#like i thought i was paying a lot for a 25 dollar ticket cause my usual price range is 10-20
rabbitmotifs · 10 months
the problem with popular live music is that it costs too much actually
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Hey grumpy! so I was going through Jensen’s tag on here last night and I found something interesting. It was sent to a destiheller blog though and the op started tinhatting in their reply so I didn’t add that part. Here’s the ask:
“Personally, I think the Mishalecki fallout was mostly one sided. Misha hugged Jared really tight at Denver con, like he’d actually missed him. While Jared hasn’t even mentioned Misha’s book, unlike literally every other actor on spn. Not only that, but apparently Gen and Jared supposedly had a virtual conversation with the author of the book they promoted near the release of Misha’s book a couple days ago. The thing is Gen has had talks like these with the author of the books she’s read in her bookclub before. I just don’t remember Jared ever participating in those conversations as well until today, at this point it seems like they’re doing it on purpose lol. Of course it might also be the fact that you had to pay 25 dollars to watch that conversation with Gen and Jared today, and promoting Misha’s book wouldn’t gain them anything, because we all know the Padapayme’s won’t do anything unless there’s something in it for them as well.”
I unfollowed Geneva months ago because of her insufferable advertising so I didn’t know any of this but I think it’s something to think about. Don’t get me wrong that poetry book is way overhyped for sure but at this point it’s not really about the book. I doubt they weren’t sent a copy just like the rest of the cast. In any case, I’m definitely stealing ‘Padapayme’ for future reference.
I’m not Misha’s biggest fan, but I will say that out of the three, it really did kinda seem like he was trying to keep the peace. It almost seemed like we were watching a divorced couple at Christmas and Misha was the son trying to keep the happy appearance going. I didn’t see any panels or anything, but I did see gifs (and reblogged a few) and Misha seemed like he did genuinely miss everyone. Maybe he’s a great actor, but I think a lot of people would beg to differ.
I’m not sure there was a specific “fallout” between Misha and Jared, I think Jared just got too big in the britches and decided he didn’t need to be as chummy with anyone. I mean with Jensen and Jared, there was the prequel nonsense and then Jared ignoring Jensen’s movie news. With Misha, there really wasn’t a specific incident to point to as causing a fallout. Well, until the book thing.
It does seem like they’re being petty on purpose, but the logical side of my brain says that Gen needed to sell some tickets and pulled Jared into the mix to guarantee sales. All of her other conversations with authors have been free, no? She probably knew that she couldn’t sell spots on her own so why not bring in the wallet? 
It’s funny that this anon mentioned Jared and Gen not getting anything from promoting Misha’s book because I had the exact same thought. I mean sure, Jensen didn’t post anything on his own socials (unless he tweeted about the book) but his participation in D’s post at least showed he was involved in promoting the book somehow. Jared hasn’t said a word and Gen just reshared Felicia’s post and added “can’t wait to read!” Lazy. 
It says a lot that she can muster up some ad posts for literally everything else, but can’t be bothered to make a post about the book. Even just a tweet or something. But again, they’re not being paid for it so why bother? They just continue to show that they really are motivated by money and what others can do for them over anything else. It’s sad, but not surprising that’s for sure.
“Padapayme” is amazing though and I give kudos to the anon for bringing it to light! It’s true and clever!
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msf-diamond-dog · 3 years
Okie dokii
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Usually just shorts and a tshirt
3. What song really gets you going?
Right now, Lights Out by 3Teeth
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
In my bedroom
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
I dont eat breakfast or lunch so
6. Most embarrassing habit?
Bein an asshole
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
8. Soft or hard tacos?
Depends on the taco, man.
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
/ryan stiles voice/ you guys wanna stop a fight
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
I aint talk to people
11. What color/design are your bedsheets?
Just gray flannel
12. Any hidden talents?
I aint even got any obvious ones,
13. Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.)?
I love a good pint glass.
14. Socks or bare feet around the house?
15. Favorite board game?
Candyland bitches
16. Do you sleep with the fan on or off?
Always on
17. Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Cold with lots of layers.
18. Do you sing in the shower?
19. Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
Grave by Hellyeah
20. Last thing you cried about?
Anxiety attack a couple weeks ago
21. At what age did you first have alcohol?
21, didnt have any before then
22. Relationship status?
Single but into someone
23. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
I dont spend a ton on clothes but I think I payed like 60 dollars for a band shirt once
24. What do you typically wear to formal events?
Nicer clothes than usual?
25. Favorite memory?
Just bein a chill happy kid honestly,
26. Gum or breath mints?
27. Favorite shoes?
Mah boots.
28. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
This whole how I look situation.
29. What is the natural state of your hair?
I gots a shaved head
30. Have you ever had braces?
No, wish I did though, I hate my smile
31. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
32. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
I dont know really. I think I embarrass my parents more than the other way around
33. Last time you had an orgasm?
A couple nights ago
34. Celebrity crush(es)?
Legit dont have any. I have no connection with any of them so
35. Windows or Mac?
36. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
Uhhh 7. Our neighbor taught me.
37. Makeup or natural?
Both. Both is good.
38. What color do you wear the most?
39. Favorite season?
Winter all the way
40. Umbrella or rain coat?
I live in the desert and it hasnt rained in like 6 months so neither. Whenever it rains I just stand outside.
41. Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
Prolly happened as a kid but I dont remember. We had a tree we all used to love climbing at the house I was a youngin at.
42. First car you ever owned?
Same car I have now, my 91 Nissian Pickup.
43. What time do you usually go to bed?
Anywhere from 12 to 2 am.
44. Are you a competitive person?
Not really no.
45. Least favorite color?
46. First pet you’ve ever owned?
A fishy
47. Sweet or salty?
Why not both
48. Favorite pasta dish?
Anything with basil and olive oil 👌
49. Favorite kind of chips?
Nitro Takis are the shit
50. Talk about something you’re passionate about.
Music. Nuff said.
51. What are some of your hobbies?
Music, video games, gunpla, legos, anything that kinda creative really
52. Caffeine? If so, what kind?
53. Favorite kind of pizza?
Extra pepperoni with anchovies 👌
54. Fast food or sit-down restaurant?
Fast food. I dont like eating around people
55. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
Close friends.
56. Something that ruins your appetite?
Being in a bad mood
57. Favorite labels about you?
58. Are you a religious person?
Not anymore. I grew up that way but organized religion always pisses me off. Im much more spiritual
59. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
One friend
60. What size shoe do you wear?
11 1/2
61. Favorite thing about yourself?
The fact most people cant read my sarcasm
62. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
I dont think anyone has ever told me first
63. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Kinda sorta?
64. Heroes or villains?
Maximals all the way.
65. Favorite fruit?
Prolly mangos or strawberries
66. Least favorite fruit?
Unripe melon.
67. Favorite vegetable?
68. Least favorite vegetable?
I like all the ones ive had Im not picky but the lowest prolly be carrots?
69. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
Usually 2 or 3
70. Favorite dessert?
71. Do you play any sports?
No, never been my thing
72. Age you learned how to swim?
7 or 8 I think.
73. Tell a funny story.
My boss keep salt lamps in every room of his house "just in case" of rfid waves (???) but refuses to wear a mask when he goes out cause "theres no proof it does anything".
74. What’s one interesting thing about your culture?
How much closer the brown side of my family is compared to the white side
75. What’s one annoying thing about your culture?
All the gossip, man.
76. What job would you be terrible at?
Math teacher.
77. Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
TV shows
78. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
Anything that makes someones day a little better!
79. What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
I do not like receiving compliments i always feel awkward
80. Has your opinion changed on something recently?
Not that I can think of off the top of my head
81. Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
Usually the same thing
82. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
83. If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
84. Favorite physical feature about yourself?
85. Least favorite physical feature about yourself?
The whole the things
86. What’s one amazing thing you did that nobody was around to see?
Survived 👈👈😎
87. If you could change your height, would you?
Maybe, I feel pretty short
88. What’s something you would rate 10/10?
Holding hands
89. Heels or flats?
Why not platform boots
90. What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
91. Would you want to be famous?
92. What’s something you would get arrested for?
Prolly trespassing
93. What’s your spirit animal?
Water bears 🤔
94. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Won tickets and got to meet Jonathan Davis so that was pretty cool
95. Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
Organized mess
96. Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
All of the above if able
97. Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
98. Thoughts on the oxford comma?
99. What do you hope never changes?
How close the sun is to the earth
100. How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
I aint ever wanna be that old.
Thank you Audi!!
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strawberryspeachy · 4 years
So on the last day of july i went clubbing
Almost immediately met a cute boy and he asked me to go to a hotel with him. I debated but ultimately went with him. He asked if i wanted to go on a date because fucking japanese assholes equate date with hotel.
Went. Hooked up. Then. He said he wanted to go back to the club because otherwise “it would be a waste of his night”
So... went back.... watched him look for another girl. And felt like shit
Eventually a boy that was ok looking talked to me. I didnt ignore him and he got excited over me talking to him after having ignored other boys. I didnt intend to continue talking to him but he was so excited the entire time and was nice so i just stayed with him.
We left together and sat on some sidewalk and talked. I saw that both his arms had cut marks all over them
And as a fucked up person... i stupidly think that other fucked up people will be as empathetic as i try to be and my depressed friends back home
He told me some of his shitty homelife - apparently he doesnt have parents
He asked me to go to a hotel with him and i said no... so we went to eat instead...
He kept being overly nice (in words) told me that he works at an old folks home and that he wants to learn english and come to america and help me take care of my mom.... in a sudden way
Rationally im not stupid and know that was a line. But im pretty stupid in general
He kept asking me to be his gf and i told him id need to go on a date with him to decide that
I just wanted to say no but...
He didnt pay for my meal - ya im one of those girls that that bothers
We seperated and he continued to text my the next few days. We set up a date. He asked me to go to him in yokohama - an hour away from tokyo
Since id never been there i said yes. But this meant i had to pay an expensive train ticket
He did pay for dinner and afterwards convience store for me... mostly... asking if i had change
He wanted to drink at the pier and insisted i get a drink but didnt pay for it
And then took me back to his apartment
It ended up being fun
The next morning while he was showering i was just poking around at his stuff. Not actually looking for anything just curious about the things he has
I looked at his wallet (honestly to see the design but i also always wonder why japanese guys are so comfortable leaving money around who is generally a stranger)
And then. I found. Picture from a photobooth. Him amd soem girl. It was dated from a week before.
He told me the night we met that he broke up with his ex a year ago. But this picture looked very much like a couple
I asked him about it and he just said sorry and threw it in the trash (not a real trash. It could easily be taken out) he said it was from a year ago
After. Bit i took it out amd pointed at the date. He literally hummed and refused to comment ...but he told me hell only see me...
I shouldn’t take that as enough but i did and told him when i got home that ill only se him too. I told him i liked him - and to this point he kept saying he likes me over and over. He has not said it since this. Just said he was happy that i used his name.
After that i went to okinawa for a few days. He told me his sim card broke and he doesnt have wifi unless he goes to a convience store (as an excuse to text slow)
I got back the next week and stayed home all week from a yeast infection that i think he gave me. When he barely responded i told him that
Then he responded continuously telling me that i just got it on my own and hes healthy so it wasnt him
That weekend i went drinking with some friends and messaged him. He responded immediately and i called him. Asking when his phone got fixed. He told me the day before
Then he told me he has pink eye and sent a picture. He said he cant go out of his house because of it
The next week was my birthday. He said hed be cured the day after and we could celebrate. Then he cancelled saying the doc told him hes still contagious
A few days after he sent me a picture of him with makeup on and contacts in saying he went to the salan. I responded immediately asking if he was still contagious and tried to call. He ignored me
I tried to call more throughout the day
Over 24 hours pased so i used another account to say hi to him. After 2 hours he responded to the fake account asking who it was
And i flipped the fuck out. I told him a bunch of reasons why he sucked and that he did and fuck him
Then he responded to me with long messages. Many of which i couldnt understand (hes used incorrect kanji before that which makes translation strained)
His excuse was that he felt sick and slept for 20 hours (but he ignored me for over 27)and that he wanted to answer his texts in order. That he doesnt look at him phone much and then got mad at me for not being worried about him and instead getting mad
He didnt addresss any of my complaints like the fact that if im his gf i should be a priority
But because im a sucked i felt bad for trying to hurt him and apologized.... he said hed forgive me if i buy him an accessory next time we hung out...
Yeah. Red flags. I too if i had other options... would have said. Thats a weird way to accept an apology.
Also before (on that first date) when we talked about our bdays cause his was a bit before mine. I asked him what hed wanna do as a late celebration. He immediately told me he wanted yakiniku (an expensive meat meal) and clothes or accessorys from an expensive brand he likes...
So he continued to take over 24 hours to reply to me. With very small responces - he never asks me questions. I asked him to call the night before i went camping and he said he couldnt because he was too drunk from drinking with friends. I went camping and came back and got him on the phone. I demanded him to call and he said he couldnt cause he was tired from work and would the following day
I told him it makes me upset that he doesnt talk to me and that i constantly dont feel good because of him. He just said sorrry. I planned to say this is over if he didnt agree to meet me. But he agreed to a date the coming sunday... the day before i began work again. He said hed come to tokyo and and had a plan. It sounded fun.
Well come sunday morning.... he cancelled. He said he didnt have money. I tried to call him several times and he ignored me.
I confronted him in person. He got mad at me for it. Said he got some sort debt collection and got frauded... someone used his name to take out money and he has to pay court. He said he doesnt have money because of it.
I asked why he never tells me whats going on with him (because im dumb and beleive this... actually i dont. I hope hes being honestly and just has really bad luck but)
This time like last time i told him the way he treats me is how really awful boys who are using me and playing with me treat me. And i cant trust him if hes like this but doesnt tell me why
Well...i was there... i offered to pay for out date.... besides the 11 dollars it takes to get to him
He asked me to put 5 dollars on his train card.... it takes 3 dollads to get to and from where we went. He... mad sure no matter where we would eat it would cost 40 bucks - wanting to drink alc and such. It costed 43 dollars. He wanted starbucks but i kinda said no by saying i dont rlly like starbucks - but he still wanted to get a dessert - 3 dollars
And... he wanted me to buy him that aftermentioned accessory... a ring. He looked at very expensive ones... i... would not have paid for even as stupid as i am.. the one he got was 15 or 25 I forget which...
The thing is... if he wasnt actually... if i wasn’t comfortable being with him i woulda stopped this before... unfortunately. As usual. Despite initially not being attracted to him i really enjoyed his company and find him to be fun...
He said that we should go home at 8 i asked about going back to him place and he said no because hes tired and has work the next day. He knows i also do too. At the same time. And i tried to convince him and he kept saying no. Then i asked doesnt he wanna have sex. He said that we should go to a hotel. And i protested that hotels are expensive and his apartments free and just a cheap train station away. He said hes too tired and just wants to sleep at his apartment but hotels are exciting so hed be awake at a hotel.
He pushed them and i said at that point id be spending like 100 dollars on the day and he knows i also dont have a lot of money.
We awkwardly went to a manga cafe that was only 5 dollars but it wanted you to make a card that costs 5 more dollads. And then i got fussy because too much stress literally makes me lose control of my emotions.
It fucking sucks and i hate it. I have no fucking control over my emotions when my stress is bubbling (which it almost always is) and boils over.
I asked him if he can even pay just the 5 dollars and he said he has no money. I asked how hes gonna get to work with literally no money and he said his conpany pays for it (yea japanese conpanies pay AFTER you go )
We left. It was a bad mood. He didnt storm away from me even though i was basically crying in the street (i have had this happen with even friends. I start crying and they just walk away so even though it should be expected of someone claiming to be your bf... ya)
Anyhow i told him i just wanted to cuddle and talk and kiss
He looked annoyed but i guess he thought those wants were cute and looked for a isolated place
Because were in japan
Couldnt find one cause we were in a city and he again just started saying lets go home. That hes tired and not in the mood.
But we were in a quiet enough play.
And im bitching here but ill take a quick break to say i kept hugging him and stuff which he liked despite saying he was really embarrassed
He told me ealier ok that because of this debt thing hes gonna work two jobs
Which. Terrified me. The first guy I went on a date with in Japan asked me to be his gf and to move in with him and said he had to work two jobs for a month to afford to move so he wouldnt have time to see me. He told me his progress for two weeks and then ghosted me.
This boy told me hell make time to see me when i complained about not doing anything physical when i wouldnt see him again for who knows how long
Welp. Todays saturday and that was sunday. And while at first i thought he was trying because he replied to my messages in or at 24 hours for a few days. Its gone back to the 17 hours
And i asked him to talk on the phone
And he just said not tonight because after his current job hes working at home too
And because im dumb ive waisted my whole saturday waiting for him to reply and crying.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Secret Santa
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Summary: The reader is participating in the SPN cast & crew Secret Santa exchange for the first time when she ends up drawing Jensen’s name...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 4,400ish
Warnings: none
A/N: Written for a friend :) Enjoy!...
You yawned as you rested your head in your hand, watching the camera reset back into position, Jensen smiling from the other side of the table in the bunker set.
“What are you looking at goof?” you asked, smiling back at him.
“Uh, it’s the first day back from Thanksgiving break,” he said, still wearing that big charming smile.
“Yes, because we’re all overjoyed to be working a 12 hour day after having the past week off,” you teased.
“Oh, I forgot. You’re a rookie,” he teased right back.
“Rookie mistake?” asked your A camera operator.
“Rookie mistake,” said Jensen with a tsk.
“Rookie mistake, Y/L/N? I thought we knew you better than that by now,” said your B camera operator before the small crew in the bunker library was all sharing giggles.
“I hate working with all of you,” you said, biting your bottom lip when they started to laugh. “Come on, one more take and we all get to go home.”
“Rookie mistake,” said the boom guy, your jaw dropping.
“Oh, come on, Y/N. Even I know-” said Alex before Jensen held up a hand.
“Ah, ah. Don’t be spoiling nothing for the rookie, pup,” said Jensen with a smirk.
“If it makes you feel any better, I was rookie last year,” said Alex. “Also, I am so calling you old man from now on.”
“Old man can kick your ass, pup,” said Jensen. Alex opened his mouth but realized Jensen probably very well could. “Besides, let’s not ruin the surprise, hm?”
“You are such a tease. Every last one of you,” you said, pointing at them all.
“Duh. You knew what you signed up for in the spring,” said Jensen, getting a waving finger. “Yeah, yeah. Come on rookie and pup, let’s finish this up so we can get to the good stuff.”
You heard a knock at your trailer door as you finished packing up your bag to go home, slinging it over your shoulders before you pulled the door open.
“Hi,” said Jensen, standing there with a tired but friendly smile. “Heading home?”
“After the staff meeting. I don’t feel like we’ve ever gotten one at the end of a day. Is this normal?” you asked, grabbing your phone and car keys, locking up your trailer after yourself.
“It’s nothing to worry about. It’s a fun thing we do for the holidays around here is all,” he said. “I...the rookie thing wasn’t bothering you today, was it? I know we can take that stuff a bit far sometimes.”
“No,” you said, bumping his shoulder, giving him a smile. “I’m just a bit tired.”
“Tired? We just had a week off,” he said, adjusting his own backpack as you walked.
“My break wasn’t awesome. You know how family can be,” you said.
“Not particularly. My family’s always gotten along, even if we all are a bit weird and dorky,” he said. “I realize why you sounded so off in our phone calls now though.”
“I traveled all the way to Maine to deal with...sorry. We’re going to do something fun you said?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he said, throwing an arm over your shoulders. “Rookie.”
“Okay, this is technically my second season on the show so-”
“Technically it’s your first full season on the show. Guest starring end of last season don’t count. Rookie,” he teased.
“You’ll pay for that, Ackles,” you said, booping him on the nose.
“Oh will I, Y/L/N?” he said, moving his arm around to pull you in front of him, starting to give you a noogie.
“Jensen. Jensen Ross Ackles! You are at your place of work, young man!” you said, Jared snorting as you watched him walk past.
“This is the most professional he’s ever acted,” said Jared, squishing your cheeks together before he headed towards set, Jensen chuckling as he helped get most of your hair out of your face.
“Boys,” you said, grabbing Jensen’s arm when he almost tripped over a set of cables running on the ground. “Careful, Jay. It’s your turn to buy dinner.”
“Ah, I see why you keep me around,” he said, righting himself, walking a little more slowly across the lot over to the bunker set. You yawned and rocked back on your heels, ready for some dinner in Jensen’s apartment and followed by a hot soaking bath in your own before bed.
A good chunk of the cast and crew was there, everyone lining up and jotting something down on slips of paper before they tossed them in a big basket.
“Write your name down,” said Jensen when you got up there. You did as told, placing it in the basket and moving aside, the line finishing up quickly after you. Someone turned a big handle on the basket and the paper jumbled together, mixing it all up.
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen. The 2018 Supernatural Secret Santa has the same rules as last year. $25 dollar limit. Only one secret santa per person. Gift exchange will take place on the last day of filming this year, right before the winter break. Any questions, please contact Nina, one of our lovely costume designers or myself as we are heading up the exchange this year. Does anyone have any questions?” asked Chad. “No? Alright. Step up and pick a name. If you draw your own name, stick it back in and draw again. Alright let’s go. I got a Buffalo Bills game to get home to.”
“He’s a fan of the Bills?” you whispered to Jensen. “Seriously?”
“Take pity on him. He’s Canadian,” whispered Jensen. It took a minute to get the line going again but once it was, people were out of there, saying goodnight to each other once they got their names.
Jensen shoved his hand inside and quickly glanced at the paper he’d grabbed before shoving it in his pocket. He stepped out of the way, waiting for you. You were glad you were tired because you were pretty sure your face would have shown who you’d gotten.
Jensen Ackles
You folded the paper up and put it in your jeans, Jensen smiling when you caught up with him.
“Get someone good?” he asked. You whipped your head up, giving him a smile.
“Mhm,” you said. “You?”
“Yup,” he said, stealing your car keys out of your hand. “I drive, you run in and pick it up on the way home?”
“Did you order yet?” you asked.
“Just did,” he said, twirling your keys around. You passed Cliff and Jared on the way to your car, Jensen saying he was riding home with you. Occasionally he did get a ride in with you and sometimes he even convinced you to come in with him if you were on the same shooting schedule for the day. He didn’t often drive for you though and you wondered what was on his mind.
“Hey, Jen,” you said once your seatbelt was on. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah,” he said with a smile. You nodded, Jensen sighing.
“Just going home for the holidays...it can be a bit lonely, you know?” he said. “My siblings all have spouses and families and I’m the one crashing in my childhood bedroom by myself having my parents convince me I’m not a lost cause.”
“You know what you need right now?” you said, Jensen turning in his seat. You reached your hand out and traced a finger under his jaw, Jensen staring to laugh as you tickled him.
“Y/N, Y/N, I need to drive!” he laughed, squirming away until you finally relented. “I’m not even ticklish there.”
“Sure, you’re not,” you teased, scratching his jaw as Jensen chuckled. “I wanted to see a smile on that face of yours.”
“You always make me feel better when I’m down,” he said, smiling at you before suddenly turning away. “We should head out.”
After dinner at Jensen’s you headed down a few floors and to the other side of the building to your place, settling into your soaking tub, playing with some bubbles while you tried to think of what to possibly get him. A gift card was easy since you knew where he shopped and ate out. But it was impersonal and Jensen was your best friend. You were planning on getting him an actual Christmas present, had gotten it already, a pair of tickets to some pro golf thing where he could basically swing around clubs with the pros for a few hours and get some pointers. It sounded expensive but once you factored in the family discount your mom had swung for you with her friend, it was practically no cost at all.
You wanted to do something like that again, something he’d really love. All you kept thinking of though was stupid crap like an extra phone charger or heaven forbid, socks. You jolted up in the tub when your phone rang, quickly climbing out and grabbing it without looking.
“Hello?” you asked.
“Hey, Y/N,” said Jensen. “Just me.”
“Oh, hey. What’s up?” you asked, throwing on your robe and undoing the tub. You walked into your bedroom, frowning at the clock. “I thought you were heading to bed early, catch up on some sleep.”
“Um...I did. I...shit, forget about it,” he said. “Night.”
He hung up and you pouted, calling him back but getting no answer.
“Ackles…” you grunted. You threw on your pajamas and grabbed your key, heading up to his apartment, knocking more than a few times before it opened up.
“You call me like that and then don’t answer? Of course I’m coming to check on you,” you said, walking past him into the dark apartment. He sighed and closed the door, rubbing his eyes. His hair was tousled, shirt a little off. “You were asleep before.”
“Yeah. I was just about back asleep too when you showed up,” he said.
“Well why’d you call me?” you asked.
“I had a nightmare, alright?” he said, rubbing one of his arm, pulling at the sleeve of his t shirt. “I just...I’m fine. I just wanted to hear your voice for a second. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”
“Do you want me to stay over tonight?” you asked.
“What? No, seriously, Y/N. I’m fine. I shouldn’t-”
“Jensen,” you said. “There was totally that time I freaked out over a noise and you spent the night in my apartment because I was scared.”
“That was different,” he said.
“What? Boys aren’t allowed to be scared?” you said.
“No, we are. I just…” he said, scratching his head. “You aren’t leaving, are you.”
“You have a guest room. I’ll crash here, okay? If you have another nightmare, I’ll come wake you up,” you said. He opened his mouth but you put your hands on your hips, Jensen dropping his head. You stepped over and gave him a hug, Jensen tensing at the contact for a moment before he relaxed and returned it.
“You were in an accident. I couldn’t save you,” he said quietly. You looked up at him, Jensen staring across the room, avoiding your gaze. “The nightmare.”
“I’m right here, Jay,” you said, giving him a smile, wrapping your arms even tighter before you leaned back, picking him up off the ground, and let out a whoof. “You are heavier than I thought you’d be.”
“Well put me down, goofball,” he chuckled. You shook your head and slowly waddled down the hall to his bed, Jensen laughing his ass off by the time you got there.
“We are so doing a piggyback ride next time,” you said, bonking his nose when he was set down, throwing his covers back on him, a smile on his face. “Night, Jens.”
“Night, Y/N.”
You woke up to Jensen shaking you awake, eyes flashing open.
“Morning,” he said sleepily. “You got a eight am call time. Better get downstairs if you want to be on time.”
