#like if he just wanted to replace mor bc he missed
sassmar · 1 year
just thinking abt how niall was so madly in love w mor o corra who was probably a sociopath and afraid that eldritch terror baby ronan was gonna kill them all one day (fair) but then when mor leaves he dreams aurora but even tho they look identical aurora’s not an exact copy at all bc mor couldn’t feel love while aurora was infinitely loving that was her whole POINT and niall just fucking DID that just cared about his sons so much that he let his real beloved mor walk away and dreamed his sons a mother who would never never leave who existed solely and purely to love them, to love even eldritch terror baby ronan
and i
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hhuta · 3 years
every day i think about how they changed the le bien qui fait mal and l'assasinphonie choreography so salieri wasn't dancing close with sexy half naked men. do we know why. i have tried and failed to pinpoint an exact time. i feel like im going insane. they no homoed a dance
anon.. i think about that daily too... im so happy someone else loves the original choreos like i do 😭 it took me a while to reply cuz i was on a mission to answer ur questions as best as i could. so... finally... here is what i found out:
first of all if u wanna read my rant about the changes, in general, here are the posts about le bien qui fait mal and l'assasymphonie
second of all "do we know why" is a good question. meaning i dont have an answer dlkjaskl i just now started to learn french so if they ever talked about it in a video, or something... i missed it. so right away im telling u that i can only offer my guesses.
starting with LE BIEN QUI FAIT MAL, as i said in that post i linked, i tried to figure out whether they only degayed it for the 2011 proshot or not and i found out that no, the changes were also present in live performances.
then an anon told me massimiliano (the dancer who manhandles salieri) couldnt be at the 2011 proshot recording. i checked the video and he really wasnt there at all, but that still doesnt fully explain things, bc as u will see from my extensive, very professional research, unlike in the 2011 proshot, in live 2011 shows massimiliano was there, performing, in other parts of the musical. just not during lbqfm. i know he is an irreplaceable icon, so much that i couldnt find a single video where he wasnt the one manhandling salieri (even tho other dancers, from other parts of the choreo, kept switching), but to me its now clear that that was not the case. they really just decided to change the choreo.
so now lets see how it all progressed
for that its helpful to know the dates of mor performances. based on that i was insane enough to watch as many videos as i could to try to pinpoint when the choreo changed. except it wasnt that simple. i quickly found out that a loootttttt of other changes happened before that major one, before massimiliano left. so here it is
03.01.2010 last PDS performance, still the original
6, 26 february 2010 original
11 march 2010 original (massimiliano's skirt fell off 😭)
20 march 2010 original
8 may 2010 original
9 may 2010 not so much the original anymore. this is the first change i've noticed. @1:28 originally its a male dancer who bends back salieri and then there are 2 men and 2 women who .. idk how to describe it, but do that push and pull motion. here one of the guys is not there
(10, 11, 12 no performances)
13, 15, 16 may 2010 now the other guy is gone too, only women left (but the dancer is not really gone. im pretty sure hes there, doing another thing next to them)
(cannot find a video from the 17th, that was the last performance in lyon)
performances at zenith de saint etienne begin at the 21st but i couldnt find a video from it
22 may 2010 original again (sidenote salieri is really unhinged here)
27 may 2010 change. female dancer who's usually interacting with salieri during the first verses isnt there, just massimiliano. not sure if its the same woman who calls him during the bridge and moves him thru the dancers but anyways shes also not there, he walks around alone. so when the Climax happens, again, only massimiliano is there grabbing him
31 may 2010 and 6, 10, 13 and 19 june 2010 another change. the female dancer is back, but during "j'adore l'avoir dans la peau" usually there are two dancers next to him mimicking playing a harp with their bodies but not this time
now the dates that matter the most i cant find a single videeooo 🤡 which are the performances in limoges (25, 26 and 27 june 2010) so all i can say is that
3 july 2010 is the first time i could find that massimiliano wasnt there. aka the degayed choreo. but i cant say if it is the first. also the original choreo for the "j'adore..." part is back again. thats the only performance they did in nancy and its also the last tour performance from 2010. a bunch of people were at the curtain call, even albert cohen was there, so its very weird that massimiliano was absent. im so mad i couldnt find those videos from late june bc all i got is just one video of him not being there, which makes me think he just couldnt be there so they had to change the choreo
9 november 2010 they are back in PDS and its the original again (also this is just for me but he still has the original cravat here. im trying to kill two birds with one stone)
