#like i think it's far more interesting that she's not really 'top of the class'
commsroom · 7 months
it's always kinda been a headcanon of mine that the way hera operates the hephaestus - how she thinks, how she keeps track of and organizes and prioritizes tasks, how she executes those tasks, the way she files information, etc. - is highly unusual and would be impossible to parse for another AI. the equivalent of an 'organized chaos' workspace where it looks like a complete mess, and a lot of the steps she takes are convoluted and unintuitive, but she knows where it all is and can't find it if it's even slightly rearranged.
like, the fact she's deemed "flighty and mercurial [with] poor impulse control" while also having "record response times, unique problem-solving abilities, and highly original thought patterns" is such an interesting and significant part of her character. hera is smart, and she's creative, but she isn't smart in a way that can be standardized and made useful by goddard. and that's why she wouldn't have survived, if cutter hadn't needed to put together a functionally disposable crew. with regards to neurodivergence, i think there's something to be said about differing types of intelligence in a society that only values a certain kind of productivity and compliance.
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anto-pops · 1 year
Fissured Composure - Sebastian Sallow x Female!Reader
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Summary: After watching you hold your own against a handsy classmate, Sebastian is feeling particularly needy and steals you away to the Undercroft to show you just how worked up your right hook got him.
Alternatively summarized as Sebastian reverently going down on you after you break Leander's nose
Based on this request I received! Hope you like it anon :)) 
Word Count: 6.2k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, minor violence, explicit sexual content, rough sex
Full fic can be found here on Ao3 as always !
Many of your friends would agree that you had the patience of a damn Saint. 
Beyond dealing with Sebastian’s hard-headedness on a regular basis and keeping up appearances with your classmates, it was a wonder you had managed to maintain your cool, collected facade for so long. You could recall losing it once before, shortly after Professor Fig died. But the whole debacle had gone down in the safety and privacy of the Room of Requirement, so no one had been around to witness your indignant anger take root and assist you in trashing two thirds of your sacred space. 
That had been two years ago, so you liked to think you’d gotten better at controlling your emotions since then.
Leander fucking Prewett, however, had seemingly made it his life’s mission to frustrate you to no foreseeable end.
While you had felt bad for him in your fifth-year and entertained his rambling mostly out of pity, somewhere along the way your lack of interest got lost in translation. He was a rather boastful individual, preferring to brag about himself and put down anyone that excelled in areas he wanted to be the best in. His attitude had only worsened with age, and for the last few months he had suddenly taken to attempting to woo you in passing. 
His efforts were too pathetic to take to heart, but you certainly hadn’t told Sebastian about it yet. Not unless you wanted to trigger a fight that you knew you wouldn’t be able to intervene in, because the whole reason Leander was even trying with you was to get under your boyfriend’s skin. 
Today was Wednesday, and you shared Herbology class with Leander, much to your displeasure. Your attempts at escaping out the door quickly had been thwarted when Professor Garlick asked to speak with you after class, and despite hoping against all odds that you would be left alone, Prewett was waiting for you at the top of the steps when you ascended the staircase. 
“Ah, there you are,” he drawled, with far too much familiarity for your liking. “Did Professor Garlick hold you back to scold you for something?” 
You grasped at the fringes of your self-restraint with everything in you. “No, we were just discussing some extra assignments she gave me last week.” 
Wanting to leave the interaction at that, you picked up your pace and strode past him, eager to meet up with Sebastian and Ominis for lunch. At the very least, Sebastian’s presence would act as a safeguard against Leander’s incessant pestering. Unfortunately, the Gryffindor had no qualms about lengthening his stride to match your own, and he fell annoyingly into step beside you. 
He raked one of his hands through his long strands of red hair, trying and failing to raise a brow at you questioningly. Instead he just looked constipated. “Wow, extra assignments? You must be some child genius turned prodigy, I can’t think of anyone who willingly says yes to more homework.” 
“...I’ve been doing it for two years, Leander.” 
Waving you off, he pressed on, “Then you’re way smarter than you let on.” What? “Not that I’ve heard otherwise from anyone, but someone as bright as you likely values intellect and wit, and I can’t help but notice Sebastian is in short supply of both these days–” 
“Leander, now really isn’t the time.” Not this shit again. You pushed through the double doors leading to Central Hall, desperate to put your two Slytherin companions in between yourself the daft idiot tailing you. 
“Oh, come on. I’m only suggesting we take some time to study together. Or maybe we could take a stroll through the Library since you’re so fond of books. Everyone knows you’ve got a thing for sneaking into the Restricted Section, although sometimes I wonder how much reading you actually do when you disappear there with Sallow.” 
By now you had made it beside the fountain in the middle of the room, but your legs halted entirely when you registered the implication hidden in his words. One of your nails broke as you dug your fingers into the cover of your textbook, and you willed the thrum of your blood roaring in your ears to lessen as you finally pivoted to face Leander fully. 
Your expression was stormy when you fixed your eyes on his beady ones, and you allowed yourself a moment to appreciate the nervous bob of his throat. “What is it you think I do then, Leander? What vapid, tasteless thoughts do you have whipping around in that giant head of yours, hm?” 
At least he had the good sense to look sheepish, but he masked the look quickly with that false bravado that made your hands twitch. He raised his arms in a gesture of surrender, “Relax, doll. I’m just connecting the dots out loud. What does your prized boytoy tempt you with to convince you to break the rules so often?” 
Merlin’s bloody balls, if you didn’t leave now, you were going to lose it in the middle of the school. There was no hiding your blatant scowl of disgust, but you found the frayed tethers of your composure and grabbed the ends like a lifeline. You pulled a deep breath into your lungs, exhaling in a way that conveyed your thinning temper, and turned to walk away. 
You saw Sebastian standing on the other side of Central Hall talking to Garreth, and he was spying over the redhead’s shoulder to watch you. His face was contorted into a dark, threatening expression, and you knew he could read your own emotions plainly on your face. He was well aware that you were pissed off, and he jumped into action then, muttering something to Weasley under his breath before he was striding across the foyer to get to you. 
You’d made it roughly three steps away from Leander when you suddenly felt his slimy hand slithering around your waist to haul you back against his chest. The brazen action took you by surprise, which was the only reason the bastard succeeded in squeezing the curve of your hip so generously. The feeling had you tensing all over, and you dimly registered Sebastian’s murderous expression nearing the opposite side of the fountain before your own anger took root. 
“What, you’re not even going to dignify me with a response? That’s awfully cruel–” 
A faceful of your fist cut him off mid sentence, and you watched through your narrowed eyes as Leander’s head flew back, his momentum carrying him to the ground in a sprawled, limp heap. You heard a series of gasps erupt from the students that were seated nearby, but you didn’t care. It took you a second to process the scene as you blinked the rage from your mind, but once you had, you were pleased to find Prewett’s nose hugging his cheek at a very broken angle. 
“There’s your response, you prick,” you swore at him, bending down to snatch up your Herbology textbook that had fallen from your grip. Your knuckles throbbed from the impact still, but you simply flexed your fingers and shook the pain away. It felt good to get that out of your system, and entirely worth the bruises you would surely be sporting in the morning. “Do yourself a favor and stay the hell away from me, or I’ll be happy to show you exactly what I’ve learned from the books in the Restricted Section.” 
As soon as you moved away from Leander, a group of younger students were flocking to his side, wisely giving you a wide berth as you left. Sebastian was frozen still as a statue on the other side of the fountain, looking at you slack-jawed with admiration twinkling in his dark eyes. You smiled softly at him, the look so at odds with the feral energy you had just exhibited twenty seconds prior.  
“I– what the bloody hell was that?” Sebastian asked at the same time you circled your arm around his waist to lead him away from the bleeding Gryffindor. 
“It was well deserved, that’s what it was,” you replied evenly, and then you felt Sebastian’s fingertips digging into the small of your back. “Don’t worry about it, please. He won’t bother me anymore, that’s for damn sure.” 
Sebastian’s laugh sounded breathless, and he shook his head in disbelief, his pupils blown wide as he stared down at you. “Oh I’ll definitely be needing the backstory to that whole altercation at some point, but I’m more hung up on the fact that you actually punched somebody. You never get physical like that, where in Merlin’s name did that come from?” 
You’d been leading Sebastian towards the Great Hall, having had your mind set on lunch for the better part of a half hour. But then you felt Sebastian take control of steering, and instead of turning down the corridor that led to your destination, he instead appeared to be guiding you in the direction of the Dark Arts Tower. “You’re acting like it’s unheard of for someone to lose their temper. In case you forgot, Prewett is particularly insufferable. Today he crossed one too many lines, so I reeducated him. End of story.” 
“I don’t think you understand,” Sebastian murmured as you came up the staircase leading to a familiar alcove, and things suddenly started to click into place. “That was quite possibly the sexiest thing you’ve ever done.”
All the blood in your body seemed to flood into your cheeks then. Sebastian gazed down at you hungrily, whipping his wand out briefly to unlock the latch concealing the entryway behind the large clock. It opened with a clang, and before you could formulate a response to his statement, he was gently pushing you through the opening ahead of him. 
While the two of you descended the narrow stairwell leading into the Undercroft, Sebastian replayed the glorious sight of your wicked right hook in his mind. He didn’t know what the hell Leander had been whispering to you about, but the look on your face had told him it wasn’t anything pleasant. Being the chivalrous and overprotective boyfriend he was, of course he’d bailed on his conversation with Garreth to step in. 
Watching Prewett’s offensive appendage coil around your waist had sealed the deal, however; Sebastian had fully intended on sending the Gryffindor into an early grave. But then you’d dropped your items and spun around so fast– your textbook was still falling when your fist connected with his nose. It wasn’t the most tactful means of defense for a lot of people. After all, in a world of magic, who the hell bothered with brawling? There was no denying the appeal of it though. It was a more personal way of telling someone to go fuck themselves, and watching you set your boundries in such a way had driven Sebastian’s blood supply straight to his cock. 
He liked this unrestrained side of you. He was desperate to see more of it. 
Once you were past the threshold of the gate, you stopped to turn to Sebastian, ready to clarify that seriously– was he this affected by you throwing a punch? But then his larger body slammed against you, stealing the words from your throat as he captured your lips in a frantic, hungry kiss, and you were manhandled into his arms so he could walk the two of you over to the lounge stuffed away in the corner of the room. 
As soon as your ass made contact with the velvet cushions, Sebastian broke away so his hands could get to work on hauling your skirt down your legs. The ferocity of the movement nearly sent you flying to the floor with the attire, but then the freckled man was moving back into your personal space so abruptly, your teeth knocked together before he began biting and sucking at your bottom lip. 
“Fuck– Sebastian, what the hell’s gotten into you?” The pain from his ministrations quickly blurred together with the unmistakable arousal pooling between your legs, and when he pressed the pad of his thumb roughly against your clit through your soaked undergarments, he swallowed your shaky moans with a nefarious kiss. 
“I have to have you,” Sebastian murmured as his hands came up to remove your blouse, exerting a smidge more self-control than he did with your skirt so he didn’t render your uniform unusable afterwards. There was still the matter of school technically being in session, but after watching Leander put his hands on you, Sebastian was feeling especially possessive, and seeing you lay the brute out like it was nothing made his thirst for you seem borderline unquenchable. He asked hurriedly, “Merlin’s balls, let me eat you out– please?” 
You shivered as he undid the last button on your shirt and slipped the material over your shoulders, tossing it to the stone floor alongside the rest of your clothes. Having long since given up on wearing your bras after Sebastian ripped the straps of your last two, you were completely bare– an open invitation for him to begin kneading your breasts and pinching your nipples hard enough to make you arch into his touch.
He took full advantage of your close proximity and latched his lips over your thundering pulse, sinking his teeth into the skin to work a mark there, and you nodded shamelessly when you felt his fingers slip beneath your underwear. 
“O-Okay. Alright– fine, but take this off,” your hands tugged at the collar of his shirt, ardently conveying that if you were going to let him satiate himself, the least he could do was let you look at him.
Sebastian was obliging you in a heartbeat, pulling away from your spread legs to wriggle his tie loose. It hung messily around his neck– just enough for him to swiftly begin undoing his button up– and the entire time he worked to shed the clothing, his dark, penetrating gaze never left your flushed body. Once the front of his shirt fell open and he’d discarded it, you were met with the tantalizing sight of Sebastian’s toned, freckled chest. The mouth watering trail of hair running below his navel paved a path to the tenting fabric of his trousers, and as soon as Sebastian caught you staring, his brown eyes were darkening impossibly further. 
Prowling forward with feline grace, Sebastian smirked as he lifted his tie off of his shoulders to drape over your head. He didn’t bother tightening it, instead letting it hang in a disheveled heap between your breasts, and the sight did more for him than he cared to admit, his cock straining uncomfortably in his trousers. But right now wasn’t about him– not really– it was about you, and Sebastian’s reverent need to please you. 
“Hold that for me,” he purred down at you before he was dropping to his knees in front of you. 
A brilliant flush swept up your torso as his warm, broad hands came to finally slip your drenched panties away from your aching heat, gliding the material down your outstretched legs without tearing his eyes away from you. Goosebumps broke out all over your skin when the chill of the Undercroft passed over you, and your breath caught in your throat when he eagerly licked his lips and sidled up to the edge of the couch. 
Sebastian looped his arms under your thighs, tugging you closer to him so that your ass dangled precariously off the cushions, causing you to shiver under his unyielding stare. He nudged your legs up onto his shoulders, casting a mischievous look your way before he was nuzzling his face into the sensitive skin of your legs, and the adoring kisses he peppered up the apex of your thighs had your stomach tensing in anticipation. 
“Do you think we could try sparring one day?” Sebastian asked randomly, teasing his fingers closer to your dripping folds before pulling them away entirely. The dejected sigh that slipped from your lips made him chuckle darkly, and you narrowed your eyes at him as his question finally processed. 
“Sparring? What the hell for?” 
He shrugged, jostling your raised legs as his fingers dug firmly into your hips for a modicum of restraint. “I think I’d enjoy getting thrown around by you. Do you think you could?” 
Merlin– he had officially lost his mind. “Maybe? I wouldn’t want to hurt you, though.” 
Something wild sparked behind his irises then, and he began placing lingering kisses in the hollow of your leg. “I would love it if you did,” another soft press of his lips, this time right beside your aching center. “Seriously, when we do, promise me you won’t hold back.”
“You’re actually insane,” you wheezed out as his next kiss fell directly against your clit, and your nails dug fitfully into the padding of the lounge at the featherlight feeling.  
“Only for you, darling.” Sebastian’s grip on your hips tightened as he mercifully sealed his mouth over your cunt, and your head kicked back against the sofa with an audible whack as your shrill voice suddenly echoed off the walls of the cavernous room. Your next breath was stolen from you as you felt Sebastian’s tongue circle over your clit, pressing and dragging the muscle down your heat to lap up as much of you as you could– and you swore you’d never been so wet in your fucking life. 
By some miracle, you didn’t pass out from the overwhelming bliss, but you sure as hell saw stars dancing in the corners of your vision when Sebastian tongued at your tight entrance. The sordid sounds coming from the brunet between your legs was enough to have you clenching your thighs on either side of his head, and the blatantly aroused groan it pulled from his throat reverberated against you perfectly. 
“Fuck, Sebastian,” you whimpered, snapping your hands up from the seat to fist in his curly, brown locs, and when you pulled him against you harder, he moaned at the sensation of your nails scraping against his scalp. He switched tactics then, shaking his head from side to side softly to rub his lips sinfully over your bundle of nerves. The friction was dizzying, and you brazenly bucked your hips against his chin to chase your steadily mounting pleasure. “Merlin–” 
Sebastian was utterly transfixed by you. Through hooded eyes, he watched rapaciously as you crumbled above him; your chest rose and fell with labored breaths, and the ever darkening flush that decorated your skin made the green of his tie around your neck stand out even more, acting like a proprietary flag that claimed you as his. You cracked open your eyes to stare down at him, and your stomach flipped at his unbridled, lust-filled gaze boring into you. 
Sitting forward more, Sebastian wound one of his arms over the angular curve of your hip bones, simultaneously pressing you harder into him while preventing you from shifting around. He mouthed sloppily against you, and you were left to balance your leg over his shoulder when he dropped his other hand to begin teasing at your soaked hole. He pressed the tip of his finger in slowly before withdrawing it completely, and he repeated the same motion a few more times until you were on the verge of tearing a fistfull of his hair out. 
A keening sound ripped from your chest when he removed the digit slower than before, and you could feel Sebastian smirk against you. “S-Stop teasing,” you stuttered, your voice strained and airy.
Sebastian pulled away with a conniving chuckle, and the sight of your slick coating the entirety of his lower face damn near killed you on the spot. “I’m trying to take my time here– you taste so fucking sweet.” 
His finger was back, sliding into you once again– only this time he spared you further torment by burying the appendage inside of you to the knuckle and curling it deliciously upwards. You gasped, arching off the back of the lounge in some vain attempt to feel more of him, but his strength pressing into your hips held you firmly in place, and a legitimate whine tumbled from your swollen lips. 
He set an achingly slow pace, focusing more on wiggling his finger inside of you before pulling it back to thrust in again, and your throaty groan was cut short when Sebastian’s mouth reappeared on your cunt. He lapped at you furiously, working your brain into a tizzy with the rapid flicks of his tongue against your clit, and the cord in your gut was wrought tight as your climax roared to life in the far reaches of your mind. The wanton moans that slipped from Sebastian were electrifying, and the intensity of his ministrations increased when he added a second finger to the mix. Any pain or discomfort was nonexistent; all you could focus on was the sheer exhilaration his efforts brought you, and your hands tightened in his hair to silently warn him that you were close. 
Leaning sideways for a better angle, Sebastian rolled his head against your inner thigh to peer up at you. Once your glazed over eyes landed on him, he let his mouth hang open in an obscene manner to lewdly flick his tongue over your nub at the same time he stroked your inner walls, and that was as much as you could take before you were crying out for Sebastian loud. Your orgasm hit you with the force of a train, stealing your breath and making your muscles tense so hard that your boyfriend’s face was effectively crushed between your trembling legs. 
Sebastian took everything that you inflicted upon him in stride; the stinging drag of your nails through his hair, as well as the suffocating squeeze of your thighs on either side of his head. He relished in it– and he positively lived for how he could make you fall apart in such a way. His cock concurred with his thoughts, twitching enthusiastically against the confines of his trousers. 
The freckled, Adonis incarnate before you rose to his full height after you had the good grace to release him from the stifling confines of your legs, groaning softly when his fingers slipped out of you. Sebastian regarded you with a predatory look that promised more, and you swallowed thickly as you watched his hands languidly work to undo the catch of his pants.
Worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, Sebastian’s brows pinched together with blatant need as he scanned your prone form against the sofa. “Fuck, do you have any idea what you do to me?” His imposing stature over you– shirtless and flushed, with his chest rising and falling from the strained breaths he pulled into his lungs– it had your heart hammering wildly against your sternum. You shook your head. “Then I’ll show you,” he vowed, and the timbre to his voice seemed to reignite the fire burning in your veins. 
Working quickly, Sebastian shoved his trousers down to his thighs, pulling himself out of his briefs with a needy groan. He gave himself a few testing pumps, tipping his head back slightly when his fist squeezed around the bright red tip, and then he was zeroing in on you like you were the only thing in the room he cared to pay attention to. You were still quivering in your spot on the lounge when Sebastian stepped forward, hauling you upright by the tie around your bare neck to spin you around so you were kneeling on the cushions with your front pressed into the backrest of the couch. 
It took everything in you not to sink back down on your wobbly legs, but then you felt Sebastian’s hands running down your back towards the shapely curve of your ass, and he squeezed at the skin there greedily before lining himself up with your spit-slick cunt. Far too eager to feel his cock inside of you, you watched over your shoulder as Sebastian gingerly pressed into you with a low, raspy moan, and your fingers dug into the backrest so hard, your knuckles blanched white. 
Despite his urgency, Sebastian took his time rocking his hips into you, drinking in your sweet little sounds as he filled you up and slid home. “Fuck,” he breathed, leaning forward to rest his head between your shoulder blades as he buried himself to the hilt. His hands moved from your ass to your waist, holding you still with bruising strength as he got used to the sensation of your hypersensitive walls contracting around him. Your breaths were coming out fast and shallow, completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of him compared to his fingers. Having already come, you were like putty in Sebastian’s hands as he ground his cock into you firmly, and you felt him twitch inside you when your head fell forward against the upholstery of the seat with a gasp. “Fuck– you’re so wet still– feels so fucking perfect.” 
When Sebastian pulled back to torturously thrust into you slowly, your hips rocked in tandem against him, and he redirected his eyes up from where the two of you were connected so he could drink in the expression on your face. Your lips were parted around a choked moan as he moved inside of you, those beautiful, luminescent eyes of yours sparkling with rampant affection and arousal, and his tie swayed around your neck in sync with his movements.
Sebastian hunched forward, lifting one of his hands to rake through your disheveled hair and pull your head back towards his shoulder, and you cried out suddenly before the sound transformed into a filthy moan that only served to spur Sebastian forward faster. His hold on you was unrelenting, effectively bending you backwards against his sweaty chest as he increased his pace and began spearing his cock into you with brutal efficiency. 
It didn’t take long for him to start hitting the deepest parts of you, the thick head of his shaft curving up to graze deliciously over your sweet spot with every rough thrust. Your eyes rolled back in your skull, shameless noises spilling from your lips as Sebastian folded you backwards onto his cock to satiate himself. That familiar feeling blossomed low in your gut, and one of your hands flew back to dig your nails into the bare skin of Sebastian’s thigh behind you. 
“Fuck, fuck, Sebastian–” your warbled voice was like music to his ears, pulling the corners of his mouth up into a devilish smile. His next thrust was particularly forceful, and the incriminating sound of skin slapping against skin filled the Undercroft, seemingly harmonizing with the cacophony of noises that the two of you created together. “Merlin–” 
Sebastian growled, releasing your hair to trail his hand across your front and curl around your throat. He tightened his hold there, squeezing just enough so that your walls clenched around his cock as he upped his tempo. You were completely enveloped by him, held fast to his damp chest as he ruthlessly pounded into you, and the lack of oxygen to your brain numbed everything else as your second orgasm loomed threateningly overhead. 
Overcome with telltale urgency, Sebastian chased his own pleasure desperately, bucking his cock deep into your clenching heat, wringing choked gasps and stuttered cries of his name from your open mouth, and he was fucking dizzy from how good it felt to be pressed against you, holding you tight in his arms. Sebastian tugged you closer to him to latch his lips over the sweaty skin below your ear, biting and sucking a mark there as he propelled his hips upwards inside of you. 
There really wasn’t anything you could do to stop yourself from frantically rutting back in search of that building euphoria. You rode back onto Sebastian with as much give as you were allowed, your eyes squeezed shut from the pleasure and your thighs shaking from how good Sebastian was fucking you, filling you up deep and hard and fast, just how you liked it. The way he slammed you back down onto his rough thrusts by your throat only added fuel to the fire, leaving you a sloppy, gasping, pleading mess in his arms. 
Sebastian released his ironclad grip around your waist to snake his hand lower to your sensitive clit, and your head fell back against his shoulder as he started rubbing firm circles over the overstimulated nub. Your voice strained against his uncompromising hold on your throat, “Fuck– Sebastian, please–” 
“Come, darling, come on my cock. Let me hear your pretty noises, I’m so close,” he muttered the command against the shell of your ear, railing his cock into you so fast and so harshly, you had no choice but to oblige him. 
Sebastian watched as you crumbled against him for the second time, utterly in love with the way your spine rounded as you sank into him, every part of your body trembling. Your walls tightened impossibly further around him, causing him to gasp into the crook of your neck, and Sebastian slammed his cock into your incredible cunt— nearly mindless from how you shook against him— and he fucked you clean through your orgasm until your sounds and body yanked him right over the edge with you. His dark eyes rolled shut, growling your name through his clenched teeth as his pace faltered before he was burying himself deep in you with a heady gasp. 
The feeling of Sebastian emptying inside of you rendered you boneless, leaving your boyfriend with the task of keeping you upright as he ground his hips against your ass, milking himself dry with broken whimpers before halting his movements entirely. His hold around your throat loosened, and the rush of blood returning to your brain was akin to pure bliss alongside the remnants of your climax. 
