#like if coryo grew up in the districts i wonder how he would be
cealchylle · 7 months
I've been thinking about what Ballad says about the nature of evil.
Evil isn't born, it is made. Evil doesn't live in our thoughts, or personalities, it is manifested by our actions. Coriolanus doesn't start out evil because he hasn't done anything wrong. In fact, he does quite a lot of good things in the book, including protecting and helping Lucy Gray in the games.
We see through Coriolanus's narration the change in his worldview. At first, he's skeptical and doesn't quite believe Dr Gaul that humanity in its "natural" state is brutal and violent. But by the end, he has fully embraced this teaching. And it's easy to see why, since we are privy to his thought processes. He sees incredible violence from a young age. He was conditioned and manipulated into becoming who he is. Which is ironic, because he never sees that the brutality he is witnessing is caused by manipulated circumstances. The Hunger Games are literally engineered and run by a Gamemaker. The Capitol creates the very need for violence in the games and in the districts, where people rebel in order to be free. If Coriolanus had ever gotten to freedom, he would be a completely different person.
It's just like Gale. Was Gale evil? I don't think so, but he designed and contributed to something evil. Was Coin evil? She was responding to the environment around her, to the atrocities committed by the Capitol. It's about the cycle of violence perpetuating itself.
Was Billy Taupe evil? He was an anti-Capitol rebel, but he cheated on Lucy Gray. He called her "my girl" just like Snow did, even when she didn't want him. Instead of protecting her, he tried to kill her and drag her down with him in the end.
These characters are all complex and their actions are sometimes good. It's not that Coriolanus was always evil, it's just that his trauma and background made him a prime target for conditioning by adults who had already been corrupted.
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cloudywriting05 · 5 months
what Coryo do with one wife rebel? When she look what happening with districts and she will so angry. Coryo yandere please 🙏
my second suggestion ever! 🫀
Coriolanus is already yandere. in the book, he’s obsessive and compulsive. I’ll amp up those aspects and make him a psycho! I’ll make this one shorter and sweet.
the perfect girl → coriolanus snow
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→ peacekeeper!coriolanus, yandere!coriolanus
→ word count: 1833
→ summary: Coriolanus becomes infatuated with you instantly, but poeple threaten your future with him– in his eyes, atleast.
Coriolanus had his mind made up about how he felt about you from the moment he saw you. 
Walking through the main area of district 12, he spotted your small frame behind a small wooden stand that spelt: FRESH FLOWERS. Your dark locks fell down your back, red ribbons tied on either side. He vividly recalled his body halting at the sight of you, your skin warm, he’d never seen anything like it in the Capitol. Your cheeks red and full of life, lips the colour of a tulip. Through the herds of people, you saw him staring at you, initially worried, you shot a smile feebly; scared he was going to hurt you. Coriolanus stood idly, wondering how anyone this beautiful was in the districts with the other rats and beggars. 
Your breath staggered as he approached your stand, horrified. He stopped at the very front and smiled at you. “Can I help you, Mr Peacekeeping Sir?”
Your greeting threw him off guard completely, “Yes, can I buy a flower? I am in awful in need of one for some peculiar reason,” his eyes peered down at your chest and back up at your eyes, “if my vision wasn’t so clear I would’ve mistaken you for a flower, dear.” 
You choked back a small laugh, was he flirting with you? He was very attractive, tall, and strong, you thought. His shoulders were broad, framed well by his uniform. His hair buzzed and bright blonde, his eyes the colour of your favourite lake near your home. You began to scan your stand for what type he may have liked, desperately wanting to impress him. “What kind of flowers do you like? Do you have a certain favourite? If I don’t have your favourite what’s your favourite colour, or look?”
“I like how you look; you would be enough.”
You laughed nervously, “I don’t know if it’s allowed, or if you can just take people like that, I think...”
“I’m just joking with you, doll. I’d like a rose.”
You snatched a rose from the fresh bunch and stuck your hand out to him. He took the rose from your hand and placed it on top of your right ear. He looked at your stunned face, your cheeks glowing a deeper red. You both stood quietly for a moment, the sound of people around filling the silence. 
“It’s a dime for one, sir… but since you’ve put it on my ear, I don’t exactly know what to do next.”
“Here,” he fished in pocket for coins and put it on your stand, around thirty of them. “Take these.”
“Really?” you almost squealed, this would be enough for food for the next week or so alone.
“Not for free, I want to see you again. That’s the price.”
“You have a deal, Mr Peacekeeper, sir.”
“It’s just Coriolanus, my dear, just Coriolanus,” he stuck his hand through the stand and ran it down your hair, “I’ll see you here again, soon, I hope.”
And so, he did, day after day, week after week. Stopping and speaking to you whenever he had the chance. You two had so much in common you both silently thought it was fate. Coriolanus’s sudden obsession with you had taken a toll on his duties, he was almost always smiling. You didn’t know he was Lucy Gray’s mentor, and he didn’t plan on letting you know. He was in complete bliss knowing your district couldn’t afford TV. 
Your relationship grew closer within the matter of months. Spending time with each other outside your duties. Spending a night with him at your family’s cottage behind the fields, a night filled with laughter, and sex. You grew hopeful for what he was going to bring to your life, he was like an angel, you thought. 
You stood at your stall again, selling flowers as per usual. But this time a young man had approached you; he was also attractive. “Hey, sweetie.”
“Hi…. Flowers?” You asked, motioning towards the display. 
“Come on, you’re too pretty to be standing around here. Say, what’re you doing after this?” 
“I am… going to the lake, why?” 
“Let me join you, we could have fun?” he asked, your heart began to thump profusely. Worried for your safety. You were meant to meet with Coriolanus, the same way you had been for the past weeks. He wouldn’t like this at all, you thought.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I want to.” you spoke. The boy’s facial expression dropped, the disappointment in his face evident. 
“Whatever, Miss.” he said, stalking off. You let out a deep sigh, relieved. 
You began fixing up your stand. What you hadn’t noticed was Coriolanus, who had seen your entire interaction with that boy. Saying he was seething was an understatement. The scrawny boy dared to talk to his woman, his doll. Coriolanus desperately tried to control his anger, taking deep breaths in and out, whatever method he could think of to control his urge to break your stand and kill that boy.
That night Coriolanus never stopped by, upset, you went to sleep. The truth was he had stalked the boy from the stall down, catching him off guard at the water stand. Coriolanus didn’t waste a moment and began beating the boy, who was utterly confused.
