#like i dont Want to draw 'full illustrations' or 'finished pieces'
magickedhat · 2 years
i can either be normal abt wren’s parents OR create an entire webcomic series abt them. guess which one im inevitably falling into
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qqlimnn · 1 year
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wet cat needs a towel or something
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bluemooniegif · 7 months
hi! this is very random so please feel free to dismiss this but i really admire the way you discuss bsd and the works associated with the characters and i want to ask your opinion on something!
i am an art student majoring in illustration, and for one of my classes we've been assigned to create a full book sleeve for a classic book. we had to choose a few from a list to thumbnail out but we were also allowed to pick one or two books off of the list. normally, we aren't allowed to do fanart pieces for any of our classes but naturally i was like this is the perfect oppurtunity to do subtle bsd fanart!
i ended up deciding on wanting to no longer human since i just finished reading it not too long ago
i dont have any bsd friends irl or mutuals on here, so i wanted to see if you may have any ideas on a potential book cover (thats also just thinly vieled dazai fanart),, again no worries if not this is a pretty random request so i get it
anon I am so sorry to have let you down with my reply, I kinda forgot tumblr asks existed again ;-; I hope you did well with your assignment, I would've chosen NLH too! now let me try to make it up to you and respond as if I got this ask a few hours ago!
when I hear "No Longer Human illustration" my mind immediately goes to Junji Ito's manga adaptation. without knowing what your style looks like or how you go through the process of making art, I think of Ito's full-page spreads straight away. something about the chaos, the fine detail, and the balance of it all really draws me in. I think it beautifully captures the subtle horrors of this story and draws them to the attention of the reader in that classic style of his.
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in terms of what to actually include on the cover, I have a few ideas that walk the line between dazai fanart and nlh-inspired:
needles: a nod to Mersault and Yozo's addiction. indicates dark themes and a story of one's life told via addiction (to which you could argue, Yozo was always addicted to something. I'm sorry, aot will always be within me now)
a glass of whiskey: incites buraiha, both fictional and real, and again, one of Yozo's addictions.
cigarettes and/or matches; match boxes (say it with me... addiction!)
a gravestone: odasaku; the general vibe of death
it'd also be cool to make the cover look like one of Yozo's comics, but instead of depicting his characters, depict Yozo (or even Dazai!), though this runs the risk of looking too cartoonish. or maybe a rendition of his most perfect self-portrait?
perhaps a portrait that reflects not only Yozo, Dazai (fictional) or Dazai (real), but whoever looks at it? a portrait to reflect the reader, and humanity?
I ramble. I hope this will make up for my late reply, at least!
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ma-mariarie243 · 9 months
The year is almost over, so to celebrate ill show the history of my art throughout this year!!
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As you can see, my art has improved a lot hehe
Under the cut will be the full pieces, along with my thoughts on them (this will be long)
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my first art of 2023, i really like it. It shows my improvement. During this time, i was learning to draw more anime-like things. I took great inspiration from shizu (or is it shidu?), the main artist for the kagerou project music videos/light novels. This is marry kozakura in her medusa form.
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my hiyori obsession started rising. Anyway i like this drawing a lot (in a sense that ive improved much). I had a dialogue playing in my head "goodbye hibiya.." while drawing this for some reason (wow i havent said hibiya in a while..). I think about this one often.
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ENE!!! This pose is from "INTERNET OVERDOSE" by Aiobahn which i had an obsession over at the time. I didint really have a good coloring style during these times but it does feel good to look back at it sometimes. Ene was really my confort character during this time, i ♡ her
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As you can tell, this isint finnished. This was supposed to be of my oc kokuta and my bestie raine's oc azalea. There have been changes to kokutas design lol (this is also the first time i did side profile.
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this wasnt finished either lol. This is my girl adachi from adachi and shimamura. I really identify with her so i wanted to try drawing her. It never got finished though, and im sad that it didn't
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haruka!! my boy haruka!!! He is really important to me and i decided to draw him during this time. The hand is surprisingly good?!! I was trying to learn hands during this time. I still used the blur tool wich, i dont think was the best opinion lol
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this is my original character called Undead Angel. I tried to experiment with different color and shading techniques and materials (i used the watercolor brush) I was also expirimenting with undead's design hehe.
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this was my kagerou day drawing (aka august 15th). I was using a new drawing program for this one. I drew actor (or takane enomoto) for this drawing hehe. I like how it turned out tbh
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for this drawing, i drew marry kozakura again. I also exprimented with another coloring style for this one 😎. I really love how the pose turned out, as that was what i was trying to focus on.
