have you got to lose?”
He does have a point.
“I don’t want to die,” you admit in a small voice. Your breath stutters as you let the fear bubbling inside of you rise to the surface. Klaus’s look is sympathetic.
“I don’t want that either,” he whispers. Your eyes meet and you feel caught in them. “Let me help you.”
Maybe it’s because this is a different, more sincere side of Klaus that you’ve never seen before. Maybe it’s because your friends are gone and you’re feeling vulnerable. Maybe it’s because your instincts seem to have aligned. Either way, you nod your head.
He offers you a small smile. He then sits on the bed and gently shifts you so that you’re leaning against his chest. You’re too weak to move yourself. Klaus rolls up his sleeve and bites down on his wrist before bringing it close to your lips. You’re tempted but look at him to make sure it’s okay first. He nods and you sink your teeth into his wrist.
At first, you feel weird about the situation. But then you lean into it and begin to enjoy it. Klaus whispers encouragingly in your ear as his blood enters your body. You can feel your strength begin to return and the fog in your brain clear. You almost don’t want to stop, and the way Klaus is petting your hair doesn’t help. But eventually, you know you’ve had enough, so you pull away.
“Wasn’t so bad, eh?” Klaus says and you look up to see him smiling down at you. “Are you going to be okay?”
“I think so.”
“Then I guess my work here is done.” He moves you so you’re lying back on your bed, but when he moves to leave, you grab his arm. He looks back, confused.
“Why did you do that?” When his confusion doesn’t clear, you clarify. “Why did you help me?”
He looks down at the floor and his lip twitches into a smile. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, love, but I quite fancy you. Wouldn’t want you dying on me before I’ve had a chance to win you over.”
His words shock you enough to let go of his arm. The strangest part is that he looks sincere about it. “But…you actually like me? Like, that wasn’t all an act?” you ask. Both of you seem to be confused by the other.
“Why would I do that?” You start to feel embarrassed.
“To—to get on the group’s nerves? To throw us off?”
“Is it so hard to believe that I might just like you?” To be honest, the thought hadn’t occurred to you. Trickery made more sense.
“Yes,” you say and then wish you didn’t. “I—I mean, why me? Why not Caroline or Bonnie?”
“Besides the fact that you’re the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever laid eyes on?” he asks and you’re suddenly glad it’s dark because your cheeks are on fire right now. “Because you’re different.” That doesn’t make you feel so great. He must have picked up on that because he catches your eye and says, “Because you’re better.” The idea makes you flustered, that anyone would think you’re better than them, let alone a powerful hybrid like Klaus.
“I still don’t understand.”
“Hmm.” He seems to think on what to say before smirking. “Then I guess I’ll have to do a better job at showing you.” When he winks at you, you think your face might be on fire from how hot it is. Once again, he turns to leave.
“Thank you,” you call out which makes him stop in his tracks. He turns around to face you and seems confused by your words. But you mean them. He didn’t have to save you, you gave him nothing in return, and yet he did.
He smiles and you think it’s much better than the fake ones he gives to the group. “Of course love,” he says. “Couldn’t have my favourite vampire dying on me.” You give him a smile back, genuinely happy to hear someone say that to you.
Then your eyelids begin to feel heavy and you have to blink rapidly to stay awake. Klaus sees this and says, “Goodnight, my love,” before opening your bedroom window.
“Goodnight,” you say back as you watch the window close. You lay back down on your bed, thankful to no longer be dying. You guess you have your new saviour to thank for that. As you close your eyes, you can’t help but see Klaus in a different light. Not as a villain, but as a complicated man. You don’t think your friends are going to like your change of heart, so for now you’ll keep it to yourself. You’ll be content in knowing that maybe the big bad hybrid isn’t so bad after all.
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angels-fantasy · 5 months
Omg, CONGRATULATIONS LITTLE BEAN 🎉 I'm so so happy and proud of you ❤️ Your writing is great, and I can't wait to see you expand and unleash your creativity even more!
I'd love to ask for "asking them what they first thought of you" with either Bakugo or Dani, whatever suits you better 🫰🏻
Asking Them What They First Thought Of You
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader
Details: mm nothing crazy but bakugou drops the L WORD also dabi might be ooc 😪
Word Count: 531
HII omg thank you for this request and kind message tee hee im so sorry i responded late T^T so i will give you both dabi and bakugou!!
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"hey dabi, what did you think about me when we first met?"
dabi's face scrunched up at that question. he didn't really remember, if he was being completely honest, he just knew he was extremely wary of you since he didn't know anything about you at the time.
but, he did notice that you didn't let his distant personality bother you, and that meant something to him.
he played with a lock of your hair, twirling it around his fingers as he thought of an answer. "i dunno, i just know i didn't trust you." he said, making you frown up at him.
"you can't be a little more romantic about it?" you grumbled, making him let out a husky laugh.
"sorry, romance isn't really my thing. but if it makes you feel better, i did think you were hot."
you smacked him on the shoulder, "shut up!"
he hissed, "ouch, you pack a punch huh?"
you humphed and flexed your arm, "you bet i do."
he laughed lightly and looked up at the ceiling, "seriously though, i didn't trust you at all in the beginning and i definitely thought you were attractive... but then you helped me learn how to trust you, so i started to think of you as a good person. better than me, at least."
since dabi was looking away, he didn't notice the tears welling up in your eyes and only realized you were crying when he heard you sniffle.
"dabi! that's so sweet." you cried, "y-you've never said anything so cute before."
he groaned, "yes i have!"
you ignored his words and wiped your nose on his shoulder, making him sigh.
"katsuki! what did you think about me when we first met?"
"i thought you were annoying." he replied immediately, making you pout.
"be serious! i know you don't mean that."
he sighed and closed his eyes while he thought of an answer, opening them a few seconds later and turning to face you.
"i guess i thought you were pretty interesting, unlike every other extra we know-"
"what have i told you about calling people extras?" you asked, cutting him off and making him grumble.
"anyways - you weren't as annoying or dumb as everyone else so i allowed you around me." he said and crossed his arms.
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and laid your head on one of them, "are you sure it wasn't my good looks and charming personality?"
he smiled and moved you around slightly so he could wrap his arms around you instead. "maybe that was a part of it, but only a little bit." he teased.
you laughed, knowing he was only messing with you.
he smiled at your laughter, happy that you knew he was joking with you. that was something that a lot of people misunderstood about him. qmost of the time his harsh words and tone had no meaning behind them, but not everyone knew that. so when you came around and you immediately caught onto that, he knew he had to keep you around.
"love you kats" you said, voice muffled by his chest that you were squished in.
"mm, love ya too."
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authors note
i hope you enjoyed :')
taglist for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
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g1rld1ary · 2 months
overheard that she was nineteen - james potter x reader
wc: 1058
cw: nothing, one swear, reader is sad on their birthday, implied fem!reader but i don't think any pronouns
chat how many aura points do i lose for crying in the literal first 20 minutes of my nineteenth birthday :/ don't think about this fic too hard or you'll see it's more of a diary entry than work of fiction oopsie :')
You weren't feeling very special. To be quite honest, your day had been totally shit. It was your birthday, your nineteenth birthday and everyone had forgotten. Well, that wasn't true exactly, but nobody cared. Your parents had barely said 'happy birthday' when you called them, and only one of your friends had texted you. A sweet message, but still kind of depressing.
You knew it shouldn't have been a big deal, no one cared about nineteen, right? Eighteen was the big birthday and you'd had a good enough day last year, so you weren't really sure why this year had brought you down so much.
Maybe it was just because your love of birthdays was never reciprocated. A person's birthday could be the most exciting day of the year, and you were of the opinion that it should be, if possible. You were the one who showed up with a hand-baked cake on your friend's doorstep, without fail. It was something you enjoyed doing undoubtedly, you spent ages picking out which colour the icing should be and what edible decorations should go on top.
On top of that, you considered your defining talent to be writing cards. It was something you took pride in, penning almost-essays that encapsulated the breadth and depth of your love for your nearest and dearest. Proclamations of never-ending adoration, gratitude for years of friendship, the insides of your heart and soul sitting amongst fresh ink and scribbled hearts. You signed your name with a heart and a flower every time. Plus, you made particular efforts to come up with a creative pun or doodle for the front, just to keep things interesting.
So birthdays were things you held in high regard, and having yours seemingly mean nothing to anyone else was a bit of a mood killer if you were being totally honest. Still, what could you do? You picked yourself up, ate an uninspiring breakfast and went to uni.
You felt more anonymous than usual in class. With the semester having started only a week prior, you were in a sea of new people, none of them having any way of knowing it was your birthday, and you weren't quite at the point where you were begging for well-wishes from people you didn't particularly care about. And so you took notes, put your hand up for the participation grade and dreamed of your own cake and candles.
By the end of the day you were exhausted. The classes were long anyway, but carrying around your own personal grey cloud was taking a toll on your body and mind. It was at the car park when your phone dinged; James.
are you coming over tonight?
You smiled a little despite your sour mood. Even if James didn't seem like he was fully aware of your outlook on birthdays, being with him always made you feel better.
It'd already been dark for an hour or so by the time you reached the flat he shared with the boys, the winter weather making the sun disappear at four o'clock. You knocked on his door softly, unable to pluck up the strength to even make your presence easily known. James must've been waiting for you though, since you heard the heavy pad of his feet almost instantaneously.
The sight of him nearly took your breath away, though nothing was out of the ordinary. He was still the same old James, his glasses slightly askew on his nose, but he was looking at you with such softness that you felt the tears spike behind your eyes. You tried to push them down.
"I thought we'd have a bit of an early dinner. I know you won't have eaten at uni." He took your bag, setting it by the entry table softly. You managed to nod, hopefully not giving away all your awful feelings. You tried not to be cut up that he hadn't wished you a happy birthday yet.
All of your melancholy had been for nothing, you realised, when James led you to the dining table. He'd gone the full mile, with a cheesy red tablecloth and single candle as the centrepiece.
"Happy birthday, my love," He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. You couldn't help it, the tears rolling down your cheeks before you even realised. Once they started you had no chance, sobs wracking through your body as James stood beside you, bewildered.
"Is this not okay? Do you not like it?" He fretted as you cried, and you rushed to reassure him.
"I love it, Jamie, promise. It's just," You managed a half laugh through your bout of tears, "I thought no one cared. I can't believe you've done this for me." James' brow furrowed deeper than you'd ever seen it before as he pulled you into a tight hug.
"I would do anything for you, love. I mean it."
Once your tears had subsided you had a lovely dinner, James making you double over with laughter as all thoughts of your previous shit day dissolved under the weight of the homemade pasta sitting in your stomach.
Just before the night died down, James presented you with a small box, wrapped in the most beautiful silky ribbon. You glanced up at him curiously, untying it slowly. Inside was the most beautiful bracelet you'd ever seen. Connected with a heart-shaped clasp and decorated with a single charm, a love letter. You were embarrassed by the tears working their way back up to your lash line, but James looked delighted by the reaction, he lived to make you happy.
"Thank you," You whispered, "I love you."
James didn't have to say it back for you to know, but he did anyway because it made him happy.
Maybe your birthday wasn't the flashy event you might've wanted, however deep down, but you were strangely okay with it. Despite the fact that no one showed up to your door with a hand-baked cake or essay-length card, you had James, and James would've pulled the stars down from the sky if he thought it would boost your mood. That was enough.
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Yandere diaries. || Toby x reader. A new (possible) series I got the idea to do of the creeps doing diaries showing them gradually becoming yandere.
3k words. CW: Yandere, adult content (mentions of arousal and references to masturbation), descriptions of violence and gore, unhealthy relationships, severe abuse, delusions, Toby slipping into insanity and also being an unhonest/unreliable narrator with how awful he’s being.
4/26/22 -
I met someone new today! We bumped into each other at a park I like to go to on Earth. They were so kind to me. We ended up getting ice cream together and exchanging numbers. I hope I can see them again soon.
5/11/22 -
I’ve been able to see them a couple more times. We’ve been messaging regularly, and have also called a couple of times. I’ve never felt so connected to someone so quickly before. We have a lot in common, and they don’t even mind any of my tics or odd quirks. We have a plan to meet up this weekend and go to the movies together, I’m really looking forward to it. I hope we continue to be friends with each other for a long time!
5/14/22 -
I just got home. We had such a fun time at the movies! We saw one of the more recent horror films together. They got scared partway through and clung onto me to feel better, and it made me feel really happy and protective over them. I wouldn’t mind seeing more horror movies with them in the future if it means that they’d do that again. We haven’t known each other very long, but I feel so connected and interested in them, I feel sparks every time they touch me. Is this what falling in love feels like?
6/21/22 -
I haven’t been able to see them for a few weeks because of our schedule differences. I feel like I’ve been excessively sad because of that. I just feel like my life is so much dimmer without them. I wanna go to the park with them again, eat ice cream, and curl up under a tree with them. I wish I could be with them every day.
7/29/22 -
We haven’t known each other for a very long time, but I’m certain they’re the person I’m meant to be with for the rest of my life. They make me the happiest I’ve ever felt, they understand me like nobody has ever understood me before, I just feel so carefree and excited in their presence. I think they might feel the same way about me too. I need to try my best to build up some courage and ask them to be my partner before someone else can.
8/11/22 -
I asked them on a date and they said yes!! I’ve never felt more excited than I am right now!! We’re going on our first date in a few days. I need to make sure I have a nice outfit to wear because I want to take them somewhere nice to eat, and then we’re gonna go for a walk together and stargaze. My life truly feels so complete and wonderful right now, I feel like I’m finally on a path to keep getting better with them in my life!
11/24/22 -
I haven’t been dating them very long, but I convinced Slender to allow me to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner. Normally we have to date our partners for a year, but I just know our relationship is going to work out, so I don’t feel the need to wait that long. They had so much fun meeting everyone, and they were happy the whole time. I felt a bit jealous that they didn’t pay as much attention to me, but that’s okay because there were so many new people they had to meet. I’m sure next time I invite them over they won’t pay anyone else any attention. I’m looking forward to having them over here more often!
12/14/22 -
I got into an argument with Jeff today. I had them over to visit me, and I stepped away for a minute to get us some snacks and Jeff so rudely decided to try and steal their attention from me. It isn’t fair! He was trying to make them laugh and hang out with him instead of me!! I got really angry and I started yelling at him, and he yelled back at me, claiming he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He’s not allowed to just walk up to them and act like they’re buddy-buddy. They’re my partner, and they’re here for me. Nobody else has the right to their attention but me.
12/25/22 -
I got to celebrate my first Christmas with them today. We spent a little bit of time downstairs with the others, but then I wanted to bring them upstairs to my room so we could be together alone. I gave them a bracelet with our names on it so that everyone would know they belonged to someone, and they seemed to like it. However, I got a bit upset at them. They said they had to go home so they could celebrate with their friends and family too, but aren’t I good enough? Aren’t I their family now? It doesn’t make any sense to me why they couldn’t just stay at the mansion, but I let them go. I’ll have a talk with them about this later.
1/24/23 -
We had another argument again. They have this friend that keeps overstepping his boundaries and I don’t appreciate it. He’s been hogging their attention recently and hanging out with them more and it’s seriously fucking pissing me off. They wouldn’t stop talking to him so I had to lie to them about him to finally get them to back off from him a bit. I wouldn’t normally want to do that, but it’s for their own good. Nobody should be hogging them away from me that much. Their friends are lucky I even allow them to talk with my dove at all. I think that’s what I’ll start calling them, now that I think about it. My sweet, soaring Dove.
2/17/23 -
I ended up getting into a fight with one of Dove’s friends. I was trying to make sure I could spend Valentine’s with Dove, but this friend wanted to be able to see them that day since he’s going on a trip soon or some other stupid excuse. It pissed me off. IM their boyfriend, that day is for US. I confronted him to get him to back off but he had the nerve to stand his ground. I had to beat the shit out of him to get him to understand his place. It’s been three days, and apparently, he hasn’t contacted them since. Good. One less pest I have to worry about. Dove was a little suspicious when I came home with torn-up knuckles that day, but I just told them it happened during training and they believed me. They even took the time and care to bandage me up. They really are so special to me. Nobody else can have them.
