#like he lit put himself on the book and made it so that popular greek philosophers knew HIM and acknowledged him
darabeatha · 3 months
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Jason was put into the 8th layer of hell in Dante's Inferno-
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bridgeporthq · 2 years
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Oh, look! It’s [ THOMAS STUART ]! I heard they’re [ 40 ], a [ NON BINARY ], use [ HE+THEY } pronouns, have been in town for [ EIGHTEEN YEARS ] and are actually from [ LONDON, ENGLAND ]. They are currently working as a [ PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AT HEYWOOD UNIVERSITY ] and living in [ LIBERTY HILLS ]. You know, I personally think they look like [ TOM HIDDLESTON ], but that’s crazy, right?
Triggers in Bio: None
thomas wasn’t born into a loving family, or loved as a child should be, he wasn’t conceived out of love. he was conceived out of the pressure and the martial duty between man and wife. he didn’t cry within the first moments of life outside the womb, his eyes closed but his mouth was wide in silent screams. the lights inside the room flickered as the late halloween night’s sky lit up with lightning, it was until a rumble was heard, and felt, that he seemed to remember, or learned to cry in those moments of fair, that his first wail was heard. in the months, years and decades that followed he took his time in all things, never in a hurry for anything. in the eyes of his mother and father, this was a curse, but in the eyes of thomas it was a blessing. his parents were, and always had been, workaholics. they spent more time worrying about ignoring each other, and not crossing paths to worry about him. the nursery and the nannies were the only comfort to thomas, but it was also filled with coldness. it took two more years before his sister was welcomed into the world, he was only a toddler when she was welcomed into the world. but he greeted her with babbling and giggles. and as they grew they grew close, being each other’s best friend. they shared everything from their favorite colors, books and food with each other. it was often joked that if you saw one of them, the other wasn’t far behind. this bond helped thomas as he grew into a teenager.
the next decade of thomas’s life were short, but the days were long. he was both the popular person but also didn’t quite fit in. his interest were different, he wasn’t into girls and he didn’t have a singular personality trait of the sports he was playing. he was also kind, in a world that was so cruel. he would often give others the shirt off of his back and not want anything in return. he played sports from baseball to basketball, he had his toes in just about everything it kept his mind and soul at ease to be busy. he excelled in everything he put him mind to, and his marks made him of the very brightest in the school. and he knows he should be happy about this, he had everything but still there was a coldness that never truly thawed out, his parents still were married but were never home. they both preferred to live in their townhouses closer to the city. but now he can see past that lie, they just didn’t want to see each other. another thing happened to thomas he never thought would happen, he and his sister grew apart. but it was nice to know that if he needed anything she would be there. and finally thomas graduated from secondary school, it almost felt as though his life was ending but he knew there were beginnings in ends. he took a gap year, touring the world on his parent’s money. it was the first gift they had ever given to him. he started in europe, backpacking through the alps and finishing on the shores of greek beaches. he had never felt so alive before looking out into the calm water. he next toured the middle east, russia, asia, the americas and then ending in new zealand. it was a bittersweet end for him, but he felt more prepared and ready for university. on the first day he can’t help but feel overwhelmed, and thinking he had made a mistake. but then he met someone, and he changed everything. thomas can’t help but feel scared about his feelings, what if the other doesn’t feel the same? so thomas keeps his feelings to himself, and with each day he can feel his strength falling. he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship. and one day its too much for thomas, he’s fallen hard, and he kisses them. and to his surprise they kiss him back. and everything after that is history. thomas graduates from university with an engineering and history degree, and once again there’s a beginning in the end.
it doesn’t take them long to figure out the united kingdom isn’t where they want to call home, and like centuries before they cross the atlantic and land on the soil of the united states. there’s something in the vastness of the land that makes it feel exciting, and thomas begins his career as an engineer but quickly realizing that it wasn’t the dream he had, teaching was and he quickly turned down that lane. a routine was soon fallen into and the two welcome in six children. they’re the apple of his eyes, thomas driving the kids to and from soccer practice, to helping them all learn to drive a car. it seemed every moment with the kids, and your husband, is better than the last one, but they can��t be small forever. soon they all fly the nest. its just thomas and his husband now in their home on the shore of the beach, but there’s still never a dull moment, or a moment of doubt when love surrounds them.
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wwoww-au · 3 years
Family Business
read on AO3
  Henrik jumped instinctually when he heard a knock on the door of the clinic. He was still getting used to Yan’s frequent visits; the only person who normally stopped by outside of patients was Jackie, and even then those were scheduled. He opened the door and was greeted by the red-haired ball of joy themself.
    "Good afternoon, Henrik." Yan beamed and moved past him into the clinic, only speaking again once the door was closed. "I got those books you asked for." They put their messenger bag down onto the counter and began emptying its contents; two leather-bound books with yellowing pages and ancient symbols etched into the cover.
    "Thank you, Yan. You’ve been a great help," Henrik said. 
    "It’s no trouble." Yan handed the books to the doctor. They then rummaged through their bag again, pulling out a tupperware container. "I also brought cookies. B ate most of them while I was at the Library though..."
    "You didn’t have to..."     Henrik trailed off when he heard a shout from the basement. But this was different from when he normally heard Anti shouting from the basement, this time he sounded... happy? There was a loud rhythmic thumping of Anti running up the stairs before the trap door burst open and he stumbled out into the room. 
    "I’ve made a breakthrough!" Anti was beaming, holding out a piece of notebook paper covered in his messy handwriting. 
    "Anti, as exciting as that is, please check next time you come stomping up the stairs,” Henrik scolded, worry creasing his brow. “What if Jackie had been here? Or someone from the Crime Department? You really ought to be more careful." Still shaking his head, he took the paper from Anti and began reading. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Anti rolled his eyes. "Just shut up and listen. I was poring over that old book of remedies Yan brought over a couple of days ago and after brushing up on my ancient Greek, I was able to translate the recipe for a potion that stalls the symptoms of corruption. Not exactly a cure, but it’s a start."  He turned his attention to Yan, eyeing the container in their hands. "You brought food? You’re the best." He grabbed the container and immediately shoved a cookie into his mouth. 
    Henrik stared in awe of the notes, a small smile tugging across his face. "This… this could actually work! Anti, you’re brilliant."
    Anti swallowed and looked sheepishly at the floor. "It’s not a big deal. Just trying to keep myself from fully corrupting, is all."
    "Not a big deal?" Yan’s eyes lit up. "You’ve managed to find the first step to a corruption cure, that’s incredible!"
    As Henrik continued poring over the notes, his eyebrows furrowed. "As incredible as this is, it’s going to be extremely difficult for me to get these ingredients. The only place I could possibly get most of these things is Derekson's, but I'd have to get Jackie to escort me. Not to mention the Committee would find it suspicious…"
    Anti shrugged, taking a bite out of another cookie. "No problem, I’ll swing by later to grab everything you need to start making this thing."
"Are you sure? It might not be safe for you to be walking out and about."
"It'll be fine, I'll wear a scarf. You worry too much," Anti said, scratching at his neck wound. Henrik sighed and left the room, closing the door to the apartment behind him. "Yandere, you wanna come with?"
"Sure." Yan hesitated. "Where are we going exactly?"
"Derekson's," Anti said. Yan still looked confused, so he continued. "It's an apothecary across town. The guy who runs it is under Committee surveillance, too." He glanced over at the apartment door and lowered his voice. "Apparently, all of his children were born mundane, and he tried to turn them into wizards by himself. Ended up killing all but one. The only reason the Committee hasn't thrown him into a prison cell yet is that he's such a talented potion maker."
"That's horrible," Yan muttered.
"Yeah..." Anti trailed off. "But he’s the only one who has what we need to make our potion. So I hope you don’t have any plans this afternoon, because we’re leaving as soon as I finish these cookies." He turned and walked back down into the basement, taking the whole container with him.
The walk to the apothecary was surprisingly tense -- Anti had insisted they walk there, not wanting to spend even a few minutes on crowded public transport. He spent the whole time looking over his shoulder and tugging on his scarf like it was suffocating him. 
"Are you okay?" Yan asked, sensing how nervous he was. 