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this was a drawing of one of my friend's deamon slayer oc aijurou. It was a gift for her but i never got to finish it. I was also trying a different shading, highlighting meathod.
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my crystal p obsession began, so i tried my hand at drawing the illustration of rb but in my style. I really love this one. I really love how len turned out hehe, i was very unsure of how he would turn out.
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My most recent drawing. This is the version without the effects. I love how i drew the backround and i love how i drew len. I like kaito but he looked kind of off to me 😕. The side profile for len brings me joy i love how i drew him so much. Im going to be proud of this one for a while.
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moore-nocturnal · 3 years
But ultimately just create what makes you happy :D and if you gotta make your own food make it a whole gourmet. It's fun drawing First since hes not really in the story and I dont have to worry about different stuff, just what I want to see. And want to make him pretty! Gotta get better at art lol ya know a professor of mine in my first semester told I just wasnt good at digital stuff.
I had a really late start and I really just work traditionally, and these past months I've been getting better tho so much frustration with programs. And I can see the improvement I never really colored my pictures much but now I have full illustrations now. There is one thing I'd like to say tho when it comes to some pieces you make and after you finish.
I never really hate old pictures I make, because at the time I was proud when I made it. I think seeing progress is so nice, a lot of you are so talented either from hard work or it comes naturally. I'm not that old lol (feels like it tho) you young people are going places :D I'm kinda in a mood sorry about the wall of text!
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nyndelion · 5 years
Wednesday 18/march
i’m officially in quarantine and i figured out i should have a sort of diary where i put the things i do every day or else these 3 months i have ahead will feel like a full block of nothing and thats just depressing.
So i’m gonna make a daily post where i put a list of things i did that day. It’s gonna be under a read more so if u dont really care about it u can just skip it c:
I woke up to the sound of Nina (my cat) crying for food. I had to take her to the vet to take blood samples and she had to not eat for 8 hours before that.
My mom drove me to the vet with Nina. I could listen to a dog crying nearby but i didnt saw anyone else but the cashier and the professionals that took the samples. they also cut Nina’s nails and back hair. Nina was calm all along.
Then me and Nina waited in the car for my mom while she went to the bank and to buy some things downtown. I put some music.
we went back home and I showered. I helped my mom wash the dishes and put away groceries. Then my dad arrived home.
We ate cazuela and assorted salads. We were listening to 80′s synthpop music and joking with my brothers.
After lunch me and my brothers went upstairs and me and Nano (my little brother) played minecraft. Then my parents told us they would be grocery shopping yet again and that i should go out to buy cat litter bc stores that arent supermarkets will be closed tomorrow. So I did, and also bought cinnamon and yoghurt to make some muffins some day soon
Then i came back home, hung up clothes from the washing machine as my mom told me to before leaving. Went back on the computer but just to scroll tumblr and chat on discord
I messaged Josefa (my friend i have feeling for) and showed her the russian dream experiment illustrations i had told her about yesterday. She wants to make a piece of art about an idea we came up to revolving cosmic horror and vengeance on multibillionaires. I want to write the story and she wants to illustrate it. I am very happy about this
my parents came back home and asked for help to set up a mini office for my dad in the computer room next to my room.
then i decided to continue working on an eene drawing i started las sunday when visiting my abuela kela
searched for some elsa farrus and buzzfeed unsolved videos just to put them on watch later
received Nina’s blood test results on my mail but i dont know what it all mean. I’ll have to go back to the vet tomorrow so they tell me whats up and i give back the cat box they let me borrow.
went downstairs to eat dinner (cazuela leftovers and lentejas soup) while watching ice age
then i prepared tea and went upstairs, decided to practice guitar. Played machine gun by slowdive, take me to church by hozier and learned försvinn du som lyser by finntroll.  I took a video of me playing it and decided to tell the new whatsapp music group from the trans peers group im in to practice songs daily and share videos or audios there so its a way we feel more supported to actually practice. I shared the video i took of me playing the song in the chat and also to Josefa. The all loved it, though only Josefa knows the song. I feel very happy to have decided this.
I played some levels from super mario world on Nano’s nintendo switch because he is stuck. I finished 7 levels but then got stuck as well.
now i’m listening to life is strange soundtrack and still deciding if i want to keep practicing guitar, working on my eene drawing, start writing the cosmic horror short story or watch the videos i set up earlier.  I might scroll tumblr for a while and decide then.
