#but they got these seven year old children to start making fun of me
stardust-sunset · 7 months
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flamingpudding · 6 months
I'm back with a part 4 if you want to do it it's kind of more of a crack write I just need Klarion trying to explain the family tree
But not explaining how he was made at all So Young Justice and the Justice League are now convinced that a the Ghost King was a teenage parent who is now 27 years old and just passed college with a degree in astronomy and machinery
Klarion's other parent is a a crazy fruit loop 64 year old millionaire who went to college with Klarion's Mom parents who had an emotionally unhealthy obsession with his mom's mother and then it passed on to his mom.
And he has an older sister who is technicality a clone of his mom but also has the bastards DNA so fundamentally making Ellie Vlad Master and Mom's first born kid but there's six other siblings that Klarion had that died back a while back but Mom got granddad who's apparently the time lord AKA Cronos which is a whole another long story to go back in time and save those kids get them fixed up and now Klarion technicality has seven older siblings which all do their own things
And then he starts mentioning his uncle who is a 9 ft yeti his technicality auntie who is a medieval ghost princess who can turn into a dragon his auntie Pandora and his his grandfather cronos
My names for the six other clone children are Donald (he/him), Cecelia (they/she), Bartholomew(Them/They), Kyle AKA Bite(He/It), Brutus(He/They), and then there's Danna (She/Her) who actually really like the name Dan and asked Klarion if could have it when Klarion changed his name
Sorry if this is a little bit too much I've just really been thinking about au for this after the last part you made I hope this helps you with your writing or at least makes you laugh but I really love the idea of Danny's AKA somewhat clone children and finding their own personalities and and fighting themselves out of just being failed clone of their mom also I love the idea of Danny going back in time to save the rest of the clone kids cuz now he's a mature adult who wants to save their lives and wants them to grow into their own people.
I probably did way to much research into all the fandoms I am in to see what I could tie into this... And yet this feels shorter than it should but I also currently lack the time to add more. But for now I hope this will be satisfactorily.
Also this family tree idea especially the part of saving the melted clones. LOVE IT!
So even though it took me a while! here is Part 4 you inspired! Thanks so much for the ask!
"Dude, you are making us only curious!" Impulse spoke up as he sat down next to Klarion who had his head in his hands. "Like you and your mom can't just drop your family lore like that!"
The witch boy on the other hand looked up with narrowed eyes at the speedster. "What lore?"
"Let's see, the part that apparently a Vlad tried to kill your Grandpa to make friends several time. That your mom is 'ghost' adopted by the lord of time Cronos and Pandora, which makes us family too by the way, and that you have a sister that apparently is even crazier than what we got to know of your family so far." Wonder Girl counted off her fingers next to him grinning as she mentioned the part of probably being a part of his 'crazy' family too. Which hell yea, that sounded like a lot of fun to be explored she would have to talk with Wonder Woman about that as soon as possible.
"Also..." Red Robin added as he flipped through the photo album that apparently no one remembered he had. He was turning it around and pointed at a particular photo with a wild bunch of people in it that varied between more human and well... less humanoid people. One of them definitely was a Yeti and there was also what looked like living armor as well as Teekly (they knew that demon cat at least), a giant green dog and for some reasons there was a green aggressive looking Octopus in the background too. "...how are you related to a Yeti?"
"Hey that man there and those other teens in the picture actually have some resembles with you! Do you have older brothers too?" Superboy additionally asked as he moved around Red Robin to see the photo better pointing at a man that appeared to be in this late twenties, blue eyed, black haired and a little on the buffer side. If he didn't know any better and the fact that he should keep his mouth shut about their actual identities he would have jokingly asked Red Robin if his family would like to add more kids considering Klarions family apparently had a bunch of black haired blue eyed members too, judging by the photo at least.
"What are you talking about. That man is my mom and yes the others are actually my older brothers and that Yeti is uncle Frostbite who also happens to be the best medic in the Infinite Realms" The four teen heroes looked stunned at the picture and then back at the Ghost King that was smiling at them, still seated by the dinner table with their mentors. Who by the way were now perking up at the change of topic and the information they could gain with it, well Wonder Woman was more interested in the apparently extended family she had.
"Oh I remember we took this photo last year, it was such a hassle to get everyone into one place with them all being busy doing their own things." Danny mused for a moment, remembering fondly how he had to literally drag some of the kids home through a portal.
"It was more annoying than anything too since I was declared to be the youngest...." Klarion muttered also remembering that day not as fondly as his mother.
"Wait, wait, wait! That is a picture of your family? I need an explanation buddy!" Impulse cut in without shame, quickly removing the picture from the photo album to get a better look at it before holding it out to Klarion so he could explain all the individuals. "Plus why does your mom look soooo.... human?"
The witch boy on the other hand stared at him for a couple of seconds before looking over towards his mother as if waiting for something. After a moment the teen heroes as well as their mentors saw Danny nod with a little smile. "This dimension doesn't have the GIW so its fine, the Justice League Dark won't be a problem either, right?." Constantine flinched at the smile the Ghost King was giving him, muttering something under his breath as he had hoped his presence had been forgotten.
"Since mom is giving his okay...." Klarion mutter sitting crosslegged on the ground as he snatched the photo album from Red Robin and flipped through it. "Lets start with the easiest stuff to explain."
Danny chuckled noticing that not only the teen heroes but their mentors as well showed an interest. He choose to stay quiet letting the adults listen in on the kids, and if things went bad he would just ask Clockwork if they could revert time back to this moment and he would change his nod of permission to a shake of denial.
"Okay first of, this is my mom and his sister Jasmine, this is Danielle my older sister and that hulk with flaming white hair and blueish skin is me. That was before I got deaged because of destabilising." Klarion explained flipping to a photo of him, Danny, Jazz and Danielle. "Mom was around fifteen, Aunt Jazz about seventeen and Ellie should have been about a year old but she was aged up to twelve. They look human in this one because well they are. Mom was originally human and became what you call in this dimension a Meta through an accident."
"Wait... that would mean your mom... How could he have two kids at that age of fourteen? You look like an adult and your sister was aged up?" Wonder Girl couldn't help but ask as she looked from the photo and back to Danny at the dinner table again.
"That's cause Vlad was a fu-"
"Language Klarion!"
"Vlad was a fruitloop. That photo was taken shortly after Vlad and I sort of redeemed our selfs. Plus, mom didn't really have my sister and me willingly.... we were kind of forced upon him in a way." Klarion explained shrugging. "Old Man Vlad had an obsession with his mom that then turned on mom, which resulted in my oldest sister Danielle first. Actually, a lot of my elder siblings resulted from that, but they didn't survive it the first time, Mom got Old Man Clocks help to save them once he got used to being the Ghost King. I got added to the mix shortly after my sister, but... i wasn't in the best state of mind at first, kind of went through a redemption phase in which mom had to fix the timeline of our original home dimension, too."
Danny chuckled again at the disturbed looks the teens were giving his son as well as the looks their mentors sent him. He probably should correct Klarion's wording... but being one of the gremlins of his family he just smiled on, not commenting. He really understands now why Pops Clockwork liked watching the chaos he used to cause as teen, and still sometimes causes as adult.
"Klarion... how old is this Old Man Vlad?" Red Robin asked grimacing as his eyes under the mask flicked up to the Ghost King and then back to the witch boy both seemingly unbothered by the disturbing information they were sharing.
"In human years... probably around 67? You stop counting age at some point if your a halfa." Klarion shrugged, not noticing the grimaces of the teens around him. "Anyway, Ellie is sort of the first born. I came in after that, with my core being a mix of Mom and Vlad. Not DNA wise though since I came to be because of their ghost cores. That's why I look like that in this photo. Though human DNA wise I am probably now mostly Moms, we never bothered to ask the old man."
Danny muffled another chuckle, coughing as Superman sent him an incredulous look of shook while he felt Batmans burning gaze on him.
"You... mentioned more siblings?" Red Robin asked carefully sharing a look with his team, feeling like there was a whole lot of trauma in Klarions family he wasn't sure they should address or not. So asking after his siblings was probably, hopefully the safest option. They didn't know that while there was trauma in the witch boy's family it was not the kind they were imagining.
"Yea I got a bunch more brothers, Vlad was a evil crazy fuitloop, before he redeemed himself. They all kind of melted in one timeline but mom and Grandpa Clock found a way to save them." Klarion nodded flipping to another photo containing him, as he looked now, and all his siblings.
"So, Ellie you know about already. The one with the sunglasses and died hair is Bartholomew, second oldest. They made themselves a home in other dimension, barely at home cause he has to much fun messing with something called a 'Starstream' by being a 'Constellation' and throwing gold coins at 'Incarnations'. Don't ask me what that means, I barely pay attention when he gushes about his favorit 'Incarnation'. They spent like all their money and pocket money there. Aunt Jazz thinks he might develop a gambling addiction if we don't stop his spendings." The teen heroes eyed the teen that looked like a young adult grinning in the photo as the witch boy pointed at the one next to them. "The one with the vile is my elder brother Bite, most responsible one of this bunch. Mom even allowed him to take care of a couple of dimensions by taking the role of being their God of Death. I think he messed them up more than helped but he is doing a somewhat good job, even if he is sort of obsessed with making some red head his saint or something..."
"One of your sibs is a God?" Impulse gabbed and Klarion just blinked at him with a shrug. "My Grandfather is the ruler of Time, your point is? Wonder Girl is also related to a God of your dimension."
"Never mind him, moving on." A yelp resounded as Superboy pushed Impulse head down leaning in more to see the photo better. "You got one emo looking brother there!"
"Oh that's Yamikumo, he is like a year or two older than me right now, in human years. He barely got any of mom's powers so he choose to try to life a somewhat normal life but weirdly enough he choose a dimension that is ruled by people who have powers and abilities, you know like the Meta Humans of this dimension. Now that I think about it, he is also the only one who actually is studying on how to be a Hero."
"Do you end up fighting with him if he studies to be a hero?" Wonder Girl whisper asked him with a quick glance towards their mentors, to which Klarion shook his head. "As long as we leave the dimensions one of us choose to live in alone we usually don't fight about stuff like that, aside from the usual sibling fights that is. Then again I do have some siblings that like to make bets like who is better at ruling as demon lord, or who can safe a dying timeline quicker."
Danny chuckled again as he watched the kids, Klarion had definitely caused some misunderstandings with his wording. Then again it wasn't like Klarion said anything that wasn't true, but then again his son loved chaos. So there was a suspicion that Klarion intentionally choose the way he worded the explanation about how he and Ellie came to be as well as the rest of siblings.
"So....." Superman slowly started wondering how he should bring up the topic. "...you became a mom at 14?"
"Say Danny is there a way for me to meet this Vlad? You know since we are family." Wonder Woman also asked smiling in a certain way that reminded Danny of Valerie when she was mad but didn't want to show right away how mad she was, to which the Ghost King on reflex could do nothing but gulp for a moment. Not noticing that a green post it note appeared on the table before him.
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dinarosie · 15 days
I Was Bullied Too, So Why Didn’t I Turn Out Like Severus Snape?
I came across an anti-Snape post where someone shared their experience of being bullied in school. They said that even though they were bullied, they were able to overcome it, which is why they admired James Potter—because he changed and stopped being a bully. However, they hate Snape for not being able to move on from his past and for still behaving like a bully towards kids.
Everyone has the right to hate or love the characters based on their taste but What bothers me is how people often compare their own trauma to others' and disregard the genetic and environmental differences that shape us as individuals. I’ve decided to write a long post comparing my own life with Snape’s—two people who were both bullied as children. it was difficult for me to write this post, but I hope this comparison shows that not everyone who experiences bullying ends up the same. The variances in our upbringing and support systems play a crucial role in shaping who we become.
When I was seven years old, I was mocked and humiliated by a group of older girls on the school bus (they were eleven at the time). They made it clear that they bullied me because I was smaller and weaker than them. They treated me in a way that made me believe I deserved their bullying. I thought a weak and ugly girl like me was deserving of all their humiliation. They would mess up my hair, pull it, and ridicule me for having messy and ugly hair. Whenever I cried, they laughed. They didn't even let me be friends with other girls. To torment me further, they would point at me, whisper to each other, and giggle, making me feel even more isolated. I had allergies and a runny nose, and they wouldn’t let me wipe it, which they used as another reason to belittle me, saying I was disgusting. Even if there was an empty seat, they wouldn’t let me sit with them because I was "gross." I was terrified of them, hated school because of them, and cried every morning, begging not to go to school.