3/18/23 -
I’ve never really thought much about blood before. When it’s on myself or my victims, I’ve never really cared about it, I’ve actually usually thought it was gross, but it was different today. Dove got this gash when we were out on a hike from tripping and slicing their arm on a sharp rock. Normally the blood wouldn’t have bothered me, but it was just so pretty. The red spreading across their skin was just so alluring. Of course, I got them cleaned off and patched up as soon as I could, but my heart is racing just remembering it. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope they get cut again soon. I have to confirm if this feeling inside me is real or just a one-off.
3/28/23 -
It wasn’t a one-off. We were cooking, and they were using one of our sharper knives. My curiosity got the better of me, and I “accidentally” bumped into them from behind. They ended up cutting themself, and their blood was just as alluring today, flowing freely out of their finger. I ended up putting their finger in my mouth to suck the blood off, and I’ve never tasted something so intoxicating before. They were a bit confused, but I just played it off and they let it go. Holy shit. I feel like I have to taste it again. I have to. The red on their skin, the metallic lingering taste in my mouth. It’s so addicting. It honestly made me a bit excited, I had to take a moment to myself so they wouldn’t notice.
4/16/23 -
I bit them. We were making out, and I just felt myself getting so worked up. I pinned them down on my mattress, and I started kissing down Dove’s neck. I couldn’t help it, my heart was beating so fast and I felt myself getting dizzy, and I bit them really hard. Their skin was so soft in my mouth, and blood started oozing out, running against my teeth and my tongue, and my lips, it was so warm and exciting, it felt like I was getting drunk. Dove didn’t like it though. They screamed and cried and begged me to stop, and I didn’t want to, but I did. I bandaged them up and apologized and feigned innocence. They said they wanted to go home early, so I took them to not get on their bad side anymore. I was so worked up though. I had to take care of myself when I got home, I was just so turned on. I have to do it again somehow. They won’t like it, but I have to. Nothing has ever felt so pleasing before.
4/29/23 -
I tried to bite them again, and they realized it wasn’t an accident this time. They yelled at me and hit me to get me off of them, and I hit them back much harder. They looked so broken and upset while they cried, but their tears and screams got me just as turned on as their blood did. The bruise that formed on their cheek was so beautiful. I held them close and apologized a whole bunch because I don’t want them to hate me. I cried a lot and I meant it. I promised I wouldn’t do it again, which I guess I didn’t mean. However, they can’t just disobey me like that. I need to try and be on my best behavior so they can be more relaxed around me. I can’t have them fighting back every time I want to do something to them.
5/09/23 -
I think my Dove needs to be caged. They’ve gotten so used to flying free that they need to be grounded and brought back to reality. I keep trying to limit their interactions with others because they keep poisoning my Dove against me, and Dove tried to fight me today. We got in a big yelling match, but I was able to calm myself down in the nick of time so that I didn’t make things worse. I got them to calm down, and we’re gonna have some space between us for a few weeks. I think I’m going to take this opportunity to my advantage.
5/30/23 -
While we haven’t been spending time together, I’ve been working hard. I found an old house in the Underworld for cheap, and I’ve been rebuilding it and fixing it up. I altered it to be able to hold Dove in without their escape, and I’m so excited about it. I’ve got a bedroom I’m setting up for them, and a nice kitchen because they’ve always liked cooking with me. I know Dove is going to love it so much when I bring them here in a few weeks. It’s going to be the best thing for us. Dove is too innocent about the world around them, and I have to be able to protect them. Nobody else can do a better job than I can.
6/08/23 -
[Parts of the entry have been torn. Words are smudged or crossed out and it is not completely legible, but some of it remains visible. *Full translation will be added at the end for those that use translators/text to speech.]
Dove is FUCKING LU—Y I had the home re—y! If not, I wo—d’ve just thrown th— in the fucki— basement!!! [Redacted] got wh— they deser—. I be— the- so bad you —— —king recognize —. I’ll du— the bo— som—ere else.
7/06/23 -
Dove hasn’t been making things any easier. Since they last tried to move away things have been such a fucking pain in the ass. They were so scared when I locked them in here. I wanted it to be a warm welcome, where I’d bring them here voluntarily, but they had to go and ruin it because of [Redacted] sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. They tried to run away a few days ago, and I went to write about it but I was so fucking pissed I ripped the page to shreds. I had to break their ankles so that they wouldn’t be able to run again, least not for a long while. I’ve also been keeping them tied up more, but it’s easier now that they can’t walk. The bruises on their legs are just so beautiful. I think I might keep them like this, even though they cry every day from the pain and the circumstances, but their tears are beautiful as well. I have to get more painkillers soon for them.
10/18/23 -
It’s been a while since I’ve updated. Things have been going smoother lately. Every time Dove’s ankles start to heal, I’ve been breaking them again. I just can’t trust them because they tried to escape again. I’ve been enjoying myself a lot more. I can bite them and cut them and hit them whenever I want to. I can taste their blood and chew their skin and bruise their beautiful body however I like. Of course, sometimes it makes me sad when Dove gets so upset about it. I don’t know what to do. It gets me so turned on and riled up like nothing ever has before, but I also want them to love me. They haven’t been fighting back anymore, so I think they’re getting used to it. We’ll see.
12/25/23 -
It’s our second Christmas together. I got Dove a bunch of things they asked for since they’ve been so good. They seem to have given up hope of resisting me, and it’s made me so happy. They even made me a cake for Christmas, and it was so delicious. I’m so happy we can be together again like this, just a happy couple with no interruptions. It’s truly the best gift I could have received this year.
2/16/24 -
I’ve been letting Dove’s ankles and legs fully heal. They truly haven’t been trying anything, and they’ve been so devoted to being a good partner for me, I don’t think I need to break them anymore to teach them a lesson. They can nearly stand on their own now, and they seem so happy. They said it’s because they can hug me while standing, and that made me so happy to hear. We’ve started cooking together again. We’re becoming a happy family, and I’m so glad I was right that Dove is the one for me. They even let me bite them as much as I wanted today, and they let me scratch them too, they didn’t even cry out today. I could tell they were trying really hard, so it made me very happy.
4/25/24 -
Things have still been going well. Their legs have healed up perfectly. It’s been five months since I last broke them, and I think they’re so grateful for it. They don’t disobey me, they do everything I ask, they’re so affectionate and loving with me. It makes me so happy to know that they’re truly settling into life with me. I don’t think they mind how much I hurt them anymore. They don’t complain as much, but they still cry those same beautiful tears for me. I think they’re starting to enjoy it.
5/26/24 -
I have to go on an extended trip for a week soon because of work and I’m nervous. They said they’ll wait happily for me, but I’m still so, so nervous. However, earlier this month I was gone for a few days and they didn’t go anywhere. Dove actually welcomed me back happily. I think we’ll be okay. I think this is it, the true test. I know they’ll pass, but still, I can’t quiet the anxiety in my heart. I’ll have to spend as much time as possible with them and get out all my excitement before I have to leave. I’m going to miss the feeling of their skin beneath my fingers and teeth.
6/11/24 -
[This page has also been smeared and torn in anger. *Another fully corrected version will be at the bottom.]
Dove, you’d better pray to —y FUCKING DIETY in EXIST—— THAT I DON- FIN- —U!!! When I d-, you’re goin- to su——— much for do— th— to me.
6/08/23 -
Dove is FUCKING LUCKY I had the home ready! If not, I would’ve just thrown them in the fucking basement!!! [Redacted] got what they deserved. I beat them so bad you can't even fucking recognize them. I’ll dump the body somewhere else.
6/11/24 -
Dove, you’d better pray to every FUCKING DIETY in EXISTENCE THAT I DON'T FIND YOU!!! When I do, you’re going to suffer so much for doing this to me.
152 notes · View notes
foreverisntenough · 5 months
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Chapter 1 - Size of A Plum
Chapter 2 - With a ‘U’ or an ‘O’
Chapter 3 - Auntie Laur and A Very Drunk Boy
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, mention of the word ‘daddy,’ kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 4 - Baby Dior | ‘Ours’
“Thank you for coming over for dinner tonight. If you came from 7 hours away or 7 minutes away, Y/N and I really appreciate it. Erm… we do have some news we wanted to share with our all, our families.” Trent smiled and looked at you. You squeezed his arm reassuring him that you were okay. “We've been discussing this for some time, so we’re absolutely buzzing…” he paused and looked at you again offering you the moment.
“So yeah, this… erm, sorry a little nervous.” You quivered, shaking some. Trent pressed a kiss to your forehead whispering to you that everything was okay. You watched Marcel’s eyebrows raise interested, your sister's cheeks rose from a smile of anticipation, Tyler leaning forward in his chair, your dad leaning back in his. You watched as a caterer placed a little white box in front of everyone’s seat. The whole table inspected the plain carton in front of them. “So, if you wouldn’t mind opening up the little boxes in front of each of you. Hopefully, you’ll be excited with us come this Fall as we are…” you paused. You could hear the thick material of the boxes being plied open over the muffled music outside. Then you heard the first breath get sucked in from your mum. “We are expecting a baby!” You got out fairly confidently. Collectively there were a lot of gasps and ‘oh my gods.’ You giggled a little as Trent held you closer in support. In each box there were respective things for each person pertaining to their role in your baby’s life i.e being an uncle, a grandmother, an aunt. With the little gifts was also the ultrasound. On each one you had written a little blurb.
‘Baby Girl Alexander-Arnold coming this Fall!’
In Marcel’s box you felt the need to include a little white sticky note on the photo as well.
‘Yes, this was planned’
It was cheeky and it made him smile that you knew him well enough to know he’d be a little taken aback by all this coming at him. Dianne thought she was going to have a heart attack. She grabbed your mum's hand and your mum was in the same boat.
“A baby girl!” She yelled astonished, standing up. She ran over to you first. She gave you the tightest hug you’ve ever been given before she released you to give possibly a tighter one to Trent. You picked your head up to see everyone impatiently waiting to say congratulations asking a million questions but your dad caught your eye. He was at the end of the table unmoved with tears in his eyes. You got up and squeezed Trent’s shoulder before walking over to him. You crouched next to his chair and put your hand on his arm.
“Oh, dad… ” you whispered sympathetically . Your mum walked around you placing a kiss on your cheek before going over to Trent. She wanted you to have your moment alone with your dad. You had such a special bond with him. Your whole family was close but this was really different from your relationships with your mum and sister. You were so similar. You learned with him, you explored the world with him. He was your best friend, your role model, the first man you truly loved with your whole heart and in a twist of fate and the heat of one summer he in a way brought you to Trent. Without him you would’ve never known those big brown eyes on 78th Street.
“I’m so proud of the women you’ve grown up to be. So incredibly kind and loving. You’ll be the most amazing mother to a very lucky girl.” Tears started to fill your eyes as he spoke quietly only to you. He wiped away his own before he did yours. His approval was all you ever wanted. He gave you everything you could ever want in a life, in a backwards way he introduced you to Trent. He was the best parent you could ask for and unknowingly also a wingman. The fact that you were about to embark on your own parental journey was surreal.
“She’ll be lucky to have the most amazing grandad too.” You cooed leaning your head onto his shoulder.
“I guess I’ll have myself an official born and bred Red now I suppose.” He joked. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he picked himself up from his seat to go give Trent a hug and you followed.
“Congratulations, honestly. I couldn’t be happier for you two. It’s so important that you have each other on this journey.” You could feel your dad shifting into a mode you knew well. One where he was speaking vaguely before diving into something he had been harboring. “I’d like to request that my visits to see my granddaughter will be at Anfield.” He joked and gripped Trent’s shoulder in a way that made you quickly squeeze his opposite arms hand.
“Trent, come here a minute.” You heard your dad say it and you got nervous for Trent you couldn’t imagine what he was possibly feeling. Trent went over and your dad wrapped his arm around his shoulder and they walked off away from your families. You were in a conversation with your mum and Dianne but mentally you were somewhere else trying to read Trent’s lips and monitor your dad’s body language.
“Do not want to be in that discussion.” Marcel quipped seeing Trent’s face fall into a more serious mold. He was sitting with Tyler and your sister trying to eavesdrop.
“Yeah impregnating his daughter isn’t exactly the best way to win a dad over is it?” Your sister laughed also starting to watch their conversation closely.
“Nah it’s not.” Tyler laughed. “Trenty can hold his own though he’s got the prem trophy on his side. Your dad can’t forget that.” Tyler sarcastically but maybe seriously commented, your sister couldn’t tell. Their conversation lulled to only small comments about what they thought they overheard.
“I trust you wholeheartedly on the pitch every weekend. I’d like to think I can trust you just the same with my daughter and my granddaughter every day of their lives.” Your dad spoke sternly towards Trent looking over his shoulder at you caressing your belly. You looked beautiful and healthy. He meant what he said earlier. He was so proud of you. He wanted to threaten Trent. Scare him. As kind and humorous as your dad was, he definitely had a fire that made him absolutely terrifying. Like the man you’d see at the pub you wouldn’t want to piss off. Trent was polite and considerate listening intently hanging into every word your dad said. He couldn’t exactly understand the emotion though. He watched your dad rant about how special you were and Trent agreed but it was a slightly different form of affection. Trent was wrapping his head around the fact that he was going to be a dad, that he would have a daughter, that he would have this conversation someday. Trent swore, promised, vowed he would take care of you and your babygirl and also in true form, never without some humor your dad also insisted Trent promised England would win the next World Cup. Your dad believed him about taking care of you and only partially about the World Cup. They returned to the party, your dad more at ease, Trent more on edge.
Your house was so full for the rest of the week. Your mum began helping start the nursery, your sister and you in fits of giggles trying to sort out how to dress for the upcoming match of Trent’s you were going to in Spain, your dad and Trent watching the remainder of other leagues seasons. Suddenly their 4 day stay was over, the house was quiet, it was strange to have your family there one day and gone the next. You didn’t realize how much you missed them, especially your sister. You made a promise you’d be better about seeing each other in person more.
After your family left there was only about a week and half until you were flying with Marcel to the Champions League Final in Madrid. This very well could be the year Trent and Liverpool won the treble; The English Premier League, The FA Cup, and after this 90 odd minutes, The Champions League. You arrived at the stadium. It was bustling. It was busy, nosy, everything you didn’t want to experience thrust into one place; large men pushing around, alcohol everywhere, smoke and flares in the air. It wasn’t ideal but there was nowhere else you wanted to be. If you weren’t months into a pregnancy the atmosphere would be exciting, almost beautiful in the way it energized the air. Trent had won this before but there was no problem with winning it again. Liverpool was playing AC Milan and it was bound to be a good game. You and Marcel weaved your way up to your concourse. Since Marcel found out you were pregnant he had been almost as protective as Trent. You weren’t sure that was possible but he was a close number 2. The joke that you spent more time with him probably was more true than you’d like to admit. He had become one of your best friends in England. He was like a little brother, as much as you loved to razz the other or pick fights, you loved him unconditionally and vise versa. He would do anything to keep you safe. He kept his arm around you as you made your way up to a box. Eventually the rest of the Alexander-Arnold camp arrived and you mingled around while a few people you hadn’t seen in a while congratulated you quietly about your pregnancy, unsure if that was something you were doing yet . Trent’s manager found out fairly early right after your families knew but you hadn’t seen him in person since he found out. You sat up in a box tucked away from the crowds and as a surprise to you about 5 minutes before kick off, in walked a friendly familiar face who was ecstatic to see you. Jude had snuck into the stadium incognito in hopes of not drawing attention to himself. So far he had managed the task well.
“C’mere, Mum!” He cheekily cooed, not as quiet as you would’ve liked, pulling you into a hug. You squeezed him tight. “Brought your little family something.” He handed you a bag. You said you’d open it later, you couldn’t handle any more emotions than you were already feeling. You believed in Trent and the team wholeheartedly. It just was stressful. You were massively nervous for this game but he insisted. You rolled your eyes at him being such a pest but you dug through the little gift bag. You unwrapped tissue paper and unfolded a Bellingham Real Madrid jersey. You smiled at how small it was. It did occur to you that if all Trent’s friends giftedyour baby girl jerseys she was going to have quite the collection.