To do (tomorrow / some other day)
watch the new buzzfeed unsolved video
tidy my room
organize my college stuff
organize stuff i have to read (both college related and unrelated)
take a video of me playing a take me to church cover (TOMORROW)
work on my wips
start brainstorming for the cosmic horror short story
work on the song Neka (my friend) and I will play someday (its a song called ‘Kaos’ and i just got to figure out a guitar line over Neka’s vocals)
also practice some bass
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the-march-hair · 5 years
hello ! i was just wondering if you’d have any advice for someone considering setting up/starting commissions for the first time, thanks !
I think everyone has different advice and tactics, so anything I say, others may find me to be completely wrong, this is just my opinion on things. As artists tend to work alone there are as many ways to sell art as there are to make it! This is just what works for me.
Firstly understand that commissions are not a “quick and easy” way to make money if you are just trying to avoid finding a “real job”.
Secondly your followers are just people who like to use the internet, and yes potential future customers, but they owe you nothing. No one has to buy your work. Let them want to buy it because they want it not because you beg them to buy it.
Now I got the kinda negative bit out the way let’s talk business!
1) Create a professional art self on the internet. Whether thats just a tumblr blog where you only post YOUR ART or with the addition of a portfolio or otherwise, build a following of people who like your work and yours alone. Tumblr sideblogs are great, I have about 9 for various things, and I am very very strict with my @fionacreates account hence why I have accounts like this one for silly fanlulz. Some people do get away with shitposting, posting art, politics, fandom squees, asks, and lulz, but tbh I don’t follow a single art account that I like that combines it all.
Different people have different successes with different platforms. Find what works for you. I still use deviantART a lot, despite the shit people give it, because often it’s still where people go to find new people to commission and i’ve had an account for over a decade now,
2) Decide what you are selling. From experience “OMG WILL DRAW ANYTHING FOR CASH MONIES” kinda lends itself to either drawing stuff you hate, or no one hiring you because they dont really know what you sell. If you only love to draw portraits in black and white, don’t sell full body colour pieces.
3) Decide what your time is worth. Look at other artists who draw at your level of both talent and online following for a guide, but also make a decision on what your time is worth. If this is not at least minimum wage for the hours you put into it, don’t sell it. I could write a whole essay on why dirt cheap commissions aren’t a good idea. If you have to put your price high and no one buys it, keep improving, maybe find a non art job for income security. Your mental health will thank you. 
4) Make sure you know what copyright you are selling, and what’s more make sure your clients know. My cheaper “private” commissions are cheap precisely because they are private. They are for the client and the clients private use alone. My commercial work (board games, illustrations etc) cost more because the company that buys them, puts them on a product or uses my art to sell their product. For commercial work never ever do anything without a contract. Definately do your research about this.
5) Take a deposit. For most work I take 50% up front, make the piece and get the second 50% when I completed it, and then I send the finished file.
6) Draw your work printable. That is at 300 dpi. Your client will likely want to print the shiny art they bought!
7) Tell people about it and be very clear how they can contact you. People won’t message if they can’t find your contact details easily! Make sure it’s on your tumblr bio, twitter bio, linked in your sidebar to your commissions info, make it loud and clear you accept paid work!
Going back to an earlier point... do not pressure or expect anyone to buy your work. It sounds utterly heartbreaking to do it all right, get the nice folio, make the nice graphics, advertise on all the right places and get no emails! It may be a false statistic but I read a long time ago only 1 in 100 of your followers are willing to spend money on stuff you make, and that number goes down the more expensive it gets.  Use the time you have no work to make kick ass personal work and continue to share it on your social medias, people like artists who post regularly (even just sketches) and people are more likely to spend money on artists they like.
If you want to sell more full body designs, draw more for fun, show people what kind of thing they could be buying!
8) I don’t know where you are from, but for goodness sake look up your tax laws for self employment. Don’t get into trouble because you didn’t declare you sold some art on the internet.
9) You can say no. If you feel uncomfortable drawing something someone is willing to pay you for, do not draw it! Say no. The money is not worth it.
10) You will make mistakes. You will slip up, or your mental health might do something stupid like stop your working for a bit. I have no answer for this as it has also effected my own work sometimes even though I wish it wouldn’t. But talk to people you love about your work and let them in. An artist usually runs a solo business and that shit gets heavy sometimes. 