But why didn’t I turn out like Severus Snape?
1- I grew up like a normal child in every other aspect of my life. I was cared for and valued. I always had birthday parties with cake and gifts. I was praised when I got good grades. I had friends outside of school to play with, went on family vacations, and had fun times. From childhood to adulthood, I’ve had a safe home, enough sleep, good food, and a loving family.
2- I had parents who loved and cared about me. When my mother found out about the bullying, she went to the school and demanded they stop it. My parents also enrolled me in a private school to protect me from further bullying. When I started having nightmares and trouble sleeping, they took me to a child therapist.
3- My grandparents adored me. I would stay at their house when my parents were at work, and they made my childhood even more joyful. I always had safe arms to run to. Plus, my aunts and uncles cared for me and regularly took me to parks and other fun places, showering me with gifts and making sure I enjoyed my time.
4- My family had a respectable place in society, and I was never shamed or humiliated because of my family's circumstances. My father cared for me, my sister, and my mother, and he worked hard to provide for our needs. He respected my mother, and I never witnessed any abuse from him toward her.
5- My family had a stable income, and I always had new, appropriate clothes to wear. I never had to worry about poverty, hunger, or wearing hand-me-downs that would make me feel inferior to my peers.
6- My bullies mocked me, but they never caused me serious physical harm. I never feared for my life or sexual assault at school. The bullying was short-lived, lasting less than two years, and by the time I was a teenager, it had completely stopped. As I grew older, I made plenty of good friends and was popular among them. I have many fond memories from high school with my friends.
7- As a teenager, I didn’t worry about my future. My concerns were not about surviving a war, avoiding humiliation, or escaping poverty. I was free to plan my life, knowing I would go to university and study what I loved. Whenever I needed help, I knew I could count on my family—they were always there to support me.
8- I’m a psychology student, and studying this field has completely shifted my perspective on myself and others. It has allowed me to see the world with greater depth and empathy. I’ve become better at recognizing not only my own psychological wounds but also those of others, which has helped me connect with people on a deeper level. I've also sought therapy, both in-person and online, and have seen positive results. While I still struggle with some issues from my past—like feeling insecure about my appearance, doubting people’s motives, and having a hard time trusting—I’ve learned how to manage these feelings fairly well.
All of these factors combined have shaped me into someone different from Severus Snape. Yes, I was bullied, but I didn’t turn out like him because, unlike Snape, I was given numerous opportunities to grow, to experience love and joy, to heal, and to find pleasure in life.
Now, It’s much easier for someone like me to be kind and nice to others, to love people, to forgive myself and others, and to move on from those who don’t like me. It’s easier for me to see the world and people not as threats but with a more mature and balanced perspective. but I’m under no illusion that I am a better and more worthy person than Severus Snape or anyone like him who didn’t have the chance to heal. I simply know that I’ve been luckier, and for that, I’m grateful. But I never want to dismiss or belittle the suffering of others or blame them for their psychological struggles.
I can’t say for certain what I would’ve done in Snape’s exact situation or how bitter I might’ve become. But I’m certain of one thing: I could never be as brave or as selfless as Snape was, sacrificing his own life so readily for others. I know that I could never be a hero like him.
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folkloresthings · 1 year
rbr!seb x reader who is actually so nice and sweet and innocent, but then seb is a little bitch who keeps making fun of her (all in good intentions bcz he has a crush on her) but then one day goes too far and reader starts crying and he freaks out lol (fluff + mild angst)
Sry this is long <3
sorry i LOVE this idea
SWEET OR SOUR. ❨ sebastian vettel x reader ❩
sweet as sugar — that’s what people always said when they talked about you. and since you arrived in the paddock, it was what everyone thought. you never had a bad word to say about anyone, you treated every person you came across with perfect humility and kindness.
and while, yes, you were perhaps a little green and naive, you were eager. red bull liked your enthusiasm, it made you the perfect intern.
however, you faced one problem: sebastian vettel. he was red bull’s primary driver, a very good one, and he found great satisfaction in teasing you. your innocence had attracted him the second he’d met you — a new victim for his fun. besides, you were very pretty.
“nice sweater,” he greeted you, glancing at the woollen sheep along the hem. you’d thought it was quite cute when you bought it, but the embarrassment that sebastian brought made it look like the ugliest thing ever. in truth, sebastian thought you looked adorable in it.
a few days later, you had thrown your hair quickly into two plaits for ease, keeping it out of your face. sebastian tugged on them at least seven times during the day, when you were trying to work or concentrate. it was laughable, the sight of the two of you mirroring children on a playground.
in spain, the weather was hotter than you’d expected and you had to resort to wearing the little summer dresses you had packed. sebastian spotted you the second you entered the garage. your legs on show, the dress showing off your body perfectly, sweat from the hot day beading on your forehead. his chest suddenly felt incredibly tight.
still, he’d found multiple things to tease you on during the day. forgetting a cup of coffee, spilling said coffee, not being able to reach the shelf you needed. if there was something he could make fun of you for, he’d find it.
it, and the heat, had rattled you a little. so much so that, in your briefing with christian, you’d tripped up and made a mistake in the notes. one that, if the team principal hadn’t caught it, would mean disaster for the race. thankfully, he had, and wasn’t too hard on you for it.
sebastian took a different stance.
“close one,” he hissed, when you were alone. your cheeks hadn’t cooled down yet, hurrying to double check absolutely everything before it got taken. “i’m surprised christian didn’t shout at you in front of everyone. he probably will soon, especially when you make more mistakes. you’re bound to, after all.”
his usual teasing had come at a bad time, or maybe his usual teasing had turned mean. but he didn’t go any further, freezing when he heard you sniffle. when he looked at you, spotting the hot tears spilling down your cheeks, he could have punched himself.
“fuck, no. don’t cry,” sebastian panicked, hurrying to grab a nearby napkin and force it into your hand. awkwardly, he rested a hand on your shoulder, which you quickly shoved away.
“why do you hate me?” you whispered, looking up at him. your brows furrowed, eyes wide and wet, and he sighed. “i’ve only ever been nice to you, and you go out of your way to make my life here hell. why?”
“i don’t hate you,” sebastian admits, slumping against the wall beside you. he wants nothing more than to reach out and dry your tears, to hold you close and make it all up to you. “the opposite, actually.”
it takes a moment, but it finally clicks, and your mouth falls open a little. he liked you? you’d always thought he was handsome, but his behaviour hadn’t exactly pointed to romance.
“i know i went about it wrong. like some seven year old boy who thinks being mean gets you the girl,” sebastian rubs at his eyes, straightening up when you walk over to him. “i’m sorry. i really am.”
“you’re an idiot,” you whisper, and sebastian chuckles.
“i think that’s the first mean thing you’ve ever said to me,” he muses. “and i deserve a lot worse.”
he finally touches you then, palms resting on your cheeks and smoothing along your skin. you lean into them, somewhat glad of some affection.
“forgive me?” he pleads, flashing his most charming smile.
“hm. kiss me and i’ll decide.”
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
Can I request a cute, fluffy tuk fic? Where she and reader just having some fun time together. Reader could be anyone. A mother, friend, sister, etc. I haven't seen much of tuk fics and I think she needs some attention too. Thank you darling! 🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙
Tuk x mom reader
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Tuk is the baby if the family just seven years old when the war started once again, and still so young in life and to young to understand everything that was happening. There was one thing she understood the love and bond she had for her mama, since she was very small you and her had a wonderful bond. Mother and daughter always seem to be close together during good time and bad times in life.
y/n " good to be back home" you had arrived home after doing some task, you and entered the room to see the home was empty. You had thought it was empty until you spotted tuk.
y/n " hey baby girl I didn't know you will be home, I thought you will be out with the others"
tuk " they will not let me come as I'm to small and baby lo'ak called me that"
y/n " well your brother has big head that what he gets from his father" tuk soon laughed that what you had to say to her, as you soon sat next to her.
y/n " what else is the matter my little one"
tuk " I miss home but I love it here as well mama"
y/n " aww baby"
tuk " I always love making flower crowns at home but I can't do it here, or collect stuff and make jewelry .... I miss making art with everyone"
y/n " oh well I have something that might cure that honey" tuk soon looked at her mama with wonder, as you soon got up and walked towards a basket soon opening it.
y/n " come here and see baby" tuk soon got up and ran towards you soon see glad jar and their tops of many sizes and shapes in there, she knew she used them for you work.
y/n " grab one of them sweetie and I will grab on as well" tuk soon grabbed one she like as you grabbed another one, the little girl was bit confused as well.
tuk " mama what are we going to do"
y/n " well baby we are going to do some arts with these bottles that I have done when I was very young"
tuk " huh"
y/n " well we will collect things and place them into the bottle, and soon closed the bottles again and these can decorate our new home"
tuk " really can I put sand in them and seashells"
y/n " yes you can but we have to make sure if they can fit in"
tuk " this is so fun mama come on lets go I know a place with beautiful shells" tuk soon grabbed your free hand with her free hand and soon started racing towards the spot she knew. Soon the mother and daughter sat down in the sand as they started picking shells, and place them into bottles.
Tuk “ this is so fun mama”
y/n “ well I’m happy to know you are having fun baby girl”
Tuk “ l love this activity mama can we do more of these”
y/n “ yes we can baby girl you know I had made these with my mother when I was you’re age”
Tuk “ really mama you did this with your mom”
y/n “ yes we use to make them when I was on earth it was fun, that one we have in our home is the last one made with her before”
Tuk “ before what mama”
y/n “ before she had to go meet eywa baby girl but I took it with me when I left earth, as it meant so much to me”
Tuk “ in sorry for asking mama”
y/n “ it okay baby girl you nana was a amazing women and would of love to meet you and, all your other siblings and even see here”
Tuk “ well if I ever meet her I will tell her that you are a great mama”
y/n “ thank you baby girl now come on let’s see if we can make more of these bottles of the rest of the family”
Tuk “ really”
y/n “ yes we can’t go home with out more to share” Tuk eyes light up with excitement as she started looking for more shells to show off, to the family as you meet to get more bottles to use. You always love these times spending time with your child or children, as it help bring you closer to them and they felt more comfortable around you as well.
later on that day
Tuk “ mama these are so amazing”
y/n “ you did a good job baby girl you have the talent of the arts”
Tuk “ yeah”
???? “ hey anyone home oh there are my two favorite girls” Jake soon stepped into the home getting you and Tuk attention.
Tuk “ dad welcome home I had such a fun time today”
Jake “ oh did you”
Tuk” yes I got to hangout with mama and make these cute things, come look at them I made one for you as well”
Jake “ oh did you … hey these are sand bottles with sea shells I remember these from earth”
y/n “ yes I had some bottles laying around and decided to make these with our baby girl, and may I say she has talent”
Jake “ wow that good”
Tuk “ this one is for your dad do you love it”Tuk soon showed Jake his bottle, and Jake soon took it and smiled.
Jake “ I love it baby girl” Jake soon gave tuk a big smile and he was very proud of his artwork, tuk smiled brightly as well
????? " what going on here" soon neytiri had entered the home with the older kids.
Jake " look honey at the artwork tuk did today" Jake had showed off the bottle towards neytiri and the other kids.
neytiri " you did that my tuk"
tuk " yes mommy mama showed me how to make them we made some for ourselves, and soon made some of everyone else come see"
neteyam " wow tuk this is amazing"
tuk " really"
neteyam " yes little sis"
lo'ak " wow you and mama made these all"
y/n " well tuk did all the work I was just there just in case she need help"
lo'ak " hey tuk can you help me make one for tsireya"
kiri " oh your girlfriend"
lo'ak " leave me alone I just want to make her a gift"
tuk " sure lo'ak we can do that"
kiri " wow these shells are so beautiful tuk you found the right ones"
tuk " I'm so happy you love them mama you were right I can still make art, even due I'm not home"
y/n " see baby girl I will always make sure you have a smile on your face" tuk soon hugged you as the family looked on happy to see mother and daughter having a sweet relationship. Tuk even helped her siblings and cousin learn how to make them as well, which made you smile seeing your baby girl find some happiness after everything that had happen for someone so young.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : COACH HARLOW
A/N : Thanks to my bby @harlowsbby for this beautiful idea. I hope I did it justice 💜 & to @harlowcomehome for always reassuring me about my writing because I was doubting this one bad.