2 december 2010 original (salieris beautiful cravat is gone 😔but this is one of my fave videos)
5, 11 december 2010 still the original
12 december 2010 changes again 😭 "j'adore..." harp dancers are gone again
14 december 2010 they are back <3 (funny video bc mikelangelo forgets to give florent the score)
18 december 2010 NOW HERE ITS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING. a little change. massimiliano is there at the beginning, he drags salieri around but then hes gone before the first verse starts! and he doesnt come back !!! harp dancers are still there tho lmao
19 december 2010 massimiliano is fully gone 🎻 yamin even replaced him during la mascarade, like it happens in the 2011 proshot. i think since this date this change became the standard for a while, before they went back to the original. in the meantime, im guessing its when they shot the 2011 proshot
26 december 2010 still just the female dancer
4, 8 january 2011 still just the female dancer
9 january 2011 still just the female dancer but because it was the last performance in paris, before going on tour again, she has a whip for funsies. also they added, at the end, 2 female dancers sorta removing and quickly putting back salieris coat
28 january 2011 first tour performance, still just the female dancers. and i was not paying attention to this before, but i noticed for the first time in this video the 2 women dancing together, like they show for 2 seconds in the 2011 proshot. lesbian rights <3 i dont think it was part of the original choreo? its hard to tell exactly when they added that bc people usually record salieri, not the dancers, and hes not next to them when it happens (its before the bridge)
4, 5, 6 february 2011 still just the female dancer. but unlike before, this time (but idk exactly when it began) massimiliano was there for other parts of the show; yamin and other people didnt replace him (on the 4th: im pretty sure hes present in l'assasymphonie) (on the 5th: hes in la mascarade, le trublion, etc)
so. they really just changed it. massimiliano not being able to perform wasnt the case. we have to accept that they made a mistake <333 ldkajslk
19, 20, 27 february 2011 the original is back
19, also 19, 20, 23, 26 march 2011 it changed a little again but massimiliano is still there. no one bends salieri back and just one guy and one woman do the push and pull motion. also i think around here they removed the two women dancing together? maybe i just cant see it
20 mai 2011 original back once again
01 april 2011 .................... clearly an aprils fools joke bc massimiliano is gone again. i randomly picked this date cuz i knew it would be cursed dlkjaslk.. also again salieri doesnt get bent back and just 2 dancers do the push and pull... u knOW IT !!! WE GET IT !!!!! ok but i love him dramatically sighing and falling on the floor at @2:58 hes doing the most to make up for the flavour that got lost
03.06.2011 original again
12.06.2011 just massimiliano, no female dancer. im obsessseedddd with this video fully bc of the things massimiliano does!! obsessed with his evil smile @0:48, obsessed with salieri forgetting to throw the score on the floor, so massimiliano grabs it from his hand and forces him to kneel and stand up again. can u tell im a massimilianator and the choreo without him has no chance to please me?
17.06.2011 back to the original again
now im gonna skip to the very last performance from this production bc im honestly tired lkdajskl
10 july 2011 its the original thank god
TL;DR: 19 december 2010 is when the degayed choreo became the standard for a bit and on 19 february 2011 the original returns.
im confident that watching all those videos in a short period of time gave me brain damage but .. anything for science <3
ANYWAYS i started to do this to figure out why they changed It only to realise they changed A Lot of other things throughout performances (some things i didnt even mention, like the dance the woman does next to salieri during the first verse changes a lot) and they kept going back and forth to the original choreo. i think i can safely say not a single part (involving salieri) remained the same throughout the whole thing (not even the bending him back part was always there. i could swear it would be but!! no!). my guess is maybe because a certain dancer took a break or maybe they just wanted to do something different
in conclusion i figured out the exact dates but i cant tell u why massimiliano wasnt part of lbqfm for a while. i couldnt even find people talking about it on forums but, again, maybe bc im not fluent in french. to me it was a big loss, the whole thing loses its spice, i obviously prefer the original by miles. no idea why they simply didnt chose someone to replace him bc the other dancers changed all the time.
maybe it was in florents contract that only massimiliano was allowed to manhandle him <3 dlkjaslk im half kidding bc who knows? maybe it was a legal thing, maybe massimiliano invented this part of the choreo and only He could do it 😭 but honestly. my real final guess is that they simply wanted to change things to make it New and Fresh. as we saw, massimiliano leaving wasnt the only lbqfm choreo change.