“Fucking hell,” he groaned after a few heated seconds, relaxing his grip on you so that he could slide himself out before gingerly lowering the two of you down onto the cushions together. Your hands slipped from the back of the couch and fell into your lap as Sebastian maneuvered you into a sitting position, your body too limp to even bother moving yourself. “Are you okay?” 
You gave him a nonplussed blink as you willed your brain to function properly again, and then you nodded shakily. “Shit, yeah. I had no idea your bloodlust would turn you into such a lunatic, though,” you muttered, and Sebastian’s bellowing laugh roused you further from your post-coital state. 
“It’s not bloodlust, darling. It’s you,” he countered easily, a smug smile playing on his freckled lips. He tucked his softening cock back into his briefs and tugged his pants back up over his hips before moving away from you to retrieve the scattered pieces of your uniform. When he reappeared with the ball of clothing, you took it graciously, staying seated on the couch as you worked your underwear up your unsteady legs. “I was serious about the sparring thing, too. I think it would be fun watching you let loose.” 
You shot him a hesitant look, not particularly keen on his eagerness to get bloodied up at your hands, but his excitement at the thought was palpable, and you found yourself relenting to his ludicrous idea with a sigh after a few beats of silence. “Fine,” you conceded. “But only once. I don’t care how horny it makes you– I don’t like the thought of hurting you, no matter how easy it is to fix broken bones here.” 
He had bent down to snatch his button up off the floor, but paused on his way up to glance at you with a pleased expression on his face. The shirt was momentarily forgotten as Sebastian fell to his knees once again, only this time it was to cradle your face in his warm hands and pull you in for a toe curling kiss. His thumbs traced along your cheekbones as his tongue delved deep in your mouth, and you sighed contentedly. The gentleness that always followed these heated moments between the two of you was, without a doubt, one of your favorite things. 
Sebastian broke away to pepper a quick succession of lighter kisses all over your face, and you couldn’t help but laugh softly at his reverence. “Hell yes, whatever you want. I’ll do it wearing a damn ball gown if that’s what it takes.” 
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re barking mad?” 
He smirked, far too pleased to be hearing you say so. “From time to time, yes. Don’t lie, you love it.” 
Your eyes twinkled with amusement, and fighting your smile proved to be easier said than done. “I love you. Your crazy ideas, however, I take with a grain of salt.” 
From there, he stood fully to throw his shirt over his shoulders, and you mirrored his actions, redressing yourself as quickly as your shaky legs would allow. Once finished, you slipped Sebastian’s tie off of your neck, draping it over his shoulders with a coy smile, and you felt his arm coil around your waist to tug you flush against his front, stealing your lips in another steamy, doting kiss. You returned the gesture with equal fervor, rising to your tip-toes to trail your hands up into his hair to scratch shiver-inducing stripes down the nape of his neck. 
The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity before the screeching gears of the metal gate drew your attention, and you pulled apart at the same time Ominis strode into the Undercroft. His face was contorted in concentration, his wand sweeping across the room until he seemed to sense that yes, his two best friends had indeed abandoned him in the Great Hall to disappear into their shared space. 
“Where the hell have you two been?” He asked, not even bothering to confirm that you were truly there. His outstretched wand pointed towards you both as he made his way to the back of the room. “I thought we were meeting for lunch, I’ve been entertaining idle gossip for the better part of a half hour. What is it that I keep hearing about Leander getting punched in the face?” 
At that, you stepped away from Sebastian, adjusting your skirt slightly before bashfully rubbing the back of your neck. “Ah, yeah. That was me,” you confessed. “Word travels fast. What exactly is being said?” 
Ominis cocked a brow at you as he came to halt a few feet away, a strange look passing over his features as his wand pulsed in your direction. “Rumor has it you broke his nose. Please tell me this isn’t going to become a regular occurrence– I can hardly keep up with Sebastian coming to blows with students as it is.” 
“It won’t, don’t worry. I doubt he’ll even come around me anymore after this.” 
Sebastian snickered under his breath, eyeing you with a proud look that reminded you of your recent escapades, and you blushed under his knowing stare. “If Leander knows what’s good for him, he won’t so much as glance in your direction for the rest of the year. But on that note, I’m famished. Anyone up for food?” 
“I’ve been ‘up for food’ for thirty minutes,” Ominis muttered as he turned on his heel to head for the gate. The three of you fell into step alongside one another, Sebastian’s hand brushing against yours as you walked towards the exit, but then Ominis was pausing mid step, tilting his head up to… sniff the air? How odd. “Merlin’s beard, it smells like sex in here.” 
You snatched your hand away from Sebastian’s to slap your palms over your eyes in embarrassment, every ounce of blood in your body rushing to your head and heating your cheeks as you willed the floor to open up underfoot and swallow you whole. Your boyfriend, however, only laughed. 
“We had to work up an appetite before finding you,” Sebastian mused, unashamed at having been caught by the blond man. “Sorry, Ominis. I’ll send an owl next time.” 
“Please stop fucking in the Undercroft. I’m too scared to sit down here anymore– I can’t tell whether I’m avoiding your cum stains or not.” 
“You’ll want to steer clear of the lounge for the foreseeable future, then.” Sebastian fired back instantly, not a lick of chagrin to be detected in his voice. “That’s a mess you’ll want to avoid.” 
“Please stop talking,” you grit through your teeth, and the coquettish expression on the brunet’s face warranted a sharp look from you. “Or I can’t promise I won’t punch you in the face next.” 
“Didn’t we just establish that I want you to go that route? Don’t threaten me with a good time.” 
Ominis threw his hands up in utter exasperation, shaking his head in disbelief at Sebastian’s gall before damn near sprinting to leave the Undercroft, and the two of you were forced to skip after him as he ascended the staircase to head for the Great Hall. Even after sitting down and piling food on his plate, Sebastian continued to oggle you from his seat across the table. Every so often you would feel his foot nudge your calf, trailing the appendage up your leg to play with the hem of your skirt. 
Despite your earlier mortification, he did a stellar job of brightening your mood, and when Ominis groused over his mug that the two of you should just get fucking married already, Sebastian looked at you wonderstruck, and he seemed to seriously consider it. 
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ot3 · 1 year
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere
What is it, and why you should read it.
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(Art by purple)
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere is a currently updating webserial by author Lurina. It's one of my favorite things I've read in a long while and I'd like to convince you all to give it a chance.
My elevator pitch is this: A time-loop murder mystery directly inspired by Umineko, with a lot of similar vibes to the Locked Tomb Trilogy - partially due to it's meditations on grief and mortality and partially due to it's far-future magical sci-fi world where we follow a fucked up lesbian necromancer on a task she is determined to see through to the end. A deeply complex, unique, and believable world that plays hosts to one of the best interpersonal dynamics I've read.
In a future so far-flung that it is past the heat death of the universe, humanity has constructed a new society that is post-scarcity but not post-stratification. Utsushikome of Fusai is one amongst a class of prodigious young medical arcanists (essentially grad students) who are invited to visit a recently legitimized conclave of top-of-the-line researchers studying immortality. Accompanying Su is her best friend Ran, a fellow arcanist. Over the course of the novel we begin to slowly unravel exactly what ulterior motives have brought them to this conclave and how events in their childhoods and years of working toward their shared goal has warped their relationship into what we now see. This relationship is the crown jewel of Flower's narrative, and getting to peel back the layers of it as you read is a delight.
Like Umineko, Flower is a murder mystery that prevents itself with in-universe Rules that dictate the murders' parameters, meaning there's a lot to chew on for anyone who likes solving mysteries. For those that don't, like myself, Flower offers instead a richly developed world and plenty of open questions about the sociopolitical and metaphysical implications of its own worldbuilding.
Below the cut, I'll go into more detail about the series (without spoilers!) for those of you whose interest has been piqued.
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere is currently ongoing, updating every few weeks. It's several hundred thousand words, so if you're looking for something substantial to keep you entertained, you've got it. As you might expect from the length, the pacing is decently slow. I don't see this as a bad thing at all, because within this pacing Lurina dripfeeds the readers enough new and interesting information at a regular rate that it never feels like your time is being wasted. But if you can't handle slow burns, I wouldn't recommend this one for you.
If you enjoyed the Zero Escape series and liked that they stopped solving murder puzzles to infodump about fringe science, I think you'll get a lot out of Flower. Characters are frequently interrupting their life-or-death scenarios to have lofty, philosophical and political discussions. It's a ton of fun if you like reading characters argue.
'People have to sleep.' 'People have to work.' 'People have to die.' But those were just vague rules, phrasing I'd used because it had been easier in the context of that conversation. What really mattered, on the day-to-day level, was the idea that it was all for something. If someone invented a elixir that made people not to need to sleep, it would, in retrospect, recontextualize all nights everyone ever wasted sleeping as wastes of time. Not something that occurred for some inherent purpose, but whims of circumstance, a tragedy of when you happened to be born. If you accepted that all unfair things in the world could be removed, if only someone knew how - fatigue, labor, death - then to exist in the world we had now, with all its grotesque imperfections, was to know that you had been violated by fate.
Along those lines it's just got a sense of humor I really enjoy. Pretty dry and cavalier. It manages to keep the mood light without feeling like it's undermining it's own stakes. I'm particularly fond of Su's penchant for telling incredibly depressing suicide jokes that just Do Not Land.
The peer pressure cut into me like a hot knife. I hesitated a little, biting my lip. "Well, uh, okay. I'll just tell a quick one." I swallowed, my mind quickly scrambling. "Okay, so, there's a woman who runs a dispensary for second hand goods. She sees a man come in who's a regular customer. He's kind of a mess-- Has a big beard, a bad complexion. He buys a razor, and tells her he needs it to clean himself up, because he has a date." I could see that I now had Ophelia's attention and that Kam was looking pleased with herself, but Ran was watching me, too. I could see the look in her eyes. It screamed at me, with such vividity that it could be sold at an art gallery: You better not be telling a suicide joke right now, or we're going to have a talk. But it was too late. The wheels were already in motion.
As I mentioned up top, the relationship between Ran and Su is just one of my favorite interpersonal dynamics ever. Period. The author is playing some insanely complicated 5th dimensional yuri chess and I am absolutely here for it as someone who likes characters who are deeply devoted to each other in a way that is deeply deeply fraught. I cant emphasize enough how obsessed I am with what they have going on.
Additionally, as stated, the worldbuilding in Flower is top tier. The author clearly understands how every part of her world functions, which makes the moral quandaries and politics presented all the more impactful because they're very believable. It's hard to talk about Flower's world without spoiling too much of the specifics that get slowly revealed, but it doesn't fall back on any typical sci-fi standard fare and feels like a breath of fresh air amongst recycled and repetitive worldbuilding tropes.
A lot of really fun side characters. Strong voices for all of the supporting cast (♥♥Kamrusepa♥♥) and even though not every character gets their own arc, they all clearly have plenty of interiority. Once again, another thing that makes Flower feel very believable despite it's absurdities.
"Did you notice anything out of the ordinary with anyone?" She eyed him. "Anyone who seemed tense?" "Saoite, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but half of our class is so autistic that they constantly seem tense. You might as well ask me to find a specific turd in a sewer." "Just answer the question, please," she replied flatly.
Guys it's really good just trust me I don't want to spoil you for the more intricate plot beats but they're doing some crazy shit here. It's never a bad time to support an independent author's project. If you're sick of corporate mass-media and stuff needing to be marketable, getting into independent works owned and supported by individual creators is a great way to push back against that. I highly recommend it.
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
Hi bubby! hey, could i get a smut fic/imagine with top! regina teaching an inexperienced y/n sex stuff? y/n is all like "she is jst teaching me" but regina definitely has a crush on y/n and is taking the opportunity to make a move on reader?? lots of praise, size difference, thigh riding? pls? ^^ thanks
Sex Education
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Description: Reader and Regina are partnered for a project in health class. Regina learns that reader hasn't had ✨spicy✨ time before and offers a helping hand to her crush.
WARNINGS: top!regina, bottom!reader, praise kink, size kink (regina is 5'10 and reader is 5'3), thigh riding (reader receiving), oral (regina and reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), regina has a mommy kink hehe, aftercare, regina is a warning herself.
18+!!!!!! Get your holy water. Amen
Regina George always got what she wanted.
New car? Her dad had it for her within hours.
New shoes? Same-day shipping.
New flavor of the month? She had a line of North Shore students to choose from.
The only flavor Regina wanted, was one she had never even thought of tasting until recently.
Y/N Y/L/N.
The girl was a nobody to everyone at North Shore, but as of lately, she was everything to Regina. The blonde had noticed Y/N one day in health, trying to keep up with Coach Carr's weird lesson plans.
The girl had been nibbling on the end of her pen, listening to the droning sound of the man's voice as he tried to explain condoms to the class. Regina's eyes stay glued to the girl's mouth the whole class, the blonde imagining the filthiest things.
She had told Gretchen to get as much information on the girl as she could for her, which thankfully for Regina, didn't take long. She learned that Y/N had moved to North Shore halfway through their freshman year, played softball, and was gay.
Regina could already taste the victory.
For the next few weeks, the blonde was obsessed with Y/N. Going as far as to stay after school and watch the girl workout with her teammates. Y/N was noticing the attention she was getting from Regina, as did her friends, but she shook it off as Regina just playing with her mind.
It all came to a head a week later, as Coach Carr read out Y/N and Regina's names to be partnered up. The blonde smiled smugly at Y/N, making her blush deeply. As the man explained their "project" (he told them to go watch porn and write a paper about it), Regina moved over to sit next to Y/N.
"So. I know you workout after school, but how about you come over so we can do this project and...get to know each other more?" Y/N couldn't do anything but nod. The girl had no idea what she had just signed up for.
Hours later, the girls were in Regina's room, the blonde scrolling through PornHub, trying to find a semi interesting video. Y/N was trying to figure out how to write an essay about porn when Regina spoke up.
"So, what's your preferred category of porn, baby?" Y/N blushed deeply. "O-oh. I don't watch it." Regina looked at the girl curiously. "Really? That's adorable, baby. I'm honored to take your porn virginity."
Y/N's blush got even deeper. Regina instantly noticed. "What's wrong baby? Are you embarrassed? Don't be. It's just porn." Y/N shook her head and tried to go back to her outline but Regina gently grabbed her chin to stop her.
"Are you embarrassed about something else, sweetie? You can tell me. We're friends now, this is what friends do." Y/N didn't think that was true but she knew Regina was right somehow. Y/N sighed and whispered.
"I've never had sex with a girl before."
Regina felt like she hit the lottery. Oh, she was going to ruin this girl. "That's okay baby. You don't have to be embarrassed. If you don't mind me asking, who did you lose your virginity to?" Y/N looked down at her lap. "It was Jack on the football team." Regina smiled softly at the girl. "Oh, you sweet thing. I bet he didn't even make you finish, did he?"
Y/N shook her head. "It was more of an enjoyable experience for him." Regina nodded and rubbed Y/N's arm, pretending to ignore the goosebumps that formed. "Well, I have experience in making girls feel good. How about I help you out? Make you experience how you first time should've gone."
Y/N hesitantly nodded and the blonde smashed their lips together. The kiss started out soft and sweet but Regina turned it into a fiery, passionate make out. She pulled the shorter girl onto her lap, hands automatically going to her ass.
Y/N moaned at the contact, giving Regina the chance to begin marking up her neck. "Fuck. You're gonna look so pretty with my marks all over you baby." Y/N whimpered and began to softly grind against Regina's thigh. The blonde smirked and grabbed Y/N's hips, guiding her.
"Oh, my sweet girl, you just need some relief don't you? Don't worry, Mommy will take care of you." Y/N felt heat shoot straight to her core as she tried to grind faster, but the blonde kept her pace. "No, no baby. I wanna enjoy this. I'm gonna ruin you for anyone else. You're only gonna want me. Understand?"
Y/N nodded. "Yes, Mommy." Regina groaned. "And such good manners. I'm keeping you forever baby. And since you've been so good, use Mommy's thigh to get yourself off and you'll get a reward."
Y/N began to grind faster, desperate to please the blonde beneath her. Regina watched as the girl rode her thigh like a mad woman. She smiled at the desperation in Y/N's movements. She put her hands up Y/N's shirt, grabbing at her breasts as the girl moaned loudly.
"Cum whenever you need baby. You're doing so good." That was the breaking point for Y/N as she stiffened, her orgasm washing over her as Regina whispered praises to her. Y/N slumped against the blonde, Regina kissing her temple.
"Take your time baby, we have all the time in the world."
Y/N was now on her back, fully naked, watching Regina strip. "Since you've been so good, I told you that you would get a reward." Y/N nodded excitedly as Regina slowly crawled up the bed, kissing her way up Y/N's body.
Y/N was curious to know what her reward was when Regina crawled all the way up to Y/N's face, her pussy on full display for the girl beneath her. "Mommy is going to let you eat her pussy baby. We're gonna do something fun."
Regina turned and straddled Y/N's face, still hovering. "While you eat Mommy's pussy, Mommy is going to eat your pussy baby. Sound fun?" Y/N nodded and pulled Regina's pussy closer to her face and began to eat her like she was her last meal.
Regina was caught off guard but moaned at the feeling. "Oh fuck. Such a good girl aren't you baby?" Y/N moaned and Regina leaned down and gently sucked Y/N's clit into her mouth, causing the girl's hips to buck.
Regina smirked and began licking and sucking harder. Y/N was moaning into her pussy and the vibrations sent shivers down her spine. They began to bring each other to a shared high. Regina wanted Y/N to cum before her, since she had been so good and expertly slid two fingers into Y/N's core.
The girl moaned loudly as the blonde began to pump her fingers. Y/N kept eating Regina's pussy as she desperately wanted the blonde to feel good. Regina could tell Y/N was getting close, as was she. The blonde spoke up. "You can cum whenever, angel. Mommy wants to make you feel good. You've been such a good girl."
Y/N felt the pleasure bubble burst as Regina's words took her over the edge, the girl cumming all over Regina's fingers. Y/N cumming so pretty for her set her off as she came hard in Y/N's mouth. They helped each other ride out their highs as Regina adjusted and laid next to Y/N.
She looked at the girl, who had her cum covering the lower half of her face. She looked blissfully fucked out as Regina smirked at her work. She leaned over and kissed Y/N, also licking her cum off her face, moaning at the taste of herself.
The blonde got up, smiling at the whine Y/N let out. "Hang on baby. I gotta get you cleaned up." Y/N unwillingly let Regina go to the bathroom to grab a damp towel.
The blonde gently took the towel and wiped between Y/N's thighs, cleaning the mess as Y/N twitched. "Shhh...baby. I'm almost done. My good, sweet girl. So perfect." Y/N melted into the mattress at the praise.
The blonde finished her job and cleaned herself quickly before grabbing clothes for her any Y/N. After gently wrestling Y/N into the clothes, the blonde walked to the mini fridge she had in her room and grabbed a water, a gatorade, and a banana and gently coaxed Y/N to take the snacks.
Y/N drank all the gatorade, three quarters of the water and ate the banana and Regina pulled the girl into her arms. "You did so good for me baby. My sweet angel. All mine, huh baby?" Y/N nodded sleepily. "All yours, Mommy."
The next day in school, dressed in a pink hoodie a size too big, and covered in a fresh set of hickies, Y/N walked with her new girlfriend to Health class. No one said a word when Regina pulled Y/N into her lap, whispering what their classmates assumed the dirtiest things in her ear, the two girls fully ignoring Coach Carr.
No one said anything about the new couple, knowing better than to ask questions.
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patrywoso · 2 months
9. Georgia Stanway
+18 SMUT
“Don’t be scared,” you enjoy it somewhat but you don't let on, admiring your handiwork as the tightly wound football player spins off the floor in bundles and bundles of rope. “This isn’t about hurting you or making you feel small. I just want you to feel good…”
“I feel like a rotisserie chicken,” Georgia murmurs, clearing her throat and blushing.
“Yes you’re right, rotisserie chickens are very delicious,” you nod, smirking and capturing a thigh to tighten it up a little bit. “I think we’ll get this knee a bit higher so I can watch that pretty cunt of yours do little twirls for me.”
“Do you have to be so crass?”
“Yes baby,” you crane down and kiss her forehead, push-pulling on the working ends to bring the thigh up higher to the bamboo. “I do.”
It had started with flirting around the idea, spoken about yet never with serious intention on Georgia’s part, she knew about the shibari classes, the workshops, that it was an interest you felt passionate about, but not a hobby she had the precious hours in the day to indulge in. Your relationship was one of quickies: shower sex, stadium sex, car sex, elevator sex. At first, you thought it was because Georgia really did only have so much time in the day. But, you knew Georgia far better now that you both had been dating for some months. you had come to realize she just got off on the exhilaration of possibly getting caught. Georgia was more kinky than she realised.
“The inside of my thigh feels a little sore,” Georgia observes almost clinically.
“I would be very worried if it didn’t, bratty girl.” you smile and undo her pristine ponytail into a cascade of glossy blonde hair.
You dig and rub your fingers into Georgia’s scalp, finding little pressure points on either side of the temple to relieve tension. Georgia can’t help herself, she sighs happily and the tightness in her shoulder blades visibly releases. The rope cradles her, suspends her, and keeps her arms in a box tie behind her spine, her thighs splayed and supported, clean suspension lines that are approximate and comfortable. “You look so fucking beautiful,” you whisper from the back of your throat, lips pressing to Georgia’s ear, teeth nipping the pinkened top of it. “Do you feel far away and dreamy yet?”
Georgia exhales and thinks, her brow wrinkling into a furrow as though she wants to deny it but her thighs are hanging apart and the evidence is plain to see. When she inhales, you push on the flat of her shoulder and send her slowly spinning around on her axis, like a little planetary body, like a little world in and of herself.
“Don’t worry pretty girl,” you laugh, sultry and low. “We have the whole evening ahead of us, remember?” you remind her. “You can take as long as you need to get there.”
“About that,” Georgia murmurs, eyes closed and struggling to be the disinterested onlooker that she was when the rope first went on. “I might have a business call to take in a little…”
“Not a chance in hell.”
“It’s important.”
“I don’t care.”
“If the phone calls then I’m answering it.”
“Oh, are you now?” you hum, glancing around the living room, and then your eyes land on the phone by the coffee table. “Tell me more, please? I like it when you’re grumpy.”
“Baby.” Georgia opens her eyes, determined to be in control and to have the final word. “If my phone goes then we’re stopping so I can take…..wait, what are you doing?”
“Dynamic problem-solving.” you bring the phone back towards the tied-up troublemaker. “Thumbprint, please. I’ll put your phone on airplane mode.”
“No.” “You promised me an undisturbed evening for my birthday,” you say sternly.
“One little phone call won’t ruin a whole evening.” Georgia tucks her fingers in her fists behind her spine and won’t budge.
“Give me your thumb, Georgia, this is your last warning.”
Georgia just smiles coyly and keeps her thumbs and fingers balled. “Sorry,” she somehow manages to shrug in her box-tie. “No can do.”
“Alright, have it your way.”
“What are you…” Georgia’s eyes grow wide as the arm pulls back, the shoulder swings and the phone is thrown through the open balcony doors “Baby!” She hisses.
“No more call,” you shrug and pick up her flogger. “You want to complain about it?” You twist the handle and show the crybaby the spreading falls of leather.
Georgia’s ribs swell outwards against the rope with a long, deep inhale of breath. She holds it, cheeks puffed, eyes fixed on the flogger that was about to punch holes in the plot points of her machinations.
“I’ll get to it later,” she says, much more diplomatically.
“You know I think a little polite deference is the only thing incapable of hurting you right now.” you lift your eyebrow, smirking and remembering the words you both had negotiated around as being possible greens.
“Yes, Ma’am.” Georgia licks her lips and closes her eyes.
“That sounds so pretty in your mouth little girl,” you quirk a pleased look, spinning the flogger around until gravity gathered up and concentrated the falls. “Does it feel right?”
Georgia pauses for the longest time.
“I’ll take that as a yes. And,” you wiggle your brows, striking the front of her thigh with a tame gentle thud. “I would like it if you made a point of using it for the rest of tonight, please.” Georgia nods but says nothing.
The strikes of the flogger are never too solid, never more than you feel Georgia will find pleasurable. The flogger whips the air, its bark far worse than its bite, striking the front of her thighs, expertly wrapping over the hip to catch her buttock.
“More please” Georgia whispers out of nowhere.
You grin when it registers in your brain.
“You’re forgetting something, baby girl.”
