#i lied and said i was sick
stardust-sunset · 7 months
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current mood
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sojutrait · 7 months
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chu hua was enjoying taking care of her sweet baby and the universe said okay bet how about another
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xxmothangelxx · 10 months
My personal favorite Swiftspace nicknames <3
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
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I think my weeb days really show in this one.
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naamahdarling · 6 months
#my psych who prescribes my psych meds is a resident and is moving on in a couple of months#i don't even remember the names of them all at this point#this happens over and over and I cannot find a clinic that will put me with someone who intends to stay#thst will also prescribe my adhd meds#and my anxiety meds#and the real kicker is that twice now they have LIED about it and said they would#only to reveal after all the hoop-jumping that oops sorry they didn't really mean it#so it's a risk i have to take any time i leave#and rhen there's the issue of new people almost always wanting to DO something#but instead of talking to me about it they just decide that my meds need overhauling and pressure me to go off shit that works#but that they morally object to i guess#and my psych for some stupid reason has decided she wants bloodwork for my cholesterol and blood sugar stuff and im just like#what hell does THIS presage because if she harasses me about the results or tries to put me on drugs for that#I'll give her a nasty scrap about it#im not interested in those meds at all#and im certainly not messing with my diet since food is the only pleasure i get most days and even that is marginal at best#and removing that would just make me worse#but medpros for the most part really don't give a fuck about that#and so now im afraid - because i do not and cannot trust them - that if i disapprove of the meds they will retaliate somehow#which good luck proving that when management and oversight often don't even care if they course of treatment will HARM you#if it relates to being fat or having bad numbers#they just gotta pathologize!#so yeah im sick of everything and just kind of want to bury myself in a bog forever#i shouldn't have to deal with this
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bbbigforehead · 9 days
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mostlykind · 8 months
mmmm what better way to end a saturday night than a crying sesh <3
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pierog · 7 months
bro i keep getting worse, i have hepatitis and mononucleosis and am coquettishly coughing up blood like a doomed period piece character. im so over being SICK!!!!!!!!!! manifest healing for me...
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thefabelmans2022 · 7 months
i'm in the middle of a mandatory information session thing and the library is being evacuated so i'm just standing here in the entrance holding my laptop in one hand while the sirens go off and the lady running the session goes on and on and on completely unaware.
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trans-xianxian · 20 days
also I'm not going to my stupid non mandatory work training today so. let the painting commence!
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yee-haw-wizard · 4 months
being autistic and unable to lie (with ease) is literally a trip because it never even occurs to me to lie about things, but then when I do it's a result of 8 hours of planning and plotting to just say "no I didn't know" when someone asks if you've knew about something
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ruvviks · 11 months
google why does putting cold hand on forehead make me feel better
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write-kin · 3 months
🥄 for cal? (specifically im thinking blood, if u need a suggestion c: )
anon. i like your mind.
🥄- Force Feeding
Cal isn't sure... why it disgusts him right now. He's drank blood well and fine before. Normally, he has to keep himself in check at the sight of it.
But now, the sight of the blood pouring from the poor bandit's neck simply makes him want to throw up. He's not sure if he can throw up, but his stomach definitely wants to test the theory.
In front of him, Montresor wrenches the man's head back, prying open his jaw, pulling out the vial of holy water the man had clenched between his teeth.
"Hm. Surprising this one managed to get so far in. He couldn't even crush the glass like they normally do." Cal's eyes traced the arc of the vial as it was thrown into the fire.
Montresor shifted back towards him, holding the dead man by the neck. He opened his mouth to speak, before seemingly noticing Calamine's state- sat back in the armchair he'd been manhandled into, curled up, looking so pale he was almost blue, face a carefully measured show of disgust. If he could be sweating, he would be.
Montresor tsks, a glimmer of concern in his eyes. He pulls Cal's legs down, moving him so his legs are crossed, hands down on his lap. Calamine wants to protest, wants to swat his hands away and go back to the far more comfortable ball he'd pulled himself into, but he couldn't.
