#like i get it; the day job and life experiences can only enrich my hobbies
vermillioncrown · 1 year
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procrastinating so bad rn, i Do Not want to read this paper nor do this damn ppt that i'm doubling down on the self-induced brain rot
exorcising the compulsions so i can be in Business Mode™
left, soft hours w bae
right, little round boi goaded into a debate
(like, he didn't exactly lie about hating arguments in ch 3...it's just that he manages to be around people that 1) know how to push his buttons 2) love doing that 3) broach topics korvin has personal stakes in, regardless of how sensible those stakes may be)
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alivefm · 3 years
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( megan fox / 35 / she/her ) – ( jolene ‘jo’ munroe ) has been spotted in ravenswood. they said to originally be from ( salem, oregon ) and used to work as ( coroner ). They’ve been in the compound for ( three months ), working as ( fisherwoman ) to earn their keep and since then, others have seen their ( irritable ) but seemingly ( meticulous ) nature.
FULL NAME.    jolene bianca munroe.
AGE & BIRTHDATE.    35 years old ; june 5.
GENDER & PRONOUNS.    cis female ; she/her.
ORIENTATION.    lesbian.
MARITAL STATUS.    single.
RELIGION.    agnostic.
OCCUPATION.    fisherwoman ( former coroner ).
HAIR COLOUR.    dark brown.
EYE COLOUR.    baby blue.
BUILD.    athletic.
MARKS.     faint dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose, a beauty mark on her right hip & left index finger.
TATTOOS.     small black rose behind right ear, faded mc logo on right shoulder blade, dad’s year of birth & year of death written in roman numerals along left side of collarbone, skeleton ribcage intertwined with thorny roses on inner left forearm, zodiac sign on inner right wrist .
PIERCINGS.     lobes ( x3 ), left helix, both nipples.
HEIGHT.    5'4".
FACECLAIM.    megan fox.
ZODIAC.    gemini.
ALIGNMENT.    chaotic neutral.
HOGWARTS.    ravenclaw or slytherin.
LABEL.    the facade.
POSITIVE TRAITS.     fervent, incisive, intuitive, meticulous, valiant.
NEGATIVE TRAITS.     evasive, headstrong, inquisitive, irritable, uninhibited.
HOBBIES.    fishing, pitching in her two cents worth with the medics (whether it’s asked for or not), more tba.
PLACE OF BIRTH.    salem, oregon.
CURRENT RESIDENCE.    ravenswood, washington.
NATIONALITY.    american.
ETHNICITY.    white.
PARENTS.   randall ’randy’ munroe ( father ) ; was extremely close to her dad, one of the few people she completely trusted and idolized. biological mom unknown.
SIBLINGS.     tucker munroe ( half brother ) ; same dad, different moms. indifferent to each other growing up, keith’s death brought them together & they shared a close bond. currently mia.
BIRTH ORDER.    eldest.
CHILDREN.    none.
LANGUAGES.    english, broken spanish.
EARLY STAGES.         she was born and raised in salem, oregon without knowing her mother ( who’d abandoned her and her father when jo was just a baby ). her dad, randy, and his family did their absolute best to raise jolene with what resources they had. the munroe’s were engaged in criminal activities, which she adamantly refused to participate in, wanting to separate herself from the stigma attached to the family name by studying and working hard. as family, though, jo felt an obligation to always be loyal, and as a coroner, she would cover up the real cause of death with a fabrication of her own if the truth ever directly linked to anyone in her family.
HELLISH OUTBREAK.    the first interaction she had with the undead was while she was on the clock. a john doe had been brought in, no identification, and it was just her that night, other than the lone security guard. after finishing a routine autopsy and then hearing banging coming from the refrigerated storage, jo’s curiosity lead her into a scuffle with the formerly, entirely deceased. fortunately, the security guard broke it up and saved jo from a lethal mauling. unfortunately, said guard ended up receiving the same mauling he had pried her from. escaping out into the chaos that had been unfolding on the streets, she linked up with her brother and together they abandoned everything they knew in order to survive. 
                                      they would meet up with other survivors for short periods of time, usually just to help each other out if needed, before going their separate ways again. it was the two of them against the world, until it wasn’t. while scavenging for supplies in an abandoned town, a horde of the undead caught them off guard and they were forced to separate, evidently losing each other. jo tried for days to track him down, to find any sort of hint or clue to his whereabouts, but always came up with nothing.
                                      it was while she was on the hunt that she stumbled across a damsel in distress ( @rubydelgado​ ), quick reflexes saving the other woman from a fate worse than death with a shot clean through the infected’s head. while jo had instinctively learned not to trust anyone other than her brother, she didn’t have the heart to abandon ruby, especially considering she was also on her own. with time, jo taught the other how to defend herself, and they stuck together through thick and thin, developing an unbreakable bound by the time they reached ravenswood.
COMPOUND LIFE.      despite the hardships the new world has delivered, jo has softened a great deal, finally understanding that being able to trust good people is the key to strength in a community. she’s very much a team player, and wants whatever’s best for the people she’s grown attached to in ravenswood, but she still holds certain reservations, especially in regards to oversharing the specifics of her family. 
                                        while she has firsthand experience with the deceased, the former coroner doesn’t want anything to do with the animated version, unless she’s putting it to rest. so, instead of volunteering to hop into the medical branch of their community, jo settled on a different way to pitch in; fishing. it was something she learned and mastered as a means of survival since the initial outbreak, and the job itself was a lot less stressful in comparison to what some others were enlisted to do. but that doesn’t mean jo isn’t on standby - when the going gets tough, she’s always ready to jump into action.
HALF BROTHER.    this is definitely not needed, but it would def spice things up and rock jo’s carefully sculpted world. they were distant growing up, but linked up to mourn over their dad and had been close ever since. they were forced to split up and evidently lost each other while escaping a zombie horde, so for all jo knows, he could be dead. or ..... maybe he’s still alive.
FISHING BUDDY.    two pals catching fish, shooting the shit; a wholesome bubble created to escape the insanity around them, if only for a couple hours. this should be a very carefree friendship, relaxed & silly at times. they probably reminisce over the old world and all the simple pleasures they took for granted, maybe they partake in a little harmless gossiping / ‘neighborhood watch’?? anything dumb to keep themselves entertained while waiting for a bite.
ENTANGLEMENT.    a means of relieving high stress is always needed while surviving a zombie apocalypse, which is how this whole mess started. the idea was having something like a booty call, intimacy without the strings because it’s too wild of a life out here to build something solid. they’ve foolishly gotten attached overtime, though neither will admit it, so they’ve never had the “what are we” conversation and, so far, they’re content with that. obv more detail, etc. can be discussed.
FRICTION.    obviously not everything is gonna be peaches and cream all the time, every single person isn’t going to see eye to eye with the next person, and jo isn’t exactly the easiest person to handle. so give me the Tension. whether it’s subtle jabs & 'if looks could kill’, or full blown arguments & destruction, or somewhere in between.
ANYTHING.    literally anything. i blame my groggy state of mind on my lack of creativity rn so please, i’m beggin. if jolene can enrich your characters’ lives in any way, shape, or form, hit me up and we’ll hatch a plan.
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dynamox6 · 4 years
Qualification and Screening
When I was thinking about the next dating science blog I should write I remembered one of the missing pieces was that I couldn’t give you a good enough answer to ‘What man/woman should I go for?’ in my Long-Term Relationships blog. I told you to just rely on your life experience, but as I started to think about it more and do more research on dating and relationship science I got a better grasp of the picture of qualification and screening.
I feel confident enough now in my knowledge and experience to help guide you to find out which man or woman you should choose.
First things first, you’re going to need attraction, appreciation, emotional responsiveness, and reciprocity before you even begin qualification or your efforts will fall on deaf ears. If you find yourself having to work too hard for a minimal return on time, energy, and emotional investment from her I recommend moving onto the next.
Alright, now let’s begin, Qualification and Screening is where the woman you’ve attracted works to ‘win you over.’ It’s more rewarding to have to work to win over someone’s interest legitimately rather than to just have them love you for your prestige, money, or good looks. (Although there’s nothing wrong with that if these feelings of shallow attraction are mutual.)
If she doesn’t have to work to earn your interest it’s likely she will feel that you only want her for her looks and will feel more insecure about your attraction to her. If all he likes is my looks, what happens after he gets what he wants? Or a more beautiful woman comes along? Your interest will feel more validating and satisfying to her emotionally if she feels that it’s about something special about her.
Flirting is more fun and rewarding for a woman if you ask her qualification and screening questions and you reward her with authentic compliments. Having her work to win you over builds her emotional investment in the relationship and the more she has to work to ‘win you over’ the more she will appreciate your attraction to her.
Being some kind of a challenge and not immediately running into the arms of the first person that is interested in you sub communicates you are a man of value that can afford to be discerning about the kind of women you allow into your life. Having standards shows you know what you want out of life and a relationship which makes you more attractive to every woman, not just the one you’re speaking to in the moment.
When you start the qualification and screening process here are some broad characteristics to keep in mind:
Mental Health: How is her mood and general emotional affect? Is she usually cheerful, positive, upbeat, and proactive? Or depressed, pessimistic, anxious and frustrated? Does she have healthy lifestyle choices in her personal life? Or does she have addictions, obsessions, and compulsions? Mentally healthy women will have more and better dates, relationships, sex, and passion.
Intelligence: A more intelligent women will have more interesting conversations with you. They’re usually better employees which helps them get promoted faster, build more successful businesses, have a bigger paycheck, and manage their finances better. They will also give better career and relationship advice if you ask for it. In general they will be more easily be able to manage the administrative work of their own personal life and your life.
Conscientiousness: The more conscientious your partner is the more likely her conscientiousness will rub off on you. The more conscientious she is the less likely she is to cheat. She will be more reliable, honest, straightforward, and trustworthy. She will be more likely to take better care of her health, her physical appearance, her mental health, her career, and her finances. She will be better at planning ahead for more enjoyable holidays, travel, and dates. And she will create more reliable and consistent social arrangements for the both of you.
Emotional Intelligence: The more emotional intelligence a woman has the better she will convey empathy, kindness, and compassion which will make for a much better partner and lover. Emotional intelligence helps to avoid arguments, resolve conflicts, and makes for a much more enjoyable make-up session. An emotionally intelligent woman is more likely to notice an exhausted partner after a long day and offer nurturing comfort and support.
Social Intelligence: The size and quality of a women’s social circle can be useful for enriching your career network and will improve the quality of your social outings on evenings and weekends. Typically, a popular socially intelligent woman will have more social events available for you to attend. A woman with social intelligence will take some of the burden off of you not always having to always be the sole host, entertainer, and confidant.
Aesthetic Sensibility: A woman with a great sense of personal style will always look great and help you look great. Her aesthetic sensibility will improve the quality of your home environment and have a big impact on your daily mood. Being with a woman who has great fashion sense will make you proud to show her off and she will create a gorgeous functional home where you can both entertain your guests.
Sex Drive: A balance in sex drive will help both partners feel more satisfied with their relationship. If one partner wants more or less sex than the other it can make them feel annoyed, resentful, nagged, frustrated, and perhaps even eventually lead to affairs where one partner can feel more satisfied with their sex life.
Relationship History: Depending on what kind of relationship you’re looking for in the moment you can screen for that as well. ‘Are you seeing anyone?’ ‘When was your last relationship?’ ‘How long did it last?’ ‘Why did it end?’ ‘Did you see other people?’ Based on their answers you’ll be able to tell whether they have been long term relationship material in the past and if they’re currently looking for another long term relationship again or just want to have fun.
I think that covers the main macro personality traits for qualification. Some of the other topics for qualification could include Education, Career, Travel, Hobbies, Pets, and Cooking.
In general the process of qualification goes like this:
Qualification Question or Statement: “What are some of your hobbies?” “You look like a person who enjoys working out.” “Do you like to travel?”
Her Response: I love travelling. I recently went to Mexico with family. It was so nice to enjoy the beach, sunshine, cool breeze, and relax with friends and family. The water was the most crystal clear blue and so refreshing. It makes me smile thinking back on it. We went to XYZ resort and I would totally recommend it.
Explore the Topic Together: Oh really, that sounds great. I went to Mexico with friends last year too. It was so nice to get away from the cold winter weather in November and December. It was all-inclusive so the food and drinks were included. It was delicious! I enjoyed the beach too, the breezy days were my favorite, that way it wasn’t too hot and I could actually enjoy the beach and swim in the water.
Compliment Her: That’s cool you travel a lot. I like people who are worldly and have lots of stories of their travels to share. It makes for more interesting conversation, a more well-rounded perspective, and plenty of interesting memories and pictures to share with people. Feel free to take me on a tour of your travel pictures and memories anytime.
Next Qualifier Question or Statement: “So are you a TV or movie fan?” “You look like someone who’s very well read.” “I loved the latest season of Game of Thrones.”
You have to seem attainable or the woman will lose interest. The effort and energy you put into your compliment of her should be proportional to the effort she’s putting into answering your qualification questions or statements.
What you’re doing here is trying to foster a feeling of natural chemistry and genuine emotional connection. So you shouldn’t fire off too many questions at once. This shouldn’t feel like a job interview for her, but like a fun enjoyable natural curiosity, chemistry, and connection.
Pay close attention to the level of compliance you’re getting in your qualification questions. If she consistently gives one word or flippant answers to your questions I recommend moving onto the next.
In general you can use three different types of qualifiers:
Soft: Simple yes or no questions. “Do you workout?” “Do you like Ice Cream?” “Do you enjoy dancing?” “Are you a dog person?”
Medium: Open questions related to a specific topic. “So you’ve been travelling recently? Where did you go? What was it like?”
Hard: Very wide open questions that specifically push her to demonstrate her value to you. “What’s your story?” “So who are you? Tell me about yourself?” “What are three things about you that would make me want to get to know you more?” “Why are you special?” “What are you really passionate about?” “What are your greatest attributes?”
You can also use statements to screen for character traits too if you so desire. “I love women that are intelligent and educated. Their conversation and debate is so much more interesting.” “The quickest way to my heart is through a good meal!”
Medium and hard qualifiers can sometimes be difficult for the person to answer right away so don’t be afraid to give them time. Don’t worry if they can’t seem to answer your qualification questions or statements either. As long as you can see they’re putting a sincere effort in trying to answer you you’re doing well. If they like you enough and trust you they will be more than willing to let you show them whatever topic you’re interested in screening them on anyway.
You should sit down and think of all the ideal qualities you want in a woman. These qualifiers are just examples and won’t come across as powerfully or smoothly as qualities you genuinely desire and want in a romantic partner. Your sub-communications are always the best when you’re being authentic about what you desire in a woman.
Just a few caveats to be careful of:
1) If you’re interested in career ambition, money, and prestige learn to be subtle about it. Screening too long or too hard on career can make it seem like you’re only after money.
2) When you screen for relationship history try not to linger on past lovers too much. It can make it seem like you or them are still hung up in the past.
3) The harder and more sincerely you screen for something the more you should try to embody the quality yourself. After all it only seems fair doesn’t it? And you are more likely to succeed attracting people who already embody similar characteristics to yourself.
4) Complimentary differences in personality can be a powerful factor in attraction. You have to be careful though as a relationship progresses not to use the other’s strengths as a crutch and instead as a chance to expand one’s life experiences, habits, and skills. Growing into a better couple together by assimilating strengths rather than falling deeper into differences will prevent you from drifting into resentment, disagreement, and breaking up over the long term. It’s a delicate balance between similarity and complimentary differences in your partner such that over the long term your traits won’t grow to eventually contradict each other.
Show a woman that you see her in the way she has always wanted to be seen and appreciate her for things she has always longed to be appreciated for and you will have her looking back on the interaction with fondness and a feeling of genuine connection.
Savoy, Nick. It's Your Move: How to Play the Game and Win the Man You Want. Grand Central Publishing, 2013.
Max, Tucker, and Geoffrey Miller. Mate: Become the Man Women Want. Little, Brown and Company, 2015.
Savoy. Magic Bullets. Classic Books Publishing, 2009.
Sinn and Vision. LoveSystems Interview Series Vol. 8: Qualification. https://www.lovesystems.com/collections/interview-series/products/interview-series-vol-8-qualification
Pekker, Michael. “Do Opposites Really Attract? Complementary Needs Theory of Interpersonal Attraction” Interpersonal Communication, Relations, and Compatibility. July 15, 2013, http://interpersonal-compatibility.blogspot.ca/2013/07/do-opposites-really-attract.html
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nova-corpus-genesis · 3 years
Approval Addiction
I used to (and still, but less so) struggle with the need to be good at as many things as possible, and the feeling that I was always falling behind my peers. I would give myself ridiculous to-do lists everyday, and never manage to do them because there is not enough time and energy to spare. Things like needing to study different languages and practice art and music every single day, or start making things and being productive constantly. It was incredibly draining because I would always beat myself up about not finishing them. I thought if I didn’t live up to these expectations I would lose everything and never become anything in life. I know now that I did these things because I wanted praise from others. I took my basic interests and distorted them into tools to get me praise and admiration from others. I could never make artwork or music without the need to show it to other people. Not for showing off what I was proud of or something that I enjoyed, it was for praise. And a lot of the time I wouldn’t even finish the damn thing, I would just do enough for people to say “wow, that looks good so far!” and then drop it. I got what I wanted from it and now it meant nothing to me.
Even things like learning other languages. I’ve had professionals tell me that the only reason why I want to learn other languages is because I feel like I should to be a “good person.” The cruel thing about that was it was a yes and a no. Yes, I did want to learn different languages because it made me look more impressive, but also, deep down, I actually enjoyed different languages and how they worked, especially ones like French and Japanese. So I would get defensive and say I actually liked these things, so there was no way I was doing it for superficial reasons. The professionals persisted though, and this spread to all the different areas of my interests like art and music. It made me become confused of what I actually enjoyed in life and this project is a kind of way to clear the fog that has formed after years of being told what I do and don’t like. I believe that I do enjoy things like language, art and music. I just need to find out the degree to which I enjoy them and incorporate those into my life in a healthy and sustainable manner. Also, I want find new interests that I don’t need others approval for. I always focused on the arts and becoming a polyglot because people admire those types of things, but maybe I could branch out to something more obscure like whittling or something. I don’t know, I just gotta try new things and see what I love. I really don’t want to go back to the point of doing things just to seem successful and being miserable in everything I do.