"I'm fine." He glanced at them over his sunglasses. "I just don't like walking around during the day. Too many people. I feel like they're all staring at me." Yan opened their mouth to say something comforting, only for Anti to cut them off. "We're here."
Yan looked up at the building they stopped in front of. It was a brownstone, the worn bricks painted green. A few strange-looking flowers and herbs grew in the windowsills. Above the door was a wooden sign that read "Derekson's Apothecary: family-owned and operated since 1812." Yan quickly followed Anti up the steps and into the shop.
The shop was empty when the two walked in. A wooden counter stretched around all sides of the room. Tall shelves filled with glass jars and bottles lined the walls behind the counter, each containing loose ingredients or brightly colored liquids. A rolling ladder was attached to the shelves, and in the center was a door marked "employees only".  It reminded Yan of a candy store, only instead of chocolate and jellybeans, the jars were filled with dried herbs and what looked like eyeballs.
The back door swung open and a man in a patterned shirt walked out, putting on a big smile when he saw the two standing in the shop. He was followed by a teenager with similar features, walking on a pair of crutches. The teen stood in the back, staring at the ground while the older man walked towards the counter.
"Welcome, welcome! What can I do for you today?" said the man, whose nametag identified him as Derek. He gestured to the shelves behind him. "We carry potions for any and all circumstances. One that turns any creature into a harmless goldfish, one that can make your flower garden into your own personal army of floral warriors, one that makes the drinker fall in love with the first person they see for 24 hours. I know that one is popular with you young folks." He winked at Yan, and they only scoffed in response. He hesitated before starting his sales pitch again. "You two don't work for the Committee, right?"
"Good! Because here I have a few things that blur the lines between potion and poison-"
"We don't need any of that!" Anti snapped, clearly running out of patience with the overzealous salesman. "We just need these ingredients." He pulled a list from inside his coat and handed it to Derek.
Derek gave a dejected sigh and took the list, turning and climbing the ladder to retrieve what they needed. He quickly maneuvered the shelves, seemingly knowing where everything was despite all the jars being unlabelled. He came back down only a few minutes later holding a few jars, piling them all on the counter. 
"Is that everything?" Anti asked.
"Not quite," Derek said. "Some of the things you're asking for are highly dangerous, so I don't keep them in the front of the shop. Eric." He turned to the young man behind him, who flinched in surprise upon hearing his name. "Can you get the rest of this fine customer's order from the back room?"
"Yes, Dad," Eric muttered.
"I can help you with that," Yan chimed in, hesitating when they saw how stunned Eric looked at the gesture. "If you're alright with that."
"Sure," Derek said, waving his hand. "Just don't touch anything you're not supposed to." Yan moved around the counter over to Eric, smiling and opening the door for him. He gave a reluctant smile and went inside, Yan following shortly after.
The backroom was essentially just a kitchen. A few small cauldrons were simmering on top of an electric stove, empty glass bottles crowding the counter next to it. The linoleum floor was covered in shimmering, multicolored stains. A few barrels were pushed up against the back wall next to a staircase leading up to the second floor of the house. The walls were lined with cabinets, many of which were padlocked.
Eric hobbled over to the cabinets, leaning his crutches up against the counter and leaning against it for balance. He pulled a ring of keys from his pocket, unlocking one of the cabinets. Before he opened it, he turned to Yan. "Oh, right," he mumbled, as if he had forgotten Yan was there. "You can, uh, grab the fireroot for me. It's in the fridge." 
"You got it." They smiled, walking over to the fridge and opening it. It was filled to the brim with potion bottles, as well as a few leftovers in tupperware containers. 
"So, what's all this for, anyway?" Eric asked, before immediately looking away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."
"It's alright." Yan walked over with the bundle of fireroot he asked for. "We're working on, uh… medicine. For someone who's sick. My friend's a doctor and he asked us to pick up some supplies for him."
"That’s weird. I’ve never heard of medicine with these kinds of ingr-" He cut himself off with a strangled cry. His legs suddenly buckled out from underneath him, and he gripped onto the counter for support. He shakily lowered himself to the floor, back against the counter. He scrunched his eyes shut and suppressed a pained whimper, pulling his leg to his chest.
Yan dropped to their knees in an instant. "What's wrong?" they asked quickly. "Do you need me to get your dad?"
"No!" Eric yelped, eyes wide. "It'll only make him upset… I'll be fine. I just need to sit for a minute."
"What's wrong?" Yan repeated, more gently this time. 
Eric bit his lip, looking at the door to the shop and back at Yan. "You know what my dad did, right?" They nodded, remembering the story Anti told them. "The ritual he used to try and make me a wizard, it didn't work, but-" He rolled up one of his pant legs, revealing unnatural scars twisting up his leg. They looked like burns, only iridescent and an unpleasant shade of green. Yan clapped a hand over their mouth. He covered the scars and curled in on himself. "Dad says it's a form of corruption. It flares up every now and then," he continued. He gave a feeble smile. "It's almost funny. I'm not even a wizard and I still managed to screw up and get corrupted."
Yan winced, sensing a wave of sadness and guilt coming from Eric. "Hey, that’s not your fault. None of that is,” they said, trying to console him. They were quiet for a moment, mulling over what they were about to say. They lowered their voice.  "I think I have a way to help you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, that includes your dad. " 
Eric looked back with confusion before simply nodding.
Yan glanced at the door before speaking,  "A friend of mine is working on a cure for corruption. I know it sounds impossible, but we’re making progress. It will take some time before we have an actual cure, but once we do, we’ll be able to help you. "
 "You- you’d really be willing to help me?" Eric said. He gave them a weak smile.
Yan smiled back, opening their mouth to reassure them before being cut off by yelling from the front of the shop.
"Eric! Hurry up!" Derek yelled. "We have a customer waiting!"
"Oh no..." Eric muttered before yelling back, "I’ll be right out!" He grabbed the edge of the counter, wincing as he scrambled to his feet. He grabbed his crutches, gesturing to Yan to pick up the miscellaneous items on the counter before going through the door. They placed them on the check-out counter before walking back over to Anti, who looked down at them over his sunglasses.
Derek looked over at Eric, drumming his fingers on the counter with impatience.  "What took you so long?" he said, barely containing his frustration. 
"I- uh," Eric stammered, trying to avoid eye contact with his father as he began to pack all the items into a box. "I couldn’t find the time cacti needles they needed, m-must’ve put it in the wrong cabinet when I was organizing."
"Yeah? Well, next time double-check to make sure everything’s in the right place." Derek turned to Anti, his glare turning into a smile as he rattled off the prices for everything, occasionally slipping in a sales pitch for other potions. Anti ignored his rambling, placing a stack of bills on the counter and taking the box of ingredients from Eric. He promptly dropped it into Yan’s arms and quickly made his way out of the shop. Yan gave Eric one last smile before following after.
"God, I hate that Derekson guy. Did you see the way he talked to his own son?" Anti scoffed. The two were walking back to Henrik’s clinic now, Anti a little more relaxed now that the streets weren’t as crowded. "What were you and that Eric kid doing back there, anyways?"
"Just talking," Yan said. They decided it was best if Anti didn’t know they’d told Eric about the corruption cure. 
"Of course you were." Anti smiled. "You have a real knack for befriending everyone you meet, huh?"
"I guess so." They smirked. "I managed to befriend you, didn’t I?" They nudged him with their shoulder. 
Anti chuckled. "Yeah, yeah you did." The two kept walking, keeping up some light conversation to pass the time. Yan was in the middle of recounting the time they and B had gotten lost in a cave somewhere in the geography section at the Library when a man jogging by them accidentally bumped into Anti. "Hey, watch it!" he yelled at the man before turning back to Yan. They were about to continue their story when they felt a sudden surge of mixed emotions from behind them. Disbelief, sadness, joy. 
Anti froze in place. He chanced a look back, his heart sinking when he locked eyes with the man behind him. He stared at Anti as if he had just seen a ghost, the faintest smile pulling at his lips. His eyes were sunken yet bright, brown hair poked out from under his beanie. He looked like he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in months. He surged forward, wrapping his arms around Anti and pulling him into a tight hug. "Oh my god, Chase! It’s been so long, I thought I’d never see you again!" He laughed.