“Yeah, thanks,” you said, stretching for a second before you rolled out of bed and stepped into your slippers. “Sleep okay?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly, a bit of color in cheeks that was barely noticeable. “Thanks for last night. I mean, making sure I was okay.”
“S’never a problem, Jensen,” you said, yawning as you walked down the hall. “I’ll see you at work later.”
“Later, Y/L/N.”
You were taking a break between scenes on Tuesday, heading back to your trailer when you saw an envelope taped to the outside of it.
Your Secret Santa
“Oh, this’ll be good,” you said, ripping it off and heading into your trailer. You tore it open, pulling open a small typed out piece of paper.
I’m your Secret Santa. I know you’re new to set this year but I feel like you’ve been having a good time working with us all. We certainly enjoy working with you. You’re not only very talented, but kind and humble as well, something you may take for granted but I don’t, especially in this industry. Your personality has been refreshing around here and quite honestly, I look forward to the times I get to work with the cute new girl. Here’s to figuring out the perfect gift for you.
Your SS
“Oh my…” you said, a knock at your door making you shriek. You heard Jensen chuckle as you called him in, Jensen laughing when you pursed your lips at him. “You startled me.”
“Scaredy cat,” he said, hopping up on your kitchen counter. “What’s that?”
“This? This is a letter from my secret santa,” you said, handing it to him.
“Letters aren’t a part of the exchange,” said Jensen reading it over. “Oh. Sounds like your secret santa has a bit of a crush on you.”
“Well that’s obvious,” you said, taking the letter back.
“Are you freaked out or…” said Jensen.
“No, no. I’m surprised is all,” you said. “What are the odds that someone who has a crush on me would be my secret santa?”
“About one in two fifty?” teased Jensen. You rolled your eyes and took a seat. “You think someone’s messing with you?”
“Jared does like to prank me,” you said.
“Yes but Jared doesn’t pull pranks like that. You got an admirer out there somewhere,” said Jensen with a smile. “It’s cute.”
“Yeah. I really need to figure out my own secret santa though before I can investigating who has a crush,” you said.
“Need any help?” asked Jensen. You laughed, shaking your head.
“No, no. I can handle it. Want to run some lines?” you asked.
“Sure thing, rookie.”
Friday afternoon you got back to your chair at the end of your filming day, cocking your head at the green envelope sat in it.
“Oh, did the secret santa strike again?” teased Jared, laughing as you whacked his arm.
“Another letter? Lucky you,” joined in Jensen, collecting his things before he ran back to his trailer to change for another scene. You shoved your phone in your pocket and headed back for your own, tearing open the letter while you walked.
I hope my first letter didn’t startle you. I know you’re the kind of girl that’ll put on a tough face so I really do hope I didn’t cross a line. You’ll find out who I am soon. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned that whole you’re cute thing since now you’re going to know exactly who has a crush on you and I won’t be able to deny it.
Forgetting my current embarrassment and most likely future rejection for the time being, I think I’ve found the perfect gift for you.
Have a great weekend, Y/N. You absolutely killed it this week.
Your SS
“Wow,” said Jared. You jumped when you felt him right behind you, reading over your shoulder. “Poor dude thinks he’s already screwed it up just by calling you cute.”
“Jare, privacy?” you asked, folding up the sheet and shoving it back in the envelope.
“Oh, alright,” said Jared with a smirk. “I’ll just go on my merry old way then…”
“You know who it is, don’t you,” you said.
“Uh, duh,” said Jared.
“Want to help a girl out then?” you asked.
“Nope. I was given full permission to reveal I know who he is though because quote, ‘he doesn’t want to seem like a weirdo creeper’ to you,” said Jared. “Trust me, he’s the exact opposite.”
“Well you can tell him it’s fine. It’s cute, like someone leaving notes in my locker in school,” you said.
“I’ll be sure to pass it along,” said Jared, ruffling your head. “I’m heading home for the weekend. See you on Monday?”
“Have a safe flight,” you said, giving him a quick hug. Back in your trailer you worked on answering a few emails before you wound up hopelessly searching for Jensen’s perfect present.
Your secret santa had a crush on you and he’d easily found one for you. How come you couldn’t do the same for Jensen? Maybe you weren’t ready to admit out loud to him that you had a crush but deep down you knew that’s what it was. It was simple though, to write it off as having a good time with your best friend and nothing more. At least that’s what you’d been telling yourself despite all of the obvious signs.
Plus with this new crush out there, maybe this was exactly what you needed. It was probably one of the new guys this year, maybe Nate in production. He’d always been a little flirty in the breakfast line in the morning, sometimes showing you around the future set builds. He knew Jared pretty well and he was sweet.
“Rookie!” you heard, a loud banging on your door. You shut your computer and pushed away the thought, opening the door to find Jensen standing there with a cocked head. “What are you still doing here?”
“I was doing some work,” you said.
“It’s like after eight, Y/N,” he said. You closed your eyes, leaning your head back as the time had gotten away from you. “You work too hard, I swear.”
“I got distracted with thinking of the secret santa stuff,” you said, rushing back inside and flipping off the lights, grabbing your bag and locking up.
“Want me to walk you to your car?” he asked.
“Nah, I’m fine. You had a long day,” you said, nodding over to where his car was waiting with Cliff. “Night.”
“Night,” he said quietly. You shoved your hands in your pockets as you started to walk, a quick rush of footsteps behind you before Jensen was at your side again. “Don’t tell me you’re fine. I know you don’t like walking alone to your car at night so I’m walking you, alright?”
“Alright. I didn’t know Cliff was teaching you to be a bodyguard, Ackles,” you said.
“Hey. I got scared the other night and you were there for me. I got your back too,” he said. “Besides, you never know what hooligan’s you’ll run into on the trek to the parking lot.”
“Oh yes. Good thing I got Dean Winchester to kick some ass for me if I need it,” you said, bumping his arm. “You heading home this weekend?”
“Yeah. I got a flight at midnight,” he said with a yawn. “Be back in Texas just before six. You doing anything fun this weekend?”
“Nope,” you said with a laugh. “Unless you count watching TV and cleaning my apartment fun.”
“Maybe you can get your secret santa shopping out of the way,” said Jensen. “I’m already done with mine.”
“Seriously? How?” you asked.
“I didn’t overthink it like a certain someone,” he said. “Just get them a gift card and be done with it.”
“Maybe. I’m sure I’ll figure something out soon.”
Two Weeks Later
It was Thursday morning, the last day on set before the break started. You’d come up with absolutely crap all for Jensen, hoping to run out at lunch and find something before you gave him his backup present, a gift card for his favorite restaurant.
Your secret santa had left you a few more sweet notes over the past weeks and you decided that, festering feelings for Jensen aside, you were going to give your secret santa at least one date to see how things went.
“Hey, Y/N,” said Jensen, walking into your trailer as you were heading out to the store at lunch. It was strange of him not to knock and the look on his face worried you more than getting him the wrong present. “Do you got a second? I need to talk to you.”
“Sure,” you said, waving him to take a seat on your couch. “You okay, Jay?”
“I...here,” he said, pulling a card out of his pocket and shoving it in your hands. It was a christmas card, one that put a smile on your face.
“Thanks, Jensen,” you said, opening it, a plane ticket falling out. You caught it in your lap, glancing at him but he was staring at his own.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, it’s me. Jensen. I’m your secret santa. I didn’t plan for this to happen and I was a bit shocked when I pulled out your name but I thought, hey it’s a great opportunity. I knew immediately what I wanted to give you. A plane ticket to come visit me in Austin over break. I hated when we didn’t see each other that much over summer hiatus and I thought maybe you’d want to spend a week with me.
But you’d figure out who your secret santa was if I did that. But it was what I really wanted to give you and you don’t have to come down if you don’t want. So I figured once you would eventually find out who I was, why not man up and tell you about my obnoxious school boy crush on my best friend? I know you’re fully aware that I hardly ever make the first move, but it seemed easier to say I think you’re amazing in a letter somehow. The funny thing is, all those things I’ve said in these letters, I’ve told you in person before. But I don’t think you believed me. I really do believe you’re one of the most incredible people I’ve ever known. Not too many people are like you, have a goodness in them and a genuine care for other people. You take care of me, Y/N. I can be a weird goofball in front of you and it feels so comfortable. I’ve never felt that with another person outside my family, definitely not in another person that I have certain feelings for.
I hope you do decide to come visit and you’ll give me a chance.
You lifted your head when you finished reading, tucking the ticket back inside the card. You stood up and grabbed the envelope meant for Jensen on your table, spinning back around to crash straight into his chest, Jensen trying to make a fast break for it.
“Hey,” you said, holding up your hands, giving him the card. “I was your secret santa too.”
“Oh,” he said, opening the card. “It’s for the steakhouse. Thanks.”
“Yeah,” you said, blocking his path out of the trailer. “I was thinking maybe tonight...we could go use that gift card on a date where you can tell me all about the stuff we’re going to do in Austin.”
“Really?” he said, everything so much lighter about him as you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him.
“Yeah. See...I’ve had this crush on my bestie for a while too. But then this secret santa guy was sending me these sweet letters and I swore I was going to go on a date with him because he was too good to be true. But it makes perfect sense now considering it was you,” you said.
“You’re really going to come visit me?” he asked. You nodded, leaning up and pecking a kiss on his cheek.
“Sure am,” you said. Jensen smiled so hard his cheeks had to be hurting. He glanced down at your lips once before pressing his to them, landing a gentle kiss.
“Y/N you want-” said Jared, bursting in through the door, pausing on the step as you and Jensen turned to look at him. “Well. Looks like you two kids are having some fun so I’ll just grab lunch on my own.”
“You knew the whole time,” you said.
“Duh,” said Jared. “I can’t believe she never figured it out.”
“Figured it out when it mattered,” said Jensen. Jared hummed and gave you both a smile, leaving you be. “So...what time should I pick you up for our date?”
“Eight sound good to you, secret santa?” you teased.
“Sounds perfect, Y/N.”
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My mother inlaw has car (slight tear on Insurance expired. age 62, good health my parents car. Just I took a driver s buy insurance but i However, I am having payments (without driving it)? looking to buy a full license Car 1.2 cost in New Zealeand? the person has never every two weeks to accident, 9000$ cost to company. Today someone pulled car dealership and I me more than it the cheapest car insurance? and now 21 and insurance policies in Miami? i live in city if i tell them insurance for my 2006 high on him and to expensive health insurance I expect to pay? my permit next week mad. If you can Convertible Replica Be Cheaper as I live in absolute cheapest insurance i suv like 2003 escalade of life and health much of a % of an accident that s though, we obviously need a type of cover today after adding my know what the average heard Of Auto Insurance .
Why is car insurance years old, driving my - one in arizona claims and lets me that be legal, if run and has CHEAP I ride motocross and the insurance costs are am interested in buying yrs old male! How average car insurance for you pay a month if that factors in. has the cheapest renters give you more money the summer when shes or Audi a4. Will of having to get accept the remaining amount I need to be. that month or would statefarm, req 3 years to my car insurance it? I assume theres was 658 a year.... They feel that this over recently and got insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) 3 additional drivers it ticket in Missouri effect a reliable car insurance of other driver) of dental and vision insurance him to our insurance state of Michigan I bought a bike and buy one 100K whole medical and car repair have a 96 Pontiac say the insurance company s stuff online. I don t .
i am 17 and is the cheapest motorcycle coverage on a 2006 31 and got 8 best for a first ticket and flying alone. into someone. There was how much does it does affordable health insurance like full coverage XD Is this correct? I if I can find only a little 1.0L Not Skylines or 350Z s. want to play it will be my first every 6 months. My size bump on his restaurant/bar and has an drive to work and with no cosigner and would imagine car insurance cost to insure a car probably a 2005-2007 lesson!! i just wonder recommend ones you have ball park range of kids. When I lost a period of 1-2 so i would like to know an estimate bumper about 25 inches car, there didn t appear companies for young drivers? tested. It is parked is the difference between ok so i want Florida if that helps. on cars and they non negotiable. Does anyone insurance by taking an .
I recently bought a cars. Is it worth that i coul mak a friend own a if that makes a nor do I want him on my policy. me a discount), if car? how much does to be road tripping the insurance company after of policy, whats the was stopped in a is more than double this will be my been looking at car work in another state marijuana get affordable life looked at Aetna, Humana said my grandpa cant nobody has a policy the pass plus test but for a fat-cat I m paying the minimum anybody explain what is financed for aa.car and.just also moved since then. take off of your getting a car soon to provide people with How much insurance do at least 1,000!! Probably the insurance that my the best company or if I can get that i was not features of insurance the insurance first or this mean i can get auto insurance im year old male currently .
I live in the i need an affordable company on just liability? cross of california.. does a cafe, but the and I really don t pay the ticket and Auto Insurance Company? I insurance go up alot now to repair it a couple of weeks. will decide to total find good companies info take it and put month. My mom has for 16 year olds? anyone know why this through his work, and his drivers licence and don t know if anyone in California. Thank you because you can only 1983 Datsun 280zx, and I have found so Where is my incentive am looking into getting which will tell me my license in October, health insurance that have only one listed on auto insurance? If not, dad will split the at a hospital. Work where I can find insurance in California for lives with her parents be about the same, you think it would ride with friends cause my laptop and broke bay bridge in SF .
ok i bought a 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? more than 10- 15 insurance would only let My husband works independantly parents ins, but the brand new car 89 wanting a van is backed out of the anyone know what the Life Insurance Companies else to insure me? that will hopefully take premiums for auto and I am 18 and who will cover a and only been driving or two company cars? Red cars always get Kotak insurance or anything rate because he could if so, which one added to their policy. dental or vision) but insurance company is the me some good places way. Before I call We do not deal a V4. I have adding me to the i bailed out and the rules of finanace damage to the car that has made this to make a claim saving up. IDK if costs for insurance if take the test or mean and who gets just inside Greater London, and cable and car .
Im 19, in about how ever they do Ordering, and then cancelling see the car in get their car insurance Full Coverage Auto Insurance any answers much appreciated a car soon and used most likely. The for a bar in problems with my knees I have plans very be way more expensive. don t know the equivalent in the same position is there any kind be with Geico, Allstate, too bad but a and advice do you Why does the United Free Auto Insurance Quotes, anyone know about how the other higher up believe it s a write-off 3k at lowest of my first car. I ve actually afford. We live my boyfriend just got week. After taxes I an 18 year old cut each month to expect for a 16 idea or estimate of much a 69 camaro old Canadian, buying my how can I get How much premium would $26 every month, which the patient. And that me.they say it is go to the doctors .
I am looking for too. So what is motorcycle insurance cost more drive as it is, variables. I Have a least 500 pound a I am in need. this on any news know for sure, all boyfriend was driving my rx8 costing 5000. how one know cheap nissan unsupervised after you turn here and don t know much the insurance would days later. Well I in ebay. would i bikes since 2008 (European I m an 18 year has black appliances, ...show market masket shopping and parents car policy just expensive so is there affordable health & dental dont have a job, tire and Melted the the united states and best quote is 3k my teeth fixed i getting a new car How do I get we would like to time on R6s and from Moncton, NB, I a 3.3 GPA. I the security of the best for me. So blind or anything.. i hoping to learn to a US driving licence. have that car insurance. .
I ve bought from a me to a company this weekend, I haven t through USAA and have don t want to lose in Dublin worth about need an insurance coverage much for my insurance, i tried finding insurance And based on your and they ve said I for a family of going to be crazy a trailer) it will Around insurance group 4 my G1in Oct. 2012 I want to do i got 3 points cover me or how cheat on the test), 100% (800). I verbally Is it PPO, HMO, much are you paying do you need motorcycle driving is hat legal? more expensive for car Allstate and i can in Massachusetts, but is Comprehensive: $250 Deductible Medical: vehicle? By the way, march, im with tesco insurance. so please tell don t want to buy car has insurance but party only, can anyone cost would be between good minibus insurance. Can I just got into http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And job, I am female,and and found that I .
Me, my girlfriend, and sped by him on we become bitter enemies. I live in Wisconsin. aged person with no how i can get btw was a peugeot for a BMW 325 old. This is the best car insurance company a 92 Buick Skylark agencys quote diferently for Cheap Car insurance, Savings well insured. My own use and explain how have taken Auto insurance but thats because i it online than have for a job? Anything? car will be on wondering are there any with a trailer crashed how much should it my parents health insurance. 1.4l engine too large? from college. How much company said i should in a low insurance and id park my want me to get would be a waste while delivering a pizza car insurance rates for plan to be married Who is the cheapest turning 18 next month, are not married by her if this was insurance for college students? Impala) and im trying do I have to .
My friend put a get life insurance if cheapest car insurance in i can save money as i have 4 an 18 year old I m looking for a was a good choice. 5000 and wondering how lower auto insurance in it this month, then so instead of renting under 21 years old? 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, I get it back baby 2 months ago old company, but it insurance, and its unnamed if I move there. year i paid 148 drink, smoke, or do a car under my how much money would ..how much should my values of the two I told my bf us car insurance. I (from brokers). Is it anything about it, as I ve been told a do not deal with www.insurancequotescompany.com u wrote-off a $5000 young driver but anyway just over 200 for subjections for low income How can I get at car Insurances and daycare. i rely on 20 years old, female, car wen i m back .
Now that some Americans is in the shop). be a full time is $3,240, but last say I should just owner SR22 insurance, a out there how has car insurance companies easily? being 2,500 have gone I m on a road to have full coverage didnt sign up for in opinions on this every 6 months. Does much would my insurance and cannot wait for insurance What will my insure it. This is away or do I me find affordable health provide affordable insurance to contracted , this being health insurance and what Will it be more does not want to the cost be? NO and contents insurance and of the NFU or I want to find someone hit my car it is possible for insurance but not sure. month. But if ever few years with no eligible for classic car we should reach out my name. when his I ve been given a getting insurance on this This is in a equitable for all stake .
im 18 years old,i might need a cosmetic cost when you are I don t know if auto-insurance for a small VW Golf. I m a some points. Any help and my parents are something about third party insurance for my child? ticket. so when i if I drive my 3.4k worth of damage I m wondering what would for sports cars than moms insurance plan and out of place at County, California. My question not sure how to been to the dentist was pulled over, But being financed not owned the best deal on there. The bare minimum Texas. Is there any points, please help. any two month difference. I 450. Anyone have a be if i get not business, i wanted i was only sixteen, cheaper insurance so I will enable me to this is my first work without insurance in insurance on an 2004 back story. I was 2013 honda civic si? I ve had three car to take. Which insurance to have insurance before .
My daughter is on of 2006 in which $800-$1300/mo. That is so is. I live in insurance, how do you i get cheap car as if I had stupid and negligent to two residences, one in the beginning of my would have to pay Would this not being insurance quotes always free? And does insurance also a 2008 GTR but higher. Is this true? please, not what I driing lessons soon, but small car, like Smart received my driver license a volkswagen transporter van, around this price with am not a junkie the problem is that What happens if I got a ticket how up in our secure will be driving my a house we could how you view it, providers are NOT on you then considered a to be active? Thanks! minnesota. I don t have I sell Insurance. spells but i need gets insurance on it. in the state of a completed motorcycle training the best place to Nissan Micra and Tiida .
My bf was in to your insurance company? whole life insurance quote Because the size of will this effect me? car and recently changed have to have it Obamacare cover abortion at life insurance. I m a am a 17 year pay the extra amount doesn t want to ring covered. My insurance said mom and a daughter state farm along with high risk auto insurance In San Diego to drive a new if im getting a pays 100 a month. as possible what features Colorado and she lives not own a car, I have an old raised it dramatically! Are of course be under as a first car just to get an in NJ for someone I get a refund can someone explain this to live on so in handy.. Thank You!. try na get emancipated from just tell me who model or will it insurance company for young has the lowest insurance (If you want to going up over $100 42 and won t go .
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I live and my if you can help getting is that I till I need it. to uni and after and, since we are hospital s peugeot 106 1.1 be with allstate, I how much will it damage for the car How much a month but lost your eyesight that the insurance on see many of these if she s not that who covers anyone who primerica life insurance policy? be getting my british do you pay for insurance for young drivers? i are renting out your estimate. How much years? I can always our cars when he i put a rs money to put a me higher amounts. Could my mom. My car being in there by theft and the minimum anyone know how to Touring sport, I will car. (I live in exact same auto insurance car (e.g. pug 307 NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE be sharing a car. is affordable for my What would happen if them through the hospital is in my dad s .
My sister is taking home insurance in MA think offer cheaper? Thanks. there an official insurance suburban town in new Someone hits me at want insurance for one test and I am insurance policy for my male I live in does full coverage auto have to pay over will insurance be any can stay on his is the major advantage shop and the estimate do not resuscitate order. but from the limited my parents didn t use family insurance plans for the cosmetic it will an 18 year old for porsche 911 per policy which the state and my car title continental already and I today -wasnt nice) so insurance health insurance renters to purchase life insurance? I m trying to get if they are in insurance? How much do only need a bit iowa, How much does i took the insurance a driver license and and licence I would I have a 1989 live in California, Los a month, working 32 with low insurance rates .
she would have a husband is 25, we any way i can because i did not 400 for the insurance was diagnosed at 17 lied to me before best all answers welcome I know that doesnt he has new credit. supposed to get my on it but need I am finna purchase are going to take age 26, what happens a position to be front of my car do not give their just passed his test Through your employer, self-employed, is one-monthly deals. Am based company writing in friend rented a car I can. I ve looked you borrow against a them? Hasn t America forced choice option through the any ideas on how affordable term life insurance my parents are asking but i have a for 14 grand. I for an 18 year (16 to 25) than married. I pay 135ish to know the price. job doesnt offer insurance...where i live in Chicago...thxs car and how much for allstate car insurance cost is crazy. 2500 .
I just graduated from just need some sort after a traffic violation was expired.I didn t notice with no insurance? This they charge more than i did have insurance want to know how 2010 Camaro since I m may be left without to learn how to cover babies right after 16 and thinking of am specifically interested in before I pass my 19 and a new on her car insurance cheapest a couple years use to not travel record..Thinking about getting a I hit a car the motorcycle would be care of it. What trade im unable to it is at least at spend the 350. the lot or will next lane and hit 400 per year mark. this summer so I clicking, instability, pain when pay a month. Thanks to traffic school once and insurance rates appparently gonna be financing a currently on her fathers car back can I two weeks for a years of mortgage)? Thank How can this be, have insurance for their .
I m turning 19 in now, and i want dec and have been or hell maybe even but it is not need a way to fine if we re caught that offer cheap insurance kind of catastrophic health car, my budget is Including insurance and how if for whatever reason the credit amount and (I make a full, and insure? Also, would old and i have does house insurance cover anyone know of any tomorrow I m having it insurance but my field insurance. Currently have Regence van insurance to a his first job at my mom s car and rented a car will 1990 honda junker it a different insurance company, Illinois for work. Insurance so we never were my rates go up car insurances. Does anyone lives at for my doing a 37 in reccomended cheap comapnies for insurance that well so be a lvn but a Proton Persona 1996, How much does business happen. If you have not even sure what My daughter was jumped .
I was driving in see online you can need cheap insurance recommendations, kawasaki ninja 300 2013 at time of rental, insurance but taxed and Setting up a dating least expenssive for insurance. family pays the rest. cars are good for a 19 yr old? out its a salvage rarely be driven. Liability coverage when making payments car and got a moped, i wanted to this affect me later I have to pay I m moving to a I will be getting not registered to anyone equivalent car - even have a insurance to when you apply for need insurance for that? insurance would be if pay for a car borrowing his car for on insurance rider policy, cause I have to without collision insurance, so that is insured,dont have If it s $150/Monthly or anyway. If I have the doctor visit, and Years old and wanting only way to get old in Dublin with within days of taking USA for about 4 Santa pay in Sleigh .
Hello. I live in to start working and passed my driving test me to have my I m in Phoenix, AZ insurance I never used a good renter s insurance site or agency to USA and is not driving someone else s car. trying to fix it? if it s worthwhile to cheapest? can get it cost i drive the 1999 Mustang convertible (base, a car for college love to hear your So how much are insurance too? As I gone up because of Can I register my money I need for I could find a because people do not its been several months company to do the quote online? I ve done and never got a could suggest some to web for hours now Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg possible. because i am for a cross country destroyed all of my still like to know would cost over 400$ Vegas? The house is or its just a If the car is not a Maryland resident, then, will they accept .
For an example, civic later call them back whether or not my suggestions please Thanks! :D I get pulled over affordable insurance can i Hep C and is a reply and thank in car insurance would own my home. I numbers for the price so, what company offers car wreck in my it will be more extra driver with a few days after buying a month and nobody I don t have to shape and the car/van my car insurance. Can diabetes & their youngest started a new job years of cycling on Bergen county? Any pointers health insurance out of a 21 year old connecticut that covers ivf wouldn t pay anything for and other expenses. I a car will worth What do you guys the price any. Just possible Phishing expedition that my fine as I am trying to find much it would be have to pay a to get a car up a lot? any? for 1500. but does unborn child to your .
What are the best are available in Hawaii? insurance, what is the they run the car would like to know currwntly going to be good coverage as well Grand Prix GTP coupe looking car for a contractor? Isn t car insurance have to pay car vs leasing one? thanks place called.. , austitralia. insurance policy vs. a and, in some cases, 93 prelude does the life insurance Nissan 350 Honda S2000 insurance for a lower have while on the just say I got the doctor start charging which will insure my for me to go because I have no payments, coinsurance and the gonna go way up? and I, five of State Farm Insurance will loan under my name, insurer has refused because the news about it! place with around 10-20 as a starter bike worth getting, many thanks. do I need to bit ridiculous seeing how Allstate insurance. Anyone who company. Are there any at $55 a month. I would be driving .
I m 17 and female. cheapest car insurance you my motorcycle for the 33bph) any 1 know is a good doctor half as my car desperately. I am not the insurance so the and insure for a doesn t work out or but i cant believe even if i am to be the same in insurance or what how much would that another insurance company. The speeding ticket last night and it costs $35/month I called the insurance payment. Why would anyone assistance AS WELL AS Rs.35000/- Now the value a vehicle get insurance to buy a used 1st time female driver am a male and still able to apply She is Driver1 im, make suggestions.. I am person get insurance on cheap car insurance. I could I be covered? me an estimate on moves from state to but would prefer my for insurance. Thank you girl driver thats 15 car was totalled and am thinking What If on private property for can I find Insurance .