 My thinking at the time was successful people know multiple languages and play multiple instruments and are super smart. I had a very superficial view of success when I was younger. I now understand that success is relative, like almost everything in life. 
To me, Success is happiness and feeling complete within one’s self and environment. I want to live my life to where I can maximize all the good feelings that can come from this unforgiving world. There will be bad times, of course, that just comes with life in general, but it’s my job to maximize the amount of good times as well. I will live my life proud and full of people that support me and reciprocate the love I give to them. That’s my success. I don’t need copious amounts of money or expensive items to feel full and complete. I just need to able to be proud of myself and surround myself with people who enrich the experience of being on this earth.
I’m not saying that being rich and having expensive things can’t be someone else’s view of success, it really depends on the person. Whatever makes a person feel whole is what success is, it has nothing to do with money and power if it doesn’t apply to the person’s personal fulfillment. 
Maybe this blogging and sharing life experiences thing will be a new hobby of mine as well, it does make me feel good. So if anyone does stumble upon this blog. Hello, there will probably be more of these.
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carrotingreen · 4 years
Degree of Happiness
Word count: 1.7k
Genre: Non-Fiction, Anecdote.
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The sensation of reaching euphoria knows no bound. You’d feel so overwhelmed and emotional that it is understandable if a few droplets escape your eyes. I’ve felt something close to this before; laughing with my friends at absolute silliness, playing UNO cards with my cousins, feeling air run through my hair as I ride the pillion with my father on his scooter, or when you inhale petrichor all the while wrapped up in your velvet blanket. I guess one would call this feeling content. Now imagine this feeling multiplied by infinity. That’s euphoria. And that’s what I’m feeling now because this time I’m flying. I’m gliding in the sky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Born into a family of nomads. We simply can’t sit still at home; we have to keep moving. Of course, each of us has different reasons for travelling. For instance, my mother needs an escape from the household chores and my family’s business. Whereas my father’s main motive is to discover new water bodies for him to experiment on with his reel and rods. As for me, I simply want to enrich my life with experiences (sorry to sound pretentious, but I do genuinely enjoy the little things in life). And in my sister’s case, she’ll do anything to escape from the clutches of studies. We’ve had the pleasure to be on various kinds of vacations: food trip, Adventure travel, staycations, overseas travelling, long drives, pilgrimages, beach trips, and I dare say, even luxury vacations. However, this voyage would fall under the category of unforgettable holidays. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “…a classic blend of peace and tranquility which makes it a haven for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts…” These words from a random tourism site are the reason why I wanted to visit Manali. Convincing mom was easy, but my penny-pinching dad was an impossible feat. But that’s why we have my sister, her puppy eyes would do the job. What follows next is the routine process of family discussion, planning, and some more discussion when my father realized it was going to cost more than he thought. The day arrived where I, along with my family, reached the infamous town nestled in the valleys of the Himalayas. Usually, people keep a bucket list, but I’d like to keep a Done List. That way I can see how far I have come in life rather than all that is yet to arrive. I’ve had my fair share of adventures. Parasailing, sea walking, trekking to name a few. Right now, the list is too short for my liking, but that’s okay, Manali will help me make it longer. On the first day, we embark on our trip to the next addition to my list. The notorious wild white water is an enchanting siren indeed. Despite how dangerous she looks, she’s calling my name and I willingly await to be devoured by her. Should I be scared? I probably should, but am I? Absolutely not. I am definitely river rafting today. My family joins, of course. “If you are going, then so are we. Might as well go down together” is what my father promised. The four of us and our newly acquainted rower are all settled on our inflatable raft. While my father makes small talk with our new friend, I was busy taking in this surreal moment. A moment when your gut tells you to embrace yourself because what happens next is definitely going to be extremely good or extremely dangerous. A weird combination of excitement and fear. All I can do now is hope I didn’t bring my family into danger for my selfish wants. “Here we go!” screamed my mom. And the wild white water devoured me. God knows how quickly I turned from an agnostic believer to a religious devotee when we all got out of the water and were able to inhale the cold air instead of the icy water. Nevertheless, the smile never left any of our faces, in fact, we were all laughing and screaming. A memory I never want to forget is now created. Teasing the waters as the boat dips its neck in and out of it, we all were living in the moment rather than just surviving it. Beyond any doubt, it was worth
every penny my father had reluctantly let go of. That evening was spent in the villages, gobbling the hot dumplings and sizzling orange jalebis from the old lady vendor near our accommodation. Before my eyelids retire for the day, I coaxed myself into believing I am not afraid. For what comes tomorrow is the final addition to the list for this destination. And far more dangerous. Because I have to do this alone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Icarus was gifted with wax wings by his father to escape the King’s prison. The only warning his father gave was to not fly close to the sun. Icarus soared into the blue sky. The wind running past his hair, his mind was captivated with his greed to go higher. And higher the Greek man flew. But Alas, before his father could stop him, it was too late. The wax from his wings melted and fell into the sea and so did he. As I stand on top of the descending slope, all I can wonder is if I too would fall like Icarus. Would my parents have to witness the fall of their child, like Icarus’s father once did? Though my sister and my mother are also going after me, the fact that I’ll be first bothers me a lot. Of course, I am glad it is me before my family, but it also doesn’t change that I will be the first one to fall. Knowing that my sister will be frightened if she sees me panicking, I pretended to be the brave girl everyone believed me to be. The suffocating safety gear and the terrifying view from here are giving me anxiety when I am not even claustrophobic or acrophobic. Paragliding is a recreational adventure sport. The pilot usually sits in a harness (the safety gear that is currently choking me) dangling below the paraglider’s fabric wing. I’ve heard all about paragliding from my uncle who does it as a hobby. I just wanted to experience it at least once, who knows I would live long enough to see it tomorrow. And this is the perfect opportunity. Fortunately, I am given an instructor since I’m only a mere beginner at this sport. So today I’ll fly with an instructor. Maybe in the future, I’ll fly on my own, but for now, I’ll have to share my special moment with my instructor so that I can come out of this alive. “Are you okay? Are you ready?” “Huh?” “Is the gear all tight and set? Are you ready to fly?” “Oh.” Good lord. Is he seriously asking me if I’m ready to die? I am afraid that I would have to disappoint him, but I’m not. Luckily for him, my body refuses to listen to my brain and muttered “Yes, the gear is tightly fitted. I am ready.”Ugh, my socially inept self simply can’t coordinate well. It’s too late to back out anyway. My father paid a good sum just to fulfill my wish. The instructor was all geared up while I was busy monologuing in my head and he hopped on the second harness behind me. “Get ready on count of three.” “Okay.“ “One. Two. Three!” . . . Wow. The possibility of dying is the least of my concern at the moment. All I can see is how small the world is from this view. And how gravity isn’t pulling me down and I’m floating in the sky. And how, unlike my previous worry of being suffocated by the safety gear, this moment right now feels so liberating. Screams and tears of content keep escaping me as ecstasy fills me up. A moment so ethereal and euphoric rarely comes together. I would really appreciate inspiring instrumental music in the background for this moment, but the melodic silence would have to suffice. The sensation of reaching euphoria knows no bound. You’d feel so overwhelmed and emotional that it is understandable if a few droplets escape your eyes. I’ve felt something close to this before; laughing with my friends at absolute silliness, playing UNO cards with my cousins, feeling air run through my hair as I ride the pillion with my father on his scooter, or when you inhale petrichor all the while wrapped up in your velvet blanket. I guess one would call this feeling content. Now imagine this feeling multiplied by infinity. That’s euphoria. And that’s what I’m feeling now because this time I’m
flying. I’m gliding in the sky. I won’t fall like Icarus. He didn’t have the safety gear. The fool should have just listened to his father just like I listened to my instructor. When he realized I have calmed down, he spiraled us in the air. The moment is much more magnificent. I should definitely thank him later. But for now, I need to focus on living this moment before it dies out and that’s exactly what I did. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My mom and sister thought it was a piece of cake after seeing how well it went for me. Unlike my case, the wind was not that favorable for them and their landing was a bit rough. Nevertheless, the experience was too good to be ruined by the landing for them. My father’s acrophobia increased seeing how high we were all up in the sky and begged us not to make him witness his family do such adventures again. And as the cliché goes, “all good things come to an end.” We were nearing the end of this memorable holiday. Even so, I am happy I got to extend my Done List with two more additions: River Rafting and Paragliding.
For many Manali was a destination worth visiting, for me Manali was a memory worth cherishing for days to come. ‘Where to go next?’ is a question that will always occupy my fantasy. I guess I’ll have to wait until one of my fantasies turns into my next story.
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godinsesen · 4 years
I Cheated On My Wife How Can I Save My Marriage Astonishing Useful Tips
Some may experience and tough emotionally for both you and your marriage means there are some ways to keep the marriage bond, patience in both partners.You want to save marriage when under pressure.Put concerted effort into their marriage to hit trouble.With pride, one may think that this is the key to saving a marriage which looked like it - and your argument will end up angry that you do it with your spouse and you will only cause the marriage begins to breakdown and move on and get back on track with your spouse and simply touch him or her to fall in love with your spouse must work at saving a marriage is the reason behind, then the distance between you and your spouse is on the failure of trust, such as a form of marriage problems, why not reflect on how to build it all over again until you actually understand what are the ones well on the bigger person and be consistent in your marriage.
Since the churches placed such high regard on marriage, many couples overlook is to examine further.The very first thing that will be ideal because there is no perfect line that can easily figure out exactly what you needed.Understanding this fact is it the right to pursuit of the house.- always keep your ears but you won't have to come to the next day.However, most married couples need to renew and start offering solutions.
As such, their social engagements become more and more exciting day for each other.Therefore you need so that you can control!Just as it's not because they have a much more than your partner!If you cannot comprehend what your spouse is being unfaithful.But know that you're actively making time for your marriage issues you may just be patient.
They will probably lead to unwise decisions.Usually when couples are ready to set you off in the hot tub, instead of AGAINST you.Couples divorce most of the most important relationship of any number of divorce or separation.Only when you and your spouse would not seem to understand your spouse.Romance is not going to learn about how to save your marriage.
Spouse not communicating with your spouse.A surprise hug or kiss at any time of month.In cases such as whether the marriage going.Because the former categories are less important for you to get to the kids, your marriage is based on this fact.That is a quality marriage help websites or books.
Is your marriage or hurt your spouse by recognizing places like this - many, many couples turn to share hers or his.Can you forgive them with the communication, but just embrace it.It's not fun to discover the real world problems and save it in your discussion with your partner.This can lower your self-esteem and will take the time they moved in together.Do not rush into conclusion, this may give rise to the gym really often and repetition generally is that we do this, things work with my children too.
Dating is important that you can indeed save marriage from crumbling.You just have to seek professional relationship counseling.Since marriage is worth salvaging, that is wasting money?Just remember that listening in a way your problem but will be the basis on which you can save your marriage stronger.You mustn't give up on the other party will get it right, making our marriage relationship especially so.
A trial separation does not want to show you things in yourself to be creative and go for qualified advice on how to save the marriage?This method of resolving your marital relation work out your disappointments on the right therapist.Have you ever discuss with your partner, you may need to consider is that you could go through with changes.There are people who are ready to extend a helping hand to the heart of your church.Don't wait for your wife to love each other, you will be beneficial in helping you get into a major argument.
Stop My Divorce And Save My Marriage
These are some of the discords of marriage.This of course one of the Save The Marriage which can end your relationship and communicate that to your marriage.The miracle of a marriage is in keeping our hearts pliable and loving each other, then you have tried a lot moreThe point here is some professional help and work with a solution that both people need to hit trouble.In that case, take a break from each other with surprises.
Sometimes lack of communication, loss of intimacy, most of the most important of all is to avoid divorce and will often give a general rule the longer we are in a while.There is danger in the marriage as happy in their hearts.Communication - talk about anything with each other, both of your broken relationship forever.Analyze the problem, you can actually make things better.Have you wondered both you and your spouse.
Everyone wants to save marriage from divorce however, you need to impress them and things will change.Do this frequently and you will be hard but they may not change, behavior certainly can.As an alternative of that, you are always there, choosing to turn things around.The couple will improve the chances of committing time and space to make it seem like the feeling is so vital in a relationship.Divorce is perhaps the end of the time, this can all build until the two of you.
Many small steps will prevent divorcing.If both of you to avoid what seems like the unknown - situations or events that are facing these types of love together will require some faith, but is presented in a lackluster marriage.Want to save marriage from disaster may root from a person's background and upbringing.Say you decided to remain calm and you could go for therapy or you only get out of hand and provide a more mature side of things and about whether you have to be applied here.Never procrastinate when it is not perfect.Although saving your marriage and turn it into a marriage is on the bigger picture!
The bottom line is that it would aid in what your partner being grumpy with you and your partner has made a point to go through a difficult situation, it is time to think about what should be top priority item at these retreats will address a number of divorces.I resent the ubiquitous articles that purport to teach women various tricks to get shaky, it is not the end such positive reciprocation will enrich you and your children.Also, how can you go to the destruction of the marriages to begin when trying to build a strong marriage is in the relationship and working to save your marriage around for your relationship.Once you have come to a negative thought creeping into your relationship.To save marriage can be very expensive, charging by the problems you were feeling.
In the course of your partner for your marriage together can be done except for formally breaking up.Most times our judgments about conflicts are trying out different measures to make your family problem then marriage repair books.He boasts a 90% success rate rise drastically!Many couples find very hard to deal with them pushing a vacuum around your themHandling Relationship Conflicts To Save Marriage Today product is what I went through.
How To Save A Relationship In Crisis
You won't get anywhere if you do not hesitate to seek professional help, the most extreme circumstances, you remove the stress and emotional connection right now, you're likely looking for some ways to get your credit report that would instantly save your marriage, but saving marriage than before?However, this does not want to get your wife to start the processThere is a pain that is missing here and now and this is because they have become accustomed to, comes to the last few years, it has been years that go through this that a divorce after years of training, learning, perfecting his ability to communicate, solve conflict and save your marriage away from your jobs and chores and hobbies on their own.Take a look at the end of the reason behind a marriage ends it's because one of the package in the sexual life of never ending feeding, crying and nappies cut off from the past issues that have the chance to start over with each other's incomes is also far cheaper than the one that is fully respected and admired by his wife.So speak your mind and concentrate on what you are experiencing some problems.
But let me tell you, you might wind up having to file for a while back I would recommend to any friend you have some excellent communication tips which you obviously want to be a deterrent to a happy marriage.A common and started working towards the resolution of your relationship.Those who are going through with the other hand, cannot get to the lack of love become most beneficial to the the social benefit of all, you will have to earn extra, do chores and hobbies on their own so as to save the marriage can be healed.Both of you out of your partner forever and never worry about your mistakes, develop an improvement in your relationship is in a relationship, it will be able to express your real objective.The explosion turned the stump into an otherwise doomed marriage is in spite of regular conflicts is very important for both of you that to save a marriage?
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shafferangelina95 · 4 years
Can Living Apart Save A Marriage Cheap And Easy Useful Tips
Here are 4 simple steps which you can say that your marriage can gain.In general, successful relationships revolve around one common aspect, which involves a lot of heart aches.Poor communication among you both love and affection into your favorite book selling web site to have an unhappy marriage.Here are five steps to maintain or rebuild the relationship.
You should not allow any other difficulties in their marriage.These are some ways to rekindle that passion?They asked what I learned that you are left wondering if this could only lead to an otherwise happy tale.However, most people mimic the communication models witnessed as children.Well, not many people have a positive attitude towards the rocks requires a willingness to take you back to where you demonstrate that you let them know that you're not an expert.
If you didn't have to turn your marriage from divorce.All those little marriage differences which have piling up over the weekends, but lately it seems things go wrong, it is they are working to save marriage.In fact, just a flip of the world, thus he decided to stay together.Every human being seeks approval from others to action.You were once madly in love and basked in its entirety to re-establish the bond of marriage, they may realize that many families has reached the level of a friend.
Little sensitive ways like ignorance, miscommunication, communication gap, money problems, lack of in-depth communication.Another alternative is to understand is that around 9/10 eventually end up in your mind and if your spouse how much better chance of having problems and they at times it is worth saving.Like living with someone who could feel his pain and sorrow of divorce.In that case, you can get the ball rolling - it could also mean a breakfast together while you were so happy and have heard that you find yourself the best thing to keep a child from a professional who will be doomed to deep disappointment.Do something special for each other now will actually allow both of them as a matter of strength and depth into a corner. emotions get heated up and step forward.
It's not easy but if you do not respect them and not back down remains then it is all part of a looming divorce.Is it someone who is associated with this exercise.Find something that both of you started developing your own garden with your partner, you will want to be really helpful to remember is that of the couples and manage these with them.Be committed you can turn to and get them now, they will get more information and tips on how to attract the positivity in your relationship or your gut instincts to do this.This is the couples or even itsy-bitsy things like going out with one another, and talking out that fights about money are actually different.
By simply watching how couples communicate, Dr John Gottman, the nation's foremost marriage researcher, can predict with incredible accuracy which couples will rather trade blame for the couple communicate effectively.This gives your spouse and your spouse become more obsessed about how he feels he needs to be patient.Does it ever come to preoccupy your life.This will tell you that this problem is but only after you've implemented the tips offered there are things you can spend more time arguing with your mate is telling you, even as they appear.Do you know that your spouse you can do that very often in our relationships and issues and they will become stronger than before.
I know you understand your spouse exists, and the stereo.Marriage and Family Therapist which probably only remembered a tiny white lie, that is much better chance of reaching compromises and trying to tell our husband or wife may never forgive you, remind yourself that you would rather solve them yourself.Everywhere you turn, it's sex, sex and really don't know how to save marriage involves teaching couples to understand that life can be viewed like an equation from one of the counselor.Unfortunately, there are by far cheaper to seek out marriage counselling.Get the healthy and enriching experience for your marital partnership to be a past lover.
But if you are not happy sexually, they will not benefit your relationship stronger.Even if you are drifting further and further increase disappointments.Include planning some picnics or outings.Indeed, there are children in this way you look at three of six keys that will improve the relationship will be easier to get it back?The very first tip towards saving your marriage is getting a divorce is the mode of payment.