11) NEVER WORK FOR EXPOSURE you can expose yourself on twitter far more than anyone offering exposure on their account can give you. If their digital reach is large enough to make a difference to you, they have enough money to pay you. 
And lastly.....
Just.. make art! Make what you love and the people who also love it will find you. Get involved in projects, like zines, talk to other artists on social media, take part in hashtag events (such as #portfolioday was the 9th july on twitter and next on the 9th october). Whether you make money or not if you feel like you are an artist, you are one! Whether someone buys your work or not is not an indication of your ability. Don’t give up, go forth and be an artist.
I certainly don’t want to put you off with anything negative I have brought up, but I don’t want to send you forth with “omg ofc people want to buy your work, you’ll be minted soon!” But if you just go forth and do what you do best, and do try to keep a professional head on your shoulders (and let the artist run wild in the work) you’ll hopefully do ok!
As I said this just my opinion, I may have missed things and other artists who read this may do things differently, but this is just based on my own experience!
PS If you find the secret to rich clients who let you paint what you want... do get in touch.
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crabuncle · 5 years
how long does it usually take you to complete a drawing ? (ps love ur work :o !!! Its so colorful and nice sksjcjsk)
it really…. depends on how into the piece i am and how detailed i want to make it lol. like with the party poison one, i think it took me a total of a few hours? i started working on it bc i was procrastinating working on the blue one with plants which was for class, which also probably took a few hours. 
usually with those full illustrations (like the traffic report one and target practice) it takes me a combined total of probably 3+ ish hours, sometimes longer bc i tend to break up working on them to a couple of days. but sometimes with just simple character pieces, like the most recent ones with midas and mousekat, i can usually draw them all out in an hour or two? because they tend to be more simple and i can just add sloppy color to them and they look fine
to be honest im not really sure how long it actually takes bc i dont tend to look at the time when im drawing them? i like to work fast bc i like to see something done and finished in the time it takes me to be passionate about it and when i get in the zone for drawing! it also depends if im lookin at references or not haha. im sorry if this isnt a really detailed answer loll
also ps thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💙💙💙 im glad you like them!
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drimmolo · 6 years
About: Me
Well, i feel like i talked about everything i wanted to share about my process and obstacles and such and such. So there’s only thing left to talk about, which is my after-it-is-all-done reflection.
When i finished the last page, and put together the pdf file, i felt ...well i dont know how to really describe it. It’s my favorite part of the entire comic process: looking at the finished piece. Every time i finish a drawing or comic page i look at it say “yasss, this looks better than anything i’ve done before! i’ve improved! Level up baby yeah!”. But this time... i felt something on a completely different level. I felt like i wasn’t even the same artist! The amount of thing i learned and gained this time around is just...overwhelming almost. There were so many things that i picked up as i went along with the pages that I just...simply feel like have evolved rather than improved. 
You know this reminds of the time I tried to enter a comics class in a art academy during my summer break . I had an interview with the comic art professor, who looked at my drawings and said “I feel like you’re more of an illustrator rather than a comic artist”, and then i showed my works to the illustrations professor who said to me “i feel like you’re more of a comic artist  rather than an illustrator”..to which i said “make up your minds goddamn minds”.. but the point is that i was in a limbo. Am I an illustrator or a comic artist? I thought that through this module I would finally abandon the illustrator area and frolic in the fields of comic art only. But that’s not what happened exactly. I didn’t change the way my art looks. It’s still full of an insane amount of details, intense atmosphere through light and shadows and (at times) challenging compositions. But i feel like this time, the comic art professor wouldn’t think my art is not comics! I took what made my art part of the illustration department and brought it with me to the comic field. I molded it so that it wouldn’t feel like the two things were fighting but rather collaborating to make a good comic reading experience!
I guess in a sense, i learned to respect the other elements of comics. Lettering, panel layout, page limits and positioning, DEADLINES, story telling.... there is just so much more i used to convey my themes. And i feel like that really made my comics evolve from being “illustrations that look like comics” to “comics with full illustrations”. 
Basically, i think I really just learned that the art alone does not make the comic. 
Next semester I’m planning on pushing the boundaries even more. There are so many things that I still haven’t explored, that I haven’t taken advantage of. By the end of this master I want to catch a glimpse of the kind of artist I can be
I think this was my first step. 