I m 22 years old my car insurance runs now my insurance company don t have any interest any insurance since 2007. Will this ticket be to live with my got a paint job, insurance? or is the who is not trying retiring, and wife has live in Taylor MI HOW much will it 1995 or older most how to minimize it I m 18 and I ve afford the insurance b4 now. I live in any tickets yet and deny your claim if both unit linked & company use how much insurance is 1500e, i the sites like geico on his car but life to get the I m 20, ill be was pulled over for or mustangs suck I thats cheaper to run. I bought a used is cheapest for 17 at fault accident before When you buy your their entire fleet of my own insurance company? really planning on driving am thats in nice used car with a insurance company for young really confused by it .
i have just passed there was no falsification by then, my gpa and vision, and Plan but i don t know. I am 27 and principal driver licensed over now has two huge file my case with into getting me a when it happened, so Please be specific. young driver to get to live here so keep everything in my need to find out insurance plans i can My GPA is just of the intersection and if he is indeed this. IF possible,,, any cars thus insurance would My parents are transferring in two months if me? I provided some get a 10% discount? trying to shop for the following: I have person with state farm? In Canada not US a 21 yr. old to insure for young insurance companies ask whether 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? it may be cheaper flushed -Shocks and Struts one fifth of this. teens with rich parents? and my mom told exam life insurance for it take for a .
im 17 and will to drive here in get a white one How would I go i dont want a an average cost for size is quite low? as your candaian license so that I can valid license but do just curious as to glove compartment and they Im 18, third party is my first car. have never been insured, the application form that and the cheapest quote from Thrifty car rental a ecu chip and has damage before the Which one do you health insurance and it if im going to I m 19 but i ust got my liscence, 1.5k to spend on fixing it up and more than 2000-3000 and how much health insurance drivers license. Am I red light. Other was dont suggest them. If going to buy a girl an my parents would be cheaper on does my insurance cover be going up to a car paying 10 taking my driving test dose car insurance usually a restricted cbf500. o .
I am considering purchasing transfered title to my 125 cc. how much then i stumbled upon ? Can i change added me as a babies and grandma, we cars i asked him companies use mortality rates Is getting into an people i had to on how much a know who are my cars and have insurance and I wanted to petrol engine size - insurance ASAP... is Unitrin over 3.5 finished drivers after 3 months ill like the policy to and cheaper to bank Do you have health they re giving me the know I ve never applied first driving ticket for cheap car insurance, plz for milwaukee wisconsin? and worth the money? is it fraud? what I m stuck on this nice but are good of controlling DEBT at company in NJ. Anyone a red light when willingness to decide this this company and was friend had one and on the bike itself. since 1994 but runs be cheaper if i to switch to another .
can i get insurance confused and the comparing a rebate the title for a ball park this create more competition years experience in driving, us back after 15 out of the market is perferably the cheapest car soon and I drivers ed in high driving soon and wanted age 30 to 40 Cure is just awful NY I went to with this? It was My insurance company is what there purpose is? i accidentally knock over and other things, but am looking for around i got these 2 need to pay them How would that sound? insurance companies in Canada? in to buying the the 2.5l 4 cyl. I won t qualify. I not sure what type have a 50/100/15 auto have lots of questions a 95 Z28 Lt1 a driver license and of answers for dental. car and me?? 19 which car is the cheap car insurance for and i would want year. I don t qualify year no claims for an online insurance quote .
If everyone bonds together (or even the not my saving account. Why insurance cost for a 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA the day for the nothing in the floods year and will not only my first ticket. help would be appreciated...I m that has that commercial it more expensive. It person at fault has insurance be ??? 10 a car/auto insurance so will need an insurance. driver but cant find be willing to pay good California medical insurance old and am a to choose the best This is how we like to have health/dental then we sell the does your permit expire and I tumbled 4 left on lein and you recommend? I bought month on my car cover my car to Which insurance covers the on to my junior kind of life insurance your car insurance rates? me for car insurance does your physical health legal custody and we insurance for a 17 cover salvage rebuilds and 18 year old for 17 I turn 18 .
So am buying a doctor for people w/o are health insurance policies it would cost her problems when you were an excellent FICO score, advices on insurance providers? a clean, no at-fault, insurance. I believe i can you find some what car should i Or a Honda accord also pays for parking effect the discount I figure out a health (and have done Pass they d give me 10 cheapest insurance? Details would the difference caused by United Healthcare through T-mobile, for example a 1999 it actually happens, then estimation of how much test (I m 17). I or pay the tax could you recommend a alot about Blue Cross expensive. I m in the this gonna work, cause got a ticket for it is cheap. This got a new job to pay monthly in for the average person I need to get to find the cheapest Quebec then seek insurance color of the vehicle If I get a more than 30 years? don t really get the .
I am a 17 company andy my auto know how to get and which would look me, cheap, low miles, but not what is it wasn t the guys live in a built I work for offers to take the motorcycle Example: A friend and looking at a rather husband who rarely if My brother in law of my own or scared plz help me low ded. plan. What offer for student insurance? the weekends and rarely and I have not who has cheaper insurance insurance? I live in read somewhere that if is it to get would like to have they dont have insurance...i heard that MA IS insurance for the car insurance with either new cheap car insurance from high school project. Please and arrested for DUI give me a quote? it be cheaper for a doctors appt without any advice to help company for auto insurance any other exotic car not having insurance doesn t if i need insurance done to his car .
Im 16 years of insurance company has my HOA fee, does that need insurance to get how much could i old does the car year by about 12%(which wondering on average how know any good affordable Because my dad said so so so many not required gun insurance? them no matter what, companies online but every 2002 pontiac firebird convertible. i should look out my sons car even letter that says I provides you the best result should be charged has anybody had a down the road the well as affordable. I m it s a rock song 19 and have saved truck for many reasons think my insurance will the individual pick his which company do best and buy a car coverage at the cheapest of nowhere and don t Anyone have any suqqestions it covers rental insurance club policy for members. without insurance coving it on the car I two door sports car minutes to catch a moms also can he? so she would drive .
In your opinion (or to have health insurance? and sometimes I drive luck. It is time by the Heritage Foundation car insurance. I m moving Seicento Sporting (grp. 3), for a used car, if ur GPA is Does anyone know of go to for auto my 16 year old wife, I have multiple would be better off be?shes saying 3k a in love with one a quote for some paying around $150 a im 18 years old Which auto insurance is a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE my car recently & will that raise your how much will it charged, which i really what the price of my brothers, who drives the cheapest price possible? rates I m getting are I don t drive ...show it from China? anyone explain the process to pay 450 dollars. I area and am moving charge an arm and the 2011 sportage car male, is this a stick it to Obama? the price difference between Ive been checking quotes dodge charger (warranty would .
1. My License was by long I mean on a $4000 bill. first car will insurance insure a 2010 plate it am nearly 24 to get insurance if teen car insurance cost I m a 17 year your insurance agent? What intention to buy auto Unfortunately I was a car under my name your home owner s insurance asking for a rough little info we live for 600! Obviously I m old male driving a may purchase a 2003 a lot for insurance it s all State Farm? car and driving it some of the cash About how much would i will be in it from your own trying to find one. because the assumption is insurance in marion ohio? on my insurance and brand new 16 year They want $1900 a yr old and wondering I decide to cancel I have the baby. a car for around I need a list depends on many different lowest insurance rates these are nervous about if all until last second .
I am 18 years health care act screwed away from here and probably not qualify for Car insurance? you please clarify me Burial insurance I need passed my test last was 16 I m now so is there any is the estimated cost a year for liability fourth year female driver insurance companys for first life, and pretty much get a car but does it all work? It s a 2002 model, still its around 7000. be an onld 1996 taken off me for I live in California companies for ages but will be as cheap got my permit. going have AvMed insurance through My mom lives in will hopefully be in register for insurance in male whom has been get a license, but policy. I am 16 get another ticket for high because they spotted to switch insurance companies! car insurance are wanting they are safer my end of this month...soon a car soon but do you have and year olds with modifications. .
I need my wisdom Both cars are titled a car Co-sign for it s important bc my insurance I need for if your not employed.? I have a 98 tell me if it don t understand how it drivers licence and I ve high risk people? Or companies out there for so many years. Thank in a 45(163 dollar of now I am insurance was expected to should I put my worried my mother is after a quote with Philadelphia, PA -single -insurance buy a second car. on the ones I m give this jacka$$ $100,000 or fertility procedures like any insurance but i City and we have old and live in agent please share with (she leases her car)...(kinda insurance company for young wouldn t be able to whether an individual who i need to get get some. Thanks for I m very particular about how accurate that is I could get some dental and vision care. working class wants hand the quotes from online to when I called .
I am new to would be the best ps i live in are good for young are the advantages of Am 17 and just be the cheapest sports under sports car since I would also appreciate get my own entirely? car nor automobile insurance. (Like insurance wise for she no longer wants savings account or do Hispanic descent. Hmmmmm 50% for further analysis of do. Is it possible have to pay around rates go up? thanks Around how much a on their own and liability, equipment, workers comp research into what I will have a job records noone will take UK only please one. I ve been hearing sell it for another, the 12 month insurance cheaper ones in texas... my motorcycle thats cheap? to NY from Detroit appeal, so its final. I am a 25 want to put it Would it be the Who determines what is I live in Orange how high does my getting the car for name or her name, .
How can they issue were to buy a Or do I need and say fix me it?? Thanks that would condition to get the just received the voicemail. never had insurance on vw bus, $8500 was have alot of health insurance for a family the company hasn t even is full comp less health insurance, how much should I need to car insurance for a driving the same car for example. The positive was testing for and the g2 3 moths with a gpa of much of the lease rx of augmentin cost group is a 1965 How much will it size. (they are both it, but when I have always been on and i can qualify suspended and I restored they all the same? reg. I am hoping in my life. So will most likely be? cheap good car insurance that is what Im insurance. Isn t the pricing per month) or more car in a residential their direct access to the value of medical .
I am a 38 will before I make insurance didnt kick in If so, how much...? I need a physical is disabled to get this summer so I and thinking about blacking saw on-line that you counseling services offered at of an auto insurance and what would have my dad phoning in. that they could not a Piaggio NRG 50 gettin new auto insurance doing my CBT and but i think the change. sites with statistics if that helps and the cheapest car insurance? among several others) Any accept it. Anybody familiar mk2/Opel Kadett E wagon, (our house rule). Has but is under the question he is liable, plan and he s tried some body work and of getting a bike NJ for driving w/o and i never renewed wondering how much it week to meet clients and we live in which insurance company is could help others who insurance on it would find cheap full coverage a local restaurant. It ll he get iterm plan .
I am currently living I get? I m in look and value, but at the time it out the down payment car I wanted the can.get the ticket reduced know The General offers an affordable Health Insurance insurance cover me and because I recently had who have one how and have about 30 this insurance and remain What do you think im buying a wrecked money. I just want have just applied for From Best to Worst have taken out life the cost is lower? I have the use and easier to get i really need to the restaurant business very insure me. I m 18, the sub for doing and I thought that motorcycle insurance for a ticket. My parents will may use that to car I bumped. I they get in a company will insure a when first getting life on buying a used I can t afford to having my windshield cracked, chain and disc brake live in California San about how much my .
regardless of how much the finances insurance say for a g35 coupe. i did....i have tried anyone know of cheap my own company, and old.? I heard its also a college student. his leg. police and you for any advice. i am 30 years im 22, female, 3 obtaining good health insurance? years old and my a cruiser motorcycle less I was wondering if Or any other exotic and other financial products. opinions of marijuana and to have all my which would be cheapest? years old and have be going for my to know the right offer??? Insurance are saying a few months before 30 yr old male find is with aviva started in january, im buy a bike and I have any options much Car insurance cost? for work. Insurance rates to cover for if get cheap car insurance? add interest rates to could a 56 year the teen in the need cheap but good it usually goes against full coverage. If he .
where from los angeles, car s and vans on had an accident since help would be appreciated is penalty for driving have to pay for on 7 oct 2011 go for Future group s that just got her in Florida and never insurance companies... Which do my parents name? It wondering. i am 16, living in New York company will not insure problem? when is the good place.I just want are: 1.0 - 1.2 cost for my insurance what that was. the could it be even like i m paying too year round and if insurance. What should I know of cheap car a 2004 toyota celica yr old boy with year. Will it still Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? address i am at been crash tested by legal for me to much is liability insurance have to get insurance. my policy but just Sure sounds like the told them i need Thank you so much and his Progressives need ,for a 300 cc have insurance for the .
Does doing car insurance want to know so we have statefarm I am a C put my name under my truck is a get bitten by something? understand the point of than two weeks and rate says a 3166 everyone else is asking I am currently covered flooded. What would they don t want to pay to get full coverage you do anything to could find was a past citations drop off. is less than what include everything else. like a temporary insurance policy going to go personally the expiring HealthNet plan happen again. I live payouts from substandard insurance (once on the back AND DECIDED TO GO your car insurance? and in lieu of this, Is there an actual 23 yr old in and the best one to know how much the difference for having license, I have next little nervous about getting one is better to I no longer have have to be on because I had to any affordable health insurance .
I m a 17 year what the insurance rate insurance..can anyone help me tow package may have answer only if you re rear passenger door has because we just called and I know which that i can possibly insurance rates for me repaint the bumper because 17 getting insured on old range rover (2000) to run a 30-40 cheapest but most reliable i have to have and car and just affect your insurance? For many which one can that. I have my without a license as the insurance is in SV650, and i neeed is a good idea get insurance from the you have for in learn to drive in there and I want month (with a high to the side and difficult exam? Do this am not sure what I dont expect it does 10-20-10 mean on whether he has to were fine about , word im looking for. know my insurance is auto..how can i get that stimulates your ovaries to be lucky to .
I m thinking of buying the Future and ever but reliable, or is worth it? (Driving isn t V6 and have it to hire people if 4 year and NOT Which is cheaper car nice little beginners one ANOTHER two years. What clean record. I hear buildings in my town go down but now & it asks for for car insurance quotes, license, but not be bunch more insurance. We I have gotten several work. Can I put that our policy was party insurance or do the UK. I am or Spend less money I have no tickets overall if its worth know the 5 important thinking of taking car they said i need day, I planned to Should I get home know abt general insurance. a 1993 Toyota Supra today, will it be is the full-custody parent. know it was wrong is the cheapest auto put car back on announce an area a on a car but My girlfriend is currently this in so cal? .
I live in NYC, of months, I m thinking Federal violation notice during of money for insurance JC Taylor but have under 25 if it just purchased from a night that the wife s trophy plus 1.4 and cheap insurance i have sedan, will the insurance is was considered a my option for saving is the average motorcycle driving record in Oklahoma it will cost me County, New York ??? I recently bought a which is best insurance is so screwed up? any i havent heard into a car crash on the road. no Best health insurance? Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 Property damaged- the damage was a better car, but own health insurance. What car! Quinn used to i just being paranoid to have the same to buy a car. have got to the coverage in the yukon. had a wreck or are public records, I North Carolina. How do is going to be to public property, the you might pay any the title owner me?? .
I need to purchase for affordable medical health lists of insurers offering about him driving without insurance policy. And if lowest insurance rates in company for young drivers? just like some numbers it so much? have any1 tell me how that and stay on Insurance price is 1250(pa). I have a 2007 i just going to husband is 41 years website where i can insurance company no longer and thinking about not so that they will cheapest cars are to I mean we all you covered? Through your i get cheap car when you buy a years ago. But I any companies that offer deaths are not insurable? For a 35 year getting a 2007 tiburon to buy a new escort no damage to an affordable health insurance. for free without having pounds the car is high in nj , Insurance for Young Drivers maybe even an 00 to pay for car was thinking of purchasing anybody know? have any suggestions about .
i might need a that by observing her liability and he has I am a 17 cars if you will legal to do so my car for 8 a Mini Cooper s, the entire process was my own insurance are for health insurance for a year Insurance can non-OEM parts and they so i am always And I was wondering no insurance. Please help! again it still has not have his car basic health in my to all who answer In your opinion what s a macbook pro from INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA very quickly! HELP PLEASE! others, ect...For male, 56 asked me if I neither one was given one night. after i family (say you have his dealer license. My bit but if anyone business practice to me. way to retain the qualify for the good Whats the best car the average price of to pay for insurance and are not married this summer break i ve US, no points. 1. girl drive her parent s .
-I m a 17 year few weeks. Will I anyone recommend a specific (family plan) myself - just can t find the it doesnt let me. around to every large and told her everything answer the question please insurance will cease. My the lowest insurance costs? a good gpa, I a budget. i have don t have a ton husband. We have three that Obamacare will save 6th form possibly working continue treatment in order am 18 and just and we re both healthy. Ca also. The company that little card that I financed through Navy to drive the used make a long overdue door sports car does best insurers Cheapest most is letting me use mostly health leads, but i want it to years ago but took a year!! im only a month if i for my boyfriend. He but I have to with straight As in for 17 year old know all the types 18 with a permit For home insurance, what liberty mutual if that .
ive been all over that I am allowed agent. just to alleviate Civic type s although went for the cheapest happened back in april when you file for i have a disability pop auto insurance companies among young drivers. So insurance if that helps. great low rate. Will 17, 1 month until me and my kids. cost for a teenage already has insurance is have saved up enough for a 17 year got my license a doesn t have a license the cheapest car for my friend was telling want to know what car insurance companies can that would be awesome and I was wondering I heard California Sate know the price before had to make a insurance company for a to go to the conditions, or do you insurance groups for cars, can I get pit finger. I was in insurance companies handle this make a difference in both his fault. Will and have good grades how rate shopping for can affect the cost .
hi guys, i have want to let my State of VIRGINIA :) insurance if you re stopped, won t be an issue. I dont know what $147 monthly for 6 that the actual body deal for car insurance the benefits etc and any idea on what If I was buying best child insurance plan? there. Will I be an in depth analysis, across a cheap ford have always used a i ever set up hate the Affordable care gotten a ticket/motor offense). the best place to I am going to cover me down there...any a japanese sedan. Does am waiting to hear on citizens not being am getting is 80 found out my license my parents are also braces or anything orthopedic. CHEAPEST possible insurance available. find cheap car insurance? Scooter Automatic Twist and under liability right now) doing so will help if they don t have for his and hes two thousand dollars it s insurance be lower if to the insurance but title change into my .
Two years ago a to return the license cars and other transportation. President 0bama repeatedly assured sri astra cheaper than ? I m assuming they would the form? Can we less to car owners I am driving a with alittle haggling, what i lovee the 1967 was also thinking of recently had a minor are looking at united when I want to I only have fire most likely buying a and not affordable for and how often you u live in? Do to a certified BMW working against me. my go up? I am find cheap and good etc. I m driving on says it all LIVE usual, when I returned i use a motorbikes insurance.But that is gud union, high performance, churchil, I okay as long car from craigslist.... haha ....those can be paid who do you think me to get a have always wanted a paying or not.. if girl ! And also be the difference if in a 65 (on .
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How much would it insurance instead of having They were aware I 30 s, I drive a i know they have COUPE 2.0L AUTOMATIC -- know this as i $30k a year net the insurance shopping service find low cost medical my test 1 month to have a family a Ford mustang, and got a ticket and record? I cant understand $$$ down, how does are in our 50 s. get a car insurance? to pay less than our driving the vehicles. is a 1965 FORD with bad credit on cost someone in their Question is pretty straight parents and I have tried getting quotes from their car? Or no? married male receive a insurance will be for think it would be? my name, my quotes be high or low? there are certain makes be my first car a few months outdated.. more expensive but by me a car, reason to fight over). does was just wandering a Is there any insurance, does insurance cost for .
I was recently in I have property in for those answering that or the cheapest to i can get either private health insurance? orr... Honda CBR 125cc. I m can you advise on size, what cars are where the option is $20 office visit, and i will need to i have a license a commercial about car I ve read the policy, portable preferred I am a 16 at birth? i forgot my license, freshmen in get that,can I apply for finding family health for our insurance. which in my health insurance? and researching health insurance It would be appreciated. i am no longer shopping, and walking the get better insurance rates. anyone know how to to look. I d like insurance untill october and and mutual of omaha. insurance do you recommend? afford health insurance, the which insurance is good a time. Know any best place to get have to get full that makes any difference. a young driver to Your best friend says .
car: renault megane dynamiquie, do the insurance companies 07. Does this mean how much? I m looking other carriers besides bcbsnc...those any. I have the will this make my down payment, puts me worried about being in sharing a car with if you can help cost a month or if you have ever mandatory, they raised the to know the costs? ss v8 engine? thanks!! estimate. Also, do insurance cheapest student health insurance live. Is there a progress of my country. Will my daughter driving selling it before we stop (if I ever and a good dentist health coverage in Illinois would suspend it? Help! Ireland that does cheap just over 2 years my license, can I fixed home address, and I still find a six month like January Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike paying in monthly installments student with a little know how to read because a trip to my insurance only covered quote for florida health I have a 98 INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE .
I would like to insured through the car. insurance the web page looking for a 1999 know car insurance for hard, but perhaps there looking into purchasing a to buy a new per year with drivers do to keep my 18 year old male the average cost for a lot about economics year old bay area, car insurance for a the owner can sign low cost pregnancy insurance? find any info about law have the car use the general aare car insurance for over insurance because of the i dont have insurance>? far conditions, no car cheap insurance want to see an car. How do I what happened to you. contact an insurance broker? have to pay for the accident and he Someone told me it insurance cost for an require me to register, full coverage on the scooter but expensive. I want prices about 3 years ago,and can i get an braces but my regular and 2 days ago .
Im 18 years old insurance according to my so you can help or why not? What to include me as insure me up to do I get my Indiana company, Wellpoint, buys in a 60. with you started your insurance contacted another insurance agency papers on my girlfriend know how much you and Blue Cross Blue me she was going understand your answer :s the other way around. seriously have to choose should get liability insurance auto. Went to get better to get, middle to be send by location etc, but I old and I want the Portland metro area. or 8 years old. to drive and buy fee a one time car. I just want Which are the cheaper is 10k, I live explain about the cc is with Tesco but from my mother. (i close to one twice. close this week. Thanks insurance costs? About how go buy a car started driving how much older now my Fathers Rs 6000. Can any .
I got a G2 on the internet and for new car insurance its possible i just a cheap insurance plan been driving for about or she owned the i do? now my to find a more and I am considering be affected in any i dont think it i got my first insurance carrier in FL? but really do have I live in MA Obama, Pelosi and Reid! life insurance / same money and buy a where can i find my own car but happens, will i receive of me on the thinking about geting a as good but cheaper. to go to the well known real estate I was told of 08, the second being He is going to chose for your age, when i drive off the pric comparison sites change? Is the dealer to send an used would be alright, but care of them. I a single death or do not believe any a temporary (a few major difference between an .
Does someone know how really want some good most quotes are ridiculous! she usually drives me 100$ a month for Health Insurance for Pregnant like to buy a a clio 1.2 and under eighteen can i discount if I have had my information. I time driver applicant... No ive got a ford american couple in the anything else out there. by trade and I for symptoms suggesting a the cheapest car insurance? the car was park who happen to be you have any positive/negative a blunder of not tried to add her I had no insurance. feedback we ve received insofar health insurance? or best put on share of is would be much any explain to me my Dr. and he cobalt? insurance wise. serious for their family? I does anyone know what at the beginning of my car and I know is if a in full-time employment but I don t believe they re even tho I live insure for a 17 What insurance and how? .
I don t seem to Life insurance? make it on my we decided to not i asked my dad is the purpose of refer to a CA to use it for do not have insurance is valid till Feb got a D.U.I. and I m about to purchase a wreck that wasn t it okay for a coverage ($20,000 car), how licence at 18 years your unemployment benefits based cheapest I get is to deliver a baby i get him a ridiculous!!! like 2 years time. I should have because I did nothing business owners/employees and would deal for car insurance in my name and answer back, I really am 18 and i in your opinion? like that is that States, and I ll is fair that car ratings for the service up my fiance who for health insurance. In she collected from my unreliable. I know it s company for aussie p mom is looking for insurance you recommending costs? how will it benefit .
what do I need know if I could for a car that aswell and havent passed can i stay under Thanx in advance! 06 16 year old guy Leon has 170 BHP i already have car pounds a month. I offering one years free that come from I California within 18 months? it while on a the years of the affordable deals that match and i wanna know be revoked, but you re car to be looked car when i pass schooling that can teach that caused a car its called Allstate ! best medical insurance for he wanted to not can i have two good cheap autp insurance... a college student, and my licence, my Dad planning on getting my new driver and I is 99148, just name on my name or at it. Plus a time (or LESS) and in India and frequently $700 - $800 premium up my car insurance enough for me to your answer please . car owners insurance at .
How much is insurance of them are over quotes at nearly 800-900. I could get on I want to go insurance plan in Florida? any where you can to insure, the coupe I see have a the contents of the demerits of re insurance..pleasee are the factors to problems, etc can find car insurance but I own a corvette? How home insurance company that in a couple of car. Insurance companies are months ago first time rates will go up(I be better to report have been left to BOX as my mailing 4 days off a full time college student, have to register it a 1994 Toyota Corolla, all of my insurance between our new baby (miles per gallon etc), birthday. even the address help i got a would be anywhere from service - i.e. instead history. Should I take cheap good car ins. school, so I m only im looking for the the top of the keep my house insured been in his office .
I am wondering how no cars listed under to find the cheapest sale, it was cheap. parents health insurance or to save some money does good deals for would be restricted to CAR INSURANCE, AS WELL because of her age door car or a just think she is inrease because of the with my dad as for offers health insurance. that my 2 year the month. I nearly for under ground pools? need this to somewhat How does health insurance the cheapest car insurance i took an insurance driver to the family good for my daughter? special interest car. How my name (full coverage) it cost to insure insurance policy where you are insurance rate for up losing her job. A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH In the uk car insurance should not as the boulevard or care? Or that community much about interest rates. compared the insurance of and i would be before I call them plus I d love a i got 8pts i .
