#like i know i shouldnt have made the jokes because that gave them permission to
stardust-sunset · 7 months
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current mood
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stay-trash-2017 · 4 years
Wilted Rose
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Gang member!Changbin x fem!OC
Warnings: gangs, mentions of death and parties
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      Christopher Bang, He is the King and I am the queen. I’m not the queen in the way you would expect. I am the leader of the highly feared gang called ‘The Poisoned Roses’. Christopher was the leader of his gang ‘Stray Reapers’. We are the 2 most feared gangs in the entire city of Yongin. There was no one in the city that didn't tremble at the mention of our gangs. Strays and Roses kept their distance most of the time but it all changed when I bumped into what I had assumed was a normal man. 
August 15th, 2014 was Lee MiRae’s first day as the official leader of the Roses after her mother was killed protecting MiRae and her younger brother Minho. MiRae and Minho’s dad left them for a much younger woman. MiRae and Minho raised themselves from the age of 12. When Minho turned 13 he stated spending more time away from the small apartment they could barely afford, only coming home for some rest. As much as MiRae wanted to know what her brother was doing she was taught to keep her nose out of the places its not needed. When Minho started coming home with cuts and bruises across his face is when MiRae started questioning him but he always brushed off the questions or flat out ignored them.
MiRae never had time to be a real kid but when the Roses made her their official leader she got to do things that she never had, like go to parties and meet new people without the fear of being snatched because of who she is. The more parties she attended, the more people started to recognize her, which meant she’d have to disappear from the public eye as MiMi leader of the Roses. At 15 she decided to enroll herself at Bora highschool. She would have never thought she would end up going to highschool because she had to work and keep a roof over her and Minho’s heads. 
She severely underestimated  how hard school was when you only have a 7th grade education. MiRae studies hard during the day and manages the Roses at night. MiRae’s grades were okay but not as good as  most. She was just barely passing her classes. She always struggled most in math, no matter how hard she would study. Usually MiRae would stay in class all period because she couldn't miss any of the information, but she was about to pee her pants in this moment so when the teacher granted her permission to go to the bathroom she basically sprinted out of class. MiRae didnt care who she was bumping into as long as she made it to the bathroom.  Once done with her business she washed her hands and started walking back to class.
Lost in her own head MiRae paid no attention to the group of boys walking towards her. Due to her being lost in her own little word MiRae walked straight into a very strong man, Stunned by his presence she stumbled backwards and fell on her butt hard. She looked around her and saw 1 of the 8 sped away from the situation very quickly, what was his deal? Meanwhile 7 of the remaining 8 were laughing and making jokes about MiRae falling, Her eyes flooded with tears as she tried to get up but only fell face first into the floor. The boys laughter got louder and louder until the one boy who wasn't laughing reached his hand out and helped her up. His grip was firm and very gentle at the same time. When MiRae was finally on her feet she looked at the man who helped her in the eyes and automatically felt flustered, her cheeks felt warm and her heart was going a million miles per hour. 
“I am so sorry! I wasnt paying attention like I should have.” MiRae said apologetically. 
“Um, no worries. Im Changbin, we have math together, Or we would if I ever came to class.” He said with a certain nervousness in his voice. His beautiful chocolate eyes met hers and a faint pink painted her pale cheeks. His friends whispered and snickered quietly behind the pair. Mirae was snapped back to reality when the whispering stopped and his friends were gone, Only MiRae and the beautiful stranger standing in the middle of the deserted hallway.
His eyes scanned her body and fell on the rose that was tattooed on her forearm. MiRae’s eyes dropped to her forearm and immediately yanked her sleeve down. He couldn't possibly know what the tattoo meant, could he? Wrong. His eyes went wide and met hers again. He stayed silent until he revealed the tattoo on his collarbone, a shattered compass. He was a Stray Reaper. Neither MiRae nor Changbin knew what to say at this very moment. Without thinking she reached out to touch the ink embedded into his skin. His soft flesh was still swollen, the tattoo was fresh and he was a new member. His hand shot up to grab her wrist. 
“We shouldnt be this close. Its forbidden, the members will kill me if they found out you are a Rose.” He whispered softly with the traces of sadness in his voice. MiRae’s lips parted as a sigh fell off of her tounge and past her lips. She looked looked at her sleeve, where he tattoo was hidden underneath.
“My mother was a Rose, she died protecting my brother and I. A Reaper killed her because my father owed them money before he disappeared. The Roses are the only thing I have left from my mother.” MiRae confessed saddened by the memory of the night her mother died. Chanbin slid his soft hand into hers and gently squeezed. Changbin reached into MiRae’s back pocket and took out her phone, the boy typed his phone number into her phone. She gave him a confused look. 
“I dont care if you are a Rose, I want to take you out and show you my part of town just as long as you keep that ink covered. please ?” 
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