“Why are you crying?” He yelled, clutching the boy’s hair, and slamming it into the water stand, the sound of his nose breaking echoed.
“I don’t know who you are! Stop! Please!” 
“Why the fuck should I? I hate obstacles. You made her smile; you are an obstacle. You know what I do to obstacles?” the boy, beaten bloody, shook his head. Coriolanus grabbed a large rock from beside him and raised it above his head. “I get rid of them.”
He slammed the rock into the boy’s skull, killing him instantly. The most complex thing was, Coriolanus did not know of your conversation with this boy. Although he had made a move on you, he wasn’t aware of that. All Coriolanus saw was you smile at him briefly. He couldn’t have that, no way, not at all. 
He felt rejuvenated, almost redeemed. Cleaning himself off he went to his bed and slept well.
News spread of the sudden murder of that boy; Coriolanus was ironically tasked with apprehending whoever did it. Elated while he raided and beat others in the pursuit. Accusing others of his wrongdoings, he felt invincible. He however was missing you, what were you up to? He thought. He decided to stop by your home and speak to you. 
Crouching down near your front window, he peered in on the obvious argument. “We must blow it up, no looking back, okay? Sejanus. I don’t want to have to leave you out of this plan.”
Sejanus? Why on God’s earth was Sejanus in your home, he thought. Once again, Coriolanus fought the raging urge to break the door down and shoot him. Seething, he listened in longer.
“Listen, if we do this. The Capitol can’t ignore us, at all, I don’t wanna hurt anyone though,” Sejanus said.
“We won’t, Sej. Okay?”
You were a rebel? This couldn’t be, thought. You were his angel, his perfect girl, everything he had ever dreamed of in the Capitol, in a body. He wasn’t going to lose you, especially to Sejanus. He was so angry he could strangle you, why were you throwing your life away? To defend the beggars of the districts? It washed over him that you were never different to anyone in the district, you were the same. Dirt poor, and a beggar. But you were so beautiful he’d been blinded; still Coriolanus refused to lose you. He could change you. You could be a Capitol girl; you could be his Capitol girl. 
He’d been dreaming of it every night since he’d met you. He would take you to the Capitol and wed you, you could be great;he could make you great. You couldn’t see that, and it drove him insane, you constantly yapped about how much you loved district 12. It repulsed him. He needed you though and he refused to leave you here.
He devised a plan. A plan so malevolent that he hesitated to go through with it although it ultimately had to be done. 
And so, it was.
A day or two passed and you hadn’t seen or heard from neither Sejanus nor Coriolanus. You were notified about the public hanging of two men in the district and were woken up early to attend. The crowd gathered around the hanging tree and waited nervously for the revelation of the two perpetrators. Commander Hoff emerged onto the platform, guarded by six peacekeepers. Your eyes widened as you recognised a uniformed Coriolanus, glowering at you. Uncomfortable under his gaze for the first time ever, your eyes shot away and at Hoff. 
“Today, is a very joyous day for Panem. We have found the person both responsible for the murder of young Arthur Alden, and conspiring of the rebel bombings in the Capitol,” his voice boomed.
The crowd gasped as commotion stirred behind you, you span to be greeted with a sight that would stay engraved in your brain forever. A bloodied Sejanus being dragged by two peacekeepers. Your heart dropped. Sobbing unconsolably, you gripped your chest, watching Sejanus being dragged to the front. Coriolanus revelling at the sight of your tears. This is how you had to learn; this is the only way.
“I am very disappointed to say that the person in question is Capitol and noble background; Sejanus Plinth is hereby sentenced to death for treason.”
“I didn’t do anything! Please! Coriolanus? Y/N? Please!”
“God! Help him! Sejanus!” you cried while running out to the front of the platform. The peacekeepers rushed to your side, prying off and away. “No! Sejanus!”
“Please!” Sejanus cried out, the peacekeeper wrapping the noose around his neck showing no mercy. 
Coriolanus watched you, thrashing yourself around, yelling. He thought to himself that his plan of framing Sejanus could not have gone any better. No more obstacles. You struggling to free yourself from the peacekeepers, your cries; these were all signs. Signs you were disciplined, that you have learned. The crowd muttering in horror, Lucy Gray among them watching in terror.
“Coryo! Please! Y/N! No!” he screamed. You watched as the platform retracted, his body dropping; his neck snapping instantly. 
His body flailed around until it went limp. You stopped thrashing against the peacekeepers and dropped to the floor. You let out a shriek so deep the entire district seemed to silence itself. Coriolanus rejoiced at the sight of the dead obstacle.
He wanted you to know that this was all for you, to pick you off the floor and kiss you. He would move mountains for you and bring the world to your feet. Kill and lie for you repeatedly, nothing gets in the way of him and his tulip.
Not now, not ever.
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angstsfordays · 5 months
I will go to you like the first snow [2/?]
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Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x OC! femreader
Summary: "I liked it so much. Watching over you, my heart (is) fluttering." Coryo realizes that loving you and having you are two separate things.
Warnings: Coriolanus Snow is a warning. Pre-signs of toxic! and possessive! Coryo!
Notes: For new readers to my work, the genre of my writing is usually more angst, sometimes fluff and slightly melodramatic. So if you are expecting anything sexy, I forewarn you that you ain't getting any. If you want sexy in terms of emotions, maybe I will try! Here's another chapter while I still on a writing roll! Happy new year everyone! 🥳🎆
Love, Angstsfordays 🫶🏼
Link to part one here
This is the last place Coriolanus thought he would spend his last break before his final and senior year at the Academy. The grand Carnell estate was a sight to behold and the privilege of having a chance to step foot into the home ground of the most distinguished family in Panem is one most could only dream of.
Unlike most of the elite in Panem who lived in penthouses, your family is the rare few who gets to live on an entire estate land belonging to themselves aside from the President.
He didn't expect a simple comment he made about roses would actually grant him this privilege.
The two of you were having a short break at your special spot under the Burning Ash tree before your next class was about to begin. While penning down your study notes, you felt that your hair was starting to get in the way as the wind was picking up.
Grabbing a hair tie from your bag, you gathered your loose hair and tie them into a loose tail. Coryo's eyes were fixated at how you held your hair tie between your lips and wondered since when they looked so lovely. The kind that were looked soft and inviting that he would love to just kiss over and over again.
