#like idk what im doin i just cooked and i cant look back
kogglyuffs · 6 months
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im having visions
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lizandbo · 4 years
period headcanons w/ some hq bois
Okie dokie, so i know i do a lot of haikyuu freaking chubby x peep...but lemme change for this one....it mah periods time ssooo I’m doin this becuase i feel like other peeps need this while they are on there’re period ...idk if this whole thing even makes sense or not
Warnings: cursing, 
This is obviously a female reader so yeah....
I’m sorry if this is really short- i meant like, short lil things for each person...help i need speech
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- This sweet boi wants to do everything for you but you know he ain’t a mcfucking octopus that could do 8 things at once
- he does do the best he can tho
- and if your in one of those mood swings when your hormones go wack-a-doodle, hell try to put up with it but if you get to the point that its your excuse he be like: ok, thats it...*hugs* -seconds later- everything’s is fine and normal 
- “ do you need anything?” ‘maybe like...pads orrr”
-” Y E S”
-  “ok, ok whatever you need princess”
- when he does get the pads, while halfway walking to the nearest drug store.....( like CVS, walgreens, rite aid etc...) he realizes he doesnt know which ones to buy you, the wings? The night pads? Which size???
- he goes into the pads section...and just stands there, staring at all the ones to buy you 
- so he came home with six packs of total different sizes and styles 
- you thank him for trying...but he could’ve always texted you which one s to buy tho 
- i think that Hinata would be great at being the lil sidekick on your period weeks
- if you want cuddles- done, boom, bam...he already holding ya
- chocolate? He’s out at the door for a journey 
- Hinata will be like a jumping rabbit if you get up from any surface 
- “ nope, you aren’t going to move....what do you need?”
- “ to stretch”
- “you could stretch in bed but dont get up”
- all this bb just wants you to be as comfortable as possible 
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- he would be. Like “oh...wait oHHH that...thing, i remember saeko always screaming becuase of those”
- but ya boi tryna to be noice, but doesnt really help becuase he doesnt want to get in harms fucking way
- but ya need ya help 
- does not let or bring you eat chocolate or some dairy things becuase his research cuz he carin’ like dat, that it makes you more uncomfortable even tho women crave it during the torture 
- but but but but, he willlll cuddle and snuggle with you 
- more than normally- ifff...thats even possible
-  “hey, why are you laying in the bed like your about to die or something-”
-” okkkkkayyy, just chill, i will give ya some mac’ & chez”
- “how the fuck is that gonna help, and also the last time you went into the kitchen to cook something you almost burnt the house”
- “so much for believing in me”
- “tanakaaaaAAAaa’
- “ok ok, ill be right back”
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- this is the face when you explain about periods sucking^
- also like tanaka, does not give or let you eat dairy, he smart like tat
- of course, he’s the more prepared one on this list 
- he plans your periods, secretly 
- he is always cautious about the bed being bloody the next morning when the pad gives up
- will. Ha;f-assed tolerate the mood swings, like your so freaking sensitive to everything he says
- “you bleeding up more than in the World War Two and one combined”
-”TSUKI, wtf do you not get fucking periods??”
- “yes i do but-”
- “y/n your bleeding from your fucking pussy, why cant i make a joke out of it?”
- “_SnIfF- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you like this,..please dont yell or get mad-SnIfF- at me”
- “ok, do you need anything while i scream into the pillow walk to the kitchen to cook something to eat?”
- “nope:D”
- “i-...ok whatever”
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- he quite scared tho
- like, not scared but-...worrying 
- i think he 100 percent will giv you the sweetest of belly rubs
- if you look like you dyin, he’s there for you
- he may or may not give you your favorite treats 
- will always text you during class or anything of the sort to ask if you alright 
-cramping up? This boi gotchu, need pads? He’s in the women in the hygiene aisle..painkillers? You got them
- when you bleed on anything, he’s like the maid that cleans up everything that you mess up
- asahi will do anything that you request him
- “hey, do you need anything?”
-here comes the cuddle monster, face to face nuzzling his nose and face into your neck, pressing soft and warm kisses
- when the mood swings come into town,he alright with it..his sister already done that wit him so he’s experienced it
- “which pack do you usually buy?”
- “mmm-*the ones that you usually buy*-”
- “okie dokie, all be back. I dont want my lover to be out of anything during this week<3″
- “mkay babe, cya..thank ya”
- “no worries!”
A/n: i sorry that this is very short, writers block i guess? And it like 1am too soooo
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spirit-shroud · 4 years
i replayed kz again tonight and managed to beat it in 4 hrs instead of 11 !!! which is rly cool imo, i think i got a max of like 50 deaths or less for the full run ??? i was just playing regularly but usin the prism blade for the cool blood effects, not in speedrun mode for the counter, and i managed 2 drag my friend into hyperfixation hell with me :} but also i have some thoughts and opinions im not rly sure how to compile in a meaningful way, so here’s the like. pure brain-down-on-blog post version under the cut. if this gets auto-tagged into the real actual tag for this game im very sorry for my hubris im just. thinking emoji
so id like to start this with the final boss makes me SO sad :( like yeah she doesnt have much dialogue but idk she just makes me so sad. she’s so desperate and she Knows shes going to lose and im just like. no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you’re so cool!!!!!!! Please Be My Friend We Can Work Together. I Know A Guy :c like usually final bosses are like weirdly emotional for me but she was just SO COOL and realizing like WAIT THIS BOSS OPERATES UNDER THE SAME RULES I DO was just like WOW even if as i kept dying (and i think i spent like... 3 hrs on the final boss alone lmao the first time, i killed her on my third attempt this run which was very cool of me) i finally realized that she IS pretty repetitive and got all her patterns n variables down super easy, but like, fighting another null who Should for all intents and purposes be just as absurd and powerful as i am, and eventually being able to down her effortlessly, and then the withdrawal affects of the chronos kicking in as well, and its just like. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
dont even get me STARTED on that ‘to be continued’ like yeah there’s a dlc comin but the game mentions repeatedly that its just the first act which has me like OKAY. SPECULATION TIME (what am i speculating on? literally no idea im not even rly at the speculation phase im still in the WOW COOL VIDEO GAME phase) 
and i rly like the dragon/fifteen but the first time i saw him i was just like. who’s this f*llmetal alchemist looking bitch ??? what’s he doin here?? go HOME and controlling him is AWFUL i hate the dragon tape so MUCH >:C but also he’s like. cool. i want to know more about him n his plot 2 take down Juncture n the government n whatever. 