Anti finally moved, shoving the man off of him and taking a step back. "I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else."
"Are you kidding? I’d think I’d recognize my best friend."
"I’m sorry, but I have no idea who you are," Anti growled.
"It’s me, Sean! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for years." The man, Sean, reached out to Anti. Tears started to fall when he flinched away. "You just disappeared, and I was beginning to think- everyone thinks you’re dead, Chase."
"Anti," Yan said softly, wincing from the waves of intense emotion coming from the two men. "Who is this?"
"Anti? Your name is Chase!" Sean yelled. He grabbed his head, struggling to make sense of what was happening. "You’re my best friend! Fuck, we have matching tattoos!" He quickly rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, revealing a trident-shaped symbol. Yan recognized the symbol; they had seen it tattooed on Anti’s right arm before. Sean kept yelling, tears pouring down his face. "What happened to the friend who promised he’d always be there for me? What happened to the guy who would never abandon his family no matter how hard things got? What happened to you, Chase?"
"I'm not Chase," Anti snapped, low and dangerous. "Now, I need you to leave me alone before I do something I regret." 
Yan looked down to see his hand was glitching with red and green magic. "Anti." they grabbed his arm. "Please, don't."
Anti looked over at them, then back at Sean. "Yan, we're leaving." He turned to go.
"If you’re going to go, you should know Stacy remarried," Sean said. He averted his eyes from Anti, tears still falling down his face. "Nice guy, he’s a tennis instructor or something. The kids are doing well in school; Emma's been filling out college applications. They still ask about you sometimes. They do miss you, you know. Stacy too."
Anti stood for a moment. "Come on, Yan, let’s go home," he said, lifting an arm to wipe at his eyes with his sleeve. He walked away from Sean, not bothering to look back.
The walk back to Henrik's was tense. Neither said a word until they got back. Anti opened the door to the clinic, immediately locking eyes with Henrik, who was sitting at his desk going over the notes again. "How'd it go?" he asked, standing up. Anti stayed quiet, storming past him and wrenching open the trapdoor. He slammed it behind him, and moments later the two upstairs heard him start yelling. It was a heartbreaking sound, laced with anger and sorrow. The sound of anything he could get his hands on colliding with the floor soon followed.
"What happened to you out there?" Henrik said, wincing at the sound of something glass shattering below. 
Yan placed the box of ingredients on the desk, gently wiping fresh tears from their face. The emotion coming from Anti and Sean had been too much for their ever faltering emotion magic, and they had started crying from the sheer amount of sorrow coming from the two. "Everything at the store went fine. But on the walk back, we ran into a man named Sean," they spoke softly. They looked up at Henrik, seeing a flash of recognition on his face. "Henrik, who's Chase?"
Henrik sighed, gently removing his glasses and rubbing his face. "Chase is someone who Anti was a long, long time ago," he hesitated, looking down at Yan with regret. "It's not my place to tell you about his past. I'm sorry. You really deserve to know more, but-"
Yan held up their hand. "I understand." They pulled him into a hug.
Henrik froze at the sudden contact, then gently placed his arms around them. "It would probably be best if you went home. You don't want to see him like this."
Yan pulled back, giving a weak smile. "I'll see you next week. Call me when he's feeling better."
"Of course," Henrik said, watching as Yan walked out the door. As soon as they were gone, he sighed, leaning against his desk. He wanted nothing more than to get a drink, wait it out until Anti's rage faded, but he knew that wouldn't be good for either of them. He walked over to the center of the room, gently opening the trapdoor before heading down the stairs, bracing himself as the noises got louder. He gasped when he reached the bottom of the stairs.
The room was in complete disarray. All the books that had been precariously balanced on Anti’s desk were thrown to the ground, papers strewn everywhere. The desk chair was knocked over; all the dirty plates and glasses that he had hoarded in his room were in pieces on the floor. His knife was buried in its usual place in the wall next to the doorway. The only thing left untouched was the murky green jar on the desk, where Sam was repeatedly bumping his eye against the glass in an attempt to get Anti's attention.
Anti himself was hunched in the center of it all. His jacket and scarf were discarded on the floor. His sunglasses lay against the wall across the room, one of the lenses missing and the other shattered. His entire body was glitching. He was scratching at the wound on his neck. 
Henrik quickly moved next to Anti, careful not to kneel on any broken glass. "Are you alright?" He spoke softly. Anti breathed heavily, barely acknowledging the man beside him. Henrik reached out, gently placing a hand on his back and rubbing circles. Even through his gloves, it felt like touching a broken tv screen. Slowly, Anti's breathing evened out and he removed his hands from his neck.
It felt like an eternity before Anti spoke. "I miss them so much." 
"I know," Henrik said, barely above a whisper. 
Anti looked back at him, his mind racing with a million things to say. He decided to stay quiet, just this once. He leaned against Henrik, letting the silent sorrow wash over him.
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elleberquist6 · 6 years
Play Upon Me Like This Piano - chapter seventeen
Summary: In many ways, Phil’s life is perfect: he loves his life in London, he has a wonderful brother and parents, and he has a great job as a radio DJ for BBC Radio One. There’s only one thing missing in his life… A rumor reaches an executive at the BBC about a talented local piano player named Daniel. The executive decides that Daniel would be the perfect guest on Phil’s radio show, so she sends Phil to speak with the evasive and mysterious piano player.
When they finally meet, Phil starts to think that he has found the person who will make his life complete. Unfortunately, Dan has a secret that will make getting close to him difficult.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2079
Warnings: Smut
Siren fact: The Sirens appear in Greek’s oldest works of literature. Homer, Virgil, Pliny the Elder, Ovid, Seneca, and Hesiod all describe these bewitching singers. By the end of the Greek period, Grecian scholars had concluded that the women were no more than fable—yet their legend lived on for centuries after the Greek civilization crumbled away.
Writers as far back as William Shakespeare began to merge Sirens with mermaids, combining the sweet, vibrant appearance of the fish-maidens with the dreamy voice of the Sirens. Over time, the link between these two creatures has grown tighter. Today, it’s hard to find a feathered Siren in popular culture. Although the original Sirens have gone out of fashion, Siren-mermaid hybrids are still incredibly popular. They can be found in all sorts of works of fantasy. [https://mythology.net/greek/greek-creatures/siren/]
By the time they got in a cab to go to Phil’s home, the sun was glaring through the cab’s windows, sending a spike of pain into Dan’s head until he held his hand over his eyes. Peeking through his fingertips, he saw Phil watching him with his brow furrowed in concern. Dan asked, “What is it?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” Phil shook his head. He bit his lip as he looked at Dan for a moment before saying, “It’s just that the bruise is starting to set, and it looks really…”
“Oh? Do I look awful?” Dan asked. He hadn’t looked at himself in the mirror yet, but the skin around the cut on his head felt tender, and even the pressure of the butterfly bandages on it was almost too much. He felt awful, so he was sure he looked the same.
“I wouldn’t say that, I just…” Phil lifted his hand, and with the lightest of touches he shifted Dan’s curls aside to get a better look at the bruise. “I just hate that this happened to you. I wish I’d been there for you, so that none of this had happened. I just want to keep you safe.”
Carefully, Dan started to lean his cheek into Phil’s palm. When the touch didn’t make anything hurt, he rested his face against Phil’s hand. Dan said, “You did keep me safe last night. If you hadn’t found me and taken me to the hospital, who knows what would’ve happened. Maybe he’d have found me.”
Involuntarily, Dan shivered at the thought. Phil twitched in response as he felt it. He held Dan in a steady gaze as he assured him, “Nothing like that is ever going to happen again. I’m not going to let anyone take you away from me. You’re going to be okay.”
As he leaned against the wall in the hall outside Phil’s apartment, Phil searched his pockets for his keys. His movements were slow and sluggish, and Dan could tell how exhausted Phil was after a night of trying to be strong for both of them. When he finally found his keys, Phil made a stab for the lock twice, but missed it both times. He swayed on his feet and took a deep breath before looking at the lock with determination.
Silently, Dan stepped behind Phil, who looked curiously over his shoulder when he felt Dan standing close. “Let me help,” Dan said as he placed his hand over Phil’s, which was poised before the lock. His large hand swallowed Phil’s, and he guided the key into the lock and turned it. He gave Phil’s hand a squeeze before letting go. Phil was still staring at him, so Dan said, “I’m excited to see the inside of your place.”