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Today was an exciting day, it was the 4th annual kickball tournament of The Homies, and your husband was going to join in on the fun.
The kids were also excited about it, it’s all they’ve been talking about non stop since they found out, even asking if they could be on the team and play.
You were finishing up getting EZ dressed so you can meet Jack at the stadium. “Momma, is daddy wearing shirt like me?”
You nod, tying his New Balance shoes “Yess baby, even the same shoes.”
“Yay, we gonna be twinsies.”
“Cheesy, you need to get a hat because daddy is wearing that too.” Mia announces as she’s making her way inside the bedroom. “Oh and some shades.”
“Momma, I don’t have hats or shades.” He gasps.
You smile at him, “Don’t worry baby, daddy called me saying he’s got you covered with that. Now let’s head out.”
“Mommy.” Mia giggles. “Look at nino Urby, he’s all tanned and his shorts are really, really short.”
You look ahead and find Urban standing next to Cole and Jack, and Mia was indeed correct. “He’s just like your father, being out in the sun too much will get them all burned quickly.”
“But daddy is really pale, like his shirt, momma.”
“EZEQUIEL.” You laugh. “You’re correct but still don’t say that to him.”
Mia nods “Come on Cheesy, let’s go annoy uncle Ace and Shloob.” She takes a hold of her brothers hand and they run off.
Jack spots you and smiles at you and starts jogging your way.
“Well you look hot.” You tell him as soon as he’s in front of you. “My kids are somewhere around bothering their uncles. Do you want to sneak off somewhere before my husband notices??”
Jack rolls his eyes, pulling you in. “Role play only in bed.” He gives you a quick kiss. “Those were your words if I recall correctly.”
You shrug and tug at his KY necklace. “You know I’m a mess when you wear this chain.”
“Yeah, that’s why I wore it.”
“Mhmm.” You look at him up and down. “I love that the jerseys have your foundation logo.”
“You did good by suggesting it.”
“I know, you should listen to your wife more.” You smirk.
“Don’t I always?” He raises his eyebrows but before you could answer him, your two children were tackling their father to the ground.
You can’t help but smile and admire them, Jack really is a great father and you couldn’t be more thankful for him.
“Daddy, I need hat and shades like yours so we can be twinems.”
“Neelam has that for you little man.” Jack stands up from the ground, the kids attached to him like some koalas. “You guys want to learn how to play?”
EZ nods excitedly, while Mia pulls away and stands in front of her father, raising her eyebrows at him. “Isn’t it just kicking the ball and running around?”
You can’t help but let out a little chuckle at Jack’s offended look on his face. “Not exactly.” He signals Urban to throw him the ball.
“So this is what you do.” Jacks starts, earning a groan from his oldest, but an excited shriek from his youngest.
After thirty minutes of Jack explaining to the kids how kickball works, he’s ready to let them have a little practice game with the guys.
“Remember Mia, you kick the ball from the side of your foot, not the front.”
That has her groaning, “Dad, I thought that was for soccer.”
Everyone chuckles, which causes Mia to glare at all of her uncles and her dad. “It’s not even funny, so I don’t know why you’re all laughing.”
“Damn, she’s a feisty little seven year old huh?” Cole asks Jack
“Oh, you have no idea.” Jack smiles, nodding.
“Daddy, can we play now?” Ezequiel asks.
“Yeah, you’re up first little man.”
Urban rolls the ball towards Ezequiel and to your surprise he ends up kicking it really far and and hard.
“HE GETS THAT KICK FROM ME.” Urban yells the last part.
Jack rolls his eyes “Keep thinking that.”
Ezequiel makes it to third base and does a little shake of his body to celebrate his success. “Your turn Mia bug.” He yells to his sister.
“Nino Urb, not too hard okay?”
Urban nods, “I got you princess.” He tosses the ball towards Mia but she misses and doesn’t kick it. “It’s okay, you get three tries.”
“Throw it straight, you’re throwing it to the side and I’m right here.” Mia grumbles out.
“Keep your eyes on the ball Mia.” Jack yells.
“What do you think I’m doing?”
You chuckle but not loud enough that she can hear you. “Mia, está bien mami, tú puedes.”
She turns to look at you, pouting “Pero se están riendo de mí.”
“Guys, can you please not laugh? She’s trying her best.”
“Mia, I’m tossing it slower this time okay?” Urban yells.
Mia nods and waits for the ball to be a foot closer so she can kick it. “YES” she yells as she sees that she ended up kicking it and tries to run to second base but she ends up kicking the ball straight into Urban’s hands.
“MIA YOU’RE OUT.” Nemo yells.
You, Jack and Urban glare at him, while Mia stops mid run and sees Urban drop the ball immediately.
“UGH I DON’T WANNA PLAY ANYMORE.” She stomps her way towards you and hugs your legs. “Nino Urby, why did you catch it? And Nemo, you are annoying.”
Urban smiles sadly at her “I didn’t catch it, you have good aim that you kicked it into my hands bug.” You know he’s lying but you’re not about to make your daughter feel worse.
“Daddy, I hate this game and I don’t want to play.”
“She’s competitive like you, Jackman.” Cole adds.
Jack starts jogging his way towards you and Mia once he notices that she really is frustrated and got her feelings hurt about the game.
Jack kneels in front of her “Mia, baby?”
“Hmm?” Is all she mutters out, scrubbing at her eyes.
“You and I are the same, you know?” He stands up and holds Mia to him. “We both love to win and we hate when the game doesn’t go our way, but we have to realize that at the end of the day, it’s just a game and we should enjoy the time with our loved ones, just running around and laughing.”
“But daddy, what’s the fun in that? I want to win.”
You and Jack share a smile because you’ve heard him say those exact words more than you can count. “The fun is being with family.”
Mia sighs, “I guess. But is it okay if I just watch?” She looks behind Jack, towards the field “Plus, I think Cheesy is the sporty one, he did really well.”
Jack smiles, “You did too, baby.”
She rolls her eyes, “Thank you for being nice.” she taps his shoulder signaling him to let her down. “Now go win, me and mommy will be cheering you on.”
“You got it Mia.” They do their little handshake and Mia watches her dad run off towards the middle of the field where her brother and uncles were.
Mia crosses her arms, looking towards the field, then back at you with raised eyebrows. “Mommy, can we get wings and icey? It’s gonna be a long day seeing these silly boys run around in a triangle.”
You smile, and fix your sunglasses. “Yes let’s go, I’m dying in this heat.”
“How much you wanna bet daddy and uncles are gonna loose?”
You gasp, “Mia, we’re supposed to be cheering them on.”
She shrugs, “We will, but I know and you know that they’ll lose.”
“You are evil, young lady.” You shake your head.
“I get it from my daddy.” She smiles.
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smartwatermagic · 5 months
I kinda wanna know about the shared trauma Annabeth and Alabaster both have from Luke and how they deal with it? How does Percy deal with them going completely insane just thinking about it? Does Annabeth ever realize she was used by Luke too (I feel like in a way she was)? I just kind of wanted you to explore this a bit more.
Ohohohoho -> you can hear me wringing my hands and cackling if you squint lol. This is going to get long so buckle up folks, I am breaking out the "•" format again
(CW:suicide mention, it's about Luke's death)
It's very important to start that the love was there. Luke loved them, they were his little siblings. It didn't change anything. It didn't stop the hurt. Perhaps it made it worse. But it's very important that the love was there.
Percabeth didn't talk about Luke after Manhattan, not really. That off-hand comment about his flying shoes in Cotg was the first time either of them mentioned him out-loud.
It's Alabaster coming into their life that opened up that baggage along with several more they were happy to ignore until it eventually burst.
I think it would be good for both of them when they come to the realisation that Luke wasn't evil and he wasn't a can-do-no-wrong-hero either. (He is still the hero of the prophecy of course but yeah, you all get it)
He was just a traumatised kid who grew into a traumatised young adult and caused the deaths and traumas of dozens of other kids whether he wanted to or not.
Just Annabeth realising she was the same age as when Luke took her in when she took the sky from him. Just Annabeth having a talk with Thalia, learning about Halycon Green, and how Luke changed after that, and how he again changed after that visit to May and the confrontation with Hermes. How he seemed to intentionally provoke and go after monsters. Just Annabeth mourning the loss of her dagger and her family. Luke has been dead from the start. Thalia will never be the cool 12 year old that took her under her wing again. Annabeth will out-age and Thalia will out-live both of them.
Just Alabaster realising hey, maybe Luke wasn't this almost god-like being he idolised. That maybe Luke himself didn't believe in half the things he promised. That maybe it shouldn't have been his, a 14 year old's, job to coax out a drunk Luke from the corner of Othrys he backed himself to. That maybe he wasn't wrong to think that he was used as an emotional replacement for Annabeth.
If Alabaster spared a drachma for every time Luke called him Annabeth— well no matter. He was dead now. (He would do anything to hear Luke's voice again, even if that was by being called Annabeth.)
But Luke didn't only hurt them, did he? Like I said he was their big brother. Just the memories of Annabeth staying up full night with Luke, him shielding her from the cold and the harpies as they sat on Thalia's branches. Just Luke protecting Alabaster from bullies who thought picking on the weird scrawny minor god kid no. 1263 would be fun. Luke who saw a little seven year old and took her in, promised family and tried to protect her to his best. Luke who killed himself for her. Luke who tried to maintain the familiy bonds he had with these children that followed him to the Titan army. Luke who tried to keep Alabaster away from Kronos as much as possible, and yet still promoted him to his second in command anyways.
Does that make up for the hurt? Does it matter he loved them if he intentionally or not got them in the middle of the crossfire? That's for Annabaster to decide.
They do miss him though. Once the gates open they can't stop the incoming emotional flood. Sometimes they curse him out, sometimes they cry after him, sometimes they sit in silence of their overwhelming feelings. Sometimes... well, Percy doesn't know, but it's better than Luke being a constant topic of their relationship arguments he guesses.
And it's the way Alabaster still talks like he's trying to imitate Luke: half successful silver tongue, laced with magic and the passion Luke used to have at the very start of the war. It's the way Annabeth paces around like Luke did when he was stressed, all lost in thoughts at picking at her elbows. It's the way all three of them are bone tired, and world weary and if they look at the mirror they just see Luke Luke Luke—
Some nights, when none of them can sleep, under the soft light of the moon and a cozy blanket, with hot drinks in their hands and kisses shared they talk about just how easy it would be to stage Olympus's downfall, how fast, how it would hit them before they can even suspect a thing... All hypothetical certainly, just whispers between lovers.
And Percy. He doesn't even have half the memories his partners have with Luke. But three of what he has stick out the most: Luke teaching him sword-fighting, him siccing a scorpion on little 12 year old Percy with no hesitation and him making him promise to not let things happen this way again as he bled out to death in his lap.
Olympians may have not went through their promise. Percy sure does intend to keep his own one though, gods be damned.
He'll just settle for being there for his partners for however long they grieve, though.
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upontherisers · 3 months
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a/n: taking a mota break to come back to what brought me here in the first place. google docs told me i started writing this in april 2022. holy shit. en ee way here are my babies babying.
They spent their summers together.
South Bend summers were warm, sunny, full of things to do. The kids terrorized the town while their parents worked and left the eldest children to babysit. They swam, raced, rode bikes, climbed trees, unsuccessfully snuck into the pictures on Jacob Street, and generally did whatever they could to get away from the probing gazes of their older siblings. It was freedom. 
They were attached at the hip from the moment they met. Being the youngest in her family and the third youngest in his, they were assigned the roles of ‘the watched’ rather than ‘the watchers,’ meaning that in those early years, they’d spend their days at her grandmother’s house, chasing the cats and digging holes in the backyard for no reason in particular. As soon as they got old enough to know left from right, they were out of there, slipping away until they were called in for dinner.
By the time they were ten or eleven, they had to start helping out. His two younger brothers had a few more years of running around in them, but Anita and Alex were making money where they could. They’d sweep outside of stores, collect bottles, and make deliveries, taking whatever work and whatever shifts they could find, as long as they were together. They never accepted a job that required one without the other, because they didn’t see the point in that. Whatever they did, they’d do together.
Despite having eighteen siblings between the two of them, they found themselves alone together more often than not. They preferred it that way. Sure, they’d join a streetball game or go out with their families for a picnic if they were asked, but if it was up to them, it'd only be them until they were sick of each other, and they hardly ever were. 
“Anita and Alex” and “Alex and Anita”, always two and never one. Their names a single word.