moving on to L'ASSASYMPHONIE thank god bc it will be a lot easier to pinpoint when they changed the choreo. i believe they changed it and never went back to the original </3 god knows why </333 so when i find the new one ill stop looking
03.01.2010 last performance from "season one", at PDS (before going on tour) and also the last time they used the original choreo bUT ! THERES A BONUS! MORE MEN !!! LKDJALKS they said we will degay it later but u can have more naked men as a goodbye gift <3 really caught me by surprise, its the first time i watched it. but u wanna know whats really weird? this blurry shaky video is the only one i can find?! i even had to scroll a lot on youtube to get to it... conspiracy theory dove is trying to hide the original choreo. but honestly it makes no sense bc it was a Special day..... i cant find it anywhereee not even outside youtube... this is a hate crime. this is offensive. this is the heresy salieri sings about in the song.
the only thing i found was another performance from the same day but i think its the morning or afternoon performance and not the very last one. its for sure different than the one i linked first. i dont think there are 100 men onstage but at least we can see he had black nails 🥰 anyways... if anyone knows a better shot video of the very last performance... let me know... im really upsetklfdjalsjdal I FEEL SOOOO ROBBED...
and im even more mad now, remembering that from now on we get this new choreo. it began on their first tour
04.02.2010 2010 tour begins, first time we see the new choreo
and i have absolutely no idea why they changed it. again, i never saw an explanation and i dont have a single guess. i cannot imagine why they thought the new one was better. if i have to say one nice thing about it is that i like the background, the moving curtain that kinda looks like flames. they should absolutely drop the stupid flashing lights and just leave that background for the Cool effect and bRING BACK..... THE HALF NAKED BLINDFOLDED MEN (HNBM) ...........  THEY CAN REPRESENT SO MUCCHHHHHH... I LOVE THEM....
thats all i got to say otherwise ill start repeating myself.. if u wanna read more about my opinions on the hnbm and why i prefer the original l'assasymphonie choreo its all in the second link of this post..
anyways big thanks to anyone who read this, hope u enjoy all those videos. even with the dagayed choreos, florent and the dancers always deliver amazing performances. so, regardless, its a good time to watch them. lastly if anything is wrong, if i put down the wrong date or something, my bad, but it was .. a lot.. to go through, so if anyone sees a mistake let me know !
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thatonebirdsposts · 4 years
All of them. I’m replacing Frog this time, answer all 86 👁👄👁
Mother why do this to me =")
1. Not all! I don't care about all that
2. If they are healthy that 3000%!!!!
3. Ohhh this one will remain a mystery cause we won't open the trauma
4. I am not🤡🤡
5. I think so? It's not often that I fall hard so idk
6. I suppose so
7. Yep!! I don't find it that hard??
8. An absolute dork, funny, a bean stalk and also a Teddy bear-
9. *kesha voice* HOT AND DANGEROUS-
10. NOPE! Love takes time and lots of trust
11. Heck ye! A whole party with my friends and family to celebrate me and my partners love?? SIGN ME UP
12. Depends on the level of betrayal but normally no
13. Pfft nope! I'm pretty easy going and don't see why I should be jealous? I don't own anyone
14. Yesh🤡
15. Not yet!!
16. Nº but i sure would like to!!
17. FUCK Yesss gimme that PDA
20. Obviously 💅🏼💅🏼
21. Oh definitely =")
22. Maybe?? Who's to say
23. Yes????? Why would get in a relationship and cheat??? If I don't have anymore feelings I'll break up? Or maybe talk about an open relationship??
24. Maybe! It would be nice tbh
25. I mean with miss rona around I don't think I would be able to enjoy it much but I guess I do??
26. Pfft yeah👀👀 heard that one too many times and bitches be lying so-
27.HMHM😌😌 they have my whole heart
28. Not as far as I know
29. No and I refuse to do so. Its honestly disgusting
30. I did and I will reduce my chest😌💅🏼
31. Nein! And I plan on keeping it that way vc a bitch has better things to do
32. Oop- yes and it's not a fun time lemme tell ya
33. Will not open that trauma can today
34. My asexual ass physically cant do it-
35. Oui oui
36. Yes and I hated it-
37.hmmmm I don't think so
39. I guess so?? Haven't we all
40. Nah fam... Too much brain work
41. Yokes no and I don't want to
42. I don't count?? They move when it feels right to move???
43. Maybe 8 months?? I haven't has one in a long time
44. 2??relationships aren't really my priority
46. Eehhhh qualified
47. I'm ageless 👀👀 a creature of the night-
48. That I'm glad they found someone they can be happy with
49.HU👏MOR👏 and honesty
50.i mean he was sweet and we ended on good terms so I guess??