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mooooooooliver · 3 years
HI! So have you seen my art before? Have you thought 'woah I like this drawing'. have you thought 'I want someone to draw my oc :0'
well, good human, so long as you can afford discord nitro then todays your lucky day because I thought it would be fun to do commisions for nitro.
I've been sitting on this idea for a while and tbh I'm at the point in my art journey where im like 'hey I dont have an audience but I still want to do commissions.' so this is my first time doing this shit
sorry for weird formatting, Tumblr is weird like that.
- Halfbody (Full Render) - Nitro Classic (€5) - Fullbody (Full Render) - Regular Nitro (€10)
!!You can only pay using gifted nitro due to reasons. So you will need to buy the nitro to gift!! sorry for limited colour range :')
REFERENCES My instagram has my most recent art (check post date)
However an example of my current styles would be this illustration (full body), this illustration (half body), and these three drawings for some other references.
- NO NSFW (this includes extreme gore)
- NO Super complicated poses or perspective (I like shading not perspective, that and I cannot do it)
- NO Furries (nothing against them, I just cannot draw them at all)
- NO Animals (Same as above, I cannot draw them) I will send you the sketch, linework and colour, and some of the finished shading in three different parts, ideally after I complete them. You can critique and ask to change things then. After the half done shading you can pay, I will finish the drawing and give it to you for use. You can use it for anything there on out.
Minor Asks
Please provide references, I want to draw what you want me to draw
Please also leave room for creative freedom from me.
Please do not get super agitated with me, I'm a young artist who just wants some nitro. !! If I'm doing something wrong, please critique me, I want you to have the best experience possible !! Please be respectful and patient, normally these pieces can take three to four hours but with school it may take up to a week to have your piece finished. And please, if you read this far, have a good day!
Interested? DM me on Tumblr saying you want a commission and we can sort things out from there!
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The Sunday Morning Post
September 3, 2017                                                          10th Edition
Current News:
Yuri on Ice: ShitBang
On August 31st, if you love Yuri on Ice, your feed may have blown up with stories and artwork created as a means for writers and artists to come together and work on a project together.
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What is the Shit Bang you ask? It is an amazing event for writers and artists to come together and write and draw about the amazing anime we all love: Yuri!!! On Ice! But a little more than that this is a direct - non-hateful - response to THAT blog. You know the one I’m talking about. Yup. THAT one. - @yoi-shit-bang
The amount of stories and artwork has been astounding. From one-shots, to multi-chapters, all written by amazing authors. Then there is all the amazing artwork that has come with it, by some amazing and very talented artists.
Please keep in mind that many subjects may trigger, please read all tags before reading a story. 
Story Recommendation: we have loved the stars too fondly by @thehandsingsweapon
“We live in a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don’t believe in miracles?”
After an academic career at MIT and Oxford, Yuuri Katsuki eschews job offers at places like NASA and CERN to go work at the Very Large Array in what Phichit Chulanont lovingly calls The Actual Middle of Nowhere, New Mexico, monitoring radio frequencies from light-years away. He's loved the stars for as long as he can remember, and the universe feels so big sometimes that Yuuri is sure it would be a cruel mistake for humans to be all alone.
Enter the latest scientist to join the staff of the VLA, enigmatic Russian genius Victor Nikiforov, around whom Yuuri’s entire universe seems to bend to make room, and the strange, recurring dreams Yuuri keeps having, where something like love carries him across the stars.
Does love travel faster than light? Do souls?
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
"Yuri, on Stars!!   This lovely short story will resonate with anyone that lives the heavens.  Dreamscapes thought to be a figment of Yuuri's imagination turn out to be a more real than tangible science, and Viktor is patient with all his insecurities.  With just the right amount of angst to give it depth, this vignette will take you into the endless cosmos!" - @darkrivertempest
Artist Spotlight:
we have loved the stars too fondly by @shadhahvar
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Good boy by @floccinaucinihilipilificationa  (Click title to reblog)
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This week’s Ko-Fi shout-out goes to Discoursemoth | @lowercasewrites  (Click to buy coffee)
im sei! im a non-passing trans boy with unsupportive parents, and im using this account primarily to pay for things that could help me pass better, such as a packer and binder. you obviously dont have to donate but i would really appreciate it!                                