They weren’t much alike in personality. Anita was outgoing with a loud laugh, friendly, a talker. The youngest of seven girls, constantly spoken over in her house, but she had a lot to say. She had ideas and opinions on how she thought the world should work, how everything would be better if ‘everybody just got along’, and he was her quiet sounding board. He didn’t have much to say, much more a doer than a thinker, but that worked between them.
“I talk so much because he doesn’t say nothin’,” she’d joke. “I gotta say everything for him.”
In their private time, they didn’t speak much. They didn’t have to. After years of getting up to mischief at Granny Matthews' house, they learned to communicate without sound at all. The occasional hand gesture, a raised eyebrow, maybe a scoff, and that’s all they needed. 
The last time they saw each other, they were thirteen. They hadn’t known it’d be their last summer together, and they spent it side-by-side like any other. Alex was hitting a growth spurt and Anita’s body was changing, and teenage hormones certainly played a part in more than a few awkward laughs and silences that summer. But it was good, it was still good. It would always be good if they were together.
They seemed to understand that the summers were all they had together, so they had to make them count. They’d talk about whatever they could think of, share every meal and every bike ride. They’d take everything the other person missed out on in the nine months they were apart and try to fill them in as best they could.
It didn’t have to be as fun as it was, or as easy.
Black Tuesday had changed both their lives for the worse. Alex’s mom died the next year, leaving his eldest sister to start playing mother to twelve siblings. Anita’s three oldest sisters had to drop out of school and start working. The trip from Harvey to South Bend was the most expensive thing her family did all year, saving all of their money to hop on a bus to her grandmother’s house and take advantage of the now-studentless college town.
They could’ve been migrant workers or manual laborers or stuck on some assembly line in Gary, but they and their parents and siblings worked for this. They worked to give themselves something to enjoy.
Their favorite place to be was by the water. The St. Joseph River ran through South Bend, and it was always good for a swim or just for wading. Anita would make sandwiches and Alex would talk Mr. Kowalsky at the grocery store out of some apples, and they’d bike up to Pinhook to eat on the riverbanks where the grass matched the color of Alex’s eyes. 
It was easier out there, with only the occasional person walking by every half hour or so. They were uninterrupted, in a world of their own, paradise, really. 
He was listening to her talk about her end of summer plans, something about joining a NYA program after school, and he was content to watch, laying back on the soft earth with his hands behind his head.
She shined in the sun, yellow rays outlining her hair with a halo like all of those saints he saw at church on Sundays. The light turned her dark skin gold, like good wheat, and she was pretty, wasn’t she? With her black eyelashes that curled and her wide nose and lips the color of ripe plums.
Her eyes met his and she said something, but he was happy to just look at her.
She nudged him with her leg, knocking him out of his daze.
“I said,” she drawled on the vowel, “I think I’m gonna go dancin’ when I get back home. The dance hall’s right down the street and Betty goes with all her friends on Fridays. Whaduya think?”
He’d like to take her dancing, he thought, at the carnival next month. He’d put a flower in her hair and whirl her around in the new cotton dress she kept talking about but wouldn’t let him see. She’d be the most beautiful girl in the room. Anita cleared her throat and he saw her staring at him with eyebrows raised, expecting a response.
“Sounds great,” he stammered out, unsure of why his heart was in his throat. 
She giggled and nudged him again, curling into his side as she laid down next to him. “You’re not even listening to me.”
“I am,” he protested, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I am.”
That summer came and went and no others started again. Her mom switched jobs, Ruth and Alice both graduated and found work, and they didn’t need to leave Harvey for seasonal jobs any more. Anita missed Alex fiercely, she missed him everyday, but she had to focus on other things. She went to school, worked jobs in the summers, graduated, and joined up as soon as she could.
The paratroopers were looking for women, and they got paid an extra $50 every month to boot.
When she got off the bus at Toccoa, the hot Georgia sun indicating they were surely in hell, the last thing she’d expected was a voice shouting for her.
“Anita? Anita!”
A man was calling her name, and her first name at that, not ‘Private’ or ‘Matthews.’ Anita.
The scene was disorienting, with people barking orders and bags being hurled across her field of vision, but she looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. Everything was washed-out tan and Army green: the barracks, the uniforms, the men after weeks in the sun, and she turned in a circle, still hearing her name but unsure of where it was coming from. She caught a flash of color between girls passing in front of her, and she followed it, meeting river eddy green-gray eyes that sent her back five years and a few hundred miles.
He looked different, taller and broader than the last time she’d seen him, but he was unmistakable. She’d know those eyes anywhere, and those dark brown curls were fighting to be seen even in his short Army haircut. Alex Penkala was right there, staring at her from twenty yards away.
She dropped her bag and launched into a dead sprint before she could stop herself, paying no mind to Lt. O’Shaughnessy barking her name from the steadily forming column of women by the bus. 
In her haste, she knocked into someone, but she kept going, she kept pushing until she was in those arms, shrieking with laughter as Alex picked her up and spun her around. Suddenly, she was thirteen again, and they were dancing at the end-of-summer carnival the South Bend Town Hall put on every year. Except this time, she wasn’t leaving the next day. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked as he set her down, trying to ignore Lt. O’s bellowing getting louder and louder behind her.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?” he asked, and she was looking up at him for the first time in their entire lives.
She shrugged and gestured around. “I joined the Army.” 
“I can see that… wait, are you with the girls joining Easy?”
“Easy Company? Yeah!” she exclaimed, reaching to pull her papers out of her bag and cringing when she remembered she dropped it. “I’d show you my papers, but I don’t—”
“Private Matthews!!!” 
“Private Penkala.”
Their lieutenants found them at the same time and they both snapped to attention, meeting each other’s eyes and slipping back into the unspoken language they’d had for so many years. They were both in a heap of trouble, and neither of them could find it in their hearts to care.
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itzrafee · 8 days
One Piece Chapter Discussion (Chapter 1126)
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Ooh looks like the mystery continues with Yamato investigating the disappearances. I am so curious to see what kind of long lasting effects this will have as with this chapter we’re getting some resolution on a six to seven year old cover story. It’s nice to see Oda expanding on the story around Wano as it’s clear he had a lot of thoughts around it when he was writing it that he didn’t get to explore. I’m also quite curious as to what will happen with the cover stories the closer we get to the end. Whereas he has space to explore other facets of Wano through the cover story, is that something he’ll be able to do with Elbaph with it being so close to the end? Anyways, the rest of the discussion, which is spoiler filled, can be found below the cut!
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I don’t know about y’all but I think it would be absolutely terrifying to be where the Straw Hats are in this first page if they weren’t allies with the giants. They straight up just kinda look like their dinner. But we’re not talking about Big Mom so I think the Straw Hats are probably safe. Also while somewhat terrifying, the designs of the Giants are great, they all ooze personality and joviality. I would not want to see them angry either. It’s interesting that the name of the absinthe they’re drinking is the “Green Fairy” and that it can cause hallucinations. Is that just set up to explain how and why the two parties got separated or is it set up for some absinthe-driven hallucinations? 
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It’s interesting to me on a story structure level that this chapter kind of illustrates how Oda might have to delve into more slice of life stuff with the crew going forward. That before making this chapter important by flitting around the world and getting updates, Oda first spends some time with the crew just having fun and goofing off. It satisfies the pre-timeskip crowd clamoring for these types of scenes, me among that crowd.
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This small sequence with Bonney also gets me right in the heart. Not only does she feel comfortable enough to finally be a child and not put on the airs of a grown adult that the One Piece world requires of people but also she gets to finally be free with her father. One Piece has this startling quality to it that makes the reality of war and oppression so real by contrasting the comedic with the emotional. And nothing hits quite as hard as the fate of the children of this series. We see through the suffering of the Straw Hats as children, Nami, Sanji, and Robin, among a few other characters throughout the series, on how oppression forces you to grow up and be stronger than any child should have to be. In recent arcs that oppression is a reality our young adult Straw Hats face head on. From Otama and Toko in Wano to the metaphors of growing up too fast that Bonney and Momo face us with, Oda is able to use these fantastical elements to deliver truths in more digestible ways. The tragedy of Momo and Bonney having to grow up so fast is such a potent and heart wrenching way to show this side of opression. But Oda is able to provide us with a catharsis that the real world so often denies by having Bonney feel safe again. By having Momo be safe and surrounded by loved ones.
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Moving on from that dour and entirely too real note, we finally get a resolution on a cover story from wayyyy long ago where Bartolomeo burned down Shanks flag in Luffy’s name. And there’s a lot to talk about here. For such a fan-favourite and an audience surrogate for many, including myself, It’s odd that it’s been so long since we’ve seen Barto(don’t even get me started on Bon Clay!!). But it’s interesting that Oda seems to understand his impact as it seems like he’s being placed on the same level as Kid and Law in a way. Now this might be a little tin foil hatty of me but don’t you find it odd that Kid, Law, and Barto, all devil fruit users by the way, were all sunk at sea in the New World, the most dangerous sea maybe aside from the Calm Belt? 
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And if we remember certain man with a burn scar who was first mentioned in chapter 1056(56=GoMu) and then again brought up in 1081 where it was mentioned that anyone who comes close to him gets swallowed up by whirlpools, I think we might have an option for what might’ve happened to those three. Adding on to that, if we go allll the way back to chapter 2 and full tin foil hat, we can see Luffy getting sucked into a whirlpool soon after he sets out on his journey but then bursting out of a barrel sometime after with Koby. In my head, I can totally see the aforementioned three joining Luffy on Elbaph, especially now that’s been separated from his crew. Maybe Luffy was also kidnapped by this whirlpool wielding man with a burn scar…again.
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Okay, fanciful thinking aside we still gotta talk about how we’ve seen Shank’s main crew be ruthless badasses. Lucky Roux in Chapter 1 straight killed a dude while the whole crew laughed. Benn Beckman not only threatened Kizaru but also cut off Kid’s arm. And here, Yassop basically has a cannon attached to his gun and blows up a fleeing Barto Club. While these guys may seem easygoing, they’re still stone cold pirates. Also that ultimatum with the poison was pretty cold too. Barto’s ship blowing up also shows how lethal Yassop’s Haki must be, because I can imagine that Barto might’ve tried to shield his ship with his devil fruit.
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I find it curious that Koby was so important to Blackbeard’s plans. I wonder if Blackbeard wanted to use Koby like how the Marines used Ace? We know how much Blackbeard’s plans mean to him. His scheming, though a lot of the time quite impromptu, is half the reason he’s an emperor already. And Blackbeard is in prime position to execute some big time operations. Not only does he have leverage in Garp(though thinking about it, wouldn’t the marines be glad to be rid of him?), he also has Pudding and all the knowledge Caribou brings. Oda makes it a point to show that Caribou has finally gotten to Blackbeard. It’s interesting that he’s surveilling the Revolutionary's too. Especially with Lafitte. Maybe he’s trying to get the heat off of himself by having Lafitte do some undercover hits and then blame it on the Revo’s?
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Though, weirdly, the most important tidbit here to me is that Moria got away. It seems most likely that Moria will join Cross Guild as it seems to be the place for Warlord Alumni and Perona already has connections there in the form of Mihawk. I’d originally thought that Blackbeard was going to get Moria to reanimate Kaido, Big Mom, and Garp’s corpses with the obstacle standing in their way being that Blackbeard was responsible for Absolams death but now it seems like Moria’s going to be a player for Cross Guild, with at least the Yonkou resurrections still on the table. Also if Cross Guild is the place to be for former Warlords then we could see Boa join too. And maybe even Kuma and Doflamingo if the latter breaks out of Impel Down. Which I kinda hope he does just purely due to the fact that it might provide a path for Bon Clay to get out too.
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This scene with Bonney and Jinbei is adorable but uhh, what’s Lilith staring at? Could she be communicating with Vegapunk?
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Finally, in the last page we get some weird shenanigans happening. First, someone wakes Nami up but it appears that she’s alone. She’s had a change of clothes and seems to be in a lego house. The floor is kind of undeniable proof of that even if you want to try and explain away everything else. And finally, she seems to be alone. The going theory seems to be that this is Prince Loki’s lego house and that he’s playing with the StrawHats like toys. He could’ve been the one to call out for Nami. He could be a fan of the StrawHats. And honestly, that theory kinda makes sense, I totally subscribe to it. Loki could be a somewhat petulant giant like Big Mom. I also don’t think the impatient figure at the end of 1124 is him either as that seemed to be a human who was drinking, my going theory about that person being that it was Scopper Gaban, the third crew member of the Roger Pirates after Roger and Rayliegh. See ya next week!