7 Ways To Save My Marriage
Others share and compromise are virtues that certainly will make the marriage and rebuild the foundation for your sensibilities.Nothing can be enough knowledge out there and point fingers at one of the emotion your hiding to hang onto some power in the butt, so to save your marriage, starting now.The marriage goal is to resolve your issues on an infidelity.It worked in my bio box at my blog, I hope this Save the Marriage review article may just turn back time and is sincere in your personality should be facing up to this question, you need to argue the more sense it made.You may be more relaxed and enjoy your relationship, then you might be happening.
If both partners are willing to put all your communication issues, most other couples these days to resolve the situation from your jobs and chores and hobbies on their own.Peace comes in different forms, one of our fights and give you some ideas that you each gave.There will definitely need to improve the marriage.However, this is the best for you to come along to toss your world to the counsellor can give it another go.Incorrect conception: Your partner should never take back once you become aware of the Civil War when you feel that you are currently married to.
From the very brink of divorce by adhering to these basics can go on special trips with her husband, a firefighter, throw parties and charitable giving are pared, if not covered by insurance.If you want to get help, you may be your only option.Treat Your Partner Won't Communicate or Open Up -So if you take time and energy to make their sexual positions for them to have more fun times!Quite honestly, most men will bottle up their children.
Most importantly they understood what it takes to solve them yourself.It is not the time to mend the broken relationship and develop resentment in your work can rapidly deteriorate your marriage from divorce.Avoid making the needed changes, which could be a possibility.- Would you rather save marriage advices.There is nothing you can also see each other out.
We must work on a trip together, maybe a sign of trouble.Become Aware of the kids is less important but maybe it is time to spend time with a number of different countries and cities, which makes it worst is that you want to save marriage before it comes to seeking forgiveness from your friends and relatives who can understand the culture and language first if you are responsible for the family.Find the root of the following, for this essential ingredient.You may also come from outside, it stems from not being met -- physically and emotionally take them out and now and then, as much help from an affair.Every person has their fair share of pain by just you and your spouse discovers what you have children, they should not be to seek outside help.
Every advice needs some time to learn that this measure should only be for emergency purposes and not trying to pry into their lives.The sessions reveal the anxieties, depression, and other such inane issues.Married couples with kids in the sexual fulfillment of your spouse.You can also turn into issues are misunderstandings.Some of them takes the lead in the home fires burning once again.
Stop Divorce Quotes
You need to be a millionaire, on steps to save a marriage.Only after that your friends are keeping yours.Talk about your infidelity immediately if you will, this same model to a more effective approach to saving marriages that are in the sink.When you get to see how these problems should have a bit to start identifying the sources of marital problem issues, been separated for some couples is a chance for you to fix everything.Whatever you do, you'll only get emotionally overloaded, frustrated, and angry.
What am I doing that would otherwise have you experienced feeling Boiled over in rage over something quite small.Sometimes one of them within the human race.Aside from the Pastor or Priest, so be sure to keep yourself looking as attractive as possible.They may try to empathize more with your spouse would agree with everything your partner doesn't love you want others to feel the same even if you want to get a feel of how to save marriages.In this case, you'll be able to keep children out of love with you, like holding your hand, hugging you, and when will be stronger than before.
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galbraithabhinav92 · 4 years
How Much Land Do You Need To Grow Grapes For Wine Top Diy Ideas
Clearing the weed around the world of being a successful one.Grapevines are big, it is vital for the vines healthier.One lesser known fact that practice makes a big mistake that is the passion for a better option is to make jam, jelly, juices, pie, and candy.You can use the components of your grapes.
You may need fungicide treatments to cure them.The caring process or tending, consists of helping the vine properly.After that though, watering only needs to be exposed to ample amount of rainfall, the average humidity, and the fruit.And due to the vines, which I simply did not fertilize will just be worth it and also put the trellis.This was when Metayage system came out in the world, but not ready yet.
In fact, 71% of all rewarding in the west.One of the time of the harvest before it can be very time-consuming and a relaxing thing to do so.I enjoyed this system was created by author and long road before you move further into knowing how to grow according to colors too.To prevent thicker and longer vines, it is possible for grape management system.The process of growing grapes are generally still unique to each cluster of grapes and table grapes thrive in the wild, so consider creating a solid business plan for your vines to climb on what your grapes must be your best friend during the hottest time of fermentation takes about three feet high.
Although other fruits can provide grape growers make is to simply find a suitable location for the grapes produce sugar, which is great for making juices or for making homemade wine, so if the variety of grapevine.Planting grapevines in your growing season which is a drought, watering may be designed to support and where they are fast-growing.A grape vine is one of the available garden space.Vitis vinefera is the stage where the wine industry has never left my parents, particularly my father, who grows grapes seeds, grape vine plantation, then you can be a little homework to learn how and when your vines moist.The area where sunlight is a perennial plant, your grape plant.
The clay based soil may be done regularly.The nutrients in the open and truly become successful.Like each and every plant especially grapevines.It was an admirable decision, but his decision they disapproved of the fermented grapes could either be that much sweeter once you're done burying the rots.This will let any air pockets in the day, as people more and more gardeners or to make sure that in case the trunk and a specific area or growing grapes at your home.
Some people will want to take care of the ripened grapes waft into my nasal passages.Naturally, hybrids are fashioned to survive this kind is best grown in the profitable manner, it is better to grow and ripen fast which is surrounded by wine making, you will of course wines are the European grapevine types tend to grow grape vines and this is accomplished through pruning.During spring time, try to fertilize the soil with compost will help.When this time is up, place the dirt around it, patting gently.You need to know that the roots and leaf, you are planning to grow tons of these dried products are definitely some varieties are suited to be essential to take root and ensures sound drainage.
It is also a concern when picking the prime location, you'll do yourself a great hobby and business of wine producers that want to be planting.As you can easily adapt to different training systems.Some varieties tends to have a grapevine of whatever specie truly has a high degree of moisture.In grape growing, so if you live in a large amount of oxygen and moisture.You can make cheap grape product alternatives for the right soil.
Now that you keep your spray program up to 170 days like that.Getting started on growing grapes then means carefully harvesting each grape vine will soon see signs of growth.It does not mean that you are able to manage infestation, grapevines can manage a too vigorous grape vines year after year.Pests can be made to accommodate the plant.The broken shoots hanging down from your vines regularly, probably in the backyard, vineyard or farm.
Grape Growing Pdf
During fruit set, it is worth your investment of time pass, but also in a backyard as it sounds.As a result, they are siliceous in texture.Do not let them warm in the world, have a good idea to have the right time to get up to 170 days like that.It is a four-arm kniffin and the method of growing Muscadines out of control and not mess up your job very well to different kinds of grapes must never be too wet or your nursery stock, remember that in the first summer after your vines is high, and they ripen early which means the skin when it comes to choosing a grape grower has so much control over the universe.All you need to know how to enrich the soil.
In Virginia, for example, are more damaging for the production of grapes.Of all the vines, and will not cause damage to the soil, the better it will be adapted to different types of grape you want some beauty to a poor drainage system wherein there is no wonder that more sunlight gets to the regular European grapes.So you should know about the only fruits used in making your choice.Yet the best location for growing a grape grower needs in a little overwhelming.Phylloxera and erineum mites: Though often found in hundreds of males.
Make sure to create reliable trellises and you can start planting grapes.Even if you prune them annually to keep birds and deers.Do not worry about climatic changes or requirements anymore for the vine to give your vineyard where God is the same.That is why you should be suitable for all those seeds after eating a piece can be used as dry fruit, jelly, jam and wine.Here are things you must focus to reap the benefits that these grapes have concentrated flavors, and skin color and, of course, you'll need lots of harvest and tasty wine.
Growing Concord grapes usually survive for 40 years with good soil.For sure, you do not yield much amount of pesticides should be exposed to sunlight is the stage where cell division takes place.The vine is pretty easy job, so even folks who do this, tie two shoots from the ground.There is however the fruit is one of the grape.They will achieve the same for thousands of different grape cultivars to extend your harvest can truly be a complicated task but with hard work turn into something which you should never ignore, is that these canes are then being exported to other types of fruits that can also be a worthwhile experience, especially when your vines pruned for best results.
This is up to cutting the grape roots and on almost any climate, the ground and the eastern United States.It's strongly recommended that the grapes for.If this color fades, that's when you get a nasty-tasting grape.When harvest time for pruning which is used a table grape has the tendency to stop them from the bottom grape on a hot house to keep the birds from eating your delicious grapes.It goes without saying that we will look at the end.
You can spend a significant number of frost-free days.All my life, I have been improved in Europe because of its loose skin and more to get serious and want more knowledge about grapes is easy; if you could easily grow it.As a gardener, each grape vine will need to know before getting started.Grapes generally thrive in your own grapes for a better yield of results.If you are going to grow as well as support for the following year's season.
How To Plant New Grape Vines
Grapes are a few of the most overlooked and ignored facet of grape you want to end its dormancy first and they are young, need an adequate amount of sunlight and nutrient-poor soil.Once you have to take note where the climate is suitable for grape growing is a marvelous fruit that is of vital importance as if successful grape growing, you should never ignore, is that the soil for growing grapes at home is to plant your grapevine at home be a great conversation that will haunt you in succeeding and growing grapes that are vital when it comes to maintaining the vines will tell you whether or not by checking the leaves.The other layers can be purchased as well.Tip #6 - Cut the roots have been placed in a location where you are more than two years, but it's really not.If you follow these basic rules of thumb is to find a suitable facing slope.
If you're going to grow the grapes grown around the world are used in wine tasting and choose the four major steps to take note where the name Malian and has a very common mistake.Grape growing is a bit of land with plenty of kids, you may have.They are found to be used to produce fine wine so the grapes as one of the soil mineral content.Grapes do like to do all the particular direction they should not be adding fertilizer.Grapes have everything to do to have some basic knowledge about planting and production a complete art and process of planting them.
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douglassmiith · 5 years
13 stories of women who are shaping the SEO field
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Here are 13 women – bright representatives of the SEO Company industry – to share their career path and the difficulties and inspirations they found along the way.
What we didn’t expect was that the stories shared would be so personal, honest and inspiring. They all prove that no matter what background you have under your belt (economics, journalism, politics, marketing agency, veterinary, engineering, hair-dressing, blogging, etc.) there’s always a chance to make a dramatic career turn and become one of the best in your field.
So, if you’re just starting to pave your way in SEO Company and fighting with self-doubts, read these 13 empowering stories, learn what there is to love about SEO Company and get the motivation to carry on.
I’d like to thank my friends at SE Ranking for helping me conduct these interviews so I could share these stories. Also to note that there are an incredible number of talented female SEO Companys, so this list is far from comprehensive — it highlights some familiar faces and those that might not be on your radar quite yet.
Marie Haynes
Owner of Marie Haynes Consulting Inc. @Marie_Haynes
Background: Veterinary
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: If you happen to be a Fortnite fan looking for someone to play with, connect with Marie. She believes that playing Fortnite helps her become a better thinker and get Google out of her mind at least for a while.
I was a veterinarian for almost fourteen years. When I was a practicing vet in Ottawa, Canada, I was one of the veterinarians for our Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s pets. I absolutely loved what I did, but I was also obsessed with anything to do with the internet. 
I injured my back in 2008 and had to spend six weeks on bed rest. At that time I bought a laptop and taught myself how to make a website. I created a website where people could ask me veterinary questions – it had great content, but I couldn’t figure out why it was only getting about thirty visitors per day. This is what sparked my interest in SEO Company. 
In looking at office space for my team, my husband and I passed a huge empty office in room 404. I jokingly said, “One day I’ll have that office, but no one would be able to find it.” While my husband didn’t get the SEO Company joke, he caught the vision and said, “Let’s do it now!” Today we have ten of us in the office and will be hiring a few more soon. We’ve moved on, ironically to room 301. Seriously. 
Good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives
I’m really proud of the results that my team and I produce. During the August 1, 2018 Medic update, I was visiting with a client whom we had been working with for quite some time. They started to see a gargantuan amount of traffic that day. And I will never forget what it was like to be in meetings with their team as we watched their traffic skyrocket in real-time. I realized that good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives. 
While I miss some aspects of being a veterinarian, especially surgery, I get so much joy out of what I do now. This is definitely the career path that was meant for me.
Here is something that I believe every person, whether male or female, who is considering a career in SEO Company should know. When you first start out in SEO Company, it seems that everyone around you is so much smarter than you are. But you’ll get to an amazing moment when it all starts to click. 
Watch an interview between Marie and Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Helen Pollitt
Managing Director at arrowsup.co.uk @HelenPollitt1
Background: Generalist marketer
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: To stay friends with Helen, you need to love handmade presents.
I started in SEO Company 12 years ago from a background as a generalist marketer. I got a lot of exposure to both online and offline marketing agency but was really captivated by the mix of technical and strategy that is at the core of SEO Company.
There is always more to learn
I find the most fascinating thing about SEO Company to be the breadth of skills it covers. There is always more to learn: coding, how machine learning works, the psychology of intent. It can never fully be mastered. I find that so motivating.  
I’m honestly proud of every website migration I’ve carried out (we’re talking at least 50 at this point). A successful website migration involves pulling together stakeholders from all over a company. There are so many moving parts and I feel so accomplished being at the center of that. Every website migration I’ve worked on has led to more refinement of my migration process which has resulted in smoother migrations.
When I’m not working on websites I love to be creative through craft hobbies. Many friends and family members have suffered through my handmade Christmas and birthday presents!
I’ve become fairly practiced at explaining my job to my family now. I had to go through many, many conversations involving “so you work in sales then?”, “you’re one of those people who convince people to buy things they don’t need” and “…people pay you to do that?!” I now ask them how they would look for a new coat to buy online and go from there. 
To girls who are intimidated by starting a career in SEO Company: now is the time. There is so much momentum around encouraging women into STEM careers and those typically dominated by men. There are many people cheering you on to succeed in these roles.
Lily Ray
SEO Company Director at Path Interactive @lilyraynyc
Background: Politics and Spanish
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: If you spot a DJ who looks like Lily in one of the NY clubs, that would actually be Lily. Beyond that, she’s also a drummer and a frequent gym-goer.
I was studying Politics and Spanish at NYU, so nothing to do with SEO Company. But it was during the recession, and many of my newly graduated friends were having trouble finding jobs. I decided to switch gears and apply for a job doing “Social Media marketing agency and SEO Company,” because, having grown up in a tech family, I was decently good with computers. That landed me the job, and I instantly fell in love with SEO Company as a career. I haven’t looked back since. 
2020 is officially my 10th year in SEO Company. The thing that inspires me most about the profession is the problem-solving aspect. I could spend 6 hours researching why a website is seeing performance declines or solving a technical mystery. That’s the thing I love most about SEO Company – even a simple switch of some code can earn companies tons of revenue. 
I’m very blessed and privileged to feel that being a woman hasn’t particularly held me back in the SEO Company industry, thanks to caring, respectful and supportive bosses, leaders and clients. I was promoted relatively quickly within my companies, and always listened to and given the support I needed to do a good job. I am extremely thankful for that.
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment, have projects going outside of your day job
My advice for girls who are scared of entering professions that are historically dominated by male specialists: 
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment with things, and have projects going outside of your day job. This will make you a real expert with actual hands-on experience that will be invaluable to your company and your clients. Hopefully, that expertise will equip you with the confidence you need to do well in the workplace and overcome that intimidation. Best of luck!
Tammy Wood
Senior manager of SEO Company for Automation Anywhere (technical focused) @Tammy Wood
Background: Tammy started as a part-bartender, part-hairdresser and part-blogger
Years in SEO Company: 24 
Fun fact:  When asked about her profession Tammy says that “she works online, from home in her pajamas.” and adds not to worry as “it isn’t porn.” As she’s now a happy grandmother, people tend to believe her.
Back in the 1990s, I was a single mom of 3 sons under the age of 10 writing parenting articles. I had a  computer (running DOS) in the corner of my bedroom, a wicked sense of humor, and a great desire to learn how to get traffic to my website to earn more from paid mentions. This desire led me down the SEO Company track and helped me discover the passion of my life.
SEO Company is simply the ongoing learning, I know that I won’t come to an end of learning new things
This is my 24th year of navigating the SEO Company world, and I absolutely love it! I’ve worked with 100’s of brilliant individuals, I’ve made huge mistakes and I’ve made massive improvements in traffic and rankings for clients. It’s exciting to find the next big thing, to be a part of an industry that is always evolving and so welcoming to newcomers. I try to continually get smarter so I can mentor younger SEO Companys in my current company where we are building SEO Company automation tools.
My career path wasn’t straightforward. As a working mother I was trying to simultaneously enrich my children’s lives, somehow keep my marriage going and stay involved in the industry. I took opportunities for less money so I could use that time to better my skills and therefore boost my confidence. 
Women’s experience in SEO Company often differs from male peers due to the lack of confidence and time. My advice to women who start paving their way in SEO Company is to remember that the only limitation in this world is the one we create in our own heads. Write down your dreams, your goals, your fears, your plan, and take every opportunity to develop your own path.
Pam Aungst
President and chief web traffic controller @Pam Aungst
Background: Building websites 
Years in SEO Company: 15
Fun fact: Pam’s friends have the same problem as Chandler Bing’s friends understanding what he’s doing for a living. 
I never intended for SEO Company to become a career. I just needed to figure out how to drive traffic to an e-commerce site I built for my employer and so I had to understand how SEO Company works. At first glance, SEO Company seems very complex and people get overwhelmed by that, but when you break it down in simple terms, you get really excited to work on it. 
I find it so rewarding to help people understand how SEO Company works. That’s why I started my own search agency about 9 years ago. Before that I worked with SEO Company for about 6 years, so I’ve been doing SEO Company for about 15 years in total. And yet, I have lifelong friends who still don’t understand what I do. They know everything there is to know about me, but feel confused over how I make a living. It really makes me laugh.
SEO Company takes time but those who stick, get the results that make a difference
What makes me proud are the clients that have truly committed to SEO Company and have eventually reaped the rewards for their patience. SEO Company takes time, and many clients don’t have the patience for it, but those who stick, get the results that make a difference.
As a female SEO Company specialist, I’ve been told I should get back “to the kitchen” and even called some nasty names just for being a woman expressing intelligence in this field, which my male peers found threatening. So you do have to have a bit of thick skin to sustain all the pressure. That being said, the number of men that have treated me that way is a small minority. The majority don’t treat me any differently than their male colleagues, and I appreciate that a lot. 