Once you were done tying your hair, Coryo noticed how your already beautiful features stood out even more. His eyes then went down to the mole that rested halfway on the right side of your neck and wondered if he were to kiss that spot, what kind of reaction would you give him?
A particular scent then wafted to his nose as the wind blew once more. It was feminine yet zesty, comforting and making him want to get closer to you to get more of the delicious scent. It then clicked for Coryo why your scent was comforting.
"You smell like roses." Coryo's voice got you to look at him when you barely returned to your notes after tying your hair.
"Oh, you noticed?"
"And something else." His voice was deep and eyes were intent on you. You were starting to feel butterflies again, oh boy. You cleared your throat to avoid sounding like you were nervous.
"Apples?" It came off as question rather than a statement and you chose to elaborate further.
"When my parents moved to District 11, they lived and worked on an apple orchard. I grew up surrounded by apples." This was news to Coryo as you seldom mentioned anything about your father. Rather than being ashamed, Coryo thought you did not want to say anything as it would have triggered deeper emotions within you. Your glassy eyes proved his point.
"My mother has been interested in perfumery lately and she just created this scent. She always liked roses and the apples reminded her of the happier times she had with my father." You were trying to not look at Coryo as you spoke, fearing that you could break down any second. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you willed yourself to look at Coryo for a second before looking down at your notes again.
"I sprayed a little after gym class to not smell. Hope you don't mind."
"No not all. My mother loved roses too." Coryo rarely spoke about his any of his parents. You did know both passed on, his father died from a rebel shooting during the war and his mother in childbirth. Hearing him speak about her to you made you feel special.
Throwing a small smile his way, he caught it and returned one in kind. "She has this compact powder that smelt of roses, sometimes I will take it out when I think of her more on a particular day. " You didn't miss the look of nostalgia and longing in Coryo's eyes as he spoke. Reaching over to cover his hands in yours, your thumb brushed against his knuckles in a comforting effort. Coryo moved his fingers over to engulf your hand in his, tightening his grip to show that he did not want to let your hand go anytime soon.
"My grandma'am also likes to grow roses in our home's rooftop garden. She's rather possessive of them but would sometimes give me one for important occasions." He tried to lighten the mood. A sudden idea popped in your head.
"You should come over to my house!" Coryo's eyes widened at your statement as you excitedly continued on.
"My mother has an extensive personal garden and she has grown many types of flowers including roses! I will ask her if I can have some for your grandma'am!"
"No, I couldn't impose-" Coryo started sputtering which was very unlike him, but why wouldn't him be? It felt so intimate having you invite him over to your home. He had never visited any of his classmates' home ever since his family went into poverty.
"No, you're not. What's the point of so many flowers if you do not share it with someone? I will talk to my mother, she will be more than happy to! She's maybe my grandfather's daughter, but she's the furthest thing from him." Coryo grinned at your child-like excitement before nodding.
"If you insist."
"It's a date then!" You said excitedly not knowing the subtle impact of your words on Coryo. A date with you? Coryo felt like his fantasy just came true.
So here he was, decked out in his finest clothes to impress. After giving his name to the guards at your front gate, he was let in no more than a minute later. Once he reached the front porch, a handsome ginger haired man who looked around to be in his mid-twenties was waiting for him.
"Greetings, Mr Snow. I am Rowan, a butler to Miss Y/N. As an esteemed guest of Miss Y/N, please allow me to escort you inside." Coryo nodded and muttered a word of thanks before walking through the grand doors that were held opened for him.
The inside of the Carnell estate was truly a sight of marvel, his family penthouse even back in its glory days was nothing in comparison to your family manor.
Greeted by the doubled sided grand stairs at the center, Coryo took the time to drink in the posh interior.
"Coryo, you're here!" His attention was taken by your voice. Coryo looked to see you dressed in mid length flowy dress with a knit sweater. Your hair was different as it was curled in looser waves and it seemed light as it bounced in the air when you made quick steps down the grand stairs.
"Miss Y/N, you know that you're not supposed to run in the manor."
"Please Rowan, grandfather's not here." You rebutted in jest.
"He has eyes and ears everywhere." Rowan reminded you in response. You sidled up closely to your butler and playfully poked him before speaking.
"And I supposed you're one of them? Are you going to tell on me?" Rowan remained unfazed at your childish behaviour although Coryo could tell he was trying to hold in a smile.
Coryo knew you could be playful sometimes but never would he have thought you to behave the same towards your own staff. Afterall, you are the dignified young lady of the house Carnell.
But then again, you were never one for formalities so seeing you acting so casually to your butler was not too surprising either. However, he did not know if he liked that you acting this way to this Rowan.
"I am but a humble servant in service to the honorable Chief Commander Carnell." Rowan placed his right hand over his left chest before offering you a kind smile. You scoffed before turning to Coryo and grabbing his arm. Giving him a wide smile, you were excited at having your best friend over at your home for the first time.
"Come on, let me give you the quickest house tour before we head over to the garden!" Coryo brought a hand to rest on yours and then noticed how Rowan's eyes narrowed in at the physical contact.
'Harboring feelings for your young miss, Rowan?', Coryo's brows raised slightly at this unexpected discovery.
You waved off Rowan who offered to escort the both of you to the garden, reassuring that you knew your way around and wanted him to take a break.
As you started to ramble on about the house tour, Coryo turned back to see Rowan still looking on at the both of you and proceeded to twitch his mouth into a wired smug look.
You can't and never will have her, Rowan.
Once the house tour which was cut short to just the main living areas due to its sheer size (it would have taken half a day to go over the entire estate) was over, you led Coryo to have a meal at the your mother's garden.
You then brought him to where the rose beds laid and to see Coryo's face light up at the sight of the roses made your heart soared. With your mother's permission, you got the gardener to pick some roses and kept them for Coryo's grandma'am later.
Picking up a small budding rose bud that fell from the bunch, you blew off the invisible dust and beckoned Coryo over. Gesturing him to bend closer to your height, you then broke a part of the stem and tucked the flower above his ear and into his golden curls.
Giggling at your work, you brought Coryo over to the fountain nearby and stared at both of your reflection in the water.
"As pure as the driven snow." Crinkling nose at how cringey you came off, you looked down and away from Coryo who was still looking in the water at your shy expression. His hand rested on your shoulder to prevent you from turning away and nudged you to turn towards him.
His fingers then moved to find your chin and tilted it up to have you face him. As light his eyes were, you were able to find yourself in the reflection of those blue orbs.