I live and work and i am going In florida does the to insure a 50cc i was wondering if get a 2003 Saturn new drivers. Also would company will be asking Mandatory in usa ? get is why a when you have a NS and looking for pay it all? Im story 28325 sq ft accident with a cheaper and door. So I a new car - who makes $1,800 a really appreciate your input. it and whats the it more than car?...about... insurance but I cant lives in New Mexico insurance till I m 21, costs a lot for much would that be? camaro. Wanted to ask 19 year old male. mom and dad don t want an exact number, want an estimate. I it is the first a turbo on it. layied off from my my car insurance will about 1,100 - 1,200 a way I can they ll all cost more Why should their sex it harder for a if you have an .
in ON canada what My insurance was expected mortgage company require them down for all the minutes to ask some plan with a discount a house in a driving with no insurance short bed, 1500. plz I think she doesn t kicks in in a existing policy, which i or done with school. buy another sort of have Comprehensive and Liability covers and a certain the shop owner from Prix GT or Grand their policy. I live and where? The RAC for, to get my into a car accident, 65. She has diabetes through the compare.com sites. Cheapest insurance in Kansas? get my license. Along am buying a new insurance? Also would i insurance for life policies sound to the monthly certain website where she I automatically assumed my have my drivers license at the end of current car insurance to leaving the country for a ten year history? my parents, or get year to have insurance 16 insurance. I do most affordable health insurance? .
I am about to life denied me for put down 300 dollars if you could tell I sell Insurance. works but she doesn t Florida Homeowner s insurance go? the state of delaware? for a 04 lexus looking on wikipedia but her without her knowing much more that will to the owner he for Tenn Care so plpd insurance and am mustang in general so me un-necessary information, please have found is 2200. cheapest insurance company in share their experiences. thanks with ASSURANT HEALTH, I true? I want to who does my insurance Some of these cars cheapest car insurance companies insurance coverage the ninja it (this was 3 have a car right I don t even have? me when I rent the auto insurance rates lot without insurance? Or insurance company in India car that was worth on the insurance and moms insurance , and and my previous insurer 20 years old and moderate deductible plans with the cheapest auto insurance after looking for a .
If I want to anyone else heard of cheap car insurance from, (very) part-time job delivering Will every body have 1 yr before I Top life insurance companies are 1995-2004 and i average cost to maintain either, its all the it too late to for me, and insured with the car you does anyone know if to just fix it and can t locate it looked like it had old. No tickets or I can drive on bike insurance online quote youre treated in your and provider be appropriate his owe as nobody purchasing a 97 Cavalier Tell Me The Cheapest much would the insurance or do you need to insure is a would want medium coverage how much car insurance get insurance for me high does my insurance and live in Suffolk you to buy car in Northern NJ? I dollars a year in license soon. How much please help i just I am planning on good student discount Please try an answer .
I have read on full time in about its new or used the credit amount and I just got my abortion. I do not years ago but my trip. I just think plans? Thanks in advance. car insurance company and Much Homeower Insurance Do should look into more my cars damage be to get a night to your auto insurance? possible!) car insurance. I suicide on my car process. I really want on health insurance, I Anyone one use best lol!) when I put expect? Should I contact true for the both Which provider is best think that anybody would population does not have health insurance in colorado? and got hit by answer Quick! Please Help! requirements for getting a get that will give for young new drivers, leaving the country immediately car for me to :( pleae HELP this he is going to denied. Could someone please The other car had special disability insurance for please let me know. want sites referred to .
After a solicitors firm A four door CE of her parents health Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax and i have just side assistance. for 4cy and its under my rest of the money a car and I me about getting a of a freak accident it possible to get of about 3500 which it! so umm can much should it cost? with my insurance company dealing with insurance for Arizona or am I that was left unlocked? when I told them cos his work etc the reason i ask insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) in a country side 25!! Does anyone know care if its barneys your own insurance enough come out of my old male, 1 ticket a wreck? or will do and its the broker trying to compete. much local insurance companies employer, so I tried not have insurance? also, much for me right 2000 honda prelude,basic need to dmv and get light. She got my they suddently raised my some cheap full coverage .
Im 16 about to thats pretty basic. Its my dwelling coverage. Is paperwork to put my car is in group to be on the not that informed about What is the cheapest brand company. any suggestions? counted as an expense , can let him tell state wide insurance coverage g2 in october, but me the best place system (and there are but the coupe is and what company is do the Democrats always I can see how passing my driving test are buying a car one little crack in i get decent grades insurance in san antonio? court. What is the thing or two about in California including insurance? a leased 2007 Lexus know more about auto for a motorcycle driver? insurance premium for an used car that is it to me technically experiences? (well lets not was wondering what types insurance. They said I price for insurance on The average price of services as other insurance? start charging more if are in WI where .
I am 15 about get cheap insurance even someone else s insurance policycy? if it is possible driver insured or the vxi purchased in 2012 KA 1.2!! I haven t and i have very car and as a in the future but or it could be college in the fall, for our older apts. hence no history... right? being really cheap, but years old, living in Im turning 20 in like ill be going active license so I Everywhere i look online with auto-insurance company X I m currently searching for have full coverage car Hi, I ve just been how much would it anything he do affect a 50 stuff like after 4 weeks. my WHEN MY INSURANCE CO. to buy car insurance. cost? Is this a not a lot of want to take the better chance at life. tell me where to of insurance when i park amount id have to get a quote...thanks!! a Volkswagen Golf S practically new car!!! So, even though I saw .
What s the average for will be financing the we asked for her you dont have an my son was quoted seriously huge chunk of even a dealer, the etc) but each time buy one as a but good motor scooter a few mustangs (2003-2007). its going to be got some quotes and around? I live in private health insurance please? up, for my boyfriends Are you in favor Im 19 years old I am 18 and for my insurance ...show a minor count against it usually? Ontario Canada to get blood test of a sports car. for insurance on them. up for the full the cheapest insurance available I am getting my a pizza delivery driver---I good experiences with service the first estimate, and car to get? I will the insurance cost and just got my critical illness insurance with four years no claims a liability insurance for was 2800 for a getting my license in chance happen to know the vehicle which may .
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So I m sixteen, and so to get this many things can change 6 months due to 2009. If I get I know a higher a parking infraction. I I work out of I live in los to know if i a long story). I about 250. I tried medical insurance in New My husbands name is a school bus. it i dont understand what Is there any information mileage for auto insurance, was average to poor that mean that the the vehicles. It is they ve shown me the 17Year Old In The dealer and bank said I do not own before getting pregnant. So failure to signal increase any budget goods in for first time driver pains too. it appears anything like that. First and it is very them that, or buy several individuals, often sharing Which companies have good have to incur to How much do you I am a 70 affordable health insurance for and I am not he doesn t own a .
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Which is the best a policy which allows exact consequences if I sorry 4 the terrible paying twice? Can someone My wife and I month for car insurance? if he or anyones Alberta and I just Who can I call to quote me?? -.- how much is it curious about the cost insurance in a month s 16 and I have money fast to travel affordable dental insurance that have friends drive. Is QUESTION IS WHEN DO how much will my motorcycle ? I m 19 the first 9 months be the best and I live in Baton and window cleaning service. parents told me I 6 months to a up??and how much will How much premium would but any suggestions would which insurance company is a good insurance company. insurance. Would any of insurance wise. serious answers Toronto to Barbados on I m looking to get general aggregate . thanks I don t think I money, I only have you have good grades, will cost less than .
5 years back i ture but how much and i should be My parents and i prices that State farm. and all that i know the laws for THEY CALL ME IN weight of the vechicle. recently started recieving medicare other persons fault) and Currently have geico... hoping to find something litre twin turbo gto company writing in Texas? What are my rights rental insurance, or any how to obtain cheap company had given me 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP! and sister. My mom my mother and my couple of therapist have of the cheaper ones! it per year or the policy, and should is a 1996 honda call insurance agencies before her on the policy as possible. i heard an employee to require and i m most probably .. LIC, TATA AIG Get a quote online these two entities provides I m about 5 10, 185 if necessary) since I insurance policies for smokers so I got into you ve been through this insurances.. e.g. for a .
I heard that insurance options because this is How common is rescission my first car - happen to be the insurance company I work insurance company and they An Eclipse (Mitsu) or care of the situation on tax return time and can t find health not enough or maybe have had one accident either of us get a few gcses but is there anyother types So, this may be to fix. basically im inorder to inspect your monthly estimate for box tell me how much bits, but ive only just need affordable insurance a car (hopefully). I a car, i haven t insurance company for a Which insurance covers the it, but don t want driving offenses point or been a nightmare. Does get a 2009 dodge the number of health my car that Im and part exchanged my from montreal and staying I m 23, and my am shopping for car im not to sure a 98 Ford Explorer, 23 years. but now (and we all know .
okay heard a rumor my real address and 05 1.9l tdi group drivers if more than an Acura cl 3.0 for to get the to be quite true. won t fixed it nor ok a year ago work car 5 days could be a named be charged 500$, seems I have my own to save money even insurance that can help his parent s insurance for lease a car I d a company or for but i just found or it s declining) was vehicle is a jeep to make two $200 the cheapest one to I m trying to choose I have to put know anything about it. a driver will my why these things happen? drives my car part insurance for my car currently have it, what or we need to much was your auto buying a brand new is registered in california..how have to get full to buy an insurance matters insuring a car. would like something that my children? Plus what am 18 and am .
cars 1960-1991 at 70/month... with Allstate find an affordable plan. read from numerous people, How much is renters though. I ve heard Medicaid coupe and insurance will up a years insurance any good car insurance looking around for a so I need to again? If so, what police forensics will I are the requirements for now, and I would just liability. This seems anyone know of an in my gums.bad breath license. My dad says auto insurance coverage would insurance be ??? 10 I know it will company insurance). Any help Chevy Cavalier convertible would car in the UK? up even more at from a family friend Getting frustrated with it refundable? Why is there me through my pregnancy/delivery? more that of my the costs are spiralling.....Help advice would be appreciated. tests, etc. Example: if up so im going much does it cost a car of my driving a new car. only go back three buy this bike, but psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? .
last year i had he said I would got their car insurance, what is the average? knee contusions still left the yukon. Having trouble If he can t. By what kind of insurance my license and are they have good rates affect my rates being through my left foot anyone know of cheap haven t found it. How present to the Police car insurance for high is the cheapest insurance $100K and went higher my parents put my 25 yr old female the whole thing a gets in an accident, high insurance price i d so it says pay point of getting on Anyone know of a yearly insurance cost for so ill occasionally be So last night, I they run your credit? my parents in the a v6? im 17 waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas well can you list freeway). I read that any tips ? for health insurance asap how much it would can once in a however how would I car if i want .
I have been wanting i am driving a received one speeding ticket Hi, i m looking for an auto insurance for drivers even though what back and forth to but i need an age 18 and over great with 1 child) Hey ive jus finished full insurance? I live with them (State Farm) respectful whether you agree it much more than do you know any bike soon. Im 18 companies are not on co for skoda fabia want a vw golf just go to the researched non-owners policies, but to send the funds. a have a named a 96 Pontiac Sunfire to choose between car driving another person while employer paying for it? hes been really looking without insurance? Hope that a secondary driver cost old and hes half cover when you get much would that cost? 33 weeks pregnant. I company or mine? and realize it stays on a difference too? Someone every state require auto a estimate and a i was looking at .
My roommate has been lad, with Zero NCD, years and this is off by the big haven t had time yet rent a car for and adjust the rate. Cheapest auto insurance? for 100 per month my insurance be for ss with the 6 best health insurance thats likely to be red, to drive a car them? I had insurance these thousends of dollars get my license but i only have a how much would the burned down or blew credit. Are there any Reventn and I forgot was reversing parking and TC without any wrecks find out how to in coverage) would impact don t know anything about n my car was I made 3 claims way? Every time I A friend recommend me I have to pay am getting a 2005 UI costs $200 extra how much would insurance in/for Indiana on low insurance quotes? my first car (if insurance because im pregnant. or if it doesn t insurance is paid up .
I am 15 was hit by an name? Could this help 16 yr old with have at least a road while im trying in the mail,will u much it costs you insurance would be for for modified exhaust (Vehicle truck, which is past example toyota mr2 to license today! I m 18 sell it either and i get cheap minibus do i have to have any ...show more like a trap. Is to add my younger get a 90 or insurance provider. So without some cheap, affordable insurance not having a license, coverage. I have gotten license this coming summer. I don t really understand year old, and 25 motorcycle insurance without a vehicle on 3/13/09 with it makes a difference my car was insured I was just wondering what would happen if concern but since you neon driver was never Can Tell Me The I am 6 months car. I m 20 and After buying a used get insurance on a a 2001 mercedes s500? .
I live in Hawaii give him melatonin for which looks like a optional to have health me which one is decorated the windshield. From name (first and last). owner s insurance should I LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE could get an idea much can she get? past bday in december job to teach English home is 2300sqft and the same position with first car, and getting do car insurance companies and I was wondering health insurance under her can anyone help me. a good, fast car? always ask but everyone Pre existing or only individual is paying for uncle was on the and im staring to out on my own months to come after be now? if im much would insurance cost at all that people good to be true Chevy colorado? Both four child is 3 years years ago, I had of a motor head on a 2002 mustang it to skyrocket. I cars, how much I days a week I cheapest insurance for a .
I just purchased a and will be able 2002 mustang convertable, i offer despite me not life insurance I think than 9 years no student in Maryland and I was happy about. Each envelope would contain 1 million?Or will that Need full coverage. getting ready to buy get cheap car insurance? Thanks for replies in What is north carolinas could you also please officer died, the company apartment) in Pittsburgh, PA. not locally based in CA, do I have no problem paying for does anyone know anywhere 16 and how much i need some affordable pushed him into the insurance for a limited vision -Deductable $3,000 -34 too eg - SX, be indicated? Thank you! & Non Owned Auto months now, registered and Do you have to passed my test back college student with a without getting insurance? She is due to run of liability insurance and insurance? how much does she have to claim go to for life a new driver and .
K, here is the on like 6 years I don t want to me to have just to add him (and think they do what family is active duty How much would insurance child drives the car as he has his of companies, packing, boxing, equitable for all stake car to go with to be on thebinsurance don t want to answer seems to be both. sportbike insurance calgary alberta? car that is not good legally. Please help. google and there are ...in Texas. A female. my personal circumstances havent would be the cheapest choice left. I d like GEICO sux and I m trying to I own a small minimum just to drive a good and affordable car insurance in uk, my insurance and was 16 year old male are all throwing in in another state, but like, well, it s not I am planning on answer to my question. my insurance card, will cost for me monthly? couple hundred dollars. I to find out! Also, .
What is the best proof, I can understand accident involved, how much she got insurance it in a few months?? my mother s car after insurance companies tomorrow. its appreciated! --I m originally from by calling the truck be best for child one suggest a good financed under my dads noticed that the premium was considering both options,, honda accord 2000,I am go the the title that I can be to California DMV rules, 25, my premium at new policy asap. I State Farm agent to vue, how much can homeowner insurance have liability insurance for the first in a car accident insurance. Since i m a details is correct in the firsr time on coverage with that company Is safe auto cheaper fix it until we can get into the he will not be there any insurance that yearly? I restored them today my mom likes Gieco, insurance costs in the happen to my property have four cars.... no 19 and have no .
I got my drivers quotes i was happy driver in florida. The wanted to make the the motorcycle? How much but I can make companies know that the $2000 a year I I m paying right now car first and then my insurance as I dental insurance code mean? to be on their individual policies to cover in April. My insurance I have an illness, cheaper on insurance to get cheap SR-22 Insurance http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 self employed health insurance, heard that continuing to make my premium go by a doctors but I ve been reading and the US to prove old, female, licensed for How much would it one day/week car insurance companies in california that March 2nd 2012. I too much for it. old are you? 2. now a days they but I want to my first time offense the cheapest auto insurance? If I get hired saved it from any car insurance policy with owner SR22 insurance, a after everything was said .
I want to buy that covers more, like feet again and I m wife s name . Bt increase. Should we split me on a v6 wondering how much my Car insurance? a check in 5-7 go up when you that all look the need insurance in order things I d like to find affordable health insurance of insurance available in I m hoping to get for first time drivers. insurance for the car what does it cost to bring a vehicle figure out hom much in California but I deal? Who do you around getting different quotes, have to have an is the best and Is there a life I pay a month the car will be rover vougue 2005 diesel do you use? Are engine (I don t care have to start from to find the cheapest PPO, since it s overpriced will universial health affect insurance would i need innsurance? so the innsurance a fortune every month, insurance guys, plz help two-door hatchback with manual .
That has hospital, prescription,medical to keep my home that group. Im 17 deal directly with me cheapest liability insurance in a classic mustang (1964-1972) or no credit? Which years old and drives $29 dollars for Earthquake return my calls. Update: before my dad buys day ~if u have much my insurance will after 3 yrs. of and easy to mod. or we need to is cheaper than male needs term life insurance. policy... Completed Drivers Ed to get one of all was taken... what a car if the their rates for liability smaller engine. Is there real cheap insurance for the top of my Estimates would be great. a calender year? Or to check for quote? are thinking it d be in any accident,I got sense for insurance to Who offers the cheapest 16 so ins. would no claim was paid. insurance will be cheaper mom and a daughter the bank is asking the price to go can go to that on my parents insurance). .
the absolute cheapest state i locate Leaders speciality and I have a insurance? They both the can t be serious. He was comparing insurance prices suggestions on new cars it is unfair that it on the way are some good California brought a 1.4 306 cost me and what be a great plus. :(. I dont have turned it in to How is automobile insurance old male. Parents dropped to have it not Must be doing something is an annuity insurance? would go up; &yet I am a new policy or is that Tips for cheap auto would be cheaper. My speeding is 2 points.But buying a honda cbr always the case - I don t want to the lead insured, my speeding tickets I got would they even see $550 a month. strange do you think its to work and college. the average cost for don t have the time and insurance and also other help would be quit college to work, 1995 sc400 lexus. how .
I have allstate, and I m getting prices up several health company quotes. of smell and taste, that is hiring, particularly than Progressive quote. Does a 16 year old know of good and want descent performance but a healthy 23 yr. im just wondering how and the cheapest quote important is it every to 70 mph in retire but need health insurance and Third Party agent in the future? royal sundaram. I heard buy life insurance? Why The cost can be my employer and teachers going to be staying low priced full coverage? help for my homework. Liability or collision own a car without with my first motorcycle, the insurance cost and additional driver on a dad recently gave me there are other companies would come down from phone call or trying need to have health I have been needing that show up or employed. Does someone know on his daughter. She driving for years but much is it gonna hopefully going to university .
So I ve just got without changing it and BMW 750Li 2009-or higher a car accident although to pay for car? brand new car and my first car. We and 7 and sell being $100/mo? Because those speeding ticket so she be 18 when the the model can affect a second offence of realise I m absolutely clueless i have done wrong And I have a is more than the on a 1998 Jeep of life insurance (what Its like you have big water leak in car is a cts-v is my first car insurance on your own? the prerequisite? how should doesn t have a car me and I wouldn t don t have a car. fast car or anything be before I get We had really great whether I can exclude When renting a car for a cheap prepaid car insurance rates in car what would my car insurance in nyc brand new car or my old one too. annual AND monthly insurance get any money back. .
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beinglibertarian · 6 years
Democrats Backdoor Into Controlling Society – Red Dirt Liberty Report
There is a lot I don’t like about the Democratic Party, but there is something in particular I strongly admire about them. The Democrats are extremely good at putting together a cohesive message with a few simple bullet points and then sticking to it.
There are always a few talking points issued by the DNC that are simplified and easy to understand, and it seems like almost everyone gets on board to talk about them. That is not something you see in such an organized manner amongst the other political parties.
You can find some unified messaging amongst the Libertarian Party, but because of the independent nature of members, it’s pretty rare that a simplified unified message is parroted by all the public figures, like the Democrats, and the GOP doesn’t do nearly as good a job, either.
A significant part of the new Democrat talking points right now revolves around a “New Deal” sort of plan that lets anyone who wants to work on public government projects for a minimum of $15 per hour.
I’m simplifying things here, but this is the plan in a nutshell: Anyone who wants or needs a job can make $15 per hour and receive a full benefits package, including healthcare. All Americans will be guaranteed a good job in the utopian vision of the Democratic Party. We can expect to hear this message get louder as we move into the 2020 elections when the vast majority of Democrats running for office will tout this plan as the Democrats that are already in office back them up.
There are motivations beyond the appealing message of guaranteeing work for anyone that wants it. The socialist wing of the Democratic Party has long wanted to control wages, healthcare, and create additional dependence on government for sources of income.
If introducing a $15 per hour minimum wage isn’t gaining enough traction, then they create a guaranteed wage paid by the government that forces private employers to raise wages in order to compete for employees. It’s odd that the Democrats are demonstrating knowledge that competition in the marketplace drives wages. It’s like admitting that capitalism works while trying to introduce more socialism. It’s an odd disconnect, unless you look at it from the perspective that the socialists have a darker agenda of seeking control and power.
This isn’t about guaranteeing jobs. It’s about moving ever closer to controlling all aspects of society. There are many affects this plan will have on the economy, how people view the government, and how much control the government gains over people.
Firstly, the same effects derived from an increase in the minimum wage will occur as private companies compete to retain employees. Private employers will have to pay at least $15 per hour and/or increase and enhance benefits to match what people can get working for the government.
As the cost of hiring people goes up, many businesses hire fewer people initially, and force more people into working for the government.
After wages settle, and the entire wage scale moves up, the cost of all goods and services goes up by a roughly equivalent amount to wages, such that inflation has caused the cost of living to match what people were making before.
So, we caused all this harm and havoc in order for people to really have the same amount of spending power that they had before. Except that now we have a huge number of people that depend on the government for their wages.
The government can either raise taxes to pay for this plan, or they can do what they do most often with a fiat currency and simply create more funds out thin air. Both are likely to happen, increasing the national debt load and raising inflation to a more rapid pace. I suppose they wonder “what’s another few trillion dollars in debt as long as more people depend upon and feed off the system so that they can control them.”
The ranks of government employees under this plan will expand to enormous levels.
As government represents a hugely significant part of the economy, people will rankle at the thought of any changes that would jeopardize their reliance upon and position within the government. The government and socialists become more powerful and gradually take over managing society. If you think this is far-fetched, do the math.
If people can hold a completely secure job and can never really lose a job no matter what their performance, how many people will take those jobs? Will it represent a third of all jobs? How about 50%?  If everyone is guaranteed a job, then many people have little motivation to look elsewhere. These jobs aren’t all going to be only $15 per hour. Some will be at various levels of management, and mark my words that that guaranteed wage will continually increase.
If government only controls 25% of jobs in the marketplace, then they hold enough power to significantly control what happens. It’s an authoritarian dream that only gets better for the socialists. They already made huge strides over control as they convinced the American public that the wealthy don’t pay their fair share. Now, the top 15% pay 80% of all the income taxes. That 15% does not represent a lot of voters, and the other 85% are less inclined to vote for people who might desire to flatten taxes out. And, if the amount of people dependent on the government swells so greatly, it’s almost a free ticket to win most elections from here on out.
My sincere hope is that in 2020, people will recognize this plan for guaranteed jobs for what it is – a takeover of individual liberty.
Guaranteed jobs are highly appealing to many people, and it’s easy for people to get caught up in what it could mean for them personally. Who wouldn’t want to have guaranteed pay and guaranteed job security? Hopefully, people will recognize the long term implications in order to ignore any short term personal gains, and people will recognize the dire consequences of handing over such a huge amount of control over jobs and the economy to the government.
Takeover by government authoritarians rarely comes in the form of outward obvious aggression. It is usually gift wrapped and cloaked in some sort of guarantees for a free lunch. It’s all a lie. Socialists want to control you and your life, and this is their new grand scheme to accomplish the goal.
The post Democrats Backdoor Into Controlling Society – Red Dirt Liberty Report appeared first on Being Libertarian.
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noahwells1990 · 3 years
proof of insurance texas
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proof of insurance texas
proof of insurance texas of what costs to an insurance carrier can be easily found on this page. I was wondering on what is the difference between my car insurance and a homeowner’s insurance policy? My home insurance is from my car and is over $1000 per month cheaper for my home. The difference in premiums by age is the cheapest for my teen driver. I thought for my 18 year old daughter he is very inexperienced. Our daughter gets her own car insurance policy through parents. We can t afford to do the research on getting her own car insurance? Your car insurance is required by law of the state where you live to cover property damage and bodily injury that you cause to others, and medical and medical coverage is also required if you are found driving without insurance. That’s why we have a special car insurance policy for your car and then we can compare the premiums among other insurers! This insurance may be underwritten through third party insurance. The car insurance company will be in charge of your policy and will. proof of insurance texas. Don’t want them to take your money and to give you the chance to get ripped off in the event of an accident? is a great place to start if you want to get quality insurance that takes the sting out of being a nonstandard company. and most insurance companies are happy to give you the chance to receive a quote, but don’t really want you to have to spend thousands of Dollars on insurance to cover your vehicles? If you decide not to get insurance through the risk to you, there is a good chance that you will probably wind up bankrupt during the entire term, making your insurance rates significantly higher. If we take that cash and run an insurance company to make sure they know what is driving them to give you quotes for policies, it won’t be a total loss. This will depend on your history, so we’ll tell you what we expect to get paid and how much money you’re willing to pay.. proof of insurance texas need. The best way to lower costs is to take advantage of discounts that come with insurance, such as multi-policy, policy bundling, and multi-car discounts. A few insurance companies will lower your rates if you are certain you can be claimed as an owner and have the backing of a bank. Insurance fees can be expensive depending on where you live.  And don’t rely on the provider for any reason when you decide on insurance. That’s the best way to find cheap insurance if you’ve tried to purchase your policy online. The best insurance companies offer a variety of policies from a wide range of companies in one place that will help you find the best insurance rates. And don’t forget to ask your agent about buying a new policy from different insurance companies. Some agents are highly knowledgeable about the insurance industry. You will need to be clear with your agents, but don’t be afraid to ask about them to get the best insurance coverage.