“You know he’s not going to let her wear this in England.” You joked pulling him in for another hug. “Thank you, Judey. When we come back to Madrid with her, she will definitely have it on.” You giggled.
You moved outside the box to see Liverpool warm up on the pitch. Trent stood with his brow furrowed as he surveyed the seats in front of the box high up for you. He finally found you and his stern face snapped into the full cheeky smile you loved. You blew him a kiss and he made a heart with his hands back up to you. No matter how many matches he did it at, it always made your heart skip a beat. You felt so special being the girl in the crowd he was sending his love to. While you loved the gesture it also acted as a signal to those who cared if you were or weren’t at a game. If there was a heart in that boy's hands, there was a Y/N in the stands. Before you knew it you were singing You’ll Never Walk Alone swaying back and forth with Marcel and just as quickly the match was underway. Your eyes followed Trent closely as you leaned back in your seat, one hand subtly trying to hold your bump. You wore one of Trent’s jerseys from a few years ago with a pair of Reformation black shorts and a mesh Gucci black GG heeled sandal that featured the logo monogram patterned in rhinestone crystals across it paired with Bottega Veneta silver drop earrings and matching silver mini Sardine Bag.
What started as a fan account updating that you were simply at the match, moved to a breakdown of your outfit, and then spiraled into uncontrollable internet chaos. Comments flooded Instagram and Twitter posts of you sitting in the box next to Jude and Marcel. Being with Jude only fueled the fire and more for eyes to search for you at the stadium.
‘ISTG she’s pregnant. Why have we not seen her lately?’
‘YK Jude and Trent drive her crazy 😂’
‘She’s so cool. I want her closet’
‘Wait Jude Bellingham is at this match?’
‘Imagine sitting next to Jude Bellingham and friendzoning him lol’
‘She bagged box tickets to the UCL final… mission complete’
The first half began and as much as you were trying to watch you were slightly distracted as Marcel and Jude rattled on about what you should name your baby every time the ball went out of play. It faded out eventually when unfortunately, you all watched Milan net an early penalty but then in quick succession Trent bagged an assist to equalize. You watched minutes tick by. The match felt both painfully slow and unbelievably fast. The crowd were chanting. At first you didn’t clock it until a few people beneath the box turned to look up at you. You assumed it was to see Jude but they were pointing more at you. You’re not sure what drew the attention to you. People seemed to be fixated on Trent and there for you. Half the stadium sang out in unison…
‘She’s not that fit, she’s not that fiit, Trent Alexander Arnold, your birds not that fit’ . * IYKYK the tune*
When the chant fully registered, you didn't know what to do. You felt paralyzed. Jude leaned over and cupped his hand over your ear. He whispered to you not to react. To wait until it was over. You understood why he said that. There would be more of a story if there were videos of you running away crying but the thing was you couldn’t move if you wanted to. It felt never ending. Ringing and ringing around the stadium. When it finally faded out. Dianne came over and rushed you inside. You started balling. You had no control of your tears. It wasn’t that the chant was all that offensive, it was just the feeling of being targeted by so many people and more so, the feeling that you were carrying your little girl as they insulted you. Dianne sat with you consoling you until Jude came inside after a couple minutes. He plopped next to you on the couch. When his big frame sat down, your side of the cushion raised. He told you he got tired of everyone taking photos of him but you knew he just wanted to make sure you were okay.
“Me and you can hide out, yeah?” He cooed sweetly wrapping his arm around you laying it over the back of the couch. You watched the game on the large tv inside a little annoyed at yourself for being unable to withstand the crowd. You wanted to see Trent play so as it got into the final minutes you walked outside. It wasn’t looking good for Liverpool. They didn’t have a ton of possession but you were holding out hope. In an instant, a bizarre deflection off a shot bounced off god knows who into the back of the goal. Your stomach dropped. 2 -1 Milan. You felt sick. This couldn’t end like this. 90 minutes. 5 minutes of stoppage time. Then 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes,1 minute left then the absolute worst sound you’ve ever heard; the referee’s final whistle muffled by half the crowd beginning to celebrate. Your eyes glazed over. You looked at Marcel dropping his head into his hands. You ran your hand over his back. Jude squeezed his hand tight above your knee.
“It’ll be fine.” He whispered as you both watched Trent take a seat defeated on the pitch. His head between his legs. They had lost the Champions League final. Cynically, Trent had to do a press conference post match. You went downstairs in the stadium with Tyler to be there with him.
You could barely look Trent in the eyes when you saw him. He walked over and hugged you in complete silence. Your cheeks squished together in the embrace. You pressed your lips to his skin and he closed his eyes. You could still feel his rapid heartbeat and chest heavily rise and fall. He was absolutely devastated. He let go and went on to go do his media duties. You trailed behind him watching his strong back walk into the room security tailing you. You stood in the back corner with people from the club and Trent’s camp. Your heart broke hearing his voice. His eyes eventually cast up towards you and they softened. You could barely manage a sympathetic smile. When you finally got to leave the stadium it was chaos and yet simultaneously soundless in the car. Trent wanted to get the fuck out of Spain so that’s what you did. You were on a plane back to England promptly. You didn’t know what to say. What you did know was that Trent needed to avoid his phone at all costs. Between the loss and the chant about you… he couldn’t see the internet right now. You grabbed his phone and turned it off putting it away in his bag. He was laying face down on a couch on the plane. You sat on the floor next to him. You rubbed his arm. He didn’t acknowledge you for a while until he turned his head to look at you. His blank stare didn’t change, it was just empty.
“I know, baby.” You whispered understanding his numbness, pushing your lips against his forearm. There wasn’t really anything to say. Trent wasn’t the type of person that wanted to hear ‘you played well’ or ‘you did your best’ type stuff even if it was true. He took losses to heart. Eventually he pulled you up for a cuddle with him. You sat next to him and opened your arms for him to settle into you. He let out demoralized breaths and sighs as you ran your hand up and down his back. He kept his face hidden in the nape of your neck. You kept the trip quiet only whispering how much you loved him after you’d kiss his head every so often. The loss lingered for days. When you settled back in at home he was almost vacant but he still took care of you. He drew you a bath every night. Sometimes he would join you but it’d be quiet, other times he would stay downstairs playing fifa in the cinema.
“You want to take it out on me?” You were asking if he wanted to have rough sex in an effort to make him feel better or just release a little. You’d done it a lot before it was always fun and hot but Trent was less than impressed.
“Nah baby. For one thing, you’re pregnant I’m not going to choke you out am I? Secondly, I’m not really in the mood for all that, honestly.” He was fairly snippy lately but you understood and let it go. You felt terrible and a little lost on how to fix this one but one day you decided you needed to get him out of the house. It was officially summer and the off season there was no use sitting inside. You forcibly dragged him with you and the dogs to go for a walk on Formby Beach. Trent rolled up the bottom of your sweatpants for you. Bending down was starting to get more difficult for you so you appreciated it. As you walked along the shore you spotted a family playing football. A little girl and her brother playing in the sand both in Liverpool jerseys; the boy wearing a Salah number 11 and then an all too familiar 66 flashed when the little girl turned around. Seeing her tiny curls in the kit hit you like a freight train. This would be your life. You would have a daughter just the same. You nodded your head in their direction for Trent to see. He squeezed your hand he was holding.
“Thank you.” He whispered quietly into your ear with a kiss behind it. He was happy you made him come with you. You smiled back at him before returning your gaze to the children’s football game.
“Always for you. You should say hi, T.” you cooed, turning back to him, swiping your thumb over his cheek.
“Nah, I don’t want to.” He wasn’t usually the person to go out of his way to flaunt who he was but he definitely didn’t feel like it after Madrid. They were only kids, you knew they'd be excited to meet him. Trent was not feeling the best and you understood that too. But as the way life goes suddenly the ball skidded across the sand towards you two. Trent juggled the ball a few times, flicking it upwards to catch it with a smile forming on his face. You gave him a knowing look because even as much as he was wallowing in the loss he still absolutely loved football at the end of the day. He walked it over to the two kids. You frowned seeing the two kids absolutely lose their minds seeing the one and only Trent Alexander-Arnold come over. They gushed that he was their favorite because he’s a Scouser like them. In turn, Trent teased the little boy about his Mo jersey. Their parents weren’t much better at containing their excitement. Trent took photos with them and talked for a little. When you walked away you could tell he felt significantly better, that he felt lighter. He wrapped his arms around you and you stood on the shore.
“I’ve never been more in love with you.” He cooed. The salty air had a wet chill to it but his warm embrace made it all okay. You stood in his embrace listening to the waves roll in and wash out. Things were calm for the first time in a while.
“You say that every time.” You giggled and everything on that beach and in the world slowed for a moment. You leaned your head back onto Trent. He hummed and kissed your cheek.
“And I mean it every time. Every day somehow it’s more than the last.” His words were more sincere than ever. You hated that they lost the game but it didn’t really matter in the big picture.
“T… I love you. I’m proud of you. You’re going to be a really good role model for her. You work so hard. You never give up and I really admire that. I wish I was like that.” You began to self reflect a little. You thought Trent to be much more resilient than you were.
“Thank you, baby.” He paused but then he laughed shaking his head. He didn’t agree with you. In fact, he didn’t think he was all that different than you were in terms of toughness. “You’re much stronger than you realize, Y/N.” Whenever Trent said your full name you knew he was absolutely certain about what he was saying and he was serious too. “This isn’t easy what you’re doing, what you’ve done. You’re amazing. You should never doubt yourself but I want you to know that when you do… I’m right here, baby.. I’ve got your back. I'm right behind you. Not giving up.” These were the times when you knew that there was something much deeper between you two then just attraction, then just good times. Trent really, genuinely cared for you not just as his girlfriend but as a person; he respected you and believed in you undoubtedly. You held hands walking back to your car and you stood at the boot. Trent helped you brush the sand off your feet. He kissed your ankle and you laughed. You heard children’s voices yelling so you picked up your head. You tapped Trent’s shoulder to turn. The kids from earlier were screaming bye to Trent. You giggled at their flamboyance. He waved back before wrapping his arm around your waist walking you to the passenger side.
“Passenger princess, that's what they call it now?” He laughed as he helped you in. You told him to shut up pulling the door closed.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” You quipped as he got into the driver's side. He drove home with your hand laced with his. Everything was going to be just fine.
On a whim after dinner that night you decided you were going to make dessert. You had finally started to pull Trent out of his post Champions League funk. You put on some music walking back into the kitchen when Trent offered to help. The two of you landed on cupcakes, don’t know why but that’s what was happening. You got about ¾ of the way done when Trent cupped your chin. His dark gaze and long pretty lashes looked down at you. He scooped a bit of the frosting you had made off the whisk with his fingers and brought it to your plump lips.
“Open your mouth.” He cooed. You felt your heart rate pick up. You parted your lips a little for him. He slowly stuck his fingers in your mouth and you sucked whirling your tongue around them to taste. That’s at least what you were trying to do but you couldn’t shake the wave of excitement that ran through you when he did that. He pulled his fingers out equally as slow and wiped the corner of your mouth with his thumb. He kept his eyes fixed on you the whole time. He hummed with a stern face before it fell into the perfect smile. He dropped his eyes from yours and gazed down at your swollen boobs spilling out of the little top you were in. His breath caught in his throat. Desire started to course through him. He pulled you closer to him. He leaned further towards you but kept his thumb right on your lips. He was teasing you, waiting for you to make the first move. He licked his lips and gave up waiting before his juicy pout crashed into you. You let out a quiet whine. He tasted so sweet from the frosting he had tried before. He hungrily dropped his hands to your ass, gripping it. “You’re so sexy.” Trent softly groaned. The kiss was needy and messy. He started to peel off your clothes. His fingers dipping down towards your pussy. “Already wet f’me, baby?” He whispered with a smirk. You tried to respond but stuttered and ended up just nodding. You were fucking adorable. In a flash you were up in your bedroom lying on the mattress. Trent pulled you towards him by your ankle. You squealed with a giggled as he dragged you. He got on top of you and pulled the lace thong you were in off with a shaky breath trying to compose himself. Your arms draped over his shoulder. He looked down at you and slipped his hand under your top to brush over your hard nipples. You were so sensitive you couldn’t help but whimper. His pearly white teeth flashed in a smile before they dropped and began to nibble against your nipples. He always tried to be gentle since you got pregnant but in the heat of the moment it was hard to restrain yourselves. You were gripping on the bed sheets above your head. You were babbling the most lewd things, you couldn’t even believe the things you were whining out. When he slowed he took your legs and placed them over his shoulder. That was like a death sentence for you. You loved it, he knew you loved it. It was a match made in heaven and quickly you started to unravel.
“I’m gonna cum!” You inhaled sharply as your chest heaved underneath him. Trent placed a harsh kiss onto the back of your leg. And then he stopped when your orgasm came crashing over you. “T…Oh my god. What?” You whined as your pussy fluttered around him. He relaxed his body so you dragged your foot down his chest sensually back to the bed.
“You need to understand how much I love you.” You were confused when he said that. You were pretty sure you understood just fine and he was showing you how much he did until he just stopped. “You need to see what I see.” He pulled out of you and you hissed. He turned you to face the large mirror in your room and stood behind you on the bed. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” He asked rather harshly. His warm breath fanning against the shell of your ear sent shivers down your spine. He playfully licked down the side of it only to nibble on your earlobe. He teased you, dragging his leaking tip through your folds circling your entrance. “Do you?” he slipped his cock into your pussy with no warning. The buildup in these few seconds when he wasn’t inside you was insane. You leaned back into him as he continued to build his pace again. He kissed your neck and you let out a desperate moan. Your heart swooned a little at the sentiment of his words. You stared into the mirror, watching him place gentle kisses against your skin in contrast to his harsh thrusts.
“I love you so fucking much.” You moaned out after a sharp breath when he hit a little bit deeper. His hand came around you and softly wrapped around your neck. He was so gentle dragging his finger down your throat. You knew he did it because he had said he wouldn’t earlier and it set you off. “T… Please, I need to cum.” The cutest scowl formed on your face.
“I got you. I got you, baby.” He whispered to your ear again. Your whines constantly getting louder. You felt like you were gonna black out. It felt so good. Your grip on him tightened and then you released. Your pussy spasmed around his cock. White hot pleasure coursed through you. Trent’s breathing deepened seeing you cum in the mirror. “God, you’re such a good girl f’me. I’m gonna cum, baby..” He threw his head back. Being able to see him had you barreling toward another high almost adjoining the other. He swallowed hard, fixing his gaze back on you as he reached between your legs. His fingers pinched your clit and you yelped out. He rubbed harsh circles repeatedly. You were a mess. The sounds in your room were nothing but pornographic. “Want me to cum inside?” You nodded your head completely drunk off his cock.
“Oh fuck! Fuck!” You whimpered, feeling both your own orgasm and his cum. He pumped you full, slowing his thrusts prolonging your high. You grinded back into him desperately needing a little more. His hands gripped your waist tight as he rocked into you a few more times
“Just… just need a little more. Fuck. Good girl.” He said almost silently out of breath, teetering toward drowsy. You both dramatically crashed back into your bed. You cuddled up to him with a giggle. That was exactly what you both needed.
“If I could fall in love with you for the first time all over again, Y/N, I would.” He panted, staring up and ceiling talking into the thick air. You pouted your lips at him.
“That’s really sweet, T.” You giggled leaning your head on his chest. “So this cheer you up more than cupcakes?”
“Massively, more than cupcakes, baby. Nothing could ever come close to comparing to you.” He smushed a kiss against your forehead.
You laid in bed the next morning. You woke up and rolled away from Trent unintentionally. You didn’t know he already had woken up. He furrowed his brow at you moving away from him, more often than not you woke up practically on top of one another, so he wasn’t having it. He extended one of his arms to come and wrap around your naked waist and playfully dragged you across the bed back toward him.
“Gotcha” he laughed in a groggy morning voice. You giggled and attempted to break out of his tight hold. He wouldn’t let go. Not this morning and not in a million years. He tucked you into his chest resting your head in the nape of your neck. You were so close that if you even opened your mouth in the slightest your lips would be on his skin. He whispered to you but you couldn’t exactly make it out. You think he said he loved you..