"Look into my eyes. That is the person who's the real definition of being pure as as the driven snow." His husky voice spoke and your heart trembled at how attractive you found it.
He was very close. You two have never been this close. "Coryo...."
Coryo grinned at seeing how your ears were turning red- a telltale sign of you being embarrassed.
MY little blushing rose.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you held your breath in anticipation of what might happen next. Coryo smiled at your little action and decided that the time was now to make you his. Just one more inch and he will be able to find out if your lips were as lovely as he thought.
"Y/N! My darling, you in here?" An outsider's voice broke the spell between you and Coryo as you took a few steps back. The both of you looked around awkwardly and pretended as if nothing was about to happen just a few seconds prior.
The voice that called for your name spoke again and you realised it was your mother!
"Mother!" You responded to her call as you moved forward. Coryo was disappointed at what transpired but his feeling quickly dissipated and changed to one of nerves when he saw your mother stepped into sight.
Your mother was a gem of a beauty and one might not have believed that she had bore a teenage daughter with her how youthful she looked. She carried herself well just like any elite lady of the Capitol. But what differentiated her was the kind and approachable disposition she also carried, making her even more charming to the heart.
Coryo thought the apple did not fall far from the tree. The only difference that you had from your mother was the energy you gave. If Coryo were to describe you to be warm and bright like sunshine, your mother exuded a calmness like the moonlight.
"There you are, dear. Oh, you must be Y/N's friend." You greeted your mother in a tight hug before letting go.
"I'm Coriolanus Snow. It's nice to meet you , ma'am. Thank you for having me." Coryo saw how your mother looked over his features before forming an affectionate smile.
"You do look alot like your father."
"You knew my father?" His words came out hoarser than he realized.
"Yes, he was once a pupil under my father. I met him and your mother at their engagement party once. She was such a lovely person. It's a shame." She looked at Coryo with sad eyes but they were not pitiful.
"I'm sorry to bring up painful memories, my dear. If there’s anything you ever need, I’m here to help." Your mother reached over to hold both of Coryo's hands. The warmth she radiated was the same as yours, Coryo thought.
"Are the roses enough? Y/N here told me your grandmother grew roses too."
"Yes, more than enough. She would be thrilled." Coryo's answer caused your mother to smile widely, one that mirrored the smile he adored so much.
"That's wonderful. I can't say enough thanks for you taking care of Y/N in school. I was honestly so worried when we moved back to the Capitol and she enrolled in the Academy. It's a rather big adjustment since she lived most her life in an entirely different place. I'm just so glad she has a friend that she can trust."
"I'm very grateful for her too."
"Grateful that I'm keeping you on your toes? You better be prepared for the new school term if you still want to be on top!" You taunted cheekily, trying to cover up how tense you were still feeling from that almost-kiss from earlier.
"Y/N, be nice to Coriolanus here!" Your mother chided you softly. You crinkled your nose in an attempt to be innocent to your mother.
"I am! I always am!" Coryo chortled at your act. "Not when you try to pelt me down with those dodgeballs during gym class just the other week-"
You immediately brought a hand over Coryo's mouth in an attempt to shush him as you didn't want your mother to hear of your 'unlady'-like behaviour in school. Your mother shook her head while giggling at the two of you engaging in a childish fight as Coryo tried prying your hands off and proceeding to aim and tickle for your weak spot.
Coryo just managed to wrap his arms from behind you in a hold to stop you from running away. Your tummy was feeling weak from the laughing so much and Coryo relished in having you snugged in his embrace.
"Miss Esme,” Rowan came in to the garden in hurried steps and greeted your mother first before greeting you. His eyes looked at how Coryo was holding you before meeting the young Snow's with an almost defiant look.
You didn't catch it but was wondering why Coryo was still holding onto you tightly, (not that you didn't like it) but you didn't want to show such intimacy in front of others.
"Master Carnell has returned home." Your eyes furrowed in confusion before speaking, "But he was not to be back until the day after?”
"Apparently, his trip out has been cancelled early due to unforeseen circumstances from the other party." Letting out a deep sigh, you can't believe that your grandfather had returned earlier than expected. You planned for Coryo to come over today, knowing he was making a trip out of the Capitol to provide consultation at the peacekeepers headquarters in district 2.
"Then I guess I have to go, I'm sorry Coryo. I wished you could have stayed longer." You started pouting at the fact that your day with Coryo has to be cut short. Rowan ceared his throat to get your attention.
"Master Carnell is aware that you have a guest and wishes to see all of you in the main foray." Your eyes widened in fear, why would your grandfather want to see Coryo, absolutely not! Who knows what he would say and do to scare Coryo off!
"No no, you do not want to meet him. He's absolutely hor-" Your mother uncharacteristically called your name in an almost shrilling tone.
Pursing your lips tight after your mother's chiding, your eyes wandered to see Coryo biting his lip to hold back his amusement.
"Miss Y/N, we do not want to keep Master Carnell waiting." Letting out a big exhale, you stomped off ahead of the rest to face the music.
As Coryo entered the main reception area, he first saw the back of your grandfather which stood tall and imposing in his uniform. Hearing the sound of your footsteps, your grandfather turned around and Coryo was immediately reminded of how he used to look up at his father back then.
Your grandfather nodded to Rowan who made his exit shortly after everyone entered the room.
"Esme, Y/N."
"Father." Your mother's voice was polite and sweet.
"Grandpa." You also tried to your best to sound as cordial as your mother.
"What a nice welcome home indeed." Your grandfather was known to be feared by most that knew him but he always reserved the rare warm side of him for the dearest women in his life- his wife, daughter and granddaughter.
This was shown by the small smile (which already meant a lot) on his face as he looked over both you and your mother. The smile immediately dropped however when his eyes moved over to glance upon the young mister Snow.
"I see you brought a guest."
"This is Coriolanus, my friend from school." Usually you would act more of like a brat in front of your stern but albeit forgiving (only towards you) grandfather but you kept in mind that you wanted him to be nice to Coryo and decided to go against your usual routine.
"Mr Snow is it?" Coryo stood a little taller and puffed his chest slightly more to give off a more confident stance at your grandfather's address. He definitely wanted to make a good impression not because he was the great Chief Commander Carnell of Panem but your grandfather too- if he were to ever want you, this was the man he needed to make an impression on.
"Yes sir."
