#also been in a deltarune mood as of late so yeah
kogglyuffs · 6 months
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im having visions
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piastrinorris · 2 years
- @corroded-hellfire 💚
🥺 is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
oof, little gentle touches. strokes of the jaw. fingers brushing against each other. reassurance. the bar is on the floor for me, clearly lmfao
🎶 do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
i do! i listen to video game soundtracks of games that i know i love, but also that aren't going to be too distracting. so for me, that's the sims, stardew valley and undertale/deltarune, mostly. some skyrim songs are also great for getting in the writing mood, but i can't trust putting the whole soundtrack on or it'll stress me out lol
💖 what made you start writing?
idk which of these 3 i should answer with so i did them all lol
- uhhh i think when i was 8 years old i read a really ooc dramione fic and i was like "wait i can do better than that" UFHJDGUISKJAL i was a lot more confident then - first started writing reader inserts 9 years ago for a fandom i now have no part in, where i'd exhausted the [person] x reader tag and just gone "huh. better write my own now then i guess" LMAO - i started writing stranger things fics in june/july bc @denim-mixtapes and i would yell about eddie over snapchat, discord, insta, multiple twitter timelines, you name a social media platform we were yelling about him on it lol. anyway we kept throwing headcanons at each other until one day i was like "maybe it's time to get back into it" and so yeah. made this blog fresh after i'd deleted my old one, and here we are :)
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kooki914 · 3 years
How would you rank deltarune's bosses?
That's a good question, honestly. I hadn't thought to rank them until now! I'll do the big bosses first, and then the minibosses on a seperate list because I feel like its not fair to compare a miniboss and a full boss. Also I ended up needlessly rambling (again) so I'll put it all under a readmore for the sake of not clogging anyone's dash.
So, bosses up first:
Spade King - My bias is showing, yes, but also I just have the most fun when fighting him. You don't have to think too deep about how to act, you just gotta dogde good and hit good. It's the kind of gameplay and strategy I love in RPG games! And the aesthetic of chains and prisons weaves perfectly into the thesis of chapter 1 and the general Feel of Card Castle up until that point. Also, the fact that the battle can be won if you just Stall long enough because Spade gets physically too tired to fight you, shows both how pathetic he is, but also that you still have a choice, even when it seems like he cant be beat without bloodshed.
Queen (Not Giga) - I love her attack patterns, I think they're very stylish, I love the battleground, it's a nice bright contrast to the final arena of chapter 1, and I love that Queen is just sitting in a chair the entire time sipping wine. She couldn't give less of a shit if she TRIED. And the mechanic where you have to drain her drink in order to progress is nice, even if it's there just to but an obsticle between you and Annoying McGeek.
Jevil - The only reason this fucker isn't number 2 is because his battle is infuriating. But!! I still appreciate the aesthetic of the bullets and their patterns. It's a very well-made fight, and I think it is ABSOLUTELY balanced because the mood it's supposed to set in isn't that of fairness and order, it's literally just chaos. Seeing his name finally turn blue when you fight him pacifist style is a rush of adrenaline like no other. I literally had to take notes when fighting him in order to predict what moves he'll do next. I like that!! It adds an unexpected meta element to his fight as you're literally forced out of your immersion because of how difficult it is!!
Spamton NEO - Not my favourite boss, if only because managing the shooting and the dodging at the same time should've been a more late-game addition, like it was in undertale, so you actually got fully used to the controls at that point. But other than that the aesthetic is On Point and all his attacks are just as creepy and unsettling as he is. Lord save me I still haven't beaten him in Snowgrave. Pray for me.
GIGA Queen - I don't like mechas. Unironically the weakest fight in the game. Not because it's poorly incorporated or anything, but just because it depends on you being emotionally invested in giant robots duking it out as the final battle of the chapter. I think it's a genuine downgrade, both aesthetically and thematically, from the Queen fight that happens 2 seconds beforehand. It's mostly just comedic and that's not really the mood you want for the emotional high point of the chapter.
Ok now onto the minibosses hoo boy let's see if I remember them all-
Werewerewire - Honestly I love this guy. Fighting him for the first time felt like a pleasure and a surprising breath of fresh air in what started to feel like a pretty drawn out and repetative area. Also his optional dialogue in Castletown is wonderful! Both in the Cafe, as well as the Dojo. He's just a swell guy!! Violent, yeah, but he's fun to fight!! It feels like a proper challange, not too difficult, not easy enough to beat without thinking 2 steps ahead.
K. Round - This is one of those fights you don't expect to be as intense as it is. Both on the board and in the castle, this dude raises the tension in such a weird way that it always puts a smile on my face. He's fun to fight and the change in approach between the first and second fight is very indearing, and indicative of the progress the fun gang's made as a team. AND he became an instant classic!! Good miniboss all around.