but also i was listen 2 Full Confession bc it’s just. what the heart wants rn. i need to be sad and caffeinated in order to get into the Writing Zone rn and then i was THINKIN like my friend mentioned while we were playing the dragon tape that the song that plays is very similar to Full Confession (which i had sent him earlier while i was losing my mind over the final boss) and then i was like. Hm. these are very similar but have such wildly different moods -- Breath of the Serpent is much more like. ‘you’re going to be afraid of me’ while Full Confession is like ‘i’m afraid of you’ and i think that the different Vibes from these two soundtrack bits about important Null characters is just like. WOW and i wonder how a version of it that was purely Zero’s might be. would it be more triumphant? more flat? what desperation or emptiness is in there that could be drawn out by this melody??? i dont KNOW and i can’t write music unfortunately but im just like AAAAAAAAAA
i also rly wanna know what snow has going on ??? like. shes clearly important. she is a vital npc. but Why. she didnt even rly do anything except Show Up???
fuck V. all my homies hate V. the motorcycle fight was a lot of fun tho i rly liked that section even if my therapist was mad at me afterwards
also i think elizabeth/the little girl is rly cute and the fact zero was just like. ‘hm. well guess i have a daughter now’ so fast w/ her (at least, with the dialogue trees me n my pal kept going down) and im just. So Hoping we can rescue her in the dlc :( i miss her so much and im so like. worried abt that like pls give me back my daughter you dumbasses i cant even read ur dialogue without my brain being like ‘yeah these r just squiggly lines, boss. gl’ 
i also want to believe that the masked men arent real (bc idk, it’s just easier for me to process that they’re the result of chronos withdrawal) but the problem w/ that is like. they definitely kidnapped elizabeth, and i want so desperately to believe that elizabeth IS real n that zero genuinely wants to protect her (and by extension, the part of himself that is still human) 
ALSO THE PSYCHIATRIST i was just like. Okay. I Must Get A Good Grade In Therapy. n kept being nice n cooperative and helpful to this clown ass and then THAT ENDING ??? like i didnt even get the Bad Therapist Ending i was just like. fucka you! attacka you with a rock! (i do however want to try the therapist boss it sounds like a lot of fun) but i just. i hate him! he sucks! find a better therapist zero u rly need one im sorry for ur problems disorder :( like hes clearly a guy who just works for the government n wants 2 keep a leash on our man 
n the contradictions, hes like. yeah ur killing everyone related to chronos so it can no longer be produced ♥ but dw ur special we totally wont just withhold chronos from you as soon as u finish ur tasks dw about it ♥ and its like. Hm. I Dont Think Thats Right !!!! 
also i wanna learn more about what Juncture has going on??? what are they like. Doing besides poisoning water n making lighters ?????? it’s clearly a lot 
also the art for this game is just so GOOD,,, like. i didnt rly notice a lot of the backgrounds my first playthrough bc i was just losing my mind the whole time trying to solve each puzzle but the second playthrough im just like. AAAAA. and the soundtrack? effervescent. groundbreaking. perfect. So Good 
and the GAMEPLAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my GOD i was SO vibing with it, the difficulty curve was kinda extreme imo but as soon as i started like. Getting It? and started looking at each room less like combat/fighting and more like a puzzle that needed to be solved it made it so much easier 2 get into the headphase of ‘okay how do i clear this’ and it was just like. YOOOOOOOO
and zero is just a lot of fun 2 play as. legitimately everything about him is just so ridiculous. his dialogue options? ridiculous. his design? absurd. the implications that hes like. 22 and just having the worst 10 days of his life? mood, buddy. this guy likes samurai movies and card games and mushroom pizza and has worn the same outfit every single day for who knows how long and hes also a war veteran, an emotionless serial killer and a drug addict. and hes 22 and 5′10. literally NOTHING about those traits make sense together but here he is, just Vibing. 
i love him so much. im going to make a self insert oc that’s just giving him a friend who knows how to cook n is just like ‘oh wow, that’s rough buddy’ when hes like ‘i only feel alive when i kill people’ and conveniently knows how 2 get bloodstains out of things bc i think he needs that kind of person in his life since his like. therapist is conspiring against him n he keeps having 2 kill his friends 
also, unfortunately, i want to get every achievement, which i feel like is going to become hld....2!! where i get all but 1 of them and am stuck at 96% for 2+ years >:T
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unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
oh god lets do this again , shall we ??
about me !!