"I heard many things about you." Your grandfather's tone was steadfast.
"I don't remember sharing about Coryo before." You were puzzled as to your grandfather's words before he looked over to you with an almost mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I have my ways." Your grandfather finally let a wide smile as seeing how your eyes widened in astonishment. You wanted to retort before your grandfather continued.
"I trust Y/N was a good host."
"The best, sir." Coryo answered truthfully.
"Hmm, Y/N- would you give us the room to talk?" Your grandfather tilted his head towards you and you furrowed your brows at his statement.
"Grandpa..." You spoke in a slight warning tone. Your grandfather nonchalant to your expression and instead told you he just wanted to have a short chat with Coryo.
With a reluctant step, you walked over to Coryo to pat his arm gently as a form of support. You nodded to him and he responded in kind to ease you of your worry.
"Grandpa, please be nice. Please." You had a love-hate relationship with your grandfather ever since you returned to live with him. While sometimes you were upset whenever you thought of how he treated your parents in the past and his over-demanding tendencies, the moments of tough love he gave you could not be ignored.
You were the only person that could get away with talking back to him and he was always trying to make up to for not being present ever since you were born. Once your mother and yourself were out of sight, your grandfather swiftly addressed the elephant in the room.
"Mr Snow, what are your intentions with my granddaughter?" Coryo had somewhat expected your grandfather to ask this question but it still unnerved him the same.
"I have no other intentions other than being her friend."
Your grandfather didn't seem to take kindly to the politically correct answer that Coryo gave.
"It's funny how you think you can lie to me. I hope you don't think you can use her to your benefit." Coryo started to panic at how direct your grandfather was being. His words were uncompromising and his tone was resolute.
"Never. I would never do that to her. She's too important to me." Coryo justified himself and your grandfather took a short pause before he continued speaking.
"You father was a great man, one of the finest generals I ever got to work with. Your family name is also not one to look over, the Snow is a prominent name." Dread fell upon Coryo as he was being once reminded of how far his family had fallen from the glory days and for your grandfather, a prominent figure in Panem to point them out only served to increase the heart wrenching feeling he always held in his heart.
"My daughter once fell in love with a talented man with no name. And so it seems my granddaughter seems to like a boy that comes with a great name but yet to prove himself worthy of that name." Hearing Master Carnell bluntly saying you liked him sounded too good to be true but of course, Coryo was in high spirits hearing that. He had to control his excitement before responding.
"I don't think Y/N likes me like that, sir." Your grandfather smiled in amusement as he shook his head.
"I may have only reunited with my granddaughter not long ago but I know her well enough. The fact that she acted so cordial with me in front of you which is really unlike her usual self showed me plenty on how she regards you and how she wanted me to like you." Master Carnell took several steps closer to Coryo and the young Snow swore he had to use every fibre of his being to stop his legs from trembling in an obvious manner as the old gentleman stopped a few feet from him.
Your grandfather's eyes instantaneously switched and sent chills down Coryo's spine.
"Mr Snow, you are not worthy. I will tell you this and foremost. Y/N is my only granddaughter. She might not be my successor but I will not doubt she is able to achieve great things and bring glory to the Carnell name." Seeing how Coryo has paled, your grandfather backed up to take it easy on the young man.
"It's a shame what your family has come to after the first war." Coryo sucked in his breath and let out an exhale to give himself the confidence to speak up after all of your grandfather's contempt.
"I am ambitious Sir. I plan to bring my family name back to its glory days." Coryo's answer caught the attention of your grandfather who turned back to face him.
"Are you?" Your grandfather held Coryo in a death stare to see if he truly meant his words and Coryo did try to his best to unyield to your grandfather's micro-aggression.
"Prove it to me and perhaps I shall consider giving you my blessing to even court my granddaughter." It was then that it dawn upon Coryo that wanting you and having you were two separate things. If he ever wanted to have you, your grandfather would be a big obstacle for him to overcome. And for that to happen, Coryo had to gain more power- far more than he initially dreamed of.
Coryo mustered up all the confidence he had before voicing up.
"I will do my best, sir. For Y/N." Your grandfather just nodded before calling for Rowan. It was then you burst into the room like you were on fire.
"Everything is good? Are you alright?" You immediately went over to Coryo's side and placed a hand on his arm. Coryo felt the intense stare that your grandfather was sending and just nodded curtly to you. He added a reassuring smile which relieved you of your worries.
You looked over to your grandfather and spoke, "Thank you for being nice."
"If I knew you would act so demurely whenever your friend is around, I would have invited him sooner." Your grandfather chuckled before looking over at Coryo once more, "feel free to come over whenever you like, Mr Snow."
"Thank you for the hospitality, sir." Coryo replied before your grandfather took his leave. Once the two of your were left alone, you turned to Coryo with both your hands on either side of his arms.
"He didn't say anything to scare you right?"
"I would be lying if I say he's not intimidating but I can tell he loves you very much." Coryo was heartened to see you care so much for him. You scoffed at what your friend said and replied, "He has an odd way of showing it."
"I would do the same if I had such a beloved granddaughter myself." Your face crinkled at how cheesy Coryo was but you didn't give it too much thought.
"But I think everything seemed to go well, he even said you could come over next time. Thank goodness. You did well." Coryo preened at your praise and you stretched your hand to place it on his head affectionately.
Coryo leaned in and felt his heart fluttering as he watched over you looking at him with such pure fondness. You were the only one who ever watched him with such pure adoring eyes.
I will do whatever it takes to have you, Y/N. Nothing and no one will get in my way.
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thgfanficinspo · 3 years
Fear of the Water - 20
Annie meets the other victors from District 4
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From the Start - Jonsa - Coryo
There are nice clothes in my closet but I don’t want to wear them because I know they’re from the Capitol. And I’m not in the Capitol anymore and I don’t want it on me I don’t want it hanging off my skin.
I find one of my everyday dresses that Bosun brought along to the new house and slip it on. I always wear big shapeless dresses that go to my knees. I like them because they don’t get in my way – I can run around or work or sleep or do anything without them causing me any trouble. They’re long enough that I don’t have to worry about people seeing too much if I crouch or bend or climb, and the materials are simple and comfortable, and the fact that they’re so loose means I don’t have to keep adjusting them like I would with regular dresses. And I like that they’re dresses, too.  Pants always trip me up, and I don’t like worrying about two different pieces of clothing when I can just wear one.