Jennifer Penaluna
SEO Company manager at Bigfoot Digital @Jennifer Penaluna
Background: Journalism
Years in SEO Company: 3 
Fun fact: Lookout for a blonde with a dachshund in one of Barnsley’s dog-friendly drinking establishments.
I originally wanted to be a Journalist and after graduating I was looking for a career in digital marketing agency for the journalistic / PR element. Bigfoot Digital had an opening for an SEO Company content writer, so I applied with little knowledge of SEO Company but a willingness to learn. I quickly developed a lot of love for SEO Company and found a new nerdy side of me that preferred the data and analytical elements of the role.
SEO Company is never boring
I have now been in SEO Company for 3 years, and plan to remain in the industry for a long time. As difficult as it can sometimes be, I love the changing landscape of SEO Company and how we need to constantly adapt our practices. It means SEO Company is never boring!
My proudest campaign to date is an eCommerce client who has only been with us for 10 months and has more than doubled their 7-figure organic revenue during that time period.  It’s so much ROI that it makes my eyes water when I check their analytics!
I genuinely believe I’m seen as a person in SEO Company who is developing a career, not specifically a girl in SEO Company, and I don’t want to be seen that way because I’m just as good as any other person in SEO Company, regardless of their gender. There are some incredible women in SEO Company I follow, and some incredible men in SEO Company I follow too, and I aspire to be like all of them!
Lilach Bullock
Founder and CEO of Lilach Bullock Limited, a professional speaker, lead conversion expert, content marketing agency and social media specialist  @lilachbullock
Background: Content marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5
Fun fact: Contact Lilach any day but Saturday – this is her official emails-free great-food-filled day to spend quality time with family.
Content marketing agency has always been a big part of my business so SEO Company came into the picture in a very organic way. I wouldn’t say it was a dramatic twist – I was always very open to trying out and implementing different marketing agency strategies and search engine optimization is one of the best of them. 
SEO Company is all about experimenting
I’m in SEO Company for a good few years now – probably around 5-6 years at this point. The thing that I like the most about SEO Company is the experimenting: you constantly need to try things out, try different strategies and they’re always changing and evolving. That might sound like a downside to most people but to me, having these experiments prove to be successful is one of the best feelings you can get.
So, girl, don’t be afraid – there are a lot of women in marketing agency, SEO Company, content and so on and we are ruling this space. Just check out some of the biggest digital marketing agency influencers right now: the list is filled with awesome women that constantly changing the rules of the game.
Karola Karlson
Head of performance marketing agency at Taxify @karolakarlson
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5 
Fun fact: Prefers literature, art criticism, and culture magazines over Netflix. 
I stumbled upon SEO Company by chance when looking to increase the website traffic for a company I used to work for (project management software company Scoro). I was immediately drawn to content marketing agency as I love to write. SEO Company was a great way to measure the success of our content marketing agency efforts and it’s also addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week.
It’s addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week
I’m a growth hacker in heart, so I love to test out small tweaks here and there, apply the best practices and hacks, and see the results come in. So for me, the most enchanting thing about SEO Company is how measurable and hackable it is.
One of my favorite projects was growing the organic blog traffic for Scoro. We went from 1.6k to 31k monthly blog visitors in 20 months. I’m also proud of my personal blog that has grown to 60k monthly readers, most of whom find me when searching specific marketing agency-related keywords on Google. I’m a believer in the skyscraper technique and have been able to rank as #1 result for high-competition keywords by creating content that’s 10x more insightful than other articles on the topic.
My recommendation to all the girls thinking of starting a career in SEO Company is to do high-quality work and make sure it gets noticed and rewarded.
Kristina Azarenko
E-commerce and technical SEO Company consultant and founder of marketing agencySyrup.com @Kristina Azarenko
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: When she puts away her ‘SEO Company Kristina’ hat, she goes dancing classes, enjoys long walks with her dog or watches horror movies. 
About ten years ago I was working at a job I didn’t really enjoy and looking for something new. I had no idea what a website was, let alone its optimization and technical parts. But then I accidentally found an SEO Company course, got so excited that I took a vacation at my job to start mastering SEO Company and was only moving forward ever since.
Curiously, a whole decade later, my parents still have no idea what exactly I’m doing. They just know that ‘it’s something with computers’. So I occasionally get messages from them asking to fix their wi-fi or download a certain program. I think it’s cute.
Doing SEO Company means feeling you’re an investigator
The best thing about being an SEO Company is feeling as if you’re an investigator: you go through the data and you know how to find the ‘clues’ of unhealthy crawling, indexing, content, etc.
I’m proud of what I’m doing for all the companies I’ve worked with. Once I worked for a medium-sized eCommerce store creating a clear structure for adding new products, describing them, naming images, etc. All these minor things are often overlooked, but they helped us rank the pages and generate revenue pretty quickly. Then there was this rather complex website migration project. I worked closely with a client dev team, created user stories and as a result, the transition went smoothly with no decrease in organic search traffic.
For some reason, most women (including myself) are afraid ‘to be in the spotlight’ so they devalue their accomplishments. If you are like me, my advice is to believe in yourself and not let anybody decide where your place should be. We, the women, are 100% capable of anything.
Daria Khmelnitskaya
SEO Company-specialist at SE Ranking @DariaKhmelnitskaya
Background: Engineering
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Daria is fond of chess and also an ardent poker player.
I’ve been doing SEO Company since 2014. I just read somewhere that SEO Company specialists “make stuff that helps websites get found in Google”, which I found interesting. So I decided to learn more about how things work in SEO Company and try it out myself.
It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise
I like that the industry is very dynamic, that you need to always stay on top of all the changes and adapt to them. It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise.
Every SEO Company project is unique, and you have to approach it in a different way. You cannot come up with a single template and use it for every website you work with.
SE Ranking, for example, is an SEO Company and marketing agency product. Thus, you have to deal with really professional and inventive competitors. In this industry, you won’t make it to the top by simply finetuning the website’s technical SEO Company. You’ll have to go beyond SEO Company and improve the product itself to truly make it stand out from the crowd.
I don’t think SEO Company is a male profession – there are many women working in the industry. Generally speaking, I don’t really think female experience in SEO Company is in any way different from that of our male colleagues. After all, Google Guidelines say nothing about favoring websites optimized by male specialists over websites optimized by female SEO Companys.
Ann Smarty
The owner at SEO CompanySmarty.com @seosmarty
Background: Blogging
Years in SEO Company: 15 
Fun fact: SEO Company may be a hard concept to grasp for family members. Ann believes hers either pretend to know or have given up hope to understand by now. But she doesn’t really care as long as they are there to cover her back.
SEO Company was not initially a part of my life plan. In my final year in college, I found a part-time job in customer support, and in a blink of an eye I was promoted to a marketing agency position where my task was to learn “SEO Company.” It took me a few failed attempts and a couple of social media bans before I started working on my actual personal brand and started really enjoying it.
There’s a very tight excited community in SEO Company  which is something no other niche can hope to have
I like knowing people and being known as well. We have a very tight excited community in our industry and this is the most exciting part of having this profession. Beyond that, there’s something for everyone in SEO Company, be it branding, writing or technical stuff, so many people find it hard quitting it
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I’ve been in the industry for 15 years now, and I still love what I do. However, I sometimes miss that feeling you get when for the first time your project turns out to be a success. For me, MyBlogGuest project will forever and always remain my biggest pride. Back then, we managed to build an awesome community united by a beautiful idea, i.e. inviting guests to their home blogs. It was so new and fresh, and it felt like family.
I never thought of my gender when starting, so I wasn’t afraid then. There may be nothing to be afraid of, but you never know until you try! 
I do believe women feel quite comfortable in the SEO Company industry. Just be ready to speak more at conferences because organizers “need more women”. You may even end up being approved for 4 (!) panels), but why would you mind being in such great demand?
Watch an interview of Ann Smarty with Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Hannah Thorpe
Head of SEO Company at the Found agency and UK Search Awards’ Young Search Professional of 2017 @hannahjthorpe
Background: Politics & Economics 
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Hanna’s mom thought that websites in the SERP are ranked alphabetically and couldn’t understand first, how exactly her daughter was going to change this order.
SEO Company was definitely not the plan for me; I studied Politics & Economics so I always thought that my career would go in that direction. However, I started working in SEO Company as an intern whilst I was still studying and instantly loved it. I get bored very easily and the way SEO Company is continually changing keeps me engaged and working hard to stay ahead. 
People in SEO Company are eager to share their expertise and willing to support one another
I find it inspiring how willing people in SEO Company are to share their expertise and how open the industry is when it comes to supporting one another. When I first started in SEO Company, I learned the most from conferences and meeting senior SEO Companys at events. Currently, I’ve got a group of very close friends who also work in the industry which is a blessing and a curse! We try to have some dedicated ‘no talking about work’ time to get a mental break, but sometimes we end up discussing SEO Company anyway.
Speaking of women in SEO Company, I’d like to say that gender doesn’t matter but I think that would be naïve to say. There have been events I’ve presented at where I’ve felt unsafe, there are individuals in the industry who have said or done things that have made me very uncomfortable. But it’s not SEO Company-specific. Ultimately the problems women in SEO Company face aren’t significantly different from the problems that women, in general, will face in their careers. 
I think my best advice would be don’t be scared. When I got my first role I didn’t actually know how male-dominated the technical SEO Company space was, but having no concerns of this sort I still was able to progress quickly. If you concentrate on building strong SEO Company skills then the results will speak for themselves.
Alexandra Tachalova
Digital marketing agency consultant, speaker, and founder of online digital marketing agency event DigitalOlympus.net @alexandratachalova
Background: Analytics
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Alexandra is a happy owner of a race-winning horse who adores galloping across green fields.
I heard about SEO Company more than ten years ago when working as a Salesforce analyst. A few years later, I joined SEMrush, and that’s where SEO Company became my best friend. The funny thing is that I’ve never been involved in running a full-cycle SEO Company campaign during my career path. Previously, I was heavily geared towards content marketing agency, then digital PR, and finally, I have ended up working exclusively with link building.
Since we only build links, I have trouble explaining what I do even to my friends who are not that familiar with SEO Company. I try to use the analogy of recommendations when I talk about it — that links are like recommending someone. The more trustworthy the source of a recommendation, the more people will take it into consideration. For example, we’ve built more than 50 quality referring domains back to an email outreach guide, and it was promoted by Google on the first page of SERPs and even outranked Neil Patel’s site. This is something I am really proud of.
It’s fascinating, rewarding work
I don’t think gender matters in SEO Company or any part of digital marketing agency, but I realize that a lot of hiring still favors men. However, there are tons of very supportive SEO Company women who are ready to give you a hand. Personally, I am very mindful of the importance of supporting women when I hire for our team, as my chance to help our industry gain more gender diversity. I would tell young women to set their fears aside and go for it — it’s fascinating, rewarding work.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
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Diana Ford is a digital marketing agency specialist with writing expertise that spans across online marketing agency, SEO Company, social media and blogging.
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Via http://www.scpie.org/13-stories-of-women-who-are-shaping-the-seo-field/
source https://scpie.weebly.com/blog/13-stories-of-women-who-are-shaping-the-seo-field
0 notes
riichardwilson · 5 years
13 stories of women who are shaping the SEO field
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Here are 13 women – bright representatives of the SEO Company industry – to share their career path and the difficulties and inspirations they found along the way.
What we didn’t expect was that the stories shared would be so personal, honest and inspiring. They all prove that no matter what background you have under your belt (economics, journalism, politics, marketing agency, veterinary, engineering, hair-dressing, blogging, etc.) there’s always a chance to make a dramatic career turn and become one of the best in your field.
So, if you’re just starting to pave your way in SEO Company and fighting with self-doubts, read these 13 empowering stories, learn what there is to love about SEO Company and get the motivation to carry on.
I’d like to thank my friends at SE Ranking for helping me conduct these interviews so I could share these stories. Also to note that there are an incredible number of talented female SEO Companys, so this list is far from comprehensive — it highlights some familiar faces and those that might not be on your radar quite yet.
Marie Haynes
Owner of Marie Haynes Consulting Inc. @Marie_Haynes
Background: Veterinary
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: If you happen to be a Fortnite fan looking for someone to play with, connect with Marie. She believes that playing Fortnite helps her become a better thinker and get Google out of her mind at least for a while.
I was a veterinarian for almost fourteen years. When I was a practicing vet in Ottawa, Canada, I was one of the veterinarians for our Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s pets. I absolutely loved what I did, but I was also obsessed with anything to do with the internet. 
I injured my back in 2008 and had to spend six weeks on bed rest. At that time I bought a laptop and taught myself how to make a website. I created a website where people could ask me veterinary questions – it had great content, but I couldn’t figure out why it was only getting about thirty visitors per day. This is what sparked my interest in SEO Company. 
In looking at office space for my team, my husband and I passed a huge empty office in room 404. I jokingly said, “One day I’ll have that office, but no one would be able to find it.” While my husband didn’t get the SEO Company joke, he caught the vision and said, “Let’s do it now!” Today we have ten of us in the office and will be hiring a few more soon. We’ve moved on, ironically to room 301. Seriously. 
Good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives
I’m really proud of the results that my team and I produce. During the August 1, 2018 Medic update, I was visiting with a client whom we had been working with for quite some time. They started to see a gargantuan amount of traffic that day. And I will never forget what it was like to be in meetings with their team as we watched their traffic skyrocket in real-time. I realized that good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives. 
While I miss some aspects of being a veterinarian, especially surgery, I get so much joy out of what I do now. This is definitely the career path that was meant for me.
Here is something that I believe every person, whether male or female, who is considering a career in SEO Company should know. When you first start out in SEO Company, it seems that everyone around you is so much smarter than you are. But you’ll get to an amazing moment when it all starts to click. 
Watch an interview between Marie and Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Helen Pollitt
Managing Director at arrowsup.co.uk @HelenPollitt1
Background: Generalist marketer
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: To stay friends with Helen, you need to love handmade presents.
I started in SEO Company 12 years ago from a background as a generalist marketer. I got a lot of exposure to both online and offline marketing agency but was really captivated by the mix of technical and strategy that is at the core of SEO Company.
There is always more to learn
I find the most fascinating thing about SEO Company to be the breadth of skills it covers. There is always more to learn: coding, how machine learning works, the psychology of intent. It can never fully be mastered. I find that so motivating.  
I’m honestly proud of every website migration I’ve carried out (we’re talking at least 50 at this point). A successful website migration involves pulling together stakeholders from all over a company. There are so many moving parts and I feel so accomplished being at the center of that. Every website migration I’ve worked on has led to more refinement of my migration process which has resulted in smoother migrations.
When I’m not working on websites I love to be creative through craft hobbies. Many friends and family members have suffered through my handmade Christmas and birthday presents!
I’ve become fairly practiced at explaining my job to my family now. I had to go through many, many conversations involving “so you work in sales then?”, “you’re one of those people who convince people to buy things they don’t need” and “…people pay you to do that?!” I now ask them how they would look for a new coat to buy online and go from there. 
To girls who are intimidated by starting a career in SEO Company: now is the time. There is so much momentum around encouraging women into STEM careers and those typically dominated by men. There are many people cheering you on to succeed in these roles.
Lily Ray
SEO Company Director at Path Interactive @lilyraynyc
Background: Politics and Spanish
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: If you spot a DJ who looks like Lily in one of the NY clubs, that would actually be Lily. Beyond that, she’s also a drummer and a frequent gym-goer.
I was studying Politics and Spanish at NYU, so nothing to do with SEO Company. But it was during the recession, and many of my newly graduated friends were having trouble finding jobs. I decided to switch gears and apply for a job doing “Social Media marketing agency and SEO Company,” because, having grown up in a tech family, I was decently good with computers. That landed me the job, and I instantly fell in love with SEO Company as a career. I haven’t looked back since. 
2020 is officially my 10th year in SEO Company. The thing that inspires me most about the profession is the problem-solving aspect. I could spend 6 hours researching why a website is seeing performance declines or solving a technical mystery. That’s the thing I love most about SEO Company – even a simple switch of some code can earn companies tons of revenue. 
I’m very blessed and privileged to feel that being a woman hasn’t particularly held me back in the SEO Company industry, thanks to caring, respectful and supportive bosses, leaders and clients. I was promoted relatively quickly within my companies, and always listened to and given the support I needed to do a good job. I am extremely thankful for that.
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment, have projects going outside of your day job
My advice for girls who are scared of entering professions that are historically dominated by male specialists: 
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment with things, and have projects going outside of your day job. This will make you a real expert with actual hands-on experience that will be invaluable to your company and your clients. Hopefully, that expertise will equip you with the confidence you need to do well in the workplace and overcome that intimidation. Best of luck!
Tammy Wood
Senior manager of SEO Company for Automation Anywhere (technical focused) @Tammy Wood
Background: Tammy started as a part-bartender, part-hairdresser and part-blogger
Years in SEO Company: 24 
Fun fact:  When asked about her profession Tammy says that “she works online, from home in her pajamas.” and adds not to worry as “it isn’t porn.” As she’s now a happy grandmother, people tend to believe her.
Back in the 1990s, I was a single mom of 3 sons under the age of 10 writing parenting articles. I had a  computer (running DOS) in the corner of my bedroom, a wicked sense of humor, and a great desire to learn how to get traffic to my website to earn more from paid mentions. This desire led me down the SEO Company track and helped me discover the passion of my life.
SEO Company is simply the ongoing learning, I know that I won’t come to an end of learning new things
This is my 24th year of navigating the SEO Company world, and I absolutely love it! I’ve worked with 100’s of brilliant individuals, I��ve made huge mistakes and I’ve made massive improvements in traffic and rankings for clients. It’s exciting to find the next big thing, to be a part of an industry that is always evolving and so welcoming to newcomers. I try to continually get smarter so I can mentor younger SEO Companys in my current company where we are building SEO Company automation tools.
My career path wasn’t straightforward. As a working mother I was trying to simultaneously enrich my children’s lives, somehow keep my marriage going and stay involved in the industry. I took opportunities for less money so I could use that time to better my skills and therefore boost my confidence. 