hello my names swizzy but you can call me anything !! :D my pronouns are [ full set ] : he / him / his / his / himself xe / xem / xer / xers / xemself ar / lyz / ars / lyzs / arlyself koi / koim / koir / koirs / koiself and a bunch more but !! any neos are okay, no emojinouns :]]
some extra : im some flavor of nd / poc / age but you dont get to know them ;]] im open to chatting anytime and anon is on !! just dont blantly ask me if were friends /lh hehe /gen im an artist/writer/reader/musician/cook/cosplayer/talker !! here are my interests !! i try to edit it as much as possible but if i forget oopsie hehe current stuff i might talk about are : bnha, ducktales 2017, anime in general, eddsworld
typing !! :
- i mostly use more than end punctuation like !! or ?? - i dont use periods because it makes lh stuff seem too neg or srs :[ - i only use periods when it IS something neg or srs or putting dot dot dot , replacement is ; - i put spaces between punctuation ex : hi hey hello !! , what is cheese ?? - i dont use emojis only emoticons unless its something that cant be put in emoticons - i type in all lowercase - i use tone indicators !! please use them w me as well !! - i swear and use caps a lot :O - i use [ words words ] instead of (words words)
tagging system !! :
#block this tag im talking /j : swizzy speaks - talking tag
#literally no clue what im doin : the swizzy random posts tag - anything random tag
#woah look at this you really wanna look at this /ref : swizzy big things - anything important
#literally in my pinned im just stupid : stuff in my pinned thingy - self explanatory
#im an artist ??? what ??? really ??? and a mentally ill one at that ??? : swizzy can draw - art tag
#im an artist ??? that likes other art ??? what no way impossible ??? : swizzy likes art - not my art
#just sys things amiright : swizzy thinks systems are cool - sys tag am i a singlet or system ?? youll never know
#just nonhuman / kin things amiright : swizzy thinks nonhumans / kinners are cool - nonhuman / kin tag
#woah oh my god so /pos this is cool wow wowie stareyes : swizzy likey - anything i like in general
#im mentally ill please excuse my ramblings : swizzy and fandom junk - my nd ass and interests
#whos world is it ?? EDDSWORLD !! : swizzys eddsworld tag - specifically for eddsworld stuff because im mentally ill
#ITS YOUR POWER ISNT IT ?? !! : swizzy bnha tag - specifically for bnha stuff because im mentally ill
#are you pondering what im pondering ?? : swizzys gay mice tag - specifically for patb stuff because im mentally ill
#its my world and were all living in it !! : swizzys mml tag - specifically for milo murphy stuff because im mentally ill
#swizzy loves cookies running : swizzys cr / crk tag - specifically for crk stuff because im mentally ill
#im in my prime when ... sonic !! : swizzys sonic tag - specifically for sonic / mostly sonic prime stuff because im mentally ill
#JUMP UP KICK BACK WHIP AROUND AND !! : swizzys ninjago tag - specifically for ninjago stuff because im mentally ill
#no way the deltas can ruined ?? : swizzys deltarune tag - specifically for deltarune stuff because im mentally ill [ may have undertale because its deltarune ]
#DUCKTALES !! WOO OOO : swizzy ducktales tag - specifically for ducktales stuff because im mentally ill
#car ing my toons since birth : swizzys cartoon tag - cartoon stuff because im mentally ill
#its a silly goofy moment for me B] : swizzys endorphins are increasing - memes and shits n giggles
#i have messages ?? no way ?? : swizzy gets inbox - anons or smth idk
#the brain is a strange thing tbh : mentally ill related stuff - im nd soo nd related stuff
#i reblogga the post : swizzys rbs - self explanatory
#agab ?? assigned goofy at birth ?? me B] : swizzy trans tag - swizzys trans tag 
#swizzys gay tag - for all things lgbtq+ B] 
#woah oh my god so /pos this is cool wow wowie stareyes : swizzy likey - swizzy likes these things [ maybe niche idk ]
#thats the body special : physical disabilities tag - self explanatory
#just creechures just sillies just little guys of the earth : swizzy loves bugs insects etc - the swizzy bug tag !! i love creechures
#animals are cool and interesting : the swizzy animal tag - yes
#i be spinning in the gamer chair ... gayming ... : that one gaymer no way - swizzy plays games
#guys look our friends did the thing !!! :D : swizzy has friends no way - tag for my ULTRA MEGA AWESOME FRIENDS a step up from mutuals , if youre a mutual and you want this tag lemme know HEHE
#guys look our mutual did the thing !!! :D : swizzy has mutuals no way - tag for my wonderful mutuals i love yall a bunch /nr
thanks for reading have a great day/night/afternoon !!
[ will be updated when needed ]
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nivks · 7 years
gryles 2017 for vee @ladsfm
okay ah vee wanted this UPDATED!!! to add the start of the year too so! edited again!
heres a basic recap i guess but uhhh
harry nd nick literally spent xmas together aGAIN and they mention it casually as fUCK 
they started off their year domestic and shit how fucking adorable #netflixnchillncurry
okay so we didnt even KNOw this happened until they talked bout it in the sott premiere but! they literally spent a whole goddamn day together just dedicated to listening to ?? sott?? hs1?? i feel like they listened to the whole fucking album but im also pretty sure nick was like ‘no i didnt hear the album before!! this is all new!!’ when harry went on for the hs1 premiere but whatever nicks a fuckin liar we all kno it
im dying it was one album song like IT TAKES LESS THAN AN HOUR and they met up in the MORNING and didnt listen till afterNOON whatthe FUCK they literally spent all DAY together cos they were so NERVOUS what fools
then we have: ladzfm 2.0 aka sott premiere aka: “I feel lucky to be playing my first song with one of my best friends.” aka our collective death
we got a lot of good shit in this interview im actualy crying rereading it all what the fuck HMM SO WE GOT #fontchat, nick talking about trying to cook a roast for harry with remi IN LA, nick admitting that harry was one of 4 people nick told about getting breakfast (two being his parents FUCK), #ronniewoodchat??? nicks life is so weird, OH POST BRITS CHAT FUCK!, confirmed that nick and anne text on the reg, dog collar chat #legendsonly, #tbt to when they saw rita at G-A-Y , other cute shit
also this like idk how to describe it but nick and harry are BOTH the sun for eachother and they literlly light each other up
nick being adorable about it on insta too
okay now its the original post but i fixed those links you told me were wrong
okay i feel like u know that nick flew to america to take his mum on a holiday then like also watch harry debut on snl but i feel like revisiting so
there was ANNE that fucked us up to begin with
then when nick turned up at the snl studios??
like we were waiting for it but we never fucking expected it to actually happen what the fuck
nick looked so good when he was there fuck me
harry smiling and waving at his lil home party of 2
him and eileen going to the afterparty and chillin with jimmy whatshisface, eileen partying till the am?
uhh hardly important but idk
nick looks so fkin good even hungover as fuck after partying all night and celebrating (marrying) harry
the tweet got deleted ugh but nick was spotted at harrys graham norton performance! love a supportive husband!