“More please, Ma’am.”
Georgia spins and twirls slowly in the rope, quiet, thrilled, straining, and sweating. In the moments she’s capable of speaking, she whimpers instead. You bury your fingers deep inside her little tight cunt, push-pressing into the tiny spot of heaven right behind her clit, palm dug against her swollen hood, edging her towards the gates of hell.
“Ma’am please, please, please…” Georgia’s eyes crack open. “Please can I cum?”
“Is it my birthday or yours?” you hum and slip your other hand up her belly.
The box tie makes Georgia’s breasts bulge and squeeze off her chest, nipples swollen, begging to be sucked, bit, played with, and squeezed hard until she breaks into tears. You do none of these things. You graze over them gently, circling, teasing them stiff and hard until Georgia is gritting her teeth and whining.
“Such a dirty, wet, messy little thing.” you remove your fingers and hold them up, webbing them, pushing them into hung crimson lips to be sucked clean. “Good girl, use your tongue. That’s it…” You slip the two fingers over the flat of her eager little tongue and make her gag and wretch into her fingers. “Good girl, give me your spit. What do you say Georgia?”
“Thank you,” Georgia mumbles incoherently against the fingers pressing down into her tongue. “Thank you, Ma’am.”
“Such a good, good girl.” you smile happily. “Tell me what you are.”
“Your good girl, Ma’am,” Georgia closes her eyes, embarrassed and thrilled.
“My good girl, huh?” you push your fingers back inside slick, swollen cunt lips. “You know I take great pride in pretty things that belong to me… maybe I’ll have to get you a collar,” you said while fucking her hard.
When Georgia whimpers and moans, it’s so much weaker and softer than her normal sounds. It’s the noise of a woman on the brink of her sensibilities, on the brink of new realizations about herself. You want to give her all and more, she looks so pretty like this, tied-up, spread open, pink, and puffing for air. She would look prettier with a hand wrapped around her throat, you think, but decide that will be more fun when it’s negotiated for another special evening, and there certainly will be another.
Fingers hilted far inside her cunt, curling against her g-spot, you are fucking her deep and fast until her hips are jolting and shaking in the air, you work her hard, relentless even. Her gleaming little asshole twitches and flexes. You grin, gathering saliva on the back of your tongue. When you hoicks a glob of spit, expert aim, dripping down her asshole, it does things to Georgia. You press your thumb into her ring, not penetrating, not delving too far, just pressing and circling against her slippery little hole. Georgia cries out and bucks her hips, forehead wrinkling, brows knitted, teeth clenching, her throat tense and rocking with want.
“Poor little baby girl,” you crane down and kiss her belly in sporadic little trails. “You feel so fucking drippy and desperate, princess, I can feel you clenching, you should be careful… I would hate it if you were sore tomorrow.”
“Shut up!” Georgia barks, giggling and moaning in the same breaths. It gives you an abrupt good laugh too.
“Fine baby,” you whisper and you fuck the clingy little cunt with your fingers, slipping out, smoothing your fingers over flush wet lips, circling her throbbing clit, pushing back in fast and deep. “You want to cum?”
“Yes please Ma’am, And.” Georgia nods frantically, gathering her breath. “Will you… will you put your thumb in?”
“My thumb in your butt?” you have to bite back the smirk.
“Well I would just hate it if it was too much for you to take kitten.” you grin and nip her hipbone, fingers curling and fucking her to oblivion. “But, if you’re sure”
“I’m sure!” Georgia almost wails. “I’m sure, sure, sure! Please, I can’t…” Georgia rocks her hips, desperate and close. “I can’t hold on much longer.”
“You’ll hold on as long as I fucking tell you to hold it, baby. God help you if you don’t.” you made no bones, warm and soft and indifferent. “There’s a good girl, just give up, there you go, it will be so much better for you when you learn to just let me make the decisions…”
Georgia finally cries. It isn’t thick horrible destructive tears, she weeps, bottom lip going, nodding slowly, melting into her helplessness. She cries, and it’s enough to soften the little malevolent god between her legs.
“There you go,” you hush, thumb dipping and pressing inside. Georgia inhales a breath too big for her lungs, stiff and on the edge of herself. “Jesus, you’re sucking me inside greedy girl” You feel her muscles tense and flex against your thumb.
“So good!” Georgia makes less and less sense, barely holding on to herself. “Please? Please, Daddy?”
You blink, registering the deference, a word that hasn’t been negotiated, and yet… sounds and feels so fucking perfect. You just nod into it, feeling it out, thrilled and aroused beyond reason.
“Okay baby,” you husk when her muscles get tight all at once when the poor little baby dripping down her wrist can’t take anymore. “You can cum for Daddy.”
“Thank you!”
Georgia cums in a rush, explodes all at once, a big bang in and of herself. You grin and feel her flexing pretty holes get tight, fucking, forcing them to take more and more despite the sensitivity. It makes Georgia blink away tears, makes her open-mouthed sob stay hung and silent, frozen, her brain stuck like a stalled engine. You fuck her harder, faster, thrumming against her swollen g-spot until you’re certain you got the right angle.
Then, you really make Georgia burst.
“There you go princess,” you hush and rub dripping fingers up and over her soaked, twitching swollen cunt. “Such a good, good, good girl.” you laugh, teasing a bucking, over-sensitive clit that twists and tries to escape your ministrations.
“S-sorry,” Georgia stutters out of nowhere, nervous and not quite sure of the mechanics. “I didn’t…I didn’t mean…” She glances at you, then immediately looks away.
“What baby?” your brows furrow.
When you look down, taking stock of yourself, of your dripping wet t-shirt, your sprayed jeans, and the tiny puddle on the living room floor that would definitely need mopping. You nod and close your eyes, trying your hardest not to be pleased. “It’s okay, baby, that’s just squirt.” Your voice wobbles with amusement. “Georgia, it was very much intentional on my part,” you whisper and start the process of untying the suspension lines.
“Wait.” Georgia stares in disbelief as her thigh is slowly lowered back to the ground. “You… you can do that on purpose?”
“Yeah baby,” you knitted your brow together. “You want to try again later? Get you a snack, some water, put you in the bath first?”
Georgia’s expression is glittering, glowing, giddy, and pleased. It makes you feel pleased too. When Georgia has both legs back on the floor, curling and tucking up towards your chest as the rope is untied and takes off her shins, that’s when she finds her voice again.
“That sounds lovely baby.”
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new hs history teacher(/basketball coach ofc) steve who is being shown around the school by gym teacher chrissy.
she takes him around the building to show him where the teacher's lounge is, the cafeteria, what bathrooms to avoid at all costs, and to where her office is if he ever needs anything.
"If I'm not here, I'm probably in Robbie's class over in the language department."
"Robin, my partner. She officially teaches ASL, but she likes to join in on the others' lessons whenever she has downtime."
Finally, once they've covered the whole length of the school, she brings him to his room. "So this is you, and right next door is Eddie, our Criminalistics teacher." gesturing to the still-dark window of the door directly across from his in the alcove. 
There's polaroids covering nearly every inch of the outside of the door, pictures of what he can only assume are students with the same dark-haired man.
"It's a science elective," she explains, "It focuses on the basics of forensic science!"
"Wow that’s…really?"
She nods enthusiastically, "It’s super interesting,” she nods, moving to unlock the empty what-will-be history classroom. “Eddie’s here on even days, and in the music room on odd days for the guitar elective classes."
"Anything I should know about my wall neighbor?" he asks as she pushes the door open.
It looks like she's going to say no, but something flickers across her face and she winces minutely.
"Oh god, what is it?"
She looks at him sheepishly, "How do you feel about metal music?"
Since his tour in mid June, Steve's completely overhauled his classroom. 
The only room available to him was the one down here in the science hall, but he made do, plastering removable whiteboard contact paper to the tops of the lab tables and a little reminder at each spot for the students about his less-than-stellar hearing, to make sure they speak up when answering a question from the back of the room.
And ever since he got his room, he'd been waiting for the day he finally meets his neighbor.
He met Chrissy's Robbie the same day he had the tour, and they clicked instantly (No seriously, how did he ever function before Robin?). Chrissy had made the comment about them being platonic soulmates one night in August when they'd gone out for one too many drinks, and it's stuck ever since.
Speaking of: "What are you still doing here, dingus? It's almost five."
"Yeah, I know, I know," he says, waving her off.
Robin comes in from the hall and plops herself down on one of the table tops instead of helping him hang a map behind his desk. "You're still adding stuff to your walls?"
"Well, I haven't been here for a couple years already, Bobs," he grits out as he stretches up on his toes to hang the far corner of his map. Finally, the eyelet hooks over the many-times-painted-over hook embedded in the concrete wall. "So yes."
"Well you can finish up tomorrow, we," she emphasizes the word by dramatically waving the same sign with her hand between them, "Have a burger date to get to." 
The following day, the day before the school year officially starts, Steve arrives early to his classroom, only to find his neighbor's classroom lit up as well.
The be-polaroided door is propped open all the way, the sound of heavy drums and guitar streaming out the door along with the faint smell of moth balls and a spicy incense.
His own room forgotten, Steve steps through Mr. Munson's doorway.
Eddie is standing behind his desk at the front of the room, but hunched over it scribbling onto something.
When Steve's shoe squeaks against the tile floor, Eddie says "Hey, what do you think, identifying skeletal remains, or blood spatter first?" without looking up at him.
"Skeletons, of course." Eddie's head snaps up to look at him. His huge dark eyes are much more striking in person than in a photo. "Much more interesting, yeah?"
Eddie blinks at him. "You're not Chrissy."
"You're correct."
Eddie blinks again, "Who're you?"
"Oh, sorry, hi. I'm Steve. I'm your new neighbor." he gives the other man an awkward wave when he still doesn't move. "Sorry, should I--" he says, gesturing over his shoulder with a thumb.
"No!" Eddie interrupts, standing straight and hurrying out from around his desk. 
He extends a hand and jogs lightly up to Steve. His pen is still laced into his fingers, the end of it chewed flat. "Oh shit, sorry, sorry," he tucks the pen behind his ear, "I'm Eddie. Munson."
"I know," Steve smirks, taking Eddie's hand. "I've been waiting to meet you."
"Oh have you?" he smirks.
"Yeah, Chrissy told me you're her best friend and I wanted your advice on maybe asking her out."
Eddie's face hardens immediately, the warm milk chocolate of his eyes curing into a solid dark, the easy smirk morphing into a cringe as he looks Steve up and down.
He opens his mouth to say something particularly scathing, Steve's sure, but he cuts him off before he can. "I'm kidding, man, I know she's with Robin."
His expression softens just a bit.
"Plus, she's not really my type anyway, even if I were hers."
"Yeah, I'm more into brunettes." Steve winks, finally releasing Eddie's hand. "I still have a bit more to get done, but I'll check in with you later?"
"Oh--yeah, for sure, I'll be here." Eddie stammers out, his cheeks tinged pink.
Steve fist pumps in his head as he heads to his door, You still got it, Harrington.
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stariiesz · 4 months
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୨⎯𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ⎯୧
Chapter 3
Authors note: Satoru is actually becoming likeable! Also this isn’t proof read again hehe
Tw: Alcohol consumption
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August 20th 2017
After a long summer of rest, fun, and heartbreak, it was finally time for the back-to-school season. And for you, it was time to start your first semester at Kyoto College. You were excited of course, it was a fresh start and a chance to meet new people. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you were still a little hurt about what happened at the festival but you were trying to get over it. That wouldn’t stop the thoughts about how Satoru was supposed to also be going to Kyoto College but had changed his mind a few months beforehand.
Now you think it’s better he doesn’t come. Running into him would most likely go a lot like it did at the festival. There was no universe in which he’d want to see you and potentially be friends. Those were all hopes of the past and you’ve learned to accept it. You would be lying if you didn’t say you weren’t a little mad at Satoru. I mean, after all, he hated you for no reason. He was rude and he made it clear he wanted nothing to do to you. You wish you had gotten the hint earlier in high school so you didn’t look like such a hopeless romantic. Now that you think about it, maybe Alina wasn’t the only one with an obvious crush on Satoru.
More importantly, you were moving out of the only home you’ve ever known for the year. You were dorming on campus with what you hoped would be a good roommate. You packed everything you needed for the time being. You took one last look at your room before heading out. You lived an hour and thirty minutes away from Kyoto University, so you wouldn’t be going home daily. More like once a week or two. It wasn’t too bad a schedule, but for you who aren’t used to being away from home for so long, it would be a little difficult.
Your parents helped you load up the car and you drove to the campus. After finally arriving on campus you had your parents help you load stuff in your dorm. The dorm was average-sized. Your roommate wasn’t coming until tomorrow so it gave you some time to adjust and have things the way you wanted them. You said goodbyes to your family and there you were. Sitting in your empty dorm room with boxes of stuff packed around you. You sighed and laid down on your bed staring straight up at the ceiling. Classes started tomorrow and you were taking the writing class you wanted to take. That was something to look forward to, right?
You explored the campus and got a feel of where you would be dedicating the next four years of your education. You got some ramen at a local ramen shop on campus and went back to your dorm where you would eat in silence. Your roommate decided to come a little earlier and came later that evening. So far you liked her.
Her name was Ayaka. She was 18 and was really interested in majoring in arts. She seemed like someone you could make friends with so that was good. She was super optimistic and she wore bright clothes and had bright room decor. She was the solar opposite of you but it was nice to have the company. You two talked for a while and you realized you weirdly had a lot in common. You botched like reading books, especially manga, you both strive to do good in school, and you both didn’t have any friends. You were just glad to have a good roommate and a nice person to talk to. So far college life was good, even though you hadn’t actually started classes.
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So there you were the next day standing in front of your mirror wearing an outfit that wasn’t you at all. You just wanted to make a good impression on your first day, but you figured it would be better if you dressed like yourself. Wearing a mini skirt and a crop top was unlike you, so you changed to the usual hoodie and some sweats. Much better and much more comfortable.
“I like your outfit, Y/N,” Ayaka said from her top bunk as she dangled her legs and played with one of many charm bracelets. You gave her a smile and adjusted your ponytail. “Thanks.” You said putting the last notebook into your bag. Even though you hadn’t even known each other for 24 hours, you were becoming friends. You had a fresh start indeed.
You two went your separate ways as you had classes on opposite sides of the campus. You walked to your first class which was mathematics, a subject you didn’t like but you did decent in it. The class wasn’t too bad. You got to know your professor and some other nearby seatmates. After that, you had social science. You actually made good friends with a friend group consisting of three people. They were all super nice and again you had a bunch of shared interests. This college thing wasn’t so bad after all.
After three classes, you had a break for lunch where you sat with your new-found friends, including Ayaka. You talked about the professors you liked the ones you didn’t and the classes you wanted to take and the ones you didn’t. It was going great until Ayaka mentioned something that piqued your interest immediately.
“Yeah so, in my art class this morning there was this really pretty boy. He seemed popular already too! He had white hair and the prettiest shade of blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He was soo cool. He had these piercings and-” Ayakas voice faded into the background. White hair blue eyes, white hair blue eyes. Surly it couldn’t be him. You heard yourself that he was going to the University of Tokyo with Alina so why would he be here? What could have changed? Then again, maybe it’s not him. His hair could have been a super light blonde instead of white right? But those eyes, you couldn’t mistake those eyes.
Your mind was running wild with thoughts about the mystery man who was possibly Satoru. It was only confirmed when:
“Yeah he was so pretty, I think his name started with an S or something. Sawyer? No that’s stupid. Sa...Ugh, I can’t remember.” She was cut off by you mid-sentence.
“Satoru. His name was Satoru, right?” You asked. You had to be sure it was him. And even if it was, why was he here, why did he change schools last second? You had so many questions, but on top of all of that was the slight bit of hope that maybe things could be different this time.
“Yeah, yeah! That was his name, Satoru. Do you know him or something?” Ayaka said as she took another bite of her Mac and Cheese. Your stomach felt like it was making knots. So it really was him. Satoru Gojo was at your school after all, but why, and did that mean Alina was there?
“Yeah actually, we used to go to the same high school, long story.” You said snapping out of your daydreaming. Ayaka looked surprised at your comment.
“Really? I figured he was a model or something. You must have been lucky to have him at your school.” She said. The rest of your friend's conversation faded into the back as you pondered. Ok so it was confirmed to be him, but now what? There was a likely chance of running into him, but what would you do if you did? Ignore him, smile at him, hell maybe even try to talk to him? But would he even be interested in striking up a conversation with you? Probably not. It’s probably best for you to ignore him like he's done to you right?
After the lunch break ended you headed to class. This one you were pretty excited about because it was the writing class. You got there a bit early so you could get to know the professor. You may have seemed like a teacher's pet to others but you were excited for this professor's class. You took a seat in the middle row of seats and pulled out your supplies. As class officially started students started to flood in, you were looking to see if a certain white head of hair had entered but you hadn’t seen anything yet. Thank god. You weren’t sure if it would be a good or bad thing if he were to come into this class. But if he were to come, you’d try your best to avoid him.
The class filled up rather quickly and there was one seat left which was right by you. As you were waiting for the class to start, you had your head down lost in the fantasy of the book you were reading, you only looked up when you felt the presence of someone sitting next to you. You only looked up when they had dropped their pen and you grabbed it for them. That's when you locked eyes with those eyes. Those beautiful ocean eyes. His eyes. No other than Satoru Gojo sat beside you. You were shocked it really was him. He mumbled a quiet thanks before taking his pen back and looking up at the board. You closed your book and paid attention to the board, not that you were really paying attention though. You kept getting the occasional glance at Satoru and he did the same even going as far as to smile at you. It was like the first day of high school all over again.
Things felt different like he was being maybe even nice to you. Did you change that much over the summer that he couldn’t recognize you or something? The only thing you really changed about your appearance was getting bangs over the summer but unless Satoru’s blind, he would still know it’s you. Unless he was just being genuinely nice for some odd reason. You were so lost in your thoughts that you basically missed half the first lecture, but it didn’t really matter to you now.
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After class, you were both packing up when your professor called you up.
“Since you two are the last ones here, can you do me a favor and clean the board and sweep the floors? There’s a board meeting in here next and I haven’t had the time to do it, I have to grab the snacks for everyone.” Your professor asked in a hurry. Normally it would have been an immediate yes, but again it wasn’t just you, it was Satoru too. But you couldn’t turn down your clearly stressed professor just because of a boy so you agreed and so did Satoru.
“Thank you both, I owe ya!” He said walking out of the class and closing the door behind him. An awkward silence fell over the room as you and Satoru stood there for a second before you took the broom and began to sweep. You didn’t care at this point. You just wanted this awkward interaction to be over with. Satoru took an eraser and ran it over the chalk writing on the board. There had been an awkward silence for a few minutes before Satoru finally broke it.
Satoru cleared his throat “So, how did you like his class?” He asked, eyes still preen on removing the chalk writing on the board.
You were silent for a second, still not completely sure he was talking to you. “Uh, I liked it, it was interesting.” You replied focusing on sweeping like it was the most important thing ever.
“Yeah.” He said. He stopped erasing and turned to look at you. You looked up at him and you two made eye contact for what felt like forever. His eyes focused on yours and the same with yours. You cleared your throat before looking back down and sweeping, but Satoru was still looking at you, you could feel it.
“Y/N, I want you to know I’m sorry for being such a douchebag in high school, you didn’t deserve that.” He said rebreaking the silence. Your mouth almost dropped to the floor. Satoru was apologizing to you? Now? Why was he doing it now? Was he dying and he wanted to make right before he passed or something? You stopped your brain from jumping to crazy and stupid conclusions like that and thought of a way to respond to all this.
“It’s.. ok, I guess.” That was all you said as you continued to sweep up the floor. You couldn't stop yourself from asking the next question though. “Why now are you apologizing?” You asked finally looking up from the floor again. He was looking down at you.
“Because we're in college now, there's no need to hold stupid grudges from high school, so let’s have a fresh start, yeah?” He said with a smile. The first ever genuine smile he’s given you since that day in freshman year. You were very surprised, but what he said made sense. Even though it had only been a month since you last saw him, he seemed to grow over such a short period of time. But there was another question eating at you. Where was Alina, and why did he not go to the University of Tokyo with her?
Since Satoru was being honest with you, you did the same.
“So, what happened to your girlfriend?” You asked as you set the broom down, finally being done with your small side quest. A flash of confusion crossed Satoru’s face for a moment as if he was totally unaware of having this so-called ‘girlfriend’.
“Who?” He asked as he finished wiping up the last bit of chalk on the board. Now it was your turn to be the confused one. Just a month ago, Alina had made it very clear that she was with Satoru now. It was confirmed by your own eyes when you saw them kiss in the parking lot too. So why is he now acting like he isn’t dating her? The thought that they may have broken up popped up in your mind as well.
“You know, Alina. She told me you two were together back at the festival, and I saw you guys kissing in the parking lot.” You told him as you sat and spun in the professor's chair right in front of him. Satoru giggled a bit.
“Me and Alina? No, I bet she was just pranking you, we’re not dating. And that kiss was just her trying to make some boy jealous, so I went along.” Satoru said clearing up the misunderstanding.
Maybe the kiss made sense now but you remember very vividly Alina telling you that the two of them were together. It made you a little happy to know that she tried to make you jealous but lied the whole time. And it was clear by Satoru’s tone that he saw her more as a close friend than a girlfriend. But another part of you felt a little bad for Alina. Crazy, right? But the poor girl was so desperate to keep other girls away from him that she would lie and ruin other girl’s reputations one of those being yours. Wait, maybe you don’t feel so bad after all. So they weren’t together, that was kind of a relief. You seemed to note that Satoru probably didn’t want to talk about your little confession, so you didn’t bring it up.
You two were interrupted by the professor coming back in with a tray of snacks and napkins in his hand.
“Thank you, you two. I will pay you back somehow. You can go now, I gotta set up.” He said ushering you out of his classroom. This was the last class of the day so you had nothing but time. You and Satoru awkwardly stood outside the door of the class before he spoke.
“Uh wanna head to the dorms now?” He asked rubbing his undercut. You nodded and you both headed in that direction. The dorms weren’t on the same floor due to the gender-separated dorm system, but they were in the same building. The walk there was silent, it wasn’t as awkward as it would have been before but it was quiet. You finally decide to ask him another question as you enter the building.
“So why’d you not go to the University of Tokyo with Alina?” You said as you both stood at the beginning of the stairwell which would lead to different floors. He took a long pause before speaking.
“It’s gonna seem stupid but, it’s cause my father used to go here and… I don’t know I guess I wanted to carry on his legacy and make him proud.”
Right. You had heard that Satoru’s dad had sadly passed when he was still young and it affected him greatly. He didn’t like talking about it either. So it had to mean something for him to tell you about it.
“Yeah, I thought I wanted to go to the University of Tokyo because a bunch of my friends were going there like Alina and the rest, but, I thought about it and I wanted to come here again. Alina thinks she might transfer here next year, but I don’t think she will.
That made sense now. Satoru always wanted to come here for his dad but was temporarily persuaded by his friends to join them at the University of Tokyo. You were kind of glad that he came to this school. This felt like it could be the beginning of a friendship between the two of you, or something like that.
“Oh, that’s nice I guess.” You said holding on to the straps of your bags. “Well, I’m that way.” You said pointing to your dorm level.
“And I’m that way.” He said pointing to the level of his dorm. “I guess we'll see each other another time, bye Y/N.” He said heading up to his dorm. Maybe Satoru wasn’t so bad after all. He was just misunderstood by you, and Alina didn’t help with that image. He was pretty chill, you see why people wanted to be friends with him so bad.
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August 21st 2017
You were woken up bright and early by a text message on your phone. It was six am and you were staring into the bright light of your phone. What stared back at you was a notification saying that Satoru had started following you on Instagram. Your eyes widened for a brief moment as you clicked on his profile skimming through the photos. He had a very active social life, there was no doubt about that.
He had a lot of photos of himself with friends, and family, and traveling to different places. He also had a lot of photos with Alina, who was tagged in each one. You clicked on her user and checked out her page. Half of her pictures were ones with Satoru. You blocked her before hitting the ‘follow’ button on Satoru’s profile. You put your phone down and went right back to sleep.
Later that morning you woke up and started getting ready when your phone dinged again. This time it was a DM from Satoru on Instagram. You opened it and read what he had said. “I was just looking through your profile and I didn’t know you liked manga. I have a big collection myself.” He said. You smiled at that because, under his popular boy image, he was just as much as much as a nerd as you.