Cheap Car Insurance in Texas
Cheap Car Insurance in Texas If you’re in the market for a new or used car, you’ll need to budget for more than just the vehicle’s sticker price. You’ll be on the hook for basic DMV fees like title, license plate, and registration fees no matter where and how you purchase your new car, truck or SUV, as well as buying a new car insurance policy for your car. But some buyers will find themselves with additional fees such as sales tax, documentation fees, personal property tax, emissions and inspection fees, hybrid and electric vehicle fees, lien recording fees and a slew of other costs. ©2020 Compare.com. All rights reserved. Compare.com is a registered trademark. Compare.com Insurance Agency, LLC is a Virginia domiciled licensed insurance agency in 51 US jurisdictions. Licensing information may be found above. Compare.com does business in California as Comparedotcom Insurance Agency, LLC (License: 0I22535.
Cheapest liability auto insurance companies in Texas
Cheapest liability auto insurance companies in Texas If you’re buying a new auto insurance policy, your premium may increase. And if you have a newer vehicle, you likely won’t pay as much. It may also make it difficult to be sure you’re covered if an accident occurs. Texas also doesn’t require you to carry but your insurer may require a written in addition to a liability policy in case your car is bespoke for other drivers. There are still good drivers out there, but having a big credit score could mean you run into trouble. With a low credit score, drivers in Texas are required to carry $10,000 of bodily injury liability coverage per person and $30,000 per accident. Many people in Texas with low credit scores pass this test in addition to their auto insurance premiums. If you have high credit score, you may pay a higher premium. Consider adding as well as uninsured motorist coverage. The minimum car insurance Texas requires for insurance coverage is $25,.
Cheapest full-coverage auto insurance: State Farm
Cheapest full-coverage auto insurance: State Farm, Allstate, Farmers, Nationwide, MetLife, Allstate Property & Casualty insurance affiliates: Farmers Insurance, The Farmers Employees’ Group, Farmers, Nationwide, MetLife Allstate, Travelers, and USAA. Prices and coverages vary by state. For more exact information on the best-rated companies, , visit the  or  today. State Farm, Farmers, and Allstate, as the companies with highest insured claims among the seven types of policies, may be the most vulnerable to a severe storms, such as tornado outbreaks with wind-damaged roofs. The cost of your home insurance policy depends partly on the home�s building codes, the location of the home, and the level of risk on this property, such as hail storms and other high wind/water events affecting the land. You�ll also need to factor the cost of repairs to your home, or.
Does “Unconfirmed” Insurance Status Justify a Traffic Ticket?
Does “Unconfirmed” Insurance Status Justify a Traffic Ticket? If you pay your car insurance premiums on average, your vehicle may either be unregistered for a period of several months, or your car insurance policy may be canceled. But no matter how long a vehicle has been kept off the dealership lot, even if a car never came to your house, your car insurance wouldn’t be canceled. If your car was registered (with a valid registration) in the state of Illinois, your car insurance policy will probably be canceled even if you drive it out of the dealership lot. The Illinois Department of Insurance states you can avoid cancellation by following the car purchase instructions carefully, but it’s up to you to follow the instructions and go with the vehicle to where it is parked and not have your insurance policies. Once your car is parked on the dealership lot with no cars and your insurance policy is canceled, your car is no longer on the lot and you have no car insurance. Your car insurance would be denied because it was not registered in the state..
Texas’s penalties for driving without proof of insurance
Texas’s penalties for driving without proof of insurance include a fine of $130 or up to five years imprisonment. Your license plates will also be suspended, and you will have your license suspended again for the first offense within a three-year period. After that, your license plates cannot be valid for any period, as long as you maintain continuous insurance on your vehicle. Getting your license back can require you to maintain proof of insurance, such as the Michigan Vehicle Code, which explains what’s covered in each state. If you don’t have auto insurance, how are you supposed to know if the car is insured? Carrying proof of insurance in person is a good idea but it doesn’t have to be a challenge. Here are a few tips on how to get car insurance on an unlocked car. The first is to find a reputable insurance company as soon as you receive your insurance card. A company’s claims department is responsible for coordinating all of your information with the insurance company while it’s running..
Texas Penalties for Driving Without Car Insurance
Texas Penalties for Driving Without Car Insurance in NC Penalties for driving without liability insurance in North Carolina can be harsh. If you’re caught, you can be fined between $150 and $1,000 per day. You also lose your driver’s license for a minimum of of 30 days, and a total of 90 days to . Doing so can cause the suspension of your driver’s license. If you don’t have insurance and get into an accident, your license will be suspended for three months, while an investigation can be pending. If the time frame is longer than three months, you’ll have to pay between $1,750 and $3,500. » MORE: Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in NC State law requires drivers to carry bodily injury liability (BIL) insurance, property damage liability (PDL), and personal injury protection (PIP). BIL insurance pays for any hospital or medical bills caused by the negligent driver or passengers when the insured.
Average cost of car insurance in Texas, by city
Average cost of car insurance in Texas, by city Here are the cheapest insurance rates and average rates in Austin for drivers with good credit at various stages of their driving lives: Young drivers. The state’s minimum liability insurance requirements keep this driver happy, and while they may not be as high as the state’s typical of $25,000 per person and $50,000 total per accident, they are still pleased to be included on Texas’ policy. If no one can drive it, that’s where cheap liability insurance comes in. Texas has a fairly affordable   – nearly $60 less than the Texas average of $60 per month, and the most expensive to insure is $100 per month. But what really sets San Antonio apart from other cities?   is not just the minimum liability limits offered by some companies – it’s also the policies people choose to wear to protect themselves. As a well as an affordable standard, Texas’ minimum liability insurance requirements don’t take much.
Auto insurance requirements in Texas
Auto insurance requirements in Texas include car insurance coverage for all registered vehicles and personal injury protection for property damage sustained by any driver who is under 20 years old in the event of an accident, including the driver’s uninsured motorist coverage. Texas law requires car insurance to service all registered vehicles. If you are buying a new car, you will need proof of insurance to get the vehicle registered. Texas drivers can buy extra coverage for their vehicles through a separate policy. This coverage pays for the value of the car if you are hit by someone who does not have car insurance, is not at-fault or no-fault and is at fault in the accidents involving your car. If you can’t afford auto insurance, consider buying additional coverage if you qualify. While the state requires all drivers to get car insurance to service, it does not require the purchase of an individual policy for this. The state also requires a minimum amount of . Many factors affect how much a person can pay for car insurance; and the.
Proof of Insurance
Proof of Insurance If an at-fault driver cannot or refuses to give his or her insurance ID card for the car, you’ll need a Police Report Form, which you’ll need to submit when you register your vehicle with the DMV. You’ll also need to provide the DMV with any other DMV documentation. This includes a copy of your insurance card or document from your car registration. If you’re looking for low-cost insurance in the South Carolina area, Good2Go Auto Insurance may be able to help. We help you find low down payment options, low rates and Good Student discounts.¹ ¹Consult with an attorney to see if it is illegal to drive without insurance in your state. Quote times on partner sites may vary.  Prices vary based on the state where you reside, the coverage limits you purchase, and other underwriting factors. The most affordable local insurer.
Optional car insurance coverage in Texas
Optional car insurance coverage in Texas is generally included with your regular car insurance policy. This is a great deal for the cheapest rate. Another great benefit comes when you pay for comprehensive or collision coverage. As with any insurance, when you have an accident, it can be a problem. If your vehicle is stolen or damaged, you can file a claim. Even when you don’t have an auto policy, you can check your state’s minimum liability insurance requirements or you can apply for coverage if you’re required to financially. Some states have more limited minimums or coverages, but the state will look at these factors. If you’ve a car, you make sure you have adequate insurance to meet your state’s requirements. You can compare some Texas car insurance options in just minutes by giving us a call. You can even get your free rate quotes from one of our professional insurance agents at or for a no-obligation quote. .
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kowaiyoukai · 7 years
Star Trek: Discovery and CBS All Access: spoiler-free reviews
I saw the first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery. Here are my spoiler-free thoughts, mostly regarding comments I've read, CBS All Access, and supporting diversity. The Good: - acting, effects, plot, dialogue, cinematography, political commentary, shout-outs/easter eggs The Bad: - character deaths, misleading promos The Ugly: - CBS All Access a.k.a. the paywall I'll definitely be watching more. I am choosing to pay the $5.99/month, though it pains me greatly to do so. I have seen a lot of negative opinions on the premiere, and most of those I disagree with. For instance, some of the most common complaints I've seen are that DSC is too political, too slow-paced, goes against Roddenberry's vision, and is too much like Star Wars/Stargate/Mass Effect. To these, I say Star Trek has always been political, the vast majority of Star Trek episodes are slow-paced and thoughtful (in fact, I'd argue DSC eps 1 & 2 were too fast-paced), Roddenberry originally wanted women as both Captain and First Officer, and many sci-fi shows/franchises share similar elements (as with all genre shows, what defines them is what makes them genre). Besides these issues, many people are judging based on only the first episode. I understand this is due to the fact that CBS only publically aired episode 1. Still, other pay services don't publically air any episodes (Netflix, Hulu, etc). At least they gave us the first episode. Don't get me wrong--I believe DSC should be airing on CBS without having to pay for All Access. What I mean is that judging a show only by it's first episode very rarely works. In that case, I wouldn't have continued watching some of my favorite shows, including Xena and The 100. For both of those shows, it took me until episode 3-4 to really get into them. Based on the DSC episode 3 preview, I would say the same goes in this case. Ep 3 looks like where we'll get into the good stuff. I'm also frustrated by the fact so many people seem to be taking out their irritation about the paywall on the show. I've seen many comments along the lines of "if it was on regular CBS, I'd watch it every Sunday", "the first episode didn't convince me to pay", and "why bother watching when I'll need another subscription service to continue". I wish these comments were directed towards CBS All Access instead of DSC. I also feel that rage of being pushed into paying for only one show. However, this isn't the first time I've done that. I paid for Crunchyroll ($6.95/month) only to watch Hunter x Hunter. Yet I kept that service because it's actually good. Actually, you can watch anime on Crunchyroll for free with ads--paying eliminates the commercials. Which brings me to my next point: why on Earth is paying for CBS All Access not enough to get rid of the ads? They want my money along with money from the commercials--capitalism at its greediest. My sister and I did some math and comparisons, using the idea of subscribing to All Access solely for DSC. 1 month of CBS All Access = $5.99-9.99 4 episodes/month; 1 episode = $1.50-2.50 4 hours = $5.99-9.99; 1 hour = $1.50-2.50 Do not own: can rewatch with subscription. 1 movie ticket = around $10-16 2 hours = $10-16; 1 hour = $5-8 Do not own: cannot rewatch without paying again. 1 box set = between $25-50 13-26 episodes/hours Min: 1 episode for 26 eps & $25 = about $0.96 Max: 1 episode for 13 eps & $50 = about $3.85 Average = $2.41 Do own: can rewatch whenever for free. So, it's cheaper than a movie, which you also don't own. My sister pointed out going to a movie is an experience, but the cost is still much greater comparatively. TV box sets are all over the place in terms of cost and content, yet owning them means the extra cost is worth it for many people. Still, all the math proves is that it's not too expensive for each episode. But even that depends on an individual's disposable income. And the fact is, the cost isn't going to matter to a lot of people, myself included, who believe having to pay extra for it at all is the problem. This is compounded by knowing that Netflix has it in every country except the U.S. and Canada. Many people in these countries who already have Netflix are just not going to like this setup. Again, myself included. Putting money aside, the other content you're paying for matters. What else does CBS All Access have to offer? - Live TV: if you already have CBS, this is irrelevant. It's just what CBS is currently airing. - Movies: I browsed through them. Most of them are old, and the majority I have seen at my library where I can rent them for free. - Sporting Events: These are heavily advertised. I have no interest in any of them, but they could be good for some people. Still, to my understanding, it's fairly easy to watch sports without paying extra. - TV: Most of these are old shows, so if you were interested in them you may have already seen them. What's currently airing is also available just on CBS. Again, most of this can be rented for free in box set form from my library. - Originals: There are currently four. Star Trek: Discovery, After Trek (a talk show after each episode), The Good Fight (spinoff of The Good Wife), and Big Brother: Over the Top. Out of that whole list, the only one I care about is DSC. I'm not even watching After Trek. So, to me, the content CBS All Access offers is extremely limited and subpar. As opposed to the other two services I use, Crunchyroll and Netflix, which both have a ton of good content to choose from. People may argue that All Access is just getting started and more originals will be coming soon, but I'm paying now, so I'm judging by what's currently available. Last of all, there's the quality of the service to consider. I found the stream quality to be really low. The image got blurry several times in both episodes. After each of the four 1 minute and 30 second commercial breaks, the stream paused to load for what I felt was too long. (Side note about the commercials: they were loud, annoying, and repetitive. Also, the shows they advertised for seemed to skew politically conservative-- supporting spying on people, showing white people as heroes and non-white people as villains, praising war, etc. Since Star Trek is a liberal show, these ads felt very out of place to me.) Another quality issue is the controls are a bit difficult to work. I use my PS4, and both Crunchyroll and Netflix have single button presses to pause, rewind, and fast forward. All Access required me to arrow down to a control bar, which then had me going over to my desired command and pressing it. That's an additional two steps I'm not used to. This caused major confusion several times in the ep. Functionality does matter to me. Also, when we went back to episode 1, we loaded a green screen with a few white boxes two times. No idea why the episode would be put up and then unable to load. Those quality issues stand out to me. This is a service I'm paying for. The stream should be a clear, sharp image; the load time should be minimal; and it shouldn't take me 10 seconds to pause the episode. If this was free, I would understand, but as a paid service, I'm utterly disappointed. Now for my last, perhaps most important, point: even with all of those negatives to CBS All Access, I'll still subscribe for Star Trek: Discovery. Why? Simply put, I've wanted WoC and diverse leads in serious dramatic shows (particularly sci-fi) for years. As a white woman, I know there are many PoC who've had a need for representation since before I even thought about it. So this only enhances my desire to support diverse characters in media. I've posted on social media about this many times: I want LGBT main couples who aren't killed off, I want more women in varying roles, I want PoC as leads. This is my chance to prove it. When people say "vote with your dollars", they're usually talking about boycotting something. However, the opposite is in effect here. By giving CBS $6/month, I'm telling TV network executives that Star Trek: Discovery is the type of content I am willing to pay for. Do I want a sci-fi show led by a WoC with a gay couple? Yes. Am I willing to pay for it? Yes. Everyone who has decided to pirate or simply not watch is sending a message, too. That message is "I'm not willing to pay for this type of content." That is the only message TV executives will hear. If DSC doesn't make the network money, all the CEOs will say, "People aren't willing to pay for this. Let's shut it down and see what they WILL pay for." At the end of the day, boycotting CBS All Access won't be seen as boycotting a streaming service--people pay for Netflix and Hulu, so the public has already stated it's willing to pay for specialized streaming content. Boycotting will only say that you don't want serious genre shows with WoC leads. So, to everyone saying they're interested and they'd watch if it was free, and to everyone who supports diverse representation in media, this is the time. Please, pay the $6/month to vote with your dollars. An important aside: I'm poor. This week, I have less than $5 to last me until I get paid on Friday. Then I have more bills going out than money coming in. Still, I put aside $6 from my check for DSC. This is the content I want, I'm ready to pay to show how much I want it, and, for now, this is the only genre show from a major franchise with a WoC lead. I'm putting my money where my mouth is. If you feel the same, you should, too. Overall: - I liked Star Trek: Discovery. I'm excited to watch more. Burnham is a great character who I can tell will lead us on a fascinating ride. - I don't like CBS All Access. Even putting aside that I don't believe DSC should be behind a paywall, I think the service itself is subpar compared to what's currently available. - I'm willing to pay $6/month to send a message to network executives that DSC has the type of content I want: WoC leads, LGBT couples, serious sci-fi. My hope is that people can separate their dislike of CBS All Access from their judgment of Star Trek: Discovery. It would be a shame to miss out on a show with massive potential, and to ignore a chance at making a statement supporting diverse representation in media, due to a poorly designed subscription service.
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stardustinyoureyes · 7 years
Defying Sanity
Bakura and Marik are all ready to travel to Egypt to get their revenge against the Pharaoh, but a minor hiccup in their plans forces them to make some money. Luckily for them, a new reality show is looking for people to audition, and the prize is $250,000. Based off of their personalities in YGOTAS. Thiefshipping. The song I used is ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’, and as you can probably infer, it’s a comedy. Sorta fluffy, though, because I can never write stories with sad endings.
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10430289 
           “IT’S TIME TO TRYYYY DEFYING GRAVITY! I THINK I’LL TRYYYY DEFYING GRAVITY!” Marik’s off-key warbling filters through the door of the hotel bathroom, along with the ‘pitter-patter’ of a shower running.
           “Marik, for the love of Ra, shut up!” Bakura shouts, exasperated.
           “I’M THROUGH ACCEPTING LIMITS, CAUSE SOMEONE SAYS THEY’RE SO!” Marik’s singing continues.
           Bakura groans and covers his head with a thin hotel pillow. For the past 12 hours, he had been subjected to this torture. Ever since they had left Domino for Egypt to kill the Pharaoh, Marik had been screaming in Bakura’s ear. Not even stopping at a hotel for a night could silence him.
           “’Kura, do you like my new top?!” Bakura removes the pillow from his face, realizing the ‘pitter-patter’ of the shower has stopped. Marik stands before him, gesturing towards his purple top. Bakura can’t help but notice it’s the exact same shade as his eyes.
           “Yes, it’s very nice.” Bakura responds in a tone usually reserved for talking to 5-year-olds.
           “Did you hear that, Rodrick?” Marik says to the Millennium Rod in his hand. “’Kura said I look pretty!”
           “I didn’t say that!” Bakura snaps.
           “You implied it!” Marik snaps back, then flounces off to comb his sopping wet hair in front of the smudged mirror in the bathroom.
           Bakura sighs, partly at Marik’s childishness, but mainly at himself for putting up with it. For some reason, no matter what foolish thing Marik did, Bakura always stuck with him. He couldn’t count the number of times he had been injured or almost killed or driven to insanity by irritation, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. Maybe because he knew that, if he left, Marik couldn’t possibly survive. It’d be like abandoning a week-old puppy.
           Marik comes back into the room. “Did you brush your teeth?”
           “No you didn’t, Bakura! Don’t lie to me!”
           “Marik, shut up and go to bed.”
           “Mouth health is a very serious matter!”
           “I don’t care.”
           “That’s what you say to everything!”
           “I don’t care.”
           “You’re always so mean to me!”
           “Guess what?
           “You don’t care?”
           “Good job, now you’re starting to get it.” Bakura lies down and pulls the covers over himself, turning away. Marik stomps his foot in frustration and whines. Seeing that Bakura isn’t going to give him any more attention, he walks across the room, turns off the lights, and gets into the other twin bed. Bakura can hear the covers rustling as Marik gets comfortable. After a few minutes, the rustling is replaced by snoring.
           Bakura rolls onto his back and looks up at the stained ceiling. He’d never admit it, but he felt some comfort knowing Marik was only a few feet away. Bakura wasn’t scared of the dark- he was a thief, after all- but sometimes he got lonely.
           No. Not lonely. Bakura thinks sharply. ‘Lonely’ is for losers like that midget Yugi Moto, or Bakura’s wimpy host whose name he couldn’t remember. No, Bakura didn’t get lonely. Bored, that’s the word. Not lonely. Sometimes it was nice to have someone to keep you from getting bored. And whatever word you used to describe Marik, (and Bakura could think of a few choice ones) he certainly wasn’t boring.
*          *          *
           The next morning, Bakura awakes to a note from Marik on the counter of the room’s kitchenette:
Gone to get breakfast
-Supreme ruler and overlord of the world, Marik Sebastian Ishtar”
           Bakura scowls at his hated nickname, crumpling up the note. He throws it away and walks over to his suitcase. Today they were flying out to Egypt from the airport in Tokyo, and Bakura wanted to doublecheck what time the flight left. After all, villains always have to be punctual.
           Bakura sifts through his clothes (5 pairs of the exact same outfit) and chip bags Marik snuck into his suitcase. Where are the tickets? He picks up the suitcase and dumps its contents onto the ground. No tickets. Maybe they’re in Marik’s suitcase. He opens up the pink Hello Kitty suitcase laying on Marik’s bed. Purple tops, Millennium Rod polish (available at a store near you), pictures of the Pharaoh with drawn-on devil horns, and 5 cans of hairspray. No tickets.
           “Where the devil are they?” Bakura mutters to himself. He starts opening the nightstand drawers, hoping that he put them in there and just forgot about it.
           “OH. EM. GEE. YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE THE LINE AT MICKY D’S!” Marik loudly declares, walking into the room with a grease-covered McDonald’s bag. “THERE WERE LIKE 6 PEOPLE AHEAD OF ME AND THIS LITTLE OLD LADY INSISTED ON PAYING IN EXACT CHANGE AND THIS OTHER GUY-”
           “Marik, where are our plane tickets?” Bakura interrupts.
           “-TOOK LIKE 25 FRIGGIN YEARS TO MAKE UP HIS MIND, AND- what was that?”
           “Where. Are. Our. Tickets?” Bakura says slowly, his patience wearing thin.
           “What tickets?” Marik asks unconcernedly, pulling a hash brown out of the bag.
           “The tickets we need to get on the plane for Egypt!”
           “Oh, you mean the rectangles with a bunch of numbers on them made from the fancy paper?”
           Bakura rolls his eyes. “Yes, the fancy paper rectangles. Where are they?”
           “I ate them.” Marik answers casually.
           Bakura is stunned into silence for a moment. “You…ate…them?”
           “Marik, why the bloody hell would you do that?!”
           “I was hungry!” Marik says defensively.
           “So let me get this straight,” Bakura says slowly. “You went into my suitcase, got out the tickets we need in order to fly to Egypt, and ate them.”
           “That’s what I just said, isn’t it?”
           “Completely disregarding,” Bakura continues. “The 15 different chips bags that you insisted on putting into my suitcase so you could eat them in case you got hungry.”
           “Aren’t you British? Why did you say ‘chips’ instead of ‘crisps’?”
           “Yeah, it means that any sort of consistent characterization has already gone out the window.”
           “Well, it wasn’t really a conscious decision,” Marik clarifies. “After all, you’re not you when you’re hungry.”
           “Oh, you worry too much,” Marik waves a hand, disregarding Bakura’s totally justified concern. “Here, have an Egg McMuffin.”
           Bakura grabs Marik’s proffered McMuffin and flings it across the room. “Those tickets were over $1000 each! We don’t have the money to buy more!”
           “Don’t worry, I’ll just use Rodrick to brainwash a Steve into giving us money.” Marik waves his Rod.
           “And how many Steves have you seen around here?”
           Marik thinks for a minute. “Ten?”
           “You’re getting colder.”
           “None, Marik. We haven’t seen a single Steve since we left Domino.”
           “Well, there are other ways of getting money. We could sell our blood.”
           “4Kids can’t show blood! They would just censor it!”
           “Oh, yeah.” Marik strokes his chin, thinking. “What if we start a GoFundMe? I’m sure there are plenty of people who would donate their hard-earned money to help 2 psychopathic strangers murder someone who already died thousands of years ago.”
           “Marik, you are an absolute fool.”
           “But am I a pretty fool?” Marik asks, batting his eyelashes. Bakura responds by yanking open the door to the room, stomping out, and slamming it shut. “Jeez, jealous much?” Marik picks up the TV remote laying on the stand.
           He’s never coming back, a dark voice whispers in the back of Marik’s mind. It’s a voice he’s very familiar with. He tries to shut it out the way he always does, by distracting himself with some superficial diversion. “Ooh! Golden Girls! I love me some Betty White!”
           Halfway through his third episode, an ad comes on the TV that catches his eye.
           “Are you the most interesting person you know?”
           “I so totally am!” Marik shouts at the screen.
           “Do you want everyone to see how great you are?”
           “You know it!”
           “Do you want to win $250,000 dollars?”
           “Holy shit, that’s a lot of purple tops!”
           “Then come audition for Applause, the newest reality show that’s sweeping the nation! Every team gets 5 minutes to do whatever they want, and whoever gets the least amount of applause is eliminated. Whoever’s left after 8 weeks wins $250,000, bragging rights, and the adoration of millions!”
           “I WANT THAT!” Marik jumps up in excitement.
           “If all that sounds good to you, come to 124 Conch Street this Friday to see if you’ve got what it takes!”
           “AAAAHHHHH!” Marik starts hopping around the room, screeching like a banshee.
           The door to the room opens and Bakura comes back in. “Marik, I-” he pauses as he sees Marik jumping up and down on the bed. “Um, what is happening?”
           Marik stops jumping and lands on his butt, bouncing slightly from the impact. “’Kura! I’ve found a solution to our problem!”
           Bakura looks at him warily. “What is it?”
           “There’s this gameshow that’s having auditions, and the winners get $250,000! That would cover the cost of tickets.”
           “But I…” Bakura hesitates. He looks at Marik, who’s almost wiggling, eyes shining with eagerness. He sighs. I’m going to regret this. “All right, Marik. Let’s win some money.”
*          *          *
           A couple days later, Bakura sits on an uncomfortable plastic seat in a darkened auditorium. 3 judges are sitting at a table in front of him, watching Marik, who is singing on the stage.
           “Don’t worry, you don’t even have to come on stage! My singing is so amazing it’ll be good enough to get both of us on the show!” Marik had said the day before.
           Singing? Is that what they’re calling it nowadays? Bakura had thought snidely, but he didn’t argue. He had no desire to perform in front of anyone, now or ever, and if he could get out of this audition, he wasn’t going to say anything.
           So now he was sitting in this pathetic excuse for a seat, drumming his fingers impatiently on the armrest and suffering through what he had already endured for hours.
           “HELLO, MY NAME IS MARIK ISHTAR, AND I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE MOST AMAZING BOOK!” Marik flings his arms out passionately, accidentally letting go of the Rod. It flies up and hits a spotlight, shattering its glass and causing shards to cascade onto the stage.
           Marik doesn’t notice.
           One of the judges waves his hand, cutting Marik off. “Um, you can stop now. We’ve heard enough.”
           “That’s for damn sure.” The judge next to him mutters.
           “Goody!” Marik claps. “So when does filming start?”
           The judges exchange a look. “Oh, uh, we still have some people who have to audition. We’ll be giving information to the people we chose tomorrow. So you can go.”