I don’t like being in this new bedroom, at least not yet. I don’t like being in this house. It’s too big. Too many rooms. Creaky floorboards and rusty door hinges. Too many places for something to hide.
I change as fast as I can and then run back downstairs. Bosun is pacing in a circle around the main room. He glances up at me. “Get changed; we’re gonna be late.”
I shake my head.
He opens his mouth and curls his lip like always does when he’s about to yell at me but he makes himself stop and take a deep breath to calm down because I think he knows he shouldn’t yell at me, at least not yet. He’s trying to wait a couple days to let me settle in before he starts up again. I hope he doesn’t start up again at all.
When things are good with Bosun, they’re great. It’s like we’re the only people in the world and we’re everything to each other. But then when I start counting things or get “stuck in a loop,” as he says, he gets annoyed and tells me to stop even though he knows I can’t. if I stop it feels like a million tiny ants covering every bit of my skin and I can’t move or do anything until I’ve finished counting.
He raises his eyebrows at me in some sort of prompt. “Ready?”
There are three big dogs in front of Mags’s porch that stare at us as we approach. I think of the dogs in the arena and start to pull away from Bosun, but he holds onto me. “They’re just dogs,” he says. “You can’t be afraid of dogs forever.”
Mags appears in the doorway. “Annie! Bosun!” She waves her hand at the dogs and they disperse. “Ignore them. They hang around wherever they think they can get food. They’re harmless.”
All the homes on Victor’s Isle follow a formula, but there are subtle differences in each. My new house seems to have less walls than Mags’s. Hers is artfully decorated and looks comforting and warm. She’s had almost sixty years to work on it.
“The others are already inside. I don’t think Eefa will make it, though. She’s not one for socializing.”
The others, including Broadsea.
Broadsea. He was a member of the Career pack during his Games. He betrayed them relatively early on – probably because he didn’t like working with other people and he didn’t want them out there working against him. Broadsea was on watch one night while his allies slept. He killed them each, one by one, by slitting their throats or stabbing them through the heart.  
One of them managed to get a knife and hack his face apart before dying.
I’m still lost in my thoughts when we find him in the kitchen.
“Annie, Bosun, this is Broadsea.”
And there he is – arms crossed over his enormous chest. He’s well over six feet and at least two inches taller than Finnick, who’s already taller than six feet, too. The best word I can think to describe him is sturdy.  He looks like he could stand in one spot during a tidal wave and not even notice it crashing over him. He has hazel eyes and his jaw is strong and square and half his face is hardly a face at all.
That scar – it’s one thing to see on television, but completely different in person. He had some medicine to treat the wound, but not enough. The wound was infected. He did a piecemeal job of stitching it back together with threads pulled from his fallen allies’ clothing.
They cleaned it up as best they could in the Capitol, even removed some tissue and tried to build him a new cheek artificially, but it didn’t work. I still can’t believe he survived such a thing. Now it’s as wide as a finger from his right cheekbone to his jaw, where it dips under his chin and stretches down almost onto his neck. Ghostly pale against his coffee-colored skin. He grew a beard to partially cover it, but no hair grows over the corrupted flesh, so it just makes it stand out even more.
Not to mention the fingertips and toes he lost to frostbite. And the tip of his nose. But those have all been patched up.
He gives of us each a good up and down look before turning away without a word.
Proteus turns away from the stove to greet us and I feel a little bit better because Proteus is not scary or mean and I sort of know him. “Ah, I’m glad you’re here. I wanted your opinion on the sauce I made for the duck before I serve it.” He gives me and Bosun each a little spoonful of orangey-brown stuff. Bosun takes a lick and offers his compliments.
Finnick strolls in as we taste, completely ignoring Broadsea even though they’re about to walk right into each other. He stops for a moment and shoots him a mocking smile before he steps aside to let him through. Broadsea keeps on walking, knocking back another glass of liquor as he makes his way to the sitting room. Finnick is bright again as soon as Broadsea gone. “Do I get a sample?” he asks, flashing that winning smile.
He was fourteen when he was in my place. A child. But he doesn’t look like a child anymore. He was never exactly childlike, though; in the arena he was handsome and young with a chiseled face and sparkling eyes, his cheeks always flushed from being outside. He was gorgeous, and everyone was impatient to watch him grow up and therefor more handsome. And so they could touch him. So he could touch them.
I still don’t understand that – why he wants to jump from bed to bed. Surely the gifts they give him can’t be worth all the trouble. Is he just bored? Or is sex really that good? Having someone flop around and sweat all over you doesn’t sound terribly appealing to me, even with someone like Finnick.
Finnick pulls me out of my mind when he sidles up next to me. “I see you met Broadsea,” he murmurs. He produces a handful of sugar cubes seemingly out of nowhere, pops some in his mouth, and stars crunching away. He speaks through the mouthful: “Don’t feel bad – he hardly ever talks. And he’s an asshole anyway.” He realizes something. “Oh, do you want some candy or sugar or something? I keep a stash in the pantry. Mags thinks it’s bad for me, but I’m nineteen, so what I eat doesn’t really matter.”
If only he knew what it was like to be a woman.
“You might as well sit down,” Proteus says to us over his shoulder. “I’m almost ready to serve.”
Proteus’s wife, Brona, is already seated at the oval dining table, which is made of reclaimed wood.
Her clear, smooth skin is the color of honey and almonds, and she keeps her dark hair tied behind her head in a tight bun that pulls the skin on her forehead taut. Her mouth and teeth are big, but they fit better with her face than my big mouth and teeth fit with mine. She introduces herself and shakes Bosun’s hand. She doesn’t try to shake mine; somebody probably warned her about it.
I wonder how hard it must be for her and Proteus, to be separated from your love for the whole summer. Assuming they love each other.
It surprises me that so many victors have families – about a third of them, I think – but the fact that any of them has one is surprising. Any one of us, now.
Eefa got married at nineteen – a normal age in the districts but unbelievably young for the Capitol – and had two children, but she only speaks to one of them now. Proteus is married, of course, which honestly seems odd to me. He and Brona appear more like friends than lovers, but even friends might be too intimate a term. They don’t have children. On television, they always show Proteus next to a victor from District 5 who won a few years after him – the 55th Games, I think. He actually shows genuine fondness for the man; that’s obvious even through a televisions screen.
I wonder if Brona knows about this man. She seems very cold so I don’t know if she’d care.