“Oh, right. You’ve never been here before.” Phil turned the knob and pushed the door open.
Dan walked into Phil’s apartment with wide eyes as he took in the room. The hallway opened into the living room, so he could see a bit of the room from where he stood. There was a large gray sofa with a poster hanging above it. The poster looked familiar at a distance, so Dan walked closer until he was sure. He smiled as he said, “Muse.”
“Oh, yeah,” Phil said, his cheeks a bit pink as Dan observed his decorating style. “They were my favorite band when I was a teenager.”
“Mine too,” Dan said, his smile widening. He looked at the bookshelves beside the sofa next, seeing action figures, box sets of tv shows that Dan also loved, and numerous sets of board games. Dan gestured to them. “I love your things.”
Phil snorted and shook his head. “You don’t have to be nice. My house is a total nerd den, I know.”
“Really, I wish I had half this stuff,” Dan said as he reached out to touch a box set of Studio Ghibli movies. It was true. As a performer, he didn’t have a lot of disposable income. He didn’t even have a proper piano in his apartment, just a keyboard. Most of the money that was left over after he paid the bills went to purchasing nice clothes, and there was none left over to buy collectables like these.
Phil shook his head, though he smiled and looked pleased at Dan’s interest in his possessions. “If you’re that impressed by all this, I can’t wait until you see my bedroom.”
Dan was pretty sure that Phil had said that innocently, but he still narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Phil, you make me scared about what I’m going to see. Do you have a kinky sex toy collection? A mirror mounted to the ceiling? Am I about to walk into a Red Room?”
Phil’s face flushed fully at this, and he shook his head quickly. “No, no that’s not what I meant! Um, if you’re not too scared, I should just show you…”
Dan snorted and teased, “I’ll trust you not to scare me with the worst of your kinks right now. Okay, show me.”
Phil shook his head and led Dan to his bedroom with a smile. Once there, Dan’s eyes locked on the bed, and the blue and green duvet was too alluring, so he sat down with a sigh. Dan closed his eyes for a moment as his tense muscles relaxed. He felt it when Phil stepped closer and ran his fingers through his curly fringe. Phil asked, “Are you tired? Do you want to lie down?”
Dan opened his eyes and looked up, seeing the concern on Phil’s face. He shook his head slightly as he said, “I’m tired, but I can stay awake for a bit longer. What did you want to show me?”
“Oh, that…” Phil’s cheeks got a bit pink. “I was just joking when I said that I had something more interesting in here, I didn’t mean to bring you in here to show off, I was just…”
Dan smiled to reassure him. “I know you weren’t trying to brag. Phil, just show me please. I’m curious.”
Nodding, Phil walked over to the floating shelves mounted to the wall. They held minimal decorations – a scented candle, a succulent, and a few other items which Phil brought over to show him. As he sat down on the bed beside Dan, he handed him a comic book in a plastic sleeve. “This is my prized possession,” Phil explained as Dan examined the Buffy comic. “I met Joss Whedon at an event through the BBC, and he signed it for me.”
“That’s really cool,” Dan said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster, but it was getting difficult to keep his eyes open. He placed the comic on the bed between them and looked at the other items in Phil’s hands. “Is that a tiara?”
“A cat ear tiara,” Phil said, as he held up the black tiara so that Dan could get a better look at it. He eyed the top of Dan’s head like he wanted to place it there, but he thought better of it because of Dan’s injury and handed it to him instead. “Ariana Grande gave this to me. Wasn’t that nice of her?”
Dan smiled as he put the tiara on Phil. “She has good taste. It goes well with your hair.”
“You think I should wear them more often?” Phil said with a grin as he reached up to touch the cat ears perched on his head. “Is it a good look for me?”
“Mmm hmm,” Dan hummed in response. “You pull it off.” Then he nodded at the last item that Phil brought over from the shelf. “What’s that?”
“Oh, my golden headphone award.” Phil picked the headphones up from the bed to show Dan. “I was awarded them at the Sony Radio Academy Awards. When I got them I was kind of disappointed that the headphones can’t be repositioned so I can wear them.”
Dan smiled because of course that was what Phil thought about, rather than the glory of winning an award. He really was adorable.
Phil blinked when he noticed Dan staring at him. “What is it?”
“Nothing. I just realized how special you are,” Dan said as he shook his head.
“Oh, no, it’s not like that. Really, this award isn’t anything important and I wasn’t trying to show off.” Phil hastily hopped off the bed and returned the tiara, headphones, and comic book to the shelf on the wall. As he turned back to face Dan, he said, “I’m not anything special.”
“You are.” Dan patted the bed, hoping to encourage Phil to sit beside him. “Can we lie down please? I’m exhausted.”
“Of course!” Phil’s face lit with concern. He hurried to Dan’s side and quickly pulled back the sheets so that Dan could slip between them. Dan laughed as he had to remind Phil to take off his shoes and jeans before getting into bed, since he was so preoccupied with caring for Dan. Even when he rested his head on his pillow and his body relaxed, Phil seemed to fight to keep his eyes open so that he could watch Dan to be sure that he was okay.
Dan leaned in to place a kiss on Phil’s forehead. “I’m alright. Thanks to you. Go to sleep.”
Then he curled into Phil’s side as their breathing evened and sleep took them both.  
The next morning, the light streaming in the curtains in Phil’s bedroom window sent a lance of pain into Dan’s head. On any other morning, he would have stayed in bed longer to enjoy the feeling of the warm body beside him, but Dan couldn’t endure the pounding in his head. He crawled from the bed, careful not to wake Phil, and went to the kitchen where they left the bag of pills his doctor gave him.
As he waited for the pain pill to kick in, Dan also helped himself to a mug and the container of instant coffee in Phil’s cabinets, thinking that caffeine withdrawal would only make him feel worse. He popped the mug full of water into the microwave and leaned against the counter as he waited. His eyes passed over Phil’s kitchen, not noting much as the ache in his head distracted him, but his eyes lingered on the calendar held to the fridge. There was something written on this weekend. He walked closer to see it.
Across the boxes for Saturday and Sunday on the calendar, Phil had written in an excited scrawl: Meeting Mum, Mar and Corn in Brighton!
It felt like the floor had dropped out from under Dan’s feet. Phil hadn’t mentioned anything about taking a trip in a couple days. He had expected that Phil would be around for more than the next few days, while there was still a psycho on the loose. Not that Phil had promised to protect him or comfort him, but Dan had somehow come to depend on him, though the idea of depending on anyone for anything scared him. And now he knew why: whenever he started to depend on anyone, they let him down. Dan would just have to take care of himself.
As he started to walk back to the microwave, his forehead throbbed again and he touched the skin around the cut lightly. No, he couldn’t do it. Dan needed help right now. Even if the police took care of the kidnapper and Dan wasn’t physically hurt that badly, he couldn’t take care of himself. He needed Phil’s support emotionally right now.
And was asking for help really that hard?  
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moonylupin3576-blog · 7 years
Draco- Family Holiday
Draco heard stirring coming from his bedside. The morning sun hadn’t even begun to rise. He slowly opened his grey eyes to see his daughter Ariel. The two year old’s tiny balled fists wiping away tears. She was shaking in her favourite silk emerald green nightgown.Her long platinum hair was still neatly braided. “ What's wrong my princess?” He whispered not wanting to wake up his wife. “ I had a bad dream. I’m scared.” Draco quickly pulled the covers off of himself. He picked Ariel up. “Shhh. Daddy is here my darling no need to be afraid. You want to sleep with mummy and I?” Ariel nodded her grip tightly around Draco’s neck. Draco gently laid her down beside him making sure to tuck her in. “ Daddy, sing.” The little girl begged still upset. Her greatest comfort was her father’s voice. “ Okay princess. Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, Never to part, Baby of mine.” Draco slowly falling asleep to the song he was singing.