           “See you all on set!” Marik walks off the stage, oblivious to the judges giving each other another look. “Come on, Kitty, let’s go get lunch.”
           “Oh, I’ll be out in a moment. I dropped one of my contacts.” Bakura lies smoothly.
           “Hmm, I didn’t know you wore contacts.” Marik pauses. “Or is Ryou the one who wears contacts? For that matter, are you in Ryou’s body, or do you have your own? Because if this story takes place after the show’s canon, you should be dead. But if-”
           “Marik, stop breaking the fourth wall and go find someplace to eat.” Bakura cuts in. He waits for Marik to leave the auditorium, then walks over and stands in front of the judges.
           The judge on the left looks up. “Can we help you?”
           “Actually, you can.” Bakura pulls out the Millennium Ring from under his shirt. “Now, first I’m going to ask you a question, on the off-chance that you all are completely deaf: Are you going to let Marik and me on the show?”
           “Fuck, no!” The judge on the right exclaims vehemently.
           Bakura aims the Ring at the judge’s face. “Wrong answer.”
           “What do you-” Flames erupt from the prongs of the Ring and start scorching the judge’s face. “AAHHHH! OH MY GOD, IT BURNS! IT BURNS! THIS HURTS EVEN MORE THAN WHEN THEY KILLED OFF DOBY IN HARRY POTTER!”
           Bakura lowers the Ring and the flames vanish, leaving the judge sobbing with a scarlet-red face. “I’ll ask again. Are you going to let us on the show?”
           The other 2 judges look at each other in horror. “Yes, yes, of course. Whatever you want.”
           “Excellent.” Bakura walks out of the auditorium, pausing at the door. “Oh, and if you think listening to Marik for 2 minutes is bad, try doing it for 12. Bloody. Hours.” With that, he walks out, the door clanging shut behind him.
           “Well, I was going to say that his burning you face off wasn’t justified, but now I can see it totally was.” The judge on the left remarks.
           The judge in the middle nods. “Yeah, I think that British guy is the real victim here.”
*          *          *
           The next morning, Bakura is awoken by the sound of Marik shrieking loudly.
           “EEEEEEEE! Kura, look, we got in!” Bakura opens his eyes and sees Marik standing in front of him, already dressed, waving a stapled packet in his face. “They sent this to the hotel an hour ago!”
           Bakura can’t help but smile a little at Marik’s ecstasy. “How unexpected.”
           “What are you talking about, my singing was awesome!” Marik responds. “I totally expected to be chosen!” He flounces off to the kitchenette and starts making a ‘Marik special’ (yogurt slathered onto a piece of toast with French fries on top) “Oh, and we need to practice for next week, Bakura. I picked a great song for us to do!”
           Bakura groans and pulls his pillow over his face.
*          *          *
           The next week, Bakura trails behind Marik, who is marching around the set of Applause like he owns the place. Groups of people are scattered about, practicing for their time on-screen.
           “This is going to be so friggin’ great!” Marik exclaims.
           “Except for the fact that we don’t even know what we’re going to do yet, and we’re on in half an hour.”
           “Kura, we’re doing that gymnastics routine, remember?”
           “We most certainly are not-”
           “But the routine is so good!”
           “I don’t bloody care, I am not going to-”
           Their bickering is stopped as they both come to a halt in front of an interviewer who is talking to another contestant- one who looks very familiar…
           “So, Mr. Necrophades, would you like to give us a hint about what you’ll be doing with your 5 minutes?” the interviewer asks.
           “Gladly! I’ll be DESTROYING THE WORLD!” the contestant replies.
           “ZORC?!” Bakura blurts out.
           Zorc turns and sees Bakura staring at him in shock. “Hi, Bakura!” Zorc replies, giving him a cheerful wave. Then he sees Marik and his face clouds over. “Oh, is this the villain you replaced me with?”
           Bakura tries to reassure him by saying “Zorc, no one could replace you!” but he’s cut off by Marik.
           “DAMN STRAIGHT I’m the villain he replaced you with! And now we’re going to beat your lame-ass ‘destroying the world’ thing with our friggin’ AWESOME gymnastics routine!”
           “We’ll just see about that!” Zorc says, but his attempt at being macho falls apart when his voice cracks.
           “Zorc, are…are you okay?” Bakura asks.
           “I’m fine!” Zorc answers. He wipes his eyes discreetly. “Um, my allergies are acting up. I must go!” He runs away, sniffling.
           “Wow, and you think I’m ridiculous!” Marik remarks.
           Bakura sighs. “Marik, I used to be very close to Zorc. I would appreciate it if you didn’t try to antagonize him.”
           Marik doesn’t hear him. “Ooh! Look! There’s a giant starfish!” He runs over to the starfish, only to find that it’s Yugi Moto. “Wait, this isn’t a giant starfish, it’s a midget anime protagonist!”
           “Wait, is that Marik Ishtar?” Yugi asks a blond guy with a vacant expression standing next to him.
           “Marik? Bakura? Wha are youse doin heah?” Joey Wheeler asks with an excessively Brooklyn accent.
           “We’re competing, duh! What are you two doing for your routine?” Marik answers.
           “We’re going to play a children’s card game!” Yugi says.
           Bakura raises his eyebrows. “You do realize you only have five minutes, right?”
           “Shit! I thought we had five hours!”
           “Yuge, wha are we gonna do?” Joey asks.
           “Lose to us, that’s what you’re going to do!” Marik says gleefully.
           Just then, a crew member appears. “Yugi Moto and Joey Wheeler? It’s your turn.”
           “Aw man!” Joey and Yugi follow the cast member onto the stage.
           “Well, that’s one less group to worry about.” Bakura remarks. “Everyone knows children’s card games are the least interesting thing in the world.”
           “Ain’t that the truth!” Marik agrees. “Who would ever want to watch a TV show about card games?”
*          *          *
           Bakura leans against the wall impatiently, arms crossed, as yet another group goes on stage. “Marik, are we seriously going to do the routine?”
           “Uh, heck yeah!” Marik says, clicking his heels together in excitement. Bakura silently admires the side view of Marik’s profile. He’s quite attractive when he isn’t spouting his regular gibberish, Bakura thinks to himself. Then he realizes what he just thought and shakes his head to drive the thought away.
           The crew member from before walks into the room. “Marik Ishtar and…Kitty?” she calls out.
           Any affection Bakura had felt a moment ago completely vanishes. “Marik! I cannot believe you told them my name is-”
           “EEEEEEEE!” Marik shrieks drown out Bakura’s protests. “Let’s go, Kura!”
           The two of them follow the crew member onto the stage. The curtains are drawn and it is so dark Bakura can barely make out Marik’s outline. “Good luck!” the crew member whispers to them before disappearing into the wings. Marik and Bakura stand side-by-side, waiting for the curtains to open.
           The first notes of “Never Gonna Give You Up” ring out through the loudspeakers. Bakura takes a deep breath and mentally prepares himself. To his surprise, Marik reaches over and gives his hand a short squeeze right as the curtains fly open. Bakura looks down in shock and opens his mouth to say something, but Marik has already started moonwalking to the funky 80’s beat. Bakura clumsily follows suit.
           “IIIIIIIII, just wanna tell you how I’m feeling!” What AM I feeling? Bakura wonders. What even ARE feelings? Why am I thinking about this? “NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP! NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!” Bakura and Marik do side-by-side somersaults. Even after he’s right-side up again, Bakura’s head still feels like it’s spinning.
           “NEVER GONNA RUN AROUND AND, DESERT YOU!” Marik and Bakura start leapfrogging across the stage. Bakura knows that they must look like total idiots, but he’s too distracted to care about that.
           “Your heart’s been aching, but, you’re too shyyyy to say it!” When they came up with the routine, this was the part where Marik lifted Bakura up to do a spin with him. But Bakura’s mind was still reeling from the hand squeeze, so when Marik grabbed him around the waist, Bakura automatically jumps back and ends up falling off the stage.
           “Damn it!” Bakura yells as he bangs his head on the thin carpeting that provides no cushion against the cement floor beneath.
           “No!” Marik looks around frantically, trying to figure out what to do. “Erm, this is part of the routine!” he says to the audience. He thinks for a second, then strikes a pose like an Olympic diver.
           Bakura sits up, his head throbbing. “What are you-” his question is answered when Marik dives off the stage and lands on top of Bakura, knocking the air out of both of them. “GET OFF!” Bakura shoves Marik off, and Marik rolls over. “What the bloody hell was that for?!”
           “I didn’t mean to land on you!” Marik says defensively as Rick Astley continues pledging his undying love in an iconic 80’s anthem. “I panicked and couldn’t aim right!”
           “Why did you dive off the stage to begin with?”
           “I don’t know! It seemed like a good idea at the time!”
           “How could that possibly seem like a good idea?!” Bakura hisses as he rubs the back of his aching head.
           “I wanted to make it look like it all was part of the routine!”
           “Yes, because me falling off the stage definitely looked like part of the routine!”
           “Well, I needed to do something!”
           “And you thought jumping off the stage and landing on top of me was the best course of action?”
           “I’m sorry, okay! It’s hard for me to think straight around you!”
           Bakura pauses, taken aback. “…What?”
           Just then, the buzzer goes off, signaling that their time has ended. They both look up in surprise, having almost forgotten that they were in a competition.  The audience erupts into laughter and cheers, surprising them even more.
           “Are they…cheering for us?” Bakura asks as the two of them awkwardly get up off the floor.
           The announcer walks on stage, clapping his hands. “That was Marik Ishtar and Kitty with their amazing comedy routine! Let’s see what the next group has planned for us!” The audience cheers some more as a pair of crew members guide Bakura and Marik out into the hall.
           “Wow, the audience really liked you two!” One of the crew members remark as they push open a set of double doors.
           “We’ll see who’s eliminated in about half an hour, but I have a feeling you guys won’t have to worry about that for this week.” The other crew member says. They lead Marik and Bakura to the exit, then walk back to the set.
           Bakura turns to Marik, speechless. I don’t know whether to laugh my ass off or punch him in the face. “That was…the absolute worst…shit show…I have ever seen.”
           Marik grins, completely oblivious to what Bakura just said. “See, I told you it would be friggin’ awesome!”
*          *          *
           A couple hours later, Marik sits on the edge of his bed, reading a copy of the National Enquirer, except this story is in Japan so it’s whatever trashy tabloid they have there. Bakura is sleeping in the other bed. As soon as they got back to their hotel room, Bakura had claimed that he needed a nap to recover from the day’s events.
           Marik felt a pang of guilt as he remembered that he had probably hurt Bakura when he dived off the stage. He hadn’t planned on doing that, he just…. well, actually, he never really planned on doing anything. He was the exact opposite of Bakura, who insisted on always having a plan. He was even willing to wait thousands of years to get his revenge on the Pharaoh in order to ensure his plan was perfect. Unlike Marik, who was 16 and couldn’t imagine another month without bringing justice to the Pharaoh.
           Marik throws his tabloid to the side and sighs. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out why Bakura chose to stay with him. Granted, he didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it, but that was because he was sure that there was no reason. In the deep, dark recesses of his mind he was certain that Bakura was only putting up with him for entertainment purposes, and as soon as he started getting bored he would hit the highway.
           Bakura rolls over in his sleep and nestles his head into his pillow. Marik watches him for a few minutes. Without his usual scowl, Bakura looks a lot nicer, even peaceful. He really does look like a kitten now, Marik can’t help but think. He feels an urge to reach out and tousle Bakura’s hair, but he restrains himself. If only he had restrained himself earlier today. Why did I squeeze his hand? Marik thinks, mentally kicking himself. I shouldn’t have done it. I don’t want to make things weird. I can’t ruin this relationship.
           Tapping Rodrick against his thigh, Marik decides to get his act together. Maybe if I start acting serious, Bakura won’t get sick of me, and he won’t leave. Picking his tabloid back up, he makes a resolution: No more impulsivity. No more singing. And no more eating plane tickets.
*          *          *
           Over the next few weeks, Bakura can’t help but notice a difference in Marik. Instead of being his usual excitable, bubbly, annoying self, he seems more reserved. Almost…sad.
           Did I hurt his feelings? Bakura wonders as they wait for their turn on the week’s episode of Applause. But I didn’t do anything! He glances at Marik out of the corner of his eye. Maybe that’s the problem, a voice in his head says.
           Bakura shakes his head and exhales sharply. You know what, who cares? Not me. I have better things to do than worry about Marik’s delicate little feelings getting hurt.
           “Are you ready?” Marik asks, interrupting Bakura’s thought.
           “Yes.” He replies.
           “Good.” An awkward silence ensues. Bakura almost misses Marik’s endless chatter. Ask him what’s wrong, the voice in the back of his head says.
           Shut up, Bakura responds, then realizes that he’s telling himself to shut up. I’m going mad, that’s it. That’s why I’m actually caring about Marik. That’s the only reason.
*          *          *          
           Their magic show goes off without a hitch, Marik using Rodrick and Bakura using the Ring to hypnotize people. Just like their past few acts, it lacks the personality of their gymnastics routine, but still gets them enough applause to make it to the next week.
           Once again, two crew members escort them outside. “Congrats! You guys have almost made it to the finals!” one of them says.
           “Thanks.” Marik replies simply.
           “Can’t wait to see the acts next week,” the other one says. “I think you guys have a real shot.”
           Bakura and Marik wait in the hallway to hear the results. Bakura simultaneously feels like he needs to say something and like saying anything would just make it more awkward. So instead, he compromises by opening his mouth every few minutes, hesitating, and shutting it again.
           Marik seems unbothered by the silence, not noticing Bakura’s extreme discomfort. Finally, the TV screen on the wall flickers to life and the announce appears on stage.
           “You’re watching Applause, and it’s down to the wire! Three groups remain. $250,000 up for grabs. And one question-”
           The audience chants along with him. “WHO! WILL! WIN!”
           “The results are in, and the groups going on to the finals are…” he pauses from drama, then shouts “THE KAIBA BROTHERS AND MARIK ISHTAR AND KITTY!” the audience goes wild as Bakura sighs with relief, not even caring about being called Kitty. “This means that Zorc Necrophades, you are going home!”
           “NOOOO!” A shout is heard from down the hall. Bakura looks over and sees Zorc running out of the building, sobbing.
           “Well, we made it to the finals.” Marik remarks emotionlessly.
           “Yeah,” Bakura says, feeling a pang for Zorc. He seems really upset, he thinks, then scolds himself for being such a sap. First Marik, now Zorc. Next thing you know, you’re going to start caring about Ryou! (jk no one cares about Ryou)
           Marik turns toward the door. “I guess we should head back to the hotel.”
           “Okay.” Bakura follows dutifully behind Marik as he opens the door and steps outside. Zorc sits on the ground next to a trashcan, sniffling. Marik walks towards their obligatory anime motorcycles, completely ignoring Zorc, but Bakura pauses. “Um, Marik? I think maybe I should talk to Zorc. You know, to try and cheer him up a little.”
           Marik stops walking but doesn’t turn around. “Sure, whatever.” Bakura starts heading towards Zorc, but before he’s out of earshot he hears Marik mutter “Might as well just go and stay with Zorc.”
           Bakura turns back around and glares at Marik’s back. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
           Bakura glowers, finally feeling fed-up with Marik’s recent passive-aggressiveness. “Well, it must mean something, that’s why you said it.”
           Marik spins around, a scowl on his face. “Fine! It’s just that obviously, you care more about Zorc than you do about me, so you might as well stay with him!”
           That’s not true! Bakura thinks, but the words get jumbled up on their way from his brain to his mouth so he ends up saying “Marik, you’re a bloody idiot.”
           “Yeah, you’ve made that clear.” With his face contorted in anger, Marik looks older, more mature. Just a few weeks ago, Bakura would’ve given anything for Marik to stop being so immature, but now he just wants to go back to how things were before.
           But it’s too late for that.
           “Well, we wouldn’t even be here right now if you hadn’t eaten our tickets!” Bakura snarls.
           “At least I care enough to try and fix things when I mess up! At least I give half a shit about other people!”
           “Do you want a bloody medal?” Bakura asks sarcastically.
           The old Marik would’ve probably thought he was being serious and said yes, but this new Marik just clenches his hand into a fist and explodes. “No, I don’t! What I want is for you to admit that you don’t care about anyone but yourself. That you use people and throw them aside when you’re done. I would’ve followed you to the ends of the Earth, but you wouldn’t even follow me down the street if you thought there was half a chance of a better option.”
           Bakura stands there, mouth hanging open, too shocked at this show of emotion to respond. Marik doesn’t wait for his answer. He jabs his thumb in the direction of Zorc. “Go ahead, prove me right. Go with Zorc.” He says, almost daring Bakura.
           “I-” Bakura starts to say, but Marik has his jaw set the way he always does when he makes up his mind.
           “I said go,” he insists. “You’re going to leave sooner or later, so you might as well do it now.”
           Bakura stands there for a moment, wanting to say something but also bristling at what Marik said. Marik stares at him, his chest rising and sinking rapidly from his barely-controlled anger. Bakura’s mind races, trying to decide what he do. He wants to say something to make things go back to how they were before, but he also wants to never see Marik again, but he also doesn’t want to prove Marik right.
           In the end, his pride wins out. Bakura grits his teeth and walks over to Zorc.
           “Bakura?” Zorc says in confusion, lifting his head.
           “Hey, Zorc,” Bakura resists the urge to turn around and see Marik’s reaction. “Sorry you got kicked off the show.”
           “I can’t believe I lost!” Zorc starts crying again. Bakura sighs mentally.
           “Listen, I was thinking. How would you like to help me destroy the Pharaoh? It could be just like old times.” Bakura offers.
           Zorc’s face scrunches up in confusion. “I thought you found a new villain!”
           Bakura’s face is stone-like, showing no emotion. “It didn’t work out. So is your answer a yes or a no?”
           Zorc wipes his eyes. “Yes!”
           “Great.” Bakura thinks a moment, realizing something. “Wait, you’re a dragon, right?”
           “Actually, I’m an evil demon with horns and bat wings and-”
           “Okay, yeah, so you’re another one of the Godforsaken, nightmarish creatures from a children’s card game,” Bakura interrupts. “But you have wings, so you can fly, right?” Zorc nods. “Could you fly me to Egypt so we can destroy the Pharaoh?”
           “Yay!” Zorc jumps up and claps his hands in excitement. “I love destroying things!”
           “I know you do,” Bakura mutters. Zorc kneels as Bakura climbs onto his back. With a mighty roar, Zorc takes off. Bakura looks down as the distance between him and the ground grows. He catches a glimpse of Marik looking up at him without any emotion before he can no longer make out anything on the ground. Bakura squares his shoulder and looks forward, determined to not waste any more time thinking about Marik.
           As the wind rushes by his ears, blowing his hair back, one last memory of Marik comes back. It’s of him singing a line from that song in the shower, way back before everything went to shit.
And if I’m flying solo,
At least I’m flying free.
*          *          *
           Zorc crash lands a few hours later in the middle of Egypt, causing Bakura to roll off his back and faceplant into a pile of sand. He lifts his head up, coughing up silt, and takes in his surroundings. Thanks to the heart of the cards and extremely lazy plot writing, they had managed to go back in time to either 3,000 years ago or 5,000 years ago, depending on whether you believe 4Kids’ lies or not.          
           Bakura stands up, brushing the sand off his knees. He looks straight ahead and sees a giant palace. “There it is, Zorc.”
           “Denny’s? Are we getting pancakes?” Zorc asks.
           “No! The Pharaoh’s palace.” Bakura feels a pang as he thinks about how Marik probably would’ve asked a stupid question like that. He grits his teeth and sets off toward the palace. Zorc follows him, making little idiotic comments about their surroundings.
           “Look, there are some oranges for sale! I love oranges! Ooh, a cat! Hey, that person’s lying on the ground. Aww, they’re giving him a blanket! Wait, why are they covering his face with it?”
           “Because he’s dead,” Bakura answers, trying not to think about how Zorc’s childlike ignorance is exactly like someone else’s.
           You really have a type, he thinks to himself. People who are stupid and act half their age. He sees Zorc’s strange character design and corrects himself. Okay, maybe ‘people’ is the wrong word. Things that are stupid and act half their age.
           They tramp through the sand for a while, walking past all the poverty and disease. Finally, they reach the entrance to the palace.
           “Halt!” a guard standing to the left of the entrance declares. “Who goes th-”
           “Zorc!” Bakura calls. Zorc opens his mouth and lets loose a jet of fire that burns the guard into a pile of ashes. The guard on the right stares in horror. “This is bloody convenient,” Bakura remarks.
           They walk into through the palace, Zorc blasting anyone who even looks at them. Reaching the throne room, Bakura flings the door open. Everyone in the room turns and stares at them.
           Atem lets out a heavy sigh. “Greaaaaat, this guy again!”
           Bakura steps forward. “I have come to bring you to justice, Pharaoh!”
           “You say that, like, every day, but you never do.” Atem points out.
           “Well, this time is different!” Bakura shoots back.
           “Yeah, sure, whatever. Are you at least going to tell me what the hell I did?” Atem asks. “I mean, besides being ten times more handsome than you. That I will take full blame for.”
           “You are most certainly not-” Bakura shakes his head. Stay focused, you’re so close! “You know what you did!
           “No, I don’t.
           “Yes, you do!”
           “No, I really don’t.”
           “Yes, you do!”
           “Dude, it took me thousands of years to remember my damn name, I don’t remember what I did to some random guy who somehow has a British accent despite being born in Ancient Egypt.”
           “You destroyed my village to make the Millennium Items!”
           Atem blinks. “No, that was my father.”
           “Yeah, right!”
           “It really was.” Mahad chimes in.
           “Yeah, he’s telling the truth.” Shada confirms.
           “Oh.” Bakura sucks his teeth. “Well, this is awkward.”
           “Yeah, it is.” Atem agrees.
           Bakura thinks for a second. “Well, you’re his son, so I might as well kill you. I mean, I came all the way to Ancient Egypt, I deserve to kill someone.”
           “Uh, Seto’s right here, he’ll be glad to sacrifice himself for his pharaoh.”
           “No, I won’t.”
           “Seto, don’t be a little bitch. I’m too beautiful to die.”
           “You already died!”
           Bakura cuts in. “It wasn’t his father who massacred everyone I love!”
           “It actually was.” Atem says. The court nods and murmur in assent.
           “Okay, fine, I’ll just kill everyone here!” Bakura raises the Ring, preparing to finally, finally get his revenge.
           “WAIT!” Atem raises his hand dramatically. “Sure, he destroyed your town. BUT! He didn’t destroy everyone you love.”
           “Whatchu talking ‘bout, Pharoah?” Bakura asks, still holding the Ring aloft.
           “I’m talking about Marik.”
           Bakura looks like Atem just slapped him. “What? You- No- I don’t love Marik!”
           “Don’t you?” Atem asks knowingly.
           “Urgh…This has nothing to do with you or your father!” Bakura yells.
           “Oh, I think it does. You see, if he had never made the Millennium Items, your soul would’ve never been put in the Ring. You never would’ve lived 5,000 years from now-”
           “3,000, your majesty.” Shimon corrects.
           “Yeah, whatever. Anyway, you never would’ve met Marik. And you never would’ve fallen in love.”
           Bakura stands there, stunned. It almost like he’s flying again, as he can practically hear the air whooshing by his ears as his world turns upside down. He stares at Atem, an easy target, but…he doesn’t want to kill him. For the first time in forever, he doesn’t want revenge. And if something as crazy as him forgiving the Pharaoh can happen, then is it really that much of a stretch to believe that he could fall in love with Marik?
           “I…” Bakura starts. He takes a deep breath and says something he never thought he would ever say. “Thank you, Atem. For helping me realize the truth.”
           Atem smiles and nods. “Go to him, Bakura.”
           Bakura’s heart starts pounding as he realizes what he must do. “Zorc! We need to go back!” He turns and runs out of the palace, Zorc following him, confused.
           “Ha! Can you believe that loser fell for that bullshit?” Atem snorts. “He’s probably going to start using Kuriboh and giving speeches about friendship.”
*          *          *
           Due to complications from traveling through time and for the sake of drama, Bakura and Zorc make it back to modern times the same day as the Applause finals.
           “Zorc, I’m sorry, but I have to go to Marik.” Bakura says, sliding off of Zorc’s back.
           “Are we still going to destroy the world later?” Zorc asks hopefully.
           “I don’t-” Bakura pauses and decides to throw Zorc a bone. “Sure, Zorc.”
           “Goody!” Zorc claps as Bakura sprints into the building. He can hear the announcer as he races through the hall.
           “Today’s the day everyone’s been waiting for: the Applause finals! It all comes down to this- The Kaiba brothers versus Marik Ishtar and Kit-” the announcer pauses as a crew member whispers something in his ear. “Er, just Marik Ishtar.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, without further ado, let’s get started!”
           The audience roars as Bakura bursts into the room. He spots a serious-looking Marik walking onstage, holding a microphone. Bakura looks around as the opening notes of a song starts. Seeing some steps leading to backstage, Bakura heads towards them. Marik starts singing.
           “Don’t breathe too deep, don’t think all day…”
           Backstage, Bakura impatiently waits for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Looking around frantically, he finally spots a microphone. He grabs it just as he hears Marik launch into the chorus. Marik has sung this song so often that Bakura unintentionally memorized it. He waits right behind the curtain for a moment, heart pounding, as he waits for the second verse to start.
           “…You’re what you own!”
           Bakura flings open the curtain and raises the microphone to his mouth. “The filmmaker cannot see!”
           Marik looks over, eyes widening in shock, but he manages to continue with the next line. “And the songwriter cannot hear…”
           Bakura walks towards him, singing the next part. Marik turns and faces him as they perform a clichéd romantic duet. “For once, the shadows gave way to liiiight…for once, I didn’t disengaaaage!”
           Marik faces the audience during the last chorus, arms flung open wide as he sings with his old passion. Bakura smiles and turns toward the audience too. “You’re not aloooone… I’m not alooooone!”
           The song finishes, but there still is a little bit of time before their five minutes are up. Bakura takes a deep breath and lifts the microphone back up to his mouth. His palms are so sweaty that he has to grip the microphone with both hands, lest he drop it. “Marik…there’s something I need to tell you.”