We sit down and tuck in to eat. Finnick pulls out Mags’s chair and then mine and pushes them both in for us. He takes the chair between us and smiles at me as he settles in and my ears get red. Bosun is on my other side. Broadsea is directly across from me. I try not to look at him.
Proteus brings out a thick orange soup as our first course. He tells us what it’s made from but I don’t pay attention since the smell is so distracting. I start eating before everyone’s been served, which I think is rude but I don’t care. I slurp down two bowls and a fist-sized loaf of bread before anyone else finishes their first serving. I don’t care enough to look up at them or excuse myself.
I didn’t really eat today. Our kitchen isn’t stocked yet but I found some nuts and hid them in my pocket because I forget that there will be more food and that I don’t have to be hungry anymore ever. I haven’t counted them yet.
Bosun keeps looking back and forth from me to the other victors – trying to gauge my reactions to them and their reactions to me. He looks like he’s ready to leap across the table if he has to, though I don’t know why he would. He’s too smart to tangle with a victor. And he doesn’t even get into arguments with people he’s not related to. But he’s plenty argumentative with me and our cousins and Chelsea and me and me and me.
Broadsea observes me throughout the first course, which takes about half an hour for everyone to finish. He looks at me like some new trinket – strange and intriguing and more than anything else, a source of amusement. He’s continually eating hunks of bread which he tears from the rolls with his stumpy fingers (they had to amputate four fingertips above the knuckle after he won due to frostbite) and dips them in the soup. For every mouthful of bread he tears some off and puts it in his pocket. Maybe he forgets, too. About not being hungry anymore.
Finnick watches me too, but in a much softer way. His pretty green eyes are warm where his gaze touches my skin. He smiles whenever I do, and he’s quick with a story whenever there’s a lull in conversation.  
Proteus brings out the main course, which is made with duck rather than fish. People in District 4 get sick all the time from eating too much fish, so duck is a usual substitute, since that’s really the only other animal around except for seagulls. Duck is fancier than seagull. More expensive. But I guess that’s not a big deal since victors have so much money and we don’t ever have to be hungry anymore.
It’s served with turnips and Katniss root.
When I see it on the platter my stomach starts to roll over itself. My hands are shaking.
I don’t know who says it. I don’t know who they’re saying it to.
I stand up fast, knocking my chair over and then tripping on it as I try to get away. I can’t be here. They’ll kill me to get my food. They’ll kill me for still being alive. I have to get away or they’ll kill me like they killed Piers and I don’t want to die but my legs aren’t working so I have to drag myself across the floor I can’t breathe.
“Annie! Annie!” It’s many voices now. They’re behind me, above me, closing in on me and I can’t breathe. I scoot back until my back slams against the wall. Put my hands over my ears so I can’t hear the mutts eating the boy from 6 or Piers screaming while they saw through him.
Bosun’s face is right in front of mine, saying “Annie? Annie?”
He’s not supposed to be here. His name wasn’t drawn. Why is he here? Why isn’t he home? They’ll cut his head off and they’ll poke out his eyes I’ll poke out his eyes and get goop on my hands and I can’t wipe it off.
“Run!” I scream at him. “Bosun, run! Run!”
And all the voices start screaming “Annie!” too loud and I don’t like it.
I try to shuffle further back but my head hits the wall and it goes dark.
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abusedapricots · 4 years
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I JUST finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. WOW
I really enjoyed it, though not sure if I’ll feel the same way in a week when the book high has worn off, we’ll have to see.
*UPDATE: its meh, I dont regret reading it but I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. Honestly this book didnt need to be a thing but its not the worst.
I’ll admit, at first I was skeptical. I thought this would be a cash grab returning to an old world with guaranteed readers. I was worried that Panam would feel phony, after 10 years away from the original trilogy I didn't think it would feel real. I was quickly proven wrong. Coriolanus Snow definitely had his own story. The post-war capitol felt real even district 12 felt real. This book surprised me. Though my expectations were low I’m really happy about TBOSAS.
I just quickly typed this up for some unbiased thoughts before I watch/read some reviews. As I'm sure there are lots of typos grammatical errors, and sloppy writing, I'll be back in a week to revise this review once I've let the books simmer.
Spoilers Ahead
I loved Coriolanus’ story. LOVED IT. He was smart, reserved, calculating, only ever giving away what was needed of a situation. Maybe it was the narcissist in me but I loved being in his brain. I liked how this book dealt with the other side of classism. How the once-revered Snows had fallen and Coriolanus need to keep up appearances, refusing to let the snow dynasty die. I like how thought-provoking the three C’s, chaos, control, and contract were. I liked how Coriolanus didn't have hard-set opinions, they changed as he grew. I find that a lot of the times with YA novels characters had a very strict world view of what is good and what is bad. Coriolanus’ view of humanity is never really clear until the end. He teetered on good and bad. Suzanne wrote a great villain, Snow was always able to justify his actions. He says it himself, he’s a capitol boy and he decides to play the game of fame and fortune instead of rising against injustice.
Coriolanus’ Superiority Complex
I think my favorite aspect of the book is how unattached Coriolanus was. Every time Coriolanus had to do anything he always weighed his options. He never rushed to help because it was the right thing to do, he did it to preserve an image. He’s all about his image. In the beginning, when he and Lucy Gray begin their relationship, Coriolanus never felt fully in it. Suzanne Collins writes in a way that obscures his motivations. He would often do and say things that made me believe that Coriolanus was really falling for Lucy Gray but then shortly after Coryo always mentions how he could benefit. He’s ‘love’ for Lucy Gray came from the want of the prize, the full ride to university, to bolster him and his family name, I don't think Coryo ever did anything out of pure intentions. He was never blind with love, he could still clearly see the options in front of him and every move was calculated, always self-serving. This is why him switching up on Lucy Gray wasn't very surprising, he saw a better opportunity and he took it. He never really loved her, he loved what she brought him, fame, attention, a chance at the prize, freedom once he used her up he had no use for her. Sure he was drawn in by her charm but in the end, he never really knew her, he had been too self-involved to ever really get to know people.