harry came on the show for an hour for his album release party and? it was LIVE
started with nick complimenting harry on his outfit made outta tea towels
harry saves the audios that nick sends him when harry was sharing album clips and nick sung his own versions #confirmed
omg notebook chat was in this interview ugh
jonna just posted this like last week and im still crying
okay first off nick looks fit as fuck in mallorca so
nick went to both the hens party and the stag do what a fuckin loser
hun! oh HUN
okay i think we got like ppl rumouring that harry was in mallorca but EMILY CAME THRU for us and posted this
the girls lookd so lovely at the wedding tho ahhh
this is what harry married i love Him
nick and harry musta been sharin a room cos nick was wearin his clothes aww
so basically nick blasted the hell outta wild thoughts on this holiday and put green hearts on fuckin everything so i did this mess
okay mallorcas over rip back to ldn life
nick got emo again idk
whatever they went out for LUNCH 
what the fuck how domestic
nick went to see dunkirk by himself cos he couldnt make the premiere etc etc 
completely by himself im dyin
then we were all like HEY I HOPE HE STILL MAKES THE PREMIERE cos liek we didnt know he was busy so when he rocked up to host this car gig or whatever we were all like hmm proud of u host grimshaw but also hun :/
and also the bleach makeup launch was on that night so like a lot of harrys close ldn crew pals missed the ldn premiere too and we were all like awww poor harry
both HARRY and NICK rocked up at the bleach party!
they both looked fit as everyloving FUCK this night too
fucked up we never got an actual HQ pic of nick and harry together but you can see nicks arm in this on the right omg
im still gellz
unfortch it was prerecorded but like still
nick looked amazing (and harry took those pics and u cant tell me otherwise)
uhh some good quotes one two three four five 
they look lovely im stressed
(nick in glasses lookin like a doctor)
harry was MIA? for nicks actual bday SO INSTEAD they celebrated together (with harry lambert) a couple day early!!
nice lil lunch <3
nick looks rly fit
i cant beleive harry brought him the goddamn shoes
i cant belvie how much nick loves them
like full on 100% loves them
(harry has rly similar shoes too goddamn matchy matchy kids)
fast forward to later augugst where
aka Harry Styles at the BBC
then like FIVE DAYS AFTER IT WAS ANNOUNCED nick andharry were already up north filming one two three
nick tweeted about being off air for 3 days and jeff liked it :)
in the actual recording harry wears his usual florals  yeh nick actually fucking posted that to his own instagram story what thte fuck i love 2017
nick? murder me?
and THATS basically it for the past couple of months? there was this mention the other day but apart from that!
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tmntl0verthings · 7 years
Textual Contact
chapter 3 × feat. Michelangelo
Y: hey ^>^
R: sup shortstack
Y: nm tallstack
R: thats horrible..
Y: wut?
R: tall stack? Really? Whered u learn that. School for the uncreative
Y: hey!
R: hey 😄
Y: 😒
R: so whats up?
Y: nm honestly. Im in gym.
R: And?
Y: its boring. U run around inside a room with smelly boys and snotty girls
R: its good for you
Y: shaddup
R: lol
Y: wbu?
R: im chillin. My second work out starts in 10 minutes.
Workout schedule: 6am-10am-3:00pm-7:30pm
Y: and where does training come into play?
R: whenever dad schedules it
Y: oooooh tell me about ur dad. Plz.?
R: uugh ur soooo wantttyyyyy
Y: yes..yes i am
R: lol well hes old, we were all orphans and he took us under his wing. Hes really been there for all of us. Even if we arent blood related.
Y: wow. Didnt see that coming. At all.
Y: thats really sweet of him. So like what? U guys lived on the streets. Or orphanage's?
R: well we were just babies at the time so I dont remember
Y: oh alright
R: wbu. I dont know anything about you and im just spilling my guts
Y: ewwww!!
R: what
Y: thats so graphic! Omg the imagining in my head right now. -barfs- 😷😦
R: Lol so?? Tell me.
Y: well i live in bronx and Ivd been here for the last 8 years. I moved when i was just a girl. Life has been alright. I could do without the cat calling from guys. Its pathetic. I dabble in art sometimes. Only when im in the mood. I go to school (duh). I; just like any girl love to cook and bake. I just got into yoga.
R: nice. So what can u bake me?
Y: bake u? Like.. for u?
R: yeah
Y: practically anything. But i wanna see this ✌family✌ first.
R: quotes? really? Make me sound like a liar. Whats wrong wit' chu.
Y: well mmeehhhhh to u too grumpy
R: pfft 😝😝
Y: hey i gotta go. Gym teacher is walking my way.
R: mk
~3 hours later~
M: hheey gurrrlll
Y: lol nm. Wbu raphie kins
M:..are u raphs secret girlfriend or something. Cause only i call raph stuff like that.
Y: 😐 who is dis? Isnt this raphs account.
M: yeah im that kind of brother. So what's ur name sweetcheeks??
Y: y/n
M: ooh Mikey Likey.
Y: mikey? That's ur name
M: well my name is much longer so ppl call me mikey.
Y: oooohh. OH u must have a renaissance name too!
M: bingo
Y: whats ur whole name
M: eehhhh idk if i wanna tell you. Ur kiinndaaa short.
M: ur kinda short
Y: well ur kinda weird
M: why thank you (Casinova voice)
Y: 😳
M: so tell me. How did u meet leo and then raph?
Y: leo texted me first by Accident thinking i was someone named april. Then leo used raphs phone which led me to talking to raph.
M: makes sense. So u like to bake?? I love baking! Im trying to make my own dish but i cant seem to get any right.
Y: oooh~ whats ur dish?
M: well it tends to vary. I tried to make a carrot lasagna. Failed ✖ Marble pancakes. Something went wrong there. ✖ I tried making chocolate covered asparagus. Failed✖
Y: oo so ur going all out?
M: yea.
Y: maybe i could help. Maybe i could finally meet ur family.