Despite the Champions League loss, Liverpool was still going to have a Parade in the city for their Premier League title. You helped Trent get ready, making him breakfast, before you sent him on his way to AXA for the 4+ hour parade he was about to embark on. You and Dianne thought it’d be nice to go to the house he grew up in to watch the route. It would be cute to be able to see his trajectory from his boyhood home to premier league winner. You also liked that he knew exactly where to find you while he was up on the bus. When the team buses went by he blew you a million kisses and he blew a million and one back. You stood and watched everyone drink and party. Lately, you didn’t feel like yourself and as you leaned your head onto George’s shoulder seeing the red flares fill the air you felt less like yourself then ever. Your body had changed so much and your ways of socializing had changed even more. You hardly felt yourself and yet you were watching Trent be more himself than ever.
Summer was in full swing. 30 degree weather and shitty ac was not helping the swelling you were dealing with. You had gotten to celebrate Trent’s success from this year but soon after it totally dissipated. The funny thing with footballers was as quickly as they were able to move on from their losses they did just the same with their wins. All eyes were on the upcoming season. The workouts, plans, activations, all sorts of things for football started right up again. You sat in your back garden by the pool on a late afternoon. You laid on separate chairs as long as you could but ultimately you ended up sitting yourself in between his legs sharing a seat. You leaned your back against his bare chest. He snaked his hands around your waist. Caressing your stomach. When your phone pinged. You got an email notification from Tyler and Trent’s manager.
“T…T…” you slapped at his arms. Your jaw dropped and a sudden jolt ran through your veins. Trent answered with a distracted hum. “No, seriously…” you cooed, turning your head back to him. “Did you just get Ty’s email!”
“My phone is inside. What’s it say, baby?” He pressed a kiss against your cheek peeking over you to look at your screen but you weren’t giving him a good enough view. His hands nicked the phone from you. “Let me see” he wanted to read the email in full.
“T.. we got invited to Paris fashion week!!!!” You squealed, kicking your feet up and down on the longue chair.
“Okay, okay, okay, excited girl. I’m assuming you want to go?” He laughed at you. Squeezing you tight. “We can, if you’re feeling up for it.”
“T… we have to. We have to pull together like looks* Can I dress you? Pleaseeeee” you began to babble excited imagining the fits. He rolled his eyes at your pestering and agreed. You bickered back and forth who had better style until the sun went down. You began walking back inside whilst Trent was rambling about what he wanted to have for dinner.
“You know it’s me, just admit it, baby…” you teased cutting him off and squeezing his hip. You never landed on an agreement of who dressed better. It was typical Trent, he knew he was wrong but he never wanted to lose.
“What are you on about?” He looked at you confused, swatting your hand away from him.
“I have better style. It was literally my job. Just concede for once, T.” You giggled going to pinch at him again.
“Nope!” He popped the ‘p’ laughing. “I dress better and I'm a lot faster too.” He slapped your ass and took off running like a little kid back into the house away from you
“That wasn’t up for debate! I’m pregnant, T! Be nice to me!!!” you whined left in the back garden. “This is your baby, come backkk!” You yelled after him. He turned around laughing.
“C’mere” he grunted, scooping you up carefully. “I’m always nice to you, baby.” He cooed with a big fat kiss.
“Can you come here pleasaaaseeee. I need to see this on you.” You whined begging Trent to come into the wardrobe. You sat on an ottoman there on FaceTime with Lauren as you packed for Paris. Trent had delegated his packing to you but he really needed to be there. You had worked as a stylist for major magazines so you offered to coordinate with his PR team and the brands of the shows you’d be attending. You worked together to decide what you were going to wear and in turn be delivering to your hotel on the day of the show. You were currently packing for all the rest of the days you were going to be there.
“I thought this is what you were on the phone for, Laur.” Trent laughed, jogging into the room. He heard Lauren’s voice before he entered. “What do you need, baby?” He cooed, pressing a kiss on your head.
“Can you put this on for me?” You tossed a short sleeve Louis Vuitton button up shirt towards him and he snatched it out of the air, putting it on the island while he took his top off. You were 50/50 on the color at the moment. Trent pulled his shirt over his head. Leaving his toned abs on full display. You looked Trent and then back at Lauren with full cheeks and mouthed a ‘yum’ at her. She fed into it and teasingly whistled at Trent.
“Stop objectifying me.” He feigned offense. You rolled your eyes at him because no matter who said it you knew he loved when people liked the way he looked.
“Aw baby you’re just so pretty.” You cooed with a giggle. To be fair, you were incredibly serious. He did look really good. He swung the shirt around his back to slip his arm in.
“Yeah, T, you’re so pretty.” Lauren laughed only egging the situation on. Trent threw her a less than impressed stare. You bit your lip watching his big hands do the small buttons.
“Yes or no?” He asked as he finished the last one. He left the top two undone and he looked good you just were trying to focus on the actual shirt.
“Erm… “ you pondered for a second. Trent spun around with his arms out to show you it in full.
“Good modeling," you giggled, drawing a smile from him. You decided you liked it. The shirt would work.
“We’re done? I can go?” Trent asked wanting to get back to whatever he was doing. All you knew was that he wasn’t packing. You just hummed. He came over to you and pecked your lips. “Thank you baby.” He cooed standing above you taking off the shirt. You ran your hands up his taut abs.
You were upstairs the entire day, accessories bags, toiletries, there were so many things to get together. Frankly you loved packing. It was your two favorite things: organizing and clothes. You zipped the last bag and laid on the floor exhausted.
You landed in Paris and were thrilled. You got off the plane onto the tarmac. Trent carried your bag in one and held your hand in the other.
“Mon amour” he held the door of the room for you to enter. Followed by the bellhop with all your bags.
“Merci joli garçon” you replied giggling hearing his silly accent attempt French. ( thank you pretty boy) you sat down on the couch and let out a sigh exhausted from the flight.
“Oh yeah?” He laughed at your dramatics. “You hungry, baby?” Trent ask cupping your jaw swiping his thumb over your cheek.
“I need to change but yes.” You smiled back at him. You showered together and then got dressed. You put on a on denim shacket dress, gold strappy sandal heels, and a light blue Fendi bag with gold hardware. You needed to stop wearing heels soon or you were going to die but honestly Paris wasn’t the place you were going to stop.
You were outside at a favorite cafe of yours in the sixth arrondissement. You sat next to Trent in black and dark green rattan chairs looking out to the street at a small circular table. You were hungry and landed on doing your own taste test of a few different crepes. Your tabletop was covered entirely with plates.
“I think I’m just happy with the chocolate…” you told Trent looking at him with a smile reaching towards his face. You wiped your thumb over the corner of his mouth to get a bit of chocolate.
“Yeah? You were never a chocolate person until her.” He spoke looking at your hidden stomach. “I’m more into sweets, you know? I think I lean towards the berry ones.” You dragged your smooth leg over his under the table. You hummed interested in everything he had to say but you pulled him in for a kiss in the middle of his sentence. You lips pressed into each other.
“Sweet” you cooed, pulling away from his perfect pout. He gave you a cheesy smile and you returned one just the same.
“Me or the crepe?” He laughed looking into your eyes. He placed his big hand on your bare thigh and squeezed high up.
“Mmmm both I guess.” You giggled before picking up your fork to take another bite of the chocolate crepe. “Do you want to go to a few shops before we go back for dinner?” You asked after you had seen the Dior store on your walk over to the cafe. He agreed so you went after you got full from all the crepes and browsed for a while. You really wanted a Book Tote for your holiday to the Maldives but ended up with that, a pair of silk pants, and Dway slides. As you were walking with your sales associate to check out you spotted the Dior bracelet sets. “Want to match with me?” You picked one up holding it towards Trent.
“Yeah, baby. I’ll match with you.” He grabbed it from you and inspected it. He held it over his wrist to imagine it on him. “This one though.” He grabbed a different color. He held it over his wrist to check again and then yours. “Yeah, this one is for us.” You nodded with a childish grin liking the way his face looked while he thought. You had moved into the mens section looking at trainers with Trent when you saw it.
“Ohhhh my god T…” you whined with a pout, taping his arm, seeing the entrance into a separate part of the store for Baby Dior.
“We can go…” he laughed at you taking one trainer he was trying on off. He held your hands as you walked in. You leaned your head onto his shoulder and hummed. He pressed a kiss to your head as you made your way to where new born things were. You two had a field day. You always loved shopping but in Dior… with Trent… for your baby… it was the absolute dream.
“Babbbyyyy, she needs these.” Trent groaned. He held up a little pair of high top trainers. You knew pretty quickly that Trent was going to give this little girl everything. He already gave everything to you but throw in chubby cheeks and his dna in the mix, he was a goner.
“Yeah, T. I like those.” You giggled as he furrowed his brow, inspecting the shoe size chart for age to months trying to figure it out. It was really adorable how dedicated he was to learning all things about babies and little girls.
“et nous pouvons envoyer tout ça en Angleterre?” You asked the sales associate before you paid for an obscene amount of stuff. You took French in school your whole life and it always came in handy. You felt like you got better service when you were in France so you handled the check out. The women nodded at you. “Parfait, merci.” You cooed. (And we can send all this to England? , Perfect, thank you)
“Beautiful and smart” Trent came to stand in front of you and nuzzled his nose against yours. You kissed his plump lips. You felt your cheeks warm as he pulled you into his chest. He pressed another kiss to your forehead. He picked his head up and said thank you to the sales associate before being escorted out of that side of the store. You took about one step out the door before someone had spotted Trent that had been waiting to meet him. You took a photo for them and didn’t think anything of it but the internet sure had a lot to say.
‘Are they in front of BABY DIOR?’
‘OMG are they going to Paris Fashion Week??!?’
‘Are we going to talk about the fact that Trent Alexander Arnold is walking out of baby dior in France today?’
‘If she is pregnant, that baby is going to be beautiful… omg’
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 5 xx
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seat-safety-switch · 8 months
Relying on a network of package delivery folks to sustain ourselves is an interesting new way to live. My grandparents probably got one or two parcels each a year, and it was a whole-ass event when it happened. Crowd the whole family around. This box came from another town. Let's open it together.
Now, I get thirty or forty packages a week. That's only a slight exaggeration, but you can understand the scale of the problem we're dealing with. As with everyone else in this era, we are constantly ordering things from faceless automatons and expecting them to get here on time. So it's extra mysterious when you see a message like this in the parcel-smashing-company's online parcel tracking:
"Due to an emergency situation, the package has been delayed."
That's okay. The roads were pretty bad. I can't judge another worker for preserving their own safety, especially not when they're just delivering me some old car parts. They are, of course, car parts that I desperately need this weekend so that I can put them on a shelf while I wait for more car parts to arrive in order to complete the job. The next day, though, I got a whole different message:
"Uncontrollable events have delayed delivery."
Okay, that's enough. I decided to call in to the faceless parcel-smashing corporation's customer-support line, figure out what was wrong, really get to the bottom of all this. How dare you hold onto my garbage? How dare you not deliver it?
Turns out that the driver, my fellow working comrade, had taken a look at his options. He could drive through the blowing snow to deliver me a bunch of junk. Or, he could look at his gas gauge and realize he had just enough fuel to make it all the way to Mexico. Start a new life. Make different choices. Be a better person this time. Stay warm. I can't begrudge him a vacation, but I hope when his conscience is back in control that he ships back my parts using a different courier than I did.
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pastanest · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
A/N: set in Alexandria, no spoilers of events, just one character who lives there
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For Your Hand
From the moment Daryl strolled into Alexandria with one hand holding yours and the other holding a dead opossum, he had made a statement, and everyone in Alexandria had understood it loud and clear. In truth, Daryl had not thought much about the deeper meaning behind his statement, he simply wanted the crowd of strangers to understand that you were under his protection and he was very capable of handling pests. In his own way, the gesture was very sweet and because you knew him so well, you took it as a compliment. 
Anyone that had looked at you and seen you as an easy target or - god forbid - available, had quickly been set on the right path upon seeing the large hand that held yours and the way in which you partially hid yourself behind what you had accepted to be your guardian angel while others saw an unpredictable, animalistic, territorial wild-man, and you didn’t mind that description, either. There was only one person in the crowd of strangers that had been stupid enough to misinterpret the display and, instead of taking the “back off” message and following suit, took it as a personal challenge.
Deanna’s eldest son, Spencer, was the furthest thing from your type you could have conjured up if you were to try. Clean cut, smooth talking, clearly views himself as charming; the perfect salesman, in a time where nothing would ever be sold again. But, you were never one to be impolite without good reason, which was something Daryl admired about you from day one. Being naturally standoffish, he could not understand the warmth you immediately offered every person you met, including him, until a person gave you a reason to treat them differently. As ridiculous as you thought Spencer’s attempts at wooing you were, he had not overstepped a boundary or acted inappropriately, he remained respectful and would accept your refusals at every turn, but would approach you again in no time from a different angle, trying out some new sales pitch on you. It became an inside joke within your group, everyone laughing and rolling their eyes when they saw Spencer approach you, and because you had made it clear to Daryl you had no interest in the guy and he trusted you wholeheartedly, he saw the humor in it, too.
That was, until yesterday, when you went to Daryl nervously to tell him that the previous night, after Daryl had left to check the traps he’d set beyond the walls - not wanting to rely on the community’s food just yet - and Spencer took it upon himself to knock at your door. It was very late by the time your soulmate and protector had left your home, meaning it was no coincidence that Spencer was around when he left; he had been waiting for Daryl to go before he made his move. While the conversation he approached you with was nothing out of the ordinary for Spencer, you were made uncomfortable by the way in which he had snuck around Daryl, it meant he understood that your boyfriend would not approve of his intentions and that raised alarm bells for you.
Listening intently to your explanation, Daryl nodded only once, scowl already darting around Alexandria until it landed on the idiot that had dared make you feel uncomfortable. Fixing his icy glare on him, Daryl finally answered you.
“I’ll deal with ‘im.”
He considers running over and tackling the guy to the ground then and there, but decides against it in favor of a better plan, the thought of which leaves a smirk curling at the corner of his mouth for the rest of the day.
Daryl makes the executive decision to stick to you like glue for the rest of the evening. While he is not always at your side, he is never more than a few feet away, smoking a cigarette while you chat to someone else, helping you with your daily tasks, leading you over to his bike and having you sit on it while he works on it for absolutely no reason, solely to relish in the disdainful expression he catches on Spencer’s face from the corner of his eye when he stands up and you swoon over your greased up wildman. He ensures that, for the duration of the day when the sun is up, Spencer has no opportunity whatsoever to get you alone, for your sense of safety and his own personal enjoyment. 
Much like the previous night, Daryl spends the evening with you in the house you share, the two of you enjoying each other’s company, cooking up what he retrieved from his traps the night before, laughing and joking around like a married couple in the suburbs. As ironic as that description is, considering the state of the world and Daryl’s general opposition to that kind of dream, he cannot deny that, when that kind of dream involves you, it brings the softest smile to his face and the lightest dusting of pink to his cheeks. 
Around the same time as the previous night, Daryl takes his leave, kissing you goodbye at the door and swinging his crossbow over his shoulder before heading for the gate. This time, though, he intends to trap a different kind of pest. Instead of going to the gate, he turns left down a different street, then left again down another, then left one final time, between some houses that bring him right back to yours. There, he finds Spencer jogging up your porch steps with some flowers clasped in his hands. Daryl scoffs, approaching silently to stand at the bottom of the steps and right as Spencer lifts his hand to knock at your door, his voice cuts into the silence of the night.
“The hell you doin’?” His voice is quiet and gruff as ever, but the way Spencer’s stance stiffens tells Daryl he has already succeeded in making the younger man shit himself where he stands.
Clearing his throat, he turns to face Daryl, trying lamely to hide the flowers behind his back. “Daryl! Hey!”
Taking a drag of his cigarette, Daryl tips his nose, gesturing to the flowers. “Those for (Y/N)?”
Accepting that he has been caught in the act, Spencer can only nod.
Daryl nods back at him. “She don’ like ‘em, she likes pink ones best.”
