#like i haaaaaate yall
tiktaalic · 1 year
i was a swiftie for her first three albums (and on/off since depending on whether she's making listenable music at the time) and the thing that made me initially fall off circa age 16 was the pivot from "taylor swift has a song for EVERY romantic scenario taylor swift is ALL OF US and we are all taylor swift" to "taylor swift is taylor swift. look at all the situations taylor swift has taylor swifted herself into. you cannot relate to these situations because you are not taylor swift." and idk how much of any of this marketing was her doing/how much of it she was cognizant of but i def think it kind of shattered her last link to real personhood and now it's just like "ok taylor. i'm sorry jake gyllenhaal didn't go to your birthday party i don't know what else you want me to say" because you don't understand the desire to have jake gyllenhaal at your birthday party in the first place. because you are not taylor sw
wait part 2 sorry. it's like even if YOUR boyfriend skipped your birthday party you still can't (and are discouraged from, it feels) relate to the Jake Gyllenhaal Skipped My Birthday Party song because that is a Taylor Swift Situation^TM. whereas with debut/fearless/speak now songs you could be like "i too am just a girl trying to find a place in this world!! i also wish [insert real life guy from your real life] would drop everything now meet me in the pouring rain etc etc" and that felt Allowed
this is why i haaaaaate last great american dynasty. it's like. hey guys did you know that you can be rich and live in a mansion but still have problems? no actually i didnt know that. because i dont live in a mansion. and i don't have 11 million dollars to throw at buying a mansion. so i just have problems. not i-am-rich-but-still-have-problems problems. which like. i love a song about being rich but it should have the tone of i'm rich fuck yall. not. i'm rich but i still have annoying hoa neighbors. and i LIKE red i think it's a good album. but this is an interesting angle. i'm trying to think. it feels like the album where she backs off of anecdotes about skiing and actresses is lover? from my recollection. and then folkevermore narrative albums. hm. something to chew on.
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harryfeatgaga · 9 months
I swear larries want him to be with his gf just to complain because I saw a new pic of him and not once did my mind go to “who was he with” but I always get random larries on my fyp and every single tweet is “here we go….yacht incoming……remember what we see is work if he wanted to go unseen he would” etc etc and it’s like😭 nothing even happened WHAT are yall even saying😭 like you’ve conditioned yourselves to believe he’s not a) allowed to be spotted without you thinking it’s premeditated and b) conditioned yourselves to think vacation = stunt
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uselessheretic · 2 years
There's valid critiques of Taika and his work and I'm not talking about that right now, but the intense recent focus on him, his sexuality, and the accusation of "appropriating" queer culture is so fucking ridiculous, self-obsessed, and racist it blows my mind.
Like, why be mad he called himself a gay icon? He's been called that for years, and him acknowledging that just isn't an issue. Straight white women have been called gay icons for close to a century without any issue? And if a straight man were to call himself a gay icon as well I don't see a problem with straight men choosing to align themselves with the queer community.
But also... I don't think people would take so much issue with him if he openly identified as straight tbh. All the accusations of queerbaiting are ridiculous, but nothing he's done is even close to homophobic where if an openly straight man said something like he was a gay icon I don't think people would be as up in arms. It really comes off like a discomfort at someone being undefined and the demand for complete open access to celebrities' lives as if anyone is owed an explanation for how they identify their sexuality.
But goddddd people straight up lying about Thor and making up rumors that are not true is wild. People said he was queerbaiting when he said the movie was "so gay" (he was asked if it was gay!!) and when it was proven he was not then people want to try and figure out a way to dissect two words to prove that "so gay" is overselling the gay content (multiple openly queer characters who discuss being queer) and therefore problematic. saying he misgendered a trans character (this did not happen) or saying there were "man in a skirt" jokes (literally not true?? the best I got as what this could be referring to is Zeus lifting his toga in a kinda silly way as he walked down the steps)
All of this is literally just so fuuucking insane because it hinges on the idea that "Taika is exploiting the queer community" which makes no sense because he doesn't actually?? Profit by allying himself with the queer community? Like... his bag is in Thor and Marvel. Choosing to ally himself with the queer community is a risk he's taking when the biggest money maker he has is a fanbase of straight white men. (Who, for the record, are not happy about Thor having such a focus on women and queer people?)
Like! I just wish people would unpack what it means to view a moc as inherently an outsider and an antagonist to the queer community. Especially focused on that he's "stealing" or exploiting them (whatever the fuck that means) by virtue of just... incorporating queer stories into his work or supporting queer communities. Or, why people view him as egotistical and that he's trying to force himself into the spotlight from him just? Joking around? Because I stg other than him making jokes he is soooo incredibly humble and quick to give praise and credit to people. Along with him absolutely using his position of entering Hollywood to uplift marginalized communities. Like! Every project he runs he makes an effort to be as diverse as possible. I just hate also that he's really the guy doing the most at the moment for uplifting Indigenous communities in media, including queer Indigenous people too, but (mostly) white gays wanna be so fucking irritating for no reason omfg.
All this over a guy who hasn't even said that he's straight! Where the more vague he is about his sexuality the more people double down on calling him a homophobic cishet!
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dieclownschaft · 3 years
Can you tell me who this was in post next to ozil,Korean K-pop singer?? 😍
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insertqueerpunhere · 3 years
Wilson really is just gonna straight up kill someone some day huh.