M: oh~ um. I dont think dad would like that. He doesnt like new ppl.
Y: but everyone loves me 😃😃😗
M: lol that may be true (idk) but i shouldnt disobey.
Y: ur family is very different from others ive met. Its like ur hiding. U guys dont go to a public school. Ur home schooled. U cant share ur 'Training' with me.
M: ..well its complicated. But lets not talk about that.
Y: but i want tooooooo
M: nu
Y: yeash
M: nu nu
Y: fine.. what do u do for hobbiez??
M: well i love gaming. I read comics. I guess u could say knunchucks are my passion. I use them everyday. I love movie nights OH and pizza friday. Llovveeeee pizza. Im sometimes my older brother's assistant. He's a nerd. Hes all sciency and stoof. Oh and im a drummer
Y: knunchucks!  😵😵 Wow bro. ..just wow. Thats awesome! Thats a ninja weapon right?
M: yea. But i live by a non-assassin code.
Y: wait... Is ur guyses training.. is it ninjitsue????!😱😱
M: ...nu
Y: awe. I was all excited for nothing
M: lol
Y: so whatcha doin
M: texting u during training
Y: lol so u stole raphs phone?
Y: lmao so whats going on during training?
M: raph and don are in one team while Im on the other team with lameanardo.
Y: lmao ppl dont like leo?
M: hes like Secondary dad
Y: really? I havent noticed. Like legit havent noticed. No sarcasm in this.
M: lol well if u really knew him. Youd understand.
M: i gotta go. Leo and splinter are on my butt about me on raphs phone.
Y: Lol figured raph would be more on u than the others.
M: lol tru. Ttyl
Y: kk
~since its after school and ur at home. U decided to go for a walk with earbuds.
You clicked ur earbuds into the headphone jack and grabbed a pop tart before u left ur parents apartment. You opened the door to fell a perfect autumn breeze in the cool air. You slipped on your light blue sweater with dark blue lining. Your (hair brushed out/hair in a pony tail.) You locked your door and started walking. You walked around for 40 minutes. Your elbow got caught on the wire of your headphones making them pop out of your ears. You Ughed as you tried putting them back in. You stopped when you heard a trashcan lid fall. You froze as you looked down the sunset shadowed alleyway. You narrowed your eyes adjusting your vision. You saw something trying to stand still but you saw it move just a little as it was breathing. Your eyes grew wider in fear. you continued walking but then turned around to look at the alley one more time to make sure u werent imagining it. You didnt see anything. You felt something touch your ankle. You screeched with a jump back as you looked down to see a taby cat. You exhaled as you then looked up to see it was getting dark. A "let me out im stuck in your pocket" notification tone went off. You looked down to see Leo texted you. you answered his text as you walked away from the alley. Up above on a fire escape crouched over in the alley was someone watching you answer the text with their green eyes. They narrowed as they watched you walk.
L: hey
Y: aye 😀
L: whatcha doin?
Y: just walking around ny wbu
L: same
Y: maybe ill bump into you 😎
L: doubt it XD we're looking down at our phones.
~you laughed out loud by an apartment Leo was ontop of. Leo looked over the edge to see a girl on her phone. As she texted
Y: lol so tru
L: so where are you anyways?   ~ leo heard a Let me out of your pocket notification from down below. He looked back down at the girl still standing there
Y: Im at est. N' broadway
L: ohh i see.
~ he heard the notification tone once again. He rose a brow at this point.
Y: wbu??
L: im no where near u ~leo lied considering thats exactly where he was~
Y: im getting hungry. Ooh i see s hotdog stand! Yaassss!!
L: lol
~leo saw the girl go and get a hotdog from Oscars dogs
His eyes widened realizing he practically met you at this point. "Dude is it time to go home yet??" Mikey whined "yea no kidding. Im tired." Donnie joined in as he held his shoulder in his grasp as he moved his arm in three huge circles. "yea; you guys can go. Im gonna stay behind." Leo told them. Raph just arrived to the roof after his run. "sorry. Someone almost saw me." Raph explained. "leo said we're done for the day." Raph looked over at leo looking over the edge. He walked over to his brother and looked down. "ooh-ho-ho your stalking a girrrllll." Raph pointed out as he stood tall and confidentiality. Leo stood up from "i am not! Im just seeing if this girl is who i think she is." Raph rose a brow with his arms crossed. Leo rolled his eyes "fine im kinda stalking her." "Why??" Mikey asked. "I think its the girl ive been talking to. Also raphs been talking to." "Also me." Mikey included himself. "how come i havent met her??" Don asked feeling left out. "well i stole raphs phone to talk to her." Mikey explained.
Y: okay got my weener! 😂
Leo looked down at his phone. "oh shes texting u right now??" mikey asked enthused. "Maybe.." leo answered without looking at mikey and his brothers as he texted you. "Ooohh let me see!" Mikey tried swiping it from leos hands to only let leo dodge. Don slipped it out of his fingers as he blocked leo with his bo staff twirling in front of leo blocking him. "sorry my brothers are distracting me." Don read aloud. "give it back!" Leo demanded as he tried grabbing it from his tall brother. Looking completely short compared to his little brother. Leo stopped As he huffed annoyed at his brother as he scrolled through the convo. Leo then Drew his sword and whacked his brother on the wrist with the handle. The phone dropped out of his grasp and leo swooped down with his hand and saved it.
Y: ??
L: sorry my brother took my phone away as a joke cause hes a Jackass.
Leo typed as he spoke aloud everyone what he was typing. "a jackass huh?" Don rose a brow as he crossed his arms "yes. Now im leaving to somewhere else. Where u cant bother me." "Dude. We know where u live. We can take the phone any time we want." Mikey informed him. Leo flaunting his phone as he said " i can hide my phone." He smirked and then jumped to the next building. he lost you. His brother's distracted him for too long.
Y: so whatcha doin?
L: just walking around still. Wbu
Y: oh just walking home. My stomach doesnt feel to Good. That hot dog didnt agree with me at all.