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lolasimms · 1 year
a lots gonna change pt.18
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Summary: Married life isn’t great, infidelity ensues, and things change.
next chapter
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3 years later
"Levi, no." You hear Lila yell loudly from the dining room. You pause what you're doing, placing the wooden spoon on the counter and turning the stove off.
"Dina, I'll call you back. These kids are driving me nuts." You end the call, placing your phone down and enter the dining, where the commotion was taking place.
"What's going on in here?" You huff, both hands resting on your hips as you look at the two children questioningly.
"Levi's throwing his food on the floor again and he won't stop." Lila grumbles, the seven year old still growing accustomed to having a sibling.
You roll your eyes, you had things to do and dealing with this at the moment wasn't one of them. You walk away from the dining and into the living room, in search of back up.
"Your son is throwing food on the floor again." You arms are crossed as you address her and she pauses the tv, following after you into the dining room.
"Levi, why are we throwing food on the floor, buddy?" Abby reaches over to the baby, pulling him out of his high chair and playfully scolds him. He lets out a high pitched scream/giggle, you couldn't tell the difference.
"If you joke around with him he'll keep on doing it Abs." You say, knowing she'd rather have him continue to throw food on the floor than ever scold her little boy.
Both the children knew that she was the fun mom, she never yelled unless she had to and she never gave them rules to follow. which most of the times set you off. She loved to play with them, and whenever they played they really played. They both adored her and it made your heart soar.
You'd made your choice and that was Abby. It hurt you to part with Ellie, being it that she was the first person you'd ever loved. But you knew sometimes it was best that you let things go, for better or for worse. Abby had done nothing but prove to you that she was the best partner you could ever ask for and to this day she'd remained loyal and loving.
After Ellie recovered, you broke the news to her, that you forgave her but couldn't forget what she had done. It was hard for the both of you but it needed to happen. Your co-parenting relationship was healthier than ever and both her and Abby managed to stay civil with each other.
You married Abby during the winter, it was simple and intimate. Her dad, your parents, Nara, Dina and the boys, Joel and Ellie. You assured your ex that if she wasn't comfortable then she didn't have to come, but she insisted that she wanted to be there, that she was happy you were happy.
A year later you and Abby had secretly started IVF treatments, knowing you didn’t want to get everyone's hopes up if you were unsuccessful. Thankfully by month four your doctor had assured you the baby was completely healthy and that you could announce it to your families.
Everyone was excited to know another Lila would be coming into the world, but even more when they'd found out it was a boy. You and Abby had no preferences, just happy to have another little one around the house. Lila on the other hand was not amused when she'd found out about her new sibling. It was after school and Abby had picked her up when the announcement was made.
You were having the second trimester symptoms and could not for the life of you do anything extravagant. So you planned a simple reveal of the child to Lila. I'n an envelope you put a photo of your sons ultrasound and wrote a small "Hi big sister" in black sharpie.
"What does it mean by, “Hi big sister?" Lila had asked looking at the ultrasound.
"It means mommy's pregnant, we're having a baby"
Abby announced, joy on her face. The two of you anticipating a shout or cheer from Lila but you got nothing.
"You're going to be a big sister baby, your having a brother!" You tried sounding excited, thinking it would make her feel the same but she just stared at the two of you.
"I don't want a brother. I don't want a baby. Can you get rid of it mommy?" Both you and Abby let out gasps of surprise.
Long story short is that after a few days of icing you out and trying to get you to "give the baby back" Lila had finally come around to the idea of a sibling. Fast forward 2 years later, and the two of them loved each other despite the fact that Lila sometimes grew irritated by her brothers antics.
"I know baby but I just can't say no to this cute face." Abby squishes Levi's cheeks and Lila huffs irritatedly.
"Mommy, Abby has to clean it up since she's letting him off the hook." The seven year old announces, grabbing her plate and heading to the kitchen to wash it.
"She's got a point." You smile, patting Abby's shoulder and then pinching the baby who was sat in her arms, smiling with his gummy teeth.
You made your way into the fridge, checking to see that the cake had been untouched, knowing your daughter loved sweets. To your surprise it still sat in its clear box, fresh as ever. You waltzed into the living area, coaxing Lila to get showered and dressed, and then headed into your room to ready yourself.
"Y/N?" You hear Abby's voice call out to you from the room as you're towelling off  inside the ensuite. You exit the room with your towel wrapped around yourself, to see her stood with a sleeping Levi in her arms.
"I was just in the shower, Lev sleeping already?" You ask, walking over to your vanity and grabbing a bottle of lotion. She nods, placing him on the bed and then creating a barrier of pillows to prevent him from falling.
"Is Shay here yet?"
"She's on her way, I should probably get ready as well."
"Good idea baby, I'm gonna get dressed and go check on Lila."
After what felt like hours of doing your hair and makeup, doing Lila's hair, finding Abby an appropriate outfit and waiting for the babysitter to arrive. The three of you were finally out of the house with a gift and the box of cake in your lap.
"Hey, you made it." Ellie smiles, opening the door to let you guys in.
"Hi momma" Lila walks over to Ellie and gives her a hug. "Hey baby, is that for me?" Ellie asks referring to the gift bag Lila was holding. "Yes, but you can't open it till after cake" Lila asserts, managing to always find someone to boss around. It was a consequence that came with being a big sister, she thought she could boss her entire family around.
"Hey, thanks for coming and thanks for the cake."Ellie smiles at you and Abby as she motions for you to enter.
"No problem and happy birthday Els." You smile, giving her a friendly hug.
"Happy Birthday Ellie." Abby says, they exchange a civil handshake.
You looked around the room and immediately a smile was brought to your face. Sure life had thrown you obstacles that made you believe happiness was far out of reach, but finally you were happy. Your unorthodox family stood around the table singing happy birthday to Ellie.
Lila sitting in her mothers lap, laughing as she sang along to the song. Tommy and Maria and their kids, Joel grumpily singing along, Abby who was new to this but fit right in. You couldn’t complain about all the hurt, the change, the pain , because finally it felt worth it. You were happy.
@moonlightdivine @maybe-cece @macaroni676 @sawaagyapong @katiemars @ellieseater @dakota-dream @joliettes @hebrokeimup @bratydoll @wakasaaa @catostrophiclesbian @dinas-a-bird @lazyunknownwerewolf @h3sitant-alien @ceo-of-ellie-simps @mechetegirl109 @kashoot-me269 @lonelyfooryouonly @ellieswifee @doodlebob-mp3 @ellieismami @sl-ut @starhrtz
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pinkskytwst · 2 years
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A Queen's Rose
Riddle/Reader (Not Yuu)
Childhood Friends!AU
I was totally inspired by @miss-hyoko with this post about childhood friends and the Housewardens. I have others already in mind for at least Azul and Malleus but I want to try and write the Yandere!First Years Part III first.
This one is all fluff though so I hope you like it! Let me know what you think. (It's unbeta'd though so please be kind lol)
Riddle had known you since you were both children.
You were, in fact, the only friend he had consistently been able to be near with the permission of his mother since he was seven years old.
Your parents were nobles as well, after all, and your aptitude for magic was already showing signs of being very advanced for your age. It was the perfect set up for her to prepare a betrothal or simple family alliance. If it had been up to her, of course, it would have been a betrothal from the start, but your parents were more attentive to your wishes and refused to push the subject more than allowing you two to get to know each other and see how your friendship would grow.
The first time you had met Riddle you were both dressed in the same sort of frilly, miniature adult, nobility dress that most of your station paraded their children around in, and Riddle’s mother had set up a ‘tea party’ for you to enjoy.
With her there, of course.
It was awkward and tense and not very enjoyable but you never made fun of him even when his mother explained there were no sweets because they were unhealthy for you. You even gave him a small smile and wave before you left so he felt like, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Maybe he could actually make a friend.
He fell in love with you the next time you visited, when you slipped him a strawberry tart hidden in the basket of books you had brought to share with a bright but mischievous smile.
“Tea parties should always have strawberry tartes.” You had whispered with a giggle.
It was the best thing he had ever tasted and your laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world to his ears.
That day he knew he was going to marry you, if you would have him.
He didn’t know what married people did besides live together and spend all their time together but he didn’t care if it meant being able to hear you laugh every day.
If his mother knew of his intent and determination she might have actually been proud for once, but he kept it held secret in his heart. Protected that little dream even as you both grew and his responsibilities and expectations mounted on his shoulders.
You were like a warm summer day to his life, a brilliant rose blooming in an otherwise barren garden.
Smiling at him as if seeing him made your day, speaking to him so openly when you were alone and going on about the exciting and fantastical books that you read or what interesting trip you had gone on with your parents.
You were a window into the world he never got to experience and you shared it freely as best you could. Bringing him pictures and books with their swashbuckling covers hidden behind those of scientific journals. You even covered for him when you could so that he could slip out and meet with Trey and Che’nya.
And every chance you had, you brought him strawberry tartes.
When Riddle was accepted into Night Raven College – the most illustrious and sought after school in all of Twisted Wonderland – he was disappointed to be separated from you. He knew you would, no doubt, be accepted the next year when you came of age, though, so he promised to write you every day and tried not to blush when you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace.
Being accepted into Heartslabyul was in no way a surprise, having planned on being sorted into their Queen’s dorm from the start, and he quickly set about placing himself as the top student and defeating the current Dorm Housewarden to gain his position.
He wanted to be able to greet you properly, after all, and make you proud. Create a dorm that you could excel in and dorm members that would – if not reach your level – at least not disgrace you in any way.
He wanted to prove to you that he could take care of Heartslabyul better than anyone – and in return hopefully prove he could take care of you the same way.
Unfortunately, despite your affect on Riddle, much of his mother still stubbornly clung on and it wasn’t long before he was being whispered about as a ‘tyrant’ despite Trey and Cater’s – the previous Housewarden that he had defeated – attempts to smooth things over. It was perhaps, not as bad as it could be, he didn’t always jump to his Unique Magic to handle trouble makers, but he also didn’t go easy on any of them.
It was fine, though, they would see why it would all be worth it eventually.
He didn’t realize that more whispers were shared among Heartslabyul that centered around the daily letters that Riddle would send and receive.
He always sent one first thing in the morning and he always received one around teatime in the afternoon. No one really understood why he was using physical letters like a grandma  – though Trey knew it was because Riddle’s mother had access to his phone and laptop – but whatever was in them must have been important because those were the best times to ask the Housewarden for anything.
He would always be a bit distracted after sending the letter for about an hour, almost wistful, but then the rest of the afternoon when he received the reply he would be a bit more lenient. A bit more soft spoken with the edges of his tone smoothed over so he sounded less like a dictator and more like a strict older brother.
Everyone wanted to know just who Riddle was writing to and of course the guess was a girlfriend or boyfriend, but no one put much weight to that when they doubted anyone could put up with him.
Who would want to date the tyrant queen?
The next year when they arrived on the morning of the welcome ceremony, Riddle was the worst they had ever seen him.
He stormed around, ordering everyone into a whirlwind of cleaning and preparations for the new students. Painting the roses, bathing and brushing the hedgehogs, doing the same for the flamingos and ensuring every corner of the dorm was polished to a shine until the marble floors gleamed like mirrors.
It was clear that someone important was going to be showing up, especially when Riddle gave them a speech about what he expected from them regarding conduct during the ceremony and personally checked each of them to ensure their uniforms were perfect and their appearance well groomed.
Trey just followed close behind with a bemused, fond smile while Cater was near vibrating with excitement and whispering to his taller friend about Magicam videos and candid reactions.
The ceremony went as it had the years before and it was rather easy to see just who Riddle was focusing on when he recognized them instantly despite the robe hood hiding most of their features, and how the person smiled in his direction and gave a little wave. Riddle even smiled back at them, though it was careful and poised, and he gave a small nod in return as they waited for the person to be sorted.
To say that Riddle was disappointed that you were placed in Diasomnia rather than Heartslabyul was an understatement.
He didn’t throw a fit or behead anyone but his expression fell before he quickly plastered on a smile as the figure turned to beam at him. They couldn’t speak while more students were being sorted, Riddle did glance to his side where Lilia Vanrouge was taking stock of the new students being sent to his dorm.