51. Oh definitely
52. Many people. They all at some point betrayed my trust or hurt me deeply and I don't got time for toxic hoes
53. No bc my ass is single-
54. Oof so many people
55. This day he told me that he loved me and that I was everything to him and the only girl in the world and the next day when I went to kiss him he said he was just very drunk and goofing around with his friends and went to flirt with another girl
56. I'm chubby, my back is terrible, curly hair, tan skin, DIMPLES, very sensitive eyes, sensitive ears annnndddd birthmark in the shape of my country
58. Food, cuddles, movie marathons, walks on the park and books
59. (Am littol creachure-)
60. 2 years
61. Their SMILE and posture
62. Kiss my hand in that old couple way
63. People who feel phisical attraction for one another and [redacted]
64. When you are unfaithful to the person you are in a relationship with
65. I don't have one-
66. I don't know?? Is this a sex ask??? Ksksks I honestly don't know
67. Us chilling and watching the sunset
68. Panromantic
69. I don't get turned on so I guess nothing??
70. Nothing??
71. I haven't had one of those in so long I can't remember
72. None kdmdmdk
73. Come pick me up and take me to a cute park while eating mc Donalds
74. Nice eyes and smile?? I don't ask for much I think
75. This one guy that I met in a party found me in school and just... Bowed and kissed my hand while saying 'You look lovely today angel' gave a peck on the cheek and a flower... I swear I melted
76. I made the a little box full of memories of us and photos
77. If you're all adults I don't give a shit who you date
78. One time I ate like 10 cupcakes and I blamed the dog-
79. I guess when my little cousin was born and I was like... 10 so I wanted attention??
80. Today
81. My friend Noah, My friend P., ZENDAYA MY QUEEN, Queen Beyoncé and Tom hiddleston
82. My father
83. A boy who is a family friend
84. We worked better as friends
85. I don't think so???
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john-benderr · 7 years
SPOILERS for anyone that hasn’t read ACOWAR:
Alright y’all, I did this for ACOMAF and EoS and I wanted to do it again for ACOWAR and it’s really just me sharing my favorite parts of the book and moments that were important/made me emo af. I want to apologize for how long this is but at the same time I’m not sorry????
Please feel free to mention your favorite parts! Let’s have a discussion!
Page 18: Our first taste of Feyre and Rhys communicating through the mating bond in ACOWAR #blessed
Page 22: Feyre being sassy to Jurian and laying down the law. // “Careful what you say, girl.” - Jurian, “Or what? You’ll throw me in the Cauldron?” - Feyre
Pages 25-26: Jurian being an ass and asking about Miryam and Drakon. // “They say you were fucking Rhysand before you ever jilted your own lover.” - Jurian to Feyre // Finding out that it was all just a distraction so Dagdan and Brannagh could get into their minds. Feyre playing innocent while landing blows to Dagdan and Brannagh’s minds. // “They flinched as I dragged black talons down their mental shields, gouging deep.”
Page 34: Feyre learning of what happened between Lucien and Ianthe on Calanmai. This made me sad. Poor Lucien he replaced Tamlin in the Rite. // “I wish I had been there to stop it. I should have been there to stop it.” - Feyre to Lucien, “You are a better friend to me, Feyre, than I ever was to you.” - Lucien
Page 36: Alis telling Feyre that she let Mor take her when Tamlin had locked her up. She said that she never saw Rhys hurt anyone that he wasn’t supposed to. She knows that Rhys was is decent. // “They say you came back different. Came back wrong. I never bother to tell them I think you came back right.” - Alis to Feyre 🙌
Pages 41-43: I believe this is during the Solstice and Feyre started glowing because the Cauldron had blessed her (lol bc Ianthe was a mess after that) “Blessed. Holy. Undimming before evil.”
Page 44: “The longest day of the year. I wish I could spend it with you.” - Feyre to Rhys through the bond, “It’d be an honor to spend even a moment in the company of Feyre Cauldron-blessed.” - Rhys making fun of it all
Page 49: I simply titled this “biiiiitch” in my notes. Feyre setting up for the moment when Tamlin would catch her and Lucien in an intimate moment but it looked to be more intimate than a “just friends” moment bc Feyre is savage af.