L: sue em'
Y: lol no ty. Idk why but i really wanna go to an art museum or something. Weirdest craving ever.
L: lmao well imma head home. Ttyl y/n 🤓
Y: 😊😎
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Fanfic Sunday Sans x reader
 You woke up,not being able to remember anything from before.The human got up only to groan in pain, scanning their surroundings, they spotted a large hole above that was far up.The blinding light caused them to quickly look away.After a few minutes of pain, the human bared the pain and began to explore.They walked down the corridor and hugged the walls to only find a goat lady waiting for you.The goat lady approached you and spoke in a gentle and soft tone.
"Greetings,do not be afraid my child.My name is Toriel,caretaker of the ruins."The human shyly responded but attempted to copy her way of speech."Hello Toriel,my name is (y/n)."  What a nice name you have, (Y/n).Come,l will guide you through the catacombs."While ' Toriel ' showed you around what was called the ' Ruins 'she taught you to spare and be kind.
After doing a bit of sparing you came across an old tree in the ruins, you saw the goat lady in the front door of a small purple house.The human walked up to the goat lady and greeted her.Toriel smiled in response and let you in for some pie.
*later* After taking quick nap in the bed you climbed out and noticed the Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie on the floor awaiting you.The human grabbed it and put it in their inventory for safe keeping. You walk into the living room only to see Toriel reading a book near the fireplace, she looked up to see you.The goat lady put down her book and greeted you," hello my child, do you want anything?"The human hesitated to ask but managed to choke out their words eventually."Can I go home?"Toriel responded with a bit of a suspicious smile."But this is your home.You sighed and told her.
"I want to leave the ruins"
~Part two~
    After sparing goat mom you left the Ruins,and go to a winter type of habitat."Jeez its cold."You walked up to a gate/bridge..until..."Human don't you know how to greet a new pal...?Turn around, shake my hand."You turned around and literally shook his hand."What you told me to shake your hand."You smiled."pfft ahahahahahaha."the skeleton joined in the laughing."Hehe sup my name is Sans,Sans the skeleton." "well i can see that and i can see right through you.Anyways i'm (y/n),(y/n) the human partial." "Human partial?You mean your half monster?"You nod."Thats cool i can just tell my bro your a partial and you two could be friends,probably." "Nice"Sans looks forward and spots something. "Actually i think thats him over there.Quick hide behind that-."he turn around to see you not there."where'd you go?" "i'm right here im just invisible" 'AH-oh cool."Papyrus confronts Sans."SANS!!!HAVE YOU'VE SEEN ANY HUMANS YET?" "No but i'm working...down to the bone" "UGH!!!SANS!!!" *time skip brought to you by a lazy author* "So (y/n) you look nice" "Oh thank you." You see some light blue on his cheeks(?)"I love Snowdin but it's really cold"Sans hands you his jacket"Here I really don't need it but you can use it for now"You take the jacket and put it on"Thanks Sans you're really kind."More blue appears on his face."Hey um do you have a please to stay at kiddo?You can sleep over at my house for tonight." "Hmm ok."
" Wow you have a nice house"you float over to the couch."Thanks kiddo papyrus and I worked hard to make this house"You got up and looked around the place."Well you did good."You noticed a little more blue on him.Was he blushing?!(Idk dude ask your self) "Hey Sans are you blushing?" "Oh what no i'm not blushing im just little sick!Oh look at the time i have go bye!"Next thing you know he teleported somewhere."Wonder where he went."Next thing ya know the door bardged open."GREETINGS PARTIAL I HAVE COME HOME TO MAKE LUNCH." "cool what you makin' for lunch" "WELL I THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS COOKING SPAGHETTI!" "Awesome I like spaghetti as well." "OH GOOD WELL I'M GOING TO THE KITCHEN." "Cool im going to look for Sans.Bye Pap." "GOODBYE FRIEND!"
~part three~
After teleporting you found your self in waterfall."Hey kiddo,what'cha doin'" "Oh i was just looking for you." "Cool now that you're here maybe we can get to know each other" "Okay your Punnyness." "Thank you" Sans POV OMG l think I'm in love
Your POV After some time walking and talking to each other we decided that it was time to go back to Sans' house. "Hey I know a shortcut" "Okay" then we were back at his home."wow" "PARTIAL,SANS,LUNCH IS READY!" "Eh l already ate at Grilby's" "Welp more for me!"You start eating as if it were the end of the world. "SO HOW DOES IT TASTE?" "I.love.it." "hehehe" "OF COURSE ITS AMAZING THAT SPAGHETTI WAS COOKED BY CHEF PAPYRUS!NYEHEHEH!" After eating lunch,Papyrus and lazy bones Sans sat down on the couch to watch some MTT. You sat on Sans's lap because they're wasn't enough space in the couch."SO (Y/N), DO YOU HAVE A FAMILY?"..."Actually l don't know.When l fell down here l couldn't remember anything except my name and that i'm half monster." "WELL I'M SURE YOU'LL GET YOUR MEMORIES BACK SOON." "Yeah you probably will soon." "ANYWAYS I'VE CALLED UNDYNE TO COME OVER TO MEET OUR NEW FRIEND" "Did you tell her not to attack (y/n) and that shes a human partial." "WELL I DID TELL HER TO NOT TO HURT HER." "don't worry i'll be fine i'll be sure she wont land a single blow on me" "ok"Then the door opens."Hey Sans,Hi Papyrus,Hello human-WAIT HUMAN!!!"She throws a spear at you but you used some music to summon a force field in front of you."Whoa who said i'm a human." "Huh?!How did you do that!?" "First of all magic.Second i'm half monster." "Oh well okay." "So hi my name is (y/n) and you must be Undyne right?" "Yup that's me leader of the royal guard" "Sup" "OH HEY UNDYNE!I HOPE YOU AND (Y/N) CAN B BEST OF FRIENDS!" "yea sure ok. So (y/n) do you like swords?" "Yeah" "Cool"
After getting to know Undyne and talking to the rest Undyne left to go home."HUMAN IT IS VERY LATE I THINK WE SHOULD ALL GO TO BED" "Yeah so you can sleep in my room i'll sleep on the couch" "no no no no no i'll just do this,"You float up and lay down on the air so that you look like your laying down but really you are floating in mid-air."SO COOL BUT NOT AS COOL AS THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!!"WELL IM OFF TO BED!" "Yea im gonna go to bed too night' (y/n)"by the time he looked at you, he saw that you fell asleep."heh"The two skeletons went upstairs and into their bedrooms.Sans drifted off to sleep while thoughts flew by about you.