“I hope,” he said softly, expression serious as he met gazes with the other’s wine-red eyes that instantly focused on him. “That Diasomnia treats their human members just as they treat their fae? I would hate to hear that your dorm doesn’t recognize when a worthy soul has joined their house.”
Amusement sparkled in the third year’s eyes and he flashed a too sharp grin.
“Why, Housewarden Rosehearts, surely you don’t think we would not care for all of our students no matter their heritage. There has never been a soul sorted into our noble house that hasn't been worthy. Perhaps you would care to visit sometime to see the truth of my words?”
There was definitely a teasing note in the other’s voice and Riddle had the feeling that the fae was able to see right through him, but he pushed the embarrassment aside, gaze traveling over the heads of the new students seated with their houses.
His rose was whispering excitedly to another Diasomnia student and quickly gave an eager wave to Riddle again when they noticed his gaze, barely hidden by the crowd so as not to draw attention.
It was impossible for Lilia to miss the softening of his expression and the teasing smirk on the fae's face made Riddle clear his throat quickly and look away.
“That sounds agreeable. And of course, Heartslabyul is open to visiting students from all houses as well.” He said before tacking on a quick “So long as they follow our rules.”
“Of course, Housewarden Rosehearts. I’ll be sure to pass the invitation along to our students.” He said bemused, clearly laughing at the situation and it took everything Riddle had not to huff and throw a fit.
But ensuring that you were at least allowed to visit as often as possible was more important.
Besides, he decided eventually, if you weren’t to be in Heartslabyul then he supposed Diasomnia was the best alternative. It was the house of Nobility, after all, and a queen needed a king to stand at their side.
He would just have to ensure that he proved he was the best suited as Queen in all of Night Raven College and that some interloper didn’t steal your attentions away before he could show you just how much he loved you and the life he hoped to provide for you.
The uproar that came from the odd, magicless student and the rampaging weasel monster nearly led Riddle to murder.
How dare they ruin his rose’s first night at NRC! This was not what he wanted their impression of his school to be!
He took care of the monster quickly – with the help of Ashengrotto, unfortunately, - to ensure that no one – especially his rose – came to harm.
It was a relief when he turned, though, and suddenly found his arms full of the one he loved.
He instantly returned the embrace, worried for an instant that they were hurt or frightened, but when they pulled back, hood fallen away to show their beautiful face, they were beaming excitedly, brilliant eyes flashing and the smile he missed so much warming his chest.
“That was wonderful, Riddle! You were so amazing!” you praised, not at all embarrassed or uncertain about saying such things in public.
You never were uncertain.
You always spoke what was in your heart and he both loved and envied you for that courage.
He cleared his throat a little, pulling back just a bit as he knew the other Housewardens could see them and he didn’t want you to grab any of their interests. He didn’t trust them and he certainly didn’t want to risk having to fight them for you.
Not that he would lose! But still, he knew how charming Vil was and Leona’s whole dorm just caused problems. He certainly didn’t want the likes of them hanging around you when they certainly weren’t good enough for your attention.
“It’s good to see you, my rose.” He said, holding your hands instead of continuing the embrace.
He would make up for it later in private where he wouldn’t have to worry about so many eyes on you.
You gave another of your beautiful laughs and squeezed his hands.
“It’s good to see you too.” They said playfully. “Even if it was just yesterday it felt like I’d never get here!”
Riddle hoped that the warmth he felt wasn’t traveling to his face.
“I’m sorry that your first night here has been ruined.” He said, expression falling into a frown as he glared towards where the Headmage was leading off the magicless student and the contained monster.
“Ruined? It was exciting!” you beamed, causing him to blink before a fond smile pulled on his lips as you began praising him again for his skills and bravery and ability to take charge until Vanrouge’s voice cut in from the large double doors, calling for all of the Diasomnia students.
“Oh, I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you soon, promise!” you said before giving him another quick embrace and then spinning on your heals to hurry off after your new, fellow dorm members.
Riddle watched you go and did his best to not make it so obvious that he wanted nothing more than to follow you.
Instead he turned to his own students that were milling around Trey and Cater and started them on the way back to Heartslabyul.
He pointedly ignored the calculating looks from Azul or the amused one that Lilia was shooting him while apparently chatting with you until they were out of sight.
Well, things didn’t turn out exactly like he wanted but it could have been worse, he supposed. You could have been placed somewhere like Octavinelle where he’d constantly fret about you being around Floyd or if Azul would trick you into some strange contract. Savanaclaw even more, not even imagining your bright and open personality being able to stand against the chaos of that house.
He sighed to himself when he was finally able to retire to his room, the rooms he had wanted to show you and offer as a study location along with the evening tea he had set aside to prepare. He had even made sure that your room would be right beside his, ignoring Trey’s knowing look, and hoped maybe he would be able to spend more time with you in private.
Hold your hand longer. Hug you without having to pull back because of what others might think.
Maybe even…kiss you on the cheek if you gave him permission.
The thought caused his cheeks to flare and he quickly shook it away as he changed into his pajamas.
He was just folding the dirty robes to set aside for cleaning later when he heard a strange scratch at the balcony doors.
Frowning confused and wondering if that red headed first year was already causing problems – he could spot a troublemaker a mile away – he went to open them.
He stared.
A bat was flapping and hovering before him…with a letter gripped in its tiny claws.
A letter on thick cream parchment with a vividly crimson wax seal with the imprint of a rose.
“Thank you.” He managed, unsure if the bat would understand him but not willing to risk being rude after it was obviously coming to deliver something for him.
He reached out and accepted the letter, watching as the small creature squeaked before fluttering off again into the night.
Well…he supposed he had seen stranger things happen at NRC, so with a shrug he stepped back into his room and closed the doors.
A smile bloomed on his face, however, when he saw his name written on the front in a familiar hand and he wasted no time in carefully breaking the seal off and opening it. Already you had written him a decently long letter telling him all about your new dorm and how you had settled in and how nice your dorm mates were. He could almost hear your voice as he read your words and the last of his disappointment eased away.
You might not have been placed in Heartslabyul but you were still there with him at NRC now and he could see you every day.
Could walk you to class and carry your books for you. Could eat lunch with you and teach you how to play croquette with the flamingos and cuddle the hedgehogs together when no one else was around. He could see you smile and hear your laugh any time he wanted without the expectant gaze of his mother weighing him down.
He could just be with you, and suddenly school seemed all the more bright with the thought, despite the moon hanging over head.
You were here, finally, and he couldn’t wait to spend every moment he could at your side.
It only took a week for the entirety of Heartslabyul to brand you as their ‘king’ – though they didn’t call you that to your face – and you were eagerly welcomed with open arms anytime you could join them.
You were warm and friendly, kind to everyone and didn’t hesitate to help someone if they needed it. You had become much like Kalim, an anomaly at NRC – even if you weren’t quite so energetic. Even more so because of your obvious closeness to their Housewarden.
That was the real reason they loved having you around.
Whenever you were in the vicinity, Riddle’s near entire focus would be on you instead of them. He still upheld the rules, still insisted on only the best from his students, but there were few times now that he truly lost his temper.
On the rare occasion you weren’t there already to lay a hand on his arm and give him a gentle smile that broke him out of his building rage, Cater only had to send you a quick text and soon you were bursting into Heartslabyul with a basket of pastries and books.
You would have part of your uniform out of place and completely interrupt whatever screaming lecture your friend had started into with pleas to help you with homework that you were stuck on that you insisted that only Riddle could assist you with.
The ranting would be cut off instantly, his angry flush still remaining but all real heat and sharpness melting away as he would fuss and right your uniform. He would chide you in a manner that was so gentle and removed from mere moments before that someone might suspect he was a different person all together, before sweeping you off to his rooms with a promise to help you with whatever you were struggling with.
The ‘beheadings’ were cut down to a mere fifth of what they had once been per week and the overall atmosphere of the dorm eased until even the more trouble-magnet students couldn’t complain too much over the elaborate rules.
Rules that Riddle would obviously bend as much as possible for your sake.
He would use every chance to help adjust your uniform because he wanted you to look nice and he liked being able to take care of you, but he never punished you for it. He allowed you to play with the hedgehogs and flamingos without requiring you to help keep their habitats clean – though you tended to help with that anyway – and if you happened to fall asleep during a study session and ended up staying until after curfew…well you weren’t part of their dorm so it wasn’t his place to set a punishment for you.
It would be unsafe and ungentlemanly to make you walk all the way back to Diasomnia in the dark, after all, so clearly the more responsible thing would be to let you spend the night while he slept on the sofa.
Completely ignoring the fact that he had handed out punishments to students from other dorms before without hesitation.
The most obvious rule bending, however, that the other students were able to witness first hand was during unbirthday parties and dorm tea.
There was always a special seat beside Riddle’s at the head of the table – claiming it was only following the proper etiquette and hospitality that they were required to show to guests - despite no others ever being offered the same – and while the first piece of cake was always meant for the Housewarden, Riddle would unfailingly accept it and then hold it out towards you.
After all, it was his slice of cake and it was his right to do with it what he wanted, so if he decided to give the first bite to you – his king – then it was breaking no rules.
Your mere presence would keep the parties festive and Riddle so distracted that even if he caught a minor infraction happening the most he did was send a warning glare for the person to stop.
Ace was your biggest fan, actually, when you had interrupted Riddle’s outrage at his apology marron pie with the sudden declaration that you loved marron pie – and wouldn’t Riddle accept it so they could share it later? If they didn’t eat it at the unbirthday party, then it wasn’t really breaking the rules, right?  Besides, wasn’t it the thought behind the action that mattered more? Intentions should always be taken into account when handling such situations. Ace had probably chosen marron because you had mentioned you really liked it. That was nice of him, wasn’t it? To think of you?
Ace had his collar removed and Riddle had a relieved Trey hurry off with the pastry for them to enjoy later in private.
Needless to say, despite your Diasomnia uniform, you had been accepted by Heartslabyul as one of their own.
Not only were your own dorm members – who Riddle was disgruntled to realize were more fond of you than he liked – protective over you, but if someone tried to mess with you or be rude to you in any way, any and all Heartslabyul boys in range would be there in an instant to protect or back you up.
You were their Housewarden’s King after all.
Even if Riddle hadn't made the order to keep an eye on you, they would have done it. If only to ensure you were able to be around as much as possible.
While rumors of strange incidents and fights started showing up around campus, you were safe in Riddle’s room. Sitting close as he helped you study or falling asleep on his shoulder as you both read the adventure books you had brought to share with him.
And then, when Riddle finally worked up the courage to ask, you shared your first kiss with him.
Gentle and full of the love he had felt for you since you were both children, and soft as the petals of a rose.
Riddle’s Rose.
Hope you guys liked it! I'm a sucker for fluffy cuteness lol and this was particularly tooth rotting. <3
@miss-hyoko hope this is what you imagined and that you like it!
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autumn-foxfire · 1 month
Movie 13! One of my favourite movies of the series! Definitely one of my favourite starts to a movie.
I mean, it has Shinichi having a trauma induced nightmare over being found by the Black Organization, sadly something we don't see often in canon.
However this also addresses something that canon does not like too which is that Shinichi is not keeping Ran safe by hiding his identity from her. Just by living with her and Kogoro, he is putting them in danger if he is ever found out because as everyone who is associated with BO have told him, they will get rid of EVERYONE associated to his new and old identity. They almost killed Kogoro and Shinichi just to make sure he wasn't close to finding them out before. All keeping Ran in the dark does is put her in more danger. If only he would trust her, we would get more awesome scenes like the one we get to see in this movie where Ran fights on par with one of the members.
I know not to question it because the answer is anime logic but really how do those suspenders work T-T
I do appreciate all these detectives wondering where Conan is, you know they were all willing to let him inside the conference room. I love the imagery, all these cops paying a lot of attention to the seven year old in the room.
I genuinely hate how they hide information from Haibara. I don't even know why when her insider knowledge of the BO would be incredibly useful for Shinichi. Haibara has already said she doesn't want to run away anymore so she'll be willing to help while still be cautious about it, something Shinichi forgets when he's chasing them.
And this is why Shinichi needs to be more careful about becoming himself again, because a slip-up like what happened with Takagi could happen again. I know the boy has a flare for the dramatics but he should just join a drama club instead of putting his, and everyone elses, lives in danger.
I wonder why Shinichi picked a dolphin to make.
I love Shinichi's casual conversations with Vermouth. He knows she won't hurt him and will give him information for her own amusement.
The bait and switch of believing Takagi and Sato were about to be shot :p I like it.