Pages 86-88: FEYRE PROTECTING LUCIEN BC SHES A DAMN GOOD FRIEND. Feyre controlling what Ianthe does and making her SMASH HER OWN HAND!! YASSS QUEEN // “You are allowed to see a healer to set the bones. But not to erase the scarring. And every time you look at that hand, you are going to remember that touching people against their will has consequences, and if you do it again, everything you are will cease to exist.” - Feyre to Ianthe’s ugly rotting ass
Page 92: Feyre and Lucien teaming up to take out the twins. It was pretty lit y’all.
Pages 114-115: Feyre and Lucien talking about their mates. Lucien wondering and asking Feyre when she first knew that Rhys was her mate and when she started loving him instead of Tam the tool. // “One would think, Lucien, that you’d be glad I fell in love with my mate, given that you’re in the same situation Rhys was in six months ago.” - Feyre, “You left us.” - Lucien to Feyre
Pages 121-124: Cassian and Azriel showing up to protect their High Lady!!! “I suggest you drop my lady.” - Cassian to Eris while he held Feyre // Feyre stopping Cassian, Azriel and Lucien from killing the other guys. // “I am High Lady of the Night Court.” - Feyre, “There’s no such thing as a High Lady.” - One of Lucien’s brothers, “There is now.” - Feyre // Cassian and Feyre having a moment, “Hello, Feyre.” - Cassian // Feyre hugging Cassian tightly because she missed him so much, “I missed you too.” - Cassian in reply to Feyre’s hug.
Chapter 14: REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD AND ALSO OUCH MY HEART. You guys, this chapter made me so emo. It felt so good to have the inner Circle back together again. To have interaction between Rhys and Feyre too. Ugh. // “I missed you every moment. Your smile. Your laugh. Your scent. The sounds you make when I’m inside you. My brave, bold, brilliant mate. I love you.” - Rhys to Feyre // “I missed you. Every second, every breath. Not just this, but…talking to you. Laughing with you. I missed having you in my bed, but missed having you as my friend even more.” - Rhys to Feyre
Pages 186-187: Feyre casually bringing up that she wants to learn how to fly and it catches everyone off guard.😂
Page 204: Rhys calling Azriel “pretty” 🌸
Page 207: Azriel teaching Feyre everything about flying and telling her that dragging her wings makes her look lazy and it shows signs of weakness. Azriel being cocky, which I would like more of, plEASE!
Pages 216-217: Learning about the priestesses in the library and how Rhys and Mor took care of them and gave them a safe place to be in and feel safe. Learning about what had been done to Clotho before made me so sad and made me respect Rhys and Mor even more after reading what they did for them.
Pages 218-220: I titled this note “WHY IS HE LIKE THAT” // A little bit of sexy talk in the library. #kink
Pages 279-280: Mor being devastated after learning that they were going to let Keir into Velaris and because Rhys needed him to be on their side against Hybern. It was a rough moment. // “If Amarantha were alive…If she were alive and I offered to work with her even if it was to save us all––how would you feel?” - Mor to Rhys, “If Amarantha offered us a slim shot at survival, then I would not give a shit that she made me fuck her for all those years. If Amarantha showed up at the door right now, and said she could buy us a chance at defeating Hybern, at keeping all of you alive, I would thank the fucking Cauldron.” - Rhys to Mor; to everyone😭
Pages 310-313: This was titled “SWEET LORD JESUS” // Rhys messaging Feyre 😭 he’s so good to her. // “Did I ever tell you that you have the dirtiest mouth I’ve ever heard?” - Rhys to Feyre // “Will it ever stop? Wanting you––every hour, every breath. I don’t think I can stand a thousand years of this. Think of how my productivity will plummet.” - Rhys to Feyre
Pages 324-327: Feyre making a bargain with Bryaxis. Cassian coming to the rescue!!! Also, poor Cassian having to almost see Bryaxis again. His poor soul.
Page 330: Rhys beating himself up for Hybern infiltrating Velaris and almost losing Feyre and Nesta because of it. // “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that those pieces of shit got into my house and attacked me mate. What’s wrong is that my own damn wards worked against me, and you had to make a bargain with that thing to keep yourself from being taken.” - Rhys to Feyre
Pages 338-339: Having a whole new respect for Lucien when he offers to go look for the Queen on his own and Cassian helping him gear up.