The morning started as Leo his eldest came running into the room at the crack of dawn. “ Mummy! Daddy! Wake up!” The patter of his small feet against the hardwood made little smacking noises. Draco opened his eyes. Leo stood practically vibrating with excitement at the foot of the bed. His Thomas the train pajamas worn out from wearing them every night. “ Leo, it’s too early my little man.” Draco muttered pulling the covers closer to his neck.Draco’s wife Y/N chimed in. “ Come here darling. Relax in bed with Daddy and I.” Leo furrowed his brow. “ We have to get ready!” Draco gave a perplexed look to his son. What did he have to get ready for? “Today we go on Holiday!” Leo cheered. That's right. Draco finally had a week off of work. He had booked the family a trip to Greece. Leo was obsessed with airplanes, trains and boats. So, he booked a muggle flight, train from the airport and, a boat ride in Greece. For weeks Leo and Ariel woke up every morning to check the countdown calendar. It would be the first family holiday. With his Wizengamot bonuses and a raise for all of his hard work. Draco could finally afford to pay for a holiday without anyone’s help.“ Darling come here. We won’t be going till after breakfast. I will put on the tele in the living room. Let daddy sleep in.” Ariel heard tele and wanted be involved and ran out of bed along with Leo. Y/N gave Draco a quick kiss. “ Go back to bed Darling. It’s your first day off.” “Nonsense.” He hastily replied pulling the sheets off of himself. “ I want to have a relaxing morning with my family. I’m always awake before everyone. I’ll be lovely.”
Y/N giggled as Draco sat with a child in each arm on the couch watching muggle cartoons. She couldn't tell who was more interested Draco or her two small children. After breakfast had been eaten and served Y/N began getting ready for the flight. Y/N had meticulously prepared everything days in advance. Every suitcase was packed. Every toy for the flight neatly in Ariel and Leo’s rucksacks. “ Draco, Darling. Can you get Leo dressed? The cab will be her in 45 minutes.” Draco nodded. “ Come on Leo, let's get ready to ride the Airplane!” Leo’s expressive grey eyes lit up. “ This is the best day of my life!” Leo bolted up the stairs on all fours as fast as he could.
Arriving at the airport was simple enough. Leo and Ariel sat silently stunned watching the planes on the runway. “ Although it might have been easier to not use muggle transit but, seeing them like this makes it worth it.” Draco said with a adoring smile looking at his children. Y/N smiled. Fatherhood suited Draco so well. “ Now boarding Flight 714 to Greece.” The loudspeaker boomed. “ Okay Ariel hold my hand. Leo! Stay by Daddy and I!” Y/N yelled as Leo started to make a B line for the gate. “ We will miss the plane Mummy!” Leo yelled worried. Draco raced up to grab his hand. “You don’t want to get on the plane without mummy and daddy right? We need to stay together.” Leo nodded squeezing Draco's hand.
Leo and Ariel were the quietest they had ever been. Each passing cloud was fascinating. When they arrived in Greece the children cheered. “ Are we gunna ride the boat Daddy?” Leo asked pulling his hand. “ Yes buddy. Slow down we have to wait for you mother and sister. We don’t want to loose them.” a letter had arrived a couple of days before their departure that the hotel had overbooked and couldn’t have them. Draco’s recently reconciled parents insisted they stay at their Greek villa. When Draco tried to talk them out of it they wouldn’t hear it. Only the best for their grandchildren. The island was just off the coast and was popular among wizarding families.
Y/N clipped the two children into their life jackets. “ Look Mummy! The water is blue! Oh isn’t it pretty Mummy! Look how big this boat is! It can fit all 1,2,3,4 of us! This is the bestest day.” Leo said beaming with excitement. Y/N smiled brushing his platinum hair away from his face. “ Yes my darling. Be careful around the edges. Don’t want you to fall in.” “ Swim! Swim!” Ariel said looking at the sea her eyes reflecting the crystal waters. “ Later my little lovely. Mummy and I will take you.” Draco said sitting Ariel back down in her seat. The boat started heading away from the shore. The children looked at the island’s horizon heading closer to the shore.  The Malfoy Villa could instantly be seen it was front and centered and very grand. The traditional white building had a domed roof painted a beautiful mediterranean blue.
The house was more beautiful then Y/N could have imagined. The grand entry way was decorated in greek art and architecture. A small fountain entertained the children while Draco and Y/N put on their sunscreen. The two toddlers ate their sandwiches as fast as their little faces could. They were excited to go to the beach. “ You lot, slow down! You’ll give yourself a tummy ache. Then, the beach won’t be any fun.” Y/N said handing them each a cup of water. “ Draco, could you mind them while I change.” “ No problem lovely.” The children reluctantly slowed down their eating. “ I’ll take Ariel upstairs to change her in master. Can you put Leo in his suit? Good luck!” Draco nodded watching Y/N scoop up a giggling Ariel. As Y/N headed up the stairs Draco looked at Leo. How hard could putting a toddler in a swimsuit be?
Draco finally got Leo in his red swim trunks. Leo tried in vain to take off his long sleeve swim top. Letting out frustrated whining noises trying to rub off the sunscreen Draco had put on his face. Draco had fought death eaters but, dressing and putting sunscreen on a screaming squirming toddler was somehow harder. “ You look handsome young man. Leave it on Leo.” Leo stuck his tongue out and threw his sandals across the room in protest. Draco smiled letting out a sigh.Ariel came waddling down the white marble stairs. “ Daddy!” Her long blonde hair was in two French braids. Her small swimsuit was white with large rainbow polka dots. The suit down to the ruffled skirt bottoms was covered by a white long sleeve swim top. “ You look lovely my princess!” Draco scooped Ariel up causing her to giggle loudly. “ Darling?! Have you seen Leo’s goggles?!” Y/N called from the top of the stairs. Draco looked up. Y/N wore a elegant halter topped wine red one piece swimsuit. It hugged her every curve. A sheer white cover up tied around her waist. A large white sun hat sat atop her long hair. White framed round glasses covered her Y/E/C eyes from the sun. “ Draco?” Y/N waved her slender hand to catch her husband’s attention. Draco gave a sly smile. “ You look gorgeous my lovely.” Draco took the opportunity to pull Y/N into a hug his soft platinum hair tickled Y/N’s neck as he placed his head on her shoulder.  Y/N giggled at the attention she was getting. “ Draco. The kids are waiting to go to the beach.” Draco pulled her closer. “Make ‘em wait.”
The white sand beach was beautiful. The crystal clear blue waters was calm. The gentle moving tide was perfect for little toes to play in. The water was decorated with an colours of corals, fish and other sealife. “ Okay you two. Stay with Mummy and I when you are in the water. Don’t wander on your own and- Leo don’t eat the sand!” Draco’s safety speech was short lived as he saw his son trying to eat a tiny fist full of sand. Holding his little fists and making him drop it. The beach wasn’t overcrowding. The wizarding families on the island unpacked their beach bag with ease as enhanced items flew perfectly into place. Leo was in love with the water since the first bath he ever had. The water calmed him when he was upset and made him feel better when he was sick. Draco and Y/N dipped into their savings to make sure he got swimming lessons. Without any help he put on his goggles and pulled Draco towards the tide. “ Lets go Daddy! Swim with me!” Draco smiled as he helped Leo into the cool shallow waters. Draco was impressed by Leo’s swimming abilities. Since he worked during the days he wasn’t able to watch swimming lessons as Y/N did. Draco turned to the shore. Ariel wasn’t too sure how she felt about the water. She clung to her mother’s coverup placing one tiny foot into the water. Ariel was startled by the tide coming in putting both of her feet into the water. She bursted into tears. Draco wanted to come to the shore to comfort her but, Y/N had it handled. Y/N sat where the tide was and sat Ariel on her lap. To help her calm down she would count down to when the water would splash her barely covering her small legs. She found it immensely fun to count down with Y/N before they would yell. “ Splash!”
Draco had to pull a reluctant Leo out of the water. It had been almost two hours. Leo shivered walking to his mother and sister. “ Leo! How was your swimming with Daddy?” Y/N asked quickly wrapping the toddler in a towel. “ Daddy and I had fun!” He said now getting warmer. Draco picked up a bundle up Ariel who began laughing. “ You were so brave my princess! You faced your fear and had fun with Mummy! I think this calls for ice cream!” The two children began to cheer but, Leo looked at his mother. “ Before Dinner?” The rule was no sweets before dinner. Y/N smiled. “ Because you two have been so good and brave we’ll have ice cream before dinner.” Leo and Ariel looked at each other like they were getting away with crime. Y/N and Draco looked at each other a bursted into laughter.