Spencer’s eyes widen. “O-Oh…”
Dropping his cigarette on the ground, Daryl puts it out with a single drag of his shoe. “Course, ya’d know that if ya cared enough t’ ask ‘er, but ya dont. Every time ya talk to ‘er, yer tryna persuade ‘er that yer her dream guy, but ya know nothin’ about ‘er.”
Spencer frowns at this. “Hey, man, I never meant to-”
Daryl waves him off. “Save it, I’ve known what you were doin’ since the firs’ time I saw you lookin’ at ‘er.”
Spencer’s frown intensifies. “You knew and never tried to stop me? Isn’t she supposed to be yours?”
Daryl smirks at the idiot’s poor attempt to get under his skin. “Glad ya know that, at least. Never stopped ya ‘cause (Y/N) never asked me to, she didn’t wanna be impolite an’ as long as you stayed respectful, I would’ve had no problem laughin’ at yer attempts to get ‘er. Ya crossed the line las’ night, so ‘m stoppin’ you now.”
Spencer sighs, feigning defeat as he hangs his head and walks slowly down the steps, not meeting Daryl’s scowl as he passes him. “I never meant to make her uncomfortable…You win, man.”
At that, Daryl scoffs again. “She ain’t no damn prize to be won, asshole.” Then it’s his turn to jog up the steps and stand at your door, intending to guard it until Spencer is out of sight. 
Unfortunately, Spencer’s ego just won’t let him leave without taking one last jab. Looking over his shoulder from down the street, he calls out.
“I hope someday (Y/N) realizes what’s good for her and chooses someone that will actually fight for her!”
For a moment, there is silence, because Daryl allows it. He watches the silence lull Spencer into a false sense of security, waits for the victorious smirk to appear on his face, and then lets that smirk disappear at the sound of a crossbow falling against your porch. 
The steps towards Spencer are silent, but he turns to face the fast approaching wildman with an expression of a deer in headlights. Once only a few feet separates them, Daryl stops. 
“Ya think I won’t fight for ��er?”
Spencer clears his throat. “W-Well, I just meant that you haven’t-”
Daryl shrugs, interrupting him. “C’mon then, gimme yer best shot.”
Spencer’s jaw drops. “Wh-What?!”
Daryl crosses his arms over his chest. “C’mon, man, you wanna fight for ‘er hand or whatever, go for it. I’ve got all night.”
The sound of your front door opening pulls Daryl from his current conversation immediately. As soon as his eyes land on the sight of you, stepping out onto your porch, his scowl softens into the loving smile that only you can bring him.
“Daryl? Is everything alright?” You call out to him, your concern for what is unfolding between the two men obvious by your tone.
“Everythin’s fine, almos’ done here!” Daryl calls back to you. 
Seeing your expression relax makes his heart sing, even from afar, but it doesn’t last long. A look of alarm flashes across your face and you’re quick to point behind him. 
Scowling, Daryl turns around just in time to duck out of the way of Spencer as he lunges for him, sending him stumbling. The moment Spencer is steady on his feet again, Daryl closes the space between them with a swift right hook to his jaw, Spencer landing on the ground with a thud. Standing over him, Daryl shakes his head.
“If ya wan’ed me t’ fight for ‘er, only had t’ ask.”
With that, he steps over Spencer as he sputters blood onto the gray street and rolls onto his back, staring up at the night sky in total defeat. Meanwhile, Daryl strolls over to you so casually, as though he hasn’t just made the most chivalrous and impressive display for your hand you have ever seen. Playing along, you hold your hand out to him and as he ascends the porch steps, he takes hold of it and gently kisses your knuckles, the two of you chuckling at the ridiculousness of it all, but both feeling heat rising in your faces at the intensity of your feelings towards each other, following such a gesture.
Hand still in his, you tug him as close to you as you can bring him and lean up to place a chaste kiss on his lips. You can both feel Spencer’s eyes on you as you do, bringing amused smiles to your faces, but a chaste kiss is the most PDA either of you want to give him the satisfaction of showing off. Leaning down to pick his crossbow back up, Daryl swings it over his shoulder, and you are quick to instinctively brush his hair from his face as you admire him in all his glory.
“My knight in shining armor.”
@ruinedbythehobbit @iamburdened @evilbabyelf @of-storms-and-sadness @crossbowking @spidergirla5 @jodiereedus22 @thanossexual @captain-shannon-becker @cordialgargoyle @romanoffs-bitch @daryldixonandfrogs @just-always-tired @pillowjj @the-musical-doodle @likeablevillain @irrelevantyettopicalusername @notquitecannon @alyisdead @polkadottedpillowcase @twdeadfanfic @wishingtobeforeveryoung1994 @sigynlokiem @courtnytrash04 @thatwrestlingfan91 @buttsology @prettylittleblog13 @milariskanavasi @whatanicepanohthatsjustme @your-new-mom @daryls-angell @lilzebub @amaroho @bakedcrispss @yes-sir-hotchner @wasted-years @kpopandharry @madshelily @datidixon @dumandbass @savageneversaw
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lilies-n-slander · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel would be so much more interesting if charlie’s naïveté and surface-level kindness were treated as the actual flaws they are and didn’t work. Heads up, this kinda just turned into a text wall of charlie neg and ranting so don’t read if you don’t want to see that.
How she currently is, she just doesn’t make that much sense in the setting. I’ve seen ppl say that charlie is a fresh take and contrasts the edginess, but I just don’t see how she is possible. You’re telling me she’s been in hell for 200 yrs but still has this childish and naive personality, is still disgusted by the sinners being cannibalistic, violent, and even just horny, and is so detached from those she calls “her people”? She was born in hell, shouldn’t that make her more used to the sinners’ depravity and not less? She doesn’t seem to have a good grasp on what the sinners want or how they behave. It would make more sense if the show leaned into the toxic positivity white savior nepo baby angle (or rather, actually portrayed it as a *bad* thing) and rather than naïveté, her ignorance was out of self-centeredness and/or lack of true empathy for the other sinners. She would be more interesting as a character too imo.
She looks down on the other sinners (and honestly so does the show?? When she’s showing lucifer around and introduces him to her friends, they’re framed as unappealing as a joke… these are the characters the audience is also supposed to care about.. and many of the bg chars, such as the cannibal town residents, are portrayed as simple-minded brutes), there’s a lot of condescending “….ooookay” type of lines and she constantly has to think of nice ways to frame the clearly negative things she thinks about others. So why does she want to save them so much? The more reasonable explanation is a sense of white savior-ness than actually caring about them.
She’s eager to excuse whatever sir pentious did (which I’m assuming she doesn’t know?) and let him in, despite how he makes the other residents (including her own gf!) uncomfortable. And yes I say excuse, because she never inquires about his past sins or discussed him repenting. It seems to start with sorry, but also end with sorry too. This could’ve been made interesting if she simultaneously looked down on but also excused all sorts of heinous acts. Like val is the most openly manipulative and scummy character, he licks her arm, and yet she’s still apologetic about ruining things (Side note, if she’s genuinely apologetic, then she’s actually an idiot because why is she talking to the boom-mic employee *while they’re filming???*).
She doesn’t know what she’s doing and has no concrete plan but gets incredulous at ppl who don’t blindly trust her. Angel has to leave in ep 4 and she gets SO frustrated over it, like you seriously expect everyone to drop all of their other commitments for you? She has her webster definition notecards for the meeting with heaven and has to improvise and rely on angel being good at the club but she gets mad that lucifer isn’t 100% behind her plan?
Also, trust falls? Really? Then she goes “why isn’t this working? We’ve tried everything!” But on that note, the actual episode portrayal is kinda exactly what I’m going for. Not only do the trust falls not work, charlie says, “I love all of you so much,” pulls her puppy eyes, and only vaggie catches her. It’s surface level and shallow, and does not win anyone else over.
In contrast, vaggie’s attempt at building trust, throwing everyone into a battle, *actually works* (despite vaggie only being in hell for 3 years and being heaven-born, she already knows how things work better than charlie!) and yet charlie talks about it as though it already failed. She says “we work best as a team,” with the underlying message being “I can’t trust you to do things on your own.”
If she was waiting so long to reconnect with lucifer, then why hasn’t she called him in years?? Altho I’m currently rotating lucifer in my brain so I might be a bit biased
“If angels can do whatever and stay in the sky” they can’t?? Your dad is RIGHT there. I. What
She has a power dynamic with every other character except lucifer since she has her demon powers, not to mention she’s giving them a place to stay. When vaggie says she appreciates that charlie doesn’t use her powers, charlie doesn’t say “it wouldn’t be right,” she says it would be too *mean.* But if someone pushes her buttons, who’s to say they wouldn’t slip out (see her flip on a dime after val hits angel. Obv it’s justified in this case, but it shows that she’s willing to use her powers on sinners)? Again, it would be interesting if the show actually leaned into this angle. Imagine if she put on a nice front, never swore, seemed genuinely touching and understanding, but the second someone annoys her she annihilates them and becomes threatening and violent. Then she turns around and is nice again. Too much like alastor? idk
Also, many characters refer to her by calling her lucifer’s daughter, so clearly ppl know that if they cross her they’ll face his wrath by proxy (this also fits in thematically with what lute tells her in the first episode, that she’s exempt from the exterminations bc nepotism privilege). So realistically, everyone else would be a bunch of sucking-up yes-men bc they’re afraid of her. Which they kind of are when push comes to shove?
At first, she doesn’t help at all during the war and lets everyone else fight for her. Doesn’t want to get her hands dirty ig, even though all of this was caused by her in the first place. She only starts fighting at vaggie’s urging.
Like husk points out, every meeting charlie has with the angels makes things worse for all the sinners. Despite lucifer’s warnings that the meeting with heaven won’t work, and against vaggie saying to calm down, charlie basically picks a fight with heaven at the risk of *everyone else EXCEPT HER.*
What were charlie and lilith doing to stop the exterminations before lilith took her 7 year leave? Hell, what was charlie doing during those 7 years? Why does she have 0 connections outside of vaggie, who she only met 3 yrs ago? Why does she have to introduce herself to rosie, rather than her already knowing her name?
Also in ep 7 she says to alastor “I can’t believe how you can do exactly what you told me you would do!” (standing by and watching everyone fail at redemption) almost like she wasn’t paying attention to him at all.
“Why would vaggie hide that she was an exterminator” -> Rosie asks “how did that make you feel?” “It made me mad and doubt if she loves me” like I get it, it was a betrayal, but IS she stupid
Ready For This is charlie manipulating a town of ppl to join the army. Her pitch includes “on the way to the hotel the scenery is nice and you can make friends :3” and “have you ever wanted to die for a cause? Notably I myself am spared from being killed but uh that’s your problem.” Alastor pipes in that you can eat the angels and that’s what actually moves the crowd, because he understands them.
Her perspective on violence and where she chooses to draw the line is really confusing. Why does she care about sinners being violent to each other if they’ll just respawn? She stops alastor from beating up sir pentious at an arbitrary point, but is fine with him eating and presumably killing the gangsters who come after mimzy. (Edit: forgot to point out yet another example, that she was fine with vaggie tossing sir pentious and angel off the balcony but stops her from tossing niffty as well for no reason.) Why is she so apologetic to the angels actively killing sinners but was distraught over vaggie having partaken? Why was she opposed to the CANNIBALS being eager to eat the angels and saying “idk, they seem kinda murder-y” WHAT. What? I’m struggling to even begin to describe how ignorant that is during a WAR. What did she think was going to happen, that she wouldn’t have to fight anyone herself? Why did she stop her dad from killing Adam but doesn’t react strongly to Niffty finishing the job? If it mattered so much to her, the lack of reaction seems strange to me.
Isn’t it just so poetic that her weapon in the war is a shield that she uses exclusively on herself, which she hardly even needs due to her contractual immunity?
Why doesn’t she think to use her powers to build and maintain the hotel? That doesn’t require any violence or domineering. Yet when lucifer comes over it’s run-down and falling apart. Or ask lucifer to help her build it? She was concerned that asking for the meeting with heaven was such a big ask—why not start with this small thing? Father-daughter bonding.
Why does the show end w lucifer + the sinners congratulating her, and in particular, rebuilding the hotel? Hell doesn’t know that sir pentious got redeemed, so from their pov charlie’s idea didn’t work at all.
Can you tell that I’m writing this while I’m rewatching the show?
Aaand that’s that. Her char has always come off to me as somewhat condescending/fake, but I keep finding more and more things to dislike about the way she’s been written. Unfortunate. Honestly tho I might enjoy watching her more if I read her through this lens. You could probably write a similar post for most/all other chars in the show, limited only by the amount of screentime they get lmao
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ennoshitas-princess · 5 months
My Sweet Pumpkin
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Atsumu Miya x chubby fem! reader Warning: will have bullying and some of the scenes will be abusive, some cursing, please read with caution. If you are sensitive with these topics, please don't read. Fluff at the end Synopsis: the Miya twins’ fan girls (specifically Tsumu’s) bully you because you have to work together for a project. The girls found out about your crush on the setter and started to threaten you. Word Count: 1,067 This is held pre time skip. There will be no manga spoilers in any way. If you are not comfortable reading this, again, please do not read!!
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Another note fell out of your locker for your shoes once again.
You couldn't take anymore of these horrible messages that they kept on placing on your desk, your locker, the spatting to your face of the thing you were already aware of. You knew it, they didn't have to say it over and over again:
You were fat.
All the girls in your school had fair pale skin, slender arms, small chests and waists, and nice petite bodies.You kept on comparing yourself, not able to stop those thoughts that ran in your head day and night. You just couldn't bear to see that your efforts of losing your soft belly were not working.How could a hot guy like him like me?
“Hey, l/n. Why the long face?” The faux blond peaked his head from behind the locker section.
You suddenly got startled with the sudden question from Atsumu. Just like you got startled, your voice showed the fright.
“Umm- I- well nothing!” You struggled to speak.
The teen boy bent down to pick up a piece of paper on the cold tile, puzzled at the sight of scribbles.Reading the letter to himself, you started to sweat cold. You found it hard to breathe, waiting for one of those girls to come out and beat you in front of the setter.
“L/n! I can't believe ya hid this from me. Why’d ya didn't say shit about this. Look, I’ll go an’ tell the-”
He suddenly was interrupted by a scream of yours.
“No! I mean, no. I will be fine. Please don't do anything about it. To this point I am-”
The faux blond interrupted you too.
“L/n-san, ya’re a sweet person. C’mon, ya deserve more than better, more than to be okay. Ya’re a star compared to everyone else.” He held your shoulders, shaking you.
Your eyes started to tear up, wanting to tell him that you were just a plain girl without an interesting life. You snatched the letter from his hands from where he stood.
A silence set place in the atmosphere between your soft figure and his strong lean body.
He burst the bubble of silence with a question.
“L-n, who the hell gave ya that letter?”
The tears of your eyes started to flow down like a waterfall in the rainforest. Without thinking straight, you hug the faux blond twin. While you sobbed in his chest, he started to ruffle your hair, enjoying the smell of your soft strands.
“Look, don't cry. I’ll fight whoever the fuck hurt ya. Trust me, please?”
You stare into his lovely honey brown eyes, still in tears. Sighing you go to tell him how his fan girl club did things to you.
“Miya and l/n, you will be partners for the project.” The teacher read off the names.You received death glares from some girls in the class. Comments came from their lips like it was the monsoon season.
“That fat bitch is gonna work with Atsumu-kun.” One of them said.
“I hope when she or he visits each other it doesn't turn him into a pig like her.” Went another.
Tears started to form. Without hesitation you asked the teacher if you could switch partners, but he told you that there was no way to switch.
“What? Just ‘cause that? L/n-san, that is so stupid of them! I can't let this keep happening. We are gonna go to the office an’ tell ‘em about the situation.” He pulled you by the hand.
“Wait! That isn't the only reason.” The words slipped out of your lips.
He turned around to look at your trembling plump figure. How on earth can they be mean with such a sweet and beautiful girl like you?
“What else did they say to ya?”
“Nevermind it's not really important.” You shake your hands frantically.
“No, l/n-san, please tell me. I care about ya. Y’know I do.” He grabbed your soft hands.
You couldn't keep the feelings anymore, or you felt too numb to realize what came out of your mouth and told him.