“Yeah, I like reading One Piece, what about you?” You texted back as you resumed getting ready.
“Same!” He said. This brought another smile to your face.
After finally getting ready, you started walking onto campus with your friends but their conversations faded to the back as you thought about things with Satoru. Things were going great so far, and it indeed seemed like the beginning of a friendship.
“Yeah, there’s a party there tonight, wanna go? Y/N?” Ayaka tapped your shoulder and you snapped out of it. “What are you pondering about?” Ayaka asked.
“Nothing, what were you asking me?” You said brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
“I was asking if you want to go to a party with me tonight! It’s for the freshman and like everyone is going. Ayaka said nudging your shoulder. You had other academic things to focus on that night so you declined.
“Nah that's ok, you guys have fun though.” You said as you pulled out your phone and checked for any DM’s. Nothing new from Satoru. You wonder if he’s going to the party, but then remember it’s Satoru, of course, he would be there with girls swarming all around him.
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After classes that day, you went to a coffee shop on campus and did a little reading there. You were at the climax of the book when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You took out your headphones and turned around to see Satoru with some books in his hands.
“Can I sit here?” Here said with a few strands of his snow colored hair in his face. You nodded and he sat down. You took out your headphones and closed your book.
“So are you going to that freshman party thing tonight?” Satoru asked taking a sip of his expresso.
“No, it doesn’t really interest me.” You said playing with the rim of your novel. “Are you going?” You asked as you stared at him. You were tempted to move those strands of hair out of his face as you paid attention to him.
“Yeah, I figured it would be a chance to get, hang out with my friends, and meet new people,” Satoru said. “You should come though, you never came to one of the high school ones so the least you can do is come to college ones.”
You sighed. He was right about that, but did you actually want to go to a party tonight? No, that was the last thing you wanted to do. But he and your new friend group were all going too. Sure you didn’t really like parties but, it was college, it was time to step out of your comfort zone for a bit.
You hesitated. ‘I’ll… think about it.” Satoru smiled at your words.
“Great, so I’ll take that as a yes!” Satoru said taking another sip of his drink. He gave you a lemon muffin which he had bought for you at the front of the coffee shop. Lemon was your favorite flavor, so it was cute how he got you a lemon muffin most likely not even knowing.
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After you and Satoru left the cafe you went your separate ways and you dashed up your dorms staircase. You went to your dorm and asked Ayaka for help on what to wear, how to do your makeup, hair all of that. She laughed a bit
“Y/N, It’s not a dinner date, it’s a college party, you don’t have to dress up so much. Just wear a tight short dress, leave your hair down, and a little makeup.” She said laughing at your frantic state of panic.
“Why did you change your mind? I thought you didn’t want to come.” Ayaka said as she put her hair in a bun and ate her instant ramen from the cup. You sighed.
“Well I didn’t but now someone I like is going and he wanted me to come so, I’m coming.” You said looking through your wardrobe for anything somewhat cute. Unfortunately, you didn’t own any tight dresses, so the best outfit you could put together was a short top and a skirt. Ayaka did a light amount of makeup for you and did your hair as well. You looked good, and it didn’t feel like you were being a fake either.
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You and Ayaka walked to the party which wasn’t too long a walk. You met up with a few other friends too. Now you were standing in front of the door, the sound of loud music playing in the room.
“Are you guys ready for our first college party?” Ayaka said excitedly as she opened the door and you all entered.
It was loud and smelled of booze, there were a lot of people and you kept bumping into people. It was pretty overwhelming. The whole time you were looking for Satoru as your friends went off to grab some drinks. You had never been drunk before and you didn’t want to start doing stuff like that now. Instead, you took a seat in the kitchen where it was more quiet and people would occasionally come in and out for the alcohol.
You sat at the kitchen table suddenly regretting coming to this god-awful place. You’d much rather be cozy at your dorm reading a book or watching a movie, but here you were trying to step out of your comfort zone and do something new for a change. You decided you should probably just head back to the dorms and let your friends have fun. Right before you were about to leave the kitchen a guy with long black hair, ear piercings, and sweats on entered. He dug around the fridge which indicated he probably lived there with some other roommates. You got up about to leave before he stopped you.
“Hey, why are you leaving so soon?” He asked not batting an eye and pouring beer into a cup. It caught you off guard. Why did he care if you left, he looked like the type of guy to have a bunch of girls waiting for him.
“Uh, it’s not really my scene.” You said with an awkward chuckle. He closed the fridge and turned around to face you. That's when you got a good look at his face and he was hot.
“Want some?” He said holding out the red cup of beer. You politely declined before he took a seat across from you. “So if it’s not your scene, why’d you come in the first place?” He said staring at you as he started sipping some of his beer. You didn’t want to tell him that it was because of a boy, so you told him the partial truth.
“Because my friends are here and I wanted to check out the party.” You said as you sat back down. “What about you? Why are you here?” You said returning his question.
“Just came for the drinks and a few friends as well.” He said gulping down the rest of his beer. A moment of science passed before you got up.
“Well, I’m gonna head out now.” You said before you felt a strong grip on your shoulder. It was his.
“Wait, I just wanted to know your name.” He said putting his red cup on the table. You told him your name and he told you his name was Suguru.
“Have a good night.” He said walking back to the pile of drinks for his next one. You left the kitchen and navigated through the noisy party. Right before you left you heard a familiar voice call your name behind you. It was Satoru’s. You turned around and there he was with a red solo cup in his hand.
“I didn’t know if you’d come.” He said a little out of breath likely from chasing after you. “Here follow me, it’s too loud in here.” He muttered taking your hand and leading you somewhere. It was to the backyard where a few other people were, mostly the stoners. You two Sat down on the sofa and he smiled. “I’m glad you came, it was starting to get boring around here.” He said as he offered you his drink. You declined.
“Oh, I keep forgetting to ask you, can I have your number Y/N? It’s easier to text than DM on Instagram, you know?” He asked you. You were a little surprised but you gave it to him nonetheless.
“Great, now we can keep in contact.” He said as he smiled at you for the thousandth time that day. But that smile made you feel like you had butterflies in your stomach every time. “Uh so I stopped by a manga store after school and I got this one for you. I saw it was one of your favorite series and the latest volume just dropped. I hope you don’t already have it.” He said in a somewhat shy tone of voice as he rubbed the back of his head. You found it sweet that he had found one of your interests and bought it for you.
“No, actually I haven’t gotten the new volume, thanks!” You said giving him a small hug as you took the book. He smelled good was the main thing you noticed when you hugged him. Hugging him felt nice, and comforting. It was awkward when you stopped hugging and sat on opposite sides of the sofa. You tucked your hair behind your ear. It was clear Satoru was a little drunk but nothing too bad.
“Y/N, your confession didn’t mean nothing to me,” Satoru said suddenly breaking the silence. Confession? Right, you had almost forgotten that you had poured your feelings out to him before graduation because you thought he wasn’t coming to Kyoto, but now he’s here and it’s awkward.
Your eyes widened. “Oh.” That was all you managed to say as you locked eyes with him. You quickly looked down feeling the heat rush to your face. “Yeah about that-” He cut you off.
“And I think I like you too.”
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Authors note: each chapter keeps getting longer and longer:p
5.0k words
<-previous Next chapter coming soon!
Tag list: @username23345 @midnightwriter21 @seternic @azure-op @megumisthirdog @kalulakunundrum @mochi-ssu@olanii1019 @mediocre-introvert @shirabane @wolywolymoley @kalopsia-flaneur @aish777 @sapphireandange @pjmo-ri-ka-wa @prettykcals4301
Banner creds: @cafekitsune
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Kinktober Day 15 - Noncon
Ghost x Reader - 4.6k (on ao3)
summary: You find yourself cornered in a Maze of Mirrors. (Reader POV)
cw: noncon everything, face fucking, pussy slapping, degradation, kinda a wedgie? like a front wedgie? is that a thing?, orgasm denial
note: if you like this (or hate it but like the concept) read Halloween Haunt by Harley Laroux <3 her erotica is top tier
You’ve always loved Halloween - always been the kid with the scariest costume in class, always had the house decorated with uncomfortably realistic decorations. When your sorority sisters dressed up as black cats and sexy witches, you spent hours painting the most realistic zombie makeup you could. (Your sisters complained for months that you ruined the pictures, but the frat boys had all thought your makeup was far more interesting than theirs. God, you do not miss college.)
Regardless, you’ve always been known to love any and everything scary. There’s something about the thrill of a scare - the creeping horror as you start to realize what’s coming, the ultimate reveal - that always gets you a little squirmy in your seat. Your first crush was Skeet Ulrich in Scream - specifically the scene where he’s covered in blood, licking his fingers. 
You get all those ooey-gooey good scared feelings as your friend drags you through the decently crowded fairgrounds. The actual fair - the one that comes yearly, that no one ever calls anything but the fair - had left only two weeks ago, so this travelling fair had set things up in mostly the same arrangement and, you suspect, to trick certain people into thinking they were the same company.
You’ve already forgotten what your friend said the event was called. She hadn’t needed to give many details to convince you - you heard travelling circus, horror themed, interactive workers, and you were in. The branding isn’t very strong anyways, the only place the name was displayed was the entrance booth, and none of the workers seem to wear any sort of logo, so you don’t feel too forgetful for letting it slip your memory so easily.
You’re not very impressed with the fear factor so far. You hadn’t done too much makeup (hadn’t wanted to risk being mistaken for a cast member) but since it’s the night before Halloween you’ve got a half-done costume on - a clown. Just some white face paint, black lips, and overdrawn triangles around the eyes, a little smudged to make it look like you’ve been chasing someone down and working up a sweat. Your hoodie and tennis skirt look a bit out of place, but you’d wanted to be comfortable since you hoped you’d be spending your night running from actors.
But even a face full of makeup feels like it might’ve been too much effort for this place. Most of the costumes look like they’re from Party City at best - some of them even look very lazily hand-made - and none of the workers seem particularly interested in scaring people. Still, the crowd is easily amused and even a wave or a feint towards a customer has shrieks ringing in the air every few minutes.
You sigh a little disapointedly as you and your friend linger on the edge of the fairgrounds, off to the side and in the dark so you don’t have to deal with the crowd. She pulls out a cigarette and offers you her light.
“I’m sorry,” she says, lighting the stick between your teeth when you lean forward. “I really thought it would be scarier than this. Some of the posters…” she exagetates a shiver. “I thought they’d at least have better costumes.”
You eye a man in a werewolf mask across the pathway, pissing into the dirt. He’s got a flannel and jeans on, and the mask is a little bit crumpled like he pulled it out of a Walmart bin this morning. You’d bet money the flannel was just a happy coincidence he noticed when he showed up for work.
“Yeah,” you sigh, blowing out a lungful of smoke and watching the actor try not to get his dick stuck in his zipper. “Not really your fault, though, these things always look scarier in the ads. Wanna get out of here soon?”
You pass the cigarette to her. “In a bit,” she replies. “I want to try and find some food first. You hungry?”
You shake your head with a grunt. “I wouldn’t trust anything cooked here, honestly. Might just pick up something on the way back.”
She passes you the cigarette for one last breath. “Well I’m too hungry for that. You good on your own for a bit?”
You crouch down a moment to stub out the cigarette, leaving the butt in the gravel. “Yeah, sure. Might see if these fun houses have anything worth seeing in them.”
“You should!” She smiles over her shoulder at you as she starts off to a more well-lit section of the fair. “You never know, maybe they stick the real scares in there!”
You give her a final wave and shout, “Here’s hoping!” at her back as she leaves. 
You linger outside for a little longer, scanning the few structures nearby to decide which one you want to waste a few tickets on.
There’s a Freak Show, but you already know you’d be horribly disappointed if you went in there, something labeled a “House of Horrors” that you’re sure is as much a scam as the freak show, and a few games that have cheap prizes lined up above them.
Across from you, with no lights around it and just one attendant - slumped over, hopefully sleeping - at the front, is a House of Mirrors. Figuring it’s the least likely to be a waste of time (and knowing the kid won’t wake up to charge you), you head over to the building.
The closer you get the more you worry about if he’s asleep or dead, but his snores rattle the little tickets resting on his desk so you figure he’s just a slacker. It’s almost too easy to get by him with all your tickets safe in your pocket. There’s no one else around the darkened corner of the fairgrounds, but you’re quite sure no one would bother snitching on you this late at night. All the parents with little kids left hours ago, leaving mostly teenagers and adults of varying ages left to wander the park.
There’s music playing from speakers that you can’t see, an old clown-themed song that sounds like it’s playing on a scratched up DVD. You’re pleasantly surprised as you make your way through the dusty lobby and into the main section of the building, creatively labeled MAZE OF MIRRORS.
Their branding could definitely use some work, but you’ll give them points for ambience - the lights are turned so low that it’s nearly too dark to see, making all of the mirrors even more difficult to spot. You find yourself a little spooked as you start to make your way through the maze, grinning to yourself.
It’s a shockingly difficult maze, you quickly discover. The music is so loud in some spots that you can hardly hear your thoughts, and so faint in others that you think it might be turned off. The maze itself is a series of either tight, tiny hallways or large open rooms. Whoever designed it clearly knew how to take advantage of the space they were given, the maze feels ten times bigger than it looked on the outside as you wander through.
You know the trick to mazes - keep one hand on the right wall and eventually you’ll find your way out - but it’s fun to just wander around the place, so you let yourself get stuck wandering in circles. You’re glad your friend isn’t here to see how many times you manage to walk into a mirror fully confident that it’s not there, only to whack yourself in the face. For how low maintenance the rest of the fair is, you’re surprised that the hall of mirrors is what they focus their upkeep on.
You’ve been in the maze for about five minutes when you see him.
He scares the shit out of you at first. You spot him behind you in a mirror - one you’d just walked into, which is the only reason you can see well enough to notice him - standing at the entrance to the hallway you’d turned down. He’s clad in all black, except for the skull mask over his face. You think he’s just something taped onto the wall with the way that he blends in, but then that mask titls to the side and you’re struck with the bone-deep knowledge that you’re being watched.
“Shit!” You shout when it first registers that he’s not a piece of paper, one hand coming up to clasp at your erratically beating heart while the other steadies you against the mirror. He doesn’t move past tilting his head a bit further, and after a moment you relax.
You don’t turn around, but you study him a bit in the mirror. It’s too dark to see much more than the outline of his body, but he’s big. He looks like he’s wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and jeans with the mask, and he must be wearing gloves to cover his hands since you can’t see them.
You huff out a laugh as you let both of your hands fall to your sides.
“You got me good,” you call, glancing over your shoulder. You almost jump again - he’s closer than you’d realized, but too far away for you to touch. “I didn’t even see you follow me in here.”
He doens’t say anything. You turn around more fully, leaning back against the mirror and crossing your arms across your chest.
“You gonna start chasin’ me now?” You ask, cocking an eyebrow. You’re playing up the sass, but it’s always fun to mess with theme park employees.
The man takes a few steps forward, heavy boots thudding against the cheap wood flooring. He really is an intimidating bastard, far scarier than any of the other actors you’d seen so far.
“Well?” You call out, standing up from your spot. “Do I get a head start?”
Still no answer. He rolls his head on his neck, then steps to the side and walks into one of the connecting hallways without sparing you a glance. When you step closer to see which direction he’s chosen, he’s already gone.
You huff another laugh to yourself, shaking out your limbs and bouncing a few times on your toes.
Now that you know there’s someone in here with you, the thrill of a scare is starting to get you worked up. You hope they don’t have any rules against physical contact between actors and customers, just imagining the skeleton man tackling you has shivers running up your spine.
You don’t bother to be any quieter as you keep wandering through the maze. You bump into just as many mirrors, continue to question the speaker placement, and keep an eye out for any skeleton masks lingering behind you.
You see him a few more times, always behind you, always just out of reach. He gets progressively closer everytime you spot him. You're reminded of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who - every time you look away, he gets closer.
It’s fun. More fun than you’ve had all night.
He finally catches up to you what you guess is about half an hour later. Youre just turning another corner, thinking about how it’s been a bit since you’ve seen your shadow, when a hand plants itself firmly between your shoulder blades and shoves.
You’re sent to the ground with a cry, palms scraping against the floor. There’s a gloved hand collaring your throat before you can think to do much more than catch your breath, hauling you up and holding you in the air.
Your eyes fly to the mirror less than a foot away, staring wide-eyed at the image reflected.
There’s you, in your messy clown makeup and hoodie, being held up by a giant swath of black behind you. He’s not ducking down at all, his feet planted on either side of your splayed legs as he towers above you. The way you’re being held up, your head doesn’t even reach his belt buckle. The contrast of your shock and discomfort to his plastic mask has your thighs clenching, just a bit.
He doesn’t duck lower, just tilts his head in that now-familiar way of his and pulls you a little further up. His hand is absolutely massive, thumb resting beneath one ear and his fingers resting below the other. You choke a bit as you’re lifted, knees scrambling beneath you.
This close to the mirror you can see his eyes - bright blue, surrounded by black paint, and staring back into yours.
He lowers his head, his free hand tugging your hair until you lean back and look straight up. The hand on your neck shifts to hold you in that position, his other hand lifting to pull the black part of his mask up.
He’s white, with thin lips and a broad jaw. You pant as you stare up at him, incapable of processing what’s going on.
His jaw works for a moment, lips twitching, and before you realize what he’s about to do you feel something wet splatter against your cheek.
He spit on you. Who the fuck does that? Being tackled and manhandled is one thing but spitting? You recoil reflixivley, lips curling as you reach up to try and wipe disgusting liquid off.
“What the fuck-” You start, but before you can even finish your sentence you’re yanked forward by your neck.
You yelp as you’re thrown from between his thighs, hips twisted awkwardly and head slamming back against the mirror. You cry out at the sharp pain at the back of your skull, but before you can think of doing anything there’s a hand around your neck again, a body crouched in front of you - over you - keeping you from doing anything.
You gape up at the actor, panting and surprised. None of the other employees even got close to touching customers - half of them didn’t even look like they wanted to be there - what the hell is this guy’s problem? Does he just take his job way too seriously
He’s far too close to you now, your nose nearly brushing where his shoulder be, his boots on either side of your thighs, his chest pressed so close that you can’t do anything with your hands.
The hand not around your neck comes up to your cheeks, grabbing them both in one hand and pinching until your lips pucker up. You squirm, letting out a noise of surprise and pain when his thumb and pointer finger dig in between your teeth to force your mouth open. One eye squeezes shut at the ache, but there’s nowhere for you to go with him caging you in.
This time when he spits, it lands right in the little hole he’s made for himself. With how close he is, you see the way his lips twitch up in the corners.
You try your best to get out from under him, hands pushing at his shoulders and legs desperately kicking. But he’s like a statute above you, hard as stone and immoveable. 
He leans so close that his lips nearly brush yours, meeting your glare with a spark of amusement. 
“Like how it tastes?” He purrs, chest rumbling against yours.
You make a noise somewhere between offended and annoyed, trying to throw yourself every which way for even an inch of freedom. All you manage is a tighter grip on your jaw and neck, leaving you wincing.
“Lots more where that came from,” he promises.
It’s insultingly easy for him to manhandle you, and you curse all the times you swore to yourself you’d finally start taking self-defense classes. You can barely manage a single blow, and when your hands or feet do make contact he doesn’t even flinch.
There’s absolutely nothing you can do as you’re wrestled to the floor. He gets you flat on your back then kneels over your head, his knees so close that you worry he’ll squeeze them together and pop your head like a berry.
He doesn’t give you a chance to sit up, planting one heavy hand in the center of your chest and leaning his weight forward, knocking the air out of you. You finally regain the ability to speak when his other hand moves to his belt, undoing it right above your face.
“What are you-? No, no, get the hell off me!” You shout, desperately pushing at his arm and trying to get enough leverage with your feet to squirm away. “Don’t you fucking dare- help! Somebody help!”
Your screams go ignored, blending right in with that stupid clown music and bouncing off the mirrors just to come straight back to your ears. Your noise doesn’t deter him at all, and he’s got his belt off and jeans yanked down despite your resistance. 
“No, no, no, don’t- stop, please, you can’t-” you gasp, eyes flying wide as you find yourself staring up at his cock above you. 
He doesn’t give you any warning, just grabs your jaw, holds it open, and sheathes himself down your throat.
Your limbs spasm, every instinct in your body screamin to get away as he slips right past your gag reflex. You’re terrified that you’ll vomit and choke on his cock, the fear dousing you in icy cold and leaving you limp for a minute. All you can think about is breathing around the intrusion in your throat, finding some way not to suffocate and die on a sticky mirror maze floor.
“Finally,” you hear him grunt from above you. He grabs both of your wrists, easily ignoring your weak pulls and tying them together with his belt. “Somethin’ to shut you up.”
You try and make a sound around his cock, yanking your hands away and panicking even more when you feel how firmly tied they are. You make another sound, insitively trying to cry out even with something stuffed in your mouth.
He moans above you, lowering himself to his elbows over your body. “Yeah, just like that,” he pants. “Mouth feel’s fuckin’ heavenly.”
You go silent, determined not to give this piece of shit anything he wants. Tears pour down your temples and across the tops of your ears, and your throat burns.
His hips move slowly against your face, grinding himself as deep as he can get before pulling out just a few inches and sliding back in. He’s got an unfairly large cock, and there’s already an ache developing in your jaw from just seconds held so wide open.
His foreskin catches on your teeth when he pulls the whole way out just to fuck back in, and you’re sharply reminded of the fact that you have teeth.
When his cock bottoms out, his balls resting against your eyes, you bite down, praying it’s enough to break skin.
It’s not. Instead of blood pouring into your mouth and a screaming man falling off of you, you hear the man snarl, pulling his dick out entirely and slamming it back down your throat so harshly that it feels almost like he’s punched you in the face.
“No fucking teeth,” he snaps above you, and you feel his weight shift back onto his knees, then his hands grab at your thighs and throw them open. He flips your skirt up and before you can think to bite down again lands a stinging slap against the gusset of your underwear.
You nearly scream around his cock, hips snapping closed to try and smother the pain. He only growls another sound, using one hand to hold you open and the other to rain down a series of progressively harder smacks.
Your breath hitches as you sob, hardly able to get any air in around his thrusts as he starts them back up again. Every time he buries himself to the hilt inside of you, he lands another hit to your poor pussy. You can’t help but wail around him.
“There it is,” he moans, the sound loud and unrestrained. “God you feel good screamin’ around my cock. Good fuckin’ hole, huh?”
He punctuates the last four words with slaps, leaving his length inside your throat and going back to that horrible grinding against your face. You go silent again, using all of your willpower to keep from screaming. What little thought is left in your head is used to figure out how best to breathe through your nose without choking on snot.
He doesn’t smack you again, but you feel his fingers trace around the edges of your panties. Your hips wiggle against your will, just trying to get away from the violation. One of your legs is pinned to the floor by the thigh, but the other oscillates between going limp and trying to get leverage and force your body up.
His fingers hook around the gusset of your underwear, but before you can even worry about him touching you there, he pulls them up towards your body.
He does it with such force that you’re left squealing, hips flying off the ground to try and lessen the pressure against your clit. His hand pulls so far up that you feel it resting nearly at your belly button. You can’t help the little gasping, gagging noises as he starts to thrust in and out of your mouth again.
You hear - you feel - him laugh, swaying his hand from left to right. Your hips try to follow naturally, just desperate to alleviate any of the pressure you can.
“Like a little puppet,” he murmurs, yanking even further up, moaning when you scream.
He lets them go only a few thrusts later, big hand smoothing the fabric down over your cunt. You can feel that it’s stretched out, a little looser around the meat of your pussy, and the thought only makes you cry harder.
But you go silent again. It’s the one thing left in your control - even pinned to the floor, hands tied, legs useless, mouth stuff, you can decide how much noise you make.
He doesn’t like that. He groans a little when you go quiet again, tapping your thigh sharply.
“No, come on, make your little noises again. Feels real nice on my cock.”
This time you’re ready for the smack against your vulva, and you remain silent. You stay silent for the next three too.
His hips work with a little more force again, balls smacking against your face and leaving you to squeeze your eyes shut. After the next slap his hand doesn’t lift again, just rubs over your vulva slowly.
It’s pure luck on his part that he happens to rub over your clit. It’s a pure lack of luck on your part that you moan at the sudden and unexpected pleasure, completely taken off guard.