Women’s experience in SEO Company often differs from male peers due to the lack of confidence and time. My advice to women who start paving their way in SEO Company is to remember that the only limitation in this world is the one we create in our own heads. Write down your dreams, your goals, your fears, your plan, and take every opportunity to develop your own path.
Pam Aungst
President and chief web traffic controller @Pam Aungst
Background: Building websites 
Years in SEO Company: 15
Fun fact: Pam’s friends have the same problem as Chandler Bing’s friends understanding what he’s doing for a living. 
I never intended for SEO Company to become a career. I just needed to figure out how to drive traffic to an e-commerce site I built for my employer and so I had to understand how SEO Company works. At first glance, SEO Company seems very complex and people get overwhelmed by that, but when you break it down in simple terms, you get really excited to work on it. 
I find it so rewarding to help people understand how SEO Company works. That’s why I started my own search agency about 9 years ago. Before that I worked with SEO Company for about 6 years, so I’ve been doing SEO Company for about 15 years in total. And yet, I have lifelong friends who still don’t understand what I do. They know everything there is to know about me, but feel confused over how I make a living. It really makes me laugh.
SEO Company takes time but those who stick, get the results that make a difference
What makes me proud are the clients that have truly committed to SEO Company and have eventually reaped the rewards for their patience. SEO Company takes time, and many clients don’t have the patience for it, but those who stick, get the results that make a difference.
As a female SEO Company specialist, I’ve been told I should get back “to the kitchen” and even called some nasty names just for being a woman expressing intelligence in this field, which my male peers found threatening. So you do have to have a bit of thick skin to sustain all the pressure. That being said, the number of men that have treated me that way is a small minority. The majority don’t treat me any differently than their male colleagues, and I appreciate that a lot. 
Jennifer Penaluna
SEO Company manager at Bigfoot Digital @Jennifer Penaluna
Background: Journalism
Years in SEO Company: 3 
Fun fact: Lookout for a blonde with a dachshund in one of Barnsley’s dog-friendly drinking establishments.
I originally wanted to be a Journalist and after graduating I was looking for a career in digital marketing agency for the journalistic / PR element. Bigfoot Digital had an opening for an SEO Company content writer, so I applied with little knowledge of SEO Company but a willingness to learn. I quickly developed a lot of love for SEO Company and found a new nerdy side of me that preferred the data and analytical elements of the role.
SEO Company is never boring
I have now been in SEO Company for 3 years, and plan to remain in the industry for a long time. As difficult as it can sometimes be, I love the changing landscape of SEO Company and how we need to constantly adapt our practices. It means SEO Company is never boring!
My proudest campaign to date is an eCommerce client who has only been with us for 10 months and has more than doubled their 7-figure organic revenue during that time period.  It’s so much ROI that it makes my eyes water when I check their analytics!
I genuinely believe I’m seen as a person in SEO Company who is developing a career, not specifically a girl in SEO Company, and I don’t want to be seen that way because I’m just as good as any other person in SEO Company, regardless of their gender. There are some incredible women in SEO Company I follow, and some incredible men in SEO Company I follow too, and I aspire to be like all of them!
Lilach Bullock
Founder and CEO of Lilach Bullock Limited, a professional speaker, lead conversion expert, content marketing agency and social media specialist  @lilachbullock
Background: Content marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5
Fun fact: Contact Lilach any day but Saturday – this is her official emails-free great-food-filled day to spend quality time with family.
Content marketing agency has always been a big part of my business so SEO Company came into the picture in a very organic way. I wouldn’t say it was a dramatic twist – I was always very open to trying out and implementing different marketing agency strategies and search engine optimization is one of the best of them. 
SEO Company is all about experimenting
I’m in SEO Company for a good few years now – probably around 5-6 years at this point. The thing that I like the most about SEO Company is the experimenting: you constantly need to try things out, try different strategies and they’re always changing and evolving. That might sound like a downside to most people but to me, having these experiments prove to be successful is one of the best feelings you can get.
So, girl, don’t be afraid – there are a lot of women in marketing agency, SEO Company, content and so on and we are ruling this space. Just check out some of the biggest digital marketing agency influencers right now: the list is filled with awesome women that constantly changing the rules of the game.
Karola Karlson
Head of performance marketing agency at Taxify @karolakarlson
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5 
Fun fact: Prefersliterature, art criticism, and culture magazines over Netflix. 
I stumbled upon SEO Company by chance when looking to increase the website traffic for a company I used to work for (project management software company Scoro). I was immediately drawn to content marketing agency as I love to write. SEO Company was a great way to measure the success of our content marketing agency efforts and it’s also addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week.
It’s addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week
I’m a growth hacker in heart, so I love to test out small tweaks here and there, apply the best practices and hacks, and see the results come in. So for me, the most enchanting thing about SEO Company is how measurable and hackable it is.
One of my favorite projects was growing the organic blog traffic for Scoro. We went from 1.6k to 31k monthly blog visitors in 20 months. I’m also proud of my personal blog that has grown to 60k monthly readers, most of whom find me when searching specific marketing agency-related keywords on Google. I’m a believer in the skyscraper technique and have been able to rank as #1 result for high-competition keywords by creating content that’s 10x more insightful than other articles on the topic.
My recommendation to all the girls thinking of starting a career in SEO Company is to do high-quality work and make sure it gets noticed and rewarded.
Kristina Azarenko
E-commerce and technical SEO Company consultant and founder of marketing agencySyrup.com @Kristina Azarenko
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: When she puts away her ‘SEO Company Kristina’ hat, she goes dancing classes, enjoys long walks with her dog or watches horror movies. 
About ten years ago I was working at a job I didn’t really enjoy and looking for something new. I had no idea what a website was, let alone its optimization and technical parts. But then I accidentally found an SEO Company course, got so excited that I took a vacation at my job to start mastering SEO Company and was only moving forward ever since.
Curiously, a whole decade later, my parents still have no idea what exactly I’m doing. They just know that ‘it’s something with computers’. So I occasionally get messages from them asking to fix their wi-fi or download a certain program. I think it’s cute.
Doing SEO Company means feeling you’re an investigator
The best thing about being an SEO Company is feeling as if you’re an investigator: you go through the data and you know how to find the ‘clues’ of unhealthy crawling, indexing, content, etc.
I’m proud of what I’m doing for all the companies I’ve worked with. Once I worked for a medium-sized eCommerce store creating a clear structure for adding new products, describing them, naming images, etc. All these minor things are often overlooked, but they helped us rank the pages and generate revenue pretty quickly. Then there was this rather complex website migration project. I worked closely with a client dev team, created user stories and as a result, the transition went smoothly with no decrease in organic search traffic.
For some reason, most women (including myself) are afraid ‘to be in the spotlight’ so they devalue their accomplishments. If you are like me, my advice is to believe in yourself and not let anybody decide where your place should be. We, the women, are 100% capable of anything.
Daria Khmelnitskaya
SEO Company-specialist at SE Ranking @DariaKhmelnitskaya
Background: Engineering
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Daria is fond of chess and also an ardent poker player.
I’ve been doing SEO Company since 2014. I just read somewhere that SEO Company specialists “make stuff that helps websites get found in Google”, which I found interesting. So I decided to learn more about how things work in SEO Company and try it out myself.
It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise
I like that the industry is very dynamic, that you need to always stay on top of all the changes and adapt to them. It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise.
Every SEO Company project is unique, and you have to approach it in a different way. You cannot come up with a single template and use it for every website you work with.
SE Ranking, for example, is an SEO Company and marketing agency product. Thus, you have to deal with really professional and inventive competitors. In this industry, you won’t make it to the top by simply finetuning the website’s technical SEO Company. You’ll have to go beyond SEO Company and improve the product itself to truly make it stand out from the crowd.
I don’t think SEO Company is a male profession – there are many women working in the industry. Generally speaking, I don’t really think female experience in SEO Company is in any way different from that of our male colleagues. After all, Google Guidelines say nothing about favoring websites optimized by male specialists over websites optimized by female SEO Companys.
Ann Smarty
The owner at SEO CompanySmarty.com @seosmarty
Background: Blogging
Years in SEO Company: 15 
Fun fact: SEO Company may be a hard concept to grasp for family members.Ann believes hers either pretend to know or have given up hope to understand by now. But she doesn’t really care as long as they are there to cover her back.
SEO Company was not initially a part of my life plan. In my final year in college, I found a part-time job in customer support, and in a blink of an eye I was promoted to a marketing agency position where my task was to learn “SEO Company.” It took me a few failed attempts and a couple of social media bans before I started working on my actual personal brand and started really enjoying it.
There’s a very tight excited community in SEO Company  which is something no other niche can hope to have
I like knowing people and being known as well. We have a very tight excited community in our industry and this is the most exciting part of having this profession. Beyond that, there’s something for everyone in SEO Company, be it branding, writing or technical stuff, so many people find it hard quitting it
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I’ve been in the industry for 15 years now, and I still love what I do. However, I sometimes miss that feeling you get when for the first time your project turns out to be a success. For me, MyBlogGuest project will forever and always remain my biggest pride. Back then, we managed to build an awesome community united by a beautiful idea, i.e. inviting guests to their home blogs. It was so new and fresh, and it felt like family.
I never thought of my gender when starting, so I wasn’t afraid then. There may be nothing to be afraid of, but you never know until you try! 
I do believe women feel quite comfortable in the SEO Company industry. Just be ready to speak more at conferences because organizers “need more women”. You may even end up being approved for 4 (!) panels), but why would you mind being in such great demand?
Watch an interview of Ann Smarty with Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Hannah Thorpe
Head of SEO Company at the Found agency and UK Search Awards’ Young Search Professional of 2017 @hannahjthorpe
Background: Politics & Economics 
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Hanna’s mom thought that websites in the SERP are ranked alphabetically and couldn’t understand first, how exactly her daughter was going to change this order.
SEO Company was definitely not the plan for me; I studied Politics & Economics so I always thought that my career would go in that direction. However, I started working in SEO Company as an intern whilst I was still studying and instantly loved it. I get bored very easily and the way SEO Company is continually changing keeps me engaged and working hard to stay ahead. 
People in SEO Company are eager to share their expertise and willing to support one another
I find it inspiring how willing people in SEO Company are to share their expertise and how open the industry is when it comes to supporting one another. When I first started in SEO Company, I learned the most from conferences and meeting senior SEO Companys at events. Currently, I’ve got a group of very close friends who also work in the industry which is a blessing and a curse! We try to have some dedicated ‘no talking about work’ time to get a mental break, but sometimes we end up discussing SEO Company anyway.
Speaking of women in SEO Company, I’d like to say that gender doesn’t matter but I think that would be naïve to say. There have been events I’ve presented at where I’ve felt unsafe, there are individuals in the industry who have said or done things that have made me very uncomfortable. But it’s not SEO Company-specific. Ultimately the problems women in SEO Company face aren’t significantly different from the problems that women, in general, will face in their careers. 
I think my best advice would be don’t be scared. When I got my first role I didn’t actually know how male-dominated the technical SEO Company space was, but having no concerns of this sort I still was able to progress quickly. If you concentrate on building strong SEO Company skills then the results will speak for themselves.
Alexandra Tachalova
Digital marketing agency consultant, speaker, and founder of online digital marketing agency event DigitalOlympus.net @alexandratachalova
Background: Analytics
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Alexandra is a happy owner of a race-winning horse who adores galloping across green fields.
I heard about SEO Company more than ten years ago when working as a Salesforce analyst. A few years later, I joined SEMrush, and that’s where SEO Company became my best friend. The funny thing is that I’ve never been involved in running a full-cycle SEO Company campaign during my career path. Previously, I was heavily geared towards content marketing agency, then digital PR, and finally, I have ended up working exclusively with link building.
Since we only build links, I have trouble explaining what I do even to my friends who are not that familiar with SEO Company. I try to use the analogy of recommendations when I talk about it — that links are like recommending someone. The more trustworthy the source of a recommendation, the more people will take it into consideration. For example, we’ve built more than 50 quality referring domains back to an email outreach guide, and it was promoted by Google on the first page of SERPs and even outranked Neil Patel’s site. This is something I am really proud of.
It’s fascinating, rewarding work
I don’t think gender matters in SEO Company or any part of digital marketing agency, but I realize that a lot of hiring still favors men. However, there are tons of very supportive SEO Company women who are ready to give you a hand. Personally, I am very mindful of the importance of supporting women when I hire for our team, as my chance to help our industry gain more gender diversity. I would tell young women to set their fears aside and go for it — it’s fascinating, rewarding work.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
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Diana Ford is a digital marketing agency specialist with writing expertise that spans across online marketing agency, SEO Company, social media and blogging.
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source http://www.scpie.org/13-stories-of-women-who-are-shaping-the-seo-field/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/612133553647583232
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laurelkrugerr · 5 years
13 stories of women who are shaping the SEO field
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Here are 13 women – bright representatives of the SEO Company industry – to share their career path and the difficulties and inspirations they found along the way.
What we didn’t expect was that the stories shared would be so personal, honest and inspiring. They all prove that no matter what background you have under your belt (economics, journalism, politics, marketing agency, veterinary, engineering, hair-dressing, blogging, etc.) there’s always a chance to make a dramatic career turn and become one of the best in your field.
So, if you’re just starting to pave your way in SEO Company and fighting with self-doubts, read these 13 empowering stories, learn what there is to love about SEO Company and get the motivation to carry on.
I’d like to thank my friends at SE Ranking for helping me conduct these interviews so I could share these stories. Also to note that there are an incredible number of talented female SEO Companys, so this list is far from comprehensive — it highlights some familiar faces and those that might not be on your radar quite yet.
Marie Haynes
Owner of Marie Haynes Consulting Inc. @Marie_Haynes
Background: Veterinary
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: If you happen to be a Fortnite fan looking for someone to play with, connect with Marie. She believes that playing Fortnite helps her become a better thinker and get Google out of her mind at least for a while.
I was a veterinarian for almost fourteen years. When I was a practicing vet in Ottawa, Canada, I was one of the veterinarians for our Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s pets. I absolutely loved what I did, but I was also obsessed with anything to do with the internet. 
I injured my back in 2008 and had to spend six weeks on bed rest. At that time I bought a laptop and taught myself how to make a website. I created a website where people could ask me veterinary questions – it had great content, but I couldn’t figure out why it was only getting about thirty visitors per day. This is what sparked my interest in SEO Company. 
In looking at office space for my team, my husband and I passed a huge empty office in room 404. I jokingly said, “One day I’ll have that office, but no one would be able to find it.” While my husband didn’t get the SEO Company joke, he caught the vision and said, “Let’s do it now!” Today we have ten of us in the office and will be hiring a few more soon. We’ve moved on, ironically to room 301. Seriously. 
Good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives
I’m really proud of the results that my team and I produce. During the August 1, 2018 Medic update, I was visiting with a client whom we had been working with for quite some time. They started to see a gargantuan amount of traffic that day. And I will never forget what it was like to be in meetings with their team as we watched their traffic skyrocket in real-time. I realized that good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives. 
While I miss some aspects of being a veterinarian, especially surgery, I get so much joy out of what I do now. This is definitely the career path that was meant for me.
Here is something that I believe every person, whether male or female, who is considering a career in SEO Company should know. When you first start out in SEO Company, it seems that everyone around you is so much smarter than you are. But you’ll get to an amazing moment when it all starts to click. 
Watch an interview between Marie and Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Helen Pollitt
Managing Director at arrowsup.co.uk @HelenPollitt1
Background: Generalist marketer
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: To stay friends with Helen, you need to love handmade presents.
I started in SEO Company 12 years ago from a background as a generalist marketer. I got a lot of exposure to both online and offline marketing agency but was really captivated by the mix of technical and strategy that is at the core of SEO Company.
There is always more to learn
I find the most fascinating thing about SEO Company to be the breadth of skills it covers. There is always more to learn: coding, how machine learning works, the psychology of intent. It can never fully be mastered. I find that so motivating.  
I’m honestly proud of every website migration I’ve carried out (we’re talking at least 50 at this point). A successful website migration involves pulling together stakeholders from all over a company. There are so many moving parts and I feel so accomplished being at the center of that. Every website migration I’ve worked on has led to more refinement of my migration process which has resulted in smoother migrations.
When I’m not working on websites I love to be creative through craft hobbies. Many friends and family members have suffered through my handmade Christmas and birthday presents!
I’ve become fairly practiced at explaining my job to my family now. I had to go through many, many conversations involving “so you work in sales then?”, “you’re one of those people who convince people to buy things they don’t need” and “…people pay you to do that?!” I now ask them how they would look for a new coat to buy online and go from there. 
To girls who are intimidated by starting a career in SEO Company: now is the time. There is so much momentum around encouraging women into STEM careers and those typically dominated by men. There are many people cheering you on to succeed in these roles.
Lily Ray
SEO Company Director at Path Interactive @lilyraynyc
Background: Politics and Spanish
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: If you spot a DJ who looks like Lily in one of the NY clubs, that would actually be Lily. Beyond that, she’s also a drummer and a frequent gym-goer.
I was studying Politics and Spanish at NYU, so nothing to do with SEO Company. But it was during the recession, and many of my newly graduated friends were having trouble finding jobs. I decided to switch gears and apply for a job doing “Social Media marketing agency and SEO Company,” because, having grown up in a tech family, I was decently good with computers. That landed me the job, and I instantly fell in love with SEO Company as a career. I haven’t looked back since. 
2020 is officially my 10th year in SEO Company. The thing that inspires me most about the profession is the problem-solving aspect. I could spend 6 hours researching why a website is seeing performance declines or solving a technical mystery. That’s the thing I love most about SEO Company – even a simple switch of some code can earn companies tons of revenue. 
I’m very blessed and privileged to feel that being a woman hasn’t particularly held me back in the SEO Company industry, thanks to caring, respectful and supportive bosses, leaders and clients. I was promoted relatively quickly within my companies, and always listened to and given the support I needed to do a good job. I am extremely thankful for that.
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment, have projects going outside of your day job
My advice for girls who are scared of entering professions that are historically dominated by male specialists: 
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment with things, and have projects going outside of your day job. This will make you a real expert with actual hands-on experience that will be invaluable to your company and your clients. Hopefully, that expertise will equip you with the confidence you need to do well in the workplace and overcome that intimidation. Best of luck!