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Patreon: YukiPri | @yukipri  (Click name to become a patreon)
Hey there!! Thanks so much for visiting my Patreon. I'm Kazu, also YukiPri on Tumblr. I'm currently a freelance translator and illustrator who is HOPING to support myself primarily through art. My passion is telling my own unique stories through visual media, and I love world-building, costume design, and overall extensively over-thinking all of my stories. This patreon is a step towards hopefully better sustaining myself off of art so I can continue to grow as a professional artist and produce content that you can enjoy! I am unbelievably grateful to every patron who helps me continue to do what I love doing. My wish is for the majority of my work to remain public, but I also desperately need to support myself, and also have a variety of content that I'm not comfortable posting publicly for various reasons. As thanks for your support, my patrons will get access to exclusive content, including WIPs/sketches, previews, art progress/tutorials, higher resolution art, early access, and nsfw content!
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Fun and Games:
10 Questions Every Fic Writer Secretly Wants to be Asked by @wyseink  (Click Title to reblog)
There are a lot of fic questions that float around online, but rarely do they ever ask specific questions about the fics themselves. Ask any writer one or more of these ten questions to learn more about the fic and show support.
1. Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
2. Which scene was your favorite to write in [title of fic]?
3. Which part of [title] was hardest to write?
4. If you could change anything in [title], what would it be?
5. Did you make an outline for [title]? Did you stick to it?
6. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in [title]?
7. Who was your favorite character to write in [title]?
8. Which came first, the title or the fic?
9. Which idea came to you first in [title]?
10. What are some facts readers may not know about [title]?
Story Prompt:
Monochrome by @diamondwinters An AU where people who are sad, down, depressed cannot hide it. Whenever you get sad, you start to loose your color. Your skin turns pale, your eyes loose their color, and turn gray or white, and your hair turns gray. Like an old black and white tv show, you loose all your color when you’re very sad. A little bit of sadness might dim your natural colors, but you wouldn’t loose them. It’s during a time when you feel heart broken, or very depressed that you go Monochrome. Such as a big break up, a death of a loved one, deep depression, etc. Monochrome is the medical term used by the doctors in this AU to describe turning gray in a world of color.
Some people who are unable to get happy, may use make-up, contacts, and hair color to hide the fact that they’re depressed, but eventually even those things will loose their color and will need to be replaced.
The best thing to do is to find your happiness. Be with friends, and family who can help you bring your color back. The brighter you are, the more vivid your colors are, the happier you are.
Art Prompt:
Imagine your OTP by @bumble-beany
Person A: Are you awake?                                         
Person B: I am now                                         
Person A: I was just wondering...                                         
Person A: What do you think it'd be like to be a pregnant male seahorse?
Person B: Really?! You woke me up for that?
W.I.P. Motivation:
Liquor Stash by @severeminx​
I want him.
When the full realization hit him, Yuri felt as though he couldn’t breathe. Detached and fleeting thoughts that had passed through his mind finally took shape in these three words at that exact moment. The I being himself, Yuri Plisetsky, age 17, a Russian figure skater with a list of impressive accomplishments to his name that seemed pretty pointless right now given the context. The want being desire, the need to bury himself, the thought to consume, but never actually act out except behind locked doors in empty beds or shower stalls. The him being the person standing across from Yuri sipping coffee from a take-away cup with creased brows, the low sunlight hitting his face just so to light up his otherwise dark eyes. Someone he considered to be his best friend, who came all the way from Almaty just to spend a week with him and who was blissfully unaware of the fucking turmoil Yuri was feeling in the pit of his stomach. Or at least, Yuri hoped he was unaware.
In which Yuri Plisetsky invites Otabek Altin over to stay with him in Saint Petersburg, freaks out over his feelings and delves into Lilia's liquor stash.
Please go read and support this artist. They are looking for kudos and comments to get them back into finishing this fantastic story!
Fandom Week:  (Click each line to go to blog)
Zarkon Week! September 3rd - 9th.
Yuri on Ice Music Week! September 4th - 11th
NSFW Yuri Plisetsky Week! September 11th - 17th.
Guang-Hong Week! Voting will be Sept 15th - 21st
SeungChuchu Week! October 16th - 23rd.
Help Wanted:
Needed: Tumblr theme editor. Please contact Diamond Winters for details.
Story recommendations!! If you find a story that you absolutely love, and you want to see it get some recognition, please submit a link to it with a 2-3 sentence review of the story. This way it could get in the spotlight in a future edition of the SMP. Requirements are that it’s completed, or a one-shot.
Artist Spotlight!! If you find a piece of artwork that needs more love, please submit a link to it so it may be considered for future spotlights in the future.