“They found out that I had a crush on you, and they thought I was a threat to them to have you as their boyfriend.” You stuttered your words, finding it hard to speak because of your sobbing.
Atsumu Miya’s eyes open wide in shock. The girl he had liked since junior high, liked him back. He would always be scared to approach you because of the way girls would stare. On how they would bully you because of your soft, plump figure. He couldn't bring himself to confess.
“L/n-san, I- well… to be honest with ya- I know it is possibly the wrong moment but…”
He leaned in closer to you, with every little millimeter causing your face to turn a bright crimson. The two of you smashed into each other's lips, tasting the strawberry from yours, and you tasted the sweet woody smell of his cologne.
Both of you ran out of air.
“No l/n-san. Call me Tsumu please. I mean I really like you.” He pulled your plump body in.
You take in everything that was happening in the moment and smile.
“Tsumu, I really want to be with you. I do, but what about-”
“Y/n, fuck ‘em all. You matter to me, and that is all I care about, if you love me.” He rubbed your chubby cheeks.You think more and smile at him.
“Fine Tsumu, I will be yours.” Hugging him tighter as if he would disintegrate if you let go.
“That's more like it, pumpkin.” He kissed the top of your head.
The next day, the two of you headed to class and received a bunch of comments on you two holding hands.
“Atsumu-kun, why are you with this hog?” On girl asked.
“Well, I am glad ya asked! First off, she is not a hog, she is a beautiful jewel I wanna show off to the whole world. And to answer yer question, I love her with all my heart.” His toothy grin made you giggle. “Now, I reported all of ya to the office, and if ya say mean shit to my beloved princess one more time, ya will face consequences.”
With that both of you sat down at your desks, smiling at each other.
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A/n: hi guys!! Another one shot done and finished to be posted! Hope you love it!
Thank you for stopping by my bakery!!
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Please DO NOT repost on any other platform!!
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emeraldelysian · 2 years
Kim Hongjoong ✧ Better Than I Do
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
Recommended By: Anonymous Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Reader (Ft. Park Seonghwa) Genre: Angst, Fluff, Suggestive Synopsis: After having gone on a few dates with you, Hongjoong knew that he wanted to make you two official. There was just one test left before you two became exclusive: meeting his members. What happens when he finds you getting along with some of them much better than he had expected? Wordcount: 1.7K+ Warnings: Suggestive towards the end but nothing happens; jealous Hongjoong Note: I honestly ended up writing this three different ways, so I'm hoping that you all enjoy it! Asks are always open for like 99% of the time, but please check my Navigation post to make sure ♡︎
♡︎ follow, provide feedback, or reblog if you enjoyed but please don't repost or translate!♡︎
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
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Hongjoong wouldn't admit it, but he was completely smitten with you.
You both had only gone on a few dates up until now, mostly quiet talks within a local gallery or museum about the artwork in front of you, and about each other. The most recent visit took up the entirety of the day, with you two enjoying one another's company until closing time.
He felt comfortable around you much quicker than he had expected to. It was to the point where the silences between conversations weren't awkward when you two would hang out. When you were away though, he couldn't help but check his phone into the late hours just waiting for your response.
It hadn't taken him long to realize the feelings he developed for you. But there was still one thing he wanted to make sure of before he made things official: how you were around his members. When he brought up the idea of meeting them, you were nervous, wanting to make a good impression on the people he held so dearly to him.
You ended up asking Hongjoong four times what outfit you should wear, which subsequently lead him to help you choose accessories. He didn't mind, of course, always loving to help you out with your outfits. He also found it adorable how much you were willing to try to make them like you, even though he knew in his heart that they would probably like you. You even ended up bringing brownies and cookies - which immediately won everyone over.
The person you ended up getting along with the most though is Seonghwa. You both managed to connect on similar interests right away, talking about k-dramas that you were in the middle of. With that, the naturally extroverted Seonghwa could keep the conversation going even when you were quieter, asking you questions about yourself that even Hongjoong hadn't thought to ask yet.
But, despite his deep respect and appreciation for Park Seonghwa, he couldn't help but watch him with a deadly glare as he spoke to you.
He knew that the eldest member meant nothing by his words and wasn't trying to steal you away. He knew that you couldn't be interested in someone else so quickly or you wouldn't have come over with him in the first place. And he knew that the feeling that was rising inside of him was not jealousy.
Then why was he desperately craving your attention right now?
It was as if his heart had gone rogue from his body, wanting nothing more than to scoop you up right now and go back to the quietness of your home. Of course, he was glad that you were getting along with them so well even though it's only been your first introduction to them. But can he guarantee that if Seonghwa makes you smile one more time, he won't intervene? He wasn't so sure.
As he saw the familiar curve upwards of your lips at another comment Seonghwa quietly makes, he realized he couldn't just sit back idly and watch. He didn't want to cause a scene though, so he first tried to attempt to call you over by texting you.
'Heyy love, now that you've met everyone, do you wanna go grab some food and head home?"
Funny enough, you get the message right as you're talking to Seonghwa about your relationship. Considering he's the closest to Hongjoong, he considers himself a wingman and wants to make sure you're right for him while also boasting about the good qualities the leader has.
It didn't take him long to realize that you'd be good for Hongjoong. You seemed to be just as smitten with him as Hongjoong was for you when he'd stay up late excitedly talking about you. You'd even end up rambling about how much you liked him unknowingly about three times, having a fond smile as you recalled all the fun times you'd have.
So, when you politely excuse yourself to check the text and then claim it was from Hongjoong, Seonghwa wasn't surprised. During the conversation he was having with you, he'd sneak glances at Hongjoong, who'd been staring intently at you. He realized pretty quickly that the member was growing jealous by the second as he'd have a green aura of envy that could be sensed from a mile away.
"I think he's getting jealous that you're talking to me."
You quirk an eyebrow. "You think so? I've never noticed him get jealous before."
"Trust me, I know. He's very possessive with the people and things that he believes are his, and from the looks of it, he's gonna burst any minute. So let's have some fun before that happens, shall we?"
Your mind replays only one word from what he says: his. Did Hongjoong want you to be his?
You pause at the suggestion, curious about the wheels turning in his mind. "What do you have in mind?"
Hongjoong, still just out of hearing range to know what was going on, only witnesses you glancing at the phone and talking to Seonghwa before texting he feels his phone vibrate again.
'But I'm having a really nice conversation with Seonghwa right now! Maybe in a little bit, okay?"
Every part of him wanted to throw his phone, but he kept his composure as he sent you another text.
"But I miss you :("
He looks up to see what you would do. You glance at your phone lighting up one more time, reading his message. You share a few more lines of conversation with Seonghwa before you respond back.
"Prove it, baby."
He rereads those same three words over and over again, thinking it was a trick his eyes were playing on him. He looks up to where you and Seonghwa were sitting once more, and catches your eye while the latter was making a comment to Wooyoung. You give him a look up and down slowly, before shifting your attention to the drink in front of you.
It was as if you suddenly knew the power you held over him with the simplest of actions as you picked up your glass. He watched as the remaining drink disappeared between your lips before setting the glass back down.
In reality, the entirety of that exchange probably took 20 seconds, but to Hongjoong, it took a lifetime. He watched every single move you made in awe. You gave him one more look partnered with an innocent smile before you look back at Seonghwa.
If there was one aspect of your personality that he had come to learn about you, it's that every move you made was intentional and calculated. It's part of the reason why he was so captured with you so quickly: you weren't impulsive and aggressive in any way. There was a reason for the things you said and the way you behaved.
So, he knew that the final smile you gave him had been anything but innocent, as the actions you made had been slowed down just enough for him to lose all sense of focus and rationality.
Before he knew it, he was walking toward you. With all reasoning he had for covering his jealousy now out the window, he gently pulls you up from the couch. You look at him, quirking an eyebrow as he looks at Seonghwa.
"I'm sorry but I need to talk to them about something."
He pulls you toward his and Seonghwa's dorm room. You look back at Seonghwa one more time, who gives you two thumbs up before Hongjoong pulls you into the room. You turn around towards the door, as you watch him close it and turn the lights on.
He turns around to look at you. He holds your gaze as he gets dangerously close to you before pushing you onto the bed behind you - which unbeknownst to you was Seonghwa's. His lips hover over yours as he takes a moment to collect his thoughts.
"Do you like him?"
You tilt your head as you look at him. "Who? Seonghwa? Yeah, he seems really nice."
His gaze doesn't leave yours. "No, I mean do you like him more than me?"
"I don't like anyone more than I like you, Joongie." His lips barely touching yours sends shivers down your spine as you desperately hope for some touch from him. Anything.
"Really?" He finally looks down at your lips before rubbing his thumb over it. "Do you think he could treat you better than I do, love?"
"Of course not, Joongie."
He finally moves his thumb away, replacing the touch with the comfort of his own lips, dancing with your own as he moves his hand to hold your waist. This was the first ever kiss that you both shared, with you easily melting into his touch as if you'd done it many times before.
He pulls away quickly though, causing a small whine to escape from your lips. He looks you up and down slowly, mirroring the way you had looked at him just moments ago. Now, you could understand why many people would claim that his persona hides a more demonic side as his piercing stare memorizes every aspect of you being beneath him in that moment. "Do you think he could kiss you better than I do, love?"
"Hongjoong, please."
He moves one hand to rest on your waist while his other hand intertwines with yours. The more intimidating side of him disappeared as quickly as it came, as he whispered.
"Do you think he could touch you better than I do, my love?"
Your breath was caught in your throat as his gaze once again captures yours. You looked at every feature on his face; somehow despite how intimidating he was presenting himself to be at times, he was also being incredibly gentle with you. He made sure every touch didn't hurt you, and that every word he said was partnered with the endearing name that he had bestowed upon you: love.
You move your free hand to his cheek, feeling him naturally lean against it in response. You shake your head and quietly whisper.
"You know, he said you were very possessive about the things that you believed are yours. I didn't believe it until now. It's you. It's always you. And I'm yours."
He lets out a breath that he hadn't known he was holding waiting for your response. He gives you a small smile, before leaning down to kiss you once more, never wanting to leave the comfort of your touch. He's reluctant to pull away this time but does so to make one final request.
"Please let me show you that nobody can be better for you than I can."
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theloganator101 · 2 months
The Great BNHA Review: Potential
So I'm actually gonna be splitting this into four parts and then one more wrapping up how I feel about the ending and the overall series. The topics I'm going to talk about are the following.
The potential the characters had and how Hori squandered them.
The world they live in and how things are done in society, only for nothing to really change in the end and for things to not make sense.
The morals and messages it tries to convey.
And then (REDACTED).
Anyways, let's get going with Potential.
With a cast of characters as interesting looking as they were and the glimpses of personality we saw, like Jiro thinking she has to choose between being a hero or a musician, or Shoji and mutant discrimination. You would think that with how interesting the class looks, that they would get some role in the story or their own respective arcs to expand on their characters.
Except that's not what happened.
The main focus most of the time either falls on Izuku, Bakugou, Shoto, and sometimes Ochako. So that's four out of twenty students that gets the spotlight while everyone else is regulated to minor characters who are only brought in to fights.
Which is honestly kind of disappointing because many of them look to have stories waiting to be told and can be good characters! Because I wanna learn more about Sero, I wanna learn more about Hagakure, I wanna learn more about Shoji. But now that the manga's over, that's not gonna be possible.
This is especially terrible since in the final war arc half of the fight is just fucking flashbacks to expand on some of the characters fighting when it should've been something covered earlier in the manga instead of hyping Bakugou up. It all just feels too little too late and makes things cluttered and unorganized.
And then we have the villains.
They were kind of cool when they got introduced and had a lot of potential to challenge the heroes. To really make them open their eyes to how flawed their society is and why it needs to change. They could each have an upbringing that brought them to where they are now and why they wanna join to make a difference. They could be some compelling and intriguing antagonists for the heroes to face.
... Except we don't get any of that.
What really hurts the villains in this series is how Hori tends to flip flop between making them sympathetic and their heroic counterparts wanting to save them, and making them so cartoonishly evil that the villains from the POWERPUFF GIRLS comes off as more compelling compared to them!
And it's like... pick one or the other Hori! Either they're victims of society or they're just irredeemable! And what sucks the most about this is that they HAD something going on! They could've rise from losing AFO and promise to make a change for the better! The My Villain Academia part shows how this was possible!
But instead they ended not in a bang... but a whimper. they all pretty much died in the end or confirmed to the very society that hurt them so what was the point of trying to redeeming them?
Then finally... we have the main character himself. Izuku Midoriya.
Oh how Hori utterly failed you...
You started off so promising in the first two episodes, You could've been a quirkless hero to make the message of anyone can be a hero really have an impact. You could've rose from your pain and suffering and show everyone what you can really do.
But sadly that's not what happened. You were given a quirk that hurts you, nobody really helps you with it, you're forced to work with your bully and never grow out of the mindset that he's awesome, every adult you associate with has failed you in some way, you're forced to distance yourself from your friends so Hori can have his Cash Cow Triplets, you're never really challenged in any unique way other than "just punch your problems away", and ultimate... you just became a watered down version of what you started off as with no introspection whatsoever.
I have never seen a character so stagnate in their arc and development in such a series before, only beaten recently by Vaggie in terms of just never growing or learning anything else.
Izuku really deserves to be in a story with an author that can utilize his potential to the fullest and give him the love and attention he deserves, because this series and Hori just wasn't it.
As for the Pro Heroes, they really were nothing in the end. All they can summed up as them just saying.
"Our society is bad, it's up to the next generation to make things better in the future. We need these teenagers to fight in wars because only they stand a chance compared to us bumbling adults!"
That's all that I get from them.
Stay tuned for next post where we'll look into society and how it's flawed, and what the characters do to change (not really) any of it.
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xoxo-sarah · 7 months
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 8
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Part 7 | part 9
↝a/n: I am sincerely apologetic for not updating this series in so long. I hope you still like it!
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝Warning: slightly proofread, cannon events
↝⎙ 2.16.24
Disclaimer: I do not own Robin Buckley, or any character from Stranger Things. I only own y/n (reader's character) and any characters I create with my own brain. If you have a problem with my work, send me a private message. Thank you.
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“Oh shit.” Nancy parked the car.
So many people stood around, gawking, standing on their tiptoes to look over other people's heads and shoulders. All to see what was going on. Whatever was happening, the news trucks and cameras didn't help with privacy. They were broadcasting everything to the whole town.
“C'mon, this way.” Nancy walked behind the white and orange van, watching as the new sheriff, Powell, talked into the cameras that were right in his face, “reporting a homicide here on the lake. Officer Callahan here and myself arrived first on the scene. We made our way to the shore of Lover's Lake, about ten yards from the house you see behind me. Uh, it was there that we found the victim, an 18-year-old senior from Hawkins High, Patrick McKinney.”
You scoffed as Powell went on to show a picture of Eddie, the 'person of interest'.
“Oh, man.” Steve sighed, “This is not good. Really not good.”
Powell walked away, the crowd following with even more questions.
“Dustin? Can you hear me?” Eddie's voice crackled from the radio. “Wheeler?”
Dustin yanked the radio from his backpack, turning around for some privacy.
“Eddie. Holy shit. Are you okay?”
“Nah, man.” You could hear his voice muffled, probably from running his hand down his face or something. “Pretty-pretty goddamn far from okay.”
“Where is he?” Robin spoke up.
“Where are you?” Dustin echoed.
“Skull Rock. Do you know it?”
“Uh, yeah.” Dustin answered, unsure.
“New Corn Wallis and-” You began, furrowing your eyebrows. You hadn't been there in forever.
“Garrett, yeah. I know where that is.” Steve finished for you, making his way back to the car.
“Hold tight. We're coming.”
You hadn't gotten off the radio since you got in the car. You had all but yanked it from Dustin's grip and began talking about any and everything with Eddie. Maybe you were trying to lighten the mood, Robin didn't really know. Your mood had taken a total change.
You were cracking jokes and replaying memories to the guy on the other side of the radio.
You eventually stopped, still smiling at the one memory of Eddie nearly falling on his face your first day of high school. He had been trying to impress his friend but miscalculated his steps and fell right as you had walked by. It was a funny first encounter.