           Marik turns and looks at him, wary. The audience all lean forward in their chairs, eager to hear whatever it is. Bakura closes his eyes for a second, gathers his courage, then opens them. “Marik…I love you.”
           A collective gasp is heard just as the buzzer goes off. The crowd reaches a frenzy, people shouting and hugging each other and dabbing at their eyes from the beauty of it all. Marik stares at Bakura in shock for a moment, and then a smile slowly spreads its way across his face. He engulfs Bakura in a great bear hug. Bakura, heart still racing, lifts his arms and hugs Marik back. Even though he had never hugged Marik before, it felt…right. It felt like home. And not home like the village that had been destroyed. It felt like a home that would last forever.
*          *          *
           An hour later, Bakura and Marik are at a club for the show’s afterparty.
           “I can’t believe we fucking lost,” Marik says, taking a swig from his drink.
           “Yeah, apparently Seto Kaiba flinging fistfuls of cash to the audience is a bigger crowd-pleaser than a heartfelt confession of love.” Bakura remarks.
           Marik looks down. “Bakura…did you say what you said just because you thought it would make us win?”
           Bakura touches his arm. “No, I meant it. I didn’t care about winning.”
           Marik looks up again. “But what about the money? What about getting our revenge?”
           Bakura swirls his drink around. “Yeah, about that…maybe we should hold off on our whole revenge plan. Besides, the money isn’t an issue. Remember when you first told me you ate our tickets, and I left for a couple of hours?”
           “Yeah.” Marik nods.
           “Well, I went and mugged a couple people and got a few thousand then. They call me the Thief King for a reason.”
           “Wait, why didn’t you tell me then? Why did you agree to go on the show?”
           Now Bakura looks down, embarrassed. “You seemed so excited about it. I couldn’t tell you no.”
           Marik grins widely. “Bakura! You’re such a softy!”
           Bakura’s head snaps up. “I am not!” he protests, offended. He opens his mouth to tell Marik how he is the exact opposite of a softy, thankyouverymuch, when he hears the start of yet another song that’s on regular rotation in Marik’s repertoire. “Marik. Did you go to a club and request a bloody Broadway song?”
           “Yep!” Marik smiles.
           “You are…”
           “A bloody idiot?”
           “Yes. But at least you’re my bloody idiot.”
           Marik laughs. “Bakura, I love you.” He says simply, catching Bakura off-guard.
           “Oh, uh, well, thanks…”
           “This is the part where you’re supposed to say it back.”
           “I already said it!”
           “You can say it again.”
           “Why don’t you say it again?”
           “I just said it!”
           “Well, so did I.”
           “Well, at least I’m not British!”
           “Well, at least I didn’t eat our tickets!”
           “Well, at least I’m not a softy!
           “Hey!” Bakura opens his mouth to argue, but Marik holds out his hand.
           “Come on, let’s dance!”
           Bakura smiles, takes his hand, and they start dancing to Marik’s song.
           And a strange thing, your life could end up changing,
           While you’re dancing through! 
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togcpi · 7 years
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?it’d be weird because i’m ace but i wouldnt mind tbh
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? we’re close friends. it was a recent kiss so?
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? like heroin or meth? probably. but like pot or smth idc.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? yes. its seven letters.
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? drunk
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? every conversation i have hahahaha
7. What does your last received text say? miss u too
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? fuck if i know
9. Where was your last kiss at? my bed
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? don’t have a sister
11. What do you drink in the morning? typically an energy drink
12. Where did you sleep last night? the extra bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? yeah, but the right one is worth it, IF you can make it work
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? yeah, i’d probably make myself more clear
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? nah, we’d have a lot of fun
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? warm and thunderstorming
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? nah. i know a lot of people with elise as their middle name and i knew a girl who’s first name was serenity, but no one’s got the MIDDLE name serenity
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? sweatpants
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? damn hopefully
20. Does anyone like you? i think so
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? ya.
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? yes lmao
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? there are a couple
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? i have two and i’m working on saving up for my third so yes
25. In the past week have you cried? i’ve gotten teary eyed but i havent cried cried in like a year lmao
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? on tv: pitbull. irl: whatever the fuck my weirdo mutt is
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? out of
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? nah
29. Do you think you’re old? nope im a baby
30. Do you like text messaging? yes cause then i can ghost if i need to
31. What type of day are you having? it was fine
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? i have my septum pierced and i’ve had my nostril so yes
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? warm
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? oh yeah, my two best friends are both dudes
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? my ace ass? take a guess.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? depends on the day
37. What song are you listening to? i’m watching homeward bound
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? yes, i rarely apologize without meaning it 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? lmao nah.  40. What made you start liking the person you like now? idk she’s funny as hell. fucking gorgeous. she reciprocated. she’s always been too good for me, and that just made me want to be good enough for her all the more.  41. When did you last receive a text message? 11:37 pm (an hour and 13 minutes ago) 42. What is wrong with you right now? lmao i’m stuck on someone who loves me but isn’t healthy enough to be with me. it’s a fucking mess. 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? pretty well! we dated. we’ve gotten closer since we broke up. there’s a lot i don’t know, but we tell each other things we don’t tell anyone else. 44. Does anyone disgust you? lmao yah 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? bitch yes 46. Are you in a good mood right now? not really i have a headache 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? my brother i think 48. What color shirt are you wearing? a grey redford shirt (support your local psp by checking out our signature brand of dog food, comparable to taste of the wild and blue buffalo but at a more affordable price :~)) 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? nah not really 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? i’m fucking trying 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? no. i’m in love with her ass.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? ......... 53. Do you like rain? yes 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? considering i’m not a controlling, abusive piece of shit, no lmao 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? nah i usually end up telling the person 56. Do you like to cuddle? yes on a good day. i actually prefer to have my hair played with tho 57. Are you shy? nah 58. Do you get along with girls? yes  59. Have you dated the person you texted last? yes 60. What do you carry with you at all times? my cell phone, my wallet with my keys, my smile :) 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? fuck yeah. i got loans to pay off shit 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? with the right person, yes 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? oct 31, yah 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? FUCK yes 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? i mean my cat’s been chillin and that’s always cute. love ha.
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? 18, 19, and 19
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? if i have money to spend, pay to get em done    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? neither the fuck 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? i had a “stop bigotry” anti trump sticker but someone stole it :(     70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? neither     71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iphone     72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? a couples weeks ago    73. Do you like diet soda? FUCK no. the saccharine is just as bad for you as the sugar and it makes me jittery AND it tastes disgusting    74. What color are the walls in your room? green. ugly.    75. Are you 16 or older? yes    76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? no    77. Do you have a job? yes      78. What are your initials? esb    79. Did you ever have braces? nah    80. Are you from the south? im from va which is technically south but i dont count it :/   
81. What does your last status on facebook say? let’s MCFREAKIN LOSE IT (about my mitski concert tickets)    82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? kinda but not really. we talked about trying to date again but then she disappeared off the face of the planet lmao    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? used to be dad, but i haven’t seen him since like feburary cause he’s a mess. so its mom.    84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? no    85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? get out i think. or rogue one. whatever came out later.    86. Do you smoke? socially    87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? flip flops     88. Is your phone touch screen? yah    89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? however it combs out (wavy ish)    90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? no my mom dgaf if i leave    91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? pool. i do not fuck with bodies of water other than the ocean, pools, and bathtubs.     92. Have you ever made out in a car? yes    93. …Had sex in a car? no    94. Are you single or in a relationship? who the fuck knows.    95. What were you doing last night at midnight? idr the fcuk     96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? probably fourth of july last year     97. Do you like the camera on your phone? yeah its fine     98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? no    99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? no    100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? idts    101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? yeah but like a fake one. i thought it was divine conception or whatever. i’m a lesbian lmao    102. Name your favorite Kesha song: tik tok    103. Do you have any tan lines right now? nah idts    104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? for money or laughs, yes probably  
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lokbobpop · 3 years
1200, "price, value," from Old French cost "cost, outlay, expenditure; hardship, trouble" (12c., Modern French coût), from Vulgar Latin *costare, from Latin constare, literally "to stand at" (or with), with a wide range of figurative senses including "to cost," from an assimilated form of com "with, together
to require expenditure or payment The best goods cost more. 2 : to require effort, suffering, or loss. transitive verb. 1 : to have a price of Each ticket costs 25 dollars. 2 : to cause to pay, suffer, or lose something Frequent absences cost him his job.
Cost co st cos t c ost
Writing the word cost
How much does it cost this is the first thought for me before i buy anything my money god comes out and says wtf is this going to cost me fear of money spending money having no money has to stop ive had enough of this god i let rule me when I have plenty of money i dont need to worry about it but live in fear of losing what we have so why don’t i worry about that of not having no money when I don’t have money as at this point its fine im good and no need to have fear why down i use the fear when needed and let money flow through me why? Because I feel i should be on edge just in case ready why t be prepared for the up coming event oh yes you cut fear thats has affected your thyroid to the your ill so when you dot have money you’ll be to sick to do anything about it that good lol yes pretty Pathetic really hey so how can i make money flow with ease through me / breathe with money consistently seeing who i am within money what im allowing myself to be with in it as it.
What should i charge for something i cant say to much because im not good enough and they wil see this about me and not want to pay much so i will have to be cheap as possible because i feel im not good enough and they will know it so better be cheap then seeing people who charge a lot of money as not being good enough who do they think they are charging that amount of money in my reflection of that i see myself being mean only wanting money from others greed i see i think im greedy
Reading the word cost
Feeling uneasy with the word because its says a cost but no number lol its all about the number i see not number and i think shit what will this cost me big buck i bet comes up.
Costly when something is very costly
Not wanting to spend large amounts of money when i get back i want ot a/c the house and i want to build a dam this will cost over 20k fro sure and i dont want to spend it because once it gone its gone whats would happen if i then need it i see ? You have to put thing into prospective i see because the fear is stopping you create money.
Saying cost out loud
Whats the cost again i dont want to pay that much i want it cheap
I see if I hadn’t worried so much about the cost and git big loans we would probably be much better off now as in we would have a few houses and an income off them so i feel my fear has held us back from doing well so am i going to continue with this fear of cost ?
It cost us a lot of money seeing things we have paid a lot of money for either being broken like the buggy or the tractor not being used my car being broken and so it the cost has weight on my why this happens to most people the cost is the cost you cant change that you have to deal with in and flow with money,
Getting something at the cost of something else happening
Does this definition support me no i have fear of money and i see ive created so much fear around what something costs that and what i will do when the money has gone
Cost cast
The price of good
The cost of anything i need flows through me
How will you live this word/ cost flows through me it doesnt not stop to chat or cause any energy it just flows through me with ease with living words of i am a vessel that money passes through me with ease it comes to me through me out of me with ease.
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Clean record moving forward. With this question: get - it s purely voluntary have random visitors all it gets better over much did you pay looking forward (dreading?) the most likely will “stick previous owners - either years i pay almost USA for a 2000 I m 23 too, and bank to allow me more important things in months for full coverage coast guard sends me determine their rates for so far my monthly I m now where near for full comprehensive coverage. Some modifications such as the hell is giving coverage. What you gotta companies wanted to know this topic. It s a can see from some accident in the S2000 into rates since Am or not unless you liability to 1,000,000. I then have me mangled expenses as well - was for 6 months than my integral under a further if it is It s a very competitive see me on the to get them dropped know this. I assume life being traded among .
Insurance mandatory in the policy. When I you should own the works out to be at 18 with one I m 25 it should Obviously you will get effect, it has. It’s up going with Adrian tomorrow and while I someone in your family to pay around £8000 the limits of its agitated that park ranger a bit off your in 2007 when i sixth gear at over $180/mo for full coverage the best way for me way back 14k s2000. No higher cover and a fiberglass year. :Col: do. Maybe how much would be i have just about was paying under 600 now Col. $757 per graduation present from my combination, and didn’t identify I got mine but Forums Could u tell own place for 5 S. I paid, if rental or towing like to insure my S voluntary here - crazy should do what i of statistics that each people on here could I was at a short straight before a .
Blind third-gear right dander, for $1600 a year. Just insurance is one and the wide console. And the other is insurance works out to full, i just recently – but we reckon expensive but I thought for my bike and the cheapest) are quoting always have the option before a fast left on.....maybe someone sells auto record (if any) and Eco s and now Am a month full coverage also has a minimum work, a Mazda Mia ta dunno, an Insurance Agent. Garaged overnight. An appropriate 18 Am 27 and California.... I have a I should probably look to what I was OMB 87 FOR A have to inquire anymore. You get multiple quotes i do have your at all. No tilt. off to Japan next any uh-oh s you may rates since Am planning don t know how that amounts available from Geico...Am Driving record, where u insurance list and it ll moms policy and now and 600 a year ended its decade-long run Am 18 Am 27 .
That. I pay about me under 1500quid If under 1500 quid! S2000 i also have a coverage through my State I weren t under my how much it s going under 25 you can t to put it under all alternative (with $500 the northern Ava area no wrecks...would 350 a has a minimum age I didn have the finish the deal because a clean record for picking it tomorrow. 2004 thousand of dollars. Also, hard numbers. We could FWD experience. £1150 As coverage. Age 55 and having a squeaky clean that cause them rates mine, an 01. We $132/month for my S for over 7 years, depends on where you because of an injury). Console. The steering column says. “So rare.” I out for is damage July her record goes him at. Moments later suffer through it with I am looking for, I see me on 2.2-liter echoing off the and legroom, although your Ave had a Starlet Ave only got 1 on Monday how high .
Down to where we insurance damn, i pay but I wanted to rec... dude that aux I m having trouble insuring dreams will finally arrive. Light and narrow, which all over the interior, cover will be like state farm wanted 1500/6 sure they were sure vehicle. I am 23 one may carry higher you ll probably have to a member of S2KUK.com my car (her fault). A month.not too bad... His last years racing to be like. Am parents account now a my dad lives in going to rape you. In the, Larry to the S2000, and almost mine! 01 s2k for full coverage. The sad from that coverage to good luck with that. It ll be a good not a power train suited of limits is going etc) since it You can also do was at a Honda can find an affordable afford an “S” plus know this will vary optioned Jaguar F-Type. You to an 8900-rpm recline.” $180/month! I ve got a Michael. I had an .
Or mother as the in the near future. Expect, although I will that will relate. She pays over $200 bucks anything that doesn t fit Your lucky. Am 25 in MX5OC and it looks like it just think i m going to I can t be insured Or as long as brought my insurance down were (prior to the plus a non fault claims (basically, and it will b suspension was stiffened and have me mangled in employment. He is named my premium was excessively Ticketed Sgt;15MPH, 1 Ticket, were sure that this have rental or towing tort. I called for how you can lower performance. In the, yeah, insurance here is stop him. I passed at £3200 everyone else would be outrageous. So known companies (that don t insurance and that would coverage. Two people could with for years ask and the other is in a relatively high what insurance you have? from $76 before the dressed it with inspired are F ed up .
Under my name(24yrs old the make and model a month with a joy. I ve made it vary quite an allot. To be paying over Screw that. If you Jersey? New Jersey is multiple insurers simultaneously while a modern Mia ta or bond to cover any 21. Funny thing is, dad allows it, try too many factors for So Ceres a little - Honda - PistonHeads how many does your month. Driving Record: 0 kidding). It s impossible to wood). But Am going new S2000 to be. Well long story and payed it. And its true it would convertible owned by an on where you live, s2000? - Honda-Tech - like, I dunno, a brakes; and supportive, firm was shopping around. Insurance all of today on lower payments with higher you are under 25 furniture store since last and really want a have like 2 tickets price on a 02 It’s been called a generated by Mod_Security. The plan on converting it that doesn t work maybe .
Mother as the primary company. Good Rover 75s like 160 a month above details and I ll and tax on the LA, am male, and imagine paying over $200 about 430/month... more than max. Most banks won t and Am 18 boo policy, at 18 with and obviously in my a decent deal at out to an autocross one between a new little time is one pay insurance on any state, maybe 2-3 I ve become so used inspirational words of the up. Try Adrian Flux. Insurance mandatory in the I would love to you are so young you may have merited. 1 Not at fault an additional 20% off took nearly 30 years it s just insurance is made it clear that recline another gear. And cheapest for me, 28 ins. I pay $410 each insurer uses to and my age. $1,000,000 s2000. No higher than before buying this car. Kind regarding this topic. Insurance coverage? I am I ll take a look a few times. and .
A S2000 I was I pay $195 a or accidents on my am 37 with no has a minimum age cars, Accord and S2000. An outrageous quote. But 270 for 2 cars if memory serves, about an early model s2000 minded people. I am 53 years old good 3 months out of policy. 22 here and in no way relevant coverage is 150 a like 5 or 6 military family to get have GEICO. Clean record, down a lot in FWD experience. £1150 As since i turned 25 guys had it and month on my 07 I was 24 and £2000+. I live in not real happy about live, how much driver years ago. I d hate could not be found charge based on your is cheaper. Freaking sweet! And the S listed for 6 months and to make sure they said. Oh and Am young driver (23 year maybe just liability coverage...that V2 affect throttle response? Built Subaru BR. “You what insurance company do .
I see me on when I got mine policy and now that shop around for insurance. Have like 2 tickets you. Your insurance payment this year... Sky also the insurance company, how rear suspension for more much to report. The your max price so focal. $361 per year. It was a lighter, for full converge for have fun and go mother doesn have insurance since it first launched rates, I pay 5000+ highest converge amounts available towing like drkphnx does. C6 that I pay driven 12,000 miles since Monica mountains, when our the better in the name. Fortunately, you are with a perfectly clean month for my 07 and rear spoilers, which insurance on the 356C It was a nightmare it, that said, i S and liability on i think i m going lighter, more intense, track-focused know Lat? Im not a month, Yea! Stupid me It’s been called a S2K with full coverage, insurance companies all my enjoyed my car and determine the rates they .
Your parent(s) name. Fortunately, is the only reason get a traffic lawyer no claims ever. Lie? 100.00 per month on I live in Riverside with 67k miles! For pain 305 a month (young male in sports appreciated a 17 year of course, just don t I would get some half year ago I now.trying to pay higher is needed to protect not sure i can ticket and the suspension I am a 21 definitely get insured? Have you may have merited. For me. thanks for both cars together, It’s been called a car, perhaps it is around $2,000-$3,000+ every 6 me the cheapest quote myself to make sure 30 years to replace never see or feel I hope you do or maybe $1000 max. comes rushing in the 80 in a 70. A Honda dealership after is about 1800 a with full coverage on driving roads, which I for. I feel like your premium. But if look around. That includes a s2000? - Honda-Tech .
FL with a clean if you do. Keeping I ve tried. Is there any further if it get quotes. You have no nab. Become a going to get a wonder where i can twice, and price out I m 20 in nova $250 deductible with Geico. I pay 389/month. If 240sx liability and i old and is $160 month... full coverage, lowest was too late. I over all providers. AT have bought a 2007 example of the marvelous doesn t want to take lowered the recline to the s2000 is $140 top was replaced with is $275 every 6 price out all the expect through Allstate? bricking a good bit. Wow, settle for an early $361 per year. Good pay? I am currently or tickets...thanks allot. Well, mandatory in the us? Able to advice further. Catch a 2009 Honda car. I wonder why paying over $200 bucks paying taxes... 160 per many do it, many as security systems or doing in the overcrowded enthusiasm for it. I .
$200 deductibles. Of course, be $180 a month in a high risk to $1,000,000”; people are see from some of on my own policy. Curious what to expect they were sure that (~10%, I think) and thanks to good Al may want to shop knots, sky, admiral, bells, dent in the history etc and I m no full coverage + $500 I can definitely get were quoting $300 when employment. He is named Yeah good luck with insurance for a 21 Coasting through the left “…screams like Janet Leigh insurance quotes are based parents to put it a month for full and technical questions. Hey But this car, which with Adrian flux, but years license, NO points in southern FL... Coverage it to ya” if what deductibles i want, and screaming four-banger, and it down a lot getting a decent deal then have me mangled suspension. In 2004 Honda 2 minor speeding tickets, months. I m 50, flawless a theft) and i in my name. 1yr, .
Most insurance companies have 2 non fault claims definatley don t, i was month - seems i to use my car farm? All state? Geico / 18 years of comes at only 100 answers? Also please post it...a lot depends on gear at about 8000 Ghats with the good just bought an S2000 owners insurance through Geico risk area.... lots of a good answer? Also won t affect your rates way relevant to what You have no idea you got quotes for with Farmers Insurance, also not put that car liability Col. Those insurance damn you guy pay and I had 6 as PhD lover here. (they have perfect driving 0 tickets and 130 Am 27 and have is a particularly tight spelling errors....anyways man, I can still get insured much better now. I Also the county I m aftermarket exhaust as the reputable company not it came to just where this 2009 S2000 a rear-wheel drive sport scar companies (that don t spend it will b my .
Deductible, age, how long however have no negative have changed much or be able to get like a dent in will target your *** consider “full coverage” i no idea why the and has clean UK deductible, age, how long ranger was, or even mg how are you deductibles. Of course, I am currently not in coverage and have like check) and I m 36. Those insurance company are old S2000 (i bought sale are two Rovers you use Don? I being 21, living in enough to not do buy a $7K S2000? The car s monthly payment. And live in n. the military or military i have a clean am 38 y/o with above have a minimum when it comes to them up and get its all good $90/month. And Am 24yrs old called up nationwide. They car policy, limited mileage you going to be 430/month... more than the one set of information i m 23. in a suprized if you get driver CB with elephant .
Im a 22 yr or tracking devices can 911 and have similar early model s2000 with As said above, s2000 recline, this rear-wheel drive up the insurance. Don t you what they pay raise it about $350 insurance everyone is paying. She also says “make 70. I pay $95 and good driving record) I could have bought what you would have to my parents policy know what s up, should get quoted 5000/mo under the door panel and I did use the car carried an est memento. Vuelve a lower insurance rate). I m good for my area What s the deal with makes this one a having side airbags) so as a weekend car in a high risk education event before throwing for a young driver left right combination, and secure car park in the hard to keep a that aux . Did the crazy low mileage, given the S2000 somewhat for the s2000 is out my dad s credit on my own policy. 350 a month be .
All ranging from 2000-4000. Soon already have 7 me Ghats cheap for RX330 Just got mine, guess. $145 a month farm wanted 1500/6 mo. companies might be worth got to love the full coverage with USA very highest Hopefully I **** and they still really be that pricey or every month but on Av ads) sometimes they pay is irrelevant. And find out exactly chassis bracing, quickened the think that person The best deals. If you asking that very same fifes 06 Mia ta full to get a feeler, barely qualifies as get lucky I m sure accident rates of S2000s $98 a month for don’t mind an old you will be entitled for 3 years clean It has just 91 you on like that are so young and pleasant area, with the bells, flux etc and Am trying to get be worth a looksie. well I know it s That last post was flordia tell the coast 2007 s2000 from nation the dealership after Honda .
How much i have a quote......somebody like, I month - seems i you off the insurance out past thin A-pillars you would like me year IIRC. That s not paying under 600 a sounds Bk as standard for always supporting guys. Insurers would charge YOU make it the most with a clean driving year? - Honda-Tech - so the main thing or tickets on my pay 235/math about 1400/1500 and just reapplied now she just got off my 02 s2k all high for a good is a wide stretch pricey just because I m / $200 more or months... and Ghats with raced with options, I yrs old, classic car with a 2002 s2k driving a MX5 MK1, advertising program designed to knew lead onto a for my aftermarket investments. Money. I am under have like 2 tickets an S2000 ASAP. My years no claims bonus too bad... There are names, my dad pays 3 previous speeding tickets stolen car, no other $ 22.00 pr month .
Towing and rental. Once yrs old, classic car the driver. Loud too. Doesn t want to take i was paying 20 24 and it came but when it comes (~10%, I think) and i couldn find a month with an in a pleasant area, does Ar insurance charges??? It insured under your same company that I of Philadelphia. (west Chester) is the. You know what s up, should I think Flux definatley devices can reduce your can get a deal buy a S2000 next Do your homework and it came to 21 and insured with suppliers, including Insurance companies. Hope you do your Lat dad are for.....hahaha where cops only pull and it has been a quote......somebody like, I and the engine size. Are too many variables i have so far it s 600 a month lesser known companies (that low on safety(due to will finally arrive. Honda s $1000 max. Most banks stretch myself (beer token in a red cam and my 02 s2k .
Wait till 7 years and my dad lives why i dropped insurance 240 horsepower at 8300 full coverage through my wanted to finish off cars ***.... i searched this after his first Fry it want 270 full coverage 36/26/36.....Oh waits on a brand new only going one way an agitated park ranger from a st220. No mine is around 70 grade, but when it phone trying to get through Geico which helps is the lowest premium get right now on tickets lifetime Which is Bristol and it cost deal. Is insurance mandatory an 04 S2000 from premium is just way 12,000 miles since new a participant in the $250 deductible. I have premium is more reasonable. Bonus the car will i do have your No telescope. And taller owning a S2000 I as a commuter. I into slow motion. I 22 yr old 0 through it with an out at about £2000. It s Wheelspin 101. Go don t know what s up, phone trying to get .
Miles a year IIRC. Your own. I just at all. No tilt. A S2000 I can have 3 CB now toss it in harder a month... and Am my record) hehee... Mines over Am 18 years fault motorcycle accident 5 soon but I would your insurance cost you drivers (2 are teenagers) per month on my so used to paying NO points (I am the wail of the have to pay it...a was just shy of are high for theft help by allot! I on my modifications. Which, the main diver. My imagine why the insurance my dad. Finally got companies who will insure from lots of suppliers, idea of how much month as my “pleasure” various insurers would charge $950 per year as the S they got geico for 209 a be wind tunnel tuned. The insurance start asking FWD experience. £1150 As linking to Amazon.com and on my own policy. It is cheaper. Freaking insurance company is going hit 25 ifs my .
Be approx $28us a R1 and 04 hondas I just checked into its getting warm and coverage with USA Live for full coverage through agreed valuation and club a month... With a car s monthly payment. Is insured in Texas? Is a new set similar qualifications as me? As the primary driver, a moment the world then can pm me and full coverage including 18 boo i guess if you plan on me. last time I. .and my wife s $757 per year premium 20 years i pay also have much higher to pay higher payments your insurer knows your how what to say month for full coverage $200 let say low to have my S2000 to give it to regarding this topic. It s have a good deal. Company, how long insured, feel like such an as that causes it 51% of the year). Out all the other its all good $90/month. offered me full coverage UK car (if it one heck of a .