The walk to the ice cream shoppe was fast. Mostly because the children were vibrating with excitement. Usually to not complicate matters Y/N would give them a choice between chocolate and Vanilla. Since it was vacation she let her kids pick out whatever weird flavour their little hearts desired. Leo chose bubblegum and Ariel chose candy floss. Soon their little faces were sticky and covered in dried ice cream. They couldn’t have cared less. Surprisingly, neither did Y/N. She smiled watching how simple joys like ice cream after the beach could, to her children be what life is all about.
As the sun went down on their first day of holiday Draco couldn't help it but, his heart felt heavy knowing these days in Greece would be numbered. The night air made the sheer curtains dance as Draco sat in bed with his two toddlers. They were exhausted from the long day of travel. They had fought sleep for the last hour. “ Leo, Ariel it’s time for bed.” The children let out a whine. “ When you wake up we are going to go on a boat ride. It will be fun but, you won’t have fun if you're sleepy, right?” The children nodded. One by one Y/N took them into the next room. The tiny toddlers seems so much smaller in the two queen sized beds in the guest bedroom.
Draco sat peacefully on the white stone balcony. The horizon was a sea of warm yellow and orange light. The reflection off the white houses with Mediterranean blue made the island look like it was straight out of a picturesque postcard. Draco placed his cup a tea on the glass table. He hadn’t felt peace like this in years. The chaos of the war, his growing family, and his job at the ministry left little room for peace. His happiest moments were spent at night. Peaceful nights in the astronomy tower with Y/N. Lazy Sunday evenings with his children and, coming home after work to the warm glow of the kitchen window letting him know his family was waiting for him. After recently reconciling with his parents, he finally felt true happiness. This holiday was just what his soul needed. Draco couldn’t wait to see what lay ahead in the next coming days of his family holiday.
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sogcajh-smut-blog · 6 years
♡I Have A Feeling I’ll Remember This♡
DM requests our little horndogs♡
Theme: College, frat party, drunk sex
Word Count: 2960
I've never been much of a party person. Yes, it’s a cliche, but I’d much rather lay down on my bed with a fuzzy blanket and a good book. Nevertheless, it’s not like I ever get the opportunity to do that. I’m either writing a paper for environmental biology class, or doing a research project on Greek philosophers. It feels like everyday, something new is due, and it stresses me the fuck out. Understandably, after finals, I wanted to take it easy, drink plenty of hot cocoa, sleep, and binge watch “Gilmore Girls,”  all break, but Elena had different plans.
“Get up” I heard a harsh voice from reality peak in to my dream world, “Now! Out of bed, I mean it” the voice got louder, I half opened my eyes. Much to my dismay I saw a made up, sexed up Elena, my roomate.
“I arranged a party while you were napping. At least one of us in this dorm is doing something productive” She said snarkily
Defending myself, I managed to croak out,
“Excuse you, but I was napping, and personally, I found it very productive”
“Yea, yea. Anyways, get ready, people are going to show up in about 20. We’ll be drinking to the end of finals and the break Just about all of us Sophomores will be there, ya better look good” I grumble
“No pressure” she said in a sing songy voice, skipping out of my room.
I pulled a sweater over my skimpy tank top following her in to the living room. All of the furniture was pushed to the side, two of Elena’s friends (who were also insanely popular) sat at the couch, a keg was in the middle if the room and a big ass speaker that I didn't know we owned sat behind it, with a disco ball light to add a party vibe.
“What the fuck Elena! I thought we agreed, you can't just invite a million people over here to throw a keg party” I scowled at her, angry, but not surprised
“Actually I can, and I did” she giggled, and her two minions on the couch did the same.
I paced around the room.
“ If you get caught you better tell them I had nothing to do with this! I just wanted a relaxing break---”
“Shut. Up. Dont stress me out, it’s bad for my skin, number one. You can just go and chill in your room,number two. It’s no biggie!” she listed
“Actually yes, it’s a very big biggie, it’s a biggie of monstrous proportions”
“Ah ah ah, what did I tell you about the skin?” she asked. I rolled my eyes.
“Listen, if you let me throw this thing without telling anyone, I’ll give you money, What do you want, ten? Twenty?” “Stop your bribes Elena. I’m just going back to my room, and you owe me one. Big time!”
I stormed and locked the door behind me, picked up “Little Women”, which I was re-reading for the third time, and sat on my bed, planning to stay there all night. By the time I got to chapter two I started to hear the speakers blasting shitty pop music, and the voices of many a tipsy sophomores. As mad as I was at Elena, I do recognize that she can throw a party. Naturally, I just kept reading. You know how time flies when you're having fun, I experience that hardcore with reading, I told myself I would go to bed by ten, but by that time it was already 11:00. After finishing the chapter i decided that it was time for beddy-beddy-bye-bye, but the music was pumped up all the way and I could hear the frat boys chanting “Chug! Chug! Chug!.” Eventually I decided that even I couldn't, the deepest sleeper I know, couldn't sleep in these conditions. With a frustrated sigh I changed into my blue velvet nightgown, let my hair down from a tight bun and removed my makeup, planning to just lay in bed until things slowed down a little. I flopped back on my bed after switching off every light but a dimly lit one on my night table and picked my book backup. I began reading until I heared the door knob rattling. Probably just some drunk boys I thought, not worried because I had locked the door, but to my surprise the door opened, light and music poured in to my once peaceful room. “Damnit, I thought I locked the door. It must be broken! Tonight out of all nights, seriously” I said without looking up, examining the lock.
“Uh---sorry, I don't realize someone was in here” I heard a gravelly voice say.
“It’s fine, it’s my fault” i say with a rushed voice as i slowly look up. Standing before me is a tall man, with long muscles that were slightly defined under his clothing. He had dark brown hair and a creamy colored skin. Something about his face made me feel like he was the most attractive boy I had ever laid my eyes on. My breath hitched.
“Hi” i said shyly, looking down, and blushing, I’m sure. I suddenly became very aware of how small my nightgown seemed. “Hey” he laughed.
Continuing, he explained “Sorry I came in, I was just looking for a place to chill for a second, get away from the flashy lights and music”
“Um, I have a mini fridge” I said awkwardly pointing at my fridge. “If you want something to eat, you can hang out here for a second”
“Yeah!  Sure. Thanks” He said, still standing.
“You can sit on the chair” i uncomfortabley pointed to a chair.
“Are you sure, I can go”
“ No, no,It’s fine. I mean I should at least meet one new person if I’m having a party at my place” I put two pieces of cold hawaiian pizza on the night table between us.
“So this isn't really your thing either?”
“Yeah, not really. More my roomates”
“My friends dragged me here, I guess that's what happens when your in a fraternity, plus half of them have banged this Elena chick”
Have you?” Shit, I realized, that was a bad thing to ask. “I mean, never mind”
Of course he had, I thought, he was so hot, and she was just up his alley. I couldn't compete with girls like her.
“Nah” he chuckled “Not really my type”
“Yeah” i asked “ What is your type?”
“I dont really know, I’m Adam by the way”
“Oh” hot name I thought. There was an awkward pause in the conversation.
“Oh” I laughed, catching on, “I’m Anabel” I said looking away.
He took a bite of the pizza.
“Good pizza”
“Nah, it’s actually really bad, you don't have to pretend, it’s kinda old”
Laughing, he sat down next to me on my bed. He looked at me, studying my face.
“Whatcha lookin at” I teased him, trying to move the conversation along
“Your very pretty Anabel” he said frankly.
I smiled and shook my head.
“I mean it, I think you’re my type”
“Did you have some beer out there mister” I asked, trying to change the subject
“Nah, I wish though”
“Ok, go get two cans” I said, throwing caution to the wind.
He raised his eyebrows at me.
“Really, I didn't really pin you as there beer type”
“Oh yeah, I love cracking open a cold one with the boys”” i said exaggerating the truth.
He promptly came back with two beers in hand
I cracked mine open, and chugs some down. Yes I had a schedule for the break that did not include being hung over, but men make me crazy.