~part 4~
(Sans' Pov) i woke up to the sound of well somthing and got up at 3:26 in the morning.I knew it wasn't paps because he never gets up this early.So l walked down stairs and l saw furniture floating around the place and (y/n) on the floor awake more than anything.She was curled up into a ball with her left eye glowing (f/c)."(y/n)!!!"l ran over to her she was so scared."(y/n) its just a bad dream!" "huh?!"All the furniture suddenly gets back to where it used to be. (Your pov) Oh no the memory affected my actions.Umm...."(y/n) what happened are you ok?" "....i-im fine l-l just had a flash back..."I felt him wrap his warm arms around my waist." what u doing?" "hugging you duh"I groaned as he tightened his grip on me. "dude i'm fine you don't need to-"I heard him whine and say,"i like hugging you though."I saw the skeleton's face powdered in blue, i felt my face rise up in heat a bit as well.I gently hugged him back and responded in defeat."Thanks Sans" "you're welcome." I surprise teleported out of his arms"hah!Catch me now!"His face was frozen from shock and surprise."Hey!Come back!" We both started to teleport around the house,i tripped while Sans was behind, he fell as well but he took this as an chance to catch me."why?"I groaned and stayed motionless in defeat once more."Why not?"He smirked and rose up with you."You're sleeping on the bed this time, alright kiddo?" "no-sans-you don't need too, i'm fine i don't want you to sleep on the couch." "Then your sleeping with me""Wait wha-"he suddenly grabs me and teleports us to his bed"sans you don't need to do this i'm fine l promise." "I'm still sure your going to freak out again."I sighed out of annoyance and poked his sweater.After a few brief seconds of process I gave up."Fine" *Sans Pov I'm sure she's going to freak out again if l left her alone again.I cant bellive i'm actually doing this.I finally layed down next to her."Night (y/n)"She was already asleep.Gosh she looks so pretty when she's asleep.Then l felt her hug me.l knew she only needed some company. *Morning... (Your Pov) I woke up and teleported to the kitchen to make breakfast.I hoped the skeleBros wouldn't mind... *Sans Pov* I woke up to the smell of food and (y/n) not on the bed.So l walked downstairs and saw (y/n) cooking breakfast.She didn't even look at me but she said,"Morning Sans" "Um Morning"Then l heard Papyrus bedroom door burst open."IS THAT FOOD I SMELL?" "Yup!"And (y/n) didn't even flinch when Papy ran out his bedroom."OH CAN I HELP YOU COOK?" "Sure" "ALSO I GOT A MESSAGE THAT THEY'RE IS GOING TO BE A PARTY AND THEY NEED A D.J."I heard Vinny stop doing what she was doing once Papy finished his centence."Papyrus where is that party and whos throwing it." "WELL HE PARTY IS AT HOTLAND AND METTATON IS THROWING IT" "well as soon as we're all done with breakfast we're going to hotland so i can be the D.J over there."Cool" "OH GOOD!"
~part 5~
 *You Pov* When all three of us were done eating breakfast the skelebros got ready to go to hotland while l went into the bathroom to change my clothes.After we were all done l walked out and l saw Sans and Papyrus in the living room waiting for me.Sans-flustered as always-chocked out a complement."You look nice"Papyrus continued with the compliment."YES YOU DO LOOK AMAZING!"I smiled at the two and replied."Thank you."One of the brotherly skeletons stood up and said,"now we should go to Hotland l have a shortcut but l can only take one person at a time with me."I suggested a solution to that,"I could take us there."So then l teleported the three us to hotland."WELL THAT WAS FAST (Y/N) YOU CAN TELEPORT AS WELL AS SANS?" "Yup!" "Cool"So we all walked into a lab who is owned by the royal scientist Alphys."Alphys we're here and we brought a guest."i heard a door open nearby and saw what l think was Alphys."O-Oh h-hey sans a-and P-papyrus w-why are you t-two here and i-is that a human?" "Oh hello i suppose you are Alphys?Nice to meet you im Vinny,Vinny the Human Partial." "O-Oh wow someone like you is extremly rare!!So why are all three f you here?" "Um l wanted to be the D.J for Mettaton's Party tonight." "Oh wait Metta-"A part of the wall fell down near us and almost hit us but I stopped it by summoning a force field around us " Wow kiddo how strong are you"Papyrus literally jaw dropped."I'm pretty strong"I saw a the robot who knocked down the wall.I believe that was Mettaton ."Oh hello darlings I see we have a new guest to the underground. He grabbed me with his extendable arms."Hey let me go!" "That would be very boring if I did that and partials souls are even stronger than human souls we don't even need seven human souls to breck the barrier if you're here" "I'm here to be the DJ for your party." "Mettaton let her go!" "Oh so yur friends with these darlings ugh fine.But what type of music do you have for the party?" "The best music in the whole entire universe" "Okay!!!!" "OMG METTATON CAN YOU SIGN MY SCARF PLEASE?" "Of course darling". After we hung out with mettaton and Alphys we decided to go home but mettaton kept me over to help arrange the party.And l had a dj table that looked like porter robinson's set when he has concerts so i summoned it on the back of the stage."Wow darling that setup is amazing what songs are you going to play?" "You'll see."
//hey sorry if this sucks, these are just old chapters from quotev.I edited them a bit so please dont blame me i tried my best.