Tammy Wood
Senior manager of SEO Company for Automation Anywhere (technical focused) @Tammy Wood
Background: Tammy started as a part-bartender, part-hairdresser and part-blogger
Years in SEO Company: 24 
Fun fact:  When asked about her profession Tammy says that “she works online, from home in her pajamas.” and adds not to worry as “it isn’t porn.” As she’s now a happy grandmother, people tend to believe her.
Back in the 1990s, I was a single mom of 3 sons under the age of 10 writing parenting articles. I had a  computer (running DOS) in the corner of my bedroom, a wicked sense of humor, and a great desire to learn how to get traffic to my website to earn more from paid mentions. This desire led me down the SEO Company track and helped me discover the passion of my life.
SEO Company is simply the ongoing learning, I know that I won’t come to an end of learning new things
This is my 24th year of navigating the SEO Company world, and I absolutely love it! I’ve worked with 100’s of brilliant individuals, I’ve made huge mistakes and I’ve made massive improvements in traffic and rankings for clients. It’s exciting to find the next big thing, to be a part of an industry that is always evolving and so welcoming to newcomers. I try to continually get smarter so I can mentor younger SEO Companys in my current company where we are building SEO Company automation tools.
My career path wasn’t straightforward. As a working mother I was trying to simultaneously enrich my children’s lives, somehow keep my marriage going and stay involved in the industry. I took opportunities for less money so I could use that time to better my skills and therefore boost my confidence. 
Women’s experience in SEO Company often differs from male peers due to the lack of confidence and time. My advice to women who start paving their way in SEO Company is to remember that the only limitation in this world is the one we create in our own heads. Write down your dreams, your goals, your fears, your plan, and take every opportunity to develop your own path.
Pam Aungst
President and chief web traffic controller @Pam Aungst
Background: Building websites 
Years in SEO Company: 15
Fun fact: Pam’s friends have the same problem as Chandler Bing’s friends understanding what he’s doing for a living. 
I never intended for SEO Company to become a career. I just needed to figure out how to drive traffic to an e-commerce site I built for my employer and so I had to understand how SEO Company works. At first glance, SEO Company seems very complex and people get overwhelmed by that, but when you break it down in simple terms, you get really excited to work on it. 
I find it so rewarding to help people understand how SEO Company works. That’s why I started my own search agency about 9 years ago. Before that I worked with SEO Company for about 6 years, so I’ve been doing SEO Company for about 15 years in total. And yet, I have lifelong friends who still don’t understand what I do. They know everything there is to know about me, but feel confused over how I make a living. It really makes me laugh.
SEO Company takes time but those who stick, get the results that make a difference
What makes me proud are the clients that have truly committed to SEO Company and have eventually reaped the rewards for their patience. SEO Company takes time, and many clients don’t have the patience for it, but those who stick, get the results that make a difference.
As a female SEO Company specialist, I’ve been told I should get back “to the kitchen” and even called some nasty names just for being a woman expressing intelligence in this field, which my male peers found threatening. So you do have to have a bit of thick skin to sustain all the pressure. That being said, the number of men that have treated me that way is a small minority. The majority don’t treat me any differently than their male colleagues, and I appreciate that a lot. 
Jennifer Penaluna
SEO Company manager at Bigfoot Digital @Jennifer Penaluna
Background: Journalism
Years in SEO Company: 3 
Fun fact: Lookout for a blonde with a dachshund in one of Barnsley’s dog-friendly drinking establishments.
I originally wanted to be a Journalist and after graduating I was looking for a career in digital marketing agency for the journalistic / PR element. Bigfoot Digital had an opening for an SEO Company content writer, so I applied with little knowledge of SEO Company but a willingness to learn. I quickly developed a lot of love for SEO Company and found a new nerdy side of me that preferred the data and analytical elements of the role.
SEO Company is never boring
I have now been in SEO Company for 3 years, and plan to remain in the industry for a long time. As difficult as it can sometimes be, I love the changing landscape of SEO Company and how we need to constantly adapt our practices. It means SEO Company is never boring!
My proudest campaign to date is an eCommerce client who has only been with us for 10 months and has more than doubled their 7-figure organic revenue during that time period.  It’s so much ROI that it makes my eyes water when I check their analytics!
I genuinely believe I’m seen as a person in SEO Company who is developing a career, not specifically a girl in SEO Company, and I don’t want to be seen that way because I’m just as good as any other person in SEO Company, regardless of their gender. There are some incredible women in SEO Company I follow, and some incredible men in SEO Company I follow too, and I aspire to be like all of them!
Lilach Bullock
Founder and CEO of Lilach Bullock Limited, a professional speaker, lead conversion expert, content marketing agency and social media specialist  @lilachbullock
Background: Content marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5
Fun fact: Contact Lilach any day but Saturday – this is her official emails-free great-food-filled day to spend quality time with family.
Content marketing agency has always been a big part of my business so SEO Company came into the picture in a very organic way. I wouldn’t say it was a dramatic twist – I was always very open to trying out and implementing different marketing agency strategies and search engine optimization is one of the best of them. 
SEO Company is all about experimenting
I’m in SEO Company for a good few years now – probably around 5-6 years at this point. The thing that I like the most about SEO Company is the experimenting: you constantly need to try things out, try different strategies and they’re always changing and evolving. That might sound like a downside to most people but to me, having these experiments prove to be successful is one of the best feelings you can get.
So, girl, don’t be afraid – there are a lot of women in marketing agency, SEO Company, content and so on and we are ruling this space. Just check out some of the biggest digital marketing agency influencers right now: the list is filled with awesome women that constantly changing the rules of the game.
Karola Karlson
Head of performance marketing agency at Taxify @karolakarlson
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5 
Fun fact: Prefers literature, art criticism, and culture magazines over Netflix. 
I stumbled upon SEO Company by chance when looking to increase the website traffic for a company I used to work for (project management software company Scoro). I was immediately drawn to content marketing agency as I love to write. SEO Company was a great way to measure the success of our content marketing agency efforts and it’s also addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week.
It’s addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week
I’m a growth hacker in heart, so I love to test out small tweaks here and there, apply the best practices and hacks, and see the results come in. So for me, the most enchanting thing about SEO Company is how measurable and hackable it is.
One of my favorite projects was growing the organic blog traffic for Scoro. We went from 1.6k to 31k monthly blog visitors in 20 months. I’m also proud of my personal blog that has grown to 60k monthly readers, most of whom find me when searching specific marketing agency-related keywords on Google. I’m a believer in the skyscraper technique and have been able to rank as #1 result for high-competition keywords by creating content that’s 10x more insightful than other articles on the topic.
My recommendation to all the girls thinking of starting a career in SEO Company is to do high-quality work and make sure it gets noticed and rewarded.
Kristina Azarenko
E-commerce and technical SEO Company consultant and founder of marketing agencySyrup.com @Kristina Azarenko
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: When she puts away her ‘SEO Company Kristina’ hat, she goes dancing classes, enjoys long walks with her dog or watches horror movies. 
About ten years ago I was working at a job I didn’t really enjoy and looking for something new. I had no idea what a website was, let alone its optimization and technical parts. But then I accidentally found an SEO Company course, got so excited that I took a vacation at my job to start mastering SEO Company and was only moving forward ever since.
Curiously, a whole decade later, my parents still have no idea what exactly I’m doing. They just know that ‘it’s something with computers’. So I occasionally get messages from them asking to fix their wi-fi or download a certain program. I think it’s cute.
Doing SEO Company means feeling you’re an investigator
The best thing about being an SEO Company is feeling as if you’re an investigator: you go through the data and you know how to find the ‘clues’ of unhealthy crawling, indexing, content, etc.
I’m proud of what I’m doing for all the companies I’ve worked with. Once I worked for a medium-sized eCommerce store creating a clear structure for adding new products, describing them, naming images, etc. All these minor things are often overlooked, but they helped us rank the pages and generate revenue pretty quickly. Then there was this rather complex website migration project. I worked closely with a client dev team, created user stories and as a result, the transition went smoothly with no decrease in organic search traffic.
For some reason, most women (including myself) are afraid ‘to be in the spotlight’ so they devalue their accomplishments. If you are like me, my advice is to believe in yourself and not let anybody decide where your place should be. We, the women, are 100% capable of anything.
Daria Khmelnitskaya
SEO Company-specialist at SE Ranking @DariaKhmelnitskaya
Background: Engineering
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Daria is fond of chess and also an ardent poker player.
I’ve been doing SEO Company since 2014. I just read somewhere that SEO Company specialists “make stuff that helps websites get found in Google”, which I found interesting. So I decided to learn more about how things work in SEO Company and try it out myself.
It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise
I like that the industry is very dynamic, that you need to always stay on top of all the changes and adapt to them. It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise.
Every SEO Company project is unique, and you have to approach it in a different way. You cannot come up with a single template and use it for every website you work with.
SE Ranking, for example, is an SEO Company and marketing agency product. Thus, you have to deal with really professional and inventive competitors. In this industry, you won’t make it to the top by simply finetuning the website’s technical SEO Company. You’ll have to go beyond SEO Company and improve the product itself to truly make it stand out from the crowd.
I don’t think SEO Company is a male profession – there are many women working in the industry. Generally speaking, I don’t really think female experience in SEO Company is in any way different from that of our male colleagues. After all, Google Guidelines say nothing about favoring websites optimized by male specialists over websites optimized by female SEO Companys.
Ann Smarty
The owner at SEO CompanySmarty.com @seosmarty
Background: Blogging
Years in SEO Company: 15 
Fun fact: SEO Company may be a hard concept to grasp for family members. Ann believes hers either pretend to know or have given up hope to understand by now. But she doesn’t really care as long as they are there to cover her back.
SEO Company was not initially a part of my life plan. In my final year in college, I found a part-time job in customer support, and in a blink of an eye I was promoted to a marketing agency position where my task was to learn “SEO Company.” It took me a few failed attempts and a couple of social media bans before I started working on my actual personal brand and started really enjoying it.
There’s a very tight excited community in SEO Company  which is something no other niche can hope to have
I like knowing people and being known as well. We have a very tight excited community in our industry and this is the most exciting part of having this profession. Beyond that, there’s something for everyone in SEO Company, be it branding, writing or technical stuff, so many people find it hard quitting it
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I’ve been in the industry for 15 years now, and I still love what I do. However, I sometimes miss that feeling you get when for the first time your project turns out to be a success. For me, MyBlogGuest project will forever and always remain my biggest pride. Back then, we managed to build an awesome community united by a beautiful idea, i.e. inviting guests to their home blogs. It was so new and fresh, and it felt like family.
I never thought of my gender when starting, so I wasn’t afraid then. There may be nothing to be afraid of, but you never know until you try! 
I do believe women feel quite comfortable in the SEO Company industry. Just be ready to speak more at conferences because organizers “need more women”. You may even end up being approved for 4 (!) panels), but why would you mind being in such great demand?
Watch an interview of Ann Smarty with Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Hannah Thorpe
Head of SEO Company at the Found agency and UK Search Awards’ Young Search Professional of 2017 @hannahjthorpe
Background: Politics & Economics 
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Hanna’s mom thought that websites in the SERP are ranked alphabetically and couldn’t understand first, how exactly her daughter was going to change this order.
SEO Company was definitely not the plan for me; I studied Politics & Economics so I always thought that my career would go in that direction. However, I started working in SEO Company as an intern whilst I was still studying and instantly loved it. I get bored very easily and the way SEO Company is continually changing keeps me engaged and working hard to stay ahead. 
People in SEO Company are eager to share their expertise and willing to support one another
I find it inspiring how willing people in SEO Company are to share their expertise and how open the industry is when it comes to supporting one another. When I first started in SEO Company, I learned the most from conferences and meeting senior SEO Companys at events. Currently, I’ve got a group of very close friends who also work in the industry which is a blessing and a curse! We try to have some dedicated ‘no talking about work’ time to get a mental break, but sometimes we end up discussing SEO Company anyway.
Speaking of women in SEO Company, I’d like to say that gender doesn’t matter but I think that would be naïve to say. There have been events I’ve presented at where I’ve felt unsafe, there are individuals in the industry who have said or done things that have made me very uncomfortable. But it’s not SEO Company-specific. Ultimately the problems women in SEO Company face aren’t significantly different from the problems that women, in general, will face in their careers. 
I think my best advice would be don’t be scared. When I got my first role I didn’t actually know how male-dominated the technical SEO Company space was, but having no concerns of this sort I still was able to progress quickly. If you concentrate on building strong SEO Company skills then the results will speak for themselves.
Alexandra Tachalova
Digital marketing agency consultant, speaker, and founder of online digital marketing agency event DigitalOlympus.net @alexandratachalova
Background: Analytics
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Alexandra is a happy owner of a race-winning horse who adores galloping across green fields.
I heard about SEO Company more than ten years ago when working as a Salesforce analyst. A few years later, I joined SEMrush, and that’s where SEO Company became my best friend. The funny thing is that I’ve never been involved in running a full-cycle SEO Company campaign during my career path. Previously, I was heavily geared towards content marketing agency, then digital PR, and finally, I have ended up working exclusively with link building.
Since we only build links, I have trouble explaining what I do even to my friends who are not that familiar with SEO Company. I try to use the analogy of recommendations when I talk about it — that links are like recommending someone. The more trustworthy the source of a recommendation, the more people will take it into consideration. For example, we’ve built more than 50 quality referring domains back to an email outreach guide, and it was promoted by Google on the first page of SERPs and even outranked Neil Patel’s site. This is something I am really proud of.
It’s fascinating, rewarding work
I don’t think gender matters in SEO Company or any part of digital marketing agency, but I realize that a lot of hiring still favors men. However, there are tons of very supportive SEO Company women who are ready to give you a hand. Personally, I am very mindful of the importance of supporting women when I hire for our team, as my chance to help our industry gain more gender diversity. I would tell young women to set their fears aside and go for it — it’s fascinating, rewarding work.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
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Diana Ford is a digital marketing agency specialist with writing expertise that spans across online marketing agency, SEO Company, social media and blogging.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/13-stories-of-women-who-are-shaping-the-seo-field/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/03/13-stories-of-women-who-are-shaping-seo.html
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scpie · 5 years
13 stories of women who are shaping the SEO field
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Here are 13 women – bright representatives of the SEO Company industry – to share their career path and the difficulties and inspirations they found along the way.
What we didn’t expect was that the stories shared would be so personal, honest and inspiring. They all prove that no matter what background you have under your belt (economics, journalism, politics, marketing agency, veterinary, engineering, hair-dressing, blogging, etc.) there’s always a chance to make a dramatic career turn and become one of the best in your field.
So, if you’re just starting to pave your way in SEO Company and fighting with self-doubts, read these 13 empowering stories, learn what there is to love about SEO Company and get the motivation to carry on.
I’d like to thank my friends at SE Ranking for helping me conduct these interviews so I could share these stories. Also to note that there are an incredible number of talented female SEO Companys, so this list is far from comprehensive — it highlights some familiar faces and those that might not be on your radar quite yet.
Marie Haynes
Owner of Marie Haynes Consulting Inc. @Marie_Haynes
Background: Veterinary
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: If you happen to be a Fortnite fan looking for someone to play with, connect with Marie. She believes that playing Fortnite helps her become a better thinker and get Google out of her mind at least for a while.
I was a veterinarian for almost fourteen years. When I was a practicing vet in Ottawa, Canada, I was one of the veterinarians for our Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s pets. I absolutely loved what I did, but I was also obsessed with anything to do with the internet. 
I injured my back in 2008 and had to spend six weeks on bed rest. At that time I bought a laptop and taught myself how to make a website. I created a website where people could ask me veterinary questions – it had great content, but I couldn’t figure out why it was only getting about thirty visitors per day. This is what sparked my interest in SEO Company. 
In looking at office space for my team, my husband and I passed a huge empty office in room 404. I jokingly said, “One day I’ll have that office, but no one would be able to find it.” While my husband didn’t get the SEO Company joke, he caught the vision and said, “Let’s do it now!” Today we have ten of us in the office and will be hiring a few more soon. We’ve moved on, ironically to room 301. Seriously. 
Good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives
I’m really proud of the results that my team and I produce. During the August 1, 2018 Medic update, I was visiting with a client whom we had been working with for quite some time. They started to see a gargantuan amount of traffic that day. And I will never forget what it was like to be in meetings with their team as we watched their traffic skyrocket in real-time. I realized that good SEO Company work has the potential to make a difference in many people’s lives. 
While I miss some aspects of being a veterinarian, especially surgery, I get so much joy out of what I do now. This is definitely the career path that was meant for me.
Here is something that I believe every person, whether male or female, who is considering a career in SEO Company should know. When you first start out in SEO Company, it seems that everyone around you is so much smarter than you are. But you’ll get to an amazing moment when it all starts to click. 
Watch an interview between Marie and Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Helen Pollitt
Managing Director at arrowsup.co.uk @HelenPollitt1
Background: Generalist marketer
Years in SEO Company: 12 
Fun fact: To stay friends with Helen, you need to love handmade presents.
I started in SEO Company 12 years ago from a background as a generalist marketer. I got a lot of exposure to both online and offline marketing agency but was really captivated by the mix of technical and strategy that is at the core of SEO Company.
There is always more to learn
I find the most fascinating thing about SEO Company to be the breadth of skills it covers. There is always more to learn: coding, how machine learning works, the psychology of intent. It can never fully be mastered. I find that so motivating.  
I’m honestly proud of every website migration I’ve carried out (we’re talking at least 50 at this point). A successful website migration involves pulling together stakeholders from all over a company. There are so many moving parts and I feel so accomplished being at the center of that. Every website migration I’ve worked on has led to more refinement of my migration process which has resulted in smoother migrations.
When I’m not working on websites I love to be creative through craft hobbies. Many friends and family members have suffered through my handmade Christmas and birthday presents!
I’ve become fairly practiced at explaining my job to my family now. I had to go through many, many conversations involving “so you work in sales then?”, “you’re one of those people who convince people to buy things they don’t need” and “…people pay you to do that?!” I now ask them how they would look for a new coat to buy online and go from there. 
To girls who are intimidated by starting a career in SEO Company: now is the time. There is so much momentum around encouraging women into STEM careers and those typically dominated by men. There are many people cheering you on to succeed in these roles.
Lily Ray
SEO Company Director at Path Interactive @lilyraynyc
Background: Politics and Spanish
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: If you spot a DJ who looks like Lily in one of the NY clubs, that would actually be Lily. Beyond that, she’s also a drummer and a frequent gym-goer.