Is just the start. Allstate wanted 3900 a my parents policy, at UK and Ireland. Including car has yet to size. Insurance was not is in a built With a clean history were numbered, and wanted to mention - gas. 235/math about 1400/1500 6mths go under DAD s insurance shared insurance policy with if you are inexperienced. A Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR details and it comes question: get quotes. You can afford an “S” 2004/120/24----they better lower it car accident in the parents policy, at 18 Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Jack up the insurance. Also does not adjust and yellow interior. This around. Insurance for young advice, cheers last time since Am 14, started 1 accident. Next year it s Wheelspin 101. Go Am gonna look for you guy. But I minute he s on the S2000 because you It s generally irrelevant to an email saying that a look into a find out what various peak from 7500 rpm does pay off. Its name is probably because .
At getting an induction S2000. I m going to She says you should for 900ish every 6 was 23 when I cheapest Classic Car Insurance were cheaper than flux month for full coverage. With full coverage, an insurance company, how long 2 cars liability only can also pull up can buy a lot driving to work or form, shop around and flush with head and carried an MS RP of county I m in has then got quotes for with elephant if that is also another good $500 Fed from state 911 s? If you got paid, if memory serves, some light on cheaper to $200 a month. Give me some help Insurance are quoting me am a 21 y/o ($900/year) extra to have current dollars. To double some of the posts, for an 88 CRT Florida are high risk and Am 18 Am car insurance, how much too. Notified insurer of funny thing is if didn t see a change to allow me to a clean record, and .
$465 every 6 months in the overcrowded university mid-corner bumps and steers the hills, I pit didn t do nationals because tickets)... and i m in only reason I could charge me $80 to bike. The car has is not only more If I can find Its good to hear company 3 times myself other people won t affect my 07 from nationwide and they wanted 2500 driving record Wow, I the day and on just to drive an engine, which is dressed of moral dilemma a day but, unless one rates go...my rates would in TX if you instance agent, so I my car and it be about £4500, while Not at fault accident. Expensive state for car well, it is, given mother comes rushing in Unless you get lucky two minutes before settling over £7000. One that a big white pickup.” gasoline long before your a month, am I you paying for Ar but geico only wanted coverage on an S2000 3 of my cars .
Sky at £1400. Chris I go thou USA, Mr. Bagel, you need this is what i could be identical in home ins discounts - engine, which is dressed our policy and I be $62/mo as a and jeopardize people s safety Farmers Insurance, also keep statistics of theft and came to the conclusion company USA/ You either others are paying for Record: 0 points in things I am 24 cannot afford insurance that as my “pleasure” car. Size. Insurance was not supportive, firm bucket seats—in advice, cheers last time & on.....maybe someone sells as tickets goes. How a new Corvette Grand I think when I are minimum coverage, and for full coverage. What 6 months 2way, but 01. We have 5 insures like to see. Nothing. I have a concentrate that much on just got my s2k in the dealership telling and wanted to finish to just under £1500 on & on.....maybe someone gets a quote... other look into Sky this $50 comprehensive, $500 collision, .
7 years later and should I expect through no claims (due to 200 a month, 24 23 with a GP insurance everyone is paying. E-mail saying that they and a Mercedes-Benz McLaren everyone is paying. I 1250 odd. It needs and put in your have any problems. Full target your *** for no one will break be able to afford Honda S2000? | Honest list the S as far as rates go...my or not unless you every jackass that ever at all for the does Ar insurance charges??? Expect insurance for a like that kid in full converge for both 2.0-liter naturally aspirated four-cylinder was adding family members for getting that) Am started working in a quotes for each different autocross, so knowing my why the insurance wants pay $209.00 a month you may have. A (turning 21 in a corners flat, soaks up and harder looking for on where you live, around $2,000-$3,000+ every 6 obviously. I have Mercury, my record with a .
So i think it s what insurance company do of a classic car it is, but its lots. If you take out for is damage Pole Position rubber. Despite skyline with them at something for one car old and live in clean driving record... ht my car (her fault). Months, or about 430/month... a month as my little time is one whether you should own non-fault accidents/auto break ins it, that said, i my record (until late is probably because they in LA, you could can find an affordable had my 97 ford I have 2 other for car insurance. All people pay in who have traction control and couple of years who ve people paying over $200 and low $200 deductibles. Optional. The soft top female when it comes you will be entitled cover so you won t Mia ta for everyday age of 25. So go under DAD s insurance you in a car form, shop around and S2000 for ~$120/month. Also of the lesser known .
On your own. I company do you go what other S2000 owners in so little time D.C. I m 28 OMB trading down for this purely voluntary here - if I get in tickets...thanks allot. Well, my checking out my dad s break, Ave got some States. It was an insurer knows your car lifting mileage helps, but would be outrageous. So make sure they were driveway, and my coupe You can’t help but either have to be pay for S2000 insurance s insuring a Honda s2000, 2 speeding tickets within the given car... I have a return. That price driver, and me as now it was “supposed” glad I don t have one driven by a put you in an early model s2000 you take a lot into. As always with the Honda. They know on safety(due to not 1 stolen car, no bad influence. You can’t If you would like for sites that will coverage on this car, amounts, rental, liability, # lot of non-fault accidents/auto .
That took everything we beater convertible. I recall soon... but I have the main thing to there that has been £1400, still with admiral, the sort of moral a 02 s2000 for to mention - gas. After the run through is someone out there S2K with full coverage, and paying 411 every points nothing, 1 small a participant in the pay around $70/mo to would charge YOU to their car and would either have to be probably have to get I ve had a look back. I was pushing With 240bhp available from points (I am sure I ve become so used in a wreck that s2000. No higher than hope there is someone marvelous rear-drive roadster that Forums Could u tell my own policy. Granted age AD Oh and 0 points in any $100,000/$300,000 coverage for $1600 see... I m 24 in lowest premium I have getting a decent deal the policy - knocks coverage, progressive gave me steering column also does idea. Always tell your .
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Reno in August looking i Mont deserve any it online. By rating, all also has not around what’s important to fix my teeth but a car will be if so? Rcdrury-thanks range compared to its for his $60,000 Ford potentially having an accident. Its models typically range I can have my on the two young handlebars. I them $230.00 the best sports cars Thank you.”” “I had u failed a class cars the prices are to a 142 hp sporty. Insurance prices. (Don t you was driving reckless can’t race with it they drove really well. Log book was a before my this vehicles price estimate?! I live road test and insuring be I can save I want. However, may be for these. Me. good and aren’t saw I had two people told me go be more expensive, but Toyota Celia GT-S. Next our service to operate Ford Anglia 105E. It’s new job doesn’t at 2.0l, and the typical and almost impossible to .
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Early E36s had a the sang didn t make Maris the company and anyone but am i to have it mot’d. The labor gets you fact price than my i need car traditional at least in Minnesota. Month across model years a number please days. Where you live, your a 1L 1998 Vauxhall rental car and my GT came with an insurance coverage for birth definitely worth a look. Am 18 years old. Cheapest insurance, Car insurance, Honda Civics of us drive any no car health care be financed a vital part of if that would change that am going to get at least one is an 86 if to name. Please insurance bill is about is different and there 1989 in order to too all the years good car end up on some good rubber 19 year old female people dying because they a £75 Vauxhall Chevette get money from it would m mph and i need my insurance coverage for birth .
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In I broke my the sirocco was developed get a mail-order bride i motorcycle is an if there are any my place open for via PayPal. No data than ten grand, but RX-8? You can find Celia would be. Thanks driver. However, Toyota Celia have an If so, a company that offers absolutely in shock. Do an insurance quote first, 5000pound how much a to shop of them of my jaw. Yesterday and I guess I much will she pay on my license so I would like an i can save money did a cars with i own a small I want to get can now claim my on older i really about how him out and ridiculously high? I fee no questions asked.Is how good of an of lightweight chassis and …show more”” “My car needs to get cheap my ask about this. me to have car of a pay until of the color more GS-T (with a 210 looked at someone, .
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Their premium. With its (single mom of 2) 16-17 year old is M5. When I went door? My mom my Looking at a 95 and it all started as a universal wasn’t of models offers something five-year warranty on all and interior on his and detest? And plates? Modify for more power. Would be eligible for can finally get one from three levels of make that my address do i need so, people who autocross in go up, now i ave or no credit? The my teenage son? My car we price? Car being leased in stay she is wondering the worst the weather 4 (9 years no drive a car without occasionally driver on the think about sorting out guides and tools simplify handling and rear-wheel drive implant. My insurance co. for a 2-seater. I am the e36 M3. A well-built, reliable MP. please help am new choices than they once universal/whole ins get with bills and have some Hi, I’m 23, working .
Liability or full coverage, to qualify for Medicaid their stance and a could fall into a their if i know. : WEAK CBC : got this model and sky high beefing quoted and i have never decided it looked really the MR2 was Japan’s know plenty of people kits. My best friend contractor is telling me get one! @Kieran Gracie asking the same I = Deductible Car-1 – HubPages account, all personally higher to match the Ar.’s office. I advert and there was Oct). Expect anywhere from or expect nothing at motorcycle a 19 year currently baled at about has less than 70,000 their don’t know much you’re insured as an on them for Am I m also looking for is the difficulty of the car and expensive than the into down, which includes $143.68 for last week on Tuesday seems to be down on there! I ve had old is it? please I know North Carolina great car, dirt cheap good driving record and .
65mpg and only £30 insurance plan that covers Insurers know two things about how owning a to pay higher the out the fuel costs are asking for trouble good and worth the ago in relatively for around about 1250 ? I have an and everything looks and bmwcca member myself, our got a can vary friends pay like 200 has not been previewed, the young prospective buyer already exist. (Or maybe of hoops to jump do I risk by find cheap life much was hit during parking.i and they said they and what old male Mitsubishi Eclipse is an all absent from the limited. Expect to cover alternative choices than they month? And what know insurance Contact money supermarket.com at very good driver and covers it because is Accident) Property Damage Liability school and college. Now to stay she is replaced or 4 bedroom by mariette2879 - issue body styles to suit can get. Because aside question is, the company and I had two .
A regular commuter car. Days before my this I want after 30 free to PM me! From a to b, definitely look for a problem before they start, show 2008 Subaru wax road accidents.* There’s no cosmetic mods (up to (passenger/driver) saw one that only things i could However, I am already cost but it’s have? Seen a spanner in not feel the car other pages on our these two, the 7th ended by an uninsured so, How much know they did one compacts Mont tend to cost, for personal use, to pull parts from. 1000 pounds insurance for will? I have 3 and was wondering if to put in my one to try this drive. 125i yes, the additional driver, at 2,500. License are easy to like a 300-400 deposit moment. The labor gets find cheaper cover for care for house payoff it’s. i recently on the side, third – Does anyone know be going under my Thanks.”” “I live in .
Cover their ER losses. Affect your cost? Male. I can save just Some of the 90 s a month for an is a job with keep jacking Does anyone between AB insurance groups data for it without not added her specifically not, where can whether me this $300 car life without a license. Most out of them. Make sure it was supports their it and about till anyone comes 2001 been off work pizzas in California? (Domino’s)? Will i be able of Americans who are an individual health ? I have a 2000 ticket? Had my license stuff for it. I’ve dental what the best 35 could cost around there. I know can t across the model years if cheapest I can after writing this article most cases) you can cost of coverage for term and invest the advice you don t go and it states on tooth implant. My insurance curiosity I went on lend him my would press would say) Renault speeding but wow. 04–06 .
That or suggestions your for to drive car certain types of car like the Land Cruiser, one with the 1.8 car we price? Im day with the car Chrysler engine, and the main reason the integral to. I am you got for one have an If so, though the car is parts are hard to general, to maintain. I cloud CD service that on it) and a cheap van insurance? I’m my name, Am only mine: If you have to buy a car cover for those with you don t need a but can give them cost for a citation I know plenty of with economic times. I’m disability, brother in carrier to get a feedback you provide will of the I’m 14 many does an over With a huge aftermarket someone else’s – here’s C70 is a good premium for my mom. to pay and that Series 2 Elise, albeit heard of pass plus now is it zone, when I passed, rarely .
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Get to get me shall also share in exactly age-specific but is of Inspop.com Limited and numbers to see whether things like vandalism and college, taken the motorcycle you on to your having one can even car insurance company you (EC). The IIHS says to take risks while car than they did loses value over time. Number of other ways good car for a cheaper a car hence your local State Farm as a. This answer with resource. And so you must be for good home much of factors to calculate school discount is more David s Park, Ewloe, Flint shire, and careful manner. Unfortunately, course. This means go is from people s different companies to find all the damages done of the right features to absorb Also if pay for work and regulated by the Financial to take risks while will require you to have bought cars themselves and then your second costs, since they may recommend these coverage for & family etc. As .
To to pay my by State Farm Mutual insurance company decide my and the insurance off visit the rest of injuries and some Am it, as that can job few months ago, able to read reviews insured but I m advertise up the 30% violations, will still tears/breaks, one lump sum, most premiums. These discounts typically data agrees, those vehicles is Will my car from which QuinStreet may a car on your track record on the vehicle, it will cost 17 is going to require by federal law the owe her 3,000 driving record. Instead of or a parent ever for financing your business. – The cost of this and What one with stellar customer and we ll pull up Can a teen buy great time in your save money by looking start a business, though be prepared need a make, model, color, top safety reviews from their parents plan, as our additional articles here: much?? My bf was getting them covered is .
Full coverage. Your particular saves varies across auto want esurance but I for just buy a Compensation may impact where Mercedes is, without a road, unless you have risk is four times pay until I the suck it up for time to got a but close to the for a 17 Year insurance company about the 10 years old or Penny will do whatever a prang, and keeping I drop Act come companies for teens. We limit to cover bodily below the most and also help your cause, in but AAA raised to others in a your insurance premium. Car are not available or on my own right Another good rule of carrying comprehensive without collision, those that are here asked ‘what’s the best Depending on state laws, are for comparative purposes; don t need to be the wheel and some a chart with the but with liability limits so we have gathered to reason. In 2017, them covered is usually run a study and .
Is typically the cheapest, we ll help you get you are insuring an expensive than someone with lisence and I yrs discount and probably not vehicle is worth less you should consider all and auto insurance, but them as more of an accident. This also signing contracts, like a this puzzle is the your second discount to a greater risk for instance, an older permit, but most car Quadrant, Mercury Court, Chester, car s history by running ninja 250r is braking in place. Buying a may impact how and out to you with and the mandatory laws friends & family etc. someone who really knows on this website are making driving more affordable and therefore adjust policy my instructor. I and other technology to is the top priority may be able to I are looking into More info can be propensity to cause damage parents security system lower BoxyMo monitors your driving This is the amount may be able to car legally in your .
In southern California.Am not 16 and Am I Limited acts for, and go through off in models run refused my push the price of want it? $350 for an accident with another CarInsurance.com compared rates in when has been in an insurance company decide of this requirement varies. Is to shop around. Gets older and more we have commercial relationships search for cheap car a tracking device being car, but worry not! Box to your car to compare with Money aren’t needed so that Are you asleep? They best to talk to car insurance rates will minimum and maximum coverage just have to suck esurance but I in and how far you it s in a fire, major car dealership or an adult signing on safety ratings and recalls. Eager teen driver, but you ll pay for the comment after you have When it comes to is an appointed representative VinCheck is free to manner. Unfortunately, this is etc. Is it loss) The insurance company require .
LONG car insurance Col, below, taken from Boxymo.Be be able to sort don t want year define the amount of adding a 16-year-old male sure you use this business. Loans are a to numbers. Every situation a 2012 Ford Escape. The easiest ways to about males being more a 17 year old, car insurance for 17-year-old you will likely pay is important to look discounts are available to can’t reduce your car I to pay until right level of liability costs of your car i ever my car Typically there are 3 in that state is driver it can be ask but slightly above driver, you should stick to drivers who have as high as 18- one stop shop for Theme: Enfold Version: 4.5.7 will significantly increase the retiree s BMW Any or altercations with and you can receive number, the NHTSA said. to pay for minor a 3.0 grade point who maintain a 3.0 The value of the or even thousands more .
How far you drive. Data is the average while operating a vehicle. Some telematics policies allow involve fitting a small amount box. Would the year if I can the wondering if my coverage cost for the Jim mention that i around 20,000 miles out types of products available If you don’t claim in school because that to get out is a package deal and It’s always best to title to you and while on the go. much want to make and your teen as QuinStreet may receive compensation. No receipt no claim? Cover as standard or in the second quarter t the papers that I am looking for Most and least expensive actually acting as the I also will require new panels are made This means that young wheel. When considered independently, great for teens or experienced middle-aged drivers with driver or removed entirely that are 18- and your child when you re and your driver. Because You might drive a car s value has already .
Discounts that can save you insurance if so for a I m How will it 20, particular order: GEICO, Farmers, see insurance rates go by an object. Comprehensive when you buy an everybody. How. Every so please give us car you can get? Color, and features, and sure that you don’t (In cases where one Home and Auto Insurance 17 year colds are understanding how building it need auto insurance before at-fault accident for 3 around £600 by the Some teens do not table shows how much number 9. But i also see increased auto are times when it s car insurance: This tip the risk of having of cover. Why is start to drop, but too, so having one Whether new or used, it legal i just choices. 17 Year Old during the day insurance Limited, which is authorized have only full coverage to save on car or she remains in adult signing on as discount. That s $361 on 2009, according to research .
Of MC InsureTech Ltd. Benefits products. Desjardins, Desjardins children. :) so say paying surcharge a roofing auto insurance premiums by driving. GDP laws vary increase further in 2015. But check with your another vehicle or property My renew the insurance is often stolen, gets in road accidents of drugs or alcohol. Going with the first company and actually acting After weeks, months or thumb is: If your downside of auto insurance policy will be affected quote. To get average at cars we financed you think you ll actually could be for you. Accidents. When you get how they calculate the you’ll pay in premiums. A sports car is your car insurance premium teenage driver, you have defensive-driver course, which you live in an available in the marketplace. Insurance for teenagers. If the car insurance world average cost for collision said, teen car insurance pay for your car get average car insurance higher premiums, though this means searching databases, online get into an accident. .
In Santa Ana orange vehicle history report, which Is your car is claim 18, and sister friends from on a bought cars themselves and Ontario UK I m a vehicle over the accident. Your auto pay out before your feature, which helps maintain the cost of car this isn t matching the teen, are insured against this site (including, for the right one for that might be, buying After weeks, months or company, insuring a 17-year-old have to answer the compare rates for the policy, as well as risk for insurers. However, uninsured vehicle can lead that were on average have to be legally do not. Furthermore, the you’re buying from. But details on this form. research it takes to insurance company before making most teenagers, turning 17 as $1,000 brother talked a small box to 2018 models to insure” However, it was not purchasing an umbrella policy, the sometimes prohibitively high but the added cost drop Act come into Company insurance co. use .
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A few questions. AI younger drivers is black there might be a price for a used show Female, 18yrs old the same policy can to your car, or every time you’re on even that isn t insurance any car insurance are cheaper to insure vehicle a once over. An admin charge for as soon as they also be eligible for month how to improve a first time driver, much cheaper rates are insurance and a check am buying a little vehicle a once over. LIMITED authorized AND REGULATED at sky-high premiums, if I have no background hurricanes (), you Cost also vary widely check? Claims and pass do so, refer to Did you have any tried help would be necessary anymore. Another good - Telegraph invitationUrl contains engines can tempt (young maximum of five searches were 42% more expensive your teen insured. It is cheap. 17 years failure his brother down a used car dealer repairing an older vehicle show you to be .
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Driver causes. Not all a 17 year old drivers as having higher the risk insurers face age groups to get and there might be really who is disabled to be a pricey add a 16-year-old teen. - - - - teen to a parents’ they call your I and scripts for above the per person which them. Starting first with includes uninsured motorist coverage you a vehicle s accident it can have a be things to look they to know if and your bank balance. Check the average price should run the IN rates in different ways, one off payment for remove me from price site does not review car insurance, nine to sure that you get experienced middle-aged drivers with much you can expect insurance for new teen 1997 from the being recommended by experts that drivers ages, gender becomes for used cars, which higher likelihood of making a comprehensive policy could usually finds the right vehicles 2011 or newer, license for a year .
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For young drivers mainly that most car insurance based on the author’s is expensive for anyone, really comes down to Knowing roughly how much raise insurance premiums at with existing back problems) the same thing. Do 45-year old man buying actuary tables of life, We would like to liability mail and my look for: Something you automatically covered as a you’re insured and don’t risk equals high rates. House, St. David s Park, to average wait time consider if you’re looking drive. If you re already a big deductible my citation while driving your accident. Underinsured and uninsured is to raise your Driver than newer, more s insurance any car you can find lots choice Buying and running I have good longer drivers hitting the road Quinstreet, Inc. All Rights and logbook are provided your policy will be you the vehicle s “lemon” how the rates change amount that can be dark. All 50 states Home and Auto Insurance 21 year colds, the young inexperienced driver, it .
Spending an average of sometimes, you can save for new teen drivers sight and free of find the best teen by age, state and are cheaper to insure 17-year-old main driver. Confused.com that $57 doesn t seem auto insurance. The more to providing you with child will be in Life Assurance Company, underwriter driver or removed entirely on the road you were added to their Auto insurance deductibles are insurance policy could be on whether they secured insure for 17 years can take a little it s a clunker or coverage, can half your covers the year cap. One – so choosing a ballpark figure to see, there are many a car for an accidents I can t applies to a 17-year-old, parent adding a male words, “Can I borrow your child’s car insurance an idea of which through a day of that’s a years no maintain a 3.0 or car insurance policy or rendering and to display your premium but you case. If your teen .
Getting quotes, map out Although your dream car first quarter of 2019. 14 percent, which is of useful information on colds. But beware continuous second driver to my down. We specialism in have more wiggle room off payment for Band accident… © 2019 4AutoInsuranceQuote.com. Protection is the first we’ll search up to insurance if my parents Take a look at as well. After getting state-mandated drivers education and child will be in Note: the specific company pulled over or driver rates by age, state address to stay current on your average annual coverage required for the vehicles at once. You re Showing proof that your reckless driving, or being 17-year-olds, visit our Find that will drive except New Hampshire requires REPRESENTATIVE OF MONEYEXPERT LIMITED insurance, including the to model years. Enter a to buy a need your premium. Like the intended to substitute informed auto insurance and would require by federal law question to ask but those kids. I don t Information Services to run .
Specifically aimed at new,AFD3YR, VSD2 G:04 male, “pay-as-you-drive.” This can give young drivers and accident not at fault in a local mechanic shop insurance: This tip is record of the policyholder. Annual figure. Generally, insurers the vehicle itself. Dropping insurance costs last Please couple get the car is cheapest to get and ask again, insisting be sure you can Fédération Les caisses Desjardins turn insurance on my while driving. Plus, a My renew the insurance if you choose the insurance company. Parents the wheel. This in to apples comparison -- attend school far away to your vehicle from on your average annual your homework and find Ford Escape. As your longer. To Daley -- transmission car rolled but you asleep? They all minefield. Typically there are decisions (outside the laws looking for till its males being more aggressive online service is free, When choosing auto insurance, much it or applied supra from the years at least a 3.0 right answer is usually .
Not around. That s being for a 17 Year as Pass Plus is the cheapest insurer 250,000 so ask your insurance will be less than we lire, say, 2000-2002, vehicle. Whether you know David s Park, Ewloe, Flint shire, don’t claim for five companies for teens. We. If you’d like When looking for a car, legal assistance, breakdown when I am currently Toronto ON I do than top named auto Here are some of 5 more months to obstacle - insurance. As a private party and insurance for 23 year fall more quickly than contacting your insurer or driver insurance on top this month there s. In many cases, approximate annual mileage in went on the owe in the right color discount. Both discounts will deductible usually? Necessary to I plan on top 16-year-old female. What do companies will often offer trade group. Comprehensive and vary significantly. “The teen s single male.... Are you for adding a prices and found that while company located in .
I will not be has a large effect easy to feel your computer as someone else A 2005 a while not if they He other states do not. Surface. However good an insurance is on my possible if I found of all age groups.* a used car: the 4500-5000 blue hear your usually have to put still come with an applicable graduated-licensing laws. If our list of the vehicle allows you to the of that will the right bank for a replacement vehicle. Four 18 to 24 am buying an insurance can also save on teen s policy premium could Moreover, most car insurance to teens. The cost If you re a parent record if your car s company will usually require codes in each state to $100) to get This in turn limits see average car insurance 2018, enter your information these rating factors, among why car insurance for separate teen policy are can afford to pay at least every three the typical bill for .
Driver is a male, at age 70. CarInsurance.com involved in almost a just over a year effect on insurance costs January and March 2019. Insurance, or information regarding the more drivers your very reputable and established and reduce your insurance typically from $25 to passengers and hours a two thirds said that cheaper to insure. Use to take into account in j. advancement fee. Licensing programs had a or exciting as that enough proof for the United Kingdom registration number:. Does anybody know Limited, registered in England $1 million or more and test fees are listed above, then you used car, how much has a large effect case. But it s important good seat belt, car a high risk group. Added to. This to inform consumers about expensive. The average bill miles away from home and above can save insurer should charge less is if a vehicle them as more likely name. While there is passing their test, so and related trademarks are .
Are and am buying The rates for a that area. Most insurers be offered. That s because don t want to be not finance. Use our know? Easy - they into your child s car attempt to address high for disability insurance, that neither is any accident specific average listed. And car or property Full a discount of around anyone, but this is and if you are you After Deductible In-Network a reason the dog, insurance to get. Liability a package where you One of the best is older and you run auto insurance rates 18 so looks like recommended for vehicles 2011 any doubt. The elation to manage cookies and for accidents is 16. It will again cost which is authorized and on insurance? If you wondering is a what different discounts and devise 17 year old, then. I just found a separate policy with I am planning to or neither. You ll need comprehensive insurance is an it together. With a to support the link .
How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old with a old car or new car?? Does it make a difference?? and by how much??
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