#like i get it on a pure short term placement level. i am just. sad and worried abt the future :(
bright-and-burning · 6 months
A driver placing 12th over 14th in a single race can mean millions of dollars difference to smaller teams like Williams. I think its worth it
to be clear here i am relatively new to f1 and also still in the emotional react zone lol. ALSO ALL OF THIS IS SAID WITH LOVE! i do really like both of them so much
first off why didn’t they have a spare chassis. is that normal. that feels… dumb. i’ve never worked in logistics but that feels Really Really dumb.
anyways. this is gonna sound stupid of me but i kind of forgot how it works in terms of tie breakers so i wasn’t… super thinking abt non-points positions (AGAIN! thinking emotionally!!)
this is long and rambling. please don’t destroy me for not knowing what i’m talking about bc i really really don’t. also i don’t necessarily have a conclusion of “is it worth it or not” i am just . side eyeing. very unsure about whether it will be or not in the end. it kinda boils down to “i think this is complicated math bc trying to quantify some of the effects of this is literally impossible and im worried about those unquantifiable effects”
my thinking here is kind of. is 12th instead of 14th worth it if it means you’ve wildly undermined a driver’s … idk trust? confidence in the team? and i don’t mean this in a vague “think abt the emotional impact!” way i mean this as. how is this going to affect how the rest of the season goes?
i mean, even just this race lol. birthday curse aside, alex has just got a whole lot more pressure on him, on a course he’s got a not-fantastic history with, as far as i can tell. it’s his job to handle pressure, obviously, but it’s certainly an… interesting position to put someone in
in terms of the rest of the season… for me mentality was/is such a massive part of success in sports. i deeply dislike the “didn’t want it enough” narratives in other sports (whole other story) but. you do have to believe in yourself. and if thats true for a sport where you’re running around in circles, or where you’re kicking a ball around, i imagine it’s doubly so for driving around tight corners at nearly 300kph or whatever. it’s not williams’/james vowles’ job, i guess, to foster an environment where that self-belief is maintained or built, but in that case, what was the point of all that talk?
you spend all this time being like we have confidence in you and your improvement, and then bam. i would be desolate lol. like circling back to 12th vs 14th… idk a part of me is like. if we could quantify the impacts of this on logan over the season, what if that bit of confidence is the difference between 15th and 17th. but like, in every race. obviously we don’t know how this season would go without this happening so this is like wild speculation. and i am PRAYING for spite to kick in and become a massive motivator here. like i get that williams isn’t responsible for logan’s headspace but. they do want to maximize their drivers’ performance, right? i personally am unsure that this is the way to do that
tldr a) why no spare chassis. that fuckin spreadsheet bruh. b) why talk all that talk to do this. like i can follow the logic of the decision! i really and truly can (especially remembering how non-points positions matter. whoops) but i don’t respect the going from oh we have full confidence to a blatant demonstration that they… don’t. c) i am sad
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typhoontroubadour · 5 years
How do you guys like your tea
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Some notes about the placements can be found under the cut.
Those Dead Peeps: Don’t know anything about so I can’t make a real judgement on any of them.
Fuck You Guys: Self explanatory.
Mishima: Mishima gets a lower tier than everyone else cuz he was the first to die so we spent the least amount of time with him, and despite the fact he keeps coming back in some way or another I still can’t make myself care about him THAT much. That being said, I haven’t yet played island mode where he’s the only player character so that might sway my judgement later.
Ranger: While a bastard he’s a very entertaining bastard. That alone I think warrants him above the Fuck You tier. And also, while I still hold him accountable, his dad was the dick who left him without positive emotions and led to him taking the actions he does.
Safalin: I was thinking about putting her a tier above where she is but I don’t think she deserves to be on the same tier as the charcaters above her. She’d likely need her own middle ground tier as my fave doll.
Sara: Probably the first real eyebrow raiser. Sara while being a good and expressive character I feel is one of the most generic and average out of the group so far. Note that I said so far. She’s steadily become more complex as the story unfolds. I hope by the end and we find out what her deal is that the orginization wants her so badly I can bump her up at least one more ranking. To compare the series to Danganronpa (something no one has ever done before) in terms of protagonist level, she’s kinda like Makoto to me. There’s nothing wrong with her, but I just feel the future protags are more complex, in due no small part from being able to learn from writing for the first game onwards.