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lesbian1oser · 8 years
okay so I was tagged by @alyciasclvrke, so here we go
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. coke or pepsi: i don’t drink dark pop, but uh diet pepsi and spiced rum
2. disney or dreamworks: ok not sure if i have much of an opinion tbh
3. coffee or tea: coffee, but lactose free milk with 2 sugars
4. books or movies: movies i guess but i love a good book
5. windows or mac: mac, i dont think i can ever go back
6. dc or marvel: deadpool. just deadpool
7. x-box or playstation: wow how is this a question. obvs playstation
8. dragon age or mass effect: mass effect
9. night owl or early riser: night owl for sure omg
10. cards or chess: cards by a landslide
11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate but i like mixes as well
12. vans or converse: i dont own either but my girlfriend has some pretty sick vans i believe
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: who...?
14. fluff or angst: fluff my heart cant take angst
15. beach or forest: beach in the summer, forest in the fall
16. dogs or cats: cats but i really want an italian greyhound
17. clear skies or rain: i like the smell of rain but def prefer clear skies
18. cooking or eating out: eating out.... 😉
19. spicy food or mild food: mild but i can handle spice really well
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas dinner and halloween night
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot. my life is already an eternity of being a little too cold so i might as well switch it up
22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: invisibility, or invincibility.  being able to be good at anything would be cool too
23. animation or live action: live action
24. paragon or renegade: wat
25. baths or showers: showers but occasionally i just really need a good soak. especially with my girlfriend
26. team cap or team ironman: i dont follow this so i dont have an opinion
27: fantasy or sci-fi: i used to really like dr who but thats about it
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:  uhhh just from memory? i like the quote “dont worry, just breathe. if its meant to be, itll find a way” but thats all i can remember rn sorry
29. netflix or youtube: youre really asking me to pick? no
30. harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter, never got into percy jackson that much
31. when you feel accomplished: well a great example is this: so im doin a placement rn for college at a childcare centre and felt like i was having a rough day and not doin so well and it was taking forever for me to put a child down (like... naptime not murder) and one of the ECE’s told me i did a great job. i just laughed a nervous lil laugh and said thanks while looking down. felt great though, i was ecstatic and couldnt stop smiling
32. star wars or star trek: star twraerks... idk no opinion
33. paperback or hardback: paperback, i always lose the hardback sleeves
34. horror or rom-com: rom-com im the biggest fuckin sap for a good rom-com
35: tv shows or movies: tv shows for sure
36. spotify or pandora: spotify!!
37. zootopia or inside out: zootopia though i havent seen either
38. favourite book: don’t really have any fiction books im reading rn but im super into 99: Stories of the Game
39. favourite flower: fuck idk, i want a favourite flower but i dont have one
40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): Early Childhood Education :)
41. favourite subject: child development, health & safety & nutrition, nutrition & diety (non child related), budgeting, interpersonal development
42. gale or peeta: peeta i guess
43. favourite disney princess: mmm.... idk, can i say lilo
44. only child or nah: nah
45. what do you wish you were better at: time management, managing my depression and anxiety (lol), not asking stupid questions
46. if you work, where do you work: dominos, best western is waiting for me to come back too
im not gonna tag 46 people so if you see this, you’re tagged
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shesamalfoy · 8 years
tagged my the aMaZiNg as FUCK @gryffindorkx <3
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. coke or pepsi
coke. coke coke coke coke coke.
2. disney or dreamworks
GODDAMIT THATS HARD um um um um disney? um um??
3. coffee or tea
I run on coffee not even kidding like if someone took away my coffee i would fight them. im a stereostypical white girl who needs her venti starbucks, k? k
4. books or movies
GODDAMN YOU WHOEVER MADE THIS . Ok so i’ll have to pick movies because i kinda want a job in photography or costume design so ya. also because i like movie popcorn lmfao
5. windows or mac
uh mac
6. dc or marvel
SHITTAKI MUSHROOMS THIS IS HARD but dc ONLY BECAUSE OF THE FLASH otherwise i like marvel as well.
7. x box or playstation
neither i don’t play video games tbh
8. dragon age or mass effect
look at 7 lol
9. night owl or early riser
tbh im both because i like waking early when i have no school but i like staying up and watching netflix so
10. cards or chess
11. chocolate or vanilla
12. vans or converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: 
who what
14. fluff or angst
i read fanfic to get away from my own angsty problems so fluffy fluff fluff like bitch that makes me cry i cry and fucking finding nemo k
15. beach or forest
16. dogs or cats
17. clear skies or rain
call me depressing but i love rainy days
18. cooking or eating out
eating out! i can only cook pasta lmfao
19. spicy or mild food
spicy ish like not way mild but not like burning my stomach spicy
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: 
christmas just bc no school lmao
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: 
cold. coughsweaterscough
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be 
reading minds! but like, be able to control who i mind read. so i can tell what people really think.
23. animation or live action
animation is scary and idk why
24. paragon or renegade: 
25. baths or showers
baths! bubblebubblebubble baths
26. team cap or team ironman
27. fantasy or sci-fi
fantasy coughharrypottercough
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: 
Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant, filled with odd waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. ~Lemony Snicket
“Started not to give a fuck and stopped fearing the consequence”  ~my boy Drake
She is water: soft enough to offer life, tough enough to drown it away. ~Rupi Kaur
29. youtube or netflix
i thought the hard ones were done aghhh... netflix? youtube? um
30. harry potter or percy jackson
31. when you feel accomplished:
when someone confides in me
32. star wars or star trek
*puts on leia buns*
33. paperback or hardback
paperback they cheaper lol
34. horror or rom com
rom com, they make me feel nice lol
35. tv shows or movies
tv shows bc theres more content ya know
36. If you had the chance, which character would you bring back to life in your favorite book/movie/series? One character only 
37. Have you ever been in love
I have no idea actually
That was a lot. So i have to tag more people. 37 to be exact. Im not doin that sowwy. but ill still tage some people kk? Cool manz
@hermionegraanger @drcomlfoys @stylishmuser @jilys @xhermionemalfoyx @meraudurs
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