He wasn't sure if it was because of the blood magic or something else. The idea of moving felt like a monumental task, and he thought he might pass out during it.
Calamine watches, head resting against the back of the chair, as Montresor takes one of the wine glasses from the nearby table, and like one would squeeze juice from an orange, eases the blood into it.
The scent of it is metallic, and Cal can't bring himself to stare at it for too long. It's nauseating, the way it shifts, the thin film it leaves on the glass. He closes his eyes.
The next thing he knows, Montresor is standing over him, holding the glass to his lips.
And Calamine does something stupid. He turns his head to the side, away from the glass, from the foul-smelling liquid.
Montresor's voice is low, soft, dangerous. Too carefully, he tilts Calamine's head back, holding the glass so the rim juts between Cal's lips, the unpleasant sensation of glass bumping against his teeth. Cal dares to open his eyes, and Montresor's stern crimson eyes meet his own. They're doing the thing again, where they don't seem to reflect light, and Calamine tumbles forwards mentally.
"Open," Montresor says, and Cal's mouth opens up enough for the glass to be tipped in. The blood coats his tongue, and instead of the thick, sweet, metallic taste he's used to, it's disgusting. It feels like it's curdling on his tongue, like too-old milk, like it's drying up.
There's a glimmer in Montresor's eyes, the slight furrow of his brows, all telling Cal that he's worried. He's concerned. When has Montresor ever been concerned for him like this?
Before long, the liquid fills his mouth, and a little dribbles down his chin. Not needing to breathe means you can't choke other than on reflex, so he doesn't swallow. For some reason, the idea is repulsive, and he wants to cough it up. Monstresor pulls the glass away, and gently- concerningly so- closes Cal's mouth, tipping his head up in a way that forces him to swallow.
The moment he does, the moment Montresor lets go, Calamine sputters, coughs, the blood left in his mouth spattering onto his gloves, in a way that would be concerning if it was his own blood. He wipes it away from his chin, smearing it a little, and in his mind's eye he looks almost feral.
There's Montresor's hand in his hair, the claws of his gauntlets being moved too-carefully so as not to hurt Cal, and the glass is pressed to his lips again. He has a little more fight in him this time, but it's no use. The copper taste slides down his throat, thick and cloying and awful, until it is gone. Until he is let go, and he can slump down, nausea rolling over in his stomach and unable to go anywhere.
His head hurts. He wants to sleep. He barely has enough energy, all of a sudden, to process these thoughts.
Instead, like an animal, he has fed, and the exhaustion drops upon him like a thick fur blanket. Not that he could sleep with how awful he feels. All he can do is focus on the horrible taste in his mouth, how Montresor stares down at him, how small and exhausted and vulnerable he feels all of a sudden.
It's not a good feeling.
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ooc-miqojak · 7 months
The State of AAA Games in the Modern Era
"Before the internet became a core facet of gaming, if a studio dropped an unfinished game, that game stayed unfinished." "If a game launched in a poor state, that became the game's legacy."
And a quote from the video linked in #2 in my sources below: "This corporate mindset has encouraged studios to ship now, fix later, and exploit the wallets of players for years down the road. And oftentimes we do see some of the lead developers from these studios even brag about how to pull off this scheme at GDC conferences: [Quote from developer] 'Overdelivery is actually dangerous. With every release that you put out there, you're setting a pattern for your community and for your players. Because it's hard to tell a team, a team that has extra cycles and they have energy and they wanna do something amazing and know how to do it and it totally would be amazing and awesome for the game! Sometimes we have to tell them, like, we shouldn't ship this because it's an overdelivery. Beware of overdelivery, overdelivery is actually dangerous.' "
These are objective facts that people were ready to tear my throat out about during what I thought was a fact-based, adult debate earlier today. Instead, I just had people repeatedly say the same thing to me over and over: "But games still had bugs on console!" Which was something I never countered. I even agreed! My point, however, was that bugs in games were much rarer, and far less impactful to the overall experience of the game - and modern games are often released in a half-finished state, with bugs that massively impact gameplay - just look at Cyberpunk 2077. It's notorious for that very thing! And yet, more than one person was willing to twist my words, and take things out of context (repeatedly trying to nitpick things like Pokemon Gen 1 bugs - things that were not relevant to the discussion, as they were not bugs even remotely comparable to those in modern AAA games upon release) to desperately cling to some idea that console games were released in as bad of a state as modern games are? I don't know why, when console games would have literally killed consoles and gaming as a hobby, if they had been regularly released in as bad of a state as current digital/online only games currently are. It's a fact, and not an opinion that more games in the modern era release in a half-finished, buggy state that makes games unplayable upon release. That is not an opinion. Here's another article about it! (There's lots of videos/articles about this very thing, with just a cursory Google search.)