Reko; Alright, listen. I like Reko. I think she’s a good character. But compared to Sara and even her brother? (congrats to the trans fans for being fed that good shit btw) I just feel rather lukewarm about her. Reko and Alice are kinda comparable as rather abrasive characters with a softer side to them. I always can appreciate a character who can he tough but care for or look after the weaker ones. But at the same time that character alone can only get so far in my eyes. I think she’s missing some crucial piece of charcater to her to really make her stand out as her own. Something truly unique about her to let her stand on her own two feet. Until that day comes, I just see Reko as that cool big sister who got me through the dancing sub game.
Q-taro: This one’s pretty simple, I feel like I want to like him more than I do but can’t. I honestly thought he’d be dead by the end of chapter 2 when playing through it. It kind of feels like we’ve seen the extent of his character already through where we are in the sotry. I also find his character to sometimes flipflop back and forth sometimes? Like how he goes from the first main game saying we can’t nominate the kids to not willing to take the stinger for Gin. He seems like he really cares about trust and believing in people (other than Shin) but then chapter 2 happens and he kinda loses it? I dunno, it’s reasonable for someone to crack, but for him, to me, it feels like there needed to be more of a build up of seeing him start to collapse a bit. And then his shady behavior kinda gets pushed aside cwhen he works with Keiji and the focus shifts away from him. Don’t some of you think he can come off as if changing his alliances when they’re convienant for him? Long story short, he just seems kind of like a mess to me that needs sorted out to make sense of at the moment.
Joe/Jou: However you prefer to spell it, I think we can all agree he is a very good boi. Not much to say that hasn’t already been said on him.
Alice: I rank him higher than his sister cuz I just think he’s a slighter better version of her character and more enjoyable to read. Kinda sad to see him go.
Kai: Kai was someone who if I ranked these guys simply on the stuff we knew about them from chapter 1 I’d likely put in the average tier, but thanks to chpater 2 he’s risen a rank. He’s a very fascinating character I hope continues to have some sort of presence in the final chapter. I kinda feel like he’s done now that we’ve cleaned out his laptop, but I can hope. He also gets props for smacking Miley upside the head.
Keiji: Do I even need to say anything? No? Didn’t think so.
Sou/Shin: Remember all I said about Q-taro? Yeah, I feel Shin is that but it actually makes sense and he’s just a real interesting charcater to see act and react to things. He is a great love to hate character for me. I’m very interested to see how he’s handled in chapter 3 as someone who chose to have him live the end of chapter 2.
As a quick break before moving on, to speak on the character we recently learned of, Shadow Sou, just Sou Hiyori, whatever, while we still don’t know anything of him, I think we can all put aside our differences to  want to jump this smelly bad man. I would take pleasure in seeing him hooked up to a punishment machine and having a bot set up to mash a button meant to prolong his suffering. That is all.
Gin: Let me be 100% clear right now. Everyone in this tier is here purely for being my fave. Do they deserve to be this high regardless? Your results may vary, but I believe so. I love Gin so much. He’s so good. He is the final alive member of the group who must be protected at all costs. I’m glad he’s found his own use to the group as the story went on. I didn’t know how to feel about him at the start of the game, Kind of like Kai I didn’t feel really attached to him. But the more I was able to be with him, the more the little guy grew on me. He is my adoptive little bro and I will visit him everyday and make sure to play with him. I really hope nothing bad happens to him in chapter 3, but I’m also so worried we’ll have more damage done to Sara’s mental fortitude before the end to try to breka her further. And I feel like that can only really come from losing Gin or Keiji at this point to sting as much as when Joe did.
Nao: Oh, Nao. My sweet baby. I think I should start this off by saying what I think all fans of Nao would like to sy to the game. How about you go fuck yourself? I’m serious, Nao gets shit on through the whole game leading to her end in chapter 2. What do you guys have against Nao? She’s great and I would’ve happily traded away her sacrifice card for my own. She’s so pure and trying to do her best and be a better person without realying so heavily on tohers like Mishima. But, I’d be an idiot to just ignore the fact she did kinda fulfill that before her end. You could easily argue she kinda already reached the end of her arc as a character. She finally reached that point the others that supported her thought she could be. Am I still sad to see her go? Of course I am. Do I find it a satisfactory end for her character? I say I’m glad she was at least able grow into herself before dropping her. And that’s you can really ask of a game like this.