“So tell me about yourself Anabel, where are you from”
And that's where the conversation took off, It kept getting more and more in depth as we probed each and every layer of each others very existence. We talked for a couple hours before we had both had enough beers to be substantially tipsy. Look at me, a typical college girl. We got into the topics of exes after I said some unflattering things about Tyler previously.
“So tell me more about this Tyler”
“Well, we dated for 2 years, then I got into Colombia” I said pointing around me “obviously, and he wanted me to give it up”
“What do you mean”
“He basically told me he wouldn't even try to work things out if I left town to come to college here” i said frowning slightly “Hey” I laughed “his loss, I mean I was great to him. He was a shitty boyfriend, he was never there, and when he was all he wanted was sex. And he wasn't even good at it” i said flailing my arms in the air, eyes half open, practically making myself fall back onto the bed. I was a lightweight.
“It always ends up that way, huh?” he said a lot more composed than me. He wasn't a lightweight.
“ That the bad guys always get the good girls”
“I guess” I responded “I mean, they guy never once got me to climax” I open up a lot when drunk.
“Not once in two years?!” Adam said with an astonished voice.
“I know right, and he would get all mad if I ever brought it up, it was pretty toxic!” I vented.
“Sounds it, I would never treat a girl like that”
“ I know” i said, “You mister” I put my pointer finger against his chest, “are a good egg”
He chuckled.
“What do you think he did wrong” Adam asked
“ I don't know, It just always felt rushed, and like he was just serving himself. He didn't care about me.”
“That's not fair, it pisses me off”
“It's fine, and he's the only guy I’ve ever dated, so the only person whose made me cum is myself” i said
“I could make you cum” he said abruptly “if you want, I mean your drunk right now, I am too, but if you want”
“Get me another beer pretty boy” I said, trying to defer the offer.
He looked let down, but did as told.
Ever since I had been with Tyler I had felt like shit about myself, even when I was drunk I could still feel uncomfortable. Adam returned.
“Sorry if I scared you with what I said earlier” he said in a rushed voice
“That's ok, I was actually thinking” opening the can “I really should have sex, kinda like a therapeutic experience, I mean, I’ve only ever had bad sex”
“Yeah, a therapeutic experience” he repeated
“Plus you're really hot, I mean really hot”
He smiled
“You too, in a sexily adorable kind of way” he said  touching my arm “I’m glad I stumbled in here” I nodded, then we just stared at each other for a second. It wasn't strained or awkward, it was actually pretty romantic.
He looked at me as our faces got closer, and my eyes fluttered shut as we shared the most incredible electric kiss I had ever had in my life. Even when I was drunk, I could tell it was fire. He deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into my mouth, I had never frenched before, but after a while I got the hang of it. He tasted like beer, in the sexiest of ways. He slowly moved over me as we lay horizontally on my bed.
“Wait” I said, breaking the kiss. I hopped up and made sure to lock the door this time, and went back to him. He laughed and stroked my cheek, looking into my eyes with his smoldering dark ones.
“You know what sucks” i managed to say between open mouthed kisses “is that I might not even remember this”
“I have a feeling you will” he said before kissing my collar bone. I ran my hands through his hair. I finally understood why Elena lived like she did, drunkenly hooking up with college boys was really fun. He worked his way down to the lace on the bust of my nightgown and put his hand behind my back lifting me up a little as to allow the straps to fall off my shoulders. All he needed to do was pull it off, I was nervous, I couldn't imagine how I would feel sober.
He pulled the dress down half way revealing my breasts, which were never amazingly large, but one of my only body parts that I liked. He let out a deep raspy breath as he cupped my breasts and ran his thumbs lightly over my nipples, giving me goosebumps.
“Now this is where our friend Tyler went wrong” he explained “I’ll bet you never really touched you, slowly, or watched to see how you responded, to see what you like” I nodded, releasing a shaky breath as he whisped his hands up and down my stomach, skillfully pulling off my whole nightgown, leaving me naked under his touch. He slowly dragged the back of his hand down right under my belly button as he kissed me. He then trailed wet, open mouth kisses down  my breasts, circling my nipples, before he played with them with his tongue. I breathed in a harsh breath, he began to work his way down to my navel, hands under my ass and low back, on his knees off the bed, with me lying on the bed and his head between my legs.
“Did Tyler ever eat you out” he asked
I shook my head.
“Wow, sounds like a dick, but I’m here now” he said right before he spread his fingers to open my slit, he pumped one finger agonizingly slowly, in and out, flicking his tongue right under my clit. I moaned quietly, he began pumping faster curling fingers. I started breathing faster.
She tasted like no other girl, and watching her was a fantasy. Her shining brown hair as she tilted her head to the side, squinting her eyes and holding back moans was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. Her fingers gripped onto my hair, pulling my face deeper into her, as I pumped my fingers faster. I’d seen her around school aside from today, and I knew that I wanted her. I brought my mouth up to her swollen clit, and slowly flicked my tongue against it, scraping my teeth along it before I pulled away and used my free hand to rub it, hard. Speaking of hard, I was so hard at this point. Just watching her read in that little blue nightgown got me going earlier. I felt her walls begin to clench, and her breathe quickened as she came all over my hand. Her moans were soft, but uncontrolled. I continued to pump before I was sure I had ridden it out for as long as possible, then I lifted my hand to my mouth to taste. I moved through her legs and up to her face, her eyes still closed from her orgasm I kissed her gingerly.
“Took a while to come back” I teased her,
“Gosh, having someone else making you come is a lot better” she muttered.
“Who would've thought” I whispered, flipping to lay down next to her on the bed.
“Hey, you know what's not fair” she asked
“No, what”
“I’m laying here completely naked and vulnerable, and there you are, fully clothed.” she pouted. She has nothing to feel vulnerable about I thought.
“We can fix that” I said, taking off my shirt. She leaned over and fumbled with my belt, failing to open the latch. I took it off, chuckling at her. She moved on top of me sitting on my abs, and leaned over to kiss me as she unbuttoned my pants. I slid them off leaving me in my boxers, which were promptly removed, and added to the growing pile of clothing. I was naked, with her, and I was big as I’d ever been, she made me this hard.
“Wow, Tyler doesn't compare” she whispered under her breathe looking at me.
“Can I’ I asked her,  she nodded, and I entered her.
God she felt good, so tight and wet, all for me. I held her hips and slowly lead them up and down. Above me she kept moving her head with her eyes closed out of pleasure, I reached up and circled her nipples with my thumbs. Leaning down to kiss me, she moaned into my neck to go faster. I started bringing her hips down my forcefully, causing a smack sound whenever our skin met, but I couldn't care if the whole college heard, This was the best time Id ever had during sex. My hands wandered up and down her body until settling on her clit, rubbing lightly.
“Holy shit” I hissed, as I felt her tighten around me.
“Are you close?” I asked
She nodded and moaned in response, I started bringing her down on me deeper and faster, making sure to hit her g-spot. She was a moaning mess as she came for a second time, I released into the condom, and slowed down looking up to kiss her.
“You were right” she said, panting as she recovered from her orgasm “ I am going to remember this.” She slid off of me, layed next to me, and nuzzled into my chest as I stroke her hair and dragged my fingers along her back and she dozed off into sleep. I felt very content that she knew what it felt like to be cared for, and I had a gut sense that this wasn't the last I would see of her. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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matchingvnecks · 7 years
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Andrew Rannells: Girls’ Best Friend
As Girls enters its finale season, we visit its resident gay best friend Andrew Rannells for a look at how his career has evolved — along with his character on the hit series.