He stills above you, then slowly repeats the movement. You’re helpless to the little whimpers coming from your throat, and you curse the fact that you’ve always been loud during sex. He zeros in on exactly how to rub your clit unreasonably quickly, fingers sure through the fabric of your underwear.
“That what you need?” He rumbles a laugh above you. “Pain won’t make you noisy, but pleasure will? I can work with that.”
Before you can even begin to question what that means, your underwear are tucked to the side, and there’s a face buried in your pussy.
He doesn’t bother taking any time to explore or try and learn your body, just dives tongue-first to your clit. His technique of lick first, figure out what feels good later unfortunately works on you, and you’re left writhing beneath him, eyes rolled back in pleasure and moans muffled.
He groans agaisnt you, too, lips vibrating against your clit in a horrible and delicious way. “There you go.” You can barely hear him over the sounds of your own choking, especially with his own voice muffled in your folds. “That feels good, keep going.”
You don’t want to, but the magic he works against your clit leaves you no choice. You can’t help the hitched cries spilling from your lips, even if they make you cry all that much harder as you hear them.
He doesn’t take much longer to come, and you’re torn between resenting the fact that it’s your sounds that get him off and being glad that he does so he can get off of you.
He comes with a loud groan, sent right into your cunt and dragging you far too close to an edge you do not want to see, and sends thick ropes right down your throat. It’s almost a kindness that you can’t taste him, only have to swallow as quickly as possible so you don’t choke. The movements of your throat only draw out his orgasm though, and you’re locked in a terrible cycle for what feels like an eternity.
He doesn’t get you off. You’re not sure if you’re thankful or not.
You gasp when he finally pulls out of your throat, taking uninhibited breaths for the first time in far too many minutes. You can’t shut your jaw from the pain, but you also can’t kick your legs when he kneels up more fully.
He’s silent as he takes back his belt, and no matter how much you beg your arms to move, they remain still on your stomach. He shifts off of you, and you whine wordlessly when he grabs a handful of your hair, wiping his flaccid cock off in it.
Still, you don’t move.
He stands and redoes his belt silently, the jingle loud even with the clown music still playing. You stare up at him, and he holds eye contact with you. For some reason, you can’t look away.
He crouches down again before he leaves, and you can’t help but flinch away. He doesn’t touch you sexually again, though, only reaches out and pushes your jaw closed with two firm fingers.
You hate that he still has the mask pulled up, because it means you can see his smirk.
“That was fun. Maybe we’ll do it again sometime.”
He’s gone before you manage to understand what he’s said, and the tears start all over again when you do.
It takes you a while to scrape yourself off of the floor. You only catch sight of yourself in one mirror before you stare at the ground.
Your makeup is ruined, teartracks running down your temples and both cheeks. There are smudges along your jaw where his hands grabbed. Your lips are swollen and red. It could not be more obvious what’s just happened to you.
You plant one hand on the wall to your right, and keep your eyes firmly planted on your sneakers as you leave the maze. You feel almost detached from yourself, unable to truly understand what happened, what it means.
The throbbing between your thighs is distracting. You worry you might chafe from how soaked your panties are.
It doesn’t take long to find your friend once you finally make it out. She takes one look at you and laughs, teases you about having fun without her. You can’t bring yourself to correct her, and she picks up on your tone quickly, dropping the subject.
The two of you walk silently to your car. You hate it, but you can’t help but scan every actor. Thankfully - or maybe not thankfully? You don’t know anymore - none of them are even close to as big as the masked man in the hall of mirrors was.
You tuck your hands beneath your armpits as you finally make it to the parking lot, walking as quickly as you can get away with without running. Your limbs go a little looser as you get to your car, mind relaxing as it recognizes how close you are to safety. 
You freeze when you finally make it to the driver’s side door, lungs going still and heart beating so quickly you worry it’ll pound right out of your chest.
There, sitting in the driver’s seat, is a skeleton mask sewed onto a balaclava.
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dazailover4ever · 1 month
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Finally Yours
Summary : Caught between a heartfelt confession and an unexpected proposal, you find yourself at the center of a long-awaited revelation. When Kuroo finally steps forward, will you choose the boy who has always held your heart?
Kuroo x Kenma’s sister reader
You packed up your belongings with a sense of satisfaction, your usual calm demeanor hiding the pride you felt at once again being at the top of your class. It was something that had become expected of you—Kenma’s younger sister, always excelling in everything you did, much like your brother. But while Kenma’s focus was on games and volleyball, yours was on academics.
Despite your achievements, there was one thing you could never seem to figure out: your feelings for Kuroo Tetsurou, your brother’s best friend. The teasing, the lingering looks, the way his voice softened whenever he talked to you—every moment with him felt like something more, yet neither of you had ever made a move.
You pushed those thoughts aside as you exited the classroom, only to be stopped by a voice calling your name. You turned to see one of your classmates, a boy named Yuuto, walking up to you with a nervous smile.
“Hey, [Y/N], do you have a moment?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
You nodded, curiosity piqued. “Sure, what’s up?”
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” Yuuto began, glancing away for a moment before gathering his courage. “I really like you, [Y/N]. Would you… go out with me?”
The confession caught you off guard, and you stood frozen for a moment, processing his words. Yuuto was nice—one of the better guys in your class, always respectful and kind. But the only problem was that your heart already belonged to someone else. Someone tall, with messy black hair and a smug grin that never failed to make you smile.
Before you could respond, another voice interrupted, this one far more familiar.
“Oi, are you ready to go? Kenma’s waiting for us.”
You turned to see Kuroo leaning casually against the doorframe, his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked between you and Yuuto. His expression was unreadable, but there was a tension in his posture that hadn’t been there before.
“Kuroo…” You started, unsure of how to handle the situation. You hadn’t given Yuuto an answer yet, and Kuroo’s sudden presence only made things more complicated.
“Am I interrupting something?” Kuroo asked, his tone light but with an edge that made your heart skip a beat.
Yuuto glanced at Kuroo, clearly feeling the weight of his presence. “I was just… asking [Y/N] something.”
“Yeah, I heard,” Kuroo said, pushing off the doorframe and walking over to you, his gaze never leaving Yuuto. “But I think you’re wasting your time, Yuuto, she isn’t interested.”
“Kuroo!” you exclaimed, shocked by his bluntness. It wasn’t like him to be so rude, especially to someone who had done nothing wrong.
Yuuto looked between the two of you, realizing he was outmatched in more ways than one. “I’ll… talk to you later, [Y/N],” he mumbled before turning and walking away, his shoulders slumped in defeat.
Once he was out of earshot, you rounded on Kuroo, your eyes flashing with anger. “What was that all about? You didn’t have to be so harsh!”
Kuroo crossed his arms, his expression still unreadable. “He was wasting his time. You weren’t going to say yes.”
“That’s not the point!” you shot back. “It was my decision to make, not yours!”
Kuroo’s eyes finally met yours, and for a moment, the cocky facade he usually wore cracked. “So, would you have said yes?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but the words caught in your throat. The truth was, you wouldn’t have. You had no interest in Yuuto, or anyone else for that matter, because your heart was already taken. But admitting that felt too much like revealing your deepest secret, one you weren’t sure you were ready to share.
Kuroo seemed to take your silence as an answer, and something in his expression shifted. His usual confidence was back, but there was an intensity in his gaze that made you feel like you were the only person in the world.
“Good,” he said softly, taking a step closer to you. “Because I’d be damned if I let someone else have you.”
Your breath caught in your throat as Kuroo’s words sank in. “What are you saying, Kuroo?”
“I’m saying that I like you. A lot more than I should.” His voice was low, almost a whisper, as if he was afraid of scaring you off. “I’ve liked you for a long time, and it drives me crazy to think of you with anyone else.”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you stared up at him, his words sending a wave of warmth through you. You had dreamed of this moment for so long, but now that it was happening, you didn’t know what to say.
“Kuroo, I…” You trailed off, your mind racing. How could you even begin to explain the depth of your feelings? The way you’d always looked up to him, admired him, fallen for him little by little until he was all you could think about.
Kuroo took another step closer, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek. “You don’t have to say anything. I just… I needed you to know. And I couldn’t stand the thought of someone else telling you how they feel before I got the chance.”
His touch was warm, grounding you as you struggled to find your voice. “Kuroo, I’ve liked you too. For so long. I just… I didn’t know if you felt the same.”
His eyes softened, and a small, genuine smile curved his lips. “How could I not? You’re amazing. You always have been. And I’ve been an idiot for not telling you sooner.”
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions. But before you could say anything else, Kuroo closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.
It was everything you had ever imagined and more. His lips were warm and soft against yours, and you melted into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer. All the unspoken feelings, the longing, the years of waiting—it all came pouring out in that single, perfect moment.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, and Kuroo rested his forehead against yours, his eyes shining with affection.
“So, does this mean I can officially call you mine?” he asked, his voice teasing but laced with sincerity.
You laughed softly, your heart feeling lighter than it had in years. “Only if I can call you mine too.”
Kuroo grinned, that familiar cocky smirk back in place, but there was a softness in his gaze that hadn’t been there before. “Deal.”
Just then, you heard a familiar voice behind you.
“Kuroo, [Y/N], are you two finally done?”
You turned to see Kenma standing a few feet away, his expression as unreadable as ever, but there was a small, knowing smile playing on his lips.
“Kuroo, if you hurt my sister, I’m deleting all your saved game files,” Kenma said casually, but there was a protective edge to his tone that made Kuroo chuckle.
“Don’t worry, Kenma. I wouldn’t dare,” Kuroo replied, his arm slipping around your waist as if to prove his point.
Kenma just nodded, his gaze shifting to you. “And you, [Y/N], if you ever need help hiding a body, just let me know.”
You laughed, feeling a wave of affection for your brother. “Thanks, Kenma. I’ll keep that in mind.”
With that, the three of you began walking home together, Kuroo’s arm around your shoulders, and Kenma by your side. The future felt bright, and as you glanced up at Kuroo, you knew that no matter what happened, you were exactly where you were meant to be.
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
A Lesson in Biology
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summary — sirius has a midnight craving.
pairing — vampire!sirius black x fem!reader
disclaimer — i don’t own sirius black (sighhh) or the gif used
warnings — mentions of blood, oral (fem receiving), general smut, and (say it with me now) unedited
no one asked for this but sirius is literally so yummy i couldn’t contain myself
He comes to her at night — he always does. It’s stupid, and he chastises himself for the giddy feeling that warms his frozen body. She makes him feel like a fucking teenager and it’s disgusting.
He can see the dim, yellow glow of light coming from her window when he arrives. He climbs the trellis with ease and perches near the outer windowsill. Through the glass, he makes out a hunched figure seated at the desk. She’s in her baggy joggers and a tank top — lovely. Another quick glance around the room and he sees that it’s empty except for, no roommate in sight. Even lovelier.
Deep down, he knows how wrong this is. It's not wrong because he feels silly, or he didn't warn her before he got here. It's wrong because everything about her brings him closer to insanity: her scent, the outline of her body through the tank top, the trail of glistening salvia on her lips that her tongue leaves. He brings his hand to the lip of the window and is delighted (but not entirely surprised) to find it unlocked.
"Sirius!" Her tone is shocked, maybe even scared, but it wraps around him in a way that feels like a hug.
"Hey there, Lovebug," he grins widely as he slips through the window, his feet hitting the floor far too gracefully.
"Sirius, I didn't know—" She shoots up from her seat, "—You didn't call, right?"
"No, no," he chuckles, his voice thick as honey, "I didn't. Is that a problem?"
"Well, no," she sighs, "You just scared me, that's all."
"And you left the window unlocked." Sirius closes the space between them, raising his hand to gently stroke his thumb against her cheek, "Sure you weren't expecting any visitors?"
"Of course not." She knows he's only teasing, but the very thought makes her want to laugh. Someone else?
"Was I interrupting anything?" He asks, taking her hands into his. He brings them to his lips to press a soft kiss to the skin. His sharp teeth scrape lightly against her knuckles.
"Just a bit of homework," she sighs.
"Well, don't let me get in the way, Bug," he grins, "Go on, get back to your work."
She knows better than to think he's just going to let her work in peace. He shrugs out of his leather jacket, hanging it from her bedpost as he takes a seat closer to the headboard. He lays down, taking one of her pillows into his arms.
"You all alone tonight?" He asks as he smoothes the wrinkled fabric of the pillowcase.
"Liv's spending the night at her girlfriend's," she responds as she settles back down into her desk chair.
"Does she ever sleep here?" He tilts his head back to look at her, "She's less roommate, more occasional guest."
"You don't seem to mind." Though Sirius can only see the back of her head, he knows there's a smile on her lips. Her gorgeous, delicious lips.
He's tired of the pillow in mere seconds. The sound of a pen scrawling on paper calls him to the desk like a siren song. His hands are freezing against her bare arms. They rub up and down slowly, though, it's not as soothing as intended. Goosebumps erupt on her skin when his lips meet her ear.
"What class is that for?" He whispers.
"Biology." She swallows. Hard.
"Hm, interesting," he hums. The sight of her neck pulsing is not lost on him. His fingers, still cold as ice, trail her throat. It would be so easy to take her now. Her roommate wasn't home and likely wouldn't be until at least tomorrow morning. He could keep her silent enough that no one would hear a think, not even the dorm next door. Sirius's lips met her neck, and she let out a sigh. It would be so easy to take her, yet, it would be the most difficult thing he's ever done.
He'd created a routine over the years. When he was really thirsty, it wasn't hard to find a snack in secluded alleyways or dark corners. What he enjoyed most, though, was the chase; he'd find a new man or woman to pursue every once in a while. He'd charm them, butter them up, then drain their blood after fucking them into the mattress. He expected her to be no different.
Sirius met her outside a coffee shop on the edge of the campus. She smelled so sweet, so tempting, he couldn't just let her walk away. And so he proceeded as usual: he was charming, she was smiling, a date was planned. Somewhere between romantic dinner and vicious murder, though, his routine began to derail. When they talked, he didn't have to fake his laughs, nor did he notice the ache in his cheeks from how wide his smile had grown. He told himself he would just delay the inevitable—treat her to another date, give her the best sex of her life, then end it all there.
"I'm almost finished," she spoke quietly, glancing up at him. It was nearly three months later now, and he was still making excuses.
"Are you now?" He grinned against her neck, "My lips that good, Bug?"
"With my homework," she clarified with a roll of her eyes. He only let out a soft chuckle as he pressed open-mouth kisses to her shoulder. He couldn't be more thankful for the tank top she was wearing.
"You think you could wait another ten minutes?" Her voice was soft as she asked the question. She didn't want to give in when she was so close to finally finishing her work.
"No," he answered honestly. Wordlessly, he pulled her chair out, eliciting a squeak of surprise from her. He slipped into the small nook under her desk and kneeled before her. His misty grey eyes met hers.
"We can both get what we want, though." His tone was low as his fingers trailed to the waistline of her joggers.
"Sirius..." She trailed off. Sirius, yes? Sirius, no? Sirius, wait? Sirius, please? She didn't know what she was going to say, all she knew was that she was lifting her hips so he could slide her pants down.
He could feel her quickening pulse under his lips as he kissed her inner thigh. Sirius worked slowly, never once taking his eyes off of her as he delved further between her thighs towards her clothed heat. Nimble, callused finger yanked at her panties. He was gentle with her as he let them fall down her legs; it was like he was delicately plucking away petals from a flower. Even when she was fully exposed to him, he remained where he was, nibbling at the flesh of her thighs. It took him a minute or two teasing a few whines to give in.
"Oh, God." Was her cry when he finally pressed his lips to her folds. His tongue licked a stripe from the bottom of her cunt all the way to her clit where he focused his attention.
"I like the new nickname," he grinned up at her, halting his actions, "Am I your God now, Bug?"
She was halfway through grumbling at him when another moan tumbled from her mouth. Sirius was good, far too good. He had decades of experience under his belt and could find how to make anyone tic within seconds. Pride bloomed in his chest as her hands clawed their way into his long, black hair. Homework forgotten, she let herself fall into the trap he'd so easily set.
Before, he'd thought about silencing her, now, all he could think about was finding a way to make her louder. He fed off the sounds she made, relished in the shaky breaths and whimpers. His hands held her thighs apart with an iron grip. There would likely be bruises there next morning, but he didn't care. In fact, he pressed further, icy fingers burning marks into her skin.
"Sirius," she whispered, her voice hoarse with pleasure.
"I know, love, I know," he cooed, "Are you gonna cum for me?" He didn't wait for a response. His tongue slipped into her, prodding at her hole before returning to her clit. He knew she was getting close—the sound of her blood pumping rapidly mixed with the clenching of both her thighs and walls gave it away.
She came undone on him, soaking his his face from the nose down. He helped her come down with a few gentle licks and soothing rubs against her legs. If he wasn't undead, his heart would've exploded at the way she looked at him. It was selfish to keep her to himself like this. It was wrong to leave her ruined.
"Finish up your homework, Bug. I'm gonna need you to return that favor."
It was wrong, and Sirius couldn't care less.
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dazed-and-confused23 · 5 months
Act Naturally 3
Summary: It's been a couple of days since Lucy and Cooper married, and the vault doctor is confused when he finds out that they've not consummated it yet.
Pairings: Pre-War Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean
Warnings. None really? Smut with be on the next/final part.
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It's been a couple of days since their marriage, and Cooper finds life in the vault... dull, to say the least. There isn't much way of entertainment, and his new job as Althetic Coach was pretty useless, leaving the ex-actor bored most days. Not that Lucy is boring, but the young woman had more duties in the vault than he did, leaving Cooper alone much of the day.
No, Lucy was an amazing, intelligent young woman who Cooper was getting to know little by little. She was raised to be a go-getter, with a can-do attitude, but he could see that there was more to just that. Lucy was kind and thoughtful in a way that few people truly were. Cooper didn't love her, but he could see himself falling for the young vault dweller.
A week passes by, and he's back in their shared home, mindlessly watching a rerun of some old-world cartoon when there is a knock on the door. He pushes himself up and answers the sliding door to find a middle-aged man on the other side with a white lab coat over his vault suit.
"Hello, Mr. Howard. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet. I'm Dr. Gallows," He introduces himself and shakes Cooper's hand when offered.
"Cooper, good to meet you," the ex-actor, "What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
The doctor clears his throat and shoots Cooper a small grin, "Well, usually a new bride has already come to see me after the consummation of the marriage, but Lucy has yet to stop by, so I wanted to do a house call to make sure everything was good to go."
Cooper blinks at the doctor, and the casual way he brings up his sex life. Lucy hadn't made a move to try and sleep with him, and Coop had been fine with allowing her to set the pace. What did it matter if they hadn't fucked yet?
"Okay... and?"
The doctor lets out an awkward chuckle, "Well. Part of the Vault mission is to rebuild human society, but we can't do that if we don't have kids, right Mr. Howard? So I'd like for Lucy to come see me in the next couple of days, that should give the two of you please of time."
Cooper wants to protest, to immediately shut this innane bull crap down, but he stops himself. The vaults were a tight nit group, and he doubted that just he would be in trouble if he decided to deck their doctor in the face. Lucy would be part of this, too.
So, instead, the man sighs and grands the doctor a look little more friendly than a glare, "I'll see what I can do, Doc."
"Ah, splendid then! I'll see you in a couple of days!"
Cooper sneers as the other man be-pops away like nothing had happened and shuts the door quickly. He would have to talk to Lucy about this when she got home.
It's near the evening by the time his wife gets home, and Cooper welcomes Lucy with a smile and open arms, which she gratefully falls into. He holds her close and presses a quick kiss to the top of her head, "Long day, baby?"
Lucy sighs dramatically and leans back so that she can look at him, "You have no idea. Dad had me sit in on all his meetings, and then I had class to teach. No one even paid attention."
Cooper chuckles a bit and leads Lucy over to the couch, where she sits down beside him. He keeps her close, one arm curled around her back as she tells him about her day, which sounds far more interesting than anything he did today.
They are having a light dinner when Cooper brings up his visitor from earlier in the day, "Dr. Gallows came by today."
He pauses when Lucy’s face erupts in , and the fork she holds falls to the plate. He cocks a brow at her and sits back, sitting his own utensils down to give his wife his full attention. Cooper sees her swallow harshly and avoid his gaze.
"What - uhm. What did he want?"
Cooper licks his lips, fingers itching for a cigarette to occupy his hands with, and says as easy as pie, "Wondering why we haven't "consummated our marriage" yet."
Lucy's shoulders draw up to around her ears, and she slaps her hands over her face, "I'm so sorry. He wasn't being pushy, was he?"
Cooper huffed and stood from his seat, "Well, he made it quite clear that he wasn't too thrilled that we've kept him waiting. I'm not a fan of these vault rules, Darlin', so we'll make him wait as long as you want him to."
He gathers the dishes and sets them in the sink for later, and then turns back around to see his wife still slumped over the table. He frowns and mosies over, one hand dropping to her shoulder and squeezing lightly, "We'll follow your lead."
Lucy reaches up a hand and curls it around his own, her fingers squeezing hard before she lifts her head and peeks up at him through her dark bangs. Cooper thinks she looks beautiful like this.
"I want to," she begins and elaborates when he lifts a brow, her voice wavering with nerves, "to have sex with you. I was just too scared to ask."
The ex-actor scoffs and stands behind her, his other hand coming up to land on her shoulder and massage the tense muscles there. She sags under him, and Cooper bends down to press a kiss to the crown of her head. He didn't want her to feel scared or nervous around him, not when he was her husband.
"You can talk to me about anything, Sweetheart," Cooper assures his wife quietly, "I'm always in your corner, no matter what, okay?"
Lucy nods, and when she looks at him again, he catches the way her pupils blow wide and watches her red tongue sneak out to wet her lips. Arousal pools in his stomach, and his hands tighten around her shoulders.
"Can we have sex, now?"
Cooper swallows harshly and searches her gaze for any time that says Lucy might not want any of this but only sees growing excitement. He smiles at her, a slow smirk that speaks for how much he absolutely wants to have sex. He lets her go and rounds the chair, then angles her chin up to look at him with his knuckle.
"Go get ready for me then, baby."
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maxwell-grant · 2 months
do you have any favorite batman henchmen?
I put a lot of stock into how a Batman work tackles the resident henchmen and assistants and organization surrounding any specific Batrogue and how those intersect with each other so yes, absolutely I have Bat-henchman opinions, and favorites per villain. I'm gonna about pick about one or two among my favorites and name a few honorable mentions, with one exception and that's Rhino, Scarface's muscle. I know he's sort of a package deal with Mugsy, and Mugsy's pretty good too, but Rhino's the one I love.
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I have a huge amount of fondness for Rhino and Rhino specifically because of his showing in "Read my Lips", as one of my favorite musical pieces for the series is the leitmotif that plays specifically for Rhino's moments in the opening heist and his brawl with Batman in the climax, and frankly he earns a top spot for me solely on the basis that he has his own theme and it's a banger on top of that. Scarface is exactly the kind of Bat-villain you want funny stereotypical cartoon gangsters attached to, and the big dumb grunt archetype is always more fun when paired with a proportionally much smaller partner or boss. And in Rhino's case, not only is he a titanically strong wall of muscle taking orders from a hand-held puppet dressed like a gangster, but cowering in fear when said puppet gets angry at him and relieved when reminded that he's too stupid to betray da boss. They made a lot with very little out of a bit character and it makes me love the episode so much more, and again, he has his own theme song and it opens the episode even, pretty hard to top that.
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Penguin: My favorite overall has usually been Lark, specifically the version of her that was introduced in Tony Daniel's run. Like with Rhino and Scarface, the tiny funny-looking Oswald Cobblepot having a tall, intimidating lady chaffeur following him around makes for good contrast, and although I didn't like "Bullies" much at all, I really liked that scene of them being on friendly terms with each other, how much Penguin trusts her with his life and what he does. I like she is not abiding by any kind of formal dress code, like everyone else who tends to work at the Lounge, she's got almost like a punk thing that really contrasts with Oswald's own outfits and I always liked that, her individuality.