Kanna: Last but not least we have dear, sweet, precious Kanna. It was rough choosing to vote against her at the end of chapter 2. That’s something I’ll have to see the consequences of on a repeat playthrough once the game is complete. I took her words to heart and let her protect Sara the only way she knew how. I hope she’s able to rest easy with her sister. I think Kanna, much like Gin, fit that good child charcater trait of being able to see the good in people depsite some things about them in that naively and pure way only a kid can. I like how depsite everything, she put her faith into Sara and Shin to the very end. If there’s one thig to respect about her character it’s that she stuck to her guns like Joe despite knowing her end was likely coming.
To anyone who read this whole thing top to bottom, or skipped around to the characters they cared about and made it down here to read about Kanna and noticed this last little spiel, you are the mvps, and I hope your faves make it out alive.
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maddie-longson · 5 years
Learning in a fish bowl
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After our class discussion about learning pedagogy and environment, we went on a tangent about what I consider the excessive use of glass that is common in "modern" learning environments. To conform to the governments new "Innovative Learning Environments" standards for schools, many of my classmates had brand new classrooms that had large expanses of glass, usually looking outside but in one extreme case, Ethan also had glass making up the internal walls between classes. Victoria nicknamed a set of classes with a full glass wall looking out over a walkway "the fish bowl" as people walking past could peer in and observe the happenings inside.
There are certainly benefits of having plenty of glass in a classroom. It allows in lots of natural light (which is both nicer than artificial lighting and could potentially reduce the school's energy bill), makes the space feel more open and reduces the claustrophobic feeling of being stuck in a room for ages.
Despite these, I think that use of large amounts of glass needs to be treated with care, otherwise it could negatively impact learning instead of having the intended net positive effect. While Ethan with his glass internal walls between classrooms claimed that it was beneficial in that the classes remained under control because of the increased surveillance that came about from the arrangement. I maintain that the surveillance in this situation would have more of a negative effect than this classmate let on. According to Ken Robinson, creativity requires the willingness to make mistakes and learn from them. In terms of creative subjects, the vulnerability required to make these mistakes would be difficult to achieve when one feels constantly observed. I believe a more nurturing environment for creatives would be one that allows people to work with a level of anonymity. Beyond the creativity of the students, I think the creativity of the teachers and more unorthodox teaching styles would be toned down to the point where some of the best teachers are no longer able to teach as effectively. I had a teacher who had a particularly unique way of teaching us that was loud, emphatic and not exact politically correct at times, but he managed to remain the best teacher I ever had. He would have had to tone himself down to conform to the expected methods of teaching, as other teachers would be observing as he took his classes.
I also believe that large expanses of glass lead to a more distracting environment. Ethan claimed that the answer to this was "simply, just don't get distracted!" This comes across as an incredibly short-sighted way of looking at the situation. The implication that comes from this "suggestion" is that it's all about your mindset, and if you struggle to maintain focus in a class then that is entirely your fault, and there's something wrong with your willpower or ability to study. And what about a child with ADHD? I think that say "just don't get distracted" to them would be like saying "just don't be sad" to someone with depression. It's not a choice. As much as everyone should do their best, within their own capabilities, to pay attention, it shouldn't be purely laid upon a space's users to make it work. As I write this I'm on the train with an overexcited 3 year old yelling to her dad about everything she's seeing. The fact that I'm being distracted and struggling to write, I maintain, is not an issue of my willpower or mindset but rather the environment in which I am attempting to write. A learning space should be facilitating the learning that's supposed to be taking place inside. In a classroom I know that personally large expanses of glass distract me, and I am certainly not at my most productive when lots of other people are chatting and moving around me. While this is a personal opinion of how I feel, and I know that it can't be applied to everyone (clearly Ethan had no issues with glass rooms), but I don't think the generalisation can be made in the opposite direction either.
Glass has its benefits in the classroom, but from these quite major negative, I think that it is best to be treated with care. In the argument for Innovative Learning Environments it specifically says, "Open is not necessarily better… rather the amount of flexibility provided by that environment." It's difficult to dispute that glass contributes to the openness of a room, not the flexibility. I maintain that, most of the time, a moveable internal wall would be more beneficial to a high school learning environment than a glass one. As for glass facing to the outside? Perhaps the design should be considering the kind of circulation that’s going to be occurring beyond that window to determine placement and size, rather than having a full glass wall facing out over a frequently used walkway as a default.
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