Sweet Cap'n Cakes - God this battle. You don't expect it to be as difficult as it is, but MAN these guys are too funky and funny for me to stay mad at them!! The fact that it introduces S-action and R-action is also a HUGE point in it's favour, because without that mechanic the rest of the game would be a drag. When The Boys attack, the entire battlefield with your soul on it turns into a hostile dance floor, and I really like that the difficulty is bumped up as high as it is, it really shows the number of people on a team, no matter on which side they're fighting, is important to the game's mechanics and internal logic.
Lancer/Lancer+Susie - I love me my ball boy, and honestly both his fights with and without Susie (and against Susie) feel satisfying as hell. They carry a very playful energy that really gets you into the swing of things until you notice this kid's an actual tank and is putting your life at risk oh god oh fuck. But really, I feel like the goofiness of his fights are a great way to counteract how moody the other areas of the game tend to be, ESPECIALLY the final Card Castle are and the fight with his dad. Lancer is just wonderful for narrative analysis and so are his battles.
Clover - It's interesting to note that out of all the bosses/minibosses, Clover, Werewerewire and Tasque Manager are the only ones who don't have a special theme. I wish they did, honestly, they're all really good fights against some really interesting characters! Clover is, at least in my opinion, massivily underutalised, when compared to how the other suits' underlings show up basically everywhere in the chapter. I love her dynamic between her heads, and the fact that you have to pay attention to NPC dialogue to know how to handle her. It's all very nice!
Tasque Manager - Not a bad fight! My only real issue with it is that it feels a little bit underdeveloped. The simon says part is an interesting mechanic, but I can't help but feel that THAT being her staple attack is a bit... weak? She could've done more with her whip (like how Spade pulls a lot of stunts with his chain, maybe even showing a connection between the two worlds in that subtle way), and the fact that it relies on previously established enemies is, again, slightly weak in my opinion. She should be able to stand on her own two feet and all that. But I gotta say, her minigame in the Dojo is satisfying as HELL to play!
Spamton - ew ew ew ew ew ew I hate this trash goblin. The only reason he's this low on the list is becasuse I don't like him as a character and all his attacks are annoying. His first battle doesn't capture anywhere NEAR the feel that his Neo battle does, and I guess that's the point, too? But, I dunno, even though he's one of the more developed minibosses (character AND mechanic-wise), his fight just isn't all that fun. And the buildup to it is creepy in a Very uncomfortable way (unlike the creepiness of his Neo fight that's genuinely horror themed), so just a big NOPE fest all around for me.
Berdly - Berdly. Once again, my bias is showing, but I have legit reasons for it this time. His roller coaster fight is all well and good (even though I feel like some of his attacks are needlessly overpowered for a nerd like him. Like c'mon how are you gonna give BERDLY stronger attacks than SUSIE had in chapter 1. HOW.), but it's his second fight in the city that I have the most issue with. Not only is it Nowhere Near a save point (meaning if you aren't great at the game, you're gonna need to make a long treck just to try one more time to beat his ass into next Tuesday), but it also just... takes a really long time, for what's essentially filler between two points in his character arc. Fuck Bird Brain Boy, is what I'm trying to say.
That should be everyone! If I forgot to mention any minibosses, let me know and I'll edit this post and add them in!
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compcser · 6 years
ѩ - Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play? Җ - What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing? ♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music?
Send me a symbol to ask stuff about me || accepting || @undyinglegends​
ѩ - Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play?
See answer here
Җ - What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing?
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Firstly, it’s the extreme desire to be the character that I love and relate to the most. I don’t know… I relate to most of the characters that I role play so much to the point that they’re almost a kin to me. Joshua is an exception to the kin-type-relativity, though. I just wanted to experience to act like him for I need to practice bringing out sass and being an asshole sometime since most of the characters I role play are either very emo, or happy-go-lucky sunshines.
Second, I role play because of the need of an escape when I have no other distractions to run for. As you will see on my OOC posts, it’s 99.99% complaining how my life and me, myself, sucks everyday. That’s how shitty my life is. I’m stressed almost everyday to the point that I couldn’t even survive into it without something to calm me down like smoking. I just really hope that role playing here would help ease my mind, but that’s not looking good at the moment. I won’t give up on this, though. Role playing has been a part of my life for five years.
♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music?
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Yes! I am a big hoe for music. As I said lately, I relate to the characters to most of the characters that I role play, and Neku is one of the my muses so… there’s that. I have my own signature headphones like Neku so… yeah. The music doesn’t go to the mood of what I’m writing most of the time, though.
I mostly listen to instrumentals and video game soundtracks. I prefer orchestral the most and musics that has the Professor Layton aesthetics/vibes???? I really don’t know what to call to that type of music. I also dig good 8-bit and 16-bit music with good melodies and with that, I have a big bias for the music of Undertale and Deltarune.
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