Pages 341-342: I hate it when Rhys feels guilty for things that are not his fault. He has so much on his shoulders and he tries with everything in him to protect his people, his city and it hurts him when the people that have gone through so much already get hurt. Rhys talking about how he failed the priestesses and how they’ll never feel safe in the library again.
Pages 386-387: Elain being out of her room doing something and actually living for the first time and making bread with Nuala and Cerridwen.
Page 402: “You bow to no one.” - Rhys to Feyre before the High Lords meeting.
Pages 424-425: Tamlin and Feyre arguing at the meeting. Tamlin’s dumbass thinking he can insult Feyre in front of Rhys. LOL and then 😂…and then Rhys physically making Tamlin stop talking. boiii you better. // “The gasping-fish look is a good one for you, Tamlin.” - Rhys to Tamlin
Pages 428-430: Azriel defending Mor after Eris calls her a slut. And when Rhys couldn’t get him to stop Feyre was by Azriel’s side trying to calm him down. Also, the fact that the other High Lords bet on who would fight first lol
Page 490: At the bottom of the page is the most that I’ve gotten from Nesta, truly and it makes me so sad and happy that she was able to admit the following to Feyre; basically Feyre was having a hard time with being in a small space and Nesta said, “I can’t get into a bathtub anymore. I have to use buckets.” - Nesta 😭😩
537-538: (properly titled “BYE BYE IANTHE”) DUUUUUUDE. This part was so lit I had to step away from the book. Feyre going into the Weaver’s home and getting Ianthe to enter her home. // “Who did you bring, little wolf? Who did you bring me?” - Weaver to Feyre, “Dinner.” - Feyre
556: Amren and Varian’s make out session that we didn’t get enough of??? Also, what that was so out of nowhere???? what
564-565: Rhys giving Feyre a small pep talk before she enters Hybern’s army location (I forget proper terms I’m sorry) // “They took what is ours. And we do not allow those crimes to go unpunished. You do not fear. You do not falter. You do not yield. You go in, you get her, and you come out again. Remember that you are a wolf. And you cannot be caged.” - Rhys 🙌
588-589: Mor coming out to Feyre saying that she prefers females. Lowkey feel bad for Azriel because he doesn’t know this information and us not knowing how he would react to it since he’s been after Mor for 500 years is hurting me. But also, Fuck yeah MOR YOU GO GIRL. I’M PROUD OF YOU.
Chapter 68: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER. Feyre looks into The Ouroboros. And it shows her true form and when she realizes it, she accepts it. Not right away, but she accepts it and lives with it. She knows she’s not perfect and has done things that she regrets and will probably always haunt her. Then she goes to the Carver to call upon the bargain that was made. 
611-612: Y’all I cackled at the bottom of pg. 611, Feyre looking at Amren in Illyrian leathers and thinking they were so small that they were made for a child // “Don’t tell her, but they were.” Rhys confirming just that lmao // I’m crying while reading pg. 612 again because Rhys’ pep talk to the Inner Circle is so phenomenally put together. He talks to each of them when he’s giving his speech. Saying something about each one and what he’s learned from having them in his life. PLEASE GO REREAD THIS SHIT IT IS …OSCAR WORTHY????
652-653: Elain being smol but badass and penetrating The King of Hybern’s neck with Truth-Teller. // “Don’t you touch my sister.” - Elain
665-666: ALL THE MOTHAFUCKIN FEELS. I have never actually sobbed while reading a book but this fucking book man, this part did me in. I was a complete mess and cried for the rest of the book, honestly, I was in tears while reading the rest. Anyway. // Rhys helping Feyre put the Cauldron back together. Using all of his power like an asshat and DYING WTF. I’m cry 😭 noooo
Chapter 77: Feyre begging the other High Lords to help bring Rhys back, reminds me of the time Feyre died and Rhys convinced them to bring her back in ACOTAR. idk how to put anything into words for this bc it was honestly so emotional and Rhys came back to life and AMREN TOO??????? It was a lot to process.
Chapter 81 Rhysand: When Azriel notices Rhys trying to figure out if he and the Inner Circle actually made it through the war and they were all back home. Thinking it was too good to be true. // “It’s real.” - Azriel to Rhys
Chapter 82 Feyre: The fucking death bargain lol // I feel: that was an awful idea what are you two doing???? USE YOUR BRAIN!!! PLS // I also feel: that is so fucking cute FEYSAND 4L!!!!! #always
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