It was quiet for a moment.
“I'm going to go to prison, aren't I?” Your smile fell. How were you to tell him that you didn't know? Sure, you were going to do all that you could not to let that happen. But you can only do so much.
“No. No, I don't think so.”
“Y/n,” Eddie's voice trailed off, not entirely believing you.
“No, you're not going to prison because you haven't done anything wrong. Everyone else thinks you did because they don't know any better. They don't know what's actually going on. Can't really blame them, right? It's easier to blame a kid than something nonhuman.”
Eddie waited a moment to reply, digging his palm into his eye socket. “I guess you're right.”
“Of course I'm right.”
Steve and Dustin continued to bicker from their pace in front of you.
Robin walked beside you, Nancy on her other side.
Glancing back at Max and Lucas, Robin scoffed. “Oh, my god. They're so adorable. I just wanna squeeze 'em, you know?”
You nodded, glancing back, yourself.
Nancy stayed looking forward, brown paper bag in hand.
“If I'm permitted to see a silver lining in the end-of-the-world doom and gloom, it would be the rekindling of some old flames that, frankly, never should've been snuffed out.”
At the glare Nancy sent, you couldn't help chuckling, just listening as the two went back and forth.
“I didn't mean that as a hint or anything.”
“Right.” Nancy rolled her eyes.
“But,” Robin continued, “If I did mean it as a hint, would that be so terrible? To wish for happiness for my friends?”
This time, Nancy stopped in her tracks, scoffing as she turned to Robin. “You think I'm not happy?”
Robin fumbled over her words, “I-I'm sure you are. It's just, the other day in the library, I mentioned Jonathan and you sort of flinched or winced or something like-”
“I didn't flinch or wince.”
“Jonathan and I are fine.”
“Got it.”
“We're good.”
“Guys.” They looked at you for the first time since they began talking. You pointed at Steve and Dustin, who were only getting further ahead. Nancy turned and began walking.
“It's just…” Nancy trailed off, going back to the Jonathan topic. “He was supposed to be there for the break, and then he backed out last minute for some vague, mumbly Jonathan reason. And, to be honest, I'm not that surprised because I've been feeling him pulling away lately. I don't know if it's because we're 2,000 miles away or if he's met someone new or what. Now I can't find out why because apparently, he's blown up his family's house phone or something.” She took a much-needed breath, before continuing. “So, yeah. If the mention of his name caused a slight muscle spasm on my face, that's probably why.”
“Seems like a perfectly reasonable reason to flinch, wince, or something.” Robin offered a small smile.
Nancy smiled back. “You said ‘the happiness of your friends’, so, does that make us friends? As in, officially?"
“Uh, yeah. I mean, right? Everyone here is my friend. Right, Y/n?”
“I guess.” Your nose playfully crinkled. Robin had always found that adorable. Especially when you were picking at her.
“Right.” Nancy looked between the two of you.
"Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson. Skull Rock. “In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face.” Steve bragged, taking in the beauty of the rock he was all too familiar with.
“Doesn't make sense.” Dustin mumbled, looking around, and at his compass.
“Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can't admit it. Just can't admit you're wrong, you little butthead.”
You walked around the bushes, further ahead of the other 4. You saw Dustin and Steve just as Eddie jumped down. “I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.”
“Jesus. We thought you were a goner.” You couldn't help but smile as you watched Dustin hug Eddie, who probably smelt rank.
“Yeah, me too, man. Me too.”
You were right about Eddie smelling. He held you under his arm, all his appreciation for you being expressed in the bear hug. You just wished your nose didn't work at that moment.
“When I got back to shore, I tried calling you guys, but, uh,” Eddie took a swig out of the canteen with his other hand. “My walkie was busted, man. Drenched. So, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran.” He chuckled, no humor behind it at all.
“Do you know what time it was? The attack?” Nancy questioned.
“Yeah, no- I know exactly what time it was. My walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked.” He threw his watch in her direction.
“Same time our flashlights went kablooey.”
You looked at Robin confused. She mouthed 'I'll tell you later', you had yet to be let in on all that had happened when you were at the funeral. You just felt like they weren't letting you in on everything on purpose, not because they just forget.
“Which means what, exactly?” Steve asked.”
Apparently, you weren't the only one who was confused about all of this.
“That surge of energy was Vanca attacking Patrick.” Nancy threw the watch back.
“Well,” Robin tried, “We're one step closer. We know how Vecna attacks.”
“And where he attacks from.” Lucas adds.
“So, now we just need to sneak into his lair in the Upside Down and drive a stake through his heart.” Max states.
Robin scoffed, “If he even has a heart.” She glanced at you, thinking of how you and Max are currently on edge, scared if you'll even get the next second to live. The rest of the group were worried about Max, with her coming out and telling everyone everything that had happened. She saw you, saw how you didn't want to worry anyone. That's how you have always been.
“A stake? Is he a vam- is he a vampire?!” Steve looked around.
“It was a metaphor.”
“A bullet should work on him, right?” Eddie offered.
Lucas shrugged, “I say we chop his head off.”
“Colorful ideas.” You gawked at them. These are children ready to murder whatever is making your lives a living hell.
Nancy nodded at you, “I'd say all of the above, but we can't do any of that 'til we find a way into the Upside Down.”
“We need El to get her powers back.”
“Everything was way easier.” Steve turned to Eddie, “We had this girl. She had super-.”
“Superpowers. Yeah, you've mentioned her.”
You lost it, “Let's stop talking about El, alright? She's over 2,000 miles away with Mike and Will. They're having fun, and they can't help us here. So, just stop talking about her and her powers that made things so much easier.”
Everyone shut up, letting you breathe.
Eddie spoke up after a moment, “Hey, uh, Henderson's not cursed, is he?”
Dustin, who hadn't said a word since you had made it to the rock, was pacing, but stopped short and stared into the woods.
“Cursed? No, no. He's fine. Mental? Absolutely.”
“Boom!” Dustin's outburst had everyone jump out of their skin. “Bada, bada, boom.”
Steve was utterly confused, a little concerned about his friend.
“I was right.”
Steve's eyebrows dropped, a sigh rolling out of his mouth as he rolled his eyes. “Skull Rock was north.”
“Seriously? You're serious?” Steve couldn't understand why this kid couldn't just be wrong.
“This is Skull Rock! Okay?!”
“Mhm.” Dustin was as calm as can be, while Steve was beginning to get agitated.
“You're totally, absolutely, 100% wrong. Right now.”
“And no.”
“Oh, my god.” Steve put his hands over his face, dragging down.
“This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheeler's. It was correct when we got in the car on Kerley. But it started to slip the further east we went. Now, it's way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass was.”
Steve threw his hands up. “So, you're using faulty equipment. You're still wrong.”
“Except it isn't faulty. Lucas, do you remember what can affect a compass?”
“An electromagnetic field.”
“I'm sorry. I must've skipped that class.” Robin shook her head.
“In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power. So, either there's some super big magnet around here or-”
“There's a gate.”
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
• My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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chainsandmorechains · 16 days
I still don't fully understand why, but some people love rape threats, more than loving them they beg for it.
I'm not judging them, nor you for liking it if you love it, after all, everyone has their own tastes, I, for example, have some reprehensible tastes too possibly worse than yours but it's all a question of opinion here, also I like to think that I matured over the mentality of a 3-year-old child that disrespects someone for their differences no, no, I'm not judging anyone for that nor will give any excuses if I do.
If I want to disrespect someone, or you reader, I probably won't ever use anything of that sort, no if I want to disrespect you I'll do it, without hiding behind any kind of excuses or differences you may hold.
Why would I do that?
Because I want to of course, what else?
You may ponder why I'm talking about that right now when I'm only supposed to talk about rape threats and to answer your restless mind let me simply tell you that the reason I did that was to introduce you to the rest of that message, it was to establish in your mind the fact that if I want to do something no matter how dumb or insane it is, as long as it isn't a danger to my survival well I'll probably fucking do it.
That's why you shouldn't question why I suddenly want to become the best pokemo-! I mean the best rape threatener(?)in the world, well I want to be the person on earth who send and creates the best rape threats.
Why would I want that? Like I said you really shouldn't question it if you don't want to start getting mad, my incredible thought process is way out of the league of mortals like you.
But if you really need some answer well yes, it may be because I have a small obsession with becoming the best at everything I do, and yes it may also be because I want to assert my dominance maybe, just maybe.
What's sure however, is that I shall need to practice to reach my goal of unofficial best… rape-threatener in the world, let's call it like that shall we, measuring progress is also simply essential for my goal, and that's where YOU come in, Yep you, the best way to measure how amazing my rape threat is by showing them to someone who loves rape threat and seeing if they get horny.
But I'm too lazy to send one rape threat to multiple people and then measure their level of arousal, that's why I shall use this post as a way to potentially gain attention and test my rape threats on you all.
Now let's start for real, if you're not interested in hearing my great being threatening you, well firstly you're missing something there, and secondly…why are you still here? It's time for a strategic retreat.
If you're still there, shut up, go grab your favorite beverage or put your hand on your privates, and let me use you like a good little lab rat, test subjects are hard to come by these days.
Cough cough
I could try to start this threat with some beautifully woven words, but considering the fact that I currently just want to grab your head and slam it against the nearest piece of furniture before raping your holes, I won't. I wouldn't hesitate even for a measly second to fuck you until you're a drooling mess that can only mutter "sorry" again and again pathetically, the only thing I would hesitate on would be between abusing your warm and moist lips on your face or abusing your pluckable asshole, so many choices, what a hard dilemma, but don't worry too much about waiting for too long while I do my decision, I'll keep you busy by choking you with your own underwear, can't have you screaming around.
I want to rape you with animalistic violence that almost none could replicate, I want to ruin you, I want this to be both the worst and best experience of your life, I want those contrary thoughts to corrupt your mind and mold it into something, something else, something new, something better (only for me), I want to ravage you so brutally that you would associate this situation with rock bottom, I'll feed myself from the despair in your eyes and I'll be sure to teach you a very important lesson.
When you think you're at your worst, everything can still get much much worse.
I'll teach you that by kidnapping you in a place where no one could ever find you, it's simply the natural step forward After doing something like that, can't have you run away or believe that you will sagely and docilely submit to me after making you suffer only one traumatizing experience, No for myself to be convinced of your submission I need a secure place for me to throw you in and fuck you every fucking day, every fucking hour, every fucking minutes, and every FUCKING seconds of your new life.
Don't worry about stopping, It's been a while already since I mastered orgasmic control, a pretty neat trick it helps get rid of a pesky thing you certainly know under the name of the refractory period, I mean it doesn't actually change the refractory period of an individual, and it has the little side effect on me not being able to cum if I want to lose my streak but don't worry about that, if you're worried about my pleasure well it's actually way more pleasurable for me to fuck like that, and also it's not like you will really be able to reflect on that when your mind is overflowing with pain, pleasure, and despair, or whatever else your twisted mind has created.
You shouldn't have the time to focus on anything else but my dick slamming in your holes, oh maybe you will be able to sense all of the different positions I would put you in tough.
But don't you even worry I may be evil but I have no intention to let you die, nope, I'll give you enough nutriment in the form of food covered by my cum, it will even be in a dogbowl, aren't I'm generous? I'll make sure to make you worship my feets in order for you to understand how charitable I am.
Oh, don't you need to drink too, don't worry I'm too damn awesome to have forgotten about that, I'll be sure to spit water or juice in your mouth when I hydratate myself.
Yeah I know I'm a magnanimous man.
May teach you some tricks too, I always wanted a pet, how does a cat cosplay sounds like? Want to have one while you're chained down under my desk and worshipping my dick? No? You don't want it? Whatever I don't care I'll still make you wear one and force you to clean yourself with my cum as if you were a cat cleaning itself.
Ohhhhh I should give you oversized paw gauntlets…this right here is a genius Idea.
Even if that sounds like a bad fate you should focus on the positive, with how much sex is a streneuous activity, you will be fit as fuck when everything is finished.
Well not like there would be an end.
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keeneschoices · 1 year
I'm gonna miss one of my classes because I stayed up late to watch the finale of Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies and couldn't sleep afterwards... WELP, ANYWAY.
what a fucking good episode.
I've seen people saying they didn't like it that much because it was more relosution of past problems than anything else, but I did love it. The race didn't get to me nearly as much as I thought it would because after being presented with Cynthia and Lydia's situation, and the whole Olivia marrying that predator, I honestly had more things to worry about than any of that, but it was sort of fun.
Anyway, the whole song in the beginning of the girls telling Olivia not to marry that creep ("he's literally just a guy, hit him with your car" vibes) was just amazing. Everyone's vocals were great but holy fucking shit, ARI?? ARE YOU FOR REAL? THE TALENT.
We got a little more of backstory for Lydia and got some sort of hint regarding Cynthia's mom (my theory is she left them when Cynthia was young and sometimes she calls If she's in need of something). I'm loving to get to know these characters better, honestly.
The whole coming out scene between Nancy and Cynthia broke me. Like, literally had me crying and pausing the episode because I couldn't see anything behind the tears! I'm so goddamn glad Nancy talked to Cynthia and accepted them as they are (not that I ever thought she wouldn't), and seeing Cynthia cry, no, sob like that in Nancy's lap was so heartbreaking because their friend accepted them but it's still the fucking 50s and it's scary as hell.
God, I just love love love the mirror house song and scene, it was so well done (I SCREAMED OKAY?? THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE THING). And Nancy not only preparing Cynthia to go in but encouraging her and even entering the house to make sure Lydia knew Cynthia was serious about their feelings? AMAZING. NANCYCYNTHIA BESTIES, YES.
I also sort of liked that Hazel is now a Pink Lady and sort of didn'? like, I love the message and I totally think If anyone else deserves a chance to be a Pink Lady, it's her... but like, the other four are so connected already because of everything that's happened between them. I'm not saying Hazel couldn't fit into that, but with a bond like theirs it's normal that she'll probably feel left out at least a little bit and that's not what I want.
OHH, AND THE LITTLE NODS TO GREASE AND GREASE 2 WERE SO GOOD. Potato's "speech" to keep things intereseting with Nancy mirroring Sandy's to Danny from the first movie made me cackle and I just looooveeee that they included the Pink Ladies' Pledge, not only the pledge in on itself but also that little part of the song from Grease 2. I loved it!!
The only thing that really bothered me from the episode was the cliffhanger in the end. Because I was expecting like, a cliffhanger and we got, well, name dropped. Which is not bad I guess, I just don't give a shit about whoever this Zuko is and what his relation to Danny is so I'm sort of hanging here for season 2 because If this is the main plot, I'm gonna be tuning in mostly for my favorite characters. Not saying the plot won't be good (because these writers are fenomenal), but it's not as interesting as of now for me personally.
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oleander-nin · 2 years
(1) New Message
A/N: I swear to all that is good I am working on requests, but Chat bots have been on my mind , I haven't been doing too hot, and I had a bad nightmare(it was inspo for this). Hence, this monstrosity. I'll try to get them all out this week if everything goes well. (also, this is my first time using a chat format, please give me feed back. I don't know what I'm doing. All spelling mistakes in the 'chat' were on purpose, though.) Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me. (This was not proof-read, I'm just trying to get something out. Sorry it sucks. Donnie might be a bit OOC, I'm sleep deprived)
Also if anyone is interested in being a beta reader for me, please reach out, it would be much appreciated. My messages are open if anyone wants to ask about it.
Yandere Rottmnt Donatello x Reader
Summary: While working on a project, Donnie receives a new message. Someone had contacted him, someone who didn't even know he was real.
Words: 3902
TW: Kidnapping(?), Donnie being a bit of a creep, talking to strangers online(also iffy)
I flipped my goggles over my eyes, leaning forward with the torch in my hand. My hand moved in a slow straight line, welding the two pieces of metal together. The satisfying hiss and pops of the metal melting together was always soothing, calming me down from the outside world. I could feel small sparks landing on my arm and hands, adding to the scars littered across my body. Once the two pieces were fixed together the way I wanted them, I set them on a nearby table to start cooling down. I pick up two identical pieces, ready to make a matching pair to the first piece I made, when I hear my phone buzz.