Sato is putting herself in danger, noticing too much~
Yes, shout at the stupid boy, Ai. He needs to be taught that it's not just his life that he's risking.
And it's the consequences of Shinichi's actions coming to bite him on the ass.
Ran: I am concerned about you.
Shinichi: Leave me alone.
Kazuha just nearly killed Heiji.
Oh, here is some more amazing romance from Detective Conan.
Kazuha: Do you want to go to a festival together?
Heiji: Shut up, I'm on the phone to Kudou.
True love~
Aww, Heiji immediately asking Shinichi to go to restaurants with him as he notices something wrong with his behaviour as I way to tell Shinichi to live T-T I love their friendship.
I swear to god they get the same people to voice the children in these movies everytime.
This BO member knocked out an entire police squad and Ran goes head to head with him. She. Should. Know. I feel very vindicated to write that small drabble for my besties series.
Time for the fun to start~
Ran: My little brother is in danger!
Go queen.
This is why his tranquilizer needs to more than one dart.
Movie Ran is the best version of Ran. This is the only time we get to see her like this.
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Sorry Makoto, Ran dodging a bullet was so much cooler than when you did it. Her opponent is actually dangerous.
This was so great of her. She only lost because she got scared by his face being ripped off for a moment and he took advantage of it.
Shinichi and his ability to win over criminals.
Isn't it good for Shinichi criminals have bad aim. Well, they're using a machine gun so that's also why.
And this is Shinichi's most insane plan so far (he tops it in Singapour). He actually takes down a helicopter and scares Gin. Imagine Gin's reaction when he learns it was a teenager in a child's body that did that too.
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If only Shinichi could have framed that and sent it to Akai. He would be so proud of Shinichi.
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foster-the-world · 8 months
Good timing
Yesterday the girls were bickering and I thought about how they could use some alone time with us. Then one of Rebel's classmates asked if she could join them on a trip to the Science Museum. Perfect. Bee was so excited to have her Dad to herself. At 7am she had already told myself, baby boy and Bee we'd all need to leave soon. She chose to pick out some recipes to cook herself. She's been really eager to cook but its difficult to do without some supervision. She was so happy. We are working on giving her some things she can do alone. Right now she can make pancakes (with some help on the grill but I think soon she'll be 100% alone soon) and mac n cheese. Which feels like a good start for a seven year old. I think we can start doing the meal kits together. She's pretty good reading/following a recipe.
I took baby boy to the Children's museum to meet one of his sweet little friends. Her mom is really nice and loves baby boy. He was up an hour and a half earlier then normal and it showed. We went to the same place last week and he was great. Not so much today. It was much more crowded. He pounds into everything when he's unregulated. He had an accident which is out of the norm for him nowadays. The other Mom wasn't too bothered. Honestly, I don't really like hanging out with other people with him around. He requires too much attention so I end up feeling bad instead of having fun. I would like to hang out with the Mom alone. She's really nice.
Bee had a really great time. The Mom said she was super well behaved.
Ubereats gave us 50% off that we need to use by the 16th - so ordering something we probably don't need right now.
Our first foster daughter's mom texted yesterday to say she only has six dollars and nothing to feed the three kids. She's in a shelter so in theory they do feed them but I don't know how it works. She asked for money or to send something. I did an instant cart. She doesn't have a fridge or oven. Only a shared microwave. She offered to cash app me the $6 but of course I didn't take that. The receptionist at the homeless shelter got rude with the instant cart person- who called in a complaint about her. Which made the receptionist scream at the foster daughters mom. She forgot to ask for dip so said she could get it herself. The only allowed $10 minimum online order. So instead she went to Walgreens to pick some dip up. I acknowledge its not my business to judge anyones spending habits and also can't help but think spending your last six dollars is not a good idea. Admittedly I don't know how you could spend six dollars in a helpful way but its not chip dip. She hopes her food stamps will come on Tuesday. I sent enough for a a few days - but its limited what she can actually make. I sent sandwich deli meat but that can't last without a fridge. Some can soups, spaghettio's, etc. Snacks. She said she had been getting Mcdonalds, chickfila, etc. No idea where she would get money for that. Her youngest recently turned one. I hope he's still getting formula. I can't imagine sitting in a hotel room with three young kids all day. They are in Times Square - which is no place for children to live. They can walk to a playground but its not particularly close. I offered for her to come here for a hot shower and laundry. I'll try to go with them to the Children's museum as we have free admission. Anyway, its hard to not want to help and also I don't want to be overly involved. Our former foster daughter is living with her Grandmother.
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prima-materia-ttrpg · 4 months
Species Highlight - Ternaki
It is time to talk about the technicolor space elves. The Ternaki aren't technically elves because elves don't exist. How dare you have fun. But boy do they come in a lot of different colors! They also happen to be immortal.
So here's the process behind making the Ternaki, and what their lore and history currently looks like.
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The Ternaki started with a pretty simple idea. "What would an immortal species actually do culturally?" The answer, of course, is not singular. But I wanted to see what interesting things I could come up with for a species that has nothing but time. How would they think and view the world? How would that worldview change as they got older? How differently would a 100 year old think from a million year old individual? Of course there are a million other questions that follow this same course of reasoning.
One of the first things I decided to include was war scrimmages. That probably sounds weird, but I will explain. War scrimmages are a sport for the Ternaki, treated the same way that one might treat paintball if it were as big as football or soccer. They have four innings that last 25 years each, with the victor declared at the end of the 100 year game by tallying points. Generally, taking towns gives you a decent amount of points. Battles are scheduled ahead of time, and for a town to be the site of one of these scrimmages is a time of celebration. Their war scrimmages are non-lethal, and their generals are some of the most prominent celebrities among the Ternaki; particularly if they consistently find creative ways to outwit their opponents.
The second thing I decided to include was a sacred view of life. The Ternaki generally believe that life should be preserved whenever possible, that the death of a Ternaki is a tragedy, and the death of someone who isn't immortal even more so because they had so little time to begin with.
From here, I set out to make the idea of life being sacred the core philosophy behind the rest of the culture. I also decided that I wanted Ternaki to be unfathomably old sometimes so I could play with some fun ideas about how those old Ternaki think. As a result, they did not evolve on the planet Patek, but rather, on Ternak. Ternak is another planet (and god) that was destroyed when Ternak's star went supernova over a billion years ago. This was such a significant event that their language has different tenses based on whether something predates the death of Ternak.
Ternak, unlike Patek, cared for the sapient creatures on his surface and saw them as his children. The first Ternaki prophets were simply Ternak's friends, who walked and talked with his avatar on the surface of the planet. Ternak did his best to teach them the sacredness of life, because he had seen much of it extinguished in the last age of the universe. He also gave the Ternaki the gift of immortality, saying "You will not fully know me until you see the last stars in the universe blink into nothingness as I have." Once the Ternaki were able to leave the planet, Ternak saw his duty to teach them as done and allowed them to leave the nest. He cut off communication with his children until the star he was taking care of was in its last days, billions of years later. The Ternaki, having at this point spread out through the galaxy, came back on their huge city-ships to witness the last moments of their god. The Ternak system filled with them, and Ternak sent out a message, simply saying "thank you." Legend tells that Ternak also sent an avatar to his closest friend during the congregation, though what he may have said to them is not known.
The Ternaki of Patek
A spaceship 20 kilometers long looms in the Patek system. Inside, a Ternaki woman calls over her colleague. "Look at this" she says, "seven sapient species are on this planet, all in the paleolithic."
"How unusual. My scans of the moon yielded similar results."
The two bring their findings to the ship's captain, presenting a data pad. The Ternaki woman expounds her findings with all the excitement of a consummate professional; "As you can see, based on our scans of the planet and its moon, both are teeming with life. There are also some very strange readings, the planet has multiple new sapient species. On top of that, we believe the moon was captured by the planet and seeded with life."
The captain looks over the data pad, seemingly unenthused. "Perhaps we have found one of Ternak's brethren. Continue your research."
This scene played out ten thousand years ago amongst Ternaki who were much more ancient than that. The Ternaki on that ship were looking for a place to settle down and play civilization for a while, and Patek fit the bill as a place interesting enough place to settle.
Starting with 200,000 people, they found a quiet subcontinent to start the first city to call home. They named the city Sifia, a traditional name for the first city on any planet that roughly means something about a place where new light springs forth. No one really kept track of the etymology.
In the current day, the Ternaki on Patek number close to 160 million. Throughout history, they have been a constant if sometimes enigmatic presence; changing the course of history through their interactions with other cultures. Most Ternaki born on Patek don't know of their extra-terrestrial origins per say, but are aware of the important things such as the story of Ternak preserved through poetry, and countless conversations which involve him recorded in the Ternak Ben'at.
The Ternaki on Patek adhere to religious law, much of which consists of recorded arguments between their spiritual leaders and legal experts, the Ravoshi. The job of a governmental Ravoshi is often to argue in the public gathering place of a civic building with other Ravoshi to constantly hone and clarify religious law. Generally, two Ravoshi will talk about a topic from the Ternak Ben'at or other legal records. A third Ravoshi acts as a scribe and transcribes the argument. The Ravoshi will quote law at each other and give their interpretation of what it means. A third Ravoshi, or sometimes even a citizen, is allowed to interject their own opinion on a topic though this is rare. Ternaki legal battles are much the same, the only difference being the presence of a defendant and a judge.
Punishment for failure to adhere to religious law is not usually done. The only crimes which are punishable are those which involve things such as murder, theft, or sharing technology with other cultures that don't have it. Murder is punished by exile, theft is punished generally with community service, and sharing of technology is punished by exile until the bit of technology you shared becomes obsolete. The laws that apply to outsiders are generally more lenient, though they do lean more towards exile in those cases.
All in all, the Ternaki legal system is very complex. Clans of Ternaki also have their own Ravoshis that aren't hired by the government. They often act as leaders in their communities, solving disputes and taking care of religious rites when they are observed.
Ternaki Clans themselves are the closest thing to what they have to families. Some clans are rather small, and make up a village. Others have hundreds or even thousands of members. Some clans do farming, others are focused on spiritual and legal training; with young members expected to become Ravoshi. Trading clans tend to be the largest, and are the main conduit for import and export to and from the Ternaki subcontinent. Some clans don't have a particular focus, but as they age, individual Ternaki usually find a niche that captures their whole attention for hundreds or more years. Ternaki craftsmanship is some of the best on Patek because Ternaki have quite a lot of time to hone their craft and work on projects. Each sailing ship, building, and gun they make is a work of art made with care, sometimes over the course of a century.
Because of their view on how life should be lived, money isn't used often in many Ternaki communities, though there are places in large cities that use money on occasion. Some Ternaki establishments will deal in money, particularly when they sell luxury goods; but these prices are almost never final as Ternaki often like to haggle over price as a social game. In the case of food and restaurants money is usually optional, especially if someone hasn't eaten in a while. Some Ternaki do take money seriously, however, as they use it to trade in other cultures that take money seriously. The average Ternaki that isn't in a trading clan may carry very little or no money, and not understand why it's needed. A Ternaki in a trading clan or who otherwise often finds themselves away from home will see it as a tool to trade with others outside the Ternaki subcontinent, and have a much better grasp of what its purpose usually is.
I think that's where I'll stop, that's a lot of information and I think I've explained the Ternaki well enough for a blog post. I finally finished writing the combat mechanics, so next week will definitely be about that. If you read this far, thank you very much! Also, I have a website now with playtests you can download! Go make a character or something!
Also thanks @donutboxers for the artwork for this post!
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beautifulchris · 1 year
take care
wc: 0,8k
pairing: demigod!jisung x gn demigod!reader
summary: a pair of adhd kids ended up in the same school and got brought to camp together
genres: fluff, little angst, demigod!au, camp half-blood!au, classmates to friends!au, mutual pining!au, son of apollo!jisung, child of hephaestus!reader
tw: physical injury, infirmary
notes: idk why but i’m kinda obsessed with apollo x hephaestus children; anyway enjoy ! i'm reposting the works i posted while shadowbanned, please don't mind me
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @whipped-kpop-creators
permanent tag list: @badwithten​ send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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Publié à l'origine par han-jisung
It all started in school. You were the hyperactive kid, couldn’t stay still for more than a couple minutes, and Jisung was the comical one, always cracking jokes, playing music and dancing in the hallways.