A more recent favorite would be Lili Kwan from Penguin: One Bad Day, someone who is far more marginalized than Oswald, and someone who was marginalized and pushed aside BY Oswald, but who joins up with him because he is the best lesser evil she is going to get and because they have enough in common that he can relate to her and respect her and ensure she is respected, but she pointedly does not mince words around him and does not entertain Oswald's delusions and self-loathing. She kinda demands Oswald to be the better class of criminal he paints himself as, to learn from his mistakes and earn having her by his side because "a king can't have illusions", and that's an incredibly interesting dynamic to me, this person with a vision of what Penguin and his empire should be like and in a position to have Penguin listen to her about it, not just muscle by his side but a voice in his ear pushing him to get his head in the game, be someone who deserves the loyalty he has from the underprivileged and the outcasts he claims to be a part of.
Honorable mentions would be the Red Triangle Gang from Batman Returns. I don't think they would really belong in any other version of the Penguin, and I have some very mixed feelings on Returns still, but I like the history they have with this Oswald and I like them in the movie proper, my favorite is the Poodle Lady for no real reason. I would also name the Kabuki Twins from The Batman cartoon, and Mr Decondor from The Batman Audio Adventures.
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Joker: I gotta go with Bob the Goon, the Number One Guy. He is not even called Bob the Goon in the movie, he's just become so emblematic a figure for goons everywhere that he earns that name, Bob the Goon. See, I actually don't think the Joker should employ clowns in his gang, I think if you have more than one clown going around doing crimes, then they're not that special individually, I don't see the Joker surrounding himself with people who look or act even half as outlandish as himself, and that’s part of why Bob works for me, this comically ordinary schlub grunt who nevertheless endears himself to our sympathies for putting up with the Joker, being endlessly loyal to Napier before and after his accident. We like him in no small part because the Joker clearly likes this guy as much as he's capable of liking anyone on the planet, which is why it actually lands when the Joker guns him down just to vent. Rest in peace Bob, an example to low-lives everywhere.
If I had to name another favorite, and one I think works better on a reocurring basis, it would be Charlie Charleyhorse, from The Batman Audio Adventures. Charleyhorse has the mannerisms of a smooth-talking wise guy and is the guy who handles the day-to-day businesses of the Joker, sweet-talking recruits and negotiating deals and convincing rookies to eat poison and even hosting his broadcasts, and in contrast to the other villain sidekicks in the show who provide comedic contrast he is this very efficient, very charming and dangerous man, fully cognizant of the cruelty he's assisting and the man he works for. To me he feels like a very organic way of establishing how much more dangerous the Joker is compared to the other villains, that he runs his disorganized crime with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine, that behind all the chaos and mayhem there is an unfathomably brilliant mind at work and a smart, affable businessman to act as a conduit between that mind and the city, as if the Joker plucked the ghost of Jack Napier from his soul and found a sweet deal that lets them both happily exist.
Honorable mentions would be Prank, from The Batman cartoon. I think Joker gunning for his own Robin is an idea with legs (Harley never really counted in that regard), I really liked his design, a perfect combination of Robin aesthetics with a clown/jester motif, and I thought he had one of the more interesting set-ups for a "Joker corrupts people into extensions of him" story, definitely one of the better Joker episodes in that show. Other honorable mentions would be Jackanapes and Captain Clown from TAS, because the Joker getting unreasonably attached to a horrible giant clown android is a pretty funny concept to me.
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Riddler: God, what a perfect character Miss Tuesday is. Pairing up the self-obsessed artist of crime with the harshest critic of all, the disinterested judgemental teenager, is such a perfect combo and it does so much to breathe new life into a very classic take on Riddler. The fact that she regularly stays in touch and coordinates stuff with other villain interns is amazing and part of the incredible worldbuilding The Batman Audio Adventures has in general. Miss Tuesday is this physical embodiment of ennui to deflate his cartwheeling histerics, manifesting every bit of self-awareness that the Riddler completely ignores, annoying him just as much as he annoys everyone else (her included).
It's punctuated by her being casually murderous to an extent that even surprises him, and the fact that she is just as smart as he is, so by the standards he lives his life by, he can't brush her off as another small-minded knuckle-dragging ignoramus like he does with everyone else, no, he can't tell himself that she simply doesn't understand what he is doing. She does understand him, she is just not that impressed by him, and Eddie will simply have to roll with the barbs and work harder if he is to prove himself. She is the closest The Riddler has to a conscience and thus her job is not to push him towards any kind of moral self-improvement or an approach to his work that doesn't involve murder and terrorism, but to dunk cold water on his head and call him cringe when he gets in too deep or for doing this instead of, like, making money off this crap or something.
The other candidate would be the Riddler's Followers from The Batman. They're not a concept I think would work for a more traditional version of The Riddler, but God they work SO well for that movie and that version of him, marking Eddie Nigma's transition from malajusted murderer into not just a supervillain with a city-destroying plot, not just the rise of supervillains as a thing Gotham is gonna have to deal with forever, but as a sickness aimed at the heart of the city, and a sickness that Batman is indirectly responsible for and that he must owe up to. I really like how The Riddler: Year One elaborates on them with "He doesn't trust people. But numbers never lie." His "henchmen" are numbers, numbers on a screen he never has to actually interact with, but can still send on to be proxies of him, embodiments of how much bigger this is than anything Batman could have imagined it being.
Honorable mentions would be the classic duo of Query and Echo, and much like Bob, we gotta bring up his henchgirl Molly from the Batman 66 pilot two-parter, who tragically died by falling into the Batcave's nuclear reactor. "What a way to go-go".
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Two-Face: It's common for Two-Face to have twin sets of named thugs but I can't say any of them have ever been particularly memorable to me, but one that does stick out to me is Benny from Long Shadows. I'm of the opinion that if any Batman villain should be establishing a working relationship with a henchman/assistant, if any Batman villain really needs to be depicted putting in the work as far as convincing people to work for him, it should be Two-Face, the former widely-beloved District Attorney/politician turned crimelord who somehow stays a dominant player in the Gotham underworld despite everything stacked against him (his face, his reputation, his past being public record, the coin-based decisions, etc). I think Two-Face needs to be some degree of charismatic and conversational and convincing, he's someone with more tangential history in this world than the other villains and should be willing and able to engage with people at any level, even if, and especially if, he's going to betray or save them at the flip of a coin, and the closest anyone's ever come to capturing that for me has been Benny, this guy who's willing to question Two-Face's decisions and is smart and sensible and generally pleasant enough that Two-Face lets him do it (with some limits, of course) and lets him in on what he's planning. Being drawn by Mark Bagley, who can convey a lot of expression and personality on any character, is definitely a bonus.
Scarecrow: Not so much of a henchmen since this was technically a villain team-up, but Scream Queen as she was featured in that Brave and the Bold segment has literally nothing in common with comics Scream Queen as debuted in Scare Tactics to the point she is a new character in every way. I like comics Scream Queen quite a lot, and I wouldn't want her to be any kind of underling to Scarecrow, but BATB Scream Queen is a very cool design and concept and in general I think Scarecrow could stand to have some cool and inventive henchmen, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing BATB Scream Queen turn up again so long as she had a different name. I'm also extremely partial to the Strawmen and the idea of him employing former students and offering them teaching exercises mid-crime.
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Bane: There's really only one form of Bane henchmen that matter and it's Bird, Zombie and Trogg, the Fabulous Five to his Doc Savage (I always felt like there could be two more members to actually make them five, I know it doesn't have to be an exact reference but). I like them as they are in regular canon but my favorite depiction of them so far has been in the Batman 66 comic by Jeff Parker, which retrofits Bane to fit the 66 aesthetic and tone by further emphasizing his lucha motif, and having his Fabulous Three all dress up in distinct masks of their own referencing existing iconic luchadore characters.
Black Mask: I think the False Face Society is one of the more interesting parts of Black Mask's concept and it really doesn't come up enough, and when it does it gets folded into just being a name for his gangster lackeys instead of the weird cult aspect it acquired when it was folded into his character, I'd like to see that stuff get folded back in.
Hugo Strange: Honestly I love all of Hugo's varied forms of henchmen over the years, all of them have their place in the grand tapestry of his designs (I'm not too big on Sanjay from Batman and the Monster Men, there is stuff to like about their dynamic but I don't think the pulp racial manservant is a thing deserving of the charming throwback treatment). The gangsters from his debut, the androids/mannequins, Night Scourge, the TYGER guards/troopers from Arkham City, the mind-controlled villains and inmates from his Deathstroke arc, and of course the Monster Men. I do prefer the horrific body horror kaijus from Night of the Monster Men, but I also like the mutated giants, especially when they dress up in oversized trenchcoats and slouch hats.
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There are a few others but I'm lastly gonna say Mr.Freeze and his polar bears Notchka and Shaka, from Batman and Mr.Freeze: Subzero. I'm not opposed to Mr.Freeze having regular henchmen, or even ice-themed henchmen like in Batman and Robin, there are ways to have it make sense, but the polar bears I think have this sort of almost innocent fairytale logic to them that just fits Mr.Freeze and his imagery a lot better, abstract guardians of the concept of the arctic that Mr.Freeze claims dominion over. Even at their most benign, you can't extricate human henchmen from the inherent brutality of their profession, but when it's trained animals defending a master, it's easier to find innocence and sympathy, traits that fit well with Mr.Freeze. If there's anything in that movie I remember, it's the bittersweet ending where they walk off into a blizzard together, his sole two companions into this new life he's cursed with.
Does it really make any sense for Mr.Freeze's established skillset and character for him to have a duo of trained polar bears on call to do crimes with, the way Penguin and Catwoman have their own trained animals? No. Is it corny? Arguably yes. Do I think it's cool? Is it a cool image? Very much so, and when it comes to Batman, that tends to be the final word in things.
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
Hello! It's me again :)). Whenever you're free, could please do a Lucius x younger sister!reader? Where The two of them really has a special bond that makes Lucius very protective over her. What happens when Lucius caught his sister kissing Sev? Sev and reader have been secretly dating for months now.
Hi! Of course I’ll try my best
Severus snape x reader
Lucius malfoy & sister reader
Losing game
"Malfoy come on! Your sister is an absolute ba-" the ravenclaw boy swallowed back his words when the end of Lucius’s wand pressed into his throat.
"Dare complete that statement and feel the pain of a million electric shocks you’ll wish you were never born"
"Bloody hell mate what are you doing?!" The ravenclaw’s friend dragged him away and almost stumbled while doing so. Lucius had it up to the top of his head, why can’t these boys understand that none of them is worth the time of day of his sister.
You’re a malfoy for Merlin’s sake, isn’t that enough to make it clear that you’re a lady with class who wouldn’t put up with their pathetic tries to smooth talk you.
"Lucius I understand that you’re protective of her but don’t you think it would be better to give her the decision instead of scaring off every guy who’s shows the slightest interest in her?"
"Cissa she’s my only sister and I know how boys her age are, they are only after one thing and I don’t want her to get hurt….I have to make sure she’s safe and happy you know that, right?" Narcissa sighed, she understood, from the very beginning he made it clear how important you are to him, how he will kill anyone who just looks at you in a weird way.
You and lucius were very close, he was your shield that protected you from day one, from his father that wanted tried promising you to an awful pureblood that only cared about heirs.
"Ok but at least talk with her, she’s your sister and she’s not a baby anymore, I’m sure she at least like one person" Narcissa hoped she wouldn’t regret this, you made her promise not to tell but it was serious getting stupid.
"Fine, I’ll go talk to her now"
Let’s go severus can defend himself…
It took lucius using a tracking spell to locate you and when he finally found you his words stopped in his throat, what were you doing?!
Sitting there all cozy with severus, the genius potions boy, actually not just potions but that has nothing to do with his point, the point was that you were going behind his back and seeing severus because friends don’t just kiss each other or blush at closeness.
Why would you do something like this?! Were you not afraid of father’s furry and the punishment he might bestow upon you? Severus was a half blood, Merlin lucius is gonna have a heart attack.
He stomped his way towards you two and prepared his wand in hand, he wasn’t thinking at all but there was something that registered from the whole ordeal before doing something stupid….you looked happy.
Genuinely happy, the type of happy you experienced when you’re far away from home doing whatever you wanted, the type of happy he liked to see you feel.
Severus made you happy, he made you laugh and smile, he was blushing clearly but entirely enchanted by you.
Lucius knows a love struck puppy when he sees one, but still why? Why did you hide this from him? Maybe Narcissa was right…
"Lucius!" You finally seemed to notice your brother standing a few feet away, severus snapped his neck to look back and stood up immediately.
"Lucius I—"
"How long?" Said lucius, his knuckles turning more red on his albino skin "how long have you been hiding this from me?!" His voice dangerously over the volume he uses in school.
Severus swallowed then looked down at you, you looked defeated.
"A few months….I wanted to tell you but I knew you wouldn’t approve of it! You never let anyone approach me and severus is the nicest guy I could end up with!" You screamed at him divested, he always did this, you love your brother but sometimes he couldn’t get it through his skull that you’re grown and able to make your own decisions.
Lucius glared at severus, a headache was threatening to happen, he took a deep breath and collected himself before speaking again.
"Yes I would disapprove of this but not for the reasons you think, I would disapprove of this because I had no knowledge of it beforehand and because I know this is a dangerous step you’ve taken, I trust severus is a decent guy but that doesn’t mean you can go around sneaking with him behind my back."
His words hurt, they hurt like knives through your chest and you hated him for it, you hated how he was still right, how if your father knew you’ll be domed or disowned, you hated how he was still looking out for you.
"I choice this and I don’t want to step back brother" the simple statement left your lips and you stood up.
"I did too, I have no alternative motive lucius, I just…you know I would never hurt her intentionally!"
The worst part of all of this is that lucius believed him, that boy was telling the truth, he might do mistakes but he cares for those who show him love, which is exactly what you’re doing.
Damn it, this was a losing game and apparently you’re choosing to go through with it.
"Fine. Both of you are responsible for what happens if somebody finds but remember my words severus, I will kill you in an instant if my sister go hurt because of you, am I understood?"
Severus nodded "Crystal clear."
You sighed "thank you lucius"
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stayandot8 · 4 months
Whispers In The Dark, Part One: Lying Through Your Teeth
Genre: college au, not all members mentioned
Relationship type: strangers to friends
Important Contents: Mr. Popular Chris Bang can't remember who he was before school. But with her? Maybe he might find a path that would lead him back to himself. But how far can he go before the rumors and his reputation become too much for her to ignore?
WC: 6.4k
He was notorious. For what, no one could agree on, but he was well known around campus. Some would say it was his skill in bed, others would say his charms would keep him from any kind of trouble with anyone, professors and other students alike. His easy grace with people, especially strangers, made him the perfect showman for the school. He was at all the major events. It was like the head office paid him to be there, cheering when appropriate and constantly surrounded by his fraternity brothers. It was rare that he was caught without at least one of them within three feet of his personal space. It was also a well known fact that there was a roster kept hidden in the depths of his mind of those he hung around with in public, in private, and those he tossed to his brothers. It was like a hierarchy. All the girls knew where they stood with him and used that information against each other when they needed to. 
Chris Bang, appropriately named, was the top man on campus. When he approached you, you couldn’t help but say hello. And if he struck up a conversation with you, it felt like catching up with an old friend. He always wanted to know how you were doing, how your classes were going, and he was genuinely interested in the answer. He asked about your family, your friends, anything that would spark up a conversation with you. And by the time he found something that you had in common, you were hooked. The way he listened to you made you feel like he was your best friend and for those minutes, he was. 
He cared about people, truly. No one could act like that around people if they didn’t care about them. He was warm and inviting, like a hug when you really needed it or a warm shower after a day out in the snow. His gaze was that of a toasty fire, you could curl up in one or both with a book and live there forever. 
He was across the courtyard, surrounded by his usual entourage of fraternity brothers in their lettered sweatshirts and crewnecks. Each one had a girl next to them, talking emphatically with their heads held high. The Chosen Ones for the day, week and each somehow prettier than the last.  They all seemed so engrossed with one another that no one dared interrupt their conversations. 
“Hey! If you stare any harder, you’ll burn a hole in their heads. And those poor girls can’t afford for anything to fall out more than it already has.” Charlie’s words clanged around in my head until they landed and I burst out laughing. 
“That’s so mean.” I shook my head at her, still smiling from laughter. 
“Ask me if I care. Now come here and help me with this paper. I paid for your breakfast this morning for this.” I scooted closer to her laptop on the blanket she had spread out hours ago on the Great Lawn. She moved her coffee cup so I could sit where she desired and turned her laptop to face me. “How can I make this point more clear?” I glanced at the words on her screen, reading, until an obnoxious eruption of laughter interrupted my train of thought. I whipped my head back over to the cluster seated at the tables and traded my earlier look of curiosity to one of annoyance. Unluckily, or maybe luckily, this caught the attention of one of them. Chris made eye contact and nodded in my direction with that easy smile of his. I rolled my eyes large enough for him to see and turned back to Charlie. 
“Well, I think you have to stop using so many descriptor words. It’s confusing to read and I can’t tell what you’re actually trying to say. It seems like you’re saying you believe that Chekov’s plays had clear and concise endings when they really didn’t.”
“I’m getting him and Tolstoy confused again.” She hit the ground with her hands balled into fists. “Which one wrote The Living Corpse?”
A voice appeared in front of our blanket.
“That’s Tolstoy.” Chris Bang himself appeared as if from nowhere, black backpack strapped on and hands in his pockets. His hat was backwards, the casual gesture fitting for the jeans and black t-shirt he sported. He was rarely spotted wearing something different, it was his signature look of sorts along with his shining eyes and curious questions. 
“Yeah, that’s him.” I pulled my eyes from Chris to look at Charlie, who in turn was staring at me with a really weird look on her face. 
“Thanks, Chris. Have you done this essay yet? I swear the longer I’m in Schwartz’s class, the more I hate my life.” 
“I did, I just finished it actually. Took me longer than normal because of the word count requirement.”
“I know, it’s like he wants to kill us.” I snorted and picked up her textbook to flip to the page she would need. I look back up to find Chris’s eyes back on me.
“Are you in this class too? I don’t remember seeing you in there.”
“Oh no, I took his class last year. I’ve already been through that torture. Aced the class somehow.”
“That’s why she’s here, to make sure that my torture is just as bad as hers.” Charlie glared at me from the corner of her eye, making Chris laugh.
“Damn, you’re lucky. You’ve got someone to help you. I’m out here struggling to maintain my C.” 
“Well, you’re welcome to join our suffering, Chris. I’m dying over this paper and she’s laughing at me.” Charlie shot me a confident smirk, seeming to have picked up on something that I absolutely was not putting down. I furrowed my brows at her, the thought never crossing my mind about inviting him to share our blanket or the day’s exceptional weather with campus’ Mr. Popular. But there my best friend was, offering him a place in our little circle. 
“I would, but I’ve got an economics class to get to. But here, when you get a chance to come back out here to study, shoot me a text and I’ll come right over.” He stooped to rip a piece of paper out of a nearby notebook and a pen. He jotted something down and handed it straight to me, locking eyes with me as he handed it over. He paused, his face frozen in a soft smile and everything around us froze along with it. The wind stopped blowing, I paid no mind to Charlie, who I would find in a second was gaping at Chris, and I felt the spark that everyone felt when interacting with Chris Bang. The butterflies came in with a strong gust of chilly October air that unfroze the moment we were stuck in. He found his voice then. “Give me a call sometime.” he said softly.
“Yeah. For sure.” I whispered back against the rustle of the trees. Chris Bang winked at me and then he was gone. The piece of notebook paper was the only physical proof I had that he had been there and it sat in my hand until Charlie practically dove to reach for it. 
“Did you just get Chris Bang’s number?” She opened it and showed it to me. The series of numbers wasn’t the only thing on it. They were accompanied by a short message in his very un-boyish handwriting. ‘Call me :)’ “You have to call him later today. And don’t you dare do it without me.”
“Call him and say what? That I’m happy to be on his list of girls? Or to put me down for the newest girl to be conquered? Girl, please. I’m not Rome, I am not to be ‘conquered’.” I nodded with certainty, resolute in my mindset. Charlie just watched me, smirking and pulling her mouth to one side. 
“Yeah. For sure.” She mimicked my earlier words to him. Shaking her head at me and laughing no doubt to herself, she returned to her laptop and started typing. I couldn;t tell her that while I fully believed every word I had just said, that didn’t mean that the butterflies had gone right away. They stayed there, fluttering in the space he created. It hurt that I could feel how badly they wanted to be let out. 
I stared at the number on the piece of paper for the next few hours, going back and forth on whether I wanted to act on his invitation. Who knew the weight of a scrap piece of paper was so heavy? On the one hand, he seemed nice enough with no outright bad intentions other than to study. Whether he needed the extra study time or not wasn’t up to me, nor was I in the mood to find out right this second. But on the other hand, was this just a way to find a new girl? Yes, he was selective when it came to who he was interested in and his level of interest was measured by how long he pursued you. Making him wait was the way to maintain his interest. At least, that was what outside speculation had agreed on with further research and trial-and-error. To those he wasn’t interested in, he was always polite about it, but that left room for them to conduct these experiments. And the results were inconclusive. He didn’t have a type, it seemed random at times, and all of the girls seemed physically different. Only one conclusion could be officially drawn: he liked girls. That was it. 
Word that he had given out his number to his newest attempt hadn’t seemed to get around yet since I didn’t have girls eyeing me up and down all day. I was relieved since I hadn’t decided if I was going to use it yet, which was what I was debating now sitting in the shared room I had. My roommate, Rihannon (yes, like the song), was out, as she normally was. Ever the social butterfly, she joined a sorority the moment she stepped on campus and hadn’t sat down since. She was always going out with her sisters, going to mixers with the different fraternities on campus, or making new friends on a blanket of her own on the Great Lawn. All of these things were a perfect fit for her because she, like Chris, had the magnetic pull with people. They wanted to know her. And she wanted to know them too. She was nice, a friend until the very end, making her the perfect fit for the social scene. But her social expertise did me no good if she wasn’t here. 
So I was left to my own devices. Charlie hounded me until I ran away to catch the bus to get home. 
“You better text him tonight! I want to see him at our spot by noon tomorrow if he can! And you better have proof if he can’t!”
I had rolled my eyes at her. Typical Charlie behavior, sticking her nose in every business I had. This time I couldn’t blame her though since she had been present for this cosmic event. Is that what this was? A cosmic event? Had the stars aligned for this moment to happen today of all days? It was up to me if they had. And as the time grew later, the minutes were passing by, counting down until Charlie would kill me tomorrow or not. 
Ugh. Fine. You win this time. Both of you.
To: Chris Bang
I left the message open, thinking for too long about what to say to this mystical man that gave me his number out of blue. I debated texting Charlie to ask what I should say, but I knew her answer. ‘Just text him hi! Nothing scary about that.’ How wrong she was… I took a deep breath, letting my chest rise and fall fully before picking up my phone again. 
To: Chris Bang
Tomorrow, under the tree next to the Lewis building. That’s our normal spot. No later than noon or else I’m toast. 
I threw my phone across the bed, somehow thinking that if I held it when he answered he would know and he would think I was staring at my phone and waiting for his answer. I mean, I was, but he didn’t need to know that. 
My phone lit up across the bed. I couldn’t read what waited for me on my home screen and I could feel my heart beating faster the closer I drew to my phone. It was like a ticking time bomb, even when I knew it wasn’t. I crept until I could see that the waiting message was indeed from him. And what I read when I opened it made those butterflies that had finally quieted start up again.
From: Chris Bang
We can’t have that, now can we? ;) I’ll be there with my books. What are we studying?
I could and couldn’t believe it. Some part of me that was simply a girl was ecstatic that a boy was flirting with me, according to Charlie. The other, more cautious part that was protective of that girl, was wary. I wasn’t looking for another heartbreak and I was not wanting to set myself up for one.  
To: Chris Bang
Why don’t you come and find out?
Damn it.
“Why am I nervous? I didn’t talk to him last night. But then again, I didn’t buy coffee for him either.” 
“Charlie, I swear to god.” The chilly September air was unusual for so early in the month, but it was that time of year here. The mornings were colder so you wore a jacket and by midday, you wondered why you even brought one in the first place. “The girl asked me if I wanted a mess-up and you know I’m not one to turn down free anything. So I said sure. End of story. I wanted a muffin too but they didn’t have any left. The girl said some guy came in and bought them all. I did not buy him a coffee. Who knows if he even likes coffee?”
“I don’t know. But I know that if he accepts it, that says something.”
“It really doesn’t.”
“It does too.” 
“It says he likes free things. That’s about it. Who doesn’t like free shit?”