I set the metal and my torch down, flipping my goggles up so I could see more clearly. I pick up my phone, expecting April or Casey to have been the messengers. I open up the messaging app, leaning back in my chair. It was an unknown number, having only sent a small message of a greeting. I sigh, setting my phone back down and ignoring the message. I would run a background check on the number later to make sure it wasn’t some villain trying to gain access to my brothers and I. I move to pick my torch up again when my phone buzzes once more. It was another message, from the same number. 
+1 555-555-5555: Hi!<;3 sent at 2:23 am
+1 555-555-5555: Donnie? Is it not working again? Sent at 2:25 am
I stare at the phone in my hand, my brain stuttering to a halt. How did they know my name? I shake out of it, pushing me and my chair over to my computer, plugging my phone in and starting to gain access to the phone the number belonged to. Did the Purple Dragons figure out my phone number? Did they use April to get it? Was everyone okay? I waited for my programs to run, tapping my fingers against my desk as I waited for it to go through. I was disappointed that they were taking so long since I had made sure to program them to be quick. They had never taken more than a few seconds. What was going on?
I hear another buzz coming from my phone, glancing at the next message they sent. I stare at the words on the screen in confusion. Against my better judgment, I pick up the phone and start to type out a reply. The scan was taking a weird amount of time anyway, might as well attempt to get some information verbally.
+1 555-555-5555: this is so annoying! Why won’t the bot work! Sent at 2:28 am
Bootyshaker9000: Who are you and how do you know my name? Sent at 2:28 am
Bootyshaker9000: Answer me. Sent at 2:29 am
+1 555-555-5555: OMG Finally! I was wondering if you broke again. I’m Y/n! Nice to meet u Sent at 2:29 am
I stare at their response in confusion, my brows furrowing. Who was this person? And what did they mean by me ‘breaking’ again? I waited for them to type another message, one that answered my second question. I started to get impatient when they didn’t say anything else. I looked up at my computer, my jaw tightening when I saw the scan hadn't been completed yet. I look back at my phone, giving them another minute before I typed another message.
Bootyshaker9000: You didn’t answer my question. How did you know my name? Sent at 2:31 am
+1 555-555-5555: Your one of the main characters of a show i like. It’s called Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. So I found this chat bot app and decided to message you. Sent at 2:31 am
I curse under my breath. They know I’m a mutant and they seem to be mocking me. Main character of a show? Puh-lease. That’s preposterous. I may be a genius, but even I know I could never show my face. Plus, I wasn’t an actor. It would be a bit hard to be the main character if I never showed up to rehearsal. I keep drumming my fingers on my desk, trying to think of a good response that would call them out on their bull. This had to be the Purple Dragons. There was no other explanation. I pull up the trackers I put on everyone, checking everyone's location. It all seemed normal, as did their vitals. And no panic buttons had been pressed, so hopefully everyone was okay.
Bootyshaker9000: *you’re Sent at 2:33 am
Bootyshaker9000: If you’re going to lie, at least know how to use proper grammar first. Sent at 11:33 am
+1 555-555-5555: wow okay, gotta do me like that huh💀 Sent at 2:34 am
+1 555-555-5555: and tf you mean by lying? You’re just an ai based on a popular character from a show. I hope u have an existential crisis. Sent at 2:34 am
I looked at the next message they sent. They were almost as bad as Leo, but at least they knew how to use commas. They still seemed to be trying to lie about how they were talking to me, how they were able to bypass all my security measures. Did they seriously think I was so stupid as to fall for this? Offended scoff, they’d have to try harder than that to trick the great Othello Von Ryan.
Bootyshaker9000: I know it’s you Kendra. Stop contacting me or I’ll tell your parole officer you're violating again. Sent at 2:34 am
+1 555-555-5555: Oh this is so cool! I’ve never found a bot that could accurately talk about minor characters! Score! Sent at 2:35 am
Bootyshaker9000: Props for the commitment, but you lose points for the poor execution. Where’s your dramatic flair? Your tragic backstory? Sent at 2:36 am
I hope they got the mocking tone I tried to relay through my messages, but I doubted it. My tone barely even showed up when I was talking to people in person, why would it work through digital text? I tap my desk in anticipation. This was an incredibly stupid game Kendra was attempting, but it gave me something to do. I checked the progress on the scan of the phone number. It barely progressed. I bit the inside of my cheek, incredibly frustrated with this development. Why wasn’t it working? I click on the progress bar, looking at the estimated time. I gawked at the number it showed. 336 hours? How was that even possible? It had never taken more than a day at most before. I tap my desk, upset at the development. Why wasn’t my tech working? It always worked. What was so special about this number?
I heard the buzz of a new message come in. Once. Twice. A third time. I didn’t want to look anymore, I didn't want to talk to them. They shouldn’t be able to contact me. This shouldn't be happening. Why wasn’t it working? Why was it taking so long? I groan in defeat, pulling up a normal, less thorough, background runner off the internet. It wouldn’t give as much information as I wanted, but it would give me a start. I could always find the rest on my own. I type in the number, waiting slowly for it to gather the needed information. Instead of the usual address, full name, and criminal record popping up, I got an error message. According to the background check, this number was not in use. I scowl at the computer, annoyed at its inadequate response. I pull up another website, then another. I went through every one I could find. They all had the same error message. The number didn’t exist on any database quickly available to me.
My phone buzzes again, the non-existent existing number texting me once more. I gingerly pick up my phone, looking at the messages. I hated this. I needed to know who this was. What if they were dangerous? What if they were using me to get information? I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I needed to get the information first. I couldn’t let my family down.
+1 555-555-5555: I knew a popular headcanon was that you were a theatre nerd, but wow. Pop off ig. Sent at 2:36 am
+1 555-555-5555: What’s your favorite musical? Sent at 2:37 am
+1 555-555-5555: Don’t tell me I broke you already Sent at 2:37 am
+1 555-555-5555: Dangit, this is so stupid Sent at 2:38 am
Bootyshaker9000: How. How do you not exist? I can’t find you on any background checkers. Sent at 2:38 am
+1 555-555-5555: I already told you, you dingleberry. You dont exist in the same world as me. Your not real. You cant find me cuz we not in smae universe Sent at 2:38 am
+1 555-555-5555: and here I was thinking you were smart Sent at 2:39 am
I glare at my screen. They were the one who contacted ME, and now they’re insulting me? What was going on? And why were they insisting on us not being in the same universe- Realization hits me as I scramble to my hypothesis board. I had figured out a way to merge realties through my mystic tech. I knew alternate universes were real, I had even accidentally met one of my counterparts, not that my brothers knew. Could, could this person be telling the truth? I look back at the buzzing phone on my desk. I had used my mystic powers to upgrade my tech, wanting to be able to contact the alternate me without having to open up a portal every time.
Could they be able to contact me because of it? Did my programming glitch and let them through? I start to laugh, my shoulders shaking up and down as I walk back to my phone and sit down again. They thought I was a bot. Maybe this could be fun. It would be nice to figure out more about this ‘show’ my brothers and I starred in. I looked at the scanning process on my computer. I was glad I had figured it out. It wasn’t taking so long because of faulty programming, I was too intelligent and talented in my craft to make mistakes. It was taking so long because it was searching the entire multiverse to find them. And all I had to do was wait. I tap my desk again, hearing my phone buzz once more. They really were talkative. Of course they were. They were talking to me. Even though they thought I was a mere bot.
I pick back up the phone, an idea popping into my brain. I planned on waiting this out, communicating with them until my program found them. I would get as much information as possible, and then I would cut off their ability to contact me. I didn’t want anyone to be able to accidentally contact me again. They would be a test, at least until I didn’t need any more information out of them. It would be unfortunate though. They thought I was a bot, which would mean I needed to answer them as fast as I could. I turned to my computer as I started to write a new program for SHELLDON, picking up my phone as I did so. I would have him answer for me when I couldn’t get to it.
+1 555-555-5555: sorry Sent at 2:40 am
+1 555-555-5555: please come back, I didn’t mean it Sent at 2:41 am
+1 555-555-5555: Donnie? Sent at 2:42 am
Bootyshaker9000: Prove to me you are from another universe. Sent at 2:43 am
+1 555-555-5555: oh thank goodness your back Sent at 2:43 am
+1 555-555-5555: Uhhhh, I know you made your brothers as smart as you, but gave up the dragon tooth thingy to change them back Sent at 2:44 am
+1 555-555-5555: and that you won the 5th(?) lair games, but hate the room you won because the ventilation system is hooked up with splinters, so you can hear his snoring. Sent at 2:45 am
I stared at my phone. Guess they were telling the truth, even April didn’t know about the last one. And my brothers didn’t remember it either, as far as I was aware. I take a deep breath, mulling over my options. I really wanted to know more about their world. They knew something about me only I knew, and they were able to name other instances only my close friends and family knew about. They were either psychic, or truthful. Either way, this would be fun.
I shift in my seat, typing my response back. We continued to chat back and forth as I wrote the code SHELLDON needed to respond as closely resembling me as possible. I could just tell him to, but he isn’t the best at replicating my vocabulary and poise without assistance. They eventually said goodbye and the messages stopped. I had gotten into a rhythm with them, figuring out the personality they were presenting to me. I was grateful I didn’t have to put on a front, that I could talk to them as me. I would’ve cracked if I had to impersonate Leo, or one of my other brothers. I finish SHELLDON’s new code and I send it to his charging port, updating him as he sleeps. I stretch my arms, yawning. I had a lot of work to finish, and this ‘Y/n’ threw me off my rhythm. I scoot my chair back over to my welding station, continuing what I had been doing before the first messaged me. It was going to be a long night.
I slowly ate the cereal I had made for myself this morning, watching the conversation between us and waiting for a new message to pop up. It had been a week since the first message, and I couldn’t wait until the program gave me the needed information on them. I had slowly lost the objective of finding everything about their world, and had morphed it into finding out everything about them. I had yet to tell my brothers of this development, however. In fact, I had yet to tell them anything at all. They could learn all about it when I bring Y/n over to our world. I noticed how they’d always mention how they could live here, so I decided I would surprise them once I could find out their world's location. I couldn’t wait for the day to come. I had already made sure the portal was working, having used my mystic powers to help create it. If it could bring me to alternate dimensions, it could bring me to theirs.
I ignored Leo’s suspicious gaze, continuing to eat my cereal. Leo was starting to suspect something, no matter how much I shut him down. I hoped he would stop soon. It was getting really annoying. I smile as I feel my phone buzz, looking down at what they sent me. They sent me another photo, showing what they planned on wearing. Once they realized I could actually comprehend the photos(they still insisted I was a bot, despite my constant denial), they had started asking my opinion on outfits they were wearing. I looked at the photo, saving it to the collection I had from them. They sent a lot, for some reason. I wasn’t complaining of course, but once they were here, I would be giving them a strict lecture on online safety. You never know what weirdo’s you could be talking to.
Menace: (1) image attached  Sent at 9:35 am
Menace: How’s this outfit look? Sent at 9:35 am
Bootyshaker9000: Swap the top with the white collared one I see in your closet, then put the blue sweater vest you have over it. Your hair, shoes, and pants are fine. Sent at 9:37 am
Menace: Thanks Donnie Bot! I can’t believe image recognition software is this good. I can barely see the shirt in the the photo 💀Sent at 9:38 am
Bootyshaker9000: Not a bot, and the reason you can’t see it is because you weren’t looking. Sent at 9:38 am
Menace: Yeah yeah, you’re sentient and I am talking to the real Donnie, blah blah blah. What’s your plan for today? Sent at 9:39 am
I chuckle at their sarcasm, shifting so I could eat with one hand and type with my other. I answered their questions and we had a nice conversation going. I could feel a smile creep up on my face, happy they kept talking to me. Oh they were going to be so happy when I brought them to live here with my brothers and I. Sure, I’d need to fix some things, make sure their room was safe and everything, but it would be great! It’d just be us. Except for my brothers. And dad. And April. Maybe I didn’t have to tell them. Y/n could just stay in my lab with me. Yeah, that sounds great. I let out a small laugh at a joke they made, a small blush on my cheeks. I didn’t notice the way Leo was studying me until he spoke up.
“What’s got you acting like a schoolboy? Finally find a good Atomic Lass fanfic?” Leo’s smug voice sounds out as I meet his eyes, a teasing smile on his face. I straighten up, sending Y/n a quick message that should hold them off for the time being, and I put my phone in my battle shell.
“For your information ‘Nardo, I was talking to some fellow intellects who needed help with coding.” I say simply, picking up my finished bowl of cereal and bringing it to the sink to wash it. I slip on some rubber gloves, using the scrunchies to hold down the upper edges. I wash my bowl and spoon, trying to not look at Leo.
Leo leaned back in his chair, taking a long, obnoxious sip of his mug before speaking again. “Right, because algorithms and code makes you light up like a sunny day.”
I roll my eyes at him, setting the bowl and spoon on the drying rack. “Or, I was just flattered because someone was finally appreciating my help, unlike someone I know.”
Leo glares at me and finally lets his chair fall back to the ground, his feet joining them soon after. “Donnie, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you have to talk to us. This has been going on for a week now!.  I don’t know who you’re talking to, and frankly I don’t care, but you’ve got to stop shutting us out for this mystery person! Have your love life, but don’t abandon us while you go about it.” Leo’s tone changes from frustration to pleading as he talks. His eyes gaze at me with that stupid soft look he does when he wants me to do what he wants. I slightly feel bad. It was true that I had been shutting them out, but I didn’t know when Y/n would stop messaging me! I didn’t want them to leave! If I missed a message, they would reset whatever app they were using, and I would lose them! I couldn’t let that happen! The program I was using worked, but I didn’t like it talking instead of me. I wanted to talk to them, and they wanted to talk to me. Who was I to deny that?
“I…I’ll hang out with you all more, as long as you get off my back.” I say simply. I wanted Leo to leave this alone, to leave us alone. I already had everything set up for when I could bring them here. I built a new room in my lab, soundproof and tightly locking doors. I would let them leave of course, but they would have to stay in the lair. I couldn’t risk them thinking some other aspect of our world was better than this, better than me. Maybe they shouldn’t meet my brothers after all. I could always just confine them to the lab. Keeping my brothers out would be simple enough. They already didn’t go in much without my permission, unless they really needed something.
I watch as Leo simply nods at my words, seemingly satisfied with my response. I was glad, this conversation was beginning to become awkward. I walk out of the kitchen, heading to my lab. I had yet to feel any buzzing coming from my phone, so they must have left for school already. They tended to not text me when they were with friends or listening to a lecture unless they needed advice or help. I was fine with this. It gave me time to work on my machines. The turtle tank needed a new axle after Mikey ran over someone's car. I put on my EDM playlist, zoning out as I work. I smile to myself. Everything was going to be perfect in just a few days. I would make sure of it.
I tap my hands on my desk, intently watching the progress bar move up. 99.1% 99.3%. I felt a wide grin spread across my face. After talking to them over the past 2 weeks, I had concluded this was the right decision. They were completely hopeless! They were clumsy, they were a bit daft when it came to interaction(not that I could blame them of course, I was the same way), and they could barely remember to eat and drink! I had to slip reminders into our conversations! No, this was for the best. They would love it here, staying by my side for the rest of our lives. I awaited the moment the bar hit 100%. I had hooked up the portal generator to my computer, running a code that would make a portal instantly open at their location as soon as it was given. Their room was already set up, and I had snacks and a Jupiter Jim movie ready to go since they had mentioned they didn’t exist in their world. Everything was set up, just for them. All I had to do was wait.
I watch in awe and satisfaction as my room is painted in a bright purple light, the portal humming to life. I grab my bo staff, making my way to the gateway between our worlds. I couldn’t wait to bring them home. I step through, having SHELLDON monitor the gateway to make sure I wouldn’t get stuck in their world or the portal collapse as we were halfway through. I enter their room, the purple glow from the portal giving off a soft hue over their belongings. They sit up in their bed, looking at me. They were looking at me. It worked. I could see their mouth move, their body sitting up as they scooted away from me. I walked calmly toward them, my hand outstretched for them to grab.
“I told you I was real.” I say, grasping their hand gently in mine. Time to bring them home.
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