Yes, console games had bugs - and the ones notorious for those bugs that made story or gameplay basically impossible... bombed! A modern game, like Cyberpunk, that releases with massive bugs? Simply promises to keep patching the unfinished product, which you could not do on a physical product. This is a fact, and not an opinion. Someone claimed that console games would just make a better version, and re-release the game... which doesn't amount to much, because the game already has a bad rep, and no one will pay twice for the same thing (were your parents going to buy you the same $40-60 game a second time back then? Doubtful. No one in their right mind would.), nor would you trust that publisher a second time. That's not the same thing as releasing Cyberpunk in a half-made state, unplayable and bug-ridden and missing core/promised features, and just... finishing it over the next couple years after taking people's money for the half-baked product that wasn't what you promised. They're not asking you to pay for the game twice, they're just making you buy an unfinished product that won't be complete for another year or so (if it ever is). As the video states, there were two years of class action lawsuits - which I don't recall hearing about with console games, because you simply couldn't release only a partial part of a game you claimed was complete, and hope people stuck around for patches, because you couldn't just try and clean up your mess once a disc or cartridge was purchased. If there were incomplete textures, and you couldn't progress the story/engage in gameplay due to game-breaking bugs, that was it. You were screwed.
The modern era and advent of online-only products has led to AAA publishers releasing more and more unfinished products with game-breaking bugs because "we can fix it later"/it's cheaper to fix after launch/because executives simply don't care how it impacts the players, because they have pre-order money in their pockets already/they continue to mistreat the devs of the games, and force them to release unfinished products, and move on to the next cash-grab. These are facts. Not opinions.
Anyways, here's more fact-based sources. One
Three...this video is even from five years ago! (And quotes someone from 8 years prior to that stating that: "The answer for us as publishers is to actually sell unfinished games..."
Next time you find yourself heated by facts that aren't opinions, don't attack the person dealing out the facts, and claim they said something they didn't say - especially if it's the exact opposite of something they said multiple times. Once you start taunting and being childish in a debate, it becomes clear you're not an adult, and shouldn't be partaking in serious, adult conversations - no matter the topic. Objective facts may make you mad, but hey - I'm mad that modern games release in a shitty state thanks to being fully online these days, and not releasing in a physical state that encourages Publishers to release a full, and mostly bug-free game (free of bugs that impact gameplay or story in a serious way, at least. The occasional NPC glitched into a wall or the sky isn't a huge deal, and a wacky texture here and there is mostly hilarious.) Anyways, Donald Trump simply attacks people who use facts in a debate! Don't be like Donald Trump. Don't choose to attack the other person, instead of using objective-based-facts to debate/discuss things. Debates shouldn't make you mad - they should be interesting, and enlightening, and you (or the other person, or all parties) should learn from them. And inevitably, in fact based discussions...someone is wrong! I'm often wrong. I like learning new things. But letting your emotions guide you in a fact based discussion that is very literal and not rooted in emotional appeals... just makes a mess.
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i’m sick and i slept through quali earlier so i don’t know exactly what happened but all i’ll say is at this point carlos has been so gracious to that horsey team and has been a team player so many times where he should have just told them to fuck off i mean not only does he have to play driver and strategist there have legit been times over the years where carlos has tried to strategize to salvage both of their races only to be constantly shit on by his teammates fans and the horsey team fans in general so in my heart he’s allowed take whatever he wants whenever he wants and i wish he would more often
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