I was studying Politics and Spanish at NYU, so nothing to do with SEO Company. But it was during the recession, and many of my newly graduated friends were having trouble finding jobs. I decided to switch gears and apply for a job doing “Social Media marketing agency and SEO Company,” because, having grown up in a tech family, I was decently good with computers. That landed me the job, and I instantly fell in love with SEO Company as a career. I haven’t looked back since. 
2020 is officially my 10th year in SEO Company. The thing that inspires me most about the profession is the problem-solving aspect. I could spend 6 hours researching why a website is seeing performance declines or solving a technical mystery. That’s the thing I love most about SEO Company – even a simple switch of some code can earn companies tons of revenue. 
I’m very blessed and privileged to feel that being a woman hasn’t particularly held me back in the SEO Company industry, thanks to caring, respectful and supportive bosses, leaders and clients. I was promoted relatively quickly within my companies, and always listened to and given the support I needed to do a good job. I am extremely thankful for that.
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment, have projects going outside of your day job
My advice for girls who are scared of entering professions that are historically dominated by male specialists: 
Hone your craft, keep practicing, experiment with things, and have projects going outside of your day job. This will make you a real expert with actual hands-on experience that will be invaluable to your company and your clients. Hopefully, that expertise will equip you with the confidence you need to do well in the workplace and overcome that intimidation. Best of luck!
Tammy Wood
Senior manager of SEO Company for Automation Anywhere (technical focused) @Tammy Wood
Background: Tammy started as a part-bartender, part-hairdresser and part-blogger
Years in SEO Company: 24 
Fun fact:  When asked about her profession Tammy says that “she works online, from home in her pajamas.” and adds not to worry as “it isn’t porn.” As she’s now a happy grandmother, people tend to believe her.
Back in the 1990s, I was a single mom of 3 sons under the age of 10 writing parenting articles. I had a  computer (running DOS) in the corner of my bedroom, a wicked sense of humor, and a great desire to learn how to get traffic to my website to earn more from paid mentions. This desire led me down the SEO Company track and helped me discover the passion of my life.
SEO Company is simply the ongoing learning, I know that I won’t come to an end of learning new things
This is my 24th year of navigating the SEO Company world, and I absolutely love it! I’ve worked with 100’s of brilliant individuals, I’ve made huge mistakes and I’ve made massive improvements in traffic and rankings for clients. It’s exciting to find the next big thing, to be a part of an industry that is always evolving and so welcoming to newcomers. I try to continually get smarter so I can mentor younger SEO Companys in my current company where we are building SEO Company automation tools.
My career path wasn’t straightforward. As a working mother I was trying to simultaneously enrich my children’s lives, somehow keep my marriage going and stay involved in the industry. I took opportunities for less money so I could use that time to better my skills and therefore boost my confidence. 
Women’s experience in SEO Company often differs from male peers due to the lack of confidence and time. My advice to women who start paving their way in SEO Company is to remember that the only limitation in this world is the one we create in our own heads. Write down your dreams, your goals, your fears, your plan, and take every opportunity to develop your own path.
Pam Aungst
President and chief web traffic controller @Pam Aungst
Background: Building websites 
Years in SEO Company: 15
Fun fact: Pam’s friends have the same problem as Chandler Bing’s friends understanding what he’s doing for a living. 
I never intended for SEO Company to become a career. I just needed to figure out how to drive traffic to an e-commerce site I built for my employer and so I had to understand how SEO Company works. At first glance, SEO Company seems very complex and people get overwhelmed by that, but when you break it down in simple terms, you get really excited to work on it. 
I find it so rewarding to help people understand how SEO Company works. That’s why I started my own search agency about 9 years ago. Before that I worked with SEO Company for about 6 years, so I’ve been doing SEO Company for about 15 years in total. And yet, I have lifelong friends who still don’t understand what I do. They know everything there is to know about me, but feel confused over how I make a living. It really makes me laugh.
SEO Company takes time but those who stick, get the results that make a difference
What makes me proud are the clients that have truly committed to SEO Company and have eventually reaped the rewards for their patience. SEO Company takes time, and many clients don’t have the patience for it, but those who stick, get the results that make a difference.
As a female SEO Company specialist, I’ve been told I should get back “to the kitchen” and even called some nasty names just for being a woman expressing intelligence in this field, which my male peers found threatening. So you do have to have a bit of thick skin to sustain all the pressure. That being said, the number of men that have treated me that way is a small minority. The majority don’t treat me any differently than their male colleagues, and I appreciate that a lot. 
Jennifer Penaluna
SEO Company manager at Bigfoot Digital @Jennifer Penaluna
Background: Journalism
Years in SEO Company: 3 
Fun fact: Lookout for a blonde with a dachshund in one of Barnsley’s dog-friendly drinking establishments.
I originally wanted to be a Journalist and after graduating I was looking for a career in digital marketing agency for the journalistic / PR element. Bigfoot Digital had an opening for an SEO Company content writer, so I applied with little knowledge of SEO Company but a willingness to learn. I quickly developed a lot of love for SEO Company and found a new nerdy side of me that preferred the data and analytical elements of the role.
SEO Company is never boring
I have now been in SEO Company for 3 years, and plan to remain in the industry for a long time. As difficult as it can sometimes be, I love the changing landscape of SEO Company and how we need to constantly adapt our practices. It means SEO Company is never boring!
My proudest campaign to date is an eCommerce client who has only been with us for 10 months and has more than doubled their 7-figure organic revenue during that time period.  It’s so much ROI that it makes my eyes water when I check their analytics!
I genuinely believe I’m seen as a person in SEO Company who is developing a career, not specifically a girl in SEO Company, and I don’t want to be seen that way because I’m just as good as any other person in SEO Company, regardless of their gender. There are some incredible women in SEO Company I follow, and some incredible men in SEO Company I follow too, and I aspire to be like all of them!
Lilach Bullock
Founder and CEO of Lilach Bullock Limited, a professional speaker, lead conversion expert, content marketing agency and social media specialist  @lilachbullock
Background: Content marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5
Fun fact: Contact Lilach any day but Saturday – this is her official emails-free great-food-filled day to spend quality time with family.
Content marketing agency has always been a big part of my business so SEO Company came into the picture in a very organic way. I wouldn’t say it was a dramatic twist – I was always very open to trying out and implementing different marketing agency strategies and search engine optimization is one of the best of them. 
SEO Company is all about experimenting
I’m in SEO Company for a good few years now – probably around 5-6 years at this point. The thing that I like the most about SEO Company is the experimenting: you constantly need to try things out, try different strategies and they’re always changing and evolving. That might sound like a downside to most people but to me, having these experiments prove to be successful is one of the best feelings you can get.
So, girl, don’t be afraid – there are a lot of women in marketing agency, SEO Company, content and so on and we are ruling this space. Just check out some of the biggest digital marketing agency influencers right now: the list is filled with awesome women that constantly changing the rules of the game.
Karola Karlson
Head of performance marketing agency at Taxify @karolakarlson
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 5 
Fun fact: Prefers literature, art criticism, and culture magazines over Netflix. 
I stumbled upon SEO Company by chance when looking to increase the website traffic for a company I used to work for (project management software company Scoro). I was immediately drawn to content marketing agency as I love to write. SEO Company was a great way to measure the success of our content marketing agency efforts and it’s also addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week.
It’s addictive to watch the traffic numbers grow week-over-week
I’m a growth hacker in heart, so I love to test out small tweaks here and there, apply the best practices and hacks, and see the results come in. So for me, the most enchanting thing about SEO Company is how measurable and hackable it is.
One of my favorite projects was growing the organic blog traffic for Scoro. We went from 1.6k to 31k monthly blog visitors in 20 months. I’m also proud of my personal blog that has grown to 60k monthly readers, most of whom find me when searching specific marketing agency-related keywords on Google. I’m a believer in the skyscraper technique and have been able to rank as #1 result for high-competition keywords by creating content that’s 10x more insightful than other articles on the topic.
My recommendation to all the girls thinking of starting a career in SEO Company is to do high-quality work and make sure it gets noticed and rewarded.
Kristina Azarenko
E-commerce and technical SEO Company consultant and founder of marketing agencySyrup.com @Kristina Azarenko
Background: marketing agency
Years in SEO Company: 10 
Fun fact: When she puts away her ‘SEO Company Kristina’ hat, she goes dancing classes, enjoys long walks with her dog or watches horror movies. 
About ten years ago I was working at a job I didn’t really enjoy and looking for something new. I had no idea what a website was, let alone its optimization and technical parts. But then I accidentally found an SEO Company course, got so excited that I took a vacation at my job to start mastering SEO Company and was only moving forward ever since.
Curiously, a whole decade later, my parents still have no idea what exactly I’m doing. They just know that ‘it’s something with computers’. So I occasionally get messages from them asking to fix their wi-fi or download a certain program. I think it’s cute.
Doing SEO Company means feeling you’re an investigator
The best thing about being an SEO Company is feeling as if you’re an investigator: you go through the data and you know how to find the ‘clues’ of unhealthy crawling, indexing, content, etc.
I’m proud of what I’m doing for all the companies I’ve worked with. Once I worked for a medium-sized eCommerce store creating a clear structure for adding new products, describing them, naming images, etc. All these minor things are often overlooked, but they helped us rank the pages and generate revenue pretty quickly. Then there was this rather complex website migration project. I worked closely with a client dev team, created user stories and as a result, the transition went smoothly with no decrease in organic search traffic.
For some reason, most women (including myself) are afraid ‘to be in the spotlight’ so they devalue their accomplishments. If you are like me, my advice is to believe in yourself and not let anybody decide where your place should be. We, the women, are 100% capable of anything.
Daria Khmelnitskaya
SEO Company-specialist at SE Ranking @DariaKhmelnitskaya
Background: Engineering
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Daria is fond of chess and also an ardent poker player.
I’ve been doing SEO Company since 2014. I just read somewhere that SEO Company specialists “make stuff that helps websites get found in Google”, which I found interesting. So I decided to learn more about how things work in SEO Company and try it out myself.
It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise
I like that the industry is very dynamic, that you need to always stay on top of all the changes and adapt to them. It keeps me agile and motivates me to grow my expertise.
Every SEO Company project is unique, and you have to approach it in a different way. You cannot come up with a single template and use it for every website you work with.
SE Ranking, for example, is an SEO Company and marketing agency product. Thus, you have to deal with really professional and inventive competitors. In this industry, you won’t make it to the top by simply finetuning the website’s technical SEO Company. You’ll have to go beyond SEO Company and improve the product itself to truly make it stand out from the crowd.
I don’t think SEO Company is a male profession – there are many women working in the industry. Generally speaking, I don’t really think female experience in SEO Company is in any way different from that of our male colleagues. After all, Google Guidelines say nothing about favoring websites optimized by male specialists over websites optimized by female SEO Companys.
Ann Smarty
The owner at SEO CompanySmarty.com @seosmarty
Background: Blogging
Years in SEO Company: 15 
Fun fact: SEO Company may be a hard concept to grasp for family members. Ann believes hers either pretend to know or have given up hope to understand by now. But she doesn’t really care as long as they are there to cover her back.
SEO Company was not initially a part of my life plan. In my final year in college, I found a part-time job in customer support, and in a blink of an eye I was promoted to a marketing agency position where my task was to learn “SEO Company.” It took me a few failed attempts and a couple of social media bans before I started working on my actual personal brand and started really enjoying it.
There’s a very tight excited community in SEO Company  which is something no other niche can hope to have
I like knowing people and being known as well. We have a very tight excited community in our industry and this is the most exciting part of having this profession. Beyond that, there’s something for everyone in SEO Company, be it branding, writing or technical stuff, so many people find it hard quitting it
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I’ve been in the industry for 15 years now, and I still love what I do. However, I sometimes miss that feeling you get when for the first time your project turns out to be a success. For me, MyBlogGuest project will forever and always remain my biggest pride. Back then, we managed to build an awesome community united by a beautiful idea, i.e. inviting guests to their home blogs. It was so new and fresh, and it felt like family.
I never thought of my gender when starting, so I wasn’t afraid then. There may be nothing to be afraid of, but you never know until you try! 
I do believe women feel quite comfortable in the SEO Company industry. Just be ready to speak more at conferences because organizers “need more women”. You may even end up being approved for 4 (!) panels), but why would you mind being in such great demand?
Watch an interview of Ann Smarty with Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz here >>
Hannah Thorpe
Head of SEO Company at the Found agency and UK Search Awards’ Young Search Professional of 2017 @hannahjthorpe
Background: Politics & Economics 
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Hanna’s mom thought that websites in the SERP are ranked alphabetically and couldn’t understand first, how exactly her daughter was going to change this order.
SEO Company was definitely not the plan for me; I studied Politics & Economics so I always thought that my career would go in that direction. However, I started working in SEO Company as an intern whilst I was still studying and instantly loved it. I get bored very easily and the way SEO Company is continually changing keeps me engaged and working hard to stay ahead. 
People in SEO Company are eager to share their expertise and willing to support one another
I find it inspiring how willing people in SEO Company are to share their expertise and how open the industry is when it comes to supporting one another. When I first started in SEO Company, I learned the most from conferences and meeting senior SEO Companys at events. Currently, I’ve got a group of very close friends who also work in the industry which is a blessing and a curse! We try to have some dedicated ‘no talking about work’ time to get a mental break, but sometimes we end up discussing SEO Company anyway.
Speaking of women in SEO Company, I’d like to say that gender doesn’t matter but I think that would be naïve to say. There have been events I’ve presented at where I’ve felt unsafe, there are individuals in the industry who have said or done things that have made me very uncomfortable. But it’s not SEO Company-specific. Ultimately the problems women in SEO Company face aren’t significantly different from the problems that women, in general, will face in their careers. 
I think my best advice would be don’t be scared. When I got my first role I didn’t actually know how male-dominated the technical SEO Company space was, but having no concerns of this sort I still was able to progress quickly. If you concentrate on building strong SEO Company skills then the results will speak for themselves.
Alexandra Tachalova
Digital marketing agency consultant, speaker, and founder of online digital marketing agency event DigitalOlympus.net @alexandratachalova
Background: Analytics
Years in SEO Company: 6
Fun fact: Alexandra is a happy owner of a race-winning horse who adores galloping across green fields.
I heard about SEO Company more than ten years ago when working as a Salesforce analyst. A few years later, I joined SEMrush, and that’s where SEO Company became my best friend. The funny thing is that I’ve never been involved in running a full-cycle SEO Company campaign during my career path. Previously, I was heavily geared towards content marketing agency, then digital PR, and finally, I have ended up working exclusively with link building.
Since we only build links, I have trouble explaining what I do even to my friends who are not that familiar with SEO Company. I try to use the analogy of recommendations when I talk about it — that links are like recommending someone. The more trustworthy the source of a recommendation, the more people will take it into consideration. For example, we’ve built more than 50 quality referring domains back to an email outreach guide, and it was promoted by Google on the first page of SERPs and even outranked Neil Patel’s site. This is something I am really proud of.
It’s fascinating, rewarding work
I don’t think gender matters in SEO Company or any part of digital marketing agency, but I realize that a lot of hiring still favors men. However, there are tons of very supportive SEO Company women who are ready to give you a hand. Personally, I am very mindful of the importance of supporting women when I hire for our team, as my chance to help our industry gain more gender diversity. I would tell young women to set their fears aside and go for it — it’s fascinating, rewarding work.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
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Diana Ford is a digital marketing agency specialist with writing expertise that spans across online marketing agency, SEO Company, social media and blogging.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/13-stories-of-women-who-are-shaping-the-seo-field/
0 notes
employsophiejackson · 7 years
19 Reasons Buzzfeed Should Employ Sophie Jackson (#13 is questionable)
1. I write every day of my life. Yes, even when I’m not being paid for it.
My whole life is basically just an endless series of things I become passionate about. How do I express these passions? I write about them - at great lengths, and with a lot of enthusiasm. 
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2. I’m your target market.
To attract a Buzzfeed key demographic, one most think like a Buzzfeed key demographic. 
Obviously the appeal of pop culture bulletins and informative listicles is fairly universal. Your typical reader, however, is the Western millennial spending their coffee break glued to a smartphone, and I fit in there quite comfortably. 
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3. There is not a meme that eludes me.
In most job applications, this wouldn’t really be the kind of quality one boasts about. Spending every spare moment browsing Reddit, Tumblr and Twitter might not be the coolest of hobbies, but it does mean the I see practically every meme that comes into existence - however short-lived, however nonsensical.
And I’m not just talking about viral memes. Those alternative memes one only discovers when browsing the dark corners of Tumblr at 3am? I see them. I know them. I know them all. If anyone’s gonna earn a job at Buzzfeed solely for their meme expertise...
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4. I’m extremely flexible.
No - I’m not just talking about my enviable yoga postures. I adapt to new environments like a Victoria Secret model adapts to the latest fad diet. Whether you need me to travel, stay put, work weekends or switch between tasks - it’s all fine by me.
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5. I’m as familiar with past pop culture as I am with contemporary pop culture.
From The Bell Jar to The Fault in Our Stars, from Pissaro to Koons, from Blackadder to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - I spend as much time obsessing over past icons as I do over today’s hottest releases. Good pop culture tends to remain relevant, so for every American Idol episode I've seen, I’ve watched just as many Top of the Pops re-runs. Whether you want me to cover David Bowie or Beyonce, I’m just as happy either way.
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6. I have live reporting and interviewing experience.
I’ve professionally and confidently conducted interviews with a number of high profile figures including representatives of global charities, industry leaders, social media influencers and world league professional poker players. In the past two years I’ve also gained experience reporting at live sports events watched by thousands.
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7. I know a thing or two about SEO.
Just kidding, I know like twenty things about SEO. Whether it’s in relation to social media marketing campaigns or the optimization of home page navigation, this is the field I’ve known from the earliest days of my career.
I could tell you, for example, the most competitive keywords for whatever you’re promoting. I can point you to the latest Google updates and explain what they mean for content strategy and link acquisition. My SEO crush is Rand Fishkin, and I know what Matt Cutt’s dinosaur impression looks like.
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8. I’m a meticulous editor and fact-checker.
Living in what is becoming known as a ‘post-truth’ society of misinformation and fake news, impartial and factual journalism is as essential as ever.  