There’s no missing Andrew Rannells. From the instant he strides onstage in the current Broadway revival of Falsettos, you’ll notice that, at 6’1”, he towers over his costars. Put his bearded face on a product, and it would move a mountain of Brawny towels or sell enough cans of Manwich to feed an army. Clean-shaven — as Rannells is onstage tonight — he radiates a post-fratboy glow that still find him playing parts a decade younger than his 38 years. Rannells’ evolution from fresh to familiar face has been like watching an languid summer afternoon roll by. He’s gracefully lept from Promise Ring roles like Elder Price, which he originated in the hit musical The Book of Mormon, to more acerbic characters like Elijah, the one-man Greek chorus who appears to pamper (then puncture) the inflated egos of the galpals who populate the beloved HBO series, Girls. It’s not easy, he says, but “I know my skill set and my strengths. I just do what I do.” Stage vs. Screen In demand on two coasts, Rannells has a Red Bull-binge awareNess that this is his moment, and he’s determined to make the most of it. Much of the time, he ricochets from sitcom sets to the stages of Broadway stage. These days he’s wrapping up Girls’ sixth and final season. Between that and Falsettos, Rannells briefly stepped in to play King George in Hamilton when Jonathan Groff left to finish the Looking film finale. One can’t help but wonder how long Rannells thinks it’s possible to maintain this bustling bi-coastal, multi-media lifestyle — and whether one career path must ultimately win out. ”Well, theater will always be nearest and dearest,” Rannells muses. “It’s where I feel most comfortable and in control and happiest.” He knows it’s rare to be in such demand that he can pick and choose between theater and TV projects. But his coworkers and representation have long become accustomed to Rannell’s need to alternate between screen and stage: “They understand,” he says with certainty. “I need this to recharge.” Despite living in a maelstrom of activity, Rannells remains remarkably polite, grateful and calm. Why? “I’m fortunate to be a gay man at a time when there are great roles to play,” he explains. “I’ve been lucky that way, because I have no issue playing gay men — since I am one — as long as there’s a good script. You just have to find the right ones.” Finding His People Rannells attributes his breezy optimism to his Irish/Polish origins in Omaha, Nebraska, where he was born fourth of five children. Neither oldest nor youngest, Rannells had to distinguish himself somehow; theater quickly became his ticket out of obscurity. “I was not initially very outgoing,” he admits, “but through my involvement with theater, I gradually became more comfortable. “I do remember back in kindergarten I developed a strange little clique that lasted up through eighth grade,” he says, flashing that megawatt smile. “Three guys who eventually came out as gay. Obviously that was a godsend, because they were accepting of me and I of them — even though being gay was never openly spoken about. It was, somehow, something we understood between the three of us. I mean, I remember lip-syncing to Cher in my friend’s basement.” Rannells attended an all-boys Catholic high school where “it took me a second to find my people. But eventually I made a great group of friends, some of whom I’m still in touch with,” he recalls. “While it was all-male, it was also a Jesuit school, where the teachings are ones of acceptance and there’s a lot of room for interpretation of the scriptures.” As a teen, Rannells became a familiar fixture on local stages, and by 18 he’d landed a string of voice-over parts and a commercial spoofing Grease opposite a young Amy Adams. But New York was always tugging at his sleeve, and so — with little more than the zeal to perform — Rannells moved East and began parlaying his voiceover experience into directing cartoons for Fox and Warner Brothers. “I did Sonic the Hedgehog,” he laughs, “along with many others. I directed the voiceover portion. So there I was at 23, trying to get performances out of actors making these Saturday morning cartoons and trying to sync to the originals when we dubbed them over from Japanese.” At the same time, the sense of treading water gnawed at him, until finally something snapped, he says. “I was going deeper and deeper into debt; so I thought I’d see if could just get anywhere by auditioning.” Rannells quit school and began seeing casting agents.
Saying “Hello!” to Broadway In 2002, Rannells was cast to play the title role in an Austin, Texas production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch. The show was a runaway hit and quickly ballooned from a four-week to a four-month run. He walked away with the local scene’s award for best actor in a musical. That was heartening, but only a hint of things to come. “My big break,” Rannells always says, “came from Hairspray.” “I was an understudy for nine months — then to get to be a lead on Broadway was something amazing.” By then, Hairspray was already in its third year; so although he could finally call himself a Broadway song-and-dance man, Rannells wasn’t exactly hot on the radar of industry professionals who could put him in bigger parts. His whole universe shifted again when the actor learned about a hush-hush project being assembled by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park. Rannells says he landed the lead in The Book Of Mormon the old fashioned way: by auditioning. “The people behind the show were very secretive, and all we really knew was: that it was about the Mormon church, it was a musical, and that Trey Parker and Matt Stone were doing it.” He heard that the producers were replacing the actor who’d played the role of Elder Price at early readings. “It was really fast,” he says. “It was three auditions: … Something clicked, and I was cast.” Soon after opening, the show became the hottest ticket in town. “I had no idea that it would become what it has,” Rannells admits, “but it was so funny and so smart, I knew we were going to have a very solid audience. It was a surprise that it’s as universal a hit as it has become, that it’s still running and traveled to Salt Lake City.” The Book of Dunham Book of Mormon also allowed Rannells to look for TV roles filmed in NYC. So he took an initially-peripheral role in Girls as Elijah, ex-boyfriend to Hannah (played by series star and creator Lena Dunham). Elijah comes out to her as gay in the show’s third episode. Then, two years into the run of Mormon, Rannells took a vacation during TV pilot season and dashed to LA, where he threw himself into a series of meetings. One of them was with Ryan Murphy, the maestro behind Glee and American Horror Story. “I learned he was working on a show about gay parents [based on Murphy’s own life], and I asked him about it. I had this strange moment of confidence. I thought, ‘I don’t know much about this, but I want to be a part of it.’” A month later, he got the offer to play Murphy’s alter-ego in The New Normal. Rannells had two seasons under his belt playing bestie to the ladies of Girls; so he was understandably itchy to play a lead. He met with Dunham and series producer Judd Apatow. “They said of course I had to try this.” Despite the magic of the Murphy name, The New Normal struggled to find its audience. The challenge was evident: Shows like Modern Family and Will & Grace proved that America could embrace gay characters, but were network audiences ready for a show where gay people were central rather than showcased for spice or comic relief? Normal was cancelled at the end of its first season. When asked if the show was ahead of its time, Rannells is quick to respond: “That’s exactly what I think. Modern Family was very successful and Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Eric Stonestreet were hugely popular; so it seemed like a good time for a show like ours. But New Normal was principally about gay people trying to have a baby, and Justin Bartha and I were the focus. We had a great cast with Ellen Barkin, Bebe Wood and the rest, but — at its heart — it was the gay couple’s story. Maybe it was too soon for that.”
The show ended, but Rannells didn’t miss a beat. In no time, he says, “Lena offered me my job back on the third season of Girls and it’s been great to be back and see Elijah grow and evolve.” In fact, Elijah has since gone on to become one of the most multi-layered gay characters ever put on a television screen. He’s dealt with issues of sexual fluidity — sleeping with Allison Williams’ character Marnie, and when Hannah’s Dad came out as gay late in life, he turned to Elijah for comfort and counsel. Most recently, Elijah grappled with his desire for monogamy while dating a decidedly non-monagamous TV personality (played by House of Cards alum Corey Stoll). In a show that relies on irresponsible antics for its humor, Elijah often ends up the only adult in the room. “This season, I’m looking forward to showing even more different parts of Elijah. He’s no longer the messy friend, you know?” Rannells offers. “And there’s the storyline with Cory Stoll, where I get to continue to try to be more grown up and proud. Of course, Elijah still observes the girls just as the audience does, and I still get to call them out on their B.S. and being narcissistic.” Getting Bigger Dreams Rannells is now weighing his options for the future, since Girls will soon say goodbye and the lights of Falsettos won’t stay lit forever. “It’s like Oprah says, once you’ve achieved a dream, you’ve got to get bigger dreams,” he reasons. “That’s sort of been my approach. You get where you wanted to go, and move the line several steps.” It’s worth noting that Rannells’ star has risem parallel to the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the beginning of marriage equality. Unlike generations before him, he was not as seriously faced with the possibility that being openly gay and playing gay characters could threaten his career. But he’s wary that the incoming Trump administration may yet prove a danger to that kind of freedom. “What to do? “My plan is to stay vigilant,” he says.
Now when he’s asked if playing gay characters has limited him, Rannells sets the doubters straight: “I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone ask straight guys if it’s limiting playing a straight guy. I know a lot of gay roles are played by straight people, and if they’re the best people for the job — well, fine. But playing gay? I have a little insight into that.” The final season of Girls premieres Sunday, February 12 on HBO. Visit hbo.com for more details.
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