I think his lack of attachments was best represented in his unwavering distaste towards Sejanus. While he and Sejanus grew close (even just by proximity) Coryo never failed to look down on him, he never seemed to acknowledge that Senjanus’ worries were valid rather, he brushed them off as Sejanus being a district kid, never worthy of respect. When it came to it he was ruthless in his betrayal. Returning to the capitol and having the Plinths care for him as their own only solidified Snow’s heartlessness. I don’t think Snow was a psychopath, lacking all emotion, I think he definitely could have teetered over to the good side, but his superiority complex kept him from doing so. His classist need to divide and look down upon only grew as he goes on to become president. He has a very us against them mentality, a rich vs poor outlook where if you were born district that's all you'll ever be despite proving otherwise. Call it old fashion or heartless? He even had to convince himself and the capitol that Lucy Gray wasn't ‘truly’ a district kid, much less from district 12. He couldn't bear it, to be into someone from the lowest rung of society. It wasn't he style, not for the exceptional Coriolanus Snow. Funny how during the game when choosing which of the remaining mentors to eat with he thought “cannibal over cutthroat” while he was the most merciless himself.
Thoughts On Lucy Gray
I didn’t think she was anything special. Sure she was that cool, quirky™ girl but I’m not head over heels for her. I wasn't ever super invested in her. This might be because I’m reading in Coriolanus’ head, not seeing her as more than something to be used. I liked that she was nothing like Katniss though.
I liked it when Coryo saw her as a killer. When he had found the guns when his heart decided to kill her then. Lucy Gray knew the future too when she saw the guns, she knew it before Coriolanus knew it. She was smart, maybe reading from Coriolanus’ point of view shrouded her intellect as he refused to see anyone being better than him. He justified killing her by thinking of her as a killer. He altered his thoughts of her arena killings as a must for survival to cold-blooded. He no longer saw her as a ‘Poor Lamb’ but instead the “clever, devious, deadly girl”.
It was a shift for both Coryo and Lucy Gray. This showed that Lucy Gray wasn't without fault, she too could be cunning and ruthless, when need be of course. These few pages of the book were monumental in proving why Coriolanus was a bad person. It allowed the audience to see that everyone had this malice in them yet the majority chose not to listen and do the right thing while Coriolanus lead his life with that voice. He actively chose to do the wrong thing to move up in the world. His behavior was not special to him, his up growing, experience, and hardships didn’t make him an evil person, Coriolanus’ choice to choose evil at every turn to do good made him an evil person. Everyone has this malice in them but the majority chose not to act on it while Coriolanus welcomed it.
For Coriolanus, it showed that in his head, he could justify any action despite how cruel. I think this is where Coryo lost any last bit of humanity. He refused to see the world and its people to be good, to be capable of free thought. He saw the world to be controlled. These few pages were my favorite out of the book, I feel it to be the catalyst of his tyrannical rule. He couldn't trust the girl he “loved”, much less the district people.
Concluding Thoughts
This book made me think about responsibilities to preserve humanity vs our individual need to survive and be successful. If this what it takes to be president then so be it? how can you stop someone's pursuit of success? At what cost is someone's dream. At least we know that Coriolanus knows that the hunger games are wrong, he knows but to him its worth the cost of keeping the district complacent.
I think the cruelty of Dr. Gaul was needed to make Snow seem like a halfway decent person. With the addition of Dr.Gaul, it softened Coryo’s shitty behavior because what Coriolanus thinks and does pale in comparison to what Dr. Gaul thinks and does. Without Dr. Gaul, Coryo would have been the only one with these sick cynical thoughts, amplifying him to be the bad guy. I think it would be interesting to re-read this book while writing off Dr. Gaul’s action just to see just how evil Coriolanus is without the comparison of Dr. Gaul’s cruelties. I wonder if I would still be as understanding towards Coryo and if Dr. Gaul’s character had that large an impact to make Coryo seem not too bad.
Though I am left wondering how Tigris was left in the dust by the end of Mockingjay. It seems unlikely that Coryo would have just left Tigris to fend for herself given how fondly he spoke of the sacrifices she made for him and the family name. I wonder how she ended up with a failing fur undergarments business by Mockingjay. Had Coryo betrayed family? Coriolanus is callous but he still had loyalties, his family, Pluribus. It just doesn't seem like his style to leave the few he actually cared about to fend for themselves while he had the means to help. I mean even as peacekeeper Coryo sent most of his money back home. Maybe Tigris was the one that left Coryo as she was made out to be kind and caring, lacking the grandiose nature Coryo possessed. Also given that Tigris is older than Coryo, and him being a pretty old dying man in Mockingjay I can't seem to see Tigris being alive much less as active as she was in helping Katniss (and crew) in killing Coryo. Maybe it was her capitol surgeries that allowed her aging to slow?
I think its interesting that in the end Coriolanus still saw what he had with Lucy Gray as love. Maybe to him what he had was his version of love, being able to use someone and for them to be used so willingly. I wonder if he knows the difference between the two and what real love looks like. I wonder what he thought of Katniss and Peeta, stupidity? what's the point in being with someone if they dont benefit you?
Some stand out quotes:
“Oh, no. You don’t like it?” he exclaimed. “I can try and bring something else. I can-” Pg. 85. When Coryo brings Lucy Gray the bread pudding Tigris made. Coryo’s care of Lucy Gray’s taste preference was sweet. She hadn't had food in a while, having this bread pudding should the highlight of her day. The fact that Coryo cared that she didn’t like it and was quick to offer something else was very sweet of him. Ugh, image the type of gentleman he could have been if he had been genuine and not so rotten.
I like how Suzanne Collins didn’t try to get the audience to love and sympathize with Coriolanus. Instead, she makes it clear that Coryo activity chose to do the self-serving thing at every turn.
I genuinely really enjoyed this book. Maybe my second favorite out of the entire Hunger Games books (bold ranking!!! but it might change once the magic of being nose deep in a book for 3 days has worn off). I think this book works great as a stand-alone, I wouldn't be afraid to recommend it to those who haven't read the trilogy.
UPDATE* woah my post book high is bad. DEFINITELY NOT second favorite??? HUHH?? what was I saying? what was I thinking?? (my deep seeded resentment towards mockingjay is showing) this book in no way supersedes any of the trilogies, yes including mockingjay 😒.
I’m not gonna lie, I did start developing a crush on Coryo in the beginning. Him being so smart and driven, so gentlemanly, caring about the little things like handkerchiefs SWOON. Buuuuut he quickly became an ass.
I said that the title “The Ballad of Songbird and Snakes” was a ripoff of “A Song of Ice and Fire” before reading the book. I thought Miss Collins just wanted a super sick book name but as I have finished the book, I would like to formally apologize and retract my statement. The title does fit this book.
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