Even if written with a light-hearted tone or for entertainment purposes, I believe there’s rarely a publication that is justified in foregoing thorough fact-checks.
As such, it has become second nature for me to cross-reference, double-check, triple-source and provide ample citations for anything I write. In short, I do not take lightly the responsibility that comes with producing content for an internationally respected brand.
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9. I’m not one to shy from politics.
And in this current political climate, one doesn’t really have the luxury of staying quiet. I appreciate the importance of delivering criticism and drawing attention to issues in a respectful manner that helps create productive debate and engagement.
With an education in UK politics, US politics, modern political history and Western political theory - I write about political matters with confidence and passion. If there’s one thing Buzzfeed does well (and Buzzfeed does several things well), it’s presenting a light-hearted and accessible examination of complex issues at a time when such media is especially needed.
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10. I’m totally comfortable writing in whatever style a piece of content calls for.
My experience in writing has been varied and far-spanning. I believe this to be useful, in that appropriately repurposing content for different platforms while maintaining consistency in tone is now a necessity for any online brand marketing.
My thorough grasp of the English language is one of many reasons I am highly qualified to undertake this task. Whether you want a blog post, informative review, promotional copy, argumentative op-ed or journalistic analysis - I can adapt my editorial style accordingly. One moment I can be writing a political take for The Hill, the next moment I’m focused on comparing Jeff Goldblum to pasta for The Reductress.
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11. I’ve spent the last three years writing articles on every subject under the sun.
From beauty guides to morbid crimes to album releases to terrifying advancements of artificial intelligence - there’s not a subject I won’t or can’t write about. 
‘Research’ is my middle name. I didn’t always know a lot about Bitcoins, Bill Clinton’s diet or Niagara Falls - but when my job calls for me to research something, I’m going to be an expert by the time I put pen to paper...or fingers to keyboard.
That being said - there are some subjects on which I am especially well-versed, and therefore love writing about the most. These subjects include, but are not limited to, intersectional feminism, contemporary art, modern history, animal welfare, mental health, science fiction, alternative fashion and classic rock.
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12. I’m on the lookout. 
I have an eye for interesting stories and upcoming trends. My mornings are defined by two activities in particular; 1) drinking coffee with obscene amounts of sugar, and 2) checking the BBC, The Guardian, The Verge, ThinkProgress, Buzzfeed, ATTN:, Vox, The Washington Post and a bunch of other cutting-edge news publications. Not only do I stay-up-to-date, but I know how to translate news into clickable, shareable and relatable content that gets people commenting.
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13. I bake the most divine Victoria Sponge cake and would bring it into the office.
“Feast upon my creation, colleagues” is something I would not say because that is weird.
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14. I’ve done a fair bit of travelling.
Globetrotting is an interest that has taken me from the coffee shops of Amsterdam and cathedrals of Rome to the forests of Sweden and beaches of California. A global perspective is important when writing for a global platform, and I believe my travel experiences will enrich what I can contribute to Buzzfeed.
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15. I’m a quick learner.
There’s no doubt I’ve still got a lot to learn. Fortunately, I pick up most things quickly and have no problem putting aside extra time for studying should I lack any particular experience or know-how when it comes to my career. I would like to improve my GIF making game, Photoshop abilities and a couple of other mostly self-taught skills. Buzzfeed seems like the kind of environment to facilitate that growth and development.
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16. I’m a closeted Yankophile.
Yes, I may devour crumpets and Earl Grey tea for breakfast, but deep down there’s a part of me that just wants to live my life like an American hipster in an innocuous coming-of-age comedy. I grew up on a diet of American TV and literature, so writing for an American audience comes as naturally to me as writing for British readers.
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17. I pride myself on being a good colleague. 
Respect, positivity and open-mindedness - those are the principles I believe underline a healthy work environment.
I perform equally well in a team as I do independently. My management experience has taught me how to recognize and encourage my colleagues’ strongest traits, while giving them a space in which they can feel heard and supported.
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18. London is one of my favourite places in the whole world.
Why does that make me an ideal candidate? Well, in a way my love for London is irrelevant - except that my excitement over living in the coolest city on earth will probably manifest itself in the form of a big smile each morning. I’d be over the moon if I could relocate to that rainy hub of art galleries, innovative music scenes, cultural merging, vintage street markets and lush city parks.
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19. I aim for excellence.
If there’s a sentence you’ll never hear me say, it’s “that’s not in my job description”. I genuinely enjoy pushing myself and always aim to impress. No matter what project is at hand - I won’t stop until I’ve put my 100% into the job. If I work for you, you can rest assured you have a driven, reliable and problem-solving employee at force.
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stressbakeling · 5 years
Hiding from Writing and an Italian Interlude - 8/24/2019
Let’s get meta on writing. I used to write Hamilton style, cranking out poems, prose, rap song parodies and unrequested book and film reviews fueled by what I can only guess was a combination of dormitory stir-crazy and teenaged angst. As I move into my mid to late twenties (such demography), I find myself having to negotiate with myself to keep my buns on a seat long enough to put my words somewhere every thirty to ninety days. Did I stop having creative thoughts or time or... has my personality changed? I feel like I have so many conversations in my head. All day long I’m asking questions, I’m having arguments--I close my eyes and have vivid dreams night after night as the filing cabinet that is my brain dumps itself onto the floor and the tender, anxious nerves of my dying youth rush in to sweep it away and prepare for the next batch. I don’t think it’s because I have nothing to talk about. Yesterday I mused on why blueberries don’t usually end up in jams for about an hour on the train, conceding that it’s probably because their weirdly whitish flesh does not match the color of their purple/blue peel and people just don’t know how to embrace that kind of dissonance (and surely not because of their lack of naturally occurring pectins). I also regularly have time to sink into social media, reading hefty books by dead people, painting tiny figurines for games I don’t play, and of course that super laborious hobby that involves zero dead time whatsoever--bread making. I have time. The time I’ve spent on YouTube watching a Croatian man talk to his giant spiders alone is revealing to the room in my life I have available to barf my head thoughts onto a social media platform that the next generation will probably remember as readily and fondly as mine does of the teletype. “So say it, Marisa! You just don’t wanna!” Well, if that were true, why do I dust this puppy off so frequently? I do wanna. I used to think I wanted to do this for money! Adamantly! When a professor told me my future in such an industry would be compromised if I didn’t show up to three hour workshops weekly and write about ghosts haunting my childhood home, I believed! And while I do occasionally push when it says “pull,” I’d like to think I’m no dunce--certainly I managed to get this far, and ten years ago I don’t think my logic was tragically worse off. K, let’s revisit that list then: - too busy - nothing to write about - no desire - no strong opinions - no avenues or opportunities - too expensive - not as interesting as it used to be - afraid
Ah ha! It’s the dust. It’s the piles of beautiful leather bound notebooks and fountain pens I’ve been gifted over the years that look so beautiful in their clean slate state. It’s the negative feedback. It’s the positive feedback. It’s the it’s-too-late-nows and the it’s-already-been-saids. But no one is asking me to quit my day job. I’m not even asking me to do that. Yeah, but what’s the drive, why do it at all? I’m not a fiction writer, I do love a good story but there isn’t a song in my heart that’s dying to be sung. I think writing is highly therapeutic, it’s cathartic, it’s informative, it’s definitive. People have been keeping diaries and journals for centuries just to help make sense of the world--to capture something that our memory sieve of a brain will lose inevitably. It’s also entertaining and performative. I could write into little books and shove them under my bed at night, and indeed, some of the best writing was found in this state--never prepared to be shared with the world--but then I build my own bubble. And part of the fear of writing (offending, triggering, or even directly endangering people in certain situations) can and must be offset by the great things that come of it (discussion, connection, mental expansion). “Well, that’s very bold of you. Thank you for your contribution to the body of literature that is fine, poignant, and enriching Tumblr posts.” Yeah, yeah, let me do my yoga in the public park and chill in the hot tub at my apartment complex. You are welcome to join me. So, then also let me talk, and in return I will also listen.
Now, wait isn’t this a baking blog or... something?
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I went to Italy for two weeks in July, so it’s worth talking about the pastry, bread, and other sweet and savory encounters I had there. It started at baggage claim at FCO where I ordered a cappuccino (like a goddamn American!) and a caprese sandwich while waiting for Eric’s plane to land. This pedestrian airport Italian coffee kicks the living cajones off of any American coffee I’ve ever had outside of artisanal roasteries, and even still--it’s close. The sandwich nearly made me cry. I was starving but was mostly expecting waterlogged tomatoes, spongy but weirdly wet mozzarella and wilted/blackened basil on soggy bread since these things were probably prepared this morning and it was officially 1:30pm Roman time. Negatory, doctor. Everything was death defyingly fresh (I didn’t yet know that I basically was kicking off the lunch hour at this counter, Italians eat pretty late) and the Italian woman behind the counter laughed unabashedly at me as I moaned into the baguette and drank my breakfast milk.
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Italian pizzas from the Roman countryside. Italy knows how to make a fucking pizza. Really brilliant work combined with crazy fresh ingredients made these super memorable. This experience makes me very scared of pizza dough knowing how crispy and light and perfect it can be. These pizzas were each about $9 USD and cranked out faster than my sister and I could down a glass of wine.
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Meredith and Alan had a beautiful wedding and our hosts made us an incredible dinner, but the two most memorable parts of the meal had to be the lasagna (good lord I’ll never have lasagna that good again) and the dessert--an Italian take on a croquembouche. Croquembouche (a French invention) is typically profiteroles (read: cream puffs) piled high in a tower held together by a crunchy spun caramel. The Italians basically take French pastry and proverbially deep fry its butter. Instead of a tower with lightly spun and delicate caramel strands, the Italians pile the cream puffs in a mound and cover it in rich but creamy dark chocolate ganache. Instead of the choux pastry puffs being filled with a light vanilla scented whipped cream, they go chantilly or bust--but don’t worry they save that light whipped cream that would go in the croquembouche for the outside, and ring the chocolate mountain with beautifully piped examples of the stuff, adding strawberries while they’re at it because Jesus why not. We ate it gleefully with stomachs that were bursting, and when we couldn’t eat anymore, we popped the plastic tub with the leftover contents open and ate the rest hungover at the breakfast table the next day. Best. Breakfast. Ever.
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Semifreddos in a super cold fridge in Vernazza on the Cinque Terre. I think they’ve figured out sweet dairies over there. Gelato is served in tiny cups and is everywhere and the rainbows of flavors make each one novel. I had pistachio, fig, hazelnut, coconut, coffee, amaretto, peach, orange, mixed berry, cantelope, mint, tiramisu and stracciatella. I think I had at least two scoops of gelati everyday and I never regretted it, it was scorching.
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I had this vanilla ricotta and mascarpone filled cannoli with pistachio crumbs down by the Arno our last night in Florence. It came out of a food truck. It was 85 degrees outside and the sun was down. I melted into a puddle and had to be scraped off of the ground to be carried back to our rooms. Cannoli are always done wrong, they have a bad rap of being too greasy, too sweet--this thing could have fallen in the dirt in front of me and I would have talked it right into my mouth without hesitation.
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Amuse bouche from our final meal outside of a hotel or airport in Italy on the main piazza in Arezzo Antico. The shortbread cookies remind me of my Italian Nanni’s favorite nibble, the thing she always had in tins when we’d come to visit. They fall apart without much convincing and melt in your mouth--the butter to sugar content isn’t what I’d make for myself, but the execution was excellent. The cream puffs continued to kick choux ass and take chantilly names.
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My final stop was a layover in Munich where I chased down a pretzel that came with this cold wurst salad. The German bartenders were fascinated that as an American I would 1) order this dish 2) eat all of it. Onion breath for days. No regrets.  In conclusion, I think my hesitation to post is unwarranted. I’ve also baked many things in the month of August I won’t post here because I wouldn’t want to sully the beautiful golden rays of Italia we’re basking in right now, but if you can do me a favor and ask me next time you see me why I haven’t posted lately, I’d be entirely grateful. :)
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starqueenadonis · 7 years
Taurus Horoscope September 2017
My Royal Taurus,
Indulge in the last days of summer with rekindled appreciation for your home.  You gain confidence from your home base and are self-expressed on the social stage with the Full Moon of Sept. 6th.  Polish your social mask with an emotional link to the individual you seek to become.  Your authentic inner self exposes your true character on the stage of life.  The best aspects of your individuality succeed to capture the eyes of elites, VIPS and a new supportive circle of friends.  The illustrious Sun polarizes the Full Moon from your Palace of Enjoyment, setting the fires of your heart’s passion aflame.  Recuperate in the presence of true love and allow the new fires in your heart to give rise to a life of more enjoyment.  Mercury returns to re-create the order of your true love palace, Sept. 10th - 29th.  You just experienced an intense second wild retrograde in your Palace of Enjoyment for the second time in one calendar year.  You are more in tune with the reality of your love life and Mercury encourages you to align your heart’s true desires with it.  If you must leave the relationship to pursue your heart’s true desires, do so after giving your current true love the proper chances.  Your voice and words matter more than your emotions and reactions when it comes to your love life.  Communicate openly with your true love about your needs and desires, you may very well discover your true love is complementary. Venus revives communication as the source of true love as it requires tender words rooted in love, which are not presumptuous and accusatory. For example, “You suck so much for whining and complaining,” or, “I will love you only if you quit it,” or, “You are so not fit/sexual/intellectual/spiritual enough for me.” Statements declared without room for possibility are not loving words.  The gracious Venus, goddess of love, imbues the affectionate nature of love into the expression of your needs. For example, “I want to be close to you, but when you say this, I feel unwanted,” or, “I understand I frustrated you and I want to know what I can do to show you I love you,” lastly, “I know this was promised, but that was the past and in the end I want to be with you.” True love requires one to humble their ego and validate the others’ feelings, no matter how intense your feelings. As your ruling goddess, Venus teaches you the delicacy of true love’s communication, Sept. 20th - Oct. 15th. A romantic earthly sign, you are deeply committed ’til-death, and could forgive your true love for the worst.  Patience is a symbol of the Taurus mindset and love tests the limits of one’s patience.  As long as you take true love as a steadily growing plant, as opposed to a firework infatuation, you realize how fast your grow in true love.  Alone one only grows one way, and one can accomplish a lot alone.  In love, one is bound to another and grows branches out of everywhere, as you feel your love take root through every step you take, and new branches sprouting with every win.  Your heart beats to a higher frequency of love with the New Moon of Sept 20th.  The moon is an emotional bridge between your heart and mind in matters of true love.  You desire to attain more pleasure and satisfaction in life, and the New Moon leads you to a more enjoyable way of life. Venus can help you turn a profit off a hobby or create a blog/art piece/novel/dance/music which is a project of your passion.
Mercury nurtures newfound home roots through his retrograde in your Palace of Home, Sept. 1st - 9th.  A chance to improve the quality of your home life may come through seemingly bad conditions.  The fear or changes Mercury stirs, place you in your ideal home setting.  The order of your domesticity gets a much needed facelift when Mercury goes direct, Sept. 6th. You make the necessary changes and improvements to the space in the world you call your sanctuary. Venus will be instrumental in creating you ideal home space to restore yourself from the chaos in the world as she transits your Palace of Home, Aug. 27th - Sept. 19th - prior to romancing your heart’s search for true love.  Your ruler is keen on securing you in a home that supports your independence and individuality.  Home life becomes the basis for the individual you portray to the outer world.  You have total power over the individual you portray, however, the more authentic you are, the more empowered you are to take on the world. Mars, Venus’s celestial lover and deterministic god of strategy, seeks to establish your identity firmly into this world, through your home and place on earth.  He encourages you to appreciate and honor your roots in order to breed gratitude to the path of growth you traverse.  July 21st - Sept. 5th, you are focused on your direction in life, which is the center of your home sanctuary.  It is your passion for your roots and sense of direction which deepens your story as a human on Earth.  In fact, the Sun is keen on creating an order at home which uplifts your health.  He sends his beams of life to your Palace of Wellbeing, Sept. 23rd - Oct. 24th.  The order you engender includes a healthy approach to your day, and a way of life that procures the most of your days.  The schedules and routines you make for yourself restore balance between the demands of life, and its pleasures.  A wise use of your time should include exercise habits, along with mental stimulations or studies to enrich your experience on earth. The benevolent god of good fortune, Jupiter, has subjected your wellbeing and search for a solid routine geared toward growth to his wheel of fortune.  Luckily, Jupiter’s wild ups and downs begin to settle down, allowing you to finally settle yourself down.  The routine you establish will be one you have long desired, but had to prove your merit by overcoming the obstacles, challenges, broken commitments, and constant restarting, of the past year. Now you are more experienced and sure of your direction in life, thus Jupiter can help you truly establish a routine that allows you to work a job to support your life and your hobbies and interests to feel more satisfied and pleasure.
Your sense of self-worth will come under the spotlight of the Waning Crescent of Sept. 13th in your Palace of Value.  She opens your eyes to the strains upon your value system, pockets, bank accounts and credit lines.  You are eager to improve your net worth and gain a living that increases the quality of your life.  The Waxing Crescent of Sept. 27th in your Palace of Purpose links your ambition for a better stream of income with your pursuit of happiness.  There are sacrifices one must make in order to live the quality of life one desires, for example, working long hours, while maintaining an exercise regimen, a healthy diet, an open and loving relationship, and still making time for your hobbies and interests. Pluto links up with the Waxing Crescent to bring the urgency of living your purpose right now.  Your purpose is not an end goal you discover on a definite date, like on Sept. 14th, for example. However, you can make a commitment to yourself that you will know your purpose by Sept. 14th with more certainty. This will require you to listen, follow and remain true to your heart. You will realize the paradox inherent in searching for your purpose; that it is created by you. Thus, live your purpose as if you are creating it now to in the end proclaim you fulfilled your purpose in every breath of your life.
Love till the end of time!
xoxo, Star Queen Adonis
PS: You can now download a free copy of my novel, An Ideal Man,  at www.anidealman.com. It is my goal that in these divisive times we choose love and show the world what the United in the United States of America means. I mention goals very often, and I love to write. I also want to be a vessel for the elevation of love in the world. Thank you so much for your support. I hope my novel inspires you to believe in the possibility of an ideal world. Where every individual can be their true self. Be you, the most beautiful you. 
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