“I know I do.” Chris’s voice came from behind us just then, carrying a bookbag and a paper bag in his hand. “They had more muffins than they knew what to do with so I grabbed some.”
“Such a gentleman.” Charlie leaped for the bag and tore it open. “Ugh, I love Coffee Bean’s muffins. We also have extra coffee if you want it. She picked it up before she got here.”
“Oh, thanks!” Chris grabbed the cup and took a sip, his lips curving to the shape of the cup. It was that moment I took the chance to really look at him from top to bottom. His hair was parted off to the side and he had opted for a white t-shirt with our university on the front. Jeans and vans completed the look and a worn leather bracelet adorned his wrist. It almost looked homemade.
“That’s a cool bracelet.” I said as cooly as I could manage, trying not to stare at it too hard. He touched it with\a gentleness that resembled fondness, like he was remembering something to do with it. 
“Thanks, my sister gave it to me before I left for school. She’s back home in Austrailia.” It wasn’t news on campus that he wasn’t from America. His accent was a dead giveaway. “She likes to say that she hates me but when I remind her about this, she gets real quiet.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister, I have one too. She moved from my hometown to Arizona. Followed where her connections took her or whatever. But she’s happier there than she ever was back home. Even found herself a girlfriend.” 
“Oh wow, she must really be thriving over there then. That’s great for her. I wish my sister would find someone just so she have something else to do other than torture me through the internet.”
“How does she do that?” I took another sip of my coffee.
“She’s really growing in fame on Tiktok. She actually put out an EP not too long ago. Called Perfect Blues. She let me listen to it before she put it out for notes and stuff and it’s actually pretty good!”
“I'll have to give it a listen then if it’s that good. She must have worked really hard on it.”
“Yeah, she’s been working non stop promoting and writing new stuff. She’s actually good. It’s hard for me to believe because I still see her as my little sister. I don’t think that’ll ever change.”
Charlie was being awfully quiet, scarfing down the muffins Chris had brought. When I spotted the wrappers placed beside her and counted them. “Charlie, did you eat all of the muffins? How many are in there?”
“Oh please, there are plenty left. You two just seemed to be engrossed in conversation, I didn’t want to interrupt.” She eyed me like she had the day before when Chris gave me his number. I couldn't help my eyes rolling in response. This girl will be the death of me…
“So what are we doing today? I know I have a paper that’s due on Friday, but I can do it later-”
“See, Chris? Maybe it’s a good thing you came to us this early in the semester. This is the time we do all of those things we say we’re doing ‘later’.”
“Charlie is very intent on keeping her GPA above a 4.0. We’ve been doing this ever since freshman year, but we only found this spot last year during Spring semester. She’s been on my ass ever since, which is why I have the grades that I do. She keeps me on top of my shit and I make sure she comes up for air every once in a while.” Chris nodded along to my words, listening intently and watching. Charlie just nodded along. 
“You’re welcome by the way.” She turned to Chris, coffee in hand. “I’m the reason she passed stats with flying colors last year.” I rolled my eyes for the second time in a two-minute period.
“That’s just what I like to tell her. Makes her feel more important.” I whispered over to him, which in turn made him laugh. I hadn’t heard it up close like I just had two seconds ago. When it was a genuine laugh, he almost squeaked on the intake like a door that needed to be oiled. It was an easy laugh to crave to hear. I knew it would haunt me like a ghost in the weeks to come, even then. Chris grabbed his laptop out of his backpack and started typing, pulling books from the backpack as well to occasionally look up an answer to something he was typing. I pulled out my headphones when the comfortable silence fell, leaving one ear open to the world outside of my own bubble.
“Whatcha listening to?” Chris poked my thigh from where he was laying on his stomach on our blanket.
“This and that.” I couldn’t help my smile when his attention was on me. It was like a shot of sunshine straight to your veins.
“Just this and that? Do you mind if I also listen to ‘just this and that’?” His question shouldn't have caught me by surprise, but I found myself handing him my other headphone despite myself. “I think someone’s music taste says a lot about that as a person. Well, movies and music.” He stuck it in his ear and returned to his laptop, typing away. 
“I love the Princess Bride. It’s one of my favorites.”
“Mine too.” He turned his sparkling eyes back towards me and smiled. I felt the blush creep up to my cheeks and I had to look away or else risk him catching it.
I flashed a glance towards Charlie to see if she had caught the exchange. She had, because she was wiggling her eyebrows at me. ‘Oh my god’ she mouthed at me, glancing at Chris to see if he was watching. He was not. And when she turned back to me, she picked up her phone, indicating that the conversation would continue there. 
From: Charlie
Dude WHAAATTTT??? I told you, he likes you!! That was not a coincidence.
To: Charlie
I still think you’re nuts
From: Charlie
Think me nuts all you want, but I’m about to prove it.
I looked up from my phone to catch her eye. ‘How’ I mouthed in my most disbelieving look. It didn't occur to her that Chris was just looking for his newest girl to conquer, and I didn’t want to spoil her fun, so I just sat back as she mouthed back to me ‘Watch’.
“Hey Chris?” He looked over his shoulder to her with his eyebrows raised. “I promised my friend over here that I would take her out for dinner tomorrow night, but I have to cancel. My boyfriend’s birthday is tomorrow and I totally forgot. He’s not around here so I have to call him and do this whole long distance date and everything. Anyway, I thought maybe you could cover for me with her?” 
I could do nothing but stare at my own textbook. One half of me was embarrassed that she would be so obvious with her plans. And even without my real knowledge of it. She would pay for that tonight, without a doubt. The other half couldn’t watch the trainwreck about to crash when he said he had plans. That half would be crushed when he said no, he’d have to pass like he did when he was trying to be polite when a girl asked him out and he didn’t want to go. Either ‘sorry, I have to pass this time’ or ‘I just don’t have the time right now’. Either of those were the responses I was waiting for. Definitely not
“Sure! Is that okay with you?”
Unable to feign my deafness when he poked me again, I mumbled a quick ‘hm?’ so they could catch me up to speed.
“Charlie had to cancel on you, so I’m taking you out tomorrow night.” His excitement was an unexpected surprise. Charlie beamed triumphantly from behind him at me, relishing in her victory. 
“Oh really?” I said a hair more fake than I meant to. When I tore my eyes away from Charlie to look at Chris, he had a confident but genuine smile to show me. And damn it, I couldn’t help but return it every time. “And where are we going?”
“I’ll text you the details tomorrow. Just be ready by 6, yeah?” He didn’t wait for an answer and returned to his laptop. 
The excitement of going on a date with a cute boy, no matter who he was, still ran through me like it was any other date. Charlie would pay for it, no doubt. But the thrill was still there that maybe, just maybe, he might be what Charlie suspects. But only time would tell. 
Chris was normal the rest of the time he laid with us on our blanket, making occasional jokes with Charlie about their shared class, the professor, and the stupid people in that class. This left me with the opportunity to look around and see if anyone noticed the Mr. Campu Man had picked a new spot to hang out. His usual crowd was seated near the picnic benches where they normally were. None of them seemed any kind of curious as to where their fearless leader was, and that seemed completely fine by them. It was when he left for his class load for the day that Charlie really got her proof. 
“Alright guys, I gotta head to bio. But if the invitation is still open, I’d love to come tomorrow too.”
“Only if you bring more muffins or some other baked good with you. If not, don’t bother showing up, Bang.” To that he chuckled and when Charlie didn’t chuckle back, he glanced my way.
“Oh, she’s serious.”
“As a heart attack.” Chare chimed in without looking up from her laptop. Chris kept his face blank for a second longer, then nodded in resignation. 
“Any specific requests?” He said this part to me, asking me directly. I thought for a second. If he was going to go through with it, then what was the harm?
“Bagels, if you please sir.” I said in my best mocking voice, leaving it up to him to decide if I was telling the truth or not. He laughed again and put on his now fully packed backpack. 
“As you wish.” He replied and left without another word. 
A hard slap hit my arm the second he was far away enough from us.
“Oh my god!” She hit me on the arm again and again until I had to grab her wrist to make her stop. “I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!”
“Why are you freaking out more than I am?” I buried my nose in the closest textbook to me to hide my face in. 
“Mainly because I was right. But also because of the simple fact that a cute boy likes you! And I called it. How am I more excited than you?”
“Mainly because he didn’t even ask me. You asked him for me. He’s just being nice, Charlie. No one can say no to you, don’t you know that?” 
“Girl. If he didn’t want to go, he would’ve said no. He has no problem saying no and you know that. I really don’t think he would have said yes if he didn’t want to.” I just shrugged, telling myself that she was right, but at the same time not wanting to believe it myself. I couldn’t bring myself to fully insert myself in the daydream that Charlie was living in, fighting the urge to run away and hide for good. 
“I just-” I sighed and laid back on the blanket, letting the sun warm the air around me and breezes come and go.  “I think I would be more excited if he had asked me himself.” 
“He just needed to know that you would be into it. Give him a chance and see how he acts tomorrow night. If he’s a douche, then call me and I’ll get you out of it. But if he’s nice and into you, then that’s kinda your answer, isn’t it?”
“I guess.” 
Wait and see. That was my plan. That was all I had.
After my classes of the day were over, I went back to my apartment with Rhiannon to unload in a hot shower. Rhiannon came in while I had my towel wrapped around me on the way back to my room. 
“Hey! How was your day?” She asked from her place in the hallway amid the ruffle of bags she dropped by the door. She only brought one to the couch with her and rifled through it to find her laptop. 
“Pretty interesting, actually.” 
“Oh yeah?” She inquired, ready for more details as she peered from behind her computer. 
“Yeah, I got asked out, well not really asked out-”
“BY WHO?!” She shrieked, throwing the laptop aside to jump out of her seat.
“Chris Bang?” She stops in place and turns to face me dead on. Her features were frozen in a mixture of shock and what looked like…sadness. 
“Chris Bang?” She repeated.
“Yeah. He didn’t really ask me out of the blue, Charlie made up some lie about us having plans beforehand when we really didn’t and she asked him if he would take her place, which he did.”
Rhiannon was pensive as she watched me recount the details, not letting me forget a single one. She even asked me exactly what his words were when he agreed to it and what exactly happened afterwards; his mannerisms, the word choice, and the nature of his body language. 
“It sounds like he was actually interested, if that helps you. From what you can recall, you don’t have to worry about that part. But you seem disinterested now. Why?”
“Because he didn’t actually ask me.”
“He’s just filling in, he felt bad that I would be left hanging.” 
“I don’t think he would’ve agreed if he didn’t actually want to go.” 
She was eyeing me up and down, gauging my words against her own knowledge.
“Why can’t you believe he would like you? What’s so hard for you to believe?
“It’s not that, I just don’t want to be next in the queue. I don’t want to be just another girl he’s gone out with, no matter how cute he is or how smooth he can be. I wanted to be able to resist him because I know better than to believe-”
“Believe what? That a boy with eyes can have a crush on a pretty girl? That a cute boy would see the same thing your friends are seeing? What’s so unbelievable about that?”
I sighed. “All of it. Why him? Why me?”
“Why not him? Listen, if you’re really that worried about it, just take it slow. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t normally do on a date with a guy and just treat him like any other guy. That should ease your nerves, right?”
“Maybe picking out your outfit ahead of time will help give you more confidence. Come!” She sprung off the couch and headed for my bedroom without turning to see if I was following. By the time I passed through my door, she was already piling clothed on my bed a foot high already.
“How do you have nothing in here! What do you normally wear on dates?”
I rolled my eyes.
God help me.
He picked a good spot, I had to admit. Not to him, not to inflate what I was sure was a big enough ego. But Marty’s was far enough away from campus that we would be uninterrupted by any of his friends but not so far that we felt secluded from society altogether. The restaurant had a good enough reputation among students to be a good place to bring a date if you want some special alone time together. The implication of him bringing me here was not lost in the bounds of my thinking mind. 
The room was warm and inviting, a red kind of wallpaper surrounded us with candle lit sconces in the upper columns and casted the dining room in a warm glow. The wooden tables helped the cozy feeling as soon as you walked in, as most of the furniture in the large room matched the rest of the dining room. The walls were graced with vintage-looking florals paintings that looked like they could’ve been plucked straight from an art magazine. 
“Did I mention that you look nice tonight?” Chris blushed as he asked, turning his gaze back downwards toward his menu. His repetition of the question caught me off guard, being the third time he had mentioned it.
“Yeah, you did. But thank you again.” I tried to flash him my best comforting grin, which he looked up just in time to catch. 
“I’m sorry, I’m not normally this nervous.” He smiled again and let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing his hands on his pant legs. 
“Why are you nervous? At least your friend didn’t have to ask someone out on a date for you.”
“How do you know she and I didn’t plan something elaborate while we were in class because I was too nervous to do it myself?” I laughed at the preposterous notion that Chris Bang could be too nervous to do anything ever. “What was that for?” His smile was back in place of his nervous chuckle.
“I’m sorry, you just don’t ever seem nervous to do anything. So the thought of that just isn’t possible.”
“Why ever not?” He was quizzical, raising his brow at me from across the table and ruffling his white button down. His black earrings initially had given me some pause but the longer I looked, I saw the Prada logo and how well they matched his tailored pants. They had a light gray pattern going around them and hit him just above the ankle. He oozed wealth when dressed like this, not that I had seen him this way until now. His hair was perfectly styled to a side part, a few strands falling into his face. His dress shoes almost seemed too fancy for the restaurant he brought me to with their gold chain going across the top.
 His family must have had money. 
“You just don’t seem like you get your feathers ruffled very easily. Very go-with-the-flow kind.”
“You’re not wrong. But when the first half of the plan that wasn’t up to me went perfectly and now it’s only up to me, I’m getting nervous. I haven’t been this nervous before.”
“But why? What’s so different about me?” 
“Can I get you guys some wine to start with?” Just then a well-dressed waitress came up to us to hand us a laminated wine list with names I could barely pronounce written in a fancy cursive font. It distracts us enough that I forget what I was thinking before she arrived. 
Chris perused the wine list and selected for us, subtly but not so subtly flashing his knowledge just a touch. He eased up a bit as the night went on, bringing up his childhood. Head bounced between Korea and Australia before coming to the states during high school so he and his siblings could have a ‘normal’ education. They lived a few states away so Chris could ward off any unwanted visits from his parents. It wasn't that he didn’t love them, but they could be a lot sometimes. He talked about his sister and how she had stayed in Australia to pursue a musical path. Chris supported her in any way he could, but that life just wasn’t for him. And his youngest brother was in school back in the home state, going through all of the fun life stages of being fifteen. 
We had just gotten to what brought me to our university when the dessert had come out. The tension in my shoulders from the anxiousness of the situation had eased immensely and Chris hadn’t uttered a nervous chuckle since the appetizers. 
“I picked it because it wasn’t too far from home. I had the same idea you did, except I live in-state. It’s just my mom and me. My dad decided not to be a dad anymore when I was twelve and I haven’t seen him since. From what my mom can tell me, it’s better this way. She doesn’t miss him and that tells me I shouldn’t either. I don’t remember much.” 
“I’m sorry that’s the way it is, though. I don’t know what I would do without my dad.” He gave me a sad smile as he picked up his fork. I did the same and reached for the small tower of chocolate between us. It melted in my mouth just like I thought it would, but my thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of my phone on the table. I picked it up just in time to see Charlie’s name appear on my screen. 
“I’ll be really quick, I promise.” I said with a grimace, standing up from my seat.
“No problem! I promise I’ll leave some for you.” He smiled back, assuring me. I nodded and headed out the front door.
“What?” I bit at Charlie.
“Soooo? How’s it going?” Her voice was airy as it questioned me. 
“It’s still going and you’re interrupting!” I didn’t want to be rude but in spite of myself and how I got here, I was having a really nice time and I wanted to get back to it before the clock struck twelve and Chris Bang turned back into the popular guy who would forget who I was. 
“Okay, sorry! I will await the debrief when you get back! Come straight here!” I hung up on her and reentered the building. Chris was talking to the waitress with an easy smile on his face and my heart sunk. This wasn’t supposed to be a date anyways. Not really. Charlie had done this because she was nice. I had tried not to get my hopes up but the more we talked, the easier it was to believe he might actually like me. So much for that.
He spotted me by the door and waved, motioning to the plate he had left for me to finish if I wanted. I gave him a half smile and headed back over, doing my best to ignore the sinking feeling in my chest. 
“Everything okay?” He asked gently. He was putting something into his back pocket while he watched my movements for an answer.
“Yeah, she’s just nosy.” 
“Ah. Well, thank her for me when you see her later tonight.”
“For what?”
“Oh, I was being serious. I asked for her help to ask you out because I was too nervous to do it myself.” I just stared at him in disbelief. He waited, with held breath it seemed, for my reaction. And when I didn’t give him one, he continued. “I had seen you around campus with her before and when she showed up in my class, I had to take my opportunity. I’m really hoping that helps me come off as cool or something and not a loser.”
“I don’t think you’re a loser.” I replied quietly. I gave him a reassuring smile and he mirrored it. 
“Do you want to head out of here? Go for a walk or something?”
“Sure. Don’t we need to grab the checks first though?”
“Uh, no. It’s all taken care of.” He patted his back pocket when he stood up, which I could now see held a wallet-shaped object. 
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes I did. It’s only right.” He held out his hand for me to take. “Shall we go?”
Oh boy...
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jasmineoolongtea · 3 months
Hiii i hope u're doing good and i have a req pls? Could you do smth like gojo just hanging out with student reader like father and kid? Just one random day (or some other scenario) gojo just yoinks reader and goes 'let's do something together' thxxxx :D
a/n: hiii anon, hope you're doing good as well !!! of course i can do your request so hope you enjoy this short drabble (^▽^) also sorry it took a while for me to get back to you since i've been away from my computer for the past few days :((
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to say that gojo satoru is an eccentric teacher might possibly be one of the biggest understatements of the century. even if you were to put it nicely,
it's been a few days since you've stepped foot into the classroom on account of being put out of commission for a bit after a particularly nasty encounter with a semi-grade 2 curse on what was supposed to be a relatively easy mission. it would have been nice if the higher-ups could have mentioned that the curse had a tendency to travel in packs of 3 or 4 but in the world of jujutsu, you knew that's already expecting too much of them.
the first sight you're greeted with is your teacher, the strongest himself gojo satoru, leaning back in his desk chair with his feet up on the desk as if he had little to no care about anything in the world. if the higher-ups were to walk past and see this, they would definitely screech at the top of their lungs and die from shock or maybe it would finally be their bodies finally giving up on them in old age. you don't think you would be that sad to see them go.
"nice of you to finally show up to class. even if it's on the wrong day." your teacher huffs from his seat. there's a slight sting at his words but you choose to grit your teeth instead of replying.
albeit, you don't necessarily blame your teacher for his off-handed comment because, from his and everyone else's point of view, it just seemed like you were simply just taking the chance to play hooky and skip a few classes here and there even if it was far from the truth.
you made shoko promise not to say anything to anyone when she was patching you up, even if she gave you one of those looks that silently asked you if you really wanted that. it wasn't a matter of pride per say because having your classmates know that you got ganged up on by a couple of curses was honestly the least of your problems.
rather, it was because you didn't want to bother anyone more than you had to or even worse, be on the end of some surface-level sympathy from some people who could care less if you lived or died. to you, this was simply how the jujutsu world worked so what point was there sitting around and lingering on all of its problems when it would do you no good?
"...i've had a rough week. can i just get the work that i've missed out on and i'll be out of your hair." you mutter while avoiding eye contact with the taller man, deciding that all of a sudden the wooden panels of the floor were more interesting.
there's an instant switch in his relaxed demeanour as his voice is laced with strong hints of concern when he asks, "you wanna talk about it?"
you open your mouth to speak, to make a half-hearted attempt to brush off his concern and maybe even throw in a snarky quip to really cement the act that everything was fine but for some reason, you decide against that and so you end up saying nothing back in response.
it's quiet for a minute, the both of you unmoving, before your teacher suddenly stands up from his seat and strides towards you which takes you by surprise.
"alright, new plan then." gojo claps his hands, the sound reverberating slightly off the classroom walls as his typical attitude makes a return. "me and you are going on, let's call it, a class trip to the arcade!"
you roll your eyes, arms still crossed over your chest as you look at him, unamused. "i'm pretty sure that this isn't part of the class curriculum."
"when have i ever been a stickler for the rules, kid?" and without further ado (and a seeming shortage of verbal complaints from your side), you find yourself whisked off to a nearby arcade and being ushered into the doors of said establishment by your teacher.
so much for your original plan of retreating back to hide under your blanket for the rest of the day, you think to yourself.
as you step inside, memories of after-school hangouts with megumi, nobara and yuji as you guys make it your mission to burn through your monthly allowances on the various games and machines flood your mind and you can't help but smile whilst reminiscing, though it fades quickly when you realise that it feels like forever since any of you guys have had the chance to relax with each other like this considering how time has become more and more scarce and more like a luxury that one had to earn rather than anything else.
there's the sound of coin swishing around in a bucket coming from your right and when you turn to face the sound, you see your teacher making his way towards you hugging a comically large amount of coins in an insanely large bucket in his arms. if it were any bigger, you might have been obligated to call it a chest instead of a bucket. you do a double-take at the sight in front of you.
"are you planning to buy out the whole arcade with those coins?" you remark, a bewildered expression clearly painted on your face as you try to calculate in your head the amount of money he must have spent on that stash.
he looks down at the bucket of coins in his arms which were almost on the verge of overflowing and shrugs. "eh, this is nothing." he replies with an air of nonchalance.
you're ready to contest that statement of his but then you remember gojo satoru, aside from being a teacher with interesting teaching methods, to say the least, is also one of the richest sorcerers in the entire country of japan as well so whatever he did spend on those arcade tokens is probably nothing more than a drop in the vast ocean that is his bank account.
in the blink of an eye, gojo sprints off to the brightest and flashiest machine in the arcade and you can't help but question if he might be a child trapped in the body of an adult. begrudgingly, you trail behind him and watch as he slots in the appropriate amounts of tokens and boots up the game. while waiting, he starts absent-mindedly button-mashing the controls in a vain attempt to make it load faster.
you sigh to yourself as you watch from over his shoulder. "is this day more for me or you?" you ask, your eyes still trained on the screen in front of you. "because from what i'm seeing, it looks like you're enjoying this waay more than me."
gojo laughs softly to himself, not even pausing the game before turning to you with a smirk on his lips. "that's because you're spending more time complaining rather than having fun."
to be fair, you couldn't really argue with that so you quietly concede (though very unwillingly) to him as you take an unoccupied chair from another game booth and return to where he was playing. before you know it, you find yourself deeply immersed in the game as well and you start reacting to his gameplay like cheering when he makes it past a level or groaning in frustration when there's a roadblock standing in his way.
for a split second, you notice that there's a faraway look in his eyes which looks eerily similar to the one you probably had when you stepped into the arcade and began to think about happier times but before you can even spit out a question, it's gone and you're left wondering if it was nothing more than just a trick of the light.
the game is over quickly soon enough when the words 'you win' begin flashing in white on the screen with gojo's high score written underneath the text. you then scramble to take his place in the seat when he stands up to stretch, very much intent on beating his score and a competitive glint in your eyes as you stare at the machine with laser focus. behind you, he smiles to himself and watches on proudly, letting out a cheer that's probably too loud and earns you two a few weird stares from the other passersby whenever you progress on to the next level.
the rest of the afternoon flies by like this as you and gojo constantly bounce from one game to another, challenging and throwing some light-hearted taunts at each other as you attempt to beat the other's score. this does rapidly deplete his coin stash but by the time you're down to the bottom of the bucket, you two have already beaten all of the available games in the arcade with some of them being beaten more than twice as well.
gojo takes the bucket from your hands and heads over to the counter to exchange the remaining ones for money before returning to you and pointing to the door, signalling that it's time to head back. you do a quick look back at the place behind you, feeling much lighter inside than compared to when you entered, and walk out with your teacher
while walking down the street, you feel a nudge against your shoulder and turn to face him. he gestures towards a small pastel stand on the side of the both of you. "hey, check out that crepe stand over there. they have some of the best ice cream crepes in the area." your teacher states.
you look at him, unconvinced. "i'm not sure i can really trust your taste buds considering how much sugar you consume on a daily basis."
"come oon, i'll even pay for yours if you get one." he offers, a bit too eager as he tries and fails to hide his own craving for it. you feel the corner of your lips curl upwards slightly and it seems that your stomach agrees with him as it growls quietly in an attempt to signal its hunger.