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hungrybitxhhours · 5 years
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Sorry if this is dark humor but yall when I was in high school I weighed about 100 lbs and now I'm a good old 158 and I haaaaaate it. All my family is really skinny but they all have EDs so like 🙃
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drowninginfelines · 6 years
i dont think i can adequately put into words just how much i fucking despise talking to and hanging out with the people from my college. im like almost five years older than the oldest person that i know of in the game group and like. theyre all such fucking immature assholes, and i fucking haaaaaate talking to them. like yall already know i fuckin hate men and i hate teenagers and all these dudes are like 18-20 who still think its funny to make offensive jokes for the sake of being offensive. and like, im the only gay person there and like.....gay humor goes so fucking far over all of their heads that i cant even be my naturally hilarious self cause nothing i say even registers with them. and dont even fucking get me started on the fact that im still closeted trans and i get to hear a bunch of men calling me she/her over the voicechat every fuckin time we play dnd
there was a point before when i just couldnt take it anymore and i left for a couple months like dropped all contact with everyone, but eventually i got bored and went back. but like if it werent for one dnd campaign in particular id be gone in a fuckin heartbeat and i dont think id ever come back cause being around them makes me so fucking miserable but theyre the only people with active dnd campaigns going
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My awesome dog.
Yall I can’t get over my dog. I knew he was a dog, but I never knew what a little bad ass he really is. He’s taken to the woods like he was born to it!
I’ve said it before, but I was certain it would take him weeks if not months to settle in here. The first few times we visited, he’d barely step foot out of the car. He’d get out, sniff around for maybe one minute, decide the ground wasn’t smooth enough for his princely spoiled feet, and stand at the door to his seat looking forlorn and put upon until we let him back in, and he would just sit in the car for an hour while we messed around looking at the place.
I really can’t exaggerate what a total priss he’s always been. He drinks his water all dainty and won’t drink a drop unless it’s fresh poured and if there’s even a hair in it will refuse; he haaaaaates when there’s not a sidewalk; he’s never met an animal that wasn’t his friend (though he’s always liked to chase birds out of the yard) and would hang out and just lay in the yard with the raccoons and possums in our old back yard; he’s scared to death of thunder; he hates the fuck out of the VW bus we got for him because it’s dirty; he won’t step in a puddle or in mud and will take great pains to go all the way around; he’s the most spoiled when it comes to food and if there isn’t something “special” in his supper he’ll eat it all slowly while sighing and giving me dirty looks. He’s always had a dog bed in every room, and any time there’s any “new” dog bed (which includes just moving one to a new spot) that’s where he wants to be; he takes up the whole couch and will spend days just lazing on the couch... Honestly he is the prissiest city dog I’ve ever met. You’d think he was a decorated little shih tzu with painted toes and bows in his hair the way he acts.
Well, was.
He really is a new dog now. 
He spends his days out in the woods hunting, rolling in dirt, chasing fuck knows what, threatening / scaring off anything or anyone that dares cross his gate, he’s got dirt and burrs all in his fur and he loves it. He spends his days rolling in the grass on the pasture or in some kinda nest of pine needles. Yesterday he got thr furthest away from me he’s ever been in his life (apart from when I left him at home, of course); I looked over into the woods and he was so far off into the woods trying to find our resident loudass armadillo I could barely seen him. He’s never been more than 20 feet or so from me in his entire life, and he gets REALLY antsy when he can’t see me. But he LOVES it here now! He’s like a whole new dog!
He LOOKS AMAZING, too! He’s all kinds of muscular, and he’s surely lost at least a pound in just the week we’ve been here. In just a week!! He’s a whole new dog! I admit I did let him get fat and lazy in the month or so leading up to the big move - one, because I was soooo fucking busy trying to get it all done, and two, I was intentionally giving him a rest in preparation for moving out to the woods where he’d become a real dog - but I still just can’t believe how FAST he’s gotten so good looking and strong and gorgeous. Damn I love this dog.
Our builder was laughing at him and petting him when he came over the first day, because he got all the way into the house before ol dog even noticed him. He did try to bark and put up his mohawk, but our friend was just scritchin him and laughing like “you got to do better little guy! I got all the way into the house before you even saw me buddy!” But even the very next day, it’s like he took it to heart, because he’s started meeting any truck that drove up right near the gate - and he’ll even sit on the front porch watching to see if anybody comes in - and he runs right up to every truck’s door and sniffs everyone up and down. Granted, he’s still just looking for scritches, but he’s so much braver!
I never thought in a million years he’d be this happy this soon. I honestly thought he’d be mopey and depressed at least until the house was all fancy. But it’s like something primal in his head just clicked on. He’s happy to live in a completely gutted, run down looking, dirty house. He does spend a lot of his time in his own little fancy house, but other than that he’s out in the woods being a badass little dog. 
He still loves his mommy and he still needs his hour of sweetness and cuddles every day, but the rest of the time he’s tearing shit up.
I’m so damn proud of him, and just so happy for him. Oh, my sweet, bad ass little country dog Westley. <3
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
Anonymous said: Can harry and Spotify tell me what that sad boat is about!?
Anonymous said: yall,, I really want to watch late late but my dad is hogging the tv and I'm not sure if he'll get off of it in time aahah
Anonymous said: that pic we got to day of him in the glasses i feel like he's judging me for something he's looking right into my soul and judging me for all the mistakes i made in life. please stomp on me sir i deserve it.
Anonymous said: Gurl, the shipper legit said she CRIED when she heard harry say Kendall’s name. Cried, tars came out of her tear ducts and eyeballs. She cried, Paige. She cried over her ship interacting once in 4 years. She cried. Cried. I’m sorry. I’m being mean. But she CRIED over a SHIP, PAIGE. Human tears.
this makes me feel better about myself in so many ways
Anonymous said: The lls is at 12:35 cali time ? fuck its gonna be like 3am for me where can i watch it tomorrw ?:(
ik dead ass thinking about taking a quick nap jenbrfhjik
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