WIP Motivation: Please send your support to these writers or artist to encourage them to continue their story or artwork. No good story or piece of art should be left unfinished. - If you know of a good story that hasn’t been updated in a while, and would like to offer encouragement to the author, please let me know, so that I can link to their story here.
If there is ever any section of the Sunday Morning Post that you feel you can contribute too, please send an Ask or Submit to either the SMP, or @d2diamond so that it has a chance at making in a future post. Thank you!  
@yoi-shit-bang | @thehandsingsweapon | @darkrivertempest | @shadhahvar | @floccinaucinihilipilificationa | @lowercasewrites | @yukipri | @wyseink | @diamondwinters | @bumble-beany | @severeminx
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thefairygodmonster · 7 years
Hello everyone!  So a bit of an update and also some of my plans for the future! Well it happened! I quit my day job!  I decided to take the plunge and pursue art as much as I can. Its extremely nerve-wracking because I have NO idea how things will turn out but at the same time I feel ten times better knowing I dont have to go back to my job in auto-insurance. I should mention that while it was rough I think I gained a lot of valuable experience there. I definitely picked up practical skills that can help me in the art industry such as social skills, organizing, meeting short deadlines, and crunch times in general. Not to mention the people at my work place were the sweetest. I’ll miss them the most, I genuinely wish them all happiness because my coworkers and supervisors are the reason I managed to hang in there this long to begin with! I firmly believe that you dont need to get into the art industry right away and jobs like this may not be what you want but can be useful and inspiring nonetheless. I certainly have a buncha crazy stories from insurance that Im positive will make great comics or something someday. Trust me, some of this stuff is stranger than fiction.
So now where do I go from here? Well, I have a few things in mind:
Day Job: While I just left a day job I think its imperative to still have some sort of steady income flowing in. Im just stepping into freelance work and thats a very uncertain business. I’ll still be applying to any art positions at studios (animation and gaming) so if you see any in so-cal I’d appreciate if you shoot them my way! But even thats hard to get into so I’m also applying to any small part time job that wont be too stressful.
Freelance: Im going to look for freelance, mainly as a storyboard artist or concept artist since I would love to get more experience in that field for my portfolio and resume. However I also do illustration so again if you hear of any opportunities let me know! If you’re interested in hiring me for freelance you can reach me at [email protected]! However I only accept paid work so if you’re going to ask me to do something for exposure or pay only if something gets picked up later than please ask another artist, thank you!
Commissions: YOU HEARD RIGHT! I’ll be opening commissions probably next week sometime! Im going to start with a few slots 3-5 but dont worry Im planning on doing these more frequently now that I have time and need revenue’’. I’ll be offering some simple fullbody commissions, sketch/line/flats/shaded but I’ll also be offering expressions sheets and pose sheets. Im still debating on whether I want to offer full model sheets and what they would entail. I’ll keep you all posted.
Patreon: Yeup! I’ll be opening a patreon! I’ll keep it fairly simple though since I dont have the gumption to run something with tiers and prizes. I’ll be probably just asking for like something from $2-$5 dollars a month and you’ll get to see sketches from my sketchbook I never post (theres a lot I dont post) and WIP’s for my more finished pieces like illustrations/model sheets/storyboards/comics. I’ll still post drawings and finished pieces on my social networks so artwise nothing much will change, patrons just get a little more behind the scenes~
Comic: Been hinting at it for a while but I think a comic strip would be really great for polishing my skills in storytelling, prop work, and environments. I’m figuring out some of the technical details but I hope to do a simple comic about Oranhamme and Fairy runnin a candyshop!
Ko-Fi: I’ve built some savings in the meantime so this might not be immediate but I thought making a Ko-Fi would just help with saving up for stuff when the time comes to move out and everything.
Merchandise: This will take some figuring out so if you have any advise I would appreciate it! But I was thinking of opening up a little shop to sell stuff like prints and charms! It’d be a mix of original and fanart stuff. If you know any good places to sell and have details or any good suppliers for stuff like acrylics charms I’d appreciate any and all help as I try to get started!
Cons: This one is tough because no guarantee we can get a table but my partner and I are going to aim to try and get back into the con scene and see how that goes!
Now obviously this is a lot and it’ll take time to get everything going and some might not go through. I just gotta do my best to see what works and wanted to consider all my options!
Thanks for sticking with me all this time and hope to show you more awesome art!
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