"well if you were paying, why didn't you say that earlier."
you order the first thing on their must-try section since it was your first time there, which appears to be a vanilla ice cream crepe with cherries and whipped cream, and gojo decides to go with a custom order of a matcha-flavoured crepe base, three scoops of strawberry ice cream piled on top of each other, a mountain of whipped cream with fresh strawberries placed inside but not forgetting the finishing touch of matcha powder sprinkled on top.
you would feel bad for the poor employee tasked with creating that monstrosity when they give him a knowing look, implying that this was not their first time dealing with him and his strange orders. you wait for a bit before receiving your order with him having to try extra hard to make sure nothing would slip off his order and find a seat on a nearby bench.
you two sit in silence, side by side, and eat your crepes, taking this as a chance to unwind. as you take your first bite, the soft cream simply melts in your mouth and the crepe is just the right amount of sweetness with the cherries giving you a good burst of flavour and you secretly commend your teacher for his recommendation.
taking another bite of your crepe, you look at the sky and admire the way the clouds drift lazily across the blue canvas behind them. "hey, thanks for this gojo sensei. it's been a while since i've been able to...relax." you admit, an element of vulnerability hiding behind your words.
he turns and looks at you with a soft smile. "anytime, kid."
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haetkeeper · 2 years
pineapple l.dh / l.hc 🍍
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4.9k words — smut (in part 2) with plot!
when paired up with the worst partner in the entirety of the university, this research paper is going to need a lot of work—too bad the topic of interest is sex education. with two geniuses like yourselves, you have two different project ideas, but both of them require you to get a whole lot closer to donghyuck than you’ve ever wanted to be.
essentially a fem! reader x haechan college au
tags / enemies to lovers, reader really dislikes haechan, haechan really loves teasing reader, slight mention of reader x other nct members
warnings / masturbation scenes, use of the word ‘slut’, perv!haechan, explicit language, alcohol consumption, multiple mentions of sex
( part 2 will surely be much worse, but this part will be fairly tame— stay tuned )
damn professor mira park. "I'm not working with him!" you shout in the kindest way possible, gaining nothing but a simple tsk and shake of her head.
"you're the top student in your graduating class," she states, "this project will be far too easy for you if I give you a less challenging partner." she demands, and you can't admit to yourself that she's right. with a huff, you exit the classroom lecture hall. you're dropping her class next semester even if it's the last thing you'll ever do. because lord knows he may kill you first.
she knew exactly what she'd done by the way both you and donghyuck gave yourselves whiplash, spinning to face her as the words left her mouth. she'd paired the two of you as project partners, to write a research paper, a very important research paper to be exact.
the topics were drawn randomly, and you were oh-so-lucky enough to pull sex education, while donghyuck was given the broad subject of fruits and vegetables.
you used to love this woman, she used to be your favorite professor, but she's crossed a line this time. your feud with donghyuck has grown to be ten years old, and worsened as time goes on—but she knows this. the two of you used to be civil classmates, until he hit puberty and began to think with the head of his penis instead of the head that sits on his spine.
argument after argument, fight after fight, the two of you have grown from the bickering, these days opting to nothing but the silent treatment for one another, but he hasn't changed. he's always seen with a posse of girls surrounding him, and never seen without a cocky smirk on his face.
it's often that you spare him with nothing but a glare in the hallways, not deeming him worthy enough to even hear you speak. he doesn't deserve your energy nor your time.
but doing a project with each other will take a lot more out of you than a little bit of energy and time. if you fail to work with donghyuck, you won't pass the semester, nor gain the necessary credit you need to graduate.
he’s always had it out for you— his side of the feud had stemmed from the way you constantly rose above him academically; no matter how good his grades were, yours were always better, and second place isn't somewhere lee donghyuck likes to be.
frequently, while you want to strangle him because he's evil, he wants to strangle you because you're just so damn cute when you're angry. now don't get him wrong, you're an absolute bitch to him, and words hurt. he really was furious at you in most of your arguments and fights, but he can't deny the twitch in his pants every time your face contorts into a fussy reaction for all of his teases and ministrations.
above all, to you, donghyuck may believe you're a demonic spawn from hell; but if you're one thing, it's a good student. because there you were, sitting on the beer stained living room carpet of the neo fraternity house, and trying to put the past behind you.
donghyuck was rustling around in the kitchen, every now and then calling a question over his shoulder, "is tomato a fruit or a vegetable? answer me dumbass." and every senior who entered the front door would eye you either suspiciously or with dark intention. an intention you'd soon figure out when jung jaehyun was cornering you in the frat house bathroom.
so maybe you extended yourself a little too far by agreeing to study at donghyucks place, but inviting him to yours would prove to be much worse.
its been nearly a week into the project, and you and donghyuck have done next to nothing when it comes to brainstorming and rough drafting the research paper. you're growing anxious about the final grade you could receive and the importance it holds in your future.
but the frustration didn't keep just you awake all night, donghyuck was up, laid back in bed,  and recalling the way you'd raised your voice at him earlier that day.
you roughly explained your worries to him, cute little eyebrows furrowed with discomfort, and you told him that he needs to be pulling his weight in this project.
"use your brain! if you even have one." you flicked at his forehead, and he actually enjoyed the electric jolt of pain your finger left on his skin, and the way your insult clawed at his heart strings. he smiles to himself in bed, 'heart strings', thinking of how you'd probably say that he doesn't have those either.
perhaps it's irresponsible, but donghyuck isn't too worried about this project grade; because if he goes down— you're going down with him. and maybe, just maybe, if he can annoy you enough through this experience, perhaps little miss perfect will get her first C+ score.
behind his eyelids he recalls your lips, pursed in frustration, and your chest heaved up and down in anger, breasts squeezed together and displayed to him from the way you leant down. donghyuck squeezes his eyes together, and to the memory, reaches a hand down to palm at himself over his boxers.
this isn't the first time he's touched himself to the thought of you. it's actually quite often that your blazing fury swirls into a white hot need in the pit of his stomach.
you could hate him with every fiber of your being, but it would only further his fantasy of fucking you. you'd be so angry, yet so needy at the same time, and he'd get you to admit that you must not hate him that much; if his cock was inside you right now.
he grinds into his hand a couple of times, and it's just as the erotic pleasure begins to rush through his veins that it hits him, an idea for the project.
the next night, he shows up at your door with a handful of groceries, brown paper bags filled to the brim with fruits and vegetables. "sup bitch!" he cheerily beams at you, immediately gaining a frown in return. "it's me, your lord and savior, here with a present."
you sigh loudly, grabbing a bag out of his hands and turning away from him in pursuit of the kitchen, grimacing along to his nonsensical blabber as if it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to your ears.
you're about to grill him out of annoyance, but what he says next stops you in your tracks, both mentally and physically. "don't thank me just yet, I still haven't told you about the perfect project idea I've come up with."
you spin to face him, taking a drink of coconut milk you've stolen from one of the grocery bags. his slender arm is leaning against the countertop and a confident smirk is painted across his features, "masturbation" he says simply.
just as the words leave his mouth, the milk leaves yours, and you're spitting the drink all over the kitchen tiles. "excuse me?" you squeal, face red with embarrassment at his vulgarity, and donghyuck is laughing harder than he ever has before, head tilted backwards and smiling widely.
"you're such a dick!" you land a punch onto his shoulder and grab a handful of paper towels to clean up the mess. as you glare up at him, he's grasping his skin with a wince, "I thought you were serious. you know how important this project is for me."
at the sound of your words, the expression of joy is suddenly washed from donghyucks face, mouth still agape, but now in a surprised '0' shape. "I am serious!" he retorts challengingly.
when you respond with nothing but a scowl, he continues to defend himself. "our research paper can be a sex educational experiment, covering which fruits and vegetables are best for male and female masturbation!"
you scoff out a laugh in disbelief, rolling your eyes as you stand to your feet, nearly gagging at the mere sound of his voice. "nice, donghyuck nice, you really think professor park will take us seriously with a project like that?!"
he takes a step toward you, lips pursed into a pout as he argues, "I already ran it by her, she finds the concept to be unique and challenging!" there's a twinge of light in his voice, as if he's using aegyo to persuade you into his perverted plan. "what? is little-miss-perfect-student not up for the challenge?"
"I don't know.." you trail off, eyeing the vegetables that sit over the kitchen counter, a cucumber peeking it's way out of the brown paper bag.
it's girthy and long, you shiver at the thought of it, large enough to be painful if inserted inside of your— "it's our only idea, and we have to start this project before we run out of time, so what do you say dumbass?" donghyuck pokes, once again stepping toward you.
"it's gross." you state, and donghyuck immediately rebuttals, "it's bold!"
you raise your voice, "it's strange." your tone is stern. "it's daring!" his tone is bright, like the grin on his face.
"I'm not doing it!" you throw the paper towel, soiled with spit-out coconut milk, right into his chest, leaving a dark stain on his grey shirt.
he glances down at the damp spot, and then back up at you, eyes dark and expression unreadable. he's so close to you now, after the two steps he'd taken before, you have to tilt your head upwards to face him. your heart begins to race, unsure if he's about to land a punch on your jaw, or hurt your feelings with the worst insult you'll ever receive by ear.
"listen," he speaks, voice deep and surprisingly calm in order to reason with you, "we need to start this project," he pauses for dramatic effect, "tonight."
you nod your head in agreement, not breaking eye contact. "so we start it." he continues, "if you come up with a better idea by the end of the school week, we can do that one instead."
the idea is tempting, donghyuck giving you just enough leverage to feel in charge, lending you a challenge for the week, to prove his idea to be stupid, and lesser to one that you can come up with.
"deal?" he asks when your respond with nothing but silence. "fine, deal." and the evil smirk he flashes around his perfect teeth has you regretting your decision.
the next twenty-four hours proved to be quite difficult for you. not only were you unsuccessful in racking your brain for any project ideas, but it bled it's way into your school work, and you didn't pay attention in any of your other classes.
donghyuck shows up to your dorm with his laptop in hand and a pair of glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. he plops down onto the couch and illuminates himself in the blue-lit screen.
"so—" he begins, glancing up at you for a second as he types away at the computer keys, "what is your experience with masturbation?"
"what the fuck?! jumping straight to the point are we? at least take me out first." you yelp, grabbing two water bottles from the refrigerator, allowing cool air to blow on your now flushed face.
"come on it’s for the project!" he annoyedly calls over his shoulder back at you, and you plop down onto the floor in front of him, separated by nothing but the coffee table.
"come onnn! a total slut like you has to have some insight." he murmurs, the words coming out of his mouth— so mean, but a playful pout sits over his lips, as if he's suppressing a smile.
you stare up at him, doe eyes unsure of what to respond with. "i'm not a slut." you state, causing a smirk to crawl its way onto his lips. "oh yeah?" he pokes, and your heart sinks in your chest before he can continue.
"is that why you let mark take your virginity sophomore year?" he asks, pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose, "how about the time you had that fling with doyoung, but you cheated on him at the senior party?" his tongue swipes out to lick at his lower lip, and he crosses his arms to await your response.
your blood begins to boil, the scowl on your face growing nastier with every word he speaks. "of course I let mark," you stand to your knees, "my boyfriend," you yell, "take that from me— we'd been dating for nearly a year!"
donghyuck feels small as you point your finger in his face, but he's basking in every moment of it. getting a reaction out of you was his only goal, and here the dominoes fall.
"and doyoung?" you continue, tone laced with sass, "fuck him! I never cheated on him." you mimic him by folding your arms over your chest, and with a final mutter, "we weren't an official couple, nor did we agree to be exclusive."
donghyuck shakes his head, letting out a few cocky chuckles beneath his breath, and then reverts his eyes to the laptop screen, "whatever you say, let's get started."
"fine, I've never masturbated with anything before—" you attempt to admit, yet he's already typing away at the keys and speaking once again. but it isn't false, what you've said, fingers aside, you've never masturbated with an object.
"slut." he states factually, dismissing you completely, "anyway! it's pretty obvious that fruits are better for male masturbation and vegetables are better for female masturbation." and you once again grimace at the vulgarity of his words. "I think we should focus on both citrus and melon families, and the marrow and root families."
you're annoyed he's changed the subject, but grateful you don't have to speak about your own masturbational preferences anymore— as of the moment.
he gets up from the couch and makes his way over to your fridge, opening it up and letting himself in, ignoring the scoff you release at him for it. he sets the coffee table with various produce, a large grapefruit, a small watermelon, a long cucumber, a green squash, and a pointy carrot.
"so, which one catches your eye first?" he asks, his slender hand hovering above the vegetables to display your options.
"you mean—," you mumble out, unnerved by his question, "to masturbate with?" and he laughs loudly, making you wish to soak into the carpet like liquid. "yes! which one do you think would work best for your pleasure?" he's smiling across the floor from you.
he waits as you scan the table with your eyes. the cucumber is long and thick, while the carrot is thin and pointy, and to be truthful, you find it hard to believe that either of them would be pleasant to have inside of you. "the squash." you mutter.
"why?" he gently asks in return, his voice high and airy, all sweetened up just for you. "the cucumber is too big, and the carrot is too sharp." the words mumble out of your mouth, and he smiles widely at your innocence.
"too big?" he questions, his tone impossibly quieter than before, and he wraps his fingers around the cucumber. it's similar in size to his own cock, and his body tingles in excitement at your worries. a new fantasy has popped into his head now, and he'll definitely dream ruining you with the size of his penis for the next few weeks.
"how would these," you hesitantly speak, changing the subject from your vegetables to his fruits, "even work for males?" the words stutter out, making donghyuck laugh.
"well," he picks up the grapefruit in his palm, "you carve a hole into the middle," he glances up at you from beneath a pair of long eyelashes and the glass of his spectacles, "and put it in the microwave to warm it up."
you must have a disgusted look on your face by the way he chuckles again, "do you understand, or should I go more in detail?"
"I get it." you snap, suddenly feeling rushed and glancing at the clock, it's getting late, you have plans tomorrow, and you still have homework to do. "lets finish up here for the night."
donghyuck nods his head, a small grin still playing on his lips. "I'll take my grapefruit with me as I go, and leave you and mr.squash alone together." he wiggles his eyebrows, and you shuffle on your knees, immediately groaning back at him. "get out of my apartment you perv."
if you're honest, a tiny part of you feels excited to pleasure yourself with something you'd never thought of before. it's true that you've never masturbated with an object of any sort, only your fingers, and the imaginable stretch this vegetable could give you is already sending waves down to your core.
donghyuck on the other hand, is just as eager, if not more, to get his hands on this project tonight. in fact, when he gets outside to his car, he's ready to speed home and get started.
he's already halfway hard just from the way you spoke to him earlier. not only were you aggressive to him when debunking the rumors, but the topic of sleeping with mark, and who's ever been able to touch you—it has him wishing he was in their shoes.
you're continuing to run through donghyuck's mind as he drives home. he didn't realize you were so pure, he wants to destroy you, in truth, he wants to send you a teasing text message right now, just to see your aggravated response. so as soon as he parks the car outside of his fraternity home, he does just that.
11:41 PM
lee donghyuck: plans tonight? a vegetable orgy perhaps?
he enters the fraternity house, keys in hand, phone in back pocket, wallet in— where's his wallet?
"shit." he breathily curses, jogging up the stairs to his empty room. his roommate johnny must be out for the night, bed made neatly in the corner.
donghyuck plops into his own bed and dials your number, now growing anxious about his missing wallet.
"what do you want donghyuck?!" you sound angry, well, angrier than usual, and if he listens closely, your breathing is labored, as if you'd just done something strenuous.
"don't be a bitch, I just have a question," he says coldly, "did I happen to leave my wallet at your place?"
you groan throatily from the other end of the phone line, and haechan smirks in reaction, happy to be of inconvenience. a soft shuffling rustles through his speakers, and you're annoyedly stopping down the hallway to your kitchen.
his leather platted wallet sits quaintly over the counter top, and you sigh loudly enough for him to hear. "yes it's here, I'll be sure to chuck it at your head in class tomorrow." you sneer, and donghyuck scoffs back an "okay, but I know how much money is in there, so don't even think about stealing any."
you're on your way back to your bedroom when you respond, "fuck you donghyuck, I changed my mind, I'm gonna give it to a homeless man on my way to class."
and before he gets a chance to bite back, you throw the phone onto your bed sheets and snuggle right back in to where you were before he called.
he however, is still on the other end of the line, snarking an unheard comeback into the speaker like his life depends on it. he's completely unaware that the phone has just landed next to a vegetable, the squash, which is laying over the bedsheets in preparation to be used.
once he finishes speaking, he's confused as to why you haven't hung up, because the phone call is racking up the minutes before his eyes, yet nothing but a simple rustling noise comes through the speakers.
before his interruption, you were stroking yourself with the vegetable, experimenting with it like the research project entails for you to. so here you are again, and it's difficult, you find yourself whining out loud when it won't fit inside you, stretching the outside of your hole with a sharp burning pain.
donghyuck inhales sharply when he hears you, that soft angelic whimper escaping your throat— he can only imagine it to be one thing. is there someone there with you? are you touching yourself? do you know he's still on the line? the questions fly through his brain.
it isn't until you whine to yourself "too big," that he really understands what's happening on the other end of the phone. the vegetable.
donghyucks heart races, recalling the size of the green squash in his brain, it wasn't even that large. oh my god, you really have never masturbated with an object before. even though he'd heard you say so earlier, he ignored it out of pure disbelief.
yet now that he knows, he can't bare to hear your despair over the phone, he wants to educate you, he's desperate to help you pleasure yourself in your tiny and untouched hole.
he doesn't want to hang up the phone, but the angel on his shoulder reminds him how dirty and wrong the situation may be. you had to have meant to hang up the phone, there's no way, as much as he wishes there was, that you'd left him on the line on purpose.
so the little red end button is tapped by his finger, and it swiftly makes way to the keyboard, typing out yet another text message for you.
11:41 PM
lee donghyuck: plans tonight? a vegetable orgy perhaps?
12:03 AM
lee donghyuck: you can't make yourself feel good with something so big, unless you warm up first. start with your fingers, take your time, stretch yourself out.
he watches closely as the text bubble delivers, and a heavy fog sits in his bedroom air. the fact that he heard you whimper at the mercy of unreachable pleasure, and knowing that you're masturbating in this current moment in time— it's done something to donghyuck, obvious by the imprint of his hard cock in his sweatpants, and the rapid racing beat of his heart.
in the morning, you feel physically ill, when recalling the events from the night before. donghyucks text message had buzzed your phone to life, and your stomach dropped as you read it. there's no way he could've guessed that masturbating is what you'd been doing before and after answering his phone call, and by the amount of minutes the caller ID racked up, you knew exactly what happened.
he heard you. masturbating. with a squash.
in hindsight, it isn't that big of a deal, this is your research project, after all. and donghyuck will need to fuck a food just as well you will, but the fact that he heard you and so nonchalantly gave you advice about it, its so embarrassing.
you cant go into class today, not with this on your conscience, and especially not with the blackmail that the infamous lee donghyuck is now equipped with.
you'll have to switch schools, better yet, you'll have to change your name.
donghyuck was confused when he entered the classroom, actually slightly excited to see you at your desk, only to find it vacant and cold in lack of your presence. even professor park herself asked the students if they'd seen you on campus today, worried by the disruption in your perfect attendance.
donghyuck reaches for his cellphone, immediately typing out a text for you, the third text within twelve hours actually.
11:41 PM
lee donghyuck: plans tonight? a vegetable orgy perhaps?
12:03 AM
lee donghyuck: you can't make yourself feel good with something so big, unless you warm up first. start with your fingers, take your time, stretch yourself out.
10:02 AM
lee donghyuck: where are you?
you stare at the text as it buzzes it's way onto your home screen, nausea pooling it's way into your stomach. you knew you hated donghyucks project idea, but you had no idea that it was going to be this gut wrenchingly awful to execute. so you ignore the message—all day.
tonight's plans consist of a wedding, a beautiful reception for your wonderful cousin and the man she loves. and while you're elated for their happiness, you find yourself most excited to take place at the open bar all night.
so here you are, downing your fourth lemon drop shot and ordering yet another glass of rosé champagne from an old female bartender. the ceremony was gorgeous, so was your cousin, and now that she's wedded, the guests are celebrating, you included, until you hear an agitating-ly familiar voice from down the bar.
"can I get another bottle of soju?" donghyuck slurs, leaning over the black countertop to an older bartender. he seems reluctant to give donghyuck what he asks for, but does it anyway.
a sober you would've ducked your head and ran the other way to avoid donghyuck, but drunk you, "what the fuck are you doing here?" blurts out harshly, also slurring your words.
his reaction time is slowed when he turns to you, proving him also to be very tipsy. "what the hell?" he grits his teeth, "the groom is my brothers best friend, why the fuck are you here?"
oh but of course. what an inconvenient coincidence.
"the bride is my cousin, so I'm family. that means I'm more important." the words barely make sense as they string together when leaving your lips. "you should leave." you state, turning away and stomping back toward a dinner table.
donghyuck can't help but glance at your body in the little blue dress you threw on for tonight's event, it flows cutely in the wind behind you as you stumble away in your high heels. he almost chuckles, until he remembers the way you ghosted him all day.
"excuse me?" he hisses, now stumbling after you. "can you rethink the way you're speaking to me lately? I'm a person too you know." he grasps onto your wrist, but you wriggle away from his touch and plop into a dining chair.
it only takes half a second for him to join you, sitting in the seat directly next to yours. "I really enjoyed your response to my texts, by the way. It was really great, super well thought out, had great diction and outstanding sentence structure, I was appalled by your greatness—" he rambles on and on sarcastically about the read receipts and lack of responses left beneath his messages.
"shut the fuck up!" you lean forward to confidently yell in his face, the gutsy move supported by the alcohol in your veins. your heads are close, and donghyucks eyes widen by the fury in your tone.
"if you're trying to hound me about the project—don't." you warn, breath still close enough to fan donghyucks face. "I'm done talking about it with you. from now on, I'll do my part, and you do yours. that's it." a pout sits over your lips when you lean back into the chair and take a large sip of your drink.
donghyuck is dumbfounded by your words, but resonates with them nonetheless. he crossed a boundary with you, and understands the place you're coming from. you've worked together enough so far, and can finish the research paper without discussing the— intricacies.
the rounded table falls silent, each chair vacant, nothing but purses and jackets left by party guests who now reside on the dance floor. you stare into the middle of the white tablecloth, eyes now focused on the fruit tray appetizer sitting in the middle of it.
"I love pineapple." you drunkenly state through the silence, now gripping a tiny chunk of the fruit between your fingers.
the argument is over, and donghyuck watches as you examine the snack and plop it between your lips, painted such a pretty pink color. he wants to laugh at the way you've just went from screaming at him to contently munching on appetizers. "it's alright. I like strawberry better."
your eyes widen in disbelief, cheeks full of pineapple when you debate the matter of his opinion. "what?! pineapple is so much better! it has so many interesting benefits also. did you know that it promotes reproductive health?"
"benefits?" he leans closer, watching as you pick up yet another piece of the yellow fruit. a sober donghyuck would do his own research and try his best to correct the way you're educating him right now, but drunk donghyuck would rather question it blindly.
"yes," you stare back at him, chewing the juicy texture with happiness, "eating it makes oral sex taste better."
his already flushed cheeks are now burning with saturation, and he smiles at your words. "that's such a myth." a giggle leaves his lips beneath his giddy and crescent shaped eyes, and you sit forward in shock.
that's it. a new project idea that totally trumps his flop masturbation idea, and will get you out of it entirely.
"wanna bet? let's research it." you're now facing him straight on, and there's a curious glint in his foggy and intoxicated eyes. he sits back, once again taking in the way the blue dress compliments your figure. “how?”
who knew that a drunk you could think of a project idea much faster than a sober you ever could.
maybe it’s the way donghyucks brunette hair is disheveled around his forehead, or the way his voice has dropped several octaves to a sexy husk, it could be nothing but the lustful look in his eyes.
but whatever it may be, has curated a need inside of you that you never thought you’d form. “follow me, and I’ll show you.”
part 2 coming soon! ( much quicker than part 1 did, sorry for the wait )
TAGLIST: @thisbabydontstop @thelmathinks @trulanxe @jaeymark @nctxtrash @artgukk @jaehmarks @count-your-shadows @pradagukkie @matchahyuck
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