He was usually fun to watch until he destroyed your science project a mere week before the due date. Sure it was accidental, and he apologized, but it had been so much work, so much sweat and tears poured into that project for months.
You were fairly pissed off.
He proposed to help you rebuild it, but you had dismissed him with a wave, feeling humiliated enough. Plus, it would’ve felt like cheating.
Let’s just say twelve hours of sleep in seven days are not nearly enough but you ended up with the best grade.
You were so exhausted in your next class, free of all the anxiety surrounding your science project, that you fell asleep.
Jisung, the guy responsible for your drastic lack of sleep, that you avoided all week—which turned out to be a not so difficult feat after all—took advantage of your sleeping state. He wrote an apology letter and asked your classmate to slide it under your arm.
At the end of class, after mutturing a few curses about how stupid you were for not being able to stay awake—you need to be more gentle with yourself!—you spotted the letter.
It was surprisingly neat, compared to all the times Jisung wrote on the board. It wasn’t the usual sloppy I-do-not-care writing, it was more of a I-make-efforts-please-forgive-me type. You could tell he was trying, and since your project was a success… You decided to forgive him.
At eleven years old, it was easier to forgive and forget.
A few weeks later that same year, four classmates tried to attack Jisung and you while you were in a classroom alone—nothing weird, you were just the last ones to leave—until your science teacher stopped them.
It was ugly, your classmates disintegrated and turned out your favorite teacher had goat legs. Definitely a normal day in your chaotic life.
Your goat teacher brought both of you into camp half-blood, where you got claimed by Hephaestus while Jisung got claimed by Apollo.
You only saw each other occasionally, being in the forge with your siblings most of the time, and him tending to the injured campers in the infirmary. Not that you became friends of course.
Although, more and more often over the years, you ended up in the infirmary because of some stuff exploding, fire erupting—no, you weren’t immune—, pieces of metal flying and knocking you out.
Yeah, the infirmary was the third place where you spent the most time in, beside the forge and cabin nine.
Wait. No, actually, Jisung deplorably said you were spending more time in the infirmary bed than your own. You had your appointed bed at this point.
Jisung always took care of you, not without complaining, though. Not about having to stitch you up or change your bandages and stuff, no. About how you had to be more careful.
He’d be nag about how some injuries can never fully heal. You’d argue that it wasn’t intentional.
He’d joke and say that you don’t need a reason to come see him. You especially do not need to hurt yourself. Which was essentially right.
You talked a lot when you weren’t passed out, and you had learned lately that he was dreaming of owning a lyre.
After doing some research (read: asking Kevin from the Athena cabin), you had everything you needed to make one. You thought you could repay him this way, even if it felt like not enough.
This time he didn’t see you there for weeks.
After mustering up your courage, you entered the infirmary. Jisung was here as usual, humming while tending to a Nemesis kid’s wound. When he finished and saw you, he rushed to your side.
“Hey, what is it?” he asked as he examined your body for any damage but it was all old scars. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, this time,” you sheepishly smiled.
You took the package that you previously put against an unused bed. Jisung hadn’t even noticed, his attention solely on you. Realizing that, his ears turned a shade of pink.
“It’s for you.”
He stared at the package in your hands. “For me?”
You nodded. “Open it.”
You resisted the urge to bolt away when he took the gift from you. As he opened it, you tugged nervously at your overalls’ suspenders.
“I usually forge weapons but I, uh, made you—”
He beamed. “A lyre! Oh Gods, Y/N, you’re amazing! This is the best gift ever!”
He started playing right away, making everyone stop and stare. The melody was smooth and pretty.
“It’s even tuned! Thank you so much Y/N, how can I ever repay you?”
“Ah no, see, this is me repaying you. But if you want to thank me so badly, you can play for me from time to time.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, here’s the masterlist <3
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thehaemanthus · 1 year
Someday, Today (Part 1/3)
A Helion/LoA fic for the ACOTAR Writing Circle! Thanks to @azrielshadowssing for organizing this event. It really is a bunch of fun :)
I've never actually written any Helion/LoA, but it's a juicy dynamic. I hope the characterizations in this short first installment  are accurate, exciting, and a good springboard for the next two writers.
Someday, Today is a Modern!AU with a newly divorced mom, a confused man, and seven sons lol. Can Helion and LoA move beyond their pasts into a better future together?
A sea of cells speckled with black and white characters swam before Corissa’s vision. The summer sun had set, but she had been too glued to her laptop and spreadsheets to turn on the light. The room was a dark cave, illuminated by the blue-white glow of her laptop screen.
She rubbed her weary eyes. Rest beckoned, but this was more important. School supplies, groceries, house payments, credit cards and more balanced against child support and alimony and a feeble salary.
Corissa had never felt ashamed to stay at home and raise her seven boys, but…well, it would have been nice to have an employable skill and work history besides the retail jobs she took on for fun in college.
The room brightened. She blinked rapidly, leaning away from her screen.
“It’s almost midnight.” Eris scowled by the light switch, like he was the parent and she was the child. But her seventeen year old son was too gangly, still too much arms-and-legs to act the adult.
God, seventeen. He’d be off to college next year. How much of the tuition would Beron take on? He was still paying for the boys’s private school, but college?
Eris walked over and put a hand over the laptop. “You should sleep.”
“Let me finish this,” she smiled, plastering on the face that said everything was all right. “First day of school tomorrow. We’ll all be busy this week.”
Eris frowned. “It’s not like you’re the one going to school.”
“Eris.” Corissa put her foot down. “You should be in bed.”
“I’m a teenager, we’re nocturnal,” Eris said. “But fine. Whatever. Just don’t make me the babysitter when you’re tired.”
She watched as he left the room. Her eyes ached when she looked back at her spreadsheet. Then she shut the laptop and went to bed.
Some days, the anxiety drove her to tears. She married at twenty and never had to pay big bills, do taxes without the assistance of an accountant, or buy a house on her own. But she had done it, had figured it all out with minimal help. She received custody of her children, she got their obnoxious mansion and then sold it. Now, Corissa and her sons lived in a more modest house in the suburbs. She had learned how to do it all and still continued to learn.
The anxiety she felt now would never compare to the feeling of living under the same roof as Beron. She would take this every day.
The morning was filled with chaos and uniforms and spilled milk until all of a sudden the boys were hopping out of her minivan in their neatly pressed uniforms, and she could breathe.
“Mommy, I wanna go to school.”
She smiled into the rearview mirror, carefully navigating out of the school drop-off. “We are going, buddy. You just go to a different school.”
Lucien scowled in his car seat. “No.”
“You don’t want to go to a different school?”
His little grumpy face was adorable— and too recognizable. It sent a pang through Corissa, reminded her of vastly different times. All of her children were precious, but Lucien…Lucien was unique.
It was Lucien who had given her the strength to leave Beron. As a baby, he passed for Beron’s son. But the more he grew into his features, she worried others would start to see what she knew. What she was sure Beron had suspected. Instead of waiting around to find out what would happen, she left.
Lucien had been the catalyst, but leaving Beron was the best choice for Corissa and all of her children. She wanted to give her sons a chance to grow into men without the influence of an abusive father hovering over them. So far, the only big sacrifices they had to make were some friends, their old house, and a mom that was a lot more busy with a new job.
Corissa was usually one of the first people in the little office. She had been a supporter of the nonprofit for childhood literacy for years, a little project that Beron allowed since it boosted their reputation. After the divorce, she was fortunate enough to transition from donor and occasional volunteer to employee. Corissa was immensely grateful. She didn’t have much work experience, but she did know how to coordinate schedules and plan parties.
Privately, she wondered if part of the reason they hired her was for networking— unfortunately, they would have very quickly realized that all of her “friends” were Beron’s friends, and she was very alone.
She was in the middle of scanning some documents when she heard the door open, calling out, “Be there in a moment!”
The papers almost fell out of her hands when she saw who was waiting in their tiny little lobby.
Time had been good to Helion. He was wearing a tan suit, no tie, top buttons on his white shirt undone. It only took a split second to catalog those broad shoulders and thick thighs. He looked the part of a man in control, and the brain behind those penetrating eyes proved it.
The first time Corissa spoke with Helion, they were paired in a college class for a quick discussion. Mandated group work in class became late night milkshakes and long study sessions during finals week. Back then, they had been young and full of ideas about the future. But she chose what her family wanted for her and he let her do that, and then love turned sour. Yet like a comet, he’d come blazing back into her life every few years demanding attention. Beauty that could not be ignored.
Now he was in front of her again, just as magnetic.
In the back of her mind, Corissa knew it wasn’t a coincidence he was here. He supported the nonprofit, which may or may not have been part of the reason she supported it too. But in the moment, all she could do was squeak, “hi!”
“Corissa.” At least he looked shocked too. But he recovered faster. “You look well.”
Now would be the moment to laugh and tell him that she got divorced and life had never looked sweeter.
“Yeah,” she said. “And you? I mean— how are you doing?”
He smiled, and she melted a bit. Oh, damn him. “Good. I, uh, wanted to see if I could pick up my tickets for the gala?”
“Oh, right!” It was kind of him. They would save a bit on postage. She opened a drawer and brought out a folder. She found his name, checked it off, and handed four tickets over.
“Thanks,” Helion said, but he didn’t leave. “You’re volunteering here now?”
She shook her head. “Working.”
“Oh. That’s great.”
She nodded with a smile. This would be when normal people would mention the big change in their life, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it. Corissa was raised to keep her personal business to herself. The outward picture always had to be rosy and perfect, and any problems were ignored in public.
It was how she lived her entire life. If there was anyone she should be able to shed her defenses with, it was Helion. But she just couldn’t.
“I’ll see you at the gala?” Helion asked.
“Yes.” He probably assumed she’d be a guest, in one of her designer dresses and red-soled heels. “I’ll be working, probably.”
He nodded. “I think it’s… great that you’re getting so involved.”
She couldn’t help her little laugh. “Yeah…” She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, wondering how to transition from that to “well, I’m working because I’m terrified of relying on my abusive ex’s alimony and child support payments”.
Helion cleared his throat, rocked back and forth on his heels. “Everything is all right with you?”
“Everything’s fine!” she said, a little too chipper. But at least it was true. “Busy with back to school and all that.”
“Right. How are your kids?”
She swallowed roughly. Another moment to say something… “Good, growing up fast. Eris is a senior already.”
“Wow,” Helion rubbed the back of his head. “Then you’ll only have what? Five at home? Practically an empty nester.”
“Six,” she corrected him. “Lucien is three, you might not have heard…”
That blushing feeling, the awkward heat in her chest of embarrassment and delight, turned a bit cold. Helion’s expression closed off, and she knew he was doing the math.
“Seven boys, that’s a lot.”
“They keep me on my toes,” Corissa said softly.
“Thanks for the tickets,” Helion said abruptly.
“You're welcome.” The words barely left her mouth before he was out the door.
Corissa sank into her chair and cursed. That could not have gone more wrong.
Helion considered himself a logical person, but so much of that logic seemed to fly out the window where Corissa Vanserra was concerned.
She had been out of his league, from a totally different world when they first met. It didn’t stop them from falling in love or dreaming of a future together.
No, the only roadblock had been her family. And for some reason, he had let her walk away. He had definitely been an idiot, but what 20 year old kid knew what to do when the girl he loved was demanding commitment and maturity that he didn’t know if he could give? In the end, he waited too long and she got impatient. And that was that.
But Corissa inspired all sorts of lapses in judgment. Whenever he stumbled upon her, he made an honest attempt to keep his distance. Then he had convinced himself that her smiles, her laughter, the way that her shell was thawing and the look in her eye when they were together really meant something. When they were twenty he wasn’t the man she needed him to be, but Helion was ready to take her and her kids, the whole package.
A mistake, obviously. Corissa didn’t want him like that, not when she had her rich successful asshole husband.
Or did she?
It wasn’t like Helion saw Corissa regularly, but he never saw her in public without her wedding ring. Except for earlier that day. Corissa was never anything but perfectly put together. Manicured nails, salon-worthy blow out, light natural makeup to cover any miniscule imperfection, and always a necklace and earrings at least. To leave her wedding ring off…
Helion went through the morning in a daze. There was someone he could call to do some snooping. It wouldn’t be that difficult to find out what was going on between the Vanserras, not with the way this town liked to gossip.
But Corissa hadn’t said anything. If she hadn’t said anything, she didn’t want him to know. And if she didn’t want him to know, why the hell would he start chasing after Corissa Vanserra again? It could only end in more heartbreak.
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